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The Register, 2009-08-19

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CAMF JS NOTEBOOK Suspect arrested in connection with bu^t Hodges killing BALANCING DEXTER R.MULLINS Schoolbegins with an over $ 10million budget cutandplans toraise tuition 8 percent nextyear EditorIn Chief SYLVIA OBELL Greensboro Register Reporter Police Department, he troubled state of the economy facts in conjunction F I has tgmfiuick with the U.S. ■ begun to trickle down into the world of M a r s ha 11 s , about the budget have made college students. Due to the state of the an arrest in Springfield, ,JL- economy, A&T has been forced to make ￿ A&T's budget JaguarEmanuel Mass. in the Wright killing of some changes due to budget cuts that have been was scaled back former A&T # student Derek put in place. * \ -*v >. $10.6 million Carl Eaddy Hodge II, who was / . on 26, in murdered April 2008 * his off campus home. Hodge Chancellor Harold L. Martin, Sr. was 21 at the timeof his death. ￿ Tuition is going Jaguar Emanuel Wright, 23, is posted a letter on the school website about the the prime suspect in the killing to increase$200 and is being charged with first- upcoming budget cuts that would be taking place. degree murder according to or 8 percent next reports by Lt. D-L. Willoughby. is Wright has never been an A&T Martin said ■-aca^e^ic programs through the student, and was arrested at 82 / /" ihave Advisory Board was to efficient and effective use of all Melha St. in Springfield, based emphasized working on a tip from North Carolina mycommitment to make some budget reductions. available resources. law enforcement. • It is not presently building trust, creat- known " how Hodge and Wright were outline the On July 23, Martin posted ￿ Due/tctfiie connected. four guidi another letter on A&T's workmhe Wright's defense lawyer, Iines»fc4mmukica- Nassar, f«en committee: stated George said his client budget JJiW has family in the city. He also them be administaUmfb saidWrightdid not shootHodge. enhancing transparency. to guide« 10 and 2010-11. principles; to first to protect tuition wiltpSw "He maintains his innocence," ofthat states Nassar said, after offering an In the letter he that innocent on behalf commitment, we designed classroom and core functions increase this plea of to extent Martin is they will be planning Wright. this website to update the greatest possible, academic school Wright will be held without to implement a 10 percent right to bail until a pretrial you on the status of the second to protect essential student services including budget cut which equates to year conference on July 29. Nassar continuing economic 10.6 has requested to review the financial aid, third to maintain approximately million details in the police record, challenges that plague our dollars per year for both 2009- and will make a decision on a safe campus environment for can contesting the warrant and State and the implications and fiscal ￿ Budget info students to learn and faculty 10 2010-11 years. arrest for our university." The big question is where will be found at www. North Carolina law and staff to work, and finally enforcement initially stated that to protect the quality of the A&T students expect to see the the killing was a drug-related HAROLD L MARTIN SR. robbery gone wrong, but have CHANCELLOR ￿ See BUDGET on Page 2 ￿ See SUSPECT on Page 2 University breaks ground on 'green' General Classroom Building

DEXTER R.MULLINS building acknowledged, and all participants in Editor In Chief Junior Class President Wayne Kimball the crowd welcomed, the ceremony Jr. presided as the master of ceremonies shifted from under the protective tent to Amidst the mid-morning Aug. 18 heat, over the groundbreaking ceremony. the dirtpile. construction, and traffic, a white tent "This is a most momentous occasion," Martin and member's of the stood in front of a mound of dirt, which Kimball said as he described the Chancellor's Cabinet and Board of will soon become the newest edition to atmosphere of the ceremony during his Trustees each tooktheir positions behind the campus. opening. a golden shovel as they prepared to turn Tuesday marked the "official" With a price tag of $25 million, the over the first shovels of dirt. beginning of the planned 18-month facility will be the 61 st project in the last After a brief three-second countdown, construction on the new "green" General 10 years on campus, with 58 of them each member dug up a sizable pile of Academic Classroom Building. being completed on time. dirt, and shoveled it out of the way, The building is set to be 88,000 Inside this massive building will be signifying the beginning of construction square feet, and will be the new home two lecture halls, one, which can hold on the project. of the University Studies, International 70 students, and another that can hold Martin, the former Dean ofthe College Studies, and Honors Programs. 260 students. of Engineering, quickly found himselfat "Not only is it a high technology There willalso be 13regular classrooms home as he took the controls of one of building," Chancellor Harold L. Martin and two distance learning classrooms. the CAT digging machines and scooped Sr. said. "This new project is estimated by up some dirt. "It will be a green facility, I received economists to create roughly 922 jobs "This building will bring much needed assurance of that just earlier today. We in the area," Interim Provost Alton space to the campus," Martin said. will seek UEED certification. This really Thompson said. "It is critical,to providing the students is an outstanding building." "The team will be comprised of the high quality, first rate education they The festivities began at approximately 25 percent minority construction need and deserve." 10:30 a.m. in front of the construction businesses." site, next to the School of Education After all special guests had been GROUNDBREAKINGprogram officially began work on the New GeneralAcademic Classroom Building.

ONLINE theYARD theWORD theSCORE theSCENE WEATHER WE'VE GOT "AGGIE PRIDE" ARE YOU BLAZING TO THE THE"BORO" IS WEDNESDAY TWITTER REALLY DIES KIDDING ME? FINISH LINE THE NEW SPOT High: 93° Follow our "Tweets," become a The aggie dog diesof a cardiac Stacie Bailey talks about why Usain Bolt sets a new world With headliners like Beyonce, fan of our Facebook page, and arrest and old age this summer, telling lies is more damaging then record, new personal best, in the Jamie Foxx, Brittney Spears, and Low watch our YouTube videos all leaving the University without an people may realize sometimes. men's 100IAAF WorldTrack now Fantasia coming to "The online. official mascot. Championships. Boro," is this the newAtlanta? THURSDAY: Mostly Sunny (.High 93° PAGE 2 PAGE 6 PAGE 7 PAGE 8 FRIDAY: Mostly Sunny | High 88° ftJ1 Wm The A&T Register | | Wednesday, Augu it 19,2009

track Wright down and bring related, that has just been page to drug SUSPECT From 1 him back to North Carolina. speculation for a while." Budget cuts and changes "When we discovered that While the trial has not yet not offered further details this individual (Wright) was taken place, Black says that In an interview, Police in Springfield, Massachusetts Wright will have to face justice. affect students 2010 Captain Barry Black, Patrol through communicating with "He's (Wright) got to come will in Division Commander, said other law enforcement agencies home," Black said. "He has got that the department was across the country," Black said. to come back to North Carolina elated that an arrest was "That, along with the fact that and face us. I'm hoping that at the end of the summer said page this individual had outstanding with all the evidence we have, BUDGET From 1 tuition might increase by 8 made. "It's been a thorough warrants for absconding gave this individual will change his percent. us the ability to contact the aid plea to guilty and try to seek NESD/ A 8 percent tuition investigation, and with most loss? A total of 71.25 possible time," of the U.S. Marshalls to serve some type of a plea bargain." increase after the start ofclasses thoroughness comes staff and faculty positions Black said. "We know that those federal warrants." Looking to the future, Black, have been cut in 2009-10. Six could lead to a number of Black did clarify that the along with the University problems for students. the community is finally glad of, those 71.25 positions are to see and hearthatsomething crime being drug related might Police Department are strongly already occupied and the other However, onAugust 14,Martin have been a misstatement on the encouraging students to posted another budget update. positive has happened and University Registration 65.25 were unoccupied. some Greensboro Police's side, as he remember to be safe, whether He announced that Governor there is justice in this Corbett Sports Center Support has been provided case." stated that there were no drugs on campus or not those and Perdue signed the State's budget 8 a.m. 6 p.m. to expecting lay offs According to Black, once found at the scene of the crime. "We are stilllocated on the east - hiring has also been suspended into law on August 7. "From what I could tell, it side of Greensboro, we are still the forensic evidence came Class Officer: until further notice, with the The result was a 7.2 million looked like arobbery gone ," in a poverty stricken area,-with Dinner with the reduction for A&T. in linking someone to the Williams Cafeteria exception of Deans, Chairs and he said. "Whether the two knew a lot of people out of work," Martin shared information case, k was discovered that 4 p.m. 6 p.m. faculty. the individual in question each other or not is still up in Black said. "You still need to be - A&T will also see a loss is in about the tuition increase for the the air. It's a possibility because aware ofyour surroundings. next year year. (Wright) was no longer in Ultimate Frisbee and Soccer total operational lines, meaning fiscal when people know one another UPD can be found in Ward said there be an 8 North Carolina. Holland Bowl travel, equipment and supplies He would you easily get yourself into a Hall, next to Cooper Hall and percent or $200 increase. The U.S. Marshalls were 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. by approximately $5.5 million. to situation where you are losing Smith Hall. They can be reached would be contacted begin what (Question for next paragraph No scholarships became nationwide search your defenses. As far as it being at 336.334.7675. at jeopardy this year and the a New Student Talent Show Auditii is this Syene speaking the whole Memorial Student Union time?) expansion submission for The Memorial Room Student Government the support of the College of 5p.m.-6p.m. (THROUGHTHUR Association President Syene Engineering and theEngineering Jasmin said students will notice Research Center (ERC) was Old age, breathing problems kill "Aggie Pride" Extreme Game Experience the drop in the number of approved for $2 million. Memorial Student Union teachers and classes. A&T received an additional Stallings Ballroom Upperclassmen may be $1 million to support the 5 p.m. - 9 p.m. affected the most because they implementation of the Joint are further their majorand the School of Nanoscience and in University Police Presentatio courses to vary Nanoengineering (JSNN). they need take Harrison Auditorium more than general university "It is the students that set the 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. studiescourses that all freshmen academic standard, it is the have to take. students that make campus life; The Fall is 2009 Catalog things will not die unless we all evidence of that. Jasmin goes give up and let it," Shaena Price on to say there will be changes said, a sophomore at A&T. because the state funding. Martin summed it all up quite He said SGA is working simply as this: diligently to make sure students "We must face these tough Mania do see many changes Bongoball not in times together as we continue Holland Bowl campus life. building a climate of academic 4 p.m. -10. p.m. Students cannot be sure of competitiveness and intellectual tuition changes. The semester rigor." Aggie Pride 101 bills sent out to the students 2000. was SHANTEMATHES cember 30, "Aggie" friendly, and carefree spirit. General Classroom Building Register Reporter purchased by the Pre-Veteri- He was a living ambassador Auditorium naryClub and maintained at the for our University and will be 6 p.m. - 8. p.m. theBLOTTER On June 3, 2009 the NC Laboratory Animal Resource greatly missed. A&T mascot, "Aggie Pride", Unit in Webb Hall by Staffand Plans are underway to pur- FRID/ Wednesday 8/12/09 in critical condition. There are passed away due to a cardio- Students. "Aggie" participated chase the next English Bull- no suspects in this case and this pulmonary syndrome and old in many University functions dog. The Pre-Veterinary Club Trafficking Cocaine case is being investigated by the age. Breathing problems due such as the Homecoming Pa- is accepting funds from alum- Off Campus Greensboro Police Department. to narrow nasal passages and rade and Alumni events. ni, faculty, the university, and On 8/12/09 Greensboro Police long soft palates are common He also traveled to local friends who care. The budget is schools the community. He around $1800. Those wishing Department arrested a male stu- Friday 8/14/09 inEnglish Bulldog breeds. in Back Fest to the purchase Welcome dent in reference to Trafficking Fraud The average lifespan of an made many television appear- donate toward Holland Bowl ances may so contacting Cocaine. The student taken Campus English Bulldog is 8-10 years and appeared in several do by Dr. 4 p.m. 8 p.m. was Off old. "Aggie" (as he was called) University pictures. "Aggie" Tracy Hanner, Pre-Vet Club - into custody without incident. 8/14/2009 10:06 a.m., On at a was 8 A years old, born on De- is remembered for his calm, advisor, in Webb Hall. UPP Detective responded to an l Personal Injury off-campus pawnshop in reference Dowdy Building to a male non-student trying to On 8/12/09 at approximately pawn a university computer. The 11:55 a.m., a female non-student property was seized and returned inFOCU fell over a mat at the front en- tothe University. No charges were trance of the Dowdy Building. The filed. Aggie Welcome Back Gym Ja female stated that she felt pain Moore Gym her right side but did need Burglary on not 10p.m. -1 a.m. medical attention. Aggie Suites F at p.m., On 8/14/2009 4:27 a NIM Sick Call male resident student reported Aggie Stadium that his laptop computer was re- On 8/12/09 at approximately 7:23 moved from the second floor study p.m., a male student athlete, com- room. The estimated value of the plained of having leg, chest, and stolen property is $649.99. There neck cramps. The student was are no known suspects. New International transported to Moses Cone Hospi- tal. Information is limited this Alcohol Violation Student Orientaiton at Memorial Student Union time. Village Three Exhibit Hall On 8/14/2009 at 10:55 p.m., two 2:45 p.m.-5:45 p.m. Thursday 8/13/09 underage female resident students Off Campus Shooting were in possession of alcohol bev- Statesman Courts erages in the residence halls. The On 8/13/09 at 10:33p.m., officers alcohol was seized and destroyed. responded with the Greensboro The case will beforwarded to Stu- Police Departmentto 401 S. Ben- dent Affairs and Residence Life. bow Road Apt. Q in reference to a shooting call. Upon arrival two Saturday 8A5/09 SGA Implementation Worksh NC A&T SU students were found Hit and Run Memorial Student Union shot at the location. Village Six Stallings Ballroom 7 On 8/15/2009 at 9:30 p.m., a ve- PH0T0 BY KENNETH HAWKINS-THE A&TREGISTER 6 p.m. - p.m. The two students were shot during hicle struck a parked vehicle in DIRT DEVILChancellor Harold Martinplays in the dirt again inan excavator atthe Groundbreaking forthe General Academic ClassroomBuilding. a robbery/home invasion by two the Village Six parking lot and unidentified black males. The two fled the accident scene. The esti- students were transported to Mo- mated damage to the parked ve- ses Cone Hospital. One has been hicle was $300. The MuCticuCturaCStudent Center invites you to released and the other is listed Participate in exchange programs. Play soccer. Promote diversity. Student Organization Meet & Grei Learn about other cultures. Meet people from different countries and ethnicities. Memorial Student Union Work for peace and justice. Celebrate your heritage. Stallings Ballroom 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. If you ever see anything To learn more about these and other opportunities, come by the Mr. 1913Try-Outs suspicious or need assistance MuCticuCturaCStudent enter, 204 Murph Hall. Memorial Student Union Room 214 call Campus Police 8:30 p.m -10 p.m Open House get InvoCvedl Thursday, August 27, 2009 (336) 334-7675 to 1:00pm 5:00 pm THE A&T REGISTER only solici 336-334-7800 all events for the calendar from tl University Event Center websil

EDITOR IN CHIEF: Dexter Mullins EDITORIAL CARTOONIST: Evan Summerville THE A&T REGISTER is published every Wednesday The A&T MANAGING EDITOR: Malcolm S. Eustache NCATREGISTER.COM: Stacie Bailey, (Online Editor) during the fall and spring semesters by students at REGISTER NEWS EDITOR: Jasmine Johnson WRITERS: MarcusThompson North Carolina A&T State University. One copy is SPORTS EDITOR: Daniel Henderson PR DIRECTOR: Kenny Flowers available free ofcharge to all readers. Additional Box E-25 SCENE EDITOR: LaPorsha Lowry BUSINESS MANAGER: Brittany Dandy copies may be picked up at the Register's newsroom 1601E. Market Street COPY DESK CHIEF: Anjan Basu BUSINESS ASSISTANT: Carlton Brown (subject to availability). All subscription requests Greensboro, NC 27411 COPY EDITOR: Ashley Reid johnathan Veal, Brown, should be directed to theBusiness department. Newsroom: NCB 328A CONTRIBUTORS: Alessandra LaRia PHOTO EDITOR: Kenneth Hawkins Land, Sylvia Obeli, Ricardo Lawson, Monterius Smith, Kelcie Mc- THEA&T REGISTER has a weekly circulation of (336) 334-7700 STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER: Michaela Edwards, Crae, Whitney Mack-Obi, Jiril demons, Prince Askew 5,000copies on-campus and in the community and is Fax (336) 256-0833 Shante Mathes FACULTY ADVISER: Emily Harris a member ofThe Associated Press, The Associated Collegiate Press and the Black College Wire. The A&T Register | | Wednesday, August 19,2009 Welcome Aggies, From Chancellor Martin

HAROLD L.MARTIN SR. excited about the opportunity to return As students on this historic campus, activities outside the classrooms Harold L. Martin, Sr. was elected Contributor home to North Carolina A&T and the you have a wonderful opportunity to I encourage youto engage in activities Chancellor of North Carolina Greensboro Community. gain access to a remarkable education that will have a long term impact on Agricultural & Technical State Dear Students As alumni of the institution, we that is supported by outstanding faculty your personal and professional growth University on Friday, May 21, 2009. realize how fortunate we are to have and staff. and development, such as travel abroad I wish to extend an enthusiastic the opportunity to serve our beloved As you return to the University for experiences, an internship experience, Heis thefirstAlumnus ofthe institution welcome toall ofournew and returning alma mater - one ofAmerica's premier the Fall 2009 semester, I encourage student leadership, volunteering to help to taketheroll ofChancellor. Previously students to the campus of North institutions ofhigher education. you to commit yourselves to taking someone in need, etc. he served as the UNC System Vice Carolina A&T State University. North Carolina A&T State University full advantage of the exceptional Maythisbe a successful andrewarding President, the second highest ranking What an exciting time to be a student is apublic, land-grant institution that is educational experiences afforded you academic year for each ofyou. official. on our campus! Since becoming the committed to fulfilling its fundamental as students on this campus. Again, welcome. twelfth chancellor of this wonderful purposes through exemplary Such experiences are characterized Sincerely, He has also been the Dean of the institution, my wife Davida and I undergraduate and graduateinstruction, by exciting discussions and debates College ofEngineering at A&T, and a have been overwhelmed by the warm scholarly and creative research, and within the classrooms and laboratories Harold L. Martin, Sr. professor in the same department. His reception we have received. We are effectivepublic service. and social and leadership development Chancellor office is on thefourthfloor ofDowdy. Gov. Pat Quinn urges all University of Illinois trustees to resign

STACY ST. CLAIR Niranjan Shah and board mem- from undue attention at the law MCT Campus bers Lawrence Eppley and Ed- school and other programs. ward McMillan _ already of- The Tribune has found that CHICAGO _ Gov. Pat Quinn fered to step down. trustees meddled in the applica- asked all University of Illinois Quinn has accepted Eppley's tion process nearly 100 times in trustees for resignation letters and Shah's resignations, saying the last three years. Some appli- Friday in the wake ofa scathing the search for theirreplacements cants, including trustees' rela- report about the school's admis- will begin immediately. tives and friends, were admitted sions scandal, but at least two McMillan, a Republican who over the objections of admis- members of the appointed body was appointed by Quinn in May, sions staff. are prepared to ignore his call. submitted his letter within 15 Trustee James Montgomery, Kenneth Schmidt and James minutes of the report's release for example, is singled out in IUU Montgomery pushed back, say- and is expected to be retained. the report for inquiring about ing that complying withthe gov- He was the only trustee on the the 2009 rejection of an appli- ernor's directive would be tan- nine-member board who wasn't cant related to his daughter's tamount to admitting guilt.Both involved in the admissions boyfriend. men deny any ethical lapses scandal The denial was not over- in connection with revelations Quinn called McMillan "a turned, and Montgomery does that the university gave special very good man" and said he has not believe he crossed any ethi- consideration to applicants with received the names of "scores" cal lines when heasked ifit was powerful patrons, including uni- of people interested in serving "too late" for the applicant. versity trustees. on the U. of I. board. He hopes Likewise, Schmidt said he The Illinois Admissions Re- to have the new members ap- broke no rules when he forward- WE'RE EVERYWHERE YOU TO view Commission recommend- pointed by the trustee's next ed the names of six students in WANT ed Thursday that all trustees of- meeting in September, an ambi- the last three years. fer to step down so the governor tious timetable by any measure. One of his relatives also was BE, KIND OF LIKE VISA, BUT BETTER. can decide who should stay. The Illinois Constitution says admitted to the law school after In its 45-page report, the* blue- the governor can remove trust- his application was flagged with ribbon panel blasted the board ees for "incompetence, neglect a directive to handle with "vel- for leadership failures and for of duty, or malfeasance." vet gloves." NCATREGISTER.COM contributing to a university cul- "If people refuse to resign, Aresignation letter _ even one ture "that too easily tolerated they open themselves up to the that was rejected by the gover- undue influence." possibility of being fired," said nor _ would seem an acknowl- "If I jump to submit a letter of Bernard Judge, who sat on the edgment of impropriety, Mont- resignation now, it would say I state panel. gomery said. was agreeing with the panel's The commission's recommen- "To me, it would be equiva- recommendations. dation came after an eight-week lent to a personal admission I do not agree with all the investigation in which nearly 40 of attempting to interfere with Professor optsfor'crowdsourcing'overtraditional grading panel's recommendations and witnesses and more than 9,000 the process of admission, and I therefore, I will not do that," pages of documents outlined have not. Therefore, I don't plan said Schmidt, the longest-serv- how the Urbana-Champaign to resign," Montgomery said. STACY ST. CLAIR And it also brings the professor's role into ing board member. campus gave preferential treat- "Ienjoy my service as atrustee MCT Campus question. The governor would not spec- ment to well-connected stu- and plan to continue to do so." Is Davidson's job to simply give students in- ulate Friday what would happen dents. Trustees Frances Carroll and DURHAM, N.C. _ In one English class this formation, or is she a manager, guiding students if any trustees refused his re- Quinn appointed the panel Robert Vickrey did not return fall, Duke students will grade themselves. as they figure out things for themselves? quest. None submitted resigna- after a Chicago Tribune series calls. Both have questioned the That's the ideabehind Cathy Davidson's "This Zakrajsek doesn't know Davidson, but read the tions Friday. revealed that more than 800 un- wisdom of a groupresignation. is Your Brain on the Internet" course, an explo- course description on her blog and came away "I hope the remaining trustees dergraduate applicants over five Trustee James Montgomery, ration of thought in the rapidly changing age of impressed with how thoroughly the course has see the wisdom of this report... years were tagged "Category If for example, is singled out in digital technology. been thought out. and step aside," he said. "Some- meaning they received special the report for inquiring about "Do all the work, you get an A," she writes on But he does wonder whether students are qual- times in life you think about consideration because of their the 2009 rejection of an appli- ablog explaining her course. "Don't need an A? ified to decide whether class work is satisfac- things bigger than yourself." connections to elected officials, cant related to his daughter's Don't have timeto do all the work? No problem. tory. Three trustees Chairman generous donors or university boyfriend. You can aim for and earn a B. There will be a "She's not way out on the fringe," Zakrajsek trustees. Dozens more benefited chart. You do the assignment satisfactorily, you said. "She's justadamant about the fact that she get the points. Add up the points, there's your doesn't like grades. grade." (But) I think students need real feedback to That practice, called contract grading, has been know how they're doing in the class. Are stu- employed for decades. Here's the twist: in Da- dents the best to make that determination?" vidson's class, students will decide whether the Zach Perret, a Duke senior studying biology assignments are completed satisfactorily. and chemistry, said the new class format may Two students will lead each class, selecting lead students to collaborate more and compete The A&T less. readings and writing assignments and evaluat- ing student work. "It's a competitive place," Perret said. "Unfor- There will be no exams orresearch papers, un- tunately, that culture leads to a little too much less a student wants to write one, according to competition. It may make it a little more about Davidson's blog. Students will worktogether on learning." REGISTER a final multimedia project. Lee D. Baker, dean of academic affairs for On her blog, Davidson explains why she's es- Duke's Trinity College of Arts & Sciences, said chewing traditional grading for this new meth- faculty members are encouraged to try new ways WE'VE GONE ELECTRONIC. od, known as "crowdsourcing," in which a task of teaching. usually done by one person is instead done by "Cathy Davidson is a seasoned instructor and SO WHAT'S YOUR EXCUSE FOR NOT KNOWING a group. an innovative scholar," Baker said. "And re- WHAT'S HAPPENING ON CAMPUS? "After returning to teaching after several years search suggests that the more students are en- as an administrator, I found grading to be the gaged in each aspect of the class, the more learn- most outmoded, inconsequential, and irrelevant ing takes place." feature of teaching. Davidson, who has tenure, was on vacation NCATREGISTER.COM Thus for (this class), all students will receive and difficult to reach. She did leave voice mail the grade ofA if they do all the work and their for The News & Observer saying in part that she peers certify that they have done so in a satisfac- is pleasantly surprised by the attention her blog tory fashion," she writes. post about her new course has received. "Everyone who chooses to do the work to the The comment section prompted some teachers satisfaction of his or her collaborative peers in to encourage her use of crowdsourcing. Others the course will receive an A, but no one is re- saw value in professors grading. quired to do all of the work or to earn an A." In 2003, Alex Halavais used a similar ap- Davidson's approach to this course is unusu- proach for a communications course he taught al, said Todd Zakrajsek executive director of at the State University of New York's Buffalo the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill's campus. HEY Center for Faculty Excellence. He likes the idea of having students evaluate AGGIES! Plenty of faculty members take issue with each other's work and believes they learn more grading, and some surrender a portion of a class from each other than from a professor. to student evaluation, Zakrajsek said. But Da- But inhis class ofmore than 100 students, stu- cer Ingredients, vidson is essentially giving students total con- dents created teams and alliances, forging agree- tetter'Pizza. trol of grading. ments with each other to drive up the grades of STUDENT SPECIAL Doing so, he says, poses a complicated ques- each member of a team while driving down the tion. grades of students outside the clique. LARGE 1 TOPPING "If the real essence of a college education is to "I had failed to anticipate how collaborative S7.99 become a learned individual, grades really are they would be," said Halavais, now a commu- (336) 954-7575 inconsequential," he said. "But we're also using nications professor at Quinnipiac University in an education to gauge whoreally is learning." Connecticut. "Not to do good work, but to get The A&T Register | | Wednesday, August 19,2009 Chinese mayor apologizes for lead poisoning of two villages

DAVIDWIVELL recent test showed her 3-year- systems and cause high blood tions, Xinhua said. Fighting be- village Tuesday to try to pacify in Geneva, said lead stays in the Associated Press old daughter had high levels of pressure, anemia and memory tween angry parents and scores residents. body for years after exposure lead. loss. It is especially harmful to of police broke out Sunday, and "They wanted to persuade and continues to affect brain de- CHANGQING, China (AP) - A Environmental problems young children, pregnant wom- trucks delivering coal to the us not to cause trouble, but they velopment and the nervous sys- mayor apologized to residents have escalated as China's econ- en and fetuses, and that damage plant were stoned. didn't provide any solution to tem in growing children. of two Chinese villages where omy booms, sometimes prompt- is usually irreversible, accord- The mayor said the plant our problems," Ma said by tele- "Medical treatment exists, more than 600 children were ing violentprotests. Counting on ing to the World Health Organi- halted production only on Mon- phone. but will not be successful in sickened by lead poisoning, say- lax enforcement of regulations, zation day because of safety reasons. Associated Press journalists removing all the lead from the ing a nearby smelter targeted by some companies find it easier The mayor of Baoji city, "We had to make sure the gas saw no sign of workers at the body," he said. angry protests would not reopen and cheaper to dump poisons which oversees Changqing, ar- in the pipeline was exhausted factory Tuesday, while about 50 Xinhua said authorities have until it meets health standards, into rivers and the groundrather rived at the plant Monday as before the plant was finally shut police officers guarded the com- promised to relocate hundreds of state media said Tuesday. than dispose of them safely. hundreds of villagers were pro- down," Dai said in the Xinhua pound. families within two years, with Authorities have promised At least 615 of 731 chil- testing, tearing down fences and report. Another 50 sat in police bus- the building of new homes about to relocate hundreds of families dren in two villages near the blocking traffic outside the fac- A man surnamed Ma who es. The windows ofthe factory's 3 miles (5 kilometers) from the within two years, the official Dongling Lead and Zinc Smelt- tory, Xinhua reported. lives in Madaokou — the other reception area and security of- plant starting last week. Xinhua News Agency said, but ing Co. plant in Shaanxi prov- Dai Zhengshe apologized of the badly affected villages, fice were shattered. Deng, the farmer, cradledher residents were not reassured. ince's Changqing town have and said the plant will not be about 500 yards (meters) from A few hundred children were daughter and said she thought "If they relocate us to these tested positive for lead poison- allowed to op"en again until it the factory — said residents being tested Tuesday for lead those houses would still be too nearby places, who can guaran- ing. Some had lead levels 10 meets health standards, the re- believed at least two villagers poisoning in a third village, close. tee that ourbabies will be safe?" times the level China considers port said. were takenfrom their homes by Luobosi "There is lead in the air, the said farmer Deng Xiaoyan, a safe. Villagers had been enraged police Monday night. Dr. Pascal Haefliger, a health air is polluted, everything is resident of Sunjianantou, one of Lead poisoning can damage by the plant's defiance of the He said the Baoji city gov- and environment expert with polluted," she said. the affected villages. She said a the nervous and reproductive Aug. 6 order to suspend opera- ernment sent officials to his the World Health Organization Ascetic Afghanistan presidential candidate wins support during election

HEIDI VOGT Although little-known out- front-runner Karzai and fourth fore moving to Pakistan eluding 260 foreign charities, sharing Associated Press side Afghanistan, this 48-year place contender Ashraf Ghani. Five years later he went to that he wanted closed due to al- "Do you think that Mullah old bachelor has earned a repu- During the debate, broad- study in France and earned a leged corruption. Omar will come and join you KABUL (AP) Presidential tation at home for fighting graft cast nationally on government doctorate in law from the So- The move would have shut- and work under you as governor candidate Ramazan- Bashardost and rejecting the trappings of television, Bashardost criticized cial Sciences University of Tou- tered about 80 percent of the of a province?" he asked a fel- works out of a tent, eschews power. Karzai for bringing too many louse. He has never been mar- country's NGOs. When Karzai low candidate on a recent televi- meat and refuses bodyguards. He served, and quit, as a former warlords into the gov- ried and has no children. didn't accept his recommenda- sion news program, referring to With a message of asceti- minister under President Hamid ernment He came back to Afghanistan tions, he quit. the Taliban leader. cism and charity, he has struck a Karzai, and is currently a law- "The local people I have talk- following the ouster of the Tali- After he resigned the post, The comment so enraged chord with Afghan voters, disil- maker for Kabul. ed to, they ask, 'This man who ban in 2001 and worked in the Bashardost was elected as Ka- the other candidate, Moham- lusioned with candidates tainted Yet he lives in a simplehouse is now our governor is the same Foreign Ministry, specializing bul's representative in the 2006 mad Sarwar Ahmadzi, that he by ties to warlords and govern- in a modest neighborhood — man who killed our relatives. inrelations with Europe. parliamentary elections. grabbed a bottle of water from ment corruption. rather than the kind of lavish Why is he governor now?'" He served briefly as planning- Underlining his frugal ways, the table and moved to throw A recent poll showedBashar- villa customary for powerful Bashardost said. minister in Karzai's first admin- Bashardost hasrun his campaign it at Bashardost, but stopped dost, a former planning minister, Afghans — and has a frugal "All murderers should be istration and was critical of the out of a tent pitched in front of short. running third among the more lifestyle. kicked out of the government role played by foreign non-gov- Parliament which he has used as In the Sunday debate,Bashar- than three dozen candidates He avoids soft drinks and and put on trial." ernmental organizations, saying his office since being elected to dost promised that he had much ahead of Thursday's election, meat, saying he has given up Bashardost, an ethnic Haz- their staff salaries were draining the legislature. more criticism to direct at the with about 10percent support. such luxuries in solidarity with ara, was born in Ghazni prov- money that should have gone to Although he uses a dove of government and other candi- While he is very unlikely to the majority of Afghans who ince to a family of government the Afghan people — a theme peace as his campaign symbol, dates, but said he would hold win, Bashardost's support could cannot afford them. employees. He left the country with" growing resonance in a he describes himself as a realist back in the public forum, rather prove critical if no single candi- "There are lots of needy during political turmoil in 1978, country where despite billions and has criticized other candi- than risk getting pelted. date wins 50 percent ofthe vote, people around the country and just before the Soviet invasion in aid over the past eight years, dates for promising negotiations "I don't want any water bot- and theelection goes into a two- poor people who don't have any that promptedmillions to flee. most remain mired in poverty. with the Taliban when the mili- tle fights between us here," he wayrunoff. bread to eat," Bashardost said He went to Iran, where he Bashardost submitted a list tants have given no indication joked. during a debate Sunday with graduated from high school, be- of more than 1,900 NGOs, in- they are open to talks on power-


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ot a nose for news? Join the staff! Stop by General Glassroom Building A328 for the 411. Training is provided! The A&T Register | | Wednesday, August 19,2009 Honestly, just be honest During the voyage through about, right? You always hear "Well, I used to play lie ended in more agree that honesty is one of the as individuals. Professors are al- college, there are things taught the phrases, "two-faced" arid sports in high school" than necessary. most attractive traits in some- ways saying you should have a from a text book headed by a "shady" or especially "fake" or the often heard, Lying is not only one, but they are not 100 per- five-year plan. man or woman at the front of whenpeople speak ofthose they "Yea, I been with that harmful to the person cent honest about the type of Know where you want tobe in the room encounter on a college campus, person and this one." you lie to, but can also person they are interested in or the future and various means of Meanwhile, there are some but how "real" are we really be- I'm more so refer- cause damage to you as the type ofrelationship they are getting there. lessons that can only be learned ing with ourselves. ring to the lies that af- well. pursuing. This is impossible if dishones- first-hand through experience. College seems to induce the fect others and the lies Once the lie has been Don't say you want a long- ty disrupts the flow of forward We are not just students of feeling of being grown, but very that are hard to get out told you now have the termrelationship if you are only movement. Ifyou know you are the classroom at a college or few seem to know what itreally of once you, yourself, STACIE responsibility of up- interested in sex. a lazy person, do not plan to be university. encompasses. come to therealization BAILEY holding the standard of Do not tell your friends you a millionaire one day. We must remember that we Being "grown" is not just an have been with acertain amount Ifyou know for afact you suck are also students learning the application of age or freedom; nally said was not at all what yourself. Of people if that is not you. at math, do not spend a whole lessons that life has to offer it is also something that comes actually is. Lying about personality traits What good does it do to con- lot of time with accounting. and will only gain knowledge with taking responsibility for Take for example, a relation- is one thing, but when you lie form to what everyone expects Be true to who you TRULY through listening and paying at- one's own actions. ship. about something you may have of you instead of giving them are and make your own path. tention to our surroundings and Going to the club or the latest You could say all these great said or done, you convince something unexpected and be- Be a leader and not a follower. ourselves party is the ideal weekend, but and wonderfulthings about your yourself as well. ing honest? Conforming does not make you One lesson in particular de- whose fault is it that the report personality and goals and what How real are you REALLY Too many times we find our- unique orprove you are any bet- serving highlight is honesty. that was assigned at the begin- you are looking for in someone, being if you cannot be honest selves in situations that could teror differentthan those around Everyone says they want to ning of the semester has not but the second you lie to your- with yourself? have been avoided had we been you. Duh! be around people that will be been researched a week before self, you have already reached Ok, so you did not pay $200 honest with ourselves from the You get jobs by standing out. honest with them, let themknow school releases? How does this the point of lying to the other plus dollars for your jacket or start. Duh! You get money by getting when they are in the wrong or if tie into honesty? person. you have neveractually met Jay Outside the affect on an indi- a job. Duh! there is room for improvement. To be perfectly honest, how While many might say how Z...who cares? vidual, there is also the factor on You can actually afford to pay We all want to be around can you expect others to be hon- small and unimportant those lies Nobody wants to get to know one's future. College is meant to $200 for the jacket you lied someone who will let us know est with you if you continue to are, someone else whohas been someone whobarely knows him be a learning experience. about. Change starts from with- what is really on their mind... lie to yourself? lied to might say that the small, or herself. Learning about a career field, in. .so do not complain about it that is what being real is all Not the small white lies of, unimportance of that very same When asked, many would people and more importantly us be .about it. What every freshman should know Make it last forever I m going to let you ask if you are going whenI tell you. Summa Cumme Laude, or with What can I do for random, crazy, but in on a big secret, and il to class. By accepting The third thing you have to highest honors. Now I'm shar- fun? How hard will hilarious times you is going to completely this fact first, you set do is try. Really, that's it. If you ing that same wisdom with you. my classes be? Will I will experience during revolutionize yourthink- yourself up to jour- can-find the courage to actually Those three things will carry make any friends? All your four years here at ing. It's so groundbreak- ney dowrj the college try to study, to try to do your you through college, the easy these questions are just A&T. ing and earth shattering, highway in the fast homework, to try and write your way, ifyou will let them.Every- some of the worries of My roommate from you may have to ques- lane. term papers, go to the library, one yourentire life has told you incoming freshmen ev- freshmen yearwrote on tion everything you have The second thing get out of your bed for class, that college is the most difficult ery year here at A&T. my wall on Facebook ever been told. Are you you have to do is and try to participate, you may part of your educational career, Being a peer mentor not too long ago, and ready? Here it goes...DEXTER build upon the first actually find that it's all worth but I beg to differ. I think that last year allowed me ASHLEY she said she was laugh- College is easy. Ex- MULLINS thing, by taking re- while. Heck you might even what they mean to say is that to hear the concerns of REID ing about the song one tremely easy. In fact, it's sponsibility for every learn a thing ortwo. embracing responsibility and the freshmen class and of the SGA candidates so easy; there are days when you decision you make. I know that Before you know it, you'll individual freedom is what can my advice isto make the best ol from freshmen yearhad. If any- won't even have to try. I know you have probably already heard find yourself trying to answer make it so difficult. your situation. one remembers the Curtis Walls what you're thinking, "did he this, but.just thinkfor a second. questions in class, and trying to People run into problems A&T is a fun place although it campaign, then you know the really just say that?" Yes, I did. Can you really get mad at your educate yourself, trying to get when they choose to let the par- may not seem that way at times. song, but just reminiscing about The truth of the matter is that professor for giving you a bad the most out of your $13,000 - ties and ability to finally just do After looking back on my own going around singing that song college is easy, granted you do grade at mid terms ifyou didn't $25,000 (depending on your tu- nothing get to them, and that is experiences freshmen year and laughing made those memories a few simple things to keep it go to class? ition status) college experience. their fast track to their educa- overall atA&T, my best memo- mean so much more. that way. Taking responsibility is criti- I was fortunate enough to tional demise. It doesn't have ries were ones that friends cre- Some may call you childish, First things first, you have to cal to making sure that things have some upperclassmen pull to be that way for you. The best ated. Making up dances in the some people may even frown, first accept that fact that no one stay easy, because once you do me aside on the first day of class, part is, college is like the reset box rooms ofHaley Hall and be- but having those memories past is going to be here to hold your that, you most certainly will and share this wisdom with me. button on a video game, because ing on stage with 11 other Steve your college days are worth it. hand. No more mommy and have no trouble with the third I had no idea who she was, but I you get to start all over. Urkels stepping are justsome of Take advantage of any and ev- daddy to wake you up, remind thing. And it's something so found out later that she was the Take this second chance and the memories that will never be ery opportunity. Take a stroll you to do your homework, or simple, you won't believe it SGA President, who graduated run with it. The easy way. forgotten. Those nights playing around campus, do not be double dutch in front of the cafe afraid to talk to people you do were so much fun. Did A&T not know, and step out of your provide a lot of my memories? comfort zone. Be involved on Yes, but in reality it only pro- campus and participate in free vided a location. events, you will learn to appre- The best advice to incom- ciate the free things in life after Evan Summerville 8/19/09 ing freshmen is to create your being here atA&T! own memories. Do not wait for An undergraduate experience others or A&T to create these at A&T only comes across once amazing memories because you in your life. Have fun, study, Excuse will leave disappointed. Some laugh, cry, and most importantly class i room 3<« of those nights where boredom become an Aggie. Your paying will set in can become oppor- for the experience, so why not tunity for some of the most get your money's worth? fors 5et

JheA&T REGISTER HISTORY! Barack Obamabecomes America's first Black president letters to The A&T Ilimilli imnjiiriiniinii" ~lilF

Aggies rejoice overObama victory Where were you when this happened? We were there. You could be too. Contributors meetings are every Wednesday at EE i Z£ 5 p.m. in the General Classroom Building. The A&T Register I I Wednesday, August 19,2009 V-ball team hopes for spike in interest Favre is back in PRINCE ASKEW was asked what he thought about the ence and win." gie history to record 1,000 kills and Register Reporter aggie volleyball team his response was, The Lady Aggies willkick offanother 1,000 digs. "I didn't even know we had a volleyball season on August 28 and 29 during the The team should show some im- When you go to an Aggie basketball team untilnot too long ago." William & Mary Tournament in Wil- provement under her second year as After asking three female students liamsburg, Va. an assistant with her guidance and the NFL, game you witness a packed arena, fans that root for their team every game no selected at random from campus if they Last year's disappointing 7-22 record coaching strategies. matter how many times they lose. When had ever been to one of the volleyball leaves'the lady aggies looking torebound A little more cheering from the Practices you go to the football games, you see ex- games, they all said no with a look on under the tutelage of Head Coach Toni crowd wouldn't hurt either. cited alumni and freshman ready to wit- their face as to say, 'who goes to volley- Conway and second-year Assistant Head are under way and the first games again ness America's favorite sport. Students ball games?' Coach Arlene Mitchell. are less than a month away. With a to sporting events Senior Wayne Dennis referred to vol- Mitchell says that they "are an excel- little more support, the lady volley- come prepared those DAVE CAMPBELL ready to aggie pride. That leyball as a "white women's sport," and lent combination that our team needs." ball team may be able to improve on show their AP Sports Writer same enthusiasm however, doesn't carry said he would not go to a game simply Coach Mitchell was once a standout that record from a year ago. Malone over to the volleyball team. It's just not because, "it's not a man's sport." volleyball player herself. She gradu- wouldn't mind the extra home court (AP) as popular a sport as some of the others. To go to practice faithfully and work ated from North Carolina A&T in 2007 advantage. EDEN PRAIRIE, Minn. - Volleyball just isn't football or basket- hard to win despite the sport not being a with a B.S. degree in sports science/fit- "We would like to see more fans. Brett Favre is coming back for ball. Nevertheless, ittoo, can be exciting "favorite" amongst your peers says a lot. ness management. Aside from receiving Our fan base could always be a little more. at times. Optimism within the team isriding high. the Freshman Female of the Year award stronger." Mitchell shares in that sen- The 39-year-old QB turned With the long volleys, hard spikes "Team chemistry is looking promising," after her first year she also received the timent, "Of course we would like to his back on retirement for the and precise serves, volleyball has its mo- said senior biology major Janae Mitch- Aggie Club Award for excellence on the see more faces in the crowd. There is second time in as many years, ments. For one reason oranother howev- ell. "I expect to see a team that is more court. She would laterearn the N.C. A&T always room for a larger fan base." agreeing Tuesday to play for the er, it doesn'treceive the kind of attention mentally tough, hungry to finish each Sports Hall ofFame Award, and the N.C. All A&T students are encouraged Vikings. the other sports do. Quite frankly A&T play, and more competitive." Senior Sta- A&T Female Senior Athlete of the Year. to come and check out a volleyball Favre took a morning flight students just don't have too much inter- cey Malone expects much of the same. She holds numerous records for A&T game or two in the Corbett Sports on a team plane from Missis- est. When A&T senior Jamal Lumpkins "We want to' attend the MEAC confer- and is the only volleyball player in Ag- Arena. sippi to Minnesota, arrived to cheering fans outside the team's practice facility and was in a helmet and pads less than 90 minutes later. His red practice jersey was the familiar No. 4, Woods chopped in PGA the same number he wore for Vick takes to field years with the rival Green Bay Packers team confirmed a deal DAN GELSTON as an Eagle, can only play in Week 3 against Pittsburgh The to The AP Sports the last two preseason games, Westbrook also had his left Championship by Yang was done Associated not starting with a home matchup knee cleaned out shortly after Press, but terms were imme- against the Jacksonville Jag- the Eagles lost to Arizona in diately disclosed. PHILADELPHIA (AP) NANCYARMOUR and Asian, would build their come- uars Aug. the NFC championship game This is Favre's second Vick was under center— and Bri- on 27. APNationalWriter dreams and expand their hori- NFL Commissioner Roger last January. He experienced back. A year ago, he came out an Westbrook in the backfield. zons." of a short retirement to join the Brent Celek took his spot at Goodell said he would consid- pain in the ankle while rehab- If the reaction back in South er Vick for full reinstatement bing theknee. CHASKA, Minn. (AP) Knowing Jets. tight end. his last remaining-challenger Korea is any guide, they will. Favre had arthroscopic sur- In Vick's ideal scenario, by no later than Week 6 (Oct. Reid has increased West- was about to make birdie, he People woke upbefore dawn to gery to fix his throwing shoul- he'd be taking snaps with the 18-19). brook's workload in each of watch the final round, includ- getting any spe- his three The chipped in from 60 feet for an der in May and three weeks Philadelphia Eagles first-team Vick is not last practices. ing president Lee Myung-bak, versatile may eagle. The crowd roared, and ago told coach Brad Childress offense in a regular season cial treatment in practice. He Westbrook just who later called Yang to offer takes his reps at quarterback sitout the entire preseason and he responded with a scream he would stay retired. The Vi- game, not just a routine pre- and a fistpump. his congratulations. Driving kings wrapped up training camp season practice. behind Donovan McNabb, A.J. take his first snap in the Sept. Got to be TigerWoods wrap- ranges were filled before work last week — Favre was never a Yet that's all it was. Vick Feeley and undrafted rookie 13 opener against Carolina. Monday morning. I'm ping up another major. big fan of training camp — and ran the scout team offense Adam DiMichele. McNabb's "I think right on time, At the Hoban Korean Res- out where want to No, not this time beat Indianapolis 13-3 in their on Tuesday, calling plays for backup, Kevin Kolb, is right I be at," taurant near Hazeltine, where a injury. Westbrook said. "I wouldn't YE. Yang, a South Korean preseason opener Friday. They Westbrook and other starters with knee Yang ate all week, the owners "He to me," a a little who didn't take up the game even got an encouraging perfor- who are injured or recovering looks good mind getting in game not only kept the restaurant Celek said "He bit, I not until he was 19, became the mance from quarterback Sage from injury, and not ready to ofVick. throws but don't think having open Sunday night, they and the ball real well and can read any preseason games would first Asian player to win a ma- Rosenfels, who has been com- play in Thursday's preseason jor championship Sunday. And the entire staff were waiting peting withTarvaris Jackson for game against the defense." hurt me as far as the regular Indianapolis. he took down Woods in the outside, applauding Yang as the starting job. "Best scout team ever," Reid has insisted that Kolb season." PGA Championship to do it. he arrived. All that goes out the window Celek said will be the No. 2, but only two There should be plenty of "You enhanced our people's the to "I usually go for broke," with Favre returning to add to In Octoberand beyond, Vick quarterbacks are normally ac- leg room on flight Indy. morale by winning the major tive. Once Vick is eligible for Defensive end Trent Cole Yang said through an inter- a resume that already includes could be taking snaps with the preter. "The odds are against title for the first time as an nearly every NFL career pass- starters in a game that counts. a regular season game, Reid (shoulder), cornerback Shel- Asian," Lee told Yang, accord- at ex- don Brown (ribs), Todd me. Nobody's going to be real- ing record. "I don't necessarily know could activate Vick the guard ing to Lee's office. a at another Herremans (foot), defensive ly disappointed that I lose. So His zinger of an arm and where he's going to fit in as a pense of player And Yang gave hope to ev- position, likely a special teams end Darren Howard (groin), I really had nothing much at toughness in the pocket are a player, where he's going to fit stake, and that's how I played ery other golfer, showing them combination few possess. With in this player. Reid also could make tackle Jason Peters (quad), offense," Westbrook it." that not only can Woods be an offense he says he could op- said. Kolb the No. 3 QB. tackle Shawn Andrews (back) Beating Woods in a regular beaten, but howto do it. erate inhis sleep, Favre seems to The are not in a two- "I'm not sure what I'm go- and guard Stacy Andrews Eagles tournament would be a big Knowing Woods was on the fit well with Minnesota — epe- minute drill to find out. ing to do there. Something will (knee) are all staying behind. verge of a birdie on 14, Yang are enough shocker for a 37-year- cially given the Vikings' prob- It's been all about normalcy happen," Reid said. So Westbrook, Vick, and chipped from 60 feet for three others. old player who was in PGA in lems finding a reliable quarter- in Vick's first week of practice More crucial to Philadel- eagle to take the lead. had his Tour qualifying school just back since Childress took over with the Eagles. No special phia's success this season than Shawn Andrews With Woods only a stroke Vick is a healthy Westbrook. back examined in Los Angeles nine months ago. That he did in 2006. looks, no Wildcat packages, it in a major is an upset so big behind and in the fairway on The Vikings have Pro Bowl just a fourth-string quarterback Westbrook, a two-time 1,000- on Monday and no structural it sent shock waves around the 18, he made an even more players all over theirroster, with watching and learning. And yardrusher, has felt good in his damage was found. Reid was spectacular shot. since unsure when Andrews would world. reigning NFL rushing leader he's not traveling with the team firstfew practices offsea- Despite a tree blocking his surgery. practice, Woods was 14-0 when he Adrian Peterson in the backfield to Indianapolis because he can- son ankle view of the flag, Yang's 3-iron play was atop the leaderboard go- and a dominant defensive line. not play in the game Andy The star running back had Reid said starters will hybrid cleared a bunker and — tissue against the ing into the final round of a No matter who's behind center, Reid's usual policy. surgery to remove scar the first half Colts. settled 12feet away. and bone from his The fans be watching major. they ought to be in position to Vick, who has not com- fragments will He made the final birdie to right ankle in June. He initially so will Vick and several He had never lost any tour- defend their NFC North title. mented since Friday's press close with a 2-under 70, giv- conference, hurt the ankle last season in teammates nament on American soil To win the and conference introducing him when leading by more than ing him a three-shot victory perhaps that elusive Super one shot. when Woods missed yet an- Bowl, they'll need stability at Yang's stunning victory other short par putt. the sport's most critical posi- might turn out to be a water- "I played well enough to win tion. shed for the Asian-bom men's the championship. I did not Favre has wrestled with re- game, too, much the way Se putt well enough to win the tirement for most of this decade Bolt attempts championship," said Woods, Jamiaca's Ri Pak was for women. and the will-he-or-won't-he Since she won the LPGA whose 75 was his worst score saga became an annual offsea- Championship and U.S. ever in the final round of the son drama for the Packers, his Women's Open in 1998, seven major when he was in the last longtime home. In Green Bay, to strike twice South Korean women have group. the latest news dieted a few combined to win 11 majors. "I didn't get it done on the shrugs, little more. Yang and K.J. Choi are the greens, and consequently, I A few months after Favre's RAFCASERT sixth in the 100 final the women's 100, again leav- only PGA Tour players who didn't win the golf tourna- tearful goodbye news confer- AP Sports Writer Shawn Crawford, the 2004 ing the Americans wondering learned golf in South Korea ment." ence in March 2008, Green Bay Olympic champion, had the top how they will ever keep one before coming to America. Though Yangwon the Honda traded him to the Jets when he BERLIN (AP) - Looking for his qualifying time of 20.60 during of those sleek yellow jerseys "That really created a huge Classic in March, he was best tried to come back, only tolearn second gold medal ofthe world a session slowed by chilly tem- behindthem. boom in Korea golf-wise, known for holding off Woods the Packers were committed to championships, Usain Bolt peratures under an overcast sky With her Jamaican record, where everybody started pick- at the HSBC Champions in Aaron Rodgers. Favre started easily advanced to' the second at the Olympic Stadium. Fraser joined Christine Arron ing up clubs instead of tennis China three years ago. But strong in New York, but faded round of the 200 meters Tues- Steve Mullings of Jamaica ofFrance as the third-bestrun- rackets and baseball bats," they weren't paired together down the stretch amid problems day. was second in 20.62. ner in history, behind the late Yang said. "I hope this win then. with his throwing arm and, with Two days after setting a world "I did what I was supposed to Florence Griffith-Joyner and would be, if not as significant, And itwasn't a major. another "I'm done" announce- record of 9.58 seconds to win do," Crawford said. "I tried to the disgraced Marion Jones. something quite parallel to an But trailing by two shots ment, headed for his second re- the 100, Bolt was sleepy com- get as many cobwebs out as I Qualifying presented no sur- impact both to golf in Korea going into the final round at tirement. ing into the stadium and .still could." prises early Tuesday. as well as golf in Asia so that Hazeltine National, Yang was The Jets released him from set the early morning alight by The U.S. team needs to do so Olympic champion LaShawn all the young golfers, Korean simply unflappable. his contract right after the draft winning his heat, even though fast if it is to challenge the Ja- Merritt and defending cham- and soon after, the Vikings were his 20.70 was 1.40 off his maicans for sprint supremacy pion Jeremy Warmer eas- openly expressing interest. worldrecord. at the championships. ily qualified for Wednesday's Favre spent the summer work- "All right," was all the big- They lost 5-0 in Olympic ti- semifinals in the 400. Like sports? The A&T ing out in Mississippi and led gest star of the championships tles at the Beijing Games and In the high jump, local fa- everyone to believe he was on said ofhis performance. are already 2-0behind after the vorite Ariane Friedrich scaled Register looking his way back to the NFL until Bolt was as short on words as 100s. 1.95 meters in her only jump is for last month. on antics. The specter ofanother rout is to make Thursday's final, "It was the hardest decision Even his playacting was sub- looming ever larger, especially along with defending cham- writers to add to Hhe I've ever made," Favre told dued, putting both hands to his with Gay out for the 200 and pion Blanka Vlasic of Croatia. ESPN then. "I didn't feel like cheeks and pushing his head doubtful for therelays. Yelena Slesarenko of Russia, 7 physically I could play at a level into them to show how sleepy The final for the 200 is set for the 2004 Olympic champion, Score . Contributors that was acceptable." he was. Thursday. twice faced elimination but And yet here comes Favre, In the absence of injured Bolt is also favored to lead jumped 1.92and 1.95. who turns 40 inOctoberand said American and defending Jamaica to a sprint relay gold In the discus, overpowering meetings are last month he didn't think he had champion Tyson Gay, Bolt is on Saturday to equal his feat Olympic and defending world enough left to get through a full the overwhelming favorite for of three golds at the Beijing champion Gerd Kanter quali- Wednesday at p.m. season. "Ihad to becarefulnot to gold. Olympics. fied on his first throw with a 5 in commit for the wrong reasons," British sprinterDwain Cham- Late Monday, Olympic toss of 66.73 meters, easily Favre said then. "I'm 39 with a bers also pulled outofthe event champion Shelly-Ann Fraser beating the qualifying mark of theGCB, room 328A. lot of sacks to my name." due to an injury after finishing led a 1-2 Jamaican finish in 64.50. We realize campus isn't small. This map will help you find your way. Hopefully.

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/ □ The A&T Register | | Wednesday, August 19,2009 Gate City attracts celebs, events


Asanative oftheWashington D.C. metropolitan, the initial The A&T Register's thought ofGreensboro, N.C. as the next Atlanta, Los Angeles, guide to what's going or even Charlotte seems on this week in arts laughable. When compared to the and entertainment. staple cities of this nation that are defined by their continued culturalandhistoricalrelevance, Mya Joins somehow Greensboro just doesn't make the list oftop ten DWTS Cast! places to visit. singers Mya Although the history of R&B Greensboro speaks for itself, Macy Gray, and and NFL ever since the era of the civil Hall of Famer Michael rights movement that molded Irvin, are among the the legacy of this city, it has newest cast members for taken some time to revive the the ABC hit show "Danc- appeal. ing With The Stars." The Yet, one cannot ignore that is 3-night premeire will be on this relatively small town progressively gaining some September INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS 21st. new interest and recognition starring Brad Pitt and -L.L as a destination for tourists, popular concert series, and as a directed by Quentin Tarintino, vibrant college town. hits theaters Friday. The war As the home to seven film depicts a plan to universities, with so many assassinate the Nazi Pleasure P young people living here, leadership and was filmed in "Under" the city of Greensboro is WEB PHOTO FROM THE A&T UNCG UNIVERSITY GATEWAYRESESARCH PARK several locations, including developing into a hub for BIG STARS AND BIG EVENTS Several prominent eventsand performers made their way toGreensboroduring the summer, adding to the city's Germany and France. The The former front man culture and entertainment. entertainment and lifestyle profile and drawing comparisons to Charlotte and Atlanta. for Pretty- Ricky makes Downtown you will find title was inpsired by the 1978 quite an impression in this various posh and upscale dance movie "The Inglourious smooth song, with some of and comedy clubs, as well as Civil Rights Center and the Coliseum on July 27, what mention worthy. To keep up Basterds" ("Quel maledetto the "grown folks" themes unique dining experiences. Museum that will have grand a spectator could only describe with all the happenings in treno'blindato"). that his former group is Among the many cultural sites opening ceremonies beginning as "phenomenal." the area residents can follow -L.L, known for. Greensboro has to offer are February 1, 2010. Such According to, Greensboro on twitter. -L.L a City Arts Drama Center, a attractions are adding to the an online news publication for The city even has various Center for Visual Artists, and reputability of Greensboro as the city, people were traveling Facebook groups to track a wonderfully established city a metropolitan and certainly from as far away as Georgia to nightlife, sports teams, ballet company. generating some much needed see her in concert. Later onthis news, and anything else Also, according to the revenue for the city. year, Greensboro can also look "Greensboro." Most would LiTWayne Greensboro government Even this summer some of forward to big musical acts agree that this town still has,a "Every Girl" sponsored website, one of mainstream music's biggest like Brittany Spears and Miley long way to go to reach the top chose to make Greensboro "Hannah Montana" Cyrus, as ten list mentioned earlier, but This song is just wrong the major tours in the sport stars of golf, the PGA Wyndham a stop on their.respective tours. well as Oprah presents "The there is no denying that current from the start, and then This included Jamie Color Purple." events surrounding Greensboro degrades you Championship, is scheduled after he in Foxx, who came July 19, Withall this and more going are leaving quite an impression the first few lines, he has to be here until August 23, at Sedgefield Country and Beyonce with her world on in Greensboro, it seems in the minds of travelers and the nerve to try and throw Club. Even of event, is dominating "I am" Tour. She now that the city is once again residents alike. a compliment in there... bigger an the much awaited International gave a stunning performance at finding its place amongst the Not coo -L.L. EVERYBODY HATES CHRIS: the Final Season is now on DVD. This four-disc set stars 7 Tyler James Williams, Terry Crews and Tichina Arnold. It 'King of Pop ruled summer news; is the last season of the successful show that is based on the childhood experiences facts about death forthcoming of comedian Chris Rock. LAPORSHA LOWRY cause he was about to embark to say the least, Reports after his death said that Scene Editor on a 50-date July "This is It" One of the most successful Michael was addicted to several comeback tour in London. The and influential entertainers ofall pain and sleeping medications The King ofPop is dead national treasure and sometimes time passed away in June, and that might have caused him to As the world heard of the disaster was somewhat misun- the controversy that surrounded die ofa possible overdose. tragic news, it was a Shock to derstood after a childhood (or his life has only intensified in The memorial was held on his millions of fans around the lack thereof) in the spotlight and his death. Jackson's personal July 7th, at the Staples Center world, and it was untimely be- a adulthood thatwas unorthodox life generated as much attention in Los Angeles, after a private as his career. His changing ap- family service that was held at pearance was noticed from the Forest Lawn Memorial Park. Get your news updates in a variety of ways early 1980s, with changes to the Jackson's casket was present shape ofhis nose and to the color during the memorial. Stevie The A&T ofhis skin drawing media pub- Wonder, Lionel Richie, Mariah licity. He was diagnosed with Carey, John Mayer, Jennifer Lupus and a rare skin disease Hudson, Usher, and Jackson's REGISTER called Vitiligo, which causes introduced the highly influential brother Jermaine performed BRITNEY SPEARS skin discoloration. He was ac- dance move, the , and at the event. Berry Gordy and Her "Circus" tour will make a cused in 1993 of child sexual transformed the music video Smokey Robinson gave eulo- stop at the Greensboro Colise- abuse, although no charges were into an art form. The videos for gies, while Queen Latifah read, um on September 5th. Tickets his "Billie Jean", "Beat written brought. songs "We had him," a poem are $39.50 and up and are on twice, It" and "" made him the for the occasion by Maya An- He married first in at www.ticket 1994 to Elvis Presley's daugh- first African American artist ,to gelou. At the end ofthe service, sale now ter, Lisa Marie, and again in crossover onto MTV. Jackson's 11-year-old daughter,, Ticketmaster out- 1996 to . He had His achievements include Paris spoke to the crowd in her lets, charge-by-phone at (800) three children, Prince Michael two inductions into the Rock first public appearance. 745-3000 or at the Greens- I, Paris Michael Katherine, & and Roll Hall ofFame, one with Jackson had a level ofworld- boro Coliseum box office. Prince Michael II aka Blanket, and one as a solo wide influence over the younger - L.L who was bom to a surrogate artist, 13 Grammy Awards, 17 generation through his musical mother. In 2005, he was tried number one singles, and esti- and humanitarian contributions and acquitted of child molesta- mated sales ofover 750 million that was unmatched for much of tion allegations. records worldwide. He was also his career. His work, unique mu- His contributions to mu- a philanthropist and humanitar- sical sound and vocal style have sic and dance throughout the ian, donating more than $250 influenced many of hip hop, past forty years made him a million through his own Heal pop and R&B artists, including prominent figure in popular the World Foundation, and di- Mariah Carey, Usher, Britney culture. His solo career began rectly to 39 other charities. Spears, Justin Timberlake and in 1971, after debuting in 1964 On June 25th, Jackson col- R. Kelly. as a member of The Jackson lapsed at his rented mansion in New reports confirmed that 5. Thriller, his 1982 album, re- Los Angeles. Attempts to resus- Jackson will be buried at the mains the best-selling album citate him by his personal physi- cemetery on August 29th, on of all time and four ofhis other cian were unsuccessful. He was what would have been his 51st 2:26 albums among best sellers. He pronounced dead at p.m. birthday. GYM JAM will be held in Moore Gym on Saturday at 10 1.Did Michael Vick kill the Aggie dog? 2. Should we make a call to PETA? 3. Are we gonna have a memorial service for p.m. Hosted by The SUAB and him? 4. Will you donate money to help pay for another one? 5. Would you have even noticed if he wasn't there the first 2012 Sophomore Class game? 6. Where were you when died? 7. Did you immediately start playing his music? 8. Did you watch E-board, the event is free and the memorial? 9. Shouldn't Joe Jackson just sit down and shut up? 10. Haven't there been enough Michael Jackson memo- tickets are available in the ticket office (Brown Hall). performances? 11, Was MJ's death a good enough reason for Ne-Yo to take off his hat? 12. Shouldn't Gucci Mane have rial You must get a ticket to get in enough money afford chap What happened all the prime time black sitcoms? Does it really matter if to stick? 13. to 14. the door. you're black or white? 15.What will American Idol do without Paula? 16. Has American Idol really been that good the past - L.L few seasons? 17. Do VH1 dating show contestants really need their own spinoff? 18. How long before you go to your first class? 19. Do you even know where your first class is? 20. How long before the freshmen run out of flex dollars?