Young Wild West's Crack Cavalry OR, the SHOT THAT WON TI-IE DAY

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Young Wild West's Crack Cavalry OR, the SHOT THAT WON TI-IE DAY :-:, ·:JOliNIWILD WIST~S (R e-...-. _· ." ~ . , ~} )fH1/LLli;)'Clll/T. .., . AKIJ o7'11Ftr sr()tf/fs WILD WEST WEEKLY luued weekly--Snbscrlptlon price, '3.lie per year: Cuada, $4.00; Foreign, $4.l:iO. Copyright, 1922, by Harry E. Wollr, Publisher, 166 West 23d Street. New York, N. Y. Entered as Second-Casa Matter, December L 11111, at the Post Office at New York. N. Y.. under the .Act of Jlarch 3, 1879. _i No. 1012 NEW YORK, MARCH 10, 1922--------------- Price 7 Cents. Young Wild west's crack cavalry OR, THE SHOT THAT WON TI-IE DAY By AN OLD SCOUT CHAPT:b;R I.-On Dane-erous Ground. attired in a fancy buckskin hunting suit, trim­ med wit;h scarlet silk fringe, and with his wide­ It was about the middle of the forenoon on a brimmed sombrern tipped well back upon his bright, sunshiny day in early autumn, a few head, he made a picture that was complete, and years ago, that Young Wild West and his friends which no artist could have added to, try as he might have been seen riding over a level stretch might. Cheyenne Charlie had been in the g·ov­ ~.::-£ prairie toward a ridge that was well covered ernment service years before he met the dashing with timber. The scene was in northwestern Ari­ young deadshot, and what" he did not know about zona, probably eighty miles from Fort Defiance, Indian warfare, bear hunting, cowboy tricks and where the climate is balmy and healthful, and mining life was hardly worth trying to learn. where all sorts of scenery can be found in one Jim Dart was a Wyoming boy about the same day's travel. age as Wild, and though he never had a great Though we may call it the prairie that our hero deal to say, he was one who could always be de­ and his friends were riding over, it was really pended upon. Jim Dart and the scout were not one of the stretches of grazing land for cattle in only partners in mining adventures with Young that section. The party, which consisted of Wild West, but they were his partners with him eight, was in a hurry, for Young Wild West had in his search for adventure, fortune and fun. received a message from the fort to the effect that They loved him as if he had been a brother, and his services were needed, as about a hundred they were always ready to abide by any decision Apaches had left the reservation and were on he made. The girls of the party were Arietta the warpath. Murdock, the charming- g-olden-haired sweetheart Though he was but a boy, Young Wild West of Young Wild West; Anna, the wife of Chey­ had distinguished himself as a scout for the enne Charlie, and Eloise Gardner, the girl Jim ,United States Army in the wild West, and he and Dart hoped to make his bride some day. Of the' his two partners, Cheyenne Charlie and Jim Dart, three, Arietta was the only one who had been held the distinction of being the only govern­ born and 1·eared in the wild West, and she could - ent scouts who were not enlisted in the regu­ ride a horse or shoot with either a rifle or re­ lar service, and could come and go as they pleas­ volver as well as the average cowboy. She had ed. This was due to the fact that they had learned from her dashing young lover how to helped the cavalry and infantry out of many bad be cool and resourceful in times of danger, and places, and had more than once been the means this alone made her an exception to the average of turning what seemed to be sure and certain of her sex. Anna and Eloise had been long defeat into a brilliant victory. enough in that part of the country to learn to Besides being the Champion Deadshot of the love th:e outdool' life they were leading at the West, Young Wild West had by his coolness, time our story opens, and t'hey were never bet­ dai-ing and skill made a name for himself that ter satisfied than on the trail, or in camp with many a man old enough to be his grandfather those they loved. We must not forget to men­ 'Nould have been proud to possess. Mounted on tion the two Chinese servants who were with the his splendid stallion, Spitfire, which was a sor­ party, and who made up the number of eight. In rel that had no equal at speed and endurance, general looks they were just like any of the Chi­ and was far more intelligent than the average nese who come to America; but one of them was of the equine race, the boy showed up with such really something far above the average of his ease and grace that it was no wonder that he race. They were bTothers, named Hop Wah and ~ad been nicknamed the Prince of the Saddle by Wing Wah, the former being a sort of man-of his many friends. Handsome and with the form all-work and the latter the cook. of an Apollo, of medium height and weight, and Hop was a regular wonder, as those who llad with his long light hair hanging below his broad, met him were bound to declare. He was a b<•rn shapely shoulders, he surely made the true pic­ humorist, and liked whisky, which he in,·a­ ture of the ideal Boy Hero of the West, which riably called tanglefoot. But that was not all. He was just what he was at the time of which we was a very clever sleight-of-hand performer, and \n·iie, there b(''ng·no others in his class. he never lost the opportunity to play tricks and \Vild, as he was called for short, was always mystify those who were willing to be his audi.- 2 YOUNG WILD WEST'S CRACK CAVALRY ence. Added to this, he had on more than one "You are the one we want to carry us through, occasion been the direct means of saving their Young Wild West!" shouted the man on ho1·se­ lives, and all th1·ough his being a magician. back. "vVe came to meet you, and the lieuten­ Bu.t as we are taking up altogether too much ant had instructions to place you in charge. You space in a description of our characters-they must help us out of this muddle." are pretty well known by this time, anyhow-we "All right," replied the dashing young dea'\ will go on with our story. Young Wild West was shot. "I reckon I'll do my best." . anxious to get to Fort Defiance, for it had been a hurry-up call he had received, though no infor­ mation had been given him by the messenger, other than that about a hundred Apaches had CHAPTER II.-The Attack. broken away from the reservation and were on the warpath. The dashing boy and his partners Young Wild West and his friends lost no time were needed to help out the cavalry in running in getting into the woods where the cavalrymen the redskins down. were gathered. He soon learned the condition of "I reckon we ought to git in sight of ther fort affairs. The body of the slain lieutenant wa;; afore it gits dark, Wild," observed Cheyenne lying on the ground covered with a blanket, for Charlie, as he gave the ends of his mustache a the cavalrymen meant to take it to the fort with twist and cast a look toward the ridge ahe:id of them, if there was any possible way to do it. them. "It can't be more'n forty miles from here, Wild looked over the instructions, and found an' we kin make that distance while it's day- that he had really been placed in command of the light, I think." .. men. He spoke to them assuringly, and again "We can, Charlie," replied the dashing young told them that he would do his best to carry deadshot. "We have done it a good many times, them through. ·-,._ and we can do it now. I reckon the traveling is Wild knew it was quite likely that the re., pretty good all the way to the fort, so there skins meant to soon make another attack, so l won't be much to hinder us. I think--" at once set about to make preparations for it~ Young Wild West stopped short. A thin col­ "They are coming from both sides, I reckon," umn he observed, in his cool and easy way. "But that of smoke rising from behind a hill some­ don't make any difference. We'll be able to take thing like two miles off to the left had caught care of ourselves, I reckon. Just get yourselves his eye. in shape, boys. I'm not much of a leader, as far "See that, boys," he said, nodding to his two as mi_litary tactics go, but I rather think I can partners. "Maybe we won't get to the fort to­ make out all right in this case." day. There is no telling you know." "You certainly can, Young Wild \Vest," the "An' we let ther gals come along, thinkin' they second lieutenant, whose name was Slavin, re­ could stop at ther fort while we was doin' busi­ to1-ted. "We happen to be a poi-tion of the troop ness with ther redskins," said the scout, shrug­ that was nicknamed the· Crack Cavalry of Fort ging his shoulders and looking just the least bit Defiance a short time ago, because we excelled in uneasy.
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