I^Igtorical ^Siisociation
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American i^igtorical ^siisociation SEVENTY-SECOND ANNUAL MEETING NEW YORK HEADQUARTERS: HOTEL STATLER DECEMBER 28, 29, 30 Bring this program with you Extra copies 25 cents Please be certain to visit the hook exhibits The Culture of Contemporary Canada Edited by JULIAN PARK, Professor of European History and International Relations at the University of Buffalo THESE 12 objective essays comprise a lively evaluation of the young culture of Canada. Closely and realistically examined are literature, art, music, the press, theater, education, science, philosophy, the social sci ences, literary scholarship, and French-Canadian culture. The authors, specialists in their fields, point out the efforts being made to improve and consolidate Canada's culture. 419 Pages. Illus. $5.75 The American Way By DEXTER PERKINS, John L. Senior Professor in American Civilization, Cornell University PAST and contemporary aspects of American political thinking are illuminated by these informal but informative essays. Professor Perkins examines the nature and contributions of four political groups—con servatives, liberals, radicals, and socialists, pointing out that the continu ance of healthy, active moderation in American politics depends on the presence of their ideas. 148 Pages. $2.75 A Short History of New Yorh State By DAVID M.ELLIS, James A. Frost, Harold C. Syrett, Harry J. Carman HERE in one readable volume is concise but complete coverage of New York's complicated history from 1609 to the present. In tracing the state's transformation from a predominantly agricultural land into a rich industrial empire, four distinguished historians have drawn a full pic ture of political, economic, social, and cultural developments, giving generous attention to the important period after 1865. 718 Pages. lUus. $7.75 Educational editicn also available. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS, ITHACA, NEW YORK PROGRAM of the SEVENTY-SECOND ANNUAL MEETING of the American ^isitorical ^sigociation December 28, 29, 30 1957 THE NAMES OF THE SOCIETIES MEETING WITHIN OR JOINTLY WITH THE AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION ARE LISTED ON PAGE 37 The American Historical Association Officers President: William L. Langer, Harvard University Vice-President: Walter P. Webb, University of Texas Treasurer: Solon J. Buck, Library of Congress, Washington 25, D. C. Executive Secretary and Managing Editor: Boyd C. Shafer, 400 A St., S.E., Washington 3, D. C. Council Ex Officio, The President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Executive Secretary and Managing Editor Former Presidents Merle Curti, University of Wisconsin Guy Stanton Ford, 3133 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Washington, D. C. Sidney Bradshaw Fay, Harvard University Louis R. Gottschalk, University of Chicago Carlton J. H. Hayes, Columbia University Kenneth Scott Latourette, Yale University Charles H. McIlwain, Harvard University Samuel Eliot Morison, Harvard University Dexter Perkins, Cornell University CoNYERS Read, University of Pennsylvania Arthur Meier Schlesinger, Harvard University Robert Livingston Schuyler, Columbia University Lynn Thorndike, Columbia University Thomas Jefferson Wertenbaker, Princeton University Elected Members Carl Bridenbaugh, University of California Crane Brinton, Harvard University Walter Dorn, Columbia University James B. Hedges, Brown University Helen Taft Manning, Bryn Mawr College Robert R. Palmer, Princeton University Stanley Pargellis, Newberry Library C. Vann Woodward, Johns Hopkins University Pacific Coast Branch Officers President: Max Savelle, University of Washington Vice-President: John Caughey, University of California, Los Angeles Secretary-Treasurer: John A. Schutz, Whittier College Planning and Arrangements, 1957 Meeting Committee on Program Chairman: Oscar J. Falnes, New York University Eugene P. Boardman, University of Wisconsin David Donald, Columbia University Charles W. Hallberg, Queens College Edgar N. Johnson, University of Nebraska Edmund S. Morgan, Yale University Carl E. Schorske, Wesleyan University Arthur P. Whitaker, University of Pennsylvania Committee on Local Arrangements Chairman: Erling M. Hunt, Teachers College, Columbia University Robert Ernst, Adelphi College Charles B. Forcey, Columbia University Peter J. Gay, Columbia University John J. Hastings, Columbia University News Office (Press relations) Robert W. Hill, New York Public Library Manson Van B. Jennings, Teachers College, Columbia University (Book exhibits) Walter P. Metzger, Columbia University Madeline R. Robinton, Brooklyn College Robert B. Rockwood, Upsala College James P. Shenton, Columbia University Chilton Williamson, Barnard College, Columbia University General Information HEADQUARTERS: Hotel Statler, at Seventh Avenue and 33rd Street, opposite Pennsylvania Station and accessible from it by underground passage. Members de siring accommodations there are asked to write directly to the hotel using the enclosed card to indicate the price and type of room wanted. Flat guaranteed rates are: single rooms, $8.00; double-bed rooms, $11.00; twin-bed rooms, $12.00. Members should use reservation card or mention the AHA. Other hotels in the Pennsylvania Station zone, all less than two blocks from Head quarters, include the following: Governor Clinton (Seventh Ave. and 31st St.): singles, $9.2S-$I4.7S; doubles, $ii.SO-$l6.7S; twins, $i4.oo-$l9.7S. McAlpin-Sheraton (Broadway and 34th St.): singles, $9.75-14.85; doubles, $i3.3S-$i6.85; twins, $I4-3S- $18.85. All the above rates are on a per day basis; you are advised to make advance reservations. REGISTRATION: The Bureau of Registration and Information will be on the south side of the Mezzanine Floor. It will be open on Friday, December 27, from 5 until 9 p.m.; on Saturday, December 28, from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m.; on Sunday, December 29, from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.; and on Monday, December 30, from 8:30 a.m. until noon. The registration fee is $1.50. The registration badge for admittance to sessions and all tickets for luncheons and dinners listed in this program may be obtained at the Bureau of Registration. There will be no advance registration. Members are asked to fill out in advance the enclosed registration card and present it with the proper fees at the Bureau of Registra tion immediately upon arrival. LUNCHEONS AND DINNERS: All luncheons are priced at $4.50, all dinners at $6.80, including taxes and gratuities. Tickets desired should be indicated on the en closed meals card, to be presented at the time of registration. There will be no advance sale. All checks covering registration and luncheon and dinner tickets should be made out to the American Historical Association; no refunds can be made. Reservations for luncheons must be made before 9:45 a.m. of the day of the luncheon. Reservations for dinners must be made before 2:45 p.m. of the day of the dinner. TRANSPORTATION: Members should confer with their local ticket agents well in advance concerning routes and fares. JOB REGISTER: At the meeting the services of the Job Register will be available. Candidates for positions may register and departmental representatives seeking staff members may make inquiries. The Association will assist in arranging interviews. De partmental representatives will facilitate arrangements by informing Association head quarters of their needs before the meeting, and each candidate should inform the Job Register of his presence and address as soon as he arrives in New York. A representative of the Conference Board of Associated Research Councils will be present at the meeting to consult with those interested in Fulbright awards. REUNIONS: Information concerning group reunions will be posted on the bulletin board at the Bureau of Registration and Information. Groups desiring to hold such functions should communicate with the Chairman of the Committee on Local Arrange ments as soon as possible. MEETINGS OF OTHER GROUPS: Some historical societies or groups have arranged special sessions which cannot be listed in the general program. Mimeographed announcements will be available at registration when these are supplied to the American Historical Association. RELIGIOUS SERVICES: A listing of religious services in New York may be found in the main lobby of the Hotel Statler. THE GROWTH OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC FOURTH EDITION By Samuel Eliot Morison, Harvard University and Henry Steele Commager, Amheist College and Columbia University For years this textbook has been a leader in its field. The Growth of the American Republic has been translated into three foreign languages, and more than three hundred colleges have adopted the fourth edition of this distinguished work. In two volumes. 1950 $6-75 per vol. STUDY GUIDE FOR THE GROWTH OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC By Harris G. Warren, Kenyon College The study guide contains a chapter-by-chapter analysis of The Growth of the American Republic. Professor Warren has prepared questions keyed to the text, which aid the student in selecting signifi cant details of American history. In two volumes. 1957 $ .75 per vol. ATLAS OF EUROPEAN HISTORY Edited by Edward Whiting Fox, Cornell University with the assistance of H. S. Deighton, Pembroke College, Oxford Published in January 1957, this new historical atlas has been en thusiastically received in colleges and schools throughout the country. Prepared specifically for use with the major textbooks of European history used in American courses, the maps are exceptionally clear, and represent an achievement in modern cartography. Complete, 64 maps, 2 endpaper maps, gazetteer, exercises, clothbound 53.95, paperbound, $3.65. In