(Internal Draft Version June 2006) THURROCK LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK (LDF) SITE SPECIFIC ALLOCATIONS AND POLICIES “ISSUES AND OPTIONS” DEVELOPMENT PLAN DOCUMENT [DPD] INFORMAL CONSULTATION DRAFT CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. STRATEGIC & POLICY CONTEXT 4 3. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE BOROUGH 6 4. KEY PRINCIPLES 7 5. RELATIONSHIP WITH CORE STRATEGY VISION, 7 OBJECTIVES & ISSUES 6. SITE SPECIFIC PROVISIONS 8 7. MONITORING & IMPLEMENTATION 19 8. NEXT STEPS 19 APPENDICES 20 GLOSSARY OF TERMS REFERENCE LIST INTERNAL DRAFT VERSION JUNE 2006 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 We would like to get your views on future development and planning of Thurrock to 2021. A new system of “Spatial Planning” has been introduced that goes beyond traditional land-use planning and seeks to integrate the various uses of land with the various activities that people use land for. The new spatial plans must involve wider community consultation and involvement and be based on principles of sustainable development. 1.2 The main over-arching document within the LDF portfolio is the Core Strategy. This sets out the vision, objectives and strategy for the development of the whole area of the borough. The Site Specific Allocations and Policies is very important as it underpins the delivery of the Core Strategy. It enables the public to be consulted on the various specific site proposals that will guide development in accordance with the Core Strategy. 1.3 Many policies in the plans will be implemented through the day-to-day control of development through consideration of planning applications. This document also looks at the range of such Development Control policies that might be needed. 1.4 The plans’ aims and objectives must be capable of being delivered and so the new Spatial Plans will directly support the Community Strategy by ensuring land and sites are made available for health, education, open space, industry and housing. Thurrock’s new Spatial Plans must also take account of national and regional plans as well as other council strategies and those of our partners that set the context for the borough. Site Specific Allocations and Policies DPD 1.5 This issues/ options consultation document is the first step in developing the new Spatial Plans for Thurrock and for deciding the option for the development of housing, employment, transport etc. that will be set out in the Site Specific Allocations and Policies DPD. This first stage is not a statutory requirement and is therefore informal. It provides an opportunity to consider the basic underlying issues and asks some simple questions to flag up areas where we need your views. The Council will consider your comments before moving on to develop a Preferred Option at the next stage. 1.6 It is important that this document is read in conjunction with the Core Strategy and Development Control Options DPD, where the “Spatial Planning Strategic Objectives and Issues” and the “Spatial Development Options” are set out. This document signposts the specific sites and associated development control policies that will enable the delivery of the Preferred Option. Thurrock Council DRAFT Site Specific Allocations & Policies DPD – Internal Consultation 1 INTERNAL DRAFT VERSION JUNE 2006 1.7 We have tried to make the document easy to read and easy to follow. At the back we provide you with a list of background documents and explanations for some of the technical terms we have to use. If you want more information, before you make up your mind, we would be happy to hear from you. A questionnaire is available to help you respond more effectively. Contact details are provided in the Introduction and at the end of this document. Thurrock Local Development Framework (LDF) 1.8 Thurrock Council is working on its Local Development Framework (LDF). This is the name for a range of documents including this plan that will set out the spatial strategy, policies and proposals to guide the future development and use of land in Thurrock up to the year 2021. 1.9 It will replace the existing adopted Thurrock Borough Local Plan (1997) that is the current statutory development plan. The Local Development Framework (LDF) is part of a new system for the preparation of development plans in England that was introduced by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. The LDF comprises the following: Core Strategy & Policies for Control of Development (Development Plan Document - DPD) 1.10 The main over-arching document within the LDF portfolio is the Core Strategy & Policies for Control of Development DPD. This will set out the vision, objectives and strategy for the development of the whole area of the borough together with the policies for the control of development. 1.11 The various stages in the production of this DPD are set out in the Local Development Scheme. This “Options” consultation stage is the first stage and is not a statutory requirement. However, the Council has decided that it is appropriate to obtain the views of the public, stakeholders and agencies on the strategic options for the future development of the borough. Site Allocations and Policies (DPD) 1.12 This document underpins the delivery of the Core Strategy. It enables the public to be consulted on the various specific site proposals that will guide development in accordance with the Core Strategy. It also sets out the scope of development control policies required to implement them. Thurrock Council DRAFT Site Specific Allocations & Policies DPD – Internal Consultation 2 INTERNAL DRAFT VERSION JUNE 2006 1.13 The outline time table for the production of this DPD is: Publication of “Options” (this document); July 2006 Consultation period; July /August 2006 Consideration of responses by Cabinet/Council; autumn/winter 2006 Publication of “Preferred Option” DPD for consultation; early 2007 Consultation period; February /March 2007 Preparation of the Core Strategy & Policies for Control of Development DPD; summer & autumn 2007 Placing on deposit and submission to Secretary of State; early 2008 Independent Examination in public; autumn 2008 Adoption; summer 2009 Minerals and Waste (DPD) 1.14 A separate borough wide development plan document will be prepared for minerals and waste. However the overarching strategic policies on minerals and waste will be included in the Core Strategy. Other New Features 1.15 A Proposals Map will also be prepared in stages. This will be a borough wide map with inset maps where necessary. It will show the location of site-specific proposals and area based policies. This map will evolve with each development plan document. 1.16 These Development Plan Documents together with Supplementary Planning Documents and the Statement of Community Involvement form the Local Development Framework (LDF), that will replace the adopted Borough Local Plan of 1997 and deposit draft Unitary Development Plan (UDP). The development Plan documents together with the Regional Spatial Strategy for the East of England will form the Statutory Development Plan. 1.17 Other features of the new system are that plan proposals and policies will be subject to sustainability Appraisal (SA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). The Council must also produce an Annual Monitoring Report (AMR). 1.18 In addition, the Council has commissioned a number of technical studies that have either been completed or are underway. These technical studies form part of the “evidence base” for the development plans. This and the other information used is listed in Appendix 1. 1.19 All available LDF documents can be viewed on the Council’s website at (www.thurrock.gov.uk/planning/strategic) or be inspected at the Council offices. Thurrock Council DRAFT Site Specific Allocations & Policies DPD – Internal Consultation 3 INTERNAL DRAFT VERSION JUNE 2006 2. STRATEGIC & POLICY CONTEXT 2.1 The plans and policies that we produce are guided and influenced by a range of other strategies and policies from government and our partners: National policy 2.2 Thurrock is within the Thames Gateway, announced as a key regeneration and growth area in the Government’s Communities Plan ‘Building for the Future’, launched in February 2003. The Thames Gateway is therefore an area of national importance. 2.3 The government is also producing a range of policy documents known as Planning Policy Statements which cover issues such as housing, retail flood risk and waste and are replacing existing government Planning Policy Guidance notes. These documents set the policy context for the preparation of our plans. Regional/Sub-regional 2.4 The draft Regional Spatial Strategy for the East of England (RSS14) –“Draft East of England Plan contains a range of polices on jobs housing and the Environment. The Draft East of England plan proposes 18500 dwellings and 26000 jobs between 2001-21 within Thurrock which is part of the Thames Gateway South Essex Regeneration and Growth area identified in the plan. The Regional Spatial Strategy has recently been the subject of an Independent Examination and will become part of the Statutory Development Plan on formal adoption in 2007. 2.5 Within the Thames Gateway Thurrock has two “Zones Of Change” one being Grays Riverside and the other Shell Haven/Canvey Island which extends eastward into Castle Point District. The draft East Of England Plan also identifies within Thurrock a Regeneration hub and Strategic Employment Zone. 2.6 Thurrock is also in the Thames Gateway South Essex Partnership with other Local authorities and stakeholders. This partnership has produced its own vision for South Essex and is preparing strategies for example on employment, culture and transport. Community Strategy (TO BE UPDATED WITH REFRESH VERSION) 2.7 The Community Strategy for Thurrock (ASPIRE) was published in November 2003 and developed by Shaping Thurrock, the Local Strategic Partnership. ASPIRE sets out a long term vision for Thurrock as a place for enterprise and skills which build on the Prosperity of the River Thames, and welcomes opportunities for trade whilst being a place where people feel included and where diverse communities can build a safe, healthy, vibrant area in which they are proud to live, work and play.
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