Latitude 38 Latitude


On-the-water action in the AC drama may have been limited, but plenty was going on behind the scenes. Here's our Cup's prominence. wrap up of changes, news and dockside US board member and AC34 rumors: PRO — and former St. Francis YC Racing The America's Cup Race Management Director — John Craig was next up, touch- and AC Event Authority reached out to ing on a wide variety of topics including the the local sailing community last month pier layouts and the impact on seagoing at a pair of meetings. The fi rst was the traffi c on the Bay, topics on which he went local gathering of the Sailing Renaissance into more detail a few days later at a meet- group, a collection of local sailing business ing for yacht club and YRA representatives. leaders who've been meeting for the past Following Craig was a panel comprised of couple years to try to come up with ways AC management veteran and sponsor- to boost local sailing businesses. ship liaison Ashley Tobin, marketer Eric Naturally, the advent of an America's Holzheimer, and Protector USA's Howie Cup on the Bay has attracted quite a few Shiebler all of whom spoke to the need for more people to the mix, and the meeting on positioning oneself, and one's business or March 8 packed the Golden Gate YC with club early to take advantage of the oppor- over 150 people who showed up to get an tunities the Cup will bring. idea of how the Cup could affect their busi- Two days later Craig was back at the nesses. Group co-founder and Latitude 38 club, this time for a much smaller but no Associate Publisher John Arndt assumed less important group of YRA and yacht the MC duties for the three-hour meeting club representatives — who had reached which was kicked off by a instructive ad- out to ACRM in January to start the dialog dress by US Sailing President and Cup about how the event would affect local sail- winner Gary Jobson. ing. And while his address at the Sailing Jobson, in his role as Cup commenta- Renaissance meeting was worthwhile, the tor for ESPN going back to '87, touched topics at the front of most Bay Area racers' on a variety of topics in the course of his minds were addressed in far greater detail speech, but the one that got our attention at this more intimate gathering. There were the most was his relating the story of how a couple key takeaways. Annapolis came to host a stopover during "The races will be 45 minutes long," the '98-'99 Whitbread Race. Craig said. "Not 44 minutes, not 46 min- "You have to realize that you're all on the utes." same team, the same boat," Jobson said. He went on to explain that due to the "Once people in Annapolis realized that, nature of the requirements for televising A total of four AC45s are terrorizing the waters off then there was plenty to go around." the races, the Dynamic Positioning vessels Auckland, ahead of a test event in April. He then highlighted the importance of that will be used as marks will be inter- celebrity in getting mainstream attention faced with technology that will be able to down the TV executives' idea of having a for the Cup, citing the involvement of past predict the speed of the boats around the caution fl ag as in auto racing, in order to U.S. presidents as being essential to the course and adjust leg lengths accordingly. provide time for commercial breaks. The Back by popular demand, this is the last time we'll When people in the crowd guffawed at the end result, as far as Bay Area sailors are show the course area map for AC34, for now. idea, Craig replied that he'd already turned concerned, is that the prescribed nature of the racing will mean that the interruptions will be pretty predictable. "We don't want to shut down non-Cup racing on the Bay," Craig said. "The last thing we want is for the event to come and go and have people say, 'Well, that sucked.'" The practical implications are far from being obvious at this point, but they will be much clearer at the end of April when ACRM runs a test event in Auckland.

JOBS!!! Not as in Steve Jobs, but rather as in jobs for sailors. One of the coolest things to come out of the smaller meeting is that the ACRM will be coming to the local clubs ACEA for two things. First, they will need help — a lot of help — with course marshalling. They expect to


quoted as saying. "'The impact of those changes have been completely unknown until now, and those who negotiated on behalf of the city have some serious explaining to do. There were substantial increases in obligations and liabilities for the city." Although the changes were apparently greenlighted by the City Attorney's offi ce, the report stated that they signifi cantly increased the City's obligations — pro- hibited under the agreement the Board of Supervisors approved. Honestly, we don't know what bearing this will have on the event, and we hope that for America's Cup 34 it means little or no interruption. But one thing is for sure: given Larry Ellison's success in litigating both in the business world — he pounded rival SAP to the tune of $1.3 billion in damages in a lawsuit last year — and the Cup arena, where he smacked Ernesto Bertarelli's team around in the lead-up to AC33, we wouldn't bet against him.

USA 17 Is In San Francisco Oracle Racing seized yet another op- portunity to build awareness of the 34th America's Cup when USA 17, winner of the

GILLES MARTIN-RAGET 33rd contest, arrived at Pier 80 early on the morning of February 28. All the local mainstream media outlets, Golden Gate YC boosters, and sailing journalists were joined by the America's Cup Event Au- thority press offi cer Stephanie Martin and need upward of 200 marshal boats to help John Craig" and "Race Committee." Oracle team members John Kostecki and maintain order among a spectator fl eet Ian Burns. The unloading of USA 17 and that's expected to reach in the neighbor- Did the Deal Get Worse? its 223-ft wing didn't actually happen until hood of 5,000 boats and surround a course Early last month, City of San Francisco the following day, and it was later placed area that is six times the size of the ditch Budget Analyst Harvey Rose released his 'USA 17' is in San Francisco, having arrived at zone the Coast Guard sets up for Fleet report on the changes negotiated by for- the end of February. But don't expect to see her Week – an effort itself that requires 50 mer Mayor Gavin Newsom to the Host tearing around the Bay any time soon, if ever. boats. So Craig and the ACRM came with Venue Agreement their hands out, asking for help from the agreed upon by all clubs and their members to fi nd the boats 11 Supervisors in and drivers they'll need. A training process mid-December. is in the works, and we can guarantee you, In an article in there will be no better way to see the action the San Francisco from the water. Chronicle by reporter Second, Craig said that they will be John Coté, supervi- recruiting almost exclusively from the Bay sor Ross Mirkarimi, for Race Committee staff that will work on who commissioned every America's Cup World Series event, Rose's analysis, the Louis Vuitton Cup and the Cup itself. took exception to These 60-80 people will need to able to the changes made commit to roughly two-week stints for by Newsom and his every ACWS event, and will get paid with team. more than just a million-dollar view. "'We ratifi ed a de- If you're interested in either, go to www. cent deal, but the and click on the "Join proposal changed our team" link. When you upload your signifi cantly by Dec. ERIK SIMONSON/WWW.H2OSHOTS.COM resume, make a note that says "Attention 31,'" Mirkarimi was


in a massive shed at the pier. From what the Louis Vuitton Möet Hennessy Group, was said, it sounds pretty unlikely that surpassed Larry Ellison in the rankings. USA 17 will sail on the Bay, and that it also That's pretty funny considering that Louis may be some time before it's available for Vuitton was the fi rst sponsor to sign on public viewing. Hopefully, Ellison will use to America's Cup 34, for what one Event some of that pier property he negotiated Authority offi cial called a "signifi cant" dol- for to set up a Spruce Goose-style display lar amount. space for the massive tri. Cup Chat The Challengers The Golden Gate YC is putting a new The list of challengers has grown since spin on its speaker series with "Cup Chat last month with the announcement of a — A Revolution of Sailing." The next event Team New Zealand campaign that has will feature guests Tom Ehman, Genny retained its title sponsor of '07, Emirates Tulloch and headliner Peter "Luigi" Reggio, Airlines. Team boss Grant Dalton has been one of the world's preeminent PROs. Staff quoted as saying that despite the spon- Commodore Marcus Young, is hosting the sorship, the team still isn't fully funded, event at the club on April 14 at 7 p.m and although they have already taken delivery reservations are required. Email: pr@ggyc. of an AC45. com. The event will also feature a live jazz Just four days before the entry dead- 'Cup Chat — A Revolution of Sailing ' will take band led by Cyril Guirard, whom we know line, the country that gave the world the over the Golden Gate YC on April 14. It doesn't of fi rst as crew aboard Mark Howe's Farr fully-battened mainsail announced it will start until after Strictly Sail Pacifi c closes for the 36 War Pony, which set what we believe be rejoining the modern Cup era for an- day, so you have no excuse not to go . . . has to be the fastest time to Hawaii for a other go. China Team announced March Dollars and Sensibilities boat under 40-feet — 8.5 days — in last 28 that it will be back in the mix for the The Forbes list of the world's richest year's Pacifi c Cup. Granted, that'll look 34th America's Cup, after debuting in people came out last month, and with it the pedestrian compared to an AC 72 . . . Valencia for AC32. news that Bernard Arnault, chairman of — latitude/rg


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Two Hot Boats… Getting Hotter! Beneteau IOR summer race upgrade. BRING A FRIEND! (or don't let your competition get here fi rst.)


Had Jeff Spicoli been a sailor he Spread — if you were in doubt about the conditions for Day 1 of the Richmond YC's Big Daddy Regatta, this might have said something like, "All I need photo says it all. Insets, from left — the Open 5.70s were the largest one design class at the regatta, and have since added two more boats to their contingent on the Bay; the fl eets got mixed up at times. is some tasty breeze and a cool buzz and I'm fi ne." Spicoli, Sean Penn's character day, there wasn't much to dislike about design and fi ve PHRF divisions showed from the '82 comedy classic fi lm, Fast this annual event that bookends the Bay's up on Saturday for three buoy races. Times at Ridgemont High would have summer racing season. found both at the Richmond YC's Big "If it were like this all the time, every- The fastest PHRF division was labeled Daddy Regatta March 12-13. With a Fast one would move here just to sail," said "B" and went to Jeff Pulford's Sydney 38 Times theme, pre-race gin fi zzes and one Gordie Nash, who sailed his modernized Bustin' Loose, which notched a 2-1-3 to of, if not the most, brilliant race days of Santana 27 Arcadia to a 1-1-3. He had a fi nish two points clear of a tie for second the year so far on Saturday, Spicoli would one-point win in the seven-boat PHRF G in the 10-boat division — between Brad have undoubtedly dubbed it, "Awwwe- division over Don Taylor's J/24 On Belay Copper's Tripp 43 TNT and Sy Kleinman's some!" and brother Chris Nash's Hawkfarm El Schumacher 54 Swiftsure II, decided in With sunshine, temps in the high-60s Gavilan. favor of the former on a countback. and breeze that started out at nine knots The secret must have gotten out in PHRF D — there was no "C" — was ERIK SIMONSON/WWW.H2OSHOTS.COM and built to the low teens throughout the advance, because 86 boats in seven one all John Wimer's J/120 Desdemona, a — AWWWWESOME! STEVE HOLLOWAY/RUNEMEDIA

perennial contender for honors both on Bryce Griffi th's Antrim 27 Arch Angel only fi ve boats, and Steve Katzman's Di- the water and at the party. Desdemona rounded out the podium two points anne took honors with straight bullets. racked up three straight bullets to fi nish back. The J/105s did a little better with six three points clear of Wayne Koide's Syd- Mitchell Wells' Soverel 33 Flexifl yer put boats lining up to see Tom Kennelly's ney 36 CR Encore. The latter scored a trio up three bullets to take PHRF F ahead of Wonder and Charles James' Roxanne of seconds to fi nish fi ve points ahead of OYRA President Andy Newell's Santana battle it out for the honors. Wonder won Dan Alvarez' JS 9000 JetStream in the 35 Ahi, which scored a 2-2-2. Peter Cook's on the strength of a 2-1-1 to Roxanne's seven-boat division. Ultimate 24 For Pete's Sake rolled on into 1-2-2. Tied for the largest handicap division, third in the six-boat division. One-upping the 105s were the Ulti- PHRF E went to Dean Treadway's im- mate 20s, with seven boats. Tom Bur- maculate, bright-fi nished, cold-molded den's Layla scored a 2-1-1 to fi nish one Farr 36 Sweet Okole. Okole and Gerry The seven one-design divisions were point clear of Michael Eisenberg's Toon Brown's Farr 38 Mintaka 4 each put up made up of some regulars, some new ones Town, which scored a 1-2-2. seven points, with the former taking the and some that were returning after a The Wylie Wabbits did one better than win on a countback by virtue of her pair hiatus. The Express 27s, which normally the Ultimate 20s, bringing out eight boats. of bullets in the second and third races. draw a decent crowd for the regatta pulled The typically close fl eet saw Erik Menzel's BIG DADDY REGATTA STEVE HOLLOWAY/RUNEMEDIA

Above — Tony Pohl's 'Twisted' bears away around a weather mark. Spread — Chris Sears' Express 37 'Exy' charges upwind with her righting moment engineers earning their keep on the weather rail. Bad Hare Day win on a countback after out the largest fl eet. In just a few short tying with Sarah Deeds, who was sailing years, this phenomenon of a class has Jack, borrowed from Bill Erkelens. Kim built a solid following on the Bay, with Desenberg's Mr. McGregor racked up two nine boats showing up for the regatta. bullets in the second and third races, but Former Express 27 sailor Tom Baffi co a sixth in the opening race meant that Mr. sailed The Maker to a 2-1-1, fi nishing four McGregor fi nished one-point out of fi rst. points clear of Barry Demak's tongue-in- The Express 37s drew six boats, and cheek-named Whale Tale — Demak was the race wins were divided among the aboard the late J/120 J/World when it

top-three boats, with Kame Richards' was lost off the Baja Coast during the '09 STEVE HOLLOWAY/RUNEMEDIA Golden Moon sailing to a consistent 2-2-1 Baja Ha-Ha after a collision with a whale. to beat out Bob Harford's Stewball and Two points behind Demak was Nik Vale's Michael Maloney's Bullet in second and Demonic. third respectively. The Bay's Open 5.70 fl eet now num- The Olson 25s brought out fi ve boats, bers 11 boats, attracting converts with continue to attract more sailors in the with Nesrin Basoz' Sweet Ness rolling a combination of user-friendly speed, coming years. to a 1-1-2 to beat out Tom Blagg's Pearl compactness, and suitability for the lo- (3-2-1) and Daniel Coleman's Baleineau cal conditions. Their powerful, brightly- (2-3-3). colored hulls and square-top mains Saturday night is, of course, party Although the smallest boats of any of undoubtedly help the boat catch eyes, night at the Big Daddy and the tunes the one designs, the Open 5.70s turned and we'll be surprised if the fl eet doesn't provided by The Fast Times Band kept From left — The Fast Times Band has got to be one of the best we've ever seen at a regatta party, and the crowd thought so too; 'Desdemona's Katie Cochrane owned the dance fl oor; you're in trouble . . . the detention list included some of the Bay's most notorious racers and those who weren't listed got the write-in nod from the crowd. LATITUDE/ROB LATITUDE/ROB LATITUDE/ROB

Page 92 • Latitude 38 • March, 2011 — AWWWWESOME!

the dance fl oor packed while a dinner spread that had everyone rav- ing kept bellies filled enough to soak up ex- cess libations. Although Sunday was pretty much the op- posite of Saturday on the pleasantness scale — it was cold, gray and rainy — it didn't stop 80 monohulls and seven multihulls from LATITUDE/ROB showing up for the 11- mile pursuit race, aka the Two-Island Fiasco, Naturally the PRO leads the statistics class right? that allows the boats to Bill Gage was the head number cruncher. choose what order they tion ratings — although much improved round Alctraz and Angel over the last couple of years — have Islands. always seemed exceedingly generous to Although he's a lot the multis compared to the monos own more pleasant than the handicaps, especially on the random leg teacher played by Ray and downwind courses, like the pursuit Walston in the movie, races and Three Bridge Fiasco when they you can call Gordie usually compete together. Nash "Mr. Hand," as If we’re counting right, this year suc- he gave the monohull cessfully marked the 28th anniversary fleet a follow-up les- of the regatta founded by its namesake, son on how to win with the late Richmond YC Commodore Bob Arcadia — capping off “Big Daddy” Klein. His outsize presence a successful weekend continues to bring the Bay's sailors out with the pursuit race en masse for one of the biggest regattas victory. Baffico's The on the Bay. Maker fi nished second and John Wolfe's — latitude/rg Ultimate 20 Breakaway rounded out the top-three. RICHMOND YC BIG DADDY REGATTA (3/12-13) For the fi rst time — that we know of SATURDAY: — the multihulls sailed in a separate divi- PHRF B — 1) Bustin' Loose, Sydney 38, Jeff Pulford, 6 points; 2) TNT, Tripp 43, Brad Copper, 8; sion for the pursuit race, which we think 3) Swiftsure II, Sy Kleinman, 8. (9 boats) was a positive step for a couple reasons. PHRF D — 1) Desdemona, J/120, John Wimer, First, the chances of later starters hav- 3 points; 2) Encore, Sydney 36, Wyne Koide, 6; 3) ing more breeze are almost always better JetStream, JS 9000, 11. (7 boats) than the other way around, and due to Below — Brooks Dees' GP 26 'Salt Peanuts' hangs their speed, multis almost always start in a tough spot above two progressively bigger later than the bulk of the monohulls. boats. Left — Michael Maloney's Express 37 'Bul- Second, the Bay Area Multihull Associa- let' chases Kame Richards' 'Golden Moon'. STEVE HOLLOWAY/RUNEMEDIA STEVE HOLLOWAY/RUNEMEDIA

April, 2011 • Latitude 38 • Page 101 BIG DADDY REGATTA

PHRF E — 1) Sweet Okole, Farr 36, Dean Tread- way, 7 points; 2) Minataka 4, Farr 38, 9; 3) Arch An- gel, Antrim 27, Bryce Griffi th, 9. (6 boats) PHRF F — 1) Flexifl yer, Soverel 33, Mitchell Wells, 3 points; 2) Ahi, Santana 35, Andy Newell, 6; 3) For Pete's Sake, Ultimate 24, Peter Cook, 10. (6 boats) PHRF G — 1) Arcadia, Modernized Santana 27, Gordie Nash, 5; 2) On Belay, J/24, Don Taylor; 3) El Gavilan, Hawkfarm, Chris Nash, 9. (7 boats) EXPRESS 27 — 1) Dianne, Steve Katzman, 3 points; 2) Elise, Nathalie Criou/Nathan Bossett, 9; 3) Light'n Up, Karl Gillette, 10. (5 boats) J/105 — 1) Wonder, Tom Kennelly, 4 points; 2) Roxanne, Charles James, 5; 3) Orion/Godot, Keith Laby, 10. (6 boats) ULTIMATE 20 — 1) Layla, Tom Burden, 4 points; 2) Toon Town, Michael Eisenberg, 5; 3) Breakaway,

John Wolfe, 10. (7 boats) ERIK SIMONSON/WWW.H2OSHOTS.COM WYLIE WABBIT — 1) Bad Hare Day, Erik Menzel, 7 points; 2) Jack, Sarah Deeds, 7; 3) Mr. McGregor, Kim Desenberg, 8. (8 boats) EXPRESS 37 — 1) Golden Moon, Kame Rich- ards, 5 points; 2) Stewball, Bob Harford, 7; 3) Bullet, MONOHULL — 1) Arcadia; 2) The Maker; 3) Dan Alvarez' JS 9000 'JetStream' glides upwind Michael Maloney, 8. (6 boats) Breakaway, Ultimate 20, John Wolfe; 4) Toon Town, during Saturday's champagne sailing. Ultimate 20, Michael Eisenberg; 5) Quiver, N/M 36, OLSON 25 — 1) Sweet Ness, Nesrin Basoz, 4 MULTIHULL — 1) Adrenaline, Modifi ed D-Class Jeff McCord; 6) Encore; 7) Split Water, Beneteau points; 2) Pearl, Tom Blagg, 6; 3) Balieneau, Daniel Catamaran, Bill Erkelens Sr.; 2) Carpe Diem, Hobie 10R, David Britt; 8) Golden Moon; 9) Always Friday, Coleman, 8. (5 boats) Miracle 20, Tim Parsons; 3) Shadow, Formula 40, Antrim 27, John Liebenberg; 10) Tiki Blue, Beneteau OPEN 5.70s — 1) The Maker, Tom Baffi co, 4 Peter Stoneberg; 4) Beowulf V, D-Class Catamaran, 423, Gary Troxel. (80 boats) points; 2) Whale Tale, Barry Demak, 8; 3) Demonic, Allan O' Driscoll; 5) n/a, Hobie Fx one, Jacob Sailer. Nik Vale, 10. (9 boats) (7 boats) SUNDAY PURSUIT RACE: Complete results at:

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Page 102 • Latitude 38 • April, 2011 MARINE HARDWARE

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April, 2011 • Latitude 38 • Page 103 THE 5,000-MILE WAVE

Though nothing can compare to the devastation that occurred in Japan after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, had the best whale-watching ever. ten caught in the the tremendous number of fi rsthand re- By 2 p.m. the harbor was still closed. channel when ports we received from all over the Pacifi c With the help of a friend and his infl at- the surge came on the effects of the tsunami were not able kayak, I managed to get my dog to in, particularly only interesting, but very informative. shore to take care of business. I then with the Chetco — latitude 38 walked down to assess the situation in River at a win- Lahaina Harbor. I was astonished — so ter high. But the We departed Ala Wai Marina in Hono- much water had gone out that there was scene out at the lulu about three hours before the sched- no water under the docks! But after I'd bar was horrifi c. uled arrival of the tsunami. There had turned away for just a couple of minutes In addition, the been regular announcements that going to talk to a friend, the water had come in forecast was for to sea was the safest tactic. The port so high that it was covering the docks. gale winds and captains and the Coast Guard closed all (We don't have fl oating docks in Hawaii.) big seas outside. Hawaii harbors to incoming vessels, and The surge was causing the water in the Some of the kept them closed until noon the next day harbor to look like a river fl owing in and boats that es- so they could assess the damage. then out. No wonder the Coast Guard caped Crescent It was a very unpleasant night at sea hadn't let any boats back in the harbor! City lacked suffi - for us, between apprehension about the One that hadn't been taken out of the cient fuel to make conditions and dodging the several hun- harbor had her transom ripped off, and it to Coos Bay or dred other boats seeking refuge in deep subsequently sank. A lot of the docks Eureka, so they water. By daylight we were pretty tired. around the remaining boats were com- were stuck out- Jim and I dropped anchor off Waikiki in pletely destroyed, along with the boats' side hoping the 60 feet and rested until the Coast Guard swim platforms. Some boats sank and Coasties would said we could return to our slip. There others were capsized. Dock boxes were open the Chetco was still signifi cant surge in the marina destroyed, fi lled with sand, or relocated bar for them. for the next several hours. by the force of the water. But even after Our friends who stayed in their slips, The most amazing thing to me was the surges were either because they were too shorthand- that nobody from Hawaii's Department over, the harbor was a mess. ed to leave or thought staying put was of Land & Natural Resources — which is John Boye the right thing to do, were glad to have responsible for the operation and main- Tom Thumb survived, and spent an anxious night tenance of the harbors — was anywhere Havsfi dra 25 readjusting lines. Six more inches of tidal to be see in Lahaina Harbor on Friday change and it would have been a whole or Saturday! It was left to us boatowners Like many people I thought the tsu- different story for them. to replace missing dock planks, and put nami impact inside the Bay would be Diana and Jim Freeland up 'caution' tape so people didn’t fall minimal but I was wrong. When I went Prufrock, Santa Cruz 52 through or off the docks where whole to my boat in the Berkeley Marina (www. sections were missing. Boatowners were The tsunami was expected to hit Maui also pulling the fl otsam and jetsam out the following day, I found the remnants just before 3:30 a.m., so we had plenty of to make the water safer. But where were of the E37 dock fi nger in D36 next to time to get our state workers? Didn't they care about my boat. The ends of D and E docks to the boat the liability of electrical lines in the were badly damaged or broken apart. a n d t a k e water, broken water pipes, docks with Some boats were damaged when they off. It was sections missing, sunken boats, and all ended up partially under the docks or a beauti- the rest? Apparently not. dock fi ngers. My liveaboard neighbors ful starry I then remembered it was 'Furlough were jerked out of their bunks as the Hawaiian Friday'. I guess a tsunami-destroyed har- last major surge came through around night with bor wasn't a big enough emergency for midnight Friday. a nice cool state workers to make an appearance. I joined friends on a short sea trial breeze and The Coast Guard fi nally allowed the of a boat in Sausalito and saw more w h a l e s boats back in Lahaina Harbor on Satur- than the usual amount of carnage and blowing day morning. There was still consider- half-sunken boats in Richardson Bay. all around able surge, but it was manageable. Some Several boats had sunk but no mention us, so we boats had no slip to return to, but we are of this was made in the news. This was weren’t a resourceful lot and will come up with defi nitely not a non-event in the Bay. complain- a Plan B. Fortunately, there was no loss My own boat was undamaged, and I ANONYMOUS MAUI BOATOWNER ing. of life or serious injury. attribute this to the fact that I keep fairly Daylight Anonymous loose dock lines and the boat was able to Lahaina saw plenty of damage came, and ride out the surges. I think the boats that but no state workers. we started I watched a huge swell come in at suffered most were those more tightly heading closer to Lahaina, thinking that Brookings, Oregon, and it was ugly tied to their docks, allowing cleats to rip the Coast Guard would soon signal the and scary ( from the dock or the boat. all-clear and let us return to the harbor. brookings97415#p/u/6/ihZk0N_huRY). Bill Rathbun While we were making our way back, we It would have been bad news to have got- Rhumbline, Islander 30 Mk II

Page 104 • Latitude 38 • April, 2011 — WESTERN PACIFIC TSUNAMI NOTES

For me, the lesson was to move your boat to open ocean at the fi rst warning of a tsunami! I subscribe to free tsunami email alerts ( ptwc/subscribe.php) that are delivered to my cell phone. I would urge everyone to sign up for this service. Dick Drechsler Last Resort, Catalina 470

I took my boat out for a sail in San Diego the day after the tsunami and, when I returned to my slip, the water fl ow was so strong that I had to use full power to get upcurrent into my slip. And my boat motors at 5.5 knots! Even as late as Sunday afternoon we were still experiencing changes in directions of the 'tides' every 10 minutes. Barney Van Fleet Seaquestered, Hunter Legend 35.5

Our boat was unattended at Puerto

USCG GROUP AIR STATION NORTH BEND NORTH USCG GROUP AIR STATION Los Cabos. Jim Hart, who owns Liberty, the Hunter 36 a few slips down, reported that the water ran into and out of the harbor like a river for two hours, but there was no signifi cant damage. Craig & Diane Moyle Brookings, Oregon, suffered an estimated $6.7 "If you can leave, by all means, do so." Concordia, Cape North 43 million in damages from the tsunami surges. En route to Marina del Rey, I picked A neighbor awoke me at 6 a.m. on up a report that the water had receded Ours was one of the boats in Tsunami Friday to tell me of the warn- approximately 20 feet in Cat Harbor, the Nayarit Riviera Marina on ing, and suggested that I might want then fl ooded about the same amount Banderas Bay ( to check out my boat. My boat's engine when the fi rst wave hit around 8:45 a.m. watch?v=d6IbcgUXH2k&NR=1). One was not working due to a problem with It was subsequently reported that the of the local harbormasters got on the the exhaust system, and she was still in dinghy dock pier was damaged and 10 VHF net to tell everyone that all ports winter mode with double docklines — so small boats capsized. in Mexico were closed. He said that if a I decided to keep her in port. Although I l e a r n e d boatowner left a mine was not one of the boats damaged that King Har- marina or port, in Santa Cruz Harbor ( bor had been he/she could be com/watch?v=Zgt8qBSZEn0), I did see all closed. Fifteen subject to fi nes the damage it caused. Next time I would knots of current up to $5,000. defi nitely head out to sea. were reported At that point, Robert Stege at the chan- I turned to the New Bird, Ranger 33 nel entrance, Pacifi c Tsunami with damage to Warning Center As it happened, I was in Long Beach docks in Basin and brought up on the Friday the tsunami hit the Cali- 2. the graphic Lat- fornia coast, and there was nothing. A About a half itude later used big fat nothing. And yet I went online and hour out of Ma- Fourteen boats sank in Santa Cruz, which took an estimated on 'Lectronic brought up a YouTube video of Cat Har- rina del Rey, I $30 million hit to docks and boats. Latitude (see bor at Catalina having some destruction called the harbor department and was Sightings). from the current ( told the harbor was open, and to use the Thanks to the internet, we knew that watch?v=ilcfGVvQztM&feature=related). south entrance. All but three of the dozen the tsunami was supposed to hit La Cruz Gendon or so shoal markers had been dragged sometime between 12:30 and 2:30 p.m. off-station and out to sea. I was advised At 10:30 a.m. we still had no word from I was scheduled to leave Avalon on the to watch the depth, as unmarked shoal- the Mexican government or the port morning of Tsunami Friday. I began moni- ing had likely occurred due to the cur- captain, and over the internet we started toring the VHF at about 6 a.m., and other rents. Once inside the marina, I found to see the reports of damage in places than the general tsunami advisory being that the markers dividing the sail/no-sail such as Crescent City and Santa Cruz. repeated by the Coast Guard, the Har- lanes had been knocked asunder and the We decided to go to sea, even though bormaster's Offi ce in Avalon was mum. current was running in rivers at about the port captain's offi ce was still fl ying I did, however, overhear another boat fi ve to six knots. I saw no damage in the the red fl ag, indicating the harbor was get advice from the offi ce at 7 a.m. that, harbor, and I docked without incident. closed.

April, 2011 • Latitude 38 • Page 105 THE 5,000-MILE WAVE

We motored 10 miles into ing the VHF and 'waving goodbye' Banderas Bay, where it was 400 to the people at the offi ce who feet deep. At that point we start- gestured for us to return. ed getting reports of water surges About halfway to Isla Isabella — in the various marinas around 20 miles or so out — a navy pa- the bay. On the fourth and fi - trol boat gestured that we should nal surge in La Cruz, someone return to port. They didn't speak reported the fl uctuation in the to us, but they did take photos height of the water was 5½ feet, of our boat. Then they took off in and caused currents in excess a big hurry toward San Blas. We of 10 knots. Shortly after came slowly motored toward San Blas reports of Dock 11 breaking up. JOHN THOMPSON until they were out of sight, all Despite the tsunami, we had a the while trying to fi gure out how nice sail, and had a great time watching The extent of the damage at Marina Riviera much trouble we were in. whales playing off the Tres Marietas. Nayarit in La Cruz was a few broken docks. As we were trying to decide whether We returned to La Cruz around 5 Nobody was fi ned for leaving closed to continue north or return and face the p.m., and discovered that the marina ports. wrath of the port captain, we noticed was still closed due to surging water and Tom Jeremiason another sailboat on the horizon. It was fl oating debris from the broken docks. Camelot, Catalina 470 Gerry on Sol Seeker. He said that he'd We spent the night in the anchorage out- been told to return to San Blas, even side La Cruz, and the next morning were We were in San Blas, ready to get out though it was three hours away and only one of the fi rst boats to enter La Cruz of the shallow water, when everyone kept an hour before the tsunami was expected Marina. The breakwater entrance still telling us that the port captain had closed to hit. Both Gerry and I decided to keep had a strong surge, and several of the the port. I had no idea what to expect by going toward Isabella, and all was well. channel markers were off-station by 50 defying the closed port announcement, I just checked into Mazatlan and I was to 300 feet. The most shocking evidence but I did know that a shallow estuary not arrested, so life is good again. of the tsunami was the remains of the is about the worst place to be during a Arjan Bok end fi ngers of Dock 11. tsunami. So we motored out to sea, ignor- RotKat, Schionning 43

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April, 2011 • Latitude 38 • Page 107 GET 'EM OFF THE COUCH —

For decades the sport of sailing has been trying to shake off the perception that it's an elitist activity only accessible opportunities for kids from 7 to 18 to membership is required, kids to the upper crust of society. Here at access sailing — regardless of their are typically offered a youth Latitude 38 we've always worked hard socio-economic backgrounds. In an era membership rate between $15 to debunk that myth by demonstrating when sports programs are being cut from and $55. The idea, after all, is to that access to sailing is much easier than school curriculums, and rates of both bring new blood into the sport, adolescent obesity and diabetes not to set up deal-breaking ob- are sky-rocketing, introducing stacles. Young trainees typically kids to sailing might be one of need to know how to swim, but the wisest things a modern par- do not need previous boating ent can do. Not only will they experience. get a healthy dose of outdoor At YCs, the focus is almost exercise, but they'll gain self- always on dinghy sailing, as confi dence while learning new the idea is to build basic skills life skills and meeting physical which will serve as a solid foun- challenges. dation for a lifetime of sailing Many Bay Area yacht clubs fun. By contrast, some non-YC have instructional 'junior' pro- programs are run aboard large grams for kids, particularly dur- keelboats, as their primary goal ing the summer months. There is just to give kids their fi rst are also a number of community introduction to the nautical sailing programs specifically world. focused on making the sport of A wide range of boats are sailing accessible to any and all used in junior programs, and Bay Area youngsters. in most cases they're provided RICHARD GILLETTE at no additional cost. The vast A fi rst-time sailor takes the helm of the Alden Yacht Club Programs majority of young sailors start 51 'Pegasus' during a daysail with her middle As you'll see in the accompanying out on El Toros or Optimist school class. All participants sail for free. sidebar, there are at least 17 Bay Area prams. Once they learn the ropes, they're most would-be mariners think: Check YCs that offer summer sailing programs likely to move up to Lasers, and eventu- out our online Crew List and you'll fi nd for kids, and nearly a dozen that offer ally to two-person FJs or 420s (both jib- crew positions for rides around the Bay them during the school year. Most have and-main boats). Some clubs also work and across oceans. Show up at any yacht been operating successfully for many with nearby high schools to provide race club's weeknight 'beer can' race with a years thanks to dedicated club volun- training and support racing teams. positive attitude and a six-pack of suds, teers who organize events, teach classes, YC junior programs tend to be a win- and you'll likely fi nd a ride for an evening and do maintenance on the boats. Spring ning idea all the way around: The kids of competitive fun. And if you're in the is the ideal time to check out their of- have a blast, get some exercise, gain an market for a knock-around starter boat ferings in order to get your kids signed appreciation for the simple physics of of your own, you can often fi nd one for up well before summer begins, as most wind power, and perhaps even pick up a under $5,000 in our Classy Classifi eds programs have a limited number of open- lifelong hobby. The club members have and elsewhere. ings. fun sharing their expertise while getting And, as you'll learn in these pages, Although most YC summer sessions to know potential future club members the Bay Area also offers a wealth of charge a fee, many offer scholarship — or possibly future sailing rockstars. Once young sailors learn the ropes, they can programs for folks who can prove fi nan- (John Kostecki and Melissa Purdy both participate in more advanced opportunities, cial need. Parents usually do not have to spent a lot of time in the Richmond YC's such as this Encinal YC race program. be club members. At YCs where youth program, as did Paul Cayard before mov- ing on to the St. Francis YC.) And the kids' parents come away with the sat- isfaction of knowing they've introduced their son or daughter to a new form of active outdoor fun.

Community Access Programs For the purpose of this overview, we'll lump together all non-yacht club sailing options. But, in fact, they each have dis- tinctly different qualities and offerings. All 'community-access' programs tend to share the same overarching goal: to expose as many kids (and/or adults) as possible to the joys of sailing in the Bay Area's unique aquatic realm. Often, kids also come away with a greater awareness

BILLY ZLOTOCHA BILLY of the Bay's delicate marine ecosystem, KIDS' ACCESS TO BAY SAILING

Since its founding in 1992, more than 10,000 young salts from virtually every S.F. public school have sailed aboard the Foundation's 20-ft daysailers or its fl ag- ship, the 46-ft former ocean racer Golden Bear. ( The Pegasus Project — Over the past

Introducing kids to sailing might be one of the wisest things a modern parent can do.

15 years, thousands of kids have been introduced to the joys of sailing the Bay aboard the well-kept Alden 51 ketch Pe- gasus. Drawing primarily from East Bay schools, the volunteer staff's mission is for young trainees "to become produc- tive members of a sustainable society ROBERT van GOOL ROBERT through positive outdoor environmental education, and by reinforcing life skills." With the support of several partner or- ganizations and profi ts from mainstream charter work, all kids who attend these GREG TARCZYNSKI hands-on sessions sail for free. (www. Ah to be young and innocent again, experienc- or physically disabled. A wide range of ing the joy of sailing without the help of mom or programs give 7- to 18-year-old trainees Call of the Sea — This well-respected dad (at Treasure Island Sailing Center.) exposure to sailing aboard dinghies as organization offers three-hour programs and an appreciation for the region's well as keelboats. aboard the traditional, 82-ft schooner colorful maritime heritage. Most if not Thanks to extensive community sup- Seaward (which also offers private char- all such programs have provisions for port and volunteer fundraising, nearly ters). Hands-on sessions focus on sea- kids to sail for free through need-based 80% of participating kids sail for free. manship, local history and navigation, grants and scholarships. This fact has With its unique location at the edge of and align with 4th- and 5th-grade social led to one of their greatest successes, as Clipper Cove — renowned for brisk winds studies curricula — yet are adaptable to they are accessible to all kids, regardless over fl at water — the Center conducts other grade levels. ( of social status, some of whom might serious racing classes here also. (www. In Marin County, Sailing Education Adventures never have a chance to set foot aboard introduces kids of all social strata to the joys a sailboat otherwise, let alone learn to Oakland Park & Recreation Dept. of sailing. operate one. — Two other 'gems' which greatly For many years, savvy corporations benefi t Bay Area kids are the Lake have used 'team-building' exercises Merritt Boating Center, near the city aboard sailboats to build character center, and the Jack London Aquatic among their employees and foster an Center, located along the north shore appreciation for mutual cooperation. of the Oakland-Alameda Estuary. The teamwork required to maneuver a A number of introductory pro- big keelboat or rig and launch a fl eet of grams are offered at the lake for sailing dinghies yields similar results in grade-schoolers, including after- kids of all ages. school learn-to-sail courses in El Here's a quick look at some popular Toros. The action on the Estuary community programs: is geared primarily toward middle- Treasure Island Sailing Center — schoolers and high-schoolers from Located literally in the middle of the any area school, who train and race Central Bay, this multi-faceted facility is aboard dinghies and keelboats. well-named, as it is indeed a 'treasure' ( for the surrounding communities. Estab- Blue Water Foundation — As evi- lished by a group of Bay racers in 1999, dence that on-the-water experience the Center's programs have continu- for kids is a benefi t to society, this ally expanded over the years to promote nonprofi t, volunteer-run group is sailing and ecological awareness to the heavily supported by both the San broadest possible spectrum — including Francisco School District and the

at-risk kids, and those who are mentally San Francisco Police Department. / ANDY LATITUDE GET 'EM OFF THE COUCH —

Tahoe City Parks & Rec) — Bryce Griffi th, A FULL MENU OF KIDS' SAILING OPTIONS (530) 583-3796 ext. 25/ext. 12. Youth Slg Prgm, ages 8-17; Jun-Aug, Mon-Thu 10-4 Investigate further details at: Race Prgm Mon eves & Fri days; CFJs, Picos, and at the websites of individual organizations listed below. Nomad 17s, Lasers; cost contact above. Nehemiah — Like so Tiburon YC — Pat Lopez, (415) 454- many others involved 7228,; Schedule TBA (Begin Spring & Fall Learn-to-Sail Prgm, ages 8-18; with youth sail train- YACHT CLUB PROGRAMS Mar); prov'd Optis or bring your own; Cost Apr-Sep; Optis, Laser Radials & 4.7s, FJs, ing, Capt. Rod Phillips $40/day w/ your boat, $65/day if using a Benicia YC — Derith Lutz, (707) 746- 29ers, 420s (prov'd). Smr Prgm, ages 8-18, and his wife Joni view TYC boat. 0739, Smr all levels; Jun-Aug; Optis, Laser Radials & sailing as a chance for Prgm, ages 9-12 & 13-18; Two 5-wk ses- 4.7s, FJs, 29ers, 420s (prov'd). High Schl COMMUNITY PROGRAMS troubled kids to see the sions Jun-Aug, Tue; DeWitt Dinghies, Optis Prgm, grades 9-12 from any Marin Cty high world through a dif- & El Toros (prov'd) schl; After schl, Tue-Fri; FJs (prov'd); Schol- Oakland Parks & Rec — Sarah Herbe- ferent lens. Years ago Coyote Pt YC (San Mateo) — Laurel M. arships through Belvedere Cove Foundation. lin, (510) 238-2196, they decided to offer Reid, Smr Camp, ages 8 to Santa Cruz YC — Peter Pillsbury, (831) parks/prgms/boating.asp. Slg into Science, 16; Wks of 6/20, 6/27, 7/11, 7/18, 7/25, 8/1, 425-0690, Pinto Lake Prgm, fi fth graders; Lake Merritt Boating Ctr; schl their boat — a classic M-F 9-4; Optis & El Toros: $275/ wk; 10% ages 8-14; Pinto Lake, Watsonville; Sun, year; Pedalbts, dragonbts, kayaks, whalebts 57-ft ketch — and their off second child. Sep-Mar; El Toros (avail for rent); $55 YC (prov'd); $300 per class per day (up to 32 maritime knowledge Encinal YC (Alameda) — Mallory McCo- jr membership. Scholastic Prgm, grades students) or $150 (15 students). After-Schl to young people from llum-Bozina, (510) 769-0221, www.encinal. 8-12 from Pacifi c Collegiate, Santa Cruz, & Learn-to-Sail prgm, ages 10-17; LMBC; nearby communities. org; Smr Prgm, ages 8-18, all levels; 3-wk Soquel High Schls; Santa Cruz Yacht Harbor; Wed or Tue & Thu during schl yr; El Toros They've taken hundreds sessions, Jun-Aug, Mon-Thu; Optis, Lasers, Sat, Sep-Mar; FJs (prov'd), Lasers, 420s. (prov'd); $145/10 wks. Basic, Intermed Smr of kids out for booming FJs, 420s (prov'd); Spring, Fall Prgrm, ages Advanced Slg Prgm, independent competi- Prgm, ages 7-18; LMBC; One-wk sessions, sails on the Bay, many 8-18; Sat & Sun for 6 wks (dates TBA), tors; Moore 24s (prov'd); Lasers, 29ers, etc. Jun-Aug; El Toros, Sunfi sh, Bytes, JY15s, of whom are underpriv- 12:30-4:30; Optis, Lasers, FJs (prov'd); High (BYOB). Lasers (prov'd); $145/Oakland residents; Schl Prgm, grades 8-12; Wkends Feb-Apr; Sausalito YC — Rob Dubuc, www. $160/non-residents. Advanced Smr Prgm, iledged or 'at-risk'. FJs (prov'd); Scholarships through Encinal Smr Prgm, ages ages 10-18; Jack London Aquatic Ctr (Oak- A longtime profes- Sailing Foundation. 9-17; Jun-Aug. Begin, High Schl Varsity & land Estuary); One-wk session, Jun-Aug; sional mariner, Capt. Golden Gate YC — Dave Santori, (510) JV Slg; Sep-May; Optis, Lasers, Laser Radi- windsurfers, cats, keelbts, JY15s, Bytes 693-9104,; High Schl Prgm, als (prov'd); Scholarships through Sausalito (prov'd); $175 & up. Youth Slg Team, grades grades 9-12 from any high schl, esp. Lowell, Youth Slg Foundation. 8-12 from any schl; JLAC; practices & re- Lincoln, or School of the Arts (middle schl South Beach YC (San Francisco) — gattas on wkends; Laser 4.7s (prov'd); $210 students by arrangement); Tue & Thu, 4 til Kevin Wilkinson, (650) 333-7873, www. for 90 hrs of instruction. Scholarships for dark; FJs (prov'd); Free. Jr Prgm, ages 9-16; one Oakland residents. Inverness YC — Barbara Jones, (650) 1-wk Intermed session, Jun; one 2-wk Be- Sailing Education Adventures (Marin 474-1402,; gin session Jul; one 1-wk Begin/Intermed YC, San Rafael) — (415) 775-8779, www. Smr Prgm 6/27-7/15 & 7/19-8/5; Optis, El session Aug; Lasers, FJs (prov'd); $225/wk; Mini Sail Camp, ages Toros, Lasers, FJs & Flying Scots (prov'd); Scholarships. 8-10; 7/4-8/19, M-F, 9-12; Laser Picos; $800; Scholarships. Spinnaker YC (San Leandro) — (510) $295. Scholarships. Basic & Intermed Sail Monterey Peninsula YC — (831) 372- 577-3462, Smr Slg Camp, ages 11-16; 6/20-8/26, M-F, 9-4; 9686,; Smr Lessons, ages Camp, ages 10-18, must be able to swim; Laser Picos; $360. Scholarships. Advanced 8-16; Eight 1-wk all-day sessions start- Three 1-wk classes Begin Jun, Begins & Sail Camp, ages 8-16; 7/4-8/19, M-F, 9-4; ing early Jun, except wk of 7/4; Optis, FJs Intermeds; 9 am-4 pm; DeWitt Dinghies Laser Picos; $360-$395. Scholarships. Do- (prov'd); Scholarships avail. High Schl Team, (prov'd); $200/San Leandro res'ts, $225/ minican Univ. Slg, ages 16+, www.sfsailing. grades 8-12 from Pacifi c Grove, Salinas & non-res'ts. org/dominican; Sess 1: Apr-May; Sess 2: Monterey; Fri afternoons during schl year; Sequoia YC (Redwood City) — (650) Sep-Oct.; Fri, 12-4; Laser Picos, Lido 14; FJs (prov'd). 361-9472, Jr Begin/In- $150. Scholarships. Richmond YC — (510) 237-2821, termed Prgm, ages 10-14; Dan Humphreys, Sea Scouts Marinship 1 (Tiburon YC); Parent or child must (650) 941-9303; Sat, fall/spring, 9-11 am, — Ronald Berliner, (925) 674-6120. Yr- be RYC member (jr. membership: $20 ini- (Begin); 11:15-1:15 (Intermed); El Toros round Prgm, ages 14-21; 1st & 3rd Tue eves tiation + $50/yr); Jr Slg Winter, ages 8-18; (prov'd); $125/10-wk session. Advanced each mo; Slg yr-round; Santana 35 & 22s, Most Sun, Oct-Mar, 9:30-3:30; El Toros, Prgm, ages 12-16; Dave Pirron, (408) 966- Lasers, FJs, 420s, tall ship Active (prov'd); Bytes, Lasers (BYOB) & Optis (avail for rent, 5659; Sat spring & fall, 1:30-3:30 pm; La- $60/year $250/season); $115 + two days of parent sers (4.7, Radial & Full Rig); $175/10-wk Stanford Smr Slg Camp (Redwood volunteer time. Dblhanded Prgm, ages 8-18; session. Peninsula Youth Slg Found Smr City), John Vandemoer, (650) 387-2674, Most Sun, Oct-Mar, 9:30 am-3:30 pm; FJs, Prgm, ages 7-12; Eric Anderson, (650) Begin & Intermed 420s (prov'd); $250. Smr Prgm, grades 8-12; 854-1048; One-wk session, Jun-Aug, 9-3 Slg Prgm, ages 9-17; Jun-Aug; 420s, FJs Wkdays, Jun-Aug; FJs, 420s. Smr Sleepover daily; Optis (Begin), 420s & FJs (Intermed); (prov'd); cost contact above. Scholarships. Camp (at Stockton Slg Club); Jul 10-16; El advanced racing (all prov'd); $300/YC mem- Treasure Is Slg Ctr, Lacey Todd, (415) Toros, Optis (BYOB); $275 + 3 days of parent bers & students who BYOB, $325/nonmem- 421-2225, Spring Begin volunteer time; Scholarships. bers. Scholarships. PYSF High Schl Slg, Eric Prgm, ages 7-14 & Spring Race Team, ages St. Francis YC (San Francisco) — Anderson, (650) 854-1048,; 8-14; Session 1 Sat, Mar-Apr, 10-1; Session Mike Kalin, (415) 820-3729, www.stfyc. Training & racing all yr; Sat & Sun practices 2 Sat, Apr.-May, 10-1; Session 3 Wed, Apr- com. Tinsley Island Smr Camp, ages 7-17; & races; CFJs, 420s, Lasers, 29ers. May, 10-1. Opti Race Team, 10 practices One-wk sessions, 6/21-25, 6/28-7/1, 7/5- Stockton Slg Club — Leslie Pannell, Sat, 1:30-4:30, Feb-May; 3 races wkends: 9; Optis, Lasers, Bytes, 420s, windsurfers Learn to Sail Prgm, Opti; $500/Sess. Scholarships. High Schl (prov'd); cost TBD; Scholarships avail. Begin ages 9-18; One-wk classes, Jun-Aug; El Race Team, ages 13-18, no experience nec.; Opti, ages 7+; Sat, Sep-May; Optis, FJs, Toros & FJs (prov'd); cost contact above Sun, Jan-Apr, 10:30-4; FJs; $400. Smr Slg 420s, 4.7s, windsurfers (prov'd); cost TBD; + $15 youth membership. Smr Sleepover Camp, ages 7-18; One-wk Session, Jun- Scholarships. High Schl Slg; Sep-May; FJs Camp (with RYC); Jul 10-16; El Toros, Optis Aug; FJs, JY Trainers, Optis, Lasers, J/24s, (prov'd); cost TBD; Scholarships. (BYOB); $275 + one day parent volunteer Access Dinghies (prov'd); lifejackets, wet- San Francisco YC (Belvedere) — For- time. Scholarships. suits & foulies prov'd; $125/wk, half day; rest Gay, (415) 435-9525, Tahoe YC (w/ Tahoe Community Slg & $250/wk, full day. Scholarships.

Page 110 • Latitude 38 • April, 2011 KIDS' ACCESS TO BAY SAILING

Sailing Education Adventures — This highly regarded, volunteer-run organiza- Rod, with other volunteers, instructs recreational Bay sailing and coastal tion has been running kids' summer Sail kids in the arts of traditional seamanship cruising. ( Camps for 27 years. In partnership with aboard Nehemiah, which has twice cir- San Francisco Maritime National San Rafael's Marin YC, they operate one- cumnavigated the globe. Free or nearly Park — A jewel of the San Francisco week, full-day dinghy-sailing courses free youth programs are supported by waterfront, the Park has a wide variety (Beginning in June) for kids 8 to 16, at occasional mainstream charter work. of offerings for both kids and adults. In- both the basic and intermediate levels. ( teractive youth classes combine hands- ( The Spaulding Wooden Boat Center — on instruction in traditional seaman- This historic facility is one of the mari- ship and sail training with aspects of time treasures of the Sausalito water- history and social studies, science, and With so many dynamic youth sail- front. Its staff offers 14- to 17-year-olds math (all aligned with state curriculum ing options here, we'd love to see every vocational apprenticeships that include standards). From sail training aboard Bay Area kid get at least a basic intro- boatbuilding, sailing and marine ecology. the traditionally rigged historic scow duction to the joys of sailing. In fact, just During the program, which begins in schooner Alma to overnight Living His- writing this overview makes us wish we June, students will construct a wooden tory Programs on the tall ship Balclutha were young rookies again ourselves so sailboat designed in 1923 by Myron to after-school sailing classes on wooden we could join in the fun. Spaulding and redesigned by Tom Wylie. Pelican sailboats, the Park promotes a If you have young children, we In addition, apprentices receive sailing full menu of unique offerings. (www.nps. strongly urge you to coax them off the instruction meant to prepare them for gov/safr/index.htm) couch and point them toward the water. Clockwise from upper left: El Toros clash in the Richmond Channel; Young navigators compare notes We're pretty sure they will thank you if aboard 'Pegasus'; The 'downside' of sailing; A South Beach YC sailor exercises his abs; Student you do! sailors from Treasure Island Sailing Center show their enthusiasm aboard a J/24. — latitude/andy LATITUDE 38 / ANDY LATITUDE RICHARD GILLETTE RICHMOND YC TREASURE IS SAILING CTR KEVIN WILKINSON

April, 2011 • Latitude 38 • Page 111 CHASING THE SETTING SUN —

Most sailors are familiar with the Panama Canal's most popular nickname: The Ditch. But we like to think of the own boat ever since," says Midene. Al- Eden in the traditions of Aussie ab- venerable waterway as The Great Funnel, though they're now based in , they original spirituality. "Of course, when because every winter and spring sailors claim they "lived and breathed Latitude we chose it we didn't know how diffi cult from all over the world converge on this 38" during their 9-year stay in Sacra- it would be to pick out on the radio," 50-mile track through the Americas en mento. Are they anxious about making admits Benita. After buying this sturdy route to long-dreamed-about anchorages the jump? "Oh there's fear," admits Mi- yard-built ferrocement sloop in the Neth- in French Polynesia, and the patchwork chael, "but we handle it. We raised fi ve erlands eight years ago, they crossed to children, so we're used to living in fear!" the Caribbean and were seduced into They now also have 11 grandkids. lingering for six years. "We never thought we'd go around the world," explains WorldWind — Hiscock 40 Benita, "but about year ago we decided Thomas Colligan, St. Pete Beach, FL to break out of the Caribbean and head Cap'n Tom probably has more sea west." miles under his belt than any other member of the fl eet. After all, he started sailing 60 years ago and had a career as a merchant marine offi cer. He's also designed a few boats along the way. Why is he heading off to Tahiti now, at age 67? "After easing into retirement, a good friend warned me I was rusting away in my waterfront condo in Florida, so I sold it, bought this boat, and here I am!" When we met him, he was interviewing crew for the crossing.

Ocean Air — Beneteau 473 ALL PHOTOS LATITUDE / ANDY ALL PHOTOS LATITUDE Hilton de la Hunt, GBR Finally, Midene and Michael will get to see the One of Hilton's current goals is to islands from the deck of 'This Side Up'. combine "high adventure and peace of sunny tropical islands that lies be- of mind." How? By singlehanding this yond. As regular readers know, we call recently purchased sloop to Thailand, that 3,000-mile passage to the islands where he intends to start a charter boat the Pacifi c Puddle Jump. fl eet and live the good life — that's where Bill and Benita fi nally broke out of the Caribbe- an. They've now pointed 'Alcheriga II' west. At our second annual Panama Puddle the 'peace of mind' comes in. If things Jump Sendoff Party February 12 — gen- work out, Ocean Air will be the fi rst of erously co-hosted by the Balboa YC — we 10 boats in his charge. Quicksilver — Nautique Santonge 44 had a chance to meet dozens of interna- Mike & Hilde Gill tional cruisers. Some had been out ex- Alcheringa II — Van de Stadt 44 Hamble River, GBR ploring for many years, while others were Bill Campbell & Benita Richardson Mike and Hilde have owned this lovely relative newcomers to the cruising life. Edmonton, AB boat for 18 years, and we'd bet much of But they all shared at least a few com- According to Bill, the boat's name that time they've been looking forward mon attributes: thirst for adventure and means something like The Garden of to someday making a world cruise. They genuine curiosity about the people and places they were about to 'discover'. As a follow-up to last month's pro- fi les of Puerto Vallarta-based passage- makers, we'll introduce you here to some Europe representatives of the Panama fleet. May they all arrive safely with precious memories of the crossing to savor. (The East Coast complete fl eet list for this year's loosely 15° N Routes of the defi ned Pacifi c Puddle Jump rally can be • La Paz Pacifi c Puddle Jumpers found at www.pacifi • This Side Up — Kanter Atlantic 45 Michael & Midene Reynolds Seabrook, TX 0° Michael and Midene got a taste of the South Pacifi c 15 years ago, but back then they were soaking in the scenery from the • Galapagos Southern deck of a cruise ship. "We've been dream- Capes ing about cruising those islands on our

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ing background, it was a material I was comfortable with," explains Graeme. "We of them were built, but oddly enough, sacrifi ced some speed, but we've got a Bob's never had a ride on one. So we've very strong boat that's really comfortable promised to change that." at anchor due to her weight." They hope to circumnavigate. "But we're not totally committed to the idea," Shango — Pacifi c Seacraft 40 says Brad with a laugh, "you see, we Roger Block & Amy Jordan don't like to tack." Newburyport, MA Having grown up near Boston, both Good News — Cascade 42 Roger and Amy started sailing before Michael Gallagher, Deer Park, WA they were teenagers. They'd owned at In our experience, Michael has taken least three previous sailboats before a unique approach to making friends upgrading to this Bill Crealock-designed while cruising: Being a chiropractor by cruiser fi ve years ago. And they intend to trade, wherever he goes he offers free take her around the world. What do they bone-cracking services to the people he value most about the cruising life? "The meets, especially in remote areas. It's a sense of independence you gain and the gift that's opened many doors for him natural beauty you're exposed to," says and led to many memorable experiences. Roger. "It's a great lifestyle to experience His plan is to sail north to Hawaii after as a couple."

Reality — Flying Dutchman 50 No wonder they're smiling. Hilde and Mike have Vaughn & Sharon Hampton waited 18 years to make the Jump. San Francisco, CA fi nally got started in September with an "We set out from San Francisco with Atlantic crossing. Four months later they a plan to go around the world in seven were in Panama, poised for a crossing years," explains Vaughn with a laugh. to the Galapagos before making the big "We're now 13 years into it and still jump to the Marquesas. "We're really have quite a ways to go!" "But now at looking forward to the whole of French least we're going in the right direction," Polynesia," says Mike. At the end of the Sharon adds, "downwind!" When they set season they'll probably fi nd themselves out in '98 all their cruising friends were in New Zealand, where they'll assess headed to the South Pacifi c, but they their future options. were determined to go to Europe, where they eventually spent fi ve years. "By the Wadda — Allied Mistress 39 time we got to the Red Sea," says Sharon, Moe Wick & Margaret Johnson "we fi gured we probably would have had Valley City, ND a lot more fun if we'd been heading in the "Hmm. . . Wadda. Is that like, 'water'?" "It's a deal." says Michael (right), as Chris signs "No, in order to understand our boat's on as crew. name," Margaret explains, "you have touring French Polynesia, then eventu- to understand cricket: It's like 'Wadda ally circle back home to the Northwest. catch!'" The boat's hailing port is also a Although he often sails solo, in Panama bit curious, but as we learned, Moe hails he picked up a fi t, cheerful crewman from North Dakota. He and Margaret named Chris who'll stand watches dur- picked this boat up in Florida 12 years ing the jump. It's worth noting that ago at the very beginning of their sailing Chris has gotten at least three different careers. They're now taking her across rides pretty easily since setting out from the Pacifi c to Australia, where Margaret Florida last year. was born and raised. Pelagic — 46’ custom cat Kindred Spirit III — Venus 46 Graeme Arnall & Iris Schepelmann Brad & Gloria Smith Gladstone, AUS Philadelphia, PA "We're basically on the homeward Since setting out from Philly 10 years run now," explains Iris. After building ago, Brad and Gloria have seen many this cat themselves to a Crowther de- different panoramas — stretching from sign, they headed west in 2002 across Vaughn and Sharon of 'Reality' are happy to fi nally be heading in the "right direction." Nova Scotia to Cape Horn. And they're the Indian Ocean, through the Med to nowhere near close to settling down. Northern Europe, across to the U.S. and opposite direction." So this time they're They've learned to keep their itinerary down to the Caribbean. Having proven happily sailing westabout. What are loose, but they're absolutely committed herself during all those miles of travel, their favorite places so far? Turkey and to making one Pacifi c stopover: "Our Pelagic is obviously a sound vessel, but Panama. "Although neither of them was boat was designed by Bob Salthouse we'd never before heard of a cruising cat on our radar when we started out." of Auckland," Brad explains. "A bunch built out of steel. "Due to my engineer-

April, 2011 • Latitude 38 • Page 113 CHASING THE SETTING SUN —

Idyll Island — Voyager 440 Derek Gale & Cathryn Corbett Victoria, BC once we got to know this family crew Although we don't know Derek and we understood why. While his parents, Cathryn well, we think they're pretty Gilbert and Katrina, have been sailing for wise. Not only did they take a sabbatical 15 years, young Guy (aka Swabbie) has 14 years ago and spend a year sailing the only been at it for two weeks! "I always assumed I'd never leave Canada," says the heavily tattooed recruit, "but when Dad asked if I wanted to go, it didn't take me long to say, 'Sure!'" After visiting rela- tives in Australia, they hope to go all the way around.

New Morning — Custom Paine 54 Russ Irwin & Fay Mark Sausalito, CA "Sailing to French Polynesia hasn't just been a dream for us, it's been the dream," says Fay. "We both got into sailing early in life," she explains. "Not long after we met we started talking ca- sually about the idea of sailing around the world together." This custom-built yacht charter. They honed their skills We have little doubt that Derek and Cathryn of later by chartering on their own, then 'Idyll Island' are still in love. did offshore trips from Gibraltar to the Caribbean with their son, but three years Canaries and from France to Croatia. In ago, when they were ready for another 2009 they made a giant leap by buying stint of cruising, they fl ew to the Virgin this ocean-ready 40-footer in Sweden, Islands and bought this boat there, in where their much-anticipated round- the heart of the prime Caribbean cruising the-world cruise began. region. Having spent the past three years exploring the islands of the Antilles, they're now ready to explore the Pacifi c. "We'll focus on the out-of-the-way places, as we always do," says Cathryn.

Endorfi n — Coronado 35 The Quesnel family Sault Sainte Marie, ON It's not often that a big, strapping guy Russ and Fay are thrilled with their new introduces himself as "Swabbie." But custom-built ride, 'New Morning'. Guy was thrilled when his parents asked him 54-footer is a lot of boat for two people to crew to Tahiti aboard 'Endorfi n'. to sail, but she's a spectacular ride for crossing oceans. They had her custom-built in Maine, and took possession in the spring of 2008. "While cruising since then, a lot of the world cruisers we've met warned us not to spend too Of course Jana and Otakar are happy. They're much time in the Caribbean. heading to Tahiti aboard the lovely 'Irma'. 'The Caribbean is great,' they'd say, 'but the South Pacifi c is Sailaway — Motiva 45 awesome!'" Werner & Anne Overhaus Bremen, DEU Irma — Hallberg-Rassy 40 We can only imagine what it's like to Otakar & Jana Hons fi nd yourself sailing in the sun-baked Praha, CZE tropics after beginning your sailing ca- You don't often meet sailors reer in the ice-cold waters of the North from the landlocked Czech Re- and Baltic Seas. That's precisely what public, but Otakar and Jana Werner and Anne have experienced, and are not typical Czechs. They they're lovin' it. Having upgraded from a were introduced to sailing 10 heavy steel boat to this sleek fi berglass years ago on a Mediterranean beauty, their plans are open. "We haven't

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Theofania — Vagabond 39 The Ivanov family 30 years ago inspired Clark St. Petersburg, RUS to head west this year, while In all the years that we've been report- Bruce's motivations are more ing on the Puddle Jump, this is the fi rst primal: "To meet women all time we've ever encountered a group over the world!" of Russians. But Maxim and his wife Natalia tell us there are others. Setting Rio — Tartan 4300 out from their home on the bitter-cold George Greenberg Baltic Sea nine years ago, they sailed all Steamboat, CO the way to Colombia in a boat they built When we met George in themselves before upgrading to this stur- Panama he was solo, and dy Ron Amy design in Cartegena. They anxiously waiting for at least claim they're defi nitely heading west this one of several friends to com- season, but Panama has had a strong mit to the upcoming passage. grip on them for the past four years. In If necessary, he was prepared to go it alone. So how does a guy from Steamboat Springs, CO, end up on the brink of a 3,000-mile ocean cross- ing. "Well, when I was young I read a lot about Rafted up after transiting the Mirafl ores Locks, Lewis and Clark." Apparently that two cruisers head west toward the Bridge of sparked his lust for high-risk ad- the Americas and the Pacifi c beyond. ventures, and today his cruising ruled out a full circumnavigation, but re- plans are open-ended. ally, we just want to live aboard in warm areas." Knowing how cold it can get in Pyewacket II — Aleutain 51 central , where they're from, Noel & Jackie Parry, we can understand why that would be a Jeriv Bay, AUS high priority. "We enjoyed cruising the Pacif- ic so much during a trip in 2005, Two Amigos — Gulfstar 50 that we decided buy a boat on the Bruce Stevens & Clark Nicholson West Coast in order to take in the whole If the 'Theofania' crew can break loose of Pana- Dana Point, CA stretch of islands," explains Jackie. After ma, they'll soon anchor in a Tahitian lagoon. This curious pair obviously gets along cruising previously on a 34-footer, their fact their youngest daughter, Polina, was famously despite the fact that they have priority was to fi nd the longest waterline born there. Their elder daughter, Xenia, fundamentally different personalities. they could afford. They eventually found will help crew on the crossing as will a "He's a gentleman; I'm a dog," explains this 51-footer in San Rafael. So what young friend, Tatiana Matrekhina. Bruce, who is a former U.S. Marine and favorite places are they eager to revisit? cop. "I don't have a leash," adds Clark, "Actually, it's a bit hard to fi nd a place "so I let him do anything he wants." Won- you don't like," says Noel. "We're going Because a continuous parade of derful memories from a trip to Polynesia to try some different islands, but I don't cruisers passes through Panama at this These 'Two Amigos' are about as similar as oil think you can go wrong no matter which time of year, the folks you met in these and water, but they're happy shipmates. route you take." pages represent only a small sampling of this year's roster of westbound voyagers. Aroha — Jeanneau 42 But we hope we've proved our contention Eric & Monica Schwartz that they're a truly diverse group. Nice, FRA Many of the sailors profi led here met When we asked Eric, who is French, for the fi rst time at our Balboa YC fi esta, and Monica, who is Austrian, what was and many more will get acquainted after the meaning of their boat's name, they the crossing at the annual Tahiti-Moorea both laughed. "Well, we think it means Sailing Rendezvous, June 25-27. No 'love' in Tahitian. We sure hope that's doubt they'll be sharing boatloads of right, but we're not really certain because passage tales during that three-day fun- we looked it up on the Internet!" explains fest, and with any luck you'll be able to Monica. Even before they met, Eric had read some of their anecdotes this sum- ideas about going cruising. "He talked mer in our annual Pacifi c Puddle Jump about it for a long time," recalls Monica. Recap article. "Then one day we just did it!" They left Until then, please join us in wishing France three years ago, and now, as they this year's fl eet fair winds and the best head to the South Pacifi c, their itinerary of luck during the crossing. is yet to be determined. — latitude/andy

April, 2011 • Latitude 38 • Page 115 LATITUDE 38'S GUIDE TO

A fter a long — and probably chilly the list from fi lling the entire issue, we Benicia offers more than a dozen dining op- — day of sailing on the Bay, few things imposed one major limitation: The eatery tions, including the Benicia Yacht Club. are more satisfying than walking up the in question must be within three blocks (they're also labeled with an asterisk). dock and sitting down to a meal someone or so of a public dock, marina or yacht Keep in mind that these docks are gen- else has prepared. If you're at your home club. As a result, we were forced to omit erally fi rst-come-fi rst-served and, as you marina, you probably already know all several worthy destinations: Sausalito's might imagine, are reserved for custom- the good spots to grab some chow, but Caledonia Street, all of Napa and, of ers of the restaurant. Many will allow what if you've stopped at Pier 1 1/2 to course, hundreds of spots in the City, you to spend the night if you've enjoyed drop off guests, or are near the Golden including the Marina District. a few too many libations at dinner, or Gate when your crew and their stomachs Our tour of Bay Area eateries starts in if you plan to go up for brunch, but it's start growling, or you've headed up the Sausalito and works its way clockwise as best to ask fi rst. If shallow depths have Petaluma River for the weekend? far as Benicia, then down to Richmond been reported, the listing is noted with In the March issue, as well as in 'Lec- and on to the Estuary before heading to an exclamation point. tronic Latitude, we asked readers for their the South Bay and fi nally the Cityfront. Next you'll fi nd the restaurants orga- help in compiling a list of restaurants The fi rst listings under an area head- nized by proximity to any given public that are easy to access by boat. To keep ing are restaurants with private docks marina or yacht club (phone numbers BOAT-IN DINING

are provided to make berthing arrange- • Price ranges and menu specialties ments). Our readers' recommendations are often subjective. head the list and are in a bold font, • Just because a listing isn't noted followed by other eateries in the area. as shallow doesn't mean you won't Each listing gives the type of food they run aground — always watch your specialize in, which meals they serve, depthsounder when entering an unfa- a price range provided by — miliar dock. $=cheap; $$=moderate; $$$=spendy; • Many establishments also offer $$$$=splurge — and contact info. entertainment so be sure to check their This list is far from comprehensive, so websites for upcoming events. there are a few things to keep in mind • Yacht clubs dinners are often open when referring to it: to the public — check their websites. • Just because a restaurant made • If there's anything better than hav- the list doesn't guarantee you'll like it; ing someone cook for you, it's having conversely, if a restaurant isn't listed, them do the dishes, too. ROD WITEL that doesn't mean it's not great. — latitude/ladonna LATITUDE 38'S GUIDE TO

SAUSALITO Clipper Yacht Harbor - (415) 332-3500 PETALUMA RIVER Panama Red Coffee - Cafe (B,L) $ Horizons* - Seafood (Br,L,D) $$$ Fish - Seafood (L,D) $$ Papa's Taverna* - Greek (L,D) $$ At ferry terminal At marina At Gilardi's Landing (Lakeville) (415) 331-3232 www.331fi (707) 554-2100 (415) 331-3474 (707) 769-8545 Sausalito YC - (415) 332-7400 Sea Horse - Italian (L,D) $$ Vallejo Municipal Marina - (707) Scoma's - Seafood (L,D) $$$ At marina Turning Basin - (707) 778-4303 648-4370 588 Bridgeway Sardine Can - Seafood (B,L,D) $$ (415) 331-2899 At marina (415) 332-9551 Anchorage 5 - Mexican/Ameri- Spinnaker - Seafood (Br,L,D) $$$ can (B,L) $$ (707) 553-9492 100 Spinnaker Dr 475 Gate 5 Rd. Zio Fraedo's - Italian (L,D) $$ (415) 331-8329 23 Harbor Way (415) 332-1500 Angelino - Italian (L,D) $$ Schoonmaker Point Marina - (415) (707) 642-8984 621 Bridgeway 331-5550 Le Garage - French (Br,L,D) $$$ Glen Cove Marina - (707) 552-3236 (415) 331-5225 At marina Glen Cove Grille - American Winship - American (B,L) $$ (B,L,D) $$ (opening mid-April) 670 Bridgeway (415) 332-5625 At marina (dredged to 10') Saylors - American/Mexican / ANDY LATITUDE (415) 332-1454 (L,D) $$ Piccolo Teatro - Italian (L,D) $$ 2009 Bridgeway BENICIA 739 Bridgeway The Petaluma Turning Basin. Benicia Marina - (707) 745-2628 (415) 332-1512 Dempsey's Brewery - American First St. Cafe - American (B,L,D) $$ (415) 332-0739 Fred's Place - Cafe (B,L) $$ (L,D) $$ 440 1st St Poggio - Italian (L,D) $$$ 1917 Bridgeway 50 E Washington St 801 Bridgeway (415) 332-4575 (707) 745-1400 (707) 765-9694 Sailor Jack's - Seafood (L,D) $$$ (415) 332-7771 TIBURON McNear's Saloon - American 123 1st St (Br,L,D) $$ (707) 746-8500 23 Petaluma Blvd N Kinder's BBQ - Deli (L,D) $$ 333 1st St (707) 765-2121 Graziano's - Italian (D) $$$ (707) 745-4453 170 Petaluma Blvd N The Union Hotel - Italian (L,D) $$ 401 1st St (707) 762-5997 Volpi's - Italian (L,D) $$ (707) 746-0110 124 Washington St. Lucca Bar & Grill - American (L,D) $$ (707) 765-0695 439 1st St Himalayan Kabob & Curry House - Indian (L,D) $$ (707) 745-0943 220 Western Ave. Szechwan House - Chinese (L,D) $$ www.himalayankaboband 500 1st St (707) 745-4743 (707) 775-4717 Char's Hot Dogs - Hot Dogs (L,D) $ Central Market - American (D) $$$ 523 1st St 42 Petaluma Blvd N (707) 745-4476 LATITUDE / JR LATITUDE (707) 778-9900 Bold = Reader Recommended Sam's Anchor Cafe in Tiburon has Sam's*! - Cafe (Br,L,D) $$ Water Street Bistro - French (B,L) $ * = Private dock lots of dock space, but watch your 100 Petaluma Blvd N depth, especially at low tide. (415) 435-4527 ! = Watch your depth! Sausalito Yacht Harbor - (415) (707) 763-9563 B = Breakfast 332-5000 Corinthian YC - (415) 435-4771 Della Fattoria - Bakery (B,Br,L) $$ Br = Weekend Brunch Harbor View Grill - American (D) $$ Ginza - Sushi (L,D) $$ 141 Petaluma Blvd N. L = Lunch 303 Johnson St 41 Main St. D = Dinner (707) 763-0161 (415) 332-1492 (415) 789-5123 Risibisi - Italian (L,D) $$ Taste of Rome - Cafe (B,L,D) $$ New Morning - Cafe (B,Br,L) $$ 154 Petaluma Blvd N. Kaigan Sushi - Sushi (L,D) $$ 1000 Bridgeway 1696 Tiburon Blvd 560 1st St (415) 435-4315 (707) 766-7600 (707) 747-1084 (415) 332-7660 Graffi ti - Seafood (L,D) $$$ Mai Thai Cuisine - Thai (L,D) $$ Thai Terrace - Thai (L,D) $ ANGEL ISLAND 101 2nd St 807 1st St 1001 Bridgeway, Ste B1 Cove Cafe & Cantina - Cafe (L) $ www.graffi (707) 747-1868 (415) 331-8007 Ayala Cove docks (707) 765-4567 Aroma - Indian (L,D) $$ Paradise Bay - Seafood (L,D) $$ 818 1st St 1200 Bridgeway index.php VALLEJO Vallejo YC - (707) 643-1254 (707) 745-1870 (415) 331-3226 SAN RAFAEL Front Room at the Wharf - Cibo - Cafe (B,L,D) $$ Seafood Peddler*! - Seafood (L,D) $$ American (L,D) $$ RICHMOND 1201 Bridgeway 295 Mare Island Way Boilerhouse* - American (Br,L,D) $$ (415) 460-6669 (415) 331-2426 Note: Tide-bound (707) 649-8889 (510) 215-6000 (call fi rst)

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Marina Bay Yacht Harbor - (510) Marina Village Yacht Harbor - (510) 236-1013 (510) 444-3456 (Oakland) 521-0905 (415) 896-1127 Salute - Italian (Br,L,D) $$ Waterfront Deli - Deli (B,L) $ Public House - American (L,D) $$ At marina Jack London Square Marina - (510) At marina AT&T Park 834-4591 (510) 215-0803 Kincaid's - Seafood (L,D) $$$ (510) 769-0240 (415) 644-0240 At JLS Mint Leaf - Vietnamese (L,D) $$ Brickyard Cove Marina - (510) 831 Marina Village Pkwy Pier 1½ - Free for 3 hours 236-1933 (510) 835-8600 La Mar Cebicheria Peruana - All's Fare - American (B,L) $ Il Pescatore - Italian (L,D) $$ (510) 522-2758 Peruvian (L,D) $$$ At marina At JLS At dock (510) 232-1500 BALLENA BAY (510) 465-2188 Ballena Isle Marina - (510) 523-2292 (415) 397-8880 BERKELEY/EMERYVILLE Miss Pearl's Jam House - Pier 29 - Seafood (B,L,D) $$ Ferry Building Emery Cove Yacht Harbor - (510) Caribbean (B,Br,L,D) $$ At marina Gott's Roadside - 428-0505 At JLS Burgers (L,D) $$ (510) 865-5088 Ballena Bay Cafe - Deli (B,L) $ Slanted Door - At marina Vietnamese (L,D) $$$ (510) 769-2132 Market Bar - SOUTH BAY Mediterranean (Br,L,D) $$ Redwood City Marina - (650) 363-1390 Bella by the Bay - Italian (L,D) $$ Boulette's Larder - Cafe (B,L) $$ At marina Delica - Japanese (Br,L,D) $$ (650) 568-0211 Mijita - Mexican (Br,L,D) Westpoint Harbor Marina - (650)

MIKE BRENNAN 224-3250 Il Cane Rosso - Cafe (B,L,D) $$ Pacifi c Shores Center Cafe - (B,L) $$ Waterfront - Seafood (L,D) $$$ Trader Vic's is just up the ramp Ferry Terminal from Emery Cove Marina. (510) 444-7171 clients/pacifi c/fss/fss.nsf Trader Vic's - Hawaiian (L,D) $$$ Bocanova - Panamerican (415) 391-2696 At marina (Br,L,D) $$$ SAN FRANCISCO Plant Cafe - Cafe (Br,L,D) $$ At JLS The Ramp* - American (Br,L,D) $$ Pier 3 (510) 653-3400 Hong Kong East Ocean - Seafood (510) 444-1233 (415) 621-2378 (415) 984-1973 (Br,L,D) $$ Yoshi's - Japanese (D) $$$ Limited space at SF Boat Works Osha Thai - Thai (L,D) $$ 3199 Powell St 510 Embarcadero W (510) 655-3388 (510) 238-9200 Roba's Pizza Cafe - Pizza (L) $ Everett & Jones - BBQ (L,D) $$ 2320 Powell St 2431 Central Ave. (510) 547-7773 (510) 663-2350 Berkeley Marina - (510) 981-6740 The Fat Lady - Cafe (Br,L,D) $$ Skates on the Bay - American 201 Washington St (Br,L,D) $$$ Across from Berkeley YC (510) 465-4996 THE RAMP Souley Vegan - Soul (Br,L,D) $$ (510) 549-1900 301 Broadway The Ramp shares limited dock 4 Embarcadero Center Hana Japan - Japanese (L,D) $$ space with SF Boat Works. At marina (510) 922-1615 South Beach Harbor - (415) 495- (415) 788-6742 Ghazal - Indian (L,D) $$ 4911 x1111 (510) 848-8515 131 Broadway Red's Java House - Cafe (B,L) $ Pier 39 Marina - (415) 705-5556 Bay Grille & Lounge - American (510) 268-9550 Pier 30 Pier 39 (B,L,D) $$ (415) 777-5626 Forbes Island - Seafood (D) $$$ Quinn's Lighthouse in Oakland is a At DoubleTree Hotel 21st Amendment Brewery - classic boat-in destination. 200 Marina Blvd American (Br,L,D) $$ Boudin Bakery - Cafe (B,L,D) $ (510) 7920 563 2nd St Bubba Gump - Seafood (L,D) $$ OAKLAND/ALAMEDA ESTUARY (415) 369-0900 Quinn's Lighthouse* - Seafood Gordon Biersch Brewery - Chowders - Seafood (L,D) $ (L,D) $$ American (Br,L,D) $$ 2 Harrison Crab House - Seafood (L,D) $$$ (510) 536-2050 (Oakland) (415) 243-8246 Eagle Cafe - Cafe (B,L,D) $$ Pasta Pelican* - Italian (L,D) $$ Tres Agaves - Mexican (Br,L,D) $$ 130 Townsend St Fog Harbor Fish House - (510) 864-7427 (Alameda) Seafood (L,D) $$ Two slips for customers (415) 227-0500

ROD WITEL Ironside - American (B,L,D) $$ Hana Zen - Sushi (L,D) $$$ Scott's* - Seafood (Br,L,D) $$$ 680 2nd St

April, 2011 • Latitude 38 • Page 119 BOAT-IN DINING GUIDE

Hard Rock - American (L,D) $$ 2809 Taylor St (415) 673-2824 Hook & Cook - Seafood (L) $$ Fishermen's Grotto - Seafood Luigi's - Pizza (L,D) $$ (L,D) $$ Neptune's - Seafood (L,D) $$$ 2847 Taylor St Pier Market - Seafood (L,D) $$ (415) 673-7025 The Buena Vista - Irish (B,L,D) $$ Players - Burgers (L,D) $$ 2765 Hyde St Sea Lion - Cafe (L,D) $$ (415) 474-5044 Hollywood Cafe - Breakfast (B,Br) $ Swiss Louis - Italian (L,D) $$ 530 North Point St. (reopening April) (415) 563-3779 Gary Danko - American (D) $$$$ Wipeout - American (B,L,D) $$ 800 North Point St. ROD WITEL (415) 749-2060 Fisherman's Wharf Bella's by the Bay is at the top of Pompei's Grotto - Italian (L,D) $$ Hot Spud - Potatoes (L,D) $ Tarantino's - Seafood (L,D) $$ the Redwood City Marina. 340 Jefferson St 2640 Mason St. 206 Jefferson St (415) 362-7733 Nick's Lighthouse - Seafood Cioppino's - Italian (L,D) $$ (415) 399-1065 (415) 775-5600 (L,D) $$ 400 Jefferson St Tanguito - Argentine (L) $ Scoma's - Seafood (L,D) $$$ 5 Fisherman's Wharf 2850 Jones St. Pier 47 (415) 775-9311 (415) 577-4223 (415) 929-1300 Blue Mermaid - Seafood (B,L,D) $$ McCormick & Kuleto's - Seafood (415) 771-4383 Castagnola's - Italian (L,D) $$$ 495 Jefferson St (L,D) $$$ Alioto's - Seafood (L,D) $$$ 286 Jefferson St Ghirardelli Square 8 Fisherman's Wharf (415) 771-2222 (415) 776-5015 Darren's Cafe - Vietnamese (415) 929-1730 (415) 673-0183 Lou's Pier 47 - Cajun (L,D) $$ (B,Br,L) $ The Pub - BBQ (Br,L,D) $$ Franciscan - Seafood (L,D) $$$ 300 Jefferson St 2731 Taylor St. Ghirardelli Square Pier 42½ (415) 673-3345 (415) 771-5687 Sabella & La Torre - Seafood (L,D) $$ (415) 351-0500 RED IS READY

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April, 2011 • Latitude 38 • Page 121 MAX EBB

When you live on a hillside hun- dreds of feet of above sea level, and the radio warns that there's a tsunami "Relax, it's going to reverse in a few approaching, there is only one sensible minutes," said another spectator. thing to do: Stay home. So I immediately I drifted toward the breakwater at a very hopped in the car and set a direct course good clip, much faster than I could ever for the marina. hope to row this clumsy little infl atable. "It can't possibly be all that danger- The water carried me just clear of the ous," I reasoned as I drove down the hill. rocks, and by moving into a large back "The force of a tsunami will be mostly eddy on the down-current side of the rip- dissipated at the Golden Gate, and all rap outside the harbor, I was able to more we'll see in the marina will be some extra or less hold position, rotating around in high tide." But morbid curiosity trumps a huge vortex as if I were in some giant common sense, and the slim chance of toilet bowl. But I was not alone. witnessing a minor waterfront catastro- "Kowabunga, Max!" phe compelled me to be on the scene. It was Lee Helm in a kayak. She had been hidden by the breakwater, and was also using its current shadow to keep Everything at the harbor looked from being swept farther out to sea. normal when I arrived. My boat was fi ne, "Close call with that breakwater," I and even my infl atable dinghy, left tied to said. "I had no idea there would be so the outboard side of my boat with a very much current or I never would have tried thin bow painter after last weekend's to row across the harbor in this thing." overnight cruise, looked exactly as I had "Breakwaters are, like, hard to hit, left it on Sunday evening. Max. The water fl ows around them. But "You just missed it, Max!" one of my watch out for docks — the water fl ows dock neighbors hailed. "Huge current, right under them. Totally ugly if you get Ride the wave — Currents in some spots and some of the dock fi ngers on the other swept into one. Aim really, really care- on the Bay reached as much as 17 knots side of the harbor were damaged." fully when we get sucked back inside." during last month's tsunami. "Things look pretty calm right now," "Got it," I confi rmed. "How long will it I observed. keep fl owing out? Are we going to have "Just wait fi ve minutes," he said as he to wait for fl ood tide?" pointed at the tranquil water between the "Give it fi ve minutes," she said. "The two breakwaters, then walked quickly harbor is oscillating at its natural seiche GREG DAVIDS toward his own boat with some extra frequency." fenders and dock lines. I rotated my dinghy in place to move level." I couldn't see any damage from my closer to her kayak, so we could dis- "I read that it just depended on dock, so I fetched the oars from my boat cuss what was going on with the harbor whether the tsunami was caused by the and hopped into the while we waited. sea bottom moving up or moving down. dink to row across "Did the water level Upward motion would cause a tsunami and investigate. . . . with a few paddle go way down before with a crest that hits fi rst, downward The water, how- the first tsunami motion would make a wave that hits ever, had other strokes, she caught a wave hit?" I asked. trough-fi rst, so the water goes down plans. Facing back- "I've heard that the before it goes up. Or, if a sloping piece ward for rowing, I small but very steep wave. water goes down so of the bottom moves up and sideways, chose the bow of far that you can run it could produce a trough-fi rst wave in one boat and the mast of another as out and collect live fi sh before a tsunami. one direction and a crest-fi rst wave in my range. I had to turn away from the And I was hoping to get here in time to the other direction." harbor mouth a little to compensate for see the bottom of the harbor." "Logical, but wrong," Lee informed some drift. Then I had to compensate "That usually requires a more gradu- me. some more. Then I was rowing as fast ally sloping beach. The drawback is part as I could just to hold position, and a of the elliptical wave motion in advance minute later I was riding a tide rip right of the crest. When the wave moves from Before she could explain why, the out into the main channel. deep to shallow, the volume of water current had started to pull me back "Don't forget to write," someone in the drawback has to stay constant, around the corner of the breakwater. shouted from the yacht club upper deck so the deep water motion is amplifi ed Lee's kayak followed, and she paddled as I sped past the guest dock. and causes the drawdown of the water a few strokes to catch up. We continued

Page 122 • Latitude 38 • April, 2011 — TSUNAMI TWO-STEP

goes around in a circle, and the radius of the circle, at the surface, is half the wave height." "Right, I've seen those diagrams of what they call the 'orbital' water motion inside a wave." "And, like, because of that circular motion, the water in the wave trough is moving backward, relative to the direc- tion of the wave, and the water in the crest is moving forward. There's no net transfer of water." "I'm with you so far," I said. "Tsunami waves are such big dis- turbances, they are virtually always shallow-water waves, even in mid-ocean. And shallow-water waves behave like solitons — a single wave crest with no trough — and the water only does the top half of the orbit. That also means that there is net transfer of the water forward, and unlike the deep-water wave, there's net forward momentum." "Okay, that explains why cars, trucks, boats and burning buildings all get carried miles inland by the wave front.

Seiche, or sloshing frequency, in a closed basin is a half wavelength. to accelerate as we approached the nar- cross-currents that persisted even in this We knew that. But were do you get the rowest part of the harbor entrance, and far corner of the harbor. drawdown effect?" I started to row over to one side so that "It's really funny how many different "Thing is, a tsunami is not always a I might be in a position to intercept one explanations of tsunami draw-down you true soliton. If there is some energy dis- of the end ties once we were inside. can fi nd on the internet," Lee contin- persion ahead of the wave form, which Standing waves were forming in the ued as if nothing had interrupted our there usually is, especially if the tsunami current, and each rock and piling had a conversation. "Especially this idea that has crossed a whole ocean, then there bow wave and a rooster tail. when the bottom moves down you get a is a long shallow trough ahead of the "We're totally busting the marina leading trough. It turns out that most crest. In offshore water, the drawback speed limit," Lee remarked, "if they mean quakes push the bottom up, not down, in the trough only translates to a small speed over the bottom." and even when the bottom moves down, drawdown. In shallow water, to move the It felt to me as if we were doing 10 or there is still drawdown more often than same volume of water back, the draw- 15 knots. I aimed for the vacant end tie, not." back and draw-down amplitudes both then thought better of it when I saw the "So what's the real story?" I asked, go way up. So, like, if you see live fi sh spray fl ying in the air over the dock, and shifting my grip on the wire bobstay so fl opping around in the mud, you should started to row back to mid-channel for I could put the other hand on the more run the other way." all I was worth. comfortable-to-hold wooden dolphin I thought about this for a while. "That We drifted back down to sensible striker. makes less sense than my explanation, speeds once in the inner basin, mov- "In deep-water waves, the water in the I have to say." ing slowly enough to grab the bobstay wave doesn't move very far at all. It just "It's oversimplifi ed," admitted Lee. of a big cruising boat so we could hold The tide measuring station just inside the Golden Gate shows how frequently, and for how long, position against the circular eddies and the surges from the Japanese tsunami affected San Francisco Bay last month.

April, 2011 • Latitude 38 • Page 123 MAX EBB

"To work it out for real, you have to use nonlinear shallow-water wave theory, some surfi ng action." when we were within conversational then transform to a linear hyperbolic She pulled ahead by a few lengths, range again. I was reminded of an old equation, then apply the Fourier-Bessel turned around and, with a few paddle song about Boston subway fares. transform, invert the transform to the strokes, she caught a small but very "The harbor is resonating," Lee ex- Green function representation, and steep wave. plained. "The tsunami waves must be then integrate numerically to get the "Totally awesome!" she screamed as coming at some even multiple of the actual solutions for drawdown, run-up, she surfed past, close enough to send harbor's natural seiche frequency. It's and inundation distance. It's not a very some spray over my infl atable's rail. But not hard to calculate a good approxima- intuitive process." tion." By the time she had fi nished "Uh oh," I thought. "Not more explaining how this worked, the math." current had reversed and I was "No really, Max. This is a sim- having trouble holding on to my ple one. The speed of a shallow- dolphin striker. Lee's kayak pre- Drawback and drawdown as explained by the water wave is just the square sented a lot less drag, but she let go when orbital motion of water in a shallow-water wave. root of gravity times water depth." I did so she could fi nish trying to explain See "Is that the square root of gravity Green's theorem and triple integrals. the shore motion suggested that she alone, or the square root of the product was really more-or-less stationary in a of the two?" standing wave, and I was the one who "Come on, Max, the units have to be But soon we were going way too was moving fast down the harbor. Even- consistent. Gravitational acceleration fast for a safe landfall at an end tie, and tually she lost the wave and followed is meters per second squared. Multiply with so much cross-current there was no me to our original safe zone outside the by meters of water depth, and you have way I was going to get in between any of breakwater. meters squared per second squared. the main dock walkways. "How long am I going to be stuck Take the square root to get speed in "The standing waves go the same riding back and forth like this?" I asked meters per second. So, like, it has to be way as the wind waves on the ebb," Lee the square root of the product. I mean, shouted. "I'm going to paddle ahead for duh. The formula is even simpler than

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Page 124 • Latitude 38 • April, 2011 — TSUNAMI TWO-STEP

home," Lee said as she caught up to me the one for hull speed." divided by speed." at our high-water-slack rest spot under "So this is sort of a 'hull speed' for "I'll make those diagrams if I ever get the bowsprit of the cruiser. "A tube full waves?" out of here," I promised. of water, with both ends turned up, is "'Zactly. Take the average depth of the We were starting to be pulled back a simple form of a sloshing basin or se- Pacifi c basin as around 4,200 meters, into the harbor again. Time for another iche. The water has a natural period of gravity is 9.81 meters per sec squared, round. oscillation, with the water at each end of and you get . . . ." "The equation even works for open the tube alternately going up and down. She pulled a plastic bag out from a harbors, continental shelves and ba- Isaac Newton proved that this natural pocket on her lifejacket, with what looked sins that are open at one end, too," Lee period is the same as the period of a like a smart phone inside it, and worked added before her voice was drowned out pendulum having half the length of the some keys right through the plastic. by the sound of the waves and spray on water in the tube. See if you can do the ". . . . 395 knots. Which sounds about the rocks as we were pulled around the proof yourself." right for a tsunami." corner of the rip rap. "But you only have With that, she was off to ride some "But I asked about the harbor slosh one-quarter of a wavelength in an open more standing waves in the middle of frequency," I reminded her. bay — think half a bathtub — so you the harbor. "For sure. If you draw some pictures of have to use twice the length of the bay I did one more round-trip before I what the water does when it sloshes in a to get the seiche period, and the formula fi nally timed it right to land safely at an harbor or a bathtub, it's easy to convince is four L over square root of G D." end tie on my side of the marina during yourself that the sloshing water is just a It was another wild ride through the slack tide. My dock neighbor was there half wavelength of a shallow-water wave length of the marina, but I was a little to take my line. that gets refl ected back on itself when- better at keeping clear of obstructions "What a wild ride," I sighed with relief, ever it gets to one end of the basin. So the this time. groping for the right words to sum it up. slosh period has to be the time it takes "Uh, KOWABUNGA!" the wave to go one wavelength, which "That's 'kowabunga, DUDE' to you," is twice the basin length divided by the "Here's a problem for you to take he answered. "And you should have been wave speed, or two L over square root here an hour ago!" of G D. Slosh period is just wavelength — max ebb

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April, 2011 • Latitude 38 • Page 125 THE RACING

Whether you stayed on the Bay or went far away, chances are that if you went sailing in March, you got a pretty cruddy day. But that didn't stop the diehards from leaving their slips. First up this month, we take a look at the Cabo Race, then come back to the Bay for the Rites of Spring, the St. Fran- cis YC's Invitationals, the San Francisco Cup, Sadie Hawkins, and the Doublehanded Lightship. After that we head south again for the Harbor Cup before fi nishing up with some Race Notes.

NHYC Cabo Race NHYC The Newport Harbor YC's biennial Cabo since this year's TransPac just around the Race brought out a quality fl eet of 29 boats corner. for a race that had anything but "brochure In the end, only one boat from Class A conditions," for the March 18-19 starts. fi nished, Bill Turpin and Dave Janes' Santa A large contingent of Northern California Cruz-based R/P 77 Akela. In Class B, Ed boats joined up with some of the country's McDowell's SC 70 Grand Illusion took the fi nest for the 750- top honors and 'won their start day' with mile classic. Bay Area sailor Will Paxton aboard, while Nine of the 15 Ashley Wolfe's Bay Area-based TP 52 May- boats that started hem took third. on Saturday fell The overall winner came from Friday's victim to the 30- more mellow start and Class C. Not surpris- knot southerly ingly, Jack Taylor's super-successful SC 50 that presented Horizon was happy to take that spot. Hori- itself, along with zon corrected out less than an hour ahead a northerly swell, of overall runner-up and Class 4 winner, Charles Etienne-Devannaux's Beneteau LATITUDE/ROB to Classes A and First 40 Naos II. The crew of Frank Sloot-

B. John MacLau- WWW.H2OSHOTS.COM rin's Pendragon man's brand new Bay Area-based J/111 Frank Slootman VI was the fi rst to Invisible Hand, navigated by Greg Nelsen, retire, followed by Hap Fauth's Newport, clawed their way up to second in Division Rhode Island-based R/P 75 Bella Mente, 3 and third overall.

which was dismasted south of Ensenada. ERIK SIMONSON/ NEWPORT HARBOR YC CABO RACE (3/19-20) Lorenzo Berho's Vallarta-based Kernan 70 Peligroso was next to retire, and a whole CLASS A — 1) Akela, R/P 77, Bill Turpin/Dave slew of boats followed, including the TP52s Janes. (4 boats, 1 fi nisher) Rebel Yell and Rio, Peter Tong's SC 70 OEX, CLASS B — 1) Grand Illusion, SC 70, Ed Mc- Chip Megeath's R/P 45 Criminal Mischief, Dowell; 2) Alchemy, Andrews 70, Per Peterson; 3) strong south winds, cold, rain, hail, and Dr. Laura Schlessinger's brand new Ker- Mayhem, TP 52, Ashley Wolfe. (10 boats) waves that fetched “all the way from San nan 46 Katana and Brack Duker's SC 70 CLASS C — 1) Horizon, SC 50, Jack Taylor; 2) Jose." Holua. Bad Pak, J/145, Tom Holthus; 3) J/World's Hula In deference to the miserable weather, Most cited gear failure, and in some Girl, SC 50T, Wayne Zittel. (9 boats) the courses were a little shorter than CLASS D — 1) Naos II, Beneteau First 40, cases, the fact that they couldn't slow their usual. From the start at Berkeley circle Charles-Etinne Devannaux; 2) Invisible Hand, speedy machines down while launching J/111, Frank Slootman; 3) Sarasvati II, Beneteau “E”, the windward mark for most boats off waves at speeds of over nine knots and First 50, Greg Stein. (5 boats) was YRA 21 or Alcatraz rather than usual punishing their crews. Many skippers also IRC — 1) Mayhem. (3 boats, 1 fi nisher) Harding. After a short loop or two in cen- felt the risk to their boats wasn't worth it OVERALL — 1) Horizon; 2) Naos II; 3) Invis- tral bay, the boats fi nished near Clipper ible Hand; 4) Bad Pak; 5) J/World's Hula Girl; 6) 'Grand Illusion' survived when so many of her com- Cove against a very fi erce tide and good Locomotion, Andrews 45, Ed Feo; 7) Grand Illu- petitors did not in the Newport Harbor YC's Cabo size waves — not the usual fi nish scenario sion; 8) Alchemy; 9) Sarasvati II; 10) Blue Blazes, Race; it had to be the work of a certain mermaid. at that location. R/P 50, Dennis Pennell. (29 boats) The race committee had an easy time Complete results at: www.nhyccabo- setting the line as there was no way on earth to get a square line. Except for the cold, the hail and the rain, it was a Rites of Spring fun race with lots of close reaching, lots The Oakland YC's Rites of of tide, and lots of opportunity to catch Spring Race on March 19 was waves. Because of the weather, many the “in like a lion” part of the smart sailors dropped out on the way to old adage about March. Even the race, at the harbor, or at home — it's Julius Caesar may have had a supposed to be fun, right? Sixty-two boats better March. On Friday, the signed up, 16 started, and 11 fi nished. weatherman promised light Some of the best stories happened on the winds and scattered showers for NHYC Saturday. Instead, the fl eet got SHEET

Keel Regatta March 5-6. The Moore 24s brought out 14 boats to take the honors as the regatta's largest division, with the Express 27s coming right behind with 13. Rowan Fennell's Paramour and Brendan Busch's Get Happy!! were the respective fl eet winners, crushing their competition by wide margins. Peter Jeal's Polperro took the seven-boat Folkboat division, and Don Taylor's On Belay was tops among the six J/24s. Douglas Wilhelm's Wilco beat out fi ve other Melges 24s for that division's title, and Don Jesberg — sailing AmericaOne — dispatched fi ve other J/22s. Spring Dinghy — The Spring Dinghy Regatta brought out 63 boats spread out over eight classes on March 12-13. The Lasers produced the biggest numbers, with a 18 boats, not far behind, the Radi- als brought out 10. The Wetas pulled eight boats to round out the "biggest fl eets" podium. All the fl eets were rewarded with champagne sailing on Saturday and a cold, gray and rainy Sunday. Spring One Design — Eighteen J/105s and seven J/120s showed up for the St. Francis YC's Spring One Design Regatta March 19-20, and were treated to a gray, rainy, and breeze-on Saturday before be- ing surprised by a decidedly drier Sunday that even saw the sun poke through. In the J/105s, Bruce Stone's Arbitrage got out of the blocks quickly, fi nishing 1-3-1 on Saturday. On Sunday, Stone posted a 3-6, which was just enough to stave off a challenge by Rolf Kaiser's Donkey Spread — 'Invisible Hand' showed some chops in Wyliecat 30, Dan & Carol Benjamin; 2) Vitesse Too, Jack, which fi nished with 2-1. Stone took her fi rst ocean race; inset — the 'Horizon' gang. Hobie 33, Grant Hayes/Volker Frank. (2 boats) the regatta on a countback, with Walter DH MONOHULL PHRF 140+ — 1) Cassiopeia, way to and from the race. Sanford's Alchemy rounding out the po- Islander 36, Kit Wiegman/Nathan Bossett; 2) Nice dium. The typically-close J/120s didn't "Holy buckets," said Greg Mitchell of Turn, Cal 2-29, Richard Johnson/Jim Jessie; 3) Sea the Contour 34 Hapa Girl. "The Rites of disappoint, with Barry Lewis' Chance Spirit, Catalina 34, Larry Baskin/Herb Brosowsky. taking the division by a one-point margin Spring was fi ne as a race, but the delivery (4 boats) Desdemona to it from Oyster Point was a nightmare. DH MONOHULL NON_SPINNAKER PHRF<141 over John Wimer's and Don There were huge, square, closely set roll- — 1) Tesa, Catalina 42, Steve Haas/Jeff Walter. (2 'Sea Spirit' (108), 'Whirlwind' (38608), 'Vitesse Too' ers, and the wind peaked at 31 knots. I boats, 1 fi nisher) (87112) and 'Nice Turn' took a lashing and still fi n- think we had our fastest speed of the day SH MONOHULL NON-SPINNAKER — 1) Archi- ished the Oakland YC's Rites of Spring. Sixty-two surfi ng the waves without sails up. It was medes, Express 27, Joe Balderrama; 2) Georgia, boats entered, 16 started, and 11 fi nished. Black Soo, Ben Mewes. (3 rough enough to have my crew barfi n'." boats, 2 fi nishers) Estuary sailors were particularly DH MULTIHULL PHRF pleased to fi nally get the exciting post- 37+ — 1) Origami, Corsair race sailing that is usually reserved for 24, Ross Stein/Bill Pace; 2) the rest of the Bay sailors. Instead of a Wahoo!, Dolphin 460, Gary foulies-off-beers-open-downwind-ride & Wayne Thompson. (3 home, they had to go back in the teeth of boats, 2 fi nishers) the storm with some of the day’s biggest Complete results at: waves waiting for them at the estuary mouth. — George Gurrola St. Francis YC Spring Invitationals OAKLAND YC RITES OF SPRING (3/12) Spring Keel — Fifty- DH MONOHULL PHRF< 139 — 1) Whirlwind, two boats in six divi-


Clockwise from top-center — the little boats at the St. Francis YC's Spring Dinghy were lucky enough to get the nicest day of the month; the Wetas keep get- ting more popular; Bill Erkelens' 'Nevermoore' punches upwind at the Spring Keel Regatta; the Express 27s drew the second biggest fl eet at Spring Keel; the crew of Rowan Fennell's 'Paramour' had reason to be happy, they won their division; more Moores; the Cal Maritime Keelhaulers won the West Coast's only college keelboat regatta, the Harbor Cup; Chris Perkins crosses the fi nish line on the way to reclaiming the San Francisco Cup for St. Francis YC; Perkins. Payan's Dayenu. The former beat out the Up and Drive, Valentin Lulevich, 11. (5 boats) 29er — 1) Green Machine, Patrick Tara/Max latter on a countback. MELGES 24 — 1) Wilco, Douglas Wilhelm, 6 Fraser, 4 points; 2) Godspeed, Mackenzie Cook/ points; 2) Smokin', Kevin Clark, 9; 3) American John Marlett, 8; 3) Road-Rage, Mike Pacholski/ ST. FRANCIS YC SPRING KEEL (3/5-6, 4r, 0t) Lady, Kristian Notto, 10. (6 boats) Haydon Stapleton, 11. (3 boats) EXPRESS 27 — 1) Get Happy!!, Brendan MOORE 24 — 1) Paramour, Rowan Fennell, 505 — 1) 505, Tim Murphy/Garth Copenhaver, Busch, 5 points; 2) Magic Bus, Marc Belloli, 15; 3) 7 points; 2) Banditos, John Kernot, 18; 3) Never- 6 points; 2) Applied Neurotica, Jeff Miller/Mike El Raton, Ray Lotto, 18. (13 boats) moore, Bill Erkelens. (14 boats) Smith, 8; 2) Tiburon, Ian O'Leary, 11. (4 boats) FOLKBOAT — 1) Polperro, Peter Jeal, 10 J/22 — 1) AmericaOne, Don Jesberg, 7 points; FINN — 1) Finn, Vladimir Butenko, 4 points; 2) points; 2) Nordic Star, Richard Keldsen, 13; 3) 2) Cheeseburger, John Gray, 11; 3) Young Guns, Nowy, Andre Skarka, 9; 3) Finn McMissile, Peter Faith, Brock de Lappe, 13. (3 boats) Kim Desenberg, 12. (6 boats) Aschwanden, 11. (7 boats) J/24 — 1) On Belay, Don Taylor, 6 points; 2) Downtown Uproar, Darren Cumming, 8; 2) Shut ST. FRANCIS YC SPRING DINGHY (3/12-13, 5r, 1t)


LASER 4.7 — 1) A Salt Weapon, Joe Carter, St.FYC Club 420, Viviane Farke/Naomi Wolfe. (6 a sibling rivalry March 26-27. Sailing 5 points; 2) Laser 4.7, Markus Suorsa, 12; 3) boats) J/105s, San Francisco YC's Jon Perkins 170402, Michael Tan, 19. (7 boats) and his big bother Chris — sailing for St. LASER RADIAL — 1) Radial, Dominic Bove, ST. FRANCIS YC SPRING KEEL (3/19-20, 5r, 0t) Francis YC — went up against each other 4 points; 2) Laser, Mark Halman, 12; 3) Laser, J/105 — 1) Arbitrage, Bruce Stone, 14 points; in a best-of-fi ve series. Chris Perkins and Christine Neville, 15. (15 boats) 2) Donkey Jack, Rolf Kaiser, 14; 3) Alchemy, Wal- LASER STANDARD — 1) Laser, Steve Bour- ter Sanford, 22. (18 boats) his team of Russ Silvestri, Melissa & dow, 6 points; 2) Black Tulip, Russ Silvestri, 8; 3) J/120 — 1) Chance, Barry Lewis, 10 points; Tom Purdy (another sibling pair), Doug Christine Robin, Tracy Usher, 10. (18 boats) 2) Desdemona, John Wimer, 11; 3) Dayenu, Don Robbins and John Collins jumped to an WETA — 1) Weta 4.4, Dave Berntsen, 6 points; Payan, 11. (7 boats) early lead with two wins on Saturday. 2) Bobanja, Bob Hyde, 11; 3) Loose Cannon, Complete results at: On Sunday they picked up right where Gordon Lyon, 11. (9 boats) they left off, winning the third race, and CLUB 420 — 1) Club 420, Drake Jensen/Erica San Francisco Cup reclaiming the trophy in the process. Quinn, 14 points; 2) 420, Mark Power/n/a, 16; 3) The almost-annual grudge match between San Francisco YC and St. Fran- Sadie Hawkins cis YC was played out in the context of Nine boats in two division showed up

April, 2011 • Latitude 38 • Page 129 THE RACING

Condon; 2) Dou- injuries reported, but we were unable to ble Agent, Merit confi rm them as of this writing. Complete 25, Deb Fehr; 3) results are up at: RacerX, Mary McGrath. (5 boats) Harbor Cup NON-SPINNA- KER — 1) Stink The Cal Maritime Keelhaulers won the Eye, Laser 28, fourth annual Port of Los Angeles Harbor Christine Weaver; Cup/Cal Maritime Invitational Intercol- RON WITZEL 2) Mull's Magic, legiate Regatta March 11-13 with a race Ranger 26, Debby to spare. Ratto; 3) Star- Despite being hobbled by an injured shine, Ericson 32, foot, skipper John Gray led his team of Dave Kuettel's 'Serena' just pips Alexandro Meh- Dawn Chesney. (4 boats) Kyle Vanderspek, Scott Doyle, Sarah jan's Open 50 'Truth' in the DH Lightship. Complete results at: Himes, Matthew Van Rensselaer, Sean for Island YC's Sadie Hawkins race on Kelly, and Andrew Lamb to a 12-point Doublehanded Lightship February 27, and were rewarded with a victory over eight other college teams Flood tides are cancelled for the fore- northerly breeze that meant even the fi ve "I got used to it pretty easily," John seeable future as the 29 boats in the boats in the spinnaker division didn't get Gray said of the right heel he injured Island YC's Doublehanded Lightship race much time with their kites up. the night before the regatta. "I just didn't found out on March 26. Heavy storm run- Instead it was a close-reach affair un- carry as many things to the boat in the off meant that many boats reported seeing der sunny skies on the Estuary. Sailing mornings. We just sailed every race as a an ebb of up to 6-8 knots both on the way the Black Soo Mirage, Lori Condon took team." out to and back from the Lightbucket. the Spinnaker division by correcting out And they did sail all 10 races, even Buffeted by squalls that sent the wind- by less than a minute over Deb Fehr's though their lead over the runner-up U.S. speeds from the 5- to 8-knot range all the Merit 25 Double Agent after a 6.8-mile Naval Academy going into the fi nal race way up to the mid to high 20s, the fl eet course. was big enough that they could have called got a pasting in both directions, but 23 Non-spinnaker division winner Chris- it a day. Upstart longshot Cal State Chan- boats were able to make it to the fi nish. tine Weaver — Latitude 38 webmaster by nel Islands fi nished third with 39 points, Overall and Express 27 honors went to weekday — sailing the Laser 28 Stink Eye ahead of fi rst-time participant Hawaii and Ray Lotto's El Raton, which is already fi nished so far ahead of rest of the boats defending champion USC at 41 and 45 off to a heady start in the class's season after a shorter 5.4-mile course, that she respectively. After clinching the title with championship. Elapsed time honors went had to take her own fi nish time. The race a third in Race 9 they stayed out and put to Dave Kuettel's Thompson 1150 Serena committee wasn't on station yet! up a fourth. which nipped Alexandro Mehjan's Open The Sadie Hawkins is the fi rst event on "It seemed like the right thing to do," 50 Truth — formerly Pegasus — by one the Latitude 38 unoffi cial women's circuit. Gray said about Cal Maritime's extra second. Philip Hadly's Buccaneer 35 Jab- Given that no women skippers sailed the race. berwock took the multihull division, while following one — the Oakland YC's Rites of Sponsored by the Port of L.A., organized Steve Hocking's Beneteau 45.5 Ohana Spring — these are the de facto standings by the Los Angeles YC and hosted by Cal took PHRF <100 and Dan Benjamin's for the circuit: Maritime, the event is the West Coast's Wyliecat 30 Whirlwind took PHRF 101+. only intercollegiate big boat regatta. ISLAND YC SADIE HAWKINS RACE (2/27, 1r) The conditions took their toll on sailors, with several broken bones and other SPINNAKER — 1) Mirage, Black Soo, Lori Race Notes Briton Ian Williams (in crimson blazer, at right) brought a crew of San Diegans including Bill Hardesty, The last of the midwnters races — The Matt Cassidy and Steve Hunt along with Mark Callahan and Mal Parker to win his fi rst Congressional Berkeley YC Mids Champions of Champi- Cup — all the more impressive given that he lost his mother to leukemia midway through the event. ons race went down on February 27, and Ray Lotto's El Raton — win- ner of the 18-boat Express 27 class (Saturday series) — beat out former winner Rich- ard von Ehrenkrook and his Cal 20 Can O' Whoopass by a scant two seconds to put his name on the Kirt Brooks Perpetual Trophy. The Golden Gate YC's Man- uel Fagundes Seaweed Soup Series also wrapped-up last month, and Scott Easom's Farr 30 Eight Ball took home the perpetual trophy with an

RICH ROBERTS all-bullets scoreline. RICH ROBERTS Filling the Shoes — The St. Francis YC announced WE LIKE THE WATER HUM OF A WELL RUN


You want complete and uncompromising marina services? Done. Hauling, maintenance, easy access parking, launch ramp, onsite security, and wifi? Covered. Have a wish list that includes clean, warm, newly remodeled restrooms and laundry facilities, dock carts, convenient recycle and garbage bins, and dedicated dry boat storage? Handled. So whether you’re on the water, in the slip, checking in, hanging out, or pushing off, we have you in mind. WATER HUM


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The RC44s inavaded SoCal for a week of extremely close action on San Diego Bay. Ac- cessible to the public with the racing held right off the Broadway Street pier and the USS 'Midway', the event showed that if the same principles are applied to America's Cup 34, we're in pretty good shape; Pt. Richmond/Mill Valley-based Morgan Gutenkunst hikes hard aboard the Paul Cayard-led 'Katusha' which walked away with the fl eet racing portion. on March 11 that Robbie Dean will be for the Treasure Island Sailing taking over as the club's Director of Racing Center, where he and his staff Operations. He replaces John Craig, who garnered multiple awards and has moved on to the PRO role for America's recognition for the program. His Cup 34. sailing background includes "I have always enjoyed racing at the extensive coaching, winning St. Francis Yacht Club," Dean said. "The the U.S. Youth Champs in '96, StFYC Race Committee and Event Chairs a Laser 2 World Championship, and a stint Mike Kalin, who is joining the US Sailing consistently produce amazing events. I'm on the U.S. Olympic Development Team in Team AlphaGraphics as a coach. just going to focus on continuing the tra- the Europe Dinghy working on the mast A new program for the Vallejo Race — dition of racing excellence at St. Francis and sail development project for the Athens The Great Vallejo Race and YRA Season YC." Games. Opener is just around the corner on April The club hired Dean away from the San Dean will have some big challenges 30, and Vallejo YC's Jim Glenn updates us Diego YC, but the Southern California na- ahead of him, not least of which is the need on this year's program: tive has a strong Bay Area connection. He to hire people to replace Melanie Roberts, "We are changing things up this year previously served as the Executive Director who is going with Craig to the ACRM, and and having part of the party outside in a THE BOX SCORES The Bay's midwinter series are in the Geronimo, Lancer 30M, Michael Campbell, 14; 3) Complete results at: books, so without further ado, we get right Homus, Ericson 27, Josh Dvorson, 14. (7 boats) to the results for those that were resolved DIVISION E NON-SPINNAKER > 232 — 1) SOUTH BEACH YC ISLAND FEVER SERIES FI- last month. Our focus next month will shift Tackful, Santana 22, Frank Lawler; 9 points; 2) In- NAL STANDINGS (4r, 1t) to Beer Can Series as they get underway. shallah, Santana 22, Shirley Bates, 17. (5 boats) SPINNAKER PHRF < 126 — 1) Wasabi, Ker- Our style guide for results is right here in Complete results at: nan 44, Dale Williams, 5 points; 2) Lazy Lightning, front of you. If you take the time to type Tartan 10, Tim McDonald, 5; 3) Wild One, FT 10, them out in the format you see here, they ISLAND YC ISLAND DAYS FINAL (4r, 1t) John Lymberg, 6. (11 boats) are guaranteed to get into the magazine, SPINNAKER 1 — 1) Ragtime!, J/92, Bob John- SPINNAKER PHRF 127+ — 1) Luna Sea, Is- as it just makes life that much easier for ston, 3 points; 2) Crazy Eights, Moore 24, Aaron lander 36, Dan Knox, 7 points; 2) Double Play, us when our results gnome goes on strike. Lee, 5; 3) Rascal, Wilderness 30, Rui Luis, 7. (6 Yankee 30, RDK partners, 4; 3) Smooth, Santana When you've gotten all the info together, boats) 525, Mark Feinholz, 9. (6 boats) just send it on to the Racing Editor at rob@ 168 RATERS — 1) Phantom, J/24, John Guil- SPINNAKER CATALINA 30 — 1) Adventure, Thanks! liford, 5 points; 2) Bandido, Merit 25, George Gur- Jack McDermott, 3 points; 2) Huge, Woodruff/ rola, 6; 3) Bewitched, Merit 25, Laraine Salmon, 7. Keen, 5; 3) Friday's Eagle, Mark Hecht, 10. (6 SAUSALITO YC MIDWINTERS FINAL (5r, 1t) (4 boats) boats) DIVISION A (SPINNAKER) — 1) Gammon, SPINNAKER 2 — 1) Wuvulu, Islander 30, John NON-SPINNAKER — 1) 007, J/105, Bruce Tartan 10, Jeff Huetter, 7 points; 2) Razzberries, New, 3 points; 2) Razzmatazz, Santana 525, Bill Blackie, 3 points; 2) Unanimous, CS 30, Steve Ei- Olson 34, Bruce Nesbitt, 14; 3) Trasher, Merit 25, King, 6; 3) Tinker, Wilderness 21, Matthew Beall, ttreim, 8; 2) Seaview, C&C 115, Peter Hamm, 8. (6 Harriet Lehman, 15. (13 boats) 9. (9 boats) boats) DIVISION C NON-SPINNAKER PHRF < 143 — NON-SPINNAKER — 1) Obsession, Harbor Complete results at: 1) Q, Schumacher 40, Glenn Isaacson, 5 points; 20, Lee Perry, 5 points; 2) Galatea, Ken Viaggi, 6; 2) Basic Instinct, Elliot 1050, Jan Borjeson, 6; 3) Scrimshaw, Harbor 20, Michael Maurier, 7. (7 SEQUOIA YC REDWOOD CUP SERIES (5r, 1t) 3) Grey Ghost, Hanse 342, Doug Grant, 12. (6 boats) SPINNAKER — 1) Head Rush, Antrim 27, boats) COLUMBIA 5.5 — 1) Wings, Mike Jackson, 5 Charlie Watt, 4 points; 2) Smokin J, J/29, Stan DIVISION D NON-SPINNAKER 143-232 — 1) points; 2) Tenacious, Group SCS, 8; 3) Seabis- Phillips; 3) Pizote, Santana 30, John Ryan. (16 La Mer, Newport 30, Randy Grenier, 4 points; 2) cuit, Peter Szaz, 8. (4 boat) boats)

April, 2011 • Latitude 38 • Page 131 THE RACING

large 40’x80’ enclosed tent," Glenn said. more information, including how to be- Valley's most successful venture capital- "The dance fl oor, music and food will be come a sponsor, visit: www.clubnautique. ists, as this year's speaker. Doerr is also out in the tent. We have Eric Stone as the net. an avid sailor, who keeps an absolutely headliner from 8 p.m. until midnight and Keep this in mind — The revived Laser bristol 1938, Philip Rhodes-designed 48' will have a disc jockey from 4 p.m. until Heavy Weather Slalom will once again yawl. More info on the event can be found Stone goes on. We have three different food grace the Cityfront August 3-4 as a prelude at vendors this year — Gracie's Barbecue to the Laser Masters Worlds. Both will be Not this year — After last month's (ribs & chicken) Nellie's Oysters (barbecued hosted by St. Francis YC. The catch is speculation, we fi nally received a response oysters, seafood tacos), and La Prima Pizza that entries are limited to only 32 boats to our multiple attempts to contact the (woodfi red pizza, pasta and salads). for the former, so you had better enter l'Hydroptère team about their plans for a "There will be grandstands at the start/ early if you're planning on coming out to shot at the TransPac record. It would ap- fi nish line so spectators can see the racers play. More info and signups are at: www. pear that the team is indeed headed this as they jockey for the fi nish on Saturday sfl way, but not this year. and the start on Sunday. Beer & liquor Heavy hitters — The San Francisco "One of the future objectives for will be reasonably priced, starting at $2. Leukemia Cup has gone from strength to l'Hydroptère is to attempt the Pacifi c re- Sunday we will have a pancake breakfast strength for the last fi ve years, breaking all cord," wrote the team's Matthieu Dujon. put on by the Mare Island Rowing Cub." the fundraising records for the nationwide "As the boat is looking for additional If you need any more info, go to: http:// series of events that benefi ts blood cancer partners, this adventure will take place in research. A big part of that effort has been 2012, in order, as well, to optimize orga- Support the troops — Club Nautique's the VIP dinner that precedes the race, nization." American Armed Forces Cup will hit the and its keynote speakers have included a So it sounds as if they'll be after Olivier South Bay on May 15. In its third iteration, who's-who of truly big names like Rupert de Kersauson's 4d, 19h, 31m Los Angeles- the event pits teams from the Armed Forces Murdoch, Al Gore and . to-Honolulu record, not the TransPac race against each other for a day of racing out Honorary chairman Tom Perkins — he of record. Rumor has it that they've already of Ballena Bay. This year, the club has the Maltese Falcon fame — has conscripted booked space to moor the boat when they partnered with the Navy League to raise business partner John Doerr, one of Silicon come to the Bay, which is no small feat money for the latter's ongoing efforts to given that she's 65 feet long, 78 feet wide support the country's Sea Services. For and draws 13-plus feet!

THE BAY VIEW BOAT CLUB AND THE ISLANDER BAHAMA FLEET invite all 27th ’60s & ’70s Vintage Annual Fiberglass Sailboats to the San Francisco

Come to Saturday, July 16 the Party! at the Bay View Boat Club and the waters of Pier 54. For more information: (415) 495-9500 after 1700, or visit our website: Bay View Boat Club, 489 Terry Francois Blvd., San Francisco, CA 94107 TROPHIES TO PRETTIEST BOAT AND FASTEST OVERALL 10 a.m. UNTIL DARK • RACE STARTS AT 1 p.m. • TROPHY PRESENTATION AT 7 p.m.

Page 132 • Latitude 38 • April, 2011 /SFNT.html

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April, 2011 • Latitude 38 • Page 133 WORLD

We depart from our normal format this month to bring you our annual springtime overview of Greater Bay Area Bareboats & Crewed Charter Yachts. makes them an ideal resource for Meet the Charter Fleet: In most cases, you don't have to be extensively 'road A Wealth of Bay Sailing Options a member of the club to rent a boat, al- testing' boat types It's time for us to make our annual though nonmembers may pay somewhat that you are con- pitch to you to think outside the box higher rental prices. Be aware also that sidering buying. when it comes to on-the-water recre- the fi rst time you charter with a company C h a r t e r i n g a ation. Even if you own your own boat or you'll probably have to do a 'check-out' large, fully equipped know boat owners who often invite you with their staff so they'll feel confi dent bareboat in the Bay out for a ride, there are times when you that you're not going to run the pride Area can also help might use the services of the Greater Bay of their fl eet into a cruise ship. Getting you prepare for fu- Area's expansive fl eet of (sail-it-yourself) checked out a few days in advance will ture cruising. Once bareboats and/or fully crewed charter save precious charter time. you've taken total yachts — nearly all of which are listed Beyond rental discounts, there's usu- responsibility for here. ally added value to club membership a big boat in Bay As you peruse these pages, you'll such as dockside barbecues; 'social waters — including learn that the Bay Area charter fl eet en- sails', where everyone pitches in a few anchoring practice compasses boats of all sizes and descrip- bucks to cover costs; and charter fl otil- — you'll be able to tions. Some boast exhilarating speed las to idyllic venues in the and high performance, while others offer Caribbean, South Pacifi c or roomy accommodations and a ride so elsewhere. comfortable that even your timid great If you don't own a boat granny will feel safe and secure while and/or don't have close blasting across the Bay. We encourage friends that are into sail- you to save this section for future needs, ing, joining a club can be and make a mental note that these list- a smart move. The friendly ings are available year-round on our ambience of a club creates website (with frequent updates). a low-pressure forum for advancing through the Bareboats — There are roughly 240 hierarchy of classes. And bareboats available for rental here in the the natural camaraderie Greater Bay Area, but the businesses that comes with shared that manage them are not simply rental activities on the water of- agencies. Almost all of the boats listed ten spawns lasting friend- below are offered by sailing schools — ships. CLUB NAUTIQUE usually called 'clubs' — which offer a full As you can see by the spectrum of courses, from basic sailing listings below, many popular types of Baseball season is upon us! Why not charter a to coastal cruising and celestial naviga- late-model production boats are avail- sweet boat and take in the action with friends tion. able through Bay Area fleets, which at McCovey Cove?

BAY AREA BAREBOATS • 30' & UNDER • • 31' - 35' • • 31' - 40' • As the following list demonstrates, there is a wide variety J/80 [26'] (7) Beneteau 311 Celestial 32 of sail-it-yourself bareboats available for rent in the Bay Area. • 31' - 35' • Pearson 32 San Juan 33 Compiled here are listings from the area's principal companies J/105 [34'] (4) Ericson 32 • OVER 40 • (listed alphabetically). We've attempted to be as up-to-date and • 36' - 40' • C&C 32 Coronado 42 comprehensive as possible. We regret any errors or omissions. J/109 [36'] Beneteau 33 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • C&C 38 Beneteau 35 OCSC • 36' - 40' • J/120 [40'] Hanse 350 Berkeley (800) 223-2984 SAILING • OVER 40 • • 36' - 40' • SCHOOLS Dufour 36 (2) AL, SA (membership required) Hunter 36 (3) AL, SA Dehler 41 Seawind 1160 cat [38'] Caliber 40 AL Jeanneau 43 DS Beneteau 38 Club Nautique • 30' & UNDER • Jeanneau 40 SA Passport 46 Beneteau 381 Sausalito, Alameda J/24 (20) Norseman 40 cat AL Santa Cruz 50 Beneteau 393 (800) 343-SAIL Ultimate 24 (1) • OVER 40' • J/160 [53'] Caliber 40 Olson 25 (4) Hunter 41 (2) AL, SA • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • OVER 40 • AL = Alameda ; SA = Sausalito; • 31' - 35' • Hunter 410 AL Beneteau 423 Modern Sailing Catalina 320 (4) • 30' & UNDER • Gib Sea 43 AL • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • School & Club J/105 [34'] (5) Colgate 26 (7) AL, SA Jeanneau 45 DS AL Sausalito (800) 995-1668 Monterey Bay Sailing J/109 [35'] Hunter 290 AL Hunter 49 AL Monterey (831) 372-7245 • 36' - 40' • • 31' - 35' • Jeanneau 50 DS AL Catalina 36 (3) Hunter 31 (7) AL, SA • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 30' & UNDER • Sabre 362 Jeanneau 32 (2) AL, SA J/World C&C 24 • 30' & UNDER • Ericson 30 Catalina 22 Mahe 36 cat Hunter 320 (2) AL, SA Oakland, Puerto Vallarta Catalina 30 Yamaha 25 Beneteau 373 Hunter 33 (3) AL, SA (800) 910-1101, (510) 271-4780 Wyliecat 30 • OVER 40' • Beneteau 34 AL Jeanneau 494

Page 134 • Latitude 38 • April, 2011 OF CHARTERING

special occasions when chartering one of the vessels listed here might be the perfect solution to a particular challenge, such as entertaining a large group of out-of-town family members, creating a unique offi ce party, or a special 'bench- mark' birthday celebration. By enlisting the pampering services of a professional crew, you'll maximize the time you have for socializing and playing tour guide, while minimizing potential headaches. And by hosting your guests on a classy, meticulously maintained crewed yacht, your guests will probably be a whole lot more comfortable than on your tired old daysailer, and you're likely to make a better overall impression. Guests who care to pitch in with the sailing chores are usually welcome to lend a hand, while the rest of the group soaks in the salt air and takes in the sights. The Bay Area's fl eet of fully crewed charter vessels breaks down into two principal categories: 'Six Pack' boats, which are licensed to charter with up to six passengers for hire, and 'Multi- Passenger Vessels' (technically called Inspected Vessels). In some cases these can legally carry up to 49 passengers or

J-WORLD more. step aboard a bareboat anywhere with "Yee-haw! We're having some fun now. A char- We've attempted to be as comprehen- confi dence in your abilities, and spare ter party blasts across the Bay aboard a high sive and up-to-date as possible in these yourself the angst brought on by trying performance J/105 from J/World. listings. We regret any errors or omis- sions. to fake it. required whatsoever, as their charter prices include the services of profes- 'Multi-Passenger' Vessels (7+) Crewed Charter Vessels — The ves- sional crew. (In alphabetical order.) sels listed in this section are accessible Even if you are a long-time sailor with Argosy Venture: One of the largest and more to folks of all ages with no sailing skills your own fl eet of sailing craft, there are unique yachts in Northern California, this 101-ft

Pacifi c Yachting/Sailing Tradewinds Sailing • OVER 40' • Spinnaker Sailing NONPROFIT Santa Cruz School & Club Beneteau 42 of San Francisco ORGANIZATIONS Mull Chico 42 (831) 423-SAIL (7245) Marina Bay, Richmond (415) 543-7333 Cal Sailing Club (800) 374-2626 (510) 232-7999 Catalina 42 www.pacifi Jeanneau 43 • 30' & UNDER' • Brickyard Cove / Richmond Marina Bay • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • (membership required) • 30' & UNDER • Viper 640 [21'] ( boats also at Folsom Lake) Santa Cruz 27 * Ultimate 20 • 30' & UNDER' • Spinnaker Sailing Laser Bahia (8) Catalina 28 • 30' & UNDER • of Redwood City Ultimate 24 Olson 911s [30'] Capri 22 (7) Santana 22 (2) JY15 (7) (650) 363-1390 • 31' - 35' • Ericson 27 Santa Cruz 27 (3) Precision 15 (2) Beneteau 31 Catalina 270 • 31' - 35' • Laser (2) Catalina 31 Ericson 28 • 30' & UNDER' • Flying Tiger 10 Bytes (2) Catalina 32 (3) Catalina 30 (4) Santana 22 (2) Catalina 320 Merit 25 (2) Hunter 33 Newport 30 Cal 24 (3) Catalina 34 Capri 25 Beneteau 33 • 31' - 35' • Merit 25 (10) Catalina 35 Pearson 26 (2) Catalina 35 Beneteau 323 (2) [33'] Catalina 27 (3) Hunter 356 [35'] • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 36' - 40' • Beneteau 31 • 31' - 35' • • 36' - 40' • Sailing Education Catalina 36 Cal 31 (3) J/29 [29'] Beneteau 393 Adventures Hunter 36 Dufour 31 Hunter 33 C&C 40 (415) 775-8779 • OVER 40' • • 36' - 40' • Hunter 34 • OVER 40' • Beneteau 46.1 Beneteau 343 (2) [35'] J/120 [40'] Hunter 410 Catalina 34 (2) • 30' & UNDER' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Hunter 356 [35'] Lasers (2), Lido 14 & FJ Catalina 36 (2) Catalina 16.5 (4) Catalina 38 Santana 25 (2)

April, 2011 • Latitude 38 • Page 135 WORLD

Nevins motorsailer does occasional charters on [email protected]; website: www.adven- private charters. the Bay as well as annual expeditions beyond • Carries up to 12 passengers. the Golden Gate. Built as a private luxury yacht in • Berthed at Schoonmaker Marina, Sausalito. 1947, her gleaming brightwork and period styling Bay Lady: At 90 feet in length, Bay Lady is the • Available for private group charters, special make her an eye-catching sight when she roars largest Coast Guard 'certifi ed' traditional sailing events and corporate charters, including team- across the Bay at 12 knots. vessel on the West Coast. Licensed to carry up building. • Carries up to 12 passengers. to 80 passengers, she holds the second-largest • (888) 566-8894; email: chuck@sanfrancis- • Berthed at Brisbane Marina. capacity of any sailing charter vessel in the region.; website: www.sanfranciscosailing. • Available for special custom charters locally Bay Lady was built of steel in New England specifi - com (including corporate), family charters and expedi- cally for the charter trade. Her design combines tions, as well as fi lm and dive charters. modern strength and safety features with an old- • (650) 952-4168; email: charters@ argosyven- time sail plan — she carries great clouds of sail on; website: her traditional gaff rig. Guests are always invited to participate in sailing this great schooner. • Certifi ed for 80 passengers (most comfort- able with about 70). • Berthed at South Beach Harbor, San Fran- cisco.

'Cat Ballou' on the move.

Chardonnay II: This sleek Santa Cruz 70 is one of the most popular charter vessels operating on 'Argosy Venture' is a rare classic. Monterey Bay. She was custom built for fast sail- ing, yet with the comforts to accommodate up to Adventure Cat: A familiar sight on the Bay, this 49 passengers. She offers a wide array of 'themed 55-ft catamaran was custom-built specifi cally for charters' such as wine tasting, sunset cruising, and chartering here. Defi nitely one of the fastest local corporate teambuilding. charter boats, she's been clocked at 20 knots with • Carries up to 49 passengers. a full complement of passengers aboard. Guests The steel schooner 'Bay Lady' carries 80. • Berthed at Santa Cruz Harbor. can choose to ride on the open-air trampoline, • Some scheduled sailings (individually tick- forward, or within the sheltered salon. eted), private group charters, offshore charters • Carries up to 48 passengers. (such as to Monterey) and special events includ- • Berthed at Pier 39, Dock J, in San Fran- ing corporate and baseball parties to McCovey cisco. Cove. • Available for scheduled sails daily (individu- • (415) 543-7333; email: rendezvous@earthlink. ally ticketed), private group charters and special net; website: events, including weddings, whale watching and corporate programs. Bay Wolf: This pedigreed Santa Cruz 50 ocean • (415) 777-1630 or (800) 498-4228; sharon@ racer is a veteran of many Hawaii and Mexico rac-; website: www.adventurecat. es. With her new mast, rigging and other upgrades, com she promises fast, exhilarating Bay sailing. • Certifi ed to carry up to 30 passengers, but Sleek and sexy 'Chardonnay'. Adventure Cat 2: Designed by cat connoisseur focuses on groups up to 18. • Custom private charters, ash scattering, and Kurt Hughes, Adventure Cat 2 was launched sev- • Pickups in San Francisco and Sausalito. corporate teambuilding. eral years ago. Like her older sister (above), she is • (831) 423-1213; email: charters@chardonnay. fast and fun, yet is much larger and, consequently, com; website: can carry twice as many passengers. For really big groups, consider chartering both boats and sail Derek M. Baylis: Named after a famous Bay together in tandem. Area yachtsman, this distinctive 65-ft cat ketch was built specifi cally for conducting ocean research and marine education, and is operated by the non- profi t Sealife Conservation organization. Tom Wylie designed her to be an "environmentally friendly way to keep up with whales and other marine life without using an engine." • USCG-licensed to carry 49 passengers on 'Bay Wolf' is a former offshore racer. daysails or 12 passengers for overnights. • Available for private group charters, corporate • Berthed in San Francisco and Monterey; charters and special events. Passenger participa- pickups in Santa Cruz and elsewhere by special tion is welcomed. arrangement. • (650) 492-0681; email: captkirk@sfbaysail. • Offers scheduled daytime 'critter cruises' and 'Adventure Cat 2' is fast and fun. com; website: sunset 'wine and cheese' cruises with Monterey • Carries up to 99 passengers. Bay Aquarium, Thurs,-Saturday throughout the • Berthed at Pier 39, Dock J, in San Fran- Cat Ballou: Originally a Caribbean charter summer. Also available for marine research, cus- cisco. yacht, this sweet-sailing Catana 42 catamaran tom group charters, including corporate events. • Available for private group charters and spe- joined the Bay Area charter fl eet after owner Chuck Learn about white shark research, San Andreas cial events, including weddings, whale watching Longanecker upgraded her substantially during an fault mapping, and plastics work from naturalists. and corporate programs. extensive refi t. Chuck is a management consultant Educational and naturalist service available at no • (415) 777-1630 or (800) 498-4228; email: by trade, and specializes in teambuilding and additional cost.

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• Certifi ed for 42 passengers — probably the discovered that both he and she were well-suited only O/I 51 that is. to the business. In addition to scheduled sailings, • Berthed Pelican Harbor, Sausalito. she does a variety of special charters — one of the • Available for corporate events, private char- most memorable was when The Playboy Channel ters, weddings, ash scatterings, team-building brought a dozen bunnies aboard years ago for an sails, and Angel Island BBQ sails. Occasional Opening Day photo shoot in the waters off what scheduled sails (individually ticketed) such as Fri- is now AT&T Park. day night sunset sails and full moon cruises (see The custom Wylie 65 'Derek M. Baylis'. website for schedule). • (831) 818-6112; email: dave@sealifecon- • (800) 849-9256 or (415) 331-2919; email:; website: www.sealifeconservation. [email protected]; website: www.sailsfbay. org. For Monterey Bay Aquarium trips call (800) com 756-3737. Nehemiah: Among the things that make this Gas Light: Built in Sausalito by master ship- classic wooden ketch unique in the Bay's charter wright and owner Billy Martinelli, this 72-ft schoo- fl eet is the fact that she has circumnavigated — ner is a beautifully crafted modern example of an twice — under previous owners. 1874 SF Bay scow schooner. Gas Light has a bright Her current use is also unique, however. Capt. and comfortable 30’ x 18’ cabin with a 12’ ma- Rod Phillips and his wife, 'Admiral' Joni, enjoy hogany salon table, plenty of on-deck seating, and doing Bay charters for the general public, which The custom steel sloop 'Ruby'. offers an exceptionally stable sailing experience, fi nance their true passion, youth sail training — • Carries up to 31 passengers. heeling only a few degrees, even in a brisk wind. particularly for 'at-risk' youth. Solidly built and • Berthed at The Ramp restaurant, foot of She offers a unique glimpse into San Francisco’s traditionally rigged, she is an ideal platform for Mariposa St., San Francisco. maritime history plus a hands-on experience for hands-on training, as well as pleasure sailing. A • Available for lunch and evening sails daily those eager to help raise sail. lifelong mariner, Rod also captains S.F. Bay fer- (individually ticketed), private group charters, and ries. special events including corporate functions and ash scatterings. • (415) 861-2165; email: rubysailing@sbc-; website:

Seaward: Originally based in Boston, this 82-ft staysail schooner has a different focus from most others. During the spring, summer and fall her pri- mary function is running hands-on sail training for Bay Area youngsters, which is partially funded by

SAM SPITTLE adult sail training and private charters. When winter approaches, she heads for the sunny latitudes of 'Gas Light' is a replica of bygone days. Mexico, where she offers a series of programs • USCG certifi ed for up to 49 passengers 'Nehemiah' has circumnavigated — twice! that combine education in traditional seamanship, • Berthed at Schoonmaker Point Marina, Sau- • Carries up to 33 passengers. study of the marine environment, and fun in the salito. • Berthed at Richmond's Marina Bay. sun. She is owned and operated by the nonprofi t • Available for private group charters; special • Available for youth sail training, scheduled Call of the Sea organization. events, corporate outings and teambuilding, wed- sails (individually ticketed) and private charters. dings, birthday parties and educational excursions • (510) 234-5054; email: captain@sailingacross. on the Bay. com; website: • (415) 331-2769; email: gaslightcharters@; website: Privateer & Santa Maria: These two identical Islander Freeport 41 cutter ketches are roomy, yet Glory Days: This classic Morgan Out Island can reach 10 knots with all their sails up. They have 51 is owned and operated by Pam Powers, one teak decks, fi nely varnished trim, and many bronze of the few professional female skippers in the local fi ttings. With their full keels they are extremely charter trade. Before going out on her own years comfortable to sail. ago with the purchase of Glory Days, Pam skip- • Certifi ed for 28 & 36 passengers respec- pered many of the Bay's biggest charter vessels. tively. • Berthed at San Francisco's Pier 39 The sail training schooner 'Seaward'. • Specializing in scheduled 90-minute Bay • Carries up to 40 passengers on day trips; 15 sails (individually ticketed) and scheduled sunset for overnights. sails (see website for schedule). Also available for • Berthed at Sausalito. private charters, including corporate events. • Available for youth and adult sail training, • (415) 378-4887; email: [email protected]; web- day sails, scheduled (individually ticketed) sails, site: overnights to Drake's Bay and the Farallones, private group charters and corporate events, plus Ruby: At 64 feet in length, this double-ended 'adventure sailing' in Mexico during the winter. steel sloop has been a familiar sight on the Bay • (415) 331-3214; email: info@; for as long as we can remember. In fact, Ruby has website: been chartering longer than any other boat on the The Morgan O.I. 51 'Glory Days'. Bay — 27 consecutive years. She's also become a Tahoe Cruz: This is a beautiful custom Santa When Morgan Yachts fi rst began producing the landmark at her San Francisco Boat Works home- Cruz 50, sails daily out of the Tahoe City Marina Out Island line in the late '60s, these comfy boats port, adjacent to The Ramp restaurant. Owner/ from May thru October. Captains Jim Courcier & quickly became popular with both cruisers and skipper Josh Pryor designed and built her himself Mike Pavel are accomplished racers and cruisers charter companies — especially the 51-ft version, back in the '70s with thoughts of long-distance who love sharing the joy of sailing the pristine wa- like Glory Days. cruising, but once he started chartering her, he ters of scenic Lake Tahoe. Prevailing SW afternoon

April, 2011 • Latitude 38 • Page 137 WORLD

breezes averaging 10 to 15 knots make for ideal in an impressive 19 days. sailing conditions. • Carries up to 25 passengers. • Certifi ed for up to 25 passengers. • Berthed at South Beach Harbor, San • Specializes in affordable & scenic 2-hour Francisco. cruises with complimentary refreshments. Also • Race charters (including offshore), private available for private parties, company charters & group charters, and special events including Emerald Bay luncheon sails. corporate. • Daily departures from Tahoe City Marina The 'Team O'Neill' cat is easy to spot. • (415) 543-7333; email: rendezvous@earthlink. (home of the Tahoe YC). Her length and 28-ft beam provide an exceptionally net; website: • (530) 583-6200; website: www.TahoeSail. smooth and stable ride, with plenty of deck com space to move around freely. Her full galley can Six-Passenger Crewed Yachts accommodate catered sails, or guests may choose Please note that in addition to the six-passenger to bring along picnic-style meals. Ideally suited for vessels that follow — many of which are operated both family and friends or groups. by their owners — virtually every sailing school • Carries up to 49 passengers. (aka 'club') listed at the beginning of this section • Berthed at Santa Cruz YH. also has boats available for 'six-pack' charters • Available for private group charters and now with captain and crew. offering public 1-hour daysails on Saturdays during Some of the larger boats in those fl eets are the summer. very nicely outfi tted for both comfortable daysails • (831) 475-1561;email: sailingsantacruz@ and overnight charters. Call them for details and; website: www.oneillyachtcharters. pricing. com Agave: The design of this new 38' Catalina 375 'Tahoe Cruz' screams across the lake. Yukon Jack: Although a remarkable amount of sloop won Cruising World magazine's '09 Boat 'big boat' racing takes place on the Bay each year, of the Year Award. She has a large, comfortable Team O'Neill: As her operators like to say, "For only a minuscule portion of the sailing community cockpit and the latest equipment for a fast, safe an Extraordinary Santa Cruz Adventure, just add ever gets to ride on those sleek, go-fast machines. and memorable cruise. Conduct a team-building water!" But if you'd like to check out the adrenal thrill of session, reward your team for their hard work, or Promising a unique and specialized sailing blasting across the Bay on an ultralight, this proven just experience an enjoyable sail on San Francisco adventure on Monterey Bay, this 65-footer gives Santa Cruz 50 is the boat for you. A former ocean Bay. you a true appreciation for big catamaran sailing. racer, she once sailed from San Francisco to Tahiti Robin Weber is a USCG-licensed captain who


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Page 138 • Latitude 38 • April, 2011 OF CHARTERING

has been sailing and racing for 30 years, in the • Available for private group charters, special Chesapeake Bay, the Caribbean, and the Baltic events, multihull sailing instruction, and trips up Sea in Germany, Denmark and Sweden. He has the Delta or the Petaluma or Napa rivers. been cruising and racing in the San Francisco Bay • (415) 331-8730; email: info@sailapparition. area for the past 10 years. com; website: • Carries up to 6 passengers. • Berthed at Westpoint Harbor in Redwood City, or pickups in San Francisco. • Private group charters and special events Meet the lovely 'Angelique'. including corporate. a good choice for extended cruises. • (408) 221-7084; email: robinweber@gmail. • Carries up to 6 passengers. com; website: • Available for 'captain-only' charters, full- service crewed group charters, as well as multi-day Alsager: This custom-built Maas 42 Cor-ten trips in the Bay and along the Coast. steel sloop was commissioned for offshore rac- • (707) 953-0434; email: [email protected]: ing. She's done several Atlantic crossings and website: West Coast voyages. Skipper Evan Stolze's cus- tomized charters focus on personal attention for Apparition: Sleek and speedy, Apparition was This 'Apparition' is a familiar sight. small groups. custom-built in Sausalito with small-group charter- • Carries up to 6 passengers. ing in mind. Captain Stan Schilz loves to introduce Bolgeskrekk: This carefully maintained Irwin • Berthed at Sausalito. guests to the ease and comfort of multihull sail- Citation 34 is a stiff and comfortable boat, well- • Daytime and sunset sails, instruction, ing by letting them take the helm. One of the few suited to Bay sailing conditions. On blustery overnighters (inside the Bay and out the Gate), crewed charter yachts that does overnights, this days she often does better than 7 knots, thus Mexico in the winter. 38-footer has two double cabins and a full galley. outperforming many other sailboats of her size. • (415) 797-8008; email: evanstolze@gmail. If you're planning to bareboat a cat soon, spend- Her spacious cockpit is roomy enough to easily com; website: ing some time aboard Apparition would be good accommodate six passengers, and her teak inte- preparation. rior is a delightful space for lounging and relaxing. Angelique: New to the fl eet in '08, Angelique • Carries up to 6 passengers for private char- Captain Bob has 20 years of experience sailing the is a sweet-sailing Columbia 57, built for comfort ters. Can also be bareboated by special arrange- Bay and he loves to share his knowledge of local inshore or offshore. Her roomy, nicely appointed ment with up to 12 passengers. geography and historical spots. interior and stable racer-cruiser design make her • Berthed at Schoonmaker Marina, Sausalito. • Carries up to 6 passengers

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• Berthed at Treasure Island Marina participation is encouraged. pate in driving and sail trimming, if they wish. • Available for private charters, sailing instruc- • Carries up to 6 passengers • Carries up to 5 passengers. tion, corporate events, special events and sunset • Berthed at Brickyard Cove Marina, Pt. Rich- • Berthed at Sausalito. sails. mond • Prefers small groups, often two couples. • (510) 499-0134; email: capt_bob@golden- • Available for custom charters with catering Wedding proposal charters are a specialty, as are; website: www.goldengate- specialized to suit your needs. charters that visit less-traveled parts of the Bay. • (510) 232-5820; email: [email protected]: • (415) 269-1973; email: captainpaul@sailsau- website:; website: Caprice: This lovely Seawind 1160 was pur- chased new in Australia in '07, after which owners Carrera: At the smaller end of the spectrum Flying Tiger: This sleek former racing yacht Dan and Carol Seifers spent most of '08 deliver- is Gene Maly's well-kept Capo 32 racer/cruiser. was originally designed to race in the SORC. She ing her back to the Bay. Dan is both a licensed Based at Monterey, Carrera balances her busy was later fi tted out for comfortable cruising and captain and sailing instructor. He and Carol would schedule between intimate group daysails and explored both Mexico and Alaska. Kirk Miller (a.k.a. instructional sails that feature plenty of one-on-one Capt. Kirk) gave up a successful career in the en- attention. ergy business to pursue his dream of chartering • Carries up to 6 passengers. on the Bay aboard Flying Tiger. • Berthed at Municipal Wharf #2 (A-Tier Gate), She is ideally suited to charters with those who in Monterey. enjoy high-performance sailing — it doesn't take • Available for scheduled daysails including much to convince Kirk to put up the chute on the Monterey Bay Marine Sanctuary tours, private downwind run past the Cityfront. She has recently charters, accredited instruction, and "team- undergone an extensive refi t. building challenges" for corporations. • Carries up to 6 passengers. • (831) 375-0648; email: captaingene@ • Based at Sausalito.; website: www. • Available for private group charters, corporate charters and special events. Passenger participa- tion is welcomed. 'Caprice' has crossed the Pacifi c. Fansea: Captain Paul Adams takes great • (650) 492-0681; email: captkirk@sfbaysail. be pleased to introduce you to the joy of fl at, dry pride in keeping his Catalina 34 in bristol condi- com; website: catamaran sailing aboard Caprice. Her spacious tion. Because she is set up for singlehanded sail- salon offers a 360° view, while riding her trampo- ing, it's easy for him to attend to the needs of his Evening Star: This fastidiously restored C&C line offers thrill-a-minute exhilaration. Hands-on charter guests, and it's easy for guests to partici- Concours 43 is the 'dream boat' of 30-year charter

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spacious cockpit and table, there's plenty of room scattering at sea services, with affordable prices. for guests to enjoy cocktails and a snack during • (831) 429-1970; email: sail@lighthallcharters. quiet evening sails or while cruising through Rich- com; website: ardson Bay after a fast reach across The Slot. Captain Gregory Sherwood is an ASA certi- Little Wing: In addition to her impressive fi ed sailing instructor who's been sailing Imi Loa speed, this sleek Cross 45 trimaran is extremely in the Bay Area since 1996. He's also an accom- stable and has a spacious (24-foot-wide) deck plished offshore racer and cruiser. layout. Because heeling is minimal, she gives a 'Evening Star' is Capt. Marco's dream boat. • Carries up to 6 passengers comfortable yet exhilarating ride that's ideally skipper Mark Sange (aka Capt. Marco). He had • Berthed at South Beach Harbor, Pier 40, suited to both old salts and fi rst-time sailors. been looking for a stiff, high-performance boat San Francisco Her two licensed skippers are lifelong sailors that was well balanced and responsive. And to • Available for private charters, corporate with a wealth of experience in both the Bay and hear him tell it, Evening Star fi lls the bill perfectly. events, wine tasting and sunset sails. Check the foreign waters. They're always happy to share their Having skippered big luxury charter yachts in the website for monthly specials. Passenger partici- expertise and sailing yarns — and they always Med for a decade, Mark knows a thing or two pation encouraged. encourage guests to take a turn at the wheel or about putting excitement back in his clients' lives. • (888) 319-SAIL or (408) 910-0095; website: lend a hand with sail trim. "I like to introduce them to the therapeutic effect • Carries up to 6 passengers. of bashing to windward in 20 knots of breeze with • Berthed at Loch Lomand; pick-ups also at the lee rail buried." Karisma: This sweet-sailing Catalina 470 is the Sausalito and San Francisco. • Carries up to 6 passengers. queen of the Lighthall Yacht Charters all-Catalina • Available for customized private charters, • Berthed at Sausalito Yacht Harbor. fl eet. Her roomy cockpit and nicely appointed inte- including North Bay, Petaluma and Napa River • Available for all types of private charters, rior make her ideal for either daysails or overnights. cruises; also on-board kiteboarding instruction including corporate and special events; specializes Primarily run as a crewed yacht by longtime Santa and special events. in instructional 'performance sailing' charters. Cruz sailors Krista and Scott Lighthall, she can also • (415) 272-3654; email: littlewingtri@gmail. • (415) 868-2940; (415) 987-1942; be bareboated by special arrangement. com. email: [email protected]; website: www.cap- Catalina 42s and 34s are also in the Lighthall or alternately, fl eet. Lotta'tude: This 30-ft racing yacht was • Carries up to 6 passengers. conceived, designed and built for shorthanded Imi Loa — A stiff and comfortable boat with • Berthed at Santa Cruz Yacht Harbor. fun on the S.F. Bay — not requiring a big crew of many amenities, this popular racer-cruiser com- • Available for private or shared charters, brawny dudes to make it go fast! Want to drive? fortably accommodates six guests, and with her corporate charters, sailing lessons, bareboating, No problem. Captain Jon is always interested in

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April, 2011 • Latitude 38 • Page 141 WORLD OF CHARTERING

teaching others how to sail and is happy to turn charters, and special events including weddings over the helm. by the captain, and ash scattering, in addition to • Carries up to 6 passengers. special youth sails. Passenger participation is • Sails out of the Richmond Riviera. welcomed. • Available for all types of charters, from tame • (510) 478-4600; email: info-at-pegasusvoy- to wet-n-wild.; website: • (925) 324-1087; email: captjon@baydeltafun. com; website: Sensei: Before joining the SF Bay charter fl eet, this center-cockpit Norseman 447 cruised Magnum: The design of this sleek Nordic 44 the world extensively, beginning in 1983, to combines sailing performance with a luxuriously places such as the Caribbean, Australia, Japan and appointed interior. She serves as a comfortable 'Perseverance' skirts the Cityfront. Alaska. With her teak decks, ocean-tested design daysailer or comfy overnighter. (The owners also • Carries up to 6 passengers. and old-world craftsmanship she will begin offering book large group charters on a variety of Bay ves- • Berthed at Alameda. luxury day charters on the Bay this summer. sels.) • Available for private group charters, sailing • Carries up to 6 passengers. • Carries up to 6 passengers; available for lessons, teambuilding, memorial services, and • Based at Marina Bay, Richmond. bareboat charter to qualifi ed sailors, up to 12 overnights to Drake's Bay or Half Moon Bay. • Available for private or shared charters, cor- guests. • (415) 302-0101; email: captain@charterperse- porate charters, sailing lessons. • Berthed in Sausalito.; website: www.charterperseverance. • (510) 926-2000; email: senseicharter@yahoo. • Available for private group charters, sunset com com; website: sails, and corporate events. This boat can be bareboated to well-qualifi ed sailors. Pegasus: For the past 18 years this beautiful • (415) 332-0800; email: atlantis@yachtcharter. 1972 John Alden 51-ft ketch has specialized in As you can see, the Bay Area's com: website: taking school groups and at-risk youth out on the charter fl eet is not only big, but its qual- Bay (at no charge to schools or parents). In order ity is impressive. So keep these boats in Perseverance: Captain Jeffrey Berman has to subsidize those programs, they've recently mind the next time a special occasion been a mariner his entire life. An accomplished made this Philippine mahogany beauty available arises. The fl eet's professional crews and racer, cruiser and commercial captain, he enjoys for private charters. sharing the experience aboard this Catalina 36 • Carries up to 6 passengers. shore staff are ready and eager to serve MKII through a wide variety of charter offerings, • Based at Berkeley Marina. you. including lessons. • Available for private group charters, corporate — latitude/andy JUST YOU AND THE SEA…

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April, 2011 • Latitude 38 • Page 143 CHANGES

With reports this month from Endless Summer on good surf in the Tua- motus; from Eros on a return to the days of early chartering; from Swell on Liz Clark's fi ve years of cruising — and her battles with hoses; from Rachel Hurn on an impulsive post graduation sail in the Med; from the biggest ever Banderas Bay Regatta; and Cruise Notes.

Endless Summer — F/41 Cat aluminum boat Elena, accompanied us Steve May to this atoll. We were happy to be the Surf & Sail only boats in the lagoon as, thanks to (Gualala / Emery Cove) the many coral heads, the anchoring I want to thank Latitude for the was very challenging. But Faaiti has a great March issue discussion of surfi ng peculiar quality — there are no sharks Punta Mita, Mex- in the lagoon or at the pass. The locals ico. I very well re- confi rmed this. We rafted the two cats member some great together and enjoyed the mahi mahi that sessions I had out Adam from Elena had caught on the way at the point there. over. The locals would ENDLESS SUMMER My girlfriend Manjula and I are on our all show up in the way back to our cat in Australia. After a afternoon after cruise of the Great Barrier Reef area, we work, but earlier plan to visit New Guinea and Indonesia in the day I could before parking our boat in the Philip- get a couple of ses- pines for our next trip home later this sions alone or with summer. We are having an absolutely one other guy. And great time cruising, and I would encour- South Pacifi c surfi ng. what a fun wave! age everyone to get on it and go! Go to The farther down the line you get, the Mexico, the South Pacifi c, anywhere! faster the wave peels. Just get going! I've enclosed a few photos of some Further, I think Latitude and other waves we found in the Tuamotus after cruisers need to get the word out that coming to French Polynesia. The other the world is overfl owing with wonderful, guys in the water were super-friendly open-hearted people. And the poorer locals from the village, which has a popu- the people, the sweeter they usually are. lation of 75. A couple had surfboards, Nonetheless, thanks to all the media cov- but most were on boogie boards. But erage of narco violence in certain parts of they ripped! Mexico, pirates in the Indian Ocean and I know surfers like to keep spots such Arabian Sea, earthquakes and tsunamis 103-ft schooner no less. Although they've as this secret, but I think some of our in Japan, and shark attacks in Australia, always been residents of Berkeley, they cruiser friends would have a great time Manjula and I fi nd that our families and were part of the charter scene in the here. So I'm going to spill the beans — friends are becoming more frightened Caribbean and the Med from the very the shots are from the pass at Faaiti for us. We think there is a real danger beginning. Atoll. The atoll is 12 miles south of the of Americans becoming afraid to set foot For example, they not only knew very popular south pass at Fakarava outside their own country. This would be Commander Nicholson, who started the Atoll. a real tragedy, as it's a completely incor- charter trade in Antigua — and the Ca- Our pals Jim and Kent Milski aboard rect view of the world — at least based ribbean — with the schooner Mollyhawk, their Schionning 49 cat Sea Level, along on our experience of cruising Mexico, they eventually became good friends with with a Dutch family aboard their 47-foot crossing the Pacifi c, and visiting Bhu- him and knew his back story. Although most of the locals have boogie boards tan and India. Over and over, we have "When we arrived in Antigua in the rather than surfboards, they have Faaiti Atoll experienced the kindness and goodness late '60s with the 70-ft-on-deck schooner break wired. They rip — and they are friendly. of local people. Nordlys," Bill remembers, "we Americans We'll soon be sending you a were not initially included in the English report on our cruising this sea- social scene. But eventually Grace's so- son, which will be through New cial skills won the Commander over. As Guinea and Indonesia, and up to a result, we were invited to the Powder the Philippines." Bunker, where he and his wife lived, for — steve 03/05/11

ENDLESS SUMMER sherry on Friday afternoons. That signi- fi ed that we were among the privileged Eros — 103-ft Schooner ones who had been accepted. Bill and Grace Bodle "Eventually, the Commander told us Return To The Caribbean a great story of his youth and the start (Berkeley) of the chartering business. When he was Having been gone from the just 16, he and his best school chum Caribbean for nearly 25 years, Bill and Grace are back, with a IN LATITUDES

the Commander's wife, passed away in the late '70s, everybody worried how well he would get on without his wife of 60 LATITUDE/RICHARD years. He returned to his hometown of Cork, Ireland, but a year later he returned to Antigua — with a new bride. She was the widow of his chum on the ship was he was 16. The Nordlys, a small Bluenose Bill, a dentist, has schooner, was the b e e n ' l i v i n g ' b i g first of four big schooners his entire schooners Bill and adult life. Grace sailed in the Caribbean and the Med. They sailed Nordlys across the Atlantic fi ve times. That's nothing compared to Grace, their 98-ft-on-deck Camper-Nicholson schooner, which they sailed across the Atlantic nine times. Then they bought Panda, which at 129 ft overall and 117 ft on deck, would be their largest schooner. They did a four- year circumnavigation with her in the early '80s. Before the couple started their cir- cumnavigation with Panda, she was being watched over in Charlotte Amalie Harbor, U.S. Virgins, by Warren Stryker. A longtime friend of Latitude, Stryker had sailed his Sausalito-based Bounty II Fifties Girl from California to the U.S. Virgins. "When I left Warren in charge Spread; We're not going to say 'Eros' is a big boat, but that's Grace and Bill near the bow. He's of Panda," remembers Bill, "he was told 76 and she's 70, yet the two of them cruise the 200,000-pound schooner with the help of just one in no uncertain terms that absolutely crewmember, Patrick Delaney. Inset left; Pirates beware, Grace is cordon bleu-trained. nobody was to be allowed onboard. Not from Dartmouth — England's equiva- simple quarters in London. But it came my brother, not anyone! So Grace and I lent of Annapolis — had been chauf- with no furniture whatsoever. However, were sitting in our home in Berkeley one feured down to their ship in his father's there was a schooner on the Thames day, and I opened the most recent issue Rolls-Royce. The chauffeur placed their that, because of the onset of the war, of Latitude — and there was a story and bags on the ground, and the two young nobody wanted. But she had furniture, photos of Warren, his friend the pub- gentlemen patiently waited for the help so the Commander bought her solely lisher of Latitude, and others on Panda. to pick up the bags and take them up the for the furniture — which was quickly 'What the hell is this?!' I roared." Despite gangplank. After a while, the bosun set moved into the family quarters. Grace and Bill are powerful evidence that sail- them straight. "Pick up those bags and Prospects were dim in England after ing keeps you young. They look and act more get your butts on this ship."" the war, as the economy was in a sham- youthful than their true age. "Days later, the two 16-year-olds were bles and there wasn't much leaning on the rail when two women food. So the adventurous paraded by. Vernon, the future Com- Commander loaded the fur- mander, fancied the short one, while niture back onto the schooner his chum fancied the taller one. They — which, of course, was Mol- engineered meeting the women, and lyhawk — piled his wife and before long — and before the start of two kids on, and set sail for LATITUDE/RICHARD World War I — married them. Vernon's the West Indies. They found chum was killed in the war, widowing a home in the abandoned but his wife. Vernon survived and went on historic English navy base at to become a commander in World War English Harbor, Antigua. And II. Given his position, his family — wife with their arrival began the Lisa and two sons — were provided with charter industry in Antigua and the Caribbean. There's more. When Lisa, CHANGES

all that, they are still friends. Panda would tragically burn and sink she could have been. You see, Scots such after a haulout at Fort de France, Marti- as Lucy and I don't like to spend money. nique. "We were both just devastated by In fact," laughs Bill, "it's said that copper the loss of Panda," remembers Grace. wire was created when two Scots got into "We'd sailed her around the world, and a dispute over who owned a penny." she was everything to us." Alas, the German aristocrat quickly After 18 years of tired of paying for the 30-man crew — chartering in the Ca- who had disassembled the yacht to her ribbean and the Med, steel frame so it could be sandblasted — the Bodles settled and walked away from her. In thousands down by purchasing of pieces, with her masts down and the historic Stone machinery spread all over, there was no LATITUDE/RICHARD Boatyard in Alameda. value to the once-proud schooner. Either One of their projects the Bodles could sell the lead in her keel, was to replace the or they could fi nish the rebuild. decks on the 212-ft They chose the latter option, of schooner Adix. They course, which started in the early '90s probably had an and wasn't completed until the fall of inside track on the '09. One can only imagine what it cost. Grace fiddles with work because Paul Bill laughingly put it at "everything we the 'dog' on the Goss, the schooner's had." To give you a hint, each of the mighty windlass. captain and one of 20,000 new bolts needed to secure the the most famous of all modern sailing steel frame to the planks and decks cost captains, got his fi rst sailing job with the $3. Fortunately, none of the 70-year-old Bodles on one of their schooners many planks needed replacing. Then again, the years before. deck houses had to be replaced, and the One of the last big projects at Stone's interior redone. was the restoration of the 103-ft Fair What's Bill's attraction for large, Sarae, a yacht that had been owned by classic, labor-intensive schooners? Lucy Bancroft, one of Bill's relatives. "You have to have something to do," he After her husband died, Lucy sold the replies. yacht to a wealthy German. The Bodles did a "breakdown sail" "Fair Sarae was of composite con- to Mexico in the winter of '09-'10. They struction by Brookes Motor Craft of loved La Cruz and the rest of Banderas Burnham on Crouch, England, and had Bay, as well as Las Hadas, and felt been commissioned in '39," explains completely safe. The only negative was Bill. "Back then, composite construction their once-beloved Acapulco YC, which meant a boat was built of steel frames, for decades they'd used as a fueling stop beams and fl oors, and her hull, decks when coming up from Panama. They sus- schooner assisted by just one deckhand. and houses were built of Burma teak. pect that the club has been taken over Further, they won the Sweethearts of the The wood structure was attached to the by the narcos. Unlike before, they were Caribbean Regatta in the British Virgins steel frame with bolts. Such boats are not welcomed to the once very welcoming with a crew of just six. only good for 40 or 50 years, after which club, and noted a sign at the entrance "Eros is easy to sail. Actually, she's time they get scale on the steel frame. that asked that all bodyguards be left very easy to sail," insists Bill. Fair Sarae's time was not only up, but outside. "They told us our schooner was We visited Eros on the hook off St. she hadn't been as well maintained as to big and heavy for their fuel dock," re- Barth, an island that the Bodles fi rst Everything on the 70-year-old 'Eros' is big, calls Bill, "which is ridiculous because visited in the late '60s. Back then it was including the mainsheet blocks. Nonetheless, we'd refueled there with Panda, which not only not 'the St. Tropez of the Carib- Bill says she's actually very easy to sail. was a bigger schooner." bean', it wasn't anything at all. The couple and Eros "We fi rst came to St. Barth in '67, just missed the start of last when it was a smuggler's place, and October's Ha-Ha because became friends with Alexander Magras, they were a couple of days who had been a president of the island. late getting out of the yard. Alexander, who is now 93 and still opens Nonetheless, they cast off his little dress shop every day, came LATITUDE/RICHARD from San Diego on October out to our yacht every time we visited. 28th, Bill's 76th birthday, In fact, it was something of an event. for the Canal and the East- St. Barth was terribly poor back then, ern Caribbean. "Seventy as they had no soil to farm on, little used to be old," laughs water, and few other resources. In fact, Grace, "but it's not any- in order to survive, a lot of Bartians had more. It would seem not to move to what is now the Frenchtown to be, with the two of them sailing the 200,000-pound IN LATITUDES

wanted for it, they said $10,000 U.S. We laughed at how much they were ask- ing. The Bodles plans are pretty open.

LATITUDE/RICHARD They might keep the boat in the Ca- ribbean for hurri- cane season. They might sail back to San Francisco. They might return to Las Hadas, Mex- ico. "We don't have anything pressing, so we're just go- ing to make sure that we make it to the British Virgins for Foxy's Wooden Gustavia, St. Barth, Boat Regatta." was a poor and sleepy Did we mention smuggler's port when that a very young the Bodles fi rst called Foxy sailed across in the late '60s. the Alantic with the Bodles in the early '70s, and they are directly responsible — in the most improbable way — for his meeting Tess, his wife of, what, 40 years or so? Wait until next month, because that's a wild story that's so typical of the old days in the Caribbean. — latitude/rs

Swell — Cal 40 Liz Clark Five Years Together (Santa Barbara) On January 30th, Swell and I cel- ebrated fi ve years of voyaging together. The top fi ve lessons I've learned are: Because we didn't have a wide-angle lens, this ander explained that Lulu had named 1) Be grateful for what's good, and photo doesn't begin to convey the spacious- his little 23-foot sloop Ché, and often fi nd the positive. ness of the main salon on 'Eros'. wore a Ché t-shirt. "I think he's becom- 2) Try fi rst, then decide if you can or section of St. Thomas. But those who ing a communist!" Although the Bodles can't do something. stayed did what they could to stay alive and Lulu never talked politics on their 3) Hard work will almost always get — including selling food to the German trip across the Pond, the couple was you there. submarines during World War II! There thanked by Alexander the next time they Liz says she got the best holiday present ever were no yachts at the island back then, came through. "Lulu isn't a communist — a visit from her dad. So neither one of them just cargo schooners. Alexander would anymore," Alexander explained. was bothered by the warm tropical rain. sell their captains booze and cigarettes, When we told the cou- and they would smuggle them into the ple that Roman Abramov- islands to the south. As for us, we'd start ich had spent $6 million SWELL every season by stocking up on Mt. Gay to buy his UCSB-educated rum at $6 a case. Wine was $2 bottle, girlfriend a crumbling and we'd buy 30 or 40 cases." 100+-year-old pre-fab Magras had three sons, one of them home from France on the being Lulu, who ran a chandlery across St. Barth waterfront so the street from the then sleepy Le Select, she could open an art gal- and who later became well-known as a lery, they laughed. "When good but somewhat eccentric sailor. "One we were here in the '60s," day Alexander came to us and asked if Bill says, "I told Grace that we would take Lulu the next time we I wouldn't mind owning a crossed the Atlantic," remembers Bill. little stone house that was "Sure we will," he said, "but why?" Alex- right on the waterfront. But when we asked how much the two spinsters CHANGES

4) Even when it all seems impossible, trust that everything will work out. The hose problem went back to the 5) Nature is the source of all, so love complication of my hull leak and the it, spend time with it, and fi ght for it! broken motor mounts. In short, my Some of the les- engine now sits lower than before, and sons came into play was therefore pinching one of the two during an incident I bilge pump hoses that ran underneath it call 'The Bilge Babe toward the exit points at the stern. Since Versus the Sanita- removing and replacing the crushed tion Hose'. How bad hose was going to be a very diffi cult job, could my opponent, I fi gured I’d wait until my next haulout, the marine sani- by which time Marine Man would have tation hose, really hopefully made an appearance. But be? After all, it's I devised an interim plan. I used a Y- a blandly white, 1 connector to link the pump that was 3/4-inch wire-rein- connected to the crushed hose into the forced plastic hose. freely fl owing hose of the other pump. Despite its benefi - This would make them both push water cial qualities, the out the same open hose, right, Marine task of removing it Man? The 'enemy' doesn't or quickly placing Wrong. Hours later, I’d dismantled actually appear to be it onto plumbing half the boat and was caked in bilge that hostile. fittings, instantly slime. I’d nonetheless managed to wres- makes me forget all its charms. tle only one of the hoses free from one of Sanitation hoses are the most stub- the pumps, and sat amongst my fi lth and born on earth! It’s as if they're inten- tools, staring at the wiring diagram for tionally made slightly too small for the the automatic fl oat switch. The instruc- fi ttings in order to — I don't know, maybe tions made it look as if a kindergartener weed out the weak? But dealing with could do it, but nothing, I repeat nothing this hose is a task that makes me yearn on a boat is simple. Except, maybe a for Marine Man, my fantasy boat-fi xing bucket for a toilet. Superhero. The idea is that he'll descend But Bilge Babe kept at it, running, from the clouds to wrestle the dastardly connecting, and testing the wiring confi g- hose into submission while I make him urations until the pumps whirled when a sandwich. the switches were fl ipped. I sealed the Excuses and grudges aside, my bilge connections, so all that remained was to pumps had to be fi xed. There was corro- cut the hoses and force them onto the sion in the wiring somewhere, and one Y-fi ttings. Unfortunately, that is more of the hoses was blocked. My wonderful easily said than done. music and get back at it.” dad and I had tried to fi x them when he It took all my strength, determination So I hauled the pumps back out, was here, but we didn’t have all the nec- and wit to will their insubordinate, white wrestled the hoses off again, removed essary parts for the job. I’d now rounded plasticness onto each fi tting, one by one. the Y-connector, and put the good hose them up, and seeing as neither Dad nor I used heat, dish soap, grease, mean directly onto the new pump with the ‘Mr. Right’ nor ‘Marine Man’ was any- words, my favorite music ‘Playlist’ on re- new fl oat switch. Simple. So much for where in sight, I found myself having to peat, and force from my Mula Bandha to the redundancy of a back-up pump, but face my most detested foe alone. get those hoses on. Then I secured them one newly-purchased, newly-wired pump Five years of cruising and working on her Cal 40 with double hose clamps. Yeah, I did it! would have to do. 'Swell' looks great on Liz, don't you think? She I did some muscle fl exin’ and a victory After four more wrestling matches says it's made her much wiser, too. dance to some M.I.A.! Yow! with the hose, it was nearly 8 p.m. By Thinking the battle was the time the tools were put away and over, I shoved the hoses the salon restored to order, it was after SWELL back down into the bilge 9 p.m, and my black slimed limbs and for proof that they worked. back ached. I wasn't really sure who had But no, no, no, nooooooo! won the battle, the Bilge Babe or the The auto switches worked hose. and the pumps turned, but I went out on the dock and found a they just pushed the water water hose, then rigged it to hang from out of the other pump and a nearby tree. Sitting beneath it, I let back into the bilge — be- the cool water splash over me in the cause there were no one- darkness, and scrubbed at myself with way valves in the pumps. Monoi oil, Vaseline and soap. As for the So much for my great idea. bikini I'd been wearing, the offi cial Bilge After a deep breath, I told Babe’s uniform, it was covered with myself, "It's just a little more manual labor. Turn up the IN LATITUDES

sailing, it's nannying in France or being a personal assistant in L.A.. Everyone in my generation seems to need to do something cooler than everyone else. The grass-is-greener-on-the-other-side-

PHOTOS COUTRESY SWELL of-the-fence mindset has, because of the internet, become more real. Surprisingly, my Google search panned out. I typed “Crew Needed - Comma - Mediter- ranean Sea” into the search engine. Listings sprang into view, so right then, between my Vic- torian Literature papers and my Lin- guistics exams, I began the long pro- cess of reading and Max Young turned responding to ads. out not to be a creep, I n i t i a l l y , I but rather more of a father fi gure. thought I’d be able to use the trip as an opportunity to make money — my version of an adventurous summer job. But I quickly found that most “female crew wanted” listings that paid cash seemed as though they would involve — how can I put it delicately? — my grinding more than just winches. One man in particular, a Spaniard with a 40- ft wooden schooner, was willing to pay $2,000 a month for my work onboard. “But,” he explained in his responding email, “There are no extra beds, and you Like all singlehanders, Liz knows that some- to crew on a random sailboat in the Med will have to sleep in my cabin.” times you have no choice, you simply have to the summer after I graduated from col- How convenient. For him. get down and dirty in your bilge. lege. First, I desperately needed to have Strangely enough, the boat I ulti- grease. Never mind all that, I looked up something to say to people who asked, mately chose to crew on — a Perry 47 to see the clouds parting on the eastern "So what's after graduation?" Each owned by by Max Young of Antioch, CA horizon and saw the full moon rising out cocktail party with my parents posed a — sort of looked like a fl oating brothel of the sea. Nature rewards! new threat in the form of those 'only-in- in the photos. And at any one time there The trades sang through the masts your-best-interest' questions posed by were seven women and two men aboard. and trees, not a soul was stirring on the those 'only-asking-because-I'm-friends- Dear Friends of Parents: After graduation, I other sailboats, and the fresh, cool water with-your-parents' people. Little did they went sailing in the Med with a bunch of strang- restored me. ”It’s lovely, it’s perfect, it’s know their questions were making me ers — and loved it! absolutely spectacular,” I thought. Just want to scratch my eyes me, this tree, the sea, and the round, out. ginger moon. So when my applica- By the way, those hoses are in still tions for a newspaper in the bilge. So I won! Marine Man must internship didn't pan out have known that I could do it — I hadn't even taken — liz 03/05/11 Journalism 101, so go fi g- RACHEL COURTESY ure — I hopefully placed Refl ections — Perry 47 my future into the hands Rachel Hurn, Crew of Google. But really, The Med On $5/Day what young person hasn't (Brooklyn, New York) done this? Especially a People are always asking what pos- 21-year-old, single female sessed me, a 21-year-old single female, with no job prospects. And if it isn't Google, it's Craigslist. And if it isn't CHANGES

I anticipated the questions forming in my friends’ conservative heads. Questions When Rommy and I joined Refl ec- such as, “What are all these women do- tions at Milos, a tiny Greek island in the ing on a boat with this old man?" As it southern Aegean, we both felt a sense of turned out, Capt. Max would become like relief. After all, Max wasn't a creepy old a father to me. man and the rest of the crew appeared Cap pub- sane. As for Milos, it was sheer beauty. lished an online We felt excitement, too. In fact, as I un- ad stating that packed the contents of my duffel into any he needed non- available locker and cubby, I distinctly paid crew. At the remember thinking, "This is the coolest same time, we, thing I've ever done!" his future fl ock of After a few days on the island, Rommy wanderers, were and I gained our sea legs and were of- responding to ads fi cially ready to set out into open water. for free travel. We women folk helped dog down the When I emailed hatches and rig the sails, while Cap and Max to ask him Rommy shouted orders back and forth. I about the cost, he kept looking at Terri, who skipped in and responded sim- out of the pilothouse for an interpreta- ply, “Five bucks tion of the commands. “Cap is not very a day.” clear with instructions,” she assured me. Flying the chute in the Who is crazy “Don’t worry if you mess up!” Med, an iffy proposition enough to join an Surprisingly, Day One on the water at best. online party boat? passed with ease. No one got sick, which Vagabonds, hippies, sailors? Sailors at was especially surprising since we sat heart, I suppose, but none of us were around staring at each other and asking, very experienced sailors. But we re- "Do you feel sick?” People would reply, “I sponded to Max's request for crew from don't know, do you?" computers plugged in at various places After a few hours of calm sailing, around the world. Terri, for example, Cap slowed the boat down for our fi rst was living in London and trying to fi nd swim off the bow. Terri plunged into the a way out of her 60-hour-a-week temp pristine water, and I followed quickly. A job. Rosie, living in England's verdant cold shiver ran down my back, as the countryside, was in search of adventures water a few feet down was shockingly outside her mother’s kitchen. Karin, who cold. Glancing up at bobbing white hull would become 'Karinina of the Sea', was of Reflections, I chose to ignore the a wise and weathered 60-year-old from parental warnings of my youth. So I strapped herself onto the stove with a New Mexico. But apparently our tomato grabbed a pair of goggles from Rommy's harness, and juggled wooden spoons paste and cheese sandwiches were a little outstretched arm, took Terri’s hand in and took small tastes of sauce with her immature for her taste, and she left after mine, inhaled, and dove. We swam down, pinky while the boat rocked back and little more than a week. down, down, as far as we could go until forth. Rommy volunteered to help in the Rommy, my friend from Los Angeles, our ears ached from pressure and our galley, a daily routine that sparked their called me late one night while I was lungs seemed about to explode. We swam romantic relationship. Terri and Rommy working at J Crew to say his mother had until the water in front of our eyes was are now married and living in Los Ange- bought his plane ticket as a graduation dark. We swam until I was no longer les! After I'd scraped the last bit of pasta gift, and he would be joining me and the afraid. from my small wooden bowl, Terri and others on Refl ections. I had to do a little That night Terri, whom we adopted I changed into our PJs to get ready for dance in the backroom to celebrate that as the boat's offi cial chef, made a din- our four-hour, 8 p.m. to midnight watch. my eternally fl aky friend was committing ner of stir-fry veggies and pasta. She Cap fastened us into our life-vests, and to this huge adventure. While I was at The 'Refl ections' pick-up crew was all smiles connected lines from our chests to the least "small-boat certifi ed", Rommy had during their night out at one of the villages in helm. “Just in case you fall overboard,” never been on a sailboat in his life. the Greek Isles. he said. It was an explanation I found IN LATITUDES

We'd been traveling for six weeks, and I expressed my fear of the fact that soon thereafter I would be in grad school, and just 16 weeks later, done with that, too. “Just don’t forget to breathe,” Rommy said. That sound advice, given to me BRAZILIAN NATIONAL TOURISM TOURISM BRAZILIAN NATIONAL by someone who had become like my brother, on the bow of a 50-ft sailboat sailing in the sunset toward the coast of Africa, has stood me well. — rachel 11/10/10

Banderas Bay Regatta Vallarta YC (Banderas Bay, Mexico) This was the third year in a row that a new record was set for entrants in the Banderas Bay Regatta. Sixty boats registered, and 57 actually raced. It was a diverse group, with boats from California, Washington, Oregon, Arizona, Tennessee, Minnesota, Colorado, Florida and Nevada, as well as Canada and four different areas of Mexico. Thanks to the tsunami, the second race of the three-race series had to be cancelled. The division winners were as follows: A — Cirque, Beneteau 42S7, Louis Kruk, San Leandro. This is the third straight year Cirque has won her divi- sion. B — Dream Chaser, home-built Far- rier F-9 RXT, Cam McCannel, Salt Spring Island, British Columbia. C — Tabati, Jeanneau/Farr 50, Fred Spread; 'Refl ections' side-tied at Milos. Inset; things really do happen. After all, my life Delaney, San Diego. Kythira was another popular spot. Greece may had suddenly become very un-routine. D — J World, J/80, Puerto Vallarta. be fl at broke, but it's still lovely. What did I expect? Normality? Not dur- E — Wave Goodbye, Hunter 44, Pablo less than comforting. ing a summer of sailing in the Med. Garcia, Guadalajara, Mexico. By 10 pm, with the cabin In all, I would spend 44 days aboard F — Poco Loco Dos, Catalina 38, Keith switched to red for night vision, the rest Refl ections, sailing from Milos to Monem- Sangster, Vernon, British Columbia. of the crew was below in their bunks vasia, Kythira, Kalamata in Greece. And G — Pika, Pretorien 35, Lauren and catching some sleep. The only thing on to Siracuse, Licata, Sciacca on Sicily, Lauren Bucholz, Seattle. besides Terri’s weak hot chocolate that and fi nally, Tunis, Tunisia. I boarded When it comes to March sailing, it doesn't get kept us awake was the radio. We tuned Reflections as one person, but was more pleasurable than the Banderas Bay Re- in, turned up, and eavesdropped on completely different when I stepped gatta. This year's fl eet was the biggest ever. conversations going on across the Med. off. Yes, I had a better “I will destroy you!” someone's voice tan, but it was more came through the speaker loud and than that. I was also clear. Terri and I looked at each other more open-minded, in surprise. Two boats seemed to be more ready to experi- threatening one another! Perhaps it was ence new cultures, the dredging up of the old Greek versus and more open to new Turk rivalry. people — particularly, “What in the world is going on in this the ones aboard Re- place?” Terri asked with a snicker. fl ections. STRANGE BIRD PHOTOGRAPHY “I’ll tell you what," said Cap, his eyes On my last day of catching a glimmer of red light from the sailing on the boat, overhead lamp. "Crazy things happen at Rommy and I sat on night." the bow eating choco- Perhaps Cap was right, and crazy lates and oranges, and talking about the next chapters in our lives. CHANGES

For complete results and photos, visit the Vallarta YC website. were great at communicating with the Lee Pryor and Cathy Sweet of the fl eet — including those whose racing Oceanside-based J/130 Sirocco offered skills weren't that polished. As for the the following review of the event: awards party on the beach at Paradise "I told my wife that we had to join the Resort, we had Philo’s Shuffl e Band, '10 Ha-Ha in the space station fl ying overhead, and October in or- a chamber-of-commerce sunset. You der to get Siroc- wanted to pinch yourself to make sure co to Banderas you weren’t dreaming up such a perfect Bay in time for setting. March's Ban- Yes, we'll be back for next year's Ban- deras Bay Re- deras Bay Regatta. gatta. It was — latitude 03/18/11 not too severe a burden spend- Cruise Notes: ing November We regret to have to report the tragic to March on news from Scott Stolnitz that his wife Mexico's Gold Cindy recently lost her courageous battle Coast waiting with depression. The couple have been for the regatta cruising their Marina del Rey-based to begin. True, Switch 51 Beach House from California Keeping it together on there were doz- to the South Pacifi c over the last several a Banderas Bay Regatta ens of whales to years, devoting much of their time to spinnaker run. see and avoid, taking some of the most spectacular un- numerous coves to tempt with a deep derwater photographs and videos we've draft vessel, several jungle-like lagoons seen. People with no experience with with iguanas and crocodiles to get lost depression often mistakenly dismiss it in, and decisions to be made such as as either being not real or not serious, which palapa bar had the coldest beer, and foolishly suggest that the victims cheapest tacos, and best bands. But the just 'snap out of it'. Depression is, of Banderas Bay Regatta proved to be worth course, a devastating disease, every bit the wait. as hard to combat as the worst cancers. "Despite the loss of one day of racing Our most heartfelt sympathies to the out of three scheduled, the regatta was Stolnitz family — and everyone else who fun and offered good competition — es- suffers from depression. 14th, by which time my yard work was pecially in the 'A' division. Almost the "I have a slightly unusual request," completed. I'd also installed a Spectra entire division consisted of accomplished writes Steve Pope. "Down here in New watermaker, because after last year's racing skippers and crews — who hap- Zealand, the only available fl ares are drought in the area, we wanted a reliable pened to be cruising in Mexico. Despite handheld ones, no matter if they are for source of water. But the wind kept blow- handicaps that ranged from -19 to 84, dinghies or Category 1. Flare pistols and ing at between 20 and 25 knots, with 35 only one point separated the boats from fl are launchers are not available except knots in some of the channels between second to sixth place. for a prohibitively expensive European- the islands. It seemed as though there I've raced sailboats for over 40 years, metal model. I'm wondering if I might was a weekly dismasting or broken boom and based on that experience, can say prevail on one of the Puddle Jumpers between St. Lucia and St. Vincent. And that the Vallarta YC and the race com- headed to New Zealand to bring a spare you should see what our French fl ag mittee did a superb job. Not only did fl are gun set. I would be happy to pay looks like after three weeks at St. Anne, they manage the race well, but they them in advance." Steve can be contacted Martinique, which is normally a peaceful Lee Pryor and Cathy Sweet, seen here with their at [email protected]. By the way, some anchorage. Fortunately, the winds have 'Sirocco' to windward of the other boats, found of the fi rst Puddle Jumpers have already died down to 10-15 knots since March lots to like at the Banderas Bay Regatta. arrived in French Polynesia. 1, and it looks as though they'll stay that "It's really been blow- way for awhile. ing in the Windwards this "I've been following the Wanderer and season," reports Terry Dona de Mallorca's Caribbean capers Drew, who lives with his on 'Lectronic, and can't wait to get back

JAY AILWORTH JAY wife Evelyn in Aptos, but there," writes Bob Smith of the Vancou- who for the last nine years ver, B.C.-based 45-ft custom carbon has kept Aquarelle, their cat Pantera. Smith, incidentally, has Kirie-Feeling 446 ex-char- been threatening to continue on south terboat, in St. Lucia. "I got of Banderas Bay, Mexico, for about the to the boat in late Janu- last fi ve years, and has fi nally made it to ary to start on the annual Huatulco in southern Mexico. "My heart bottom job, and there was went out to the people of Japan after lots of rain and wind. Ev- elyn arrived on February IN LATITUDES

page spread in their March edition to a story by Amélie Padioleau on last fall's Baja Ha-Ha. We can't read French well enough to understand it, but we we're lead to believe it's highly complimentary. On the other hand, we're a bit puzzled by the editor's choice of photos. He/she PHOTOS COURTESY AQARELLE PHOTOS COURTESY went big on photos of people in costumes instead of on the great Baja scenery and sailing shots. Oh well, C'est la vie. Heading back to their Leopard 47 Azure II in Italy are Alamedans Rodney and Jane Pimentel, with their sons RJ and Leo. Knowing that after this summer in the eastern Med, including Greece and Turkey, they'll be back to California for the grind for a quite a few years, they are hit- ting all the spots on the way to their boat. For On Abbey Road on the way to 'Azure example, they passed II' in Italy. through London where they recreated the Beatles' famous walk across Abbey Road. It's hilarious, so it's too bad the resolution is so small. Speaking of London, if you've been there in the last few years, you know that the cost is staggering for even half-decent accomodations. So when Ed and Sue Kelly of the Ames, Iowa-based Catalac 41 Angel Louise reported they'd be sailing across the Atlantic to spend the winter Spread; It's always 'safety fi rst' when sailing in the Caribbean, where these sailors from Martinique at St. Katherine Dock near Tower Bridge, sail a yole across 20-mile wide channels in often very rough conditions. Inset left; Terry Drew and we couldn't help wondering what it was what's left of his French fl ag. Inset right; 'Stad Amsterdam' and another big sailing ship. going to cost. what I saw on television here. I'd spent based Gozzard 44 Procyon. "Luckily, we "The six-month rate for St. Katherine the previous six weeks on the hook in had left Punta Mita heading north the is around $800 U.S. per month — if Los Sietes Bahias de Huatulco — which day of the tsunami, so we didn't have I did a good job of converting pounds is an absolutely wonderful area with re- to worry. But we hope that anyone who to dollars," responded Ed. "Their best ally nice people. Anyway, I'd moved into cared about their boat would have gone rate requires paying all six months in the marina the night before the tsunami to sea rather than stay in port — no advance. I read somewhere that their so I could return to Canada for a month. matter what the authorities said." winter rates are something like 30% The morning we got the tsunami alert, To our knowledge, the only ports that more than their summer rates. But we the port captain closed the harbor. Had suffered enough damage to affect your want to do it whatever the cost. As an I not already spider-tied Pantera in and being able to stop at them on the way St. Katherine's Dock in London. A winch had a fl ight to catch, I would have gotten north are Santa Cruz and Crescent City. handle's throw from Tower Bridge, and not far out to deep water no matter what the port So you shouldn't have much trouble. from the famous 'Gherkin'. captain said. Putting to sea and deep With respect to the Baja water — which I'd done from Laguna de Bash, there's are three age- Navidad last year after the earthquake old tips for making it as in Chile — defi nes tsunami avoidance to easy as possible: 1) Don't NATARAJA me. But except for the tsunami parties, be in a hurry. 2) Don't be which were great, it was a non-event in a hurry. 3) Don't be in a where I was." hurry. Any questions? "We're hoping that you'll be able to Anybody familiar with provide detailed information on the tsu- Voile et Voiliers? It's not nami damage to ports and marinas be- just a French sailing maga- tween Mexico and Oregon, as we'll soon zine; it may be the best be doing the Baja Bash," write Randy and sailing magazine on the Sheri Schneider of the Sunriver, Oregon- planet. As a result, we at Latitude were chuffed to see that they devoted a 5.5- CHANGES

uappreciative student earlier in life, I

daydreamed through too many classes LATITUDE/NICK water's edge — on top of a seaweed- on English history and the like. But now covered bulldozer! And yeah, he's got that I'm 65, I will attempt to redeem my- the photos. After patching nine holes in self by visiting every museum, library, one hull, he threw a huge party and got and walking tour I can fi nd." all his friends to carry the cat back into Based on our currency calculations, the water. The book is full of stories like the berth fee for St. Katherines would be that. You can buy The Hurricane Book more like $1,200/month. Nonetheless, from Amazon. it's still a heck of a bargain. Color us When your boat and mooring go fl oat- jealous. ing down the channel in Bahia de La Paz, When we receive self-published books it's usually your fault. But not always. from friends, we invariably wince. First of As Bill Lilly of the Newport Beach-based all, we don't have the time to read most Lagoon 470 Moontide explains, "The of them. Second, too often they aren't API — port authority folks — in La Paz very interesting or well written. So it was attached their big channel marker to my that we didn't great around to reading mooring instead of theirs! Not only that, friend and Caribbean legend D. Randy they used too short a chain, so when West's 184-page tome, The Hurricane Hurricane author D. Randy with Joanne, his lat- the wind came in with the tide, my cat Book, A Sailing Captain's Memoirs, est — and we think greatest — sweetheart. He's and the mooring went fl oating down the until after it came out in print. We're still kickin' after 18 bouts with hurricanes. channel." haunted by our procrastination, because his "11" then-girlfriend Michelle with Where to get boatwork done, Mexico it's a pretty good, and very entertaining, up to 175 knots of wind while they were or the Caribbean? According to Bill Bodle book. It's basically D. Randy — who can aboard his 60-ft catamaran Shadowfax of the 103-ft schooner Eros — see the happily tell stories for days if not weeks at St. Martin. As D. Randy tells it, they Changes item toward the beginning of — recounting his experiences with, and the cat ended up 119 feet from the this section — there's a slight fi nancial count 'em, 18 hurricanes. The worst of advantage to having the work done all was Luis, which hit D. Randy and in Mexico. "We were able to fi nd good

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Page 154 • Latitude 38 • April, 2011 IN LATITUDES

workers for basic jobs in Mazatlan for every year, it's going to LATITUDE/NICK $30 U.S. a day. When we got to Antigua be interesting to see if and had the same work done, the labor there is greater partici- rate was $30 U.S. — an hour! Antigua, pation in the Caribbean of course, is a megayacht center with 1500, from Virginia to some very skilled and experienced work- the British Virgins, now ers. Alas, the less skilled workers think that World Cruising they should be paid as much as the best has purchased it from craftsmen. founder Steve Black. "Enthusiasm to join sailing rallies, By the way, entry for whether as a boatowner or crew, con- this fall's Baja Ha-Ha tinues to grow," according to the World won't be possible until Cruising Club. For example, despite the early May, as the staff fact that their 26th annual Atlantic is still in winter hiber- Rally for Cruisers (ARC) doesn't start nation. until late November, they've already In this month's let- exceeded their limit of 225 entries. Lord ters, Tom and Judy Blandford of the Folks in St. Barth paid $5.15/gallon for the die- knows how many entries they'd get if motor vessel Imagine Me and You asked sel to burn Vaval at the stake. It seems to us the they weren't limited by dock space in the about the price of diesel fuel in various fuel was much more expensive last year. Canary Islands and at the fi nish in Rod- places such as Mexico, Central America, goon 47 Aubisque. ney Bay, St. Lucia. Twenty-fi ve multi- and the Caribbean. These are some of the "Diesel was $4.40 U.S. a gallon in El hulls have signed up, the largest number reports we got: Salvador," report Bill Yeargan and Jean ever. The oldest entry is Cruinneag III, a "It's a little over $5 U.S. a gallon for Strain of the Honolulu-based Irwin 37 Campbells & Dickies ketch built in '36. diesel in Belize," reports former San Mita Kuuluu. The couple founded and Thirty-eight of the entries are less than Francisco sailor Cliff Wilson on the La- manage the El Salvador Rally. 40 feet, and the smallest is Sibilation, "I paid $5.10/gallon for diesel last a Sigma 33. With the ARC selling out week in Red Hook, St. Thomas, U.S.

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April, 2011 • Latitude 38 • Page 155 CHANGES

Virgins," reports Kipp Hammon of the Island Packet 440 Snowfl ake. leak, let alone stem it, and the aluminum "Diesel at the fuel dock in La Cruz, boat went down in a matter of hours.

Mexico, is 10.99 pesos/liter, which at the LATITUDE/RICHARD Fortunately — and uncharacteristcally current exchange rate equals $3.52/gal. — there was little wind and a small sea U.S." reports John Foy of the Alameda- as the boat was sinking, and the Dutch based Catalina 42 Destiny. "This does navy ship Rotterdam quickly responded not include the 'docking fee', which is to the mayday with a helicopter and and commonly assessed all over Mexico. In- the ship itself. Even a salvage vessel ap- terestingly enough, the Pemex station in peared, but by then it was too late, and La Cruz charges $2.95/gal U.S., which the mighty yacht went down 2,000 feet is nearly 20% less than at the fuel dock to the bottom. a few blocks away, and that doesn't in- With 25 years of experience, Perry is clude the docking fee." one of the most experienced and compe- "I paid about $3.40/gal U.S. at Las tent big sailing yacht skippers around. Hadas in Manzanillo," reports Alan Jacob We asked him if sinkings like the Four of the motorvessel Beverly. Devils' happen very often. "I've heard of Tom Perry and Marion Dallond of St. maybe fi ve or six in my time. Big mo- Barth, and their crew Edmund Murray, toryachts sink more frequently than big were sailing the 10-year-old luxury — Having sailed 'Four Devils' across the Atlantic sailboats. For example, Big Eagle sank $25,000/week — CNB 77 sloop Four twice and back and forth across the Med re- in the Med, Miss Turnberry sank off Devils 25 miles NNE of St. Martin on cently, it was a surprise to have her sink. St. Martin, and there was another big their way to Martinique on March 2, and Croatia, did a long haulout, then motoryacht that went down off Puerto when Marion noticed water over the sailed her back across the Atlantic to Rico. Aluminum boats tend to fail cata- fl oorboards. Tom and Marion couldn't St. Barth. That the incident happened so strophically. But we have absolutely no have been more shocked, as they'd been close to help was a good thing, because idea what happened to Four Devils, as running the boat for three years, and they were never to fi nd the source of the we've been actively sailing her for a long over the last 10 months had sailed her time, and had just sailed her across the across the Atlantic to Sweden, to the Med Atlantic. We can only speculate that she

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Page 156 • Latitude 38 IN LATITUDES

must have hit something that caused the second anchor for a major damage to the hull." proper and reliable Baha- "After 1,000 miles of sailing from mian mooring. I had been LATITUDRICHARD Tarawa, I arrived at the harbor of the asked how I would get Micronesian island of Kosrae," reports out of this harbor without Glenn Tieman of the Southern California an engine. In practice it based Manu Rere, a replica of an ancient wasn't hard, and simply 38-foot Polynesian catamaran. "I was required a bit of short sailing in a hard gale under two small tacking. crab claw sails and pulling the drogue. "After that," Tieman The harbor entrance is narrow and faces continues, "I had a fast directly into the wind, so I fi rst let my cat 150-mile sail to Pingalap round up and nearly stop with foresail Atoll. Although I prefer backed, making it easy to pull the drogue to visit new places com- aboard. Then I brailed the mizzen and pared to walks down used only the small mainsail for a con- memory lane, how could trolled run down into the harbor. Had it I bypass the best place I ever stopped The incredible sailing Glenn Tieman, as seen been necessary for me to suddenly beat during my 10 years of cruising on my aboard 'Manu Rere' in Turtle Bay several years back into the wind, I could have easily 26-ft cat Peregrine? One of the reasons ago. Talk about adventurous cruising! snapped open the mizzen. When abeam I liked Pingalap was the challenge, as it afternoon, so hove to to await dawn. of the spot where I wanted to place my has no pass into the lagoon. Further, it The GPS showed that I was still mov- fi rst anchor, I opened the mizzen and put has only a very hazardous indentation ing about a knot to leeward toward the the helm over to bring her right around that has been blasted in the steep barrier island, which could shipwreck me again up into the wind, then quickly brailed reef, where a yacht can sometimes briefl y before daybreak. So I set the mainsail to the mainsail and lowered the hook. With and perilously anchor. I had sighted the get Manu Rere forereaching against the the mizzen centered, Manu Rere backed island from 10 miles upwind in the late current and keeping her distance from straight down from the first anchor. the reefs. After I anchored in the morn- But I did have to use my canoe to place ing, I walked around with some young

Welcome Baja Ha-Ha Cruisers… To the three best Marinas in Southern California! Whether you’re heading north or south or simply want to find somewhere to stay for a while, our marinas… Ventura West Marina, Dana West Marina and Harbor Island West Marina are the places to stay for convenience, comfort and friendliness.

Ventura West Marina Dana West Marina Harbor Island West Marina 805.644.8266 949.493.6222 619.291.6440 1198 Navigator Drive 24500 Dana Pt Harbor Dr 2040 Harbor Island Drive Ventura CA 92001 Dana Point CA 92629 San Diego CA 92101

April, 2011 • Latitude 38 • Page 157 CHANGES

men. When one of them said, "Before I was born, a man named Glenn brought PETER NEWTON the Georgetown Cruising Regatta. We'll his catamaran over the reef and into the have a detailed report from them next lagoon, and anchored right over there for month. quite some time. Then one day the people It's already April, but there are still here looked out, and he was gone." It's several events to go in the Mexico cruis- as though the young man was talking ing season. For example, the great folks about a legend, not me. at the Club Cruceros in La Paz will be "This time I brought Manu Rere into hosting Bay Fest April 7-10, with lots of the lagoon again, at spring tide. This social activities and a day of fun racing. was only barely possible because my cat The Hidden Port YC will be hosting the draws only 22 inches and I was willing to very popular Loreto Fest from April 29 hit rocks on the way in. Anchoring in the to May 1. This will be the 15th year for 20-ft wide indentation outside the barrier the fundraiser for great local causes. Lo- reef was only temporarily acceptable, reto Fest will be followed by the Second with an anchor off each beam onto the Annual Charity Rally, starting from reefs on each side, as well as an anchor Puerto Escondido the day after Loreto forward. And even then, when the wind The water around Georgetown is thin, but it's Fest, with stops at San Juanico, Punta came westerly, I had to sail off at a mo- also undeniably gorgeous. No wonder so many Domingo, Bahia Concepcion, and Santa ment's notice. leaving my anchors and gather for the Georgetown Cruising Regatta. Rosalia, and ending at San Carlos on tender behind for the night. I stayed for Area, bought Windrose, a Tatoosh 42, the mainland side of the Sea of Cortez a month. Unfortunately, Pingalap had in Florida, and resumed the cruising life on May 8. Unlike the other events, there changed for the worse over the years." they had interrupted for decades. They is a $175 entry fee. But, we're assured Mexico has a vibrant social life for have recently been anchored off Stock- that this is a Lion's Club-sponsored cruisers, but can anywhere compare ing Island for a month to participate event, with all proceeds going to sup- with Georgetown, Great Exuma, in the — with 300 other cruising boats! — in port local charities. What if you want to Bahamas? Steve and June Jones, who head south to La Paz after Loreto Fest? after many years of working in the Bay There's Sea of Cortez Sailing Week, the

����������� �� Yachting Monthly

How can you ensure smooth sailing ahead?


�h� an���� i� �lo�ing in th� �in�� SMALL WIND. BIG ENERGY. ���� �� ��� ���� ������� ���� ������ �������� ��������� ����� ��� ����������� ��� ������� ���������� ��������� ��� �������������� SMALL WIND. BIG ENERGY. ����� ���� ������ ���������� �� ��� ������������ ��� ������ �� ���������� ��� ����� ��������� ��� ���� ������ ������ �� ��� ������

Page 158 • Latitude 38 • April, 2011 IN LATITUDES

starting date and stops of which are still squeamish readers:

being determined by Patsy Verhoeven of "We were just about LATITUDRICHARD the La Paz-based Gulfstar 50 Talion, to jump off the transom following consultations with interested of our Leopard 45 cat- parties. Information on all these events amaran 'ti Profligate, can be obtained on the various cruis- anchored off Gustavia, ing nets and on the internet. Have fun, St. Barth, when we got a everyone! terrible shock. For there, The European cruising season is fl oating on the blue, blue about to resume. We know this because waters, right where we Jack Van Ommen of the Gig Harbor- and had intended to jump in, world-based Najad 29 Fleetwood reports was a huge 'Lincoln Log'! he's about to resume his unusual 64- We're not squeamish, lock canal and river passage from the but it was disgusting. North Sea to Romania and the Black Our suspicions immediately turned to Yes, we know what it looks like. On the other Sea. He was stalled with engine problems Doña de Mallorca, who, minutes before, hand, it's a legitimate sweet potato, an excel- last fall, so Fleetwood is currently high had disappeared into one of the four lent and delicious source of nutrition. and dry on the banks of the Danube in heads. But no, this was one big log, and he was still in the British Virgins. When Zimnicea, Romania. "I should be going anything that goes through a marine Mallorca came out of the head, we cau- down the rest of the Danube in June, and head comes out in little pieces that fi sh tioned her not to jump in. sailing the Med this summer," he writes. seem to fi nd irresistable. 'Wegman!' we 'Are you sure it's not a sweet potato?' Van Ommen's goal, which he could have cursed, knowing that the singlehanded she asked. 'Two of them went bad, so I accomplished years ago, is "Around the circumnavigator uses a bucket, not a just chucked them over the side.' World In Less Than 80 Years". marine head, on his 32-ft ketch A Frig- 'We don't think so,' we responded, In the March 4 'Lectronic, we pub- gin' Queen. But then we remembered 'cause it sure looked like the real thing lished the following item — which to us.' Five minutes later we were swim- seemed to bother some of our more ming in the blue, blue water, knowing

Wlcm t M tl … Is Your Boat Ready For Summer Yet? • Need paint, plumbing or deck hardware? • Need spring cleaning supplies? • Need more product info? WE CAN HELP! THREE STORES TO SERVE YOU 2804 Cañon Street San Diego, CA 92106 M n E Ci Stl! (619) 224-2733 (866) 289-0242 A CRUISER'S PARADISE IN THE HEART OF MEXICO'S THE CRUISER'S CHANDLERY LUSH TROPICAL COASTLINE AND BEAUTIFUL ISLANDS 2636 Shelter Island Drive Complete, Modern Amenities, Including San Diego Marina-Wide High Speed Wireless Internet Connections! (619) 223-7159 (800) 336-SDMX Mexico 001-800-336-7369 011-52 (669) 916-3468 2822 Cañon Street San Diego, CA 92106 [email protected] (619) 225-9411 (800) 532-3831

We are a great family of marine stores with knowledge   Cr's Hm  M c and resources to meet all of your boating needs. April, 2011 • Latitude 38 • Page 159 CHANGES ROTKAT that sweet potatoes, from a distance of Pamela Bendall of the Port Hardy, B.C.- 10 to 15 feet, do indeed look exactly like based Kristen 46 Precious Metal hap- Lincoln Logs." pily reports that this year's 10th Annual We thought the incident — and photo Zihua Sail Fest raised over 430,000 — was humorous not because it was pesos for the education of Zihua’s poor- about poop, but because of the hilarity of est children. That's more than $35,000 mistaken identity. As one reader wrote, U.S. "Over 50 boats were in Zihuatanejo "It brought back memories of the movie Bay for the event, which is more than Caddy Shack, when the kid sees what double the past two years, and everyone looks like a log in the crowded pool dur- who participated certainly gave it their ing Caddy Swim Day at the Bushwood all," says Bendall. "After three years of Country Club. After everyone is cleared being the chairperson for the cruising out and the pool drained, Bill Murray activities, the thing that amazes me the picks 'it' up, examines it, and proclaims most is the instantaneous cohesiveness "Baby Ruth!" — before eating it." We liked of our cruising community. Most boats the movie, too, so that gives you a frame arrive in the Bay within the week of the of reference. event, many not really knowing what Sail "If you ever get bored paddling Joe Cool doing his SUP thing behind 'RotKat' Fest is, many not knowing each other, around on your SUP, you can al- as she pulls out of La Ventana. In many cases, and no one really knowing the hidden ways ski behind my cat like Joe Cool," SUP-ing is best done with an infl atable. talents aboard each boat. But within a writes Arjan Bok of the San Fran- can be pumped up to nearly 20 psi to week, we all combine enthusiasm, energy cisco-based Lidgard 43 cat RotKat. keep it stiff. And you can drag it all over and talent, and remarkably host two The SUP boards are a lot of fun, but the decks without ruining the board or noteworthy events almost fl awlessly. If they are pretty large — in many cases your boat. Check 'em out. we all put the same energy and talent too large for most sailboats. That's when It's never too late for good news, and toward a business, I’m confident we the option of infl atable SUPs comes into would give Carlos Slim — richest man play. We use an 11-ft Uli infl atable that in the world — some competition!


Join us for the DELTA LOOP FEST May 7

Imagine yourself in 20 acres of park-like beauty just off the San Joaquin River at channel marker 41. Imagine your boat at a friendly, clean and relaxing marina. THIS IS OWL HARBOR! Monthly Berths and Guest Slips available • Yacht Clubs always welcome (916) 777-6055 •

Page 160 • Latitude 38 • April, 2011 LOCH LOMOND MARINA

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April, 2011 • Latitude 38 • Page 161 Please read before submitting ad Classy CLASSIFIEDS Here’s What To Do: PERSONAL ADS BUSINESS ADS DEADLINE Write your ad. Indicate category. Remember is ALWAYS the price and contact info. We make fi nal placement 1-40 Words ...... $40 $70 for 40 Words Max determination. 41-80 Words ...... $65 • All promotional advertising • 18th at 5 pm Count the words. Anything with a space 81-120 Words ....$90 1 boat per broker per issue for ad to appear in the next issue. before and after counts as one word. We will Photo ...... $30 Logo OK, but no photos/reversals spell-check, abbreviate, edit, as necessary. Due to our short lead time, • Personal Advertising Only • No extra bold type • Max: 12 pt font deadlines are very strict and Mail your ad with check or money order, No business or promo ads except Artwork subject to editor approval. deliver to our offi ce; OR, for the best – and Non-Profi t, Job Op, Business Op Biz ads will not appear on website. include weekends & holidays. most exposure – of your classifi ed ad… ‘Trying to Locate’ Ads are for those searching for Sorry, but… Submit your ad safely online lost boats/people – not shopping – and cost • No ads accepted by phone with Visa, MasterCard or AmEx at: $10 for 20 words max • No ads without payments FREE Online Ads are for a private party selling • No billing arrangements Ad will be posted online within two business days, a boat for less than $1,000 – or gear totalling under $1,000. • No verifi cation of receipt appear in the next issue of the magazine, and re- (One per person; must list prices in ad.) • We reserve the right to refuse main online until the following issue is released. All ads will be set to fi t Latitude 38 standard • Re-Run Ads: Same price, same deadline poor quality photos or illegible ads. Latitude 38 15 Locust Ave, Mill Valley, CA 94941 Questions? (415) 383-8200, ext 104 • [email protected]

9-FT ACHILLES INFLATABLE LSI-96. J-24, 1980. Alameda. $4,000/obo. Turn 24-FT MELGES, ALAMEDA BOATYARD. WHAT’S IN A DEADLINE? Our Classifi ed 2005. Alameda. $2,500. Here is a pack- key, ready to sail, very good condition, $20,000. Hull #14. Race ready. Full boat Deadline has always been the 18th of the age deal. An Achilles LSI-96, 2005 and great hull, new spreaders, hatch, running covers. Contact Frank. (512) 750-5735 or month, and it’s still pretty much a brick a Honda 2hp 4-stroke outboard, 2006. rigging, stereo, etc. (2009), good inventory [email protected]. wall if you want to get your ad into the These have never been in the water. of sails, 3.5hp 2-stroke Nissan outboard. magazine. But it’s not so important any- Also, 2 West Marine 4000 lifevests. All Must see. (510) 227-5372 or (408) 893- more when it comes to getting exposure for $2,500. Contact (510) 928-9100 or 5992 or [email protected]. for your ad. With our new system, your [email protected]. ad gets posted to our website within a FOLBOT FOLDING GREENLAND II. day or so of submission. Then it appears 12-FT HENSHAW TINKER TRAVELLER. $1,600. 2-person sea kayak with red in the next issue of the magazine. So 2001. Auburn, CA. $2,500. Tinker Travel- deck. Like new, used only about twelve you’re much better off if you submit or ler, English made, infl atable dinghy with times. Includes storage bags, paddles, renew your ad early in the month. That oars, sloop rig with reefi ng jib. Rows like a boat cart, safety bladder and foot rudder way your ad begins to work for you im- hard dinghy. Up to 5hp. Great sailer. Folds kit. (303) 674-2197 (H) or (510) 427-0393 mediately. There’s no reason to wait for to 47” x 24” x 17”. (530) 392-5651 or (530) (cell). the last minute. 885-3232 or [email protected]. 21-FT CAL, 1970. $2,700. Price reduced. Swing keel, low trailer, new tires, 5 sails (main, jib, genoa, spin. drifter). 3.3 Merc 24 FEET & UNDER OB, radio. Beautifully refi nished by Peter DINGHIES, LIFERAFTS Schoonmaker. Has won, and can win the short races. PHRF 264/268. (949) AND ROWBOATS 837-5712.

24-FT SAN JUAN, 1977. Loch Lomond Marina. $2,500. Clean and dry. Great for Bay and Delta. Newer 6hp 4-cycle Nissan outboard. Also for sale: 10’4” infl atable 23-FT DEHLER SPRINTA SPORT, 1981. rigid bottom $1,200. (831) 419-0369 or South Beach Yacht Club. $2,000. Fun, [email protected]. fast German-designed racer/cruiser 15-FT LITTLE RIVER MARINE HERITAGE. called Momentum. New Pineapple 24-FT ISLANDER BAHAMA, 1968. Pitts- 16 1/2-FT INTERNATIONAL 505. Burson, San Francisco. $3,500. Little River Marine mainsail used 2x, 3 jibs. Ready to sail. burg Marina. $3,000/obo. Excellent Bay CA. $3,500. Built by Rondar. All F.G. new Heritage 15 sliding seat row boat. Excel- Owner upgraded to bigger boat. Email/ and Delta cruiser. 4hp outboard, 2 mains, Selden spars - Ullman sails. Several other lent condition. 9-foot carbon fi ber oars. call for details! 2 jibs, and a genny. Sleeps 4, galley and (3) 505’s need TLC, but cheap; $500, Trailer with new wiring. (415) 567-9070 site/sprintasport23. (415) 683-3632 or PortaPotti. Lots of gear. Recent bottom $1,000, $1,500. Ray Lopez, the “Old or [email protected]. [email protected]. paint. Compass, VHF, fi shfi nder. (707) School 505 King”. (209) 772-9695. 964-1898 or [email protected].

CARPENTRY NOR-CAL COMPASS OODRUM MARINE Mobile cabinet shop W Specializing in custom interior Contact Lon Woodrum at: Adjustment • Sales cabinetry, tables, cabinets, countertops, 415-420-5970 Authorized Compass Repair cabinsoles. For power or sail. Hal McCormack • [email protected] • Phone/Fax (415) 892-7177 N.E. MARINE TITLE Coast Guard documentation • Title/lien searches • Transfers • Mortgage fi ling • Escrow services B O A T • L E T T E R I N G Local closing facility for brokers or private transactions 30 years experience of doing it right the fi rst time [email protected] • (510) 599-1197 • 1150 Ballena Blvd, Alameda, CA • (510) 521-4925 Creative and durable lettering and artwork for your boat

Page 162 • Latitude 38 • April, 2011 25-FT CATALINA 250 WATER BALLAST. 25 TO 28 FEET 1996. Stockton Sailing Club. $11,995/ obo. Roller furling, Edson pedestal steer- 25-FT CATALINA, 1986. Delta. $5,500. ing, Boomkicker, depth/speedometer, Convertible (cabin top raises for fair kick up rudder, spare tiller, bimini, lifevests weather shade). Delta fresh water berth (auto infl atable), Honda 9.9 engine, sail on secure island. 15hp 4-stroke outboard. cover, tandem trailer with mast rais- Health issues force sale of our sweetheart. ing system. Contact (559) 479-2014 or First $5,500. (916) 777-5510 or (916) [email protected]. 217-6908. 27-FT CATALINA, 1981. Hidden Harbor 27-FT CATALINA, 1973. Berkeley Marina. 29-FT CAL, 1972. Novato. $11,000. Good 29-FT BRISTOL, 1968. Pier 39. $15,500. Marina. $6,800. Universal diesel 5411, condition, great Bay/ocean cruiser/racer. Beautiful and well-maintained Bristol with $2,500. 15hp Johnson outboard, main, roller furler, new rigging, full batten main, 120% genoa, 95% working jib. All lines New hull paint by pro. Atomic 4. Spin- rebuilt and modifi ed engine plus Monitor new tinted windows, tiller with Autohelm naker, radial headsail (shown). 90, 110, self-steering system. Full set of sails, lead aft for singlehanded/shorthanded ST2000, spinnaker, standard plan with sailing, knot/depth meter, two anchors, 150 jibs, 2 mainsails. Autopilot, updated including asymmetrical spinnaker with bulkhead folding table. Call Scott. (916) instruments, 12V built-in refrigerator, snuffer sock. All recommended fi xes from safety equipment. Contact Mark. (775) 997-8446. 825-7556. whisker pole. Contact (415) 883-5365 or recent survey completed. It’s ready to sail! [email protected]. (323) 630-0000. 28-FT WYLIE, 1973. Portland, OR. IOR 1/2-tonner Hawkeye. Free to a good home. Derelict, hardware and interior stripped, includes mast and boom. Non- cored hull is solid; original plywood deck needs complete replacement. No trailer available. Pics available on request. Serious inquiries only please. Email [email protected].

28-FT ISLANDER, 1976. South Beach Marina, SF. $9,000. Club and singlehand 30-FT ALBERG YAWL, 1971. $9,500. CAL 2-29, 1969. Sausalito. $8,500. Wheel raced. Spinnaker, Code Zero, 8 bags Rare SF Bay Area built Oceana model. steering, Yanmar 20hp diesel, custom North sails, good to very good. Oversize S/N 3 of 3 built by Clark Marine of San interior, three jibs, swim ladder, AM/FM, mainsail, cockpit sheeting; Lewmar Carlos. Same owner 36 years, Albin AD-2 older electronics, teak trim needs some 40ST; autopilot. Some signs of abuse. diesel engine, runs good. Fiberglass work. Sausalito slip may be transferable. Owned 22 years. (415) 246-3584 or hull, solid. Good sails. (612) 791-9069 or (707) 877-3551 or (707) 357-5555 or [email protected]. [email protected]. [email protected]. 30-FT PEARSON SLOOP. Delta. $8,500. 25-FT PACIFIC SEACRAFT, 1976. 27-FT NOR’SEA, 1980. Moss Landing, Marina Green. $7,995. Great Bay boat, World class sloop. Upgraded with Volvo CA. $11,000. Tough little blue water diesel that cost over $10k. New bottom convenient Marina Green berth $208/ cruiser, safe, easy to handle junk rig, many mo, $1,250 transfer fee or relocate. Roller paint, zincs, etc. Force 10 cabin heater. offshore mods, Fiji vet, aft cabin. Check Surveyor valued last year at over $12k. reefi ng, sleeps 5, 8hp inboard diesel. Can link for pictures and detailed info. www. email pics. (530) 284-6618 or (530) 284- FIRST lucky sailor with $8,500... (916) (408) 218-9604 777-5510 or (916 ) 217-6908. 6642 or [email protected]. or [email protected].

MACGREGOR 26X, 2000. Redwood City. $18,500. Trailer w/spare, 50hp Evinrude 30-FT TAHITI KETCH, 1949. Sausalito. 4-stroke, 2 gas tanks, low hours, top $34,500. Taihoa for sale. Kauri planking on condition, main, jib, UPS reacher on apitong frames/copper rivets. Shipwright roller, bimini, depth, stove, icebox, Sani- owned and lived for six years. Ocean pottie. Great lake/Delta/Bay boat. Many ready, new electronics/radar/EPIRB/ extras contact for list. (650) 703-6514 or depth. Professionally rebuilt Yanmar [email protected]. 3GM. Diesel stove/oven/heater. (415) 272-4203. 28-FT ALERION EXPRESS, 2007. 29 TO 31 FEET 31-FT HUNTER, 1984. Ballena Isle Ma- Sausalito. $95,000. Lizbeth. Hull #359, rina, Alameda, CA. $25,000. Very good commissioned Jan. 2007. One of a kind, condition. Full dodger, roller furler, Quest active fl eet racer/winner. Factory teak and 150 custom genoa, spinnaker pole, Ray- Ultrasuede interior, Tacktick instrumenta- marine radar/chartplotter and autopilot, tion including NEMA interface, handheld cockpit table, Yanmar diesel, VHF radio, remote, running rigging upgrades too CD with 6 speakers, low wattage invert- extensive to list. Pineapple sails, Kevlar ers, (2) new batteries, 2009 bottom paint, jib, asymmetrical spinnaker, removable H/C pressurize water, 2-burner stove with Seldon carbon sprit, Lewmar 30 pri- oven, BBQ, infl atable mini-dinghy, self mary and secondary winches. Custom climbing Top Climber. All Coast Guard matching canvas including full boat required safety equipment, charts and CAL 2-29, 1975. San Francisco Marina cover, cockpit cushions, additional teak books, (2) anchors and rodes, Buoy hook. West Basin . $30,000. Stock rig - 12hp exterior trim, cockpit grate, more. A fully 31-FT CAL, 1979. $6,950/obo. Lapworth Too much more to list. (775) 626-2679 or Farymann. Overall boat is in good condi- maintained and varnished yacht. Must see design, great coastal cruiser, wheel steer- (775) 722-1600 or [email protected]. tion, transferable San Francisco Marina to appreciate. Contact (415) 608-6919 or ing, Lewmar self-tailing winches, good West Basin slip. GGYC Friday Night Win- [email protected]. rigging and sail inventory, VHF, Dorade ner. As is - where is. vents, sleeps 5. No engine. No interior cushions. Contact Mike. (310) 821-4392 or [email protected].

RIGGING ONLY ✪ SMALL AD, SMALL PRICES MARINE SURVEYS - Capt. Alan Hugenot Standing and running rigging, life lines, furling gear, winches, line, (SAMS) Accredited Marine Surveyor • (415) 531-6172 windlasses, travelers, wire and terminals, blocks, vangs, and much more. Yacht Master (USCG 200 tons - International) • Port Engineer • ~ Problem solving and discount mail order since 1984 ~ Yacht Manager • Delivery Skipper • Boat Handling, Navigation • (508) 992-0434 • [email protected] & Safety Instructor • Bay or Delta • Accepts MC & VISA STARBOARD YACHT DELIVERIES Rigging NEILPRYDE Jack D. Scullion Electronics Over 50,000 sea miles • Pacifi c, Caribbean, Atlantic Yacht Services Troubleshooting USCG Master 100 GT STCW • Power & Sail [email protected] Electrical Installations (510) 919-0001 Rick Whiting • (415) 740-2924 • [email protected] We Gladly Install Gear You Provide SAILS

April, 2011 • Latitude 38 • Page 163 30-FT ISLANDER BAHAMA, 1979. 32-FT ARIES SLOOP, 1987. Anchors Way 35-FT ERICSON, 1974. Downtown Sau- Alameda. $18,500. Very nice Islander Marine Center, Oxnard. $17,500. Moni- salito. $29,500. Upwind slip with view of Bahama 30. Roller furling, good sails. tor vane, 4-cyl Westerbeke 33hp diesel. Angel Island from the cockpit, forest green Beautiful interior. New valve job on Too much to list. Currently in dry dock. canvas, dodger, roller furling, gennaker, Volvo MD7A. Raytheon chartplotter, Contact F. Quigley. (541) 497-0224. D.S., K.M., VHF, GPS, Yanmar diesel-950 Tri-Data and autopilot. Refrigeration, hrs. A very pretty boat. (707) 357-1309. propane stove w/oven. Pressure hot/cold water. Ready! Contact (510) 778-3373 or [email protected].

CATALINA 320, 1995. San Diego. $49,950. Excellent boat for California. Easy to sail short-handed, yet has plenty of room for family and friends. Harbor Island slip. Many recent upgrades. For more information please see: catalina320forsale. (619) 200-1018 or 34-FT TIFFANY JAYNE, 1981. Vallejo. [email protected]. $7,000. MUST SELL, great project boat, 32-FT SLOOP. Designed by Gary Mull, everything is here and has not been fool- 1970. Sausalito Yacht Harbor. $35,000/ 35-FT ALBERG, 1964. Sausalito. $8,500. ishly changed, [original] set of old, but in obo. Chico was built by John Lidgard 30-FT HUNTER 306, 2002. Isleton. Kubota diesel. New - epoxy bottom, rud- good condition, racing sails, 1-cylinder in NZ in 1970. She is cold molded out $45,000. In great condition, looking at big- der, propeller, shaft, transmission, Raycor diesel, new bottom, J-29 rig. More at of kauri using the West system. I have ger boat. Dodger, battery charger, bottom fi lters, starter, alternator, fresh and raw (707) 554- owned Chico for over 20 years. Age forces paint Feb 2010. Yanmar 18hp 2GM20F, water pumps, 12 volt system, stand- 2813 or [email protected]. sale, mine not Chico’s. She has new sails, about 500 hours. Rigging led to cockpit. ing rigging, halyards. Original interior, three-cylinder Yanmar diesel, fathometer, Roller furling jib. Fuel 20, water 40, waste needs cushions and engine box. Contact 35-FT GRAND BANKS (MAGELLAN). log/knotmeter, VHF, compasses, Awlgrip 20. Force 10 2-burner propane stove/ (415) 332-7501 or (415) 308-6904 or motorsailer, 1964. $7,000. Strip-planked topsides, backstay, full cover, wiring, etc. oven. Raymarine ST 60 depth sounder [email protected]. mahogany with teak cabin sides, aft A great boat and reputation. Email Jim and knot meter. Hinged helm seat with cabin, 80hp Ford Lehman diesel. Needs Hobart at [email protected]. walk through transom. (925) 876-8817 or 33-FT CUSTOM STEEL, 2001. SF Bay some deck work. SRYH covered berth- afterfi [email protected]. Area. $5,000. 33-ft steel gaff cutter die- good liveaboard. Bronze fastened, lead sel. See link for pic and specs. Sound, keel. 18,000 lbs. 6’4” headroom. (562) but needs work and TLC. Possible 899-0774 (eve). trade for what have you. See photos at Contact (707) 829-9671 or [email protected].

35-FT HINCKLEY PILOT, 1963. Sau- salito. $39,000. Sparkman & Stephens ISLANDER 30 MK II, 1971. Moss Land- design, 1963. Rebuilt Perkins 4-108, full ing Harbor District. $6,000. 4-cyl gas batten main, radar, chart plotter, autopi- inboard (Palmer P60). Fiberglass hull w/ 33-FT HOBIE, 1984. Alameda. $13,900. lot, well maintained. Sweet boat to sail, teak trim. 3-burner alcohol stove/oven, Fixed keel model. New in 2010: Tiller, especially upwind. Estate sale. Contact BBQ. Depth/fishfinder, CB and VHF hatchboard, GPS, VHF, gel battery, char- (415) 720-5477 or (415 ) 339-0100 or radio. Recent work: Sept ‘09 hauled out, 32-FT GULF PILOTHOUSE, 1980. ger, new Mercury 9.9 outboard. 10 bags [email protected]. tuned up, oil change, new head, replaced Brookings, OR. $35,000. Universal 32hp of sails, Dacron and Mylar mainsails, two through hulls and zincs. Sails include diesel, inside/outside helm stations, AP, 120%, #2, #3, self-tacking jib on furler, spinnaker, 2 storm jibs, 100% & 130% VHF, GPS, radar, windspeed indicator, storm jib, wind seeker, 1/2oz spinnaker. genoa. Mahogany interior. 5 lifejackets, waterspeed indicator, refurbished jib and Spinnaker pole, whisker pole. To be com- lots of extras. Sleeps 4 comfortably. main, new cruising spinnaker, large fuel/ petitive, you’ll need new sails and ropes, Good solid boat. Ready to sail. Take over water tanks. Contact (541) 247-6231 or and the price refl ects this. Interior is open slip. (831) 915-6783 or (831) 659-1921 or [email protected]. and clean and light. Priced for quick sale. [email protected]. [email protected].

32 TO 35 FEET 32-FT ERICSON, 1971. Bruno’s Yacht Harbor, Isleton. $16,500. Great cruising and Bay boat. Well maintained, excel- lent interior, new bottom paint. Three headsails, spinnaker, self-tailing winches, Yanmar 3GF diesel, LectraSan sanita- tion, depth sounder, knotmeter. Contact 35-FT SANTANA, 1980. SF/Sausalito. (510) 207-0111 or (510) 525-3572 or $18,000. 3 jibs, 2 mains, 3 spinnakers, 34-FT CONTESSA OOD, 1979. Moss [email protected]. 10 winches, radar, VHF, stereo, Volvo 18 Landing. $15,000. Doug Peterson- hp w/new fresh water cooling, new mast, designed Contessa OOD 34, 1979. 34-FT CORONADO, 1970. Antioch. 32-FT RANGER, 1974. Alameda. $18,000/ rod rigging, running rigging, halyards, new Sleeps 7. Nav station, dinghy, near new $17,000. Easy singlehander: roller-furling obo. Atomic Four. Many sails. Internal hal- folding prop, topside teak, cushions. (415) Kevlar main and headsails, plus Dacron jib, Dutchman mainsail. Autohelm, Garmin yards. Full race gear. (510) 521-2299 or 652-2009 or (415) 929-0789. headsails, 3 spinnakers. Diesel engine GPS, 2 VHFs. Hauled and painted 2010. [email protected]. and transmission requires work/re-power. New head and dodger, low hours on rebuilt Transferable slip. Recent survey. craig- A-4. Propane stove and cabin heater. 2 an- [email protected]. chors w/chain and rode. (510) 676-4444.

TWO RETIRED GUYS WILL DELIVER YOUR BOAT FROM MEXICO - FOR FREE MARINE SURVEYOR (You pay expenses). Both former USCG Masters, thousands of hours of sea time. Sharpe Surveying & Consulting. SAMS Accredited Marine Surveyor. We do it because we enjoy it and have the time. Serving the San Francisco Bay and Delta. Insured and bondable. Lots of references. (415) 710-3161 • [email protected] [email protected] • (510) 337-0706 Latitude 38 eBooks FREE ✶ AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE ✶

Page 164 • Latitude 38 • April, 2011 33-FT NEWPORT, 1982. Napa, CA. 32-FT JEANNEAU ATTALIA, 1984. MDR. 36-FT CATALINA, 1984. Sausalito. $15,000. Universal diesel, new standing $26,000. Racer/cruiser, all lines lead aft. $51,000. Richardson Bay Marina. Great and running rigging 2009. Full dodger Yanmar FWC, folding prop, hydraulic slip. Close in. Free parking. Well main- and sails good condition, wheel steering, backstay, new batteries, new RWC pump, tained. Universal diesel with low hours. pressure water, CNG 3-burner stove. Too racing sails, new spinnaker, Tuff Luff. Dodger. Autopilot. Lots of sails. Electric much to list. Solid coastal cruiser. (775) New anchor and rode. Tillerpilot. Original halyard winch. Call Roger. (510) 734-0506 853-3925 or (775) 853-6662 or wineand- Dacron sails. or [email protected]. [email protected]. windhorze/sets/72157626168401808. Call (310) 592-5701. 35-FT ATHENA, 1983. Montana. $68,500. By Sodergren/Sweden, deep and nar- 35-FT JASON, 1979. Shilshole Marina, row with fractional rig to weather like a Seattle. $65,000. Ted Brewer-designed witch, with OEM self-tacking jib, offshore cutter. Launched 1998 with new mast and equipped, Montana fresh water-based deck hardware, 2008 refi t for cruising: new since 1985. Exceptional boat/opportunity, engine, Monitor windvane, liferaft, and possible delivery. (Skype) Jim Lekander more. Just back from Mexico, ready to [email protected]. go again. Call (206) 673-0656. 38-FT HUNTER 380, 2000. Alameda. $79,900. Great shape. Excellent sailboat. COLUMBIA 34 MKII, 1973. SF Bay. Ready to go, lots of extras, autopilot, $42,000/obo. Cash or trade. A long cruise radar, VHF, electric winches, dodger, new history, equipped, roomy. Redundant bottom paint. Contact (916) 817-0081 or systems, tools/spare parts. Yanmar diesel [email protected]. runs great. 7’ headroom. Refrigeration. Pressure water. Propane stove. More. Great cruiser, great liveaboard. Tons of pictures and details at our website: 34-FT CATALINA, 1988. South Beach Contact (415) Harbor, San Francisco. $58,500 firm. 692-1330 or boat4sale@sapphfi 35-FT YOUNG SUN CUTTER, 1981. Excellent SF Bay performance cruiser San Carlos, Mexico. $64,800. Reduced set up for a couple or easy single-handed $10,000 to $64,800. Bluewater cruiser sailing. Excellent condition. New standing located in San Carlos, Mexico, ready rigging and Navtec hydraulic backstay ad- to sail the world, full cruise equipped, juster. Upgraded 12V system with 440Ah more information on our website. Go to house bank, separate starting battery, 37-FT PACIFIC SEACRAFT CREALOCK. solar panel and monitor. Doyle sails with Contact [email protected]. design, 1980. Moss Landing. $99,000. StackPack and roller furling headsail. World class blue water performance Wheel autopilot, CNG, outboard hoist, cruiser. 6-foot plus headroom. This boat is Martec feathering prop, much more. www. 36 TO 39 FEET cruise ready with GPS, radar, solar panel, wind generator, liferaft, cruising spinnaker, 34-FT J/105, 1992. Sausalito Yacht Har- Raymarine wind instruments and more. bor. $70,000/obo. Hull #42. Jose Cuervo Very well maintained. Recent haulout has new mast, furler, foil, pole rig and turn- included LPU on spars, new standing buckles. Keel and rudder faired. Minimum rigging, bottom paint and thruhulls. Also class wt. Big Boat winner, light and fast. new external canvas and internal cush- (415) 218-6312 or [email protected]. ions throughout. Sailboat Hall of Fame inductee for outstanding design, comfort, performance and seaworthiness. (831) 588-8502 or [email protected].

34-FT C&C, 1980. La Paz, Baja Mexico. 38-FT C&C, 1976. San Pedro, CA. $38,000. Just sailed 1500 miles from SF $46,000. Extended carbon fi ber spinnaker for Ha-Ha 2010, then to La Paz. $28,000 pole and longer boom, creating better of new cruising gear, electronics, new balanced performance. A competitive Yanmar 3GM30F since 2009. See de- local cruiser/racer (99 PHRF), same owner tails, photos at website: http://sites. last 25 years. Yanmar diesel, 950 hours. Contact 33-FT RANGER, 1977. San Diego. Contact (310) 832-8532 or (310) 256-0549 (831) 726-3192 or (831) 345-9384 or $25,000. Ha-Ha and Mex vet, North main or [email protected]. [email protected]. and 150 ‘07, gennaker ‘04, 110, spare main, spin and pole, Harken furler, trav, 36-FT CHEOY LEE PEDRICKS, 1985. 36-FT HUNTER, 2004. South Beach, CATALINA 34 MARK II, 2007. Alameda. backstay adj. Beta diesel ‘02 1600hrs, Ventura, Ca. $39,000. 16,000lbs perfor- San Francisco. $110,000. Dark blue hull $129,500. Loaded, all electronics, radar, batteries ‘08, Technautics cold plate, mance cruiser. Beautiful joiner work clas- which I believe is the only one on the Bay. VHF, stereo, autopilot, Vacufl ush head, Kyocera, Blue Sky ‘07. a.p., knot and sic yacht accommodation. 44hp Universal Furling jib and main, dodger, nice interior, Dickinson heater, all canvas and covers, depth, two anchors, Magma, two Mar- Kubota diesel, Maxwell windlass with all well maintained. She is a real beauty. (408) low hour Universal 35 diesel, Ultraleather tecs, many spares, much more. Non-skid chain, large Barient winches, autopilot, 375-4120 or [email protected]. interior, bristol condition, folding prop, redone ‘09, new windows ready to install, refrig HW inverter. (805) 646-2460 or (310) cockpit cushions, furling main and jib. best of everything, excellent condition, a 428-3317 or [email protected]. 37-FT RAFIKI, 1978. Long Beach. Email for pictures. (925) 323-7181 or true turnkey. $64,900. Cutter rig, in great shape, 1300 [email protected]. 36-FT ISLANDER, 1972. San Francisco. hrs, no teak decks. HD furling jib and stay, $30,000. Updated mast and rigging, new newer electronics, radar, LP, varnished, Universal diesel, new head and holding bottom paint and interior. Many extras, tank, lead keel. Contact (415) 850-4323 moving up. (310) 251- 8860. or [email protected].

MOBILE BOAT CARPENTRY & ELECTRICAL Get the Reliable, Powerful Wheel Pilot Any woodwork repaired or replaced. Quiet & Dependable • Affordable • Built for Immersion Specialist in dryrot repair. Easy Owner Installation • Low Power Consumption All electrical work done to ABYC standards. 831-687-0541 [email protected] • (925) 759-2820 cell • (925) 684-0370 Sail, kayak, whale watch, or explore the majestic San Juan Islands! YOGA FOR SAILORS ON THE WATERFRONT Relax or take the helm aboard our 45’ Jeanneau in the pristine Pacifi c Northwest. Small group classes in San Rafael, 10 classes/$88 or Learn to sail from an experienced USCG captain. $15/drop-in. Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:30-8:00 p.m. 4 guests max, 2 cabins - each with own head., [email protected] (415) 785-4530 or (510) 333-8846.

April, 2011 • Latitude 38 • Page 165 See us at Booth #701

BENETEAU 36.7, 2005. Port Angeles, 38-FT KETTENBURG, 1956. 3 Available. WA. $132,000/obo. Beautiful 36.7, “Nice boat!”, “Beautiful boat!”, “Gorgeous all cruising amenities. Shows as new, boat!” heard many times from other see pics and details at website. Go to boaters during every sail. Enjoy char- Contact acter, admiration, and fantastic sailing (360) 452-1110 or (360) 460-1014 or while sustaining the heritage. Details at: bill@cpifi (54 West Misty Ln. Port (916) 847-9064 or Angeles, WA 98362). [email protected].

38-FT HUGHES, 1970. $20,000/obo. S & 36-FT ALLIED PRINCESS, 1977. Peta- S design, built in Canada 1970. Approxi- luma, CA. $40,000. Well cared for cruising mately 74 hrs. on near-new engine. Great ketch. Recent refi t includes new sails, Bay boat with slip available in Monterey or running and standing rigging, electronics, Moss Landing. (831) 915-4984. hull LP paint. Perkins diesel w/500 hrs. www.fl (707) 364-0801 or [email protected].

CATALINA 36 MK II, 1995. Alameda, CA. $85,000. Excellent condition, includes windlass, hot/cold pressurized water, inverter, VHF, electronics, low engine hours, 15hp Johnson motor and Zodiac MAKELA BOATWORKS inflatable. Contact (510) 523-4081 or Family owned since 1948 [email protected]. 38-FT COLIN ARCHER PILOT CUTTER. Wooden Boat Building • Repair and Restoration 1950. San Diego. $52,000. Marion D. Built in Norway, pitch pine on pitch pine, white oak backbone, trunnel fastened, 85hp 19280 South Harbor Drive • Fort Bragg, CA 95437 Ford Lehman 254. Hauling for mainte- nance in March/wooding hull. Surveys (707) 964-3963 welcome by appointment. More informa- email: [email protected] • tion:

37-FT CREALOCK CUTTER, 1980. Monterey. $45,000. Ballenger tabernacled 38-FT C&C LANDFALL, 1983. Philip- mast. New Yanmar w/saildrive, radar, pines. $60,000. Well maintained and GPS, easy access to all systems, 70gal equipped fast cruiser. Many recent diesel, 3 watertight bulkheads. Not in upgrades: Spectra watermaker, liferaft, yacht condition, needs fi nish work. Great Force 10 stove, genny, Zodiac, Raymarine little sailing ship. Price firm. Contact ST60 group, more. See website: inven- [email protected]. tory, photos and 360 degree virtual tour. (707) 540-3079 or PARTS (707) 529-3079. YANMAR • UNIVERSAL • WESTERBEKE PERKINS • ISUZU • PATHFINDER • ATOMIC 4 SERVICE DIESEL ENGINES

Barbara Campbell 351 EMBARCADERO 39-FT CAL MK III, 1982. Pt. Richmond. (510) 465-1093 $72,000. A sweet sailer, beautifully OAKLAND, CA 94606 maintained, continually upgraded. Two 36-FT RAVAGE, 1981. Alameda. $28,500. time MX vet, ready to go again. Spectra Danish fiberglass racer/cruiser. An X- H2O, solar panels, expanded diesel Yachts design that was built for the round tankage means cruising independence, Denmark race. A very attractive boat with easy sailhandling systems. Website for newish North sails and Westerbeke diesel. Simply Great Sleep complete info. Recent haulout. See more photos at www. fl

See us at

Jack London Square April 14-17

Page 166 • Latitude 38 • April, 2011 36-FT ISLANDER, 1979. North Bay. 40-FT CAPE DORY CUTTER, 1986. Ke- $34,500. Excellent I 36. Good condition. 40 TO 50 FEET mah, Texas. $118,750. Como No is for sale. Diesel, wheel, roller furling, clean, good Continuously maintained and upgraded and sails. No problems! Other extras. jded- 40-FT CHALLENGER, 1974. Emeryville, in excellent condition. Equipped for world [email protected]. CA. $39,000/obo. Two boat owner must cruising with solar, wind, vane steering, Al- sell our Coastal Cruiser. Well equipped pha pilot, watermaker, etc. More at website, with radar, GPS, Autohelm, newer sails, roller furling, SS ports, large galley with html. Contact (979) 864-7755 or standup reefer. 6’6” headroom, two [email protected]. staterooms. Needs some appearence projects completed. (530) 228-1827 or [email protected]. 43-FT TASWELL, 1995. Bainbridge Island, WA. $330,000. Pristine, center cockpit full enclosure, Leisure Furl main, electric winch, RF genoa, low hours on main and 5kw genset, watermaker, chart plotter, radar, ESPAR heat, much more. 38-FT ERICSON, 1981. Monterey Harbor. http:// (206) 295- $38,500. Great looking E38 in great sail- 1024 or [email protected]. ing condition. Fully loaded and ready to go. Bottom and topsides just painted. All exterior wood just refi nished with Cetol 42-FT CASCADE, 1968. Portland, OR. Marine. Standing and running rigging $49,900. Very comfortable cruiser. This replaced in 2004. Mast was pulled and boat has been all over the northwest. painted at same time. Universal 32hp 45-FT LOA RACER/CRUISER. Stockton Two Ha-Ha’s. Repowered with new Yan- diesel engine runs great. Monterey Har- Sailing Club. Now $75,000/obo (was mar in 2007. Please check out the long bor mooring available. (408) 667-8790 or $90,500). Laurie Davidson (Kiwi) Design list of equipment and many pictures. [email protected]. with modifi cations by Carl Schumacher. Contact This is a perfect liveaboard - roomy (503) 297-5749 or [email protected]. 39-FT FREYA, 1978. San Rafael. $55,000. 3-cabin layout has “big boat winner” Built by Gannon Yachts. Lots of upgrades. speed with furniture boat-Swan-like 45-FT DOWNEASTER CC, 1980. La Paz, interior. Self tacker-jib roller furler with MORGAN 462, 1981. Vallejo Marina. Solid glass hull, balsa cored deck. Great $160,000/obo. Bulletproof center-cockpit Mexico. $Best offer. This California-built for cruising. Great liveaboard. Boat like-new fully battened North mainsail, boat was refi t in 2004. Our plans have cruise ready, with many extra sails. Shown cruising ketch, keel-stepped masts, inte- has been well loved! (415) 717-5815 or gral ballast, skeg-hung rudder, external changed and we will make this an excel- [email protected]. by appointment only. Ray Lopez. (209) lent deal for new owner. Can be seen 772-9695. chainplates, two cabins/heads, many new systems, immaculate. http://s766. at website. (941) 204-3271 or [email protected]. 44-FT BENETEAU OCEANIS 440, 1995. er/Morgan%20462%20Cruising%20 Sausalito berth. $110,000, partnership 46-FT KELLY PETERSON, 1982. Mor- considered. Excellent shape, cherry wood Sailboat/?albumview=slideshow&tr. (707) 334-3670 or [email protected]. ro Bay. $189,000. Cruise ready with interior with 3 cabins, 3 heads. Garmin long list of equipment. 2 staterooms, 2 10” HD color radar, weather. 11’3” infl at- heads with new electric toilets, reefer able 15hp, Autohelm ST7,000, Sea Frost. and freezer, large center cockpit, etc. Contact Bob. (415) 713-9515 or bob. Comfortable and great sailing boat [email protected]. that’s ready to go anywhere! More at 37-FT C&C, 1985. Emeryville. $49,500. Peterson-46-sailboat/172704439424234. Excellent condition, lovingly maintained, Contact [email protected] or pure sailing joy, major refi t 2009, fully (805) 459-1909. equipped, all modern electronics, solid rod rigging, hydraulic backstay, N-S main, self-furling UK jib, lines to cockpit, CAL 2-46, 1974. San Carlos, Mexico. Yanmar 840 hrs, owner. (925) 788-6776 $109,000. Ready to cross oceans. Lov- or [email protected]. ingly maintained and restored. Engine overhauled 2011, standing rigging 2010, 37-FT PEARSON 365, 1979. Moss electric winches, davits, watermaker, Landing. $58,000. Pearson 365 sloop 45-FT SPARKMAN & STEPHENS. Seafarer yawl, 1962. San Francisco. dive compressor, spares! RIB, standup completely upgraded with larger double engine room, teak/holly sole, much more! spreader mast and sails, new interior, $65,000. The S&S 45 was designed for yachtsmen of another era who appreci- Contact (250) 505-4941 or (250) 352-1312 ports, life lines. New LPU paint on hull, or [email protected]. bottom paint and deck. Low hours on ated the classic looks and easy sailing 48-FT ISLANDER, 1985. Sausalito. 4-108 Perkins diesel. Good electronics, characteristics that made sailing with $185,000. This is a classic Ted Brewer family and friends such a pleasure. This 43-FT ORCA, 1972. Mazatlan. $129,000 propane stove, water heater. Most beau- asking. Admiral’s Cup sloop, Dick Carter, design built by Islander. Pristine condition, tifully restored and cleanest 365 on the is an opportunity to own a very special 3 year renovation just completed. Just yacht and design. Quality fi berglass con- Swan shape fi berglass, hull #6. Excep- West Coast. Photos available. Call. (831) tional, high performance, fast, strong, about everything is new, sails, rigging, 316-8282 or [email protected]. struction throughout. Contact Jerry. (415) plumbing, pumps, etc. Call or email for 435-3513 or [email protected]. racer/cruiser. Two-year extensive refi t, twin spreaders, fl ush teak deck, Lewmar all the information. (415) 846-6919 or 38-FT DOWNEASTER, 1979. La Paz, winches, North racing-cruising sails, [email protected]. Mexico. $30,000. Great boat to sail or 41-FT MORGAN CLASSIC MODEL. 1991. San Carlos, Mexico. $93,000. Hood Profurl, 40 gal. fuel-water, SS live aboard, roomy and comfortable. stove-oven, all new, Yanmar 50hp. Instru- 42-FT CATALINA, $169,000. 3 bedrooms, Complete extensive rehab in 2005, new Primo condition. Equipped and ready to 2 bath, furling main, air condition, auto- cruise. Center cockpit, great liveaboard, ment panel, windlass, Technautics fridge, rigging, thru-hulls, electronics, fi ttings, in- rigging. Awlgrip paint, Edson pedestal, pilot. Easy to singlehand, has been from struments, appliances, roller furling, head, must see to appreciate roominess. Recent Canada to Mexico, 5 years old. (707) survey. See blog for equipment list and Yamaha Enduro, carb dinghy, Hydro- holding tank and more. Needs TLC. (503) vane, dodger-awning, Garmin GPSMAP, 812-4003. 839-8761 or [email protected]. current photos. http://sailboatvagari. Contact (520) 825-7551 inverter-charger, Navman, radar detec- or [email protected]. tor, VHF, Martec prop. Reduced price. [email protected].

OFFSHORE PASSAGEMAKING INSTRUCTION IN THE SOUTH PACIFIC PROFESSIONAL DELIVERY CAPTAINS John & Amanda Neal are dedicated to providing hands-on, San Diego based, USCG Master 100 GT. Sail and power. documented instruction aboard their Hallberg-Rassy 46 Mahina Tiare III, ASA-certifi ed instructional deliveries. Pacifi c Mexico and Baja Bash specialists. drawing on their combined 544,000 miles and 69 years of experience. [email protected] • • (360) 378-6131 • (619) 913-7834 • Mexico • Caribbean • South Pacifi c COMPLETE MARINE WOODWORK Going Somewhere? Design / Restoration • Expert European Craftsmanship • Interior / Exterior Stop by our offi ce and take a bundle of Latitude 38 along with you. Repairs / Maintenance • Marine Windows & Frame Replacement We promise you’ll be a hero for sharing them with other cruisers! Wood & Dry Rot Repairs • Varnish Work • Marine Painting Latitude 38 • 15 Locust Ave • Mill Valley, CA • (415) 383-8200 • Open M-F 9-5 References Available • Reasonable Rates • Call (415) 331-6718

April, 2011 • Latitude 38 • Page 167 Mobile Marine Navigation 51 FEET & OVER Installations and Marine Electrical Work VESSEL ELECTRIC

47-FT BENETEAU 473, 2004. Beauti- fully maintained, lavishly equipped, lightly used, three staterooms. Elite upgrades: 55-FT FIBER STEEL, 1980. River View electric winches, bow thruster, air con- Marina, Sacramento. Make offer/must certifi ed installer certifi ed installer ditioning, heating, generator, MaxProp, sell. 72’ LOA, 16’ beam, F/C, 671 main Yanmar engine, epoxy barrier, forward engine with 300 hrs. 15KW gen, 1100 Milltech Marine AIS scanning sonar. Best 473 buy. Possible gals. diesel, 500 gals. fresh water, ketch tax advantages! For complete info and rig. New sails, 6’6” head room, sleeps 8. Brian Theobald • (415) 424-2204 • [email protected] photos visit: Dinghy and new electronics, 385’ 3/8 ht chain, 2000 lb windlass, 2 heads, shower, ice maker, 2 refrigerators/freezers. Great liveaboard with liveaboard slip. 7 minutes to downtown Sacto. Possible trades? Health forces sale. (916) 208-4141 or RODGERS & ASSOCIATES [email protected]. Certifi ed Marine Surveyors CLASSIC BOATS

As appointed by Boat US Insurance Services 41-FT BENETEAU OCEANIS 411, 2001. and Institute of London Underwriters Mediterranean. $139,000. The perfect ASA - NAMS - LLOYDS couple’s cruising boat with offshore capabilities. Two-cabin owner’s version. Designed by Groupe Finot and built by Beneteau in France. Well-equipped established and meticulously maintained. Never 1978 Tel: 831-475-4468 chartered. Stored on the hard at least six [email protected] months per year since new. Only 1,100 hours on Volvo 59hp engine. No sales tax, personal property tax, or value added tax 34-FT COLLECTABLE KETCH, 1955. for USA buyers. USCG registered. Lying Napa, CA. $9,900. A beautiful 34-ft John in the Med. Contact (415) 269-4901 or Hanna timber ketch evokes the romance [email protected]. of the sea with ratlines, whisker shrouds, a dolphin stay, wood blocks, four racks of belaying pins, caulked wood deck, fi r masts and spars, port holes, and sky- lights. 2-cylinder Volvo Penta diesel. Eye candy for your dock, and a rewarding hobby. Good Bay and Delta day sailer, generates compliments wherever she goes. Not a liveaboard. Berthed on the Napa River. Contact (707) 738-1405 or [email protected]. Hand Crafted, High-Effi ciency Area Light 44-FT TARTAN 4400, 2003. Channel 43-FT JOHN ALDEN #309N, 1930. Ma- LED Swivel Reading and Berth Lights in Chrome or Titanium (Brass) Finish Island Harbor. $439,000, or trade? Dark rina. $85,000. Beautiful staysail schooner. green hull, low hours, bow thruster, elec- Must sell, not living in Cali anymore. Brighten your cabin with better light quality, superior color tric winches, VacuFlush heads, spinnaker, Recent hull, deck, wood spars upgrades. rendition, and lower battery drain! Selection of wood choices new batteries, recent bottom paint, nu- New rigging. 43hp diesel. Hull is cold- for fi xtures. Splash-proof and Night-vision models available. merous other options/upgrades. See test molded with Awlgrip paint. Documenta- Dual power for bright light or gentle glow, and two levels of red. sail at, search Tartan tion of all work, surveys available. Dry- Choose LED or CFL (compact fl uorescent). 4400, our actual boat! (530) 318-0730 or dock. [email protected]. [email protected]. Alpenglow Lights, LLC, P. O. Box 415, Eureka, MT 59917

We are always looking out for you! American Yacht Insurance for boats over 26 feet. We provide cover for any fl ag Germany • Great Britain • Monaco 54-FT ALDEN, 1970. Honolulu. $70,000. registration or Denmark • Austria • Spain • Croatia 44-FT NORSEMAN 447, 1984. St. Croix, Alden centerboard yawl lovingly restored navigation. * Sweden • USA USVI. $209,000. Center cockpit, new with old world character with newer sails, low hour Ford Lehman, mahogany and 500 Mamaroneck Avenue Suite 318 listing. Excellent condition, beautiful. teak. Perfect liveaboard. (510 ) 332-4900 Harrison, NY 10528 Cruise ready, all the equipment to travel in or [email protected]. Phone (914) 381-2066 extreme comfort and style, fast passage- maker, outstanding liveaboard, 110/220v. Newport Shipyard Full stall shower, hot water heater. More One Washington Street at Contact Newport, RI 02840 (340) 514-1607 or [email protected]. Phone (401) 619-1499

*Pantaenius America Ltd. is a licensed insurance agent licensed in all 50 states. It is an independent corporation incorporated under the laws of New York and is a separate and distinct entity from any entity of the Pantaenius Group. USA09037

Page 168 • Latitude 38 • April, 2011 39-FT RIVIERA PLATINUM, 1999. Napa River. $269,000. This Riviera is clean with low hours. She is outfi tted Twin Turbo Cats. Generator, and inverter. New elec- tronics, canvas, Strataglass, and engine cameras. Heat, AC, SeaTel and Sirius ra- dio. Located: Napa River. (415) 516-4842 or [email protected].

60-FT STAYSAIL SCHOONER, 1935. 50-FT CATAMARAN, 2001. Whangarei, 38-FT LAGOON 380, 2003. San Diego. $115,000/obo. Volunteer (Zoe H). New Zealand. $510,000. An exceptional $249,000. (2) Yanmar 3GM30’s. Loaded Designer, Edson B. Schock; builder, Port 15.3 meters offshore cruising catamaran. example of the most popular cruising Boat Works, Wilmington, CA. Veteran of Configured during construction as a cat, ever! Crazy fast downwind - sailing four TransPacs (winner 1939, Aloha Class comfortable and safe liveaboard, capable fl at! No “rolly” anchorages! Just returned B). On-screen home of actor Jack Klug- of single handed passage making. Ron from Florida-Caribbean-Mexico cruise; man in Universal Studios long-running Given-designed, NZ built, launched in currently cruising SoCal. Most versatile television series, Quincy, M.E. Colorful December 2001. Well known in Vanu- 4-cabin version (sleeps 8, or more com- history including WWII submarine coast atu, New Caledonia and New Zealand. monly 4 singles. Remember, you can watch, Mexican charter service and El Professionally maintained, fully refi tted, convert a cabin for storage much easier 28-FT CHRIS CRAFT - CATALINA, 1986. Salvadoran registry. Old world craftsman- in excellent condition. Lying Whangarei, than a locker to sleeping!) All the cruis- Petaluma. $16,500. Clean, well cared ship, needs considerable TLC to restore NZ. More details at website. First go to ing “toys”: solar panels, wind generator, for runs great. Engines overhauled, port to former grandeur. Replacement value, then search: watermaker, inverter, Sirius stereo, DVD- ‘05, starboard ‘06. New prop shafts and $2-3 million. Sacrifi ce. (650) 255-0632 or Used Catamaran Sail 50 to 55-Ft. Contact TV, SSB w/Pactor modem, (2) Raymarine bottom painted ‘08. Bottom cleaned [email protected]. (504) 201-3888 or [email protected]. color displays w/radar, chartplotter & AIS. quarterly - no blisters. Refurbished interior Raritan (2) electric heads. The perfect ‘08. Sleeps 4+. V-berth + 6’ double bunk. cruiser? Perhaps. Too much to list here. Complete tuneup 9/10. GPS, fi shfi nder, MULTIHULLS Check website for more! Save $$$$$. microwave, dock lines, bumpers, life Buy now, before I list with broker!!! jackets plus much more. (707) 778-1938 (503) 320-9859 or or [email protected]. [email protected]. 43.5-FT LABELLE TRAWLER. Sausalito. $125,000/obo. 360 view side tie adjacent to open space. Diesels w/500 hours, 7.5 Onan. Roomy glass-enclosed sundeck. Full canvas. X-large custom galley. Mas- 47-FT LEOPARD 47C, 2001. Turkey. ter has walkaround queen, tub + private $335,000. Our two-year trip is coming to guest stateroom with large bed, head. an end and Azure II needs a new family. Outstanding workmanship/condition. May fi nance or trade. (415) 999-5626. 35-FT PIVER TRIMARAN, 1968. Mara- Have fun in an extremely comfortable thon, Florida Keys. $28,500. Ready to and well equipped cruising catamaran. cruise and liveaboard! 1968, 3’ draft, The galley was completely redone in Profurl roller furling, spacious center 2008 and new rigging, salon windows 38-FT TRIMARAN, 1980. Yarmouth, cockpit, aft cabin. 27hp Yanmar, 250W and cushions in 2010. New trampolines, Maine. $98,500. Offshore, performance, solar panels, hardtop, propane stove, many spare parts (blocks, lines, alterna- liveaboard cruising trimaran, aft cabin, oven, fridge, 1000W inverter, GPS, tor, starter). Watermaker, wind generator, 3 singles. PRO-BUILT foam core/epoxy, depth sounder, VHF, 4 anchors. Contact etc. Ready for any adventure from August similar to 39’ Farrier. Canted amas, open [email protected]. 2011 onward. We’re planning on being wing. Will deliver anywhere. Consider in Turkey, but the location is negotiable. partnership. Contact [email protected] [email protected]. or (775) 827 2786. 35-FT VIKING CONVERTIBLE. sportfi sher, POWER & HOUSEBOATS 1982. Monterey, California. $99,800. In excellent condition. Twin Cat 3208 Turbo diesel with troll valve. Boat is loaded. New fi re system. Low hours and ready for fi sh- ing! Boat is in Monterey. Berth available. (925) 963-7031 or [email protected].

34-FT GEMINI 105M, 2000. Pt. Richmond. 35-FT CHRIS CRAFT CATALINA. Sausalito $114,000. Hull #660. World’s most popular berth. $28,000/asking. 13’ 1” beam. Totally catamaran, comfortable cruise equipped 52-FT MORRELLI & MELVIN, 2007. Alameda. $999,000. The ultimate cruiser! remodeled, large salon, head with shower. with 3 headsails, traveler, davits, and more. May fi nance, rent or trade. (415) 999-5626. 14’ beam fi ts standard berths. Send email Designed for fast short-handed ocean pas- for list of equipment. Will consider trade sages, equipped for extended liveaboard in HATTERAS 53 ED, 1984. Sausalito. down. Contact (510) remote areas. 52’ x 25’ x 25k lbs. Universal $219,000. I know, I’m a sailor too, but 367-0500 or [email protected]. M-40B’s with shafts, PSS, & Flexofolds. when it comes to waterfront habitat, PARTNERSHIPS Hidden daggerboards. Carbon beams, you can’t beat this 3bdrm/3bath fl oating 42-FT CROSS TRIMARAN, 1983. South chainplates, rudders. Ballenger spar, condo. Seaworthy, too! Think “outside 1/3 FLEXIBLE TIME SHARE. in clean San Francisco. Best offer. Needs paint Pineapple sails. Webasto heat, on-demand the box”, grab this great deal! See more Catalina 30. South Beach, San Francisco. and fi berglass on deck. Hulls are in sound hot water, Spectra watermaker. Layout = 3 at (510) 367-0500 $300/month. 1981 Catalina 30, 2010. condition and have been painted in a cabin + 2 heads, galley up. 520W solar + or [email protected]. Yamaha 4-stroke (super quiet). Pedestal gloss white. Surveyed by John Marples. DC genset. B&G electronics and pilot w/ steering, roller furling, Lazy jacks (simplify (805) 453-4261 or (831) 588-1848. inside steering. Many custom features. sail handling). Lessons available. Contact Launched 2007, 15k bluewater miles. [email protected] Serious inquires to: [email protected]. or (415) 425-4362.

MULTIHULL YACHT DESIGNER • MARINE SURVEYOR INTERESTED IN SAILING & CRUISING IN VANUATU, SOUTH PACIFIC 2011! John R. Marples, CMS • Certifi ed, National Association of Marine Surveyors Join us for some fun and exciting adventures while cruising Multihull Design Specialist • Pleasure and Commercial the beautiful Vanuatu Island chain • June-August 2011 Design offi ce for Jim Brown Searunner, Seaclipper & Constant Camber Multihulls Hands on participation aboard a 47’ Catamaran! NON-SMOKERS ONLY • (707) 343-1378 • [email protected] A Boat to Crew on? STRICTLY SAIL PACIFIC • APRIL 14-17 Need Crew? Latitude 38 Crew List Come visit us at Latitude 38's Booth #329-330 ✩ Visit our website and sign up as Skipper or Crew ✩ It’s Free Find out about our next Crew Party: Wed., March 9, at Golden Gate Yacht Club Jack London Square • Oakland or call (415) 383-8200

April, 2011 • Latitude 38 • Page 169 50% EQUITY PARTNERSHIP OLSON 30. CONDO AFTER HA-HA. Cabo San Santa Cruz Harbor. $6,500. 1982 Olson Lucas. $750. Executive 1BR suite, Cabo 30 Double Espresso seeking active boat Villas Beach Resort. Nov. 5 to Nov. 12, two partner. Located Santa Cruz Harbor dry to four persons. Ocean view, king bed, storage near Yacht Club. Put 8K into the bathroom, shower, kitchenette, dining and boat last year alone. She is in great shape, living area, sofa bed, LCD TV, terrace, AC. has new #1, #2, #3 & 3/4oz spinnaker. Contact [email protected] or (424) New epoxy bottom, new non-skid top. 250-0252. Road worthy trailer. (408) 802-3661 or NEW & USED BOAT GEAR [email protected]. Open Tues.-Sat. 10 to 5 p.m. CATALINA 42 MKII PARTNERSHIP. SF Bay. $35,000 or Offer. 1/4 ownership - 3 cabin fully equipped cruiser: Mexico, Ca- ribbean, Bahamas, East Coast - full elec- tronics, SSB, watermaker, bimini, liferaft, dinghy and motor. Excellent condition, well maintained. (925) 831-3015 or (925) 708-9547 or [email protected]. VALLARTA CATAMARAN CHARTER. ERICSON 32, QUARTER EQUITY. Puerto Vallarta. Low season rates! Come Partnership. Sausalito Yacht Harbor. sail with us on famous HumuHumu in $6,500. 1985. Great Bay boat. Solid, safe perfect Banderas Bay conditions. Full day, and fun. Close to Gate. Recent haulout Long Weekend or Costa Alegre Discovery and survey, new Yanmar in 06. $750/quar- Cruise. Vallarta has it all! Save Your Aft! ter covers everything! Easy partnership. Contact (760) 681-7825 or (760) 975-5850 Using one of our 1900+ patterns or your Slip located in SYH, free parking. (925) or [email protected]. own pattern, let our craftsmen create a 246-5558 or [email protected]. comfortable, durable, and stylish set of SAGA 409 PARTNERSHIP SFYC. Equity all-weather cushions for your cockpit. ownership in new Saga 409. Semi-custom Find your custom, closed cell foam Tony Castro design built by Westerly cushions at! Marine. VacuFlush, fl at screen TV, mi- crowave, wine cellar. Electric halyard/ mainsheet winch. Fast, easy to sail. Call or email for pics and specs. (415) 298-2080 or [email protected]. See us at 45-FT JEANNEAU PARTNERSHIP. SPRING SAVINGS UP TO 50%. BottomSiders Emery Cove. 1/2 equity partnership $100k For charters between April 19 - June 30. Toll Free: (800) 438-0633 and $220/month each. Like-new 2006 Hope our beautiful R&C 4600 cat featured 2305 Bay Avenue [email protected] Jeanneau 45 Sun Odyssey with under in Latitude 38, based in beautiful Belize Hoquiam, WA 98550 Fax: (360) 533-4474 300 engine hours. Gorgeous interior with awaits you. Don’t wait, space is limited, Jack London Square Italian leather, fl at screen TV, stereo, 2 book now! [email protected]. April 14-17 staterooms. Top of the line equipped. In- mast furling main, roller furling jib, electric winches, Yanmar diesel, E-80 Raymarine, OCK, RAMSAY & WH radar, autopilot, electric windlass. Fast, EDL ITIN easy to sail, great for entertaining and W G cruising. Defi nitely worth seeing. (510) Marine Surveyors 599-0011 or [email protected].

PEARSON TRITON SAILBOAT. Sau- Vessel surveys, salito. $125 per month. Non-equity consulting, deliveries. partner for Pearson Triton 28. 1964, with fairly new Yanmar 18 inboard. Sleeps 4, PLAN YOUR MEXICAN GETAWAY NOW. galley, head. In excellent condition. Clip- At the brand-new, gorgeous Cielo Y Serving the per Yacht Harbor. Call (510) 735-6953 or Mar condos. Located in Punta Mita, 35 Bay Area [email protected]. minutes from Puerto Vallarta, available to since 1980 rent from private owner. On the beach, 10 feet from the water, they offer spectacular views of ocean and mountains, the big- gest infi nity pool in the area, an endless beach, great surf breaks, great fi shing, tremendous views of whales, bird life (415) 505-3494 SOUTH OF THE BORDER and the islands. While uncrowded and tranquil, just a fi ve-minute walk to several JUANCALITO PALAPA. Juancalito/ waterfront restaurants. Choose from a Puerto Escondido. $18,000. 100 ft from spacious, beautifully furnished one- or water! 2500 sq ft palapa. 23’ trailer, ce- three-bedroom unit, or an amazing two- ment slab, carport, composite roof. 17 story penthouse with lovely shade trellis miles south of Loreto, airport, 2 miles from on the top fl oor. See details at website, Puerto Escondido Marina. Sportfi shing, whale watching, snorkeling. Store your To reserve, call Doña de Mallorca (415) Worldwide Marine Forecasts boat. Safe, secure, friendly! Low lease. 599-5012. [email protected]. Cruising, Racing & Commercial MARINE ENGINE CO. Packages Starting at $65.00 USD Complete Engine Services • Gas & Diesel 30 Years Experience • Reasonable Rates Tune-Ups • Oil Changes • Engine Rebuilding, etc. (866) 882-WXGY (9949) toll free 970 N Kalaheo Ave (415) 332-0455 (808) 291-WXGY (Mobile) Suite C-104 (808) 254-2525 (Office) Kailua, Hawaii 96734 DOGGIEVENTURE – A doggie daycare on the go! (808) 443-0889 (Fax) [email protected] Morning or afternoon sessions available in San Francisco In-home training and nail trimming (for cats, too!) in S.F. and outlying areas Go to: for our SPRING SPECIAL • (415) 314-7541

Page 170 • Latitude 38 • April, 2011 IRIDIUM SATELLITE TELEPHONE $800. WANTED With accessories, for sale. Please call JOB OPPORTUNITIES Doran. (916) 635-1252. BAREBOAT CHARTER SF BAY. Looking BAY MARINE BOATWORKS. Needs to charter a 40-50 foot sailboat for day yard crew. Bay Marine Boatworks in Point sailing. Experience sailing on SF Bay. Vet- Richmond is looking to expand their yard eran of the past Ha-Ha’s. CMA graduate crew! We are currently accepting applica- and powerboat owner for 15 years. (916) tions for skilled labor in fi berglass repair, 718-4834 or [email protected]. painting, mechanical and boat systems. Please email or call for an application. CATALINA 27 TALL RIG MAINSAIL. offi [email protected] or (510) Wanted. Santa Cruz (Bay Area). Prefer OCEAN FRONT PROPERTY. San Car- 237-0140. good condition, track sliders on luff, two los, Sonora, Mexico. $455,000. Nestled reefs, cunningham, etc. Hopefully a club in a quiet bahia with direct access to OCSC SAILING INSTRUCTORS WANTED. the bay from your back yard. Your own racer will respond. I can pick up, pay cash. THE AMERICA’S CUP, AUSTRALIA. OCSC Sailing, in the Berkeley Marina, has (831) 457-2336 or [email protected]. private deep water mooring. Separate openings for instructors for its award win- $8,950. Framed serigraph by LeRoy Nei- guest house 1 bed/1 bath. Landscaped man. Signed and numbered. AP33/80. ning school. OCSC’s curriculum is famous TRAILER FOR OLSON 30. Okay if it re- garden with palapa. Main house split for turning out the best new sailors in the Certifi cate of Authenticity included. Last level 2 bed/2 bath, fully furnished. Would quires minor modifi cations/repairs. Should appraisal Feb. 2006. Make me an offer I country. You’ll enjoy a thorough training be tandem-axle. Galvanized a plus. (415) consider trade for a price comparable to and coaching process to help you de- can’t refuse. (303) 674-2197 (H) or (510) property in Marin County. Owner fi nancing 383-8200 ext.105 or [email protected]. 427-0393 (cell). velop as an instructor and help acquiring possible. USCG license and US SAILING instructor Contact (415) 893-9777 or (415) 747-2160 certifi cations. P/T or F/T. Read what being SAIL FROM RIO DE JANEIRO. to Anti- or [email protected]. GEAR gua on Alaska Eagle! Sail from Rio (Brazil) an instructor at OCSC is like, at our web- site, to English Harbor (Antigua) on Alaska BRICKYARD COVE PROPERTIES. ICOM M710 MARINE S.S.B. Grass Val- Eagle, the Sparkman & Stephens 65’ that sailing_instructor.php. Send resume and Pt. Richmond. $595,000 and up. Two cover letter to [email protected]. ley, CA. $1,540. M710 Icom, 130 tuner, completed the 1977-78 Whitbread around lots, one home available in the Bay Area’s Pactor Pro. With 3 software, HF Radio the world. My dad and I originally had two “Sailor’s Paradise”. Enjoy America’s Cup SAILING INSTRUCTORS NEEDED. on Board set up. All you need is power berths and can’t go anymore. Contact from your private deck! View each prop- antenna, ground. Contact (530) 432-1234 Karen regarding berths, timing and costs. Pier 39 San Francisco. The San Francisco erty on website:, or Sailing Company is in need of a couple of or [email protected]. (949) call. Private party, broker co-op welcome. 645-9412 or [email protected]. sailing instructors. We are a new sailing Contact [email protected] or (510) school teaching ASA courses. We need 66 HP YANMAR 1600 HOURS. Yanmar 367-0500. 4JH-HTE turbo, with complete hydraulics one or two ASA approved instructors and twin Max-Props. Available as a pack- CLUBS & MEMBERSHIPS for our school. Mainly part-time week- age or separately. Located in Guaymas, ends, but full time position available for BERTHS & SLIPS right person. Starting $20/hour. More at Mexico. Delivery to California possible. NAUTICAL FLEA MARKET. May 15, Survey available. [email protected]. Contact (415) 378-4887 Sunday. Elkhorn Yacht Club’s World Fa- SLIPS AVAILABLE. Aeolian Yacht Club, or [email protected]. mous Nautical Flea Market. 2370 Highway 20’/40’ @ $4.76 a foot. MUST be a club 1, Moss Landing. Booths are $25 for 50% member. Join Aeolian now and bring in your DIRECTOR OF FINANCE. San Mateo or more Nautical Gear, $30 for all others. boat. Initiation fee reduced to $100 during County Harbor District is accepting Come early. Breakfast Burritos-BBQ- our Membership Drive in April and May. Call applications for Director of Finance. Music-Beer-FUN. Contact (831) 724-3875 (510) 523-2586 or (510) 769-9205. Annual range: $81,635.65 - $118,827.00. or [email protected]. Application is online at our website, 50’ OPEN SLIP FOR SALE. Emery Cove Applications must SINGLE SKIPPERS AND CREW. Marina. Emeryville, CA. $58,000. 50 X 15’ be emailed to [email protected] or of all abilities are invited to join the Single slip located in the Emery Cove Marina. received at the District Offi ce by April 15, Sailors Association. Membership includes Condo dues are $278 a month. Taxes 2011. Call for more information, (650) daysailing, raft-ups, invaluable onboard POWERFUL LEWMAR WINCHES. are about $700 a year. (206) 851-2020 or 583-4400. training, social events. Meetings held 2nd Lee@pacifi 3-SPEED #55’S. San Rafael $1,500/pair. Thursday, Ballena Bay Yacht Club, www. Non-self tailing, 3-speed Lewmar 55’s. Social; 6:30 pm. Meeting; 7:30 These are in great condition, sit on raised 50-FT PRIME SLIP PIER 39, SF. $50,000. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES pm. Guests welcome. More information at F-Dock, Slip 11, east side. Protected from bases to allow for proper sheeting angle, (312) 402-3663. powerful and smooth. Contact (415) 847- wind. Close to gangway, showers and 7270 or [email protected]. marina office. Covered parking across SAILING LESSONS + CLUB MEMBERSHIP. street with special rates for owners. (559) Alameda and Sausalito. $3,000/obo. 355-6572 or [email protected]. VOLVO PENTA MD11C ENGINE $1,800. Club Nautique, Passgemaker Member- with Model 110S sail-drive. Runs good ship. Lessons (many, many) plus charter and currently installed in boat in Alameda. discounts, etc. Transferable now and in CREW Come see and hear it work. I want to future, offered at $1,000 less than cur- upgrade to a newer, more powerful unit. rent price from CN. (559) 635-0367 or (303) 674-2197 (H) or (510) 427-0393 [email protected]. NEED CREW FROM HAWAII. to San (cell). Francisco. I need three crew to sail with me from Hawaii to San Francsico on or WHALE WATCHING/COASTAL CRUISES. 74-FT MAST. Designed for catamaran. PROPERTY SALE/RENT about July 5th. Boat is a well equipped Business opportunity. Santa Barbara Best offer. (415) 269-5165. Celestial 48 designed for offshore sailing. Marina. The City of Santa Barbara is We will take the great circle route, but will seeking parties interested in operat- SHARE OFFICE/LIGHT MANUFACTURING. also motor when necesary to minimize ing a coastal cruising business from MISCELLANEOUS space. $700. Clean bright sunny space on the time and distance. I need crew who Stearns Wharf Passenger Loading Ramp Sausalito waterfront. Approximately 500 have sailed offshore previously, prefer- which may include gray whale watch- sq. ft. Free parking and good company. ably with some night watch experience. ing, sunset cruises, dinner cruises and BOAT SHOW BOOTH $2,250/OBO. (415) 332-2509. 10’ curved booth. Light grey fabric panels, I need crew who can share some of the other activities such as parasailing. The header board, lights. Goes up in minutes. expenses. If interested, please email me deadline for submission of a Request 2 storage cases convert to 2 podiums and I will respond with details. Contact for Qualifi cations (RFQ) is May 5, 2011 (2 wheeled cases). Used at Strictly Sail [email protected]. at 3:00PM. Shows at Jack London Square. (925) 284- Government/Departments/Waterfront/ 4433 or [email protected]. Business+Opportunities.htm. Please contact Scott Riedman with any ques- KITCHENAID COUNTERTOP OVEN. tions at [email protected] or (805) 897-1969. Corte Madera. $45 firm. Almost new, WATERFRONT OFFICE SPACES. only used 3x. Complete with original box, Alameda. Available at Marina Village booklet and paperwork. Stylish black and Yacht Harbor in Alameda, some with chrome. 19” wide x 10 1/4” tall x 14 1/4” spectacular views. From 300 to 800 sq ft. deep including handles, etc. Holds two Work where you play in the heart of the 12” pizzas. Bake, broil, toast and warm Bay Area marine marketplace. For more functions. Great for a liveaboard. Email info call. (510) 521-0905. [email protected].

April, 2011 • Latitude 38 • Page 171 DIESEL FUEL boat bottom scrubbing FILTERING Purify Diesel Fuel & Flush Tanks Process scrubs, polishes, removes algae, dirt, sludge, rust, water, and & more… foreign particles from diesel fuel. Includes internal tank washdown. Save your injectors, costly engine repair and down time. Since 1989. Fully insured. Your berth or boat yard. 415.331.SAIL [email protected] (510) 521-6797 Fax: (510) 521-3309

KATADYN SURVIVOR 35 WATERMAKER The Survivor is a must for all sea-going vessels and is the most widely used emergency desalinator. It is used by the U.S. and international forces. It is able to produce 4.5 liters of drinkable water per hour. These are unused U.S. government surplus. Reconditioned by Katadyn $950. Compare to factory new price: $1,995. For more information or to place an order, please call one of our sales reps. Equipment Parts Sales In the U.S.: (800) 417-2279 Outside the U.S.: (717) 896-9110


Jack London Square SAILCOVERS April 14-17 STRONGTRACK 10% SHOW DISCOUNT 30 years experience • Universal/Westerbeke dealers (707) 386-2490 • [email protected] Repairs/Tune-ups all models • Engine Surveys, Instruction 2021 Alaska Packer Pl. • Grand Marina • Alameda, CA 94501 BAY MARINE DIESEL 510-435-8870 SAILMAKER TO THE WORLD [email protected]

MARINE BATTERIES COMPUTER ABOARD? CAPN & Digital Charts See us at Strictly Sail Pacifi c booth #832 and at these local chandleries and distributors: AIS WiFi Cellular Amps ALAMEDA OAKLAND SatPhones: Iridium & Globalstar • Alameda Prop & Machine • Golden State Diesel • Fortman Marina Store • Outboard Motor Shop HF SSB Radio & Pactor Modems • The Boatyard at Grand Marina OAKLEY • Star Marine • Big Break Marina Wireless E-mail • Svendsen's Chandlery RICHMOND TM BENICIA • Swedish Marine • Cruising Seas Services • Bay Marine EA ECH YSTEMS S800.4T44.2581 S281.334.1174 MARTINEZ SAUSALITO [email protected] • Diablo Marine • Sausalito Marine Call for Info on SeaTech Packages and CAPN Demo Disk AMERICAN BATTERY • Hayward, CA • (510) 259-1150 CallSEE forUS InfoAT S TRICTLYon SeaTech SAIL PackagesPACIFIC • AandPRIL CAPN 14-17 Demo• OAKLAND Disk

Page 172 • Latitude 38 • April, 2011 Jim's FUN new project! Have a painting done of your dog and along with that you will receive Jim's planned coffee table book of dogs – with your dog and a story of your dog in it! Call Pam for more details at (510) 236-1401.

DeWitt Art Gallery & Framing 121 Park Place, Point Richmond, CA 94801 (510) 236-1401 Wednesday-Saturday 11:00-7:00 • Sunday 9:30-5:30


Advanced Marine Electric .... 46 Boat Electric ...... 67 DeWitt Studio ...... 173 Harbor Island West Lifeline Batteries ...... 63 Afterguard Sailing Academy Boat US ...... 49, 120 Diesel Fuel Filtering ...... 172 Marina ...... 157 List Marine Enterprises ...... 75 ...... 102, 166 Boat Yard at Grand Marina, Downwind Marine...... 159 Harken ...... 22 Loch Lomond Marina ...... 161 Almar Marinas...... 53 The ...... 13 Doyle Sails ...... 25 Helmut’s Marine Service ..... 161 Lowrie Yacht Harbor ...... 74 Alpenglow Marine Lights ... 168 Boomkicker ...... 121 Easom Rigging ...... 64 Heritage Marine Mack Sails ...... 69 Insurance ...... 76 American Battery ...... 172 Bottom Siders ...... 170 ‘Else’: 40’ Dutch Yawl ...... 176 Makela Boatworks ...... 166 Heritage Yacht Sales ...... 177 Antares Yachts ...... 35 Brisbane Marina ...... 69 Encinal Yacht Club ...... 107 Marin Convention & Visitors Hidden Harbor Marina ...... 73 Bureau...... 65 AVI Nautica ...... 138 Captain Kirk’s Sailing Equipment Parts Sales ...... 172 Adventures...... 140 Hobie Cat ...... 67 Marin Yacht Works ...... 68 Bacon Sails & Marine Essex Credit Corp...... 6 Supplies ...... 61 CDI/Cruising Design ...... 141 Hogin Sails ...... 62 Marina Bay Yacht Harbor .... 43 Exturn/RS Jones ...... 10 Ballenger Spars ...... 133 Channel Islands Harbor ...... 29 Hood Sails ...... 33 Marina de la Paz ...... 174 Farallone Yacht Sales ..... 16, 17 Barz Optics ...... 96 Chris Cox Signs ...... 70 Hotwire Enterprises...... 176 Marina El Cid ...... 159 Flying Cloud Yachts ...... 175 Bay Island Yachts ...... 4 City Yachts ...... 11 Interlux Yacht Finishes ...... 39 Marina Puesta Del Sol ...... 158 Fortman Marina ...... 75 Bay Marine Boatworks ...... 31 Club Nautique ...... 76 John Beery Yachts ...... 175 Marina Riviera Nayarit ...... 56 Garhauer Marine ...... 103 Bay Marine Diesel ...... 172 Coast Marine ...... 75 Kissinger Canvas ...... 121 Marina Village ...... 8, 9 Gentry’s Kona Marina ...... 140 Bay View Boat Club ...... 132 Cover Craft ...... 66 KKMI - Brokerage...... 177 Marine Outboard Co...... 71 Gianola Canvas Products ... 143 Berkeley Marina ...... 51 Coyote Point Marina...... 77 KKMI - Boatyard ...... 180 Mariner’s General Insurance..63 Glen Cove Marina...... 121 Berkeley Marine Center ...... 79 Cruise RO Water ...... 155 Landing School, The ...... 124 Marotta Yachts ...... 178 Golden State Dsl. Marine ... 166 Bismarck Dinius - Farmer’s Cruising Yachts ...... 7 Larry R. Mayne Yacht & Ship Mathiesen Marine ...... 176 Insurance ...... 66 ...... 172 Broker ...... 32 CYOA Yacht Charters ...... 139 Mazatlan Marine Center/ Grand Marina ...... 2 Blue Pelican ...... 170 Dana Point Harbor ...... 55 Lee Sails ...... 172 La Paz Yachts ...... 12 Blue Water Yacht Insurance . . 36 Hansen Rigging ...... 97 Lewmar Marine ...... 52 Defender Industries ...... 65 continued on next page ➜

April, 2011 • Latitude 38 • Page 173 FULL Your Conversion Specialist SERVICE EXPERIENCED SAIL REPAIR MARINA AND FABRICATION Friendly, helpful, fully bilingual staff At Grand Marina NOW OFFERING NEW CRUISING SAILS! All new hardwood docks • Wireless Internet Dinghy landing with potable water Owned and Operated by Rui Luis New protective piling & sheetpile breakwaters • And more! (510) 523-1977 2021 Alaska Packer Place TEL: 01152 612 122 1646 Alameda email: [email protected] [email protected] Apdo. Postal 290, La Paz, 23000, Baja California Sur, Mexico

1,000 Used Sails Listed at Just the facts, ma'am We Buy Good Used Sails Go to: and Marine Equipment www.latitude MINNEY’S YACHT SURPLUS and click on 1500 Newport Bl., Costa Mesa, CA 949-548-4192 • [email protected] “We keep boating affordable!”


McDermott Costa Insurance Orange Coast College ...... 48 Richardson Bay Marina ..... 143 Southwest Windpower ...... 158 Wedlock, Ramsay & Whiting ...... 141 Outboard Motor Shop ...... 78 Rodgers & Assoc...... 168 Sta-Lok Terminals ...... 97 Marine Surveyors ...... 170 McGinnis Insurance ...... 156 Owl Harbor Marina ...... 160 Rondar/Spinnaker Sailing Star Marine Electronics ...... 107 West Marine ...... 24, 26, 28 Milltech Mariane Inc...... 34 Oyster Cove Marina ...... 12 San Francisco ...... 58 Stem to Stern ...... 61 West Marine - Rigging...... 44 Minney’s Yacht Surplus ...... 174 Oyster Point Marina ...... 79 Rooster Sails ...... 174 Sterling Associates ...... 124 Westwind Precision Details ... 57 Modern Sailing School & Pacifi c Crest Canvas ...... 59 Sail California ...... 18, 19 Surveyor - Jesse Brody ...... 176 Whale Point Marine Club ...... 61 Supply ...... 60 Pacifi c Rigging ...... 77 Sail Warehouse, The ...... 125 Svendsen’s Marine ...... 30 Multihull Company, The ..... 176 White, Chris Designs ...... 172 Pacifi c Yacht Imports ...... 72 Sailrite Kits ...... 42 Swedish Marine ...... 40 Napa Valley Marina ...... 63 Wilcox Crittenden ...... 97 Pacifi c Yachting & Sailing .... 68 Sal’s Infl atable Services ...... 79 Tacktick ...... 27 New Era Yachts ...... 175 WinchRite/Sailology ...... 10 Pantaenius America, Inc. ... 168 San Francisco Boat Works ... 73 TMM Yacht Charters ...... 139 Nickle Atlantic/Froli Sleep San Juan Sailing ...... 138 Windrider ...... 71 Systems ...... 166 Paradise Village ...... 14 Tradewinds Sailing Sausalito Yacht Club ...... 20 School ...... 74 Windtoys ...... 67 Niello Company ...... 23 Passage Yachts ...... 5 Schaefer Marine ...... 71 Trident Funding ...... 47 Yachtfi nders/Windseakers ... 10 Norpac Yachts ...... 179 Pier 39 Marina ...... 38 Schooners North: Spike Ullman Sails ...... 65 Norstar Boats/Norstar 40 .... 59 Pineapple Sails ...... 3 Don't Africa ...... 143 Vallejo Marina ...... 103 Latitude North Beach Marine Pirate’s Lair ...... 133 forget sent you! Schoonmaker Point to Canvas ...... 57 Pittsburg Marina ...... 106 Vallejo Yacht Club ...... 15 Marina ...... 50 tell 'em… Variprop USA ...... 69 North Direct Sails ...... 107 Punta Mita Beachfront Sea Frost ...... 73 Condos ...... 142 Ventura Harbor North Sails - San Francisco . . 41 Seashine ...... 70 Quantum Pacifi c ...... 21 Boatyard...... 77 NCMA Pacifi c Powerboat Seatech ...... 172 Expo ...... 45 Quickline ...... 161 Vessel Electric ...... 168 South Beach Harbor ...... 54 Oakland Yacht Club ...... 78 Raiatea Carenage Viper Class - West Coast ..... 37 South Beach Riggers ...... 57 Opequimar Marine Services ...... 154 ...... 170 Center ...... 156

Page 174 • Latitude 38 • April, 2011 Sail · BROKERS · Power 6400 Marina Drive Phone (562) 594-9716 Long Beach, CA 90803 fl [email protected] Fax (562) 594-0710


55' BRUCE ROBERTS, '83 $239,000 34' HUNTER H340, '98 $74,900 CATALINA 380, '98, real nice $109,000 43' TASWELL, '89 $259,000 $239,000


57' BOWMAN, '78 $164,500 40' HUNTER PASSAGE CC, '98 $134,900 CF37, Transpac vet $34,900 34' PACIFIC SEACRAFT, '88 $104,000


41' FORMOSA CLIPPER, '80 $89,000 36' PEARSON, '86 $40,000 GEMINI CATAMARANS, 4 available 42' KIWI, '85 $39,000 APPROX. 100 LISTINGS ON OUR WEB SITE:

WOW! SPACIOUS John Beery Yachts

Specialist in Used Valiants 44' NAUTICAT 46' MORGAN Seller fi nancing, recent survey. Like new condition! at our docks in Alameda $179,000 Wonderful cruiser. $160,000 Valiant 50 Valiant 42 2001 1997

55' HALLMAN 43' MAPLE LEAF, 1984 Fast, strong. Custom high grade Wonderful liveaboard restoration. construction. Fabulous value. $99,500

REDUCED TRAWLER $625,000 $299,000 Both fully equipped for cruising. 42' CATALINA MKII, 2003 39' CHB TRAWLER, 1979 Three staterooms, rigged and Classic trawler appeal. ready to sail. Just $195,900 Asking $79,900 Ask for Dick May (510) 521-2727 [email protected]

POWER & SAIL 2415 Mariner Square Drive 2021 Alaska Packer Pl., Grand Marina, Alameda, CA 94501 Alameda, CA [email protected][email protected] (510) 523-5988 •

April, 2011 • Latitude 38 • Page 175 See us at

See us at

Let the world's largest international catamaran and trimaran brokerage, The Multihull Company, assist you with the purchase or sale of a multihull anywhere in the world. Jack London Square April 14-17 The Multihull Company offers several distinct differences, from its pioneering buyer/broker program developed by Jack London Square April 14-17 founder Phillip Berman, himself a World Champion catamaran racer and author, to its international print advertisements that reach just the right buyers and sellers of catamarans, to its monthly newsletters that actually help 43' CANTANA, 1999 36' PDQ, 1994 40' FUSION, 2010 readers understand the market, the latest trends in sailing, San Francisco, CA Vashon Island, WA Vancouver, BC and even tackle the recent controversies about electric $399,000 $149,000 $550,000 engines, helm station placement, daggerboards versus keels, etc., to our powerful online presence and social media know- how and U.S. and European boat show participation. Visit us at and see why The Multihull Company is truly the choice for sailors around the world. We offer even the casual browser the means to understand the market with expert videos, 40' SIMPSON, 2002 53' CATANA, 1994 35' FOUNTAINE PAJOT TOBAGO articles and an extensive selection of catamarans and Point Roberts, WA Newport Beach, CA 1994 Bainbridge Island, WA trimarans listed for sale. CAN $145,000 $499,000 $149,950 SAN FRANCISCO SEATTLE FT. LAUDERDALE CHARLESTON FRANCE TURKEY TRINIDAD TORTOLA ST. MARTIN Ph: 215-508-2704 Fax: 215-508-2706 email: [email protected] Priced to Sell at “Else-” MORE ENERGY! a Classic 1957 KEEP BATTERIES CHARGED! • KISS wind generators 40-ft Wooden Dutch Yawl • Solar panels and MORE ✦ TransPac veteran, extensive Pacifi c history USE BATTERIES EFFICIENTLY! ✦ African mahogany over white oak, • LED lights teak decks, bronze fastened • Engel fridge/ ✦ Incomplete restoration freezers For more details, visit • Wonder Wash and more (707) 428-6465 727.943.0424 Mathiesen Marine Bay Marine Survey, LLC For all of your electronics and electrical needs JeSSe Brody, SAMS-AMS Sales & Installation of all major brands of marine electronics • Pre-purchase and insurance condition & value surveys • Comprehensive inspections with detailed reports PC & Mac based • Based in Berkeley and serving all of San Francisco Bay Navigation Systems Electrical system Troubleshooting & Repair Corrosion issues, Inverters, Battery Banks 3300 Powell Street, Emeryville (510) 350-6622 415.342.0757

Page 176 • Latitude 38 • April, 2011 (510) 236-6633 HYLAS 46 (2002) Powerful, go-fast cruising yacht for sailors with ambitious fax: (510) 231-2355 • [email protected] • www. plans for comfortable offshore sailing. Set up for short-handed sailing, fully 530 W. Cutting Blvd., Pt. Richmond, CA 94804 equipped with essentially every option. Meticulously maintained. $429,000

HINCKLEY BERMUDA 40 MkII Yawl CB (1968) Bill Tripp design is highly regarded for classic FRERS 50’ CUTTER(1947) German Frers, Sr., founder of the Frers yacht design dynasty, designed beauty, superb workmanship and quality details. New sails, dodger, intelligently updated. and built this classic wooden cutter for his own personal use. Without regard to cost, she’s been Excellent condition. Asking $147,000 restored to better than new condition and shows true to her sailing heritage. Asking $295,000

BALTIC 42 DP (1984) Since 1973, Baltic Yachts of Finland have been building comfortable, NELSON MAREK CUSTOM A 92-ft aluminum world cruiser. safe, long distance cruisers with very good sailing and performance characteristics. Doug Recently repowered. Immaculate throughout and in perfect condition. Peterson design, superbly maintained, hull #29. Asking $149,000 $1,500,000

Long Beach-Naples 231 North Marina Dr. 866-569-2248 Newport Beach 829 Harbor Island Dr. 877-389-2248 Wilmington Berth 202 Peninsula Rd. 877-599-2248 Cell. 310-995-9989 ia Alerion Express Dealer thern Californ Your Sou


54' Jeanneau DS, 2006 50' Garden Steel Ketch, 1969 42' Catalina, 1991 $527,000 $149,000 $118,900 LONG BEACH LONG BEACH LA HARBOR

40' Beneteau, 2008 32' Catalina 320, 2005 28' Alerion Express, 2004 $185,000 $99,900 $79,500

April, 2011 • Latitude 38 • Page 177 Marotta Yachts of Sausalito Brokers of Fine Sail and Motor Yachts 415-331-6200 • [email protected] •

See at: See at: See at:


55' TAYANA CENTER COCKPIT CUTTER, 1988 Sturdy, well 42' HINCKLEY SOU'WESTER, 1989 Deep-keel performance 42' HINCKLEY SOU'WESTER CENTERBOARD, 1983. Well equipped vessel, outfi tted by knowledgeable owners for world cruis- sloop set up for shorthanded. Custom interior plan fi nished Herreshoff- equipped beauty shows bristol. Competitively priced; lying in transferable ing. Twin wind gen., solar panels, fi rst-class AP, and state-of-the-art style white formica bulkheads w/gloss varnished mahogany trim. Sausalito YH slip. Hood in-mast mainsail, electric winches, low hours on navigation aids will take her new owners anywhere. $299,000 Meticiously maintained and upgraded; rare on West Coast. $299,000 diesel, lovely Awlgripped hull, fl awless interior, etc., etc., etc. $297,000

See at: See at: See at:


53' HATTERAS, 1983 $150K+ spent on improvements. Stabi- 41' SCEPTRE RAISED CABINTOP CUTTER, 1985 40' BENETEAU FIRST 40.7, 2003 The First 40.7 combines lized motoryacht in perfect shape, well equipped including Naiad Professionally maintained local boat shows VERY nicely inside and the excitement of a sleek racer with all the comforts of a luxurious stabilizers and modern electronics, shows Bristol. Interior refi t, out. Leisure Furl in-boom system w/Hood main, Harken roller cruiser. This one is a well-equipped beauty that shows new inside Awlgrip, canvas & isinglass replaced, dinghy davit, etc. $279,000 furler and 105% Hood jib, updated electronics, more. $195,000 and out. She's the deep version (preferable for the Bay). $159,000

See at: See at: See at:


41' TARTAN, 1975 30' BABA, 1982 This Robert Perry-designed classic was de- 32' BENETEAU, 1995 Never cruised or chartered, this boat is This beautiful US-built performance-oriented classic is in fi ne signed as a yacht that could maintain a crew for extended passag- IMMACULATE, must see! Wing keel, spade rudder, keel-stepped shape, sails like a witch and is very competitvely priced – all in es without sacrificing the qualities that make for a great single- mast, roomy cockpit and fl awless cherry interior. Furling main, all a compelling package. $79,000 hander or weekender. Lying transferable Sausalito slip. $59,000 Harken roller furler, jib, rigging and dodger new in '04. $58,000

SeeSee at:at: See at: SeeSee at:at:

38' INGRID SLOOP, 1984 Clean, never cruised, one owner 38' C&C, 1980 C&C is known for producing fast, good looking 36' ISLANDER, 1981 One of the most popular 36' sailboats example of this classic John Atkins design. A modern adaptation of and well built boats, and this is a prime example: she shows very ever built, and this late model is VERY clean overall with her oiled pilot boats designed by Colin Archer for North Sea conditions, the nicely (especially her oiled Burma teak interior), is competitively teak interior showing almost as new, nice canvas and professionally Ingrid is the gold standard for capable cruisers. $49,000/Offers priced and sails like a witch – a very nice combination. $44,900 maintained brightwork. VERY competitvely priced at $34,500

See at: See at: See at:


33' C&C, 1977 Striking dark blue-hulled racer/cruiser with 1988 35' PEARSON SLOOP, 1981 Built in Rhode Island to typical 26' CHEOY LEE FRISCO FLYER, 1968 Built as a show boat diesel engine, roller furling main and jib, and wheel steering shows Pearson standards, this is one of the last 35s built and has been a for the Cheoy Lee distributor in Seattle, this is one of the nicest very nicely both inside and out. Fin keel, spade rudder, deck-stepped local boat since 1983. In very nice shape, priced right and lying in we've seen. One of the last built, fi berglass hull, raised cabin top. mast and club-footed jib. Motivated two-boat owner. $29,500 a transferable Sausalito Yacht Harbor slip. A nice package! $24,000 Repowered with Yanmar diesel, new main and rigging. $16,500

at 100 BAY STREET • SAUSALITO • CALIFORNIA 94965 since 1946 Providing CONSULTATION & BROKERAGE Services to NORPAC BUYERS & SELLERS in the Marine Community for over 50 YEARS!

REDUCED! YACHTS FOR MORE SEE OUR 1150 Brickyard Cove Rd., B9, Pt. Richmond, CA 94801 • FAX (510) 232-7202 (510) 232-7200 38' CLASSIC ENGLISH KETCH. Award winning email: [email protected] WEBSITE beauty, fine condition. Pitch pine over oak, copper riveted. Diesel, dodger, new teak decks, radar, gorgeous interior and MORE! $84,950


OLSON 30 30' GARY MULL CUSTOM sloop by Easom 34' CALIFORNIAN TRAWLER. Flybridge & PH helms, 41' CT-41. Exquisite example of this revered Garden A great racer/cruiser in nice shape, with lots of Boat Works. The Shadow, famous SF Bay racer twin dsls, 2 private strms, full convert. Aft enclosure, shower, design w/many custom features. Fiberglass, big dsl, goodies and a galvanized trailer. See our website completely rebuilt and in near new or better condition. full galley & MORE. Absolutely the nicest CA trawler we've teak deck, cabin heat & fi replace, tiled shower & head, at for vast equipment list Diesel, excellent cold-molded construction. Ready seen in decades. Great for running up or down the coast, gorgeous interior, alum. spars, full galley, refrigeration and many more photos. Asking $16,500 to cruise/race and WIN! Asking $74,950 living aboard, Delta & other cruising. Asking $49,950 & much MORE! MUST SEE… Asking $78,950

AS SEEN IN Visit us at BEAUTIFUL & FRIENDLY Brickyard Cove Marina REDUCED! WALL STREET JOURNAL SAIL 62' ELCO 1926 CLASSIC MOTORYACHT. 43' MATTHEWS, '65, diesel. A gem! Twin dsl, gorgeous, elegant, comfortable. Loaded and beautiful ...... Asking 69,450 100' MEGA SLOOP Custom Offshore Perfor- GREAT LIVEABOARD CRUISER. Must see! mance Cruiser. Comfort & luxury, spacious, 42' GRAND BANKS Twl. Aft cabin, F/B, Onan, REDUCED! Offers encouraged! ... 124,950 twin dsls, radar. Excellent ...... 121,000 sleeps 17, loaded and near new. GREAT 43' POLARIS Canoe-Stern Cutter. Proven cruiser. Established and unique SF Bay charter business CHARTER POTENTIAL!!! ...... Try 885,000 56' HOLIDAY MANSION Cruising Catamaran 36' SEA RAY 360 aft cabin fl y bridge express. Dsl, furling, wheel steering, full galley, 14'6" beam, featuring exotic dancers (girls and/or guys for ladies 58' ALDEN Boothbay Ketch. Center PH HOUSEBOAT. High-end custom interior, Twins. Nice & a GREAT VALUE. Asking 34,950 enclosed marine head w/shower, ship's table/settee, and/or gentlemen), liquor service, comfortable and twins and MORE! Motivated seller has cockpit, aft S/R, dsl, heavy glass, world 34' CLASSIC LAKE UNION DREAMBOAT. We windlass and a great deal more! Wonderful Robt. spacious charter yacht w/tasteful traditional styling/ reduced her to ...... 42,950/offers Perry design and a great opportunity. $94,950 decor. COI for 49 passengers. Turnkey operation; owner cruiser. AWESOME! ...... Asking 268,950 have TWO; a Blanchard and a Rathfon. Starting at a BARGAIN ...... 17,500 Asking retiring. Asking $295,000/pos. seller fi nancing. 33+' ROYAL HUISMAN ALUMINUM Cutter by 50' TRUMPY TRAWLER, Long range, great Alan Gurney: World class builder and designer. layout, 671 N-Series diesel. Needs TLC. A 33' CHRIS CRAFT Cavalier. Fresh twin GMC Yanmar diesel, new standing rig, nav station, great boat! ...... 44,950/offers Marine 350s and MORE! This is a good buy on a good boat ...... Asking 9,950 liferaft & MORE! Family emergency forces 50% 48' DUTCH CANAL Boat w/diesel main. REDUCED! PRICE SLASH. Must sell NOW! This is way too FANTASTIC SAUSALITO LIVEABOARD. Built in 28' BAYLINER 2850 FLYBRIDGE SEDAN. New cheap for this vessel! ...... Asking 19,250 steel by DeVries. Unique cruising liveaboard VOLVO/GM 300 hp V8, economical & 30+MPH reported. Just completely refurbished & refi tted 32' TAHITI KETCH, diesel, teak, partially for Bay and Delta. Comfort and character. to exceptional condition...... Asking 19,950 restored and a BARGAIN ...... Try 7,500 Tub, galley, fi replace, salon, convertible aft enclosure & MORE! . . REDUCED 209,950 27' FARALLON Pilothouse, '86. F/G, twin . These sturdy 'pocket cruis- 36' ISLANDER Slp. Well respected and outstandingly 31' BENETEAU 310 Sloop. Exquisitely clean. 5L V8s, fast and seaworthy. Just 24' BRISTOL CUTTER 45' STEPHENS 1929 classic. Beau- ers' have earned themselves an admirable bluewater poular Alan Gurney design. Wheel steering, dsl, full Top condition. Dsl, wheel, dodger, spinn., 2 sets detailed and very nice ...... Asking 51,950 dbl linefl ines w/pulpits, modifi ed fi n w/skeg-hung sail (1 near new), Furling lines led aft for short- tiful Gatsby-era motoryacht waiting to reputation. Equipped right: 3-axle HD trailer, 4-stroke rudder, self-tailers, rigged for short-handed sailing, handing, self-tailers & MORE!..44,950/Offers transport you back to the days of yacht- 22' ALUMINUM PLEASURE TUG. Buffl ehead engine, vane self-steering, F-10 heater, new dark green furling, well laid out and comfortable down below. ing in the grand style...... Try 75,000 live/cruise. Loaded ...... Asking 108,250 LPU, new rigging, solar & MORE! Asking $21,950 New trans, dodger and MORE! Asking $34,950 30' STEEL Slocum's Spray replica by Roberts. Dsl, new, unfi nished project ..14,900/Offers 30' TRIMARAN by Augnaught. Folding, trailer- able pocket cruiser. REDUCED. Asking 29,500 REDUCED! NOW IN LA PAZ! PERFORMANCE 30' RAWSON Cutter. Low hours diesel. Diesel range, much recent upgrading. Berth in Seattle's FRESH WATER Lake Washington w/sea access. New batteries, some new equipment still in box. Light/med Springtime 40' X-YACHTS X-119 HIGH-PERFORMANCE cosmetics due. Unusually robust fi berglass sloop. Renowned Danish performance cruiser/ construction. A solid & reliable Pacifi c Northwest racer. Loaded with gear & high tech sails. Prov- cruiser with decades of fun & adventure ahead 88' LUXURY MOTORSAILER Turkish Gulet Ketch. 7 57' BOWMAN Ketch. An AWESOME vessel completely en bluewater cruiser & race winner. $109,000 of her...... 19,950/Offers encouraged staterooms with heads, showers, air & heat, plus crew's equipped for world cruising. TOO MUCH TO LIST; must be quarters. New CAT diesel, auxilary genset. Large aft deck with seen. Has circumnavigated and also completed the Northwest POWER canopy and side curtains. Recent FULL REFIT. Big 22' beam Passage east to west. Seaworthy, comfortable and roomy, this BARGAIN! 130' CAMCRAFT Passenger Ship. Certifi ed and MORE! $1.2mil survey. Now Asking $349,900 is your ultimate bluewater cruising yacht. Asking $219,950 for 33 passengers overnight. Booked for the season. Virtual turnkey: Money and opportunity, working PNW ...... 2,200,000 SELL NOW! 101' STEEL TUG with beautiful SAUSALITO 36' STEEL HARTOG KETCH. Robust bluewater BERTH. Great YTB, operational, fantastic GO ANYWHERE cruising doubled-ender, 1985. Low hours diesel, opportunity. Loads of potential. Fabulous radar genset, air conditioning, watermaker, RIB value! ...... $44,950/obo and outboard, O/S liferaft, vane, wheel, pulpits, 2x course lifelines and MORE! GREAT BARGAIN on a go 100' Steel HIGH ENDURANCE ADVENTURE/ anywhere cruiser! Asking $34,950 CHARTER SHIP in Northern Caribbean. Turn-key operation. A great opportunity! MOTIVATED! ...... REDUCED! 1,374,950 REDUCED! 85' CLASSIC TUG, '23 Vancouver Shipyard. 44' STEELCanoe-stern cutter by Geo. Buhler/Fred Lagier & 49' CUSTOM Cold-Molded Ketch by Reliant. Beautiful Hankerson Recent CAT V-12 repower. Massive, beauti- Sons. John Deere diesel. Stout steel construction. Awesome design. Powerful and seaworthy bluewater cruiser in great shape. ful and seaworthy. Perfect for Classic Tug bluewater cruiser built to go to sea and stay there. Radar, Built '91. Yanmar diesel, furling, self-tailers, aux. genset, full galley, Yacht ...... 179,950/offers GPS, etc. Here's your world beater! Asking $89,995 full electonics and MORE! MUST BE SEEN. Asking $119,950

48' DUTCH CANAL BOAT by deVries Lentsch. Steel. CALL (510) 232-7200 OR FREE (877) 444-5087 Unique, comfortable cruiser for Bay/Delta. Dsl, tub, galley, fi replace, salon, convertible aft enclosure, beautiful decor, OR CALL GLENN DIRECT AT (415) 637-1181 MORE! LIVEABOARD. A GEM! Now asking $209,950 FOR INFORMATION AND APPOINTMENTS

April, 2011 • Latitude 38 • Page 179 looks like a free haul out to me. identify this and 8 other yacht parts and you could win a free haul out. visit kkmi at strictly sail jack london square april 14-17.

sausalito 415.332.5564 point richmond 510.235.5564