Stifford Clays Primary School Newsletter: Issue 1 11Th September 2020

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Stifford Clays Primary School Newsletter: Issue 1 11Th September 2020 Stifford Clays Primary School Newsletter: Issue 1 th 11 September 2020 Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow: Receptive Respectful Positive Honest Determined Dear Parents and Carers, The only afterschool time change is to year 5, who As the new Head of School, I have been highly with effect from Monday 14th September will need impressed with the excellent start to this new to be collected from the gate adjacent to the bike academic year, with truly excellent attitudes to sheds at the front of the school. learning and impeccable behaviour from all children. I This change has been introduced to firstly reduce the have been visiting all classrooms regularly and trying number of parents on the KS2 playground, but also to get to know as many of our children as possible this allow those children who come to school on bikes, week, as well as learn the new routines! We have access to the bike shed after school. Please ensure many true ambassadors of the school all of whom that you do not arrive early for collection times, but have helped make my job easier by explaining all the on time to allow for social distancing. systems and processes! Thank you children I have Thank you for your patience with us whilst we review thoroughly enjoyed getting to know you all! arrangements and try to minimise further changes. Thank you for your efforts, in unusual times, with your help to see children quickly and calmly into Below are the updated times and venues for safe drop school with a ‘kiss and drop’ approach, which has seen off and collection. We appreciate that where families all children now settled well into their new classes and have more than one child, there may be a little wait routines. for the next child but we cannot avoid this and thank Classrooms are looking vibrant and are you for your understanding. exciting, welcoming places to learn. We have worked Arrival Drop off Home Collection Point hard as a team to redesign our recovery curriculum to gate/entrance Time cover as best we can the crucial curriculum time Year 8.35 KS1 gate 3.10 KS1 playground children have missed due to lockdown. The children 1 will be learning a wide range of subjects in very Year 8.30 KS1 gate 3.20 KS1 playground exciting and active ways as well as focusing on core 2 skills in English, maths and science to address any Year 8.35 Main gate 3.20 KS2 playground 3 learning gaps. We are focusing on intent (what we Year 8.30 Main gate 3.25 KS2 playground intend children to learn), implementation (how we are 4 teaching) and impact (what we expect our children to Year 8.35 Year 6 gate 3.30 Year 6 gate know and be able to do as a result). 5 I very much look forward to getting to know Year 8.30 Year 6 gate 3.30 Year 6 gate you all in the days and weeks ahead. Have a lovely 6 weekend. Mrs Martin Only one adult to collect a child from a household please. School Day Arrangements We have been pleased to see that children are coming Arriving to School - Punctuality in to school far more quickly this week, therefore we Please ensure your child arrives at the are revising entry times. As such, from week designated gate on time. As we are commencing Monday 14th September start times legally required to stagger arrival times will be as follows: to minimise close contact with others and to keep year Year 6: 8.30 am, Year 6 Gate (unchanged) groups separate, it is vital that children arrive on time. Year 5: 8.35 am Year 6 Gate We would also like to remind you that the Year 4: 8.30 am, Main Gate (unchanged) Government have announced that all children must Year 3: 8.35am Main Gate return to school. Year 2: 8.30 am, KS1 Gate (unchanged) Year 1: 8.35am KS1 Gate Head of School Mrs S Martin Stifford Clays Primary School Whitmore Avenue, Grays, Essex RM16 2ST 01375 373866 Learning Celebration Event As previously advised, we would like Next week’s Reception Workshop Sessions: to provide an opportunity to formally Monday 14th September – Helping your child with acknowledge and celebrate early maths children’s learning during the recent lockdown period. Tuesday 15th September – Working in Partnership to For this reason, we intend to hold a Learning Secure Outcomes for your Child Celebration Event in class on Friday 18th These sessions will run while the children are September, where children will have the opportunity staying and playing. Tea and coffee is to share, reflect upon and celebrate work they provided. completed during this period with their teacher, We hope this information is helpful and once support staff and senior staff. again we are looking forward to welcoming Please could we ask that parents and carers you to our school. We are trying to make sure support children to identify and select 1 or 2 key that our new parents feel welcome and pieces of work that they are either: supported, so your patience is much a) Most proud of appreciated. b) Learnt the most about As always, your feedback is most welcome. c) Found the most exciting To share with their peers and staff next Friday. Attendance Please can work be photographed and/ or emailed to It is great to see everyone back to school. We are with your child’s name and proud to announce that this week’s class stated for staff to print out at school on Friday attendance winner are: 18th. Please do not send hard copies of the work to KS1 1st – 1DW minimise the risk of infection. 2nd – 2D If in the event that work completed during this 3rd – 1M period is no longer available, an alternative would be KS2 1st – 5B to send in a memo/ note or email to outline your 2nd – 3S child’s efforts during this period so that their hard 3rd – 5M work can still be acknowledged. Please can we ask that work is submitted by email by Thursday 16th September at the very latest. Hand Sanitisers We look forward to sharing and celebrating your Please do not send your child in with their own child’s work! mini hand gels. Our site staff have worked really hard throughout the summer and have installed our school with 30 hand sanitiser New Children stations with one outside every classroom. Individual Our EYFS staff have been busy squeezable hand gels present a danger if squirted into getting to know some of our eyes and mouths. new children who have begun their settling and starting Health and Safety sessions in Reception this A plea to all parents, please can week. It can be quite daunting going to ‘Big School’ for we ask for your support in the very first time, but I have been delighted to see ensuring that all children arrive how well they have approached their new start with safely in school, on time. Key to smiles on their faces. Thank you boys and girls! this, is ensuring that the yellow The new start was made even more appealing by the marked lines outside the school gates are kept clear extensive work that the EYFS team have put into and that parents running late do not stop on the lines rejuvenating the outdoor provision area in EYFS to and allow children to get out of cars. Please park make learning so exciting for our new Reception where you can safely and encourage your child to walk starters! safely across the road instead. For children coming to Over the next few weeks we will be welcoming school on bikes, whether this is their own bike or on a more new children and their parents to Nursery and parent’s, please can you ensure that all children wear we are looking forward to getting to know you! a safety helmet. Thank you to all the parents for being patient at our As a school we have put systems in place at busy times of coming in and going home and for those the start and end of the day to allow parents to who have attended the workshops designed to support maintain social distancing, therefore can we please you with the transition into EYFS. Workshops run each ask that parents use the full length of the playground time your child attends a stay and play session next where possible to collect your child and that you do week, so that parents do not have to return 60 not arrive early for collection times, but on time. We minutes later to collect. We do offer refreshments are continuously monitoring and reviewing during this time. arrangements and your feedback is always welcome. Head of School Mrs S Martin Stifford Clays Primary School Whitmore Avenue, Grays, Essex RM16 2ST 01375 373866 Social Media Warning Some parents may already be aware that Clubs there is a viral video circulating the country For the first half term, we will not via TikTok which shows a man committing be running clubs for two reasons: suicide. TikTok have written a press release firstly, as most children will have been out of school to state they are trying to remove the video. for five months, we wish to focus on settling them As a school, we will be teaching children the dangers back into school for the main part of the day and feel of social media and how important it is to stay safe that the added dimension of additional provision is not when they are online.
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