BRIEFING PAPER Number CBP 8256, 13 March 2018 Members of the House of By Chris Watson Commons since 1979 Mark Fawcett Contents: 1. Background 2. All Members of the House of Commons since the 1979 General Election | |
[email protected] | @commonslibrary ii Members of the House of Commons since 1979 Contents Summary iii Glossary iv 1. Background vii 1.1 Gender vii 1.2 Age viii 1.3 Ethnicity ix 1.4 Occupation x 2. All Members of the House of Commons since the 1979 General Election xi A 1 B 8 C 33 D 53 E 65 F 70 G 80 H 93 I 115 J 116 K 124 L 130 M 142 N 171 O 174 P 178 Q 189 R 189 S 201 T 222 U 231 V 232 W 233 Y 250 Z 251 Contributing Authors: Oliver Hawkins, Richard Cracknell, Lucinda Maer, Richard Kelly, Mark Sandford, Neil Johnston, Hazel Armstrong, Sarah Priddy, Paul Little Cover page image copyright : Attributed to: Theresa May's first PMQs as Prime Minister by UK Parliament. Licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0 / image cropped. iii Commons Library Briefing, 13 March 2018 Summary Since the 1979 General Election, there have been 2,128 people elected to the House of Commons. Of these, 403 have been women and 1,725 have been men. This publication lists all Members of the House of Commons starting from the 1979 General Election which took place on the 3 May. It is a new edition of our 2010 publication.