Wind Turbines and Proximity to Homes

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Wind Turbines and Proximity to Homes ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Wind Turbines and Proximity! to Homes: The Impact of Wind Turbine Noise on Health a review of the literature & discussion of the issues ! ! ! by! ! Barbara J Frey, BA, MA (University of Minnesota) & Peter J Hadden, BSc (Est Man), FRICS January 2012 Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity. -- The World Health Organization Charter The objective of science is not agreement on a course of action, but the pursuit of truth. -- John Kay (2007) First, Do No Harm. -- The Hippocratic Oath ! "! Table of Contents ! Acknowledgements 3 Preface 4 Introduction 5 Chapter 1 Wind Turbines built near Homes: the Effects on People 8 Appendix 1: People’s Health Experiences: Additional References 21 Chapter 2 Wind Turbine Noise and Guidance 22 2.1 Wind turbine noise 22 2.2 Wind turbine noise guidance 38 2.3 Wind turbine noise: Guidance process 43 2.4 Wind turbine noise: Low frequency noise (LFN) 54 2.5 Wind turbine noise: Amplitude modulation (AM) 60 Appendix 2: Wind Turbine Noise & Guidance: Additional References 65 Chapter 3 Wind Turbine Noise: Impacts on Health 67 3.1 Wind turbine noise and its impacts on health, sleep, and cognition 67 3.2 Wind turbine noise: Clinical studies and counterclaims 92 Appendix 3.1 Health: International Perspectives 101 Appendix 3.2 Health: Additional References 102 Chapter 4 Wind Turbine Noise and Human Rights 103 4.1 Potential violations 103 4.2 The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights 112 4.3 State Indifference to Human Rights: The UK Planning Bill & the UK Equality & Human Rights Commission (EHRC) 118 Appendix 4.1: Proximity to Homes: Additional References 127 Appendix 4.2: Human Rights: General Issues, Specific Cases, and Property Values (International): Additional References 129 Chapter 5 David v Goliath 131 Appendix 5.1 Mr and Mrs J Davis, Lincolnshire, UK 135 Appendix 5.2 Mr and Mrs M Hulme, Devon, UK 139 Conclusions 141 Recommendations 143 Bibliography 145 !Acknowledgements #! The authors were fortunate to have the critical support of many others, including experts in related fields, all of whom are concerned about the adverse health impacts of wind turbine noise on people. We are grateful for your input and interest, as you know. With special thanks to: David Cocks, QC Christopher Hanning, BSc, MB, BS, MRCS, LRCP, FRCA, MD Amanda Harry, MB ChB, PGDip ENT Carmen Krogh, BscPharm And with thanks to all the many individuals and families who have persisted, against the odds, often at personal financial and emotional cost, and often for many years, to protect the health and quality of life for their families and their communities. Their perseverance benefits us all, by example and by accomplishment. With special thanks to: Mr and Mrs Julian Davis Mr and Mrs Michael Hulme P! reface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