the secret handshake one full year album free download The Secret Handshake. Who? The Secret Handshake is the electronic pop creation of -based Luis Dubuc. Switching things up from the rock bands that dominated his high school years, the habitually hoodie-clad musician began laying down tracks in his bedroom studio, looking past his hardcore roots to embrace and . Late 2004 brought the album Antarctica , and after a follow up EP, Dubuc’s solo endeavor attracted the attention of the Triple Crown label. The Summer of ’98 EP marked his label debut in early 2007; One Full Year drops this week, shortly before dates (with a full band) alongside Jonezetta. What’s the Deal? Bringing along most of its 2007 EP for the ride, the Secret Handshake packs One Full Year to the gills with laser-lit tunes knowing no purpose but to turn any rock show into a hot-bodied dance party, as on the glittering “Lately.” But that party actually sounds more like the soundtrack to a post-millennial prom, where nostalgia for the past and eagerness for the future converge among bright squiggles, pulsing Pro Tools beats, and awkward kisses goodnight. The neon synths of the vocal-effected “Summer of ’98” instantly recall Hellogoodbye, while the digitized stomp of “Everyone Knows Everyone” could open a raging Cobra Starship gig. Fun Fact: You wouldn’t necessarily guess it by the sparkling realms of One Full Year , but prior to getting down as the Secret Handshake, Dubuc served as skinsman for Thirty Called Arson, a metal-laced hardcore outfit that released an album via Pluto Records in 2003. Now Hear This: The Secret Handshake – “Summer of ’98” Talk: Was your “Summer of ’98” worth remembering? songs you should have on your iPod – september 2, 2009. Well it’s September now. The site had a pretty good month last month. You guys have been faithfully keeping up with the site even when I can’t update it…so thank you very much. It’s also Wednesday which means I’m tossing some downloads your way. Here is some candy to feed your ears. #1. “Assistant to the Regional Manager” by The Devil Wears Prada off of With Roots Above And Branches Below . I’m really in to The Devil Wears Prada now and I’m completely okay with that. I think that With Roots Above is the best of their three albums [ Plagues (2007) & Dear Love: A Beautiful Discord (2006)] but I haven’t listened to all of A Beautiful Discord yet. This is one of my favorite songs from them. —> Download! #2. “Holiday From Real (Live from SIR)” by Jack’s Mannequin off of The Glass Passenger. I love Jack’s Mannequin. I’m a big fan of Something Corporate. And I think Andrew McMahon might be one of my heroes [he had intense throat cancer, was told he’d never speak again let alone sing, and he fully recovered]. This song is really great, and it makes you think. —> Download! #3. “Summertime” by Mae off of Destination: Beautiful . I felt this song was fitting. Goodbye Summer ’09…I’d be fine with you never coming back. —> Download! #4. “This Is Who We Are” by Hawthorne Heights off of If Only You Were Lonely . I figured I’d give a throw back to some old (sort of) Emo music. Enjoy kiddies and reminisce to the days when painting your nails black and wearing black hooded sweatshirts was considered cool and socially acceptable. —> Download! #5. “Summer of ’98” by The Secret Handshake off of One Full Year . I love this song. You will too. —> Download! #6. “Crunchy Black Did Me In At Midnight” by The Tony Danza Tap Dance Extravaganza off of The Electric Boogaloo . My dear friend Terence got me in to Tony Danza Tap Dance Extravaganza a few months ago on our way to Best Buy. This isn’t my favorite song by them by any stretch of the imagination, but this song is still pretty legit. —> Download! #7. “California Love” by Tupac off of 15 Years On Death Row . I first heard this song as a cover done by My American Heart [on the Punk Goes Crunk album] and then a few days later, I heard it on the radio in all of its Tupac glory. I like that he mentions practically every city in California, almost like a geography lesson. Thanks Mr. Shakur. —> Download! #8. “10 Signs You Should Leave” by Emmure off of Goodbye To The Gallows . I just started getting in to Emmure. This is the song Kelly suggested first and it got me interested…so I figured I’d try the same. Enjoy? —> Download! And possibly one of the bands I’m most excited about discovering… #9. “Comfortably Confused” by I See Stars off of 3-D . I’ll tell you all about I See Stars in an upcoming post, don’t you worry. Just download the song, and don’t ask questions. Enjoy. —> Download! Well that’s the list for the week. I hope you enjoy. I tried to get a little better mix this time around. [SOMEONE complained about the same bands being on there repeatedly…which I guess could get annoying.] Anyway, enjoy. I kind of want to talk about Gay Marriage…but it isn’t really music related. Should I talk about it? ap tour fall ball 09. Well, I just bought two tickets to the Alternative Press Fall Ball 09…and I’m not going to lie: I’m friggin stoked. The tour is being co-headlined by and The Academy Is… and it is also featuring Set Your Goals , The Secret Handshake , and You Me At Six . So in this post, I’m just going to introduce the bands to you, the reader, and tell you why you should try and go to this. Mayday Parade – Rather than save the best for last, I’ll start out with the best. (If you haven’t been able to tell over the course of the past few months, I really like Mayday Parade…and that is an understatement). Anyway, Mayday Parade is an alternative band from Tallahassee, Fl. formed in 2005. They have one full length album out right now: A Lesson In Romantics and a new album coming out October 6, 2009: Anywhere But Here . On August 4th, the album’s first single, “The Silence”, was released on iTunes for 99¢ …so go but it? (It’s worth it. I bought it today… and it’s practically perfect. I can’t wait for their new album) The Academy Is… – The Academy Is…is an alternative band from Chicago, Ill formed in 2003. I really like TAI and I have for years. I saw them at Warped Tour in 2006 and I really enjoyed it. They have three full length albums: Almost Here (2005), Santi (2007), and Fast Times at Barrington High (2008). Set Your Goals – I just recently discovered Set Your Goals, thanks to my friend Kelly. Set Your Goals is a hardcore band from the San Francisco Bay Area, Ca. I don’t quite know what to make of Set Your Goals…I mean I like them for the most part, but I’m not a big fan of their new album: This Will Be The Death Of Us (2009) and definitely prefer their debut album: Mutiny! (2006) [but that may be for the very fact that the name is much cooler]. The Secret Handshake – I’ve only heard one song by him (I think) and I really enjoyed it: “Summer of ’98”. The Secret Handshake is an electropop (not techno) music project from Dallas, Tex. He (yes, The Secret Handshake is one person) has three full length albums: Antarctica (2004), One Full Year (2007), and My Name Up In (2009). You Me At Six – …I don’t have any clue who this is at all. I’m not going to sit here and act all elitist about a band that I, frankly, have never even heard of. I am, however, going to go listen to them after I post this. you me at six (apparently this is how they are known) is an emo/punk band from Surrey, England. They have one full length album: Take Off Your Colours (2008) [and clearly by the spelling you can conclude that they are indeed English]. Well…I’m definitely going to this (even though I only want to see Mayday Parade and The Academy Is…). I’m really looking forward to Halloween (which is when they play the NorVa! Woop Woop!) For more information about Fall Ball 09, go to – the website. Thanks for paying attention. Possibly debuting a new author to the blog?? Or I’m possibly going to talk about how great Say Anything is (the band not the movie)…although I do like John Cusack. Maybe I’ll talk about both… So remember a few months back when I said The Format needed to get back together? Well…they sort of did and by sort of did, I mean Nate Ruess got together with some friends and made a new band. Enter fun. fun. is Nate Ruess [of the Format], Andrew Dost [of Anathallo], and Jack Antonoff [of Steel Train]. Aim and Ignite is the debut album due to be released on August 25, 2009. But! Since the internet is full of impatient douchebags [myself included], the album was somehow leaked to YouTube on August 3 for all the world to enjoy for free [I do not condone stealing music, however, I do it all the time. Atleast I pay for the music of bands I care about. For a list of those bands, email me.] Anyway, Aim and Ignite is way better than I thought it would be. After I heard “Atleast I’m Not As Sad (As I Used To Be)” back in May, I was skeptical. I didn’t think that the entire album could be as eloquently put together as the carnival sounds I heard on that track, but I was wrong. I love the fact that fun. sounds like a carnival. [this way I can feel like I’m there, without the fear of being “surprise sexed” by clowns]. My favorite track on the album is the opener but I think it might only be because of the musical interlude for the first twenty seconds. [on second thought, the whole track is fantastic]. The whole album is basically a reminder of how good music should make us feel. I don’t want to go in to too much detail about it since, you know, it hasn’t been released yet. If I had to give this a rating [out of 10], I’d give it an 8 out of 10 . I’m really looking forward to what fun. has to offer in the future [and I’m still not so secretly praying that the Format gets back together]. So sadly there will be no download for today, but have no fear, there will be one tomorrow. THE AP TOUR FALL BALL 09!! The Academy Is… Set Your Goals Mayday Parade The Secret Handshake You Me At Six. The Secret Handshake. The Secret Handshake is the musical project of self-taught musician Luis Dubuc, who began performing under the name in the early 2000s. Dubuc first got his start playing in a couple of bands with his friends, most notably spending time as the drummer. The Secret Handshake does not have any albums. Search Myspace. Your search did not return any results. Please try again. You're now in slide show mode. Hitting < pauses the slideshow and goes back. Hitting > pauses the slideshow and goes forward. SPACEBAR resumes the slideshow. Press ESC to exit. Sign in to Myspace. Use Facebook, Twitter or your email to sign in. Don't have a Myspace account yet? No worries, joining is easy. Forgot your password? Password request sent. Join Myspace. Getting in is easy. Use one of your social networks or start fresh with an email address. Already have a Myspace account? Sign in. Join with your email address. You're almost ready. We loaded your account with your Facebook details. Help us with just a few more questions. You can always edit this or any other info in settings after joining. You're almost ready. We loaded your account with your Twitter details. Help us with just a few more questions. The Secret Handshake. The Secret Handshake is the musical project of self-taught musician Luis Dubuc, who began performing under the name in the early 2000s. Dubuc first got his start playing in a couple of bands with his friends, most notably spending time as the drummer. The Secret Handshake does not have any songs. Search Myspace. Your search did not return any results. Please try again. You're now in slide show mode. Hitting < pauses the slideshow and goes back. Hitting > pauses the slideshow and goes forward. SPACEBAR resumes the slideshow. Press ESC to exit. Sign in to Myspace. Use Facebook, Twitter or your email to sign in. Don't have a Myspace account yet? No worries, joining is easy. Forgot your password? Password request sent. Join Myspace. Getting in is easy. Use one of your social networks or start fresh with an email address. Already have a Myspace account? Sign in. Join with your email address. You're almost ready. We loaded your account with your Facebook details. Help us with just a few more questions. You can always edit this or any other info in settings after joining. You're almost ready. We loaded your account with your Twitter details. Help us with just a few more questions. The Secret Handshake. The Secret Handshake is the musical project of self-taught musician Luis Dubuc, who began performing under the name in the early 2000s. Dubuc first got his start playing in a couple of bands with his friends, most notably spending time as the drummer for metallic hardcore unit Thirty Called Arson, who released the album You're Only a Rebel from the Waist Down through Pluto Records in 2003. Inspired by artists like Michael Jackson and Daft Punk, he eventually began writing and recording some songs on the side in his Dallas-based bedroom with just a laptop and Wurlitzer to assist him. By November 2004, Dubuc had self-released his first full-length album, entitled Antarctica. Less than a year later, he followed up with the EP This Is Bigger Than You and I, which was issued through Doll House Recordings. Momentum began building around his quirky electro laptop pop/rock, at times resembling Hellogoodbye's antics and resonating with emo kids looking for a good time. Another EP, Summer of '98 (as in the summer before he started high school), was released in early 2007 through New York's Triple Crown Records, anchored by the vocoder-heavy title track. Dubuc worked closely with his friend Cory Kilduff (from the Rise) on the album, which also contained remixes by acts like the Dillinger Escape Plan and Spank Rock's Ronnie Darko. The Secret Handshake, whose live show includes a full band, spent fall 2007 on the road with Jonezetta.