Arab Federation of Clinical Biology

Dr. Fouad Harb AFCB President Arab Federation of Clinical Biology

• The Arab Federation of Clinical Biology is a Regional Federation of Associations, Societies and Syndicates of Laboratory Medicines in Arab Countries. • AFCB represent specialists in Laboratory Medicine in scientific, educational and research institutes as well as private laboratories. Arab Federation of Clinical Biology • All Associations, Societies and Syndicates are recognised by their Governments.

HISTORY • Arab Federation was founded in 1974 with Egypt, , Sudan, and Kuwait as members . • Four conferences were held in 1974, Cairo, 1979, Damascus, 1980, Cairo and 1986, Cairo. HISTORY • In 1991 the 6th Arab conference was held in Tunisia and a new Statues was approved. Seven countries had attended the general assembly: Egypt, Syria, , Tunisia, Morocco, Kuwait and Algeria • Lebanon Joined the Federation in 1994. • Palestine and Sudan Joined the Federation in 1997 • Yemen Joined the Federation in 2000 HISTORY • Algeria reorganised the society after long absence from activities and re- applied for membership in 2006. • At present the following countries are members of the federation: Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, Morocco, Jordan, Sudan, Palestine, Yemen, Algeria, Lebanon • 7 of them are members of IFCC History Arab Federation organis the ArabMedLab every three years since 1991: 1994 : Syria 1997: Jordan 2000 : Morocco 2004 : Tunisia 2006 : Syria 2009 : Lebanon 2012: Morocco

Objectives & Aims To tighten relationships between all those who work in the field of clinical laboratory all over the To share information, expertise and scientific achievements To organize seminars and training in clinical biology and laboratory medicine Objectives &Aims To publish scientific journals To organize training and educational sessions. To improve the Quality Assurance programs in Arab countries To help in the creation of national crops and associations within the countries that do not have such organization Facts • Due to national rules in some Arab countries, it is not allowed to establish professional crops at national level, so AFCB had established some connections with individuals, some Hospitals and/or Universities. Facts • In some countries there are several societies representing various disciplines of Laboratory Medicine.

• In some Countries it is not mandatory to join any professional organisation. except Syria where professional should join the Association. Facts • There is no role for many association in the local legislations and/or licensing .

• Few countries may play a good role in organizing Quality Assurance program Plan of Action * Continue the education program for young scientists in the field of molecular biology cooperation with IFCC

*continue the education program in Quality Assurance Plan of Action *To work on government level to improve the local legislation & licensing with a role for the professional association.

*To work on government level to implement a national Quality Assurance Program in public & private sectors. Plan of Action • To involve more in the international activities through IFCC, • Continue its activity in organizing the ArabMedLab conferences every three years in one of Arab cities. • To improve the participation of Arab scientist on regional and international scientific activity. National Activity during 2008 1. The annual meeting of Egyptian Society of clinical chemistry - Cairo 2. The Annual meeting of Clinical Chemistry Society of Morocco – Fes 3. The Annual meeting of Syrian clinical laboratory - Damascus 4. The Annual meeting of Syndicate for laboratory medicine in Palestine – Ram Alla National Activity during 2008 6. The Annual Meeting of Tunisian Association of Clinical Biology – Hemammat 7. The Annual Meeting of Sudanese Association of Clinical Biology - Khartoum Conclusion • There is a lot to do within the federation, to improve its national activity , to build the federation on a constituent level, to give the young scientists a chance to work in these associations, re- build some of the national associations on more democratic basis to encourage the other specialists to join this activities. THANK YOU