Boston Symphony Orchestra Concert Programs, Season 22,1902-1903, Trip
ACADEMY OF MUSIC, PHILADELPHIA. Boston Symplpy OicHestia Mr. WILHELM GERICKE, Conductor. Eighteenth Season in Philadelphia. PROGRAMME OF THE FOURTH CONCERT SECOND SERIES, WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 18, AT 8.15 PRECISELY. With Historical and Descriptive Notes by Philip Hale. Published by C. A, ELLIS, Manager. K») ME S S R S . CHICKERING & SONS PIANOFORTE MAKERS Invite CriticaJ Inspection of Their Latest Production The Quarter Grand (TV The Smallest Grand Embodying Modern Principles Ever Made RETAIL WAREROOMS 791 TREMONT STREET, BOSTON 1' presented m Philadelphia by JOHN WANAMAKER. (D BOStOn , ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Symphony I PH,LADEI-PHIA •**J ? "r J <j* Twenty-second Season, 1902-J903. Orchestra Eighteenth Season in Philadelphia. Mr. WILHELM GERICKE, Conductor. FOURTH CONCERT, SECOND SERIES, WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 18, AT 8.15 PRECISELY. PROGRAMME, u n Taneieff ....... Overture, L'Orestie n Mozart Recitative and Aria, " Nie soil mit Rosen," from f Titus (Clarinet obbligato, Mr. V. Lebailly.) u tt R. Strauss . Tone-poem, Death and Transfiguration u Mendelssohn . Arioso, But the Lord is mindful of his own," " from " St. Paul u Beethoven . Symphony No. 3, in E-flat major, Eroica," Op. 55 I. Allegro con brio. II. Marcia funebre : Adagio assai. III. Scherzo : Allegro vivace. Trio. IV. Finale : Allegro molto. SOLOIST: Madame SCHUMANN-HEINK. There will be an intermission of ten minutes before the symphony. (3) Our NewSmall Grand — We especially invite the critical attention of artists and lovers of the beautiful in pianos to our NEW SMALL GRAND, which represents the latest and highest development in that field of piano manufacture A request by mail will bring you price and terms.
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