International Journal of Economics and Business Administration Volume V, Issue 2, 2017 pp. 42 - 61 The Theory of the Global Domination - Russian Geo-Strategy Conceptual Framework on the Black Sea Region Alba Iulia Catrinel Popescu1 Abstract: Russian geo-political maneuverings over the past decade can be explained in the context of the global domination theory, also known as the pivot theory. Once the pivot theory is understood then strategies, tactics, and other actions being as wide as possible can be predicted. What are the fundamental concepts of the pivot zone theory that marked out the strategic thinking of the last 100 years? What are the origins of Eurasian-ism and of neo-Eurasian- ism? Which are the current geostrategic directions of the Russian Federation? Which are the tactics applied by the Kremlin? Those are some of the questions analyzed in this article. Keywords: Global domination, the Northern pivot zone, North-South strategic corridor, the Black Sea-Baltic Sea isthmus, Black Sea region, security ring, Gerasimov doctrine. 1 National Defense University “CAROL I”,
[email protected] A.I. Catrinel Popescu 43 1. Introduction British geo-strategist, Sir Halford J. Mackinder (1861-1947) defined the Northern pivot zone (aka the Northern Heartland) as the vast area located in Eurasia, bounded on the east by the Yenisei River, on the west by the Black Sea-Baltic Sea Isthmus, on the north by the Siberian forests and on the south by the Central Asian deserts. It is a crossroad connecting the Northern hemisphere to the Southern hemisphere, the West to the East, an area extremely rich in resources from which attacks can be launched and which can be attacked from all directions.