(Internal Draft Version June 2006)





















1.1 We would like to get your views on future development and planning of to 2021. A new system of “Spatial Planning” has been introduced that goes beyond traditional land-use planning and seeks to integrate the various uses of land with the various activities that people use land for. The new spatial plans must involve wider community consultation and involvement and be based on principles of sustainable development.

1.2 The main over-arching document within the LDF portfolio is the Core Strategy. This sets out the vision, objectives and strategy for the development of the whole area of the borough. The Site Specific Allocations and Policies is very important as it underpins the delivery of the Core Strategy. It enables the public to be consulted on the various specific site proposals that will guide development in accordance with the Core Strategy.

1.3 Many policies in the plans will be implemented through the day-to-day control of development through consideration of planning applications. This document also looks at the range of such Development Control policies that might be needed.

1.4 The plans’ aims and objectives must be capable of being delivered and so the new Spatial Plans will directly support the Community Strategy by ensuring land and sites are made available for health, education, open space, industry and housing. Thurrock’s new Spatial Plans must also take account of national and regional plans as well as other council strategies and those of our partners that set the context for the borough.

Site Specific Allocations and Policies DPD

1.5 This issues/ options consultation document is the first step in developing the new Spatial Plans for Thurrock and for deciding the option for the development of housing, employment, transport etc. that will be set out in the Site Specific Allocations and Policies DPD. This first stage is not a statutory requirement and is therefore informal. It provides an opportunity to consider the basic underlying issues and asks some simple questions to flag up areas where we need your views. The Council will consider your comments before moving on to develop a Preferred Option at the next stage.

1.6 It is important that this document is read in conjunction with the Core Strategy and Development Control Options DPD, where the “Spatial Planning Strategic Objectives and Issues” and the “Spatial Development Options” are set out. This document signposts the specific sites and associated development control policies that will enable the delivery of the Preferred Option.

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1.7 We have tried to make the document easy to read and easy to follow. At the back we provide you with a list of background documents and explanations for some of the technical terms we have to use. If you want more information, before you make up your mind, we would be happy to hear from you. A questionnaire is available to help you respond more effectively. Contact details are provided in the Introduction and at the end of this document.

Thurrock Local Development Framework (LDF)

1.8 is working on its Local Development Framework (LDF). This is the name for a range of documents including this plan that will set out the spatial strategy, policies and proposals to guide the future development and use of land in Thurrock up to the year 2021.

1.9 It will replace the existing adopted Thurrock Borough Local Plan (1997) that is the current statutory development plan. The Local Development Framework (LDF) is part of a new system for the preparation of development plans in that was introduced by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. The LDF comprises the following:

Core Strategy & Policies for Control of Development (Development Plan Document - DPD)

1.10 The main over-arching document within the LDF portfolio is the Core Strategy & Policies for Control of Development DPD. This will set out the vision, objectives and strategy for the development of the whole area of the borough together with the policies for the control of development.

1.11 The various stages in the production of this DPD are set out in the Local Development Scheme. This “Options” consultation stage is the first stage and is not a statutory requirement. However, the Council has decided that it is appropriate to obtain the views of the public, stakeholders and agencies on the strategic options for the future development of the borough.

Site Allocations and Policies (DPD)

1.12 This document underpins the delivery of the Core Strategy. It enables the public to be consulted on the various specific site proposals that will guide development in accordance with the Core Strategy. It also sets out the scope of development control policies required to implement them.

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1.13 The outline time table for the production of this DPD is:

 Publication of “Options” (this document); July 2006  Consultation period; July /August 2006  Consideration of responses by Cabinet/Council; autumn/winter 2006  Publication of “Preferred Option” DPD for consultation; early 2007  Consultation period; February /March 2007  Preparation of the Core Strategy & Policies for Control of Development DPD; summer & autumn 2007  Placing on deposit and submission to Secretary of State; early 2008  Independent Examination in public; autumn 2008  Adoption; summer 2009

Minerals and Waste (DPD)

1.14 A separate borough wide development plan document will be prepared for minerals and waste. However the overarching strategic policies on minerals and waste will be included in the Core Strategy.

Other New Features

1.15 A Proposals Map will also be prepared in stages. This will be a borough wide map with inset maps where necessary. It will show the location of site-specific proposals and area based policies. This map will evolve with each development plan document.

1.16 These Development Plan Documents together with Supplementary Planning Documents and the Statement of Community Involvement form the Local Development Framework (LDF), that will replace the adopted Borough Local Plan of 1997 and deposit draft Unitary Development Plan (UDP). The development Plan documents together with the Regional Spatial Strategy for the will form the Statutory Development Plan.

1.17 Other features of the new system are that plan proposals and policies will be subject to sustainability Appraisal (SA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). The Council must also produce an Annual Monitoring Report (AMR).

1.18 In addition, the Council has commissioned a number of technical studies that have either been completed or are underway. These technical studies form part of the “evidence base” for the development plans. This and the other information used is listed in Appendix 1.

1.19 All available LDF documents can be viewed on the Council’s website at (www.thurrock.gov.uk/planning/strategic) or be inspected at the Council offices.

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2.1 The plans and policies that we produce are guided and influenced by a range of other strategies and policies from government and our partners:

National policy

2.2 Thurrock is within the , announced as a key regeneration and growth area in the Government’s Communities Plan ‘Building for the Future’, launched in February 2003. The Thames Gateway is therefore an area of national importance.

2.3 The government is also producing a range of policy documents known as Planning Policy Statements which cover issues such as housing, retail flood risk and waste and are replacing existing government Planning Policy Guidance notes. These documents set the policy context for the preparation of our plans.


2.4 The draft Regional Spatial Strategy for the East of England (RSS14) –“Draft East of England Plan contains a range of polices on jobs housing and the Environment. The Draft East of England plan proposes 18500 dwellings and 26000 jobs between 2001-21 within Thurrock which is part of the Thames Gateway South Regeneration and Growth area identified in the plan. The Regional Spatial Strategy has recently been the subject of an Independent Examination and will become part of the Statutory Development Plan on formal adoption in 2007.

2.5 Within the Thames Gateway Thurrock has two “Zones Of Change” one being Grays Riverside and the other / which extends eastward into Castle Point District. The draft East Of England Plan also identifies within Thurrock a Regeneration hub and Strategic Employment Zone.

2.6 Thurrock is also in the Thames Gateway South Essex Partnership with other Local authorities and stakeholders. This partnership has produced its own vision for South Essex and is preparing strategies for example on employment, culture and transport.


2.7 The Community Strategy for Thurrock (ASPIRE) was published in November 2003 and developed by Shaping Thurrock, the Local Strategic Partnership. ASPIRE sets out a long term vision for Thurrock as a place for enterprise and skills which build on the Prosperity of the , and welcomes opportunities for trade whilst being a place where people feel included and where diverse communities can build a safe, healthy, vibrant area in which they are proud to live, work and play.

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2.8 There are six key themes in the Community Strategy:

1 Aspirational Thurrock; 2 Safer Thurrock; 3 Prosperous Thurrock; 4 Inclusive Thurrock; 5 Regenerated Thurrock; 6 Energetic and Healthier Thurrock.

The Council has undertaken to lead on the Aspirational, Inclusive and Regenerated Thurrock Themes. The Community Strategy is currently subject to a review and it is planned to complete this by the end of 2006.

Thurrock Thames Gateway Development Corporation

2.9 In February 2003 the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister announced that, as part of the Government’s Sustainable Communities Plan, an Urban Development Corporation would be established in Thurrock to drive forward regeneration of the area. Following consultation, this Corporation became a legal entity in October 2003 and became operational as from January 2004.

2.10 The Thurrock Thames Gateway Development Corporation (TTGDC) has been given the responsibility of facilitating the growth, development and regeneration of Thurrock, the expectation being that this will drive a significant increase in housing provision as well as improvements in employment and education. The TTGDC also began exercising its development control powers from 12 October 2005 and has been given responsibility for dealing with significant planning applications and master planning.

2.11 The Thurrock Thames Gateway Development Corporation is currently preparing and consulting on its own Regeneration Framework and Spatial Plan that will set out the vision, strategy and processes of implementation to achieve its objectives for regeneration in Thurrock. The Regeneration Framework includes nine strategic goals through which growth and regeneration will take place. The TTGDC has also commissioned consultants to prepare Master Plans to set out in spatial terms the detail of its Regeneration Framework and Spatial Plans for specific areas of the borough. These are all non-statutory plans.

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3.1 In order to help you understand the context for the Spatial and Topic Options that follow, some information is provided here about the borough of Thurrock.

3.2 Thurrock is located on the north of the Thames, twenty miles east of central London and has a population of 145,500. The borough covers 165 sq km and has a diverse range of land uses and associated environmental issues. More than half of the land in Thurrock is designated Green Belt and the borough has over 18 miles of riverfront.

3.3 Much of the riverside area of Thurrock is highly urbanised with a mixture of industrial and residential development at the west and eastern ends of the borough. The borough has a number of main settlements including Grays, Stanford/Corringham, and together with a number of villages in the Green Belt. Thurrock also has the developing community of and the Lakeside Regional Shopping centre located west of Grays and east of the M25.

3.4 Thurrock has a diverse and thriving economy with logistics and distribution and retailing as major employment sectors. A major port and employment development is proposed by P&O at the former Shellhaven refinery site the subject of which is awaiting the outcome of a decision following a Public Inquiry. The emerging Regional Planning Guidance for the East of England (RPG14) and South Essex Thames Gateway Partnership framework reinforce current trends by promoting Thurrock as a world leading logistics centre.

3.5 Thurrock benefits from a good location in terms of transport. The M25 London Orbital Motorway passes through the borough, as does the A13 London to Southend trunk road, which connects with the M25 (Junction 30) just north of the Dartford Tunnel (Junction 31) and the Queen Elizabeth Bridge. The Channel Tunnel Rail link is near completion and passes through the borough. The C2C Railway links to London (Fenchurch Street) to Southend, with seven stations in the borough.

3.6 Thurrock has more than 60% of its land in the Green Belt. This is area of open land much of which is of considerable nature conservation and landscape value. The borough has sites of international and national importance for nature conservation including a RAMSAR site and 15 Sites of Special Scientific Interest. There are 7 Conservation Areas and 240 Listed Buildings.

3.7 Further information about the population of Thurrock, where they live and where they work, is given in the Profile of Thurrock at www.thurrock.gov.uk. Further information on these topics is available in the Council’s Annual Monitoring Report and the Scoping Report of the Sustainability Appraisal.

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Sustainable Development

4.1 Sustainable Development will be at the heart of the vision of the Core Strategy and also the provisions of the Site Specific Allocations and Policies DPD. The Core Strategy sets out the principles of sustainable development that must be integrated into spatial planning in order to achieve sustainable development.

4.2 The extent to which the Site Specific Allocations and Policies meets these principles will be tested by a Sustainability Appraisal. This is a separate document which critically examines its objectives and options and tests them against objectives under the principles of sustainable development.

4.3 However, it is a two way process. The Sustainability Appraisal will contribute to the reasoning behind, and the refinement of, the Core Strategy and the Site Specific Allocations and Policies. The first stage of the Sustainability Appraisal process is the Scoping Report that sets out the 'baseline' position against which the Site Specific Allocations and Policies will be tested. The Council has published the Scoping Report. As the Site Specific Allocations and Policies are developed further, they will be tested by the Appraisal document: an Interim Sustainability Appraisal is published as a companion to this Options document.


5.1 The Core Strategy sets out a suggested Spatial Vision for the Thurrock in 2021. The Vision is set out in a series of Themes, such as housing, employment and community facilities. The Core Strategy also suggests eighteen Spatial Planning Strategic Objectives that could contribute to the suggested Vision.

5.2 The Vision, Themes and Objectives provide a starting point for the more detailed policies in this document, including the Site Specific Provisions that are set out in the following section. The Site Specific Provisions should be read in conjunction with the Vision, Themes and Objectives of the Core Strategy.

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6.0 The Draft East of England Plan (RSS) provides that 18,500 new dwellings should be provided in Thurrock between 2001 and 2021. The LDF Core Strategy suggests a range of “Growth Strategy Options” as to where these dwellings may be provided. This document looks at the detail of where these dwellings could be located.

Housing Requirements to 2021

6.1 To meet the RSS housing requirement would require an average rate of building of 925 per annum. That future rate of development would be higher than the annual average number of dwellings built (over the last ten years) of approximately 850 per annum. The numbers built each year in Thurrock is shown in the chart below. The challenge for the LDF is to provide sufficient land in the right locations to meet this need.

Dwelling Completions in Thurrock 1995/96 - 2004/05 1600

1400 1340 1169

s 1200 n o i t 963 957 e

l 1000 906 p

m 782 o 800 716 719 C

g n i l l 600 481 e 432 w

D 400


0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 / / / / 0 0 0 0 0 0 / / / / / / 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 9 9 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 Year

The Location of new housing

6.2 There are some common factors that will be relevant to any of the future options. The first is a given in that approximately 3,500 dwellings were built between 2001 and 2005. A further factor is that more dwellings are already being built; have already been granted planning permission or have been allocated in the previous development plan (or Deposit Unitary Development Plan). These dwellings may be considered as being already committed.

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6.3 In 2005, sufficient land for approximately 7,200 dwellings was committed in this way. When the committed dwellings are taken into account, this leaves the need for land for approximately 7,700 dwellings to be found in order to meet the regional housing requirement.

6.4 The committed large sites (of more than 4 dwellings) are shown in the table at Appendix 2, and are also illustrated on Map 1. The vast majority of these sites are within the existing urban area. In addition to the sites listed in the Appendix, there is capacity for approximately 200 dwellings on small sites that are committed. Again, most of these are within the urban area.

6.5 The chart overleaf shows the potential distribution of dwellings for each Growth Strategy Option. This shows that the number of dwellings that are built and committed is the same in all four suggested Growth Strategy Options, as all options assume that these committed sites will be built. The options vary in that each provides a different suggestion as to where the land for the remaining 7,700 dwellings is provided. Each shows different combinations of urban and non-urban Green Belt land in a variety of locations. In Option 1, virtually all of the dwellings to be built would take place within the borough’s existing urban areas. Option 2, 3 and 4 would involve up to 3,000 dwellings being built on non-urban sites.

6.6 The Urban Capacity Study, carried out during 2004 to 2005, identified all of the known potential sources of land within the borough’s urban areas. A list of these urban sites (of more than 4 dwellings) are shown in the table at Appendix 3, and are also illustrated on Map 1. The development of all of these sites could potentially meet the regional housing requirement of 7,700 dwellings. This means that all of the future housing development could be accommodated within the urban area.

6.7 The Council will endeavour to ensure that there is adequate provision of caravan sites to meet the needs of gypsies residing in or resorting to the Borough. It is proposed that the existing Council run permanent gypsy encampments at Ship Lane, ; Pilgrims Lane, North and Gammon Field, Grays will be retained together with the privately run site at Herd Lane Corringham.

6.8 It is also proposed that the existing approved and established travelling showpeople’s permanent sites listed below are retained.


(a) South of Buckles Lane, South Ockendon


(b) Rear of Mill Lane/London Road, (c) Rear of St Chad’s Road, Tilbury

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The Potential Distribution of Dwellings for Each Growth Strategy Option

18500 Up to 300 2000 Up Up to to to 3000 3000 3000 Approx 6000


7500 4800 4800 Approx

s to Minimum 4800 g 5800 Approx n i

l 1800 l e w d

f o

r e b

m 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 u N

3500 3500 3500 3500 3500



Homes in green belt areas Homes in urban areas Homes that are committed Homes that are built


OPTION 1: Concentrated Growth Within the Urban Areas.

OPTION 2: Grays Urban Fringe Land Release; Most Growth Within Urban Areas

OPTION 3: Expanded Smaller Settlement; Large Majority Growth in Urban Areas and Green Belt Land Release at Grays Urban Fringe Plus One Other Outlying Settlement

OPTION 4: Highly Dispersed Green Belt Option: Majority Growth in Urban Area and Green Belt Land Release at Grays Urban Fringe Plus Other Outlying Settlements Across the Borough.

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6.9 There are choices that need to be made in relation to the location of future housing development. The Core Strategy explains that the development of all known urban potential sites reduces the need to take land from the Green Belt, but may involve high densities and a reduced amount of open space within urban areas.

Q1 Should all housing be on previously used (brownfield) land if possible? Are the suggested urban sites appropriate?

6.10 Some or all of the urban sites may be developed. All the options, other than Option 1, involve some development on Green Belt sites and suggest a range of alternative locations.

6.11 A range of sites have been put forward for development by various land owners and developers over the last few years in response to consultations on the development plan. All of these sites are within the Green Belt and the majority are previously undeveloped green field sites. For this reason their development has not been supported by the Council and they do not constitute proposals that the Council is putting forward. They do, however, indicate potential sources of land supply which may be considered in relation to the Growth Options. A list of these sites is shown in the table at Appendix 4.

Q2 Are there Green Belt sites that should be released for new housing development?

Q3 Are there other brownfield or Green Belt sites that should be promoted for housing?

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6.12 The Draft East of England Plan (RSS) provides that 26,000 additional jobs should be provided in Thurrock between 2001 and 2021. The LDF Core Strategy suggests a range of options as to where these jobs may be provided. This document looks at the detail of where the sites for these jobs could be located.

Employment Land Requirements to 2021

6.13 The annual average amount of land that was developed for industrial/ commercial purposes for the last ten years was approximately 11 hectares. The amount developed each year is shown in the chart below. Approximately 350 hectares of land that was allocated in the previous development plan (or Deposit UDP) for industrial and commercial development is still available for development. This is a large amount of land when compared with the average rate of take up in recent years.

Land Developed for Industrial/Commercial Purposes in Thurrock 1995/96 - 2004/05 (hectares)

50 43.2 45 40 35

s 30 e r a

t 25 21.89 c e

H 20

15 3.5 5 6.3 3.4 5.3 9.3 0.5 10.6 10 5 0 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 9 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 / / / / / / / / / / 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 9 9 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 Year

Existing Land for Employment

6.14 Current plans contain policies regarding development within the existing Primary and Secondary industrial and commercial areas within the borough. The primary area are the main employment areas whereas the secondary areas do not have direct access to the strategic/principal road network without going through residential areas and/or are close to housing. The primary and secondary areas that are proposed to be retained are listed in Appendix 5.

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6.15 Evidence provided by consultants for the “Employment Study” and the “Thurrock Employment Land Review” assessed the quantity, quality and viability of employment land throughout the Borough.

6.16 The sites that make up this identified supply of land are listed in Appendix 5. The Shell Haven site of between 200 and 300 hectares (depending on the final outcome of planning decisions) constitutes well over half of the identified existing supply. The remaining supply of 150 hectares is made up of sites already allocated in the existing development plan/ UDP.

Q4 Are the sites already identified in the existing development plan/ UDP (listed in Appendix 5) appropriate and are these sites sufficient to meet future needs?

Additional Land for Employment

6.17 It is estimated that the re-development of the former Shell Haven terminal will generate approximately 11,500 (to 16,000) jobs. The proposed port development is assumed in relation to the RSS target and is a central plank of all of the future development options in the Core Strategy. This would require the balance of jobs to be created in the Regeneration Areas (, West Thurrock), at an expanded Lakeside, in Grays and the other town centres.

6.18 The Core Strategy envisages a major expansion and diversification at Lakeside to develop a major sub-regional service and commercial focus. This may be capable of generating up to 6,500 new jobs and would create a major retail and commercial employment pole at the western end of the borough.

6.19 Targeted employment growth within identified regeneration areas of Purfleet and West Thurrock, and consolidation of Grays and other town centres as important employment centres is seen as crucial. This would underpin re- investment in brownfield sites and secure the investment in these areas to regenerate them and sustain their economic and social focus for the community,

Q5 Are the above locations the best ones to meet the requirements of modern commercial businesses?

Q6 Are there other sites that should be promoted for employment purposes?

6.20 While the evidence is that it will be difficult to achieve the jobs target, it also indicates that the existing supply is more than sufficient to meet the likely demand for employment land to 2021. The Employment Land Review estimates that less than 80 hectares of land will be needed to meet the anticipated level of demand. This means that up to 80 hectares of the remaining supply may not usefully be allocated for employment purposes.

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6.21 The designated employment land reflects past decisions and investment and may not necessarily be able to meet future requirements. There is a potential for some or all of these sites to be re-allocated for housing or mixed use development. The designated sites that may be re-allocated are listed in Part B of Appendix 6. Some of these have been identified in the Urban Capacity Study as being potential housing sites and are referred to in the “Housing” section of this document.

Q7 Should some of the sites already allocated in the existing development plan/ UDP (listed in Appendix 6) be re-allocated for other uses?

Other Employment Policies

6.22 Current plans contain policies relating to town centre office uses and also policies that safeguard land for river related and port uses.

Q8 Should there be policies relating to town centre office uses?

Q9 Should there be policies that safeguard land for river related and port uses?

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6.23 The Council may promote the development of land for an appropriate mix of uses on specific sites in town centres and in certain other areas where there is good access to public transport or its provision or improvement to a suitable level is planned. Mixed Use Development Areas are mainly in the town centres and the identified Regeneration Areas. Most will include a mix of land for employment, housing, retail and community services.

The Council has put forward the following locations as Mixed Use Development Areas:

Purfleet :- (a) Riverside Regeneration site – (former Coalyard, Cornwall, Upstream and Station Approach sites)

West Thurrock :- (b) Stoneness/Manor Road sites

South Stifford (c) Wouldham Works,

Grays Town Centre :- (d) Titan Pit South site (e) Kings Walk site (f) Hawkes Close site (g) Station Approach site

Stanford-le-Hope Town Centre :- (h) High Street (east side) (i) Stanhope Industrial Estate, Wharf Road

South Ockendon (j) Aveley Industrial Estate

East Tilbury (k) Bata/Thames Industrial Park

Q10 Are all of the suggested Mixed Use Development Areas appropriate?

Q11 Are there other areas that should be put forward for mixed use?

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6.24 At the regional level, the Draft East of England Plan sets out strategic transport policies and key investment decisions. This includes transport investment proposals for Thames Gateway including Thurrock. The Transport priorities from the Draft East of England Plan that affect Thurrock are listed in Appendix 7. Two of the main findings of a Local Infrastructure Deficit Study, produced in 2006, were that parts of the primary highway network are at or close to capacity. It also found that there is no flexibility on the rail network to increase peak hour capacity, either through enhanced service levels or extended trains. There are a number of regional and local schemes that are aimed at addressing these problems.

6.25 The Appendix also list other local proposals that are envisaged by the Council. Some of these proposals are strategic while others are local in nature. Some of these strategic road/rail investment proposals will be dependent upon the firming up of major private sector-led development, such as or a substantially enlarged Lakeside regional service centre. Other proposals may be geared to major social infrastructure investment such as a University/Science Park or general hospital. The suggested Growth Options would also require additional infrastructure proposals. These will be set out in the next stage of the production of this Document, known as the Preferred Options stage.

Q12 Are all of the suggested transport schemes appropriate?

Q13 Are there other schemes that should be promoted?


6.26 The Local Infrastructure Deficit Study assessment of existing social and community infrastructure shows that there are substantial deficits in provision in the borough, particularly within education, health and community centres.

6.27 In particular, the study found that : o capacity in the education sector is minimal o the primary health sector is operating above capacity, secondary health is effectively at capacity o community halls are effectively operating at capacity

6.28 Population growth is necessitating additional capacity at the primary level. The existing West Thurrock Primary School is to be replaced and a new school at High House in West Purfleet.

Q14 Are there locations where additional schools or other community facilities should be provided?

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6.29 The Council’s Open Space Strategy will incorporate standards for the provision of open space that will require provision to be made to acceptable standards within all new housing development. It will also show the areas of the borough that are deficient in open space and will set out an Action Plan of planned improvements to existing and new public open space facilities. At this stage, there are no definite proposals for new open spaces that are put forward. However, the additional open space sites that were proposed in the UDP that are undeveloped are a potential source of space. These are shown in the table at Appendix 8.

Q15 Are the suggested additional open spaces appropriate?

Q16 Are there other sites that should be promoted for open space purposes?

Q17 Are there locations where additional cultural and leisure facilities should be provided?

6.30 In terms of built sports facilities, the Open Space Strategy will identify possible new sports hubs.


6.31 The Council intends to concentrate retail development in the existing town and retail centres. A retail study is currently assessing the need for additional retail capacity in the Borough. This may result in the need to redevelop or extend existing centres, or to provide new sites in those centres or on the edge of centres.

Q18 Do you agree that the existing centres and sites are appropriate? Are there any other centres or sites that should be included?

6.32 The Core Strategy aims to promote the role of Lakeside as a sub-regional shopping centre while promoting the enhancement of existing town centres to improve the range of shops and related facilities accessible to local people.

6.33 To protect the existing town centres, the Council will aim to restrict the loss of shops from the borough’s shopping centres. This is likely to be done by restricting changes of use from Class A1 (Shops) at ground floor level in district and local shopping centres centres. The centres that are proposed to be subject to this type of policy are listed in Appendix 9.

Q19 Do you agree that the areas shown in the district or local centres should be protected?

Q20 Are there any other sites or areas that should be included?

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6.34 Similarly, the Council will also aim to restrict the loss of shops in neighbourhood shopping parades. These parades are also listed in Appendix 9. In addition to these parades, it is likely that new parades will be formed in some of the main areas of new housing development. For instance, within the identified regeneration areas of Purfleet and West Thurrock.

Q21 Do you agree that the neighbourhood shopping parades should be protected?

Q22 Are there any other sites or areas that should be included?


Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs)

6.35 Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) are areas of special interest (usually on a national or regional basis). Under the provisions of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, such sites are notified by English Nature to the local planning authority, every owner and occupier of the land and to the Secretary of State. The following sites in Thurrock had been notified as SSSIs by 2006 :

Globe Pit, Grays Vange and Marshes Grays Chalk Pit , Grays Flats and Marshes Purfleet Chalk Pits Hangman's Wood and Deneholes West Thurrock Lagoons and Marshes Purfleet Road, Aveley Inner Thames Marshes

Wildlife Sites

6.36 A Phase 1 habitat survey of Thurrock was undertaken in 1989, following which a number of Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs) were identified. This now needs to be reviewed with the additional identification of sites which contribute to our resource of national, county and local biodiversity action plan priority species and habitats.

6.37 A Study of Biodiversity in Thurrock will provide baseline information regarding the biodiversity resource of Thurrock. This will classify habitats that are important regionally or within the County or which are locally important. Priority habitats identified in National, County and/or Local Biodiversity Action Plans will also be identified.

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6.38 Thurrock has 7 designated conservation areas

Horndon - Designated September 1969 (4.7 hectares) Corringham - Designated June 1973 (6.5 hectares) - Designated September 1975 (5.7 hectares) Fobbing - Designated June 1976 (13.4 hectares) Purfleet - Designated October 1985 (10.4 hectares) - Designated July 1991 (45.5 hectares) - Designated March 1993 (30.0 hectares)

Q23 Do the current conservation area designations adequately protect the settlements of historic interest in Thurrock? Are there other areas which should be protected?

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7.1 Progress on the delivery of this DPD and the Local Development Framework generally is set out in the Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) submitted by the Council to central government at the end of each year. This AMR also will monitor progress in achieving the Strategic Objectives of the Core Strategy over the Plan period, using various targets and indicators to measure change.

7.2 Spatial Planning is a joint partnership approach to development of the borough. Implementation and monitoring of the progress of the Core Strategy will also be a concurrent exercise with the implementation of the Local strategic Partnership’s Community Strategy and the Thurrock Thames Gateway Development Corporation Regeneration Framework


8.1 Comments and suggestions received in response to the publication of this Consultation Draft Options DPD will be recorded and reported to the Council together with officer comments. They will be published (and individual consultees will be provided with a written response to their comments). Comments will be taken into account by the Council in deciding on its Preferred Option that will be the subject of a second stage public consultation process. This is planned for early 2007.

Any comments?

Please make your comments by X pm on X 2006.

Via the Council's website www.thurrock.gov.uk/planning/strategic;

By e-mail to [email protected];

In writing to Strategic Planning, Sustainable Communities, Thurrock Council, Civic Offices, New Road, Grays, Essex, RM17 6SL;

Or contact us By phone on 01375 652270 or by fax on 01375 652787.

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The site specific provisions in the following chapter include information about sites for a range of uses, including housing and employment. The Evidence Base for this document is taken from a number of sources.

Strategic Planning sources include

o Thurrock Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) 2005, December 2005. o Strategic Environmental Assessment / Sustainability Appraisal of Thurrock Council Local Development Framework – Scoping Report, September 2005

There are also Technical Studies that have been produced in order to provide evidence for the LDF. The studies produced to date include:

o Urban Capacity Study o Landscape Capacity Study. o Infrastructure Study o Contaminated Land. o Employment Study. o Employment Land Review o Housing Needs. o Open Space Needs Assessment Study.

Additional technical studies are being carried out as follows :

o Green Belt Review. o Retail Study. o Biodiversity Study. o Strategic Flood Risk Assessment. o Sustainable Forms of Development o Use of Planning Contributions for the Provision of Transport o and Community Facilities. o Urban Design Guidelines. o Local Development Documents: Sustainability Appraisal o Minerals Capacity. o Waste Capacity. o Green Grid. o Gypsies and Travelling Showpeople

Other sources include :

o Community Strategy (ASPIRE) o Council strategies e.g. Thurrock Local Transport Plan o “Thurrock Profile” o Best Value Performance Indicators and Performance Plan

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This list includes all the sites that are already being built; have already been granted planning permission or have been allocated in the previous development plan (or Deposit UDP).



1 West of , Adj Garrison Site, Purfleet 3.9 554928 178991 176 2 BOC Upstream site, Purfleet 1.1 555229 178178 104 3 Cornwall House, Purfleet 0.7 555317 178253 99 4 Dipping Site, London Road, Purfleet 5.4 555337 178494 237 5 North of Tank Lane, Purfleet 0.9 555376 178674 36 6 Station Approach, Purfleet 0.8 555380 178319 8 7 Former Coalyard Site (Corys Wharf), London Road, 7.2 555515 177902 504 Purfleet 8 Land Adjoining 50 Wood Avenue, Purfleet 0.1 556176 178687 5 9 Eurolink (Esso North) Site (Remainder), Purfleet 7.9 556185 178239 324 10 Esso Petroleum, London Road, Purfleet 0.6 556195 178039 22 11 Esso Petroleum, London Road, Purfleet 6.5 556199 178040 59 12 High House Recreation Ground, London Road, 9.8 556640 178075 220 Purfleet 13 Williams/Draper Transport Depot, Grays 1.7 559668 177763 175 14 The Warren Outdoor Pursuits Centre, South Stifford 1.2 559723 178786 37 15 Fiddlers Reach, Wouldham Road, South Stifford 13.1 559926 177524 700 16 Acorn Trading Estate, Gumley Road, Grays 2.6 560119 177770 200 17 Land north of Hillside Club, Grays 2.0 560132 178263 192 18 Former GATX Terminal (STS), Grays 13.3 560251 178580 887 19 Askew Farm Lane, West Thurrock 14.3 560369 178366 300 20 Chafford Hundred (remainder) 7.2 560386 179111 319 21 Belmont Allotments/Askew Farm, Grays 4.8 560407 178044 175 22 Fords Parts Depot, Hogg Lane, Grays 0.9 561102 178171 14 23 Titan Works, Titan Road, Grays 5.0 561211 178866 1100 24 Titan Pit South, Titan Works, Titan Road, Grays 5.0 561347 178367 60 25 Grays Town Wharf, Argent Street, Grays 2.3 561398 177449 156 26 DWS Body Works, Thames Road, Grays 0.3 561633 177444 61 27 Argent Street / Thames Road, Grays 0.7 561681 177415 31 28 Depot, Stanley Road, Grays 0.5 561725 178139 10 29 Pumping Station site Manor Way, Grays 0.6 562017 177299 57

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30 Blockhouse Road sites, Grays 0.4 562346 177934 17 31 Poodle Parlour, 157 Southend Rd, 0.2 562400 179239 15 32 Combine Pallet, Globe Works, Grays 1.5 562431 178488 140 33 Site 1 Globe Works, Grays 0.2 562569 178066 10 34 60-62 Dock Road, Grays 0.4 562720 177826 32 35 Site 1A & 1B Park Lane, Aveley 0.2 556953 180274 18 36 Derry Avenue Car Park, South Ockendon 0.5 558373 181425 28 37 Former Church, North Road, South Ockendon 0.1 559503 183091 5 38 140/146 Dock Road, Tilbury 0.0 563653 176369 5 39 South of Lansdown Road, Tilbury 0.6 563990 176340 26 40 Tilbury Working Mens Club, 82 Calcutta Road, Tilbury 0.2 563998 176313 8 41 Units 2,3,5,7 Lansdowne Road, Tilbury 0.3 564038 176360 10 42 Land Between 163/165 St Chads Road, Tilbury 0.0 564306 177047 5 43 Hume Avenue Industrial Area, Tilbury 1.9 564476 175889 143 44 Car Park, Delargy Close, 0.2 564776 179184 8 45 Rear of St Johns Road, Chadwell St Mary 1.1 564839 178310 44 46 Land Adj Dunroaming, Sandhurst Road, Tilbury 0.2 565059 176193 8 47 Water Company Land, Lower Crescent, Linford 0.5 567179 179286 15 48 Youth Centre, 1 Bata Avenue, East Tilbury 0.2 567906 178481 5 49 Orsett Hospital, Rowley Road, Orsett 5.8 564165 181718 22 50 Sports Facilities Site, School Lane, Orsett 0.6 564397 181647 16 51 Gas PRS Site, Butts Road, Stanford-le-Hope 0.6 568123 182468 26 52 Coal/Wood Yard, Butts Road (remainder), Stanford- 0.5 568164 182387 13 Le-Hope 53 66/70 Victoria Road, Stanford-Le-Hope 0.2 568390 182567 19 54 Kia Ora, 128 Branksome Ave, Stanford-Le-Hope 0.3 569136 183974 6 55 Land West of Morley Hill, Stanford-le-Hope 0.6 569523 184560 25 56 East of Morley Hill, Stanford-le-Hope 0.3 569576 184609 11 57 Graham James CP School, The Sorrells, Stanford-Le- 0.3 569714 183343 5 Hope 58 Cunningham Carriage Co. Fobbing Road, Corringham 0.1 570919 183531 9



59 Adj Bentons Farm, Mollands Lane, South Ockendon 0.4 559474 182211 14 60 Junction of Bristow Drive and Welling Rd, Orsett 0.4 565798 181091 5 61 Les' Snack Bar, Stanford Road, Orsett 0.4 566350 181549 6


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This list includes all the sites that are identified in the Urban Capacity Study, but have not been granted planning permission and have not been allocated in the previous development plan. These sites are POTENTIAL sources of urban land for housing.



62 MOT Centre, Tank Hill Road, Purfleet 1.7 555074 178895 63 Former Thames Board Mills (B P B Ltd), London Road, Purfleet 16.0 555899 177802 64 Esso Sports Ground, London Road, Purfleet 3.3 556296 178494 65 Re-Development Site, Schoolfield Road, West Thurrock 8.3 558410 177659 66 Essex Road Allotments, West Thurrock 0.4 558410 177631 67 Lyndale Estate, West Thurrock 6.0 558849 177626 68 West of Sandy Lane, West Thurrock 0.2 558882 177800 69 East of Sandy Lane, West Thurrock 1.2 558938 177835 70 Site West Of Manor Road, London Road, West Thurrock 0.9 559033 177644 71 Former Burma Oil Depot, London Road, West Thurrock 0.6 559045 177783 72 Peaceful Row Lorry Park, London Road, West Thurrock 0.7 559120 177689 73 Land Off Manor Road, Grays 1.8 559138 177602 74 R/O Mill Lane/London Road, London Road, Grays 1.1 559636 178008 75 William Ball Site, West Thurrock 2.6 559810 177753 76 Vehicle Depot, Wouldham Road, Grays 0.6 560284 177759 77 Land East of Meesons Lane, Grays 1.0 560749 178041 78 Gas Works Site, London Road, Grays 2.5 560836 177942 79 London Road - 'Cavectra centre', Grays 0.2 560849 177833 80 Aldi Store, London Road, West Thurrock 0.8 560964 177856 81 MOT Centre Eastern Way / London Road, Grays 0.2 561053 177969 82 Lion Garage, Thurrock Enterprise Park, Grays 0.7 561105 177888 83 2 Orchard Drive, Grays 0.2 561129 179750 84 Health Centre, South Road, South Ockendon 0.1 559292 182406 85 Petrol Station and Land West of Hogg Lane, Grays 0.4 561132 178280 86 Thurrock Masonic Hall Ltd, Lenthall Avenue, Grays 0.3 561142 179560 87 Land To South West Of Junction Of Eastern Way And Hogg 0.4 561146 178100 Lane, Grays 88 RT Rates Garage, Hogg Lane, Grays 0.8 561199 178301 89 Grays Sorting Office, Hogg Lane, Grays 0.8 561249 178230 90 Garages R/O 117 - 133 Crammavill Street, Stifford Clays 0.3 561347 180184 91 Argent Street Car Park, Grays 0.1 561359 177546 92 Dominoes, 76 High Street, Grays 0.2 561360 177703 93 66 High Street, Grays 0.1 561373 177804 94 TA Centre, Brooke Road, Grays 0.6 561372 178267 95 Land at Stifford Clays Baptist Church, Fleethall Grove, Grays 0.5 561381 180319 96 59-65 High Street, Grays 0.3 561450 177783 97 131A Hathaway Road, Grays 0.3 561463 178936 98 Garages Rear of Chafford Way, Stifford Clays 0.2 561569 180471 99 Treetops School, Dell Road, Grays 3.1 561640 178704

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100 Honda Garage, Orsett Road, Grays 0.2 561692 178175 101 Land at Prospect Place, Grays 0.1 561839 177726 102 Tops Club', Argent Street, Grays 0.2 561844 177524 103 Motor Garage, Crammavill Street, Stifford Clays 0.2 561852 180273 104 Grays Athletic FC, Bridge Road, Grays 1.3 561884 177859 105 Car Park, Bridge Road, Grays 0.1 561958 177795 106 Telephone Exchange, Bradleigh Avenue, Grays 0.5 561961 178401 107 Scout Hut & Function Hall, Richmond Road, Grays 0.4 561991 178116 108 Car Park, William Street, Grays 0.1 562043 177734 109 Hewden Hire Centre Road / East Thurrock Road, Grays 0.1 562201 177897 110 Site off Gloucester Avenue, Grays 0.5 562220 179743 111 28 Southend Road, Grays 0.1 562236 178737 112 Land North of Cement Block Cottages, Towers Road, Little 0.1 562378 177976 Thurrock 113 Site East of Scrapworks, Towers Road, Little Thurrock 0.2 562383 177930 114 Globe Works, Little Thurrock 8.0 562410 178143 115 Claremont Close, Little Thurrock 0.4 562411 179380 116 Scrapyard Manor Road, Grays 0.2 562445 177685 117 Land adjacent to Ship Inn, Dock Road, Little Thurrock 0.2 562459 177811 118 Land adjacent Combine Pallet Site, Towers Road, Little 1.2 562501 178445 Thurrock 119 Garden Centre, Chadwell Road, Grays 0.8 562856 178745 120 Petrol Station, Daneholes Roundabout' Stanford Road, Grays 0.6 562861 179273 121 Mardale House, Purfleet Road, Aveley 0.4 556185 178734 122 Springfields, Mill Road, Aveley 0.5 556279 180508 123 Petrol Station, Purfleet Road, Aveley 0.2 556372 180247 124 Land R/O 77 - 87 Shannon Way, Aveley 0.1 556412 181042 125 Aveley Football Ground, Mill Road, Aveley 2.5 556458 180685 126 Adj. B1335 Stifford Road, South Ockendon 0.6 558013 180693 127 Woodacre School, Erriff Drive, South Ockendon 1.8 558134 181650 128 Knightsmead School, Fortin Close, South Ockendon 0.5 558190 180839 129 Sorting Office, Derry Avenue, South Ockendon 0.3 558395 181444 130 Telephone Exchange, Darenth Lane, South Ockendon 0.3 558460 181342 131 Whiteacre, Daiglen Drive, South Ockendon 0.4 558521 181198 132 The Culver Centre, Daiglen Drive, South Ockendon 2.0 558648 181168 133 R/O 32/42 Anton Road, South Ockendon 0.2 558703 182026 134 Aveley Industrial Estate, Arisdale Avenue, South Ockendon 22.2 558878 182363 135 R/O 93-111 Araglen Avenue, South Ockendon 0.1 559022 181733 136 Tamarisk Road, South Ockendon 0.1 559046 182233 137 Health Centre, South Road, South Ockendon 0.1 559296 182404 138 Petrol Station, North Road, South Ockendon 0.2 559502 183119 139 Car Park, Selwyn Road, Tilbury 0.4 563725 176399 140 Rourke's Drift Guest House, 197 Dock Road, Tilbury 0.2 563794 176236 141 Telephone Exchange, Calcutta Road, Tilbury 0.1 564008 176267 142 Stella Maris Hostel, Dock Road, Tilbury 0.2 564027 176118 143 79/81 Dock Road, Tilbury 0.1 564037 176055 144 Tilbury Market Place, Calcutta Road, Tilbury 0.3 564061 176315 145 Calcutta Club, Calcutta Road, Tilbury 0.2 564140 176304

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145 The Manse St Andrews Church, Calcutta Road, Tilbury 0.1 564199 176259 146 St Chads School, St Chads Road, Tilbury 3.5 564223 176931 147 Rear of River View, Chadwell St Mary 0.1 564365 178562 148 Petrol Station, Brentwood Road, Chadwell St Mary 0.2 564561 178623 149 Sleepers Farm, Chadwell Hill, Chadwell St Mary 0.3 564568 178463 150 Land at St John's Church, Brentwood Road, Chadwell St Mary 0.3 564730 179292 151 St Mary's Hall, Longhouse Road, Chadwell St Mary 0.2 564793 179149 152 R/O 33-55 Vigerons Way, Chadwell St Mary 0.2 564917 178761 153 St Johns Road, East Tilbury 4.0 564999 178196 154 Sandhurst Fort Road, Tilbury 0.2 565263 176306 155 Sandy Lane, East Tilbury 2.3 565267 178391 156 Bata/ Thames Industrial Park, East Tilbury 3.5 567944 178206 157 Coronation Avenue, East Tilbury 0.2 568016 178573 158 Land off Colne, East Tilbury 0.2 568221 179031 159 Workshops, Poley Road, Stanford-Le-Hope 0.2 568081 182335 160 Baryta Close, Stanford-Le-Hope 2.0 568246 182404 161 R/O 42 King Street, Stanford-Le-Hope 0.4 568443 182388 162 King Street - 'The Precinct', Stanford-Le-Hope 0.2 568522 182407 163 Telephone Exchange, Fetherston Road, Stanford-Le-Hope 0.2 568617 182354 164 Corringham Centre Service Station, Gordon Road, Corringham 0.1 569861 183373 165 Petrol Station Lampits Hill, Corringham 0.2 570729 183695



166 Eastern Garage, Southend Road, Corringham 0.2 570016 185547

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This list includes sites that have been put forward as proposals for development by various land owners and developers over the last few years in response to consultations on the development plan and as submissions for consideration since then. All of these sites are within the Green Belt and the majority are previously undeveloped green field sites.



1 Ponds Farm, London Road, Purfleet 2 Mardyke Meadow, Arterial Rd, Purfleet 3 Love Lane, Aveley 4 North of A1306 5 Aveley Hall Farm outbuildings and yard 6 Ex Marley Landfill Site, Aveley 7 Land at Avontar Road 8 Coach Park, Pilgrims Lane, Lakeside 9 Land at North Road, South Ockendon 10 Willow Grove, South Ockendon 11 Adj. A1306, Grays 12 Bloomfield Farm, Stifford Clays Road, Grays 13 Junction of Blackshots Lane and Stifford Clays Road 14 Land at Grey Goose Farm, Grays 15 Land at Thurrock Park, Little Thurrock 16 Karting Stadium & land east of Dock Rd, Tilbury 17 Thurrock & Basildon College, Woodview Campus, Grays 18 Land to North of Tilbury 19 South of Orsett House, High Road, Orsett 20 Heath Place Farm, 21 Land adjacent Chadwell Hill and Sandy Lane, Chadwell St Mary 22 Land fronting Prince Charles Avenue, Orsett 23 Land north of Linford Rd, Chadwell 24 Land between Linford Road and Turnpike Road, Chadwell 25 Southfield Quarry site, Orsett 26 Orsett Quarry (south west of Southfields estate, Orsett) 27 East Quarry (south of Beauchamp Gate), Orsett 28 Land at Golf and Country Club, Lower Dunton Road 29 Tilbury Power Station, Tilbury South 30 Sandown Nurseries, Sandown Road, Orsett 31 Farmyard at St. Cleres Hall, Stanford-Le-Hope 32 Adj. Princess Margaret Road, East Tilbury 33 Land South of Oxford Road and West of Butts Lane 34 North/East/South/West of East Tilbury 35 Land at Williamson Farm, Southend Road, Corringham 36 Land at the rear of Marie Close, Corringham 37 Land fronting Southend Road and Lampits Hill, Corringham 38 South of Thames Haven Road, Corringham 39 North of Thames Haven Road, Corringham

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40 Adj. Cobblers Mede Lake, Church Road, Corringham 41 Land to the east of Rookery Hill, Corringham 42 Adj. Cobblers Mede Lake, Herd lane, Corringham 43 Land fronting High Road, Fobbing 44 North east of Digby Road, Corringham 45 Land to the south of Marsh Lane, Fobbing

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A) Primary industrial and commercial areas

Purfleet Industrial Park, Aveley Botany Quarry/Tank Lane, Purfleet London Road, Purfleet Dolphin Estate/Lafarge, West Thurrock Lakeside/Waterglade Estates, West Thurrock West Thurrock Marshes Thurrock Park, Little Thurrock Tilbury South Tilbury Power Station, North. Shell Haven

B) Secondary industrial and commercial areas

Aveley Industrial Estate, South Ockendon (part retained) Marley Works, Stifford Road, South Ockendon Milehams Industrial Estate, Purfleet 434-436 London Road, West Thurrock Gumley Road, South Stifford (part retained) Chafford Hundred North West Zone Grays West Grays South – Manorway Durox Works, Linford

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A) Sites identified for industrial and commercial development


1 Purfleet Industrial Park, Purfleet 1.7 2 Tank Lane/ Arterial Road, Purfleet 3.1 3 Botany Quarry, Purfleet 0.7 4 Land adjoining Van den Bergh & Jurgens, West Thurrock 13.6 5 885 - 901, London Road, West Thurrock 0.2 6 Lafarge Jetty Site, West Thurrock 1.2 7 Plot 3, Waterglade Industrial Park, West Thurrock 0.3 8 Land south of London Road, West Thurrock 1.1 9 Motherwell Way, West Thurrock 0.5 10 Lakeside Trading Estate (Autopark site), West Thurrock 6.5 11 Thurrock Park, Little Thurrock - Land west of Botney Channel 1.1 12 Thurrock Park, Little Thurrock - Remainder 5.8 13 Tilbury Power Station, North 14.3 14 Former Tilbury A Generating Station, Tilbury 14.5 15 Shell Haven 200.0 to 300.0 16 West Thurrock Power Station 39.1 17 Grays South, Curzon Drive 0.1 18 VOPAK, West Thurrock, Expansion 16.0 B) Sites previously identified that are no longer recommended for industrial and commercial development (includes sites where part of site still retained for employment use or in mixed use).


Former Coalyard Site, Purfleet Former Thames Board Mills (B P B Ltd), London Road, Purfleet (part) Cornwall House, Purfleet Lyndale Estate, West Thurrock (part) Former Burma Oil Depot, London Road, West Thurrock William Ball Site, West Thurrock Bluelands West Quarry, West Thurrock Aveley Industrial Estate, Arisdale Avenue, South Ockendon (part) Hogg Lane, Grays Fiddlers Reach, Wouldham Road, South Stifford (part) Williams/Draper Transport Depot, Grays Acorn Trading Estate, Gumley Road, Grays Titan Works, Titan Road, Grays Grays Town Wharf, Argent Street, Grays DWS Body Works, Thames Road, Grays Combine Pallet, Globe Works, Grays Globe Works, Little Thurrock Hume Avenue Industrial Area, Tilbury St. John’s/ Linford Road, Chadwell St. Mary Bata/ Thames Industrial Park, East Tilbury (part) Baryta Close, Stanford-Le-Hope Stanhope Industrial Park, Stanford-le-Hope

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RSS East Of England Plan:

M25 Widening

Channel Tunnel Rail Link (Operational by summer 2007)

Junction 30 N/B Improvements (possible add-on to M25 widening)

Rail link Upgrade (timing linked to Shell Haven development)

Freight Interchange (timing linked to Shell Haven development)

Platform lengthening to 12 car trains (All stations except Chafford Hundred)

New Railway station at West Thurrock (Related to growth in the regeneration areas)

West Thurrock Marshes Relief Road Phase 2

Rapid Transit:

South Essex Rapid Transit (“Concept” status)


Improved rail passenger crossing (UDC proposes this)

Lower Thames Crossings?? ( Need to get correct technical name)

Other Local Strategic:

A13/A126 East Facing Slip Roads (Proposed in the UDP 1st Deposit draft)

Passenger Interchange Improvements (Grays, Purfleet)

“Grays Station Transport (Improvements to access, etc around station funded by Commercial development) Development” Zone

Lakeside Retail Interchange

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Other Local Proposals

New Road Building proposals made in the UDP that are carried forward

Hedley Avenue Extension Phase II to be done West Thurrock Marshes Relief Road Phase II to be done West Thurrock Riverside Regeneration Access Road Listed above ? (and in RSS) Lakeside Northern Bus Link Still live Thurrock Park Link Road Still live Tilbury South Access Road Still live

Road Improvement Schemes

The following roads and junctions may be the subject of improvement works to be carried out in connection with the development of land or construction of new roads in the borough, or to meet local highway standards.

Major Route Safeguarding

A13 Widening - Manorway Junction to Orsett Cock Junction Still live – Port related

Local Schemes

Botany Way Improvement, Purfleet Still live Jurgens Road Improvement, Purfleet ? Stonehouse Corner, Purfleet ? Oliver Close Improvement, West Thurrock Needs upgrading Oliver Road Improvement, West Thurrock Needs upgrading Hedley Avenue Improvement, West Thurrock Still live London Road/ Askew Farm Junction (Stage 2), Grays ? Fort Road, Tilbury Still live Buckingham Hill Road, Stanford-le-Hope ? Manorway Junction Improvements, Stanford-le-Hope Still live – Port related Linford Road, Chadwell St Mary Complete?

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Ref Area Status (hectares)

Fort Road, Tilbury 3.8 Blackshots Complex extension, Grays 14.6 Wouldham Works, South Stifford 1.3 Adjoining St. Clement’s Church, West Thurrock 1.3 Implemented Anchor Field, West Thurrock 1.5 Implemented Stonehouse Farm, West Thurrock 1.3 Shell Haven site, Corringham 6 Williamsons Farm, Corringham 4 Thurrock Park, Little Thurrock 4.7 Warren Gorge, Chafford Hundred 5.5 Implemented Chafford Hundred (Play areas, greens & informal 5.8 Implemented open space) The Royal, Purfleet 0.4 Bluelands West, Purfleet 0.8 Purfleet Riverside (in mixed-use area) 0.7 The Warren, South Stifford 0.4 Meesons Lane South 1.2 Implemented

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Shopping Centres and Parades identified in the UDP that may be carried forward.


GRAYS: A Core Area 1-40 The Mall B Primary Area 34-62 High Street 9-57 High Street 2-18 Clarence Road 2a-32 High Street/3-13 George Street Units, George Street 1-6 Queensgate Centre 1-7 High Street

C Secondary Area 8-16 Orsett Road 7-13 Queensgate Centre 1-25 Orsett Road 2b/2c High Street 27-89 Orsett Road 18-72 Orsett Road 2-28 London Road 13-59 Clarence Road 20-44 Clarence Road 66-76 High Street 59b-83 High Street 1-5 New Road 1-3 Station Approach

SOCKETTS HEATH: B Primary Area 15-33 Lodge Lane 267-277 Rectory Road 35-77 Lodge Lane SOUTH OCKENDON: B Primary Area 2-12 Derry Avenue 26-36 Derry Avenue 1-29 Derwent Parade 2-22 Derwent Parade 101-111 Daiglen Drive 125-135 Daiglen Drive

TILBURY: B Primary Area 1-14 Civic Square 1-18 Commonwealth House 9-55 Calcutta Road 1-12 Calcutta Road 14-26 Calcutta Road

AVELEY: B Primary Area 60-74 High Street 21-41 High Street

C Secondary Area 28-34 High Street

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CORRINGHAM: B Primary Area 1-41 St. John’s Way 43-63 St. John’s Way 65-89 St. John’s Way 6-14 St. John’s Way 16-28 St. John’s Way 2-26 Grover Walk 1-25 Grover Walk

STANFORD LE HOPE: B Primary Area 1-21 Kings Parade 2-24 King Street 1-29 High Street 26-40 High Street 1-6 The Green 19-27 Corringham Road 2-32 Corringham Road 1-7 Wharf Road


CHADWELL ST MARY: 22-32 Riverview 45-53, 67 Riverview 77-119 Riverview 1-5/2-16 Defoe Parade STIFFORD CLAYS: 1-15 Crammavill Street 2-20 Crammavill Street

EAST TILBURY: 1-13 Stanford House CORRINGHAM: 1-29 Lampits Hill 39-63 Lampits Hill GRAYS: 1-57 Southend Road 6-8, 22-40 Southend Road LITTLE THURROCK: 1-25 Broadway 8-12, 18-40 Broadway 6-8 Whitehall Lane CHAFFORD HUNDRED: The Armada Centre Roebuck Park Centre Tilbury 122-176 Dock Road 209-243 Dock road


SOUTH OCKENDON: 1-8, 17 Canterbury Parade, South Road 1-10 Broxburn Parade, Broxburn Drive 1-5 Aire Drive 69-85 Garron Lane 2-12 South Parade, South Road

AVELEY: 160-170 Road

GRAYS: 1-2 Kingston Parade/140a-150 Hathaway Road 187-207 Lenthall Avenue 52-65 Jesmond Road

TILBURY: 165-175 St. Chads Road

LINFORD: 1-6 East Tilbury Road

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STANFORD LE HOPE: 46-50 Valmar Avenue/2-8 Rayleigh Road 10-12 Nursery Road/85-89 Abbotts Drive 17-21 Turold Road

CORRINGHAM: 66-80 Woodbrooke Way 29-37 Gardner Avenue

PURFLEET: 1-6 Garrison Parade

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Map 1 - Committed and Potential Housing Sites in Thurrock

This map illustrates the location of committed and potential housing. The sites shown are not Council proposals. They are illustrative and not drawn to scale.

Committed Sites

Include all the sites that are already being built; have already been granted planning permission or have been allocated in the previous development plan.

Uncommitted Sites

Includes all the sites that are identified in the Urban Capacity Study, but have not been granted planning permission and have not been allocated in the previous development plan. These sites are POTENTIAL sources of urban land for housing.