Chickasaw Soldier Survives Attack, Completes Iraq Duty KADA
Chickasaw Times Official publication of the Chickasaw Nation Vol. XXXIX No. 4 April 2004 Ada, Oklahoma Jared Willis latest Chickasaw Purple Heart recipient Chickasaw soldier survives attack, completes Iraq duty After nearly a year in Iraq, themselves, trying to make their beginning to improve. To protect against future at- operate normally. where he survived an explosion, own lives better.” “When we got there, they were tacks, they replaced the standard Those reinforcements almost suffered through sandstorms, Spc. E-4 Willis was among throwing money at us,” said Spc. issue window with a metal one certainly saved Spc. Barrett weathered intense heat and the members of the 1245th Willis. “The Iraqi dinars with and placed a metal cage around made the best of difficult liv- Transportation Company that Saddam’s picture, they’d just the gunner’s area, making sure See Jared Willis, page ing conditions, Jared Willis, a was deployed Feb. 10, 2003 give them to us. They’d get tired the gun could still rotate and 14 22-year-old Chickasaw soldier and returned to Ardmore, Okla., of them and it was like ‘Here.’ from Mannsville, Okla., returned March 19 of this year. “Now their money is starting home feeling U.S. efforts helped “Jared makes us all very to be worth something, since make a difference for the people proud,” said Chickasaw Na- they came out with the new di- of Iraq. tion Governor Bill Anoatubby. nars without his picture on it.” “I think their life over there is “We commend him, and all the Spc. Willis, who was a gunner getting better,” said Spc.
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