
Museum loco Schönheide The Saxon IV K: a highlight of railroad history – in model form too.

Text: Helge Scholz Photos: Eberhard Mädler, Helge Scholz, SDG, Dampfbahn-Route Sachsen, Bob Gellatly, Kötzle

Big Summer 2013 Model highlight 17

April 1, 2013 – a very special day for 99 516: the oldest survivor, in working order, and the latest LGB model come face-to-face.

Not an April fool’s day joke – this was un- Since 1996, the Schönheide depot has been fortunately serious: the oldest surviving IV K home to a third IV K. As a long-term loan from has to take a break. For the last time – for the the community of Rothenkirchen, 99 516 has moment – 99 516 made her last trip on the strengthened the steam loco fleet of the muse- Schönheide Museum railroad between Schön- um railroad. Between 1976 and 1996, she stood heide Mitte and Neulehn. But with her was the as a monument in front of the former station of brand-new LGB model of 99 516. And that had a Rothenkirchen. Together with 95 sisters, she significant reason. started her life in the Saxon Machine Works in First of all, to the prototype: the Schönheide Museum Railroad Association has brought back rail operations between Schönheide and Stützen- grün with the aim of presenting the 1960s in a museum atmosphere. It was a long haul before

Breathing space until the next fire is lit today’s museum operations could be started. Railroad enthusiasts, former career railroaders and local residents got together in a spirit of op- timism in April 1991 to found the association. One high-profile result was the reconstruction Pictures which must not of 4.5 km (2.8 miles) of the dismantled line to be consigned to history! create today’s museum railroad. A further result So that 99 516 can in future once again be of was the acquisition of two IV K machines from service to the Schönheide the then German State Railroad. There were Museum Railroad, LGB is helping the association celebrations in the Zwickauer Mulde valley when in the locomotive’s on August 10, 1992, locos 99 582 and 99 585 ar- necessary restoration. rived in Schönheide Ost and were transported on low loader trucks to the engine shed, or “Heizhaus”, as it is known in . 18 Model highlight Big Summer 2013


Saxony-Anhalt Nature reserve Dübener Heide


Döllnitz Valley Railroad

1 2



3 Erz Mountains

Annaberg Buchholz 2 PLAUEN Schönheide

Fichtelberg Railroad Vogtland 3


4 5 6 Big Summer 2013 Model highlight 19

1 “Wilde Robert” on the Döllnitz Valley Railroad steams between Oschatz and Glossen or Kemmlitz Forestry railroad through the pleasant Muskau castle and heathland of Brandenburg Saxony. 2 The major Schönheide Poland Museum Railroad’s WCd narrow-gauge festival 7 takes place annually. 3 The Fichtelberg Railroad carries railroad fans from Cranzahl to the HOYERSWERDA highest town in , to Oberwiesenthal. RIESA 4 The Pressnitz Valley Railroad from Steinbach to Jöhstadt is kept in trim by the members of the largest railroad association Lössnitzgrund 8 in Germany. Railroad Pulsnitz 5 The Weisseritz Valley GÖRLITZ Railroad runs from MEISSEN Freital-Hainsberg to BAUTZEN Kipsdorf in the romantic east Erz Mountains. 6 In the Zittau Mountains National Park, the line runs from Zittau up to the idyllic spas of Oybin and Jonsdorf. 7 Between Bad Muskau and Weisswasser the FREIBERG Spa Muskau Forestry Railroad snakes its way through 6 part of the unique Glashütte Saxon Fürst-Pückler Park. 8 In the magical Elbland 5 Switzerland The “Lössnitz Dackel” Zittau winds its narrow-gauge Weisseritz Valley way from Radebeul to Narrow-Gauge Railroad Railroad Radeberg.

Erz Mountains Seiffen Spa

4 Pressnitz Valley Railroad Czech Republic

7 8 20 Model highlight Big Summer 2013

She certainly doesn’t belong on the scrap line yet. Brilliant: with LGB support, the prototype will run once again.

Time has left its mark: on Chemnitz. Carrying works number 1779, she number 99 516 on December 12, 2003. Now, how- the museum railroad’s began her service on February 6, 1892 on the ever, an expensive running gear overhaul is due. Saxon IV K, the running gear has to be overhauled Royal Saxony State Railways. In her first years, Refurbishment costs for the running gear with – a long-drawn-out and she alternated between Mügeln, near Dresden, its four cylinders, four wheelsets and 20 bearings expensive procedure which Potschappel and Freital. From 1900 she worked are put at some 115,000 euro but the association the association on its own cannot afford. between Mügeln and Geising, then from 1917 for cannot raise so much money on its own. 10 years between Grünstädtl and Oberritters- LGB will be supporting the refurbishment grün, then was loyal to the Mügeln network, until costs of the machine, which is why the model of she was transferred away to Kirchberg in 1970. 99 516 in its original condition as a loco on the She came to Schönheide in 1973, and was offi- Schönheide Museum Railroad was announced cially on the strength there until 14.11.1975. at the 2013 Nuremberg International Toy Fair. When the Schönheider Museum Railroad Thus for the longest-serving and surviving Association took on the rescue of the oldest sur- Saxon IV K begins as it were a third life – on LGB viving IV K, her second life started with the road gauge. For every model sold, the association in Schönheide will benefit by 25 euro. A friendly move by LGB! In exchange, LGB enthusiasts will receive not only a very special model, but also a complimentary ticket to ride on the Schönheide museum railroad. This ticket will accompany every LGB model of 99 516 sold (see also page 29). If this financial support makes it possible for the volunteer workers to place the renova- tion of 99 516’s running gear with a specialist workshop, the oldest serving IV K will be avail-

Fighting side-by-side for preservation

able on approval for a further six years’ service A summary of 99 516 on the museum railroad. She could also make guest appearances on other narrow-gauge lines Prototype: A total of 96 of these Meyer articulated locos at narrow-gauge festivals not only in Saxony but were purchased for the Royal Saxon State Railways. The over the borders from Saxony too. In addition, oldest survivor of these is 99 516 of the Schönheide Museum after expiry of the six year period, the association Railroad. could obtain two successive one-year extensions Model: DCC interface, driven on all four axles with two to the approval period. powerful Bühler motors, smoke generator, operating mode The original 99 516 on a display plinth? An switch, traction tires, triple headlight which change ends unthinkable prospect for every model railroad with direction of travel. Cab lighting, 12 current collectors, a fan. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that the LGB- voltage limiting system, a general purpose socket and more. IV K 99 516 finds lots of takers to contribute to Length over buffers 47.5 cm (18-11/16"). preserving this very valuable piece of Saxony’s Item number: 26841 cultural narrow-gauge heritage. And we wish the Schönheide Museum Railroad many visitors to (further info under www.lgb.com) be hauled through the landscape by the other two “99”s. Model highlight 21

Original and model are of matching quality: whether it’s 99 516 on the Schönheide Museum Railroad steaming through the idyllic Vogtland or running round your own garden – it’s an impressive journey back in time.