Gec Esfid Final
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Gateway Energy Centre UNDERGROUND GGAS PIPELINE AND ASSOCIATED ABOVE GROUND INSTALLATION ENVIRONMENTAAL STATEMENT FURTHER INFORMATION DOCUMENT Prepared by July 2011 CONTENTS Page LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS PREFACE 1 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background to the ES FID 1 1.2 Relationship between the ES and ES FID 1 2 PLANNING AND ENERGY POLICY 5 2.1 Overview 5 3 GAS PIPELINE ROUTE AND AGI LOCATION SELECTION 7 3.1 Response to Thurrock Council 7 4 CONSTRUCTION METHODS AND OPERATION 9 4.1 Response to Oikos Storage Ltd (Agent: Adams Hendry) 9 5 LAND USE 10 5.1 Response to Shell (Agent: Jones Lang LeSalle) 10 6 LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL 18 6.1 Response to Thurrock Council 18 7 LAND USE / GEOLOGY, HYDROLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY 24 7.1 Response to Thurrock Council 24 8 CULTURAL HERITAGE 24 8.1 Response to ECC (Historic Environment Branch) 24 9 INDIRECT / SECONDARY AND CUMULATIVE IMPACTS 25 9.1 Response to Thurrock Council 25 9.2 Update to the March 2011 ES Section 18 (Indirect / Secondary and Cumulative Impacts) 27 APPENDIX A REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY THRID PARTIES TO TTGDC APPENDIX B UPDATES TO MARCH 2011 ES SECTIONS 2 AND 3 APPENDIX C UPDATE TO MARCH 2011 ES SECTION 6 APPENDIX D SUBSTITUTION OF MARCH 2011 ES SECTION 15 APPENDIX E UPDATE TO MARCH 2011 ES SECTION 18 57 GEC Underground Gas Pipeline and Associated Above Ground Installation July 2011 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 3LPE 3 layer polyethylene AC Alternating Current ACC Air Cooled Condenser AGI Above Ground Installation AOD Above Ordnance Datum AUT Automatic Ultrasonic Testing BAP Biodiversity Action Plan BP British Petroleum BPA British Pipelines Agency BS British standard BT British Telecom CAA Civil Aviation Authority CCGT Combined Cycle Gas Turbine CCR Carbon Capture Readiness CCTV Closed Circuit Television CD Compact Disc CDM Construction Design and Management CECL Coryton Energy Company Limited CEMP Construction Environmental Management Plan CHP Combined Heat and Power CIPS Close Internal Potential Survey CLG Department for Communities and Local Government CLR Corringham Light Railway CO2 Carbon Dioxide CP Cathodic Protection CPBC Castle Point Borough Council CTMP Construction Transport Management Plan DC Direct Current DCO Development consent Order DCVG Direct Current Voltage Gradient DECC Department of Energy and Climate Change DX Ditch Crossing ECC Essex County Council EEDA East of England Development Agency EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EN European Norm ES Environmental Statement ESD Emergency Shutdown Device ES FID Environmental Statement Further Information Document EU European Union FBE Fusion Bonded Epoxy GEC Gateway Energy Centre GECL Gateway Energy Centre Limited GRF Gas Reception Facility GRP Gas Reinforced Plastic GW Gigawatt ha hectares GEC Underground Gas Pipeline and Associated Above Ground Installation July 2011 HDD Horizontal Directional Drill HEO Harbour Empowerment Order HGV Heavy Goods Vehicle HRSG Heat Recovery Steam Generator HSC Hazardous Substances Consent HSE Health and Safety Executive HV High Voltage IEMA Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment IGE Institute of Gas Engineers IPC Infrastructure Planning Commission km kilometers kV Kilovolts LCPD Large Combustion Plant Directive LCV Lower Calorific Value LG London Gateway LPA Local Planning Authority LX Lake Crossing m metres mm millimetres MAPD Major Accident Prevention Document MAOP Maximum Allowable Pressure MOC Minimum Offtake Connection MOD Ministry of Defence MOF Minimum Offtake Facility MWe Megawatts Electrical N2 Nitrogen NG National Grid NOx Nitrogen Oxides NPS National Policy Statement NPS EN-1 Revised Draft Overarching National Policy Statement for Energy (EN-1) NSIPs National Significant Infrastructure Projects NTaS National Transmission System NTS Non-Technical Summary OFGEM Office of the Gas and Electricity Markets OLIV On-line Inspection Vehicles OPA Outline Planning Application OPA Oil Pipelines Agency OS Ordnance Survey PB Parsons Brinckerhoff PIG Pipeline Internal Gauge PLX Pipeline Crossing PP Planning Permission PPS Planning Policy Statement PSR Pipelines Safety Regulations PSSR Pressure System Safety Regulations RDX Road Crossing RLX Rail Crossing RTU Remote Terminal Unit RVX River Crossing GEC Underground Gas Pipeline and Associated Above Ground Installation July 2011 SINC Site of Importance for Nature Conservation SO2 Sulphur dioxide SPEAC Shellhaven Project Environmental Action Committee TBC Thurrock Borough Council TEU Twenty-foot Equivalent Shipping Container Units TLX Track Crossing TR Transformer Rectifier TTGDC Thurrock Thames Gateway Development Corporation TWAO Transport and Works Act Order UK United Kingdom UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply GEC Underground Gas Pipeline and Associated Above Ground Installation July 2011 PREFACE In February 2010, Gateway Energy Centre Limited (GECL) submitted an application for consent under Section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989 to the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change to construct a 900 Megawatts Electrical (MWe) Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) Power Plant to be known as Gateway Energy Centre (GEC). In addition, a direction that planning permission be deemed to be granted under Section 90 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 was also sought. The application was accompanied by an Environmental Statement (ES) prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Electricity Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) (England and Wales) Regulations 2000 (as amended). Following submission of the Section 36 consent application, consultation responses were received and meetings were held with key consultees from which clarifications on the application were sought and supplementary information requested. The clarifications and supplementary information were presented in an Environmental Statement Further Information Document (ES FID), accompanied by a number of supporting documents and submitted to the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) in December 2010. The proposed GEC is to be located on land within the London Gateway Port / London Gateway Logistics and Business Park development, collectively called the LG Development, which is being promoted by DP World and is currently in the early stages of construction. Further to the development of GEC, GECL proposes to construct an underground gas pipeline and associated above ground installation (AGI) required in connection with the development of GEC. In March 2011, GECL submitted an application for planning permission to Thurrock Thames Gateway Development Corporation (TTGDC) under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the installation of the proposed underground gas pipeline and associated AGI. The application was accompanied by an ES prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999, as amended. The installation of electrical infrastructure for the High Voltage (HV) grid connection associated with the development of GEC will be the subject of a separate application to be made in due course to either TTGDC or Thurrock Council under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and / or under the Planning Act 2008 to the Infrastructure Planning Commission (IPC), or to the Major Infrastructure Planning Unit (MIPU) which will replace the IPC. Following submission of the application for the underground gas pipeline and associated AGI, consultation responses were received and meetings were held with certain of those parties. In addition, since submission of the application in March 2011 certain changes in planning and energy policy have occurred. The ES FID and the accompanying appendices, which have been provided to TTGDC, provides further information in these regards. The following terms are adopted for the purposes of this ES FID: x “Further Information” means additional information provided by the applicant to supplement the information in the ES. x "Any Other Information" means any other substantive information relating to the ES and provided by the applicant. x “Supplementary Information” means the further information and any other information. The ES FID is provided to supplement the information provided in the ES, and will be advertised by TTGDC as if it had been requested pursuant to Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999 (“the 1999 EIA Regulations”). Notice of the March 2011 application for planning permission for the underground gas pipeline and associated AGI, was advertised under Article 13(3) of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2010. GEC Underground Gas Pipeline and Associated Above Ground Installation July 2011 Should members of the general public wish to make a representation regarding the application for planning permission for the underground gas pipeline and associated AGI, then these should be addressed to: Matthew Gallagher Planning Development Office Thurrock Thames Gateway Development Corporation 2nd Floor, Civic Offices (CO1) New Road Grays Essex RM17 6SL Copies of the March 2011 application for planning permission (with a plan showing the land to which it relates), the ES explaining GECL’s proposals in more detail and presenting an analysis of the environmental effects of the underground gas pipeline and associated AGI, the non-technical summary (NTS) of the ES and planning statement) and the July 2011 ES FID and supplementary planning statement may be inspected during normal office hours at the following addresses: Thurrock Thames