1 Peter 2:9 But ye [are] a chosen March ⏐ 14 ⏐ 2015 generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, Celebrating 50 Years of Ministry a peculiar people; that ye Life Tabernacle Church should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: NEWSletter in this issue Today’s • LTC Begins Service • Members • 1135 Middlebury St • Members Schedule • Life’s Path Lorem ipsum dolor Opening Prayer Life Tabernacle Church Locations sit amet, conse ctetuer adipiscingLIfe’s elit,sed diam Glorius non umyPath nibh euismod Mayor Moore tincidunt ut la re etdolore magna. Mark Cottrill Ut wisienim adminim veniam,quis Here in Your nostrudexerci tation ullamcorper. Et iusto Presence “The Hump” was The 2nd Street building Life Tabernacle Church odio dignissim qui blandit prae sensdf dkd dt rented for $50/month with was 12,000 sq. ft. and on Middlebury Street is luptatum zzrildelenit dfkd augue duis dolore 8 classrooms and seating could seat up to 450. By the current location with te feugaitnulla facilisi.Loremipsum Adam Faulkner for 125 people. It began the 10th year there was an many different outreach dolorsitamet, et dikdkd kdkjd kd kd jalk with 5 in attendence in average of 250 in atten- ministries and a beautiful skmd kjd k djl ko lok lul jke hi consectetuer Roger Feiler 11/14/1964 and was rented dence and supported 11 building to worship our adipiscing elit, seddiam nonummy nibh for 3 years. missionaries. Lord in. euismod te de senor ben rri tetinciduntut Offering laoreetdolore magnaa iquam eratvolutpat. wisi enimadminim niam,qu isnostrud exerci tation ullamcorpersus cipit lobortis nisl ut Hallelujah Your The United States Census Bureau Records aliquip ex eacom modo consequat. Lorem Worthy ipsum dolorsit amet, duis dolore te feugait · Every year more than 4000 churches close their doors compared to just nulla facilisi.Lorem ipsum dolor sitamet, Steve Spite over 1000 new church starts! consectetuer adipiscing elit, seddiam · There were about 4,500 new churches started between 1990 and 2000, 36 Acresnonummy nibh euismod tinciduntut laoreet Tim & Adena Pedigo with a twenty year average of nearly 1000 a year. CR 13 & CR26duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi consectetuer adipiscing zzril delenitaugAs ofue now our current facility Life · Every year, 2.7 million church members fall into inactivity. This trans- lates into the realization that people are leaving the church. duis dolore te feugait nibh Tabernacleeuismod is paid off and our New Mark Johnson wisitincidunt ut laoreet dolore magnat. etuer · Given the declining numbers and closures of Churches as compared to adipiscing elit,sed diam nonummy nibh property is paid off. new church starts, there should have been over 38,000 new churches com- euismodtinc idunt ut laoreet dolore magna Paul Mooney missioned to keep up with the population growth. aliquam erat volutpm ad minimveniam, quis Life Tabernacle Church is growing strong after 50 years and will continue to nostrud exerci tation wisi ullam corper. Et reach out to the lost. iusto odio dignissim quiblan dit prae sent Page 1 To Be Continued...........Ut wisienim adminim veniam,quis nostrudexerci tation ullamcorper. Et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit prae sensdf dkd dt Thanks For Going On The Journey - Pastor Johnson Thank you so much for joining with helping to impact our world. us today. We are thrilled to have you Life Tabernacle has been a corner- celebrate 50 years of Apostolic Minis- stone participant in building seven try with us. In 1964, Bro. & Sis. Feiler churches in and around Indiana in our founded Life Tabernacle CHurch in an Church In A Day program. 25-30 mem- area known as the hump. A few years bers of our church have worked on each later the church moved to second street project, completing a Church build- and had a continuing presence of the ing from the foundation to ready for Lord move through it’s services. The church in as little as 19 hours. members and leadership of Life We are thankful for the many faithful Tabernacle were dedicated to minister- committed participants in growing peo - ing to the lost and hungry of our world. ple. People such as Sis.Linda Faulkner, The church purchased land with an who has taught the same SS class for intent to build, but an 46 years, and still does it with opportunity to purchase our current interest and quality, after all these building arose, and we years. The faithfulness of all of those traded our land for the purchase of the who have supported the church current building. through the years has created a place Revival continued in the current build- the lost can find hope. ing. So many have come and are now part After Pastor Feiler’s retirement, The of that ongoing church elected Mark commitment to revival in the 21st Johnson to pastor the church, which century. Roger Feiler left to pastor began in March of 2000. The church a church in Alexandria, MN and is expanded it’s reach and influence in experiencing revival. He is impacting the community. We started an active the state of Minnesota with leadership. prison ministry, with three LTC men Adam Faulkner moved to Madison who minister weekly at Elkhart Coun- Indiana to pastor and is ty Jail, along with another one of our experiencing revival, and is impacting young men who leads a monthly minis- the Indiana District with his leader- try in the Juvenile Detention center. ship skills. We are proud to be part of We have for a number of years taught revival around us. weekly classes to at risk youth from A new generation has arisen to move Bashor Children’s home, impacting the kingdom forward and to remain hundreds of lives in our community. strong for tomorrows generation of We have had revivals, prayer walks, believers that are in the bosom of our weekly prayer meetings, all reaching to community and yet to be born again. God and reaching to men to see revival They are participants of our revival in our city, and our area, and in our today and the revival of tomorrow. world. Our church has financed cru- sades in Peru, and Pastor Johnson has taught in the Bible College in Africa in Pastor Mark & Marci Johnson Isaac , Liz, Elianna, Emelyn, Titus, Lauren, & Joshua Honoring Doris Feiler For those of you in outhouses for two. Can you believe Bachelor’s Degree in Theology. who are here cel- it? A cow quietly came and parched Rodney graduated from ebrating with us herself right in front of their outhouse Indiana Bible College in Indianapo- today and, yet, door—blocking them both inside on lis, IN with an Associate’s Degree in possibly not familiar a cold, dark night! Paybacks are Theology. Rodney’s with the Founding paybacks! family is serving in First Lady of Life She married Roger B. ministries at The Tabernacle Church, Feiler, and they began pastoring Pentecostals Of Lee she would say to you from the get go, for the next two years in Bedford, Road in Covington, “It’s not about me or about what our Ohio. Later, living in South Bend, LA. As their mom, personal family sacrificed some 50 she gave birth to Roger Allen. Sis. Feiler proudly years ago. It’s about so many families Eight months later, knowing that says, “I am thrilled that our children who supported and served through- Elkhart did not have an Apostolic are carrying the torch and are in the out so many years at Life Tabernacle Church, Pastor Feiler found a church church—THIS TRUTH! That’s what Church so that Elkhart would, today, which was called, “The HUMP.” For is important!” stand tall and continue to burn the $50 a month. It had eight classrooms, Doris Feiler served in many torch to lead, to love, to live and to seating for 125 people, a pulpit, song capacities as a pastor’s wife for 35 learn about God’s saving Grace in our books, grand piano and parking. years: mother, Sunday School teach- Elkhart, Indiana community.” They began with five in attendance er, altar worker, piano player, nurs- Sis. Feiler and Sis. Joy Wilkerson on November 14, 1964. Three years ing home visitation person, caregiver (from Memphis, TN) evangelized later, the church became self-support- for her mother, cook, housekeeper for five years together in Indiana, ing, and they purchased the building and host for many evangelists and Ohio, Texas, and many other South- on Second Street. The 12,000 sq. ft. their families, etc. She enjoyed all ern states. She played the accordion church housed 450 in the sanctuary. these things and looked at them as and piano; while Joy preached. Both What an outstanding miracle for Life ministry. were known as Tabernacle when Elder and Sis- She has served sacrificially through great “Prayer ter Robert Courtney’s son, Bob, the years, both to her church and to Warriors,” owner of Schrock Mobile Home, her family. We are thankful for the seeking for purchased and donated all the example of love balanced with truth God’s Devine, pews for the church! By the tenth she displayed to both her family and Perfect Will in year, they were averaging 250 in church. She has displayed a commit- all things. With both Sunday services and sup- ment to the Apostolic message of the thousands ported 11 missionaries. oneness of God, holiness in heart, life- of traveling Through their ministry, the style and all things, and the message miles on their Lord blessed them both with of the Apostles. vehicle, God great health and two great sons, The ministers that have gone blessed them with a miracle.
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