Thomas STANBRIDGE B1757 Source Usage Report 2018-05-07
Source Usage Report for Thomas STANBRIDGE b1757 Source Title: 1757-10-08 Birth of Thomas STANBRIDGE b1757 Repository: Citation: 1757-10-08 Birth of Thomas STANBRIDGE b1757, Parish registers of Ardingly, Sussex. 1558-1812, ed. Gerald W.E. Loder, 1913 [digitized book online] Internet Archive ( parishregisterso00ardiuoft_djvu.txt : accessed 28 June 2015), entry for baptism of T. 1757 - Oct. 28 Thomas s. of Walter & Mary Stanbridge ; b. the 8 th day. parishregisterso00ardiuoft_djvu.txt. STANBRIDGE, Thomas Name: STANBRIDGE, Thomas Birth: 08 Oct 1757 in Ardingly, Sussex, England; birth date included in baptism record Source Title: 1757-10-28 Baptism for Thomas STANBRIDGE b1757 Repository: Citation: 1757-10-28 Baptism for Thomas STANBRIDGE b1757, Parish Registers of Ardingly, Sussex, 1558-1812, edited by Gerald W.E. Loder [digitized book online] Internet Archive at parishregisterso00ardiuoft_djvu.txt on June 20, 2011). Another copy of this bo. 1757 Oct. 28 Thomas s. of Walter & Mary Stanbridge ; b. the 8 th day. STANBRIDGE, Thomas Name: STANBRIDGE, Thomas Baptism: 28 Oct 1757 in Ardingly, Sussex, England Source Title: 1780-03-03 Marriage for Jane WESTON and Thomas STANBRIDGE from FamilySearch Repository: Citation: 1780-03-03 Marriage for Jane WESTON and Thomas STANBRIDGE from FamilySearch, England, Select Marriages, 1538–1973 [database on-line] Ancestry ( : accessed 10 July 2015), entry for Thomas Stanbridge and Jane Weston, married 3 March 1780 in Sussex, West Hoathly; citing FamilySearch, England, Marriages, 1538–197. STANBRIDGE, Thomas Marr: 03 Mar 1780 in West Hoathly, Sussex, England Source Title: 1780-03-03 Marriage for Jane WESTON and Thomas STANBRIDGE from SFHG Index Repository: Citation: 1780-03-03 Marriage for Jane WESTON and Thomas STANBRIDGE from SFHG Index, Sussex Marriage Index up to 1837 [CD-ROM] Sussex Family History Group.
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