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UNAMI Herald Volume 2, Issue 2 March - April 2015 United Nations Secretary-General visited Iraq Baghdad, 30 March 2015 – United ernment and people of Iraq will sup- levels of casualties as a result of this Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki- port Mr. Kubiš and work very closely new wave of violence, including sex- moon visited Iraq. In his meetings with him. ual and gender-based violence. Over with the President of Iraq, Fuad I recognize and appreciate the com- 2.5 million people have been dis- Masum, Prime Minister Haider Al- mitment of Iraqi leadership to main- placed. Minority communities, wom- Abadi, Speaker of the Parliament taining the momentum for national en and children remain particularly Saleem Al-Jabouri, Foreign Minis- reconciliation and unity. I am en- affected. ter Ibrahim Al-Jaafari and in a couraged by the Government’s sub- Iraq’s cultural treasures have not phone conversation with the Presi- mission of key draft legislation to been spared. I strongly condemn the dent of the Kurdistan Region Mas- Parliament since my last visit in destruction of archaeological sites in soud Barzani, Secretary-General August. Hatra, Nimrud and elsewhere – and discussed political, economic and However, I remain extremely con- express my support for UNESCO humanitarian situation in Iraq and cerned about the security crisis in efforts to safeguard cultural sites at the region. Iraq and its impact on civilians. imminent risk. We must unite to During my meetings today, we re- protect humanity’s shared heritage. Here are the Secretary-General’s viewed the progress of ongoing mili- Mr. Prime Minister, Ladies and remarks to the Press after his meet- tary operations to liberate areas gentlemen, ing with the Iraqi Prime Minister: under the control of Daesh, including I know the Government of Iraq, as most recently around Tikrit. I hope well as the Kurdistan Regional Gov- As-salam Alaikum. Good afternoon. that additional areas, and the rest of ernment have worked tirelessly to Shukran Jazilan, I want to thank the region, will soon be freed from scale-up emergency relief efforts for Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi for the ongoing threat of Daesh. those affected by the violence. his welcome and for his leadership. People have suffered unconscionable But vast challenges remain and the It is a great pleasure for me to be back in Iraq once again. We have just concluded a very pro- ductive meeting, which was preced- ed by fruitful discussions with Pres- ident Fuad Masum and Speaker Saleem al-Jabouri. Later today, I will speak by phone with President Massoud Barzani of the Kurdistan Regional Govern- ment. I am here to underscore the United Nations’ continuing and full support for advancing peace, development and human rights in Iraq. I am also very pleased to be here so soon after the arrival of my new Special Representative, Mr.Ján Kubiš. I am confident that the gov- Volume 2, Issue 2 Secretary-General’s Visit Page 2 United Nations Secretary-General visited Iraq (cont.) threat of additional and secondary dis- placement during ongoing military oper- ations may overwhelm local and interna- tional capacities. Additional resources are urgently need- ed to save lives. I call on the Government of Iraq and the international community to enhance support to Iraq’s displaced and to help alleviate the suffering of all the Iraqi people. I urge the Government to do all it can to ensure the protection of civilians and their access to humanitarian assistance. I am also concerned by allegations of summary killings, abductions and de- struction of property perpetrated by forces and militias fighting alongside Iraqi armed forces. Civilians freed from the brutality of Daesh should not have to then fear their liberators. One form of violence cannot replace another. I encourage the Government of Iraq to do all it can to ensure the restoration of Iraq’s security and financial crises. It is ment of relations between Iraq and oth- the rule of law and governance in areas essential that disagreements over pend- er countries in the region. liberated from Daesh as well as to bring ing issues be resolved within the frame- We will continue to do all we can to as- volunteer armed groups fighting in sup- work of the Constitution. sist the people and Government of Iraq port of the Government under Govern- Finally, we discussed Iraq’s relations to end this crisis so that they may focus ment control. with Kuwait. From here, I will go to their energy and resources on building a Alleged violations or abuses of human Kuwait to take part in a pledging confer- more peaceful, stable, democratic and rights must be investigated and perpe- ence in support of Syrian refugees and prosperous future for all Iraqis. trators need to be held to account. neighbouring host countries. I want to Mr. Prime Minister, once again, I am I further call on the Government of Iraq, commend the government and people of honoured to be here to express my full alongside its national partners and the Iraq for providing sanctuary and sup- solidarity and support for the people and international community, to create the port to so many Syrians fleeing the the government of Iraq, and I highly conditions for stabilisation and recon- fighting. command and appreciate your leader- struction of Iraq. I also commend the governments of both ship in promoting unity and solidarity We have also had the chance today to Iraq and Kuwait for continuously and and inclusive dialogue which goes to all discuss the need for Baghdad and Erbil proactively working to strengthen bilat- the people of the society and I express to uphold their December agreement on eral ties. I will reinforce that message in my strong hope that you will continue to oil and revenue-sharing and ensure that Kuwait. enjoy prosperity, development and sta- the work of the joint committees contin- Progress on the missing Kuwaiti per- bility of your country. ues. sons and national archives is still re- This partnership is crucial to addressing quired. I also commend the enhance- Thank you. Shukran Jazeelan. Volume 2, Issue 2 Special Representative Page 3 Secretary-General appoints Ján Kubiš of Slovakia as his Special Representative for Iraq New York, 24 February 2015 - Unit- ed Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki- moon today announced the appoint- ment of Ján Kubiš of Slovakia as his Special Representative for Iraq and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI). Mr. Kubiš succeeds Nickolay Mladenov of Bulgaria to whom the Secretary- General is grateful for his dedication and leadership of UNAMI, serving in one of the most challenging United Nations duty stations and at a time of important political and security devel- opments in the country. Mr. Kubiš, who served as Special Rep- resentative and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghani- of the Organization for Security and worked at the Ministry of Foreign Af- stan (UNAMA), from 2012 to 2014, Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) from fairs of the former Czechoslovakia from brings with him several years of experi- 1999 to 2005. 1976 to 1992 and thereafter at the Min- ence in diplomacy, foreign security poli- Mr. Kubiš also served as the European istry of Foreign Affairs of Slovakia. In cy, and international economic rela- Union’s Special Representative for Cen- 1993 he served as Permanent Repre- tions both internationally and in his tral Asia with the office in Brussels and sentative of Slovakia to the United Na- own country. as the Personal Representative of the tions Office and other International Mr. Kubiš served as the Executive Sec- Chairman-in-Office of OSCE for Cen- Organizations in Geneva. retary of the United Nations Economic tral Asia, as the United Nations Special Mr. Kubiš is a graduate in Internation- Commission for Europe (UNECE) from Representative of the Secretary- al Economic Relations of the Moscow 2009 to 2011, as Minister for Foreign General for Tajikistan and Head of the State Institute of International Affairs Affairs of Slovakia from 2006 to 2009, United Nations Mission of Observers in and speaks Slovak, Czech, English, as Chairman of the Committee of Min- Tajikistan from 1998 to 1999. He was French and Russian. isters of the Council of Europe from previously the Director of OSCE’s Con- Born in 1952, he is married and has 2007 to 2008, and as Secretary-General flict Prevention Centre. Mr. Kubiš one daughter. Newly appointed SRSG for Iraq Jẚn Kubiš takes office in Baghdad Baghdad, 27 March 2015 - The newly his Special Representative for Iraq on “UNAMI and UN agencies, funds and appointed Special Representative of the 24 February 2015. He replaces former programmes stand ready to work with United Nations Secretary-General for SRSG for Iraq, Mr. Nickolay Mladenov. all actors in Iraq in support of an inte- Iraq (SRSG), Mr. Jẚn Kubiš arrived “I look forward to working with the grated political, human rights and sta- today in Baghdad and immediately Government and the people of Iraq to bilization response to the current chal- assumed his responsibilities as the restoring security and stability, ensur- lenges Iraq is facing”, he also stated. Head of the United Nations Assistance ing the return of the millions of inter- Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) and the nally displaced Iraqis to their homes, On 29 March 2015 SRSG Kubiš in- United Nations top envoy in the coun- promoting inclusive cooperation, na- spected a Guard of Honour by the Fiji- try. tional reconciliation, as well as protec- an United Nations Guard Unit, at UN- Mr. Kubiš of Slovakia was appointed by tion of the Human Rights for all”, Mr.