Dennington News October - December 2017

Issue 10 Competition Win £10.00

See page 23 for details

Parents having fun at School

Issue ten Editor’s voice

Hi Everyone It has been a really busy 3 months since our last issue of the Dennington News; I can’t believe that we are now talking about Christmas coming and getting ready for the festivities, I hope the countdown to Christmas on Page 7 helps with your preparations. I have two new additions to my family a Grand daughter Philippa, who I went up to see in Heacham when she was born and also to look after my other 2 grand children while Mum was in hospital. My second addition is Coco (named after my great niece who is a mischief). Coco is a real bundle of fun though with trying to train her it is like having a 2 year old child in the house. I love walking and Coco makes it so much more enjoyable, of course I am meeting new people as I go on my walks. Dave Dunnett has been managing the Village Hall Bar for us with his butchers being so busy and other commitments he feels the time has come to hand the baton over to someone else. The Village Hall committee are now eagerly looking for a new person if your are interested please contact James Maberly or Dave Dunnett for further details. Wishing all our Readers a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Carolyn Jones Have your say—it’s your newsletter! Do you have a photo or drawing that would look good on the front cover of the next news letter if so please email to the Editor. We want to hear from you…. St Mary the Virgin Parish Church, Dennington

First Sunday 8.00 am BCP Holy Communion Second Sunday 11.00 am Elder led Family Service or Morning Prayer Third Sunday no service at Dennington but see benefice letter for services elsewhere Fourth Sunday 11.00 am BCP Holy Communion Harvest Festival 22nd October at 11.00 am with Roy Tricker taking the service followed by the Harvest Lunch at White House Farm at 12.30. Tickets for the lunch are from [email protected] or Veronica Maberly 01728 638627. Adults £12.50 children under 16 £2.50 October 29th Benefice Service 9.30 am Remembrance Sunday 12th November at 10.55 am Carol Service followed by mince pies and mulled wine 17th December at 5.00 pm

Please send all stories or items to be included to the Editor.

(No later than 1st December for the next Issue Via email: dennington- [email protected] or Post to: The Old Gunsmiths, The Street, Dennington, IP13 8JQ

Advertising Why not advertise in the Dennington News?

Space is available for advertising. ¼ page - £10, ½ page £15, and full page £25. Please contact the editor for further details

Via email: [email protected] or 01728 638552 Please Support our Advertisers without them we would not be able to publish the Dennington News Pg 3 Dennington Village Hall


Tour of Britain 8th September cycling through

Dennington. Brilliant turnout for the Cycle Ride,

Denningtron School Children were on the green cheering not only the cyclists but also the Police Motor Bikers on their way. About 200 people from local villages were at the roadside between Laxfield Road, The Greenand infront of the Dennington Queen waving

Union Jacks, and cheering the competitors on. The weather held good for the cyclists but once they had passed the heavens opened; several residents dropped into The Clothes Peg for tea, coffee and cake plus a bit of a gossip. Pg 5 And some more Photos from Tour of Britain

Great to see Dennington on the Local News our School Children did a great job

The Motor Bike outriders were great funs

So many spare bikes

Thanks very much to photo contributors Including Matt Maller, Gilly Upton and Janette Robinson Countdown to


-10 weeks Commissions for Christmas taken Sarah Cole until mid-October, bespoke items 01728 723353 designed by yourself or Sarah Book your Christmas party table Dennington Queen 1st – 23rd December 01728 638241 Make sure you have your Chimney Tony Hales Swept ready for that Christmas Fire 07949 142985 -8 weeks Pop into Fram Toyshop to write Bulstrodes your wish list for Santa 01728 621152 Order your printed Christmas Cards Tuddenham Press 01473 785154 Don’t forget to book that special Hall meal at Bruisyard Hall - on 14 Dec 01728 639000 -6 weeks Arrange your pre-christmas foot Victoria Footcare care treatment 07746 927999 Book your Dogs Christmas Groom Posh Paws and Visit us at Whersted Park for 01728 720093 those special doggy gifts Get those Christmas Logs from Jack JPF 0777230351 -4 weeks Order your Poultry – Turkey, Goose, Dave Dunnett Duck and other game 01379 870155 Beautiful outfits for Christmas and Ruby Tyger lovely gifts for the family 01728 724470 Remember your pets this Christmas, Toby’s Pets lots of presents and food 01728/ 724571 For that DIY enthusiast in the family Fram DIY lots of great presents 01728 723505 Order that special Toy in time for Bulstrodes Christmas 01728 621152 -2 weeks Order your ‘other Meats’ Beef, Dave Dunnett Lamb, Pork, Sausages, Bacon etc 01379 870155 A wide variety of gift ideas for Sarah Cole Christmas including jewellery, 01728 723353 watches clocks, giftware and cards Buy Toys, presents and stocking Bulstrodes fillers from Bill 01728 621152 -1 week For those last minute gifts check Dennington News out our Advertisers shops Pg 7

Dennington CEVCP School

Mr Ian Page, BSc (Jt Hons.), PGCE, MSc, NPQH, is our new Interim Executive Headteacher. He is settling in well and getting to know the staff and children. Our topic this term is Victorians. And Swallows Class will be going on a fantastic trip to Gressenhall Farm and Workhouse, near Dereham in Norfolk on Friday 29th September. The children will be experiencing a taste of Victorian life through a Victorian Activity day, where the children will experience a Victorian school lesson, work on the farm and in the workhouse. In order to make the day as authentic as possible we would like the children to dress up in Victorian style clothes. Dennington Tel 01728 638800 We now have 59 children on roll. We specialise in nearly new baby The 5 new children in Reception and children's clothes, nursery have made a really good start to equipment, maternity wear, toys, games, books, videos and dvd’s. the term and have settled in well. Robins and Chaffinches classes Coffee Shop are learning about castles this Hot & Cold drinks, Cakes, term and are planning a trip to Ice Creams Norwich castle. As yet we have not started planning for Opening Hours Tuesday—Friday 10 am—4 pm Christmas. Saturday 10 am—1 pm Wendy Acton DENNINGTON SPORTS CLUB At the last Sports club committee meeting quotes had been found for materials to erect a target wall for kicking footballs balls at, also the cost to replace the old picnic table in children’s play area, and prices of ariel/zip wire. With the help from Dennington Consolidated Charities, it was decided we could go ahead with target wall, but a working party may be needed to erect it. (hint to all you young men to help with this) , it was also agreed a new picnic bench, like the ones on the village green would be an excellent idea. The ariel/zip wire quotes are far beyond what the Sports Club expected. Several parents with toddlers would like to see play equipment for the under 5’s; Any money left from the two projects decided on, will go towards items for the Under 5’s . This is the last article I will be placing in the News letter, as I have resigned from being secretary. I have enjoyed being secretary, but it is time for a younger person to take over. David Pearce is also resigning, David and his wife have helped to raise thousands of pounds for Sports Club and Village Hall. David and Veronica are moving to a more convenient home in . I am sure we would all like to say thank you very much for all their hard work over the past years. Doris Dearing Pg 9 Tawny Owls I keep putting off doing an article on Tawny Owls which are one of very subjects where iIam forced to use a pre-release bird...reason being simply is one should not see a Tawny Owl out in daylight hours, exception being that during the period of time that the Owlets have left the nest, they will sit on the ground awaiting the parents to bring food, they are fine and must at all times be left alone and not touched or moved. So this issue I have included a couple of images from last year, a RTA Tawny ready for release and a wild Tawny in forest, this was a bit of luck really as it was dusk and heard the Owl, not bad for dusk albeit a tad darker than i would have liked due to the wooded area.. The Tawny is a beautiful Owl with its huge luminous eyes, and a fearsome hunter during the dark hours, they are now becoming quite vocal as the birds are asserting their ownership over territory, in my opinion hearing the Owls at night is one of the most beautiful sounds. Again the Tawny avoids hunting during rain and high winds due to the fact they cannot hear the rodents moving around in the undergrowth, however they fare better during cold spells (unlike the Barn Owl) because the diet of the Tawny is more varied, thus food is easier to find, Woodmice, short tail voles, rats, grass snakes, frogs, and small birds if pushed will sustain it, unlike the Barn Owl which prefers a select diet of the woodmice and short tail voles. People ask about the calls that the Tawny makes, well the male makes the well known “ Whit-huh-a-woo” and the female makes the other louder “ wee – up” loud noise hoping that makes sense? Making their nests as a rule in a nice old Oak tree that has acquired a well aged cavity in its trunk or I believe one can purchase a man made nesting box, but am not sure if anyone has had success with these.. One point I feel I must make, and this is not just for the Tawny it is for the Barn Owl...Little Owl...and Kestrels, please be careful with using RAT BAIT...iIam appalled at the ignorance shown where bait is concerned, I have heard it said “ oh that’s ok I put my bait pods/bait out of the way off the garden birds and Pheasants” that’s all well and good but let me explain.... the rodents will find the bait have a good feed then it takes approx. Two weeks to, our beautiful Owls do not know this do they, so they pick up a nice co-operative vole or mouse take that home for supper...then what happens is over time once our Owls have had a few rodents the toxins from the eaten bait ( by rodents) build up in the systems of the Owls and they simply die...of rat bait poisoning so I am asking each and every one of you to THINK BAIT! Get professional advice on how to use it if you all want to carry on seeing and hearing Our Owls Bev Carpenter Pg 11 The Dennington Queen

A two course lunch every weekday for £10.00 Fish & Chip take away available every Friday evening 6.00 - 9.00 pm. (Telephone orders taken throughout the day) Food served 12.00 - 2.00 pm & 6.30 - 9.00 pm daily Telephone : 01728 638241 Christmas Menu 1st December until 23rd December Parties of 6 or more £20.00 per person for 3 courses! Dennington Allotments and Gardeners’ Association A Good year for cucumbers and all sorts of produce. This summer has produced a wealth of apples, soft fruit, tomatoes and many other vegetables and flowers. You may have noticed that the fence is being replaced by Dennington Consolidated Charities, much which we are very grateful. Keeps the rabbits out and with an enlarged gate, will make vehicle access much easier. At present, all the plots are taken, but if you are interested in taking on a portion of a plot, or joining the Association as a non - gardening member, please do contact the secretary. Pene Welham Secretary, email: [email protected]

Thank you Dennington Folks. Since we moved to Dennington with our four beagles nine years ago, we have always been made most welcome by all our new neighbours. This was particularly apparent when in June we celebrated our Diamond Wedding Anniversary. After having a small family party a few days before the actual date, it was so nice to have been given a wonderful Coffee Morning celebration on the 22nd June. Our sincere thanks to all who joined in the party, and particularly to Maggie and Ann for all the catering. It really made us feel that we belonged in the village and hope to continue to do so for some time yet.

Neill and Mary Hannon

Dennington WI Members have enjoyed the summer months. Tried their skills on the croquet lawns followed by tea and cake at Todds Farm. A most enjoyable evening visit to Exotic Gardens, followed again by tea cake. October—Music Workshop with member participation November – Annual Meeting. December—our always popular Christmas meal. We hope that all our new members have enjoyed their first year with us and are looking forward to 2018 with Dennington WI. Pg 13 Dennington Parish Council New parishioners may not be aware that there is a Dennington Parish Council website. It was set up to publish the agendas and minutes of the Parish Council, along with various other documents as required by Local Government bodies. The Council meets 5 times a year, with planning meetings arranged when an application has been received. On the website, you are able to see the agendas, read about the decisions that are made and whether the PC has recommended approval or refusal for each of the planning applications. Other matters such as road closures and road works are added when the Council has been notified. There are also links to East /SCDC, Suffolk County Council as well as Paul Rous, our District Councillor and Stephen Burroughes, our County Councillor. More importantly, perhaps, the site advertises events being held in the village, eg, Church Service times, WI, School information, Dennington Charities, Suffolk Police alerts, Allotments and so on. If you have anything that you wish to advertise or add to any of the groups and organisations pages, please contact [email protected] or phone 638539. So, please, give it a try. You may find something that you didn’t know before! Next Meeting—November 20 at 7pm

Framlingham and CP will be at many local events leading up to Christmas, where you will be able to stock up on your CP Christmas cards, calendars and great gift idea. We look forward to seeing you. Our supporters do so much to help cats and kittens have their new start in life. See our website for details.

Contact: or telephone 01728 723499 for more information about adopting cats in our care; event dates; cat-care leaflets; how to become a volunteer fund-raiser or fosterer and other ways you can support us. Also find us on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. What happening at Posh Paws..

We have introduced two new services —Collection and delivery service in a 10 mile radius of Framlingham. Dog Teeth Cleaning with the Dogs own tooth brushes!

Framlingham Sausage Festival—we will be open on 8th October drop in for Cake tea/coffee or a glass of bubbles meet the team and have a look around our Parlour. Lovely day out for all the family. Follow us and like us on Facebook and our website to see latest offers and daily activities.

Come and visit us at Wherstead Park Xmas Fayre on 11th and 12th November on our stand we will have lots of lovely Doggy presents for you to buy. Remember to book your dog in for their Christmas groom to look their best over the festive period. Staff Update.—Gail has just passed her dog

Dogs Christmas Gift Collection for homeless and Animal shelter dogs. Bring grooming diploma with Merit and your unwanted toys, leads, Bryony has just started her level 3 food etc to Posh Paws and we grooming qualification. Jill said ‘I am will deliver them to needy really proud of my team and the on dogs for you. going training that they continue to do. The grooming work that Juliet does at All Dogs need presents at Crufts is superb and an honour for Christmas Posh Paws. Pg 15

Unique ladies’ clothing, and much much more! Open Mon—Sat 9.30 am—5.00 pm No 1 The Mews, Market Hill, Framlingham Suffolk IP13 9AN Tel 01728 724470 [email protected]

Bridge House, Bridge Street, Framlingham Food In Stock for dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, guinea pigs, gerbils, mice, hamsters, rats, degus, chinchillas, fish, poultry, wild birds, caged birds and reptiles (including a large frozen range for dogs, cats and reptiles)

Treats, chews, beds, bowls, coats, collars, leads, training equipment, harnesses, cages, carriers, toys, cat flaps and tag engraving. Pg 17

Sustainability and Environmental Management are a priority to us.

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Ÿ Seasoned Firewood - to keep you warm on those chillier nights

Ÿ Wood chippings - to help suppress weed growth and for children’s play areas [email protected] 01728 638712 Village Personalities: Darron Bishop Darron was born in 1965 in Rochford in Essex, and initially lived on Canvey Island, where his father was a farm manager until untimely injury forced early retirement from the land. His parents moved up to when Darron was two, to run the village shop and post office, which they did until 2003. It quickly became the social hub of the settlement, and Darron’s mother, in addition, took on a taxi business, ‘Bishop’s’, which some may still remember. Darron attended Sir Robert Hitcham’s and Thomas Mills schools, leaving at 16 to work at Church Farm, , whilst going to Otley College three days a week to take his City and Guilds in Agriculture. A practical, hands-on, mechanically minded young man, he then got a job at R.A.F. Bentwaters, working on American military vehicles, at a time when they were flying A10 aircraft from the base. At 20, Darron moved to Fram Tractors, now Does, near the old station, move south of the Broadwater Estate, working on agricultural equipment. In his late 20s, Darron joined F.J.Cant in New Road until they folded; never short of work, Darron went on to Reps Mill plant in Martham, near Great Yarmouth, committing to a lengthy daily commute. He helped dad with his taxi business, when time permitted, and did some removals for Thompson’s. Reg Abbott was operating from Woodside Garage, Clay Hill, in around 1990, and, aware of the lad’s mechanical background, he asked Darron to join him. Reg was one of the old school mechanics who taught his protégé a lot. Pg 19 They happily shared the workshop. After Reg retired through ill heath in 2000, Darron took on the business single-handedly. Initially, he accepted any job, but today he can afford to service the vehicles of a group of selected, usually longer-term customers The quiet property is rented with a view over the moat of Elm Hall Farm; deer are not uncommon overseers. As a testament to his craft, Darron has never had to advertise for work; it is all by word of mouth. 7.30 a.m. until 4.30 p.m., five days a week, Darron specialises in servicing and M.O.T.s, preparation and testing. Darron used to repair Simon Cadel’s Mercedes, star of ‘HI-de-Hi!’, and he currently keeps the purr in Maggi Hambling’s stately Chrysler. Present customers include one with a 1963 Aston Martin DB 5 and another with a new DB 7 model of the same make. From a young lad of eight, Darron has been crazy about motorbikes. At that age he rode 100cc grass track bikes, progressing to 250 cc racing, all over Europe, from 16, winning junior titles. Darron worked during the week, then went off racing at weekends. At his best, in the 1980s, he was runner-up in the British 250cc class, winning 32 out of 33 meetings. Sponsors donated all his kit, and his Dad was at every meeting in support, important when his son was frequently breaking bones whilst in fierce competition. Darron progressed to 500 cc machines until, at 32, he decided enough was enough. With age came wisdom and the realisation of responsibility-he had a house mortgage, a business to run and was self-employed. In 2007, Darron married Sandra, a local girl who works at Thomas Mills in the Shalom. They live in Framlingham and have a daughter, Jade. What happened to Darron’s two-wheel passion? Up until 2015, he had a Kawasaki ZZR 1400 cc sports tourer, with a top speed of 200 m.p.h. After his mid-life crisis, this superbike was traded for an E registration Case 1394, with topper. Getting up to a top speed of 12 m.p.h., Darron is quite happy, outside the motor trade, to be cutting people’s meadows and watching the world drift slowly by! A selection of his trophies and cups line his garage today, as a reminder of his great skill and personal courage in a sport never meant for the faint-hearted. Dennington has a singular number of services today. Woodside Garage is one of them, offering inexpensive personal attention, tailored to individual local needs.

Mark Kendall Photo by Miriam Kendall Pg 21 Laxfield Residents Who lived in your house?

Where in Laxfield are your ancestors buried?

What happened in Laxfield in the past?

Have you traced any of your family in Laxfield?

What was the population of Laxfield in 1841—was it bigger or smaller than today?

On Friday 6 October Laxfield Museum is holding its annual end-of-season event in the Village Hall from 7p[m to 9pm. We will be showing our collection of old house deeds, Wills, Maps, Church Grave plan and names, family trees, Parish records, history and architecture of the Guildhall and much more.

Come and trace all these things from our huge collection of documents- you’ll be surprised what you can find out! There’s a bar too, nibbles and our popular raffle. You can also have a sneak preview of the Photographic Exhibition.

Which is on Saturday7th October (Market Day) when we shall be holding another popular Photo Exhibition We shall have a number of laptop computers with our photographic collection displayed on them, which you can reminise to your hearts content, scenes of old Laxfield , village weddings and people, shops, houses, pubs, events, and, in tribute,The Ron Fuller 1972 collection, and many more . If you require copies of any-thing you like, we can provide them on the spot, for a small fee, There will be tea & cakes, goods for sale,-stop and chat with friends and neighbours Entrance to both events is FREE, as always, but donations would be much appreciated

DENNINGTON QUEEN CRIBBAGE TEAM The new season of matches in the Cribbage League started with a home match against Sports Club. If any new players are interested in joining us or would like a copy of the fixtures list please contact Allan Dyne on 01728 638166 Dennington News Issue 10 Competition Win £10.00

Find Wally in one of our advertisements Then either email [email protected] or Post to: The Old Gunsmiths, The Street, Dennington IP13 8JQ We need to know which Page and Advertisement Wally is in. Your name, address and telephone number. All responses required by 1st December, one winner will be drawn from all winning entries.

Winner of last Quarters Where’s Wally £10 Prize Abigail Pearce Aged 13 of Swainton Way Dennington. Wally was on Page 29 in Tony Hales Stradbroke Chimney Sweep Advert.

Chris Mann

Painter and

Paperhanger Stocking All Major Brands The largest stock of LEGO in Suffolk? 27 years experience Digitally print photos instantly For a free quote phone: NEW Biometric Passport Photos Carpet & Flooring Services Tunstall (01728)687438 Estimates, Sampling, Experienced Fitting Mobile: 07941 262663 Pg 23 Dennington Days of Old.

This time I asked a good friend of mine, Margaret Fisher, who now resides in Hadleigh to talk about her ancestors the Capons of Dennington: CAPONS CORNER Capons Corner got its name from a well-known local family. John Capon began farming in Dennington in 1742 and the family continued to farm for nearly 200 years. Land holdings were built up to over 5,000 acres including leased land ranging from the heavy clay lands of Dennington, to the light sandy soils towards the east coast. One hundred and twenty horses were used to keep the land in order; a bill of near £3,000 in feed and artificial manures was paid out annually. The Capons leased land in Dennington from the Rous Family – The Lords of Dennington Manor’ Two of the sons, Thomas senior and Thomas ‘the younger’ were at the forefront in all matters regarding agriculture, they practised the latest methods in growing field crops; they specialised in the breeding of the Suffolk Punch horse. This made them excellent money, the prices – valued in guineas – appeared as local headline news. Their stallion ‘246a, Farmer of Dennington’ was their star. Thomas the younger and later his brother Samuel, each spent a few years as inn-keeper of the Dennington Queen before becoming farmers in their own right. By the time of the 1851 census, the record shows that the third generation of the family were farming over one thousand acres of land lying in Dennington. A Capon christening celebration at The Red House, Maypole Green, Dennington.

Thomas senior lived all his life at Wash Farm at Capons Green, where he died at the age of eighty- four years. The farm is situated facing north onto what was the Green. As the years rolled by, no matter in what direction one turned thereabout, farmland occupied by members of the Capon family was in easy reach. To name a few; the afore-mentioned Wash Farm, Wood Farm, The Red House Farm and Fenn Farm at Maypole Green, Boyton Trust Farm, Dennington Lodge and Dennington Hall; although the old hall was replaced with a new build it remained in the ownership of the Rous family. During Thomas’ tenure the hall as occupied by various members of his family, until the first quarter of the 20th century. Now they are mainly remembered by the headstones that mark the right side of the way leading to the south porch of St Mary’s church Dennington. During the 16th century the Capon family had lived in Framlingham; Thomas the fourth Duke of Norfolk was their Lord, and was totally opposed to the release of his tenants from feudal rights. With great determination, the Capons sort to rid themselves of such tyranny. Margaret said ‘My Great Aunt Katherine Capon was a direct descendent of John and Lydia – born in the latter part of the 19th century and was possibly the last Capon to dwell at Dennington Hall’.

By Dennington Local History Recorder, Maggie Aggiss.

E. B. Button & Sons Ltd.

Brothers Colin and Stephen Moore, together with their sister Kate Eagle, took over the running of the company when their parents, Janet and Derek Moore, retired in the late 1990’s. Colin, Stephen and Kate have many years’ experience and can offer help and guidance through all the funeral arrangements, providing the highest standards of service and care to families during their time of grief. Please contact us on

24 St. John's Street, 01394 382160 (24 hours) Woodbridge, Suffolk for support and information IP12 1EB on our services. Email: [email protected] Pg 25

Dennington Servicing, Repairs, MOT’s

On all makes of Vehicle Tel: 01728 638233 Pg 27

Every Sunday at 4.30pm Stradbroke Dennington Village Hall You are welcome Chimney Sweep Tony Hales Call Us: 01449 766178 ǻsĶʱ˟˦˨ˣ˨ˠˣˡ˨˧ˤŸNj˟ˠˢ˦˨ˢ˧˧˨˟˧

®ȖĶĶɴOsNjǼÞ¯Þs_˛ÝŘǣȖNjŘOsƼƼNjŸɚs_ Learn-Live-Laugh-Love

ɟŸŸ_EȖNjŘsNjǣsNjɚÞOsNJŸƼs¶Ķǣǣ ‘Let's do this together’ Ř_ENjÞOĨ¯ÞǼŎsŘǼʰǢǼŸɚsǣNjs˚ Pg 29 …….. You are very welcome

Special events at Dennington Village Hall Sunday 17th Dec - 4.30pm

Multi-media Carol Service

Sunday 24th Dec - 4.30pm -

Traditional Carol Service


Saxmundham Mobile Library Route 5 The Saxmundham Library van stops at Dennington Square every 4 weeks on a Tuesday between 10.35-11.05am. If you miss it, the bus also stops at the Crown on the same day between 11.20-11.35am. DATES:

24 October , 21 November, 19 December.

We meet at the Village Hall on alternate Thursday mornings from 10.30 am October 12th / 23rd November 9th / 23rd December 7th December 21st Sherry, Mince Pies and Raffle Pg 31 Printed by Tuddenham Press Tel 01473 785154