ONLINE INFLUENCE GRID of ARGENTINIAN POLITICS: the Humanization of Political Candidates February, 2016
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ONLINE INFLUENCE GRID OF ARGENTINIAN POLITICS: The humanization of political candidates February, 2016 BARCELONA BOGOTA BUENOS AIRES LIMA LISBON MADRID MEXICO CITY MIAMI PANAMA CITY QUITO RIO J SAO PAULO SANTIAGO STO DOMINGO Index Introduction 3 Government Campaign and 4 Communication Online Influence 5 What really matters is not getting to 6 the top, but learning how to stay there The influence on the network: 7 Tables and graphs Team of Specialists 13 Introduction Digital Identity may be defined as all information on Despite trailing behind opponent Daniel Scioli and, a specific person which is available on the Internet notably, behind former President Cristina Fernandez, as (personal data, pictures, records, news, comments, etc.) regards the number of followers on social networks, the and which shapes the profile of the aforementioned current Argentine President, Mauricio Macri, ultimately individual on the digital front. “Owning” that managed to come out on top. After almost two months information is key for the management of our personal working as President, he has already become the most reputation, particularly when important political offices influential political figure in Argentina. such as the Presidency are at stake. This survey was carried out by the Digital and Public The Online Argentine Political Influence Grid shows Affairs Areas and aimed at providing a cross-cutting how the 2.0 personality of important actors in this field look at a process that goes beyond the political sphere and their relationship with the digital environment, and involves the daily lives of the whole Argentine have impacted the 22N electoral results. nation. 3 Government Campaign and Communication The concept of “Permanent Campaign” – promoted by is what generates value: the social network “liveliness” consultants James Carville and Dick Morris when they is generated by its users and the way in which they use arrived to Argentina following the 2001 crisis – became these platforms. Internet and, more specifically, social particularly important in the new political arena, networks enable candidates to achieve a closer relation marked by the recent elections which were governed and a more appropriate space to hold conversations. by 2.0 communications. Joaquin Molla, advertising manager of the Cambiemos campaign told the Diario It is true that politicians may face greater risks in the La Nacion that a good political campaign is the one that digital domain, but adopting a passive approach in this makes the candidate win. Brutal honesty or professional regard does not protect them from criticism. On the simplicity. In short, the challenge will be implementing contrary, the lack of an online presence means that it this approach in government communication. will be others who will manage their defense. Thus, they will not be able to take advantage of situations 2015 was the year of elections for Argentina. According which could lead to opportunities in the field of to Facebook, the South American country has become digital management. A digital identity requires time, the third most politicized nation and this conclusion efforts and, above all, a strategy. Societies have become is illustrated by the conversations which mainly took more critical. Politicians had never drawn as much place on social networks, a domain in which over half attention as they currently do; they now are very much of the population have an active account. Thousands of in the public eye in a constant manner. Therefore, a Argentinians supported or opposed the aforementioned well-planned digital identity became an instrumental political figures. Social networks are digital platforms element for the development of the electoral battle and which become spaces for conversation, each with a proper democratic environment. This digital identity a specific format and language (some favor a more will not merely be one of the most important assets for textual approach, while others are more audiovisual- politicians during the campaign, but will also affect the friendly). The humanization generated in each of them field of political management. 4 Online Influence Online influence is a combination of many variables, Cambiemos: Mauricio Macri, María Eugenia Vidal, including engagement. Having millions of followers Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, Lilita Carrió, Ernesto Sanz, does not ensure a real connection with users. Patricia Bullrich, Gabriela Michetti, Laura Alonso, Communicational strategies become relevant thanks Esteban Bullrich and Julio Cobos. to interactions with users which shall be achieved by generating content. Prior to the 22N elections, the head In his inaugural speech in the Legislative Assembly, of Cambiemos clearly led the ranking of Argentinian President Mauricio Macri asked to hold dialogues politicians on Facebook, with almost 3 million with both the people who supported him and those followers and 1,300,000 people talking about him. who did not. This “willingness to listen” is in line with approaches implemented in the digital sphere However, “Frente para la Victoria” led the conversation and with the approaches has little to do with the 1.0 on Twitter. The former President had over 4 million format promoted during the “Kirchner” administration. followers, by herself, and combined with those of her Although the latter extensively used all social candidate, Daniel Scioli, amounted to over 5,200,000 networks (notably, Facebook and Twitter), it was a followers. It was @danielscioli who topped the list of one-way communication and it merely conveyed the most RTs (retweets), even surpassing messages to thousands of recipients. A clearly @CFKArgentina. The environment is critical in order top-down approach which did not promote interaction. to convey messages and expand the networking opportunities. The horizontal approach promoted by Cambiemos seems to be a feature of its managerial approach. Cambiemos was the political party which better High-impact measures such as the proposal of understood the concept of “humanization” on social potential candidates to fill in the Supreme Court were networks and also figured out that the key lied in the also influenced by the reaction of online users. The conversation, the image and to demonstrate through response of the public opinion entailed a review of the deeds and not merely through words. During the measure. A rather uncommon situation if we compare electoral process, 10 of the 20 most influential political it to the last years of governance carried out by the leaders in the digital domain were members of previous Argentine President. Figure 1. 10 most influential politicians during the electoral process 1. DANIEL SCIOLI 2. CRISTINA KIRCHNER 3. MAURICIO MACRI 4. SERGIO MASSA 5. FLORENCIO RANDAZZO 6. M. EUGENIA VIDAL 7. MARGARITA STOLBIZER 8. HORACIO R. LARRETA 9. ELISA CARRIÓ 10. SERGIO URIBARRI Source: own elaboration 5 What really matters is not getting to the top, but learning how to stay there The new Government is characterized by plurality: With dialogue as the cornerstone of this new cycle one of the most distinguishing features of social of the first steps taken by the recently elected networks. Politicians from the radical movement Argentine leader did not merely differ from what enhance the plurality of the Cambiemos coalition. the former President had done until the night prior The appointment of important corporate figures to handing over power to Macri; this new approach in the management team also shows differences based on active listening may completely refute a with previous approaches: a higher number of men statement made by Machiavelli which is often used and women from specialized sectors –engineers, in modern politics: “It is better to be feared than economists and accountants– and less lawyers. loved”. From a dominant leader to a caring one. Beyond the professional experience, this clearly From vertical communication towards horizontal shows that a pure management approach is not approaches. From 1.0 to 2.0. 2017 will show whether valid and vice versa. Taking a negotiating stance, people will like and follow those who are able to trying to achieve agreements and consensus will be master these digital tools and not those who merely critical in order to strengthen management. use them. Figure 2. 10 most influential leaders in the new political context 1. MAURICIO MACRI 2. CRISTINA KIRCHNER 3. SERGIO MASSA 4. DANIEL SCIOLI 5. HORACIO R. LARRETA 6. M. EUGENIA VIDAL 7. FLORENCIO RANDAZZO 8. ANÍBAL FERNÁNDEZ 9. MARTÍN SABBATELLA 10. ELISA CARRIÓ Source: own elaboration 6 The influence on the network Figure 3. Grid of the politicians with an influence rating over 30 points during the electoral process 20 30 KICILLOF, Axel - 58.5 BOSSIO, Diego - 58.8 CAPITANICH, Jorge - 54.1 40 INSAURRALDE, Martín - 59.0 DE PEDRO, Eduardo - 53.1 50 KIRCHNER, Alicia - 59.6 LUBERTINO, María José - 52.3 BULLRICH, Esteban - 59.8 60 MUSSI, Patricio - 50.6 FILMUS, Daniel - 62.0 URTUBEY, Juan Manuel - 50.0 70 URIBARRI, Sergio - 62.8 DAS NIEVES, Mario - 50.0 80 RODRÍGUEZ LARRETA, Horacio - 71.0 VALENZUELA, Diego - 50.0 90 VIDAL, María Eugenia - 72.8 MASSA, Sergio - 85.0 100 RANDAZZO, Florencio - 80.5 STOLBIZER, Margarita - 71.8 MACRI, Mauricio - 90.8 BRAUN, Miguel - 32.5 CARRIÓ, Elisa - 67.1 KIRCHNER, Cristina - 92.5 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 SANZ, Ernesto - 62.3 SCIOLI, Daniel - 96 REDRADO, Martín - 40.5 BULLRICH, Patricia - 62.0 BINNER, Hermes - 60.8 100 LAVAGNA, Roberto - 41.3 MICHETI, Gabriela -