* * * * Member 1938-39 * :\ r i:::vl.BER S OUTll ER:-1 f NTERSCllOLASTIC * Piu:ss : \ ss

Clay Model by \ .AN GnvER * Photograph by \Vooo EX * L BR IS * * ..

,. .. ~ '5> .....

PYJU<.;llT , . co , C u EWNINt. Sui::AH AN H1; 1. i:::-r Editor

KJ::ISTER GREJ::R . Busmns. Ma11age1 . 0 1195 03350934 if{,> l . r.

The 1939 ;onE-E~ * * * * * * EDICftTIOn

T o the student of the past who helped to make the traditions of our school what ther are today; to the student of the present who is pro udly loyal to those ideals, e,·er seeking to maintain and ath·ancc them; to the student of the future who will con­ tinue to carry o n in t he same trustwo rthy manner, we wish to

pay tribute by dedicating this 1939 Edition of T11~ ProNEER.

Clo\' .\/odt'ls by \·Ax GELDER · Pliutogropli by \\'oou

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

... _ _ O~EWOfZD

M ASTERPif.CES of art in sculpture and painting ha,·c

been produced throughout the :igcs which perpetuate for the world great moments - moments of glory or

moments of suffering which s tir the human soul. \·erses ha,·e been written and melodics created "·hich inspire the sou l of man to noble thoughts an

Books ha,·e been written which immortalize great mo­ ments in the histo ry of mankind. \\·c, TIII·: PIO>.:"EER

STAFF, have sought to capture and record for you, the

students of Andrew Lewis High School, t h e rapture o f such a moment a moment which you yourseh·es have

made as you went on "striving, seeking, finding,"

each day. \Ve present the 1939 P10N £ER, the story o f "A Day in School," with the wish that it may glorify

for you the moment and enable you to hold fore,·er the

joy that was yours in making it. From 9:00 thru 3:30

,._ _ ------THE EVENTS W HI C H OCC U R

Fr om

It is 8:45 by the Office Clock. W e are here- thirteen hundred of us ready and eager to begin the day. Our spacious Lewis Halls arc scenes of laug hter, cheer and garetr, as friends rush to and fro greeting friends, pausin)? for brief conversations by locker doors. Passing the office door where a long line is waiting we hear a familia r ,·oice, ·•ls that r o ur mother's signature?" A g lance at the clock warns that there arc only two minutes in which to get to I lome Room. Sud­ denly all is quiet. The halls arc vacant. The hilarity of the moment has disap peared as if by magic. "Lucifer Lewis" • * * "Present" "' * * "Marie, your excuse, please." "' * "' '.',L~ad . us not into temptation but deliver us from C\·il, for I hane 1s the Kingdo111 "- * * * '.'Of course, none o f us expect ro miss the.Jefferson Game. Will the Home Room President )?Ct the 11ck<."ls fron1 :\Jr. Oglesby, please." " The principal would like to sec J ohn Smith and Rufo ~ Roe in the office, please." T~e bell sounds. Again, the halls resound with m irth for a brief five minutes. IN OUR SC HOOL LIFE

9 ti 9:15

j ~ .

0 (,'/av .\fodels bv \ A :-l G 1·: 1.n 1-:it · l'hotograph by W ooo A SENIOR REVIEWS A TYPICAL DAY IN SCHOOL

This mornin"0 I arri,·c earlier than usunl fo r tod:n· is Fridn1· which means that the newspapers mus1 he dclin:n·cl to the various home rooms. · · A moment later, passing along the first floor, newspapers tucked under my :irm, I lriok O\'Cr 1he Senior Class in cl·no:ral. How much we ha1·c changed from the squi rming, gil!gling freshmen we were frlllr year~ aco! Can wc C\'C' r fo rget 1h o~e memorable days at 13road Street High before we entered .\ndrew Lewis as sophomoro:s? So \'cry rnucl1 ha :<. !1:1ppcned ~n that brief span of years that it is difficult to realize th:it C\'en we, the Class of ·.w. arc donnin!? cap and t!OWn. 1011p111 f11i: t! Suddcnlr a loud blast from the hall interrupts my pleasant ro:,·eric. .'\01 the nine o 'clock bell it can't he, lrn1 it i;­ and 1 ha,·cn't started to deli1·er mr papers. I'll have to hurr)'! I am in English Literature Class now, eagerly w:nchin,t: the procress of "I larnlct" under "tc::ichcr's .. < ~ i r cc t ion. I study my nearby classmates. \\"hilc one of the pupils is swinging her locker kc~· on what must be a fi-:c-foo~ strmc, :i.nothi;r is dozing peacefully. How comfortable he looks! .\nother young man, a member o f our .\ nnual Staff, rs :i rr ~111g11~c hrs candid camera in order to catch a characteristic pose of our professor impersonating the !! re

Lunch is 01·cr and we pass on to Chemistry Class. Suddcnh· I remember that a11 experiment is tocl:1y's ;1~ s i l.!n111c nt. "Only fi,·c more minutes, you'd better hurry,'' says the instruCLor. "Did ,·0 u hear th:1t? \\·c ha1·c only li,·c more 111inu.tes to finish this crazy experiment. \\'hat- the hydrochloric acid? I lea,·cns; I poured it out. I thou):! ltt it was water. 'I <~ti say the 13unscr burner won't lii:ht? Let's 11et a light from .\lickc1-. :'\ow, wl11· wo n't this lit111us paper turn blut·? :'\o wondcr- we'\•c done the wrong experimelll!" · ·

..\t this part of the day, fifth period, we turn our thou11 hts aside from studies to our extra-curricula acti,·itics. On Friday, assemblies usually occupr the time- and speaking of assemblies remember the Dramatic Club's production o f ... l'!1e Red Lamp," the acrobats from Cni,·crsitr of \ 'irginia, T111·: P10Xhhl< St~ff's .\ma1cur I lour, which presented some of I .ew1s' ").fen of Brawn," and numerous other enjoyable occasions? On Thursdavs the va ri o us clubs meet :i nd ho ld prog rams. l.'sually Oil the other days, we study (?) in our home rooms. · ' . We're in French Clas.s now, tra_nslatin,1? "Labbe Constantin." .\s J gaze out the window, h?wc,·er, m.y mind unwit­ unglr wanders far f~om 1-rench. '\es, our four years of high school ha\'e been full of )!ala occasions. Go111g back a few years- the Jcff.-Lcw1s game when we cheered our team Oil to \'ictory. \Vc'll win ag:iin soon, we feel, and that's a challenge to the team of 1940 and all t he teams to come. " The 11/ur and Wh ite wi ll wave o n high!'' .\nd then, we'll _nc,·e r fo_rgct our Scni~r Play- that rip-roarin,1? comedy, "The P:1tsr." 111 this same cl0tss arc those tournaments of pubhc spcakmg and dcbatmg that helped put Lewis "on the map." The publications of our alma mater- Tm: P1 o:rn1m and .\ :-;irnim• L i,;w is :'\i;ws- we salute not onlr their edito rs but also the stafls. '.\ lay they continue to hold high the standards for which thcr arc known. Last, but far from least, we pay tribute to our teachers- those ladies and ,gentlemen o f the faculty who p'1tientlr and kin~l>: have guided our faltering footsteps over four years. The~· dcscn·c a J? reat deal more praise t han we arc capable of g1vrns: them. And ou r classmates-the, boys and girls of our own age with whom we h11vc worked and pl:1)1 cd- wc shall 1le1·cr fail to connect 1hcm with the happiest days of our li1·es. \Ve h:l\'C come to the end of the trail. Behind us the sun is setting the sun of our high school e:irccr. Rut there will be another sun risin!? as a new da'" in l')ur lives. It is this new day we eagerly anticipate. Let co111c what may, we shall never lose sight on1igh school days.. .

Horrors! l s she talking to me? "Ma'nm? l '111 sorr\'. l uidn't henr \'OU. Ycs'm, 1 hn\'C mr book open - well, marbe not to the right page. Translate? .\h, ah, res·m:" The bell! Tlt~nk hea,cns, just in time. ,\ dar in school is ended! - ELEANOlt C. FoLK SENIORS CALL ASSEMBLY TO ELECT CLASS OFFICERS

\ ·,\N \\'oo n ...... Prrsidr 111 111-:1.EN C 11 EWNI!\(; ...... •...... f'icr Prrsidr 111 :-.L\RY HoovER ...... S rcretary H E NRY \Vooo ...... Treasurer THE SENIORS

.\IARy E 1.1zAUET11 :\o,urs Pretty Pictures; Pa/ Latin Club, 3

FRAXI( :\t)J\_\fS "Babe"; Business College F. F. A., z

IIAR\"E\· ,\GEE ".\ fountain .\fusic " ; Solomon 3; 3, 4; ihiationClub, 4 Club, Dram.itic Club, Literary

1\xxE f·:1.1zAIJET11 , \KERs .\f. D.; Beta Club Latin Club, 1; Secretarr, 2; President, 3; 1.iter.~rr Club, 2; Dramatic Club, 4; Student Council, 4; Beta Club, 3, 4; G irl Reserves, z, 3

KAT11eR1xE .\fAE :\KERs "Blues Singer"; Los Angeles Latin Club, 1, 2; Student Council, 2 ; Literar~· Club, 2, 3, 4; Dramatic Club, 3; Choral Club, .2, \n nua/,3, 4; 4Operetta , 3, 4; G irl Reserves, 3, 4;

E vGEXE :-.:owrox J\1.1n· Chewing Gu111; Hair Lo tion F. F. A, 3, 4

D 0Ron1y R1u1nE . \ 1.1. Cook Rooks; Contentment Literary and Libra ry Club, 4

) 011x EowARo J\s1wo110 Geometry Shark; "Goldie-Locks"

Ii.oxA t\xvAu; e BAll.EY Drug Store; Stage Crew

Latin Club, r ; Band, 2, 3, 4; Choral Club, 2, 3, 4; Dramatic Club, 3; Girl Resen·es, 3, 4

EARL SAMUEi. BAIN Bush Jackets; "Baron "

Choral Club, 2, 3, 4; Class \ 'ice President, 1, 2

------THl SE N\ORS

Eo1Tll josEPlllSF. BA1s Still Waters; i:lorcnce >:ightingale French Club, 3. 4; Beta Club, j, 4

\ \' 1\. 1.IA~I C1\~I P!il'-1.l. 81\llG~ : ll "Bi\\";Latin Club, Back-Stage 1, 2; Orchestra, 2; H i-Y Club. 3, 4; Band, 1, 4; Choral Club,.\; Dra111:1tic Club, 3; Stage Crew, J, 4

F.01Tll Ct..\RE BA U~IC.i'llOSf.R Red Tulips; Coffee Pot Literary Club, 4; Dramatic Club, 4; Choral Club, 4

l oA \ VAu a:ll Br.Al.l'­ i\l ustard; Carefree

f'"' Ku~ i;. wooo BEATTY Debating; Lab. Technician L:nin Club, 1, 2; Basket Ball, 2, 3; Choral Club, 2, 3, 4; Dramatic Club, 4; Literary Club, 2, 3; Debate Club, 4; Debate Cup, 3


Beetho\"en;L:itin Club, \"ogue 1 ; Band, 2, 3, 4; Orchestra, z; Literary Club, 4; Dramatic Club, 3, 4; Choral

Club, 2

L1t.t.1/\N N h t.DRED BECKNl::R "Short and Sweet" Choral Club, 2, 3, 4; Dramatic Club, 4; Latin Club, 3; ,\nnual, 4; Beta Club, 3, 4

E1.17.AllETll \V1t.\.IA~ISON Bi::1tNARD Saul of T arsus; Tea at Four Girl Reserves, 2, 3, Secretary, 4; Choral Club, 3, .i.; Annual, .i.; Operetta, 3, 4

/\NN.i' LOUIS\; B i.ACK Duchess; Anagrams Dramatic Club, 4; Litcrar)' Club, 4

RAt.Pli PowEt.L Bt.J'cK "Red Lamp"; Step'n fetchit Literar)' Club, 3; F. F. /\.., 2, 3; Dramatic Club, 3, 4; Debate, 3; Operetta, 4; Choral Club, z, 3, 4; Band, 3, 4; Student Council, 4; French Club, 3, P resident, 4 THE SENIORS

l',\I 1.1x1-. ./ t • x 1. B ouy D a rk .\·it!hf\; /.l·t11:r \\"ri1ine l.iicr:irr Cluh. .! , _;; D r:1111a 1ic Cfuh. -1- ; C hor.,/ C lub. .! ; .\1111t1., J. -1: \ "n\·,p:1 p«r St.1/f. ; . -1-: . h ~i, 1 :11 1 1 /.ihr:1 ria11 . ;. -1-: C l:1" />rl·sicle111, 1 .\l,\l«.,\1<1. T l-:1.1 %,\f11.-r11 Br>1\ 1 1< Vlcmi111: 1li i:h; \\ 't· i 11 e r~ //omc l-: crmo111 i c~ C irri>_ .:. ;; Cho r:d C/uh. .:

I L\%f.L E1.l%A111-.1 11 HJ< ," " "1<1> Braid s ; Sedu, io n l.:11i11 C luh. 1; l.i1c r:1ry C luh. ' ;, 4

lh.Rx,, 1< ,, 0~ "(•1

l.a1VOQi11 thal/.Cluh, J 1 ; Iii- ) · Cluh. ;, .J; Orch«slra, 1. - ,

) ,H11.s l-"1

Cluh. 3. -1- ; Voo1h;o//, .!. 3 . 4; lbsd>al/, .\iJo;n ~Bt'r~,;,a sket Ball. 1, 3

.\LHo· ) <>:>1.1•111x1-. B 1<1H1·x Libra rian; Spi1111ine \\"heel Litcrar_,. Club, J, -1-; I lu 111 r· l·:co 110 111ics Cluh, 4

R A1. 1•11 GooolJA x B1<0 \\ x . \ irpl:111cs ; 1 l icroel~ · phic s PrFesideoot b;dl,nt .\ 31·ia1ion Club, J, 4; //i-Y Club, 3. -1-;

Jo11x \\'11.1. 1Al1 B1q·,, x T, J 1c Ro meo; Cur1_,·-T op Band. J, 4 ; Cho ral Club, 3, 4; I l i-Y Club, 3 ; CDoruncil,a ma ti c2, Cl 3 ub, -1-; Literary Cfub, 4; S t uden t


.\/Arw \ ' 11« ;1s 1A Bi-1

------~ \HE SEN \ORS f)o1.0RA \ .o\· 1,;f. CA:-.1rt1f.LL .\ni:or:i ~we:\\crs; Collq:iatc Dr:im:itic Club. ~· .i: .\rt C\uh. :; :-..111.1>RV.ll c"~1 .. u1-.1.1. c ,,R1·1:R "Pickles";\.at in Club. Pink 1; Litc Bowsr:iry Club. :. _;; Chor:il Club. 2, ). .\ ; Operetta. ;, 3 . .i; 1lo1nc Economics Club. ;, 3, .i; Dr:in1:1tic Club, ~· .i; \)cb:itc Club,.\; .\nnu:il St:ili. .i; B:isket B:ill . .\

Rout-:RT \.f.f. c,\Rl'¥.R. j R. Count;Choral .\q:umcntsClub, 1, z. 3 . .\; \\i-Y Club, .\ . .\; \"ice President, :; ; Trc:isurer Ocb:itc Club. .i; l)r;11n:1tic Club. .i; Opcrctt:i. ;; Literary Club,

.i; RcaTON CARROt.t. Detective Stories; ='a'·y

).\."I.RY FRASCt-:S CARTl.R Deep Forcst(s); I.cs UonbonS Latin Club, 1. z; Litcr:iry Club,!, 3; Sccret:iry . .\; Dramatic Club, .i; Operetta, 2; Choral Club, z., 3, .\

\lv.1.EN Sut::All AS C11i-:ws1sc Personalitv Plus· .. \3011 \'o,·aec., Girl Rescr~·cs, 2, '.J; ='cws StatT,3; .\ssist:int Editor. .\; .\nnu:il, 2, 3; F.ditor of the P1os£t-:R, .i; Chor:il Club, !, 3- .i; Debating, 1; L:itin Cluh. 1 . 2; Dccl:im:nion. 2, 3, .\;Cheer Leader. 3· .\; Opcrctt:i. !. ; . .i; Lci:ion Contest. 3 . .\; Student Council, -t; Senior Pl:iY

G¥.oRGt-: CuRTIS Cot·s-rs "Extra! Extra!"; ,\n1bition

\\'1LLIAM \V11.t-:Y CRAWfORll "0\c Swimmin' Hole"; "Billy" F. f. ,\., z, 3, .i

CuffORD Li;os CRow1>t-:R Dopey;:"-. \ ono~ram Ferdinand Club, 3, .\; Dran1atic Club, 3; Glee Club, 3, .i; Football, ;, .i; Baseball. 3, .\; Aviation, .i; Opcrcl\:i, 3> .i; Senior Play

\\ 1·:NRY \)t-:f\R\NG l•'.a)!lc Scout A,·iation Clnh, 3t .\ THE SEN/ORS

.\L,R-r11" Lois DRrsc

CAR1<1f; .\L,f: F1s111c.R \"iolets; Soft .\Iusic French Club, 3, 4; Dramatic Cluh, .i 1-:LJ~AXOJt c.\.\IPf: I< Fo1.K. Barrie's Plays; Gold Bracelets Latin Club, 1, Secre1arr-Treasurcr; Dcb:11ir1t:: Club, 1; Poetry Cl uh, z; Girl Rcscn·cs, 2, 3; French Club, j, 4; l.iierar.\· Club, .;; Xcws­ paper S1atr, J, .\ ssisrant l·:<1i1or . .i · .\nnu:tl S1aff, z, 3, Sc11ior Ediio r, .i; Choral c'luh > 4· Operetta, :;, 4; lk1a Cl uh. 4; /.<";:!ion Spe,;1 king Cont<"st, 4; Dr~111:11ic Cluh, 4 , S<"crcr;iry­ TTrcasurer;eam, 3 Dcba1111g, 1, J, 4; H.1dford Dch:11c

\'1;1.~1" F1

F1.0R1-:xc:1-; Rt·T11 FRAXK L1x Beaut\· Salon; Ruffles Beta Club, J, 4; I l ome l-:co11omics Club, 3, 4; Dramatic Club, j, 4

s.. \lATTUE\\ ' F1

DoRoTu\· \\' 11,sox GA1

G1c.R,\l.o1x1-: Au" GArrnE·rr RaJ?dolls; "Gerry" Choral Club, 2, J; IT0111c l-:cor10111ics Cluh, 3, .~

IJ1c.sTER R1rnr-: ec·" GAR1<1· rr Brown 1-:ycs; l·'lowerC"c.I Taff<"ta Choral Club, 1 , 2, J; llo111e l·:cuno111ics Club, 4

------p - THE SEN\ORS

'.\\ L"IUl·'. I. T111 . 1.~1 .\ G1:,\Rll•\RT Summer Showen<; \ ri$h L:icc Orchcstr:t. :!., ;; Chor:1l C\11h . .•· .\ ; Dr:in1:itic Club. -1- • 0 G1-.01t.GE \\ 1Ll.IA~I G1. ,\1t.llART \\":ill Disney; \\'isecr:ick$ 1l i-Y Club, -i- ; ~cW$p:lpcr St:iff, .\-

.\ 1.1<.:t: Gv.RTIS G11.111.1t.T (S) \\i\es; Sk:itin~ Rink l)r:im:ttic Club, j', -i-; Chor:il Club. :!.

\\·,,RRt. ); \\"11.L11u1 G 11. 111mT Gutcnhurf!; I !:tnclsomc l l c r oc~ 1:. F ..\., 1 , 2; Chor:il Club, 2, .;. +; Opcrctt:i, ! . .i• -i-; .\,·iation Club, 3, +

JA~lt:S Rou1-:1t.T Goouwt); C\:tss \"ice Ball Fan· ,\'s French Club, ; ; Bct:t Club. 3· 4; President, 3; "Student Council, 3

RosALlk. GoouEY Co'l.y ~ ook; Powder Blue 1 lome Economics Club, 2, 3, +; Litcr:iry Cl11b, !. 3, +;Library .\ssist:int, 1, :!., 3, +

Do1t.1s '.\\ARIE G1tAll"~' French Dolls; .\quam:irine Latin Club, 1 , 2 ; Dramatic Club, 3; Girl Re- ser\'eS, -i-; Choral Club, 2, 3

HLAS C llE ELtZABETll Git.AV '.\\onof!rams; Cowbo\'S Choral Club, 2, +; llo1ne Economics Club. 3· +; Dr:unatic Club, 3; Bascb:ill, 1, 2, 3; Cheer l ,cader, 3, +

\\i\RY 1·: ~101.1:-<1-. G1t.1-.1-.);k: Chimes; Sweet Disposition llome J.::conomics Club, 2, 3; French Club, 3, +


\'1Rc1:> 1A Luc11.Li:: GREt::XWAY Broadwav Chorine Home Economics Club, z, 3; French Club, 3, +; Dramatic Club, 3, +;Choral Club, 1, 2, 3

T110~1As Kt:1sTt:R GRt;i::R F. F. \'.; State's Rijthts \"ice President Literary Society, 3, President 4. Public Spe:ikin~. 3, +; American Legion Ora: tion Contest, 4; 1-:morr and Henry Declam:i­ tion Contestant,+; Annual, 3, Business .i\1ana­ ger, +; Debate, 3, .i.; Captain-Manager De­ bating Squad, 3, +; President, Debating So­ ciety, +; State Cham~ion Debate r, 3; Beta Club, 3, +; State President of Virginia Beta Club, .i.

:\En·11' EsT11t::R GR1s11Aw Hone\· Gold and Freckles Chor~l Club, 2, +; French Club, 1, 2; Girl Re­ sen·es, +

Go1.1.11E EsT11t::R GR1~so

0 1.1,· 1A ,los1~ 1·111:->E G111sso ''Jo"; Scn oritn French Club, 3. 4-

:\1:->A GLADYS GRl:UU Dignity; :"\urse Latin Club. 1, 2; Debating Club, 1 · Home Economics Club, 3, \'ice President, +'

ELLE:"> LOt.:ISI:.. Gt'XTl;I\ Soft Lights; Poems

jANE GARLANO I lAl.llEI\ "Our Jane"; Prom Trotter Gir~ Resen·es, _2, \ 'ice Pre~i~ent, 3, President, ; 4 :\ewspaper Staff, 2, 3, l·.d1tor, +;Annual 2 . French Club, 3, +; Senior Play ' ' 3•

FRAXK RAn1oxo HALE, JR. "Slim Jim"; T om Sawyer Basket Ball, 3, +

\ I ARY E1.IZABt.Tll llALI·: \ 'arsity; Willows Latin Club, 1, 2; Basket Ball, 3, Captain +; Baseball, 3, +

] fi e1 939 TH E SEN\ORS

\'1Rc1NIA F.1.01si:: H1'\1.1. Schoo\ Girl Con1plcxion; Lilies French Club. 3; Dramatic Club. .\-

\"1RGINI,\ CRYSTAL H,'\l.L H ome \bker; T:ipers Home Economics Club,

CHARLES GALLO\\',\\" H.'\~l~IONI> ·· Fcudin' D:i.y"; .\polio Hi-Y Club, -1-; .\,·iation Club,.\-

\"R1'\NCES Lo1.:1sE HARRISON Bicycles; Gum Drops Basket Ball, .?., 3. -1-; Baseball. 1. "!, ). -1-; Ho1nc Economics C\ub, 1 , :; L:i.tin Club. 1 ,.?

:\lA~llE ARLITll1'\ HARSllUARGER Bouquets;Home Economics Canaries Club, :?.; Literary Club, 3

JANEY L1:.v. H1::1st:Y GrecianLatin Club, Crns 1;; So\i1udeChoral Club, 3, -1-; Dramatic. Club, 3, -1-; .\nnual StatT, -1-; Operetta, 3, 4-

Eo1TH F.sTELLE H 1"•H\Y "La ,·ender and Old Lace.,

?'AO~ll LILLIAN H1 LLMA1' Jitterbug; '.'o:eat Coiffure Beta Club, -1- ; Girl Resen ·es, .\-

Bi::vERLY \"1RGINIA HocK Collitch Boys; Orchids . Debating Club 1 · Girl Reser,·es, 2. 3- 4; Laun Club, 1. 2; · D~an1atic Club. 3; .\nnual, 4; Choral Club, z, 3. -1-; Operetta . .\-

DARLENE :\\AR\' Hoon:R Symphonies;I.at in Club, H1;ome Band, \!akini: .?.. 3 . -1-; Choral Club, :?.; \\ome Economics Club. Club Report<'r. 3• President, 4; Dramatic Club, 3; Stu~en~ Council, 1, :, 3, -1-; .\nnual. 4; B~ta ~lub. ~· 4, Class T reasurer 1 , Secretary,.?., l resident. 3 THE SENIORS

S.1k,\11 l\,\T111.1t1x1, / f1 · Ru \ "df,,w Swl·arl·r~; \ "t·11c:1i.1n Blinds Frt·11d1 C/uh. 1. .!, ;. 4 . \c · ~ ·11x D 1 xi.A,. l l1· 1t·r l':1ck.1rt1; S1:1tt:l.1· Boxwood lbClub,.! •hi, ; , <; t'l,.,,,, C'luh, '; F. F, . \ ,, ; . <; J., ,;,

.\1.,,,, Rc .,.,, ./

!)"""'""· ~· <; 1,,.;., CJ.,b_. " ·'' %1 """""'• .1; . \"" '" l '""'· '. J, . '""' "'" '""""'· " "". .!.111a1ic 4 Cluh, 4; Bc1:1 Club, J, 4; ClioraJ Club •

C1.>1k,\ CAT111-.k1x.1c. )<>11xsox Croc/ictc:d Swc;i tcrs; . \pplc Hlosson1s J.,. i" C1., b, , ; CJ,.,, l Clo b, '; l.i",,, n· Ci.,h .. ~tudc111 Cour1cil, :?; Beta Club, J, .•. ·Dra, :, ~· Club, 4 ~. ' 11 " re l.r1c1s" I-:1.1% ,\u~:T ir ]n11xsox Ci1111,1111011 Toasr; Qui%%<·s 1.,, ;,, o., '" " , , """" ,,, ci .. o. " c ,, " (/uh,'~n · c. 1.. . •.4 ,, '''""' ,.,,.,,... ,,.., c1.,,,: ,, 1c1 •.,,;; l~ 1·.1;1x,\1.u / lowi; ]oxAs .\Jt.!!;ip'1011c; ·· oc:<·p Purple"' II i-_I. Ou'!· .I. 41 "\'"'"'I, '· 1, 41 ol"'"". (/,.,..,, (luh, 41 (I""'"'""'• J, <; ''"'•• J>1,,41.

.\I,\ TTI 1-. S l "SAX ./OX l.S . \1 11bc:r \'.1scs; 01/icc:


/.,11 k ~. 1·r 11 • \ 1. 1 ,, 11 I .,\f x <. l .aurd I.ea 1 <·~; Orit·111a/s CJ..,,,. l l'lu h, ., l.i '"' ,,. C'lu h, , ; ''"""'" Council, 1, ;; Beta C'lu/,, 3. 4; Dr<1111aric C'lub Scne1ar.1,4; .\" ell'~J>:•pt·r 3 Sr111f, -1; . \1111ual Sr a ff, -1; C'l.ts;

I~"'" KT I.,\·'"' 1.wr .\I/ .\111c·ric;111 ' 'J.j•J; ··.\pc·.1· ··

.\JF '"""'"oo1ha//, "'. J.'. Cap1aiu, \ ., "" "'"'""". -1; Haskel 3' Il a//."'"'"''"" 3, " 4

····················· --·····················-···············-···············-·····--······················································----...... ___ ~~ .... • THE SEN\ORS

PAl.L G,,R1n:·rr l.ASCA~TV.K Turned-l"p llat; Brown Squirrels

CARL PATnmsos J.,,T11AS Shady Brooks; \\ode\ .\irplane

Do1toTllY \L\KGA1n~1· Ll'.wts Stcinways;Girl Reserves.!. Saddle 3; Shoe~ ~cw spape r Staff._;, .\ssistant Editor. 4; Beta Club. ;, 4; Orchestra. 2; Choral Club. 2. 3- 4; Operetta. z. 3. 4; Latin Club, 1. :; French Cl11h. 3. +·Secretary-Treas­ urer, 3; Literary Club, :?.. 3; \)ratllatic Cl11h, +

\\,\KY \"111.c.ISIA LOFLASU .. \\"himpY"; Outdoor Girl Latin Club, 1. \"ice President. z; Debating Club. 1; Dramatic Club, 4; Girl Resen·es. !. _;;Sports Editor. 4; Basket Ball, 3, 4; Beta C\uh. _;, -1-

1Ki:. s1~ STELLA Loc,,s Sh:11nrocks; Boleros

\L\R\·EL \\oFn:TT \.onsc Cadets; "Small Packages··

SA~I jAC1' "\L\CO~I StageLatin Hand;Club, 1;Fishing Poetry Club, 3; Dratllatic Club. 3. 4; Stage Crew, 3, 4; Choral Club. 4; Basket Ball, 1 ; Football, :?. ; \3and, 1 , z

\lARC";1\Rl'.T F,1,LES \!ANN "l \ome Sweet Home"; Suea r Latin Club, 1 , z; Poetry Cl11h, z; Girl Rese f\·e~, 3. 4; Choral Club, 2, 3, 4; Operetta, 4; Dram;iuc Club, 3

JACK HARRISOS "\ I AR~IAD\11'1". jalopy;Football, P opco3. -lirn Basket Ball, 3; Baseball, _;; \lonogram Club, 3t \"ice President. -1-

\\" 11,LIA~1 Bv.sK~:-rr \\ARSllAL'-, JR. Jack of :\\\Trades .\,·i;i tion Club, 4; Dran1;1tic Club. .\-

· ------~------~------THE SENIORS

Ht Tit -"'•k1-.;1. .\ L, R·11 x P olh-; Sin· Blue

Cho~alCluh, Club.·I ·.:. _;; l>ra111:11ic Club, -1; l.i1c rar}·

J)okt1T11y \ "11<<.rx 1A .\ 11 .•\11111< Babhlini: Brook; R o~}· .\pplcs Drarnatic C luh. 4; l.i1crar} Club, -I


Ciio ra1'c1ub. ..?. 3; D c·h.1tin1: Club,.:; .\n Club,]; .'\"cwsp:1pcr Staff, .1; Girl R cscn·cs, -1

0 .\J.\kl;\X \ AXX11 . .\ft lC>kr. '' D c·arl1an"'; .\lad:11nt· Buttcr/h-

Ch~.or:d 3, ..,_Cluh, -, _,. -I ; Hand, _;." .J.; l.itc rar_,. Club,

\\"11 ..\I; \ /.rJ1 ·1s1 . .\J, JkAX Dimples and Dark l·:}·c• Latin Cluh, 1; Choral Cluh, ..?; Dram.11ic Club, j

.\ L\J Jo. I•• \ ' ''k I Xt; l larnhur,l!<:rs; Berets 1 lomc l·:conomics Cluh, -I

J ''·" 1-.s RA x un1.1• 11 .\I <11o·ox ''Shon_,·"; Sunny Disposi1io 11

IIAZEI. \ '11<•.r'l:1A .\fow1. 1-. s Black :111<1 Red Checks Drn111a1ic Club, -I

\\ "11. 1. 1A~1 RAY~t ox,, .\low1.F.s Brickmason ; Go/£ Sricks Go/£, 2, J; Baseball, 2, -1; 1-"oothall, 3

T110.\I AS Dr;c·A·r t ·R .\ 11·1.1. 1:-1 .\linncsora; Snapshots S1agc Crew, J; :\nnual Staff, J, -I THE SEN\ORS

CARRIE BERstck: ).\l·RrllY BLiteraryright Flowers; Club. Ki\\:uney:. 4; Latin Club, _, Dr:unatic Club, 4; Beta Club, 3, .i EL17.Allio:Tll ).\l\Rtio: ).h'Rl'll\' Sentiment; .\mber Glass Dramatic Club, 4

\"11 .. G\SIA fsF.t.YS ).h'Rrll,. Gay 'kerchiefs; Beauty Contests Literary Club, '.?.. 3, 4; Dramatic Club,_ 4; Girl Reser,·es, 4; Choral Club, 2, :;. 4; Se1uor Play

!'-:ELDA Lo1.:1s& ).\1..'TT ER Charm Bracelets; Terriers Literary Club, 4; Dramatic Club, 3, 4

DoROTllY BARl\\EI'- ).\cCAl;\·"" Solt Winds; Sou,·cnirs Girl Resen·es, 4; ,\rt Club, 3; Choral Club, 4

fRED SEARS ;..1co,,s1E1. "'.\\ayor of Ed!!ewood"; \lercu\cs Baseball, :?., :;; Football, 4; ;>.\onoi:ram Club, 3, 4; Literary Club, 4; Dr:unatic Club, 4

/\LICE jEAS '.\lcGnEE Beach Pajamas; Jam Session . Student Council, 1; Girl Resen·es. z, 3; Dramauc Club, :;; Choral Club, z; Cheer Leader, 3, 4; '.\\onog ram Club, 3

PAUL ).lcG11EE "Pigskin Parade''; Lo,•ely Ladies football, 1, :?., 3, .i; Basket Ball, 2, 3, 4; Baseball, 1, 2, 3 4; Track, 1, 2, 3, 4; ;>.\onogram Club, 1, 1 2, 3, 4; F. F ..\ ., 3, 4

).1ARJORI E DEASNE '.\lc~ uTT Smooth;Latin Club, Curls 1; Literary Club, 2, ), 4; Dramatic Club, 3, 4

BARBARA EARt.1·: Ou"scnAtS

Ducts;Choral BrownCh1b, :?.,F.yc ; sDramatic Club, 3, 4; Literary. 4 Club, 4 THE SEN/ORS

1111."'' GkAu. o,,1,,lkx1. .\lilirary .\larc/1<'s ; lhtT.,dil Choral Cluh. r, ..:; Drar11,11ic Clul1. ,, 4; Club, -1; . \n11ual Cluh. ·I l. itcr:i~

En 1.,·x l\.An11. 1 1 x l'.\1t1c \ < i.. "I·: .. ; Quicr S111ilt· ~ Dramatic Cluh, .i

./1. ~'> ll. l·:,\k1. P .\RR,\(" (h1}· Prints ; J o nquil Dra n1a I ic C:luh, 4

.\JARC;Al1 . J. J()· IliJ.!lt lfe<.'ls; Card<:nia Girl R<.'sen·cs, :?, 3, -1; l.:11i11 Cluh. r; Frcn~lt Club, J, 4; Cho r:il Cluh . ..:, 3. -~; Dr.1m.111c Club, 3, -1; /.ircrar.'· Cluh . ..:; Orc/1esrr:1. 1; .'\'ewspapcr Sr:rlf. ;, 4; Opt•rc11:i . ..:. 3, .J.

.\J yltA /31: 1.1.1. />1, X1>1. 1.·rr>.'\ G re:tl C:ordurn.'· Baseball,Outdoor ..: ~ ;

.\lnoAx )AXE />1-. x1>1.1-:·n,x Lark; \\ 'indi11~ Trails

LiteraryEconomic Cluh,s Club, :?. 3;3 Fre11ch CILJh, i, ·" 11omc

C11A1tLorri; l·:Ll%A111·.T11 P1·. 1lips

l.atin Cluh, 1, i; Choral CILJh, ..:; l.iH·r<1r.\· Cluh, Club,:?, J; Band,-1 ..:, _;, 4; Hl"l:i Cluh, ,;. -1-; Dr:1111:11ic


P11Y1.L1s R1·: 1n-. tt'A P11L1·: 1;A1t The (\\ )right \\':i.'·; Chocola1<" Soda Home1, 2 1-:conornics Club, 1, ..:, J, .1; C:l1or.1l Cluh,

CEuL .\1 ·n11 R PoFF \\'ild \\'est; Lo;.: Cahi11s Footbitll, 4; Basket B;i 11, -1-; T n1d.. 3. -1


l.1.. w1s \\1~ XllY Pn-r1.i:T Bachelor; .\-1 I Club F. F ..\. , 3, 4; Tr:ick. ;, _;, .\

Ro111·:llT J l'LtAX Pow1:1.1. Spanish .\thlcte; Lawrence Tibbctt Chor:il Club, 1, ::.. 3. 4; Cheer \.e:idcr. _;;Poetry Club, 3; Dr:im:itic Club. Prcsitlcnt. 4; Orcrcu:i. '.!, :;. 4; Senior Pby . .\; Student Council. 1; Basket B:ill, :;; Track, 3; Orchcsua. .;; Dccb­ m:ition, ;, :;, 4; l.itcr:iry Club, 3, 4; Bol'ing. 3

.\l.T·' J t:•\XX Y.TTIO: PRICE :"'cw Y ork; Libraries \ l)r:im:itic Cluh, 3, 4; Cho r:il Club.::., 3; B:intl, ::., 3 \'lllCIXIA ).\AY P1t1CI'. ). \o,·ies ; Firelight

Eo1Tll R o xrn Rv.1·:SE '.".ight Clubs; Polo Coats H ome Economics Club, j, 4

\-'ll .,:-;ct:s ).\AlllA=' R1 c 11ARosox "Billie·· ; Knickerbocker l.Cf!ends Latin Club, 1 , :?.; Choral Club, '.!, 3. 4; French Club,'.!, 3; Student Council, 3; Dramatic Club, 4; Beta Club, ;. 4; Operen:i, 4; Girl Rcscn·cs .

., ~ -·.)

LEWIS \'RAXC•S R1oi;:r;ou R, J1t. Trigonometry; Schooner

1'.ATllllY=' \'1RG•=''" R O l!E ll'l'S01' '.\lischid; Golden Rod Dramatic Club, 4; Choral Club, ::.

P osa: Les-rF.ll Ront:RTS01', JR· T est Tubes; Arrowheads Beta Club, 3, 4; l-1 1 \', 3, 4; Student Council, 4

r\uullEY \xc 1LE Ro111.1lTSOX ).1c\odrama; Gay Paree Home Economics Club, 1, z, 3, 4; Chor:1I Club,

1, z \ THE SEN/ORS

FR,\XC1s F.owARo R owf. 1.1. Rae,· Cars; Keen Rrain Lati'n Club, 1, 2, J; I-Ii- \", _;, 4

E11.1::1::x .\L\R(.,\Rf'.T SAl.E D eep So u rh; Rasket Ball

Baseball. z; Basket Rall, 2, ;. 4 ; F rench Club, J, 4

)A<:rJl"1. 1.1.">1:: S11ARr1. Suede Jackets; :\urunin D a_,.s Sofrball, J; l lome I·:cono mic$ Club, J, 4

.\IAH\· l°HsA1.1x1::: Sowf:Hs Ra"en Tresses; \ "anit)· Cases H onie Economics Club, 3 ·l; Litcrar)· .111d Library Club, J 1

T110 .\1As S1l1.\foxs Ri,·er Boats; Pret%cls

1-:.\lllA Cf.XE sl>f; LTox Taffy; T o rch Sin.l?er

llome Economics Club, 2, 3i French Club, 3, 4i Dramatic Club, 3, 4; Choral Club, r, z, 3

DoRoT11v .\IAE SM1T11 School .\!a'am; \\"isc One

Larin4; • \Club,nnu.11, 1,4 z; French Club, J , 4; Beta Club, J,

1':01n1 I '""'TEXCE S.\11T11 "Old Faithful"

\\'ARR EN DAXFORo S.\flLE\· "Doc"; Speed Demon .-\nnualJ, 4 Staff, 3, 4; Choral Club, z, 3 4 ; Operetta, 1

V1Rc;1:.11A E1.01s f: SrANc1.1; R Potato Chips; P icnics Choral Club, 1 , z

------~~--~~ ------~ ------~- \ HE SEN\ORS

\'"P.A'.'>C~. s \"11tc:1s1A SP1lA1>1.1'.'> Tradition; S1:irliclt1 Latin Club, 1. z; Girl Rescr,·es. :; Dr:im:i1ic Club, 3, .\; .\mn1:il St:ilL .\; Stu

I. :

\\,\RY !.t•c:11.1.1: ST. C1 .• \\ll "Cookie"; Sp:inish \\c\ odie~ Latin Cluh. 1 . 2; Or:in1atic Club, >: Litcr:irY Cluh. 3; Cho ral C\uh, ;, _;; 1 lome F.co110111ic s Cluh. _;

l\1.'.'(RY Ct.·" · ST. Ct.AIR Cornie Strips; Tr

C1.1\l.: 1>t: \\.. ST\' ,\RT " D ude"'; Swine Session 1\i-Y, 3' .\; .\ via1ion Cluh, .\

.\t.:>IA \ZATll\,E\·:S St·,-1•11\S '.'\eapolit:in '.':i!!hts

.\1.1c1' 1".1.17.1\1n:T11S"1.c.:v.R "L\"atinall ..Club. ; Sur~con 1, :; J10 111c F.cono 111ics Cluh, ;; Dra111atic Club. :;. .\; Beta Club. 3, ,\; .\ nnu:il StatT, .\; l)eb:iting Club, 1; Senior Play

\\ARY i:.~1~\j\ T f.llllY Cathedrals; Beicc

Joe CA:-1ruet.1. T110~1AS "Sn<'ke"; Squeeze Box F. F. :\., :!., 3; Dramatic Club,_;; Faculty P\:ly, _;; 1l i-Y, 3> President, .\; ,\nnual St:ili, .\; Band, 3, .\; St:ige Crew, 3, .\; Chor:il Club,.\; Student Council, .\

\\ASt.F.\. \\· n.t. IA ~I To11F. Y, JR. PrLiteacher;crar)' Club, Opcreti:1s 3, .\; Dcbatin!?. 3; Drnmn1ic Ch1b, .\; Cho ral Club, 3, .\; Operetta, 3, 4-·

J ESSh \\" j\RRt.S T 1· RS E R "j.f. F. \\ ':\.,."; T2.elevi 3; Dr:ima1icsion Club, .i; .\,·ia1ion Club, .~; Choral C\nh, .i ~.-!v ~~ ) tr- ,, . ... .

..L ------~ ------THE SENIORS Ko1 .~11oR B T t·Rx 1-:1t Long Stemmed P ipes; He.1nhreakcr l.iterar_1· Club, 4

G\\·Yxx LA\.AOA T ern.1-: Peaches and Crcarn ; /'leasing \\ ·a.1·s . \nnual Staff, 4; . \ ssistant l.ihrarian. :?; Chor.11 Club, 1, z; D ramatic Club.3, 4; Ollice. \ ssista111, 4

ELEAXOR \\'A \'XE \\',\Or;ELI. ' 'Gingham Dog and Calico Cat" llornc Economics Club, .! , ;. !'resident. 4; L;ecin Club, 1; Litcrar_,. Club. ~ ; Dra111;itic Cluh. _;; BB:ioostesketr sBall, Club, J, 4. J; Sofrball, .!, J, 4; .\nnual, -1;

G 1::,,Rc;i,; Coo1•r.1< \\·,\.,.<;ox "G. C. "; Rh_nhnr Club .\lonogramFootball, Club,3, 4 J, 4; //i- ) ", 3; Facult_1· Pia_,.,,;;

) E1\x P11Yt1.1s \\'1-: 11111;R Tres;i Green; Be;ich P an ies Latin Club, 1; Cir/ Rcscn·cs, .!, ;; Dr.1111:nic Club, 3, \ 'ice President. -1; Litcrar.1· Cluh. -1; 3,Xewspapcr 4; Faculty Staff, Pfo y,.J; 3Choral Club. ;, .J; Opcrcu.1,

R 1;T11 Bu,,,,,, \\'ERTZ .\ntiqucs; Spr ing Orchards

\\'ittlA.\I H t·IJERT \\'lflTLOci,; T ouchdown; Lucy Lemon

D ramatic Club, J, 4; .\Jo110J:? ra111 Cluh. 1, 3. 4; Track, 1, 4 ; Baseball, 1. J, 4; H;iskct Ball, 3, 4; Boxing, 1 ; Footha/I, 1 , 3, 4; C oif, 1

PAt:t \ ·r.Rxox n ·,,,·n.oc,.. Sports; Ladies' .\Jan .\lonogram Club, J, 4; Baseball, _,, 4; Basket Bal/, 3, 4; Football, 4

LESTER .\lcC1.i,;LLAx \\'11rT.\tORE Chemist; Rare Stamps Orchestra, 2; Literary Cluh . .z, 3; P ublic Speak­ ing, 3 ; Debatinp, 4; Beta Club. J. President, 4; J·.'\'renchewspape Club,r Staff, .1, 4 3, .\l ana~inp Editor, 4;

C 11A RLES F:1.~1£f{ \ V11rT,\11f{1;;, J n. T op Hae and Tails . \nnual Staff, 4; Dramatic Cluh, 4

------~ TH E. SE.N\ORS

f.LtS1\Hl'.Tll '.\\At'. \\·11.111· 1<.S Cameo;\.atit1 C\ub, \"iokts t; \"ice President \)cha tin!! Cluh. t; Orchestra. !; BanJ. :. _;, .\-; Choral Club. ;; Dramatic Club. ; ; ='e''"papcr Sta IL .i; \ .iter:iry Club . .\-; Beta Cluh, 3, Sccn:t:1ry . .i; French Club. 3, 4-

Fst:i.vs \\"11,1.1,,)1s Gondol:ls; F.:1ster P:1radc

GEORGI'. \\"11 • .-1ssos Dude R:mchcs; (ji11gcrhreaJ

r\;\ROl.I> \ .t:llSOS \\"011LVORU Pr:1irie Schooner; .\rchery .\viation Club, .i; Football, 3

\-h;sRY LEl~o,· Wooo Candid Camera; Open Fires Latin Club, 1. z, 3; Liter:trY Club. z; Hi-Y Cluh. .i; Beta Club, 3, -1; Student Co1111cil. 3, 4; .\nnual StalT. z, 3. 4

='t\TllASIEL \ °,\N \\"oou. jll- \\"akc Forest; \\" om:ttl \later lli-Y , 3, Secretary, 4; Football, 4; '.\lonogran1 Club, .i-; Student Council, .i-; B:tseball, .\

0 EAllSEST CLYDE \\ 1<.IGllT "Art Jigl?s"; Club, . \cr1; obaBaseball, t 1; Choral Club, 1, z, 3

~:)1~1;\LYS \\"Rt vtrr Stenographer; \ ris :\nnual Club, .\-

R EBt:CCt\ TRO)t)l El. I- y EA-rl"=' ·• \kcky"; Dramatics . Latin Club, z; Literary Club. z. 'l· 4;i Dramatic Club, 3, .\-i Choral Club, z. 3 . .\i Chnstm~s Pl:1y. z; Sij.!ht Readin!!· z, 3; l)cc\(lt1tatton, 3; Operetta,.\-

1·:1.)tER T1.LLISV Z1-:tc;t.1'.R ··).\an of F.xpcricnce .. ; .\. \..Band Hasket Hall, z. 3, .\-i .\rt Club. \i Dramatic Club, 3, 4; Band, z; 3, 4; Choral C\nb. 2

------~------~----.... ~~ ------SE:\IOR "WHO'S WHO" :\lDIBl::RS ARE ELECTED :\:\D PHOTOGR.\PHED


DELORA CA~IPBELL Good l ook ill g

ALICE :..tcGHEE W itty


'.'-.[ARY HOOVER Poi1r

DoROTllY s~11Tll Studiou1

'.'-.IARJORlii '.'-.Ic:\u rr Pu1011ality

D o RoT11Y :ivlcCAuLEY Qriirt

jAXE HALDER Pop11 fa r

E1.1·;A:>OR F o 1. K PerJ(ltile

))0 1WTllY J.1, 1\'IS 1'11/01trd

\i.i<." SwM.1>H\ Bl(li1u I OE 1'110~1,~s Typ1. .ca I Sr111or

Ro\' \\" 111TESC~R\"ER Good l oo/.: 111g


PR•:S10:\. . RE\':-I• OLDS .l tlilf//(


:\fcC1.HLA1'.. \\"111n10R•: • Stud10111

Powt:LL B1ACK: Pruonalrty

\ 'Ax \\'ooo Quirt

PAJ.;L. \\.lllTLOC K Popular

Ht:XR\' \\'001> l'tr!llf ilr

Bou Po111.. 1.1, Talt'l!td

Ki-:1 sTi,,R G1u.1-. R Ort1i11J 1 A Junior s Day 1n School

Stumbling over my books, d ropping my lunch, with a thuJ I AorreJ into my seat just as the 9 o'clock bell sounded. J\ reminde r from the rear that we \\-e re having an English test quickly brought me to my senses. Three--four - fi \·e minutes passed. Time staggered on, drawing me nearer and ne<1rer my doom. Oh F ate, what hast thou in store fo r a little g irl who doesn't let studying interfere with her ed ucation! Teacher gave me a very kin

Presidl'nt R OBERT S ,\UL ...... •...... • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · . . . .. 'j·;.;,: Presidn1t CABELi. BRAN D ... . • ...... • . ········· · ····· ··• · • · ·.. . . Secrrtarv R oBERT CREENE ...... · · · · • · • · · · • · • · • · · · · · · . . . • ...... Treasur ;r ALICE LINDSEY ...... v· --; ., .,- ::< $--rr./_;h ..v><.-d . <- • .,,.- - / •• •• ,_ <--'" ,.. -~..,- ;-,...... _""'" - ..J JUNIORS_/_). · . H1·: J.l-.XA .\<: l·. I': ' f-:1>1Tlt • \~I ES ,. . I f EIUIAX . \~ll S

\ "1mxi-: B1.1,;s Do1wTHY B ooT11 EsT111rn B ooTH \\"A1.Tox B owL 1~ s

RL' FUS B o w~1A...: B11.L l3R1\ OS HA\\" CA11E1.1. 131\AXll F 1t1\XCt-:S B1to\:G H

• .. I

:\Inti\ Bl"XTIXG DAI.TO:>: l:h1w GLORIA CA~ll'Ut:LL :"\AolXE C1u11•ut:LL

)1.J ;;_~ ~ 'Yo ...... Lo1111AINE C 11 u ~1uLEY ~,I...~ · PA u 1. Cooi.: BErrv Co11:-:i,;·rr h:::'_;;::,(~ :_ G1; :-1i,;v1cvE C1tAIG

Bii.LY CROU UI H i;rrit: CuNNtNG1tAM .\ Nx DA\' IS ·1 ~ .J '.VI Al\(;Alt l::T DAVIS < '{I ~ '--

ANN D gNN I S GLAoYs Dt:Wrrr J Ei\NElfl:: OtCKERSOX BtLl.Y D RAf'I ll , I .. JUNIORS

J osn:1.vx D U XL. OP B ESSIE D UTTOX ' -µ)I :\l.\RIE FERCUSO • X . 11 ) µf· ~ jAm:s f\:RRIS

(1,) . " , "\'·I x vi'"'""- ./)) yr., REvELYl> F IRES. TOXE . 1c 11ARD F1s11ER

l·>.1. 1ZAUET II G Al~T~I • ' UT G . AN() I "~ ). p1- IJ' 1 tj

"'°'T" G WAC . "'"' ~;»;.) ., ., UERT GEXTRY C 11RISTI.NE G !USON JO llN GLEAS01'

:\IARCUERITE G 'I ODDY ·' ARTllA G 000\\"IX O IS GORE . j1~r. A P::loo ER b "'"" fajj I ·1, :'\I El> GRESllA~I ti/IA/ JV . ARY GRDI r.r · 1• Louis E G RISSO j UANITA G RUUU


FLOREN. CE . H EADRICK B 1':TI'Y I JETllR INCT01' LAUD · C\\I h J-l 01.>CeS ' EYNON,\ Hooc1-:s

•JLYN\\"00 IJ JJ OLOREN " ii.TON Hooo Ci.i;o II ORNt: KATllER,.N 'lLJ ' NT JUNIOR S

G. B. Ht.KT CJ.AKK jA~ll SOX G 1·: XE\.A .JoxEs .I A ~ I ES .J oX ES

Co1tx ELIA :\IA rt Tr x R ox i ~; :\IAKTIX J t:xtOK :\kDAx n;r. J•:KxEsT :\JcGrlAIH"

P 1·:c;<;y :\l c~uTT G1mA1.ui:-1i-: :\l1xTEK I KIS :\IOOKI' DoK1s :\loKAx

l •:v1•: LYN :\l) ()KAN GARLAND :V1 0 WLES PAt·Lr:-11; :\low1.i-:s Jr·. KKY :\JL-1.t.IN

l .1 1rnY :vJnms .\J J( J.\'11' OllTON I IA'.1.EI. OnENC t li\IN STo\'~; R PA L~rnK

... fiit/i ~ch oo / J UNIORS


J u 1.1Ax Pon­ EL17.AnET11 Poo1.i:: \1 11.oREu PowELL L o 11RE10 ; P uc 11


I ' ... '. , . jUASITA R EY SOl. l)S RAl.1'11 R I CE B11.1.v RouERTSOS \ I Anf: L RonERTSOS

ET11 E 1. R oor \ ! ARTIS RoscE j u sf: Ross Ross

C 1.AUDE R o w ELb 'ro. I AX I NE R us11 ER 1::~10RY Ruo;Es J\ f:LLll-: ~A ~ L ...,;' ,.

R o n ERT ,SA"uL ' '- -. .. .. _ 1:'.-rHE I . SCOTT v' C 11 ARl.ES SEX TON } ..\ l ~~~RET S110\\'Al.'1'1.R . . ../.. . \ I Ylffl.E S IM MONS I Ill.All S 1NK L L' DA SIN K \ IARV SM ITH -=-111 lrew ctewia JUNIORS

\ . E R DA S ~ ll T ll BAS ii. Sow o 1ms \ IAR(;A Rf:T ST;\I\ " l·: Y

J;;; '::;· · ~// ~.J ,.J ,,.,,. _,...... ,/" PAl.' l. STEWART ) \ ' 1R G I NIA STOl ' TA~ lllU: HA7.f: 1. Sv.- 1-:s S111 R 1. i-: v S v.- 1-: s

CA RO l.YN 'l'l' l\NER H ARRI ETTE Tn.t-: R \\' At.TF. R \ 'Ax G 1·: Lo1' R B ETTY Jo \\',\ 001·: u.

E 11xi-:sT1x1-: \\' A1 • .- i-: 11 : \ I. LI E \ \IEA \ ' E ll i-:~n l A J.n . E \ V1·:ST AN X A \ VESTl\'001)

Joi' \\" 111·n . H E AI> .\RU: f : X \\' 1wn:CAR X1A \\'1 c;tXGTON J EAN :\xx \\' t1.f O Xc;

CLAl ' fJ I NE \ .\111. r. rs R U T H \\'it.SON H owA l\ 11 \V 1 M ~t E ll \ ' rnc l X IA \V J M~H. R

ROBERT \ VYC A I, D oROTllY 21 11 .-1.1-: 6?1!1.ti!QR~:i::e~ ~ ~...<.-U-..:.--L~ • •' ~A'~ ]. T .. \cEE LETTIE Gu:ffER °'__,~ BYRox PoFF I-l owARD PoRn·:RFn:Lo L. $. l'RL'ETTI::





F11ANK Roui::RTsox

) l::AX ROHERTSOX RACl!l;L Bl.ACK [T: ~ · ' Ro1n:RT RRO<:A1' • 01..f: 1·: X1·: How1·: 1. 1. ) • \I 1LOR ED Ron ERTSON 1 LEOXAIW BRO UG ll ~ IA X DoROTll\' Hl' FI' /\CATHA S11 El'll l::RI) 1 Eo\\'ARD BRUUAKf:R K 1::Nxt:T11 H1·F1' > D. J. S110\\'ALTl::R \ "rnr.11:: Bu1n<>N I-1 1m~1Ax Ix r.11AM ~' ~ , ERXESTIXE S tRR\' _IOllN jA~ll SON () r" r• T11El.~lA SLOAX E~11LY Jo11xsox • Jr i) rRAXCIS s~llLE\' !IA111w Jo11:-1sn:-.- )J l'' :\ L \ R\' SP1\X GLER Ri-:11A J oxm; KAt.M l; R SPAXGLER

1.1-:STER Jox1·:s DORIS SPEXCl::R

ANNIE RUTll l.A\"1:-IDER :\l 11a: SPESSARD

RA\' LA\'l:'\DER Lou1s1-: SPROL'SE


JA~IE S L~:w1 s L1::w1s SuRrAc1;

\\'oouRow Loc K,\RD P,\t11. s~11T11

ESTEi.LE Lon·: u. En:t.\'N THo~ti\S

E\'El.\'N LO\' ERN L 1~0 T1 :-1CLER

:\L\Rn: i. Lo\'IXG :\IALCOL~t \ ·oci

KAT111,1rnx ;\IAR1'11' ER:-IEST \\'AD E

DoROT11Y DuNCAN :\I AR\' FRA:-."C l·:S :\I ARTIN R1CllAllD \\'ALTllAI.(,

El.LER 0 Joux \\.ERT7. ~ ATllERIXE \\ 1\Ll.1\t'E :\IARTIX

PAUi . 1-'0l.EY J o11N :\lcC1.u1m KoL~n:R \\'ERTZ

CARL FRi\XKLIN PA U i. \lcG11EI·: RL' llOl,l'll \ \111.1.."TTE

]om1 FL'RRO\\' :\ IAR \' LOl' ISt: ). Ji u :s D oROl'll\' \\'111n.

\ .J.&.;J,NJA GA.Ju ~ l.OUl\NE :\JOSES JACK \\'11..BOL'RNE ,-CARI, GEARHART ]\'A :\ ! ORRIS ;\(All\' J.. \\'t t. UOl' tlNE ~,, :\IARGERY GEARHART ).[,\Rlt. \\ ' 11..LtA ~tSOX . .., CARL :'\lowu:s OPAL G 1uso:-1 \\' ARREN :\ f URl'll \' Rou1mT \\ 'nt ~n:R - .. ef" 't;,s / ' _, RooERT G1n;Ns SA~I \\' tl\FRE\' .I' .· \fARGARET :'\OLl.E\' ,r:: Ruuy GLASS Enrnt:rrE PER1n· t: \ '1Rc1:>:1A \\'ooo .,, l\I ARGIE GRAY BouU\' Pt::T1"1s FRA:>1c1s \\'tt1c11·r

0 )UAXITA GREENWA\' f•:1,.1,EN \\ \'GAL

1\llLDl\ED GRISSO jA~IE S YATES ~ 1~~:. .J­ ~U~7JY P~(tllo 111et Sopho mores Pos e ~or

.x~tl.-~,~ 1 ~ a- ~u7I0 A S h , D ': S _h,, -· I C?f'""" d .4 -p- ! op omore s ay 1n c oo

CJ ~(l(f! ; Re~ardless of t he ' ~isms" at home and abroad, I have accepted "sophism " as my creed fo r the ~ year, fo1 I am now a wise Sophomore. I have advanced from t he status of protected to protector, and no longer do I seek the advice of others but am ready and will ing to initiate the t imid, "star­ gazing" little Freshmen into the secret lore of And rew Lewis li fe. _At last- on October 9- I have been able to settle down to the hustle-bustle of our dailr rout111e. 'When the fi rst bell rings, there is a rushing and clamoring fo r the d ifferent home rooms to answer roll call. In ten minutes, the next bell sends me scurrying on my way to I I istory class where I must get all the information about the New Deal, etc. The next period I must pass in study. But am I always in t he mood to study? How glad my home room teacher must be to get rid of me on the days that I take gym a nd what a strenuous hour of acrobatic stunts are there perfo rmed! The bell! Alas, I am doomed! Geometry! \\'oe u n to me when I am told Lo go to t he board and bisect an angle. W hy can I not look wise? But poor me- no bluffing- my blank expression betrays me. l\lly spirits mount again fo r the summons to lunch is gladly heard. Then to the frenchy section of the building (oh, if one could only observe t he French custom of greeting each other, the class would be too la rge to teach)! Assembly next with our capable principal presiding. Last but not least, I go and absorb the pleasing persona li ty and manner of my English teacher. . My Sophomore day has come to a close. I can look back and su n·ey my fai lu res and successes with sufficient pride, fo r I have profited by all. J\nd in two years I shall be a Senior ! t • I r,. - . .,. ..,, - ~. , "-- , L I ,


: \LICE :\OA ~ I S :\ hssou10 J.n>10.Y I ACI{ S H F.PllERO 0 ELSIE AuA~ts PENXll> :\11\RCL")I BEnrnLY JEAN S11owALTER E1>1T11 :\ci:" \\'.\ LL,\ Ct: :\IARLO\\'E :\lARGAR ET SllRADER !ACK .\Kf: RS BERTll1\ :\ IARSll . \RXOLD SHL")IATE LYLE . \Kt:ltS FRANCES :\l,\RSllALL DOL'CLAS S1L\"AIN Russ1·: t.L . \.;1·.1ts OPAL '.\IARTIX Lt:RA S1xK ,\111-:ltDEIDI .\i.Ul\lllG1' Rou1rnT :\IARTIN .\ LICE SKELTOX l( u ny .\1.1vv ! AMES 011.l.S l{An10No H1xc 11 1rn D o1toT11\· .\IA" BERNICE 5)111'11 Ri.;n1 . \1:r1z1m l)1.1wA D oc,\ X Jt•=-: 10 11 H oucEs L '"''REl':c1> .\ I 1L~:s D o NALo s ~11TH Ln:woon • \ xct:1.1, HAROLD Do01.EY S.ull!EL HOFO\\'GER ELISll/\ :\llLl,ER En! L\'X T. s~llTll l.iLLIAX . \Slll'OllU l•:TllEL DoxA11t·v. Rt•ny 1l oRNE BARBARA :\llNICllAX GEORGE S)llTH KATlll;RIXt. BAUU Bonn\' DowDv HARUIXL; HoL·c111Ns FIV\XCES :\hTCllt:LL 1t:ARLOE Ex s~11T11 Dox,u1> BAIN :\lit.TON Don.E \ "1ou;1· Hon:111N;; \\"11.LIA~I :\IJTCllELL PAULINE S)!ITll Po 0

i•:ARL f3AK1'R EDWIN DRAl'l·:R \ 1RGIN IA 1louc111N S :\!ARIE :\I ORAN :\f1RIAM SrANCLER HowA1tD BA1rn1t K1·: NNETll l ~DWAlt l)S J [M.1i 1. HUDSON GEORGI:: :\IOltGAX J::ucENE SrENCER Bou BARCf:R :\l.\RIE ED\\"Al\IJS '1' 1rnL~IA H uosoN OPAL :\ I OtlLSE HAROLD SPENCER H10XRY BAYNE ,\. G. Eu.is Rt' Tll I I nto \ .IOl.A :\fO\\'LES \\ '11,1, 1A~I STEWART Dw1c11'r BAYSf: l o 11x Et.Lis DoROTllY Ht.RT fR,\NCIS :\lt·scRO\"E .J. c. STOTI FRAN('l·:S B., YSt: 'EDtTll EsT1L1. FR1\NCY.S HllRT Eow,\RI> :\lcCt·l.LOt CllARLES STU~IP RACIJEI. BAYSI·: RALPll FARRIS J.E\\'IS 1-kRT lh·T11 :\lcCoRmCK D1cK STntP B11.1.y lh:ASOX .) AMES ri\ RROll' l ~'" I Kt:lti\)I K_ ,\ Tlll.1-:EN :\lcDANIEL HAROLD su~IMERS ' Eu:-11ci; BLACK 11 u1rn ,\ 1li,RCEDES F F. IUUS ~lo1t1n·A l s 11ENllOL' R L L'CI Ll. E :\lcD1\NIEL. Rt\'A ST. CLAIR .) A~I ES J3 0 llOX R u 11Y i\lAE Frr~. GA ltl.ANL> IA~ l ES FRAN CE~ :\kG11 EF. AAl>INE TALIAFERRO 0 R. i':. B o 11 ox T110~1As F LECK :\ IA t.COL)t -IA)l tSON \ 1RC I N IA NANCE W ALnrn TAYLOR :\L\1tY E. Booxi; FRY.I) GARONER ::\AUIX I> j ~FH: RSON FRANCES ?\iCAR D i\\' IO TERR\' WA1t1tt:x Booxt: BonuY GARRE'rr li l 'GH j EN NI :-\GS DoROTllY 01rn:-:c11,\IX C11RISTINE THO)IAS FLORENCt: 13owi,;R GLADYS GARST J>E<:t:Y j ERRE LL c .\THERINE OsuOl'RNE I . \\'. Tum1As \\"ALTER BROOKS R1ct1ARn GARST DoL'G 1.As J ouE BF.TT\' Jt:AN PACE '..\!;\NINE THOMAS C11ARLES 13R011'1' RUTll GARST :\I ARY j 011 NSON LAxs1Nc PAc1·: PA1.·1. Tuo~1PSOX DAVll> BROWN 131,ANCll E GART~ I AN D o1wT11Y J o 11:> sTON ROSA N/\ PAL~l ER J M tl::S T110MPSON JACK BR0\\'1'1 I UN IOR GEARHART ~()11'11 :\IARIE Jo11 xqox GAYNELl,J•: PARKER 0,\\' ID 'J'HORNTON 0 :\IARTllA l31tO\\'N \!ARY \ IRGINIA G1·:Altlli\RT BEA"l'RICE joNEs :\ELSON PARKS \ 'mc1x1A To111' Y V1RGIXIA B1tO\\'N ROY Gt: ARllART ! Si\IJELLE JoxES Ct.\'l)JO PARRISH Gt:ORGIA TYREE ORETHA BRO\'l.1'S D1\\' IO G1t.~IORL i.Ol'ISE jONES CECIL PARSELL • \ l'URE\' \.IA .\NXE BRl'C: ll JAM ES G1L~IORt: :\IAl .CO l.~I jOXES l)QROTllY f>ATTERSOX I t ' Nt: \\'ADDELL ,\Ill.LARD B It\' AXT J o 11 N G1noXS :\L\lllAN jONES I i::Ax PA·rrol\ i~Al"l.IXE WAGNER NORMA BRYANT .\l.VA GOINS R A1.1•11 J ONES :1. D. Pt'1! 1'LF.S f .Ul'ISE \\' ALKl>R l·:vA .\IAE BuRTOx ANNrn i\lAE Go1Ns T 11 Et.~ 1 A K A;-;ODE JA~ IES P EN l)LlffON Tlll'R)IAN \ V Al.l(ER D1t.vs Bus11x1·:LL 11. c. GORE, J It. BERX1\RD KAT'/. \\"1 t.L1A~1 P1mon: .\LAx \\.ALRONO :\ADINE BYRD jOllN GRANT jA~IES KELCH Booov P11n.1,1rs :\L\R IAX BAYNE \YALROND BLAIR CA~ll'llt: LL Di\\' ID GRA\"ES :\IARC ARET KELLY Ct.ELA P1111,roTT f3l.AIR \\.ALTERS HAROl.D CiUll'OELL D OROTHY GRAY HELEX KEM)I ERLIX DoR1s P1x1;:R LACY \\'ALTHAL RoutmT CARL1"0N C1,1FFOR0 GR1rnNll' AY :\IAl.COl.M K11.LCORE :\L\RY . \ c Ni::s P1.ynox l.0 1s \\.EA\"ER i\L\1tc11·: CA1\N1m I .t:ONA GIU)I :\IARY KATllERINE K1~1E Li::w1s Po1:i: E '· '" ' No R \ \' 1·. us nm .--. .J 1\no1E CAl\1\01.L D o 1us GR1sso R o11 1mT l\.1)1E R uT11 PRESTON R ussnt. \ \'1·:1·:Ks - _! n . . ~ H11.1.y CAl\1\ 0 1.L 1·:1.s 1E GR1sso Ro111::1n K1NcA 10 ,\!ARY P1u 1 . 1 .A~ 1Ax Tom1Y \\'i:;m z,,.._~­ GLADYS CARROLi. R uss f:1,1. GR1sso B. G. KING J A~IES PRINGl,E l·: L1zAt1F.T11 \\'ERTZ HAZEL CARSON LOTTIE GRl:Ull l.01s K1NGERY I R\"IN PRUETTE Emi,y \\'111TLO\\' CLARENCf: CART1':R GERALDEAX GRL' llllS Lil. LIAN KIRBY BOBBY RAMSEY C11ARLES \\' mn10 RP. 0 Rout: RT CA1tn:R JiUlf:S GUTllRIF. T110)1As K1RKMAN j ESSE RAMS t; Y :\!ARIE \\ 1CKllJ\)I St'7.ANNI·: CAl\1"ER :\L\R\' jAXE l-iAIS l.11' \\' 11.lll'R KRAl'T l\IARCAR1·: r R ,\MSEY GORDON \\'1 LUl' RX l·'.n1T11 CASSADY 1\ c:ATllA HALL \\' 11. l.l1UI l.A~lll EARL R 1·:F.s1·: Lo1tl\A 1 N" \\I 11.1.1 s J1~DIY CASSl(l. L l'Al' LINE HAI.I. \ ' 11lc: 1NIA l.1U l lllrnT R ONALD RllODES I l 1mMi\N \\'11.KEl\SclN GEXE C11ArPELL Rt'DY HAXX i) OROTllY LA:>!:: LELLEN Rici:: .\ 1. 1c1; \\' 11.so:-1 LAURA Bt:LLt: CLARK EDGAR HAR~I OX FANXIE :\[AE LAWRENCE DAISY RICllAROSON .\ I AR\' \\' it.SOX l \' A Ct.lfTON E1 . l~AHETll HAR\ION B11.1.Y l.An1AX IACK R1CllARDSON HAROLD \\'11.:;ox 0 .\NNt: Cou,ttAN :\IAllLARET I IAl<\IU'< !-'.1th l . 1. 1. S111RLF.Y R1CllARDSOX \\.ALI.ACE \\ IL>'ON FRANK Co1.1.1Ns CAt.\'IN HARRIS J>,\l' LlNI-. l.E~ION T110~1A s R1n1A1t1>soN lloRAC I~ \\ " 1~n11-1t i\ lossJE Co1. 1. 1 NS GAIU.1\ 1'1) H i\llRIS _I •• \. l.1·:0NARD l':1.1>1t11>cF. Ro1w i.F.\\'IS \\' DDll'.R R o Y Co1. 1. 1Ns 1l cmACE llARRI S P Alll. IN~: LESTER R uT11 S,\ll1. :\ I Alt\' E. \\' 1.\Bll•: R \ VYATT Co1tu1x Rll"llARD HASK I NS CoR1t1 NE l.l\· 1 NGSTON DA\'10 SAYl-.llS f ~ MIL\' \\. I NFRE\' DOROTllY CRAICllEAD l·:ARI. HAL' l"l' .\1.\' ll·. 1.ncK;\ltl) EDITll S COTT T111-. L~IA \\.onu ELIZAOF.Tll CRANI/. RAJ.I'll Hl"NT FRANK I.on.AND ::\ ()R)IA S1-..\1:L1-. l.n1 t:t::o.:1A \\'001.R11>c.i,. 0 CAROl.\'N C1tA\\' l'ORD K t.Nl\Y.TH llAYIH" K Y 1. 1-. l.o\,.\ N \\ ;\0E Si'\\ f.1.1. RO\· \\'1:;1-. D oROTll \' C1t01- rs ll'NIOR !JAYNES 1·:1. 1.1-; I .cl\ 1-:RX .IA)IES S11A\\ fo:J .INO R \\ Rll; 111· I .ol'ISE C11m·rs k \". HEl.W•. JR. :\lns1F. l.m· ~: RN JACK S111-. 1.0R f 1t~IA l.O IS \\. RH.111' 11 ELEN C 1\0ll'1·: l•:t.IZA IJ l::Tl l 11E l .~IS Ct:1n1u 1H. l.vERl.Y GF.Oltt;I( S 11 1;LTON :\l 1NNH: \\' ye;AI. LucrLt.E C1\U 1·1· :\l1\lt\' 1N Y o1 xt: Freshmen Assemble from the Annex ~or Representation

A Freshman's Day 1n School Ho! Hum! (Yawn) Another day ... Sure is pretty ... makes me wanna go fishin' ... Guess I'd better hurry ... Gosh ... there goes the five-minute bell . late again ... Just can't get used to high school .. . getting t he latest gossip in home room ... Ah! "The Bleeding Hearts" even exist among the freshmen .. . \Vonda if the Principal knows that ... The Bell ... First period . .. A lot of commotion in the halls ... EBB says ... Oh yes ... 1\ ly Algebra .. . \\'as about to forget my troubles for awhile ... Equations, exponents ... Oh Boy ! 'nother period gone ... now for my English grammar ... (as my sister says, " N'est-ce pas?") oh my, wotta life ... Never stop havin' g rammar ... nouns, pronouns, prepositions ... bell ... Third period ... History ... that old an- cient stuff ... I like it tho' 'cause I like my teacher ... Gosh! I 'm getting hungry ... Must be most time for that bell .. . Ah! I thought so .. . Whew! I 'd better hurry . .. gotta get in line ... Ow! she beat me .. . yum, yum ... potatoes, peas, beans ... ah! butterscotch pie ... Mrs. Bradley's a pretty good cook .. . oh boy ... Five-minute bell .. . Better hurry? I've been late once tod<:1y ... l\Irs. James explaining past perfect ... sum defessa ... Saved by the bell ... assembly ... good program with Little Chewning as master of ceremonies ... Last period ... gym ... There comes the ball ... made a goal ... I missed that one .. line up . .. The end of a perfect' day.

.\fARGARET SPRAOl.IN ./ I ~~r/lf--'~ ~ ..;-/ • ):fa ~ .9J r \ j J' TH E FR ES HM EN .._<.lff f.. "' ~ d' 1 >. yTA \- J, f" • ~ e - -:- --> ~ ~ 14 1\• w • ~ i.::. ';. j~ ty - .Jo11x AD1u1s I RAY CREWS E~1~1A Lol· GRAYBEAi. XANCY LEE LETCHER P1111.roTT ]ACK SPRL'llA:-: L. K. AKERS . \1.aERT CRox11. :\lu.01tEo G1tAYBILL C11ARLES Lt:oxARo l\EL\'A P1111.roTT JoH:-: STA~IPER RE\'A At.TIZER 1R1s CR01-rs l\IAc GREEN GLEx11.E:-:1:: LES1'ER 1-lER)tA:-: PHLECAR T110MAS ST,\MrER :VIAx1:-:e J RAYMO)ID C 1w1·rs HAZEi. G1u:E:-:E FLORENCE LEWI S :\NoRE\\'S P11.L1s Posrn STARKEY .\~IOS EsTF.l\ 1\ :rnrrnws Bouun: C1tot•c11 INDIA GR1et: :\:-::-: E Ll)IDSEY GEl(J\LDIXE PLt ' NKETT BARBARA STEl'El"S Lt:E ANDREWS 1-lowARD CRouc11 ~ LEE GR1sso .JuDSON Loo:AllD Do1\IS PLYno:-: FRED STi::n:Ns FRA:-:ct:s .\xci.t: I ken Cu:rn1n· • \\'AxD1\ Gl'xx RL'Tll LocKARO DoROT11Y PoFF Rt111 .\:-::-: STEWART C11ARLll:: .\rrERsox S,u1ui::1. Cl'XDlff £ \'11.i:1t1rn GL'TllRt:1. DoROTllY LOt'LA:'\D Lois PoFF SL'SA:-: STR,\LTON ::\111.DRED : \TK1xs I REXE DA:-:c1·: Rt'mLD DoROT11\' Gw1xx Bonuv Loc;Ax :\IAR\' PoFF GLE:-:N ST01P RAc111-:1. ATKINS L11.1.1Ax DAVG11Tt::RY DoROTllY HALE fEAN Lor.Al\ RAY POFF \'10LET St:TPHIX El\:-:1(ST ART11uR. B r LLY DAvrs BuDDY I IALL PAULl)/E Loxc Bl.A I R PRICE :\RTlll'R S\\'ANX GARl.Al\o ARTllUR :\liLu1n:o DAV IS 11. C. HA1. 1. JA~lt::S Loo1• 1·: I 1·:\\'ELL PRICE GRACE Sl\'A)IN Cu111tv An.ms B11.Lv DEwl, ASE \IARI OX HALL SE1.~1A JA~ll·:s Lool'E LALA PRICI': C11ARl.ES SWECK ER :\!ARV FRANCES BAK1.rn J. G. D1cK1.rnsox ' PA U LIXE HALL LAll'REXCE Lo1·1:: RN Ll'CILLE PRICE \\'11.LIA)I S\\'EE)IE\' RuT11 BAXE LOl'ISE D1cK1·: Rsox CARI, I LurnRIC LEWIS Lo\'F.RX G1.,10YS PRO\'EDL'X Rcoo1.r11 Sw11LER ]Al\E BARGER llA7.t:L 011.LAllU LEE ll 1u1~1ol\D fACK Lowi; BETTY Ri.:TH PRl' t;TTE :"ELLIE SYKES l\lo1tRE1.L BAYSE Ji.:x10R Do11u1:-:s ~ DARoli::-: HAR~10:-: ·llEXRY Lo1·0 lx1n PL·cu ESTEi.LE TAYLOR BYRON BEACH R o T11 Doxo11t·1·: ~ 1-11·: 1. i-:N HAR~1 o x Lou•SE Lon> Pt::GGY PYl.ES HERBERT T,\\' LOR To~ 1~1y Bt:Al.E J osE1•11 1:-:1·: DnwoY Eur.ENI'. HARREJ.t. Lois LYOllS R1c11ARD RAY Git.BERT T110~1As J 0 Y c 1:: BECKNEil l·'1t1rn DoYl.E T111::1.~1A HA11s111JARG 1.rn .\Lrnt:: :\IA1n1:-:E lh ·i-ry , ,\:>/!'. RECTOR LURA LEE T110~1AS l~ARL lh::-:01s C. LARA Lt:E Dtwn· l'. EDNA l-IARn1AN GEORGE ::\11\RTIX L1, \\'1s il1::1c11 :\l111tG11Rt-:T T110~1As 1-.o:-:A R1::xo1s EARL Du:-:KLV.E Ll' RE\'A HARn1Ax FRAl\K :\IAS1xct·I' LEt-: Rt:TT1:-:cER E~10RY T110~1Pso:-: EowAKo BE:-:01s [ksStE DL·11. PAl'L l-IARn1A:-: Gt:RTRL'DE :\IAs1:-:n·p CLARICE REYXOLDS :"ED T110~1PSO)I GE01tci:: Bt.AC1' LonsE Dn·:R Run1 l-IART~tA:-: KATHERt:-:t: :\kCA1.1. l·:1.l1ER REYNOLDS R,\1.r11 T110~1rso:x GENE BI.ACKAl\D \\'1LLIA~1 EARY .\1.1cE llAt:rT :\IARCARET E. :\kCwt.EY LAWRENCE REY)IOLDS R1CllARO TtNNELL RICllARO Bt.ACKll'F. 1. 1. I IO\\'AI\[) EDll' AllDS "\).NANC\' l-IA\l' KINS LAUREN!:: :\kCRAY Gt,ORGE R1CllAROS :\lALCOLM TINGLER Ro1rn1tT Bo11 0:-; Loz1::ELE l•:nwA1ws ~ EtHl'A l \U l-kn11.1;1N \V1L~11::1t :\kDANIEL l-11\llOLD R1CHARosoN JA~m s To1mY C1".IA 1\:-:N Ro1:rox Pos1E l•:uwA1ws ~· ) l o11N H1::1.~1s INEZ :\lcK1NNEY :"Ax<:\' R1c11AKDSON DoROTllY Towt..ER HARRY BowEx :\l1LFOR1> E1.1, 1m ''CHARI• ...: l-I END!iRt.tTE \ 'ERGn: :\k:\lo11Ax JAMES RIDGEWAY DE)ll'EK TREl'ILLIAN POLI.\' BowE:-: fA~1i,;s E1.L1s ER:-:F.s1·1:-:1:: HENDRICKS :\faRY LOl' ISE :\lc:'\t:11. I hLo,\ RITTER ..\t'DREY TL'R)IER V1RG11'1A BowER ·En:i.YN EPl'ERLY • JSAnEL Hi:::-:RY SHERRELt. :\lc:'\l·TT :\IAP.Y RooERT::l Li::wrs Tt·R:-:ER \\111.ouR BRADFORD :\IARGARET FAR~ll' N ~- H111t11TTS Eo1T11 :\lt:1\00R :\IARGARET R ouERTsON \\'oooRO\\' TcR:->ER Do1~1s BRA~n•t::R LACY J·\:RctisoN \ 'ERNA :\!Ai:: HtCKERso:-: HAZEL :\kADOR JACK Ross THO~tA S TL'TTLE CAROLYN BRICE \ VnwNA F1mcusoN CL,\UoE H1cKs .:V! ARCAR~:·r :\lio1>LETO:-: J Essi:: Roni EDDIE Tnt1'1' DOl\15 BRIGINDINE GERAl.OINF. 1:ERKI S l AllY H1::1F)IER P ETER ::\111 .ES . \Lrn1; 0 RoL'Tll B oa1H· \'EST ROSALIE BR1c11T11·E1.1. KATHRYN F1rn1\ls ":\:"OR~tAN H1Nc11t::E FRANCES :\111.1.ER JANE ROWELL F1tt::D ,.EST PAu1. BKoGAN EowARD F1T'l.E iro~•~n· HoDcEs \ 'ERNox :\liNx1x FRAXCES RucK~: R ER:-:l':ST \ '111 Al'OREY BRouc11~1AN I IE1t.\1A:-: F1.1:-;c11l'M :\IARC ARF.T Hoi.DRt.N \'101.ET :\hNNIX DER\\'OOD RL' Sllf. R \\ -tLLIA~I \\'AID At.F.N BROWN Rvoo1.r11 FL1Nc11v~1 c11.Lrn HOLLADAY Rt'TH :\lrrc11t:1.1. PAL'L E. RL'Slll)/G Yt:ROIE \\'ALKER <:;11A1t1.Es BRowN .\I.LETA FRANc1sco ;.. EDWARD I l o1.1.ANDs11·0RT11 CAROLYN :\looRt:: Bntox SAL'L I EAl\N E \\'A LTH,\LL l ·.1.EAl\01\ BROWN \\" 11.0ERT l·\11.MER r R oufwr HOLLIE KAT11 1,RINI; :\looR..: Brt.L\' SAL'NDERS ·EARL \\"u.To:-: EvELYN BRowN R oscoE GARMAN ou1~1:: Ho1.1.YFlf.LD :\•I ARY :\lo oR~: l ~D l'l'll SAY ERS jA~lES WALTON FKAXc1-:s BRt'DAKER Dox,\LD GARNER loROTllY l-looo 1\0,1 :\loRGAN :\h•RRELL ScAXt.AND R1c11AR0 \\'ALTER :\IAX1Nt: BRYAXT GERALDIXE GARNER Do1toT11\' HoPK1xs KATllER•:-:E :\loRGAN FRED ScoTT RoaERT \\' ALTERS T110MAS BKYANT jACQL'ELIXt: GAR)IER ERNEST HuoG1:->s THEODORE :\loRRIS :\liNNIE ScoTT \Y1LLIAll \\'ATK1xs 1311.1.,· BuKcK RrnLEY GAR1'1'R ·1Rc1:>1A Ht·oG1xs :\[ARRIS :\!osEs CAPITAi.A SECREST ELINOR \\' ATSOX .J1~1~1y BuRxETT BILLY GAR)lt::TT {AR01.1> HuRT TRL'BY :\lost. s R 1\l.l'll SHANK Lonst. \\'1':1\\'ER .l 1-:ss1" :\IARIE CACE RAYMO=-w1.Es l ·:~rnRSON S111\\' 1m I R1s \\' 1rnTz F 1tANKrn CA~11·111".L HAROLD GA1\R 1·:TT Ct.AYTON l sEN llOUR Pt::TE :\low1.1's R 1\MON SHA\' l' R KATllEllll\E \\'i::RTZ :\.l1t.0RE1> CA~1Pnt:1.L Jo11N GARRETT CARI. Joni:: \ 'r1tG1N1 A :\IL1x1ci; :\IAR\' S11A11· :\IAYBI·: t..u: \\'ERT'l htA)IK CA1'XADAY llAP.OLD GARST E1.1.A :\IAE jo:->Es l\t:LLIE :\IL'Kt'Y EA1tL S11ELOR :\lAE \\'i;sT CAR:->t:1.L CAxe1· 1'Axcy G11RsT T11m111s RAY Jo:-:F.s CL'RTts :\lt· RPllY liAROLD SllELOR E\'ERL\'X \\'111TE 1R1.:-;i,; C11R0Ex P11 u 1. GARST \\'AllRl-.N jot-:ES PETE :\lusc:Ron: j V.\\'ELL Sut.PllARO ELIZA RETll \\' HITEll EAO .\1.11.F. C11RN1·:A1. St.ELLA GA1tsT Ro11t:R1' l ovRNE1.1. lt'ANITA :-\rn;.;Kt:: Joi:: S111rnRARD Roui::RT \\'IC KEs l-:1>1'1'11 CARROLL ] AMES GASKINS \ ' ER:-ION 'KEITll LECOKA N1F.NKI': Cv:-:1·111A S1111.L1NG \ 'i-:R:XON \\'tLJJOL'RNE 'l' u~1~1v CARROLi. ·DEWEY GI·: AltllART ALICE K1;1,c11 FELIX OnENCllAIN 13twoRo SnoRT \\ ' 11.1.1A ~ I W1LUOL; R:-:1·: WAYNE CARTER O\·EoA GEAIWART ]AMES KILBY .Jo11N o~IOllUl\ORO ?\EDRA SuowALTEll Lois \V11.1'0:-:G CARL CAWLEY Ft!LTOX GEARllf: ART EARLt: XE KDt~IERLING GEXE\'A OVERSTREET Eo:-:A S1:-:K fDDllE \\ ' 11.1.1A~1s I li1.l)A CErtL ~J; )ITR\' F.011·1N 1\.1:-:CAIO :\[ARIOX 01'ERSTREET GROl' ER S1:-:1> LY)/\\'001) \\'11.1.IAllS l sAuhu.A CEc1t. 1-.Rxt::sT G111soN DoR1s K1:-:c PAU Lrnt:: O" hX I lt: LhX SINK PHYLLIS \\'1LLIAMS C 11 1\ltLt::s C11AP~1Ax J-hNtSON G11.1.1E :\L1RY ACNES K1:->c KEl\l\ETll PA1Ts 1H. L 1 .,~u. s S1.011:x1. :\J\:XCY \\ '1L1. 1A~1 sn:-; f~ROAIJUl 'S C11uVNING J osEPll GI.ASS :\L1RGARlff K1NG1rnY PllYLl.IS PAl. ~IER \trlll\E\' SLAL' Gll IA)IET \\'11.SON l•.n Lim C 1n·~ 1 HLEY V1RGINIA Go1J111; v J•:MMA Loc1; R110LM Sv1.V£STER PARDL' E CAT11E1t1NE S1. t •s111m bo1us DI.. A)I \.\ ' n1~1ER :\1 . ~ 1A Cl.ARK EowARn Go1NG R ov l.ANCAS'TER Et1 LA PARR 1311.1.Y SLt'SSl':R JEAN \\' 1:-:FORO Cou, 1::1rn Ci.n-ro:-1 BEUL1\ll Go1Ns Eu:>1A l.AnNDER .\t•oREY P1\RR1s GREGOR\' s~llTII :\Lu; \\' 1s E l.01~ COFFEY .\LENE Gnoo1\lx Rt:ssn. L1w1:-:0ER HERBERT PARRIS fACK S~llTll :\IARI IN \\'1sE IRt. :-:t: COLEMAN DoROTllY Goouw1x .\Kxt:•LOA LA\\'RE:>1n: :\IAICE P1111.R1s 11 'f•M~IY SmTu :\h1.11x \\ I SE R1"rn CoLE)ti\:-.1 J•~• GonD\\'IN GnRno:-: LA\\'REXCE GORDON PAYN!': SAMl' f: L s~JITll FRA)IK \\· noo 'l'i-.RR1s CoL1. 1Ns I 1M ~IY GoonYKOONTZ :\IARIE LA\\'Rl':)lt'E LEWIS PE:-:ou:1·0N \ ' mc:1x1,\ s~llTll PAGE \\'ooD l·'.vA011\ E CoNN 1·:R '1•:1.s1E Go1rnnN Lois l.Az1.. ;.;11v /1; AN P1mEC<)\' PAt ' I. SowoEll BILLY \\' Rr·.l\Cll D o1t1s CoRNJ.CA1. DOROTHY G1tAl'EI, \' .\ NNrn LAFl\IE Lim Lou1si:: P1ff1::1ts l ~OIHIY SPENCI"\ ;\ lAR\' \\ ' t~l G llT GE:-:£ CoRNE1-r \\111. riuRN G1tA\' ES GERA1.1> l.i-:E CLA!'ll' P1111. po·rr DEAXI': SPENCER J .OIS YAIUIOIU)l'Gll Eo1.AR Li::t. Cox ji::AN GRAY Jt·1.1t·s LEE jACK P1111. POTT IOI' SPENCER CLl:'ITOX \'01 :'IG Cl.AKK CRECCOR . \L\P.CARET SrRAOLIX LY:>\\OOD \ (H' )IG




The hands of our faithful old friend point to 9: 15; the electric bell automatically peals forth the reminder t hat it is time to set out on the time-worn pa t h which leads to In­ finite Knowlcd)!e. T o class l·:nglish, niathemat ics. science, history. or Latin- each sleepily hut joyfully winds his way. 1\nd sn, throughout the day, Father Time keeps his faithful ,·igil and sounds the hourly warning that marks the transi­ tion from C[t:sar's Galli<· Wars to the click o f the typewriter; from a study of Hiller's mus1 recent nim·e. in Europe 10 sl11y the king :rnd die the Martyr's death with Hamlet; froni mak­ ing 11:'\03 to pro,·c that a straight line is the shortest distance hetween two poin1s. i\nd thus we are guided h)· the hands of the clock till the da)· is done. I N OUR SCHOOL L IFE

9:15 ti I 3:30

Clay Jft,cf,./ /,y \«\:< Gu.u1, 1{ Ph otog,.aph by \\'uoo LA' rI ENGT,1 Sl [ FRENCH COl\IEVIERCIAL :vrA THElVIATI cs SCIENCE t./ . , l ,-./ •

~ I ' . ' ~ ~ .1 " ' )' ' j ~


Quo Vadis? Two Don J uans and Cupid. fou r of a kind. The wandering minstrels. Hail, hail, the gang's a ll here!

T hree's a crowd. Hold tight. Always on her toes. The wa}' to a man's heart--!

"Little :l'Vlan, What Now?" The quins 1950? Salem sprin g fever.

Easter parade. Feinting before fainting. Spirit of '76.

A peep over the parapet. T he three musketeers. "Square." Esso, Bambino? SNAPSHOTS

Our .\Ima /dalcr. Don·l look now we're being fol- luw«d. Dictalion.

The lirs t "dand~·-line" o f sprini.: 1 .\lullins and his side kick. Brrrrrrrrrrr!

Let's talk "shop." T hree Smart .. Girruls." En- cour::igcrucnt. ch?

Frush 111cct. \lei n hc rr Snapp. Fig ht 'cm, Blue · 1·ca111 !

The mad ' ·Russian" for husscs. Sprin_c has sprun_c. Sa111bo plus R astus. :\lajor Chewnin.c and :\nnouncer .Jonas o ,·er the .. P ioneer" st•ation .

.\) rs. \\"cir"s son, T om. \.\"hal, a pass! Quiet, please. The du mp.

T hree Guessers. I t 11111sl '"" c b<."c ll ;1 wow. The p lot sickcus . I .<." t 's !(<.> in to a cuddle. SNAPSHOTS

The shiek and his harem. Tell 'cm, Kimmcrlini:?! The scribblini:: scribes.

Strange combination. Y cs, my darling mama! Our ~li ss :\nnie. ':\ufT said.

t\ow Y 0 U watch the birdie. "The slipper~· elm?" .\ftcr reading "~lcin Kampf." One bow (beau) too many. \\"e',·e got your number!

Two swell gu ~·s. On 10 Lexington! ,\ll's fnir in lo,·c and war.

Food for thought? The leaning tower of .\ndroo Loois. The Triple Entente.

No squint! l\o stoop! But whadda squat! Our chan11in.1? Clrdc. Peacock .\lier of S. H. S. "S11akc" and his squeeze box.

'l\pical "Piontcrs. ., \\'here arc r ou going, my pretty maids? THE EV ENT S W HI C H O C CUR

Fr om

·--·- --· ~

With the 1 :-1-5 bell comes the most enjoyable period in the day. It is the time thal "Lucifer Lewis" snoozes peacefully in home roo m, goes to his clubs with springing step, o r reports to assembly to be reminded by the principal that 1\ndrew Lewis High School will not tolerate "loafers who arc just killing time" in this, the finest student body in the State; and th;it, therefo re, he must try earnestly to pass his courses or make room for others who do want to work, etc. ln assembly, also, he is told by a renowned speaker that these, his Iligh School Dars, arc the best of his life, and that he should 1akc advanti1gc o f every opportunity. 13:\ck to the last class of the day goes "Lucifer," resolved 1h;1t he will put a little 111 ore time o n that Trigonometry for to morrow. IN OUR SCHOOL LIFE

1:45 ti 2:30

Cla\' M odt'I b1· \ 'AN Gi-:1.oER • Photog,.aplt by \.\'ooo The Pioneer

WALTER VAX Gi;LDER ...... • • . . . . • . . • ...... • -/rt l:'ditor REGIXALD JoxAS AND :\·IARY Hoov1; R ....•.• . • . •...... •. (;irr 11/atio1.1 c:1-.l/~11'.tlgt'l'S ELEAKOR FOLK ...... •...... :..,,. 11,,,r l·.d1tor A1.1c:E L1xDSEY...... • . . . • . • . . • . • • . • • . • ...... ·/ .r.r i.clf111/ /;'dit,1r I-li;LEX S11E~llA:-I C111; w:-:1:-:c...... /;'dit,1r-i11 -Chi1f T110~1AS K1, 1sT1rn GREER...... B11.ri 11 0.r .l!a11a.~1·r J31LL BRADSllAW...... //J1i1111111 R11s i111·ss .l!t111t1~rr joE THO~IA S AXD .VIArtY Lof'l.Axn .. . .. • ...... Sport /;'d itors To~1 .\llu Ll.E" AXD HF::>:RY \ Vooo ...... P/10 t r1~/'{/plt f;'d itors

JfARVEY !\p1•1rnso:-1, l'ltotography Bou BARGER, B11si11e.rs Stoff FRAXCES SPRA1>L1x, Scribe : \L1>A R uT11 J o 11 xsox, /l ct ivitic.r Edi/f/r , \LICE Sw1·:c K F:R, Scribr LAU REl- rA LAIXG, T ypist B ETTIE P1,T1; Rs, J1111ior /;'dit"r DOROTHY s~llTII, Scribe E~1MAI.YN \ Vrt1<;11T, Typist .\ln.1>R1rn Bi:c:KXl,R, Scribe :\'!Rs. TAYl.OR T urt:-:1m, Faculty / /, Scribe BETTI!·: H1·:TllER I NGTON, Circ11/atio11 r·:MMA LYL I·: 'vVi-:sT, Circufoti()ll \lrnc1N1A Tour-:v, Art J\1ARC':ARET S1'RADLI N, Fresltman /;'ditor PAUL1N1; OwENS, Club )

The Andrew Lewis High School News :'\!ember of Southern Interscholastic Press .\ssociation. Published every Friday of the school year by the Students of .\ndrew Lewis High School as a project in Journalism.

JAl'it:: HALl>ER ...... ••• ...... ••• • . • • • . •• • •.• •• . . • • ...... •••.•....•.. Editor-i11-Cliir.f CAnELI. BRAND ...... • ...... • ...... •...... ••••...... •4 uociatt' Editor ;\JcCu: 1.LAl'i \ \.111n10RE .... • .. .• ...... • ••. . . . .1!011agi11 g Editor Et.£AXOR FoLK ...... •.. • .. • ...... •...... • . .. •• • . . .. • Jssi!lant Editor H E L EN C11t::wN1xc . ....•...... •• .... • • . • l .<.


PA U L I NE B ouv P EGGY jERRl; I. L


DoRoT11v ~ l 1Tc11ELI. DA\·10 T110R:-ITO:->


ELI S Au~; T 11 \\'ILBllRX

~IARTllA GooowIN


. \ :-: :-: E . \1u: Rs (\l id t c r m) . \ J.I C:E f.1:-:1>s 1·: Y Eo1T11 : \ ~ 11-:s \IAR\' f.O Fl.A='ll Eo1T11 BA1:-: CA1uu E \ h ; 1u•11y \!11.oR E D lh:cK:-: E R l.llll!Y \fYI·: RS \ I YRA B1· :-:T1:-:c; \(,\RC AIU:T :"\Al.l.l·: Y CAll E l.L B R A:-:JJ C 11,\R l.O'r-l'E Pi-:RS J;-; ( ; E R f;t:O;'l:' A R D B 1:c.cn·c 11.\1A =' F1< ,\XCES 1'111 X X E Y R1·F1·s B o\\'~ 1A:-: I I E RllERT R ,UISEY lh :TTY C o 1(:-: 1-:n · ) l'AXIT,\ R E YXOl.l>S J osc1'.1.Yx D L· :-: 1.0 1• 'B11.1. 1E R1 c 11AR1>sox R1c 11 A RD Y1 s 111-. R P. !.. R o 1n: rnso:-: 1':1.1·'.AXO I( F O l.1' OPAL R oss 1:1,0Rl'. XCE FRAXl(l.IX R O B E RT SAl ' J. (.\lid t e r m ) 111 tA11 S 1:-: " D o 1{ 0 T11Y G,\l( X E R DoROT ll Y s~llTll \lARTllA GOOIJ\\'IX \!ARY SPAXG l,E R R o ui-:RT G o01J\\'1x D O RIS S P1·: :-: C ER R O B E RT GR EEXE F RA:-:CES SPRA O l, IN K E IST ER G rrn i-:R \ ' 1RG 1x1A STOuTA~llR E .\wnn; R llART ~ l ,\X : \I. I C E S\\'ECl(l'1( :\ A O~ ll 1111.1.~IA :-; I IAIUUl·:T TYl.l·: R 0

.\IARY H nn\'l·: R \\ AJ.T E R \ ',\;-;GELDER J o 11x jA ~ ll SO =' \lcC1.E J.LA=' \\' 111'DIORE :\1.1"' R vTll J<111xso:-: E1.1;:AJ1 ETll :\IAE \\'11.Bl'RN CAT11 E R 1:> E j o 11:-: so:-: J E A=' :\ :-::-; \V11. F o :-: c; G E :-: E \'A j o :-:1-:s ·111·: :-:RY \\'oou LA \;R E'rl'A LAIXG \IRS . CARRIE\!. P EDI GO D O ROTHY LE\\'JS Faculty ,-/rft.iur T11 0~ 1A s K r-: 1sn:R G1rnER State Pres ident //irgi11 ia Reta Club ~~ (. /?~-- - . • - _,+.I' , t,.. ~...V

Literary and Library Club-Debating Club


KATf-IERl:"'E. AKERS L o i s GoRE Chairmau of Social DORIS l\·IARlf~ GRAHAM Commillec J VASITA GRl~E :"WA\" Eornr J\)1Es ~I ILURBO CRES ll;\)f ILONA BAIL E\' ~rc:'rT u£, G RIS llA\\' ELIZABETH J3ER:".-\k1J I\IARC,\RIC:T Cw1s:-.: SCGrrfnry JANE HA1.D1m FRANCES BRer.11 /'res itlt:ul il!YRA B tJ NTING B ETTY HRTll El~ l :"'CTOS 1· frc President B1; \'l;RL\' H OCK :'\ADI NE CA'.\t PllEU.. Chairman. Decorating BETTY COR!:ONA llo 1> r.1;s I\•lARGARET DAVIS DOKOTll\" K 1:\1:\1E.KLISG A:-:,; De:-::-:1s YLH tTH,\ K ~ ~l:\lf~ l< L1sc; :VIARTllA DRISCOLL l\1A RY LOFl.A!"'ll ~L\RIE FF.RCUSO!< ('Jwirmau. 11.t/fflrC El... 11.AHF:TH GART:\1A!' ( 'ommittce O PAL Giuso:-.: l\IARGARET ELI.ES ~IARTflA Gooow1s ~IAKS Chairmnu of Pro.(!ram COk:"'£1 .. IA ~ ! ARTIS Committee DoROTll\' Xf<:C.\IJ1. 1;v


./ ~ I 1 ~- .v Hi-Y Club Salem Chapter F. F. A. , 1 ~ r ' l31LL BARGER R1:C;INAl.D J oNAS C11AR1.ros SroxTON 1 B o n BARGE R 1 /'t'(/J l/l'U \l11rn S P ESSARD \'1rnNE B1.1ss .1 O llN \lcC1.u1rn CLAUOIO STUART J. T . .\ C£E / Bou11Y P1111,1ps JO ro T11 0~1 1\ S i::vc 1~ xE :\LI FF B11.1. Bl jA~1ES FRAKCES RO\\'ELL . ·I di•iJt' r FRAXK CANNADAY E LBERT CARROLL \VAY:-IE CARTER WYATT C ORBIN B1u.Y CRA\\'FORD //ia Prnident H uc u C uNDll'F EDWIN DYER Trtasura J A~IES FARROW Jo11N GARRE'r-r BOBBY GARRETT DONALD GARNER HAROLD GARST PAUL GARST CARL G EARHART RoY GEARHART Watch Dog BERVA RD GRAY BILL P resident R USSELL GRISSO 0Ln·ER I-LH.L GARLAXD HARRIS 1\0R~1Ax H1Nc11EE :\ L·sn N H l"l • \11<. I·:. :\. HARD I NC .o k I"-..... " ~ • ,./ dt•ijt'f Dramatic Club

f f All\"f. Y . \c:l·. I. CARRIE .\fuRr11v .\;-0:1. . \ h.J.lt;, ELIZAUETll .\[URPllY EIJITJI BA1 · ~1t.ARIJ:-:~. 11 \.IRC l:-:IA .\IURPllY F ,\y B1.A-rrY :'\ELDA .\ f UTTER (;l. llAl.Ul:-:1·. fh.u•:-:Elt .\IARJORI E .\fc:\UTT .\111.11111. u B1.l 1..:-:~. 1t BARUARA OnEXCllAIN """ 1. 1. 1. Bl.Al" H11.A11 OsuoR:-:E J',\l· 1. 1;-.:1 . BouY En-: LY:-: PARROCK .J 1· :-:1011 B 11 \· A:-:T JESSI i.; PAR ROCK n~. 1.tikA c .,~11·111.1.1. Ji.;A:-:XE P EERY .\fll. 11111.IJ C:Akl'~: R CHARI.OTTE PERSINCER .\IA1n· F11A:-:n. s CARTER FRAXCES P111:s:SE Y C:A1tk l E F1s111-. 1t Bou P owELL E1.1.A:'\Olt F<>l. K Prnidr11/ Srcr1•tary- T uan 1rt"r J EA:'\1-:ITE PRICE D<>llOTllY G,\l(;-.;~: 11 Bii. Li E R1C llARDSOX .\I 1· 1111-.1. GEAllllA llT KATllYR:-1 R onERTSON .\l. I U ·. G11.111-. 11T E~n•A SKEl.T0 :-1 FRAXCl-:S SJ>R,\ 0 1.I N E ~ · ~ •A C 1.Alll>I·. :'\ J.vu1.1.1-. G 1u, i,.;-.; \\'A Y : \LICE Swr-:cKER l·:1.01s..: I Lu. 1. .\!Ax LE Y TouEY T U RN E R Z1·: 1< : t1 '1'I):'\ I L\IUlEl.I. j. \\I. jA:-:11·: I 11·: 1.\· 1·. Y GwY N N T u..-n.E . \1.l>A R l'Tll f o 11 :-:so;-.; J EAX \VEBJ)ER (:,\'1' 111·. IU:'\I·: i o 11 :-:so;-.; Yiu Prrsidtnl I .A1·1un- rA 1;,u ;-.;, ; Luux r-: \VESTWOOD DoRoTllY i.E\\' ls C11AR1.1-:s \V111n11RE ) ,\ l . K .\IA t· o ~1 REUECCA Y EA'M'S ·R1 ·T11 .\ I A llTI:'\ Et.~I E R Zi-:IC L ER DoRoTllY .\h; AIJOW .\!R. \\ .ILLIA~I WELLONS I L\Zl·. I • •\I OWLl•: S .·!d11iur

ST.\GE CRE\\.. \:\D .\!:\KE-CP CREW

SE:-\ IOR Pl.:\\" C:\ST

.\fr. llarri11gto11 ...... E1. ~1 ER Z EIC l.ER

.\lrJ. llarri11gto11 .. . •••. ... . HELE N C 11 E WNINC

Grace llarri11gto11...... : \I.ICE Swi-:CKf.R

l'atricia llarr i11 gto11. . JANE HALDER (Inset)

Billy Caldw1•/I ...... LEON CROWDER

Tony A11daso11 ...... RECINAl.D J ONAS

0 Sat/ii' B11 drn11a11 ...... \ 1RC INIA .\I U RPllEY

Fra11ci.t P atrick O'Flalitrty . . . FRED i\lcDANJEI.

T rip Busty ...... HuuERT \\.111TLOCK ) ..( ._, f Aviation Cl ub 'I .. J LY:rnRs JU:

Monogram Club

llAR\'6\' :\PPERSO!' E1.n1onG1; l, 1m WAI.TO:< BO\\'LES jAC5' ~1Al0t t\1Hi h: ll R u11cs B o"·="tAS (t:raduau:od mid-term) JIM BttOW:< F1um :'.l cDA:< 1~:1. (Graduat ed mid·lcrm} P.\l.'1. :'.lc C11~:E f'RllD CoR~1 Et1. B .\I:< REEi) LllO:< CROWDER P RESTO:< R EY:S Bll.L CYPllERS 1·ire: Prrsidt11t JACK OA~I >: n on SAVI. C•:c1L 01cKERSO:< .''frrrl'lary-Trtasurt"r PAUL POLEY \.. C. \\' AT!>OS R1c 11ARO F1smm 11 u11 1m ·r W111 Tl.(1t• o: I IAKOl.D G,\RRETT JAC O: W11.n ot' k:<~: Jo11 :< GLt>ASO:< HA1w1.n W11.so:< }Jg1·..: HAl.OR~S VAS Woo 11 ll 1mo1.o K1i .-r11 l"'rt'.f i,frnt non LAMUEHT COACll 0. E. Dll :

French Club

EOI rtl BAI:< VER: C l R UTH :\SSl.t 0F.SSIS Co1 E\' lll. YI" Kt>:

l:<~:k ~111 . 'l( Rll'E H J~LllS Cu 1~ ws1sG ~IA l .CO l., 1 Voci DoKOTll\' BooTftl!: .i\ll' 1< 11·:1. <~..: .,iu1Jo. . \lllk J1·!AS \ \'L':DBHR ~ I Y RA Dvs-n:-;<; \\'A 1<1< 1·:s c~11 . 11HI< 1 1\1.u 1•; L 1-..;1>...,1·. ,· O P A L Ru,;,; MAkTllA DklSCOl.I. llHUHCCA Vr..;ATTS ~ IA KY F HA!'c1.;s Lui!'\ CI \ '1Rc:1 s! ~' Srot ,.r ,\ ~1tR € 00k01' 11\' CARSER CAR1'JH{ ~1AIU():" (~H l '-1~0 ~l,\IHo ,\I UU E1.1. i-:s J.\ ;\ IE ~ l O H I\\' REG l ~1\ l .O JOSES CllORVS BROAt>u us C 11 r::ws1s': jAS ll~ JI 1~ 1 . , · ..:v ~IA:1 II\' ~ 1 • C'.\l'l,I\\' ('AH.01.\ ':".: 'fl1 R S' ER DokoTm· LEw1s Lvswoou A:( Ron E l\' I•; El<:"'\E'"\TJS' E \V.A l ... K EI{ Dou Pow1>1.1. Dll.L BARGf;R Fuuclty ..t ;fril t'r L11111Y ~ 1'' "'"" L oe\;ES't A \Voot... R loGE Andrew Lewis High School Band

11.o::ARIJ IlROl.'GllMA>( RKllAKU Pl!>CllER HARRY jo11ssns KATt11 J . IJ. 11>.hl'I ~. .. Ju1-. T110\1 , .... t ~URl>O:" \Yll.U\"RS' CUARl. t-~ BROW:"\ J1;\1Mlh. COCJUWI!' E;\tMA LoGt-.10101 ;\1 <"11 ~\fu. o 1 11- l'hk...,I ~c.i-. w ))\\ lh Tt10IP•;1n' JE.\:-: Ass \\'11 . .-.1sc DA\'IU BRO\\'S ~IAR\' LOLISE Ht::lhS.,h:-. IJ1Y<'


It is 3 :30. For """lc 1 lu: 1 linishecrs for special co11krt•nccs, as must the club presidents (11o t fori:ct tin!.! the Edi tor of Tin: P10:-:i-:1rn). .\bo\·e all, the lli1d1 School :\c·ws \ll'S'I' he rcaJ~· for Friday! Tired faculty u1c·111ht•r, a"c·111hll' in 1 0 ~ to c,rnkr o n the brilliancies and idio~\ ncrac-ic·, of t lil' t hirt<'l'll h11ndrcd whom thev h;l\'C tried to i;l~tfllt' t durinl.! lh<· da~, as wl'll as tn plan sclicdulc~. 1·1c. l.:isl, hut 11111 lt-as1. tit" Hu:

3:30 on--!

Clav .Hodd br \ .A=' Gt-:wi::R ·Photograph by \\.ooo

L -- - "An Athlete's Day 1n School''

"Listen here rou big bum. get up!" The~e ;ire the tir,.1 \\or.I, 111 :11 ,1ril.... 111r 1·:irs on the hri11ht and sunnr morning of "blue" .\londar.. \ s these wont- r•,11 up the,, ... !' ~ fr,.111 111~ hil! hn.nh ... r, I know that I had better mo\·c.

Out of the bed, I ,r:lance al the cl ock - '·Go~ h~·· 1wt·11ty 111i11u1n 11111il 11i11.... l111n the shower, out, clothes on, downstairs and eating breakfas t i11 fi\·e 111i111111· , (.:1111i11 c 111f :i 111in1111· :i nd :i lwlf fro m Friday's record). "Oh, .\fom, ha\·c rou seen my boo ks : >:e\·er mi11d , hert· 1h1·y art·."· (Ri!.' hl where left t h em Friday C\'Cning.)

Ye ll ing a good-bre to e\·err one I run do wn the s treet :111d 11p 1lre , ,·lr1111l , tep' just a~ t h e 9 :00 o'clock bell ran.r:. l rush into home room in time t <> answer·· her"·· io 1 lic rol l call. ··o, heck, I don't ha\·c my T ri.r:.'' "Hey, Van, got cha T ri;t " ' •· .:\o :" " / l11bi:r1, you wo11l.l11°t li:i\'t: ~ · ours? " '

Then to class. "'.\1iss .\nnic,' I 'm so rr~-, but l went lo c hurc h Jaq 11il!h t . and I d idn"t 11ct ho me until late and- etc." Out of Trig and down to tire ;t)'rrt door. •• /Ii y:1° ho~ ·, . what"s new:·· •· >:oth ing, you big hunk of ba l on~-," was their sharp reply. •· \ \'J1y cJidn"t ya c:1 tc li H11rr·, 1 ': 1 ~s Saturday ? Jt would have gi\·cn us the game." ".'\ow li s ten. fellas, that hea\·e wa ~ a 111ik \>\'er 111y hc:icJ." (Oh, shucks, what's the use of trying to get out o f that sl<,ppr pla~ · i111!:) ··onp<,"' bdl 1i1ne.

l:pstairs to lab to study gases, acids, etc. Gee, hut the \' icw i, li111.· fru111 h1.·n·. ·· 1·111 so rr~-, .\liss Webb, I'll pay anention.'' .\ t last- T hird period! T Q the library and plt·:i

. \fter waitin1t for the last bell to rinv I slip i1110 E11glish 10 see if ·· 11 :1111lt·t ·· ha ~ really been killed. Fifth period secs me at .\lrs. Easter's desk /.!i,·inv a pitiful talc ahoi11 sel·i 111! Co ach. .\her 111uch tr~._ ing I am g i\·cn a pass and down to the drcssin.I! roo111 l )!O• • \her talkinl! to Co:1ch until the bell rings, I then race upstairs to .\Jr. Peters' room fo r physics. Get there just in time tu re111c111h1·r th:it we arc h: a test. .\ftcr flunking the quiz, we all si t arouncJ and hear :1nn1hcr bull Se$sio n with .\fullins taking the lead and his side-kick, "Tailspin," hclpini: nut with some airpl:111l· ~. .\1 las l 1hc bell, which l:i,•es me the signal to dress fo r practice. Out on the licld the hors arc ta kine i11t·ir l:ips so l f:tll in . . \fter laps, Coach lets us punt a few and then he s tarts /.!ivi11µ 11 s I he works pull ups, pus h ups, etc. "Gosh, am I tired?" After practicing our pass defense, Coach hollers,"{) K , you gurs, le t":; sec wh:it you know on sig nals.'' (Gosh, I forgot to study 111inc last nig ht.) In formation we start running signals with me carryinl! the ball. Cce, what do I d o with it? ":\w right, see, what are you going to do, play rin1t around the roses with th:it ball? Thruw it !tu.·! >low get out of there and take 15 laps and marbc br thill time yo u'll rc111c111hcr to s tud~· signals.'' T hese words come from the Coach, and "Boy, do I feel cheap !" Br the ti111 e I ha\·e linis hed my laps t he squad is through blocking and tackling wor k-outs, so we st;i rt l he scri 1n 111age. I 1 sce 111 s Ii kc every time there is a /'ilc up, 1 am always o n bottom. "Cmps!" Ca 111l· prcl t ~ · nea r hustin' a k nee that time. B;ick in ormation the ball is snapp ed with " 1\ dmiral " r<· lling. "(;i111111c the ball! Gim me the ball!" Scrimmage over, we take o ur laps

Jor ·: T110:>1AS T hey Furn ish Pep for the Games



With the able assistance and excellent achice of .\ Ir. J> c t crs, f ormer ! ~ · n f \\'a kc Forest, to ou r already strong coachi ng staff composed o f .\ Ir . D ento n, c;us Quisito and assisted by the return of eight letter men, J\n

The fi rst ga me of t he season was a 14 too ,· ictory o \ ·cr \\'i lliam F lem ing, fo l­ lowed by an upset fro m l'\ewport l\ews due to t h c fact t ha t the Shipbuilders outweig hed us and that they playc

KAn G. PoFF C. PoFF .\ic)),\NIEI. \ \ "111Tl.OCK \\looo R .:.YNOLDS CR0\\"llER '.\L\l<~tAlll "KE I.A ~11 n: wr• BROWN \·VA ·rsoN C

1. Jou:> GLEASON- 5' 10" - 1Go I!. P ,\\· 1. FnLEY- 5 11 11 " 160 "Pretty Bor," one of the most promising Fnle~-. a resen·e line111:u1 \\'ho hell'cd ho ld t h e backs in the state, was equallr excellent o n w:dl in so111e o f our c reat ha1 tics . will be pl:iying defense as well as offense. the same clean football n<:xt year.

z. VAN Wooo-5' 11"- 155 13. \\.AJ.T<>N Bow1.1·:s- 5' 9" - q 5 Jefferson's loss was our gain. A l wa~·s readr .\ s 1e:1d~· running mate whu was mo\·cd 111 when the going was tough, \"an will be sorely fro 111 the hacklicld t<''> relieve Hro w11 at ~u:i r

3. PRESTON REv:-;ows-5' 1 1 " - 150 q . R1·n.: s Bnw~1AN - _:;' c/'- 135 Due to a b roken shoulder Preston did not sec ·• Ro01s," prohah l ~ · one:: of the lightest men on as much action as should ha,.. c been his. His the team, is o ne o f the rea~un s whr Co:tch ability as a triple-t hreat man earned him t he breaks into a s1n ilc when apj'roachc

4. LEON CROWDER- 5' 6~"-132 15. llAROLIJ K1~ 1 T11 - 5' 10 " - 1 55 As fine a reserve back as Andrew Lewis has Anot her dependable resc n-e who helped '.\lc­ ever produced. His experience in see i n~ action Chee at ihe wing position. lie sho uld be :i first in every game should enable him to be a ,·aluable string next rear. asset to Wake forest. 16. LEW I S S1;1u-·,\("E 5' 8"- q_.; 5. Bon SAu1.- .\/a1111gcr t\ sturJ,· little center whu shared the honors with \ Vatson at t he pin>t position . 6. H UUERT \VII ITLOCK- 5 1 7"- 15 I Small but one of the fa stest backs th at has 17. C . C . \\°,\TS <>:-; 5' 7" - 137 ever played for And rew Lewis. " Little .\Ian" Sho rt hut t ough. ·· ( ;co rge ·' Ii I led I h n always pu lled the squad out when their spirits Hnrdle 's shoes t o a "T" at cc11tc r. V. P. I. were low. will probably sec action fro111 hi111 in the nex t few rears. 7. PETE HOLDREN-5' I0"- 145 18 . jACK DA~11·: - .\/a11og1·r We are looking forward to Pete's outstanding passing ability to lead us to victory next year. 19. JACK \\"1 1. n ou<:-:1::- 5' 10"- 155

11 Jack's good sportsn1a n ship and steady pla~·­ 8. GORMAN PoH-5' 8 - 150 ing in the backfield will make him a n ill\·a luablc A reserve plugger who held down the guard cog in t he next rear's team. post faithfully. Gorman g raduated at mid­ term. 20. l'i\1 ·1, '.\l<.:C11EE- 5' 10"- 160

11 " :\lac," who has pl a red t wo ,·cars of ,·arsity 9. FRED Co1u1E1.1.-5' 8 - 155 football will be undoubtedly 111issed from the '39 l·:r~d, a first string guard, reall y earned his li neup. He !! raduates this year. pos1t1on for four years due to his great b locking and pile-driving. z 1. Rone1<-r LA~ 1 n1, R"r- 5 ' 10"- 170 " :\ pey,'' the young est foolhall captain in JO. J IM BROWN-5' 6"- 135 the history of the school pro,·ed himself abl~­ The toughest red head that has e,·er pla~·ed in t h e leadership o f his team. He is one that for Salem High School. "The '.\ l ightr :\l ite" won't be forgotten. will be a great Joss to the 1939 squad. 22 . R 1c11A1<0 F1 ,:; 11 E1<- 5' 7"- 185 I I. HAROLO GARRETT- 5' 7''- 150 T he hea,·iest man in the line. '"Square's" "Admiral" wi ll be a mainstav in the back­ love o f perso nal contact will make h im a p recious field ne.xt year. His superb passi~g. kicking and possession o f next ~·car's sq11aJ. J l e pro,·ed power m plunging the line wi ll surelv find hirn his popula rity b~ · being elected co-captain of a berth. · t he '39 lineup.


-- 1 ~--

The Boys H it the Hardwood When the Baske t Ball Season Opens

PAl'L \V111TLOCK Bou J w1·r Vit,\'.\; K I IAl.E HARO LD SHELOR l'llESTO'.\; R1·: Y:-.:01.1>S D . .J . S11C>\\.Al.TER B 1•: R'.\;,\llO GRAYBILL 1< 1· Fl·s B ow~ 1A :-< l l oWARIJ B A1t:--:E·1-r HowARu \V1~ 1 ~rn1{ R o1rn11T LA.\111E11T )AC K J) ,\~I E (.lla11aga) PAUL :vlcG1n:1·:

\Vi th few letter men returning from the preceding season, l h e '3 8 '39 basket ball squad made a good record this yea r. Six of the gam es were lost by one or two­ point margins.

The squad had many d ifficulties to face, among which was the graduation at midterm of Bob Lambert and Fred Cormell. Sickness al~o kept many o f the boys out of the games. Bu t these mishaps didn't discourage Coach D e nton. The bors worked hard du ring several weeks o f practi ce and finally rounded out a lighting band of basketeers who tied with D anville for third place in the \\.cst c rn District. Due to the fact that onl~- one ,- arsit ~ · player. P aul \Yhitlock, will be lost by ~rnduation. the '39- ·-1-0 season should be a great year for Andrew Lewis because this year's experience will be nex t year's gain.

(TOP) G1:0R<:1 . I L\l· 1·T ]ACK SrRl"llA:'\ :\I 1K E SPESSARD ER:'\ E~T , . IA PAc1. F o t.EY EARi. BAR:>ETr I .1\ Wlll . :'\C~: R l·: Y:'\Ql.DS C0Ac11 Pi::TERS \\"11.BUR GUTHRIE C1·.c11. !'o n · Bonnv PETl·: Rs DICK STV~ll' l.i..11: 11TO:'\ I l.\IUlEl.I. B11.1. CYl'll ~; RS (BE LOW) :\ ll DGETS RA1.1• 11 I L\1· 1"r T11 0~1 As F t.ECK RICllARO \ \"ALTl!Al.l. P,";i.: \\.oou F RAXC IS \\"RIC llT :\IA l.COL~I T 1X Cl,ER C11A IU. l·:S 11 1·: :'\ l>E IU. ITE .J o11x Bi.A CK


1. RACllJ~ L L1c1rr- Furward- Rachcl came to us this rear from Back Creek, a nd we know that their loss was our gain. She is our best forward and was ~\wa r ded a place on the ,\JI-County Team. Rachel is a Junior and we hope she will be back next rear plaring for :\ndrcw Lewis.

2. :\!ARY 1':1. rzAnETll l-IALf.- Captai11-G1wrd­ :\ndrcw Lewis will lose one of the best plarcrs by g raduation this year. :\!arr Elizabeth is " .(!rnnd sport, dependable, in fact, c\·crything a good cap­ tain must be to her team. \Ve'rc sorry to sec her go and wish her the best of luck.

3· :\!ARY AGNES PLYUOx- For~uard-A lthough this is :'viary's first year out for ,·arsitr, she pla}' Cd an outstanding game. During the season she showed more improvement than an~· other p l a~·cr on the team. :\rfary will be back next ~·car winning more honors for :\ndrew Lewis.

4. J EAX Axx \V 11,Fox c - Ct11/er-Side Ce111er­ Although Jean :\nn was originally a side center she played almost e\·ery position on the team, and did it well. She is one of our best and most depend­ able players. Jean :\nn made the :\II-County Team and played an excellent game. Great t hings a rc expected of her next year.

5. R unY HORNE- Side Center- Ruby is the smallest player on the team, but that isn' t a liability by anr means. Greased lig htning would be the best thing to describe her. Good luck next year, Ruby!

6 ..\1ARY LOFl.ANo- Forward- 1\lthough she was smaller than most of the girls who guarded her she played a good game. :\1ary did her part in scoring and put up a good defense. The team will lose a good sport and one of its best p layers through :VI a ry's graduation.

7. ELEANOR \VADDELL- Guard- E leanor is an­ other of our p layers who will graduate this year. She is one of our best and most dependable guards. We'll miss you next year, Eleanor.

8. EILEEN SA1..E - Cuard- :\lthough Sale didn't see much action this year, she could a lways be depended upon to do her part; Andrew Lewis will lose a line sport by her graduating.

9. FRANCES l·IARRl $ON - Ct'11ler- H ere's to the girl who held down the pivot position of the team so capablr. Frances is a good center; also a good side center, forward, and guard. She, too. is graduat­ ing this year.

10. MvRA BuNT1Nc - A4 a11flger- :Vlyra has been our manager fo r two yea rs, and we can but echo what was said about her last year. She is patient, dependable, and thoughtful. Thanks, Mymie, for all your help. TRY TH EIR LUCK AT THE BASKETS

Sta11di11g Seated ?\hss STAPLES PERSt:>CER, Coach - T o '.\ Iiss Persinger )?Oes EvA jAN 1·: Dour.11M AN- B Lois \V11.•oxc our deepest admiration and affec­ Tram Coach tion. She has been e,·erything :1 co:ich could be to :1 team. Her B ETTY Jo \VAuDELL understanding and patience RACllEL LIGHT c:irricd the team through with POLLY M ow1,1; s flying colors.






B.\S1·:1nu. D. E. D E xTox ...... • ...... •...... • .. • ...... • ... . . C1Jach JAMES Pi::TEl.< i

Pitchers I 11field 011tfi1•ld Catdlr'rs P. ::VIcGm::E B. GRAYBILL v. \\'00 1> 11. \ \ ' ll.SO x 11. S111-:1.0H J. GLE ASOX P. R E YX Ol..J)S P. \V111TLOC K 1: . I(,\ LI( \\' . \\.I L$0); C. l'v1owt.£S W. G u T11tu E L. HAIUU, LJ. F. G1·:A IUI E,\RT J. BAYS£ .H. Wt~l~IER 1.. \KERS O. I L\1. 1. j . P EX DLETO:\ L. CRo wutm :-.:. PARKS 1. T. : \<;El·: ·w. Sn; Atn Faced with the problem of no fie ld and lack of material o n t he mo und, Coach D e nton started the task of building a ball team on the little field at the side of the school. .\fte r much hard practice he finally brought forth hi s team. But all our hopes were shaltercJ about six days bc::fu re the tirs t g ame . Coach Denton was taken ill and removed to t he hospital. T hen we su dden!~· rc rn emhen:d \Ir. J im Peters, t he football star from \<\la ke f o rest. .\!Ir. Peters gladly consented to step in and relieve us of our misfo rtu ne. I le started t he bo>·s back to the g rind after losing only one day of practice. The schedule calls for a number o f games, many o f which will be p la>·ed awa>· from ho me due to the fact that our fie ld will not be read v unt il the middle of the season. !\ow as TH E P10NEE R goes to press, we wi sh to thank .\Ir. Peters a nd the l>o ~ · s on the h:ill dia 111 o nd for showing their respect and loyalty in carrring o n in the a bsence of Coach Denton. \\·c fed sure that he will be back soon to help finis h the season with 1\ ndrcw I .cwis o n t op where s ht· alwa>"s has been.

Seu eou LE T O DATE : \ PRI L 19 ...... Bedfo rd ...... away 2 1 ...... •• ..• J efferson ...... , ...... a way 25 ...... Fleming ...... awa» 28 ...... J c fTerson...... ho 111c .\IA y 1 •••.•••• .• • • Fleming ...... home +· ...... Bedford ...... ho me 9 ...... Christiansburg. . . . ho me GET UND ER WAY


0 JACK \\ 11. llOl"ll:-:E ..•..•.••.•. ..•..... • ...• • •.•• ..•••••••...... ••. . C11ptai11 D. E. D1·. :-:n1:-: ...... Coach .\s11t"llY :\IAt"ll\" •....•....•..•. . .• ...... •.•••.••...... •...... •./11i st1111t Coach Bo1111v P1111.1. 11•s . .•••..•...... ••• ...... •..•...... \/11 1111gu

11. DEA Ill :-;c.; B. P1111. 1.tl'S P. LAXCASTl·:ll C. I lm.1.v..-11-:t.u I. \\"11.UOL"RXE G. llAt' l'T P. s~1n11 .J. :\ IACO~t C. Pon- 'p. l\lcG111n: .J. :\ kC1.v1n: P. Fot.EY B. J~:-rr J.. J> o·rn 1-:i­ .\. \IAURY 0 F. \ \ "1uc:1n I·:. \ 1A H. KEtTll R. F1s111m D. DEX'l'OX ~. 'l'llO~ll'!H>:-: IC BO\ntA=-: j. \\"tt.llOURNE

Due to t he fac t that we do not ha,·e t he fac ilities for Track, there w:1 s sorne dispute as to whether or not we would lrn,·e t his sport this season. but when the call went out :111d the boys responded so wi lling!)' it seemed a sha me to disappoint thern. T hey :ire being coached as usual by Conch Denton and .\ sbur)· l\ laur)'·

The hO)'S h:l\·e been working hard and a nxiously e\·ery dar, weather pcrmittini:, in hopes of pro­ ducing one of the.: best track teams tha t has C\'Cr come frorn Salem High. Ro;111oke College has again gi ,·en us the of using her track course and the boys wish to thank the onicials for this pri,·ilcge.

As '1'11 E P 1oxEEll goes to press, we ha,·c a number of important meets on the card nnd we know that 1hc boys will do their best to keep track at Andrew Lew:s.


18 ... • ...... • .... Blacksburg .q ...... Ferrum Training School...... 12Y,. 19 ...... County \ leet <>...... Pending 13 ...... State i\lcet Our Principal G ives Seni ors Parting Message

I take peculiar pleasure in offering greetings to you, t he C lass of 1939, because you and I shared a simultaneous initiation into the life of Andrew Lewis High School fo ur years ago. It is my earnest hope that these four years have left us sensitive in no small degree to the high privileges, genuine pleasures, and serious responsibilities that have gone into the making o f your student days. , I congratulate you upon you r graduation and remi nd you only that it is your continuing obligation to the school to translate ~ its ideals into broader lives of worthy endeavor. Sincerely yours, 0(7 I h ' Faculty Meets at 3: 40

T o tho ,;e who no t only l:1bor Ion_(! hours for ou r good in f:tcu lty meetings at the school after 3 :30, hut \\'ho, tho u)! h already tired. often \\'Ork an pcct thc111 as o ur superiors. \\'c ad111 ire and appreciate them as our teachers an

•\ IR,;. : \1n: J. 1. E .\ I. l ~ E XXETT .\IRS. G. G. D 1-:llART,JR • '.\IRS . KATllJ::RIX I:: H. E ARLY l. ihrmian .\/ atho11at fr..-. II i1101·y ,-1/gtbra

.\I 1t , L. C111u ,;T1·: x sEx '.\IR. BKOADll'AT J:: R /J a111/ Prinf ipa/

\ f ie D. !-:. DExT0:-1 .\ I 1,;;; . \ x x I 1.. I .. c () x Pli 1·.r irn! 1~·d11 c t1t ion '.\liss TR1xA EFF IXGER lfo111 1·-.\laki 11 J; · .-lth/,·tio Office \lits. Dw1<:trr B. F1rnces<1s .\I 1c 1-:n. K 1.·1· 1 \ . 11,, " l>I SI. .\1 1<,. l·.1.1.\ S <>I< '\. ltu.,;os Scirnu .l;:,r1t ul11or 1-: 11.~/, ,ft I

:\111-<. I·:. C. j,un.s \l11s. \'L\11 y 0 . GA11si-:1t .\ J 1 .,~ l.11.1. 1,\S I f ru.AS l .a1i11, h'11j:Ji1lt /li11ory E 11~li.•lt

:\! 11-.. \ 'rnc tSJA T1,;E \l1ss :\IARY 11. Goouw1s \ft ~" l\.,\Ttll·. lC> I> 'l'yprwriting S l'ir·11r1· .\lath , s,·/,·111·1·


.\I Rs. J-:1.1z,\111:T11 B. .\lit,;. :'\r-:t.1.t: I L\Rnt.\X .\loo1u. 1 11 1.1> l'1·: 1rn Y .\ltt,;. I.ol · 1s~: D. R1n: Sh11rt!w111/, /l ,, ,,l·k,·,-pi11~ .\/ 11

.\l1t. ). l·: 1>w\lt1> C><:1. 1-.s11 Y <.'i~·i, ·.l, , ..., t1J/l1Jili1· ,, , .\l1ss STAl't. E:< P1rns1x<:r..1t .\ltss J-:1.1zA11ETll 0. RwoL'T _c..;,,, i 1d"J.!..\' l'lty.rfral l :'dua1tion l/0111r-.llnl·i11r,

:\]1 -;s FK1\X( 1 .; Ox1-:v .\lrss SARAH Km.: Brm ld.- ,·,·{> Ing R O\\ llOTll•UI E11r,lisli, /'orntio11al Ci:io \)1 -..-. f'ltht 111.,\ l' Al " l . l~I: \I RS. ETHEL St~ER \[1.,-, J-:1.1Z,\ lll.Tll S1 ·1111. 1 \\ I Ill• S110CKEY S , ,,.,.. , ,· . .ll 1tlu·111c1ti«J .\lathematicJ / :"11 ;:.hd1. S rinu .-

... \IR. Jou:-; H. S:>;/\PI' \ltt ~. C1.nn. R 1ul"1.Y \Jtt. \\ ' 1 1 . l . l ,\~I \\ ' 1 ., 1 . 1.0~ ,; E11J!.li1 h T1 · 11~1·. 11 .\/a1/i,·11wt:'o 1:11 .. fi, /1

\! 1< ,;. l·: 1.s 11·: \\.1rnTz 0 K. \ ! 11. S1·: 1 . 111 ·: ~ 11. \\ ATK 1 ~.; / :"11 ~ I1 •h, // i.•/ury //i11/1,J!.y

\l1s,; \ "11rnA \ IAY \\"or 111 F1,-,1r/1 A T y p ical School Da y I Lum on m~· pillo\\'. J;izeJ :rnJ puzzled. fumbling for the cord which I jerk to light my room. No lig hL is nceJcJ. Thrnug h l hl! \\'inpen e~·c . Something is rotten in the State of Denmark. T he time is out of joint. Sweets to the S\\·cet. >:e\·cr shake thy gor~- locks at me. Shake off this downy sleep. (Don' t use an apostrophe in the prnnnun its.) 104- Cresar had the Gaul to invade Britain. After all these years o f s tre11t1<>us ciY il izing processes we seem very little ahead of t he stage in which J. C. fount hy a man stand ing in Ohio. In which state will the case be t ried, and \\'ho \\·ill pay the l a\\~·crs' fees? Is it l;1rcL· 11y t o s t eal :i cat? 303- And what he tho uizht was I I 20 \u.1s I-I :.!SO,. BAxo- Toot! T oot! Toot! Bang! Bang! l3a11g~ Squa\\'k! Squawk~ ( \\' lio hit that sour 11otc!?!) 0, \\ ' h~t a nut I am! l . Gee, \ \ 'hat a gump I am! Tune, A111cr1ca Ah, \\'hat a boob! J (Interruption Ko. 99)- A youthful s heik returns with his l i hrar~· pass. siµned :\ .\I. B. and E. B . B. It reads thus: "J. B. has lost all library pri,·ileges. D on't send him to t he libra ry again for sixty days. He thinks this is a trysting place." The third hour ends. A caesura] pause breaks the accentual rhythm . It is lunch hour. (Only thirtv minutes, though.) Doors open as if by magic. J\ mad anuld life all labor be? 1n eight m01e hours you must be on the wh1rl1g1g aga111 . ..

Songs oF the M o me nt

Bl.l'E \:"D \\' I llTE

Sin I! w the coin rs of 11:1111 ro: .Je:ir: 'J'o tlwm \\'c ·11 cn•r l>t· t rut'. I 11 nl,1 \ 'i r.:i11ia \\'i 1 h \\ .I I <'I'> ;., d 1•:i r. S.dl't11 . t h <'y bri..: h l <'11 for n rn. Blue :ire tl1t· 11101111tai11s that round yuu ari><'. sihl'r) tht· 111""" 11( th<' 11id11. E"·uin..: ,l1Hh s1·;11 tl'r till' cl1•11.b in the .skies. :O.lim:li11g the hluc a11d tht· whitl'. (C11t11u ,.;) .\11.lrl'\\ l.1·\\i, \\ ith ii.. 1>1 11 " ;111d "hill'.\\ hl'r<' ""r hl'.lrl:' ab11t11i.I. in joys dcli!!111. :'\1H\' and c\·cr 111nrc. I l1111(1 r :ind :1 .! Pr<', Th.. Ht.1 ...11i.I 1h,· \\ hit ...

There i,; :1 hi!!l1 ~c lwol in this Statc 111 thi ~ St:ttl', .\ nd its f,1011>:111 tl'a111 will rail' ' °<'>, \\ill r;it<'. F,n· the Bha· '1"<":1111 of dc:ll' .\ 11drcw l. l'\\' i~ lli.:!1 \\'ill win that 1!:11111.' l1•d:I)' ,, ...l il'. .\ 11 .!rl'\\' l. t'\\ i~ \\'l' .1.lt• I:,. )t•ll. l .t•) .d Bl11l'' f'<·a111 \\'l' ;1rl' r.. r ,·ou .\nd our colors Blue a111J \\'hitc 5h:1ll w ;t\'t' in l'ietul')'. Fi ..: ht. l·'icl11. '"•r \ 11 ,lr'"' I.'"' ;, I li t:i1 I.'"' is ll i..:h. F i.: ht. Ct!! h ~, a w ucl11.l nw11 i$ our err Is our Cl')', O h Blu.: Te;1111 hran:, p ut -'••\\' n tl1<' l'nl'lll). \ 'il't.>ry'. \ 'il' t c> r~ · '. \ "il' lul') '.

.\1 . .\1.\ .\l.\Tl·:R

Oh, .\ mlrcw l. ewi~. school adored. Our .\1111:1 .\bt('r de:ir, Fun.I 11tl'111nri,·:; ,,f 'l'hn· " l"ll ht1ld. ()111· h.-:in :< :111.I 111i11,J,. to cltcc:r, \\'c'll en·rnwre Thy 11:1111e :idure, .\ nd l11 mo r:< lo Thl'l' hri11 ..: . \ 11, I IH>ll' Th ~ """" au.I ,1, 111 ,_.ht<·r:<. tr11 c-, l.,,11,I pr:iiscs to 'l'hl'c sin;:. Y l PPY (l

.\nclrc\\' Lewis llic h, for you I'd dil', Vo r I lcwc: you 1k:1rl)· .\n,l 1ha1·,. '"'lit', Y ou'n• thl' hot lii.:h scb,,.,1 in Y i1:..iui.1 Sl:tte, .\nd :tll the honors you will take, For l he hl'Sl of cit izl'ns yu11 "111 111.d,,•, Y i1•1': -i-u .\ n,! rt" " 1... ·wi,- I fi,_-h .

P. \ l.S

\\'here :ire my pals of the Little Re..! School. Pla~ ·matl'> lik.· Ji111111y :111..I J a 11 ,., '\,·w pal' 111 ay <'•'llll' :rn.I """' !':ii;: ."• ., But memoric,;ofold ones rl·111:ii11. Lc·t me 11u hack tu 1h:1t q11:1i11t li 1t1 .. ,h:id... \\ hl'rt' I k.1r11l',l tlw ::rl'.1t ,_.,,J,lt-11 0 nt. · - -., c w:tndcr unce more. thru' th:it Drl'ambn..J of yon·, \\'ith 111y p;d,. uf the I.it ill' R1-.I ~dtt•PL rule - 1.( 111 11.\11. Tl·'..\.\I

I l;iil! \\'c t u:t~I our foothall te:im, Shout'. till .\nJrl'\\' l.ewi:< halls rin.:. Stan.I'. :111d ..:i, l' a dtn·r ai:ain. I .1·t "',.r)· ), ,).ii ·in" Then lidn and do the hcst , ·011 can. l,.id11 fo r t11<· dl':tr 111,1 Bl11" T <·;1111. Fh.:ht :1111 1 " "" ill hl' ' il'l <>ri1•11-. st 11 cl cn t s . ·-'Ii :tl'l1. Tu thl· ,.111 " IH> ,·11 , ..·r in tlll·ir h•) .dt). 1:o r tic:I I111.! • • • ·r to the sl'1IT T o 1h e -chool we II rcnll'lllbl'r :dw:n "· To the l1 c, · · • · · . c 1 tl1 thl' hall ":11m· T ake 111c out with the cwwd. Bu~ nw >• •111l' l'l'a1111t> ;111,I l'r:1d.. l'r-jack:<. ,1,,11·t 'l ;l 1\:l° 11' 011 ("' I ·r I . ·er r.ct hack .\nd it's root, runt. ruot, for the llll111c tl·:1111, II thl'~ ,lt,,1't wi 11 ii·, :1 ,; h:1111 l'. S.. it', ulll'. l \lt•, t hfl'l' c:1rc 1 lll' ,.. • ••• 1 al 1 111 ·rc 0 11 1111.: old hall .1:a111l'. s l l'l ~CS ) < Bl.U: Tl·'..\ .\I \\'e \\'ill lil!ht, Iii: hi , fi,i: ht fu r tl1 e hlul' tc:i111, \\'hl·11 lhl· hlue :1111 1 "'•ill' :lf' l'<';1r-. \\«· "ill pull Iii,,· heel.. f11r t h<' hl11t· \\'hen thl'I hc:ar 011r 1'1il' hty cl11:ers Rah'. Rah '. \\ t' will l"irck th" l'11d f11r lhl' hlul' tl'alll. \\"'1l·11 1 h,· ~ r11111p ri.:ht 1 1e:un, . lielcl T ouc· hJu\\'ll 1. · J ·o uc JK Iu wn . l'I" lll' ·1·ca111. ' <>I• I 1'u1:11h .hl'I 11 ·1..: 11 11"1· 11 su rl' 1~ ~ ·ll' 11l .' clown \ I ic ' S.\l.E.\I 1 1 1< ~1 1 SPIRIT

\ti i... 11 .. ~ :111 ..I hi.: Ill·, I Old S:ilcn• 1li ch 111:1 ~· '" n:I) hoa•t, <_>~ :t l'r:i ml :11111 c l11ri1111; 11:11111'. . I· or S.11.·111 l I 1ch i- "1 r" t 11 "i11 . :1:.:.1111. ·1 h.11 \\ l' \\ ill • •roudh loi·:d ln thl'l'. Io dtl'l'I' thee 011 th) wa). s,, ll11\\.1rd t11tl'l' 11111n· .111.I ,)""' fame, 11 <:lrh I ...... Ir• •1u ' 111.1 ... t. '. 1. lbh! Rah '. Rah '. C hl'l'I' n1J\\ fo r S:1lcm 11 1,..h, l hn·r fnr tltl' 'I'"" bn·.I, '-" • •Ill" l''11l ''"I'""' 1111·11 w1 n t (IU ' 1) • • • • • • I 11 I \ I I . Cl11'l'I """ · Ir Wl!h t Int 11111: of rl'd. .\ n,I " l' "ill lii:h t, It.: ht 1111 1 :1 11111 1111\.: 11. 111 ltc 11 f,,r l hl' -1•1 n 1 1nw . in!!. era!'. ItllH! t 1 ' • . for Salel11 I li!!h, Ch1·l·r f11r tl1l' 'l''nl trill'. S<>:\S OF .\:\l>R 1-\\ 1.1-\\ I ~

'\. o \\ \\4,: ... l.Hhl I • 1 Ln ... c \ • ·ll ~ (. .. .1 •• • ' , f \ n.lrl'\\ 1.l'\\i,, T al.t· thl' d1.dl"11"" 1n "'• \ 11.I 111.irth "" '" s., 11 11 """'n ' . \ I I I . t n I (Jim ;1r.1. oo11\\:1r.1. -ir.11.:ht :0.:.1 lht ilw 1111. l· .. n \ ,11 I. t.. 1\\ 1i.I. ''" t l 'UI iroud lr r:ii>l' ) 111 1, 111 r11:1rr 1 1111 ". ~ 1l" 11 . • l I 1 11 I u) ,".Olh \I r \ llt I l'l'\\ I ,l'\\1'. , I :1 i- C' ti It'•rl 1,1. llc·11 L!l. ltl II'. \ 11,1 111.11rl1 1111 \I.tool \ I)itl\Jl. C rs ..!~. . The Busi ness Staff of "The Pioneer" Speaks

,,.e appreciate the pleasant, coopcr:Hi\·c spirit which o ur a1..h·crt ise rs l1a Yc shown us as we wo rked with them in financin~ this '39 P1 0 :-;EER. \\·c ha \·e enj o r cd the part of "the day in school " which b rou!! ht us in cr.11ta c t \\·ith e> ur bus iness friends. In many cases they have "patted us o n the back,'' ha\·c wis hed us luck and have been a sou rce of real inspiratio n to us. It is r•ur h<1pc that .1\ndrcw Lewis students will boost the firms represented in this book for they lw11dl e the best in their respecti\·e lines.

S ig ned: B r LL 13R,\DS fI A\V, KE rs T ER CREER, Bou B ,\Rt; E R, "DL·cK" C ,\RTER, BoB s,, l.i L.


'.? South Jt:fferS(lll Srrc: et SALEM, \'IRGINIA R OA :-:oK 11, \.'A.

COMPLIMENTS Of Nonna n's RAIN BO Rest a ura nt (5"¢DREAD

SA LEM, \ ' IRCJNI.'\ G a rst Bros. Dairy, Inc.

Drink Garst Bros. Grade A Pasteurized Vitex Vitamin D 1\·l ilk with +oo P. S. P. llnits from Cod Liver Oil added per quart by Vitex Process.

11 L.-\BOR.\T01n- Co:--: nwr. FOi{ YcwR PROTECT 10:-.;"

D I.-\L DL\L 5501 5502

"R orrn o l~ e' s 1~ ! osl i\ lod11 rn Doiry''

CARTER BROTH E RS llEM.1'. RS I:-; Littrell's Barber Shop G !Wl'ER! ES J\:-\1) FRES H '.\I E.. \TS and Beauty Parl or "ff'e S1'/I / or L t'ss" Dial 9177 1 3 1 5 I\ I el ro~" A n ., )/. \ \'. 1 11 E .\S'r M .·\I~ STREET PllO!'E 6-t

Roanoke Paper Co. , Inc. C 0 '.\1 PL 1 :\1 E ~TS DIAL 5103 of 11 7 :\orfolk A,·cnue, \Vest

Ro.. \ X<>KE, \ ' 1Rc1:-.:1A 8.\R:-.;ETr's REST.\L.R.\:\T

SALE.\ I I-J A R D \~ ' A KE ( 'OMPl.11\IENTS CO\ I PA~Y ·· 11 ·,. Sdl to St'/I A5;ni11" HART l\ IOTOR CO. 1' 110~ ES 89 ,\ :\U 7'1.t) SALEM, \ ' IR( i l l'\ IA Gifts of Quality for every desire or purpose at reasonable prices C lass Rings, Pins and Medals, P rizes and Trophies fo r A ll Sporting E ,·ents Fine Stationery with l\lonogram or School Crest 1Vlenus and Programs

Makers of the Official Ring Andrew Lewis High School J. E. CALDWELL & COMP ANY JEWELERS : SILVERS.\IITHS : STATIONERS


DEAR GRADUATES: :"\ o\\· that g raduation has cro\\"ned you \\·ith a halo of success, no doubt you \1·ill set out for nc:\\" fieltl s to con­ quer . .. Which reminds us, we got many of you ready fo r the school finals. Now let us dress you fo r your sum­ mer vacation, then fo r College ... Or if you will be venturing into the Business \ Vorld, first have us dress you \1· ith personality-plus.


~ 90 !-:.><- ROANOKE COLLEGE Fou:rnEo 18.µ Cll.\KTERED 1853 S:\LEI\!, \'IRGl~IA


~I ember Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools of the Southern States + + +


J 039 S111111111•r School J Ill/(' 1.U/i-,J ll!JllSI 11 t/i

+ + +

f ,\1.1. l't:K~I Ot>l' !l:S SF.rT"- ~I DF.R •:?, 1939

Tt:LEl'llO:\ E 197 C 0 :\I P L I ;\I E ~ T S A. LEI\! BATTERY CO.

of Cl.ARK Ol'ERSTKF.ET, ,l/(11/(l{/t'f A FRIEND ROAD SERVlCE Cars /1'11sh1·d, Polishrd (111c/ L11bricatrd

H . 1\ 1. 'i\' 00D SIDNEY'S PLU:'\ IBING A~D HEATING S marl R eady-to- TV ea r SALEM, \ ' IRG IN IA for th e JYiiss ROANOKE, \'JRCINIA

Brothe rhood Mercantile Company J. \I. LOGAN S;\ I ART CLOTHl ;\G nrr (,'oods. Sotious. Etc.

for Jfr11, 1'01111y .\/l'll and Boys SALi~ !\! , \ ' IRCl:'.':IA ROANOKE, \'JRGINIA SALEM GROCERY COMPANY, Inc.

SALE.\f, \"IRG I:\J..\

Wholesale Grocers




H O\,f E O r-r- I CE : R O.\.:'\OKJ·:, V !R(;J:'\1.\

CO\JPLDIE.:'\TS OF Old Virginia Brick Co. For E11ergy a11d Vitality Eat Michael's Bread

PHONE 7726


R & G-Snle111's Finest--R & G


Sherwood Burial Park


PttON ES : Salem 32 - Roanoke 2-31S1

Sa lem Creamery Company, Inc. Pasteurized Dairy Produrls PHONES S.-\LDI - 163 : : ROA:'\OKE - Dial 2-8753 ?fie~ ~IetriP-ffiinnich ·s Gollw. t"' l/"""1 hlur and,,,,.,, lllhlT Sfni/ l/VIVU/ • • • -· ...... , &

R oano ke, \ ·ir gi11ia

Wiley Feed, Fuel a nd T. E. COFFEY & CO. Supply Corp. General Con/r(lc/ors Ei·erything in tlz e

TEl. EPI 10:\E .+3 17 Budding Line

COAL - PA1:-.rTs - Ou. - GLASS 22 East Campbell Avenue

P110:-:E 88

J. H. JOBE P ot Plants, Cut Ff r;ru.:en A . S. PFLUEGER and Funeral D esigns ] e'7.ce l er



8TATJ0:\1ERS AND Robert Martin Cornpany O FFICE O cTFITTERS

P110 :-.- E 62.+t RoA:-.'OKE, VA. R. D. MARTI~ F . c. '"' ILEY Salem Foundry and Machine Works



YOU CAN RIDE as much as you please with us for $1.50 per week. I t will cost you National Business College Roanoke, Virginia several times that much Schools of Business Administration and if you use an auto. Secretarial Science Accountancy, Auditing, Income Ta.x, C. P. A. Coaching. Bookkeeping, Banking, Finance, Office ~rachines, Stenographic, Secretarial, B. C. S., • • B. S. S., or H. G. B. degrees in two years. Diploma courses. se,·en to fifteen months. 700 students. Em­ R o.-\ ro KE R AI LvVAY ployment. Coeducational. Athletics. Social activities. For high school .t\ ND ELECTRIC Co. graduates a n d college students. Uui lcli11g and equipment Yaluccl at $300.000. Write for 80-pa)!e catalog H. Address Registrar, Box 2059, Roanoke, Virginia.

...:< 95 i:... Co111pli111e11ts of F. G. O A KEY, CLE.\~[R Bouln·ard a t Colorado Strl'<'I Gooo\\·1x-vV1 LLIX\rs CHEVROLET CORPOR.-\ TIO:\ OK 0 11 fl! it_r-Srr·«ia SALEM, \'IRG JNJA

CO'.\ll'Ll'.\II·:i\T S O F J.y r11 n e Y 0 u r S la l i 011 rv es er<1: e t /, e ,\'al i on Thomason's Jewelry For Information Phone 50 Store ATLANTIC z 19 E:\ ST \ l.\l :-.J STRE F.T GREYHOlJND LI NES l 888- 1939 S. \1. E ~1, \ 'rnr.t:.=tA

COMPLIMENT S OF CL' RTI S G . DOBBINS THE DIXIE F UR NITUR E I 11 s11ra11 (t anti R i'(I/ f:'.slr1 / <'

C0 _ 1PAN Y 207 East Main Street SALEM, \'IR(;J NIA S .\ L EM, \ ' IRGt :.= I; \ Pllo:.:e 9S

C A LE13 L. HAL L The Pu re Food Store INSURf\ NCE CO. ( } 1 '.·\ LITY ( } !

PtJON I:. 32<.J T c I cphoncs 1 60 - I 80

F i\ltMl\ RS N i1T10 " 1\ J, H,1 ~ k llt'll.J!f \1 !; J 0 EPH SPIGEL, l::\c. 0 . G. Lewis & Co., Inc. T he College Girl's Shop D odge find Ply mou th ·· 11ri111r of CarlH"riglit Frocks" D ealers 103 C'ainphrll A,·enue ROANOKE, \ 0 IRGINIA P11o"E 93 SALEM, YiRGll\IA

Reid & Cutshall COMPLIMENTS OF "A Dcpart111cnt Store of l/0111 c Moir & Trout Furnishings" Buy Your Furniture on Our Budi:c t Plan ROANOKE, \'IRCINJA RO . \~OKE, \"IRGINI.\

GlTTE JS & lVIORTON 1 :-.:<:0Rl'OR1\TEO P. L. Starkey INSliRANCE D en ier in Fancy Groceries, R EAL ESTJ\TJ·~ - LOAl\S Fresh and Cured J.\ 1eats 102 EAST MAIN STREET SALEM, VIRGINIA Fish, Oysters and Game in Season Salem's O/dps/ /ns11ra11 ce Agency Telephones 133- 1 34 - ( GOOO·ll YE ANXI"T\') 3 q l\•IAlN STREET =-----=-

CU .\ ll ' L l .\ Jl ~ N I !> UI· G ood,vin In surance , & Realty Company


Magic City Launderers H ENEBRY & SON and Cleaners, Inc. J eric.:el ers 900 Thirteenth Street, S. \V.

DIAL 8111 SALEM I 0-000 ROANOKE, \·rn<;f 1 11\ At Jltemorial Bridge

COMPI.ll\IENT S COMPLIMENT S OF Roanoke City M ills, Inc. AIRHEART-KIRK CLOTHING 111 a11u f acturers co. METROPOLITAN AND LIGHTWHlTE PH01\' E 7174 FLOURS 25 CAMl'llEL!. A\'E:-: llE, s. \V.


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