Argentina: The National Congress under the gaze of a lame duck ?

Buenos Aires, April 2015



In 2015 we could witness the end of a political process called 1. INTRODUCTION “Kirchnerism”, which has governed Argentine for 12 years in a 2. KIRCHNERISM AND LEGISLATIVE row, and which was started by Nestor Kirchner in 2003 and then POWER continued by his wife Cristina Fernández de Kirchner for two 3. THE CONGRESS IN 2014 more terms. 4. EXPECTATIONS FOR 2015 5. ¿AND WHAT ABOUT 2016? This year will also be a period deeply influenced by electoral 6. UNANSWERED QUESTIONS politics. The Argentinian Constitution prevents a new reelection of the current President. This means the President is living her last year in office and December the 10th 2015 it will be the last AUTHOR day of her term.

We could have a second round on the elections which are always formed by the primary elections and the first round: this second round is known as the Ballotage or second round1. To this possible second round we need to add the provincial and municipal elections. In the most populated districts the elections will be divided (Federal capital, Cordoba, Mendoza and Santa Fe).

Apart from the new President, new seats for the National Congress will also be elected. So far, the governing party rules the legislative agenda and is in possession of a majority of one's own although with a lower number of parliamentarians.

The Constitution defines the legislative power as one of the three powers of the State and gives it different power like for example, financial and economic prerogatives like setting taxes, loans, pass the State’s budget, arrange the payment of the external debt and legislate in the area of customs.

This Congress full of faculties according to the Constitution is set on a country with a strong presidential influence. Whenever the country goes through good times regarding the public opinion the executive power will always have primacy over the legislative power and will set its agenda.

This article analyzes the relationship and use of the National Congress since 2003 by the government. It includes key laws, big debates, the current scenario and the perspectives for 2016 with the appointment of a new President. para 2016, con la asunción de un nuevo presidente.

1 As established in the Electoral Code (Art. 149) the President will be the one who obtains more than 45% of the valid votes cast or who obtains 40% of the votes and a difference of over 10% regarding the second most voted candidate.


2. KIRCHNERISM AND • Kirchnerism legislative LEGISLATIVE POWER majority (December “The Kirchnerism 2005–December 2009 / Since the Kirchnerism period December 2011– December government has started, the relationship with 2015): The Kirchnerism enjoyed eight years of the legislative power has government has enjoyed legislative majority” changed according to the eight years of legislative number of legislators sided majority. During these with the government’s party, periods the Congress has the (FPV). worked according to the This variable relationship has President’s government existed all along the Kirnchner agenda. Thus, opposing government and has moved parties have not had the from pragmatism to idealism opportunity to stop certain several times. We can identify projects or proposing three different periods of this minimal reforms to others. variable relationship: By holding with strength • Beginning of the its majority and imposing Kirchnerism (May 2003 a strict party discipline - December 2005): Due to (avoiding internal fissures), the absence of a legislative the FPV managed to pass all majority the Front for the legislative proposals done Victory had to negotiate by the Pink House (mansion with several political forces and office of the President) in order to accomplish the and sometimes the proposals necessary laws to start the were passed without government. Among these amendments; as they were laws we can highlight the presented to the Congress. declaration of invalidity of the Due Obedience Several laws with high and Full Stop Acts, the impact and importance delegation of legislative in society have been power and changes on the passed along these years. convertibility regime. Some examples are the nationalization of YPF and Moreover, the ruling party the Argentine Airlines; profited the political the same sex marriage context of weakness Act, the reforms on the regarding the opposing Civil and Commercial parties which were deeply Code; the Memorandum of affected by the 2001 crisis Understanding signed with that took the Radical party Iran; the nationalization of (with more than 100 years pension funds (AFJP) and of history) to a deep crisis. the Pension hike Bill.


• Opposition majority and 82% adjustable wage for block strategy (December retired people or the “Ley “Regarding the 2009 – December 2011): Glaciares”. The elections in 2009 legislative activity, 2014 reflected the social climate The main characteristics was a revitalizing year” of protests during 2008 of the Congress since 2003 and the Kirchnerism have been: lost its majority in the Chamber of Deputies2. »» Passing bills with a high From this moment until social impact although 2011, the Kirchnerism most of them were blocked the activation of drafted and proposed the Congress thanks to by the executive branch the lack of coordination and suffered few of the opposition which amendments during was formed by different their legislative process. political parties with different ideologies. »» Delegating economic faculties to the The heterogeneous group Executive power. A formed by all those legislators opposing »» Having an agenda set Kirchnerism had to face a by the executive power compact pro-government when the government’s group in the Chamber of party held the majority Deputies which stopped and almost a total block them from meeting their when the opposition legislative agenda with no held the majority. quorum in the debates. »» Opposition –through As for the Senate, where action or omission– it maintained its majority, with few chances to act. the FPV tried to block the main initiatives that the 3. THE CONGRESS IN 2014 opposition had managed to propose thanks to some THE PERIOD 132 IN FIGURES unusual allies. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner Regarding the legislative vetoed all the opposition’s activity, 2014 was a revitalizing project that her party year: there were 42 sessions –20 (FPV) had not managed in the Chamber of Deputies to block, such as the and 22 in the Senate–, which

2 While it still held the majority in the Parliament and forecasting this possible scenario, between June and December 2009 the FPV passed all the laws the Government needed. Some of them were emblematic such as the nationalization of the pension funds and the Media Act. Other laws were part of the management of the country such as the Economic Emergency Act which was passed after the political and economic crisis in 2001 and which has been later extended along the years.


means an increase by 50% It also allows it to apply regarding the previous year. penalties to those who “Only 12% of the Acts increase prices without According to the number of the justification of a costs’ passed where proposed Acts passed –a total of 184 increase or to those who by the opposition” Acts– we can say that the control goods and refuse revitalization of the Argentine selling. Congress comes from the efforts of the FPV to give more • A jurisdiction for power to the Legislative branch, consumers: Create a which absorbed a great part of jurisdiction to manage the political debate in 2014. consumers’ claims.

The opposition accused the • Agreement with Repsol Government of using the to nationalize YPF: After Congress as an “inkstand” the negotiations started without opportunities to by the Pink House in 2012, debate. If we analyzed all the there was an agreement Acts passed we can observe to pay a compensation of that, in fact, 88% of the Acts 5.000 million of dollars passed (162) were proposed by to the Spanish company. the governing party as a whole The opposition did not (the Government and the FPV). agree with the amount On the other hand, according to or the conditions of the the last review of the Fundación agreement. Directorio Legislativo3, only 12% of the Acts passed where • Legal digest: This regulation proposed by the opposition and reorganizes the Argentinean they did not mean great political, legal system. From the economic or social changes. 30,000 existing laws only 10% were applicable after the Among those Acts with a reorganization. higher impact proposed by the Government we can highlight: • State’s responsibility in the concession of public • Supply Bill: This project services: This regulation was firmly rejected by the limits the responsibility business sector. It meant of the State regarding the the update of an Act damage caused to the goods from 1974 which enables or rights of individuals by the Executive branch to its activities. set profit margins and reference prices at any stage Regarding the topics of the of the economic process. Acts passed in 2014, more than

3 The Fundación Directorio Legislativo is a foundation specialized in Parliamentary issues with more than 15 years of experience monitoring the National Congress’s work, sessions, voting and activities.


a half belong to International the initiatives proposed by the Treaties and declarations by the Government. As to examples Legislative branch. we can mention against the Criminal Code and THE POLITICAL PARTIES’ Ernesto Sanz (UCR) against the SCENARIO AND SEATS Supply Bill. DISTRIBUTION: WHAT HAPPENED TO THE MAIN TWELVE EMBLEMATIC ACTS OF POLITICAL GROUPS? THE KIRCHNERISM:

Although some rumors pointed • Media Law. its possible dismemberment due to the irruption of the Renewal • Nationalization of the Front (Frente Renovador) lead Pensions regime (AFJPs). by Sergio Massa4, the FPV maintained a strong cohesion • Argentinian Airlines among its legislators and nationalization. thanks to a strict discipline, during 2014, the FPV achieved • The nationalization of YPF. most of the projects launched by the Pink House. • Same sex marriage.

Topics of the Acts passed At the beginning of the 131 • Political and electoral legislative year the quorum was reform. 13% not a problem. However, over 55% the months it became more • Package of laws to protect 3% complicated and by the end of consumers (supplies). the year the FPV needed to turn 8% to unusual allies. • Judicial reform or “Judicial democratization” (declared On the other hand, the unconstitutional in Court). 5% opposition managed to gather a great part of its most important • Reform of the Civil and personalities around Sergio Commercial Code. 13% Massa (Renewal Front), Hermes Binner (Socialist party) and Elisa • Invalidity of the Due 3% Carrió and Gabriela Michetti Obedience and Full Stop Acts. (PRO) among others. They all unified a great part of their • Memorandum of International Treaties and declarations speeches and worked mainly as Understanding signed with Industry a whole against the Government Iran. General legislation political forces. Some leaders Treasury imposed themselves against • Money laundering. Agriculture and Environment Health 4 Others The Renewal Front (FR) comes from the and was created in 2013 and lead by Sergio Massa. Mr. Massa was in that time mayor of Tigre and former Chief of the Source: Legislative Directory- Financial Pa- Nation’s Cabinet in 2009. This party (FR) gathers mayors from the north of Buenos Aires. norama


4. EXPECTATIONS FOR 2015 projects are a great part of the Government’s annual agenda, The Government’s forces which can help us to know still hold a small majority which will be the important to support its model. They issues for 2015. have their own seats in the Parliament and faithful During her last speech in the allies. Together with a party Legislative Assembly (March Distribution of seats in discipline and a correct 2015), President Cristina the Chamber of Deputies assistance, it will enable them Fernández de Kirchner was to continue passing new strongly critical regarding 20 6 legislative initiatives. However, the Argentinian Justice: she 138 36 we need to take into account accused the Justice of delaying 23 the electoral agenda which will in the case of covering up take most of the attention of the attack against the AMIA 19 those legislators who want to (Argentine Israelite Mutual 9 be reelected. If we look back Association) in 1994; she 6 into the recent history of criticized the opposition’s Argentina, in such periods, the behavior regarding the FPV + Allies Congress oscillated between commercial agreements PRO Union periods of hibernation and with China and gave an CC-SUMA+ periods of hyperactivity. overview of the “management UCR achievements” over the past Renewal Front (FR) Regarding the possible topics 12 years of the Kirchnerism UNEN of management and taken government. Peronism no Kirchnerism into account the government’s Left wing opacity to reveal political “We have finally paid the strategies, it is important that Argentinian debt. We will never we analyze the opening of again, take debt to pay debt. If the ordinary sessions of the we need to take debt that will Distribution of seats in Parliament that are held every be for developing”, said Cristina the Senate first of March. In these opening Fernández de Kirchner. She also sessions President Fernández mentioned other achievements 13 43 de Kirchner explains the such as the construction of situation of the country and the satellite ARSAT-1 (the first 6 gives the agenda of important satellite managed and made in 7 issues for the government. Argentina; the nationalization of the Argentinian Airlines, the 3 According to data provided new Media Law and the State for by Fundación Directorio rural workers (amongst others). FPV + Allies Legislativo, in the opening UCR sessions held between 2008 and Along her speech the President FAP 2014, the President announced mentioned four different PJ Dissident 26 different projects. Twenty legislative initiatives to be sent PRO Union of them became laws. These to the Congress.


• Nationalization of all rail way • Initiative regarding the stock lines in the country. market. She announced some reforms to the 5965/63 • Made a law of the 915/10 Decree-Law about bills of Decree passed during her exchange and promissory government to promote notes in order to “accelerate industrial parks. “We want the financing of companies to have 1000 parks for us and and human capital”5. future generations”, she said. • Models and designs for the Argentinian patents. The current valid Decree is the OPENING ORDINAR ANNOUNCED PROJECTS APPROVED PROJECTS 6673 Decree passed on the SESIONES 9th of August 1963. 2008 4 2 Higher education Greater rewards for drug offenses 5. ¿AND WHAT ABOUT 2016? Greater rewards for drug offenses Crimes against humanity Crimes against humanity According to most polls, since Orality tolos regarding justice the beginning of 2015 there is 2009 1 1 a three way tie (around 25% of Media Law Media Law the voting intention) among the three main candidates: 2010 0 0 (mayor of 2011 7 7 Buenos Aires city - PRO), Daniel Tax law Tax law Scioli (governor of the province Adoption adoption of Buenos Aires - FPV) and Laundering Laundering Sergio Massa (mayor of Tigre – Statute of the rural worker Statute of the rural worker Renewal Front–FR). Promotion of Software and IT Promotion of Software and IT services services Land denationalization Land denationalization All the three candidates to Domestic work Domestic work the presidency have a similar

2012 3 2 political profile, which is clearly Civil and Commercial Code Civil and Commercial Code seen by the public opinion. The Charter of the Central Bank Charter of the Central Bank ideas they are showing before Compulsory multi-risk insurance their electoral campaigns for the agricultural and livestock officially start to overcome the sector Argentinian economic situation 2013 3 3 are quite similar. An important Justice reform Justice reform fact to take into account is 2014 8 5 that over the past years the Regulation of social protests Users and consumers economic initiatives have Users and consumers Administrative legal action code Criminal Code Compulsory education for 4 5 In 2015 the Government focuses its Administrative legal action code years-old attention on the financial system and Compulsory education for 4 Banks in the country as some of the social years-old partners that could create facts regarding Alternative proposal to the the public opinion (concrete facts with Memorandum of Understanding with real impact in society or more discursive and symbolic facts).


Which of the following candidates would you vote in the first been key to decide the voting. round of the presidential ? If we looked back at the last elections, we can see that the President obtained 54% of the votes. Although the insecurity Sergio Massa index was high (as the public opinion pointed), the economic Mauricio Macri indicators were favorable.

Julio Cobos Regarding the seats in the Jorge Altamira chambers, the FPV will be the first minority force in the Other (specify) Congress in 2016 even if the party had a bad performance in No answer/ Undecided/ none of the above/ refute to vote the 2015 elections.

IPSOS February CFA January The government forces and its allies will only renew 8 out of the 40 seats they already hold in the Upper Chamber. Deputies – Seats to be renewed by party Regarding the Deputies Chamber, there will be 84 new FPV and allies 84 47 seats out of the 133. According to the Argentinean system, half UCR + Socialism and allies 25 36 of the seats of each chamber Peronism 11 25 are renewed every two years.

Pro and allies 5 14 IF THE RESULTS GO ACCORDING TO THE SURVEYS IN MARCH 2015, Others 5 5 HOW WILL THE MAP OF THE 0 30 60 90 120 150 CONGRESS IN 2016 BE?

Seats to be renewed in 2015 Seats to be renewed in 2017 According to the results provided by Ipsos and Carlos Fara & Asociados the new president taking up office Senate – seats to be renewed by party in December (10th) will have to face a Senate with a FPV and allies 8 17 13 majority of Peronism and a divided Chamber of Deputies UCR + Socialism and allies 12 4 3 without a main legislative Peronism 5 3 2 force. The results also forecast Peronist governments in Pro and allies 3 14 or 16 provincial districts; the other main forces in the Others 2 remaining districts are the 0 10 20 30 40 PRO party and the UCR which agreed on competing with To be renewed in 2015 To be renewed in 2017 To be renewed in 2019


Mauricio Macri in the primary change the history of the past elections (resulting in just one 32 years of the Argentinian “Will the Congress be presidential candidate). democracy? the counterweight to the To all this information we The answer will be determined Executive power” should act the facts provided by the different movements by the consulting agency and electoral strategies that Management &Fit which says might also include the possible that 77.4% of the population candidacy of Cristina Fernández thinks that some laws de Kirchner. In case she headed passed under the Kirchner’s the list of national deputies for government should be the Province of Buenos Aires, reviewed. This will obliged the the electing map could change new president to change at (as well as the Congress role). least some of the milestones Another option for Cristina of the past 12 years in order Fernández de Kirchner to to meet the will of different be a candidate is to appear social sectors. on the lists as legislator of the Parliament of Beyond this map pictured by (PARLASUR). In such a way, she the surveys what we should would manage to appear in all actually take into account are the national lists and would tendencies. When the majority motivate and influencing votes is asking for a change, the all over the country. electoral results always go in the same direction. The Along all these years, the same happens when there path of the kirchnerism has is a general approval of a been determined by a “more government’s management. concentrated idealism”. Those The candidate that manages pragmatics steps back in 2003 to get the perfect equation are long gone. That 22% of between “change + continuity” the votes that enabled Néstor will probably become the new Kirchner to become president President of the country. forced him to walk a different path were the national and 6. UNANSWERED plural project did not have a QUESTIONS main role. Although President Cristina was reticent to follow The 2015 elections open a new old recipes, at the beginning of opportunity for the Parliament her government the famous which could have have a more words of a union leader were important role in the coming remembered: “in politics, you years. This report shows sometimes need to swallow a that there is a big question toad” (to grow and gain power). regarding the government change: Will the Congress This thought leads us to another be the counterweight to the important question regarding Executive power and will it the elections: Could Cristina


Fernández de Kirchner (the FPV) once their governments finished win the elections and continue is as wide as low productive in “In case Cristina her government’s model (even if the Parliamentary sphere. In case it was in a more moderate way)? Cristina Fernández de Kirchner Fernández de Kirchner Or, will she have to swallow becomes a candidate, will she becomes a candidate, some toads so she does not manage to change the fact that will she manage to lose all the power and holds an the Congress always imposes change the fact that the important role in politics? itself to individualities? In her favor we must remember that Congress always imposes Another political feature se already broke one of the big itself to individualities?” of these years of strong myths of the Argentinian politics presidentialism (except in the that saw women as too weak to interval of Fernando De la Rúa hold the country’s power. who arrived in office as leader of an “Aliance” was the legislative Flicking through this list of work, or mainly the role that former authorities we can see different national referents a clear ostracism, what the had. We saw a Congress left Congress offers to those who aside its central role and some arrive to “pasos perdidos”6 resounding national and of their political careers. provincial executive figures. According to the information provided regarding the The number of former presidents electoral results, we can who joined the national Congress picture a new political scenario where the kirchnerism would FORMER EXECUTIVE AUTHORITIES (NATIONAL AND PROVINCIAL) be the first minority group OF THE CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES who will need to be legitimized NÉSTOR President (2003 – 2007), Governor of de Santa Cruz (1991-2003) and mem- during the first 100 days. KIRCHNER ber of parliament (2009-2010).

HERMES Governor of Santa Fe (2007 – 2011) and member of the parliament since As a prediction, on her BINNER 2013. last speech in the opening JUAN Governor of Cordoba (2007 – 2011) and member of the parliament since sessions, Cristina Fernández SCHIARETTI 2013. de Kirchner said: “my EDUARDO Governor of Jujuy (1998 – 2007) and member of the parliament between successor will face a difficult FELLNER 2007 and 2011. country”. If we also add the

MARIO DAS Governor of Chubut (2003-2011) and member of the parliament since possible hypothesis of her NEVES 2013. being leader of the opposition in the Congress (heading FELIPE SOLÁ Governor of Buenos Aires (2002 – 2007) and member of the parliament since 2013. the kirchnerism Deputies group), the scenario for the Governor of Mendoza (2003 – 2007) and Vice-president (2007-2011). Member of the parliament since 2013. new President looks really complex. It becomes even ARTURO Governor of Mendoza (1995-1999) and member of the parliament bet- LAFALLA ween 1999 and 2003. worse if we take into account

ROBERTO Governor of Mendoza (1999 – 2003) and member of the parliament IGLESIAS between 2003 and 2007. 6 Name of the antechamber of the Na- tional Deputy Chamber where legisla- CARLOS Governor of Buenos Aires (1999-2003), Minister of Foreign Affairs (2002- tors walk before, during and after every RUCKAUF 2003) and he was then member of the parliament between 2003 and 2007. session.


the complaints of the public this year we can clearly see a opinion and other social actors unified block: that demand quick decisions and specific results. • Juan Carlos Mazzón “El chueco”, one of the most The idea of the current traditional personalities of president as a candidate not the Peronism has moved only enforces “the story” but away from the “pink house”. also helps the candidacies in This distance happen some provinces with strong once the candidates’ lists leaders with the same ideas in Mendoza were defined. regarding ideology (more than The young group of “La pragmatism). If we give a Cámpora”, important part look at the political activities of the Kirchner’s group, was during the first months of not in these lists.

FORMER EXECUTIVE AUTHORITIES (NATIONAL AND PROVINCIAL) • Eduardo “Wado” de Pedro OF THE SENATE was appointed Secretary- RAÚL President (1983 – 1989) and national Senator (2001-2002). General of the Presidency. ALFONSÍN He is part of “La Cámpora” CARLOS President (1989 – 1999) and national Senator since 2005. one of the main backers of MENEM the President’s son, Maximo OSCAR Governor of Catamarca (1999-2003) and current national Senator. Kirchner. Pedro is also in CASTILLO charge of guaranteeing EDUARDO Governor of Buenos Aires (1991 – 1999), national Senator (2001 – 2002) loyalty in the Peronism lists DUHALDE and President (2002 – 2003). in the country. JUAN CAR- Gobernador de Salta (1995 – 2007) y es Senador desde el año 2007 –fue LOS ROMERO reelecto en 2013–. • We can also observe the doubts about the legislators’ CARLOS Gobernador de Santa Fe (1991-1995 y 1999-2003), es Senador Nacional REUTEMANN desde el año 2003 –fue reelecto en 2009–. lists in Rio Negro between the traditional Peronism, GERARDO Governor of Santiago del Estero (2005-2013) current national Senator. ZAMORA led by the national senator and governor candidate ADOLFO Governor of San Luis (1983-2001), in 2001 and RODRÍGUEZ national Senator since 2005 –reelected in 2011–. Miguel Ángel Pichetto and SAÁ the “kirchnerist youth”

CARLOS Governor of La Pampa (2003-2007) and national Senator since 2009. who wants to include their VERNA candidates in the lists.

RUBÉN Governor of la Pampa (1983 – 1987 and 1991-2003) and national Senator MARÍN between 2003 and 2009. Another actor in this hypothetical scenario is the JOSÉ OCTA- Governor of Mendoza (1987 – 1991) and national Senator between 1992 VIO BORDÓN and 1996. opposition as a block against the Government’s initiatives. RAMÓN Governor of Misiones (1991 – 1999) and Senator (2001 – 2005). PUERTA Trying to guess how will be the behavior of both groups in 2016 ÁNGEL Governor of Chaco (1995 - 2003), member of the parliament (2005-2009) ROZAS and national Senator since 2013. is almost impossible.

WALTER BA- Governor of Jujuy (2007 – 2011) and national Senator since 2011. Taking into account the RRIONUEVO agreements between the Radical


party and the PRO, we could If the candidacy of Cristina say that under the Kirchnerist Fernández de Kirchner is government there have been strong enough and the alliance more legislative agreements between the PRO and the than disagreements. All the Radical party works, the emblematic proposals of the Congress will probably hold government usually received the main role in 2016, in a risky a similar acceptance by both and changeable scenario. The groups. Congress will choose one or another to guide the country’s As we mentioned before, fate until 2019. another emerging opposing group is the Renewal Front (FR) To sum up, it is clear that again, led by Sergio Massa. According the electoral atmosphere in to the last public surveys Argentina will provide us with Massa is positioned after Macri great debates and all the attention and Scioli. His parliamentary will be focused on the electoral group has less legislators and fight and on who will meet the his fate will depend on the public opinion’s needs: a president agreements with those who do in favor of dialoguing, who not belong to the Pro/Radical manages to achieve consensus group (provincial parties etc.) in and with the exact proportion of order to show the “fair change”. change with continuity.


Resolution 125 Against Against

Airlines nationalization Against Against

AFJP nationalization Against Against

Media bill Absent Absent

Same sex marriage Majority against Majority against

Land bill Majority against Abstention of the majority

Charter of the central bank Against Against

Prepaid medicine In favor Abstention or absence

YPF nationalization In favor Against

Assisted reproductive medicine In favor Abstention of the majority

Source: La Nacion newspaper



Santiago Rossi is Senior Director of Public Affairs in Llorente & Cuenca Argentina. He has a Degree in Journalism (Salvador) and a Master in Management of Communication in Organizations (Austral). He was Communication Director in ANSES (National Administration of the Social Security) and in the Ministry of Labour. Before that, he worked as Public Opinion Director in IPSOS and in Dell'Oro Trigo. He worked also as Adviser in the National Congress and in the Legislatura de la Ciudad ( Legislature of the city of Buenos Aires). He is a founding member of the Organización de Consultores Políticos Latinoamericanos (OCPLA, Latin- American Political Consultants Organization) and was Director of Public Image in Rotar Internaciona. Furthermore, he has written and collaborated in various books about Communication and Politics. [email protected]

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