Glimpses of Our Ancestors in Sussex
..•• .-•^T-— !|f Glimpses OF OUR Sussex Ancestors SBCOJVD SERIES. ILLUSTRAI'1-JD "••^-•^-w ^^ Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Glimpses of our Ancestors in Sussex AND Gleanings in East and West Sussex. Printed i;t Fakncombe & Co., Lewes. The Pelham Monument, in St. ]\Iichael's Church, Lewes. GLIMPSES OK OUR ANCESTORS in SUSSEX; AND GLEANINGS IN EAST & WEST SUSSEX. BY C H ARLE S FLEET, ^' Author of Tales and Sketches,^' "The City Merchant," 6^c. ILLUSTRATED. ' ' I have some rights of memory in this County,' Which now to claim my vantage doth invite me." — Sliukipeare. SECOND SERIES. LEWES: " " FARNCOMBE & CO., PRINTERS, EAST SUSSEX NEWS OFFICES. 1883. P R E FA C E HE favor with which the first Volume of Glimpses of our Ancestors in Sussex was received by the Public and the Press has encouraged the Author to issue a Second Volume, partly devoted to the same class of subjects which fill the first volume and partly to subjects of a more descriptive and topographical character. Trusting that an equal measure of indulgence will be extended to this as was received by the former publication, the Author leaves it to the kind judgment of the Public. 1C59?SS ERRATUM. Noble Sussex Family," read,— At page 13, line 27, of "A "This Ducal Pelham married the Lady Mary Godolphin, the Duke of "a grand-daughter of John Churchill, great "Marlborough." DEDICATED, BY PERMISSION, TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE HENRY THOMAS PELHAM (EARL OF CHICHESTER), Lord Lieutenant of the County of Sussex. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS.
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