EB/4145-5735-4540/5 1 DPWLG&TEPL CPBC Local Plan Examination Matter 7

Table of Contents 1. Introduction ...... 3

2. Local Plan Examination Correspondence ...... 3

3. The Sorrells Roundabout and Stanford Interchange ...... 3

4. Cumulative Impact ...... 4

5. MIQs ...... 5

List of Appendices 1. Stanford-le-Hope Area Plan...... 7

2. Area Plan ...... 9

3. Sorrells Roundabout Layout ...... 11

4. Stanford Interchange Junction Layout ...... 13

5. Thurrock Area Plan indicating route of LTC to A1089 traffice movement ...... 15

2 DPWLG&TEPL CPBC Local Plan Examination Matter 7

1. Introduction 1.1 The London Gateway Port (the Port) and London Gateway Logistics Park (the Park), are related developments jointly promoted by London Gateway Port Limited, LG Park Freehold Limited and LG Park Leasehold Limited (hereafter collectively referred to as DPWLG). DPWLG responded to the pre- submission (Regulation 19) consultation focusing on Policies TP1 and TP2, and the related Table 14.1, of the CPLP and suggesting that the references to a “New Access to ” be removed because the policies do not meet the tests of legal compliance and are not sound. Thames Enterprise Park (TEP) owned by Thames Enterprise Park Limited (TEPL) lies adjacent1. The location of London Gateway Port and Park and TEP is as indicated on the plan provided at Appendix 1. We do not repeat here the background on DPWLG and TEP which set out in our Matter 1 response, rather, we simply remind the reader of it for their reference.

2. Local Plan Examination Correspondence 2.1 In CPBC 022, CPBC confirm in answer to INSP/01 questions about a New Access for Canvey Island that: “the Council is committed to securing better access to Canvey Island” but that “The delivery of this project is not a policy requirement of the Local Plan. However it is referenced in the Local Plan as a strategic highway policy due to its importance to the local community. CPBC intended to explore how this project could be delivered in the longer term….all options for improving access ….will be explored and tested.. CPBC has commenced conversations with County Council regarding an Access to Canvey Island Study. In absence of reference to this Scheme in the Local Plan it would be harder to elicit assistance from partners in achieving improved access to Canvey Island”.”

3. The Sorrells Roundabout and Stanford Interchange 3.1 The existing road layout is described within section 6 of our Matter 1 response. The current layouts of the Sorrells Roundabout and Stanford Interchange are the result of a schemes of works committed in association with the London Gateway planning consents (The London Gateway Port Harbour Empowerment Order 2008 (relating to the Port) and Outline Planning Consent reference 02/00084/OUT (relating to the Park) – the latter of which was supplanted by the London Gateway Logistics Park Local Development Order in 2013). The works, which provide for the forecast flows generated by the fully developed Port and Park development, were subsequently completed in 2013 prior to first operational use of the Port and Park. The layout of these works (i.e. the current layout of the junctions) is indicated by the plans provided at Appendix 3 and 4 3.2 On the 18th February 2021 TEPL submitted further information in support of their planning application (Ref: 18/01404/OUT) relating to the TEP proposals. Such information included a Third Transport Assessment (TTA). The TTA includes detailed modelling of the Sorrells Roundabout and Stanford Interchange, which concluded that both junctions will theoretically be operating overcapacity once existing committed development traffic (i.e. without TEP traffic) is realised in line with the forecasts set out in the DPWLG Local Development Order (LDO), resulting in traffic congestion. As such, the TTA proposes a further scheme of works at each junction to mitigate forecast TEP traffic flows. Such schemes are intended to mitigate the forecast TEP traffic (i.e.

1 It is acknowledged that the promoters of TEP (TEPL) did not respond to the pre-submission (Regulation 19) consultation but they support and have contributed to these representations made by DPWLG. 2 which is incorrectly labelled as a letter dated 29/1/ 2021 when it is in fact dated 2/2/2021.

3 DPWLG&TEPL CPBC Local Plan Examination Matter 7

consume their own smoke) but do not address the underlying baseline overcapacity issues or take into account a potential for a new road (and therefore traffic) from Canvey Island. The conclusions of the TTA, including the nature and extent of junction improvements are subject to ongoing public consultation and discussion with the Local Planning and Highway Authorities at this time. 3.3 The above demonstrates the sensitive and critical nature of the junctions, which as set out on our Matter One report, serve both strategic employment locations at DPWLG and TEP, which includes nationally significant infrastructure.

4. Cumulative Impact 4.1 At the current time there are a number of additional development proposals that have the potential to result in significant detrimental impacts, in particular to the Stanford Interchange (but with potential knock on impacts for the A1014 and Sorrells Roundabout). These are discussed below: Lower Thames Crossing 4.2 The Lower Thames Crossing (LTC) is a proposed new dual carriageway strategic highway link between the A2/M2 in Kent and the M25 is Essex via new tunnels under the . On the north side of the Thames the LTC shall also connect to the A13 in the vicinity of the existing A13/A1089 Junction. The general route of LTC is indicated on the plan provided at Appendix 2. 4.3 LTC is a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) and is to be the subject of an application for a Development Consent Order (DCO). In October 2020 the promoters of LTC (Highways (HE)) submitted an application for a DCO to the Planning Inspectorate. However, following feedback from the Planning Inspectorate the DCO application was withdrawn on the 20th November 2020. It is understood that the application is to be resubmitted in the near future. 4.4 The proposed junction of the LTC with the A13 and A1089 ( Dock Approach Road) is geometrically constrained with the effect that the proposals do not provide for direct linkage between the LTC southbound carriageway and the A1089. The result is that traffic travelling southbound on LTC to destinations in the Tilbury area (including the Port of Tilbury) will be required to exit LTC onto the A13 eastbound before exiting A13 at Stanford Interchange and u-turning via Stanford Interchange back onto the A13 westbound. Once on the A13 westbound, traffic can access A1089 southbound via its westbound off-slip from the A13. This movement is illustrated within the plan provided at Appendix 5. 4.5 The movement described above has the potential to significantly and detrimentally impact the capacity and safety of Stanford Interchange resulting in significant traffic congestion at the junction, in addition to the connecting A13 and A1014 links. Such matters have been discussed within previous representations both by TEP and DPWLG in response to consultation regarding the LTC proposals and are subject of ongoing discussions between DPWLG and HE. London Resort 4.6 The London Resort proposals comprise a nationally significant entertainment resort to the south banks of the in Swanscombe, Kent. London Resort has been accepted as a NSIP under the Planning Act 2008 and was subject of a DCO application dated 31st December 2020. The application was subsequently accepted by the Planning Inspectorate on the 28th January 2021 and the application is now in the pre-examination stage with stakeholders invited to register as Interested Parties by 31st March 2021. DPWLG and TEPL are registered.

4 DPWLG&TEPL CPBC Local Plan Examination Matter 7

4.7 Whilst the primary development site of London Resort is in Kent, the proposal includes the provision of a “park and glide” parking and ferry terminal to the north banks of the River Thames in Tilbury. This is intended to mitigate the impacts of traffic accessing the primary site in Kent (i.e. Dartford Crossing and A2) by providing an alternate means of ‘last mile’ access via ferry. Parking for 2,500 cars is proposed to be provided alongside the ferry terminal to be utilised by visitors originating from locations to the north of the Thames. The location of the proposed parking and ferry terminal is indicated on the plan provided at Appendix 2. 4.8 Whilst, on the basis of the existing highway network, the London Resort proposals do not give significant cause for concern, should they proceed in combination with LTC there is potential that a significant proportion of visitors to the Tilbury parking and ferry terminal shall route via the LTC southbound to A1089, and thus via Stanford Interchange, further exacerbating congestion at that junction. 4.9 DPWLG and TEPL have concerns that, in combination with the London Resort and LTC proposals, the impacts of the proposed third access to Canvey Island on the junctions and thus their (DPWLG and TEPs) operations (as discussed in Paragraph 6.4 of their Matter 1 hearing statement) will be further exacerbated and that such in-combination effects have not been considered in the preparation of the CPLP. This further illustrates that the proposed new road raises obvious strategic and cross boundary issues.

5. MIQs

Strategic Policy SD2 Development Contributions Q.265 Is Strategic Policy SD2 consistent with paragraph 56 of the Framework and the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 in respect of the tests for planning obligations, and would it be effective?

Response 5.1 Policy SD2 (5) states that the Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) sets out the infrastructure needs of the Borough to meet the demands of new development and that allocated sites and other development will be expected to contribute towards its provision. The IDP September 2020 at Table 27 on page 61 identifies projects to address “existing highways issues affecting local residents and includes a new access for Canvey Island from Northwick Road, crossing Holehaven Creek, to the Manorway A1014 on the mainland”. 5.2 In the final column under the heading delivery/funding it is stated that costs are unknown and potential funding sources includes Government, ECC, SELEP and potential funding through developer contributions. Given the lack of any evidence base to justify such a proposal, the lack of any iterative Sustainability Appraisal (SA) to assess it and the absence of any HRA assessment, the policy is unsound and the IDP must be amended to remove all reference to the new access for Canvey Island. It is notable that it is not suggested that the new access is required in order to offset the impact of any new development proposed or allocated in the plan either in in strategic or non- strategic policies. Moreover, the Council now advise that there is no policy requirement for such a road. The requirement for contributions to a project which has not been shown to be necessary to accommodate growth and when the cost are unknown, fails to meet the policy tests for planning obligations at NPPF [56]. This needs to be removed to make the New Local Plan sound.

5 DPWLG&TEPL CPBC Local Plan Examination Matter 7

Q.266 Is the Policy effective and consistent with national policy in requiring compliance with the Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) which is not a development plan document and given that the IDP is a ‘living’ document, the latest version of which does not quantify the level of contributions required for certain infrastructure?

Response 5.3 No, it is not effective. NPPF [20] requires policies to make sufficient provision for infrastructure. NPPF [57] envisages policies setting out the contributions expected from development not IDPs. However, the evidence base does not demonstrate new development promoted on Canvey Island warrants a third access. Accordingly, so long as the policy makes reference to the new road it is not consistent with the national policy. The reference to it must be removed to achieve soundness.

Q.300 Table 14.1 lists a number of strategic highway improvements. Whilst some are detailed and are reflected in Policy TP2, others such as a new access for Canvey Island, lack detail and have not been subject to detailed design, SA or HRA and are not proposed in the Plan as transport schemes for the Plan period. Consequently, are the strategic highway improvements set out in Table 14.1 justified and does Table 14.1 serve a clear purpose?

Response 5.4 The reference to the proposed new access to Canvey Island in the table of identified strategic highway improvements is not justified for several reasons which we set out below. The fact that it is placed in Table 14 confirms that the Council consider it to be a strategic proposal. 5.5 Firstly, and as we concluded in our Matter 1 representation, the proposed new road has not been subject to either an SA or HRA assessment, nor do the Council intend to do so, prior to adoption of this New Local Plan.. 5.6 Secondly, despite the formation of Association of South Essex Local Authorities (ASELA), there has been no active involvement amongst the cross boundaries authorities, nor ourselves, as key stakeholders, in the formulation of policy for the new road proposal. It is not legally possible to retrofit these failings to comply with the Duty to Co-operate. 5.7 Thirdly, the opening sentence to 14.13 refers to new infrastructure provision as “fundamental” to delivering a wider choice of sustainable transport but yet no part of the evidence base justifies the need for a third access to Canvey Island. 5.8 Fourthly, suggesting developer contributions will be sought is not warranted or justified if the new road is not required to enable new development to come forward. Accordingly, any attempt to make development to bear the cost of any part of any new road is contrary to the test for planning obligations in the NPPF [56]. 5.9 Fifthly, the proposed road is intended to cross an SSSI where development which is likely to have an adverse effect on it, should not normally be permitted, NPPF (175 b). 5.10 Finally, notwithstanding the absence of such assessment from the Council, DPWLG/TEPL are of the view that the proposals will result in significant and detrimental impacts upon highway capacity and safety on routes critical to the efficient operation of their strategic employment sites at TEP

6 DPWLG&TEPL CPBC Local Plan Examination Matter 7

and London Gateway. These are developments which are of regional and national significance. Such impacts will inevitably be further exacerbated should the link road proposals proceed in combination with other schemes, which have been discussed herein and are currently being considered. 5.11 For all these reasons, the inclusion of the proposed new crossing in Table 14.1 and indeed elsewhere must be removed in order to allow the New Local Plan to be found sound. We invite the Council to agree this via a Statement of Common Ground.

7 DPWLG&TEPL CPBC Local Plan Examination Matter 7

Appendix 1

Stanford-le-Hope Area Plan

8 d n y a v o ey Northlands R H igh R W end ay B1014 Wood h

Sout o ad Ben fl eet

ill B1420 H h Southend Ca ut nve d So y Wa a y-Pass y o


i y g Pitsea Land fill e h v R o R n a o a d-Le-Hope d a C r d La

m A130 Stanfo p i ts Hill

So d m T n a e h lway o u H R r Canvey i y g r o South Essex e h c Wick v

R k Marshes n

o a a C

L (RSPB) d Southend Rai a & m p it s ilbury Hill y Canvey A13 T Wa on Thorney m 7 N m Island R orth o nk ndon, Bay wick R sc Li N o o or L oad R th Hi ad o Corringham ll R d Stanford Interchange (Manorway) n e th Canvey u C So Wick an v ey Sorrells Roundaboutway T R or h o n e a a d M M e a h n T o The Manorwa Ca rw st ay le T A1014 P y oi Stanford Interchange (Manorway) n d t a o Stanford-le- R Lo ad o d n r d R Hope on Ga n

Coryton ave tanfo H S t London eway Dri Petroplus Stanford- Gateway le-Hope Coryton v Logistics A1013 e Park Hole Haven

Thames Haven Shell Haven Horseshoe Bay London

k Gateway corr

Port u

h f England T East o River Thames outh East way S River Thames Med

y Thurrock es a m Thameside Mucking ver Tha w Ri l i a Nature Flats R k Key A1014 Local Wildlife Site Site of Special Scienti c Interest (SSSI) Appendix 1 Stanford-le-Hope Area Plan TEP Mucking Flats and Marshes LG Site DPWLG&TEPL CPBC Local Plan Examination Matter 7

Appendix 2

Thurrock Area Plan

10 Ro st l d r a che d h n l a e Co c v

u e


o r

C A1245 Harold Wood B r

r e A132 e v d Arteri al Road n i Southen t R w S outhen Great Warley o A127 d Art erial Road o d d oa R A127 G Roa erial Key Burnt Mills 27 r rt Thurrock Area PlanFairglen e M25 at Little Warley d Noak Bridge end A New Holland Industrial W South Fairgl a Steeple View Tractor Estate rle Appendix 2 y S Factory e tr Dunton S e Pipps Hill n o e y uthend Folkes Lane t Fortune of War a Industrial M Dunton Ford Dunton Pigeon t A130 A Wood Estate A1235 s rt Technical a e Mount A1014E North Ben fleet ria Halfway House Centre l R oa d Codham Hall Interchange Jury Hill Halfway House A176 Sou W thend Arte ria 29 e las Lane Gloucester l R s St Nicho oa t d U d M l Roa p Park a TEP Arteria e p thend y B148 West Mayn e Basildon A127 Sou n r e M Codham Hall Interchange Codham Hall Interchange a oadm ayne A1321 Laindon y Br n e ayne oadm son Park W Br Sadlers Farm S


o rl West Horndon Lower Thames Crossing Route u Bowers Gi ord e B1036 Man t y deville h Way S Codham Hall Interchange k M tr Lin L on a e aind B1419 29 y e Londo n n R t ex Man oad Ess devi e d E lle Lon Roa Way C don a Th Codham Hall Interchange urr l Castle Point Boundary ock a s Sadlers Farm y Pitsea Ben fleet t

29 H o A13

Lee Chapel H i

f l l i

g E R y

Barnards a h n o

a g Vange R Cranham d Farm Pitsea o y W A124 l a way e a e Willow d Lane n St M ary's d S tan Park anv B187 C Upminster B1006 La N ary's ne et St M he d B186 r M oa a n R A128 y o n d B e Lo n d u a

o oad C

hpl R R a


y n e n e ve B

T Five Bells H

Ty y i s y g y Way - h a P et l South Ben fleet


b a C ss E o

or Five Bells a s

C d s


Bulphan x d a One Tree o R u M Hill nd Th rro B1014 North Ockendon e ck ar uth d B 85 m o Hill O yk r S e ck h Corbets Tey e ntwo t e n d Sou B1420 B1421 on R o C d anve B1007 y R W ay o o

ad a ck d Pitsea Land fill Stubbers Thur ro Bonnets -Pass y Wood Adventure Centre Thurrock A130 Airfield ill H

h d M25 t rd-Le-Hope B a r o o

o R

N Canvey

d y tanf L

a S e

a v o

m Wick n

R a p Gerpins h C

t Northwick Road i r A13 ts Brentwo Farm o H Fobbing Damyns N ill Canvey

Hall Aerodrome C Thorney on Bay Island o E w d Roa a ay s Corringham

t Horndon On '

s Roa

o Stanford Interchange (Manorway) d Canvey f The Hill C a E n d Wick v n Little Belhus e Th y g e R l Country o a M E ad n Park a The Manorw s d no s rw e T ay x k he M orway Th c an A1014 a u r r o Stanford-le- y Hope ck B186 London Coryton Thurro S A128 o Petroplus ut Gateway


d Coryton

R o Logistics d a a

d o R A1013 Park h Kenningtons Hig B188 Orsett Cock d Landfill e London Mar Dyke k y Baker Street Gateway 30 d Orsett Cock Mucking Aveley Byp The Bonners Port Sand ne ass ar y La M d Tham M25 / A13 Junction 30 Roa River es Mar Dyke B1335 Sti ord Interchange Baker Street ford 30 Stan Thurrock ington Aveley Mucking Sti ord Baker Street Thameside ay South Medw A Clays Nature Flats East v Wennington el Mar Dyke Park ey V Sti ord Interchange ad ia o k d A13 R oc u Mar Dyke rd rr ct o u h T



a o s

e R Mar Dyke m

h a c S Linford h

30 a Mucking T o

A1012 o A1306 u r Mardy ke Lakeside er

H t p Marshes v

h i Blyth Sands o p R Shopping e g A

n g k Land fill d Chadwell St H Centre L

R D B149 oc ig a


h e D Mary

en a S v

d pe The Junction o ed n 1 Pur fleet Retail Park s Pur fleet-on- hi r 31 e

Thames A1090 R o

a Marshfoot

d Halstow South Sti ord Grays Marshes A126 Redham Mead R Marshfoot River Thames Cli e Marshes Dartford iver T Clay Shooting h a Oliver Road Club m es tford A1089 Buckland d Ryestreet a Cooling shes o Marshes R Common Proposed Londons Resort Marshes Queen ' s d


Elizabeth h RSPB Northward

C ame

h t RSPB Cli e Littlebrook S II Bridge r T Hill Nature e Pools Nature Power Station v Broadness FerryTilbury Terminal Th Ri Reserve u Reserve Clie r Salt Marsh Tilbury ro c s k Port e m a Higham Alpha t A206 K River Thames h e e T e Edison's Saltings Pool r n t t r S e Park v South East i h c R r Cooling Crossways u Northward Littlebrook h Business C Hill 1A Park R i ve Hi r A226 g Th S a t Littlebrook h m a Worcester S es p rrock oit 1A e Thu n Park Estate e iver Th R d R ames High Halstow K o M Higham e a 1 Kent South East n edw t ay d d Marshes n Roa ndo Lo 226 Barrow Swanscombe T North fleet o D Princes Road London Road B2175 Overclie Gravesend Shorne Hill wn

1B r Ebbs fleet Mil R

to o n Bluewater n Th Marshes a

t W R T d atlin oa ham g St Shopping a d es and reet Eastern m Milton Medway Canal e Centre s 25 Quarry W A296 Castle Hill ay Denton Darenth B255 Lodge Hill Watlin 2 g St reet Perry Street RSME Chattenden Ebbs fleet Green Windmill Hill Darenth Watli Clie Woods and Lodge ng s Stree d Ea t Great Chattenden 2 t oa Hill Camp Darenth Old R Chalk Wood ay Country Bean Interchange Watling Str eet W Bean Interchange la y s u R Park s R ins oa Bypa A2 Westcourt och d ford es Pen Dar t te r B2000 Darenth R Lower Higham Darenth o A228 Bean a Darenth Pepper Shears Green d Road ion at Hill St d Chattenden Darenth Parrock Farm a Hoo St Werburgh o

R wley 2 W A226 a n tl in w g Christian Fields o R Darenth B262 St T i re v d et oa e R Gr r av m Tollgate ese D a nd Betsh R a Riverview Park oad ill H s H DPWLG&TEPL CPBC Local Plan Examination Matter 7

Appendix 3

Sorrells Roundabout Layout


DPWLG&TEPL CPBC Local Plan Examination Matter 7

Appendix 4

Stanford Interchange Junction Layout


DPWLG&TEPL CPBC Local Plan Examination Matter 7

Appendix 5

Thurrock Area Plan indicating route of LTC to A1089 traffic movement

16 Ro st l d r a che d h n l a e Co c v

u e


o r

C A1245 Harold Wood B r

r e A132 e v d Arteri al Road n i Southen t R w S outhen Great Warley o A127 d Art erial Road o d d oa R A127 Roa G terial Burnt Mills 27 re r Fairglen M25 at Little Warley d Noak Bridge end A New Holland Industrial W Steeple View South Fairgl arl Tractor Estate ey S Factory e tr Dunton S e Pipps Hill n o e y uthend Folkes Lane t Fortune of War a Industrial M Dunton Ford Dunton Pigeon t A130 A Wood Estate A1235 s rt Technical a e Mount E North Ben fleet ria Halfway House Centre l R oa d Codham Hall Interchange Jury Hill Halfway House A176 Sou W thend Arte ria 29 e las Lane Gloucester l R s St Nicho oa t d U d M l Roa p Park Arteria a e p thend y B148 West Mayn e Basildon A127 Sou n r e M Codham Hall Interchange Codham Hall Interchange a oadm ayne A1321 Laindon y Br n e ayne oadm son Park W Br Sadlers Farm S


o rl West Horndon u Bowers Gi ord e B1036 Man t y deville h Way S Codham Hall Interchange k M tr Lin L on a e aind B1419 29 y e Londo n n R t ex Man oad Ess devi e d E lle Lon Roa Way C don a Th Codham Hall Interchange urr l ock a s Sadlers Farm y Pitsea Ben fleet t

29 H o A13

Lee Chapel H i

f l l i

g E R y

Barnards Langdon Hills a h n o

a g Vange R Cranham d Farm Pitsea o y W A124 l a way e a e Willow d Lane n St M ary's d S tan Park anv B187 C Upminster B1006 La N ary's ne et St M he d B186 r M oa a n R A128 y o n d B e Lo n d u a

o oad C

hpl R R a


y n e n e ve B

T Five Bells H

Ty y i s y g y Way - h a P et l South Ben fleet


b a C ss E o

or Five Bells a s

C d s


Bulphan x d a One Tree o R u M Hill nd Th rro B1014 North Ockendon e ck ar uth d B 85 m o Hill O yk r S e ck h Corbets Tey e ntwo t e n d Sou B1420 B1421 on R o C d anve B1007 y R W ay o o

ad a ck d Pitsea Land fill Stubbers Thur ro Bonnets -Pass y Wood Adventure Centre Thurrock A130 Airfield ill H

h d M25 t rd-Le-Hope B a r o o

o R

N Canvey

d y tanf L

a Northwick Roade S

a v o

m Wick n

R a p Gerpins h C t i r A13 ts Brentwo Farm o H Fobbing Damyns N ill Canvey

Hall Aerodrome C Thorney on Bay Island o E w d Roa a ay s Corringham

t Horndon On '

s Roa

o Stanford Interchange (Manorway) d Canvey f The Hill C a E n d Wick v n Little Belhus e Th y g e R l Country o a M E ad n Park a The Manorw s d no s rw e T ay x k he M orway Th c an A1014 a u r r o Stanford-le- y Hope ck B186 London Coryton Thurro S A128 o Petroplus ut Gateway


d Coryton

R o Logistics d Orsett a a

d o R A1013 Park h Kenningtons South Ockendon Hig B188 Orsett Cock d Aveley Landfill e London Mar Dyke k y Baker Street Gateway 30 d Orsett Cock Mucking Aveley Byp The Bonners Port Sand ne ass ar y La M d Tham M25 / A13 Junction 30 Roa River es Mar Dyke B1335 Sti ord Interchange Baker Street ford 30 Stan Thurrock ington Aveley Mucking Sti ord Baker Street Thameside ay South Medw A Clays Nature Flats East v Wennington el Mar Dyke Park ey V Sti ord Interchange ad ia o k d A13 R oc u Mar Dyke rd rr ct o u h T



a o s

e R Mar Dyke m

h a c S Linford h

30 a Mucking T o

A1012 o A1306 u r Mardy ke Lakeside er

H t p Marshes v

h i Blyth Sands o p R Shopping e g A

n g k Land fill d Chadwell St H Centre L

R D B149 oc ig a


h e D Mary

en a S v

d pe The Junction o ed n 1 Pur fleet Retail Park s East Tilbury Pur fleet-on- hi r 31 e

Thames A1090 R o

a Marshfoot

d Halstow South Sti ord Grays West Thurrock Marshes A126 West Tilbury Redham Mead R Marshfoot River Thames Cli e Marshes Dartford iver T Clay Shooting h a Oliver Road Club m es tford A1089 Buckland d Ryestreet a Cooling shes o Marshes R Common Proposed Londons Resort Marshes Queen ' s d


Elizabeth h RSPB Northward

C ame

h t RSPB Cli e Littlebrook S II Bridge r T Hill Nature e Pools Nature Power Station v Broadness FerryTilbury Terminal Th Ri Reserve u Reserve Clie r Salt Marsh Tilbury ro c s k Port e m a Higham Alpha t A206 K River Thames h e e T e Edison's Saltings Pool r n t t r S e Park v South East i h c R r Cooling Crossways u Northward Littlebrook h Business Key C Hill 1A Park R Appendix 5 i ve Hi r A226 g Th S a t Littlebrook h m a Worcester S es p rrock oit 1A e Thu n

Park Estate A1014 e iver Th R d R ames High Halstow K o M Higham e a 1 Kent South East n edw t ay d d Marshes n Roa ndo Lo 226 Barrow TEP Swanscombe T North fleet o D Princes Road London Road B2175 Overclie Gravesend Shorne Hill wn

1B r Ebbs fleet Mil R

to o n Bluewater n Th Marshes a

t W R T d atlin oa ham g St Shopping a d es and reet Eastern m Milton Medway Canal e LG Site Centre s 25 Quarry W A296 Castle Hill ay Denton Darenth B255 Lodge Hill Watlin 2 g St reet Perry Street RSME Chattenden W Ebbs fleet Green Windmill Hill Castle Point Boundary Darenth atli Clie Woods and Lodge ng s Stree d Ea t Great Chattenden 2 t oa Hill Camp Darenth Old R Chalk Wood ay Country Bean Interchange W Bean Interchange Watling Str eet a ul y Park ss Lower Thames Crossing Routens R R i oa Bypa A2 Westcourt och d ford es Pen Dar t te r B2000 Darenth R Lower Higham Darenth o A228 Bean a Darenth Pepper Shears Green d Road ion at Hill St U-Turn for Tilbury d Chattenden Darenth Parrock Farm a Hoo St Werburgh o

R wley 2 W A226 a n tl in w g Christian Fields o R Darenth B262 St T i re v d et oa e R Gr r av m Tollgate ese D a nd Betsh R a Riverview Park oad ill H s H