To 12 Army Group, Which Was to Clear up the Area of the Ruhr and Then Turn to the S~Uth-East, Directed on Leipzis and Ur6sden
- 26 - to 12 Army Group, which was to clear up the area of the Ruhr and then turn to the s~uth-east, directed on Leipzis and ur6sden. Ninth U.S. hrmy had been Qrdered by General Bradley, however, to prvtect Sec~nd British Army's rl£ht fl~nk as far as Hanover, and for this purpose to establish its cwn left flank firmly In th~ Der ~elster hills tJ the south-west of the city. Lt-Gen ~empsey WQuld thus De enabled to secure the line of the ~eser to include Minden and Bremen. He would then advance his riGht t'J the rivers Aller and Leine. H~ldln~ firmly on to Bremen, he was to foroe brljge heads over the three rivers preparatcry t~ maklnE a further adv~c£ to reach and cross tho Elba. His left b~undary with General Crerar t~~k In the line of communlcatlvns through Hen~eI8, Nvrdhorn, Lincen, Haselunne, Bramen and Hamburg, (G.O.C.-1n-C. file 1-0, D1r6ct1ve M567, from C.-~n-C., 21 ~r~y Grcup, 5 npr 45) GENERAL CREHI.R' S T"SJ( AIL "PPilECr.,TION, 5 APR 45 62. In view of these developments Field-Marshal M~ntgomer7 visited General Crerar's Headquarters on 5 Apr to discuss the future course Qf his ~peratlans as they were affected by the turn vf events. The ~utcome af the conference is thus set f3rth by General Crerar in his Despatch: In prl~rlty, the tasks set for the Canajian Army were to open the r~ute between Arnhem and Zutphcn, to clear the northeast Netherlands, then northwest Germany tJ tho line of toe «cser to be preparea t~ take over aremen from the Second British hrmy and, advancins eastward to the Elba, to protect the left flank of the Second British hrmy and clear the Cuxhaven peninsula.
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