ROSSENDALE RAMBLERS A.G.M. Thursday 15th October 2020 at 7.30pm A virtual meeting to be held on Zoom.


 Apologies for absence.

 Chair’s Welcome and Review of Current Position.

 Approval of Minutes of last AGM. (See website for 2019 Minutes).

 Matters Arising.

 Finance Report (see attached) - Approval of Accounts and Election of Independent Examiner

 Membership (See attached)

 Footpath Officers Report. (See attached)

 Webmaster's Report & Notice of Intention to Retire. (See attached)

 Publicity Report (see attached)

 Social Secretary's Report-No Activities to Report on due to Covid.

 Walk Co-ordinator’s Report (see attached) - Walks for Rest of Year. 2021 Walk Schedule.

 Election of Officers/ Committee Members: Arnold is retiring from the position of Webmaster. Mark is interested in becoming Webmaster to be assisted by David R. The other members of the Committee have indicated their willingness to continue given the current situation. Please note that Mark is already a Committee Member. Your vote is required to accept the re-election of the Committee or for you to make any proposal on changes. There is a vacancy for a member without portfolio, Heather S-L has indicated she is interested in the vacancy and members will be asked to vote to elect her.

 AOB.

 Virtual refreshments.

Financial Report 2019-20

Income Balance b/f 643.30 Capitation 0 (Not claimed as we still have more money than we should) Donations 250.00

Total 893.30

Expenditure Room Hire AGM 2019 and Zoom 59.39 Newsletters and Publicity 291.17 (This includes the new camera) Practical work Walking related 68.28 (PNFS, Recce expenses) Training Other 0.30 (Charge because Ross Exhausts gives us a cheque)

Total 419.14

Balance c/f 2020-21 474.16

Rossendale Ramblers membership report

The Ramblers have introduced a new method of informing membership secretaries of current numbers, this has been gradually phased in since November 2018. I now have to log on to a password protected page to look at our Rossendale membership names and numbers as required. Prior to this, I received a weekly email but this has now been phased out completely.

To October To October To October 2018 2019 2020

Total membership 108 149 147 Rossendale Ramblers at October AGM

Our overall numbers have stayed almost the same during this difficult year. Our membership page reports 15 new members in the period from 1/10/19 to date. However, this is offset by members who have resigned, not renewed membership or moved area during this period. Of the 147 members, 8 are currently ‘payment pending’. After being in arrears for 3 months, Ramblers will remove them from our membership list.


Rossendale Ramblers Footpath Officer Report AGM October 2020

This role provides a focal point for all issues linked to footpaths / Public Rights of Way (PROWs) in the Rossendale area. This has been an unusual year with all walks and voluntary activities suspended from 18.03.20 until 10.06. 20 because of the national Covid-19 restrictions. This meant no Rights of Way meetings, no site visits and no attendance at external meetings (eg Hearings, Inspectorate meetings ). County Council (LCC) suspended the making of new Orders for several months. Thus, the report below contains less activity than usual.

Reporting footpath problems

Reports over the last year include:- Intimidating - 4 Unsafe stile/gate -12 Locked gate -2 Missing footpath sign - 7 Obstruction (barbed wire/electric fence/undergrowth) -21 Path surface (mud/ploughed) - 5 Road crossing with no safe place - 3

General Public Enquiries

12.19 Strongstry - path blocked/closed. Path not a PROW. Relevant paperwork provided to pursue “Evidence of Use”. 01.20 , Sand Beds Lane to Dearden Clough. Path blocked by fence and barbed wire. Reported to LCC 01.20 , Coal Pit Lane. Path blocked by barbed wire and sign “Private land” and alternative using drive with sign “No public access”. Reported to LCC 01.20 Bacup, Settling Barn Farm. Path blocked by fence. Reported to LCC 03.20 Nangreaves. Stile inaccessible due to overgrown hedge. Reported to LCC 03.20 Cheesden, Grindles Farm. Blocked footpath. Forwarded to Bury Footpath Officer 04.20 General complaint about number of stiles in poor state and asking if can rebuild and for funding of materials. Referred to LCC 04.20 Gin Croft Lane, Higher Mount Pleasant Farm. Paths blocked by fencing, barbed wire and signs “Covid Keep Out”. Reported to LCC 05.20 , north of Meadowhead Lodge. Blocked path. Converted farm with “keep out Covid go home” signs on both sides. Member of public already reported it to LCC. 09.20 Rawtenstall, Johnny Barn Close/Cottages and Hurstwood housing development. Recent changes posted on local posts mean new access road over PROW. Query to Rossendale Borough Council who deny this, say they didn’t make recent postings, and that all PROWs in the scheme are protected.

Receiving and responding to potential changes to PROWs submitted to LCC

11.19 Waterfoot. Confirmation of additional bridleway from Cowpe Road to Bacup Road 01.20 Newchurch. Confirmation of additional footpath Kirkdale Ave northwards. 02.20 . Confirmation of change from footpath to bridleway (after involvement of Secretary of state) Moor Lane and Castle Cob Road. 03.20 Bacup. Development of 3 mobile homes and a bungalow on land opposite former Deerplay pub. PROW through site, but this to be maintained. Replied no objections. 03.20 Rawtenstall, Fallbarn Road Footpath closure confirmed 08.20 Haslingden, Commerce St. Confirmation of additional bridleway 08.20 Haweswater Aqueduct Resilience Programme, United Utilities. All sections through Rossendale (Huncoat to Bury) to be replaced. 6 year programme from 2023. 09.20 Newchurch. Closure of footpath with 3 houses and their gardens built over it by the Council in 1950s (paving alternative around houses) Replied no objection.

Lancashire Footpath and Access meeting

All meetings except the one in October have been cancelled. Main points of discussion included - Attempts to access Definitive Map Modification Orders - LCC proposing a new system for recording path complaints - Local transport plan - Proposed plans for coastal path, Silverdale to Cleveleys (6 chapters!) - Path Maintenance teams

Potential Developments

- Footpath maintenance. David Goode (LCC PROW Manager) stated in February that they are developing a risk assessment with regard to path maintenance. He has apparently stalled other areas saying Rossendale to pilot (after correspondence from our Chair), but he has not yet agreed to meet/support us either. He has stated “Any scheme has to be largely self- managing as working with volunteers or groups tends to be very time hungry and it is officer time which is at a premium”. - Don’t lose your way. National project with regard to restoring historic lost paths before 2026. There is now an online programme with the country divided into squares and individuals can work at home on a specific square using a slider to compare new and old maps and identify paths that have disappeared. Anyone interested can contact me or the Ramblers website for a link to a utube demonstration.

Judy T Rossendale Ramblers Footpath Officer

Webmaster’s Resignation letter

Dear all, I have noted the concern that has been voiced since I announced that I would be stepping down at the AGM after almost 10 years in the role.

I am grateful for the nice things that have been said, but I do intend to step down, as I crave the title ‘Webmaster Emeritus’, which will chime well with my 80th birthday in November.

When I say ‘step down’, I really mean ‘step back’. Covid permitting, I will be around for some years yet to support THE webmaster and his or her websters, especially with any more technical or complex matters, just as Dennis stands behind me. All I am really doing is stepping away from the day to day posting and site/FB maintenance. In fact, Mark already began to take over the maintenance aspects before covid struck.

Much of the regular posting has been templated, making it easier for all, and Mark and others are now very confident with Flickr. Graeme has stepped up magnificently in the Walks Co-ordinator role, and the other websters all do their share when needed.

I therefore feel confident that our website and FB presence will continue without a hitch, and new people will bring fresh and better ideas. I will also be able to progress and update the ‘Ultimate Guide’ and other tutorials.

Please be assured that I love RR to bits, and will very much take part in all walks and other activities that I possibly can. I have given RR a lot over the years, but have gained much more in return, not least the friendship of many lovely people – so thanks for that.

PS I will be passing my RR waterproof camera on to Judy, given that I am unlikely to be on many Wednesday walks in future.

Regards to all - Arnold Webmaster Emeritus in waiting

Webmaster Report – 15.10.20 – Arnold Sampson

Once again – and for the last time - I must pay tribute to my wonderful websters. In alphabetical order, they are David C, Gill, Graeme, Judy, Linda, Mark, and Sara. We also have Luke – not a webster, but our Instagram maestro, as you will read below.

I would like to make a special mention of Graeme, who became a webster after the 2019 AGM in order to handle the online walks schedule. From the outset he has taken this on very fully and competently, cajoling leaders to fill gaps in the schedule and provide details of walks. In doing this he showed that he has forgotten more about spreadsheets than I have ever known. But during the lockdown period and since, he has managed the constantly changing schedule with great patience and forbearance – most of the time, anyway! A great acquisition to the webster family.

The advent of covid-19 in March led to a complete shutdown of our walking activity until 2 September, but our website and Facebook page were far from quiet in the interim. We had a series of ‘WhatsApp funnies’ fronted by yours truly, but with items sent to me by many members and others. They were sometimes a touch risqué, but I hope they did not overstep the bounds of propriety too often. Mark, hopefully our webmaster-to-be, also ran an inspired series of ‘Isolation photos’ posts, showing excellent selections of photos sent to him by our members on their individual or ‘bubble’ walks during the lovely spring weather. Finally, following a suggestion from Gill, we had a thought-provoking series of ‘From our own correspondent’ posts, covering the covid situation in the UK and many different countries worldwide.

As you will have noticed, we now have an Instagram presence via Luke, an avid photographer. We hope that this extra social media outlet will, over time, increase our external profile and attract more interest and members. As an example, at the time of writing, our Facebook page had 437 likes, a number that has steadily increased during lockdown, showing that social media certainly has a part to play in promoting our activities to a wider audience.

As you know by now, I am stepping back from the main activity on our website and Facebook page after almost 10 years in post, and will take the title of ‘Webmaster Emeritus’. Thus the day-to-day activity on our website will be handled by our new webmaster and websters, but I hope to be around for a few more years to provide technical support and guidance where and whenever needed.

Finally, with so many posts going on the site, it is easy to miss things, so PLEASE follow the advice in the post ‘Keeping abreast of all things Rossie Ramblers’, which you will find on the same page as the Walks Schedule.

Publicity Report – 15.10.20

Arnold has continued to undertake the main publicity role, but publicity to entice new walkers has been on hold since March due to Covid restrictions and either no organised walks, or restricted walks.

The Rossendale Free Press has continued to be used for weekly articles. However, the contact at the newspaper has been on furlough in recent months. It is hoped this useful publicity will continue in the future, once we are able again to start publicity to attract new walkers.

The website continues to be very central to attracting walkers, and positive feedback regarding the website continues, especially regarding how friendly the group appears. Graeme was to investigate putting our walks on the national website, but due to Covid this activity is now on hold.

Facebook has continued to be used regarding details of walks, and members have continued to share posts about walks. Also we now have an Instagram presence via Luke, an avid photographer. We hope that this extra social media outlet will, over time, increase our external profile and attract more interest and members.

In previous years we have distributed laminated posters and leaflets, but it was thought that this did not generate additional interest, so has not been pursued this year (and we have not been able to run the pub walks anyway).

A group of students at Manchester Metropolitan University, supervised by Angela, undertook a project involving targeting younger age groups, with Arnold as the contact for Rossendale Ramblers. Unfortunately, the resulting report produced by the students was of very poor quality, and therefore has not been distributed.

Activities relating to area level marketing and targeting activities, and East Lancashire Ramblers groups working more closely have not progressed due to lockdown and restrictions. It is hoped that this activity will be able to resume at some point in the near future.

It has been disappointing that we have not been able to continue the good publicity to entice new people into the group, through the shorter social walks on either Saturday mornings or Thursday evenings.

AGM – 15th October 2020

Report from Walks Co-Ordinator

Back in December and January the new role all seemed so easy. Jean was brilliant with the handover, loads of members volunteered to lead walks, we had a programme covering long Wednesday walks, mixed distances on Sundays, an increased number of easy Thursday night pub walks plus some on Saturday mornings, a handful of Friday linear walks and Judy & John Daly had the annual challenge walk planned for June. I was feeling pretty smug and happy when I jetted off for an Asian cruise in early March…….and well you know the rest! For many of us the next few months was a mixture of isolation, walking alone from home, then walking in the now famous 6 person bubbles, weekly committee catch ups via Zoom before eventually we could dip our toes back into Rossendale Ramblers group walks on the 2nd September when Stephen Dutch bravely led us into the unknown. Thank you to everyone who has led or committed to lead walks this year. We have Wednesday walks planned for the remainder of the year together with a number of mixed distance Sunday walks. I hope you will continue to support and enjoy these. So what for 2021. I don’t think it’s sensible to attempt a full year Walks Programme with all the current uncertainty. I will aim for a rolling 2-3 months Programme but this will very much depend on the support and availability of walk leaders. Please put your hand up and volunteer if at all possible. Stay safe.