1 Peter 2:9 But ye [are] a chosen March ⏐ 14 ⏐ 2015 generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, Celebrating 50 Years of Ministry a peculiar people; that ye Life Tabernacle Church should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: NEWSletter

in this issue

Today’s • LTC Begins Service • Members • 1135 Middlebury St

• Schedule Members • Life’s Path

Lorem ipsum dolor Opening Prayer Life Tabernacle Church Locations sit amet, conse ctetuer adipiscingLIfe’s elit,sed diam Glorius non umyPath nibh euismod Mayor Moore tincidunt ut la re etdolore magna. Mark Cottrill

Ut wisienim adminim veniam,quis Here in Your nostrudexerci tation ullamcorper. Et iusto Presence “The Hump” was The 2nd Street building Life Tabernacle Church odio dignissim qui blandit prae sensdf dkd dt rented for $50/month with was 12,000 sq. ft. and on Middlebury Street is luptatum zzrildelenit dfkd augue duis dolore 8 classrooms and seating could seat up to 450. By the current location with te feugaitnulla facilisi.Loremipsum Adam Faulkner for 125 people. It began the 10th year there was an many different outreach dolorsitamet, et dikdkd kdkjd kd kd jalk with 5 in attendence in average of 250 in atten- ministries and a beautiful skmd kjd k djl ko lok lul jke hi consectetuer Roger Feiler 11/14/1964 and was rented dence and supported 11 building to worship our adipiscing elit, seddiam nonummy nibh for 3 years. missionaries. Lord in. euismod te de senor ben rri tetinciduntut Offering laoreetdolore magnaa iquam eratvolutpat. wisi enimadminim niam,qu isnostrud exerci tation ullamcorpersus cipit lobortis nisl ut Hallelujah Your The United States Census Bureau Records aliquip ex eacom modo consequat. Lorem Worthy ipsum dolorsit amet, duis dolore te feugait · Every year more than 4000 churches close their doors compared to just nulla facilisi.Lorem ipsum dolor sitamet, Steve Spite over 1000 new church starts! consectetuer adipiscing elit, seddiam · There were about 4,500 new churches started between 1990 and 2000, 36 Acresnonummy nibh euismod tinciduntut laoreet Tim & Adena Pedigo with a twenty year average of nearly 1000 a year. CR 13 & CR26duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi consectetuer adipiscing zzril delenitaugAs ofue now our current facility Life · Every year, 2.7 million church members fall into inactivity. This trans- lates into the realization that people are leaving the church. duis dolore te feugait nibh Tabernacleeuismod is paid off and our New Mark Johnson wisitincidunt ut laoreet dolore magnat. etuer · Given the declining numbers and closures of Churches as compared to adipiscing elit,sed diam nonummy nibh property is paid off. new church starts, there should have been over 38,000 new churches com- euismodtinc idunt ut laoreet dolore magna Paul Mooney missioned to keep up with the population growth. aliquam erat volutpm ad minimveniam, quis Life Tabernacle Church is growing strong after 50 years and will continue to nostrud exerci tation wisi ullam corper. Et reach out to the lost. iusto odio dignissim quiblan dit prae sent Page 1 To Be Continued...... Ut wisienim adminim veniam,quis nostrudexerci tation ullamcorper. Et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit prae sensdf dkd dt

Thanks For Going On The Journey

- Pastor Johnson

Thank you so much for joining with helping to impact our world.

us today. We are thrilled to have you Life Tabernacle has been a corner-

celebrate 50 years of Apostolic Minis- stone participant in building seven try with us. In 1964, Bro. & Sis. Feiler churches in and around Indiana in our

founded Life Tabernacle CHurch in an Church In A Day program. 25-30 mem-

area known as the hump. A few years bers of our church have worked on each

later the church moved to second street project, completing a Church build-

and had a continuing presence of the ing from the foundation to ready for Lord move through it’s services. The church in as little as 19 hours. members and leadership of Life We are thankful for the many faithful Tabernacle were dedicated to minister- committed participants in growing peo - ing to the lost and hungry of our world. ple. People such as Sis.Linda Faulkner, The church purchased land with an who has taught the same SS class for intent to build, but an 46 years, and still does it with opportunity to purchase our current interest and quality, after all these building arose, and we years. The faithfulness of all of those traded our land for the purchase of the who have supported the church current building. through the years has created a place Revival continued in the current build- the lost can find hope. ing. So many have come and are now part After Pastor Feiler’s retirement, The of that ongoing church elected Mark commitment to revival in the 21st

Johnson to pastor the church, which century. Roger Feiler left to pastor

began in March of 2000. The church a church in Alexandria, MN and is

expanded it’s reach and influence in experiencing revival. He is impacting

the community. We started an active the state of Minnesota with leadership. prison ministry, with three LTC men Adam Faulkner moved to Madison

who minister weekly at Elkhart Coun- Indiana to pastor and is

ty Jail, along with another one of our experiencing revival, and is impacting

young men who leads a monthly minis- the Indiana District with his leader- try in the Juvenile Detention center. ship skills. We are proud to be part of We have for a number of years taught revival around us. weekly classes to at risk youth from A new generation has arisen to move Bashor Children’s home, impacting the kingdom forward and to remain hundreds of lives in our community. strong for tomorrows generation of We have had revivals, prayer walks, believers that are in the bosom of our weekly prayer meetings, all reaching to community and yet to be born again. God and reaching to men to see revival They are participants of our revival in our city, and our area, and in our today and the revival of tomorrow. world. Our church has financed cru- sades in Peru, and Pastor Johnson has taught in the Bible College in Africa in

Pastor Mark & Marci Johnson

Isaac , Liz, Elianna, Emelyn, Titus, Lauren, & Joshua

Honoring Doris Feiler For those of you in outhouses for two. Can you believe Bachelor’s Degree in Theology. who are here cel- it? A cow quietly came and parched Rodney graduated from ebrating with us herself right in front of their outhouse Indiana Bible College in Indianapo- today and, yet, door—blocking them both inside on lis, IN with an Associate’s Degree in possibly not familiar a cold, dark night! Paybacks are Theology. Rodney’s with the Founding paybacks! family is serving in

First Lady of Life She married Roger B. ministries at The Tabernacle Church, Feiler, and they began pastoring Pentecostals Of Lee she would say to you from the get go, for the next two years in Bedford, Road in Covington, “It’s not about me or about what our Ohio. Later, living in South Bend, LA. As their mom, personal family sacrificed some 50 she gave birth to Roger Allen. Sis. Feiler proudly years ago. It’s about so many families Eight months later, knowing that says, “I am thrilled that our children who supported and served through- Elkhart did not have an Apostolic are carrying the torch and are in the out so many years at Life Tabernacle Church, Pastor Feiler found a church church—THIS TRUTH! That’s what

Church so that Elkhart would, today, which was called, “The HUMP.” For is important!” stand tall and continue to burn the $50 a month. It had eight classrooms, Doris Feiler served in many torch to lead, to love, to live and to seating for 125 people, a pulpit, song capacities as a pastor’s wife for 35 learn about God’s saving Grace in our books, grand piano and parking. years: mother, Sunday School teach- Elkhart, Indiana community.” They began with five in attendance er, altar worker, piano player, nurs- Sis. Feiler and Sis. Joy Wilkerson on November 14, 1964. Three years ing home visitation person, caregiver (from Memphis, TN) evangelized later, the church became self-support- for her mother, cook, housekeeper for five years together in Indiana, ing, and they purchased the building and host for many evangelists and Ohio, Texas, and many other South- on Second Street. The 12,000 sq. ft. their families, etc. She enjoyed all ern states. She played the accordion church housed 450 in the sanctuary. these things and looked at them as and piano; while Joy preached. Both What an outstanding miracle for Life ministry. were known as Tabernacle when Elder and Sis- She has served sacrificially through great “Prayer ter Robert Courtney’s son, Bob, the years, both to her church and to Warriors,” owner of Schrock Mobile Home, her family. We are thankful for the seeking for purchased and donated all the example of love balanced with truth God’s Devine, pews for the church! By the tenth she displayed to both her family and Perfect Will in year, they were averaging 250 in church. She has displayed a commit- all things. With both Sunday services and sup- ment to the Apostolic message of the thousands ported 11 missionaries. oneness of God, holiness in heart, life- of traveling Through their ministry, the style and all things, and the message miles on their Lord blessed them both with of the Apostles. vehicle, God great health and two great sons, The ministers that have gone blessed them with a miracle. A total Roger Allen and Rodney. Both sons out from this church are a testimony stranger from town felt lead by God never complained about the many to her faithfulness. Steve Spite, now to do something special for them. He attendances and expectations at the serving as District Superintendent rang their doorbell and told them he church. They were always willing to of New York, Kenneth Greathouse, wanted to put four new tires on their help in all facets of the church. To- pastor in Homestead, FL, Mike Mead, car. Later, in one of their revivals, day, Roger Allen and Renee and their assisting in Grand Haven, MI, Roger God heard their prayers again. While family are about to celebrate their Allen Feiler, pastors in Alexandria in Mississippi, the pastor (a rancher 14th year pastor- and is the District Camp Director for as well) had a sick cow. He asked ing at Lakeland MN. Rodney Feiler is ministering in them to pray for that cow. Again, United Pentecostal LA. Adam Faulkner is pastor in Mad- seeking God’s Devine Will and laying Church Int’l in ison and Sunday School Director for hands on this cow, the Lord heard Alexandria, MN. Indiana. and answered their prayers. In the Both Roger Allen Written by Liz Cruz morning, the cow died! (Not what you and Renee gradu- thought you would read, right?) So, ated from Apostolic off to their next revival in Mississippi Bible Institute in they go--a place where they believe St Paul, MN with a

Linda Faulkner has been teach- I especially remember the Rally times. Rories, Brosius, Omer ing at Life Tabernacle Church for 46 Each class, nursery through 6th grade and Tami Yoder, years. She received the Holy Ghost would be responsible for presenting Traceys, Millers, January 19, 1969. Upon graduation i a theme. I t was from those efforts I Doris Nord, Sally decided to go to Bible College instead recall the Tater Family by Sis. Rorie’s Morrison . Also, of pursuing a degree in elementary nursery staff, the operation by Bro. the teaching. Little did I know the Lord Jeff’s class and Sis. Liz Cruz’s scrip- teahers that are would allow me to do what I love, ture memorization challenges. There teaching now, Paula teaching children this precious truth, was the bulletin board contest that Daniel, taught by the disciples in the book of Sis. Mary Nord won, displaying Jesus Priscilla Acts. Yet, I was being taught, returning in the clouds. One year for Valdez, Kim Wells, Jeff Faulkner, by them. Children are trusting, for- the Christmas program each class Paul & ZZ Warren, Mandy Nord, giving, loving, unassuming, and full of chose a country and presented how Pete Flores, Matt Yeater, Joni Taylor, faith. Is it any wonder Jesus said, “for children of different nationalities cele- Jenny Scarberry and myself and also of such is the kingdom of heaven.” brated Christmas. the wonderful Sunday school directors I started working with the Many thanks to the dedicated, con- Rick and Lorrain Huff who are always children’s choir in Jr. church the sum- sistent, faithful and talented teachers sready to help whenever needed. mer of 1969, leading them in songs in the past, Sis. Feiler, Shirley Thom- It has been my honor and privilege and then taught 12 and 13 year old as, Bredens, Gorgia Hoover, Barb to serve with the gifted and anointed girls for a couple of years and from Fordyce, Evelands, Ragdales, Denisea staff of Life Tabernacle Sunday school. there it lead to teaching the kinder- Cooper, Nancy Gaff, Larry Evans, To God Be The Glory! garten class which I have been teach- Carricks, Rhonda Jons/Kohlberg, Barb ing in every since. England, Rich& Melodie, Bowlins,

The Huffs - Rick and I visited Life ing and speaking in tongues in the Kindergarten Class for several Tabernacle Church for their Christmas years. Program 1979 at the Second Street We had enjoyed a Search for Truth In the early 1990’s I became location. Daryck Barnett was the Bible Study taught by Melvin and a book distributor and sold to schools Narrator of the program that night. It Georgia Hoover and in the months that and seminars. I talked to Sister Doris was the first time we had been in the followed became active in ministry. Feiler about making books available presence of God. The Lord had begun First was bus ministry 1981. for the congregation. Books can be a to draw us. Rick worked the routes on Saturday life changer and having good materials

Rick’s sisters had invited us to return and Sunday picked up the children. to build people up in the faith were to hear a trio from Jackson Bible Col- Sometimes assisting with putting on our motivation. “You will be the same

their shoes so they could get on the person in five years as you are today lege in July 1980. We had been mar- bus. And I rode to keep the tally of except for the people you meet and the ried 11 months by this time. We went students and information updated. We books you read.” ~ Charlie Jones. . .has to the altar together. We were both baptized in had two full sized buses at the time. always been my motivation for having Jesus name. We continued that until long after we the books available. She and I worked And within had had children. to found the Bookstore at its present a month Rick began to teach with Jeff location after craft sales and book we were Faulkner soon after, as well working tables in the foyer. I was also enjoying both filled the bus routes after moving to Mid- my time for over a decade on “Special with the dlebury Street. And we served on the Events Committee” at LTC. Oh the Holy Ghost. Youth Staff for several years. fun! Through the years Rick worked on Rick first, Rick was asked to head the Sunday many unseen projects in both buildings then days school Department around 1988. including media and sound system and later myself And after the move I began finance. He has been LTC Board mem- as well. I teaching the Nursery Class for a cou- ber since 1982 and is still the Sunday remember ple years and then adding Sister Mar- school Director and works on many while pray- garet Ragsdale to help. Later I assisted other projects.

Mary Nord has attended Life Tabernacle since May of 1979 and her husband Gary has attended his whole life. Shortly after marriage Gary got laid off and our bills were behind. We needed $900 to get our bills cought up. The billboards that Gary contracted out one client called and wanted to renew early and gave him at that time $1000. That took care of all our bills and our tithes. We are so thankful to be a part of the Life Tabernacle Church family with 3 sons, Eric, Josh and Chris who all are serving in the church in different ministries. God has blessed us through the years as we have worked in different ministries in the church through out the years as members.

people. We moved to 1135 1135 to moved We people.

as they were remodeling the church church the remodeling were they as children are also great members of Life Tabernacle. Life of members great also are children

the all fit to church new a needed we

singing and playing in the auditorium auditorium the in playing and singing

are such a blessing to Life Tabernacle and some of their children and grand- and children their of some and Tabernacle Life to blessing a such are that people many so with Church

Way He Wants Me Too. He heard us us heard He Too. Me Wants He Way

God blessed Life Tabernacle Tabernacle Life blessed God

years. They were invited by Sis Mattern and are still faithful members. They They members. faithful still are and Mattern Sis by invited were They years.

The Sing And Talk And Walk Gonna

Baptized in Jesus name. Jesus in Baptized Ron and Barb Fordyce have attended Life Tabernacle Church for almost 50 50 almost for Church Tabernacle Life attended have Fordyce Barb and Ron

Im , sang always .We sing and form recieved the Holy Ghost and are are and Ghost Holy the recieved


plat the on up come us have would the Lord by Pastor Feiler. They both both They Feiler. Pastor by Lord the the preached word of God. It is great to be in God’s family. God’s in be to great is It God. of word preached the

Feiler Pastor 9, about was Kathy

Son Ryan and he was dedicated to to dedicated was he and Ryan Son Church. We have seen miracels and healing and life changes brought through through brought changes life and healing and miracels seen have We Church.

niece my and 7 were Beverly sister and 3 years later we had another another had we later years 3 and

Lord with us. I believe we have great revival in store here at Life Tabenracle Tabenracle Life at here store in revival great have we believe I us. with Lord

my and me when remember can I

. We had him dedicated to the Lord, Lord, the to dedicated him had We .

are believing for my sisters and my parents to be in church and live for the the for live and church in be to parents my and sisters my for believing are

Bible. his in down that

our first baby , a boy. Floyd the 4th 4th the Floyd boy. a , baby first our

for the truth, and for what God has done in our life and our families life. We We life. families our and life our in done has God what for and truth, the for wrote Wood David Brother my school,

20, 1982. Then a year later we had had we later year a Then 1982. 20,

have raised our kids, Kyle and Kaitlynn, in the church. We are so thankful thankful so are We church. the in Kaitlynn, and Kyle kids, our raised have Sunday in people 90 was attendance

Feb married were We and lives our in the church.On February 25, 1968 the the 1968 25, February church.On the have found Him to be a life changer. We left behind alcohol and drugs and and drugs and alcohol behind left We changer. life a be to Him found have

alot changed .God him marry would other family members helped remodel remodel helped members family other while to believe God could reallly change our life, but our faith grew and we we and grew faith our but life, our change reallly could God believe to while

For All To See! To All For

I before change to things some had

Wood and Brother David Wood and and Wood David Brother and Wood

Eddie & I started just after Pastor Johnson became pastor. It took us a little little a us took It pastor. became Johnson Pastor after just started I & Eddie

Walk With God. Let your Light Shine Shine Light your Let God. With Walk

still he him told I question. the ask he 1968. Brother Feiler, my Dad John John Dad my Feiler, Brother 1968.

because no one can take away your your away take can one no because

on went time as dating,and started

We moved to the 2nd street church in in church street 2nd the to moved We

the Holy Ghost. I am so thankful for being a part of Life Tabernacle. Life of part a being for thankful so am I Ghost. Holy the

Fast, Be Decatied, and Unmoveable Unmoveable and Decatied, Be Fast,

then We melted. heart my and me at

The Hump also. Hump The

picking grapes and Bro. Hoover was rolled up in the rug when he received received he when rug the in up rolled was Hoover Bro. and grapes picking example, Pray, Read Your Bible, Bible, Your Read Pray, example,

smiled he nice so looked he shocked,

Steven, Danny and Vickey came to to came Vickey and Danny Steven,

home. When George Ragsdale received the Holy Ghost it looked like he was was he like looked it Ghost Holy the received Ragsdale George When home. who loved the Lord and was a great great a was and Lord the loved who

so was I cut. hair his gotten had he

Ragsdale and all their kids, Keith, Keith, kids, their all and Ragsdale

Of God .We had a great Mom and Dad Dad and Mom great a had .We God Of this guy turned around and I saw him him saw I and around turned guy this

way the all tongues in spoke and Ghost Holy the received he and church to

Aunt and Uncle George and Margaret Margaret and George Uncle and Aunt

will draw them back to the Kingdom Kingdom the to back them draw will him so I kept looking then suddenly suddenly then looking kept I so him

David brought what is that and him healed Lord The Feiler. Sis. by started

erly and me Barbara Wood. Then my my Then Wood. Barbara me and erly

are not going to church now that God God that now church to going not are

find couldnt I but hair, longer had he son Dave Jr. was healed from Leukemia as a result of a 24 hour prayer chain chain prayer hour 24 a of result a as Leukemia from healed was Jr. Dave son

- Bev Sister mytwin and Scott, Brother

I am praying for all my family who who family my all for praying am I

then Back crowd. the of out him spot services and we were a family. We were baptized in a horse water tank. My My tank. water horse a in baptized were We family. a were we and services

Joann, Sister Della ,Sister Patty, Patty, ,Sister Della Sister Joann,

IN JESUS NAME!!!!!!!!!!! NAME!!!!!!!!!!! JESUS IN

could I if see to looking was and night

er and I to church every time the doors were open. We had such wonderful wonderful such had We open. were doors the time every church to I and er

Davy Wood. my Sister Earlene, Sister Sister Earlene, Sister my Wood. Davy

boys will be back with their families families their with back be will boys Sunday one Church to came I forget,

My mom Patricia Wood started going to LTC in 1964. She took my broth my took She 1964. in LTC to going started Wood Patricia mom My - Wood and their two kids Kathy and and Kathy kids two their and Wood

church with me, and some day my my day some and me, with church never I’ll Floyd. Life My Of Love the

Pat and David Brother my then Flora, and now my husband is back in in back is husband my now and camp and softball games. Then I met met I Then games. softball and camp

Tabernacle for being my Lighthouse and growing me in God! in me growing and Lighthouse my being for Tabernacle

and Jr Wood William John Grandma and wouldn’t trade it for the world world the for it trade wouldn’t and Youth functions, choir tours, church church tours, choir functions, Youth

I am blessed to have grown up in such an awesome church! Thank you, Life Life you, Thank church! awesome an such in up grown have to blessed am I

and Grandpa My Wood. Dorothy I have lived for the Lord all my life life my all Lord the for lived have I became very close friends and went to to went and friends close very became

for 7 years. years. 7 for

and John Mom and Dad my invited how I was, that’s the love of God. of love the that’s was, I how she was 9. As time went on we all all we on went time As 9. was she

start going to Life Tabernacle. They They Tabernacle. Life to going start

Johnsons Sis. & Pastor and years 13 for secretary Feiler’s Sis. & Pastor was I and Burnetta came to my house to see see to house my to came Burnetta and cived the Holy Ghost at 2nd St. when when St. 2nd at Ghost Holy the cived

to family my of first the was Donna Bus Ministry, Special Events, Youth Committee and the Bible Quiz Ministry. Ministry. Quiz Bible the and Committee Youth Events, Special Ministry, Bus of the hospital Sister Johnson, Nina Nina Johnson, Sister hospital the of - re Denise and 11-12, was and St. 2nd

Kathy, Dennis, kids their and Burns

Bank, Music Machine, and Twinkle 3 times! 3 Twinkle and Machine, Music Bank, up and visited me too. When I got out out got I When too. me visited and up Brenda recieved the Holy Ghost at at Ghost Holy the recieved Brenda

Milburn and John Uncle and Aunt My

is a good man. Sister Johnson came came Johnson Sister man. good a is Ghost at our Church Conquers Camp, Camp, Conquers Church our at Ghost rected 6 Children’s Musicals: Down by the Creek Bank, Back at the Creek Creek the at Back Bank, Creek the by Down Musicals: Children’s 6 rected

1964.) in Hump The on church the at

was as if he knew us all his life. He He life. his all us knew he if as was for anything. Floyd recieved the Holy Holy the recieved Floyd anything. for

Vacation Bible School Teacher, Sunday School Teacher, One Way Club, Di Club, Way One Teacher, School Sunday Teacher, School Bible Vacation


being saved in Jesus Name. (This was was (This Name. Jesus in saved being

He didn’t even know me yet, but it it but yet, me know even didn’t He of this heritage and wouldn’t trade it it trade wouldn’t and heritage this of

Ministry Home Nursing Member, Choir Adult Member, Choir Youth Studies, Bible Home Taught were the begining of alot of my family family my of alot of begining the were

and praying with me before surgery. surgery. before me with praying and in Dunlap. He feels blessed to be part part be to blessed feels He Dunlap. in

ministries: following the in served I Church Tabernacle Life attending while span year 40 the Over Brother and Sister Feiler Feiler Sister and Brother

came in he stayed there talking to us us to talking there stayed he in came

church basement the at out started

comes into our lives. lives. our into comes

put in my hand, Brother Johnson Johnson Brother hand, my in put Beaver and his mom Sally Morrison Morrison Sally mom his and Beaver

long! be won’t it believe I and Yes building? new our to

where Brother and Sister Feiler Feiler Sister and Brother where

pital getting ready to have my needles needles my have to ready getting pital Grandpa Kiser and his Grandma Grandma his and Kiser Grandpa

on move and growing keep LTC, at be we Will always. Not

to go to church with them and that’s that’s and them with church to go to

- hos the in was I surgery, have to had

and Grandma Great His Tabernacle.

Does the Lord keep his promise? Yes. Does he answer right away? away? right answer he Does Yes. promise? his keep Lord the Does Milbrun Burns invited my parents parents my invited Burns Milbrun

when they first came to our church, I I church, our to came first they when

Life of generation fourth a is Floyd

the altar. That was seven years ago and we are still going strong. strong. going still are we and ago years seven was That altar. the

was 3.Then my Uncle John and Aunt Aunt and John Uncle my 3.Then was

has been a blessing to us, I remember remember I us, to blessing a been has

her. to Barb Sister was I

We moved to Elkhart Indiana when I I when Indiana Elkhart to moved We

powerful church service, he took my hand and ask me to walk with him to to him with walk to me ask and hand my took he service, church powerful

their Boys came to LTC. This family family This LTC. to came Boys their

girl, little Marie’s and Dan Knapp.Yes

impossable for our God. our for impossable cer before Curt would start attending church again. Then one night in in night one Then again. church attending start would Curt before cer a a

In 200, Pastor and Sister Johnson and and Johnson Sister and Pastor 200, In

Kalie was name her Sunday, every

the spirit,so i can say there is nothing nothing is there say can i spirit,so the

know it would take another thirty-three years and my battle with can with battle my and years thirty-three another take would it know - were on the LTC Softball team. Softball LTC the on were

me see to happy so was always who

him and he left that night drunk in in drunk night that left he and him

Little did I I did Little knowest thou, O wife whether thou shalt save thy husband? husband? thy save shalt thou whether wife O thou, knowest team and choir. My husband and boys boys and husband My choir. and team

girl little one had I them. loves He

there, God got ahold of him, delivered delivered him, of ahold got God there,

my life. My kids were on the quiz quiz the on were kids My life. my about the Love Of God and how much much how and God Of Love the about 7:16 Corinthians 1 , a portion which reads: reads: which portion a , in found scripture For what what For

but before he could get her out of of out her get could he before but

Growing up in this church has been been has church this in up Growing

children little those teaching Sunday burdened for Curt at which time the Lord gave me the the me gave Lord the time which at Curt for burdened

anymore going wasn’t she her telling this wonderful truth. truth. wonderful this school teacher and enjoyed every every enjoyed and teacher school

stayed involved in the work of the Lord. In the late 70’s I became I 70’s late the In Lord. the of work the in involved stayed

out Mom my drag to drunk Church to

them my family might have not found found not have might family my them youth choir.. I also was a Sunday Sunday a was also I choir.. youth

to be part of a church that was continually growing. Curt didn’t attend regularly but the kids and I I and kids the but regularly attend didn’t Curt growing. continually was that church a of part be to

came night one Dad my Then time. and his call for our church. Without Without church. our for call his and in the little choir and from there the the there from and choir little the in

children, Paul and Paula started attending Life Tabernacle Church. We loved the people and loved loved and people the loved We Church. Tabernacle Life attending started Paula and Paul children,

long a God for lived and born, was son

and Sister Feiler for listening to God God to listening for Feiler Sister and from there serving God and singing singing and God serving there from

On May 16, 1965 I gave my heart to the Lord. In September of 1967 my husband Curt, our two two our Curt, husband my 1967 of September In Lord. the to heart my gave I 1965 16, May On

1st her after church to going started ed people.I’m so thankful for Brother Brother for thankful so people.I’m ed baptized in Jesus name. We went went We name. Jesus in baptized

Life Tabernacle Church Church Tabernacle Life

mom My children. 12 of family a from can’t tell them all, but we are a bless a are we but all, them tell can’t - she recieved the Holy Ghost,and was was Ghost,and Holy the recieved she

Testimonies came God.I with walk our started

things happen through the years I I years the through happen things old. My neice was 10 years old when when old years 10 was neice My old.

we how and family our about you

blessing. There have been so many many so been have There blessing. Jesus name when we were 11 years years 11 were we when name Jesus

tell to want I old. years 3 was I since

and the services have been such a a such been have services the and

in baptized was and Ghost Holy the life tabernacle church and have been been have and church tabernacle life

We have had so many great times times great many so had have We years later my sister and I received received I and sister my later years

I am a third generation family of of family generation third a am

Middlebury Street. God is so good. good. so is God Street. Middlebury few a Just sing. could we knew he so

Kelly Shawn 1/1/83 Bishop Gary 1/24/88 Davis Claudia 9/4/08 Jones Rose Ann 10/20/91 Campbell Tonischa 5/19/96 Atchison Brandy 5/9/99 Weidner Mary 4/15/01 Smith Brandon 6/20/04 Baptized in the Name of Jesus 1965 - 2015 Harney Chris 3/13/83 Corole Jerry 3/4/88 Heard Tony 11/17/91 Wallin Terry 9/6/08 Elawadly Heather 5/19/96 Osowski Carole 5/9/99 Johnson Nicole 5/6/01 Fazalare Bethany 7/11/04 Conner Cornell 9/6/08 Felder Mike 7/18/65 Tilliance Mary 4/23/70 Quick Mark Allen 3/3/74 Eveland Tina 6/18/78 Gilley Tom 3/27/83 Emond David A 3/5/88 Taylor Tammea 1/1/92 Hazelton Brandi 5/19/96 Osowski Richard 5/9/99 Stroud Craig 5/6/01 Grove Alan 7/17/04 Hershburger Madison 9/6/08 Mays Prince Darlene 7/18/65 Reichelt Shirley 4/28/70 Quick III Gilbert T 3/3/74 Eveland Jr Ronald 6/18/78 Fazalare Fred 4/17/83 Bermea Jr Steve Richard 3/6/88 McKenzie 9/6/08 Fouts Frances R 1/17/92 Lerma Lynda 5/19/96 Pierpont George 5/9/99 Majewski Julie 5/8/01 Planck Ann 8/8/04 Prince Verline 7/18/65 Ferell Mark Wayne 5/6/70 Reamer Sherry 5/15/74 Eveland Ruth 7/13/78 Harvey Cecil 4/17/83 Muncie Adam 3/6/88 Conner Cornelius 9/6/08 Bowlin Ashley 1/26/92 McBride Maggie 5/19/96 Howay Matt 6/10/99 Majewski Kim 5/8/01 Jeffery Cynthia 8/22/04 Conner Cornisha 9/6/08 DeJaegher Debbie 8/26/65 Lillard George 5/16/70 Whitley Larry 6/23/74 Miller Rodney 7/30/78 Bowlin Tresa 4/24/83 Ferguson Shawn Paul 3/12/88 Senft Roger 1/30/92 Parris Joe 6/9/96 Plemons Jordan 6/20/99 Smith Cornelia 5/8/01 Keeney Carolyn 8/22/04 Starks Derek 9/6/08 Mattern Cindy 8/26/65 Culpepper Debbie 7/5/70 Brosius John 7/14/74 Shreiner Phylis 8/20/78 Ford Carl E. 7/31/83 Rubio Sr Ruben Thomas3/13/88 Starks jr. Robert 9/6/08 Fouts Larry 2/16/92 VanScoyck John 9/19/96 Avery Monica 7/11/99 Stokely Jackie 5/8/01 Benn William 10/8/04 Meredith Arlene 11/12/65 Culpepper Donna 7/5/70 Trigg Brett 7/14/74 Bailey Gail 8/27/78 Huff Richard 10/15/83 Fordyce Bryan 3/20/88 Starks Lucas 9/6/08 Yaw Joetta Le 3/15/92 Barrett Ryan 10/4/96 Avery Nicole 7/11/99 Searer Floyd 5/16/01 Lock Bar 10/15/04 Reser Landon 9/6/08 Ragsdale Margaret 11/12/65 Ferrell Patty 7/12/70 Gilbert Naomi 7/17/74 Arnold Lisa 11/5/78 Peterka Karolyn 1/1/84 Smoot Joe 3/20/88 Betts Johnny 7/21/92 Horst Anita 10/4/96 Avery Thomas E 7/11/99 Searer Sue 5/16/01 Mayberry Delores 1/2/05 Hill Dionell 9/6/08 Winquist Shirley 1/9/66 Sampson Faith 8/23/70 Trotter Janice 11/13/74 Arnold Teresa 11/5/78 Books Lynnette 1/7/84 Henderson Paula 4/24/88 Hill Roberta 9/6/08 Barnett Lance Daryck 8/30/92 Twiford Kim 10/6/96 Eaglebarger Ruthine 7/11/99 Windomaker John 5/29/01 Cook Teri 1/30/05 Prince Oscar 1/30/66 Hale Frances 9/6/70 Wood Randy 11/14/74 Deem William James11/18/78 Pulliam Lorie Ann 1/29/84 Henderson Stephanie 4/24/88 Huff Sarah Elizabeth8/30/92 Gonzalez BillieJo 9/6/08 Bermea Tasha 10/13/96 Bowlin Tammy 7/18/99 Hopkins Lisa 6/3/01 Kilgore Kyle 3/13/05 Evans Henranisha 9/6/08 Jones Sharon 3/2/66 Arnold Mae 10/11/70 Fuller Todd 11/17/74 Hill Jocque 12/2/78 Buden Daniel 2/5/84 Bermea Laura Ann 5/15/88 Conley Brent 12/6/92 Colen David 10/13/96 Wood Kristin E. 7/18/99 Floyd Gary 6/18/01 McAffee Cary 4/17/05 Andrews Ronnesha 9/6/08 Wood John W. 3/2/66 Trigg Phyllis 11/1/70 Smoot Debbie 11/20/74 Feiler Rodney 2/1/79 Wood Jim 3/25/84 Brewer Lisa Ann 5/15/88 Howard Donmonitrius 9/6/08 Ferguson Amber 12/6/92 Hammen Derrick 10/13/96 Breden Elizabeth M. 7/25/99 Ives Martin 6/18/01 Tucker Diane 5/1/05 Wood Dorothy 3/3/66 Breden Diana 11/8/70 Lundgren Angela 11/22/74 Hallar Chriostine 3/11/79 Mattern George 4/20/84 Mcord Michel 5/15/88 Phipps Tracy 9/6/08 Max Marie 12/17/92 Hill Sumer 10/13/96 Ferguson John 7/25/99 Koonce Charles 6/18/01 Conder Keith 8/10/05 Hairell Taylor 9/6/08 Wood Patty 3/4/66 Breden Barbara 12/6/70 Miller Lila 11/22/74 Barkes Todd 3/18/79 Crowder Rachelle 4/22/84 Scarberry Travis 5/15/88 Cole Sharon 12/27/92 Miller Pamela 10/13/96 Smith Tonya L 8/1/99 Trigg Jeff 6/18/01 Clobridge Scott 8/21/05 Groves Reanna 9/6/08 Flannigan Kayla 6/5/66 Breden Sharon Lee 1/10/71 Thomas Angie 11/22/74 Hollar April 3/18/79 Lester Sam 4/22/84 Welch Roberta 5/15/88 Obert Stephanie 9/6/08 Hutchison Randy 12/27/92 Parcell Tammy 10/13/96 Hawkins Ashly 8/15/99 Meyer Kyra 6/22/01 Francis Sue 8/28/05 Hoover Melvin 6/5/66 England Rosie Marie 1/16/71 Garner Lorna 11/23/74 Fordyce Theresa 3/21/79 Zimmer Jr LeRoy 4/22/84 Welch Roberta J 5/15/88 Weist Robert 12/27/92 Russos Anthony 9/6/08 Rorie Yavonne 10/13/96 Zimmer Tommy 8/15/99 Meyer Tom 6/22/01 Goff Amber 9/22/05 Arguijo Donovan 9/6/08 Weber Nola 6/5/66 Aydelott Jr Don 1/23/71 Books Joyce 11/24/74 VanScoyk John 3/21/79 Lemna Kevin 4/29/84 Brown Steven Allen 8/7/88 Carrick Christina 12/29/92 Rothgeb Shari 10/13/96 Kuczmanski Nancy 9/1/99 Meyer William 6/22/01 Wagner Renee’ 9/25/05 Taylor Ashley 9/7/08 Wood Della 6/5/66 Ellsworth Ronda Sue 1/23/71 Gucci Sam 11/24/74 VanScoyk Stacy 3/21/79 Hyman Marie 5/13/84 Borntreger Kimm A 8/28/88 Hairell Crystal 9/7/08 Anglemyer Rachel 1/17/93 Scarlett Jon 10/17/96 Welch Rebekah 9/19/99 Meyer Mary 6/24/01 Edwards Shannon 10/9/05 Wood Patty 6/6/66 Breden Bill 1/24/71 Haley Mike 12/15/74 VanScoyk Tracy 3/21/79 Starns Cynthia L 7/15/84 Borntreger Todd D 8/28/88 Hairell Max 9/7/08 Roush Dana 1/24/93 Bell Cory David 10/20/96 Wood Amber N. 9/26/99 Meyer Matthew 8/26/01 Shanholt Jack 10/16/05 Hairell Joshua 9/7/08 Wood Janice 6/7/66 England Holly 2/25/71 Lehman Lucille Apr-75 Kocielko Lynette 4/15/79 Moore Alice 7/19/84 Helton James 9/30/88 Jones Kleasha 5/23/93 Hill Danielle 10/20/96 Rice Jr Larry 10/28/99 Quirk Fred 8/26/01 Terkos Melody 10/16/05 Forrest Erica 10/26/08 Flannigan Ronnie 6/11/66 England Jeff 2/25/71 Bloom Nancy 4/6/75 Kocielko Ruth 4/15/79 Henderson Tony 10/14/84 Bird Roberta J 11/20/88 Warren Brandon 1/4/09 Shirley Joan 5/23/93 Shurpert Sandy 10/20/96 Askevich Randy 11/7/99 Henke Terry 9/13/01 McAfee Cathy R 10/23/05 Flannigan Ronnie Sr. 6/11/66 Breden Bobby 3/12/71 Barrett Curtiss 4/20/75 Murphy Duan 4/15/79 Penninger Sandra 10/14/84 Church Jr Ronnie A 11/20/88 Steinhoff Robert 5/23/93 Grant Shane 4/19/09 Cooper Chloe 1/19/97 Welch Scott 1/16/00 Mooe Mark 9/16/01 Moser Sally Jean 10/23/05 York Kimberly(deaf)6/7/09 Wood William 8/21/66 Breden Ruth 3/12/71 Caninder Fern 4/20/75 Breden Ronnie 4/29/79 Coffey Mandy 10/21/84 Bowlin Brindel 1/1/89 Bowlin Austin 6/27/93 Ottman Nikki 1/26/97 Birdsall Stephanie 4/2/00 Moore Brandon 9/16/01 Baxter Mike 11/6/05 York Ronnie 7/18/09 Ragsdale Steve 8/28/66 Breden Tammy 3/12/71 Caninder LeeAnn 4/20/75 Ottman Simonette 4/29/79 Maier Karen 10/21/84 Nord Eric 1/1/89 Studt Janelle 7/19/09 Collins Mrs 6/27/93 Stewart Amanda 2/23/97 Bowlin Jeannie 4/2/00 Welch Haley 9/23/01 Strefling Candace 11/20/05 Wood David 9/4/66 Breden Darlin 3/13/71 Yoder Sonya 4/20/75 Herman May 5/27/79 Maier Tracy 10/28/84 Zimmerman Waneta 4/14/89 Schuster Rachael 7/19/09 Ferguson Jonathan 6/27/93 Zimmer Teneen 2/23/97 Harrison Brittany 4/2/00 Tichacek Dee-Dee 11/1/01 Bohner Elizabeth 1/15/06 Schuster Joshua 7/19/09 Willer ruby 10/9/66 Sigler Jeanette 3/13/71 Yoder John 4/23/75 Warren Clara Mae 5/27/79 Bluhm Michelle M. 11/3/84 Richetti Roberta 8/27/89 Diller Darin 7/5/93 Dunnavant Angela 3/8/97 Paguno Robert 4/2/00 Ferguson Joanne 12/5/01 Brown Jameeisha 1/15/06 Wilson Tyler 7/26/09 Cunningham Lillie 12/11/66 Irwin Anna Ruth 4/4/71 Barrier Denise 5/1/75 Schuh Raymond 7/15/79 Penninger Sharon 11/4/84 Swathwood Dennis 10/15/89 Frey Cassandra 11/22/09 Fouts Anita 7/11/93 Feiler Ross 3/9/97 Pratt Sariah Ann 4/16/00 Clark Jeff 1/10/02 Brown Shundona 1/15/06 Weldy Ricky 12/11/66 Cramer Jackie 4/11/71 Neff Cindy 5/1/75 Schuh Wilbur 7/15/79 Wilkerson Debra 2/24/85 Richetti Michael 11/9/89 Allen Joan 9/19/93 Flores Nicholas 11/22/09 Mead Jr Michael 4/20/97 Quirk Shana 4/16/00 Cook Roxanne 1/13/02 Coffey Bailey A 1/15/06 Ortega Steven 1/24/10 Tharp Opal 1/23/67 Strickland Lynne 4/11/71 Lock scott 5/5/75 Zimmer Adena Kay 7/15/79 Weiss Ronnie D 3/24/85 Morris Earl 11/17/89 Atkinson Lewis W 10/23/93 Mead Jr Michael 4/20/97 Dozier Kitty 5/7/00 Benner Kayla 1/20/02 Estes Debra 1/15/06 Delarosa David 7/18/10 Wood Flora 1/24/67 Cramer Charlotte 4/22/71 Griffin George 5/14/75 Zimmer LeRoy 7/16/79 Wilkerson Stephanie 3/24/85 Richetti Wilma 11/21/89 Hankins Hilary 9/26/10 Hilliburton Janie L 11/14/93 Chaney Leroy 6/1/97 Hashberger Robert 5/7/00 Chaney Lisa 1/27/02 Valdez Jesus “Jesse” 1/15/06 Wood Sr John W 1/24/67 Gatlin Daniel 4/25/71 Barrett Chris 5/18/75 Zimmer Tina 7/29/79 Ragsdale Jody 3/31/85 Penix Brandon 9/26/10 Richetti III Michael 1/27/90 Marsh Mike 12/26/93 Wood Lorri 9/14/97 Howerton Kathy 5/25/00 Chaney Samantha 2/10/02 Valdez Priscilla 1/15/06 Hutchison Elizabeth 3/6/11 Ragsdale George 3/8/67 Knapp Marilyn 5/2/71 England Bonnie 6/29/75 Ottman Samara 8/5/79 Edwards James 4/28/85 Bowlin Bryce 2/1/90 Borntreger Todd 1/9/94 Martin Judith Mae 10/2/97 York Connie 6/25/00 Clark Wendy 2/10/02 Cruz Sydney 1/22/06 Tieman Collin 3/13/11 Clark Joe 3/17/67 Charles Dorinda 5/9/71 Orona Richard 8/31/75 Zimmer Thomas 8/26/79 Wainwright Chris 5/2/85 Norton Tamara 4/24/11 Osborne June Marie 2/1/90 Stewart Robert 1/9/94 Delarosa Daved Aaron 11/2/97 Landis Joanne 7/16/00 Hamilton John Scott 2/10/02 Donnelly Matthew 1/22/06 Kyle Roger 3/17/67 Charles Terry 5/9/71 Kuhn Carolyn 9/7/75 Holderman Gracie 9/16/79 Cottingain Tina Marie 9/4/85 Holler Harold 5/1/11 Page Jay 2/11/90 Manzoor Suhale 1/16/94 Bacca Clifford 1/4/98 Stokely David 7/16/00 Johnson Timmy 2/10/02 Fritz Jason E 2/5/06 Yeater Eric 6/9/11 Tharp Edmund 4/16/67 Darnell Connie 5/9/71 Hyman Hope 9/10/75 Cox Darla 10/14/79 Enochs Danny 9/4/85 Thompson Ryan 2/11/90 Johnson tim 3/6/94 Baker Debbie 1/11/98 Gubi Linda Suzanne8/20/00 Chaney Katelynn 2/17/02 Jackson Myron N 6/4/06 Edwards Tory Baptized a7t/ 1c4a/m11p Ragsdale Keith 5/14/67 Knapp Martha 6/20/71 Flores Carol 9/14/75 Ragsdale Tammy 11/21/79 Braddock Steven 1/1/86 Balogh jr. Raymond 8/2/11 Thompson Kathleen 3/11/90 Anglemyer Aaron 4/8/94 Baker Laura 1/11/98 Hopkins Lisa Diane 8/20/00 Chaney Rick 2/17/02 Knapp Lauren Taylor 6/13/06 Wood Peggy 7/9/67 Gentner Pat 7/11/71 Cox Joey 9/28/75 Helton Kathy 4/27/80 Forthofer Dionne 1/1/86 Slauf Nicholas 8/7/11 Lee Debbie 3/25/90 Anglemyer Jude 4/8/94 Baker Rodney 1/11/98 Stevens Stephen 8/25/00 Johnson Donnie 4/14/02 Fulton Ray 9/13/06 Tobias Hannah 8/28/11 Lesto Jim 7/16/67 Knapp Gary 7/11/71 Kulczar James 11/12/75 Davis Cori Lyn 6/29/80 England Andrew 5/7/86 Fowler Leroy 3/27/90 Nord Joshua 4/8/94 Baker Sondra 1/11/98 Loutzenhiser Judy 9/10/00 Johnson Joshua 5/19/02 Cashen Jamie 3/4/07 Stinnett Jamelia 9/18/11 Fordyce Ronnie 8/13/67 Wood David 7/25/71 Barnett Daryck 1/11/76 Huff Rick 7/6/80 Schrock Aleta 5/14/86 Sharp Leslie 10/2/11 Deaton Debra 4/1/90 Richetti Malary 4/15/94 Haley Dustin 1/11/98 George April 11/12/00 Wright Larrin 5/19/02 Gerstorff Tara 3/11/07 Gentner Kenny 9/30/67 Wood Randy 7/25/71 Zimmerman Deric 1/11/76 Anthony Phyllis 7/13/80 Malk Jon 6/15/86 Norwood Quetavious 10/9/11 Quick Monica Renee4/8/90 Morrison Floyd 4/17/94 Baker Sarah 1/18/98 Welch Traci 11/12/00 Hendershot Amanda 5/23/02 Arnett Dayna 3/11/07 Norwood Taquan 10/9/11 Wilkins Rose 11/12/67 Miller Debbie 1/12/72 Glass Christine Lynn2/8/76 Wells Wesley 7/13/80 Malk Vicki 6/15/86 Conley Tiffany Tennil 4/15/90 Weiss Jeff 4/17/94 Holmes Jill Marie 1/18/98 George April 11/19/00 Howard Amanda 6/16/02 Yeater Matt 3/25/07 Garcia Blanca 10/16/11 Farrell Gary 1/28/68 Stricker John 1/26/72 Glass Darlene K. 2/11/76 Hershberger Terry 7/17/80 Steckly Tony 6/22/86 Fairchild Rachel 10/16/11 Faulkner Amy Kristen 4/15/90 Thomas Sherry Kay 9/4/94 Shelton Lesley 1/18/98 Kineman Karla 11/19/00 Howard Catelynn 6/17/02 Nauman Lorraine 6/3/07 Nettrouer Randy 4/21/68 Breden Sherry 1/30/72 Baugher Karen 2/12/76 Browning Vivian 7/20/80 Ragsdale Justin 6/29/86 McQueary Tony 10/16/11 Edwards Howard Elmer 5/13/90 Thomas Jr Paul W 9/4/94 Tiemann Stephanie 1/18/98 George Karla 11/20/00 Howard Samantha 6/18/02 Hunt Landon 6/24/07 Tycory 10/16/11 Young Jerry 5/19/68 Irwin Johnny 2/5/72 KuchenmlisterRhonda 2/15/76 Huff Lorraine 7/20/80 Schwartz Lorena 6/29/86 Pratt Rosalie 5/13/90 Newman Trisha 9/11/94 Williams Joyce 1/18/98 Wood Elaine 11/21/00 Howard Thomas 6/19/02 Gerstorff Tracy 6/24/07 King Marjorie 10/19/11 Bowlin Tom 5/20/68 Haffaker Mrs 4/15/72 Davis Ellen 2/19/76 Orrick Patty 7/20/80 Brosius Jennifer 8/24/86 Smith Emily 10/23/11 Fowler Michael 5/20/90 Barnett Marianne Janee 9/25/94 Wood Alisha 1/18/98 Waggaman Dave 11/27/00 Brownlee Angel 6/22/02 Askevich Kristi 7/1/07 Wood Flora 9/8/68 Breden Matthew 4/16/72 Hoover Philys L. 2/21/76 Rosso Dale 8/10/80 Rorie Yalonda 8/24/86 Valdez Casey Brian 10/23/11 Knight Timothy 6/17/90 Britton Rich 10/30/94 Plante David 1/26/98 Egbert Raymond 12/10/00 Davis Mary 7/24/02 Wirick Harold 7/29/07 Hines Ja-Wan 11/20/11 England Barbara 10/3/68 Haskins Scott 6/18/72 Hoover Timothy Alan 2/22/76 Rosso Stacy 8/10/80 Cox Tracy 10/12/86 Gersitz Allen 7/8/90 Huff Nathan Kyle 12/4/94 Russwurm Corina 2/22/98 Chaney Bill 1/2/01 Higginbotham Jennifer Hoien Chad 9/2/07 Shaw Tim 1/29/12 England Richard 11/24/68 Sheneman Majorie 6/18/72 Marshall Lavon 2/22/76 McDaniel Lois 8/31/80 Batts Michelle 10/19/86 Feiler T.J. 2/12/12 Gifford Judi 7/8/90 Morrison Ryan 1/8/95 Holaway Carrie 3/1/98 Williams J. R. 1/7/01 7/24/02 Paul Duwan 10/14/07 Harvell Loretta 12/4/68 Umstead Tom 7/22/72 Cox Patricia 5/23/76 Coffey Rachel R 9/14/80 Howie Donna Marie 12/14/86 Jackson Alizee 3/25/12 Wilkinson Alan K 7/8/90 Norman Charlotte 1/15/95 Huston Veloria 3/8/98 Elliott Codi 1/14/01 Oswalt Crystal 7/24/02 Walters Antonio 10/14/07 Eldridge Mason 4/1/12 England Mark 12/11/68 Evans Mark 10/13/72 Newman Luther 6/3/76 Coffey Tina Marie 9/14/80 Lowery III Joseph T 1/4/87 Wells Jennifer Abbey8/5/90 Albright Angie 1/22/95 Huston William James3/8/98 Loutzenhiser Calvin 1/14/01 Seancy Erica 7/24/02 Emery Akeem 10/14/07 Shaw Samantha 4/8/12 England Tom 12/11/68 Breden Valerie 10/15/72 Mitchell Monzella 6/20/76 Culver Robert 9/17/80 England Tara Lynn 1/18/87 Yeater Cadence 8/12/12 Price Bobby Ray 8/15/90 Fisher Angela Ann 1/22/95 Weyant Arvilla 3/8/98 Miller Brandon 1/14/01 Tinsley Leanna 7/24/02 Wesley Akeyiha 10/14/07 Kitner Karen 12/11/68 Wood Barbara 10/15/72 Barrica Kimberly 6/27/76 Culver Virginia 9/17/80 Brown Tracy 3/22/87 Brown Tamara 8/12/12 Lowery Kimberly Jean8/19/90 Newman Jason 1/22/95 Lock Jeffery 5/31/98 Smith Scott 1/14/01 Hetherington Joseph 8/25/02 Coleman Linda 10/14/07 Waddell Brandy 8/26/12 Kneberg James Darlene12/18/68 Wood Beverly 10/15/72 Rubio Sadie 7/20/76 Murphy Devon 9/21/80 Green Kandy 3/22/87 Newland Gretchen Marie9/9/90 Barber Mae Jean 1/28/95 Nord Chris 7/16/98 Thornsen Holly 1/14/01 Mattix Brandon 8/28/02 Page Devon 10/14/07 Johnson Branden 8/26/12 Miller Linda 1/19/69 Feiler Roger Allen 10/24/72 Conley Ann 7/25/76 James Evonne 9/28/80 Heist Timothy 3/22/87 Roberts Mark 8/29/12 Newland Susan Ilene 9/9/90 Spite Mary Beth 2/12/95 Colen Kelly 7/19/98 Christner Samantha 1/21/01 Martin denise 9/8/02 Davis Travis 10/14/07 Wood Roger 2/15/69 Bowlin Blane 10/27/72 Martin Cindy 4/3/77 Washington Dranda 9/28/80 Rorie Amanda Inetha3-/ Bolen Angolic 9/19/12 Newland II Larry Wayne 9/16/90Newcomb Janie S 3/19/95 Miller Vanessa 7/19/98 Kilgore Ruby 1/21/01 Knapp Devin 9/12/02 Coleman Clarinda 10/14/07 VanLively Kody 10/12/12 England Bert 3/23/69 Sampson Jim 10/29/72 Pasley Tyson M. 4/17/77 Whitherch Debra 11/9/80 L2y2n/8n7 Newland Kenneth Lee 9/23/90 Madix Jordan 4/2/95 Sharp Daniel 8/23/98 Ragsdale Cynthia 2/4/01 Green Craig 9/15/02 Rhodes Markeisha 10/14/07 Amiotte Aaron 10/12/12 Seymour Bill 4/6/69 Miller Steve 2/25/73 Sagendorf Bill 4/17/77 Chatfield Linda 2/15/81 Ferguson Ray 3/29/87 Scarberry Paul 10/12/12 Merritt Michelle 10/28/90 Padgett Mike 4/20/95 Smith Kristy 8/23/98 McGuire Becky 2/10/01 Brownlee Marie 9/24/02 Simpson LaToya 10/14/07 Howell Victor 4/16/69 Breden Linda 2/28/73 Beaver Rick Allen 4/30/77 Peterson Walter 3/1/81 Jones Craig Alan 5/10/87 Richardson Andrew 12/16/12 Studt David James 11/4/90 Padgett Amanda 4/23/95 Grant II Daryl 9/13/98 Kilgore Ed 2/11/01 Farrell Gary 9/24/02 Rhodes Kyla 10/14/07 Fritz Jakub 2/3/13 Evans Larry 6/15/69 VanScoyk Bonnie 4/21/73 James Peggy 5/4/77 Bower Jr Richard 4/5/81 Faulkner Adam Michael5/17/87 Moore Kathy Lynn 11/11/90 Padgett Amy 4/30/95 Strain Elizabeth 10/10/98 Kilgore Kaitlyn 2/11/01 Chupp Robert 10/13/02 Davis Leiora 10/14/07 Cruz Nico 2/27/13 Eaglebarger Vila May 9/14/69 Iney Terry 7/15/73 Moore Nila 9/4/77 Powell Ray 4/5/81 Kehr Beverly 6/12/87 Simbeck Billy/William 3/31/13 Anderson Donna Jean 1/20/91 Quick Jr Mark 4/30/95 Strain Stephen 10/10/98 Miller Denise 2/11/01 Buck Helen 10/27/02 Davis Alisha 10/14/07 McKay Mr Ter 9/14/69 Bowlin Dereic 10/3/73 Coffey Sandy 9/21/77 Stevens Judy 5/3/81 Kehr George 6/12/87 Wlelelinski Amy 3/31/13 Anderson Max Leonard 1/20/91 Cripe Debbie 7/16/95 Strain Teri 10/10/98 York Chris 2/11/01 Medley Carl 10/27/02 Andrews Ronnesha 10/14/07 Cruz Olivia 7/28/13 McKay Mrs Ter 9/14/69 Morrison Brenda 10/11/73 Borien Clara 3/19/78 Stevens Brandy 5/10/81 Bermea Steven 6/14/87 Miller Brandon Lee 1/27/91 Craigo Crystal 8/27/95 Doering James 10/18/98 Hopkins Adam Mi- Schwartz Jason 12/1/02 Andrews Ronnell 10/14/07 Lay Skylar 8/9/13 England Tina 9/21/69 Morrison Denise 10/12/73 Cavinder Rich 3/26/78 Bowlby Tim 6/7/81 Rubio Ruben 6/14/87 Prichard Katelin 2/16/14 Reecer Rachel 1/31/91 Horst John 10/22/95 Kinder Neal 11/8/98 chael2/26/01 Wichter Daniel 12/8/02 Delaney Corey 10/14/07 DeJaegher David 9/27/69 Kurtz Barbara 10/14/73 Guffy Richard 3/26/78 Tones Carolyn 7/5/81 Berg Carol Jean 7/26/87 Morvant Denise 3/30/14 Quick Francine DeAnn 2/3/91 Huff Ryan 10/22/95 Littman Tim 12/6/98 Russwurm Katherine 2/26/01 Gallaway Martha 12/12/02 Andrews Mary 10/14/07 Tobias Aaron (AJ) 5/11/14 Hearon Ronald 12/3/69 Strickland Ron 10/16/73 Bradley Marc 4/2/78 Bowlin Dana 11/15/81 Black Annette Marie G8/2/87 Alert Nicole Danielle2/17/91 Anderson Rachelle 10/28/95 Louck matthew 12/6/98 Wallace Scott 2/26/01 Quick Jessica 12/15/02 Brown Marketta (Ta- Wilson Catherine 7/6/14 Hoover Kathy 1/12/70 Fuller Kirtis Lann 10/20/73 Bloom Jennifer 4/30/78 Weyant David 3/7/82 Ferguson Melissa Ann 9/13/87 Bradley Octavia 7/6/14 McGuire Barbara 2/24/91 Barber Leonard 10/28/95 Louck Gregory 12/27/98 Sickelsmith David 3/1/01 Hunt Jamie 12/22/02 sh1a0)/28/07 Wood Kathy 1/22/70 Morrison Floyd 10/20/73 Hadley Burnita Ann 5/14/78 Whitman Phyllis 4/18/82 Ayers Linda 9/27/87 Watson-BermeaDestiny 7/12/14 Haas Jessica 4/7/91 Lund Chad 10/28/95 Russwarm Frances 1/23/99 Bohner Jennifer 3/4/01 Hunt Stacy 12/22/02 Coggain Dontece 11/18/07 Toplin Barbra 7/12/14 England Wesley 1/25/70 Fuller Ellen 11/3/73 Eveland Ronald 5/24/78 Rorie Justin 6/13/82 Cyrus Ethel 9/27/87 Henderson Michael Paul 4/14/91 Barber Beth 11/10/95 Falin Laura 1/24/99 Smith Carrie 3/18/01 King Lisa 12/22/02 Carter John 12/9/07 Nord Elijah 7/27/14 Sampson Dennis Jay 1/25/70 Young Robin 11/4/73 Bradley Cindy 6/4/78 Wells Terry D 6/27/82 Scarberry Virginia 9/27/87 Roush Prestin 8/3/14 West Oteria Barnett 4/14/91 Williams Heather 11/12/95 Louck Sarah 1/24/99 Smith Margaret 3/18/01 Simms Jr Howard 12/22/02 Lundberg Bruce 1/13/08 Sampson Richard Dean 1/25/70 Fordyce Kimberly 1/5/74 Bradly Dave 6/4/78 Wells Theresa 7/18/82 White Timothy L 1/10/88 Rorie Rose 8/10/14 Madix George 6/30/91 Rondot Nikky 1/28/96 Pierpont Pamela 1/24/99 Baxter Jamie 3/25/01 Hibshman Billy 3/7/04 Weidner Peter 1/13/08 Kelley Makayelynn 8/17/14 Walsden Debbie 2/1/70 Warren Paula 1/5/74 Cruz Henry 6/4/78 Eveland Debora Jean 7/25/82 Ayers Krissy 1/13/88 Madix Patricia 6/30/91 Cheney Sherry 2/25/96 Ryan Jason 1/24/99 Quick Chris 3/25/01 Flores Pete 3/14/04 Curtis Keesia 3/9/08 Balan Rizzo Moses 8/24/14 Miller Nina 2/1/70 Christophel Jasner 1/13/74 Ottman Marita 6/4/78 Miller Ryan 7/25/82 Cyrus Bryan 1/13/88 Hernandez Thalia 10/12/14 Cook Kevin 7/14/91 Baskin Glenn 4/7/96 Mead Maria Elana 3/7/99 Quick Stephanie 3/25/01 Toth Steven 6/3/04 Hunt Tye 4/27/08 Hoover Lynette 2/7/70 Morrison Floyd 1/15/74 Bradly Starr 6/18/78 Kelly Shawn 7/28/82 Cyrus Shannon 1/13/88 Sargent Robert 10/12/14 Mosqueda Robert 8/4/91 Al-Challah Fadia 5/19/96 Koon Kandice 5/3/99 Yowell Tammy 3/25/01 Fisher Melody 6/6/04 Wolfinger Melissa 4/27/08 Holliday Antonio Ivy Karen 4/5/70 Fuller Jeffrey 1/20/74 Bradly Starr 6/18/78 Ivory Martha 8/1/82 Scarberry Bill 1/13/88 Lozano Linda 10/3/91 Allen Dustan 5/19/96 Nagy Drew 5/3/99 Hopkins Richard 4/1/01 Rorie Mariah 6/13/04 Harris Brenda 4/27/08 Barber Mary Jane Shelt Danny 4/19/70 Trigg Tracy 2/17/74 Eveland Sherri 6/18/78 VanScoyk John 11/14/82 Bowe Amy 1/22/88 Jones Larry 10/20/91 Bermea Shawn Eric 5/19/96 Schott Denise 5/3/99 Buczek April 4/15/01 Hoover Melodie Clark Kaleen 6/20/04 Starkey Delores 8/3/08 Rorie Landon