THE POETRY PROJECT NEWSLETTER www.poetryproject.org DEC/JAN 0910 #221 LETTERS & ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNE WALDMAN, ANSELM BERRIGAN, LENNY KAYE & BILL BERKSON ON JIM CARROLL NOVEL EXCERPT JIM CARROLL TOM ORANGE & CATHERINE WAGNER ON BARBARA GUEST POEM SANDRA DOLLER ERICA KAUFMAN INTERVIEWS BRUCE ANDREWS & SALLY SILVERS CALENDAR EMILY CRITCHLEY REVIEWS LISA ROBERTSON LUCY IVES REVIEWS FANNY HOWE JANE SPRAGUE REVIEWS CACONRAD CHRIS MARTIN REVIEWS LAURA SOLOMON GINA MYERS REVIEWS CHAPBOOKS CHRIS MCCREARY REVIEWS NORMA COLE STEPHEN MOTIKA REVIEWS THERESA HAK KYUNG CHA $5? 02 DEC/JAN 0910 #221 THE POETRY PROJECT NEWSLETTER NEWSLETTER EDITOR: Corina Copp DISTRIBUTION: Small Press Distribution, 1341 Seventh St., Berkeley, CA 94710 The Poetry Project, Ltd. Staff ARTISTIC DIRECTOR: Stacy Szymaszek PROGRAM COORDINATOR: Corrine Fitzpatrick PROGRAM ASSISTANT: Arlo Quint MONDAY NIGHT COORDINATOR: Dustin Williamson MONDAY NIGHT TALK SERIES COORDINATOR: Arlo Quint WEDNESDAY NIGHT COORDINATOR: Stacy Szymaszek FRIDAY NIGHT COORDINATORS: Nicole Wallace & Edward Hopely SOUND TECHNICIAN: David Vogen BOOKKEEPER: Stephen Rosenthal ARCHIVIST: Will Edmiston BOX OFFICE: Courtney Frederick, Kelly Ginger, Nicole Wallace INTERNS: Sara Akant, Elizabeth Block, Ace McNamara, Alice Whitwham VOLUNTEERS: Jim Behrle, Daniel Burgess, Salma Elmehdawi, Vanessa Garver, Ivy Johnson, Erica Kaufman, Derek Kroessler, Christa Quint, Lauren Russell, Thomas Seeley, Erica Wessmann The Poetry Project Newsletter is published four times a year and mailed free of charge to members of and contributors to the Poetry Project. Subscriptions are available for $25/year domestic, $45/year international. Checks should be made payable to The Poetry Project, St. Mark’s Church, 131 East 10th St., NYC, NY 10003. The views and opinions expressed in the Newsletter are those of the individual authors and, while everyone in their right mind might be like, of course, duh!, they are not necessarily those of the Poetry Project itself.
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