27 November 2017

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27 November 2017 DAILY SUMMARY – 27 NOVEMBER 2017 1. Security forces assault activists while disrupting a conference in Erbil City 2. Mass grave discovered in Baaj 3. Iraqi President Fuad Masum visits Kirkuk 4. Security forces in Rawa desert increasingly link up with counterparts along northern fronts 5. US Embassy discussed forced returns of IDPs from camps in Anbar and Salah ad Din 6. Multiple small-scale demonstrations in central Baghdad 7. Demonstrators in Nasiriyah breach the collections headquarters for the Power Privatization Project 8. Workers from the General Company for Land Transport in Basra demonstrate Iraq-wide: On 17 November, KRG Spokesman Safeen Dizay announced a holiday on 30 November in the Kurdistan Region on the occasion of the birth of the Prophet Mohammed, Mawlid al-Nabi. Similar holidays have been announced in other regions of Iraq. The event is celebrated in a festive manner, with celebrations and gatherings at public squares and parks expected to take place the evening of the 30th, and observances continuing the following day. International organizations are advised to be aware of government office closures and these public assemblies. During a weekly press conference on 27 November, KRG Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani addressed the Federal Supreme Court’s decision calling the independence referendum unconstitutional. Barzani notably stated that the KRG respects the court’s verdicts, but calls on the GoI to cancel all punitive measures taken against the Kurdistan Region. This follows previously discussed statement issued by the KRG on 23 November, which similarly called on the GoI to reverse its punitive measures as part of the 20 November court ruling. Barzani stressed that the KRG had no actions to roll back after the non-binding vote was conducted, whereas the GoI “did whatever they could” to impose consequences. “The current situation as we see it, whereby [the Iraqi government]says ‘hand over the borders, hand over the oil, and do this and that, and then we will start negotiation,’ does not make sense,” said Barzani. “We should first talk. And then we have a constitution that should judge between us and them, to decide what are our duties, rights, and demands, and what their rights and duties are.” During a quarterly manning report issued by the U.S. DoD on 17 November, it was confirmed that nearly 26,000 troops were deployed in its three main war zones as of 30 September. This included 8,892 in Iraq, 15,298 in Afghanistan, and 1,720 in Syria. These figures are markedly higher than most commonly noted figures pertaining to permanent personnel, representing the significant number of personnel operating on a temporary basis. Additional personnel may still be omitted from these latest figures amongst limited transparency, as well as large numbers of security contractors. The 8,892 personnel in Iraq compares to reports from December 2016 identifying 6,812 U.S. servicemen, and a force management level officially set for 5,262. The most significant shift was with Syria, where the force management level number was set at 503 troops. In addition to the above figure for 1,720 personnel, two U.S. officials stated realistic figures likely exceeded 2,000 servicemen. As the anti-IS campaign winds down, it is unclear how many troops will remain. Training functions form enduring priorities as the Iraqi military refits following years of continuous operations, whule intelligence support also expected to remain in high demand. North: At approximately 1500 hours on 26 November, KDP Asayish forces prevented the Kurdistan Freedom Movement (a PKK affiliated group) from holding a conference at an academy building in Erbil City. The deputy head of Kurdistan Freedom Movement, Tara Hussein, stated the conference was intended to discuss ending violence against women, with this event coinciding with the 25 November International CONFIDENTIAL – FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Page 2 of 6 Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Security forces assaulted a number of female activists, and reportedly prevented them from being transferred to hospitals in the city. Security forces also reportedly detained a number of activists for “inappropriate” behavior. These events underline the enduring potential for KDP security forces to forcibly disrupt gatherings in Erbil. As opposed to the conference’s theme surrounding violence against women, it is very likely this event was disrupted due to the PKK affiliations of the activists in accordance with established patterns in Erbil. The following day, Kurdish Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani and other ranking KRG officials attended another conference concerning violence against women at Sa’d Abdullah Hall. Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani reiterated “the determination of the people of Kurdistan for freedom, equality, peace and stability.” Even this event saw some controversy, as a Rojnews media team was prevented from covering the event. At around 2110 hours on 24 November, a vehicle with a male driver followed a female NGO staff member walking on foot to a destination in the Ainkawa neighborhood of Erbil. After making a number of physical and verbal overtures, the male exited the vehicle, physically restrained the NGO staff member, and sexually assaulted her. The assailant fled after the NGO staff member began shouting. This forms the 17th incident involving the sexual harassment or assault against NGO staff members in Erbil Province since January 2015, though a large number of additional incidents undoubtedly go unreported. On 27 November, Iraqi President Fuad Masum arrived in Kirkuk in his first visit to the city following the events that transpired after the referendum, with heightened security postures put into effect. Meetings were conducted with local government officials concerning the situation in Kirkuk, with Masum stressing that “Kirkuk is Iraq on a smaller scale. No group has more rights than the other.” When asked about the appointment of a new governor to replace the current acting governor, Masum stated that duty falls upon the Kirkuk Provincial Council, which “will not be dissolved until new elections are held in the province.” He also announced his support for Counter-Terrorism Service and Kirkuk Police units conducting operations in the city. Upper Euphrates and Jazeera Operation: Following initially limited reporting of offensive operations on 26 November, it was later reported that joint security forces seized at least four additional villages located in the Rawa desert. In conjunction with additional reporting of advances to the north, security forces in the Rawa desert have increasingly linked up with counterparts along northern fronts. No additional significant advances were initially noted on 27 November, but could be later identified in accordance with current patterns. In related developments on 26 November, the Iraq War Media Cell announced that joint security forces have now completed the first stage of the second phase of the Upper Euphrates and Jazeera Operation. Over the course of the operation thus far, security forces cleared 175 villages, five bridges and other crossings, the Jenif Airport, and an area totaling 14,100 square kilometers. Security forces destroyed 11 technicals, five fuel tankers, 18 vehicle borne IEDs, and seven motorcycles, detonated CONFIDENTIAL – FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Page 3 of 6 or defused as many as 1,000 IEDs, and six IED factories. Security forces are said to be preparing to seize portions of the extensive Wadi Hauran valley and other areas located along the Syrian border. Central: On 27 November, the US Embassy in Baghdad announced receiving information indicated IDPs were being forcibly displaced from camps in Anbar and Salah ad Din. This statement follows a recent uptick in reports of IDPs being returned to areas of origin in Anbar, Nineveh, and other provinces. While additional details were not specified, it is now clear that a number of these recent actions were characterized by forced returns. As anti-IS operations continue to draw down, efforts to expedite the return of IDPs continue to be promoted in order to reduce related economic burdens. Many IDPs face significant security and economic challenges, with renewed displacements commonly seen as as a result. On the evening on 26 November, reports cited the assassination of the officer who raised the Iraqi flag over the Kirkuk Provincial Council building after Iraqi forces entered the city in October. Counter- Terrorism Service Captain Ahed Jarah was killed by gunmen riding motorcycles while he was in front of his house in Hurriyah, northwest Baghdad. There have now been at least nine close-quarters assassinations affecting security personnel in and around Baghdad thus far in November. Similar to the 26 November event, the bulk of incidents along these lines take place at or near the victim’s home. Most attacks are assessed to form well-planned targeted killings conducted by IS gunmen. However, some instances undoubtedly involve alternative threat actors and motivations. A pair of small-scale demonstrations in central Baghdad. On the morning of 27 November, approximately 30 construction contractors demonstrated at the Husayn Square, located in central Karrada south of the International Zone. Individuals demanded overdue payments from as long as three years prior. On the morning of 27 November, approximately 50 ISF members conducted a demonstration at Tahrir Square concerning pension payments. Additional demonstrations along these lines and possible disruptions in transit possible over
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