263794 STATEMENT OF REABON FOR EXEMPTION FROM REAL PROP#RfauyANCE FEE OTE FORM 100 (EX) RevII,d Code Sections 319.202 and 319.54 (G) (3) Revisid by County Auditor Dusty Rhodes 11/12 66.760 84,570 2021 17,810 1 D- Co. la Numbs, AF 3040 1 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 31 A66.. T.Ung Dlet No. Tax 1* Bulldng Total CINTI CORP-(INTI CSD 2021 SPAnf CYNTHIA L DTE Code Number 180-OA81-0075-00 0 SPHUNew Plat Remalks: ROP|*198»'.MKFION A\/F Taxing District Narne®Xem,plicate Tax Duplicate Year Acct. 8*611TigAUFT E Map Book page Descrl;RETTI (9 Thi Following Must BI Compl,tod by Grantee or Hls*Her Represintatlve Typs orpIN d In#Innalon. 5,0 In#„EASons on Mine. 1, Grantofs N,ne: Cynthia L. Perry WATA Cynnla L. Spade Phone: (513) 748-1034 2. Grant,0'8 Name: Cynthia L. Perry Phone: (513) 748-1034 Gran*8 Addross: 4434 Camation Ave Cincinnati OH 45238 3. Address 01 Plopelly: 4434 Camation Ave Cincinnati OH 45238 4, Tax ailing Addis: 4434 Carnation Ave Cincinnati OH 45238 5. No Convoyance 100, shall be charged because the real prope,4 being hnsferred: (wo mq request and requirl an amdavlt on lms checked below) Us) To or frorn 08 United Stilm, thts state, or any hamentality, agincy, or pollocal subdlviston of the llilted Stat,6 or thls :tate; h _lb) Soldyin order to providior Mloase secl*lor a debt or obllgaion; (muillneludiamdevitoffhc,1) 1(c) To con#trn or correct a deed previously execulid and recorded; A _(d) To evidence 8 glft, in any fonn, beh,-n husband and w#B, or parent and dilld or tte spouse of •1er; _(0) Onsalifor delinqulnt lax,8 or.,omment,; _(f) Pursuant to court order, to #te dint thst such *slw 18 noi the muit of a sale ellegled or complet,d purtuant to such order; Ug) Pursuant toi leargankation of corporabs or uninootporatidis,ociations or pursuarito the (Ns,oh*on of a corporadon, to the e,dent that the corporation COrNeys the 0'\ properly to a stocltolder as a ¢1*lbudon in Idnd of the corpor@Uon's assets in exchange for the *dholder's shares In the dissolved corpor:San; _(Jt) By asublidiary , . '. , ... ' ' ' , nominal conolderalon, or In sole consldemb of the cancolalon or surrender (Rhesubsidiary's stock; _(1) By le=o, whether or not Itextends to mineral or mineral r**B, unl=sthe lease ls for a tenn d years rene#able forever; _6) When#w valueot the Ieal ploperly or Intsmotln real property conveyed does not ®toeed one hundred dolin; _(k) 01*noccupled r,stdinial ploperty belng *ar*red to the buNderof Inew realdence when 01010<mer resldence latraded aspartof umwilder-, forthenew relldence; _(1) To a granti ooler than a dealer In real property, solely for the purpos• of and u a step In, Itt prompt mle to oth,ra: (m) Toor from a perlon when no mon,y or other val uable and ta*le conilderatlon Isactly converible hto money 18 pild or lo be pald for the real e,tate and ths tan,Bdon is not a A (must Include #davlt of fs-) Un) Tom helr or devisee, bibveon spouses ort, a sur,1*g spoule, flom a permon bo himself and others, to a Gurvfying t,nont, or on #ie death of a reglit,red owner: jo) Toatuslee ac#ng onbehallof minorchRdin ofthe decs,sed; _(p) Of an emement or *t-offay when 8,0 Ius of the Intnst conveyed does not exceed one %usand dollars; _(q) 01 property sold to i Bu*ng,poupe pu,uant to Mcdon 2106.16 of the R,vised Code; _(r) T ' -- 1 ](3) of the Internal Revenue Code, plovlded such trar* 18 without considenmon and Is blhemno, of the charitable or pLblk purposs 01*uch olganalon; _(8) Amor illeheliatlaviorden-, Inckiding,slng spou= ofacommondeoodent, whennoconsideration Inmoneyispald or tobepald fortherealproperly; _(t) Toatrustioots#ust, whon thograntorofthe*ulthaireler,ed,nunlirnlied powertorevokethit* _(u) Tohgrantorof abv*byatrultee ofthetnlst,enthetrsfirlemadetothigrantorpur,uanttolhee=rol= of the 0ntofs power torevokethetrustorto withdraw trust assets; _(v) To 0,0 beneflciarles of a #Ust If the fee was paid on the b·an- tom N grir,tor of the Ouslto the hust,e or pursuent to hit provl,lort that became Irrevocable atths death of the grantor; _(w) To a corpolation for IncotpomOon Into a sports fdlity conotucted purSUant 20 88/0,1 307.696 [307,69,91 of the Revi,ed Codi, _(x) Behveen persons pursuant to R.C. Gectlon 5302.18. _(y) From a county land reutillze*x corporseon orgmlzed ir,dor R.C. motion 1724 00 a #,Ird party 6. The g,antor has Indic,tid thatthis prope,4 15 Imed to ricive #10 Ionlor citfzon, disabled pirson, or sur#Ang spouse hornestial exemptlon for thi pleoedjng or currerit tax year. NOR YES.CL ®TE F©,m 101 r,quired) 7. The grmtorhas indicated riat this property quames,or a,rfitagMcult,ral um valualion for the preciding or current taxyear. NO-EL YES-Cl (DTE 102 required) 8. Applic,6on For 2·1/2% Reducion (NOTICE: failure to complot, 0,1, appication proll* thi o#ner from recolvhg M Mduction unil another proper and timely applicadon 18 lied): W I INS prop* be ntee's prindple reoldence by Janualy 1 of nell yeat? NO,¤. YESI If ye„ Is the proper a mull-unlt dwilling? NOR YES.Q. 9.18 *18 properry leased or othen*e tonted to tsnant, solely lor rellden601 purposee? NOR YES_CLIfyes, new owner must complet, and submit a Rental Rogish#on Folm tothe County Auditorvithin 60 days (Including wekends ind holidays) of the dale oftlls transtsr to avold a penalty on #lelr Mx bill. 1 dxl• und,r pena* of pe*r, thet thli stal,mnt has b•In m*id b¥m• m,d to (40pf my IgnovA,dge and b,Ildls a lue, corri# Ind Implp¥stat,ment 541*14A1 u fM-bns 0-91723400( /D[MOLO 9*41 3030 P,<AE Namd ofG,nt» 04.822MS&!- 4*Ader-8*ME*1_ DTE FROM 100 Real Property Conveyance Fee Revised by County Audhor Dusty Rhodes 09/20 Statement of Value and Receipt @ 20370106 If exempt by Ohio Revised Code section 319.54(G)(3), use form DTE 100(EX). TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. Type Tax list County Tax. dist. Date 31 instrument year number number FD 2021 3040 -04;00;2021 Number Property located in taxing district Name on tax duplicagNTI CORP-CINTI CSD Tax duplicate year RENTROP DEBORAH A TR 263795 Acct. or permanent parcel no Map book F;@ad No. of Parcels 180-OA80-0328-00 Description 0 Platted 0 Unplatted NANCY LEE LN 50 X 125 LOT-13. DUEBBER RTY CO 3RD Auditor's comments: 0 Split Il New plat U New improvements U Partial value DTIE Code No. O CA.U.V 0 Building removed E Other Grantee or Representative'MOst Complete All Questions-in This Section. See:instructions on reverse. Kin 1. Grantots name Deborah L. Rentrop, Sole Trustee of the Marian A. Rentrop Revocable Tn Phone Neigh. Code 2. Grantee's name Larkins Ventures, LLC, an Ohio Limited Liability Company Phone Grantee's address 185 St Annes North Bend, OH 45052 3. Address of property 1159 Nancy Lee Lane, Cindnnati, OH 45238 No. ofAcres 4, Tax billing address 185 St. Annes, North Bend, OH 45052 5. Are there buildings on the land? 4 Yes No If yes, check type: 1 Condominium 4 1,2 or 3 family dwelling Apartment: No. of units Land Value Manufactured (mobile) home Farm buildings ,Other vacant, what is intended use? 6. Conditions of sale (check all that apply) Grantor is relative j Part interest transfer I Land contract 5280 Trade Life estate Leased fee Leasehold Mineral rights reserved Gift Bldg. Value Grantor is mortgagee / Other ARMS LENGTH TRANSACTION 7. a) New mortgage amount (if any) $ 0.00 20080 0.00 b) Balance assumed (if any) $ Total Value 87,000.00 c) Cash (if any) d) Total consideration (add lines 78, 7b and ™ $ 87.000.00 25360 e) Portion, if any, of total consideration paid for items othir than real property ... 0.00 DTE Use Only f) Consideration for real property on which fee is to be paid (7d minus 7e) 87,000.00 g) Name of mortgagee h) Type of mortgage Conv. F.H.A. V.A. / Other CASH D-TE Use Only i) If gift, in whole or part, estimated market value of real property..........................................$ 8. Has the grantor indicated that this property is entitled to receive the senior dtizen, disabled person or surviving spouse homestead exemption for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 101. DTE Use Only 9. Has the grantor indicated that this property qualified for current agricultural use valuation for the preceding or current tax year? Yes / No If yes, complete form DTE 102. 10. Application for owner-occupancy (2.5% on qualified levies) reduction. (Notice: Failure to complete this application prohibits Consideration the owner from receiving this reduction until another proper and timely application is filed.) Will this property be grantee's prindpal residence by Jan. 1 ofnextyear? _ Yes / No Ifyes, isthe property a multi-unit dwelling? Yes ./ No 87000 11. Is this property leased or otherwise rented to tenants solely for residential purposes? 13 Yes [El No If yes, new owner must complete and submit a Rental Registration Form to the County Auditor within 60 days (including DTE Use Only weekends and holidays) of the date of this transfer to avoid a penalty on their tax bill.
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