Response to Wiltshire Core Strategy Focused Consultation Amendment to Core Policy 42 on Standalone Renewable Energy Installations, Proposed Change Reference 180 THE CASE FOR MINIMUM DISTANCE EXCLUSION ZONES AROUND DWELLINGS This representation relates to Wiltshire Council’s “Schedules of Proposed Changes to the Wiltshire Core Strategy Pre-Submission Document”. We consider the consultation material being commented on is legally compliant and sound. We support the Amendment to Core Policy 42, Proposed Change Reference 180, and wish to be part of the Examination Process. This Response Document has been prepared by the STOP GRANGE FARM WIND FARM campaign group, c/o Elizabeth Winchcombe, Secretary SGFWF, West Ashton Village Hall, Bratton Road, West Ashton, Trowbridge, Wiltshire BA14 6AZ. Email:
[email protected] Mrs Carole Tocher (resident near a single turbine at Roscarnick Farm, Blackwater, Cornwall) Letter appearing in local press, West Briton, nr Truro, Cornwall 27 Sept 2012 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ONSHORE LARGE WIND TURBINES : SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM DWELLINGS (WILTS) OCT 2012 Page 1 FOR WILTSHIRE COUNCIL : CORE STRATEGY CONSULTATION 2012 Renewable Energy: Onshore Wind – Large Wind Turbines Separation Distances THE CASE FOR MINIMUM DISTANCE EXCLUSION ZONES AROUND DWELLINGS CONTENTS Page Executive Summary 3 Introduction 4 The Issues Medical Reviews 5 Noise, Low-Frequency Noise (LFN) & Light Effects 7 Turbine Failures & Physical Danger 10 Community