CURRICULUM VITAE 1- Identification Name (First, Family) : Constant Kodjo, ADJIEN Sex : Male Date and place of birth : April,9th 1962, Lomé (TOGO) Civil status : Married, four children Nationality: : Beninese Permanent address : 08 BP 1045 Tri postal, Cotonou Tél : + 229 95 56 10 76 Email :
[email protected] 2- Education ✓ Professor of Neurology of African and Malagasy Universities/Council for Higher Education (CAMES), Bangui, July 2019 ✓ Senior Lecturer in Neurology at CAMES, Yaounde, 2014 ✓ Certification of registration on the Aptitude List for The Functions of Master Assistant Côte A. Ouagadougou, 2010 ✓ Inter-University Diploma (IUD) of Epileptology, Nancy, 2007 ✓ In-depth Specialized Training Certificate in Neurology, Marseille, 2006 ✓ Certificate of Clinical and Epidemiology Research Methodology, Limoges,2001 ✓ University Diploma (UD) of Clinical Neurophysiological Explorations, Paris VI, 2001 ✓ Certificate of Special Studies (CES) in Neurology, Abidjan, 2002 ✓ State PhD in Medicine, Cotonou, 1994 1- Employement record - Since February 2018: Head of Training and Medical Research at the of Medical Affairs Direction (MAD) of CNHU-HKM - Since November 2014: Associate Lecturer at the University Neurology Clinic (CUN) at CNHU-HKM in Cotonou - 2010-2014: Master - Assistant Clinic Manager at the CUN at CNHU- HKM in Cotonou - 2009 2007: Assistant Head of Clinic at the University Clinic of Neurology (CUN) at CNHU-HKM in Cotonou - 2006-2007: Neurologist, Neurophysiologist and Epileptologist at CNHU in Cotonou - 2005-2006: Doing Intern function (FFI) at the Centre Saint Paul- Henri Gastaut Hospital (AFSA internship in Neurology and IUD in Epileptology, 2 semesters, in Marseille, France) - 2002-2005: Neurologist at C.N.H.U in Cotonou, Benin - 2000-2001: Associate In the Neurology Department, CHRU Dupuytren de Limoges (France) 2- Research fields 1.