1Up Booklet 12 Pages
Cres, Losinj, Ilovik, Susak, Male & Vele Srakane, Unije Cres,Cres,Cres, Losinj,Losinj, Losinj, Ilovik, Ilovik, Susak,Susak, Susak, MaleMale Male && & VeleVeleSrakane, Vele Srakane, Srakane, UnijeUnije Unije Islands Medical Assistance Society Islands Medical Assistance Society 20022002--201202020199 IMAS,IMAS, a a Not Not-for-for-Profit-Profit Corporation Corporation is is a a humanitarian humanitarian foundation foundation createdcreated in in the the USA USA to to support support the the health health services services for for the the people people of of www.imas-usa.com thethe islands islands of of CRES, CRES, LOSINJ, LOSINJ, ILOVIK, ILOVIK, SUSAK, SUSAK, MALE MALE & & VELE VELE SRAKANE,SRAKANE, & & UNIJE UNIJE in in Croatia. Croatia. IMAS “IMAS“IMAS“IMAS jeje je dobrotvornaineprofitnaudrugaosnovanadobrotvorna dobrotvorna i ineprofitna neprofitna udruga udruga osnovana osnovana u SAD, u u SAD, SAD, s ciljem s s ciljem ciljem da P.O. Box 314 pomognepruzanjuzdravstvenihuslugastanovnicimaotokadada pomogne pomogne pruzanju pruzanju zdravstvenih zdravstvenih usluga usluga stanovnicima stanovnicima CRES, otoka otoka Manhasset, NY 11030 CRES,CRES,LOSINJ, LOSINJ, LOSINJ, ILOVIK, ILOVIK, ILOVIK, SUSAK, SUSAK, SUSAK, MALE MALE MALE i VELE i iVELE VELE SRAKANE, SRAKANE, SRAKANE, i UNIJE i iUNIJE UNIJE u uHrvatskoj.”u Hrvatskoj.” Hrvatskoj.” USA IMASIMASIMAS is isis a a anot notnot for foforr profit profitprofit 501(c)3 501(c)3501(c)3 organization organizationregisteredorganization registered registered in in NEW NEW YORK YORK STATE STATE . Islands Medical Assistance Society 2nd Edition, October 2019 *DM, *AK,* MP UPDATE: The ULTRASOUND Machine, a Philips Affiniti 70, for a $60,000.00 cost was delivered to the Cardiology Department. With the help of an anonymous donor and IMAS, we were able to make this valuable donation in 2019 to “Dom Zdravlja” in Mali Losinj.
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