1 22nd EEDDIITTIIOONN ((22000022)) CONSTRUCTION OF PLANT BACTERIAL ARTIFICIAL CHROMOSOME (BAC) LIBRARIES: AN ILLUSTRATED GUIDE Daniel G. Peterson1, Jeffrey P. Tomkins2, David A. Frisch3, Rod A. Wing2, and Andrew H. Paterson1, 4 1 Center for Applied Genetic Technologies (CAGT), University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602 2 Clemson University Genomics Institute (CUGI), Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634 3 Biotechnology Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706 4 Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, and Department of Genetics, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602 Corresponding author: Daniel G. Peterson; Plant Genome Mapping Laboratory; University of Georgia; Room 162, Riverbend Research Center; 110 Riverbend Road; Athens, GA 30602, USA Phone: (706) 583-0167, Fax: (706) 583-0160, e-mail:
[email protected] 2 PRINCIPAL REVISIONS MADE SINCE ORIGINAL PUBLICATION IN THE JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL GENOMICS (JAG), VOLUME 5, 2000: 1) CHAPTER 7 (a) Recent experiments have shown that the Percoll gradient step is not necessary to get nuclear preparations of sufficient quality. Thus this step has been deleted. (b) EGTA and L-lysine have been made standard components of MEB and MPDB solutions. These compounds greatly reduce DNA damage caused by endogenous nucleases. 2) CHAPTERS 7, 9, and 10 - PVP is no longer added to the lysis buffer or wash buffers (WB-A, WB- B, and WB-C). PVP often precipitates out of solution to form a brown gel in which the agarose/nuclei plugs may get stuck. Lysis buffer is now made 6 mM EGTA and 200 mM L-lysine. 3) CHAPTER 13 - We no longer recommend the use of GELase to isolate BAC insert DNA from plugs.