OTE FORM 100 (EX) RevII,d Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revisid by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 66.760 84,570 2021 17,810 1 D- Co. la Numbs, AF 3040 1 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31

A66.. T.Ung Dlet No. Tax 1* Bulldng Total CINTI CORP-(INTI CSD 2021 SPAnf CYNTHIA L

DTE Code Number 180-OA81-0075-00 0 SPHUNew Plat Remalks: ROP|*198»'.MKFION A\/F Taxing District Narne®Xem,plicate Tax Duplicate Year Acct. 8*611TigAUFT E Map Book page Descrl;RETTI (9 Thi Following Must BI Compl,tod by Grantee or Hls*Her Represintatlve Typs orpIN d In#Innalon. 5,0 In#„EASons on Mine. 1, Grantofs N,ne: Cynthia L. Perry WATA Cynnla L. Spade Phone: (513) 748-1034 2. Grant,0'8 Name: Cynthia L. Perry Phone: (513) 748-1034 Gran*8 Addross: 4434 Camation Ave Cincinnati OH 45238 3. Address 01 Plopelly: 4434 Camation Ave Cincinnati OH 45238 4, Tax ailing Addis: 4434 Carnation Ave Cincinnati OH 45238

5. No Convoyance 100, shall be charged because the real prope,4 being hnsferred: (wo mq request and requirl an amdavlt on lms checked below) Us) To or frorn 08 United Stilm, thts state, or any hamentality, agincy, or pollocal subdlviston of the llilted Stat,6 or thls :tate; h _lb) Soldyin order to providior Mloase secl*lor a debt or obllgaion; (muillneludiamdevitoffhc,1) 1(c) To con#trn or correct a deed previously execulid and recorded; A _(d) To evidence 8 glft, in any fonn, beh,-n husband and w#B, or parent and dilld or tte spouse of •1er; _(0) Onsalifor delinqulnt lax,8 or.,omment,; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to #te dint thst such *slw 18 noi the muit of a sale ellegled or complet,d purtuant to such order; Ug) Pursuant toi leargankation of corporabs or uninootporatidis,ociations or pursuarito the (Ns,oh*on of a corporadon, to the e,dent that the corporation COrNeys the 0'\ properly to a stocltolder as a ¢1*lbudon in Idnd of the corpor@Uon's assets in exchange for the *dholder's shares In the dissolved corpor:San; _(Jt) By asublidiary , . . '. , ... ' ' ' , nominal conolderalon, or In sole consldemb of the cancolalon or surrender (Rhesubsidiary's stock; _(1) By le=o, whether or not Itextends to mineral or mineral r**B, unl=sthe lease ls for a tenn d years rene#able forever; _6) When#w valueot the Ieal ploperly or Intsmotln real property conveyed does not ®toeed one hundred dolin; _(k) 01*noccupled r,stdinial ploperty belng *ar*red to the buNderof Inew realdence when 01010

6. The g,antor has Indic,tid thatthis prope,4 15 Imed to ricive #10 Ionlor citfzon, disabled pirson, or sur#Ang spouse hornestial exemptlon for thi pleoedjng or currerit tax year. NOR YES.CL ®TE F©,m 101 r,quired) 7. The grmtorhas indicated riat this property quames,or a,rfitagMcult,ral um valualion for the preciding or current taxyear. NO-EL YES-Cl (DTE 102 required) 8. Applic,6on For 2·1/2% Reducion (NOTICE: failure to complot, 0,1, appication proll* thi o#ner from recolvhg M Mduction unil another proper and timely applicadon 18 lied): W I INS prop* be ntee's prindple reoldence by Janualy 1 of nell yeat? NO,¤. YESI If ye„ Is the proper a mull-unlt dwilling? NOR YES.Q. 9.18 *18 properry leased or othen*e tonted to tsnant, solely lor rellden601 purposee? NOR YES_CLIfyes, new owner must complet, and submit a Rental Rogish#on Folm tothe County Auditorvithin 60 days (Including wekends ind holidays) of the dale oftlls transtsr to avold a penalty on #lelr Mx bill. 1 dxl• und,r pena* of pe*r, thet thli stal,mnt has b•In m*id b¥m• m,d to (40pf my IgnovA,dge and b,Ildls a lue, corri# Ind Implp¥stat,ment 541*14A1 u fM-bns 0-91723400( /D[MOLO 9*41 3030 P,

Type Tax list County Tax. dist. Date 31 instrument year number number FD 2021 3040 -04;00;2021 Number Property located in taxing district

Name on tax duplicagNTI CORP-CINTI CSD Tax duplicate year RENTROP DEBORAH A TR 263795 Acct. or permanent parcel no Map book F;@ad No. of Parcels 180-OA80-0328-00 Description 0 Platted 0 Unplatted NANCY LEE LN

50 X 125 LOT-13. DUEBBER RTY CO 3RD Auditor's comments: 0 Split Il New plat U New improvements U Partial value DTIE Code No.

O CA.U.V 0 Building removed E Other

Grantee or Representative'MOst Complete All Questions-in This Section. See:instructions on reverse. Kin

1. Grantots name Deborah L. Rentrop, Sole Trustee of the Marian A. Rentrop Revocable Tn Phone Neigh. Code 2. Grantee's name Larkins Ventures, LLC, an Ohio Limited Liability Company Phone Grantee's address 185 St Annes North Bend, OH 45052

3. Address of property 1159 Nancy Lee Lane, Cindnnati, OH 45238 No. ofAcres 4, Tax billing address 185 St. Annes, North Bend, OH 45052

5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: 1 Condominium 4 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings ,Other vacant, what is intended use?

6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) Grantor is relative j Part interest transfer I Land contract 5280 Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee / Other ARMS LENGTH TRANSACTION

7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) $ 0.00 20080 0.00 b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value 87,000.00 c) Cash (if any)

d) Total consideration (add lines 78, 7b and ™ $ 87.000.00 25360

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items othir than real property ... 0.00 DTE Use Only

f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) 87,000.00

g) Name of mortgagee

h) Type of mortgage Conv. F.H.A. V.A. / Other CASH D-TE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property...... $ 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior dtizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's

prindpal residence by Jan. 1 ofnextyear? _ Yes / No Ifyes, isthe property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes ./ No 87000 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? 13 Yes [El No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale 1. Yes 2. No

I declare under penalties of peljury Batthls sta* 20210408002 ndss t) d-6@0 IF j7 7,57 Receipt Number Printed Name of Grantee or Representative i Siglatup of Grantee or Representative L.,1 Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee

The conveyancefee required by Ohio Revised Codesection (R.C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, if applicable, the fee required by R.C. 322, in the total amountof $ 26 l.ou has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. Crantor

Date DUSTY RHODES Co,unty Auditor nanA/?nol 3 FORM 101 Revised 7/93


To be Attached to Conveyance Fee Forms, DTE 100 & 100(EX)


rantor's Address 1159 NANCY LEE LANE, CINCINNATI, OH 45238


180-OA80-0328-00 ixing District CITY Parcel or Account No.

ie grantor of the property referred to above states that the property has or will receive the senior citizen, disabled persons, surviving spouse homestead exemption under Ohio Revised Code section 323.152(A) for the preceding or current tax :ar. The estimated amount of such reduction that will be reflected in the grantee's taxes is:

592.88 Preceding Tax Year $ Current Tax Year $ 592.88

he grantor and the grantee have considere¢an«ccounted for the totalistimated( amount of such reductions to the disfaction of both the grantee and the grantor. » LA 1) i - / kS? r.•\#*AP LAURALEE M NADAUE- ' Signature 6fBrantor o¢Re0rdsedtative i . ..=I,£2,4,30„m=4 Notary Public, State of Ohio 9 r ------t*. A My Commission Expires: - 07-19-2025 worn to briffiro;teer* my presence, $,46kUAAil>" lis day of 5981

ndorsement by County Auditor: rpon presentation of this instrument, the County Auditor shall endorse it, return it to the grantee or his representative, and rovide a copy of the indorsed instrument to the grantor or his representative, evidencing delivery to the County Auditor.

County Auditor:

Date: DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Audlor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION.

Type Tax list Tax. dist. Date instrument SV 2021 3140 04/08/2021 year countynumber 31 number

Number Property located in MONTGOMERY-SYCAMORE CSD taxing district 2021 263796 Natne on tax CiIipliCAtg MUKATI ABDUL SAMAD Tax duplicate year

Acct. or permanent parcel no 603-0018-0262-00 . Map book Page UNIT 84 1.084% No. of Parcels 0 Platted 0 Unplatted Descriptin MAYFAIR OF MONTGOMERY 1 CONDOMINIUM

Addir's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No.

0 CA.U.V 0 Building removed 0 Other 550

1 Grantor'sname Abdul Samad Mukati Phone Neigh. Code 2. Grantee'sname Nevenka Saikovic and Milan Sail*vic Phone Grantee's address 8949 Paw Paw Lane, Cincinnati, OH 45236

3. Address of property 10555 Montgomery Road #84, Cincinnati, OH 45242 No. of Acres

4. Tax billing address 8949 Paw Paw Lane, Cincinnati, OH 45236 0 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: 1, 2 or 3 family dwelling 1 Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other 6720 vacant, what is intended use?

6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold - Mineral rights reserved G Mt Bldg. Value

Grantor is mortgagee V Other arms length 37050 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) $ 124,000.00

b) Balance assumed (if any) C Total Value 31,000.00 c) Cash (if any) ,$ 43770 d) Total consideration (add lines 78,7b and 7r) 4 155,000.00

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property .. DTE Use Only

f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) ...... , 155,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee The Huntington National Bank h) Type of mortgage Conv. F.H.A. V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property...... $ 8, Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes No Ifyes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes No If yes, complete form DTE 102.

10. Application forowner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Fai[ure to complete this application prohibits Consideration

the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's 155000 principal residence by Jan. 1 ofnext year? _ Yes v No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? E Yes Il No If yes,

new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale

1.Yes 2. No

20210408003 I declare under penames of perjwy thatthis slatement has been examhed by me and b fhe best of my knowledge and beuef is tue, cortect and complete statement Receipt Number Mary Lakes , 1,Vl*„»#tl-09( 'Al 40)1 Printed Name of G,f¢e or Representative Signature of (30ntee Br Representative Date

Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee 465.50 The conveyance fee required rIevised Code section (RC.) 319.54(G)(3)and, if applicable, the fee required by R.C. 322, inthe totalamountof $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.

. 04/08/2021 . DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date DTE FROM 100 . Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). SV 2021 TYPE OR PRINTALL INFORMATION. 3140 04/08/2021 Type Tax list counw 31 Tax. dist. Date instrument MONTGOM:SYCAMORE CSD number number

SAMAD MUKATI ABDUL Property located in t&04 district Nur,29$797

603-0018-0261-00 Name on tax (1!,plirte Tax duplicate year UNIT 83 1.017% Acct. or permanent parcel no. MA,TAIM OF MONTGOM[RY Map book Page No. of Parchls Description CONDOMINIUM C Platted 0 Unplatted

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Cod%§8· 0 C.A.U.V 0 Building removed 0 Other

1. Grantor'sname Abdul Samad Mui(ati Phone= Neigh. Code

2. Grantee's name Neve_nka Sajkovic and Milan Sajkovic Phone Grantee's address 8949 Paw Pm¥ Lane, Cincinnati, OH 45236

3. Address of property 10555 Montgomery Road #83, CIndnnati, OH 45242 No. of Acres 4, Tax billing address 8949 Paw Paw Lane, Cincinnati, OH 45236 0 5. Are there buildings on the land? M Yes No If yes, check type: 1,2 or 3 family dwelling 4 Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other 6720 r- vacant, what is intended use? 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold - Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value h Grantor is mortgagee •/ Other arms length 33640 »3 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) $ 116,000.00

b) Balance assumed (if any) i Total Value

c) Cash (if any). S 29,000.00 40360 d) Total consideration (add lines 78,7b and 7r.) ...... 145,000.00

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property DTE Use Only f) C0nsideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus le). 145,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee The Huntington National Bank

h) Type of mortgage v Conv. F.H.A. V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated mari

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax yeaf? Yes v No If yes, complete form OTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes ./ No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this propert, be grantee's No prindpal residence by Jan. 1 of next yeae? _ Yes v No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes 145000 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? E Yes 0 No If yes,

new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale

1. Yes 2. No

I dedare underpenalties of perjurythathis statement has been examined byrne and to the bestofmy Imowledge and belief is #ue, correct and complete statement 9021040Annd Reoeipt Number Mary Lakes L*D.A-XX-4 41-1 I p©)| Printed Name of GJ/ICe or Representative Signature of G,Ktee or Representative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Code section (R C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, if applicable, thefee required byR.C. 322, in thetotalamountof $

has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 435.50


DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date


Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 {G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co. No. Number

04/08/2021 263798 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31

JAIULNThInt Ts)(Ino Dist. No. Tax LIal Land Buading Total

PC 1020 2021 47,160 159,630 206,790

DTE Code Number 510 0 SpliUNew Plat Remarks: COLERAIN-NORTHWEST LSD Properly Located in Taxing District 2021 KNECHT TERESA L Name on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year 510-0212-0171-00 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page I Kit U 1 86 X i 35 Description: InT 11nnAK\/IRA/ FRTATFR SUB PART 2 BLOCK B

- 7 The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all Infornstion. See instruction# on reverse.

11. Grantors Name: TerE« L. kiut

U.Grantee's Name. tteu f·* c. 52.bebity, Phone. Grantee's Address: -31.11 Appl*16*12 4,6,5£ tolf *(4. £544..TL 401* 45, 5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred' (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below) _(a) To or from the Unlled States, this state, or any instrumenlatity, agency, or ponlical subdiv[sion of the United States oc this state; _(b) Solely In order to provide or release security for a debl or obligation; (must Include affidavit of facto) _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gln, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; (e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; 4) Pursuant to court order, to the extent thatsuch transfer Is not the,esult of a sale effected 0, completed pursuant to such order, _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization ol corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property fo a slockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporationt assets in exchange for the stockholdefs shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no conslderations, nominal consideration, or In sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock: _(t) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mfneral rights, unless the lease Is for a term of years renewable forever; _0) When the value of the real properly or Interest in real properly conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars, _{k) Of an occupied residential properly being transferred lo ihe builder of a new resklence when the fonner residence is traded as part ol the considerafton for the new residence: -(D To a grantee other than a dealer in real properly, solely forthe purpose of and as a slepin, its prompt sale lo others; _(m) To or from aperson when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible Into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction Is not a gift; {must Include amdavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a peion to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; (0) To a truslee acting ort behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of·way when the value of theinterest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of propelty sold to a surviving spouse pumuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal Income taxation under section 5010)(3) 4 the Internal Revenue Code, pcovided such tcansfer is without consideration and Is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devIsees, Including a surviving apouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real properly; _(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor ot the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer 5 made to the gran(or pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficlaries of a trust il the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the granlot; _(w) To a corporation for Incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.91 of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _{y) From a county land reumization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party 6. The grantor has indicated ihat this properly Ps entjtled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NOIMYES-[i @TE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indiaated thet this property quallnes for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NOJ YES-[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this applicalion prohibits the owner from receiving tl,15 reduction unlil another proper and timely application is fied): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next yeaf? NO-LYES-1< If yes. is the propellyamulti-unit dwelling? NO-LYES£- 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NOg YES_F If yes. new owner must complete and submit a Rental Regktration Form lo the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this liansfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under,penaltles of perjury that this statement hai been examined by fpe and to tbil best of my knowledge and belief Is a true, correct and complete statement 4//7 /1#9 1 %2*ELL Y JT <> 4 .\\pt (Jl/LAK,9 31 - - DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Fomi 100 ([EX) Dusty Rhodes 11/12


Type Inslrument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Dale 31

Number WD 2021 3040 04/08/2021 Property Located jn Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicate CINTI CORP-CINTI CSD Tax Duplicate Year Acct. or Permanent Parcel NWVHITE BRENDAN M & JULIA M Map Book Page 2021 Description: O Platted O Unplatted 019-0001-0032-00

3802 EARLS CT VIEW 90.86 X 130 DTE *de No PT LOT 207 LONGWORTH

AUDITORS COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value Neigh Code 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other Ag#V. 510 Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section *) l./ Type or print all information. See Instructions on reverse. No of Acres

1. Grantor: Brendan M. White and Julia M. White Phone:

2. Grantee: Neil Ursic and Jane L. Ursic Phone:

<4 Grantee's Address: 3802 Earls Court View, Cincinnati, OH. 45226 Land Value 61 3. Address of Property: 3802 Earls Court View, Cincinnati, OH. 45226 1 ] 4. Tax Billing Address: 3802 Earls Court View, Cincinnati, OH. 45226 (¥ 5. Are there buildings on the land?E]No [E]Yes (requires infomiation below) Bldg. Value 1,2or3 family Fl Manufactured Home 62360 4 {I condominium El Apartment - Number of Units --1 Fann Building 0 Other- Total Value If land is vacant, what is the intended use? 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 158100 El Grantor is a relative Il Part Interest Transferred [3 Grantor is a Mortgagee F 1 Land Contract 6-1 Gin j Trade C] Life Estate E _] Leasehold DTE Use Only F _] Mineral Rights Reserved Leased Fee [*] Other: Fee Simple 220460 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ 620.640 (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ 0 DTE LIse Only (c) Cash (if any) - $ 155.160 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 775,800 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property _ _ $ 0 DTE Use Orily (f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7D-7E) $ 775,800 (g) Name of mortgagee Guaranteed Rate. Inc Considerabon (h) Type of mortgageEConventional DFHA El VA DOther (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real properly $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead DTE Use Only exemption for the preceding or current tax year.El Yes El No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) Valid Sale 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 1 YES 2 NO 775800 m Yes M No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? F; Yes E No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? F Yes fr No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? C. Yes fir No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date 20210408006 of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.

I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement.

04/06/2021 Heather Meyer 4#h--TL---# Printed Name of Grantee or Representative 2,327.9Beceipt Number ------GranteF ------.Signature --- of# Grantee or Repreentalive Date RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 04/08/2021 DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co. No. Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 04/08/2021 31 263800

Instrument Taxing Dist No. Tax List Land Building Total

WE 3040 2021 96,670 141,830 238,500

DTE Code Number 402 0 Split/New Plat Remarks: Property Located in clil'Ild@{b(9[Aig'81§GSD Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicate EA'r(W9RM|RINB14,€1 Tax Duplicate Year 2021 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. 155-08*@S*74)950-00 Map Book Page

Description: DRI ?Z#84'le< q X lAR 43 IRR PT LOTS 1-2 DAVIDALLEN SUB PARS 50-83 PG 48 PAR 24 CONS

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See Instructions on reverse. Eatondale North CR LLC 973-282-1100 1. Grantofs Name: Phone:

973-282-1100 2. Grantee's Name: Eatondale North LLC Phone:

Grantee's Address: 691 Elizabeth Avenue, #2, Newark, NJ 07112

3. Address of Property: 925 Dehli Pike, Cincinatti, Ohio

4. Tax Billing Address: 691 Elizabeth Avenue, #2, Newark, NJ 07112

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real properly being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on Items checked below)

_(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must Include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the _(h) By a subsidiaryproperty corporation to a stockholder to its asparent a distribution corporation in kind for ofno the considerations, corporation's assetsnominal in consideration,exchange for the or stockholder's in sole consideration shares In ofthe the dissolved cancellation corporation; or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; 3c(j) When(i) By the lease, value whether of the realor not property it extends or interestto mineral in realor mineral property rights, conveyed unless thedoes lease not isexceed for a term one ofhundred years renewable dollars; forever; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; (1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real properly, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; 2(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is 7id or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is , _(n) To heir visebeen s|pousfear to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; r.-M To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; 0 _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of properly sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration In money Is paid or to be paid for the real properly, _(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; (u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for Incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 1307.69.91 of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this properly is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or sulviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NO.EL YES.[E- (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. No-[1 YES.[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NO.!1 YES-L If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NO-[1 YES.C. 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO.[1 YES Fl If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.

I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined-by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. ALLA *4 (UL 11 'PLI Printed Name of Grantee or Represenlative Sign*fe of Grantee or Represenlative Dale Affidavit of Facts Relating to Title Transfer to an LLC Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Sec. 5301.252


County, Ohio

Michael Wieder , being under oath or affirmation, says:

1. Affiant is the manager of owner in fee simple of the following described real estate with following legal description:

925 Dehli Pike, Cincinnati, OH

2. Affiant acquired title to the previously described property by deed dated -7jf 101(9 and recorded in the Recorder's Office, of, *uni \ %A County, Ohio. 3. Affiant is the 2tf#,Ar r of @Qfg\Cia (1 83/4-U, CE LLC., , LLC. 4. Affiant is transferring the above described real property to Sh,1*1 da {g Nor*lkas part of my capital contribution to that entity. 5. No money has been exchanged as part ofthis transfer. 6. This transfer is not a gift.

Signature of Affiant Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this 12 day of /11*,fL , 20)(.



Commission # 50077377 Signature of hkfary Public Notary Public, State of New Jersey My Commission Expires February23,2023 Acknowledgment Certificate

State of New Jersey )

SS , County of 5541 , ) On A(4 11.,20 11 before me, bw,1 9,1*- , Notary Public inand forsaid county, personally appeared A41,4 vul¥ , (signer/witness) who has/have satisfactorily identified him/her/themselves as the signer(s) or witness(es) to the above- referenced document.

Notary u16 signature

My Commission Expires: Fil 95 * 93 Notary Commisslon#50077377Public, State of New Jerseyll My Commission Expires EXHIBIT A


The Land is described as follows:

Situated in the Township of Storrs, City of Cincinnati, County ofHamilton and State of Ohio:

And known as being situate in Section 35, Town 4, Fractional Range 1, Storrs Township, in the City of Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio and being part of Lot Nos. 1 and 2 of David Allen's Estate as the same is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 142 of the Land Records of Hamilton County, Ohio and being more particularly described in accordance with a survey prepared by John J. Duffy and Associates, Engineers - Surveyors, Cincinnati, Ohio, as follows:

Beginning at the Southwesterly corner of Lot 2 of David Allen's Estate as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 142 ofthe Hamilton County Plat Records;

Thence North 19 deg. 30' East along the westerly line of said Lot 2, 168.43 feet to the Southerly line of Delhi Avenue;

Thence South 62 deg. 48' East along said Southerly line, 263.62 feet;

Thence South 26 deg. 42' East, 135.97 feet;

Thence South 20 deg. 43' East, 144.00 feet;

Thence South 66 deg. 33' West, 39.71 feet;

Thence North 57 deg. 06' West 412.36 feet;

Thence North 64 deg. 10' West, 22.29 feet to the place of beginning.

Containing 68,981 square feet or 1.5836 acres of land.

925 Delhi Pike Cincinnati, Ohio

PPN: 155-0047-0050 DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor If exempt by O R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX) Dusty Rhodes 11/12


Type Instrument Tax Usl Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31 WD 2021 3040 04/08/2021 Numbe,

Property Located in CINTI CORP-CINTI CSD Taxing District Tax Duplicate Year Name on Tax Duplicate WOODY BETTY & BRENDA FLINN 2noi 263801

Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book No of Parcels 115 0003 0118 00 Page Description: 0 Platted 0 Unplatted WARWICK AVE 50 X 125 FT IRR WS WARWICK 400 FT S 1 OF MITCHELL OTE Code No

AUDITORS COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value O CA.U.V, 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other Neigh Co*20

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or print all information. See Instructions on reverse. No of Acres

1. Grantor Betty Woody and Robert Woody, and Brenda Fllnn Phone;

2, Grantee: John Sterne Slaven Phone:

Grantee's Address: 3967 Warwkk Ave. Cincinnati, OH. 45229 Land Value 3. Address of Property: 3967 Waiwick Ave. Cincinnati, OH. 45229 1 4, Tax Billing Address: 3967 Warwick Ave. Cincinnati, OH, 45229

5. Are there buildings on the land?EJNo IX'Yes (requires information below) Bldg Value 1,2 or 3 family -_' Manufactured Home 10070 El Condominium i Apartment - Number of Units Farm Building 0 Other- Total Value If land is vacant, what is the intended use?

6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 33250 El Grantor is a relative C Part Interest Transferred ' Grantor is a Mortgagee U Land Contract Gift E Trade _ Life Estate D Leasehold DTE Use Only 27 Mineral Rights Reserved I_.1 Leased Fee |x] Other: Fee simple 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount Qf any)...._ . . ..-_.. .. _ _- $ 0 43320 (b) Balanced Assumed (if ant ..._-_-_.... - . ...- ...... $ 0 OTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) $ 160,000 (d) Total ConsiderationG.+78+7C) - -- ____ 160,000 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real propetly..__. $ 0 CITE Use Only (f) Consideration for real property on which feels to be paid (7D-/EL.- $ 160.000 (g) Name of mortgagee CASH SALE ConNder*ion (h) Type of mortgageConventional [IFHA r VA FOther CASH (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property_...... _._...... _...... $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead OTE UI Only exemption for the preceding or current tax year.I- Yes ® No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) Valid Sile 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 1 YES 2 NO 0 Yes F No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 160000 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? F Yes F No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? F Yes IR- No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? r Yes F No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.

20210408008 I declare under penalties of pe4ury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief Is a true, correct and complete statement.

04/06/2021 Heather Meyer .r,

Date Printed Name of Grantee or Representabve Signature of Gran ee or Repres ntative Receipt Number

RECEIPT FOR P YMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE 480.50 The conveyance fee required by seg·11&9·54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date


To be attached to Conveyance Fee Forms, DTE 100, 100(EX), lOOM & 10OM(EX)

Grantor's (Seller's) Name Betty Woody & Robert Woody and Brenda Flinn

Grantor's Address 3967 Warwick Ave. Cincinnati, OH. 45229

Grantee's (Buyer's) Name John Sterne Slaven

Taxing District 001 - CINTI CORP-CINTI CSD

Parcel, Account or Registration No. 115-0003-0118-00

Complete This Section Only If Real Estate Is Transferred

The grantor of the property referred to above states that the property has or will receive the senior citizen, disabled persons, or surviving spouse homestead exemption under Ohio Revised Code section 323.152(A) for the preceding or current tax year. The estimated amount of such reduction that will be reflected in the grantee's taxes is:

Preceding Tax Year $ Current Tax Year $

Complete This Section Only If Manufactured or Mobile Home Is Transferred

The grantor of the manufactured or mobile home referred to above states that the home received the senior citizen, disabled persons or suiviving spouse homestead exemption under Ohio Revised Code section 4503.065 for the current tax year. The estimated amount o f such reduction that will be reflected in the grantee' s taxes is $

The grantor and the grantee have considered and accounted for the total estimated amount of such reduction(s) to the satisfaction ofboth the grantee and the g*intor. «TI\.9-A-:- Signature of Grantoror Representative Sworn to or affirmed in my *1994 COmina) MICH Acl EDWARD COLLINS

\ r«i&*4 / _AUGG€5._2021 -*- 22.i:0" , C.57-6.2,17; Ks/ «-' Nora-ry Public Endorsement by County Auditor:

Upon presentation of this instrument, the County Auditor shall indorse it, return it to the grantee or his representative, and provide a copy of the indorsed instrument to the grantor or his representative, evidencing delivery to the County Auditor.

County Auditor:

Date: V' 0.6.vvi i wn 6.61.Ir I,vi, rr,vivi ircaL rr,wrcru T GUIVVCTANUt rt=t

Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co. No. Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31 04/08/2021 263802

Instrument Taxing Dist No. Tax List Land Building Total

LE in

DTE Code Number 0 Split/New Plat Remarks: Properly Located in550 Taxing District HI TWP-OAK HILLS LSD Name on Tax Dup116*4 Tax Duplicate Year. 2021 Acct. or Permanent pa)*'Rb.'-Ea Map Book Page 540-0043-0418-00 Description: UNIT 14 - 4.4 % ANDERSON OAKS CONDOMINIUM r A PHASE 111 r The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative 2 Type orprIntallinformatiotz. See insVuctionsonreve,se. Leo Weidl 1. Gl»tots Name: Phone:,

2, (*antee's Name: Frank A. Weidl, Trustee of the Leo Weldl Trust, dated April 6, 2021 Phone:

Grantee's Address: 5262 Farmhouse Lane, #14, Cincinnati, Ohio 45238

3. Address of Property: 5262 Farmhouse Lane, #14, Cincinnati, Ohio 45238

4. Tax Billing Address: 3726 Meadowview Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on Items checked below)

_(8) To or from the United States, this state, or any Instrumentality. agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state, _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) (c) To confirm or correct 8 deed previously executed and recorded; (d) To evidence a gifl, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; (e) On sale for denquent leves or assessments: _CD Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorpocaled associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distlibution in kind of the corporation's assets In exchange for the stockholdefs shares in the dissolved corporation; (h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or In sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; (i) By lease, whether or nol it extends to mInetal or mineral rights, unless the lease is for aterm of years renewable forever; (j) When Ihe value of the real properly or interest in real properly conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) 01 an occupied residential properly being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former reGidence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; (1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step In, its promptsale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible Into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must Include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(o) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; (p) Of an easement or right.of-way whsn Ihe value of the Interest conveyed does not exoeed one thousand dollars; (q) Of properly sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to seclion 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income laxalton under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charllable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among lhe helis allaw or devisee©ncluding a surviving spouse of 8 common decedent when no consideration In money is paid or to be paid for the real properly; 1.(t) To a trustee of a trust. when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimiled power to revoke the trust; (u) To thegrantorof a trusl by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantots power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for Incorportion into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 p07.69.9] of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons putsuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization cqrporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party 6. The granlor has indicated that this property Is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. Non YESEL®TE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicaled thai Ihls property qualifies for current agricultural use valuauon for the preceding or current tax yeer. NOlEL YES.[1 ®TE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application Fs filed): Will this property be grantee's plinciple residence by January 1 of next year? NOk YES-Z If yes, Is the property 8 mulli-unit dwelling? NOIL YESIL 9, Is this property leased orothetwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NOIE YES Fl If yes, new owner must oomplete and submit a Rental Registration Form to Ihe County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and hoadays)#Mieste of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill, I declare under penalties of pe4ury that this statement has beenined by ,e ag,i<6of my knowledge and belief Is a true, correct and om),rete statement, David D. Kammer A j f.\3/. I

Printed Name of Grantee or Reoresentative Slonature of'GfiTee or Reolesenlative Date pf F. 2-0-2,* DTE FORM 101 Revised 7/93


To be Attached to Conveyance Fee Forms, DTE 100 & 100(EX)

Grantor's Name Leo Weidl

5262 Farmhouse Lane #14, Cincinnati, Ohio 45238 Grantor's Address

Grantee's Name Frank A. Weidl, Trustee of the Leo Weidl Trust dated April 6, 2021

540-0043-0418 Taxing District Parcel or Account No.

The grantor of the property referred to above states that the property has or will receive the senior citizen, disabled persons, or surviving spouse homestead exemption under Ohio Revised Code section 323.152(A) for the preceding or current tax year. The estimated amount of such reduction that will be reflected in the grantee's taxes is:

Preceding Tax Year $ Current Tax Year $

The grantor and the grantee have considered and accounted for the total estimated amount of such reductions to the satisfaction of both the grantee and the grantor.

Signature ofGrantor or Representative

Sworn to or affirmed in my presence, A A this day of /r// 20 1/ Elana C. Aud +/1>+ 2 Notary Public, State of Ohio '**1 My commission Explree: LA«, · Oc*._ Mey la, 2026 Notary Public 10,VWZJ-d57-

Endorsement by County Auditor: Upon presentation of this instrument, the County Auditor shall endorse it, return it to the grantee or his representative, and provide a copy of the indorsed instrument to the grantor or his representative, evidencing delivery to the County Auditor.

County Auditor:

Date: DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 1(exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Fom, 100 (EX)


Type Inst,ument Tax List Year County Number Tax Disl Number Date 31

WD 2021 1100 04/08/20 Property Located In Taxing Dislricl Name on Tax DuplicateSYCAMORE-SYC FD-DEER PK Tax Duplicate Year

Acct. or Permanent Parcel N6ZAPRO LIMITED LIABILTY COMPANY Map Book Page 20,1 *08'9*5 Description: O Mailed o Unplalled 600-0202-0089-00 ;'63?04 TAYLOR AVE 38 X 100 PT LOT 174 ROSSMOYNE SUB DTE 940 No.

AUD]TOR'S COMMENTS , 0 Split 0 New Plat O Partial Value Ne'94. We 0 New Improvements 0 Other 500

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section 1] C.AU.V. 0 Building Removed Type or plint all Information. See instfuctions on reverse. No. of Acres AZAPRO LLC 1. Grantor: Phone:

2. Grantee: KEITH SPALDING Phone:

Grantee's Address: 4555 TAYLOR AVE CINCINNATI OHIO 45236 La'xi Valve 3, Address of Property:4553 TAYLOR AVE CINCINNATI OHIO 45236 1 4, Tax Billing Address:4555 TAYLOR AVE CINCINNATI OHIO 45236 (50 5. Are there buildings on the land?|E|No UYes (requires information below) 84. Vok» 1 [3 1,2 or 3 family [3 Manufactured Home 5800 IZ] Condominium 0 Apartment - Number of Units 1 [3 Farm Building [3 Olher - rh If land Is vacant, what Is the intended use7 ATTACHED PARCEL TO ONE CURRENTLY OWNED To'.11 Vabje 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 0 0 Grantor is a relative 13 Part Interest Transferred El Grantor is a Mortgagee El Land Contract 0 Gift Cj Trade 12] Life Estate Cl Leasehold DTEUse Only III Mineral Rights Reserved El Leased Fee ® Other: FEE SIMPLE 5800 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (lf any) $ (b) Balanced Assumed (il any) $ DTE Use C*-4 (c) Cash (if any) $ 30,000 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 30.000 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property._____ $ 01£ Use Onti (f) Consideration for real properly on which fee is to be paid (70-7EL___-____ $ 30,000 (g) Name of mortgagee (h) Type of modgage]Conventional [4FHA VA OOther Cor,sderatbn 0) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this properly is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year.13 Yes IRI No OTE Use Only (If yes, complete form DTE 101) VOM 384 9.The grantor has Indicated that this properly qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 1.YES 2. NO 30000 r yes IHI No (If yes, oomplote form DTE 102) 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this properly be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? ¤ Yes 181 No If yes, is the propedy a multi-unit dwelling? ¤ Yes lEi No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? [3 Yes [gl No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (Including weekends and holidays) of the date 20210408009 of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.

I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief Is a true, correct and complete statement. ------

BRIAN BAUER ---4@357'/,-/ 04/07/2021 Printed Name of Grantee or Representsuve DMe Signature or Grant@51'R*p,esentgINe - 90.5(Receipt Number G,di,lu, RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., In the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 04/08/2021 DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX)


Type Inskument Ta601-ar County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31

SH 2021 2030 04/08/2559 Properly Located in Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicate ARLINGTON HTS-LOCKLAND Tax Duplicate Year

Acct. or Permanent Parcel NoROBERTS TIMOTHY A Map Book Page 2021 N(268895 Description: 0 Platted 0 Unplatted 601-0002-0057-00



AeITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value Neigh. Code 0 CA.U.V. O Other 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 510

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or print all informaon. See instructions on reverse. No. of Acres

1. Grantor Timothy A. Roberts Phone: \2 Grantee: AVM Investments Inc. Phone: 0 Grantee's Address: 9228 Kenwood Road, Cincinnati, OH 45242 Land Value Co 3, Address of Property: 607 Arlington Avenue. Cincinnati OH 45215 1 Ic) 4, Tax Billing Address: 9228 Kenwood Road, Cincinnati, OH 45242 5 5. Are there buildings on the land?E]No IX]Yes (requires information below) Bldg. Value 1%3 1,2 or 3 family CJ] Manufactured Home 5220 FE 0 Condominium [-3 Apartment - Number of Units E]3 Other - 153 Farm Building Total Value If land is vacant, what is the intended use? 15430 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): [3 Grantor is a relative El Part Interest Transferred I.-1 Grantor is a Mortgagee 1-3 Land Contract [3 Gift [3 Trade [3 Life Estate Fl Leasehold DTE Use Only El Mineral Rights Reserved El Leased Fee [® Other: Foreclosure 20650 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) __ $ (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ DTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) $ 44,100 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 44.100 DTE Use Only (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property. $ (f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7[)-7E).. .. $ 44.100 (g) Name of mortgagee Consideration (h) Type of mortgage Conventional [E] FHA [3 VA [3 Other (i) If gift, in whole or pad, estimated market value of real property $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead DTE Use Only exemption for the preceding or current tax year.0 Yes ® No (If yes, complete form DTEE 101) Valid Sate 1.YES 2. NO 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 44100 El Yes lEi No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? 0 Yes [El No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? 0 Yes [3 No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes?13 Yes F] No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the Count,Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date 20210408010 of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement haeen exatpined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement.

Robert R. Hoose 03/29/2021 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature §01ftee or Flrentative Date 132..88eceipt Number Grantor RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 04/08/2021 DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 04/08/2021 Co No. 263806


Wetrumer'It Tl« 0 st. No. 2021 Ta. Lst 71,200 3977000 405,680


DTE Code NumISYMMES TWP-LOVELAND CSD 0 Split/New Plat Remarks. Property Located in KRUEGER RICHARD G & JOAN M 202(6xing District Name on Tax Duplicate 620-01 80-0703-00 Tax Duplicate Year Acct. or PernmS«BOADMW#M/AY Map Book Page Description LOT 3 0.177 AC MiAKIMSIUNt tbIAlt AND FALLS SUB BLK A&C

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or pMnt all information. See instrudons on reverse.

1. Grantor's Name: Richard G. Krueger and Joan M. Krueger Phonet

2. Grantee's Name: Richard G. Krueger and Joan M. Krueger, Co-Trustees Phone:

Grantee's Address: 9279 Geromes Way, Loveland, Ohio 45140

Same as above 3 3. Address of Property: Same as above 0 4 Tax Billing Address: 5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below) 3 (a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States orthis state; 06 _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) (c) Toconfirm or correct adeed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either: (e) Or sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent thal such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(gl Pursuant to a reorganization of corporalions or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution af a oorporation, to the extent that the cor·poration conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assels in exchange for the stockholdefs shares in the dissolved corporation; (h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporaljon for no consideralions, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i> By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral fights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable foiever, _(1) When the value of the leal properly or interest m real property conveyed does noi exceed one hundred dollars, (k) Of an oocupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residenice is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence, _(l} To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money of other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money Ls paid or to be paid for the real estate and (he transaction is not a gift (must include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased. (p) Of an easemenl or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; -(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code (rl Toor fromanorganization exempt fromfederalincome taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer i without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, induding a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real properly; x.(t) To a lrustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust (u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets, _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust i? the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions thal became irrevocable at the death of the grantor: _(w) To a corporation tor incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 1307.69.8]of the Revised Code. Jx) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) Froma county land reutlization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third patty 6. The grantor has indicated that this propetty Is entitled to receive the senior ctizen, disabled person, or surming spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. Nof YESE- (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or cument tax year. NO.EL YESS (DTE 102 required) 8 Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE. failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely applicationis filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January l of next year? NOk YES-!L If yes, is lhe property a multi-unit dwelling? NOK YES.El 9, Is this property leased or otheiwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO.E. YES_C_lf yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form 80 the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to thl,Pest of my knowledge and belief is a tnie, correct and complete statement. 04/07/2021 Susan Marie Allspach FgA,*a,1lai*( 44.,i f..ei.4,t Date Printed Name of Granee or Representative Svgnature of Grantee or Representabve STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 i Date Co. No. Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 04/08/2021 31 263807

Instrument Taxing Dist. No. Tax List Land Building Total

133,830 162,900 WE 3040 2021 29,070

DTE Code Number 0 Split/New Plat Remarks: 510 Taxing District Property Located i'b INTI CORP-CINTI CSD Name on Tax Duptica, lIT[ 11[RGI ICL L CR Tax Duplicate Year 2021 Acct or Permanent Parcel N0147-0007-0241-00 Map Book Page


The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print allinforrnation. See insuctions on reverse.

1. Grantofs Name: Hershel L. White, Sr. Phone:

2. Grantee's Name: Hershel L. White, Sr. and IVIelinda E. \A/hite Phone: Grantee's Address: 6672 Kirkland Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45224 3. Address of Property: Same 4. Tax Billing AddressCappfrac, 2600 l.0.Qs*U 4/ *162f 14©410+ 2461, L 60/ZE 5. No Conveyance fees shall be charg because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

_(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts} _dc) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded, -x_(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for dellnquent taxes or assessments; _(D Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such tmnsfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; -(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution ofa corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution In kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved corporation; -Ch) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or sumnder of the subsidiary's 0 stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; _(i) When the value of the real proper or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; 5 -(k) Ofan occupled residential property being transferred to the bullderofa new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new 0 residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(In) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily oonvertible into money Is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the tansaction is not a gift; (must Include affidavit of facts) M To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; -Co) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a sun,Mng spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devIsees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; _(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's powerto revoke me trust or to withdraw trust assets; -(v) To #ie benefidaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantorofthetrust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation Into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.91 of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. -Cy) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. sedon 1724 to a third pady

6. The grantor 1\Eis indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior dtizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NO* YES.[1 (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor'has Indicated that mis propedy qualifies for cument agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NOJEL YES.CL (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this propery be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NO11 YES*. If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NO-[EL YES-0. 9. Is this properly leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NOJEL YES O If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) ofthe date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined b me and to t¥6UGF@Rhowledge and belief Is a true, correct 9f1d colblete statement. 4-k / -4-n.n /Y - __&2 t- 41* 0-Da- printed Name of Grantee or Renmuve / Signature of Grantee or Representatis-__3 Date L STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) 4 DTE FORM 100 (EX) ) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Dale Co No. Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 04/08/2021 31 263808

Inshment Taxing [);st. No. Tax List Land Building Total

QE 3230 2021 93,070 380,990 474,060

DTE Code Number 510 O SpliVNew Plat Remarks: Property Located in WYOMING-WYOMING CSD Taxing District Name on Tax DuplicateMCCRYSTAL MICHAEL CRAIG & HOLLY LYf Tax Duplicate Year 2021 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. 592-0022-0090-00 Map Book Page Description: SWEETWATER DR 120 X 207.81 IRR LOT 36 WYOMING WOODS SUB SEC B BLK B PT 2

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print al infornaOon. See insinictions on reverse. Grantor' s Name: Michael Craig McCrystal Holly Lynn McCrystal Phone: 2. Grantee's Name: Michael Craig McCrystal Holly Lynn McCrystal, Trustees Phone: Grantee's Address: 1250 Sweetwater Drive Cincinnati, OH 45215 3. Address of Property: 1250 Sweetwater Drive Cincinnati, OH 45215 4. Tax Billing Address: 1250 Sweetwater Drive Cincinnati, OH 45215

5. No Conveyanm fees shall be charged because the real propetly being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

(a) To or from the Unled States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; (b) Solely In order to provide or release secutity for a debt or obligation, (must include affidavit of facts) (c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; (d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of eithec (e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; (D Pursuant to court order, to the extent thal such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincotporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the proper to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for thestockholder's shares In the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration 01 the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; _(1) When the value of the real properly or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as pe,1 of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely fof the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sde to others: _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangtle consideration readily convertible into money is paid orto be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift (must include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a su,viving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(o) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand doOars; _(q) Of property sold to a sur,Ning spouse pursuant to section 2106,16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organizaton exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such tansfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organizaaon; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common deoedent, when no considedion in money is paid orb be paid for the real property; £(t) To a trustee ofatrust when the grantorofthe trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _{u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's poNer to revoke the trust or lowithdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to irust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor (w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constucted pulsuant to section 307.696 [307.69.91 of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party 6. The grantor has indicated thal this property is entitled to receive Ihe senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NOS YES.[1 (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated thatthis property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or ctnent tax year. NOS YES.0 ®TE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction OVOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until ano(her proper and timely application is filed) Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NO O YES*. If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NO* YES.0 9 Is this property leased or othemise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NOR YES 0 If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penally on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examinefl by m the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. 04/07/2021 Jeff Frye -11.9. C.a.#i,I#,f *.Ing,8 RnrimqmntAlivA Date STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE


Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Revi sed by County Auditor , Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Date Co. No. Number FOISCOONTY USE ONLY04/08/2021 31 263809

Insbument Taidng Dist No. Tax List Land Building Total WE 3040 2021 49,660 106,320 155,980

' 520 DTE Code Number 0 SpliUNew Plat Remarks: CINTI CORP-CINTI CJD Property Located in i[[ WILL 202.Taxing District Name on Tax Dulicate 020-0005-0004-00 Tax Duplicate Year Acct or Permanen IPPM&$ST 25 * 11 5 IRR Map Book Page Description: PT LOT 20 S E HINMAN COTTAGE HILL SUB

C \ 7 ' The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all Informalion. See Insbuctions on reverse.

1. Grantofs Name: WILL YEE Phone:

2. Grantee's Name: Phone: Grantee's Address:A lto- 59 S y ipt<*14106(, j ES LLC,tsr 6 / N,rl 0 H £115%Vt 3. Address of Property: 914 WOE 51 61 NL)NA/AT) 0 W 95-1'11, #TBABimAddaw. 6 1/5 *D**141YR,+DGE Cr OWN«7 . OW 9-4-9-R - 5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below) _(a) To or from 11(e United States, this state, or any instrumentallty, agency, or political subdivislon of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confirm o corrects deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence > glft, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to 6ourt order, to the extent that such transfer Is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such arden _(g) Pursuant to A reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the propedy to 8|stockholder as a distribution In kind of ele corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholdets shares In the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellauon or surrenderof the subsidiary's stock; | (i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral lights, unless the lease is for a tenn of years renewable forever; _(i) When the value of the real property or Interest in real propedy conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence Is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; (1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, Its prompt sale to others; 109 To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily converible into money Is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must Include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir of devisee, between'spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To atrustee,ading on behalf of minor children of the Beceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when Ae value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of propedy,hold to a survMng spouse pursuant to seclon 2106.16 of tha Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under secion 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer Is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(8) Among the lieirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent when no consideration In money Is paid or to be paid for the real proper; _(t) To a trusteeof a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust, _(u) To the grantbrof a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the tmnsfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's powerto revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets:I _(v) To the beneficiaries of 8 trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the tustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became Irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporhtion for incorporation Into a sports facility constructed pursuant to secon 307.696 [307.69.9]of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R,C. section 1724 to a third party 6. The granto*as iAdicated that this proper Is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NYESE (DTE Form 101 required) 7, The grantar has Indicated that this propelty qualifies for currentaglicultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NO:;6 YES-[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner frorp receiving this reduction unl another proper and timely application Is filed): Will this proper be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? 145*-YES-L Ifyes, Is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NOL YEST 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO-IL YES'* lf yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days Onduding weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer 6 bold a penalty on their tax bill. I declare 41!der penalties of porjpry thatthis statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. 30(N ici 119 0%2018 / 3,0 j. 2,12 1 Date O•1#*-A Al••40 I/Brir,lia ir QorlroAntmtivA Signablre# Grantee ot*epresentauve FOR AUDITOR USE ONLY - NOT FOR RECORDING PURPOSES



State of Ohio ) Cointy of Hamilton)

Now comes David A. Horn, being duly sworn, who states as follows:

1) He is an Attorney at Law, duly licensed by the State of Ohio;

2) Will Yee acquired the property located at 414 Hoge Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45226, by deed, as recorded in the CCRO;

3) For planning purposes, Will Yee needs to transfer said property, from his individual name to his limited liability company, BWY PROPERTIES, LLC;

4) No money or other consideration has been transferred for this conveyance. The conveyance is being done to accommodate the owner's financial considerations.


David A. Horn

Sworn to, acknowledged and subscribed before, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, this 3ls: day of March, 2021, by David A. Horn.

48'a, 1/,;** 2*L 5. 44 / /22122 ' \ ZACHARY S. HORN Notary Public // *: E * 1 Notary Public, State 01 Ohio < E / My Commission Expires February 10,2026

This instrument prepared by David A. Horn, Attorney at Law


DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co. No. Number

04/08/2021 263810 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31

Instrument Taidng Dist. No. Tax List Land Building Total

QE 1010 2021 370 0 370

DTE Code Numbersoo 0 SpliUNew Plat Remarks: Property Located inANDERSON-FOREST HILLS Taxing District 2021 Name on Tax DuplicatBUEHRMANN EUGENE D & JOAN M Tax Duplicate Year Accl or Permanent Parcel No500-0212-0302-00 Map Book Page Description: REAR WINDHILL TER 3 X 100 PT LOT 127 COMMONWEALTH PARK SUB BLK C

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all Infonnation. See Instructions on reverse.

1, Grantofs Name: Eugene D. Luehrmann and Joann M. Luehrmann Phone:

2, Grantee's Name: Eugene D. Luehrmann & Joann M. Luehrmann, Ttees Luehrmann Family Trust Phone:

Grantee's Address: 7852 Heatherglen Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45255 3, Address of Property: 7852 Heatherglen Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45255 4, Tax Billing Address: 7852 Heatherglen Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45255

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on Items checked below)

_(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any It'strumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confimi or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; 1(d) To evidence a gift, In any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for dellnquent taxes or assessments; (f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated assodations or pursuant to tile dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution In kind of the corporation's assets In exchange for the stockholder's shares In the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent oorporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or In sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease Is for a term of years renewable forever;

0 _(i) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence Is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; 3 _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step In, Its prompt sale to others; 4 _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible Into money Is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gill; (must Include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an helr or devIsee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee aciing on behalf of minor children of the deceased: _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of properly sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code, _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal Income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devIsees, Including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration In money Is paid or to be paid for the real property; _(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer Is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantots power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the benefidarles of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions thal became Irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for Incorporation Into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. _(x) Beveen persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutll[zation corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to athird party

6. The grantor has Indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year, NO.[1 YESS (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has Indicated that this properly qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NOIEL YES.Q (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next yeaf? NO-El-YESX If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NO.[EL YES-[1 9, Is this property leased or othemise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO.01 YES O If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (Including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. ldeclare under penalties of perjury that this statement has bxamlned by,]e and to the best of my knewl,tlge and belief Is a true, correct and complete statement. 08/10/2020 Cynthia Martin 0*LU,(£0 f)*6*

- OTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Audnor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION.

Type Tax list Tax. dist. Date FD 2021 3130 04/08/2021 instrument year Countynumber 31 number

Number Property located in MADEIRA-MADEIRA CSD taxing district

Name on tax duplir.ate WHEELER THOMAS K Tax duplicate year 2021 263811

Acct. or permanent parcel no. 525-0008-0061-00 Map book_ Page MIAMI HILLS DR 80 X 192.88 IRR No. of Parcels Description LOT 64 MIAMI HILLS SUB SEC A 0 Platted 0 Unplatted Rl-T4-S7

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. 0 C.A.U.V 0 Building removed 0 Other 510 Grantee>&Representative Must Compl*te*11]Qu,fition6 ihirlis-!3*tipri'YS»-inatfuctlolls.)ff reyers,3

1. Grantofs name Thomas K Wheeler Phone Neigh. Code

2. Grantee's name Vicki Wheeler Phone Grantee's address 7340 Miami Hills Drive Cincinnati, OH 45243

3. Address of property 7340 Miami Hills Drive Cincinnati, OH 45243 No. ofAcres 4, Tax billing address 7340 Miami Hills Drive Cincinnati, OH 45243 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: Condominium Apartment: No. of units & 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other

vacant, what is intended use? 35360 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Ufe estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee v Other fee simple 42070 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) 130,000.00 b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value 90,000.00

77430 c)d) Total Cash consideration (add(if lines any) 7a, 7b and 7c)3 $ 220.000.00 - e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real properly ...... DTE Use Only

- 0 Consideration 220,000.00 for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) % <4 g) Name of mortgagee Union Savings Bank 8 h) Type of mortgage v Conv. F.HA V.A. Other DTE Use Only C¢ i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property- 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the seniorcitizen, disabled person or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current lax year? Yes v No Ifyes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year'? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 102.

10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) redudion. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's 220000 principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? 4 Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes v No 11, Is this properly leased or othemise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? 0 Yes 21 No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale 1.Yes 2. No

I declare under penal#es of pe,jury thatthis statement has been examined byms and tothebest of my knowledge and beliefislue, correct 20210408016 and oomplets statament Receipt Number Jeff Frye 04/07/2021

Date Printed Name of Grantee or Representative -stpn#tutle m Grantee or Representative Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee required h,Ohlo Revised Codesection(R.C.)319.54(G)(3)and, if appncable, the feerequIred by R.C. 322. Inthetotal amountof $ 660.50 Grantor has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.

. 04/08/2021 DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date [)TE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Audllof Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINTALL INFORMATION.

Type Tax list Date 2021 County 31 Tax. dist. 3230 04/08/2021 instrument WD year number number

Number Property located in WYOMING-WYOMING CSD taxing district

Name on tax dupliralp STOTTMANN ROLF W & HEATHER RW Tax duplicate year 2021 263812

Acct. or permanent parcel no. 592-0007-0090-00 Map book Page 316 WORTHINGTON 73 X No. of Parcels Description 0 Platted 0 Unplatted 125.05 PT LOT 131 LOCKLAN 1 D & WYOMING IMP

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. O C.A.U.V O Building removed O Other 510 Grantee or Representative Must Cofritiletd All Question-* in_Ihis Section.See instr,ictions-on reVerse.

1. Grantor'sname Rolf W. Stottmann Heather R.W. Stoltmann Phone Neigh. Code

2. Grantee's name Steve Houk Sara L. Houk Phone Grantee's address 316 Worthington Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45215 3. Address of property 316 Worthington Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45215 No. ofAcres 4, Tax billing address 316 Worthington Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45215 5. Are lhere buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: Condominium 1 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other

vacant, what is Intended use? 36000 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Ufe estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value

4 _ Grantor is mortgagee v Other fee simple 91780 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) 672,800.00

Total Value _- b) c) Balance Cash assumed(if any) (if...... any) ..$ $ 127780 d) Total consideration (add lines 78,7b and 70 $ 672,800.00 N e) Portion. if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real properly ...... $ /257 211.800.00 DTE Use Only A 0 Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) ...... 461,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee Union Savings Bank 62)&,ANKEl h) Type of mortgage v Conv. F.H,A. V.A. Other OTE Use Only LOA N i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real propeity t. 8. Has thegrantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the seniorcitizen, disabled person or surviving spouse hornestead exemption for the preceding or current tax yea? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes 4 No If yes, complete form DTE 102.

10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is iled.) Vvill this properly be grantee's 461000 principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? 1 Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes v No 11. Is this properly leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? o Yes IE] No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (induding DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale 1. Yes 2. No

I declare under penalUes of pellury that this statement has been examined byrne and tothe bestof my hfedge and belief Is tue, correct 20210408017 and complete statement Receipt Number Jeff Frye / 04/07/2021

Date Printed Name of Grantee or Representative SI n ntee or Representative Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee The conveyance feerequiredbyOhio Revised Codesection(R.C.)319.54(G*3)and. Ifapplicable, thefeere*redby R.C. 322. Inthetotalamountof $ 1,383.50 Grantor has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.

04/08/2021 DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date DTE FROM 100 . Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Audfor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION.

Type Tax list Tax. dist. Date

instrument year number WD onol county 31 number 2040 04/08/2021

Number Property located in taxing district CLEVES-MIAMI-3 RIVERS Name on tax (Ii,plir:Ate Tax duplicate year HINES ROSIE J LULI 263814 Acct. or permanent parcel no. Map book Page 572-0007-0238-00 No. of Parcels

Descliption ES MIAMI AVE 0.909 AC 0 Platted 0 Unplatted

R2-Tl -S21 1

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements El Partial value DTE Code No. O CA.U.V 0 Building removed Il OthAr


1. Grantor's name Rosie J. Hines Phone Neigh. Code

2. Grantee's name Jerry W. Johnson and Tina D. Spence Phone Grantee's address 280 S. Miami Avenue, Cleves, OH 45002

3. Address of property 280 S. Miami Avenue, Cleves, OH 45002 No. of Acres 4. Tax billing address Envoy Mortgage LTD. 10496 Freeway, Suite 250, Houston, TX 77043

5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: 0 41,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other vacant, what is intended use? 5680 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee v Other fee simple 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) f 142,373.00 26820

b) Balance assumed (if any) S Total Value c) Cash (if any) $ 2,627.00

d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 70 $ 145,000.00 32500

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property DTE Use Only D Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e)...... - 145,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee Envoy'Mortgage LTD.

h) Type of mortgage Conv. v F.HA VA. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated mallcet value of real property. 8, Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive 4 senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? 1/Yes ' No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes 4 No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) redudion. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction unm another proper and umely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's

principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? f Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes ,' No 145000 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? 0 Yes E No If yes,

new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale

1.Yes 2. No

Ideclare under penaNIes of pellury hat this *lement haG been exarn _ by me and to of Imowledge and belief Is tue, coict and compleiI flament 20210408018 Receipt Number Laura Paletta 03/23/2021

Printed Name of Grantee or Representative t.815natd're of Grantee or Representative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee required byOhio Revised Code section (R.C.)319.54(G)(3) and, ifapplicable, the fee required by R.C. 322, in the totalamountof $ 435.5U has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. Grantor

DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date 04/08/2021 DTE FROM 100 . Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditu [X,sly Rhodes *20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. WD 2021 1060 04/08/2021 Type Tax list Tax. dist. Date Instrument GREEN TWP NORTHWEST LSD Countynumber 31 number

FASSNACHT STEPHEN E & MARJORIE A Nu Property located in 202mg district 15

Name on tax duplicate 550-0210-0317-00 Tax duplicate year SS WEST FORK 5.033 AC Acct. or permanent parcel no. Map book Page KZ- 1 2-530 No. of Palicels Description 0 Platted 0 Unplatted

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. O C.A.U.V O Building removed 0 Other 510 Grantee .or Represantative, MUst Cciriiplete All Questiq5]iffiThis'.Section.·See in*tructions«on reVerse.-5

1. Grantor'sname Stephen E. Fassnacht Marjorie A. Fassnacht Phone Neigh. Code 2. Grantee's name Stephen Armstrong Christina Armstrong Phone Grantee's address 6249 West Fork Road Cincinnati, OH 45247 3. Address of property 6249 West Fork Road Cincinnati, OH 45247 No ofAcres

4, Tax billing address 6249 West Fork Road Cincinnati, OH 45247 10 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes. check type: ln Condominium Apartment: No. of units i/ 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Land Value Farm buildings Other 00 Manufactured (mobile) home vacant, what is intended use? 39960 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Bldg. Value Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Grantor is mortgagee •/ Other fee simple 77010 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) $ 321,300.00 b) Balance assumed (if any) S Total Value 56,700.00 c) Cash (if any) d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 7r) 378,000.00 116970 e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real properly DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) ...... $ 378,000.00 g) Name of rnortgagee Guardian Savings Bank DTE Use Only h) Type of mortgage 1 Conv F.H.A. V.A. Other i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property 8, Has the grantor indicated thal this property is entitled to receive the senior dtizen. disabled person or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes 4 No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 102

10. Application forowner«cupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee'$ pMncipal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? 4 Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes •/ No 378000 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? 0 Yes El No If yes. new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (induding DTE Use Only Valid sale weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 1. Yes 2. No

I declare under penalties of pelluty ihat this statement has been examined by me and to lhe best of my Imowledge and be[Bf is fnle, cArmel and complete statement

Jeff Frye 04/07/2021 | Printed Name of Grantee or Representative 39,1*u, grpr,ntee or Representative Date / *edelpt for Payment of Conveyance Fee Theconveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Codesection(R.C.)319,54(G)(3)and, If appllcable, the fee required by R.C. 322, In thetotal amounlot $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 1,134.50 Grantor . DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date

1 04/08/2021 11 C r Wr·UVI ivw ricaL. rriwr gr., i Revised by County Auditor Ir exempt by OR.C, 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX) )usty Rhodes 11/12


Type Instrument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31


Property LocatedIWD 2021 MALOTaxing District 04/08/2021 Name on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year CINTI CORP-CINTI CSD Acct- or Permanent Parcel No Map Book Page No. of 1),ceis GALLARDO ERNESTO MANUEL JR Description: 0 Platted O Unplatted 2021 263816


UNIT 22-G .8475% DTE Code No. . MTAIRY OAKS CONDOMINIUMS AUDTOR'S COMMENTS PHASE XX o Split T 0 New Plat 0 Paral Value Neigh Code OCAUM 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements O Other


4®11#* No. of Acres

1. Grantor: Ernesto Manual Gallardo Jr Phone:

2. Grantee: Asha Shanmugam, Ashwin Kollambalath Phone:

Grantee's Address: 5989 Thornberry Ct, Mason, OH 45040 Land Value 3, Address of Properly: 5418 Scarletoak Dfive, Cincinnati OH 45239 4. Tax Billing Address: 5989 Thomberry Ct. Mason, OH 45040 0 5. Are there buildings on the land?E]No IYes (requires information below) Bldg. Value [3 1,2 or 3 family m Manufactured Home

[XI Condominium Fl Apartment - Number of Units 6130

j Farm Building Other - Tolat Value If land is vacant, what is the intended use?

6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): El Grantor is a relative Il Part Interest Transferred m Grantor is a Mortgagee 0 Land Contract 33260 DTE Lte Only [13 Gift 0 Trade ¤ Life Estate D Leasehold 0 Mineral Rights Reserved [3 Leased Fee ® Other: Fee Simple 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ 116,250 DT@8&, (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ (c) Cash (if any) $ 38,750 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+79 $ 155,000 OTE Use Only (e) Portion, If any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... _ __ $ (f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7[)-7E) _. ______$ 155,000 (g) Name of mortgagee Cahber Home Loans Consideration (h) Type of mortgageBConventional UFHA ¤VA Other (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property---...... --. $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this properly is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead DTE Use ONy exemption for the preceding or current tax year.0 Yes No (If yes, complete fonn DTE 101) Vaid Sale 1. YES 2. NO 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 0 Yes No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 155000 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reductjon (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is fled): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next Year? 0 Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? 0 Yes 0 No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? Yes ¤ No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (induding weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 20210408020 I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examinedbv me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement.

04/07/2021 Kyle Rountree Printed Name of Grantee or Representative S#Iatureof GrantE: Date Receipt Number

RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE 465.50 The conveyance fee required by sec!84%54(F) (3) R.C,, and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C. in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date

04/08/2021 DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX)


Type Instrument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31


Property LocateWID 2021 3040 Taxing District 04/08/2021 Name on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year Ulr- I I UUKI-'-LIN 11 62>U Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page No. of Parcels VVILL.JCK AUINL,/AA 0, UCKALL; UCVVKTAINCT- 263817 Description: o Platted o Unplatted 2021


246 WORTH ST 37.50 X 120 OTE Code No. LOT 98 PT 97 S W HARTSHOR 1 NS SUB-PARS 22-23 CONS AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value Neigh. Code 0 CA.U.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements O Other 520 Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or print all information, See Instructions on reverse. No. of Acres 1. Grantor: Ronda A. Wilder and Gerald DeWayne Davis Phone.

2, Grantee: Value Now Properties, LLC Phone:

Grantee's Address: 246 Worth St., Cincinnati, OH 45226 Land Value

3. Address of Property: 246 Worth St., Cincinnati, OH 45226 1 4. Tax Billing Address: 246 Worth St., Cincinnati, OH 45226

5. Are there buildings on the land? No X Yes (requires information below) Bldg. Value x 1,2or3 family Manufactured Home 5030 Condominium Apartment - Number of Units Fam, Building Other - Total Value If land is vacant, what is the intended use?

6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 21480 4 Grantor is a relative 1 Part Interest Transferred Grantor is a Mortgagee Land Contract Gift Trade Life Estate Leasehold OTE Use Only Mineral Rights Reserved Leased Fee Other: (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ 0 26510 (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ 0 OTE Use Only

r (c) Cash (if any) $ 60,000 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 60,000 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property- $. DTE Use Only 3 60.000 C€ (f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7D-7E).__-__-_- .._ $ (g) Name of mortgagee Consideration (h) Type of mortgage F Conventional F FHA D VA F Other (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property-__ _ -.--_. -_ $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead OTE Use Only exemption for the preceding or current tax year. F Yes Ix' No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) Valid Sale 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 1, YES 1 NO T- Yes FC No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 60000 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? f- Yes i No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? !-- Yes F- No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? r Yes ix No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date

of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 20210408021 I declare under penalties of pe4ury that this statement has en examined ,;nd'd to the best of my knor.,odge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. ROBERT S. RUBIN, ATTORNEY *fiature of Grantee or Representative Dat ' Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Receipt Number 180.50 Grantor RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date ns/nA/2021 DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor . Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION.

Date Type Tax list Tax dist. 1010 04/08/2021 2021 nurnber instrument WD year County 31 numbeT

Number Property located in ANDERSON FOREST HILLS taxing district Name on tax duplir.Ate naks:: PRAPFRTY GROI IP IIC Tax duplicate year 2021 263818

Acct. or permanent parcel no. e€SP 01§A A € 0 fq 1 00 Map book Page No of Parcels VERDALE DR 50 X 120 Description O Platted [3 Unplatted LOT 86 WASHINGTON EST BL 1 B SUB

SU or s omments: C] Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value OTE Code No.

1\ O C.A.U.V O Building removed 0 Othpr 19 510 G e or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section. See Instructions on reverse.

1, Gdantofs name Oaks Properly Group,LLC Phone Neigh. Code 2.Srantee's name RP2HAM, LLC Phone Grantee's address 5725 Dragon Way Suite 224, Cincinnati, OH 45227 3. Address of property 1478 Verdale Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45230 No. of Acres 4. Tax billing address 5725 Dragon Way Suite 224, Cincinnati, OH 45227 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type Condominium Apartment: No. of units 4 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other.. vacant, what is intended use? 8720 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) Grantor is relative Part interest transfer Land contract

Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee Other 7, a) New mortgage amount (if any) $ 38280

b) Balance assumed (if any). F - Total Value 170,000.00 c) Cash (if any)...... ,,,...... ,....,....,,,.....,.,,,,,.,,...... ,,,,.,,...... ,,...,,,..,,,,..,,...... ,,...,,,,,,$

d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 70 $ 170.000.00 47000

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... $ DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus le) , 170,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee

h) Type of mortgage Conv. F. H.A. V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property. $ 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes /No If yes, complete form DTE 101. OTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes 4 No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Applicationforowner-occupancy (2,5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? r Yes F No Ifyes. 170000 new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale

1 Yes 2. No

l declare under penalties of perjury #tal this statement has been examined bymeand tothe best of my knowledge and belief Is true, oorrect and complete statement 202 1 U4 U6UL 2 Receipt Number Title One Agency, Inc. 46*Ch# vul< ECU*7- 04/07/2021

Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee required by Onio Revised Code section IR.C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, if applicable, thefee required by R,C 322, in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor 510.50


DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date


Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 ((3) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 04/0*2021 Co. No. 26®819


st. No. Qrment *10 2021 Tax LIst 33,81 #4350 13,000

510 DTE Code NumARANVII I F-PRINT.FTON O SpliVNew Plat Remarks: Property Located IGANnY *F\/IN A N17.HAI F WAI IRTA 20Axing District Name on Tax Duplicate 608-0008.0077-1-n Tax Duplicate Year Acct. or PerVORIPRE€el N® 65 1 1 83.73 Map Book Page Description: IRR LOT 36 MEFFORD 1 ST SUB BLK I

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type orprint all Intbrmation. See Instuctions on reverse.

1. Grantoes Name: Kevin Sandy and Nichole Sabalnl F/K/A Nichole Hauser and Thomas Sabatlnl Phone: 513/600-9414

2. Grantee's Name: Kevin Sandy Phone: 513/600-9414

Grantee's Address: 10733 Plalnfleld Road, Cincinnati, OH 45241

3. Address of Property: 10733 Plalnfleld Road, Cincinnati, OH 45241

4. Tax Billing Address: 10733 Plalnfleld Road, Cincinnati, OH 45241

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on Items checked below) 0% 4 _(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any Instrumentality, agency, or political subdiVIBIon of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely In order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must Include affidavit of facts) _(c) To conf,rm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) Toevidence a glft, Inany form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; 1(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed punuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated assoclatons or pursuant to the dissoluon of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the propertyto a stockholder as a dist,ibulon In Idnd of the corporation's assets In exchange for the stockholdefs shares in the dissolved corporaon; _(h) By a Bubsidiary corporation to its parent corporauon for no considerations, nominal consideration, or In sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(1) By lease, whether or not It extends to mineral or mineral Mghts, unless the lease Is for a term of years renewable forever, _(i) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer In real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step In, Its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible Into money Is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an helr or devIsee, between spouses orto a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(o) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under sedion 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the chadtable or public purpose of such organizauon, _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, Including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration In money Is paid or to be paid for the real property; (t) To atrustee ofatrust, when the grantorof thetrust has reser,ed an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of 8 trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantoes power to revoke the trust or to vdthdraw trust assets; (v) To the beneldarles of a trustlf thefeewas pald on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became InVOCable at the death of the grantor, _(w) To a corporation for Incorporation Into a sports facility constucted pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. (x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land teutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has Indicated that this property Is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NO.[EL YES_ (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has Indicated that this property qualifies for current agrlcultuml use valudon for the preceding or current taxyear. NOM YES_(DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduceon (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this redudon until another proper and imely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year NO_ YES-1& If yes, is the propedy a mul l-unit dwelling? NO.[EL YES_ 9. Is this property leased orotherwlse rented to tenants solely for resldenlal purposes? NOZL YES If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registation Fonn to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of pe,jury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief Is a true, correct and complete statement.

Nirhril \A/hitp A)WEAAO. fAJih. A/1 5/0090 Pdnted Name of Grantee or Reprenti1i Signature of Grantee or Repre,en*tive Date DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee RevisedbyCounWAudtor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

I f exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION.

Type Tax list Tax. dist. Date instrument WD 2021 number year county 31 number 3170 04/08/2021

Number Property located in NOID,OOn kin[Annn rcn taxing district

Name on tax duplicgtA \/FHORN RI IRSFI I Tax duplicate year 2011 263820

Acct. or permanent parcel no. R#l .nnfq-no-71-nn Map book Page No. of Parcels 3927 HAZEL AVE 50 X 150 Description 0 Platted 0 Unplatted LOT 195 ELSMERE SUB

Auditor's comments: Il Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements Il Partial value DTE Code No.

0 C.A.U.V 0 Building removed 0 Other 520 Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantor's name Russell Vehom and Jennifer L. Vehorn Phone Neigh. Code

2. Grantee's name 5 Seas Properties, LLC, an Ohio Limited Uability Company Phone Grantee's address 3927 Hazel Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45212

3. Address of property 3927 Hazel Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45212 No. ofAcres 4, Tax billing address 8196 Eagle Ridge Dr, West Chester, OH 45069

5. Are there buildings on the land? 1 Yes No If yes, check type: 41,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildinas C*her vacant, what is intended use? 13320 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) Grantor is relative Part interest transfer Land contract

Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gm Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee 4 Other NA 68800 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any). $ S b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value 303,000.00 c) Cash (if any) $ d) Total consideration (add lines 78,7b and 7*. .,$ 303.000.00 82120 N e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property DTE Use Only 39 f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) .. 303,000.00 4 g) Name of mortgagee

h) Type of mortgage Conv. F.H.A. V.A. Other DTE Use Only D If gift, in whole orpart, estimated market value of real property...... $ 8, Hasthe grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the seniorcitizen, disabled person orsurviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes 4 No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? Yes 4 No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes No 303000 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? El Yes [3 No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale

1. Yes 2. No

I declare uiderpedles of pajoy thatthls staent has been madned by meand b thebestof myknowledge and bellefls #ue, conct 20210408024 and corrple* *lement Receipt Number Joel Megee 4/7/2021

Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signat@/of Grantee or Representative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee Theconveyance feerequiredby Ohio Revised Code sectjon (R.C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, if applicable, the fee required by R.C. 322, in the total amountof $ ana Kn has been paid by GrAntnr and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.

DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date 04/08/2021 )TE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT tevised by County Auditor lusty Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(31 Use DTE Form 100 (E)9


Type Instrurrent Tax List Year County Number Tax Dat Number Dale 31

Number QU 2021 1050 04/08/2021 Property Located in Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicate DELHI TWP-OAK HILLS LSD Tax Duplicate Year

Book Acct, or Permanent Parcel NO.JACKSON RICHARD & FELICIA ESTRADA Map Page 2021 NO#fsl Descripuon: 0 Platted 0 Unplatted 540-0073-0080-00


AUDITOR'S COMMENTS \1.6 » ] Split 0 New Plat 0 Parval Value Neigh. Code 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 00the ]CA.U.. 510 Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section , Type or print alt information.. See instrudons on reverse. No- of Acres i diAtor: FELICIA ESrRADA Phone: 2.'Stantee: RICHARD JACKSON Phone:

450 SUNAIRE TERRACE, CINCINNATI, OH 45238 Grantee's Address: Land Value 3, Address of Property: 450 SUNAIRE TERRACE, CINCINNATI, OH 45238 4, Tax Billing Address: 450 SUNAIRE TERRACE, CINCINNATI, OH 45238 5. Are there buildings on the land?E]No Yes (requires information below) Bldg. VNue

FTI 1,2 or 3 family Manufactured Home 8950 U Condominium 1-7 Apartment - Number of Units

Z Farm Building U Other- Tolal Value If land is vacant, what is the intended use?

6. Condnions of sale (Check all that apply): 29010 0 Grantor is a relative ® Part Interest Transferred 0 Grantor is a Mortgagee E Land Contact OTE lise Only 0 Gift E Trade Life Estate G Leasehold 0 Mineral Rights Reserved [3 Leased Fee ® Other: FEE SIMPLE 37960 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ DTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) $ 54.230 (d) Total Consideration (TA+78+70 54,230 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property____-_.. $ DTE Use Only (f) Consideradon for real property on which fee is to be paid (7D-/EL___._._.___.__ $ 54.230 (g) Name of mortgagee N/A Consideration (h) Type of mortgage[[}Conventional OFHA [}VA I]Other (i) If gift in wholeorpart estimated market value of real property $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead DTE Use Only exemption for the preceding or current tax year.El Yes E No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) Vald Sale 1.YES 2. NO 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. E Yes E No (lf yes, complete form DTE 102) 54230 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? E Yes El No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? 0 Yes E No 11. Is this propetty leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes?E!! Yes No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 20210408025 I declare under penalties of pe,jury thatthis statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement.

-,4 04/07/2021 KATHERINE THIEMAN

Printed Name of Grantee or Representalve Signatur& of Grantee or Representative Date Receipt Number 163.40 Grantor RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date 04/08/2021 DTE FROM 100 . Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by Counly Auditor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. WD On,1 30GO 04/08/202 i Type Tax list Tax dist. Date Countynunnber 31 number instrument FORFST PIf*-WINTAN,Aing

Number Property located in OAKS PROPFRTY TC>0119 11 r taxin rict 92691 263822

Name on tax Allplicate 601 0009 0015 00 Tax duplicate year Acct. or permanent parcel no. 6 11 FOR**Al#n 429'466 00 Map book- Page No. of Parcels Description IRR LOT 98 MODEL CITY SEC [] Platted 0 Unplatted 3 BLK C

Auditor's comments: 0 Split Il New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. O CA.U.V O Building removed 0 Other 51C Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section. See Instructions on reverse. Neigh Code 1, Grantor'sname Oaks Property Group, LLC Phone 2. Grantee's name RP2HAM, LLC Phone Grantee's address 5725 Dragon Way Suite 224 Cincinnati, Ohio 45227 3. Address of property 870 Fairbom Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45240 No. of Acres 4, Tax billing address 5725 Dragon Way Suite 224 Cincinnati, Ohio 45227 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No Ifyes, check type'

/ 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other_ _._. .__- vacant. what is Intended use?

6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) Grantor is relative Part interest transfer Land contract 952(, Bldg. Value Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights resen/ed Gm Grantor is mortgagee Other 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any)....,...... ,.,.,...... $ 2182) b) Balance assumed (if any)...... ·············· Total Value 117,300.00 c) Cash (if any) 117,300.00 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7band 7c),,,...... ,..,...... ,...... ,...$ e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... $ DTE Use O,1101340

f) Considerstion for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e)...... $ 117,300.00

g) Name of mortgagee

h) Type of mortgage Conv. F.H.A. \LA. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property...... ,...... ,..$ 8 Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes ./ No If yes, complete form DTE 101 DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this properly qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes 4 No If yes, complete form DTE 102.

10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's principal residence by Jan. 1 of next yean Yes / No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes No 11.Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? r Yes 17 No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (induding DTE Use Only 117300 Valid sale weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 1. Yes 2. No

l declan under penalties of pe,jury thatthis statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief 18 true, correct and complete statement Receipt Number Title One Agency, Inc. 14£x * 3**= 04/07/2021 Date 20210408026 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee The conveyance feersquIred by Ohio Revised Codesection (R.C. 3 319.54(G)(3) and,»pplicable, thefee required by R.C. 322, In the total amountof $ has been paid by and received by tile HAMILTON County Auditor.

DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date 352.40 0,/i,lw,


Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11 /12 Dete Co. No. Number

04/08/2021 263823 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31

Instrument Toodng Dial. No. Tax Li•t LAnd Building Total

AF 3040 2021 11,270 62,730 74,000

DTE Code Number _520 0 Split/New Plat Remarks: Property Located in CINTI CORP-CINTI CSD Taxing District . SPEED CHARLES A & YVONNE 2021 Name on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year 216-0039-0143-00 Acct or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page 3723 BONFIELD DR

Descripon: 60 X 114.30 IRR LOT 14 AVON VIEW RESUB

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type orprlot Information. Seelostly*gs on revere. 1. Grantor's Name: CAR,1,9 h.

4. Tax Billing Address:, *iME- U 5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real properly being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on Items checked below)

_(a) To or from the United States, this slate, or any Instrumentallty, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely In order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation: (mu,t Include affidavit of facts) _(0) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; (d) To evidence a glft, In any form, between husband and wife, or parent and chiId or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant locourt order, totheextent thatsuch transferls not the resullof a sale effected or completed pursuant tosuchorder; tn _(g) Pursuant to areorganization of corporationsor unincorporated associations orpursuant to thedissolution of acorporation, to the extent that the corporatjon conveys the t\1 properly to a stockholder as a distribution In kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholdets shares In the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidlaty corporation to Its parent corporation for no conslderations, nominal consideration, or In sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's te stock; (i) By lease, whether or not It extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease Is for a term of years renewable forever; 3 _0 When the value of the real properly or Interest in real properly conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) 01 an occupied resider,(181 propetty being transferted to the builder of a new residence when the former resldence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; (1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely forthe purpose oland as a step in, Its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible Into money Is paid or to be paid for the_realegtate and the transaction is not a gNt; (must include affidavit of facts) -r--- ls-.Ill--IN _f(n) To anheir or deviee, between spouses orto e|surviving s#ouse, fro» person to himself and others, suangteiiant,) 91¥lite death of a registered aineri _(0) To a trustee actin9 on behalf of minor children oru15-52Rgr-« --.- --7 _(p) Of an easement or rIght·of·way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars: _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2100.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organizaOon exempt from federal Income taxation undersection 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer Is without consideration and Is furtherance of (he charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at lawordevisees, ]ncluding a su,viving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real properly; _(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the Inist has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust: _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust when the transfer 13 made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantots power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _M To the benetaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of ihe tfust to the trustee or pursuant (o trust provisions thal became 11Tevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for Incorporation Into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 007.69.91 of the Revised Code. _(*) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a thi,d party 6. The grantor has indicated that this propelty Is entitled to receive the senior oilizen, @abled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year, NOIL- YESg„(DTE Fomt 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies forcurrent agricultural use valuallon for the preceding or current lax year. NOE YES-[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 24/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits Ote owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and Omely application Is fled): Wil this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next yea¢? NOk YES„)¢ If yes, Is the properly a multi.unit dwellng? NOIL YESIL 9. Is this propetty leased or otherwise rented to tenants sol* for residential purposes? NO* YES In If yes, new owner must complete and submit 8 Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (Induding weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penal(les of pe*try that this statement has been exam}ned,by me an*to the best of my knowledge and belief Is a true, correct and complete statement 12ffwy 1 5, 112) f /id (Yf IN NGUA- 4 k 1 "ho, DTE FORM 101 Revised 7/93

STATEMENT OF CONVEYANCE OF HOMESTEAD PROPERTY To be Attached to Conveyance Fee Forms, DTE 100 & 100(EX)

Grantor's Name Ck45 8, Sp«42 (p, O-1.3 lt (lolb

Grantor's Address

Grantee's Name Y V o RAC S ep ex ..

Taxing District 001 Parcel or Account No. 1(G -0031 -O M3'*O

The grantor of the property referred to above states that the property has, or will receive the senior citizen, disabled persons, or surviving spouse homestead exemption under Ohio Revised Code section 323.152(A) for the preceding or current tax year. The estimated amount of such reduction that will be reflected in the grantee's taxes is:

Preceding Tax Year $ Current Tax Year $

The grantor and the grantee have considered and accounted for the total estimated amount of such reductions to the satisfaction of both the grantee and the grantor. uvt«84*jc %2*d{ < Signature of Grantorpresentative

Sworn to or affirmed in my presence,

this 94 4 day of Apr ( 1 20 Rf

JEFFREY J. SCHOLLES, ATTORNEY AT'LAW NOTARY PUBUC- OHIO *14,40- ECTIONMY 147 COMMISSION 03 O.R.C HAS NO #GXPIRKRON f , V Rrltary Pubtlc Endorsement by County Auditor: Upon presentation of this instrument, the County Auditor shall endorse it, return it to the grantee or his representative, and provide a copy ofthe indorsed instrument to the grantor or his representative, evidencing delivery to the County Auditor.

County Auditor:


Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 C »-3 (60 U \1 Date Co No Number FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 04/08/2021 263824 31

Instrument Taxing Dist No. Tax List Land Building Total

AF 3040 2021 18,020 50,130 68,150

DTE Code Number 510 0 Split/New Plat Remarks: CINTI CORP-CINTI CSD Property Located in Taxing District ROELLER WILLIAM N & JULIA PENNY 2021 Name on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year 179-0078-0461-00 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page KREIS LN Description: M y 2,12.70 IRR

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print al infomnation. See Instructions on reverse. William N. Roeller and Julia Penny Roeller 1drantor's Name: Phone: 2. Grantee's Name: William N. Roeller , Phone:,

Grantee's Address: 842 Kreis Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 45205

3. Address of Property: 842 Kreig l ane Cincinnati. Ohio 45205

4. Tax Billing Address: 842 Kreis Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 45205

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

_(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release securKy for a debt or obligation; (must Include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift in any foml, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to courl order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; (g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a tenn of years renewable forever; _(1) When the value of the real propetty or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money Is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is X not a gift, (must include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a petson to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal Income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; _(t) To a trustee of a tnist, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer Is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the Dust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust If the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this property is enltled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NO.[1 YESIR ®TE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NO-[* YES.C. ([)TE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is Red): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next yearl NO-L YES-l* If yes, isthe property amulti-unit dwelling? NO-1*. YES-Cl 9. Is this properly leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NOIX YES E- If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Fonn to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penal on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined *mq and to the best of mv knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. --551)p,t*SG ( &4soccmn/U . , (1.-/ 4/7/2021 STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE A Mr' A

Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co No. Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY lo 04/08/2021 31 263825 N 00 Instrument Taxing Dist. No. Tax List Land Building Total n FE 3040 2021 55,920 89,330 00 145,250 N DTE Code Number401 0 Split/New Plat Remarks: Property Located iKINTI CORP-CINTI CSD Taxing District 2021 Name on Tax Duplicat@ALLANN M TR & ROBERT H TIPPETT TR Tax Duplicate Year Acct. or Permanent Parcel Nd)40-0003-0195-00 Map Book Page Description: MILLSBRAE AVE 46.16 X 204./5 INK PT LOTS A-B ERKENBRECHER

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or Drintall information. See instructions on reverse. 1. Grantor's Name: An 1/\ 14 0(All *ilgte,f, Ferdinand A fbwiey -1?upl- d-hi 4/30115 2. Grantee's Name: 61 JV Mi Isbrolt LIL Phone:

Grantee's Address: i,)40 8 FN Wa Ird Avf, 01 ncinnot in Oil 4520 g

3. Address of Property: 011-- Mi Shpae. Cincinnot·*1 01/110 [-5209 a- 4.TaxBillingAddress: |1-1 0 14-(AY V\/61 r(]1 PrV€- Cinoly]Floltl 01+ 145708 5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real properly being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

_(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the properly to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholdefs shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; _(j) When the value of the real property or interest in real properly conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; 41) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; 1(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a su,viving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; _(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the bet'eficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became hevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. (x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor Das indicated that this properly is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NOR YES-[l (DTE Fom, 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this properly qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NO- YES-[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from pceiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NO# YES.C If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NO-[1 YES.- 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO.[1 YES 0 If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.

I declare under penalties of pe4ury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement, Ill (*laYd P -[UYY,V 81(,MAd) f . -Ill)(Yl 0/]/ 9 1311203 1 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Date AFFIDAVIT OF FACTS


ANN M. BALL ("Affiant"), as Successor Trustee of the FERDINAND A. FORNEY TRUST dated April 30,2015, as restated on June 19,2020 ("Grantor"), does hereby affirm and state under oath, the following:

1) This Affidavit is being submitted because line (m) was checked on the DTE Form 100(EX) Statement for Reason for Exemption from Real Property Conveyance Fee.

2) Grantor is conveying to GJV MILLSBRAE LLC, an Ohio limited liability company ("Grantee"), the parcel of real estate described on attached Exhibit A.

3) Grantor owns all of the membership interest of Grantee, and is contributing the parcel of real estate as a capital contribution.

4) The within conveyance qualifies for exemption from the Hamilton County Real Property Transfer Tax because no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into cash is being exchanged for the real estate, and the transaction is not a gift.

FURTHER AFFIANT SAITH NAUGHT. (LAAJ>71 Ekl,C jilli*#rJuiu. Ann M. Ball, Successor'Trustee of the Ferdinand A. Forney Trust dated April 30,2015, as restated on June 19, 2020

The foregoing Affidavit of Facts was acknowledged before me, a notary public in and for said State, on the39 Viday of March, 2021, by Ann M. Ball, in her capacity as a Successor Trustee of The Ferdinand A. Forney Trust u/a dtd. April 30, 2015, as restated on June 19, 2020, who executed the instrument as her voluntary act and deed. No oath or affirmation was administered with regard to this notarial act. 2**634* KAREN A. ROLCIK Notary Public Attorney at Law My Commission Expires: Notary Public, State ol Ohio My Commission Has No Expiration 4>E·60 Date. Section 147.03 O.R.C.


ILegal Description]

All that certain lot of land situate in Section 27, Town 4, Fractional Range 2, Miami Purchase, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio, and being a part of Lots "A" and "B" of Andrew Erkenbrecher's Estate and described as follows:

Beginning at a point in the west line of said Lot "A" at the southwest corner of a tract of land conveyed by Lucille M. Lehman to Lena Krenning, said point being two hundred sixty-five and 80/100 (265.80) feet from the south line ofMarkbreit Avenue as measured along the west line of said Lot "A"; thence eastwardly along the southerly line of said Krenning property and parallel to the southerly line ofMarkbreit Avenue a distance of(204.75) feet to a point in the westerly line of Millsbrae Avenue; thence along the westerly line of Millsbrae Avenue on a curve to the east (having a radius of225 feet) a distance of(46.16) feet to a point; thence westward on a line parallel with the southerly line of Markbreit Avenue a distance of (198.53) feet to a point in the westerly line of said Lot "A"; thence northwardly along the westerly line of Lot "A" a distance of (45.79) feet to the point and place of beginning.

Together with an easement for driveway purposes over the north seven and one-half (7 /0 feet of the lot of land formerly owned by Lucille M. Lehman, immediately adjoining the above-described property on the south to a depth sufficient to allow access to the built-in garage on the above- described premises and as set forth in Deed Book 1916, Page 335 ofthe Deed Records of Hamilton County, Ohio.

Parcel ID Number: 040-0003-0195-00

Property Address: 3941 Millsbrae Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45209

Prior Reference: Official Record Book 13059, Page 761 and Official Record Book 14371, Page 3113 ofthe Hamilton County, Ohio, Recorder's Office DESCRIPTION ACCEPTABLE M-AMILTON COUNTY ENGINEER 0'1»_» 732 19:ap __ _.

-.•r 6 9/ 'G I c' ·

This instrument was prepared by Eli N. Krafte-Jacobs, Esq., Finney Law Firm, LLC 4270 Ivy Pointe Boulevard, Suite 225, Cincinnati, Ohio 452451 (513) 943-6650

-2- DTE FROM 100 . Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by CountyAuditor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION.

Tax list Tax. dist Date Type SV 2021 County 31 3040 04/08/2021 instrument year number number

CINTI CORP-CINTI CSD Number 'roperty located in taxing district PERKINS ANTHONY A 2021 263826 lame on tax rli irlirAta Tax duplicate year 247-0006-0137-00 \cct. or permanent parcel no. Map book Page UAAANULL UK No. of Parcels )escription 56 X 120 IRR 0 Platted 0 Unplatted 1 i LOT 72 HOLLYWOOD EST BL B

luditort's co nts: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No.

O C.A.U.V D Building removed 0 Other 510 Ga«*ii i'[*ti#Et#*f##90,¥ustj©oiniil#t«*113®Rations.M This Section- See Instriltions on rever*g 1. Grantor's name Anthony A. Perkins and Brenda Perkins Phone Neigh. Code

2. Grantee's name Cord Robertson and Bethany Robertson Phone Grantee's address 6531 South Oak Knoll Dr, Cincinnati, OH 45224

3. Address of property 6531 South Oak Knoll Or, Cincinnati, OH 45224 No. ofAcres 4. Tax billing address 6531 South Oak Knoll Dr, Cincinnati, OH 45224 1 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: 4 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other 8580 vacant, what is intended use?

6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold - Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee v Other arms lenath 27080 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) S b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value c) Cash Of any) 155,000.00 35660 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 7c) S 155,000.00

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property . DTE Use Only

f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (70 minus le) ...... $ 155,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee

h) Type of mortgage Conv. RH.A. V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property. 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes 4 No If yes, complete form DTE 102.

10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's 155000 principal residence by Jan. 1 of next yeaf? 1 Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes v No 11.Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residenual purposes? 0 Yes E No ff yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale 1.Yes 2. No

20210408030 Ideclare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is tue, co

04/08/2021 . DUSTY RHODES Countv Auditor Date --.-- -- Revised by County Auditor If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX) Dusty Rhodes 11/12


Type Instrument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31


Property Loc[Din 2021 3150 Taxing District 04/08/2021 Name on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year MIHEALTHY-MT HEALTHY Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page No, of Parcels H I UMMUKU HKUPEK I IES LLC Description: 0 Platted 0 Unplatt@021 263827


STCLAIRAV 50X 144.08 DTE Code No. LOT 17 HUGHES & GOOSMANN 1 SUB AUDITORS COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value Neigh. Code · O.CAU.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements O Other 510 Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section -. Type or print all information. See Instructions on feverse. No. of Acres 1. Grantor: F;' 10but'* PrapAS-h'49 LLe-- Phone: 2. Grantee: Rv le 46R/+ +-3-u,IN,-far Crvs+49 ful £;19*UL

Grantees Ad&esst /5 0 9 311,"u-t Cht,'/ /14- 6,'/ve, #j,ULA' 0, O # 4523 / Land Value 3. Address of Properly 4. Tax Billing Address:U'2,1

5. Are theboildings on the land?CINO [Bles (requires information below) Bldg. Value 1,2 or 3 family Fl Manufactured Home 6980 El Condominium F-1 Apartment - Number of Units El Other- 0 Farm Building Total Value If land is vacant, what is the intended use?

6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 16820 0 Grantor is a relative Il Part Interest Transferred Grantor is a Mortgmgoe 0 Land Contract El Gift Trade 0 Life-Est*!,4/1- E Leasehold OTE Use Only Il Mineral Rights Reserved j Leased Fee [Tother: 9#4 N 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) % 86,2 95.60 23800 (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ OTE Use Only -5 (c) Cash (if any) s 65,455.00 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) 5 /45,900 - ob (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property. $ DTE Use Only (f) Consideration for real phperly on which fee is to be paid (7D-7E) ---- % /4 5,900 - Ob (g) Name of mortgagee (St·E.'6/ NO/97 e Ld,//3 - - - .- (h) Type of mortgagegeSentional OFHA VA OOther Consideration (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property.. ___-____...... _ $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receiyMMe,senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead OTE Use Only exemption for the preceding or current tax year.0 Yes ¤110 (If yes, complete form DTE 101) Valid Sale 9.The grantor has injieded that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current taxyear. 1.YES 2. NO 0 Yes m,148 jifyes, complete form DTE 102) 145900 10. Application Fo[,2/1196 Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction utranother proper and timely application is fled): Will this property be grantee's prinqjple-residence by January 1 of next year? SYes 0 No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? 0 Yes 0118 // 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes?¤ Yes 0,%44 If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 20210408031 I declare under penalties of pe4ury that this statement has IMSexamlned by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief Is a true, correct and complete statement. 4-7,2-1

Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grane br Representative Date 438.20 Receipt Number 1 \ Granlor REdEIA FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 04/08/2021 DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE 60 Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Co No. 00 04/d072O21 2&3*58 N FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31 00

Instrument Taxing Dist No. Tax List Land Buildina Total N-1 WE 3040 2021 2,810 15,110 17,980

N 510 DTE Code Number 0 SpliUNew Plat Remarks: CINTI CORP-CINTI CSD Property Located in 2O21Taxing District SHIMON DAHAN PROPERTIES LLC Name on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year 205-uuzu-uu53-00 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No Map Book Page -2279 SCHOEDINUEK Avt Description: 25 X 100 IRR PT LOT 6 J SCHOEDINGER SUB

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantor's Name: Shimon Dahan Properties, LLC Phone

2. Grantee's Name: 2279 Schoedinger Ave, LLC Phone

Grantee's Address: P.O. Box 9422, Cincinnati, Ohio 45209

3. Address of Property 2279 Schoedinger Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45214 I.- 4. Tax Billing Address: P.O. Box 9422, Cincinnati, Ohio 45209

5, No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

_(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state, _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded, -(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; (f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _dg) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved corporation; (h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; (i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; (i) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars, (k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; (1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; 1(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner, _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; (p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; (q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code, _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; __(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property, -Ct) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust, -(u) To the grantor of a trust by a tnistee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a tnist if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year NOL YES-[1 (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NOE YES.[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NO_!L YES_L. If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NOIL- YES_[1 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO_El YES IN' If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.

I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement.

Yakov Ben Shoushan, Manager --% 03/24/2021

Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Date AFFIDAVIT OF FACTS


YAKOV BEN SHOUSHAN ("Affiant"), as Manager of SHIMON DAHAN PROPERTIES, LLC, an Ohio limited liability company ("Grantor"), does hereby affirm and state under oath, the following:

1) This Affidavit is being submitted because line (m) was checked on the DTE Form 100(EX) Statement for Reason for Exemption from Real Property Conveyance Fee.

2) Grantor is conveying to 2279 SCHOEDINGER AVE, LLC, an Ohio limited liability company ("Grantee"), the parcel of real estate described on attached Exhibit A.

3) Grantor owns all of the membership interest of Grantee, and is contributing the parcel of real estate as a capital contribution.

4) The within conveyance qualifies for exemption from the Hamilton County Real Property Transfer Tax because no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into cash is being exchanged for the real estate, and the transaction is not a gift.



The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, a notary public in and for said State, on the 24th day of March, 2021, by YAKOV BEN SHOUSHAN, who executed the instrument as his voluntary act and deed. No oath or affirmation was administered with regard to this notarial act.

2<\\ 1 //7*U : . 2,3>)-1 '* % Eli Kra fle-Jacobs, Attomey At Law * * j NOTARY PUBLIC · STATE OF OHIO d}JImEssion Expires:

' ' Grantee's Address: 12090 Regency Run Unit#5 Cincindati OA 45240 , Land Value ·3. Address of Property: 12090 Rdgency Run Unit#5 Cincinnati OH-45240 0 L 4. Tax Billing Address: 12090 Regency Run Unit#5 Cincinnati OH 45240

...... "5.'Are there buildings on the land?E]No- Yes --- (requires information below) ·-- ' '' Bldg. Value

' [-13 1,2 or 3 family _ .. .. . Manufactured Home 5080 [3 condominium', [3_ Apartment - Number of Units ', c 01 Farm Building 0 Other- Total Value If land is vacant, what is the intended use?

25730 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): F.3 Grantor is a relative 0 Part Interest Transferred B Grantor is a Mortgagee 1-3 Land Contract [3 Life Estate [3 Leasehold DTE Use Only , .· , E Mineral Rights-Reserved E i:Sd Fee. i , 1® Other: transfer at arms length 30810 7. : (a) New Mortgage Amqunt.(if:any)- $ 98,000 (b) Balanced Assumed (lf.any) DTE Use Only (c) Cash (ifany) 9,000 (d) Total,Cposideration (7A+78+7Ck.. ' ' ''$ 107,000 (e) Portion, ift any, of total consideration paid for items,other than real property $ DTE Use Only - (f) Consideration foff,eal property on,which feeis to,be paid (70-7EL , $ 107,000 (g) Name.of mortgagee Fifth Third Bank Consideration , (h) Typeof mortgageEConv@ntional .[]FHA ,VA. c Other (i) lf,gift, in,yhole or part, estimated market value of rea,lproper*_: , _;„-, $ 8. The grantor has, indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead DTE Use Only exemption for the. preteding or current tox year.0 ¥es No« 5 (lf yes, complete form DTE 101) Valid Sale 9.The grantor has indicated that this propetty qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year, 1.YES 2. NO 107000 0 Yes ' E No . '(lf yes, complete form DTE 102) 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed):.Will this property be granteets principle residence by-January 1 of next year? IE Yes 0 No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? ' El Yes E No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? []· Yes No If yes, new owner must ' complete and,submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date 20210408034 of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.

I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. - r.)6« Cr.,1, 1. .--' ' -- Date Printed NaA of Grantee or Reptelhentative Signat,16 of Grantde or Representative 321.50 Receipt Number Crantor RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The cbnv6yance fee required by sectioh 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid bv' 9 ' 5-: 7.7-'> ' i· » and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 04/08/2021 DUSTY RHODES, '.: j : County Auditor :,- : o,r - ·- ... .Date - STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

- Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX)

Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Revised by County Auditor Date Co No Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 04/08/2021 31 263831

Instrulnenn Taxing Dist. No Tax L,st Land B Ald:·,0 Total

AF 1090 2021 19,520 93,480 113,000

DTE Code Number,4An 0 SpliUNew Plat Remarks: Property Located irPRINGFIELD-FINNEYTOWN Taxing District Name on Tax DuplicateCHMETZER CHARLES J TR Tax Duplicate Year 2021 Acct. or Permanent Parcel N0590-0201-0602-00 Map Book Page

UNIT 40-202 .3783% Descption: CENTRAL PARK CONDOMINIUM PH 23

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse. Charles J. Schmetzer, Truslee of Ihe Charles J. Schmelzer Rev Tr dld 4/30/03 1. Grantofs Name Phone

2. Grantee's Name: Patrick L. Schmetzer, Truslee of the Charles J. Schmelzer Rev Tr dtd 4/30/03 Phone:

Grantee's Address: 867 Southmeadow Circle, Cincinnati, OH 45231

3. Address of Properly same 4 Tax Billing Address: same

5 No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: {we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below) _(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumenlality, agency. or political subdivision of the United States or this state, D- (b) Solely vn order to provideor release security fof a deblor obligation (mustinclude affidavit offacts} (c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded, _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either (e) On sale fordelinquent taxes cr assessments, (f) Pursuant to court order. to the extent thal such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order, _lg) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the Property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholders shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsjdiary s stock _(1) By lease, whether or nol il extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forevec _(j) When Ihe value of the real properly or interest in real property conveyed does nol exceed one hundred dollars: _(k) 01 an occupied residenlal properly being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence. _(1) To a gtantee other than a dealer in real properly, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others: __{m) To or from a person when no money orother valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift: (must include affidavit of facts) 1(n) To an heir or devtsee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on tile death of 8 registered owner: (0) To a trustee acting on behalf of mjnor children of the deceased, -(P) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars, _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code, _(r) To or from an organization exempl from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization, _(S) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real properly: _(1) To atruslee of a trust, when thegrantorofthe trusl has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust: _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant lo the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets, _(v) To the beneficiaties of a trust if the lee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions thal became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuanl to secUon 307.696 1307.69.91 of the Revised Code. Ix) Between Persons pursuant lo R.C. section 530218. _Cy) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party 6 The granlor has indicated Ihal this properly is entitled to receive the senior cilizen, disabled person. or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NOL YESIL (DTE Form 101 required) 7 The granlor has indicaled that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NOIL YESIL (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving Ihis reduction until another proper and tlmely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NO-!L YES-L_ If yes, is the properly a multi-unit dwelling? NOE YES.L 9. Is this properly leased or otherwise rented tc tenants solely for residential purposes? NOIL, YES 1- If yes. new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of thlate **lj#nsfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties 01 perjury that this statement has been exarilindby n)d,!*to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct an*complete statement. [ 11 17 #*'1 'I Thomas M. Gaier L/& 4 {, (· 1 1 0-- 4/4/7 1 PrInted Name ot Grantee or Representative Signature ol Granlee 02 Representative Dale '

Copyright (C) 1997-2021 DEVNET Incorporated DEVNET 1997-2021 (C) Copyright

0.0000 Acres

PH 23 PH


1,220 9,410 8,190



Acres 0.0000

PH 23 PH


19,520 93,480 113,000 590-0201-0602-00

UNIT 40-202 .3783% 40-202 UNIT

Total Property Description Property Total

Property Number Property Building Land

Conveyance Number 263831 Number Conveyance

Parcel Transfer - Notation List Notation - Transfer Parcel Hamilton County Hamilton [)TV FORM 101 Revised 7/93


To be Attached to Conveyance Fee Forms, DTE 100 & 100(EX)

Grantor's Name Charles J. Schmetzer, Trustee of the Charles J. Schmetzer Rev Tr dtd 4/30/03

867 Southmeadow Circle, Cincinnati, OH 45231 Grantor's Address

Grantee's Name Patrick L. Schmetzer, Trustee of the Charles J. Schmetzer Rev Tr dtd 4/30/03

590-0201-0602 1-axing Dislrict 032 Parcel or Account No.

The grantor of the property referred lo above states that the property has or will receive the senior citizen, disabled persons, or surviving spouse homestead exemption under Ohio Revised Code section 323.152(A) for the preceding or current tax year. The estimated amount of such reduction that will be reflected in the grantee's taxes is:

Preceding Tax Year $ Current Tax Year $ 404.30

The grantor and the grantee have considered and accounted for the total estiniated amount of such reductions to the satisfaction of both the grantee and the grantor. - i li >4 1 /' 6 vi, f,ic- U 'Uv r.«'t /1[7 Signatdre of Grantor or Representative

Sworn to or al'firmed in my presence,

this Ajt-094 day of 20 A / 48·4,\1 /44.1\ 1 LISA K.YOUNG * ij* 1 Notary Public, Slate 010hio 04*- k U'*,4W 4• G3:7 1 Mi Commiooion Expircc Notary Public , 1 July 17, 2021

Endorsement by ChhC**#i:tor:

Upon presentation of this instrument. the County Auditor shall endorse it, return it to the grantee or his representative, and provide a copy ofthe indorsed instrument to the grantor or his representative, evidencing delivery to the County Auditor.

County Auditor:

Date: )TEE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor )usty Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by OR.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Fonn 100 (EX)


Type Instrument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31

Nuliber 1.W 2021 0 04/08/2021 Property Locatea In Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicate HARRISON CP-CROSBY-STHWST Tax Duplicate Year

Book Acct. or Permanent Parcel NONVR INC Map Page 2021 Description: O Platted o Unplatted 561-0026-0254-00


0.151 AC LOT 190 OTE Cgde No. WESTHAVEN SUBDIVISION SECTION 3A AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 1 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value Neigh. Code ] CA.U.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements O Other 500

., Grantee or Representative-Must Complete All Questionk Id Thid,Section '-' " , ,-'-t.- - 5, - 1---1 ,J ' --,-fls: '= 4.,-*£- I- grs.<}i---, --, T,pe ol pnnlallinlolmatlon SEE Initalchorn oilleverse 14 ''b, i jit;'42,1 P» f, r,-*-b' A ' ,-, 1.- ,£ No. of Acres

1. Grantor NVR. Inc. Phone:

2. Grantee: Kameron Taylor Bledsoe and Heather Nicole Bledsoe Phone:

Grantee's Address: 8972 Camberley Street, Harrison, OH 45030 Land Value

3, Address of Property: 8972 Camberley Street, Harrison, OH 45030 0 4. Tax Billing Address: 555 Southpointe Blvd, Suite 300, Canonsburg, PA 15317

5. Are there buildings on the land?C]No [g|Yes (requires information below) Bldg. Value FR-1 1,2 or 3 family Fl Manufactured Home Fl Condominium 1-1 Apartment - Number of Units £ Farm Building El Other - Total Value If land is vacant, what is the intended use? 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 0 Grantor is a relative 0 Part Interest Transferred Grantor is a Mortgagee 0 Land Contract Il Gift Trade Il Life Estate j Leasehold DTE Use Only Il Mineral Rights Reserved 0 Leased Fee Other: Fee Simple (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ 213.045 (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ 0 DTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) $ 40.000 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 253,045 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property--_- $ 0 DTE Use Only 253,045 e (f) Consideration for real properly on which fee is to be paid (7D-7E)...... $ NVR Mortgage Finance Inc C€ (g) Name of mortgagee Consideration (h) Type of mortgage Conventional FHA ¤ VA U Other (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property...... ____ $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or sulviving spouse homestead DTE Use Only exemption for the preceding or current tax year.0 Yes E No (1 f yes, complete form DTE 101) Valid Sale 2. NO 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 1. YES 253045 0 Yes G No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? Yes 0 No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? 0 Yes [S No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes?¤ Yes No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date 20210408036 of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.

I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. 14 ediu¥- A),r.nle 34<(Asie 1-7-11 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee 6r Representative Date 759,80eceipt Number Grnntor RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 04/08/2021 DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date DIA,z=mrr,1 ur ru=Moun ruarAcmrasurs r,u,m lu:,u- r,EurE=tu, bur,vc,Ar,Grrcz=

Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTIE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co. No. Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31 04/08/2021 263833

Instniment Ta:dng Dist. No. Tax Ust Land Building Total

OE 1010 2021 42,360 175,460 217,820

DTE Code Number O SpliVNew Plat Remarks: Property Located in510 Taxing District Ar DERSON+ORES I HILLS Name on Tax Duplica e Tax Duplicate Year GAKU NEK CLARENCE I HOMAS & RU I H 10 2021 Acct. or Permanent Parcel N0. Map Book Page 5UU-U343-028/-UU Description: b I UKMY WAY BU.Ul A 1 /U.95 IRR LOT 40 TEMPEST HILL SUB BLK C

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all Intomlation. See instmdions on revene. Clarence T. Gardner aka Clarence Thomas Gardner & Ruth K. Gardner aka Ruth Kathr 1. Grantofs Name: Phone:

2. Grantee's Name: Mary Hill, Trustee Gardner Family Preservation Trust dated August 19,2020 Phone: Grantee's Address: 1066 Stormy Way, Cincinnati, OH 45230

3. Address of Property: 1066 Stormy Way, Cincinnati, OH 45230 4, Tax Billing Address: 1066 Stormy Way, Cincinnati, OH 45230

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real properly being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

_la) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdMsion of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debl or obligation; (must Include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; tld) Toevidence agift, In any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On salefordelinquent taxes orassessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer Is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuantto a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuantto the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary comoration to Its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(1) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineml or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; _(D When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transfermd to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as partof the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real propeity, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, Its prompt sale to others; _(m) Toor from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible Into money is paid or to be paid forthe real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must Include affidavit of facts) (n) To an heir or devIsee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold toasulvivingspouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under secnon 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and Is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization: _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a suiviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration In money is paid or to be paid for the real property; _(t) Toatrustee of a trust, when thegrantorof the hust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor putsuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw tru81 assets; _(v) To the beneficlaries of a trOst If the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantorof the trust to the hustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of thegrantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.91 of Ihe Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutllization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this property Is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, orsurviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NO.[1 YES.K- ®TE Form 101 required) 7. The grantorhas indicated thatthis property qualilies forcurrent agricultural use valuation for the preceding orcuffent tax year. NO.R. YES.CL (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application Is med): Will this properly be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next yeaf? NO.LLYES. If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NOA YES-[1 9. Is this properly leased orothenvise rented to tenants solely forresidentialpurposes? NO* YES O Ifyes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental RegistraUon Form to the County Auditor within 60 days Onduding weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. ldeclare under penalties of perjury that this statement has beexamined by me and to the best of 9)y knowledge and belief Is a true, correct and complete statement. Cynthia Martin urlin 11Rk£1 *04/2020 Pdnted Name of Grantee or Representalve Sig(jature of Grante&'08?66,4entave Date TE FORM 101 Revised 7/93

STATEMENT OF CONVEYANCE OF HOMESTEAD PROPERTY To be Attached to Conveyance Fee Forms, DTE 100 & 100(EX)

3rantor's Name Clarence T. Gardner aka Clarence Thomas Gardner & Ruth K. Gardner aka Ruth Kathryn Gardner

3rantor's Address 1066 Story Way, Cincinnati, OH 45230

3rantee's Name Mary Hill, Trustee Gardner Family Preservation Trust, dated August 19, 2020

Faxing District 042 Parcel or Account No. 500-0343-0287-00

Fhe grantor of the property referred to above states that the property has or will receive the senior citizen, disabled persons, ir surviving spouse homestead exemption under Ohio Revised Code section 323.152(A) for the preceding or current tax ,ear. The estimated amount of such reduction that will be reflected in the grantee's taxes is:

Preceding Tax Year $ Current Tax Year $

Fhe grantor and the grantee have considered and accounted for the total estimated amount of such reductions to the :atisfaction of both the grantee and the grantor.

Signature of Grantr or Rlpresentative

;wom to or affirmed in my presence, - day of(»»TY i112- 20 <·2(2

Notary Public

Endorsement by County Auditor:

Jpon presentation of this instrument, the County Auditor shall endorse it, return it to the grantee or his representative, and )rovide a copy of the indorsed instrument to the grantor or his representative, evidencing delivery to the County Auditor.

County Auditor:


Christie Doss

State of Ohio

Ncitary Public -1 13 Commislion No. 2818-RE-709442 My Commission Expires 3/3,2023

- --I----*.I---.-...... %


Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 068/2021 Co. No. N185O34

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31 m 2,63 834

40 Instrument Taxing Dist. No. Tax List Land Building Total N AF 3200 2021 36,860 82,890 119,750

510 DTE Code Number 0 SpliVNew Plat Remarks: SPRINGDALE-PRINCETON C3D Property Located in GADDIS MARIE 2%*ling District Name on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year 599-0052-0167-00 Acct. or PermaneE6*RDALE AVE 100* 120 IRR Map Book Page Description: 1 OTS 2.56.747 #PRINGnAI F PARK Al IR SEC H - PARS 167-168 CONS

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantor's Name: IVIarie Gaddis (deceased 12/27/2020 Phone:

2. Grantee's Name: Larry R. Gaddis Phone: Grantee's Address: 3254 Bishop Road, Goshen, OH 45122 3. Address of Property: 675 Cloverdale Avenue, Springdale, OH 45246

- 4. Tax Billing Address: 3254 Bishop Road, Goshen, OH 45122

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

_(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any fonin, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to couM order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; _(i) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the fonner residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) -Kin) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant. or on the death of a registered owner, _Co) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; -(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or cument tax year. NO-[1 YESK (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NOK YES_[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? Nok YES_L If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NO-[1 YES_[1 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NOK YES 13 If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Fonn to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under peBalties of perjury that this st*ement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. CLE \G-A[j,11 4,-i I ; Zoz I Date U Pnnted Name of G,cepis:ntaIGehbiel, OSC #OdfTrGrantee or Representave DTE FORM 101 Revised 7/93


To be Attached to Conveyance Fee Forms, DTE 100 & 100(EX)

Grantor's Name Marie Gaddis (deceased 12/27/2020)

Grantor's Address 675 Cloverdale Avenue, Springdale, OH 45246

Grantee's Name Larry R. Gaddis

599-0052-0167-00 Taxing District Parcel or Account No.

The grantor of the property referred to above states that the property has or will receive the senior citizen, disabled persons, or surviving spouse homestead exemption under Ohio Revised Code section 323.152(A) for the preceding or current tax year. The estimated amount of such reduction that will be reflected in the grantee's taxes is:

Preceding Tax Year $ Current Tax Year $

The grantor and the grantee have considered and accounted for the total estimated amount of such reductions to the satisfaction of both the grantee and the grantor.

'--ifi.,- < 52£22)Af1 ture of Grantor or Representative

Sworn to or affirmed in my presence,

this 1st day of April

(13'.\g„A#& /10==*lim=\*% Notary Public E= *1.-----61 5 ANNE E KREHBIEL Ammey at Law 5.'*apri»/022 Notary Plic. State of Ohio Endorsement by County Auditor: ,-00<:SRV My Commission Has No Expiration Date Section 147.03 O.R.C Upon presentation of this instrument, the County Auditor shall endorse it, return it tu#Il,*1&ntet or his representative, and provide a copy of the indorsed instrument to the grantor or his representative, evidencing delivery to the County Auditor.

County Auditor:


Revised Code Secdons 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) RevisedDusty by RhodesCounty Auditor 11/12 4') nzi/nnin,1 Co. No. 7f?BARS


-Instrument Dist. No. Tax List rU 2021 0,406,nd 011*8 00»10

Dou DTE Code NUn*ZLERAIN-NOPTFMmq-r i qn 0 Split/New Plat Remalks: Property Located ilkETIT DALE STANLEV 2021Taxing District

Name on Tax Duplicate 610 0102-0796-00 Tax Duplicate Year Acct. or Perr191!lf.@9ld*. % Map Book Page Description: NORTHGATE 2 CONDOMINIUM AMENDMENT NO. 1

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse.

1, Grantots Name:Dale S. Petit (deceased) Phone: 2. Grantee's Name: Joshua Petit phone: 513- 5 9/ - 086% Grantee's Address: 4592 NE Portland Highway, Portland, OR 97218 3, Address of Property: 3242 Pebblebrook Lane, Cincinnati, OH 45251 4. Tax Billing Address: same as #2

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

_(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentalig, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state, -Cb) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) -Cc) To conrm or coirect a deed previously executed and recorded; -(* To evidence a gift. in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; 60 -Ce) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuantto court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result ofa sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; -(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associa6ons or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporadon conveys the property to a staciholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved corporation; \9 -(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellaon or sumender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; _(1) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence: _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangble consideration readily converbble into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) x.(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acing on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold lo a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxaon under sedon 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furthemnce of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; (t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantots power to revoke the trust or to wihdraw trust assets; _M To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on Ole tansfer from the grantor of the Dust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor, _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports fadlity constuded pursuant to sedon 307.696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. --M Froma county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. secdon 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding orcurrent tax year. NOIZ YESS- (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current Ax year, NO.i YESC (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to oomplete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and mely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next yeaf? NOMYESC If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NOIZ YES-[2 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NOR YES C If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registmtion Form to the CounN Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this tansfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of pe4urythat this statement has beexamined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. 1 364Printed Name m. of Grantee Fra#kel of Representaiv drAM -144,1\J*a#re of Grantee 01.-,240 or Representive· M-Tcn »*, Date4 -7 - 4. TE FORM 101 Revised 7/93

STATEMENT OF CONVEYANCE OF HOMESTEAD PROPERTY To be Attached to Conveyance Fee Forms, DTE 100 & 100(EX)

3rantor's Name Dale S. Petit (deceased)

3rantor's Address

3rantee's Name Joshua Petit raxing District 141 Parcel or Account No. 510-0102-0796-00

The grantor of the property referred to above states that the property has or will receive the senior citizen, disabled persons, )r surviving spouse homestead exemption under Ohio Revised Code section 323.152(A) for the preceding or current tax ,ear. The estimated amount of such reduction that will be reflected in the grantee's taxes is:

Preceding Tax Year $ Current Tax Year $ / 5 GY- SD *Afk<.L fhe grantor and the grantee have considered and accounted for the total estimated amount of such reductions to the tatisfaction of both the grantee and the grantor. 54*fi\-Ukl, Alfni/ / / kignature of Grantor 6r Representate

;worn to or affirmed in my presence,

his 7+A day of 20 20

/<%§14@34, 73#qjl Notary Public V 1 /0 \ SUSANi * 1 Notary D' Public, ANGELO State of Ohio

Endors 21** OFOAudqlber 11, 2025 Jpon presen this instrument, the County Auditor shall endorse it, return it to the grantee or his representative, and ,rovide a copy of the indorsed instrument to the grantor or his representative, evidencing delivery to the County Auditor.

County Auditor:

Date: DTE FROM 100 . Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by CoLAY Auditor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION.

Type Tax list Tax. dist. 1050 Date 04/08/2021 WD 2021 instrument year countynumber 31 number

Number 'roperty located in DELHI TV\P-OAK HILLS LSD taxing district ROSEMEYER VICKI LYNN 2021 263836 Jame on tax ,(,irlirpte Tax duplicate year 540-0051-0396-00 lect. or permanent parcel no. Map book Page CLEVES-WARSAW RD 50 X No. of Parcels )escription 150.19 PT LOT 1 MC DONNEL Il Platted 0 Unplatted 1 EST SUB

iuditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No.

O CA.U.V 0 Building removed 0 Other 520 Granteelor**t:resantativelMesteomplete'Al -FliuS&tion 54mtfm*rgiTEFFS**%instiuditinrp6=

1. Grantor's name Vicki Lynn Rosemeyer Phone Neigh. Code 2. Grantee's name Justin Koeth . Phone Grantee's address 5139 Cleves Warsaw Pike, Cincinnati, OH 45238

3. Address of property 5139 Cleves Warsaw Pike, Cincinnati, OH 45238 No. of Acres

4, Tax billing address 5139 Clevas Warsaw Pike, Cincinnati, OH 45238 1 3. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: 2 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartnient: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other 7710 <. Conditionsvacant, what of sale is intended (check use? all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold - Mineral rights reserved G Mt Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee •/ Other arms length 43350 a) New mortgage amount (if any).. 137,464.00

b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value

3 c) Cash (if any). .$ 2.536.00 51060 d) Total consideration (add lines 78,7band 74 .$ 140,000.00 CO e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property DTE Use Only J f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) 140,000.00 r€ g) Name of mortgagee Homeside Financial LLC h) Type of mortgage Conv. 1 F.HA V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property...... 8. Has the grantor indicated thatthis property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person orsurviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation forthe preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 0. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) redudion. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's 140000 principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year'? V Yes No If yes, is the properly a multi-unit dwelling? Yes v No 1. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? 0 Yes E No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale 1.Yes 2. No

20210408040 declare under penalues of peljury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my 1nowle*ie and beef is Mue. cormt nd complete statement Receipt Number Mary Lakes AW AS'kill.0 Lii'-1 302| Printed Name of Gee or Representative Signature of (*Ae¥ or Representative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee 420.50 Theconveyance feerequired b*13*,sed Codesection (R.C.)319.54(G)(3) and, if applicable, thefeerequired byR.C. 322, inthe totalamountof $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON CountyAuditor.

04/08/2021 . DUSTY RHODES Countv Auditor Date 01 M I clvlcl,11 ur ,cADVIV rur cADIvir I IVIN r,tulvi MCAL rMUrcru T GUIVVcTAIVuc rct

DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co No Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31 04/08/2021 263837

Instrument Taxing Dill No Tax List Land Building Total

AF 3040 2021 16.800 125,190 141.990

DTE Code Number 0 SpliUNew Plat Remarks: 520 Property Located In Taxing District CINTI CORP-CINTI CSD Name on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year 2021 NIENABER PIEKLit K & MAi KICIA J Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page 183-UUUZ-0144-UU Description: 4932 HALPMAVE 45 A


The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all infonnation. See instructions on reverse. Pierce R. Nienaber 1. Grantor's Name: Phone: Patricia J. Nienaber r 2. Grantee's Name: Phone: S Grantee's Address: 4932 Ralph Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45238 , , 3. Address of Property: 4932 Ralph Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45238 4-Y 4. Tax Billing Address: 4932 Ralph Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45238

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real propeMy being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) _dc) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded, _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholdefs shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for aterm of years renewable forever; _(j) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; (k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift, (must include affidavit of facts) 1(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased, _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real properly; _(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307,696 [307.69.91 of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or sutviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NOIL YESS (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NOI YES.[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next yeaf? NOL YESIL If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NOL YES-[1 9. Is this properly leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO.[i YES F If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has beemtn** Tg-Anate*1 bestof my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. 6


To be Attached to Conveyance Fee Forms, DTE 100 & 100(EX)

Grantor's Narne Pierce R. Nienaber

Grantor's Address 4932 Ralph Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45238

Grantee's Name Patricia J. Nienaber

Taxing District 001 - CINTI CORP-CINTI CSD Parcel or Account No. 183-0002-0144-00

The grantor of the property referred to above states that the property has or will receive the senior citizen, disabled persons, or surviving spouse homestead exemption under Ohio Revised Code section 323.152(A) for the preceding or current tax year. The estimated amount of such reduction that will be reflected in the grantee's taxes is:

Preceding Tax Year $ Current Tax Year $

The grantor and the grantee have considered and accounted for the total estimated amount of such reductions to the satisfactlii){;*Xll'{!74'Abe grantee and the grantor.

/ TANYA L. DUFFY 1* N*ly Miblic, Stateofohlo 2 F#Al/id»SIW , My Commission E*res 07-27-2023 Tgnature °3ntopor Representative '*'17505t/ C-L- Sworn to or aifirmed in my presence, this 7th day,f April 20 21

Endorsement by County Auditor: Upon presentation of this instrument, the County Auditor shall endorse it, return it to the grantee oM4$/representative, and provide a copy of the indorsed instrument to the grantor or his representative, evidencing delivery to the County Auditor.

County Auditor:

Date: DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt2021 by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use forrI# 100(Ex). 04/08/2021 WD TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. Type Tax list Counw 31 Tax. dist. Date instrument CINTI CORP- 31/ CSD number number TEDFORD COLLEEN G 2021 NumerJUJU Property located in taxing district 038-OA03-0322-00 Name on tax riliplicAte Tax duplicate year 3814 AULI YAKA Avt Acct. or permanent parcel no. An Y 1 on Map book Page No. of ParcAs LOT 133 HYDE PARK EAST Description 0 Platted 0 Unplatted

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code **) O CA.U.V 0 Building removed 0 Other Grantee or Representative Must Complete All'Questions in This Sectlon. Seeinstfuctions on reverse.

1. Grantor's name Colleen G. Tedford Phone Neigh. Code

2. Grantee's name Gina Taliaferro Phone Grantee's address 3814 Ault Park Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45208

3. Address of property same as above No. of Acres 1 4. Tax billing address .SA/nK A·6 AlkA/JZ 5. Are there buildings on the land? V Yes No If yes, check type: 41,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Farm buildings Other Manufactured (mobile) home 41250 vacant, what is intended use?

6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) Grantor is relative Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee v Other Arms Lenath 118800 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) AR b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value 535,000.00 c) Cash (if any)...... ,.,...... $ 160050 ts d) Total consideration (add lines la, 7b and 7c) $ 535,000.00

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... $ DTE Use Only CV f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e)...... ,...... $ 535,000.00 09 g) Name of mortgagee

h) Type of mortgage Conv. F.H.A. MA. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property...... $ 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes <§ If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes (35>If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (25% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's

principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? 25> No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes No 535000 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? r Yes 7< No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale 1.Yes 2. No

l declare under penalties of pellury thatthis st*ment has been examined by rne and to me best of my lmodedge and belief is Irue, correct

and complete statement -202-10*0804. Receipt Number / C d-fl v/1- 731-/ / 4-4 p A-b J

Grantor . DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date


Resed Code Secion• 310.202 and 310.64 (G) Of)4/08/2021 263839 DTEE FORM 100 (EDO Re*ed by Couity Autor Dulty Rhodes 11/12 D- Ca.ND. AF 14,400 0 14,400 pAcouNTY &10NLY 31

T.. TI#R T= Ust


11NnFR\AnOn RI ITH 1 019*90-)-TR Qnol

DTE Code Number 500-0111-0185-00 O SpOUNew Plat Remiuks: Proper¥lamST RD 0.936 AC Taxh g Dis*cl N.ne o,VIB"j Tax Dupncate Year Acct or Permanent Parcel No Map Book Page Desolpion:

The Following Must Be Comploted by Grantee orHWHer Representa*ve Typocrp,Int,9*144 888#souionsooreveme. 1. Grank,/8 NmeRuth [kis Underwood, Paul R. Underwood and Carol A. Sinclair, Co-Trustees of The Ruth Lois Undenvood Amended and Restated Trust dated January 27,201 2 Granlle's N,me: Paul R. Underwood and Carol A. Sinclair, Co-Trustees of Thc Ruth Lois Undcrwood Amendcd and Restated Trust dated Januarv 27.2014 Gian* Adess: 851 Pinewell Drive. Cincinnati. OH 45255 3, Address of Property 851 Pinewell Drive. Cincinnati. OH 45255 4. T= Bm,Add-6 851 Pinewell Drive. Cincinnati. OH-45215 5. No Colweyange 1,01 81,81 be chgod because the real propeity being lansfarred: Ve may mque,t and require an amds,It on Iterm checked below) -_(a) To or homtheUId *4 Ih sm# oranylneumentamy,agency,or pocals,dM,lon ofthe UnlM Staesor#*stale; _(b) Sol*Inordortop:ovideorrelemesecullty#adablorobngagon; (musthlotudeamdivitoffacts) CO Uc) Tom,morcoirectadeedpieviou*=ctiedandlecortied; J _{d) To *dence a 94 19 any to,m, bet,een hushnd and wit or pmentand 01#0 0, h opouse olem=; Ue) Onatordequilt=,sorassommer* _(1) P,=ant to court order,totho utardlhalluch hristarb not me =dol a sde dectad or Impll:,d pumuant to sucholdel; -_@) P=m!1*aroots•En)md=potaionsor,cmpo,dassocons orpul:1110#edhoolutooofaootpoman,lotho-1010,8=poraion©onveysthe prop*loa*din#=ad*Mminlindefleco,pomaorfs=*In=hqeloiumolodd/0/sslelinmed*ch,doolp=*; ..0) Byasthld•yoorpomiontoll,pe,rdcolporavon fornocomide,88

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION.

Type Tax list Tax. dist. Date 1010 04/08/2021 2021 instrument WD year countynumber 31 number

Number Properly located inAwn,=Monwine=RT Hill S taxing district 2021 263840 Name on tax duplicate ZICKA FAMILY GROUP LLC Tax duplicate year

Acct. or permanent parcel no.500-0411-0217-00 Map book Page CHESTNUT RIDGE DR LOT 5 No. of Parcels Descrip ' n 0.7261 AC ESTATES AT 0 Platted 0 Unplatted 1 CHESTNUT RIDGE SUB

Audi r comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. 1 , O C.A.U.V O Building removed 0 Other 500 G ee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section. See instructions on reverse. 1.3;rantor's name Zicka Family Group, LLC Phone Neigh. Code 2. Grantee's name Scott Paia and Brittany Paia Phone Grantee's address 5810 Chestnut Ridge Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45230

3. Address of property 5810 Chestnut Ridge Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45230 No. of Acres

4, Tax billing address 5810 Chestnut Ridge Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45230 1 5. Are there buildings on the land? / Yes No If yes, check type: 4 1,20r3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other vacant, what is intended use? 28630 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value

Grantor is modgagee / Other fee simole 0 7. a) New mongage amount (if any)...... ,,...,,,...,.,,,.,,. $ 684,000.00

b) Balance assumed (if any).. $ Total Value

c) Cash Of any) $ 171,000.00 28630 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 70 $ 855,000.00

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... $ DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) ...... ,,.,...... ,.....$ 855,000.00 g) Name of mongagee Mercantile Bank of Michigan

h) Type of mortgage / Conv. F.H.A. V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property 8. Has the grantor indicated that this properly is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes 4 No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's 855000 principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? C Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes / No 11.Is this properly leased or otheIwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? F Yes m No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale 1. Yes 2. No

20210408044 I declare under penales of pe4ury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is true, coiect and complele, statement 1 A 1 #6®rA, 3 00-r r FAIA 64.01-<(9< 3/11/ 90,1 Receipt Number V .U Printed Name of Gntee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee 2,565.50 Theconveyance fee required hy Ohio Revised Code section (R,C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, liapplicable, the feerequiredby R.C. 322, in the total amountof $ Grantor has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.


Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co. No. Number

263841 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 04/08/2021 31

Instrument Taxing Dist. No. Tax List Land Building Total

PC 3040 2021 3,540 0 3,540

DTE Code Numbeann 0 SpliUNew Plat Remarks: Properly Located |IT.INTI CORP-CINTI CSD Taxing District 2021 Name on Tax DuplicabENKERT HERSCHEL M & JILL Tax Duplicate Year Acct. or Permanent Parcel Na10-0074-0108-00 Map Book Page Description: HARRISON AVE 35 X 100 IRR PT LOT 107 WESTWOOD SYND

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all infonnation. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantor's Name: Herschel M. Benkert and Jill W. Benkert Phone:

2. Grantee's Name: Jill W. Benkert Phone: Grantee's Address: 3166 Epworth Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211 3. Address of Properly: 3101 Harrison Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211 4, Tax Billing Address: 3166 Epworth Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211 5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on Items checked below)

_(a) _(b)To or Solely from thein order United to States,provide thisor release state, or security any instrumentality, for a debt or obligation;agency, or (must political include subdivision affidavit of of the facts) United States or this state; ...- _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; 00 _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; A _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not Ihe result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order, _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the properly to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved corporation; *_(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no consideralions, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's 9¢ stock: (i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; _0) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must Include affidavit of facts) 1(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee ading on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; _(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantofs power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for Incorporation into 8 sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NOX YES.EL (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NOIE YES11 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next yea,9 NO.[EL YES.11 If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Non YES-[2 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO.[KL YES 0 If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditorwithin 60 days (induding weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been exapined by me and to the best pf my knowledge and belief Is a true, correct and complete statement. SUSAN M. HOWARD qhi i ,-1-u„0 y 1/L,rkt]Lut,Lt) 04/07/2021 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of G(antee or Representative Date OTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). 04/08/2021 WD 2021 TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. 3040

Type Tax list Tax. dist. Date instrument CINTI CORP-Ckla CSD countynumber 31 number

LAUBE BART W 2021 Nut*8#4 Property located in taxing district

Name on tax diplicate 037-0005-0087-00 Tax duplicate year 6912 BRITTON AVE Acct. or permanent parcel no. 35* 110 LOT 261 Map book Page No. of Pardels Description MADISON PL SUB 0 Platted 0 Unplatted

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Cod018° 0 C.A.U.V 0 Building removed 0 Other *)*Wt#6@61'jl***H*biltGV«'Mti#ftomplete A 11 ' (308@trm,*lr0111*'52tto n: ®ed triU85#Nr61178*»F '

1. Grantor's name Bart W. Laube Phone Neigh. Code

2. Grantee's name Matthew B. Foote and Kathleen Foote Phone Grantee's address 6912 Britton Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45227

3. Address of property saa No. of Acres 1 4. Tax billing address USAA Payment Processing, PO Box 650660, Dallas, TX 75265-0660 5. Are there buildings on the land? V Yes No If yes, check type: Condominium 41,2 or 3 family dwelling Apartment: No. of units Land Value Farm buildings Other Manufactured (mobile) home 5280 ra vacant, what is intended use?

90 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee V Other saa 25520 3 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) s 53,353.00 b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value

c) Cash (if any) f 30800 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 70. $ 53,353.00 e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... $ DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) ...... $ 53,353.00 g) Name of mortgagee USAA Federal Savings Bank h) Type of mollgage Conv. F.H.A. 4 V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real properly...... $ 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior dtizen. disabled person or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes V No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's

prindpal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? V Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes V No 53353 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? El Yes 91 No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale 1.Yes 2. No

I dedare under penalties of pe'jury elat this statement has been examined by me ariel tothebestof my Imo,iledge and belief Is tue, correct and complete statement in91nknAr}44 Receipt Number Sarah DeWeese SQ)Ah 0£4Jeek, 4/05/2021

Date Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee The corveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Code sedion (R.C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, if applicable, the fee required by R.C. 322, in the total amountof $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 160.70

Grantor . DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date

04/08/2021 DE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX) (jo FOR COUNTY AUDITOR'S USE ONLY Type Ins#ument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31 WD 2021 3040 04/08/2021


CINTI CORP-CINTI CSD Property Located in Taxing District

Name on Tax Duplicate SCHWARTZ ROBERT H TR Tax Duplicate Year 2021 263843

Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. 218-0059-0157-00 Map Book Page No. of Parcels

Description: MIDDLETON CT O Platted O Unplatted 93.14 X 202.18 IRR


V AUDITORS COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value NelgAjA El C.A.U.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or printall iniormaon. See instuctions on reverse. No. of Acres

1. Grantor: The Alice H. Schwartz Restated Trust Agreement dated 09/04/2001 Phone:

2. Grantee: Kevin J. Kappers and Rebecca E. Kappers Phone:

Grantee's Address: 3925 Middleton Court, Cincinnati, OH 45220 Land V*e 3. Address of Property: 3925 Middleton Court, Cincinnati, OH 45220 4. Tax Billing Address: 3925 Middleton Court, Cincinnati, OH 45220

5. Are there buildings on the land?ZINo Yes (requires information below) Bkig. Vakle 40750 1,2or3 family j Manufactured Home j Condominium 0 Apartnent - Number of Units C] Farm Building 0 Other- Total Vallie If land is vacant, what is the intended use? 94360 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 0 Grantor is a relative 0 Part Interest Transferred 0 Grantor is a Mortgagee 0 Land Contract Gift 0 Trade 0 Life Estate 0 Leasehold DTE Use Only

0 Mineral Rights Reserved El Leased Fee [XI Other: Fee Simple 135110 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (fany) $ 336.000 (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ [TE Use Onti (c) Cash (if any) $ 84,000 (d) Total Consideraon (7A+78+7C) $ 420,000 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property $ DTE Use Only (f) Consideration for real proper on which fee is to be paid (70-78 $ 420.000 (g) Name of mortgagee Rapid Mortgage Company Consideration (h) Type of mortgage Conventional FHA U VA [] Other (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this properv is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead DTE Use Only exemption for the preceding or current tax year€1 Yes 0 No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) Valid Sate 1. YES 2. NO 9.The grantor has indicated that this propeN qualifies for cuxent agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. [3 Yes No (If yes, complete form DTEE 102) 420000 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely applicaon is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next yeaf? m Yes 0 No If yes, is the properly a multi-unit dwelling? 0 Yes E No 11. Is this properly leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? Yes ¤ No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date

of this tansfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 20210408047

I declare under penalties of pe4ury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. Eti,zabet+ 5rM,es, Elizabeth Barnes 04/06/2021

Printed Name of Grantee or Representaive Signature of Grantee or Representative Date Receipt Number 1,260.50 Grantor RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid bv and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date 04/08/2021 )TE FORM 101 Revised 7/93


To be Attached to Conveyance Fee Forms, DTE 100 & 100(EX)

Grantor's Name The Alice H. Schwartz Restated Trust Agreement dated 09/04/2001

Grantor's Address 3925 Middleton Court, Cincinnati, OH 45220

Grantee's Name Kevin J. Kappers and Rebecca E. Kappers

Taxing District 001-CirIt Corp-Cinti CSD Parcel or Account No. 218-0059-0157-00

The grantor of the property referred to above states that the property has or will receive the senior citizen, disabled persons, or surviving spouse homestead exemption under Ohio Revised Code section 323.152(A) for the preceding or current tax year. The estimated amount of such reduction that will be reflected in the grantee's taxes is:

Preceding Tax Years 296.44 Current Tax Year $ 296.44

The grantor and the grantee have considered and accounted for the total estimated amount of such reductions to the satisfaction ofboth the grantee and the grantor.

U,1 J ky'- 1 c-S[03 q Slgnature of Granto-r eptesentative

Sworn to or affirmed in my presence, this (p'fY) day of L»U,- 20 21 (-91=,0, Ylul« - Notary Public / i....----LA 1 JULIE A. KUHN Endorse'Alp.Wy Public, State of Ohio 2 '.3;zae:fa-2.Flf.L.*.' / '-Wfy Commission Expires Upon preDea{e*ber 03?800* Auditor shall endorse it, return it to the grantee or his representative, and provide a co«0,-gyersed instrument to the grantor or his representative, evidencing delivery to the County Auditor.

County Auditor:

Date: D i a l clvic,N I ur rfcAQUIN run CAtivil' I IUN 1-KUM KtAL PKUPtK I Y CONVEYANCE FEE

Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co. No. Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31 04/08/2021 263844

Instrument Taxing Dist. No. Tax List Land Building Total

PC 3040 2021 75,840 102,750 178,590

DTE Code Number 0 SpliUNew Plat Remarks: 454 Property Located in Taxing District SIN I I SUKP-Ullv I I Ubu

Name on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year 2021 bt!VAUK I MUKWUMCL IVI Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page Z I U-UU /4-UUZ 1 -OU Description: MAKK,buiv Av 9 116 X 173.78 IRR LOT 2 PT 1 JOHN URWILER SUB PRS 21-22 CONS

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all infonnation. See instructions on reverse.

Herschel M. Benkert 1. Grantor' s Name: Phone:

2. Grantee's Name: Jill W. Benkert Phone:

Grantee's Address: 3166 Epworth Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211

3. Address of Property: 3110 Harrison Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211 4. Tax Billing Address: 3166 Epworth Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

_(a) To or from the United States. this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded, _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either;

_(e) On_(f) salePursuant for delinquentto court order, taxes to the or extent assessments; that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such ordec < _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the properly to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholdefs shares in the dissolved corporation; He_(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease Is for a tenn of years renewable forever; .-U) When the value of the real property or interest in real properly conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; 08_(1) Of an occupied residential properly being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the fonner residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; .,3 _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; C€_(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must Include affidavit of facts) 1(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a sumiving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a sulvivirig tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization: _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; _(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; -(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the tn,stee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor, _(w) To a corporation for incorporation Into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 p07.69.9] of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this properly is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NOJEL YES.[l (DTE Foml 101 required) 7. The granlor has indicated that this propetty qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NOIEL YES11 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 ofnext yean NOIKL YES.CL If yes, is theproperty amulti-unit dwelling? Noll YES.Q. 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? Nol®L YES O If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.

I declare under penalties of pe4ury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement.

SUSAN M. HOWARD ecy Laut/3-YIAf /11<0-Citil 04/07/2021

Printed Name of Grantee or RepresentaGve Sig¢tatum of Grantee or Representative Dale STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 046Wp/LUZI Co. No. JAM45


geument T*110Cnt No. 20 7 fax List 28:100 01@8:650 1161.380


DTE Code NumbiEER PARK-DEER PARK CSD 0 SplIVNew Plat Remarks: 2031 Property Located In CORNELIUS ALEX & ERIN E Ta)dng District Name on Tax Duplicate 609-0006-0095-00 Tax Duplicate Year Acct. or Permnmellautl* 47.50 X Map Book Page 149.63 IRR-PT LOT 67 Description: DEVON rL CUD

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or Hls/Her Representative Type or print 811 Infomavon, See Instuctions on rever,e.

Erin E. Cornelius 1. Grantofs Name: Phone:

Alex Cornelius 2. Grantee's Name: Phone:

Grantee's Address: 7304 Plainfleld Road, Clnciniall, Ohio 45236

3. Address of Property: 7304 Plainfield Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45236 4. Tax Billing Address: Guaranteed Rate, Inc., 4044 North Lincoln #318, Chicago, IL 60618

5. No Conveyance fees shal be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavlt on Items checked below)

_(8) To or from the United States, this state, or any Inst,umentality, agency, or political subdivlsion of the United States or this state, _(b) Solely In order to provide orreleasesecufity for a oebtorobligation; (must Include amdivit of facts) _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed end recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, In any form, between husband end wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; 1-(f) Pursuant to courl order, to the extent that such transfer Is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; (g) Pursuant toa reorganizaon of corporations or unincorporated associallons or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, lo the extent thal the corporation conveys the properly to a stockholder as a distribution In kind ol the corporation's assets In exchange for the stockholdets shefeS In the dissolved corporavon, (h) By a subsidiary corporation to Its parent corporatio: for no considerations, nominal considerauon, or In sole consideration of me cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(1) By lease, whether or not It extends to mineral or mineral right8, unless the lease 18 for a term of years renewable forever: -3 _0 When the value of the real property or interest In reel properly conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; CG _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of 8 new residence when the former residence Is taded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as 8 step in, lt, prompt sale to others; (m) To or from a person when no money or other valuaole and tangible consideration readily convertible inlo money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the tansac#on is not a gill; (must Include allidivlt of facts) _(n) To an helr or devIsee, between spouses or to a sur,iving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of tm deceased; _(p) 01 an easement or rightof-way when the value of tie Interest conveyed does not exoeed one thousand dollars; _(q) Ofproperty sold to a surviving spouse pursuant tosection 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(1) To or from anorganizBOon exempt from lederal incxne laxallon under section 501(cx3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and 18 funherance of the che,Itable or public pulpose of s,ch organization; (s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, Including 8 SUNMng spouse of 8 common deoadent, when no conslderBUOn In money is paid or to be paid for the reel property; _(t) To a trustee of a trust when Ole grantor of the trust has rwerved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer Is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of 8 grantor's power to revoke the tnist or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the benefclarles ofatrustlf the fee was paid or, tile transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became limvocable at ihe death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for Incorporation into a sports faci[ty constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.91 of Ule Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.lE. _(y) From a counv land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party 6. The grantor has indicated that this properly Is entilled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or cuffent tax year. NOL YES.[1 ([)TE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has Indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NO£- YES.[1 (OTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-112% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to ccmplete this application prohibits the owner from receiving uils reduction unul another proper and timely application Is fied): Will this propedy be grantee's ptinclile residence by January 1 of next yean Nol YES.IL If yes, Is the propeny a multkunit dwelling? NO.[1 YESIZ 9. Is thls propertyleased or otherwlserented to tenants solely forresidenttal purposes? NOIL YES C If yes, new oNner must complete and submit a Rental RegistraUon Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekencs and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty ort their tax bill. I diclmr•under pinaltils ot perjury thattill, statementhal blen exa*ed by me andto the best of my knowledge Ind belief ts a true, correct and complet,statement -72/,- F 1 ct-4ch + 4.- *AA 620 *M,» _Ele--=../.2. nRIR Wila,4 Al".a Af /2,9.laa N 0.'-Pm"gh,a (*MAI, 4 fbanla* h, Rarl#MINNVI DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by Countv Auditor Dusty Rhodes 0*0 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. 2160 04/08/2021 WD 2021 Type Tax list Tax. dist. Date

instrument year Countynumber 31 number NEWTOWN-FOR[JT 11ILLS LCD

Property located in STICALL.'.NOR[W R 1 TAYLOR t*Ing district Num*85847

Name on tax ril Iplic;ate bul-uu09-0130-00 Tax duplicate year

Acct. or permanent parcel no RIO GP.nin= I N Al Y 197 M Map book Page LOT 39 RIVER VIEW BLK 3 No. of Parcfls Description 0 Platted 0 Unplatted PTl

Auditor's comments: 0 Split O New plat O New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. 0 C.A.U.V 0 Building removed 0 rlthAr 510 Granted of]Repres'entativ«Must {*Irripltife'All"Que#tlbhs In This,Sectidn: See instructionsjjon reve¢*et .. , ,i,4-*,J6.i.r.z_ , ,i , , 1. Grantor's name ANDREW R STIGALL AND TAYLOR STIGALL Phone Neigh. Code

2. Grantee's name TUCKER A CALLIS Phone Grantee's addreds 3340 RIO GRANDE LANE CINCINNATI OH 45244

3. Address of property 3340 RIO GRANDE LANE CINCINNATI OH 45244 No. ofAcres

4. Tax billing address CINCINNATI FEDERAL 6581 HARRISON AVENUE CINCINNATI OH 45247 1 5. Are there buildings on the land? / Yes No If yes, check type: ·/ 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominlum Apartment. No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other

vacant, what Is Intended use? 9670 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gm Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee / Other FEE SIMPLE 39990 7. a) New mortgage amount (lf any)...... 177,300.00

b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value c) Cash (if any) 3 19,700.00 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 76 3 197,000.00 49660

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 78) ,,...... ,.,.,,,,...... ,,.$ 197,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee CINCINNATI FEDERAL

h) Type of mortgage / Conv. F.HA. V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real properly...... $ 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property Is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 102.

10. Application forowner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levles) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's prindpal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? L Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit celling? Yes / No 11. Is this proparty leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? 0 Yes 0 No If yes, 197000

new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale

1.Yes 2. No

I declare under penalties of pe4ury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my Imowledge and belief is true, correct and complete statement Rece!*IR110051 1-v d.i e r C. a, ) * ''D 50*de (3'9*- 3/31) 21 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee Theconveyance feerequired by Ohio Revised Codesection

04/08/2021 DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dus Rhodes 00/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINTALL INFORMATION. WU Tax list 202-1 1080 04/00/2021 Type county 31 Tax. dist. Date instrument year number number SKEEN I VVY-UIN i I UbU Property located in Number --ASMWORTM CHERIE L & STEVE J t%94 district 263849 Name on tax diplicate Tax duplicate year 550-0142-0373-00

Acct. or permanent parcel no UNIT 13 3.50 % r[UNCCUR Map book Page Y DR THE CONDOMINIUMS AT No. of Parcls Description 0 Platted 0 Unplatted PENNSBURY PHASE 11

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No.

O CA.U.V 0 Building removed 0 Other 550 Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions In This Section. See Instructions on reverse.

1. Grantor's name Cherie L. Ashworth and Steve J. Ashworth Phone Neigh. Code

2. Grantee'sname Michael K. Allen Phone Grantee's address 1344 Pennsbury Drive Unit 13, Cincinnati, Ohio 45238

3. Address of property 1344 Pennsbury Drive Unit 13, Clndnnati, Ohio 45238 No. ofAcres 4, Tax billing address Home Point Financial, PO Box 660936, Dallas, TX 75266 0 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: 1, 2 or 3 family dwelling 4 Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other vacant, what is intended use? 10010 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee / Other Fee Simple 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) 9; 121,500.00 27620 0.00 b) Balance assumed Of any) 3 Total Value c) Cash (if any) .$ 13,500.00 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 7c) 135,000.00 37630

0.00 e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... ,...... $ DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) .,,.,.,,,,,...,,.,,,,..,,.$ 135,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee Eagle Savings Bank

h) Type of mortgage / Conv. F.H.A. V.A. Other DTE Use Only 0.00 i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property...... $ 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes 4 No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualmed levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application Is fled.) Will this property be grantee's principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? 4 Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes 4 No 11.Is this properly leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? r Yes F No If yes, 135000 new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale 1.Yes 2. No

I declare under penalues of pellury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief Is tme, correct and complete statement /14 i (Gut C M. 914 M·u, 1 i q 2.-< Rece09$11#IR'053 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Date

Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee required by Ohlo Revised Codesection (R,C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, If applicable, thefee required by R.C. 322, Inthetotalannountof $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 405.50


DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date

04/08/2021 DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Audilor Dusty Rhodes 00/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX).

WD 2021 TYPE OR PRINTALL INFORMATION. 1110 04/08/2021 Type Tax list County 31 Tax. dist. Date Instrument SYMMES n#qOVELAND CSD number number

NELSON JUDYA Property located in tAQ#t district Nurrl»3850 620-0180-0142-00 Name on tax duplirAte Tax duplicate year ENYART RD 127 X 200 IRR Acct. or permanent parcel no. PT LOT3 4-5 [14'CART I IILL3 Map book Page No. of Pard,ls Description BLK A PARS 142-193 CONS 0 Platted 0 Unplatted

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. 510 0 C,A.U.V O Building removed 0 Other Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantor's name Judy A Nelson Phone Neigh. Code

2. Grantee's name Katelyn M. Bailey Phone Grantee's address 11300 Enyart Road, Loveland, Ohio 45140

3. Address of property 11300 Enyart Road, Loveland, Ohio 45140 No. of Acres M 4. Tax billing address Mortgage Research Center dba Veterans United, 1400 Veterans United Dr, Columbia, MO 65203 1 49 5. Are there buildings on the land? ,/ Yes No If yes, check type: Condominium Apartment: No. of units 4 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other 24260 vacant, what is intended use?

6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value

Grantor is mortgagee / Other Fee Simple 22810 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any). $ 182,970.00 0.00 b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value c) Cash (if any) f 7.030.00 47070 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 7,9 $ 190,000.00

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real properly. 0.00 DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) 190,000,00 g) Name of mortgagee Mortgage Research Center LLC dba Veterans United Home

h) Type of mortgage Conv. F.HA ./ V.A. Other DTE Use Only 0.00 i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real properly...... $ 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes 4 No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes 4 No If yes, complete form DTE 102.

10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualmed levies) reduction. (Notic,e: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's

principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? 0 Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes ./ No 190000 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? r Yes ID No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale 1. Yes 2. No

l declare under penalties of pe,jury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief Is tue, correct and complete statement 871 n408054_ Receipt Number Ketle'YA Sal 1(Af 09/01 (Ipoe \ - Printed Name of Grantee or Rpresentative Signature of Grantee or Representative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Code section (R.C.) 319,54(G)(3) and, If applicable, the fee required by R.C. 322, In the total amount of $ his-biB ppld by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor, 570.50


DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date

04/08/2021 DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Focm 100 (EX)


Type Instument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31

WD 2021 3070 04/08/20f= Property Located in Taxing District Name on Tax DupMcat*WARRISON-HARR-SOUTHWEST Tax Duplicate Year Acct. or Pennanent Parcel #.MEY KYLE M & LINDSEY Map Book Page 2021 26@86*ce" Description: 561-0021-0056-00 o Platted O Unplatted


AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value Neigh. Code Cl CA.U.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other 510 C Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or print all information. See in*uctions on reverse. No. of Acres 1, Gqjtor: Kyle M Ramey and Lindsey Ramey Phone: 2, Grantee: Christopher Kreimer and Dnielle Holley Phone: 128 Fawn Drive, Harrison, OH 45030 Grantee's Address: Land Vade 0 3. Address of Property: Same 4. Tax Billing Address: Same

-- 5. Are there buildings on the land?LINo IX|Yes (requires information below) Bldg. Value l/-1 IE] 1,2 or 3 family m Manufactured Home 11970 Go F-'] Condominium El Apartment - Number of Units A 1 -T.21 Farm Building 11-3 Other - Total Vakle \9 If landis vacant, what is the intended use? 57330 6 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): El Grantor is a relative 13 Part Interest Transferred 9,1 Grantor is a Mortgagee F_1 Land Contract E] Gift [3 Trade [3 Life Estate 0 Leasehold DTE Use Only

El Mineral Rights Reserved [3 Leased Fee 8-j Other: Arm's Length 69300 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ 200.000 (b) Balanced Assumed (ifany) $ 0 DTE U,0 Only (c) Cash (if any) $ 70.000 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 270,000 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real propertl____ $ 0 OTE Use Only (f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7[)-7E) $ 270,000 (g) Name of mortgagee Ruoff Mortgage Company. INC. Con,erabon (h) Type of mortgageEConventional 13FHA []VA [)Other (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property -$ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead DTE Use Only exemption for the preceding or current tax year.0 Yes F No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) Vald Sale 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 108000 2. NO U Yes M No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next yeat'? E Yes [3 No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? 0 Yes M No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? O Yes E No If yes, new owner must

complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date 20210408055 of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.

1 declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief Is a true, correct and complete statement.

Noah Doss 04/07/2021

Date 810.50 Printed Name of Grantee or Represenve Signature of Grantee or Representative Receipt Number Grantor RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $

has been paid bv and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 04/08/2021 DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date DTE FROM 100 . Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by Counly Audnor Dusly Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX) TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION.

Type Tax list Tax. dist. Date instrument WD year 2021 Countynumber 31 number 1060 04/08/2021

Number Property located in --Drtcd TvVP-IVORTHWEJT LJD taxing district

Name on tax di,plir.Atp nODINCON KYLE J Tax duplicate year 2021 263852

Acct. or permanent parcel no 550-0063-0300-00 Map book Page No. of Parcels Description UNIT 3340-3D 2.0% 0 Platted 0 Unplatted EMERALD LAKES SOUTH 1 CONDOMINIUM PHASE IV

AH!5r's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. p\O O C.A.U.V Il Building removed [3 Other 550 1 4tkntee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section. See instructions on reverse.

. Grantors name KYLE J ROBINSON Phone Neigh. Code

2. Grantee's name LORETTA K kNOX Phone Grantee's address 3340 EMERALD LAKES DRIVE UNIT 3D CINCINNATI OH 45211

3. Address of property 3340 EMERALD LAKES DRIVE UNIT 30 CINCINNATI OH 45211 No. ofAcres 4, Tax billing address CINCINNATI FEDERAL 6581 HARRISON AVENUE CINCINNATI OH 45247 0 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: 1, 2 or 3 family dwelling / Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other. vacant, what is intended use? 6300 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer 1 Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee / Other FEE SIMPLE 21180 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any)...... ,...... ,...... ,...... -...,, ...... $ 108,000.00

b) Balance assumed Of any) ...... ''.'....$ Total Value c) Cash (if any) ...... $ 4,000.00 27480 d) Total consideration (add lines 78,7band 7c)...... $ 112,000.00

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... $ DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) .,.....,,,.,,,,.,.__.$ 112,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee CINCINNATI FEDERAL

h) Type of mortgage / Conv. F.H.A. V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property...... $ 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or currenttaxyear? Yes 4 No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this properly be grantee's principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? 4 Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes ·/ No 112000 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? 0 Yes [El No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale 1. Yes 2. No

I declare under penalties of pe,jury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is true, correct 20210408056

Receipt Number andwmpletestierrentLb R 9*ku \C- k Ajo k <[UL@) K 1644 3 \ 36 1 2/

'' Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Sinatre of Grantee or Representative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee Theconveyance feetequired by Ohio Revised Codeseclion (R.(1) 319.54(G)(3) and, H applicable, thefeerequired by R.C. 322, in thetotal amountof $ 316.60 has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. Crantor

. DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date 04/08/2021 DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by Counly Auditor Dusty Rhodes 00/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX) TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION.

Type Tax list County Tax. dist. 1010 Date 04/08/2021 2021 31 instrument WD year number number

ANDERSON-FOREST HILLS Number Property located in taxing district CHILTON HUDSON G & HOPE M 2021 263853 Name on tax d, iplirptA Tax duplicate year 500-0290-0121-00 Acct. or permanent parcel no. Map book „ Page ROYAL UNteN UK 1 1 j.yo A No. of Parcels DescriptiQn 164.53 IRR-LOT 104 Il Platted O Unplatted 1 FEDERAL HILL SUB BLKA

r--- ' v

Avites comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. 1 \V O CA.U.V O Building removed 0 other 510 Grajltee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section. See instructions on reverse. 1. Grantor's name Hudson G. Chilton and Hope M. Chilton Phone Neigh. Code

2. Grantee's name Bracken Shivers and Grace Shivers Phone Grantee's address 7259 Royalgreen Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45244

3. Address of property 7259 Royalgreen Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45244 No. of Acres 4. Tax billing address US Bank Home Mortgage - PO Box 20005, Owensboro, KY 42304-0005 1 5. Are there buildings on the land? / Yes No If yes, check type: >1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other 23470 vacant, what is intended use? 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee / Other fee simole 66890 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) $ 190,000.00 b) Balance assumed (if any) B Total Value

c) Cash (if any) .. 195,000.00 90360 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 7r) ...... $ 385,000.00

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real properly ...... _...... $ DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) .... 385,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee US Bank, N.A.

h) Type of mortgage / Conv. F.H.A. V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property...... „...... $ 8. Has the grantor indicated thatthis property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's 385000 principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? L Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes 4 No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? r Yes F No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale

1. Yes 2. No

20210408057 I dedare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief Is true, correct and complete statement Receipt Number BrAckc SA ivets ;&..4- Lt /1/ 21

Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee 1,155.50 The conveyance fee required*,61Bevised Code section {R.C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, lf applicable, the fee required by R.C. 322, in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.

. 04/08/2021 DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes *20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. WD .2021 3140 04/08/2021 Type Tax list Tax. dist. Date instrument year Countynumber 31 numbe MONTCOMILY CYCAMORE CED

Property located in JACOBS HAROLD DANIEL Ill 1 MORINE J 2!8!4ng district N*%54

Name on tax (11'plicAte 003-0010-Oil 2-00 Tax duplicate year

Acct. or permanent parcel no. RTONF CT 20 12 XFT IRR Map book Page LOT 18 STONEGATE ESTATES No. of Parcels Description SUB 0 Platted 0 Unplatted

Auditor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No.

0 C.A.U.V O Building removed 0 Other 510

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions In This Section. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantor's name Harold Daniel Jacobs 111 and Morlne J. Jacobs Phone Ne'gh. Code

2. Grantee's name MInchul Shin and Sun Jung Lee Phone Grantee's address 10403 Stone Court, Montgomery, Ohio 45242

3. Address of property 10403 Stone Court, Montgomery, Ohio 45242 No. ofAcres

4. Tax billing address Wells Fargo Home Mtg, PO Box 51162, Los Angeles, CA 90051 0 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: 7 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other

vacant, what is intended use? 41460 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee / Other Fee Slmole 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) F 315,000.00 86010 0.00 b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value c) Cash (if any) $ 105,000.00 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 7c) $ 420.000.00 127470

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... ,...$ 0.00 DTE Use Only 0 Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) ...... ,...,.,....,.,-....$ 420,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee Slbcy Cline Mortgage Services, Inc.

h) Type of mortgage / Conv. F.H.A. VA. Other DTE Use Only 0.00 i) If gift, In whole or part, estimated market value of real property...... $ 8. Has the grantor indicated that this properly is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes 4 No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Considerat'on the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? t(. Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes 4 No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? r Yes 171 No If yes, 420000 new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Va -d sale

1. Yes 2. No

I dedare under penalties of pe®ry thal this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief Is true correct and complete statement R&**946109@4 Sum 36.n9. Lee 4-1-21 Printed Name of Grant06'or Representative signarm of Grantee or Repidentative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Code section (R.C.) 319.54(G)(31 and, if applicable, the lee required by R.C. 322, In the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 1,260.50 Grantor

DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date

04/08/2021 DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION.

Type Tax list Tax. dist. Date instrument countynumber 31 number WD year 2021 3040 04/08/2021

Number 'roperty located in taxing district LIN I I LUKY-LIN I I LOU lame on tax duplicate Tax duplicate year CAFERELLI CAROLA LULI 263855 cct. or permanent parcel nn Map book Page Z 10-UUOO-UU 10-OU No, of Parcels )escription CLIFTON AVE El Platted El Unplatted 90 X 83.14 IRR PT LOTS 7-8 AMAZON PARK SUB w,Idi*'1comments: 0 Split 0 New plat O NMB#rifrd@&6*16 0 Partial value DTE Code No. . V El C.A.U.V Il Building removed C] Other Grant* or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section. See instructions on reverse. 510 1. Graritor's name Carol A. Caperelli Phone Neigh. Code 2. Grantee's name Wilber Escorcia and Wendy Alvarez Phone Grantee's address 3953 Clifton Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220

3. Address of property 3953 Clifton Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 No. of Acres 4, Tax billing address First American Real Estate Tax Service, PO Box 9507, Dallas, TX 75247

5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: 0 > 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other vacant, what is intended use? 33710 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative 1 Part interest transfer 1 Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee ./ Other Fee Simole 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) 292,500.00 48000 0.00 b) Balance assumed (if any) Total Value 32,500.00 c) Cash (if any) S

d) Total consideration (add lines la, 7b and 74 S 325.000.00 81710

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... $ 0.00 DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) ...... ,,...... ,...$ 325,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee Fifth Third Bank h) Type of mortgage 4 Conv. F.H.A. V.A. Other DTE Use Only 0.00 i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property...... ,...... ,„$ 8. Has the grantor indicated that this properly is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes J No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? 4 Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes ·/ No 325000 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? 13 Yes 171 No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale

1.Yes 2. No

1 I declare under penalties of pe4ury that this statement has been examined byme_@ryl tothe best of my knowledge and bellf istrue correct 20710408059 and complete statement 01--:I . - +4 j// 0- 411 1-2/ Receipt Number Printed Name of Grsntee or Representative Signature okerintes-or RSpresentative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee Theconveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Code section (R.C.) 319.54(G)(31 and, if applicable, the le.t, required by R.C. 322, in the total amountof $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 975.50 Grantor


Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor CO Dusty Rhodes 11/12 01/01*071 Co. No. 2038§6 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31 263 856 &0

Tax List Instrument Taxing Dist No. 8*,170 10*320 2021 27,6&5d QE 3040

DTE Code Numbblo O SpliUNew Plat Remarks: Property Located@PTI CORP-CINTI CSD 2021raxing District Name on Tax DupliVSON VENTURES LLC Tax Duplicate Year Acct. or Permanent Parcel 1'187-OA07-0426-00 Map Book Page Description: 7255 READING RD bu * 125 PT LOTS 19-20 ROSELAWN

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See instructionson reverse.

1. Grantor's Name: Mason Ventures, LLC, an Ohio Limited Liability Company Phone:

Peter R. Collette 2. Grantee's Name: Phone: fh Grantee's Address: 10/ 5 1»-0 10_ Avt,1 SOZ, C & ic, 1 k.u; t ,(112 45-21>4 3, Address of Propetty: 7255 Reading Road, Cincinnati, OH 45237 4. Tax Billing Address: { 01 2 %le#Q, 40 e t*-=502, C ZA-C<-r Co+ l,D/+ 4153*> cr 5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real properly being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below) _(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include alfidavit of facts) _(c) Tooonfinnorcorrect adeed previously executed and reoorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either, r[ _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or oompleted pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the exlent that the oorporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribuaon in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved oorporation; _(h) By a subsiciary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for aterm of years renewable forever; _0) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the fortner residence is traded as palt of the consideration for the new residenoe: (1) To agrantee other than a dealer in real properly, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; 3](m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(o) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased, Up) Of an easement or rght-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of properly sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code, _(r) To or from an organizalion exempt from federal Income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideraon and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, induding a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; _(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a leslee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the benefidaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a oorporationfor incorporationintoasports facility constructed pursuant to section 307696 [307.69.91 of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 530218. _Cy) Floma county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party 6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NO.[EL YES.[1 (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or cunent tax year. NOS YES-[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receivingthis reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of nextyear? NO.111. YElf yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NO.[1 YES*= 9. Is this properly leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential pufppses? NO.[1 YES* If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration F1 to the County Auditor within 60 days (induding weekends and holidays) of *date of)hiptransfer te avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare upder penalties of perjury that this statement has been examinMb*1nitg the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement, y 9-trl -77. 611 411.c 1 lujL 3 -te· 21 0 2, Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature o Granlee or Representative Date AFFIDAVIT



Now comes the undersigned Affiant Peter Collette who, after being first duly cautioned and sworn, deposes and states as follows:

1. Affiant is the President and Sole Shareholder of Hammer & Hearth Real Estate Company, an Ohio Corporation, which is the Sole Member of Mason Ventures, LLC, an Ohio Limited Liability Company, which owns the property located at 7255 Reading Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45237 (Auditor Parcel Numbers 117-0A07-0426-00 and 117-0A07- 0016-00) by virtue of a deed recorded at OR Book 13880, Page 780.

2. Affiant has executed a deed transferring the real estate to himsel f in his individual capacity for the purpose of a refinancing. Affiant is also known as Peter R. Collette.

3. There was no consideration paid by grantee to the grantor for the conveyance and this transaction is not a gift.

4. Affiant has personal knowledge of the facts herein stated.


Peter Cllette

Sworn to before me and signed in my presence this 18th day of March, 2021.

A /1, 10124> Notary Public State of Florida 2 h,0 : Marc Jean Richard My Commission GG 248718 *47,&/ Expires 09/16/2022 WV¥ Nota Publi -

This document was prepared by Michael P. McCafferty, Esq. DTE FROM 100 . Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Audimr Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION.

Type Tax list County Tax. dist. 3150 Date 04/08/2021 2021 31 instrument WD year number number

Number Property located in /IT.HEALTHY4/IT.HEALTHY taxing district 263858 AURA PROPERTIES LLC 2021 Name on tax di Iplirs:te Tax duplicate year 593-0003-0116-00 Acct or permanent parcel no. Map book Page 57 HAMILTON AVE 45 X 142 No. of Parcets Descriptioe--l LOT 11 HASTING 1 ST SUB 0 Platted 0 Unplatted 1

Auditor's to)4,ents: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. \\ 4 DC.KUM 0 Building removed [3 Other 471 Grantee or Repre*entative Must Complete All Questions In This Section. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantor's name Aura Properties LLC Phone Neigh. Code

2. Grantee's name Bernardine Medniola Gervacio Phone Grantee's address 2089 Rubicon Place, Cincinnati OH 45240

3. Address of property 7861 Hamilton Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45231 No. ofAcres 4. Tax billing address 2089 Rubicon Place, Cincinnati, OH 45240 1 5. Are there buildings on the land? v Yes No If yes, check type: 4 1,2 or 3 family dweiling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other 10950 vacant, what is intended use?

6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Ufe estate Leased fee Leasehold - Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee v Other arms lenath 32740 7. a) New mortgage amount Of any) K

b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value 100,000.00 c) Cash (if any) $ 43690 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and ™ $ 100,000.00

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) 100,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee

h) Type of mortgage Conv. F.H.A. VA. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property 8. Has the grantor indicated thatthis property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or currenttax year? Yes v'No If yes, completeform DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTIE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this propetty be grantee's Conon principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? _ Yes v No If yes, is the propertya multi-unit dwelling? Yes No 11.Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? 0 Yes E No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale 1. Yes 2. No

20210408062 I dedare inder penalues ofpe*ry that this statament has been =nined by me and b the bestof Iny Imo,Aedge and beDef is Mue, correct Ed compt* stat@ment Receipt Number Mary Lakes UR.Awbi 4111303 Printed Name of (Asatiiw or Representative Signature of (*Ftee or Representative Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee 300.50 The conveyance feerequired b?§Pvised Codesection (R.C.)319.54(G){3)and, if applicable, the fee required byR.C, 322, in thelotal amountof $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.


DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co. No. Number

U, FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 04/08/2021 263859 00 31 M .S Instrument Taxing Dist. No. Tax List Land Building Total N AF 1090 2021 42,530 129,950 172,480

DTE Code Number 510 0 SpliUNew Plat Remarks: Property Located inSPRINGFIELD-FINNEYTOWN Taxing District 2021 Name on Tax DuplicatOECK HERMAN J & JANET E Tax Duplicate Year 590-0193-0004-00 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No Map Book Page REAR COMPTON RD 70 X Description: 325.10 Rl-T3-5 14 N

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse. Janet E. Beck 1. Grantofs Name: Phone:

Herman J. Beck 2. Grantee's Name: Phone:

A· Grantee's Address: 8668 Long Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 45231 - 3, Address of Property· 8668 Long Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 45231 4. Tax Billing Address: 8668 Long Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 45231

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

_(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) -(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any fonn, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(0 Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved corporation, (h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; (i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; (i) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; (k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; -(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) -?L(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; (0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; (p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; (q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code, (r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property: (t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust, (u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantofs power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; -(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NO-[1 YESIE (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year, NO.[3 YES-[1(DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NO-ILL YES.!L If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NOS YES-[1 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NOJE. YES C If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.

I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. Herman J. Beck -Ar44«444¢ P.L 3L<292- 1 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee MRepresentative Date DTE FORM 101 Revised 7/93


To be Attached to Conveyance Fee Forms, DTE 100 & 100(EX)

Grantor's Name Janet E. Beck

Grantor's Address 8668 Long Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 45231

Grantee's Name Herman J. Beck

590-0193-0004-00 Taxing District 032-Springfield-Finneytown Parcel or Account No.

The grantor of the property referred to above states that the property has or will receive the senior citizen, disabled persons, or surviving spouse homestead exemption under Ohio Revised Code section 323.152(A) for the preceding or current tax year. The estimated amount of such reduction that will be reflected in the grantee's taxes is:

Preceding Tax Year $ Current Tax Year $

The grantor and the grantee have considered and accounted for the total estimated amount of such reductions to the satis faction of both the grantee and the grantor.

/4,60,4 0,|SAL Sithature of Grantor or Representative

Sworn to or affirmed in my presence,

this ,f!( day of )Aa·C 20 21 / ,4,, -t , JOSEPH S. HONERLA , :i , Notary Public,Attorney at LawState of Ohiof74*hyu....2 \ / My uommission Has No ExpiMUdn if Nbtary Public Date. Sedon 147.03 0* Endorsement-llyfurfty Auditor:

Upon presentation of this instrument, the County Auditor shall endorse it, return it to the grantee or his representative, and provide a copy of the indorsed instrument to the grantor or his representative, evidencing delivery to the County Auditor.

County Auditor:

Date: DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor If exempt by OR.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX) Dusty Rhodes 11/12


Type Instrument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31

Number LW 2021 0 04/08/2021 Properly Locatea in Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicate HARRIRON CP.CRARRY-STHWST Tax Duplicate Year Acct. or Permanent Parcel NWVR INC. Map Book Page 2021 561§88" Description: 0 Platted o Unplatted 561-0028-0267-00

MORRIS DR 0.2081 AC LOT 245 DTE Cpde No. WHITEWATER TRAILS SUB SECTION 6 AUDIT MMENTS 0 Split-- 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value Neigh. Code O C.A.U. O Building Removed O New Improvements O Other 500 Grantee or' Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section

, ,i .·u Type clrp®t#11.infarMat!04: See instructions on reverse. · . No. of Acres 1. Grhld[ NVR, Inc. Phone: 2. Grantee: Bryan Houser and Dana Houser Phone:

Grantee's Address: 9528 Morris Drive, Harrison, OH 45030 Land Value 3. Address of Property: 9528 Morris Drive, Harrison, OH 45030 0 4. Tax Billing Address: 555 Southpointe Blvd, Suite 300, Canonsburg, PA 15317 5. Are there buildings on the land?[3No [E|Yes (requires information below) Bldg. Value 1,2or3 family r-1 Manufactured Home F-1 Condominium F-1 Apartment - Number of Units 1-1 Farm Building 0 Other - Total Value If land is vacant, what is the intended use? 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 0 Grantoris a relative ¤ Part Interest Transferred 0 Grantor is a Mortgagee 0 Land Contract m Gift ¤ Trade Life Estate El Leasehold OTE Use Only 0 Mineral Rights Reserved £ Leased Fee Other: Fee Simple 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ 263.493 (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ 0 DTE Use Only (c) Cash (if anyl_.. S 29,277 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 292.770 DTE Use Only (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property_ ____ $ (f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7D-7EL__ .__ ..... - $ 292,770 (g) Name of mortgagee NVR Mortgage Finance Inc Consideration (h) Type of mortgage Conventional [E] FHA ¤ VA ¤ Other (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property...... $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead OTE Use Only exemption for the preceding or current tax year.0 Yes E No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) Valid Sale 1. YES 2. NO 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 292770 0 Yes E No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? E Yes 0 No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? 0 Yes [8 No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes?[3 Yes @ No If yes, new owner must

complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date 20210408063 of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has beeqexamined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete stapment. r:Z ' /1 5 f -1 - 14·e 54- ,F>147-0- 4-1-1< Printed Name 61 Grantee or Rebrdsentative Signturn of £Jtee'or Representative Date 878.9CReceipt Number Grantor RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $

has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 04/08/2021 DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX) Dusty Rhodes 11/12


Type Instrument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31

Number 2021 3040 04/08/2021 Property LocatAM Taxing District Name on Tax DuplicateCINTI CORP CIA'-r, cen Tax Duplicate Year Acct. or Permanent Parcel NfhT-r rwa Al =R @ 7 Map Book Page 2021 98*ey,s Description: 0 Platted O Unplatted 184-0005-0097-00

2008 COLERAIN AVE 27 X 36 PT LOT 1WE&F ROELOFSO .\ / - Al U)61 OTE ode No. NS SUB SQ 2 .

AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split , 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value Neigh. Code 0 C.A.U. 0 New Improvements O Other 0 Building Removed 530 F- Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse. No. ot Acres 1, Br or: Charles Jett Phone:

2, ntee: Eddie Julious Phone:

Grantee's Address: 9631 Pippin Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45231 Land Value 3. Address of Properly 2008 Colerain Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45214 4. Tax Billing Address: Deed Book 14391, Page 3849 of the Hamilton County, Ohio Records. 5. Are there buildings on the land?C]No Yes (requires information below) Bug. Value

#21 1,2 or 3 family Manufactured Home 2390 0 Condominium 0 Apartment - Number of Units

0 Farm Building 0 Other - Tolal Value If land is vacant, what is the intended use?

6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 9380 81 Grantor is a relative 0 Part Interest Transferred E] Grantor is a Mortgagee 0 Land Contract El Gift j Trade ¤ Life Estate E Leasehold DTE Use Only [3 Mineral Rights Reserved Leased Fee 0 Other: 11770 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any), ... - (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) DTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) $ (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ _ 0 OTE Use Only (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property. $ (D Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (70-7E) $ 0 (g) Name of mortgagee Consideration (h) Type of mortgageIjConventional []FHA [VA IlOther 0 If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property $ 16,815 8. The grantor has indicated that this properly is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead DTE Use Only exemption for the preceding or current tax year.0 Yes No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) Valid Sale 1.YES 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 2. NO 16815 0 Yes m No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? 0 Yes No If yes, is the properly a multi-unit dwelling? 0 Yes [g No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes?[1 Yes El No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date 20210408066 of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.

I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has e and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement.

Stephen T. Doyle 04/07/2021 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative S'C nature of GrenteeY r,Represent 've Date 51.20 Receipt Number G, Ii,lu, -RECEIPTLEOR·P*YMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 04/08/2021 DUSTY RHODES Countv Auditor Date DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. Type Tax list county 31 Tax. dist. Date instrument WD year 2021 number number 3040 04/08/2021

Number taxing district Property located itiNT:-CeRP -CINTI C3D

Name on tax duplicat%TATION LLC Tax duplicate year 2011 263864

Acct. or permanent parcel n(bs 3 0001 0070 00 Map book Page No. of Parcels Description 3029 CINNAMON ST O Platted O Unplatted / 25 X 102.96 1 1 LOT 49 SCARBOROUGH & WILLIAMS.SUB DTE Code No. dithr'sSomments:N/ o C.A.U.V 0 Split O 0Building New plat removed u New improvements El Offpr 0 Partial value 500 4ra*06 or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section. See instructions on reverse. 1.Orantor' s name Citation LLC Phone Neigh. Code

2. Grantee'sname Adam A: Vukovic Phone Grantee's address 3029 Cinnamon Street, Cincinnati, OH 45208

3. Address of property 3029 Cinnamon Street, Cincinnati, OH 45208 No. of Acres 4. Tax billing address FARETS - Attn: Bill Holdings - PO Box 9507, Dallas, TX 75247 5. Are there buildings on the land? / Yes No If yes, check type: Condominium Apartment: No. of units 2 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other

vacant, what is intended use? 1670 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) ! Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gm Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee 4 Other fee simde 0 7. a) New mortgage amount (ifany)...... '...... 494,000.00

b) Balance assumed Of any) .'...... '...... $ Total Value c) Cash (if any)... d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 7* $ 494,000.00 1670

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real properly ...... '...... DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) 494,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee Fifth Third Bank h) Type of mortgage 4 Conv. F.H.A. V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property. 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes J No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this properly qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? i Yes No If,yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes 4 No 494000 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? r Yes 171 No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale 1. Yes 2. No

I declare under penalties of perjury thal this statement has been examin y t»an ' the 1 of my knowledge and belief Is true, correct 20210408067 and complete statement .-/i An,en'n VU /40 Vi e. . Receipt Number Date Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee Theconveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Code section CIR.C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, If applicable, the fee required by R.C. 322, In thetotalamountof $ 1,482.50 has been paid by Grantor and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.

04/08/2021 DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION.

Type WD Tax list 2021 Tax. dist. 3040 Date 04/08/2021 instrument year Countynumber 31 number CINTI CORP-CINTI CSD Number Property located in taxing district HORN JENNIFER 2021 263865 Name on tax duplicatp Tax duplicate year 038-0002-0413-00

Acct. or permanent parcel no. UNIT 307=-DW 0.500% Map book , Page No. of Parcels HYDE PARK PLACE CONDOMINIUMS Description C Platted 0 Unplatted 1 PHASE 2-A

Auf*rrnments: E Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. \21 13 C.A.U.v Il Building removed 0 Other 550 Grantge or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section. See instructions on reverse. 1. Grantor's name Jennifer Hom Phone Neigh. Code

2. Grantee's name Michael Lonneman Phone Grantee's address 3673 Willowlea Court Unit D, Cincinnati, Ohio 45208

3. Address of property 3673 Willowlea Court Unit D, Cincinnati, Ohio 45208 No. of Acres 4. Tax billing address Royal United Mortgage, LLC, 7999 Knue Road #300, Indianapolis, IN 46250 0 5. Are there buildings on the land? / Yes No If yes, check type: 1,2 or 3 family dwelling / Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other 8860 vacant, what is intended use? 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gm Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee / Other Fee Simole 50650 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) $ 179,000.00

b) Balance assumed (if any) Total Value c) Cash (if any)...... ,...... 3 20.000,00 59510 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 70 $ 199.000.00

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real properly ...... ___$ DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) .,,,,,..,.,.,,...... ,,.,,..$ 199,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee Royal United Mortgage

h) Type of mortgage / Conv. F.H.A. V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property...... $ 8, Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 102.

10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits on the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's Conf*08 principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? 4 Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes / No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? r Yes Fi No If yes,

new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to·avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale 1.Yes 2. No

LULIU#UOUDO I declare under penalties of pe4ury that this statement has been examined by me and to the st of my knowledge and belief is true, comed and COSPP'« statemept j f hoddek LGAMA« q / 1/g \ Receipt Number Date Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative 597.50 Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee required Giel®Mevised Code section (R,C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, if applicable, the fee required by R.C. 322, In the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.


..... nA- DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION.

Type Tax list Date 2021 County 31 Tax. dist. 3040 04/08/2021 instrument WD year number number

Number Property located in CINTI CORP-CINTI CSD taxing district Name on tax duplicate CREATIVE FLAIR MARKETING & PUBLISHIP Tax duplicate year 2021 263866

Acct. or permanent parcel no,036-0004-0199-00 Map book Page 4704 SIMPSON AVE No. of ParceIs Description 75 X 140.80 0 Platted 0 Unplatted 1 LOT 41 PT 42 SHATTUCS SUB

A ito comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No.

Il C.A.U.V Il Building removed 0 Other 510 GraMe or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section. See instructions on reverse. . 0 1. GreAtor's name Creative Flair Marketing & Publishing, LLC Phone Neigh. Code 2. Grantee's name Caitlyn Reynolds and Coby L. Bohman Phone Grantee's address 4704 Simpson Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45227

3. Address of property 4704 Simpson Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45227 No. ofAcres

4, Tax billing address Guaranteed Rate, 4044 North Lincoln #318, Chicago, Illinois 60618 1 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: Condominium 4 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other vacant, what is intended use? 7930 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative I Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value

Grantor is mortgagee / Other Fee Simde 41780 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) $ 275.975.00 0.00 b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value 14,525.00 c) Cash (if any) ,$ 49710 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 70 .$ 290.500.00

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real properly ...... $ 0.00 DTE Use Only

D Consideration for real propeity on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) .,,.,,...,...... ,.$ 290,500.00 g) Name of mortgagee Guaranteed Rate Affinity, LLC

h) Type of mortgage / Conv. F.HA. V.A. Other DTE Use Only 0.00 i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property...... _ 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for ihe preceding or current tax year? Yes ./No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 102.

10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's 290500 principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? 4 Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes / No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? f-. Yes 171 No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale 1. Yes 2. No

20210408069 I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is true, corect and complete statement Cobv L /301».Av£ 9 / 5/1\ Receipt Number , Date Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Representative Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee 872.00 The conveyance fee required rgevised Code section (R.C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, if applicable, the fee required by R.C. 322, in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.

04/08/2021 DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date 9 1 - 161VILQ I wr nc,towl, rwr, cADIvir I IWI, r,rvivI rtcAL. r,CUrCMI T GUIVVCYANCit itt

Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co. No. Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31 04/08/2021 263867

Inslrumenl Taxing Dist No Tax List Land Building Total

LE 3040 7n91 26,270 51,800 78.070

DTE Code Number 0 Split/New Plat Remarks: Property Located 11?10 Taxing District 1 CORP-CINTI CSD Name on Tax Dupl[86 Tax Duplicate Year 2021 GRETCHEN M Acct. or Permanent P5661-AQ Map Book Page 247-0006-0067-00 Description: 6203 EDWOOD AVE 60 X 120

Rl-T-3-425 ES

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all Information. See Instructions on reverse.

1, Grantof s Name: Gretchen M. Keller Phone:

2. Grantee's Name: Gretchen M. Keller, Trustee of the Gretchen M. Keller Trust dated April 7, 2021 Phone:

Grantee's Address: 6203 Edwood Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45224

6203 Edwood Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45224 3. Address of Properly:

4. Tax Billing Address: 6203 Edwood Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45224

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on Items checked below)

_(a) To orfrom the United States, this state, or any Instrumenlity, agency, or political subdlvision of the United States or this state; U _(b) Solely In order to provide or release securly for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) 0 _(c) To confirm orcorrect a deed previously executed and recorded; (d) To evidence a gilt, In any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; i _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer Is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; *.. _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution In kind of the corporation's assets In exchange for the stockholder's shares In the dissolved corporation; *• _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's 4 stock; W _(i) By lease, whether or not It extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease Is for a term of years renewable forever; w _0) When the value of the real properly or Interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; * _(k) Of an occupied residential properly being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence;

6. The grantor has Indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NO.[1 YES,E ®TE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has Indicated that this property quallfies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NO-S YES.EL (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and fimely application Is filed). Will this property be grantee's principle residence by Januaty 1 of next yeaf? NoliYESJEL If yes, Is the propedy a multi-unit dwelling? NO.[EL YES.[1 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential pwfoses? NOJEL YES 13 If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (Including weekends and holiday»efS*Bfe of tl»10'1*vold a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been 9dmlned by re,*0 thA/;t of my knowledge and belief Is a true, correct anp corlete statement. David D. Kammer Ll.4/- Printed Name of Granlee or Reoresentauve Slonature'Bf Grantee o?·A*t#iikentallve Date9/7/ 9-6 3./1 DTE FORM 101 Revised 7/93


To be Attached to Conveyance Fee Forms, DTE 100 & 100(EX)

Grantor's Name Gretchen M. Keller

Grantor's Address 6203 Edwood Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45224

Grantee's Name Gretchen M. Keller, Trustee of the Gretchen M. Keller Trust dated April 7, 2021

Taxing District Parcel or Account No, 247-0006-0067

The grantor o f the property referred to above states that the property has or will receive the senior citizen, disabled persons, or surviving spouse homestead exemption under Ohio Revised Code section 323.152(A) for the preceding or current tax year. The estimated amount of such reduction that will be reflected in the grantee's taxes is:

Preceding Tax Year $ Current Tax Year $

The grantor and the grantee have considered and accounted for the total estimated amount of such reductions to the satisfaction ofboth the grantee and the grantor. 41*-11- Signature of Grantor or Representative

Sworn to or affirmed in my presence, day of Annl ' 20 31 this 5, .

Elana C. Aud di c. al %2.1 Notary Public, braze ut villu Notary Public :*t My Commission Expires: : May 14,2026 Endorsel*Mnt#IZEounty Auditor: Upon presentation of this instrument, the County Auditor shall endorse it, return it to the grantee or his representative, and provide a copy of the indorsed instrument to the grantor or his representative, evidencing delivery to the County Auditor.

County Auditor:

Date: DTE FROM 100 . Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 00/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION.

Type Tax list Tax. dist. Date 04/08/2021 instrument WD year 2021 countynumber 31 number 3040

Number Property located in CINTI CORE-CINTI CCD taxing district Name on tax duplicate.fco„,r Tax duplicate year 2021 263868

Acct. or permanent parcel no. 061 0005 00lp An Map book Page - No. of Parcels Description 1608 RUTH AVE 0 Platted 0 Unplatted 50 X 115 1 LOT 12 MEYERS BROOKS &

Auditor's comments: El Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements [3 Partial value DTE Code No. D C.A.U.V [3 Building removed 0 Othu*r 510 Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantor's name SFR3, LLC Phone Neigh. Code 2. Grantee's name Jared N. Hatfield and Alicia D. Kay Hatfield Phone Grantee's address 1608 Ruth Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45207

3. Address of property 1608 Ruth Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45207 No. ofAcres 4, Tax billing address Citizens One Home Loans, PO Box 2800, Glen Allen, VA 23058-2800 1 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: Condominium / 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other vacant, what is intended use? 5380

6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantoris relative ! Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee 4 Other Fee Simple 20870 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) $ 216,310.00 0.00 b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value c) Cash (if any) $ 6,690.00 26250 d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 7b and 7c) $ 223,000.00 e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real properly ...... $ 0.00 DTE Use Only

0 Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) ...... $ 223,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee Citizens Bank, NA h) Type of mortgage / Conv. F.H.A. V.A. Other DTE Use Only 0.00 D If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property..,. 8. Has the grantor indicated that this properly is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTEUse Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes 4 No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's 223000 principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? 4 Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes 4 No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? r Yes F No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only Valid sale weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 1. Yes 2. No

I declare under penalties of pellury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief Is true, correct 20210408071 and plete statement -- bm_/ 41<9744 /3--><-f>t**/ A 111.- (7*4 Receipt Number Printed Name of Grantee or Representative ,pdture of Grantee or RepresentativP' L/ Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee 669.50 The conveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Codesection (R.C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, if applicable, the fee required by R.C. 322, in thetotal amountof $ has been paid by Grantor and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.

Date 04/08/2021 DUSTY RHODES County Auditor DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX)


Type Instrument Tax Ust Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31 1 n,n 04/08/2021 WD 2021 Number

Property Located in COLERAIN-MIHEALTHY Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicate HEADLAND BRUCE Tax Duplicate Year 2021 263869

Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Book No. of Parcels 610 0013-0171-00 Map Page Description: 0 Platted O Unplatted SPRINGDALE RD 60 X 120 LOT 109 HILLENDALE SUB BLK E OTE Code No.


0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value 510 Neigh. Code O C.A.U.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section ' ': - .· . ., . · Type'orprintallinformauon. See instructionsonregerse. ·'» No. of Acres

1. Grantor: Bruce Headland and Micheline Headland Phone:

2. Grantee: VB One, LLC Phone:

Grantee's Address: 3500 Park Center Drive Suite 100 Dayton, OH 45414 land Vakle 1 3, Address of Property: 2743 Springdale Road Cincinnati, OH 45251 4. Tax Billing Address: 3500 Park Center Drive Suite 100 Dayton, OH 45414 5. Are there buildings on the land?[3No Yes (requires information below) Bldg. Vo8470 1,2or3 family j Manufactured Home 0 Condominium 0 Apartment - Number of Units 0 Farm Building 0 Other - Total Value If land is vacant, what is the intended use? 22710 6. Conditions of sale (Check allthat apply): 0 Grantor is a relative 0 Part Interest Transferred U Grantor is a Mortgagee 0 Land Contract 0 Gift IlTrade C Life Estate 0 Leasehold OTE Use Only

0 Other: 29180 =7, 0 Mineral(a) RightsNew Reserved Mortgage 0 Leased Fee Amount (if any) $ (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ DTE Use Only

Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.64 (G) (3)04/08/2021 263870 DTE FORM 100 (EX) ReWsed by Cotmly Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 CA Dia PC 25,520 113,6EO 139,200 PGOUNry bNLY 31

T-00No. T= List Lma Tol


MI IhIA7 18\/In 2021

DTECode Number 608-0021-0207-00 0 SpOUNew Plat Remalks: Propertyl COVF nR 0 077 AC Tubg Distict Narne o#-fhl bll*b@8EN PLACE SUB Tax Dupicate Year Aoot. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page Descripion:

The Following Must Be Comploted by G,antee or *Ms Repmentallve \ T*eorprinteUm:89011. SeelmOU,608$00,8,0me. <

_{8) Toor #m th,Unned Statas. thll slatg orany *shmentaU*agency, orpaucalsubdivisionofl,e Unitd 811sorthhetate; ..{b) Sol*Inordertop:ovideortelemeseaoly fora debloragatn; (multhlo&,de afll¢avitoffacts) -{c) ToconEm,orcorlecladeed p:m,lou*=cuted and recorded; Ud) Toevldi=agm,han,lorm,bageen,sbandendwigorpatentendchldorthespolmote!0:er; -le) Onsale tordem,quert #08, 8Nes,ment,; 1{1) Piattocoullorder.tothe=lenithaisuch#anstorlinot#el,stmolas*058*dorcompl-d putsuantlosucho:del; _to) P:nm,mit to a mogauzdon d =por:Oons or uNncotpor:tad amodalons or p,Imuant to me d,1011#on ot a ootpOISOOn, to 010 008111 M Ihe corpolaion ©olveys me propellyto a stoclitoater m a ¢•#Mon 1,1id ol ete corporatiorfo 08*es In =chingefor the stoolholdef, sharos it,0,dI,soh,d colpmUon; _(h) By asubskncycorpolaion b MI pe,entcolpomOonfor no consWeravors, nomb,lcormkle,en, or b,sdaconsidemlon 01 0,8 Inos[Son orsumenderofthesubsid!01$

.1 By18888,*tie(heror notltelnds:1le,al ordrwd*ts, unfismeleasels fora#,not yems,en,wabletorevel; UD When te veite 0, aw me! p,ope,4 or b:torest In tel popetty comeyed does not -ed om hundred dellam; Uk) 01 an om¥hd residenE proper# being Dan,fermd * the bderola new resldence when the formar lesidence h tn,ded as part of *e comidemnon for[ho now mIMence: _0 To a gramoa cther than a deah *real properly, sol* for Be pu,poseofandmasbep h, Us pro#sala toomms; Urn] Toor#nape,Bon,rhennomone™oelervablaandtmglecon,Werelonma*comertmleh*ortmoyls paid ortobe paldlorthe,eae*,teende,emn,acConts nota#% 02*lackid•:mdm"effsot.) Un) Togn helrordevilee, bot-n spooses orto asuM,tng spousa, Dom apemon b Mrsoll andomers, toaturvhblg tenart cron #ted=th d a regbtared ovmef: _101 Toabl»fle:cgonbellattotrnhorcMdrenote,adecease« Up} Of enememerA or,Ight*$4vay whanthe ¥alue of thelnters.1 amuy,d does note=ed onethoznd dolktrs; _* 01 Foper4 80ld 10 9 8(NM10 spouse pursuant to odon 2168.16 01 ae Re-d Code; ...14 Toor*om snot,anl:8500 -mplfrom fede,allncometallon undersecton 601(01(3)of Belnt,mal Revenue Code, pro*led suchtransfer*eo,acon,Ide,auonand b Whe,eol the dbloorpubUc purpose of such o,gankalor _18) Among 0,0 he!,sati=or devisees,incluthM as,Mng spouse clacommon decederd, when noconsld,Iaaon b, money li p:d orto be paid torthe red ploper* __0} To a #IW ola *4 whon Oieglarorof Ihe bult h= Imerved in imMId power to levolithe *mt Uu) To 019 glentor da llustbya Mi# d #18 Dusi when the lansferb made ID megrarrpullualltto the exorche of me grantok powerk, re¥oke me Mt,torto v,m,drig

..M To me benends,185 4 a Vult 5 018 fee was pad on the buster horn Ole g=,tor of *e bust to ths histee or pursuant to Dult plovhlons #at beceme #Twocgble at Ae dod ofh grer -*) 70800:pomion forbtpomion Noaspo fac[*con,hucted Fm=rdtosection 307.696 007.69.9]oftheRevhed Code _-D[) Boh,een persons pumuant/R.C.secgon 5302.18. _(y) Froma=*Imd re,flka#on=porsoon orgardzed underR.C. secion 1724 loa thlrdpmty

6. Thegrzrorls #-ant-propell, 18*modto mcehtheseniorcm= dhebled pemon,ors,s**ouse hom,s6emmpion forthe preceeg or=Int. yes. NOR YESn{DIEFo,m 101,04:14 7. The gm# has h-led M M p,oper, viales for amnt ag,lal#81 use va10= forme prece¢Ing or amnt Mx year. NOX YESQ (DTE 102 req:*,4 & Appne•SM For2412%Reducion(NOTICE: 1*,e tocorn*le Ah applcen proliblh Ote ovmer*om :eoeht,0 Al, reducon =10*noiterpreperandem* appicaion i,fied):WS#Zipropellybegmntesp,Inclpletesldenog by.01 1 olnmrt,egr7 NOAYES.Q Ily'< 1,0:eprop#yamubt,#da,mng? Non YES£1 9.16011; plopettyllasedoroO-Iterentad btanant,solelyfor resldert pwpoH,7 NOR YES31 11 yes, new ovmermustcompleleand subrolla RerlaiReghDalm Form tothe Count,Aueor¥,0*,60 days Onctudbtgweekend; and hoadays) olthed* oftlds tansfer loaId apenally onthotrt= bil Idl-,unds:pen.10. Of POilythstlh!8*.,nathes heet/Ed'd by-m•ent,el besleh@ killodm andbl[Wls a-,el'pt:neompl'.g'.mi Tawnva N. Collins 1 tfklf I A ,(DKV lut (-11-11 U))4 A- Nmidal.,11.""ille'latil. *=clwal".I- D.01 ' 1 DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX) Dusty Rhodes 11/12


Type Ins,rument Tax List Year County Number Tax Disl Number Date 31 3060 04/08/2021 WD 2021 Number

Properly Located in FOREST PARK-WINTON WDS Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicate SQUARE ONE PROPERTIES LLC Tax Duplicate Year 2021 263872

Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. No. 01 Panels fal-nn01.0008-00 Map Book Page Description: 0 Platted ROSE LANE 71 X 125.47 O Unplatted LOT 408 MODEL CITY SEC 1 BLK B DTE Code No.

ITOR'S COMMENTS 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value Split N,igh. cj,0 O CA.U.V, 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or plint allinformation. See instructions on reverse. No, of Acres 1. Grantor: Square One Properties, LLC Phone:

2. Grantee: VB One, LLC Phone.

Grantee's Address: 3500 Park Center Drive Suite 100 Dayton, OH 45414 Lind Vak,el 3. Address of Property: 11411 Rose Lane Cincinnati, OH 45246 4, Tax Billing Address: 3500 Park Center Drive Suite 100 Dayton, OH 45414

5. Are there buildings on the land?E]No Yes (requires information below) Bldg. V*620 1,2or3 family Manufactured Home 0 Condominium 0 Apartment - Number of Units 0 Farm Building 0 Other- Total Value If land is vacant, what is the intended use? 20620 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply) U Grantor is a relative 0 Part Interest Transferred 0 Grantor is a Mortgagee 0 Land Contract EJ Gift Il Trade El Life Estate Il Leasehold OTE Use Only

U Mineral Rights Reserved [3 Leased Fee 0 Other: 28640 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any).. $ (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) 7 DTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) -$ 92,300 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 92.300 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real properly _ _ $ OTE Use Only (0 Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (70-7EL ...... - $ 92.300 (g) Name of mortgagee Conslderaki (h) Type of mortgageOConventional FHA QVA UOther (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property ...... _...... $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead DTE Use Only exemption for the preceding or current tax year.0 Yes E No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) Valid Sale 9.The grantor has indicated that this properly qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 1. YES 2. NO 0 Yes E No (1 f yes, complete form DTE 102) 92300 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? 0 Yes IE] No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? 0 Yes 0 No 11. Is this properly leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes?E Yes ¤ No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (induding weekends and holidays) of the date

of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 20210408076

I declare under penalties of pe4ury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement.

Scott Fazekas 8( 2(1 , 04/07/2021 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Receipt Number @ig¢lature of Grant Representative Date 277.40 RECPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE Graotar The conveyance fee required by secnon 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date u4/u8,2021 STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co. No. Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 04/08/2021 263873 00 31 M \0 Instrument Taxing Dist. No. Tax List Land Building Total N AF 1020 2021 40,140 44,690 84,830

DTE Code Number 510 0 SpligNew Plat Remarks: Property Located in COLERAIN-NORTHWEST LSD Taxing District 2021 Name on Tax Duplicate SPEARS PRENTICE LEE & WANDA LEE Tax Duplicate Year 510-0082-0089-00 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page BLUE ROCK RD 0.50 AC Description: R 1 -T2-ST NW

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantofs Name: Wanda Lee Spears Phone:

2. Grantee's Name: Prentice Lee Spears Phone:

Grantee's Address: 3719 Blue Rock Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45247

4- 3. Address of Property: 3719 Blue Rock Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45247 - 4. Tax Billing Address: 3719 Blue Rock Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45247

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

_(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) -(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; (d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _de) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; -(Q Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved corporation; (h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; _0) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transfend to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; (1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; (m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) 1(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; (0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased: (p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars: -(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code: -Cr) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; (s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; (t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; -Cu) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantofs power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; (v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. (y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NOIT- YES-[EL (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NO-EL YES.[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NO-L YES.!L If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NOJE YESIL 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NOf- YES 13 If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.

I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has beetpx«rgibd by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. Prentice Lee Spears .3/*;/1-02/ Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Represeitiative / Date / DTE FORM 101 Revised 7/93


To be Attached to Conveyance Fee Forms, DTE 100 & 100(EX)

Grantor's Name Wanda Lee Spears

Grantor's Address 3719 Blue Rock Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45247

Grantee's Name Prentice Lee Spears

Taxing District 141-Colerain-Northwest LSD Parcel or Account No. 510-0082-0089-00

The grantor of the property referred to above states that the property has or will receive the senior citizen, disabled persons, or surviving spouse homestead exemption under Ohio Revised Code section 323.152(A) for the preceding or current tax year. The estimated amount of such reduction that will be reflected in the grantee's taxes is:

Preceding Tax Year $ Current Tax Year $

The grantor and the grantee have considered and accounted for the total estimated amount of such reductions to the satisfaction of both the grantee and the grantor. 4 a L.-X*JAR# Signature of Gradtor or Representative

Sworn to or affirmed in my presence,

this day of yYZ:R/,4 20 21

/21441"43M JOSEPH S. HONERM- 0 Attorney at Law U/5'904 Ak*La-- l ::Q-=,&fi=a.-,*--1*1 Notary rublk:, 3ld|u W|,04 / Notary Public \ :.ft3 / My Commission Has Notapfration *>50<0/ Date.Section 147.0*,RC Endorsemehf*pl-Auditor: Upon presentation of this instrument, the County Auditor shall endorse it, return it to the grantee or his representative, and provide a copy of the indorsed instrument to the grantor or his representative, evidencing delivery to the County Auditor.

County Auditor:

Date: STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXtMI'l ION 1-KUM KtAL rrturcrri ¥ uwt,v=, Mivvc rmi=

Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 F- -- - -bate 1 Co. No. Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 04/08/2021 31 263874

Instrument Tanng Dist. No. Tax Lmt Land Building Total

QE 1090 2021 33,830 126,680 160,510

DTE Code Number 510 0 Splil/New Plat Remarks: Property Located in SPRINGFIELD-NORTHWEST Taxing District EINHARDT NATALIE ANN & PATRICIA Name on Tax Duphcat Tax Duplicate Year 2021 590-0282-0378-00 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page HARTWOOD DR 67.54 X 165.65 IRR Description: LOT 1309 KEMPERMILL VILLAC[ CUC BLK H PT 5

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print allinforriation. See instructions on reverse.


2. ntee's Name: NATALIE ANN REINHARDT Phone: 5133491251

Grantee's Address: 1361 HARTWOOD DRIVE CINCINNATI OHIO 45240

1361 HARTWOOD DRIVE CINCINNATI OHIO 45240 3. Address of Property: 4. Tax Billing Address: PO BOX 105178 ATLANTA GEORGIA 30348-5178

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or polltjcal subdivision of Ihe United States or this state: (b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation, (must include affidavit of facts) -(c) To confirm or conect a dead previou* executed and recorded: -t-(d) To evidence a giin any fonn, between husband and wife. or parent and child or the spouse of either; -Ce) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; (1) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order: -(g) Pursuant to a reorganiation of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distdbution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancelation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock, _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral nghts, unless the lease is for aterm of years renewable forever: (i) When the value of the real property or interest in real properly conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars: (k) Of an oiupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the fomler residence is tladed as part of the consideration for the new residence: _0 To a grantee other than a dealer in real propeity, solely for the purpose of and as a step in its prompt sale to others: _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible considerauon readily convertible into moneyis paid orto be paid for the real estate andthe transachonis not a gilt (must include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviv,ng spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a legistered owner; _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; (p) Of an easemenl or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars: -(q) Of properly sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; Jr) To or fromanorganizdon exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideralkn and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; ls) Among the heirs at law or devisees, induding a surviving spouse ora common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for ne real property, -(1) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust hasieserved an unlimited power lo revoke the trust, _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer Is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw Dust assets; .Jv) To tie beneficiaries of a trust if the fae was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions thal became irrevocable at the death of the grantor, _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constucted pursuant to section 307.696 [307.699]of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C section 5302.18. _Cy) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party 6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior cituen, disabled person. or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NOE YESL ®TE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this properly qualifies for current agncultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. N O - YES.K (DIE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-112% Reducbon (NOTICE: failure to complete this appitcation prohibts the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NO- YES-h- If yes. is the property a mum-unit dwelling? NOZ- YESE 9. Is this property leased or othenvise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO-K YES_ If yes. new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registrabon Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (induding weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement.

.41•62*_4_ ' - 7-_- 46 1 JZ*k-< OTE FROM 100 . Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auddor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. Type WD Tax list 2021 Tax. dist. Date Counw 31 3130 04/08/2021 instrument year number number

MADEIRA-MADEIRA CSD Number Property located in taxing district PATRICIA PLANCK SEPERATE PROPERTY 2021 Name on tax dz Ipllrpte Tax duplicate year 263875 525-0006-0058-00 Acct. or permanent parcel no Map book Page ervwvivtt KUN KU 60 X 234 No. of Parcels Description PT LOT 2JB MANN EST 0 Platted 0 Unplatted 1 PARS 58 & 59 CONS

Alwtor's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value DTE Code No. O C.A.U.V 0 Building removed 0 Othpr 510 ntee or.Representative MustiComplete All Questions In This *ection. Se9141*ruptl*)9 04901*t#** L 1. Grantor's name Patricia Planck, Trustee Phone Neigh. Code

2. Grantee's name Joseph L, Hall, V and Frances K. Hall, Truslees Phone Grantee's address 7852 Shawnee Run Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45243

3. Address of property 7852 Shawnee Run Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45243 No. ofAcres 4, Tax billing address 8534 E. Kemper Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45249 5. Are there buildings on the land? v Yes No If yes, check type: ' 1, 2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other vacant, what is intended use? 40340

6. Conditions of sale (check all thal apply) Grantor is relative Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee 1 Other Arms Lenath 29990 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any} $ 60,000.00

b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value 200,000.00 c) Cash (if any) .... 3 70330 d) Total consideration (add lines 78,7b and n) $ 260,000.00

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property DTE Use Only 0 Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) 260,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee Union Savings Bank h) Type of mortgage Conv. F.H.A. MA. Other DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property...... $ 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the seniorcitizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes V No If yes, complete form DTE 102.

10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's 260000 principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? _ Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes 4 No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? 13 Yes IF] No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale 1.Yes 2. No

I declare under penalties of pellu,y that this statement has been examined by me and to *e best of my bowledge and belief ts hue, correct 20210408079 and complete statement Receipt Number t *658{ d./M L L ><*#fuS_gl April 6, 2021 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signmore f Grantee or Representative Date

Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee 780.50 The conveyarnce lee requireq*AXRRevised Code section (It.C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, il applicable, the fee required by R.C. 322, in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.


DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) 4 Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co. No. Number

00 04/08/2021 263876 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31 11 Instrument Taxing Dist. No. Tax List Land Building Total CO

AF 2050 2021 7,200 23,020 30,220

DTE Code Number 510 0 Split/New Plat Remarks: Property Located in ELMWOOD PL-ST.BERNARD Taxing District 2021 Name on Tax DuplicatOPEARS PRENTICE L Tax Duplicate Year Acct. or Perrnanent Parcel No661-0002-0513-00 Map Book Page 6102 SYCAMORE ST 30 X 120 Description: LOT 62 GEO YOST ET AL SUB

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantor's Name:Wanda Lee Spears Phone

2, Grantee's Name: Prentice L. Spears Phone

Grantee's Address: 3719 Blue Rock Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45247 3. Address of Property: 6102 Sycamore Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45216 4. Tax Billing Address: 3719 Blue Rock Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45247

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) =D _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded, _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; -(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; -CO Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the properly to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved corporation; (h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; _0) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the fomier residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift, (must include affidavit of facts) 1(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; (0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; (p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; (r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; (s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property, _(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; (u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became imevocable at the death of the grantor; -(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. (x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. (y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R,C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NOZ- YES-[1 (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NOZL YES-[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this properly be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year'? NOk YES.L- If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NOF YES.C. 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO-[L YES F If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.

I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examioed by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. Prentice L. Spears 45,5224 L. 1490/& 3(30/lb 21 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Represenbive V Datj / DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX) Dusty Rhodes 11/12


Type Instrument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31

Number WD 2021 1010 04/08/2021 Property Located in Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicate .ANDERSON-FOREST Hll I R Tax Duplicate Year Acct. or Pennanent Parcel No. PRATS ELLEN Map Book Page No. of Parcels 2021 263877 Description: 0 Platted 0 Unplatted 500-0271-0011-00


AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value Neigh. Code 0 C.A.U.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other 510 Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse. No. of Acres

1. Grantor: Ellen Prats Phone: 2. Grantee: Daniel T. Moore and Meriwether C. Moore phone

3. Address of Property: 931 Markley Road, Cinti, OH 45230 0 4. Tax Billing Address' 939 Markley Road, Cinti, OH 45230

5. Are there buildings on the land?F_]No IXIYes (requires information below) Bldg. Value F ] 1,2 or 3 family 0 Manufactured Home 20930 [3 Condominium [3 Apartment - Number of Units [Z] Farm Building LE Other - Total Value If land is vacant, what is the intended use? u 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 12720 F] Grantor is a relative [7 Part Interest Transferred F] Grantor is a Mortgagee Fl Land Contract 51 Gift Fl Trade 17 Life Estate El Leasehold DTE Use Only El Mineral Rights Reserved 0 Leased Fee 5-1 Other: 9-7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ 33650 (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) r DTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) $ 80,000 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 80.000 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property $ DTE Use Only (f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7D-7E) $ 80.000 (g) Name of mortgagee Consideration (h) Type of mortgage[lConventional FHA VA []Other (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property. $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead DTE Use Only exemption for the preceding or current tax year.0 Yes No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) Valid Sale 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 1.YES 2. NO 0 Yes Z No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 80000 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? 0 Yes TO No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? 0 Yes 0 No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes?¤ Yes 0 No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 20210408081

I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. 03/25/2021 Daniel T. Moore S==Se»- Date Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Repres5!gti 240.ceipt Number Graritor RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date 04/08/2021 STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co. No. Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 04/08/2021 31 263879 00 n Instrument Taxing Dist. No. Tax List Land Building Total

WE 3040 2021 46,140 176,370 222,510

DTE Code Numbe510 0 SpliVNew Plat Remarks: Property Located iICINTI CORP-CINTI CSD Taxing District Name on Tax DuplicaBLENN JEFFREY H & SUSANNAH GRIMES Tax Duplicate Year 2021 Acct. or Permanent Parcel Nd.21-0001-0117-00 Map Book Page Description: 6115 FAIRWAY DR 70 X 120 IRR WS FAIRWAY DR 150.44 FT N OF MONTGOMERY RD

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantor's Name: Jeffrey H. Glenn and Susannah Grimes-Glen Phone: (513) 652-3060

2. Grantee's Name: Jeffrey H. Glenn and Susannah N. Grimes, as co-Trustees of the Glenn & Grimes Trust, dated March 18, 2021 Phone: (513) 652-3056

Grantee's Address: 6115 Fairway Dr, Cincinnati, OH 45212

3. Address of Property: 6115 Fairway Dr, Cincinnati, OH 45212 4. Tax Billing Address: 6115 Fairway Dr, Cincinnati, OH 45212

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

_(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confimi or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any fomi, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholdefs shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; _0) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the fomler residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; 1(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a tlustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantofs power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if thefeewas paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.91 of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantorhas indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NOf YES.[1 (DTE Fom, 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for curTent agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NOL YES-[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next yeaf? NO.L. YES If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NO-5 YES-F 9. Is this property leased or othemise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO-5 YES F If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Fomi to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.

I declare under penalties of pe4ury that this statement has been e mined §, me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement.

Jeffrey H. Glenn (3 /0.-//fdn - 03/18/2021 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Ignature of Grantee or Representative Date DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX) Dusty Rhodes 11/12


Type Instrument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31

WD 2021 1090 04/08/20*lbe,

Properly Located in SPRINCFIELD NORTHWEST Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year JOI INCON LINDA J 2021 263880 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page No. of Parcels 590-0411-0309-00 Description: O Platted 0 Unplatted JOHNGRAY RD 64 X 185 LOT 334 KEMPERMILL VIL 1 SUB BLK B PT 20 DTE Code No.

AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value AW code O CA.U.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse. No of Acres 1. Grantor: Linda- l_.Jo h vi 90-k_ Phone: 2. Grantee: E*u#41-h# C.o. FS-B Dour re 11 lbYAR 6(*eis&# q Grantee's k*tess. 911* 3- 1+0 656(1 /144 E- 90i'fk 10( b /4 105-0 /4 La,1 Vak,e 3. Address of Propetty.17517 d Il*1 (3 raq W. C ./Vl C, fl #14/$ 014 4 5,-2-00 4.Taxa\\\Ingkddress t.24113 /-,6,1 e«y »idu,£ fiti,,1/4-'*1 0(- 00/ 45-0 /4 5. Are the,buildings on the land? 'No 3>«es (requires information below) 12860[ue 541,2 or 3 family Manutactured Home Condominium , Apartment - Number of Units Farm Building Other - If land is vacant, what is the intended use? 4YB'fdue

6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): Grantor is a relative , - ' Part Interest Transferred , Grantor is a Mortgagee 1 Land Contract Gift Trade I Life Estat(l , , 4 LeaseGoId DTE Use Only 56230 Mineral Rights Reserved » Leased Fee '>«ther: -1-Vik *dic'.*M-« *-«CL--J

0 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ - (b) Balanced Assumed (if any} $ - DTE Use Only 40 (c) Cash (if any) s / 6:29. 9 OD , 00 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) s /21 198

8. exemptionThe grantor for has the indicated preceding that or this current property tax year.F; is entitled Yes-4 to rec No»e the senior(If yes, citizen, complete disabled form DTE person, 101) or surviving spouse homestead DTE Use Only 1. rle 9.The grantorzdicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 2. NO r Yes rs No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 10. Application For 2-1/2% R*uct'Ion (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until anpth@Ffroper and timely application is filled): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next 1 year? F Yes P< No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? F Yes F No / 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? r Yes '*' No If yes, new owner must 20210408084 complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Ideslare under penalties of perjury that this stateme(as been exapine*1y me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, *r*t anlmple*etateg,ent. 1 39-9.111 1,0-,A- ts'.1

RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C,,and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C,, in the total amou'84§/2021 has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DUSTY RHODES Countv Auditor 139tn STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor 263881 Dusty Rhodes 11/12 04/08/2021 Date Co. No. Nurnber


00 2021 22100 Q'Lument ist. No. Tax List 9,871nd uilding 31270

510 co CINTI CORP-CINTI CSD DTE Code Number 0 SpliVNew Plat Remarks: 2021 01 S I UNMEK BENNY K bK Property Located in Taxing District 119-0002-0137-00 Name on Tax Duglicate Tax Duplicate Year 958 DALEWOOD PL Acct. or Per41.8'libC?OFbRIqRR Map Book Page Description: LOT 175 DALEWOOD SUB

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all infomiation. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantofs Name' BENNY R. STORMER, SR. Phone:


Grantee's Address: 1938 OAK KNOLL DRIVE, CINCINNATI, OH 45224

3. Address of Property: 1958 DALEWOOD PLACE, CINCINNATI, OH 45237 4. Tax Billing Address· 1938 OAK KNOLL DRIVE, CINCINNATI, OH 45224

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

_(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or politjcal subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded, _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholdefs shares in the dissolved corporation, _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _0) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; _0) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trijstee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars, _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; .K.(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust ifthefeewas paid onthe transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.91 of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or su,viving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NOZ YES.[l (DTE Fomi 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or cument tax year. NOZL YES-[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is Red): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NOR YES-CL If yes, is the properly a multi-unit dwelling? NO.CL YES-C 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NOK YES [3 If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (induding weekends and holidaM the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. ent has be a true, statement. STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) [)TE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 04/0802021 Co. No. 2638&2


Instrument Dist. No. Tax Ust 41*®10 640,4'no 2021 220,80 Wt 28OW

510 DTE Code Nu*ENDAL[ PRINCETON CSD 0 Split/New Plat Remarks: 2021 Property Located EORD[c orv\NDON L JUDITH W Taung District Name on Tax Duplicate SOC 0008 0008 00 Tax Duplicate Year Acct. or Pe'P}#148/191 6.30 X 200 Map Book Page DeSCriptionIRR PT LOT 51 CRAWFORD & CLARK SUB --03>5 The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or printallinformation. See instrucuons on reverse.

1. Grantofs Name: Brandon Cordes and Judith W. Cordes Phone:

2. Grantee's Name: Brandon M. Cordes 11 and Judith w. Cordes, Trustees of the Cordes Family Trust Phone: Grantee's Address: 60 E. Fountain Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45246

3. Address of Property: 60 E. Fountain Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45246 4, Tax Billing Address: 60 E. Fountain Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45246

5. No Conveyance fees shal be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

_(a) To or from the United States, this stah, or any instlumentality, agency, or political subdivision of he United States or this state, (b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation, (must include affidavitoffacts) _(c) To confmt or correct a deed previously executed and recorded: _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child orthe spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuantto such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporathn, to the extentthatthe corporation conveys the proper to a stockholder as a distibution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholdets shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporajon for no consideraions, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral tigh, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever, _@ When the value of the real propety or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transfetred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence, _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer In real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; (m) To orfrom a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real est* and the transacon is not a gift (must include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heiror devisee, between spouses orto a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a survMng tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; (o) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interestconveyed does not exceed one thousand doaars; _(q) Of propedy sold to a sunaving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code, _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under sedon 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is fultherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _Is) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real proper; 3(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of Uie trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries ofatrustifthefee waspaidon thetransfer fromthe grantor 01 the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to secion 307.696 1307.69.9] of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. (y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724to a third pafty

6. Thegrantor has indicated that this properly is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NO*. YES,Q (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated thatthis property qualifies for current ricultural use valuation for the preceding or curtent tax year. NO YES.[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reducuon (NOTICE: failure to complete this applicauon prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction unti another proper and mely application is filed):Wil this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next yeae? NOOYESil If yes, is the property a mulli-unit dwelling? NGEL YES.0 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residentid purposes? NO,2 YES [1 If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their ta bill.

I declare underpenalties of perjury thatthis statement has been exatmined hy me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement.

Heather L. Engel '-*16*WP-Le00 9-9 --4

Printed Name of Grantee or Representa#ve Signature of Grantee or 1*resentAIve Date DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by OR.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX)


Type Instrument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31

ber WD 2021 2170 04/08/202*

Property Located in Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicat·BEND-MIAMI-3 RIVERS Tax Duplicate Year

Acct. or Permanent Parcel UtRESI THOMAS & PAMELA Map Book Page 2021 2@404 rcels Description: 573-0009-0032-00 0 Platted 0 Unplatted

MUIRFIELD DR LOT 65 .4341 AC DT Code No. ASTON OAKS SUB PHASEIVBLKAPTII AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value O CA.U.V. O Building Removed O New Improvements O Other *. Code

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse. No. of Acres

1. Grantor: Thomas Ciresi and Pamela Ciresi Phone:

2. Grantee: Frank B. Rosenacker and Elizabeth A. Rosenacker Phone:

Grantee's Address: 55 Muirfield Drive, North Bend, Ohio 45052 Land Value 1 3. Address of Property: 55 Muirfield Drive, North Bend, Ohio 45052 4, Tax Billing Address: 55 Muirfield Drive, North Bend, Ohio 45052

5. Are there buildings on the land?]No { X_Yes (requires information below) Bldg. Value 27990 x 1,2or3 family Manufactured Home Condominium -3 Apartment - Number of Units Farm Building -- Other - Total Value If land is vacant, what is the intended use? 119610 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): Grantor is a relative , Part Interest Transferred /3 Grantor is a Mortgagee 3 Land Contract Gm 1 :. Trade . ' Life Estate 3 Leasehold DTE Use Only

Mineral Rights Reserved - 1 Leased Fee U Other: 147600 i 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ DTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) $ 465.000 -r (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) 1 465.000 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property -$ DTE Use Only (f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (70-/E) $ 465.000 d, -5 (g) Name of mortgagee Consideration (h) Type of mortgage]- Conventional r FHA ft VA 1-1Other (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. 13 Yes 1*11 No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) DTE Use Only Valid Sale 9.The grantor has indicated that this properly qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 14000 2. NO r Yes fit' No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? BE Yes r No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? f« Yes }Y No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes?El Yes 1* No If yes, new owner must

complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date 20210408086 of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.

I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement.

Sue E. Gilkey Sl.6 6 - ,64 03/11/2021 Date 1,395.50 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantee or Represtative Receipt Number Grantor

RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 04/08/2021 DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX)


Type Instrument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date WD 2021 31 1100 04/08/2021


Property Located in CARPENTER BRIAN J 1 STACEY T*91District 263886 Name on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year bUU-UU11-1 Z4/-UU Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page No. of Parceis FIROTAV 57*170.05 LOT Description: O Platted O Unplatted 1248 PT 1247-1249 HIGHPOINT SUB PAR 1247-1248-1249

DTE Code No.

AUDITORS COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value 510 Nelglt Code 0 C.A.U.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or pilnt all information. See instiuctio'ns on reverse. No. of Acres 1. Grantor: Brian J. Carpenter and Stacey Carpenter Phone:

2, Grantee: Brianna Carpenter Phone: Grantee's Address: 12147 First Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45249 Land Value 1

3. Address of Property: 12147 First Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45249

4. Tax Billing Address: 12147 First Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45249

5. Are there buildings on the land?C]No Yes (requires information below) Bldg.Va¥050 1,2or3 family £ Manufactured Home 0 Condominium [Z] Apartment - Number of Units 0 Farm Building C] Other - Total Value If land is vacant, what is the intended use? 16580 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): Il Grantor is a relative 0 Part Interest Transferred j Grantor is a Mortgagee (1 Land Contract E Gift 0 Trade 0 Life Estate C] Leasehold DTE Use Only

El Mineral Rights Reserved Leased Fee ® Other: Fee Simple 24530 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount Of any) $ 71,225 (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ 0 DTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) $ 18.775 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 90.000 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property . $ 0 OTE Use Only (f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (70-7131__----- $ 90.000 (g) Name of mortgagee Union Savings Sink ConsideraRion Ch) Typeof mortgageConventional Eli:HA ¤VA Other__-___. .--__ (i) If gilt, in whole or part, estimated market value 01 real property..._- - -- $ 0 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead OTE Use Only exemption for the preceding or current tax year.0 Yes E No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) Vid Sale 9.The grantor has indicated that this properly qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year, 1. YES 2. NO 0 Yes No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 90000 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this propedy be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? 9 Yes - No If yes. is the properly a multi-unit dwelling? 0 Yes El No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes?¤ Yes [&1 No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date

of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 20210408087

I declare under penalties of pe4ury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete sptement. 8¥ lann a 011?eft'

DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 04/08/2021 Co. No. 36@087


trument No. LE T208'St 1021 Tax List 136,830 17'1630 4018,160


DTE Code NumbeLENDALE-PRINCETON CSD O Split/New Plat Remarks:

Property Located in KAIrr7 PAUL R Il 201-axing District

Name on Tax Duplicate *QA-nnig-nni#.nn Tax Duplicate Year

Acct. or Perrnpn,1*RATMbl*1 47 IRR Map Book Page Description: LOT 12 THE OAKS SUB

Form Help

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or pnnt all information. See insbuctions on reverse.

1. Grantof s Name: Paul R. Kautz, 11 Phone:

2. Grantee's Name: Paul R. Kautz, 11, Trustee Phone Grantee's Address' 820 Kingfisher Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 45246 3 Address of Propeny: 780 Kingfisher Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 45246 4. Tax Billing Address: 820 Kingfisher Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 45246

5 No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on Items checked below)

(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; (b) Solely in order to provide or release security fora debt or obligadon; (must Include affidavit of facts) (c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; __(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either, (e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; \5 _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; (g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporahon conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribudon in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholdefs shares in the dissolved corporation; (h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporatjon for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forevec _0 When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars: (k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; (1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; (m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible considerauon readily converuble into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must Include affidavit of facts) (n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or b a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acing on behalf of minor children of the deceased: (p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one tiousand dollars; (q) Ot property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; (r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under secuon 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization: (s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property: _L(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; (u) To the grantor of a bust by a tustee of the trust, when the transfer Is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantofs power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets, (v) To the beneficiaries of a tust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; (w) To a corporation for incorporaon into a sports facility constucted pursuant to section 307.696 [307.699]of the Revised Code (x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. (y) From a county land relitilization corporation organized under RC section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this property is enued to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NO__ YES.[Il ®TE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies forcurrent agricultural use valualon for the preceding or current tax year. No_EL YES_ (DTE 102 required) 8 Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction untl another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next yeaf? NO_|* YES_ If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NO_ YES_ 9 Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? No.[El YES If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of pelury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief Is a true, correct and complete statement.

R. Myers, Agent R. Myers, agent 04/07/2021 Printed Name of Grantee or Representave Signallire of Grantee or Representa6ve Date DTE FORM 101 Revised 7/93


To be Attached to Conveyance Fee Forms, DTE 100 & 100(EX)

Grantor's Name Paul R. Kautz, 11

Grantor's Address 780 Kingfisher Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45246

Grantee's Name Paul R. Kautz, 11, Trustee

Taxing District 176 - GLENDALE-PRINCETON CSD Parcel or Account No, 596-0013-0016-00

The grantor of the property referred to above states that the property has or will receive the senior citizen, disabled persons, or surviving spouse homestead exemption under Ohio Revised Code section 323.152(A) for the preceding or current tax year. The estimated amount of such reduction that will be reflected in the grantee's taxes is:

Preceding Tax Year $ Current Tax Year $

The grantor and the grantee have considered and accounted for the total estimated amount of such reductions to the satisfaction of both the grantee and the grantor.

, »-lm U_j,/04121 ril Signa0 f GrAntor or {*presentative

Sworn to or affirmed in my presence,

this 8th day of April 20 21

//04*.uy-t _ 69..:.:11/,:...<,P (-) . Notary Public,7 f:4*I.:==i '<* \ AMY'·c" E. BROWN -'-"-1*1 Notary h.fic, State o: Ohio Endorsement by County Auditor: i i. / My Commission Expires 16: Upon presentation of this instrument, the County Auditor shall endorse it, re e or 11@ctiANIe!&@]Mve, and provide a copy of the indorsed instrument to the grantor or his representative, efiddhhEd€livery to the County Auditor.

County Auditor:


Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co. No. Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 04/08/2021 31 263888

Instrument Taxing Dist. No. Tax List Land Building Total

QE 1020 2021 40,120 110,920 151,040

DTE Code Number510 0 Split/New Plat Remarks: Property Located i'tOLEPAIN-NORTHWEST I Rn Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicallol„, 1 =M IARRI p A SARA Tax Duplicate Year 2021 Acct. or Permanent Parcel N*1 n.nl al .nofx.(in Map Book Page

Description: SAGFRRI IRH I N 25 83 X 260.57 IRR LOT 79-A DORNBUSCH 1ST SUB BLK D SEC n The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantofs Name: 54-rA Mal ILA Phone 5/3-qO9-627/ 2. Grantee's Name: (SCUDA #la#:ILK MaIi,1 Phone: 513- 464 -4 SBET Grantee's Address: 3798 5c. bneh /ab, C,-A,inrv|1 <*02 15-2.6-1 3. Address of Property: 3748 Jo,8*10'ttgk 10,£ trr,-,-n,1,#, 61,;a 1526-/ 4.Tax Billing Address:37 98 Sce lor,51 14*B<- c/Aorn/**i (JAID VT,15-1 5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

_(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; (f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; i _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; _0) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new tg residence, -5 _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real properly, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; _(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantors power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trustifthe feewas paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to athird party

6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NOR YES.[1(DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NO* YES.[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NOX YES-12 If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NOIl YES-EL 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NOR YES C If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (Including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by m e11 thet of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. CIA>o n Aa 101( 14 6, I I tn 4 -6 -*o) C Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signal of Grantee 0 Re&esentative Dge STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 04108/2021 Co. No. N263889


ment To**}No. 2071x List 8780 8901,310 389,140


DTE Code NumbeGLENDALE-PRINCETON CSD O Split/New Plat Remarks: Property Located in KAUTZ PAUL RICHARD 11 2mng District

Name on Tax Duplicate 596-0012-0054-00 Tax Duplicate Year Acct or Permal,eN(Eal$01[Ne.PR ian x Map Book Page Description: 294.30 IRR LOT 11 OAK MILL SUB Form Help

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or plint all information. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantof s Name: Paul Richard Kautz, 11 Phone:

2. Grantee's Name: Paul R. Kautz, 11, Trustee Phone Grantee's Address: 820 Kingfisher Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 45246

3. Address of Propetty 820 Kingfisher Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 45246 4 Tax Billing Address: 820 Kingfisher Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 45246

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on Items checked below)

(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; (b) Solely in order to provide or release security fora debt or obligation; (must Include affidavit of facts) (c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any foml, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associauons or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a dstribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholdefs shares in the dissolved corporaaon; (h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellaon or surrender of the subsidiarys stock; (i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever, 0) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; (k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence, (1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real proper'ty, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; (m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift, (must include affidavit of facts) (n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; (0) To a trustee acdng on behalf of minor children of the deceased: (p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; (q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 210616 of the Revised Code; (r) To or from an organization exernpt from federal income taxation under secdon 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization: (s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; 1_(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of tie trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; -(v) To the beneiciaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; (w) To a corporation for incorporadon into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. (x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. (y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under RC section 1724 to a third party

6 The grantor has indicated #lat this property is entied to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NO_Bl YES_ (DTE Form 101 required) 7 The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NOJE[ YES_ (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receivinRthis reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NO_ YES_1* If yes, is the property a mu10-unit dwelling? NO.2 YES_ 9 Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO-!31 YES If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of pe4ury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of try knowledge and belief Is a true, correct and complete statement.

R. Myers, Agent R. Myers, Agent 04/07/2021

Printed Name of Grantee or Representave Signattlre of Grantee or Representalve Date .Tvt

DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor 11 exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX) Dusty Rhodes 11/12


Type Instrument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Dme 31

1060 WD 2021 U4/uu/z021umber

Properly Located in Taxing District GR[[bl TWr-CINTI CCD

Name on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year 263890 JOI 114301,1 DER[IC R 2021 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page No. ot Pscels Descriptipn: 55U-UUDS-UU53-00 O Platted O Unplatted TIMBERVIEW DR 66 X 310.73 IRR LOT 7 NORTH HILLACS 1


®DITORS COMMENTS I] Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value 4,14. Code *)A.U.V. O Building Removed O New Improvements O0lher

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions In This Section Type or plint all infomiation. See instructions on reverse. No. of Acres Derek R. Johnson 1. Grantor: Phone:

2. Grantee: Anthony M. Lambrinides Phone: Grantee's Address: * 99 -FL?lj,4/ 1/1'24 br (,e i ct 1<-24#el, O 14 1-fla It Lind Value 3. Address of Property: 309 Timberview Drive, Cincinnati. OH 45211 4. Tax Billing Address: 609 9 F, mt>* r,'e- W Dr YE, U. (\c . na14 - . 0 11. li Kah

5. Are there buildings on the land?E]No [E]Yes (requires information below) 1 81alue 13rl 1,2 or 3 family Manufactured Home Fl Condominium F-1 Apartment - Number of Units F-1 Farm Building 0 Other- If land is vacant, what is the intended use? 24**dalue 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): ¤ Grantor is a relative 0 Part Interest Transferred 0 Grantor is a Mortgagee El Land Contract 0 Gift ¤ Trade 0 Life Estate Il Leasehold DTE Use Only 36080 £ Mineral Rights Reserved E Leased Fee Other: Fee Simple 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ 157.410 (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ 0 DTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) $ 17.490 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 174,900 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property.__ _ $ 0 OTE Use Only (0 Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (70-7EL___ -_-____ « 174.900 (g) Name of mortgagee Nations Rollablo Londing. LLC (h) Type of mortgageConventional ¤FHA OVA I]Other Consideration (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real properIL-_-----__ $ 0 8. The grantor has indicated thal this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year.0 Yes E No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) DTE Use Only 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 2. NO El Yes E No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction ur*another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's priggipie residence by January 1 of next year? }Rfes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? 13 Yes [3110

11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? GLE# Il No If yes, new owner must 20210408090 complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty ori their tax bill.

I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement.

Ant-4y C-4 mbt',4 : Jei 4- 5-20&1 525.20 7-'PV Printed Name of Grantee or Represent*antor Signature of Grantee or Representative Date Receipt Number

RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R,C., in the total amol04Al*2021 has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Fomi 100 (EX) Dusty Rhodes 11/12

FOR COUNTY AUDITOR'S USE ONLY bo Type Instrument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date M 31 \D

N Number WD 2021 3040 04/08/2021 Property Located in Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicat¢CINTI CORP-CINTI CSD Tax Duplicate Year 263 9/

Acct. or Permanent Parcel NIECKING MARVEL Map Book Page 2021 2185*feis Description: O Platted O Unplatted 053-0006-0005-00

1890 MADISON RD 125.15 X 189.19 1RR DTE*ode No.

AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value Neigh. Code O CA.U.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other 510

Grantee or Re**Ile#*Ill Must Complete All Questions In This Section

Type orpfin™lintormation. Seein*uc60. on mverse. No. of Acres

1. Grantor: Marvel Hecking Phone:

2. Grantee: Shayne Byer Phone: Q- Grantee's Address: 6384 Grand Vista Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45213 Land Value 3. Address of Property: 1890 Madison Road, Cincinnati, OH 45206 4. Tax Billing Address: 1890 Madison Road, Cincinnati, OH 45206 5. Are there buildings on the land?[ ]No IX]Yes (requires information below) Bldg. Value

x '1,2 or 3 family E-] Manufactured Home 73310 Condominium 1-1 Apartment - Number of Units

' Farm Building L--1 Other - Total Value If land is vacant, what is the intended use?

6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 311690 r Grantor is a relative [-1 Part Interest Transferred 1-3 Grantor is a Mortgagee [3 Land Contract Gift ']} Trade [3 Life Estate C] Leasehold DTE Use Only j Mineral Rights Reserved LJ Leased Fee [X] Other: Fee Simple 385000 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ 920.000 (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ 0 DTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) $ 230,000 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 1.150.000 DTE Use Only (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property $ (f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7[17E) $ 1.150.000 (g) Name of mortgagee Kemba Credit Union, Inc. Consideration (h) Type of mortgageEConventional OFHA IlvA Ilother (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real properly $ 0 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead DTE Use Only exemption for the preceding or current tax year.0 Yes E No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) Valid Sale 1. YES 2. NO 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 1150000 E Yes IE] No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this properly be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? IRi Yes El No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? 0 Yes No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential 8!gposes20-yes m No If yes, new owner must

complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Aud}**it-hin 60 days (*Kweekends and holidays) of the date 20210408091 of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. /\ I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has b*amined by me ant,4 best| my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. 04/02/2021 Shayne Byer /A,1- 1---- Y Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Recept Number Sture'OfWe or Rep79 Date 3,450.50 Grantor / *ECEIPT FOR PkiMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by - and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 04/08/2021 DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised, Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co. No. Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 04/08/2021 31 263892

Instrument Taxing Dist. No. Tax List Land Building Total

QE 3120 2021 17,550 101,490 119,040

DTE Code Number 550 0 SpliUNew Plat Remarks: Property Located in I n\/FI ANn.1 n\/Fl ANn CRn Taxing District

Name on Tax DuplicateRUCHAN I AURFNCF MARYANN Tax Duplicate Year 2021 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No.621-0015-0090-00 Map Book Page

Description: UNIT 47 - .94 % HIDDEN CREEK CONDO AMENDMENT#10

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative

1. Grantofs Name 2. Grantee's Name::Lo1-aliren u?rtt 1/n ftdjt'2

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

_(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a dgbt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts)

t To confimiTo evidence or correct a gift, a deedin any previously form, between executed husband and and recorded; wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; (e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; 0- (f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; (g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholdefs shares in the dissolved corporation; (h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's i- stock; (i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; (j) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; 02 (k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the fonner residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; 9- (1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; (m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is m not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) -9 (n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; *5 (o) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased, (p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; (q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; (r; To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; (s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; (t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; (u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantofs power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; (v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; (w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. (x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. (Y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this propert* is enMed to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year, NOE YES.[1 (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NO.[1 YESIL (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NO-L YES.L. If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NO-El YES-[L 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NOF YES F If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 1 *clare under penalties of pe4ury that this statement has beef¥amine by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. _IN 1(fte l_t *1- All (0{-£ IA h/uk -4-7-202/ p..'arl 1-,n•wa A# . -r,#r h Ar Ocric:Far,*al;i° Sionature of Grantee or Reores@ative Date STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

DTE FORM 100 (E)9 Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 04/08/2021 Co. No. 463893


ment Ts*14* No. 2021 ax List 210500 55360 945,960


DTE Code NumbevIONTGOMERY-SYCAMORE CSD O SplitiNew Plat Remarks:

Property Located in RAMPRASAD RA.IESHWARI TR & KRISHNA 2Qking District

Name on Tax Duplicate 603-0015-ARRA-An Tax Duplicate Year Acct or PermaAp{*FIRmRtNQ111 1 ANF Map Book Page Description: .5772 AC LOT 17 MAI I 1-OKU MILL SUB Form Help

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantots Name: Rajeshward G. Ramprasad, Trustee & Krishnamurthi Ramprasad, Trustee Phone:

2 Grantee's Name Rajeshwari G. Ramprasad Phone

Grantee's Address: 7760 Hartford Hill Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 45242

3. Address of Property: 7760 Hartford Hill Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 45242 4 Tax Billing Address: 7760 Hartford Hill Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 45242

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on Items checked below)

(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; (b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must Include affidavit of facts) (c) To coninn or comect a deed previously executed and recorded; B _!_(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; (e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessmenS, (f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; m _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associaBons or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to tie extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholdefs shares in the dissolved corporation; (h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a tem of years renewable forever, U) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; (k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for tle new residence: (1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; (m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible considerauon readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift: (must Include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or b a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee adng on behalf of minor children of the deceased; (p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; (q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 210616 of the Revised Code; (r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under sedon 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideraBon and is furtherance of the chariteble or public purpose of such organization: (s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; (t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; (u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets: (v) To the beneficiaries of a tust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; (w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307696 [3076991 of the Revised Code (x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.la (y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. sec1ion 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entied to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NolE YES_ ®TE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current taxyear. NO_131 YES_ (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receivit this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next yeaf? NO_ YES* If yes, is the property a muld-unit dwelling? NoJE YES_ 9 Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO-[E YES If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to tie County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perlury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief Is a true, correct and complete statement

R. Myers, Agent R. Myers, A gen t 04/07/2021 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signalure of Grantee or Representah Date STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co. No. Number r FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31 00 04/08/2021 263894 n Instrument Tax List Land Total \5 Taxing Dist. No. Building

QE 3040 2021 99,000 516,000 615,000

DTE Code Number510 O Split/New Plat Remarks:

Property Located inCINTI CORP CINTI CSD Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicat*,AUSFELD RYAN & TAY' OR Tax Duplicate Year 2021 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No081-Annk.r,1 44-on Map Book Page Description: \A/S RFPI IRI IC RT n n279 AC PT I OTS 8 8, 9 OF THOMAS B WRIGHT SUB &PT LOT 41 OF GENERAL PLAN OF THE CITY

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative crype or print all information. See instructions on reverse. 5-9 (-6/3£ 1. Grantofs Name: :2<. 4 ,-Av

2. Grantee's Name: /-1 uv

6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NO.2-YES.[1 (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current taxyear. NO.[1 YES.[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and tjmely application is fled): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NO-12 YES-C If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NO-[1 YES-[1 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO-Cl YES O If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of pepq th* this statement has been exapined» me and to thbest of my 1wledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. ENAU Plitust€ |Li C--4 ('.--P/*/1 6) APE 202_ 1 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Grantetr Representative Date DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX)


Type Instrument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31

WD 2021 3050 04/08/202*mbe,

Property Located in Taidng District UttK-YAKA-UttK MAK,\ 6*U Name on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year ALI rKUPCK I lt=C) LLU 2021 208pp,2,s Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page Description: 609-0003-0060-00 o Platted O Unplatted SCHENCK AV 39.50 X 139.54 LOT 34 MISSINNES 1 SUB OTE Code No.

AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value *@. Code or!*·fbv. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other

Grantee orRepresentative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Typeor printall information. See instudonson reverse. No of Acres antor. ACI Properties. LLC Phone:

2 Grantee: Jordan Properties and Investments, LLC Phone: - Grantee's Address: 7658 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45236 lTd Value 3. Address of Property: 4113 Schenck Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45236 4. Tax Billing Address: 7658 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati. Ohio 45236

5. Are there buildings on the land?E]No [X]Yes (requires infom,ation below) Bldg. Value 7690 1,2 or 3 family 1-1 Manufactured Home 1 Condominium F-1 Apartment- Number of Units

F-1 Farm Building 0 Other - Total Value If land is vacant, what is the intended use? 30330 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 0 Grantor is a relative Part Interest Transferred Grantor is a Mortgagee 0 Land Contract 0 Gift 0 Trade Life Estate Leasehold DTE Use Only 0 Mineral Rights Reserved Leased Fee Other: arms-length transaction 38020 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) ---...... $ 133.400 (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ 0 DTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) -- $ 0 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 133.400 (e) Pofon, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property.___- $ 0 GTE Use Ovy (f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (70-7E) -__ - $ 133.400 (g) Name of mortgagee CenterBink Consideration (h) Type of mortgageBConventional []FHA UVA []Other (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead DTE Use Only exemption for the preceding or current tax year.0 Yes E No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) Valid Sale 9.The grantor has indicated that mis property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. N99400 1,0 0 Yes E No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year'? 0 Yes E No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? 0 Yes 0 No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? Yes No If yes, new owner must

complete and submit a Rental Registration Fomn to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date 20210408096 of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.

I declare under penalties of perjury that this statemen s been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement.

Brian Wais 04/07/2021

400.70 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Lgignature of Grantee or Repres&,lative Date Receipt Number Grantor RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by sedon 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amountof $

has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 04/08/2021 DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) TE FORMRevised 100by County (EX) Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co. No. Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 04/08/2021 31 263897

Instrument Ta]dng Dist. No. Tax List Land Building Total

WE 3040 2021 16,530 46,420 62,950

DTE Code Number 520 O Split/New Plat Remarks: Property Located in CINTI CORP-ZINTI CRn Taxing District

Name on Tax Duplicate,K no,llc Tax Duplicate Year 2021 Acct. or Permanent Parcel N0089-0004-00(12-00 Map Book Page


The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantofs Name: Nasser Kassem (successor to NK 002 LLC) Phone:

23 E. MdMillian LLC 2. Grantee's Name: Phone:

Grantee's Address: 2718 Short Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45219

3. Address of Property: 23 E. McMillian Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio

4. Tax Billing Address: 2718 Short Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45219

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real propetty being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

_(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) -(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any fomi, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not le result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associatjons or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved corporation; 0 _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _0) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for aterm of years renewable forever; _0) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; i _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the fonner residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(I) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; -%(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _Co) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; 90 -(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; t9 _(q) Of properly sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; 43 _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under secon 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; -(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became in'evocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NOZ YES-[1 (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NOK YES-[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this properly be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NOR YES-C If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NO.[1 YES-EL 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO-[1 YES 0 If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (induding weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to a*


Nasser Kassem, being first duly cautioned and sworn, states as follows:

1. I am the current owner of the real property described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Property").

2. I am now transferring the Property to 23 E MeMillian LLC, an Ohio limited liability company ("New Owner").

3. I am the sole Member of New Owner.

4. I am now transferring the Property to New Owner for no monetary consideration.

5. No consideration readily convertible into money lS being given in connection with the transfer of the Property and the transaction is not a gift.

Further Affiant Sayeth Naught.

Nasser Kassenn

7 Sworn to or affirmed and subscribed before me by Nasser Kassem, this date of April ,2021. V 1 (/k\L ht- /«-0 Not[ry Public

NINA M. MARX Notary PubHc, State of Ohio My Commission Expires May 27,2024 7, EOF or

{00568959-2} EXHIBIT A

Situated in the City of Cincinnati, County of Hamilton, and State of Ohio:Being John P. Wright's Subdivision of property of Mt. Auburn, made June 3, 1853 and recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 185 of the Records of said County and commencing at a point in the South line of MeMillan Street, 180 feet West from the Southwest corner of said MeMillan Street and McCauley Street formerly Sycamore Street, said point being the Northwest corner of a lot conveyed by Carlos A.E. Ryder and Lucy F. Ryder, his wife to Julie G. Giles by deed dated April 30,1897 and recorded in Deed Book 812, Page 475, Hamilton County Records; thence Southwardly along the West line of said lot conveyed by Carlos A.E. Ryder and Lucy F. Ryder, his wife, to Julia G. Giles, parallel with McCauley Street, 150 feet more or less to the South line of Block E in said subdivision; Thence westwardly along the South line of Block "E" 40 feet to a point; thence Northwardly parallel with the West line of said lot conveyed by Carlos A.E. Ryder and Lucy F. Ryder, his wife to Julie G. Giles, 150 feet more or less, to the South line of McMillan Street; thence eastwardly along the South line of McMillan Street, 40 feet to the place of beginning.

Parcel No: 089-0004-0002

{00568959-2} DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 00/20 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION.

Type Tax list County Tax. dist. Date instrument year 31number number PD 2021 3040 04/08/2021 Number Property located in taxing district · 1ITI CORP-CINTI CSD Name on tax duplr Tax duplicate year WILLIAMS BEATRICE L 263898 Acct. or permanent parce, no Map book Mde No. of Parcels 034-0002-0052-00 Descrip ' n 0 Platted 0 Unplatted 5422 WARD AVE 40 X 106.66 1 LOT26 NORTHSIDE PLACE 0 Partial value /· A d' r's comments: 0 Split 0 New plat u Newimprovements DTE Code No. O C.A.U.V O Building removed 0 Other

antee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section. See instructions on reverse. 610

Grantofs name The Estate of Beatrice L. Williams, Deceased Phone Neigh. Code 2. Grantee's name Larkins Ventures, LLC, an Ohio Limited Liability Company Phone Grantee's address 185 St Annes North Bend, OH 45052 3. Address of property 5422 Ward Street, Cincinnati, OH 45227 No. of Acres 4, Tax billing address 185 St. Annes, North Bend, OH 45052 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: 1 Condominium Apartment: No. of units 9 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other vacant, what is intended use?

6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) Grantor is relative Part interest transfer I Land contract 5900 Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gm Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee / Other ARMS LENGTH TRANSACTION

7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) $ 0.00 20250 0.00 b) Balance assumed Of any) $ Total Value 133,000.00 c) Cash (if any) .$

d) Total consideration (add lines 7a, 71) and 7r) $ 133.000.00 2A150

e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... $ 0.00 DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) ...... $ 133,000.00

g) Name of mortgagee

h) Type of mortgage Conv. F.H.A. V.A. / Other CASH DTE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property...... $ 8, Has the grantor indicated thatthis property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application forowner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to completethis application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's

principal residence by Jan. 1 of next yeaf? _ Yes / No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes / No 133000 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? El Yes [B No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale 1. Yes 2. No

Ideflare under penalties of 'ury that th statement ha*iT:*ed tp me 79° thy«of my knowledge and belif is true, comect 20210408098 1=*JA j= 0-FP vuD Wl-1/ LLP i - 94% Receipt Number Printed Name of Grantee cM¥presentative I Silatur, of Grant•e or Representst* i Date Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Codesection (R.C.) 319.54(G)(3) and, if applicable, the fee required by R.C. 322, in thetotal amountof $ 399.00

has been paid by Crantor and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.

Date DUSTY RHODES County Auditor 04/OR/7021 STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPE04/00,[262YANCE FEE 263899 Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (31 DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor

Nurrb Qsly Rhodes 11/12 3170 2021 24,810 0- 93,6go No 918,500 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31

Al,9-* Tang 0151 No. Tex Ual Land Building rotu NORWOOD-N DRWOOD CSD

Col F Al I ITON R 2021

DTE Code Number_ 651-0019-0007-00 0 Split/New Plal Remarks: Prop*IW)01*14 ST 50 X 150 Taxing District Nam,1-6)i*RI)%kht@PKINS SUB Tax Duplicate Year Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page Description:

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or Hls/Her Representative Type or prinl al Inkmallon. See inibuctions on reverN. 1 Grantofs Name:ALLISON R. COLE AND BRIAN E. MEADE Phone' (513)659-0748 2 Grantee's Name: ALLISON R. MEADE AND BILLY COLE Phone: (513)659-0748 Grantee'sAddmas 4816 BEECH ST., CINCINNATI OH 45212

3. Address of Property: 4816 BEECH ST., CINCINNATI OH 45212 4 Tax BIlling Addrnss: 4816 BEECH ST., CINCINNATI OH 45212

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (wo may mquest and require an amdavlt on Items chicked below) _(a) To or from the United States, this ,#te, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely In order to provide or release ;ecurity for a debtor obligation; (must Includi ,mdivlt of fects) _(c) To conirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; 1(d) To evidence a gift, In any form, between husband and wife, orparent and child or the SpoUse of either, _(e) On Bale for dellnquenttaxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuantto courtorder, totheextent that suchtransferis not the result of asale effected or completed pursuant to such order _(g) Pursuantto a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated assodations or pursuan( to tie dissolution of a corporation, to the extentthatthe corporaon conveys the proparty to a stockholder as a distribodon in kind of Ihe corp6r1tion's assets in exchange for the stockholdets shams in the dissolved corporation; -Jh) By a subddiary corporallon to Its parent corporation for no oonslderaUons, nominal consideration, or In sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsldiaqs Block; _(i) Bylease, Whetheror notlt extends to mlneml or mlneral Aghts, unless the lease Is lora term of years renewable forever; _0) When the value of the real property orinterestinreal p,operly conveyed doas not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential properbeing transferred to the bullder of a new realdence when the rmer residence Is traded as part of the considerauon for the rew residence; _(1) To a grantee otter Ihan 8 dealer In mal property, solely for the purpose oi and as a step in, its prompt sale lo othen: _(m) To or from 8 person when no money or omer valuable and tangible consideration readily conveelible Into money Is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift (must include afidavil of facts) _(n) To an helr or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to 8 suwlving (enarl, or on the death of a registered owner; _(01 To a trustee acing on behall of minor children 01 the decessed: _(p) 01 an easement or light-of.way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars' _(q) 01 property Eold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code: _(r) To or from en organizadon enmpt from federal Income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideraton and is furmerance of the chantable or public purpose of such organizauon; _(s) Amor Ute helrs at law or devisses, induding a surviving spouse of a Dommon decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; _(t) Toa trustee ofa trust, when the grantor of'Jle *st has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust, _(u) , To the grantor of a tnist by a Inistae of the lrust, when the transfer Is made to the grantor pursuant to the exerdse of the grantors power to revoke the trust or to dhdraw 9ust assets, _(v) To the beneficlalles of a tiust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or purguant to trust provisions that became Irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporauon forincorporation into a sportsfacirly Gonsku¢led pursuanttosection 307.896 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. _04 Between pemons puriuant to R.C. sdon 5302.18. _ly) From a county land reuullzadon corporadon organized under R.C. section 1724 to a #Irl party

6. The grantor has indicated that this property is en@led to receive the senior citizen, disabled poion. or su,viving spouse homesteacl exemption for the preceding or curTent tax War. NOR YES.CL (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated Al hs property qualmes for curien, agricultural uBe valuation for the preceding or current tmt year. NO.EL YESI1 (DTE 102 mquked) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: Idure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is lied): Will ells property be grantl's pdnciple residence by January 1 of next year? NOi YES-CL If yeG, Is the property a multi·unit dwelling? NO.[1 YESIl 9.1, this property leased or othemise rint,d bo tenants solely for rosidenual purposes? NO-[El YES_EL If yes. new owner must complete and submlta Rental Registradon Form to the County Auditor within 60 lays (indudIng weekends and holidays) of the date of this tansfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declan under penalties of pillury that this statement has bein examlned by miand to th, boot of my knowledgi and bellef Is atrue, corictand complets statement. M awn 0 vAS 5=S&0- VAI*ll Pinled Nims of Gran* oflipilionta s/dum of e„aP- Date' / STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co No. Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 04/08/2021 31 263902

Instrument Taxing Dist. No Tax List land Buttding Total

QE 3040 2021 3,760 15,740 19,500

DTE Code Number 51 n 0 SpliUNew Plat Remarks: Property Located in CINTI CORP-CINTI CS[) Taxing District

Name on Tax DupliCateANDREWS R PEARL Tax Duplicate Year 2021 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. 194-0007-0077-00 Map Book Page Description: 3730 BORDEN ST 22 X 88.56 PTS LOTS 16-17-18 JOHN R


The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all informaon. See instuctions on reverse.

Ruth Pearl Andrews 1. Grantofs Name: phone: 404 - 346 - /853

2. Grantee's Name: Beverly J. Andrews Phone: L,04-346-/353

Grantee's Address: 120 Old Fairbum Close, Atlanta, GA 30331

3730 Borden Street Cincinnati, Ohio 45223 3. Address of Property: 120 Old Fairburn Close, Atlanta, GA 30331 4. Tax Billing Address:

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real properly being transferred: Me may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

_(a) To or fromthe United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) (c) To confi nn or corTed a deed previously executed and recorded; 1(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(D Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholdets shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights' unless the lease is for aterm of years renewable forever; 4 _0) When the value of the real proper or interest in real properly conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; Uk) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the fomler residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real properly, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is a not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or ight-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; _(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantofs power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NO.E YESE- (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NOf YESS (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next yeal'? NO.k YES-L If yes, is the properly a multi-unit dwelling? NOF YES-E- 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO_{L YES F If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.

I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. Btue,4, i Aud,Lus A41· DrA & A* 4 9 1 & A <282 1 Printed Name Qlg)antae or Representative Signature of Grantee Grhpesentabe Date / V A DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by OR.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX)


Type Instrument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31

QU 2021 3100 04/08/2gl

Properly Located in LINCOLN I ITS-PRINCETON Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year BROOK3 INVESTMENTS LLC 2021 263904 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page No. of Parcels 594-UUZU-U 110-00 Description: O Platted o Unplatted ADAMS RD 45 X 122


AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value NAode 0 CA.U.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse. No Of AC"s 1. Grantor: 6LOAT „ZIN'6/*14* e«- 66- c Phone 573-6/ 4=-4/4 2. Grantee: (3413 5 -ArA/A R. e.,54<1 Phone: Grantee's Address: 4,* ..5,745,£,u (i/I¥. dZ« 9,5-<3/.5- Landktalue 3. Address of Propetty. ( 0-63 Acify,tr CLA <2* 45-,>£ F 4. Tax Billing Address: f22 -5,774, 6*«p< *5* 4«»-r

5. Are there»Idihgs on the land? No /les- (requires information below) 8462Que 6/1,2 or 3 family j Manufactured Home Condominium Apartment - Number of Units Farm Building Other - 6. ConditiopofIf landsale is(Check vacant, all what that is theapply): intended use? 38 ¥ele /Grantor is a relative , Part Interest Transferred Grantor is a Mortgagee Land Contract Gift ' Trade Life Estate Leasehold DTE Use Only 5030 Mineral Rights Reserved " Leased Fee ' Other: 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ g (b) Balanced Assumed (if any} $ DTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) $ (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+70) $ 0 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property $ DTE Use Only (f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (70-7E) e l 7 32' 0 (g) Name of mortgagee (h) Type of mortgage Fconventional r FHA FOther Consideration (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property $ 8, The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to rec*e the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year.r Yes IP'No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) DTE Use Only 1 YE8* 9.The grantor hajndicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 2. NO F Yes F No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until anothecpmper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? 1- Yes 1>No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? F Yes F- No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? r Yes Iyll If yes, new owner must 20210408103 complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement ha«een examin*hy me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, /[2 \ n

clIJIZh- (I )AIi j*tkj\« 43.70 Printed Name of Grantee or Representativ 8*Sture of Grantee okepresentbtlve'' Date Srantor Receipt Number


The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R,C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R,C,, in the total amount6 8/2021 has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DUSTY RHODES County Auditor 1-)Ate STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co. No. Nurnber 04/08/2021 263905 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31

Instrument Taxing Dist. No. Tax List Land Building Total WE 3040 2021 5,800 2,350 8,150

670 DTE Code Number 0 SpliUNew Plat Remarks: CIJV I I CUKY-CIN I I CSU Property Located in Taxing District MUJLK LLC 2021 Name on Tax Duplicaze Tax Duplicate Year 172-0018-0030-00 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page CLAYPOLE AV 50 X 138.37 Description: ]R LT 85 WM I I NIFFS CUC

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantor's Name: MCJLK LLC Phone:

2. Grantee's Name: Cincinnati Christian University Phone: Grantee's Address: 2700 Glenway Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45204 3. Address of Property: 2700 Glenway Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45204 4. Tax Billing Address: 2700 Glenway Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45204

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

1(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(D Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholdefs shares in the dissolved corporation, _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a tenn of years renewable forever; _0) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real properly, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased, \n _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; 0 _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; 3 _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; _(1) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NO-[EL YES-[1 (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or cument tax year. NOIE YESC (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year'? NO-k YES.Li If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NO.[1 YES.[1 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO_[El- YES 0 If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Fom, to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.

I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement.

Cathy D. McDonald, Representative 04/02/2021

C,3*4 D.81*04 /*S?*+2 Date Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Gra;Itee or Representative STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co. No. Number

04/08/2021 263906 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31

Instrument Taidng Dist No. Tax List Land Building Total

QE 1050 2021 28,270 105,600 133,870

DTE Code Number 510 O SpliVNew Plat Remarks: DELHI TWP-OAK HILLS LSD Property Located in Taxing District 2021 Name on Tax DuplicatALOY KEITH P Tax Duplicate Year 540-0042-0225-00 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page GROSSEPOINTE LE 65 X Description: 140.02 LOT 130 Cl IANTILLY WOODS SUB BLK C SEC 4

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all infoniiation. See ins#ucions on reverse. 1. Grantor's Name: Keith Patrick Maloy Phone: 513-907-1191

2 Grantee's Name: Alicia Riley Maloy Phone: 513-335-9484

Grantee's Address: 5116 Grosse Pointe, Cincinnati, OH 45238

3. Address of Property: 5116 Grosse Pointe, Cincinnati, OH 45238 4, Tax Billing Address: 5116 Grosse Pointe, Cincinnati, OH 45238

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below) (a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must Include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; -Cd) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; (f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer Is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant b such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved corporation; -CM Bya subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellaon or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; 0) When the value of the real property or interest in real properly conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the fonner residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _{m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the imnsadon is not a gift; (must Include affidavit of facts) £(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(P) Of an easemer,t or fight-of-way when the value of the Interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; (t) To a trustee of a trust when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantors power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the benelidarles of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.91 of the Revised Code. (x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party 6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NO.K YES.[1 (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NOK YES.[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is fled): Will this properly be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NO.12-YES* If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NO.K YES-EL 9.15 this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NOK YES [- If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Idecla[9 under penalties of perjury that this statement has bee«mined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. 8 1 121 A f'1010\A /--h/% l-1 It | al Printed Name of Grantee or Reoresentative J Waluitdrantee or R66&,sAnklive .- ' -/ n.+. 5 1 STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co No. Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 04/08/2021 31 263907

Instrument Ta:dng Dist. No. Tax Ust Land Building Total

AF 1020 2021 68,360 137,610 205,970

DTE Code Number sin 0 Split/New Plat Remarks: Property Located in COLERAIN-NORTHWEST LSD Taxing District

Name on Tax Duplicate METZ ROBERT J JR & LINDA C Tax Duplicate Year 2021 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. 510-0130-0143-00 Map Book Page Descriptio : BUELL RD 2.159 AC LOT 3 CREEKWOOD SUB

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse.

1. antots Name: Robert J. Metz Jr. Phone:

Linda C. Metz 2. Grantee's Name: Phone:

Grantee's Address: 3306 Ruell Road, Cincinnati, OH 45251 3. Address of Property: same 4. Tax Billing Address: same

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an aflldavlt on Items checked below)

_(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivislon of the United States or this state; (b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must Include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the properly to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholdefs shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporaon to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or In sole consideration of the cancellation or sumender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease Is for a tem of years renewable forever; _0) When the value of the real property or interest in real properly conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential properly being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) 1(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the Interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal Income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; _(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the tnist, when the transfer Is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantofs power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets: _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee wes paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; (w} To a corporation for Incorporation Into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9]of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporafion organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NOE- YES.[l ®TE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NO.[EL YES-CL (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is fled): Will this propedy be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next yea,7 NO.Q.YESR If yes, is the propedy a multi-unit dwelling? NO®. YESIl 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO.[EL YES O If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that thl• statement has been *Timed by me and to the best of my kno;*dge and bj,lief Is a true, correct and complete statement. Sherri Murphy Kennedy )(Lie -71'{,LLLF*4 4246*-U'1 04/08/2021 Printed Name of Grantee or Representative 28ignatule of Grantee or R.prosentalive ' U Date STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 04£08/2021 Co. No. N@63908


RGment Ta,8£)40No 2021* ug 12440 84*090 -095,330


DTE Code NumbeFINTI CORP-CINTI CSD 0 Split/New Plat Remarks: Property Located in ESTATE OF LUCY GRACE 2Rng District 060-0002-0067-00 Name on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year AVE 50 X 200 LT Acct. or PermarWRAE@EOR@. Map Book Page 6 PT 22 GAI-t-Btlts!-ORD Descripton: THOMPSON SUB PRS 67 105 CONS

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Typeorprht all infonnation. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantors Name: Estate of Lucy Grace Phone:

2 Grantee's Name: Floyd Grace, Catherine Roach and Kimley Moore Phone Grantee's Address: 3252 Beresford Ave,, Cincinnati, OH 45206

3. Address of Property: 3252 Beresford Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45206 4 Tax Billing Address' 3252 Beresford Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45206

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferTed: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

_(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confinn or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _{d) Toevidencea giftinany form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or #te spouse of either; PO _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments: 0 _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; r _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved corporation; 3 _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporauon for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's 05 stock, _{i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; _(j) When the value of the real properly or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential properly being transfemed to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence, -(1) To a grantee otherthan a dealer in real properly, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its promptsale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily com,erble into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) 1(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuanl to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without considerabon and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, includjng a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real properly; _(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power lo revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the tansfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantous power to revoke tile trust or to withdraw trust assets: _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at Ote death of the grantor, _(w) To a corporation forincorporationinto a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9]of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. (y) From a county land reutlization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third patty 6. The grantor has indicated thatthis property Is entitled to receive the seniorcitizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year NO.E. YES-El ®TE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated thatthis property qualifies for current agricult,ral use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NOI YESIL ®TE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction {NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this properly be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NO-k YESJ- If yes, is the proper a multi-unit dwelling? NOE- YESIL 9, Is this property leased or othene rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NOX YES r If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined byrne and to the best of my knowledge and belief isa true, correct and complete statement. 04/08/2021 Vicki Callahan Date Printed Name of Grantee or Reocasentative Signature of Grantee or Representak STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 1 Date Co. No. Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 04/08/2021 31 263909

Instvnent Ta)dng Dist No. Tax List Land Bullcing ToW

LE 3140 2021 27,500 144,450 171,950

DTE Code Number 444 0 Split/New Plat Remarks: Property Located in MONTGOMERY-SYCAMORE CSD Taxing District Name on Tax DupliCatS:ETTNER SAUL & ELLEN Tax Duplicate Year 2021 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No.603-0018-0091-00 Map Book Page Description: SHAKERDALE DR FT IRR LOT 50 & 50-G MONTGOMERY MEADOWS EAST SUB BLK F

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or printall In%rmabon. See instntdions on reverse. 'Grantofs Name· Saul Fettner and Ellen Fettner Phone: Shelli K. Bellillti 2. Grantee's Name: Phone:

Grantee's Address: 1303 Shakerdale Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45242

3. Address of Property: 1303 Shakerdale Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45242 4, Tax Billing Address: 1303 Shakerdale Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45242

5. No Conveyance fees shan be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an amdavit on leem, checked below)

_(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United Statss or this state; -(b) Sol* in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must Include affidavit of lacts) _(c) To confirrn or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; 1(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of eithec _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuantto court order, tothe extent thatsuch transfer is notthe result of a sale effected orcompleted putsuant tosuch order: _(g) Pursuant to a reolganizdon of corporations or unlncorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a oorporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distlibution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholdets shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; (i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever _0) When the value of the real property or interest In real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the fonner residence Is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real properly, solely forthe purpose of and as a step in, ik; prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for #te real estate and tie transacion is not a gift (must include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(o) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; (p) Of an easement or right·of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a suMving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal Income taxdon under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a survMng spouse of a common decedent when no considefation in money is pau or to be paid for the real propelly; _(t) To atnistee ofatrust whenthegrantorofthe trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust, _(u) To the grantorof a tnust by a trustee of the trust, whenthe transferls madetothe grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantots power to revoke the Dust or to uthdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficlarles of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the tustae or pulsuant b trust provisions ttat became Irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for Incorporagon into a sports facility constructed pulsuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9]of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization comoration organized under R. C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indiaated that this property is entiled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or su,viving spouse homestead exemption forthe preceding or current tax year. NOf YES-El (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for cumnt agriculturd use valuation for the preceding or cuient tax year. NOE. YES.[1 ®TE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/296 Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and limely application is filed): Wil this propery be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NO.Q. YESJAL If yes, is the property a multkinit dwelling? NOS YES.Q. 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented totenants sol* for residential purposes? NOIL YES 13 If yes, new owner must complete and submlta Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (Including weekends and hoidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been exami* by meand tothe best of my knowledge and belief isatrue, correct and complete statement Shelli K. Bellillti -11 09 ·L_, u.-*21 088 j Ptintad Name of Grinbe or Representaive Signdute'oft:1--e *tee or Represet*uve ,-- 1 / L./<33 -i \* / 5 ZO-24 STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 04/0812021 Co. No. 263910 04

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31 2639/0 \0 N QBument 1304(}st No 2021 Tax List 16,73*d SED,4140 72]070


DTE Code NumbRNTI CORP-CINTI CSD 0 SpliVNew Plat Remarks: 2021 Property Located in RESNICK KATHLEEN Taxing District Name on Tax Duplicate 219-0053-0060-00 Tax Duplicate Year Acct. or Perm016151@6& AME Map Book Page 52 X 101 Description: PT LOT 1 HAND & FROOME

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative i Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse. Kathleen L. Resnick 1. Grantofs Name: Phone: Kathleen L.,Resnick, Trustee of the Kathleen L. Resnick Trust 2. Grantee's Name: Phone 745 Circle Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45232 Grantee's Address: 745 Circle Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45232 3. Address of Properly: 745 Circle Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45232 4. Tax Billing Address:

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

_(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confi mi or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved corporation; (h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a tenn of years renewable forever; _(j) When the value of the real property or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; (1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others: (m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee acung on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code, (r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property, 1(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor, _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. (x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. (y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third Party

6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NOE YES.Cl (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NOM. YESID (DTIE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NO121 YES.Ll If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NO.[1 YES.[1 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NOZ. YES [3 If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been e*ed by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. 9 1 z-l 2-0 Z-l Printed Name of Grantee or Representative / Sign,ture of Grantee or 1}*rese Date/ 11 DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor If exempt by OR.C. 319.54 (G)(3). Use DTE Form 100 (EX) Dusty Rhodes 11/12 FOR COUNTY AUDITOR'S USE ONLY

Type Instiumeol Tax Osi Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31

04/08/201 2021 3040 Property Lod'*Rn Taxing District Name on Tax DuplicaAEINTI CORP CINTI CS[' Tax Duplicate Year Acct. or Permanent Parcel .MOS ZAPATA la\/IRE A A TAYI OR .I MOR Map Book Page on,1 266/f*cels Description: 0 Platted O Unplatted 193-0003-0172-00 NS COOPER ST 0.0483 AC PT LOTS 95 & 96 OF E KNOWLTON SUB DTM Code No.

AUDITORS COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Parlial Value Neigh Code 0 04.0.V. 0 Other 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvemen(s 510

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or print all Information. See Instruclions on reverse, No. 01 Acres 1. Grantor: Javier A. Zapata Romos and Taylor J. Morris Phone:

2. Grantee: Marc Wendt and Michael Brus Phone:

Grantee's Address: 1612 Cooper Street Cincinnati, OH 45223 Lan¢ Value 1 3, Address of Property: 1612 Cooper Street Cincinnati. OH 45223 1 0 4. Tax Billing Address: 1612 Cooper Street Cincinnati, OH 45223

2.,5. Are there buildings on the land?; ;No iX:Yes (requires information below) Bldg. Value 1j 'Xj 1,2 or 3 family 1 Manufactured Home 8080 F ] Condominium 1 , Apartment - Number of Units hi F- 1 Farm Building F - i other- Total Value If land is vacant, what is the intended use? 6. Conditions of sale (Check all Ihat apply): 103880 1 Grantor is a relative 1 1 Part Interest Transferred Grantor is a Mortgagee ; ' Land Contract t-]Gm , i Trade i Ufe Estate Leasehold DTE Use Only [ .1 Mineral Rights Reserved 1 I Leased Fee :X' Other: fee simple 111960 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ 270,000 (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ OTE Use Only (c}Cash (if any) $ 67.500 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C} $ 337,500 (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property._ ...... $ DTE Use Only (f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7D-7EL _ _ $ 337.500 (g) Name of mortgagee The E*litable Mortgage Co,poralion ConsiderNion (h) Type of mortgageF:Conventional f-FHA 1-1 VA f.Other (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property.-,. .... - ...... $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead DTE Use Only exemption for the preceding or current tax year.T-t Yes W No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) Valid Sate 9.The grantor has indicated that this properly qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 1. YES 2. NO 337500 rl Yes F No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 10, Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this applicauon prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? Dri Yes r No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? r Yes iii'! No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes?r Yes N: No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date 20210408110 of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.

I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement.

Julie McGinnis Cal#LG 03/25/2021 Date Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature of Gntee or Representative 1,013.CReceipt Number

Grantor RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date 04/08/2021 DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX) FOR COUNTY AUDITOR'S USE ONLY

Type Instrument Tax Ust Year CounN Number Tax Dist Number Date 31

WD 2021 3040 04/08/201'P" Property Located in Taxing District Name on Tax Duplica@INTI CORP-CINTI CSD Tax Duplicate Year Acct, or Permanent Parel NIPWEST CONSTRUCTION RESOURCES I' Map Book Page 2021 2@*1:eis Description: 111-0005-0018-00 0 Platted 0 Unplatled


AUDITOR'S COMMENTS 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other **, Code

\ Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type or printall informaaon. See instructions on reverse. No. of Acres 1 Grantor dwest Construction Resources, Inc. Phone- 2, Grdlitee;,§4uity Trust Company Custodian FBO Ryan Hutchison IRA Phone:

Grantee's Address: PO Box 30277, Cincinnati, OH 45230 L* Valle 3, Address of Property: 800 North Fred Shuttlesworth Cirde, Cincinnati, OH 45229 4, Tax Billing Address: PO Box 30277, Cincinnati, OH 45230 5. Are there buildings on the land?ONo Yes (requires information below) NdaL Value 56fO [3 1,20r3 family j Manufactured Home 0 Condominium Apartment . Number of Units

C Fann Building 0 Other - Total Value

If land is vacant, what is the intended use? 20580 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): E Grantor is a relave 0 Part Interest Transferred U Grantor is a Mortgagee Land Contract OTE Use Orly 13 Gift 0 Trade Life Estate ¤ Leasehold 0 Mineral Rights Reserved E Leased Fee ® Other: Fee Simple 26190 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any). _ ...... ___ ...... $ (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ OTE Use Only (c) Cash Of any) 100.000 (d) Total Consideralion (7A+78+7C). 100,000 DTE Use Only (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property_.. -.-. $ (D Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (70-7E1..... - -.$ 100.000 (g) Name of mortgagee n/a ConSideration (h) Type of mortgage[Conventional [FHA VA Other (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real prope,4 -- ...... - --. $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this properly is ellitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead OTE Use Only exemption for the preceding or current tax year.[1 Yes El No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) 11Q!62. No 9.The grantor has indicated that this property quallies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. ¤ Yes Z No (If yes, complete form DTE 102) 10. Applicadon For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is led): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? 0 Yes E No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? [J Yes E No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes?0 Yes IE No If yes, new owner must 20210408111 complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of pe4ury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement. 04/07/2021 Brian Pyles - Agent 300.50 Printed Name of Grantee or Representi@Qentor Sig re nt«or Reprdve Date Receipt Number RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE

The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, If applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amo8%8/07 n71 has been oaid bv and received bv the HAMILTON Countv Auditor. 5 1 AFEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE

DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co. No. Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 04/08/2021 31 263914

Instrument Taidng Dist. No. Tax List Land Building · Total

232,140 QE 3040 2021 49,700 182,440

DTE Code Number 0 Split/New Plat Remarks: 4Ul Property Located in Taxing District CINTI CORP-CINTI COD 2021 Name on Tax Duplica FM PROr[RTICS LLC Tax Duplicate Year Acct or Permanent Parcel No 030 0005 0116 00 Map Book Page

Description: DRAK[WOOD DR 50 X 171 IRR PT LOT 145 F W DRAKE SUB

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all infonnation. See Instudons on reverse. 1} Grantor's Name: MFM Properties, LLC Phone: V. Grantee's Name: MFM Drakewood, LLC Phone: Grantee's Address: '5 2 3 63(*)8 rhOn-f- Ve C.<47 , 0\4 L-Sat-3> 3. Address of Property: 3724 Drakewood Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45209 4.Tax Billing Address:59 83 Ub OCXkrn Orrl- 4 *e I Ci /1 0 1-1 4.c al 3 5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

_(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release securib, for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) _(c) To confimi or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any fomi, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _de) On sale for delinquent laxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; -(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporauon conveys the -(h) By a subsidiaryproperty to corporation a stockholder to itsas parenta distribuion corporation in kind forof theno considerations,corporation's assets nominal in exchange consideration, for the or stockholdefs in sole consideration shares in the of thedissolved cancellation corporation; or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is fora term of years renewable forever; _(1) When the value of the real property or interest in real propeny conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars: _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence Is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must Include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a trustee adng on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-waywhen the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organizaon; -Cs) Among the heirs at law or devIsees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money Is paid or to be paid for the real property; _(t) To a tustee of a trust, when the grantor of the Dust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To thegrantor of a trust bya trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneflciaties of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor -(w) To a corporation for incorporauon into a sports fadlity constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9]of the Revised Code, _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. -W) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. sedon 1724 to a third pady

6. The grantor has Indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior dtizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NOZ. YES.Il (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year, NOM YES.Q (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction unal another proper and timely application is led): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NO [HI YES O If yes, is the propelly a multi-unit dwelling? NO11 YES-Il 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO.Q. YESlf yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transferinalty on their tax bill, I declare under penalties of perlury that this statement has brexm=5*yineandtoth«best of my lutowledgeandbellefisatrue, corr ctand complete statement, falt LARDU 41¥)2624 Printed Name of Grantee or Rlfdve C Signabibe{21ert!6e or Kepref®e - - Date DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Form 100 (EX) Dusty Rhodes 11/12


Type Instrument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31

WD 2021 3040 0400@12021

Property Located in Taxing District CINTI CORP-CINTI C30 Name on Tax Duplicate Tax Duplicate Year LAINUt=INBALM KArtl IAM 2021 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No. Map Book Page Na cipsce@63915 Description: 203-0030-0083-00 0 Platled O Unplatted

1629 TREMONT ST 32 X 150 IRR DTE Code No. 1 LOT 270 J A JAMES SUB

AUDITORS COMMENTS 0 Split 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value Neigh. Code OCA.U.V 0 New Improvements 0 Other 0 Building Removed 520

No. of Aotes 1 Grantor. Rayetta Szary F/K/A Rayetta Langenbach and John Szary Phone:

2, Grantee: Dominique L. Saunders Sr. Phone:

Grantee's Address: 1629 Tremont St, Cincinnati OH 45214 Lmj VE ue 3 Address of Property: 1629 Tremont St, Cincinnati OH 45214 4, Tax Billing Address: 1629 Tremont St, Cincinnati OH 45214 5. Are there buildings on the land?CINo [X]Yes (requires information below) Bldg. Vall, [g] 1,2 or 3 family ¤ Manufactured Home 0 Condominium 0 Apartment - Number of Units 1600

[3 Farm Building 0 Other- Total Value If land is vacant, what is the intended use? 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): 6700 [3 Grantor is a relative 0 Part Interest Transferred U Grantor is a Mortgagee 0 Land Contract CTE Use 0(1111 O Gift 0 Trade ¤ Life Estate 0 Leasehold 0 Mineral Rights Reserved 0 Leased Fee Other: Fee Simple 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if anyL _.., 111.346 OTE Use O,#300 (b) Balanced Assumed Of any) $ 2.054 (c) Cash (if any) $ (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 113,400 DTE lise Only (e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real propetty...- ..... $ (f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (70-7E) . _ - . --_ - $ 113,400 (g) Name of mortgagee DAS Ac*lion Company Cnisideraeon (h) Type of mortgage¤Conventional FHA ¤ VA OOther (1) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real propet - ______$ 8. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead DTE Use Only exemption for the preceding or current tax year.0 Yes S No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) V# Sale 1. YES 2. NO 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 0 Yes EINo (If yes, complete form DTE 102)

10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this 113400 reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? Yes 0 No If yes, is the properly a multi-unit dwelling m Yes ONO 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes?g Yes ¤ No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of pe,jury that this statementN«nalm!!-brme-anitthe best of my knov,ledge and belief is a true, 20210408113 correct and complete statement. 27-*-r--2 ) 04/07/2021 Kyle Rountree

-b--.---'....'..'....*.-----Il...... - Printed Name d Grantee or Representauve Date Receipt Number

, RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) 93) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., In the total amount of $ 340.70 has been paid by : and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. Giati luL DUSTY RHODES gounty:Auditor Date

04/08/2021 DTE FORM 100 REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE STATEMENT OF VALUE AND RECEIPT Revised by County Auditor If exempt by O.R.C. 319.54 (G)(3), Use DTE Fonn 100 (EX) Dusty Rhodes 11/12


Type Insuument Tax List Year County Number Tax Dist Number Date 31 1090 04/08/2021 WD 20,1


Property Located in SPRINGFIELD-WINTON WDS Taxing District 2021 263916 Name on Tax Duplicate ZINS NORMAN P Tax Duplicate Year

Acct or Permanent Parcel No. 590-0090-0094-00 Map Book Page No. of Parcels Description: MC CREARY CT 79.99 X 150 o Platted O Unplatted IRR LOT 10 WINDCRESTACS SUB SEC 4 DTE Code No.

A I OR'S COMMENTS FO Sp 0 New Plat 0 Partial Value 510 Neigh. Code \ .U.V. 0 Building Removed 0 New Improvements 0 Other

Grantee or Representative Must Complete All Questions in This Section Type orptint all informauon. See instrucions on reverse. No. of Acses

1. Grantor: Norman P ZIns and Mary Lou ZIns Phone:

2. Grantee: VB One, LLC Phone: Grantee's Address: 3500 Park Center Drive Suite 100 Dayton, OH 45414 Land Vabje l 3. Address of Property: 422 McCreary Court Cincinnati, OH 45231 4, Tax Billing Address: 3500 Park Center Drive Suite 100 Dayton, OH 45414 5. Are there buildings on the land?[Z|No Yes (requires information below) Bldg. val'2510 1,2or3 family j Manufactured Home 0 Condominium 0 Apartment - Number of Units

CE] Farm Building 0 Other- Total Value If land is vacant, what Is the Intended use? 33040 6. Conditions of sale (Check all that apply): D Grantor is a relative 0 Part Interest Transferred 0 Grantor is a Mortgagee E Land Contract OTE Use Only El Gift Trade U Life Estate 0 Leasehold C] Mineral Rights Reseived U Leased Fee E Other: 45550 7. (a) New Mortgage Amount (if any) $ (b) Balanced Assumed (if any) $ DTE Use Only (c) Cash (if any) $ 133,750 (d) Total Consideration (7A+78+7C) $ 133.750 OTE Use Only (e) Portion, If any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property . _ - $ (f) Consideration for real properly on which fee is to be paid (70-7E)...... _.... _ $ 133,750 (g) Name of mortgagee_ Consideration (h) Type of mortgageConventional []FHA ¤VA IlOther (i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property- --__-__ $ 8. The grantor has indicated that this properly is enUtled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead OTE Use Only exemption for the preceding or current tax year.0 Yes E No (If yes, complete form DTE 101) Valid Sale 1. YES 2. NO 9.The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. 133750 0 Yes m No Of yes, complete form DTE 102) 10. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the ownerfrom receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this properly be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? 0 Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? 0 Yes 0 No 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? E Yes 13 No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 20210408114 I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief Is a true, correct and complete statement.

Scott Fazekas 04/08/2021 iv v\ n C - Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Receiot Number *nature of G orpr&sentaOve Date 401.9D REUIPT FOR PAYMENT OF CONVEYANCE FEE Grantor The conveyance fee required by section 319.54(F) (3) R.C., and, if applicable, the fee required by Chapter 322 R.C., in the total amount of $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. Date DUSTY RHODES County Auditor 04/08/2021 DIE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 0920 Statement of Value and Receipt 20370106

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. county 31 Tax dist. 1060 Date 04/08/2021 TypeInstrument WD Tax listyear 2021 number number GREEN TWP-OAK HILLS LSD Number Properly located in taxino district BELULAKE PKUPER I IES LLC 202 f 263917 Name on tax rli,plicata .- Tax duplicate year 550-0221-0193-00 Acct. or permanent parcel no. WS BELCLARE RD Map book Page No of Parcels 0.2460 AC Description [3 Platted El Unplatted 1 S29 T2 FR2

Auditor's comments: [3 Split E New plat 0 New Improvements [3 Partial value DTE Code No.

[3 C.A.U.V 0 Building removed IL Other 510 Grantee orRepresentative Must Complete All Questions in This Section. See instructions on reverse.

1. Grantor'sname Belclare Properties LLC an Ohio limited liability company Phone Neigh Code 0 2 GGrrannttenaStelc;atel!;jE20bi.om;n1 01) 4sij?9 3. Address of property 5269 Belclare Road. Ci,fcirmati OH 45247 No, of Ac,es

4. Tax billing address 9409 C//EAKy 06*b #A. 2/N i , 64 45 ji-7 1 5. Are there buildings on the land? V Yes No If yes. check type: I/ 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Condominium Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other. vacant, what is intended use? 11380 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) Grantor is relative Part interest transfer I Land contract

Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee v Other fee simple 7. a)New mortgage amount (if any),...... ,.,.,...... ,...... $ 117.000.00 32910 0.00 b) Balance assumed (if any)...... $ Total Value 20.674.DO c)Cash {M any) d) Total consideration (add lines 7a. 7b and 7c) $ 137,674.00 44290

000 e) Portion. if any. of total consideration paid for items other than real property ....,...... S DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) ...... ,...... $ 137,674.00 g) Name of mortgagee Harrison Building and Loan Association

h) Type of mortgage V Conv F. H.A. V.A. Olher DTE Use Only 0.00 1) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property 5 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior clt,zen, disabled person or surviving spouse

homestead exemption for the preceding or currenl tax year? Yes V No If yes. complete form DTE 101 DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this properly qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or currenl tax year? Yes ./ No If yes. complete form DTE 102.

10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction, (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another¢Ephfand timely application is fued.) Will 94 propertv be aw*e's Yes (.L principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? Yes (_,25,11'yes. is the property a multi-unit dvdi'ingv 137674 11. Is this properly leased or otherwise rented to tenamrsolely for residential purposes? i'Yes r No It yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of tnis transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. Valid sale 1. Yes 2 No

I declare under penalties of Perjury that this statement has been examined byine and to the best *,pr#61*g,dnd belief is true, comect and complete statement 20210400115 Receipl Number Cli En INADut_ 4 719(01 *63149) Date Printed Name of Grantee or Representative ature of Grantee or Representative Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee The conveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Code section (R.C.>319 54{61(3) and,ifapplicable, the fee requ,red by R C. 322, in the total amounlof $ has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor. 413.60


DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date


DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co No Number

FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 04/08/2021 31 263918

instrument Taxing Dist. No. Tax List Land Building Total

1010 QE 2021 65,250 5,380 70,630

DTE Code Number 41 n 0 SpliVNew Plat Remarks: Property Located inANDFRSON-FORFAT Hill S Taxing District

Name on Tax Duplicate,HI MAN TIMOTHY.IOSFPH Tax Duplicate Year 2021 Acct. or Pemianent Parcel NOSOO-0341-0191-00 Map Book Page

Description: SALEM PK 135.16 X 208.80 IRR T BLAND SUR 620 PAR 191-192CON

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Typeor»tallinbnnation. See instuctionson reveme.

. rantor's Name: Timothy Joseph Bihlman aka Timothy J. Bihlman Phone:

Grantee's Name· Timothy J. Bihlman and Kelsey L. Bihlman Phone: Grantee's Address: 6537 Salem Road Cincinnati, OH 45230 3. Address of Property: 6537 Salem Road Cincinnati, OH 45230 4. Tax Billing Address: 6537 Salem Road Cincinnati, OH 45230

5. No Conveystoe fees shall be charged because the real properly being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on Items checked below)

(a) To or from the United States, this State, or any inst,umentality, agency, or political subdivislon of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include af,Idavlt of facts) _(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously Executed and recorded; «K.(d) To evidence a gift in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either; _(e) On sale for dellnquent laxes or assessmen; (1) Pulsuant to court order, to the extent thal such transfer is not the result of asale effected or completed pursuant to such order; (g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the properly to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dssolved corporation; (h) By a subsidiary corporation to ils parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in s* consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiag's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever _(1) When the value of the real propedy or interest in real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential property being transfe,Ted to the blilder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real properly, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration leadily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for tte real estate and the tansaction is not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) _{n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse, from a person to himself and othels, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner, _(o) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right·of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuam to secOon 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under lection 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, p,ovided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at Im, or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; _(t) To atrustee of a trust when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantofs poser to revoke the frust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor, _(w) To a corporalion for incorporaion into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9] of the Revised Code. _(x) BeANeen persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reuization corporauon organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third parly

6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exempuon for the preceding or current tax year, NO W YES O ®TE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NOA YES-[2 @TE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction unt another proper and timely application is med): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 ofnext yeaf? NO O YES.E. If yes, is the propedy a multi-unit dwelling? NO-81- YES-Il 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented 10 tenants solely for residential purposes? NOX YES O If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on ther tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been exind* me and to the bestof my knowledge and belief is a true, cotrect and complete sttement Jeff Frye 04/08/2021

nat. STATEMENT OF REASON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCE FEE Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor

Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co. No Number -----Oiuoliuzl 263919 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31

Land Total Instrument Taing Dist. No. Tax List Building 3UYU 2021 398,470 76,800 475,270

510 DTE Code Number 0 Split/New Plat Remarks: 11VUIAN MILL-INDIAN MILL Property Located in Taxing District ERESE & JUDITH IRENE HUNO 2021 Name on Tax DupliUITTH Tax Duplicate Year . 529-0120-0047-00 Acct. or Permanent Parcel No: Map Book Page NEC MIAMI AV&GFUWES RD Descri tion: - IR RZ-T#-35

The Following Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or print all information. See instructions on reverse. *rantor's Name: Judith 1. Hunolt. also known as Judith Irene Hunolt and Therese I limolt Phone: (937) 21 4-6063 l p. Grantee's Name: Therese Hui,olt Phone: (513 1 368-7(}9() U Grantee's Address: 1021 Laura Dr. Pialia, OH 45356

3. Address of Property: 7700 Graves Road. Cincinnati. OH 45243 4 Tax Billing Address: '7700 GA-rcu·re-'5 725<44,010,.inna*4,04 45=243

5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

_(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; _(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must include affidavit of facts) (c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded: 1(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or Darent and child or the spouse of either (e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; _(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent thatthe corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholdefs shares in the dissolved corporation; _(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of Ihe subsidiary's stock: _(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; _(j) When the value of the real properly or interest in real properly conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; _(k) Of an occupied residential properly being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the former residence is traded as par't of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others, _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a surviving spouse. from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; Co) Toa trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; _(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of properly sold lo a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code; _(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization; _(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property _(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke Ihe trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor; _(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.9]of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. -(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party 6. The grantor has indicated that this property is entitled lo receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NOM YES_Q (DTE Form 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this properly qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NO.R YES-CL (DTIE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Reduction (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NO_Q YES M If yes. is the properly a multi-unit dwelling? NO_R YES_Q 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO.R YES O If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form lo the County Auditor within 60 days (including weekends and holidays) of Ihe date of Ihis transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been examjned me and to the best of my knowledpend I,lief is a true, correct and complete statement. 0>«**ur (1-. *

If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION.

Type Tax list County Tax. dist. Date 2021 31 1020 04/08/2021 instrument WD year number number

Number Property located in COLERAIN-MIHEALTHY taxing district

ROPER SCARLETT SUE Name on tax duplicate Tax duplicate year 2021 263920

Acct. or permanent parcel no. 510-0053-0036-00 Map book Page COOGAN DR 50 X 120 No. of Parcels Description LOT 120 COMPTON EST BLA 0 Platted 0 Unplatted 1 PT 1

Au s mments: 0 Split 0 New plat 0 New improvements 0 Partial value OTE Code No.

0 C.A.U.V 0 Building removed 0 Other 510 Gran or Representative Must Coniplete All Que¥tions in This Sectio-,i.See instructions On reverse. 1. Grant*s name Scarlett Sue Roper Phone Neigh. Code 2. Grarife'sname Kelsey L. Galley Phone Grantee's address 9173 Coogan Drive Cincinnati, OH 45231 3. Address of properly 9173 Coogan Drive Cincinnati, OH 45231 No. ofAcres 4, Tax billing address 9173 Coogan Drive Cincinnati, OH 45231 5. Are there buildings on the land? v Yes No If yes, check lype: Condominiurn Apartment: No. of units 41,2 or 3 family dwelling Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings Other vacant. what is intended use? 5390

6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) 1 Grantor is relative 1 Part interest transfer I Land contract Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee v Other fee simgle 23660 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) 157,102.00 b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value

c) Cash (if any) . S 2,898.00 29050 d) Total consideration (add lines 78, 7b and 7(K $ 160,000.00 e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items other than real property ...... $ DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) ...... $ 160,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee Union Savings Bank h) Type of mortgage v Conv F.H.A. V.A. Other DTE Use Only i) It gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property. 8. Has the grantor indicated thai this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form OTE 101. OTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes v No If yes, complete form DTE 102.

10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) \Nill this property be grantee's 160000 principal residence by Jan. 1 of next year? 1 Yes No If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes •' No 11, Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? 0 Yes IE] No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only Valid sale weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. 1. Yes 2. No

Idedare under penalties of peltury that this statement has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief Is tue, coect 20210408118 and complete statsment Receipt Number Jeff Frye 04/08/2021 1

Date Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Sig t f rantee or Representative Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee 480.50 Theconveyancelee required by Ohio Revised Codesection(R.C.)319.54(GX3)and. ilapplicable. the feemquired by R.C. 322. In thetotal amountot $ Grantor has been paid by and received by the HAMILTON County Auditor.

. . 04/08/2021 DUSTY RHODES County Auditor Date Revised Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) DTE FORM 100 (EX) Revised by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 Date Co. No. Number


Instrument Taxing Dist. No. Tax List Land 04/08/20231ding 2¥61#21

1120 2021 19.490 30,260 49,750 DTE Code NfAer O Split/New Plat Remarks: Property Located in 510 Taxing District

Name on Tax Duplical* HIT[WATER SOUTHWEST Tax Duplicate Year Acct or Permanent Parc*NRI< ALICE M Map Book Pa@021

Description: 6300121 0032 00

HOOVEN AVE 100 X 125.12 IRR LOTS 154-155 WAMSLEY HOOVEN PARS 32 & 33 CO i1808|lowing Must Be Completed by Grantee or His/Her Representative Type or pdntall information. ee ipstuctkns on reverse, 1. Grantots Name: 1)\Illd l. WiMI , 0<26 2*@€ 01 Allee M/1 ' 16]L Phone: 2. Grantee's Name: -4-kkolc. f..5

Grantee's Address: 12* SUR<,et-*e_ din, t- L-,5 205- 3. Address of Property: 451 -*0%¢L N -Ilcove. , CH- 4.90 3-3 4. Tax Billing Address: 4 6, tiou )e'i 01 1, ' ' 5. No Conveyance fees shall be charged because the real property being transferred: (we may request and require an affidavit on items checked below)

(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state; (b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation; (must Include affidavit of facts) (c) To conrm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded; _(d) To evidence a gift, in any form, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either: _(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments; _(D Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order; (g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a disbution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholdefs shares in the dissolved corporation; (h) By a subsidiary corporaaon to its parent corporation for no considerations, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock; _(i) By lease, whether or not it e*tends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever; _(i) When the value of the real property or Interest In real property conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars; (k) Of an occupied residential property being transferred to the builder of a new residence when the fomler residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence; _(1) To a grantee other than a dealer In real property, solely for the purpose of and as a step in, its prompt sale to others; _(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money Is paid or to be paid for the real estate and the transaction is not a gift; (must Include affidavit of facts) _(n) To an heir or devisee, between spouses or to a sulviving spouse, from a person to himself and others, to a surviving tenant, or on the death of a registered owner; _(0) To a tustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased; (p) Of an easement or dght-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars; _(q) Of properly sold to a sun,iving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 01 the Revised Code; (r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided such transfer is without consideration and is . furtherance of the charitable or public purpose of such organization: *»(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, Including a surviving spouse of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property; (t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust; _(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer Is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets; _(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or pursuant to trust provisions that became irrevocable at the death of the grantor: (w) To a corporation for Incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 [307.69.91 of the Revised Code. _(x) Between persons pursuant to R.C. section 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under R.C. section 1724 to a third party

6. The grantor has indlc*d that this property is entitled to receive the senior citizen, disabled person, or sun,iving spouse homeslead exemption for the preceding or current tax year. NO.[l YES,K (DTE Fom, 101 required) 7. The grantor has indicated that this property qualifies for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year. NO.!& YES.[1 (DTE 102 required) 8. Application For 2-1/2% Redudon (NOTICE: failure to complete this application prohibits the owner from receM,Ing.this reduction until another proper and timely U application is filed): Will this property be grantee's principle residence by January 1 of next year? NO.12- YES*- If yes, is the property a multi-unit dwelling? NO.hU YES-[1 9. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? NO*ls YES El If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (Including weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill. I declare under penalties of perjury that this statement has been,Refrtl» 9 and to the best of my knowledge and belief Is a true, correct and complete statement. 3. (1-1- Al 8-j\S on« 4 -8 - 2/ Printed Name of Grantee or Representative Signature dfl»tee# Rep»entative Date E FORM 101 Revised 7/93


To be Attached to Conveyance Fee Forms, DTE 100 & 100(EX) rantor's Name 79011 1/4- L c k)(Ij'I j f,€6 4/C j ·4(Ce #1, 91 rantor's Address 301 5, 91*0. 1 16#kes (fl{ 45--00 p- rantee's Name flar©[ el 9 .

ie grantor of the property referred to above states that the property has or will receive the senior citizen, disabled persons, surviving spouse homestead exemption under Ohio Revised Code section 323.152(A) for the preceding or current tax :ar. The estimated amount of such reduction that will be reflected in the grantee's taxes is:

Preceding Tax Year $ Current Tax Year $ ie grantor and the grantee have considered and accounted for the total estimated amount of such reductions to the tisfaction of both the grantee and the grantor.

Signature of Grantor or Representative

vorn to or affirmed in my presence, is·- i-- ,>day of /fy i < 20 3 1

/0,6 1 //6.. (-A, J_f <>53 ,

5# -ISh'':*ti '16-40.-1 E: .BARBIEi 0 7rv Pubitc State SIMONSON of Ohio 4 13,191Nory Pu9lic Q / %418/1-9- 0 f .1' · · ,. f '. - ·· oss|o Expves 05-09-2024 1 *-3 idor# Auditor: ion presema«efbf this instrument, the County Auditor shall endorse it, return it to the grantee or his representative, and ovide a copy of the indorsed instrument to the grantor or his representative, evidencing delivery to the County Auditor.

County Auditor:
