Matrix 107 the News Magazine of the British Science Fiction Association
Matrix 107 The news magazine of the British Science Fiction Association £1.25 August - September 1993 August - September /993 Membership New Members Parfit, Timothy. 27 Greenhill Gdns, Alverston, BRISTOL BS12 2PD; Paterson, George; Pepper, Christopller,3 Fairbairn Place, STANNINGTON, This costs £15 per year (UK and EC). Please Arellz, Heinrich R; Ash, Sarllh. 103 Westgllle Rd. Sheffield S6 5QG: Petry, JlUI1es. 62 Bilbury enquire for overseas rlltcs. BECKENHAM B23 2TX: Asher, John: Asher, Close, Wll1kwood, REDDITCH, Worcs. B91 NCIII;Aston,Jo. 5XW; Playford,RaymondJ New members: Alison Cook, 27 Albemarlc Iknvis, Owen W; Blllir-Imric, KlITen, Luolln Drive, Grove, Wantage, Oxon. OX1:! ONB Redfarn. Peter J C; Richardson, Hugh, 83 Temple Fnrm. Lunllll Bny ARBROATH, Angus DDII Rtnewals: Keith Freeman, 269 Wykt:harn Rd, WILLESDEN, London NW2 6PN. Rolfe, 5ST; Bolllllr, Sylvill; Bonsall. Mike; Boulton, Road, Reading RG6 lPL Jerfrey. 18 Koinney Ave, Anagh Coar. Pnul, 89 KelmscolI lime, Cross Glltes, LEEDS USA: ey Chauvin, 14248 WilfrcJ Slreet, DOUGLAS. Isle of MIIIl; Russdl, Gordon, 29 LSl5 8JT; Brllndon, Mtlfk; Brewster, Steven; Dctroit. MI48213, USA DlIlmeny St, EDINBURGH EH68PG. Bryall, K A; Burns, Jim. Salmon, Pl\ul, 13 Penrhos Ave, UlIIldudno Matrix Clldllcr, Rick, III Sundon Rd, HOUGHTON Junction, Gwynedd L131 9EL; Shiel. Kathlcen; REGIS, Beds. LU5 5NL; CJtlfk, Jonnnll; Clnrk, Shirley, Stcphen, 22 PlIISl'lCy Rd, CATFORD, PG; COle. Alwyn G; Cook, Sel>astilln 'Spinneys', Jenny and Steve Glover, 16 Aviary Place, London SE6 2DE; Spellm8JI, Martin, 59 Wondlmm Mortimer, MALDON, CM9 Le<:ds LS12 2NP [rei: 0532791264) Courtenlly Ave. HARROW WEALD. Middx 6SX; HA3 6IJ; Speneer. Jerry, 51 Elm Vll1e.
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