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Cover 713 Per Bacchetti Cover 550.Qxd 15/11/2011 14.39 Pagina 1 cover 713_per Bacchetti_cover 550.qxd 15/11/2011 14.39 Pagina 1 FOR A FREE CATALOGUE WRITE TO: Dynamic Srl Via Mura Chiappe 39, 16136 Genova - Italy tel. +39 fax +39 E-mail: [email protected] DYNAMIC CDS 713 713 booklet_550 booklet.qxd 28/11/2011 11.29 Pagina 4 Ra’anana Symphonette Orchestra di Tel Aviv e i Orchestra di Padova e del Veneto n June 1781 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart would be warmly applauded both as a soloist Berlin Chamber Soloists. All’inizio di questa sta- Costituita nell’ottobre 1966, si è affermata come broke his liaison with the court of the and a composer. In a famous letter to his gione ha diretto Boris Godunov al Palau de les una delle principali orchestre da camera italia- I Prince-Archbishop of Salzburg, where he father dated 28th December 1782, Mozart Arts di Valencia. Tra i prossimi impegni vi sono ne. Peter Maag, il grande interprete mozartiano, had worked as Konzertmeister since 1769. describes the creative criteria behind them, Così fan tutte con la Youth Opera di San ne è stato il direttore principale dal 1983 al After giving the Archbishop his resignation, declaring that the three concerti were exactly Pietroburgo, il Barbiere di Siviglia all’Opera 2001. Alla direzione artistica si sono succeduti and after quarrelling with one of the noblemen in between being too difficult and too easy; Nazionale della Carelia e un concerto sinfonico Claudio Scimone (dalla fondazione al 1983), of the court, Count Arco, who went as far as that they were bright, pleasant, natural but not con l’Orchestra del Teatro Massimo di Palermo; Bruno Giuranna (1983-1992), Guido Turchi kicking him, the twenty-five-year-old compos- too plain, with passages where only the all’inizio dell’estate 2012 dirigerà alcune recite (1992-1993) e, come direttore musicale, Mario er refused to return to Salzburg and settled in experts would find pleasure but conceived, in di Carmen alla Fenice di Venezia e aprirà la Brunello (2002-2003). L’attuale programmatore Vienna, where he endeavoured to earn a liv- any case, in such a way that even the inexpe- prossima stagione lirica del Teatro Marrucino di artistico è Filippo Juvarra. È l’unica Istituzione ing as a free and independent composer. The rienced would be happy, even without know- Chieti dirigendo l’Orchestra Sinfonica Concertistico - Orchestrale (I.C.O.) operante nel beginnings were encouraging. His first con- ing why. Well aware of the success the con- Abruzzese in Elisir d’amore. Dopo gli studi al Veneto e realizza circa 120 concerti l’anno, con certs in the capital were fairly successful and certi would have, Mozart also made versions Conservatorio di Trieste e all’Accademia inter- una propria stagione a Padova, concerti in his activity as a piano teacher, at least initially, with a reduced, only string, orchestra, so that nazionale della musica di Milano, si è perfezio- Regione, in Italia per le più prestigiose Società was profitable and rewarding. In May 1782 they could be easily performed even if the nato al Royal College of Music di Londra e al di concerti e Festival (recenti i successi al Mozart held his first public concert as a pianist musicians at one’s disposal were limited. Mozarteum di Salisburgo. Laureato in Filosofia, Festival MITO/SettembreMusica, al Festival pia- at the Augarten. Two months later, in July, Die Indeed, the wonderful balance between diffi- ha all’attivo diverse pubblicazioni di carattere nistico internazionale di Bergamo e Brescia e Entführung aus dem Serail was performed at cult and easy, the original language and estetologico e storico musicale. Il canale alla Biennale di Venezia) e tournée all’estero. Vienna’s court theatre, to a success that was marked uniqueness of thematic invention, in Classica - in onda su Sky - ha realizzato una Nella sua lunga vita artistica l’Orchestra anno- initially cool but got warmer with every repeat. addition to the leanest essentiality of con- puntata su di lui nella serie Notevoli, dedicata ai vera collaborazioni con i nomi più insigni del On the 4th of August, finally, Mozart married, struction and form, make of these concerti giovani talenti italiani. concertismo internazionale, tra i quali si ricor- in St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Constanze Weber, some of the most successful compositions of dano S. Accardo, M. Argerich, V. Ashkenazy, R. to whom he had got engaged not long before. those early Vienna days. Later, Mozart would Buchbinder, C. Desderi, G. Gavazzeni, R. The future of his career seemed bright, and rarely manage to be so close to the taste of Goebel, C. Hogwood, L. Kavakos, T. Koopman, the optimistic mood of that prosperous year is his public and so successful. R. Lupu, M. Maisky, A.S. Mutter, M. Perahia, I. reflected in his output, which produced new The first of the series, though second to be Perlman, S. Richter, M. Rostropovich e K. masterpieces such as the first of six Quartets composed, is the Concerto No. 11 in F major Zimerman. A partire dal 1987 ha intrapreso una dedicated to Haydn (the one in G major KV KV 413, written in January 1783. It opens with vastissima attività discografica, realizzando 387), the Haffner Symphony KV 385 and, a festive Allegro in pure galant style, followed oltre cinquanta incisioni per le più importanti eti- above all, the three Piano Concertos, KV 413, by a delicate Larghetto in which the echo of chette europee. 414 and 415. Mozart composed these Johann Christian Bach, who had passed between the summer of 1782 and the begin- away in early 1782, can be heard more than ning of 1783 for his own use, in view of the once. The Concerto ends with a lovely Tempo public performances he was going to give in di Minuetto crossed by mysterious melan- Vienna in the winter of that year, where he choly clouds and sudden bursts, a page only 4 5 713 booklet_550 booklet.qxd 28/11/2011 11.29 Pagina 6 Mozart could have conceived. Born in 1977, Andrea Bacchetti received at an Festival Strings, the Camerata Accademica Festival, and Belgium with the Russian The Concerto No. 12 in A major KV 414, cer- early age the counsel of musicians such as Salzburg, RTVE Madrid, ONBA Bordeaux, the Kammerphilharmonie. tainly the most famous of the three and the first Karajan, Magaloff, Berio and Horszowski. He MDR Sinfonie-Orchester Leipzig, the Sinfónica to be composed, is an exquisite work where made his debut at the age of eleven with I Solisti de Tenerife, the Sinfónica dell’Estado de Mexico, Born in Trieste, Carlo Goldstein is one of the elegance of form, beauty of the themes and Veneti conducted by Claudio Scimone. Since the Philharmonique de Nice and emerging conductors on the international music wisdom of invention produce results of extraor- then he has played several times in internation- Philharmonique de Cannes, the Prague scene. After winning first prize at the Graz dinary effectiveness. The first movement, al festivals in Lucerne, Salzburg, Belgrade, Chamber Orchestra, the Cappella Istropolitana International Conducting Competition in 2009, Allegro, is pervaded by light-hearted joie de Santander, Toulouse (Piano aux Jacobins), Bratislava, the Sinfónica de Castilla y León, the he has lunched on an intense international activ- vivre; its colloquial and exuberant tone seems Lugano, Camerino, Bologna, Brescia and E.U.C.O., the Philharmonie der Nationen, the ity. In past seasons he conducted the Orchestra to reflect the composer’s happy professional Bergamo, Turin, Milan (MI.TO), Como, La SWKO Pforzheim, the Enesco Philharmonic of di Padova e del Veneto, the Orchestra Regionale period. However, the most magical moment Coruña, Pesaro, Bellinzona, Ravenna, Ravello, Bucharest, and the Symphony of Asturia, Toscana, the Divertimento Ensemble, the MDI comes with the wonderful Andante in D major, Paris (La Serre d’Auteil), Bad Wörishofen, Oviedo. He has been on tours in Japan and Ensemble, Gli Archi del Cherubino; the Tomsk where the above-mentioned echo of Johann Husum, Sagra Musicale Umbra; and in presti- South America. He works with Rocco Filippini, Philharmonic Orchestra, the Omsk Philharmonic Christian Bach (here of Bach’s Overture for gious music venues: the Konzerthaus (Berlin); Domenico Nordio, Gabriella Costa, the Prazák Orchestra, the Arkhangelsk Chamber Galuppi’s La calamita dei cuori, composed in the Salle Pleyel, Salle Gaveau and Piano 4**** Quartet, the Ysaÿe Quartet, the Quartetto di Orchestra, the St. Petersburg State Symphony 1763) takes on the character of a touching (Paris); the Rudolfinum Dvorák Hall (Prague); Cremona, and the Quartetto della Scala. Orchestra and the Hermitage Symphony homage to his late, older friend. In the last the Teatro Coliseo (Buenos Aires); the Ateneo Memorable among his international recordings Orchestra in Russia; the Ra’anana Symphonette movement, an Allegretto in 2/4 in rondo form, Romano (Bucharest); the Rachmaninoff Saal, are Bach’s “English Suites” and the CD “Berio Orchestra in Tel Aviv and the Berlin Chamber the lively solo writing is tinged with unexpected the Moscow State Philharmonic Society, the Piano Works” (DECCA); the DVD with the Soloists. At the beginning of the current season chromatic brush strokes and the playfulness is Moscow Conservatory; the Auditorium Nacional “Goldberg Variations” by Bach (Arthaus); the he conducted Boris Godunov at the Palau de les matched by perfect mastery of form. de España (great performers cycle), the Teatro SACD with the “6 Sonatas” by Cherubini, and Arts in Valencia. Among his future engagements Third and last, the Concerto No. 13 in C major Real and Teatro Monumental (Madrid); the the CDs of Galuppi’s and Marcello’s Sonatas are Così fan tutte with the St.
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