AXEL UWE SCHOEBER Curriculum Vitae

Life events Born in Ponoka, Alberta on June 18, 1955. Canadian citizen. Raised in , . Married Karen in March, 1977. Two children: a girl (Kayely), born in 1982, ordained with Canadian Baptists of Western Canada, but now a retail manager in Regina, Saskatchewan; a boy (Trevor), born in 1987, economics at the University of Victoria and a banker. Coached 4 Penticton Boys Youth Soccer Teams to Interior Championships (2000-03)

Professional Work Elementary Teacher (Grade 5) in Lillooet, British Columbia, 1976-78 Pastor, Jasper Park Baptist Church, Jasper, Alberta, 1982-85 Chaplain, Seton General Hospital, Jasper, Alberta, 1983-85 (part-time) Pastor, Bowness Baptist Church, , Alberta, 1986-92 Pastor, First Baptist Church, Penticton, British Columbia, 1992-2003 Adjunct Professor in History and , Carey Theological College, Vancouver, British Columbia, 2000-2008 Pastor, First Baptist Church, Victoria, British Columbia, 2003-2008 Associate Professor of Supervised Ministry, Carey Theological College, Vancouver, British Columbia, 2009-present

Schooling Prince of Wales Secondary School, Vancouver, British Columbia. Graduated 1972. History Book Prize. Bachelor of Elementary Education, University of British Columbia, 1976. Concentration in History and Elementary Social Studies Pedagogy. Diploma in Christian Studies, Regent College, Vancouver, British Columbia, 1979. Book Prize for Highest Grade Point Average. Master of Divinity, Regent College, 1981. Book Prizes for Hebrew and for Highest Grade Point Average. Master of Theology, Regent College, 1987. 300 page historical thesis on the nature of Paul’s adversaries referred to in the book of Colossians (based on the Greek text). Doctor of Ministry, Faith Lutheran Seminary, Tacoma, Washington. 125 page dissertation on the theology of disciplemaking, based on a project using an apprenticing model for training Christian leaders. (Grade Point Average: 4.0/4.0) 3 senior history seminars, University of Calgary, 1992. Winner, Margaret De Santis Scholarship ($5 000) from the University of Victoria, January, 2005. Master of Arts (History), University of Victoria, 2005. 46 page major graduating paper on a circle of church reformers in France in the 1520s. Awarded a doctoral fellowship ($7 500/year for 3 years) beginning in September, 2005; $3 000 for a further year, starting in September, 2008.


Recipient, Winnifred Lonsdale Fellowship ($3 300), September, 2006 through August, 2007, Centre for Studies in Religion and Society, University of Victoria. Doctor of Philosophy candidate in History at the University of Victoria, March, 2008. Major field: Early Modern Europe. Minor fields: Modern Europe and Religion. Dissertation will focus on efforts at peaceful religious change in the earliest Reformation period, particularly focusing on a little-studied French evangelical Catholic bishop, Gerard Roussel.

Published numerous articles and book reviews in various magazines and newspapers, and a youth curriculum on “Peace.” Academic publications: ‘”Christian Society”: A More Influential Concept Than Often Understood?’ in Illumine: The Journal of the Centre for Studies in Religion and Society Graduate Student Association, v. 6, no. 1 (2007), pp. 16-22. (Online version: ‘John Calvin and the “Still-born” Third Option in the French Reformation’ in Calvin@500: Theology, History, and Practice, Richard R. Topping and John A. Vissers, ed. (Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick, 2011), pp. 86-97.

Courses Taught (For Carey Theological College, an affiliate of the University of British Columbia) February 2000 HIST 562 Baptist History and Polity Calgary, Alberta Fall 2000 HIST 103/503 Christian History Dauphin, Manitoba February 2001 HIST 562 Baptist History and Polity Calgary, Alberta Fall 2001 THEO 102 Living Theologically Winnipeg, Manitoba February 2002 HIST 562 Baptist History and Polity Calgary, Alberta Spring 2002 APPL 121 Equipping All the People of God Penticton, B. C. Fall 2002 THEO 102 Living Theologically Victoria, B. C. Winter 2003 HIST 103/503 Christian History Penticton, B. C. February 2003 HIST 562 Baptist History and Polity Calgary, Alberta February 2004 HIST 562 Baptist History and Polity Calgary, Alberta February 2005 HIST 562 Baptist History and Polity Calgary, Alberta Spring 2005 HIST 103/503 Christian History Strathclair, Manitoba February 2006 HIST 562 Baptist Story Calgary, Alberta Spring 2006 HIST 162/562 Baptist Story Shoal Lake, Manitoba February 2007 HIST 562 Baptist Identity Vancouver, B. C. Spring 2007 HIST 103/503 Christian History Duncan. B. C. Winter 2008 APPL 130/630 Pastoral Ethics Duncan, B. C. February 2008 HIST 562 Baptist Identity Vancouver, B. C. Fall 2008 THEO 102/502 Living Theologically Regina, Saskatchewan February 2009 HIST 562 Baptist Identity Vancouver, B. C. Spring 2009 APPL 130/630 Pastoral Ethics Regina, Saskatchewan May 2009-March 2010 APPL 690 Supervised Ministry Online December 2009 HIST 503 Christian History Mitaboni, Kenya Winter 2010 HIST 562 Baptist Identity Online April 2010-Feb. 2011 APPL 290/690 Supervised Ministry Online 3

Winter 2011 HIST 562 Baptist Identity Online April 2011-Feb. 2012 APPL 290/690 Supervised Ministry Online I have also supervised numerous students via distributed learning opportunities, mainly in History. Winter 2012 HIST 562 Baptist Identity Online

(For Kalimantan Theological Seminary, Pontianak, Indonesia) August 2006 Dynamic : A Study of the Book of Act August, 2006 Equipping All the People of God I also taught on Ephesians (non-credit) to a Pastors Conference in Guatemala in 1996.

(For the University of Victoria, as a Sessional Lecturer) July 2007 HIST 105 Twentieth-Century World History (to 1945) May/June 2008 HIST 361 Reformation History

Conference Paper: 1. The Circle of Meaux: Reformers and Schismatics in 1520s France, Qualicum, British Columbia, January 28, 2006.

Seminar Papers (by invitation): 1. Terminological Muddle—and a Way Out: Reflections on the Early Reformation in France, Graduate Students Workshop, University of Victoria, October 6, 2005. 2. Truth Ain’t What It Used to Be, Community Lecture Series, Emmanuel Baptist Church, Victoria, British Columbia, March 14, 2006. 3. Melanchthon and Bucer: Compromisers or Peacemakers? Public Lecture Series, Centre for Studies in Religion and Society, University of Victoria, November 22, 2006. 4. Calvin and the “Still-born” Third Option in the French Reformation. Calvin 500 Conference, St. Andrew’s Hall, Vancouver School of Theology, September 26, 2009. Invitation from Cambridge Scholars Publishing to submit a proposal for publication of my Ph.D. Dissertation: December 15, 2008.

Other Languages: German, speaking and reading; reading: French, Koine Greek, Biblical Hebrew, and Latin.