* * * * Member 1938-39 * :\ r i:::vl.BER S OUTll ER:-1 f NTERSCllOLASTIC * Piu:ss : \ ss<KIATIOX * * * * * * * * * * Clay Model by \ .AN GnvER * Photograph by \Vooo EX * L BR IS * * .. ,. .. ~ '5> ..... PYJU<.;llT , . co , C u EWNINt. Sui::AH AN H1; 1. i:::-r Editor KJ::ISTER GREJ::R . Busmns. Ma11age1 . 0 1195 03350934 if{,> l . r. The 1939 ;onE-E~ * * * * * * EDICftTIOn T o the student of the past who helped to make the traditions of our school what ther are today; to the student of the present who is pro udly loyal to those ideals, e,·er seeking to maintain and ath·ancc them; to the student of the future who will con­ tinue to carry o n in t he same trustwo rthy manner, we wish to pay tribute by dedicating this 1939 Edition of T11~ ProNEER. Clo\' .\/odt'ls by \·Ax GELDER · Pliutogropli by \\'oou * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ... _ _ O~EWOfZD M ASTERPif.CES of art in sculpture and painting ha,·c been produced throughout the :igcs which perpetuate for the world great moments - moments of glory or moments of suffering which s tir the human soul. \·erses ha,·e been written and melodics created "·hich inspire the sou l of man to noble thoughts an<l actions. Books ha,·e been written which immortalize great mo­ ments in the histo ry of mankind. \\·c, TIII·: PIO>.:"EER STAFF, have sought to capture and record for you, the students of Andrew Lewis High School, t h e rapture o f such a moment a moment which you yourseh·es have made as you went on "striving, seeking, finding," each day. \Ve present the 1939 P10N £ER, the story o f "A Day in School," with the wish that it may glorify for you the moment and enable you to hold fore,·er the joy that was yours in making it. From 9:00 thru 3:30 ,._ _ - - - - -- THE EVENTS W HI C H OCC U R Fr om It is 8:45 by the Office Clock. W e are here- thirteen hundred of us ready and eager to begin the day. Our spacious Lewis Halls arc scenes of laug hter, cheer and garetr, as friends rush to and fro greeting friends, pausin)? for brief conversations by locker doors. Passing the office door where a long line is waiting we hear a familia r ,·oice, ·•ls that r o ur mother's signature?" A g lance at the clock warns that there arc only two minutes in which to get to I lome Room. Sud­ denly all is quiet. The halls arc vacant. The hilarity of the moment has disap peared as if by magic. "Lucifer Lewis" • * * "Present" "' * * "Marie, your excuse, please." "' * "' '.',L~ad . us not into temptation but deliver us from C\·il, for I hane 1s the Kingdo111 "- * * * '.'Of course, none o f us expect ro miss the.Jefferson Game. Will the Home Room President )?Ct the 11ck<."ls fron1 :\Jr. Oglesby, please." " The principal would like to sec J ohn Smith and Rufo ~ Roe in the office, please." T~e bell sounds. Again, the halls resound with m irth for a brief five minutes. IN OUR SC HOOL LIFE 9 ti 9:15 j ~ . 0 (,'/av .\fodels bv \ A :-l G 1·: 1.n 1-:it · l'hotograph by W ooo A SENIOR REVIEWS A TYPICAL DAY IN SCHOOL This mornin"0 I arri,·c earlier than usunl fo r tod:n· is Fridn1· which means that the newspapers mus1 he dclin:n·cl to the various home rooms. · · A moment later, passing along the first floor, newspapers tucked under my :irm, I lriok O\'Cr 1he Senior Class in cl·no:ral. How much we ha1·c changed from the squi rming, gil!gling freshmen we were frlllr year~ aco! Can wc C\'C' r fo rget 1h o~e memorable days at 13road Street High before we entered .\ndrew Lewis as sophomoro:s? So \'cry rnucl1 ha :<. !1:1ppcned ~n that brief span of years that it is difficult to realize th:it C\'en we, the Class of ·.w. arc donnin!? cap and t!OWn. 1011p111 f11i: t! Suddcnlr a loud blast from the hall interrupts my pleasant ro:,·eric. .'\01 the nine o 'clock bell it can't he, lrn1 it i;­ and 1 ha,·cn't started to deli1·er mr papers. I'll have to hurr)'! I am in English Literature Class now, eagerly w:nchin,t: the procress of "I larnlct" under "tc::ichcr's .. < ~ i r cc t ion. I study my nearby classmates. \\"hilc one of the pupils is swinging her locker kc~· on what must be a fi-:c-foo~ strmc, :i.nothi;r is dozing peacefully. How comfortable he looks! .\nother young man, a member o f our .\ nnual Staff, rs :i rr ~111g11~c hrs candid camera in order to catch a characteristic pose of our professor impersonating the !! re<l t Hamlet. Read~-, a im, h~c.! -;­ Ycs, he really got a good pose. But at the sound of the next bell, we arc in t he hall :igain a111id the chntter ;1bout I rlf! Class, the latest "stumper" in Geometry, the happenings in Socioloc:~'• and most recent Ci,·ics test. Second period finds us in En)?lish Grammar Class stru21?linc: quieth- with a test. .\ s mr gaze out the window ,·iews the beautiful new addition to our building, I can but wonder how this hig h school will louk ten ~ ·ca r s fro rn now ! Do, re, me, fa, sol-we're in .\!usic Class now gcttin):! "warmed u p" for some real sing ing. \\'h;1l fun wc ·,·e h ad in .\lusic Class! Shall we ever for11ct "Pickles," that ,:?rand operclla two ~·car~ :t!'.!o, which w:ts followed up. b~· ".\liss Cher rr­ blossom" last year, and '39's "Oh Doctor!" .\nd the trips our .\l usic Cl11h has cnjored! T he memories of thc~c , :ts well as the sonizs, will li1·c in our hearts forc\'Cr. When the next bell sounds, the mad dash for the cafeteria bceins. At the lunch table the c,·ents o f the clay for111 the s~bject for d~s cu ssion. "D?, rou ~now what happened in .\lgebra .} , today ... You don't say.. \\':isn't that cute?· '\es, I mean 1t ... etc., etc. .\ ltnle later we stroll up to the first lloor for a 1·icw of our classmates. Oh, excuse inc ( l just bumped into some one.) :'\ext is "LO\'Crs Lane.'' (Jn the spring a young man's fanc~· lighdr turns t o---?) Lunch is 01·cr and we pass on to Chemistry Class. Suddcnh· I remember that a11 experiment is tocl:1y's ;1~ s i l.!n111c nt. "Only fi,·c more minutes, you'd better hurry,'' says the instruCLor. "Did ,·0 u hear th:1t? \\·c ha1·c only li,·c more 111inu.tes to finish this crazy experiment. \\'hat- the hydrochloric acid? I lea,·cns; I poured it out. I thou):! ltt it was water. 'I <~ti say the 13unscr burner won't lii:ht? Let's 11et a light from .\lickc1-. :'\ow, wl11· wo n't this lit111us paper turn blut·? :'\o wondcr- we'\•c done the wrong experimelll!" · · ..\t this part of the day, fifth period, we turn our thou11 hts aside from studies to our extra-curricula acti,·itics. On Friday, assemblies usually occupr the time- and speaking of assemblies remember the Dramatic Club's production o f ... l'!1e Red Lamp," the acrobats from Cni,·crsitr of \ 'irginia, T111·: P10Xhhl< St~ff's .\ma1cur I lour, which presented some of I .ew1s' ").fen of Brawn," and numerous other enjoyable occasions? On Thursdavs the va ri o us clubs meet :i nd ho ld prog rams. l.'sually Oil the other days, we study (?) in our home rooms. · ' . We're in French Clas.s now, tra_nslatin,1? "Labbe Constantin." .\s J gaze out the window, h?wc,·er, m.y mind unwit­ unglr wanders far f~om 1-rench. '\es, our four years of high school ha\'e been full of )!ala occasions. Go111g back a few years- the Jcff.-Lcw1s game when we cheered our team Oil to \'ictory. \Vc'll win ag:iin soon, we feel, and that's a challenge to the team of 1940 and all t he teams to come. " The 11/ur and Wh ite wi ll wave o n high!'' .\nd then, we'll _nc,·e r fo_rgct our Scni~r Play- that rip-roarin,1? comedy, "The P:1tsr." 111 this same cl0tss arc those tournaments of pubhc spcakmg and dcbatmg that helped put Lewis "on the map." The publications of our alma mater- Tm: P1 o:rn1m and .\ :-;irnim• L i,;w is :'\i;ws- we salute not onlr their edito rs but also the stafls. '.\ lay they continue to hold high the standards for which thcr arc known. Last, but far from least, we pay tribute to our teachers- those ladies and ,gentlemen o f the faculty who p'1tientlr and kin~l>: have guided our faltering footsteps over four years. The~· dcscn·c a J? reat deal more praise t han we arc capable of g1vrns: them. And ou r classmates-the, boys and girls of our own age with whom we h11vc worked and pl:1)1 cd- wc shall 1le1·cr fail to connect 1hcm with the happiest days of our li1·es. \Ve h:l\'C come to the end of the trail. Behind us the sun is setting the sun of our high school e:irccr.
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