Great Torrington Town Council is pleased to announce the investiture of Councillor Harold Martin as the Town Mayor for 2013/14. Councillor Mrs Zoe Fordham-Moore was elected as Deputy Mayor. The retiring Mayor’s Good Citizen Award was presented to Mrs Anne Tattersall in recognition of the excellent work she has undertaken in organising events to raise funds for the North Devon Hospice, one of the retiring Mayor’s elected charities for 2012/13 and her continued support of those suffering from cancer within the community of . The Howe Plate was presented to Mr & Mrs John Kimber and family for the excellent work they have undertaken raising money for, and helping run charities, both home and abroad.

Great Torrington Town Council Honorary Freedom of The Town and Parish Notice is hereby given that Dr Harry Cramp MBE is to be awarded the Honorary Freedom of the Town and Parish for his outstanding contribution to the Town and its community since he first moved here in 1964. Members of the public are welcome to witness the admission ceremony at: The Plough Arts Centre, Fore Street, Great Torrington on Friday 26th July 2013. It would be appreciated if those attending could be seated by 6.45pm Message from the Mayor This is my first item as your new Mayor. I took up office on 14th May and count it an honour and a privilege to be your Mayor. My Mayoress and I started by having a very enjoyable day at Hatchmoor Nursing Home on the 1st June when we joined them for their summer fete. The Civic/Mayor’s service will be held on 8th September at 3pm in the Parish Church in Great Torrington, and because work has started on the Town Hall refurbishment and the building will be boarded up, the parade will form up in Sidney House car park and march from there. This year invites are being sent to the Mayors of the surrounding Towns so let’s all turn out to show off our great town. The charities I am collecting for this year are; the Farm Community Network (formally the Farm Crisis Network) and the Tarka Valley Railway, situated at the Puffing Billy. I hope to organise various events during the year to raise money for these charities and hope you will give your support when they are made known. If you know of any landmark birthdays or anniversaries coming up in the town please let me know, I can be contacted through my secretary Beki at the Town Council office in Castle Hill. Cllr. Harold Martin Mayor of Great Torrington

Great Torrington Heritage Museum and Archive In case anyone has not noticed, Great Torrington Heritage Museum and Archive is open and right in the centre of town, you just cannot miss us! Admission is free. We hope to have all the artefacts unpacked and arranged in groups for everyone to come and look round. If all goes to plan, it should happen by the beginning of July. We look forward to seeing you all and you will be able to let us know, what the important artefacts to you are and which you would like to see prominently displayed in the new museum. Come in and support your town museum and become a member, it is only 25p.

Torrington Police News On 21st May 2013 police were called to John Patt’s Fruit & Veg Shop in Torrington after a number of gunshots were heard and some injured pigeons dropped into the rear yard area. (They subsequently died.) This occurred shortly after 3pm – a particularly busy time in the town with lots of people around and school children making their way home. There has been a further similar incident reported since this. It is unbelievable that people seem to think they can just decide they do not like a bird and feel it is within their rights to shoot it. Please be advised that the following offences apply: Kill/take/injure a non-scheduled bird is an offence under The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 – penalty up to six months’ imprisonment and/or fine. Carry a un/loaded imitation firearm/air weapon in a public place and offences relating to using such in certain locations are offences under the Firearms Act 1968 – penalty up to seven years’ imprisonment and/or a fine. There may also be offences applicable under the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003. Any persons involved in this behaviour will be dealt with accordingly. If you have any information please contact: PC 5036 Wilson on 101 or [email protected] Reference: CT/13/278

Summer Garden Party to Celebrate the Amalgamation of Great Torrington Infant and Junior Schools Friends of Torrington Bluecoat (FOTB) are hosting a garden party on Saturday 13th July starting at 2pm on the site of the current Infant and Junior schools. We will be celebrating and remembering the journey so far and looking forward to the future of Great Torrington Bluecoat Church of England Primary School. The two schools will become one from September 2013 and along with the Children’s Centre will cater for children and families from 0-11 years old. The schools have always been a central part of the community and many of us have great memories of the time we spent at these schools in their current location and at their previous sites in the town. We are hoping to put together a display at the garden party so if you have memories, photos or memorabilia you would like to share please contact the school or FOTB. The staff, children and families of both schools have been preparing for this amalgamation for many months, talking through this exciting project. This garden party is an important part of the process of our two schools becoming one. As such, we would like to share this event with the community and you are invited to join us for a fun afternoon of fantastic activities and entertainment. There will be a fun run (open to year groups 3-6), disco, entertainment by Streetz dance crew, games and activities including tombolas, egg throwing and new for 2013 - pig racing (don’t worry it’s not real ones!). You can have your face painted and enjoy splatting your teacher with a wet sponge! Refreshments will be available including a BBQ and bar. Raffle tickets will be on sale during the event with the fantastic first prize of a Kindle. The whole community is warmly invited to join us at the garden party to mark this special occasion on Saturday 13th July from 2pm. Please remember to dig out your old school photos and memories and contact us with these by the 5th July. Please submit copies not originals. Email:: [email protected] Phone: 01805 622333 or 01805 623240 Or please drop in to reception at either school.

Britain in Bloom Judges’ Visit Stand by your beds, Torringtonians, be prepared for a full kit inspection by the Britain in Bloom judges, who will be visiting our lovely town on Thursday, 11th July from 11am. We shall be starting the ‘tour’ at RHS Rosemoor and travelling up into town via New Road, New Street and into South Street. Our route will take in the churchyard, 1646, the Secret Garden, Rack Park, the Vicarage Nursery and Father Lawrence’s new allotment garden amongst other places in town. Please would everyone who loves Torrington give the town a bit of TLC ready for the visit, by titivating up your own fronts, large or small, weeding, litter picking and dog mess clearing. The local ‘grime-busting’ team and town handyman will be hard at work, too. Torridge District Council should be planting up the flowerbeds at South Street car park and Windy Corner, plus the Hatchmoor roundabout and troughs there and by Gas Lane. They should also be cutting the grass in the churchyard and Rack Park for us. Spraying and hand-weeding will also be undertaken. Thanks go to RHS Rosemoor for donating plants to fill the containers outside Patt’s greengrocer’s and the maintenance of the S&G and Rack Park flowerbeds, also to Barry at the Vicarage Nursery for his help and advice and his superb planters/hanging baskets which you should see being put in place within the next couple of weeks (weather permitting!). We were very close to achieving Gold standard last year, let’s make that little extra effort needed to climb to the summit this year! Cherry Hammon, Secretary Torrington in Bloom Association 01805 625788 PS: Don’t confuse this date with the Best Garden competition, something entirely different!

Farewell from Paul Donner In 1993 I took over from the late Mr. McPhee and opened my Optician’s practice at 2, Well St. Torrington. The premises were on a 20-year lease which expires at the end of September and I shall be closing the practice and transferring all patient records to my South Molton practice at 120 East Street, (01769 572064). I will continue to be available for home examinations for new and existing patients who are housebound. I should like to pay tribute to the memory of Di Allen who was my receptionist for many years and to thank Mrs Linda Tucker for her inspirational window displays and continuing support. I have enjoyed my years working in Torrington and have made many friends here, but after all, South Molton isn’t that far away – is it? Paul Donner

Thanks from Hatchmoor Nursing Home Everyone at Hatchmoor Nursing Home would like to thank all who attended the “Celebration of Life” and Summer Fayre on Saturday 1st June. Special thanks to the Torrington Mayor and his wife who attended both events. The May Fair Crowner and Attendants who helped the Mayor open the Fayre and Frazer Moore for being our announcer. Torrington Silver Band who played beautifully all afternoon and Bluecoat Infants School for their great effort with the entries for the mini garden competition. Winners were: 1st Morgan Sargent 2nd Sophie Rollins 3rd Asher Congratulations to all who took part. We raised £291 on the day; this is being matched by the owner of Hatchmoor Nursing Home, Solomon Singh and donated to the Mayor’s chosen charities. Thank you to everyone that made this a special day. Mel Ryan (activities co-ordinator)

Common History… A follow on for details of interest written by H.C.B. Reed of Staple Vale, regarding part of the Torrington Common and grazing rights, which are now not able to be used as perhaps was originally intended. I think another interesting piece of history, which I believe to be correct, is that the area known as ‘Quiet Possession’ was exchanged by the Rolle Estate at because the area at Hatchmoor Common, being nearer the Game Keeper at Little Silver, was more secure to rear young pheasants chicks. In addition to sheep grazing on the Commons by local shepherds, to name a few whom I can remember, Les Hutchings, Bruce Norman, Charlie Nicholls (Charcole – nickname) who used to have the fish and chip shop in Calf Street, Frank Weeks used to keep pigs in a paddock near the cemetery. Each morning the sows with their litters would walk to the rubbish dump in ‘Quiet Possession’ and forage for scraps of food, being contained back in the paddock at night. When Frank needed to sell a batch of young pigs at the Market he would get a few young folk to help drive them in the morning before school started. A few small holders kept cows to produce milk, one being Charlie Bright who worked from his shippon where Torbridge Vets are now. Another interesting herd was managed by Harry Tanton (of Cranford) and they were looked after by a Miss Palmer; the shippon being situated where Happy Days shop is now and John Darch also had a milk round and his shippon was at Goose Green. For many years Butcher (Alfred) Burridge lived in Windsor House and his slaughter house and buildings were at the rear. Somewhere in the area was the local ‘lock up’ and I can remember being shown this by his farm manager Sam Jury. John Bealey (John, please do send in more for next issue! The Editor)

Denys Younge Trust It would seem that it was perfectly legal for the trustees to divert money from the Denys Younge Educational Trust to repairs of the Parish Church. However, we would like to commend Mike Sampson for his dedicated work for the Trust over so many years and we are sad that Margaret, Caroline and Mike felt they had to resign. Quote: ‘He who has no money is poor – He has nothing but money is poorest of all’. Tilly & John Kimber Great Torrington Memory Café In May, David Clinch entertained us with music, songs and pipes – we all enjoyed his performance and are grateful for him giving up his time to be with us. This month we are looking forward to a reminiscence session which should bring back a lot of memories for us all. Due to additional funding received from Devon Community Fund we are able to put on additional sessions during June, July and August. These extra sessions will be run on the last Thursday of the month. The first of these sessions was on the 27th June. If you would like to know more about the Memory Café then contact Pauline on 01805 625969.

Rolle Canal Walk, Sunday 21st July For anyone who missed the canal walk in Torrington Commons Week last month, there’s an opportunity for a similar walk, with some variations, on Sunday afternoon, 21st July. This walk will include some history of the old Rothern Bridge over the Torridge, and the ancient roadways that used it, as well as the wooden viaduct of the Marland Light Railway that preceded the rail link to Halwill Junction that is itself now long extinct, although the still follows its abandoned track. A few hundred yards north of the old railway station, the Tarka Trail crosses the line of the Rolle Canal which had emerged from the woods of Furzebeam Hill to wend its way across the riverside meadows to Staple Vale. Here a new permissive path is being prepared that will follow the canal around the base of the hill to rejoin the Tarka Trail behind Beam House. The route of the canal was quite an engineering feat in its day, being cut into the rock face on one side and built up on dry stone walls some 20 feet high above the river on the other. Work is under way under the Heritage Lottery funded “Life’s Journey” project to make this path easier and safer to walk before it is officially opened to the public, but by permission of the landowners, Clinton Devon Estates, (successors in title to Lord Rolle who built the canal) we are able to walk it with care. The whole walk is barely two miles so any keen walkers from Torrington can join in without having to drive to the start, while for those based further away there is car parking at the Puffing Billy, or cycle access from the Tarka Trail. This is part of the “Life’s Journey” project and is organised by the Rolle Canal and Northern Devon Waterways Society who will appreciate a donation of £2 per person towards their on-going volunteer work on the canal and its historic features. The start is at 2.30pm on Sunday 21st July, meeting at the old Torrington Station, and we hope for weather as good as we had on the first walk, when an excellent turn-out of enthusiastic people enjoyed exploring the site of the canal incline at Ridd. For any further information ring 01237 425357 or email: [email protected]. Chris Hassall

Be Aware of Ticks on Your Pet Over the last few weeks we have seen an increase in the number of ticks picked up by dogs and cats. They attach themselves to your pet’s skin and feed on their blood. They are picked up from grassland and can be found anywhere on your pet’s body but are most often found on the face, ears or abdomen. They are easily missed when they are small as they are only 1-2mm in length but after feeding on your pet’s blood they grow as big as a large bluish-grey pea. Ticks may carry several diseases but the one most likely to be seen in the UK is Lyme Disease. Luckily not all ticks carry diseases and many will only leave a small reaction where they attach to your pet. You should not attempt to remove a tick unless you know how to do it correctly. If any of the head pieces are left embedded in the skin, infection or an abscess may form. Your local Vet or Veterinary Nurse is happy to help you to remove ticks from your pet. There are several products available which kill and repel ticks. Always ask your vet which product would suit your pet. Always ensure that the flea and tick control is the appropriate one for your pet. Some products have been developed for one species of pet only and may cause serious health problems if used inappropriately. For more advice on any flea and tick control please call into your local Veterinary Surgery

Free IT Sessions For the Over 50s at Torrington Library Would you like to learn how to send an email or use the internet? Or do you need a bit of a refresher? Come along to Torrington Library for free IT sessions with our IT volunteer. Please call 01805 622107 to book a session.


The CILIP Carnegie and Kate Greenaway Children’s Book Awards recently ran a national Haiku competition for Key Stage 3 students. We love a writing competition at GTS so we sent a bunch of entries and are delighted to announce that James Cutler in Year 7 won 1st prize, winning himself a Kindle Fire, a trip for two to the Carnegie and Greenaway Awards ceremony in London, a selection of Greenaway and Carnegie shortlisted books, and £500 worth of books for the school library. Well done James! Here is James’ winning haiku along with some of the other entries.

In my possession I have a word soup, jumbled Into little grains. James Cutler, Year7

In my hand I hold A book of revolution Slaves’ freedom and rights. Jake Thompson, Year 7

On my great book shelf Lies a dark demonic book, The great Frankenstein! Caitlin Jackson, Year 7

I hold in my hand The deadliest of all things. A killer book. Look. Lewis Stacey, Year 7

The thing about books That always troubles me is, The thing inside it. Liam Trower, Year 7

Books, they are precious. More precious than anything. More precious than blood. Erin Rice-Smith, Year 7

Brother and Sister Finding their Dad together. A book, Twist Of Gold. Oren Woodward, Year 7

Fruit – lots on a title. A pear, a plum, and a peach. Each Peach Pear Plum. Charlotte Wright-Stainton, Year 7

Books They whisk you away, Into dark unknown places, Whilst you’re safe in bed. Ben Harrison, Year 8

Wonder Look in the mirror, This is how they see me, not Who I truly am. Lily Challice, Year 8

When the blood seeps out, As the fangs pierce the thick skin – Vampire strikes again. Scott Mawdsley, Year 9

And a super story from Jesper.

The Race Heave... heave... heave... The cool breeze refreshed my aching muscles, as I felt myself glide gracefully through the water. I crouched forward for the next stroke just as an icy snake of water slithered down my back. I awkwardly tried to complete the stroke, but I missed with one oar; tipping me off balance and sending me straight into the deathly cold. I surfaced to Henry’s hysterical laughter. “Why did you splash me?” I whined. “C’mon, you had it coming after you splashed me yesterday, Terry,” he said in a reasonable tone. “But at least I managed to stay in my boat.” I grumbled something inaudible about how I hadn’t splashed him as hard. Then I got back in the boat and rowed half- heartedly back to the bank, chilled to the bone. I lay in my bed pondering at how far Henry, my rowing partner, and I had come since last year. My stroke was massively improved. Switching from the shorter, weaker stroke to the longer and more powerful with the help of Coach Carl. Although I had a longer stroke than Henry and was in turn slightly faster, he had far superior balance. No matter how many times I fell in, he would always remain steady. I awoke the next day to the sound of my alarm clock. I got dressed, did a few stretches, had a shower and ate some breakfast. I arrived at rowing to find Coach Carl and Henry waiting for me. I quickly chained up my bike and followed them inside the clubhouse. The clubhouse was painted white, inside and outside, with a wooden floor and small windows to let the light in. As you walked in you saw various fitness machines along the right wall and rowing machines lined up along the left. At the far end was a door that led into the back room where all the rowing boats were kept. Coach Carl looked us up and down. I had dark brown hair, pale blue eyes, a slim nose and a tight smile. My long legs set me about an inch above Henry. He was blonde with brown eyes, a slightly flatter nose and a mischievous grin. His shoulders were wider set than mine and his arms more muscular. We were the only under thirties he was training at the moment. Finally, he began in his gruff voice, “You both know about the race next week.” Wednesday 21st April; how could I forget? He told us to get rowing, so we got out one of the doubles from the back room and started carrying it out towards the water. The grass on the bank was wet and slippery from last night’s rain. Unfortunately, Henry didn’t realise this, so as he stepped onto it he slipped; taking me and the boat down with him. I heard a sickening crack as it landed on his right leg. I got up and rushed over to him. It was an obvious break. He would recover, but he would miss the race. The one we’d been training for. I was devastated. I couldn’t even imagine how he felt. The next day I woke up and went straight off to hospital. I was warned that he was weak, but demanded to see him. “How are you doing?” I asked. “Well,” he answered “I’ve been better.” “How does it feel?” “You’re worse than the nurse!” He exclaimed and we both smiled. “You’ve got to do it, Terry,” he said, suddenly serious. “What do you mean?” I replied, confused. “You have to do the race.” “But, I’m bad enough trying to stay balanced in a double, do you really think I could manage a single?” “You can do anything if you set your mind to it, Terry.” “Okay,” I said with new determination “I’ll try. For you.” “For me,” he repeated. We said our farewells and I left, determined to accomplish his challenge. I didn’t go home. No, I went to the club house. I doubted I’d find Coach Carl there, but there he was. I arrived to find him sitting in the corner on an old wooden chair. His most noticeable features were his bushy eyebrows and big flat nose. He was a short man and had a hairline that was running away. But he was still quite fit for a sixty year old. “What do you want?” He asked miserably. “Teach me how to row a single.” “In six days?” “For Henry.” He stood up with newfound purpose “For Henry.” The next six days were torture. Coach Carl had me rowing all day long, shouting at me from the bank. Each day I would go home cold, wet and dripping with sweat. Eventually the day came. Coach Carl offered to drive me up there. I arrived to a massive crowd. I’d concentrated so much on getting the rowing right that I hadn’t had time to think about the spectators. I did some stretches and got a short pep talk from Coach Carl before the speaker called up all the single rowers for one thousand metres. Coach Carl helped me carry my boat down to the river. “You got this.” And then he nudged me out. No turning back now, I thought to myself. I tried not to show my nerves as I lined myself up with the starting line. Focus, I told myself. On your marks...get set...HOOOOOOOOOONK! The other rowers shot away. But I was soon gaining on them. I was coming up to first place as I hit the halfway mark. I honed in on the finish line. For Henry...for Henry...for Henry... One hundred metres to go...fifty...twenty five... I felt a sudden yank in my right arm as I missed with one oar. I tried to balance out but I was already plummeting into the icy river. As I surfaced the whole world seemed backwards. For some reason I was on the other side of the finish line. Then I realised. I’d won. Jesper Beer, Year 8

Time Time will come, time will go. Time knows everything, time is best. Time comes fast and slow. Time sees all and never forgets.

Time brings hope and fear. Time is close and far. Time draws you in near. Time can be jolly, time can leave scars.

Time will hide and reveal. Time will be quick. Time will open and time will seal. Time can be unsmooth and time can be slick

Sometimes we forget about time, but it’s all we know. But in time, time will show. Isaac Williams, Year 8

Welcome to the new Parish News section of The Crier. We have received funding from Devon County Council and Torridge District Council in conjunction with Beaford and Little Torrington Parish Councils, to enable us to provide this space. Please send any news to [email protected], call 01805 603152 or drop in to the Library, thank you.

ALVERDISCOTT Garden Open at Little Webbery, Alverdiscott July 13th/14th from 2-6pm Approx three acres in valley setting with pond, lake, mature trees, two ha-has and large mature raised border. Large walled kitchen garden with yew and box hedging including rose garden, lawns with shrubs and rose and clematis trellises. Vegetables and greenhouse and adjacent traditional cottage garden In aid of charities under the National Gardens Scheme. Entry £4, teas and plants for sale.

BUCKLAND BREWER Buckland Brewer Under Fives The summer has arrived, and with it the knowledge that it’s only a couple more weeks, and then we will be closed for the holidays (returning Monday 9th September). Until that time, there is a lot going on for us all. This month the pre-school will be very busy making objects for the local Summer Fete. Every year Buckland Brewer holds its Summer Fete, and the local children are invited to enter the wares that they have either made or grown, and this year is no exception. The pre-school children will be entering small competitions held in the Chapel, including constructing a 3D model, decorating biscuits and making peppermint creams. Every year the children enter the competitions and every year somebody wins a prize or two. After the Fete we have sports day, a trip to the Big Sheep and Party Day (leavers’ day) to look forward to. This year we will be saying goodbye to Holly, Elayna, Michelle, Allannah, Sophia and Charlie. We hope that the children have enjoyed their time at BBU5 as much as we have enjoyed having them. It has been a pleasure getting to know the children with all their different traits and personalities, they will be really missed. But we hope they all settle into their new schools and enjoy making new friends and meeting up with old ones. Goodbye and good luck.

BEAFORD Monthly Makers, Bakers & Growers Market On the first Saturday of every month. Stalls will be available for the sale of locally made, grown or crafted items. Please come along and see what is on offer. To become a stall-holder please get in touch with Rebecca on [email protected] or call 01805 938521 after 6pm.

Village Hall Special offer! You can hire the village hall for a children’s party for £20! Please visit or email [email protected].

Coast-to-Coast Visit The Village Hall probably broke two records when it was the venue for the midday break of the recent annual Landmark Theatre Coast-Coast cycling tour. The 500 participants, plus followers, were probably the largest gathering ever accommodated at the hall. There is no doubt that the total number of bicycles, tandems and even a three seater tandem bicycle was more than ever seen here before. To appreciate the size of the influx, the numbers more than doubled the normal population of Beaford. As it was a hot and sunny June day everyone was very happy.

LITTLE TORRINGTON Emily Wright and The Royals

Friday 26th July 7.30pm at RHS Rosemoor “Old school good time tunes played with zippy brightness” £12 Tickets in advance, bar, (Jim Lowe 01237 451193) Little Torrington & Buckland Brewer Village Halls - annual joint event.

Garden Open at

The School House Sunday 28th July (2-5pm) EX38 8PS Admission: £3.50, children free, in aid of charities under the National Gardens Scheme 2/3-acre informally planted garden enclosed by native hedging with rambling roses and honeysuckle. Winding paths through mixed planting areas, some shady, some colour-themed. Mature wildlife pond and two other water features. Mature trees. Arbour and pergola with a variety of climbers. Small raised alpine bed.

LITTLEHAM The Scarecrows are Coming!

Littleham Arts and

Music Festival Littleham is about to stage their third arts and music festival with scarecrows, concerts, a fete and an exhibition are just some of the highlights. Held every two years since 2009, this year will see the organising group’s series of events kick off with a show of scarecrows, which opened on 22nd June. This year it will happen all over again with the fete set for the afternoon of Saturday 6th July. Singer-songwriter Robin Hild is back by popular demand in a concert at the village hall (13th July); there is a candlelit concert in the beautiful village church of St. Swithun‘s (10th July); a four-part harmony choir is guaranteed to lift spirits in the Methodist Chapel (7th July); a sing-a-long Curryoke (with curry) is staged at The Crealock Arms village pub (11th July); the showing of a film (Les Miserables on 1st July) and a tongue-in-cheek Murder Mystery Cabaret (19th July), both at the village hall - and every event will be accompanied by home-made refreshments and a big, big welcome. Pete Scott, chairman of the Littleham Festival organising group says, “money raised is going to support the North Devon Chemotherapy Appeal and our village hall and we hope many will join us for a great few weeks here in Littleham”.

MERTON Merton Friendship Club Wednesday 3rd July – Mrs Sally Wilson will be talking about her memories of working at Madame Tussauds Waxworks. We welcome new members so please just come along or if you wish more information please contact Christine Wickett on 01805 603258. All meetings are held in the Clinton Hall on the first Wednesday of the month and commence at 2pm

Merton History Group 12th July Historical Walk around with Peter Christie. No Meeting in August 14th September Visit to Hall and Gardens.

ROBOROUGH Roborough Open Gardens and Cream Tea We invite you to come and stroll around our beautiful, peaceful gardens on Sunday 21st July, followed by a delicious cream tea in the Village Hall. The gardens will be open between 2.30- 5pm and tickets will be available from the Village Hall. £4.50 for adults and £2.25 for children under 12 years. We look forward to welcoming you to our delightful Village gardens.

YARNSCOMBE Garden Open at The Croft 21st July; 18th Aug (2-6pm) Admission: £3.50, children free, in aid of charities under the National Gardens Scheme, (share to N Devon Animal Ambulance) Cream teas available. Contact:Sam & Margaret Jewell Telephone: 01769 560535 Postcode:EX31 3LW One-acre plantswoman’s garden featuring exotic Japanese garden with tea house, koi carp pond and cascading stream, tropical garden with exotic shrubs and perennials, herbaceous borders with unusual plants and shrubs,bog garden with collection of irises, astilbes and moisture-loving plants, duck pond. Exotic borders, new beds around duck pond and bog area, large collection of rare and unusual plants

St Andrew’s Church Fete and Companions Dog Show Church Park Playing Field Saturday 20th July With dog show entries from 12 noon, and judging at 2pm. Fete opens at 2.30pm with cakes, plants and produce, skittles, bric-a-brac, refreshments and much more. Grand Draw at 4pm with £50 first prize and many more. Small Grants Available for Youth Groups The trustees of a small fund, left over from a previous youth work project, would welcome bids from any youth organisation within Torrington or District. Bids should be for sums in the low hundreds, and initially should be outlined only to:- Keith Hughes - [email protected]. If this initial outline is thought to fit within our criteria, we will ask for further details. We see any grant given going to the organisation/group rather than an individual.

Torrington Probus Club Can You Help? Torrington Probus Club is compiling a documented and pictorial record of its history. Problems arise in tracing photographs of earlier Presidents and we are appealing to The Crier readers for help. If any friends or family members of the past Presidents named below are able to trace photographs, personal or activity-related, we would be extremely grateful if they would contact the secretary, Ken Egan on 01805 624319 or e-mail [email protected]. Mr Arthur Mather, 1st President (1980) - last known address 71a Well Street, Torrington Mr J.G.W. Brown, (1981) LKA - ‘Romara’ South Drive, Torrington Cllr C. Quick, (1982) LKA - 9 South Street, Torrington Mr E.A.Holwill, (1983) LKA - ‘White Lodge’, Villa Road, Torrington Mr T.A. Hill, (1984) LKA - 25 Castle Hill Gardens, Torrington Mr L. Smale, (1985) LKA - ‘Oakleigh’, Villa Road, Torrington Mr M.J.Staines, (1986) LKA - ‘Maryford’ Huntshaw Mr G.E. Tucker, (1987) LKA - 6 Old Inn Mews, Well Street, Torrington Mr F.P.B. Drew, (1988) LKA - The Chantry. . Mr L. Jackson. (1989) LKA - ‘Catbells’ Hatchmoor Road, Torrington

Families in Grief “When my Dad died it felt like someone had ripped my heart out and I felt as if I was nobody anymore. I constantly kept quiet about my feelings to my family, and kept it inside... Being at Families in Grief made me realise that I could express my feelings and not be afraid to talk about it to my family and other people.” Janey is one of the many children Families in Grief (FiG) has helped over the years. FiG is a small charity based in Bideford that supports bereaved children, young people and their families in the North Devon and Torridge area. It is known that a death places a great strain on relationships. Young people and their parents try to protect each other by not talking about the bereavement at home, resulting in feelings of loneliness and isolation. When children and young people take part in Families in Grief groups, they are given a safe space and confidence to open up about the death. They meet others of a similar age who have experienced a significant death in the family which makes them feel secure and able to tell their story, so reducing feelings of isolation and improving family relationships. During these group sessions, children and young people start to open up to each other and by the end of the group, families tell us they have more confidence in their everyday lives to talk openly about the bereavement. “My daughter and I have many more open conversations about our loss and how it has affected us. FiG has helped to heal a few of the wounds just by having the opportunity to talk, share and carry out therapeutic activities.” Families in Grief aims to help bereaved children and young people to manage their emotions, enabling them to understand the emotional and physical effects that grief can have. Through creative activities, young people learn about emotions; they begin to talk about how they feel and understand that their feelings are normal. By sharing these feelings, they become more in control of their grief. They are taught strategies to cope with their emotions without harming other people or property and learn ways of dealing with special anniversaries such as birthdays or Christmas. With support from FiG, the physical health of children and young people usually improves; this in turn has a positive effect on school attendance and their behaviour at school and at home often improves. Families in Grief will be running their next children’s group (age 5 – 12) in September; for information about the next young people’s group (age 13 -16), please contact us. For more information or if you would like to send me a donation please go to If you know of someone who has been affected by a bereavement and who would like support from Families in Grief, please contact info@familiesingrief or phone 01237 479027.

Hedgehog Awareness Week – Thanks! Thank you so much for all the generosity and support that we received during our recent Hedgehogtastic Table-top event held on Saturday 11th May for Hedgehog Awareness Week in aid of Torridge Hedgehog Rescue and British Hedgehog Preservation Society. It was very much appreciated and Torridge Hedgehog Rescue’s share will enable us to do improvements to the facilities that we have to provide much needed care for our local sick and injured hedgehogs. Please do have a look at our Facebook page, Torridge Hedgehog Rescue. If you are concerned about a hedgehog that you have found please ring 07884 486 509 for advice and help or take it to any of the local vets. Many thanks again from Angela and Tim Hodge.

Top County Appointment for First Class Cadet A North Devon Army Cadet has been appointed Cadet Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM) for Devon. 17 year-old Ellie Kinsella of the Torrington detachment is the current Lord Lieutenant’s Cadet and amongst her many achievements is a Master Cadet, Signals Instructor and holds Silver Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. She also holds many shooting qualifications and has the National Citizens Society Certificate. RSM Kinsella received her promotion from Colonel Ashley Fulford, Commandant of Devon Army Cadet Force who described her as “A first class cadet who will be a good ambassador for the County Cadet Force.” Ellie added “I am extremely pleased to gain such a senior rank and look forward to working at County level.” Personal development is just one of many opportunities on offer to young people of 12 to 18 years through the Army Cadet Force. To find out more about your local detachment Google North Devon ACF or call HQ 01271 342296. J Harvey Sergeant Major Company Publicity Relations Officer

The Appledore Singers ‘Summer Song’ Concert The Appledore Singers will present their ‘Summer Song’ concert on Sunday 21st July, 2.30pm at Northam Hall. The programme will contain a variety of favourite music, old and new, drawn from their repertoire, including songs from ‘Les Miserables’ and other shows, arrangements of hits by well-known singers, folk songs and gospel music. There will also be a chance for audience participation in our celebration of The Queen’s Coronation - Something for everyone to enjoy! Admission £5 at the door (to include light refreshments) Contact Jenny Cawsey on 01237 424982 or visit: ‘Seek a smile thro’ song’

Church Tower Floodlighting If you would like to light up the Church Tower to give a greeting to someone or remember a loved one on an anniversary please telephone 01805 623169, cheques to be made payable to PCC Great Torrington Parish. One day £2, any three days (not necessarily consecutive) £5. Please note; to be printed in the August/September edition of the Crier your entry must be in by Wednesday 10th July. During July the Tower will be lit on:- 5th, 6th, 7th Margaret Guppy - Happy Birthday Darling, I will celebrate your Birthday, but I will spend it missing you, love Albert. 9th Happy Birthday Erin Rice-Smith, God Bless, love Megan & Tudor. 11th Happy Birthday Ann Croxford, God Bless, love Megan & Tudor. 19th Bernice Finnamore - Happy Birthday to my Great Grandson William Moore. 27th Bernice Finnamore - Happy Birthday to Valerie Fordham. 31st Richard Dudley Bond (Judd) - Forever in our hearts and thoughts, greatly missed. God Bless, love Mother, Jean & John.

Christian Aid Many thanks to those who stood in the square with a box collecting £242.16 during Christian Aid Week. The collection from the United Service at the Methodist Church on Sunday 19th May was £187.36. Barbara Down, Treasurer Diary

A Listing of Community, Social and Fundraising Events in the Torrington and Surrounding District Areas.

July 2013

Monday 1st Mini Mover Dance Session for under 5’s 9.30-10.30am @ High Bickington Community Centre Little Frogs sessions Mon – Fri 8.45am-3.45pm term time, Gas Lane, Torrington, contact - 07870 509 674 Little Tadpoles stay & play session £1.50 every Mon term time 9.30-11.30am at Scout Hall 01805 622747 Short Mat Bowls 2-4pm every Mon @ High Bickington Community Centre Singing for Fun 7.30-8.30pm @ High Bickington Community Centre 1st Torrington Rainbows at Torrington Rugby Club every Monday term time 6.15-7.15pm Linda Searle 01237 451302 1st Torrington Brownies at Torrington Baptist Hall every Mon term time 6pm-7.30pm Leanne Wade 01271 377094 Torrington Seniors, at Torrington Rugby Club every Mon term time 7.30-9pm Sandra Nevard 07729 065 556 Zumba Pollyfields E-the-Water 6.30-7.30pm 1st Torrington Scout Group at Scout Hall every Mon term Time 7.30-9pm Peter 01409 281246 Torrington Silver Band practice Mon & Weds 8-9.30pm @ Howe Concert Hall Nick Megson 01805 622150 Cash Bingo TVSC 7.30pm every Mon Littleham Music Festival in aid of North Devon Chemotherapy Appeal 7pm @ Village hall with film ‘Les Miserables’ to book 01237 471928

Tuesday 2nd New Market in the Pannier Market 9am-4pm new stall holders reqd. looking for crafts, foods, books jewellery, clothes, Kate 01805 626146 or 07596 742 909. Hobbies Arts & Crafts Group Langtree Parish Hall every Tues 10.30-12.30pm £1.50 inc tea & coffee Sylvie 01805 601485 Food Bank 10am-12pm every Tues @ Baptist Church 1st Torrington Guides at Torrington Rugby Club every Tues 7-8.30pm Linda Masterson 01805 623212 1st Torrington Beavers and Cubs at Scout Hut, Gas Lane Tuesdays during term time 5pm - 6.30pm, Jon Ashton 01409 281246. Spiritual Healing every Tues. 3-4.30pm & 7-9pm. Frithelstockstone 01805 622883 Youth Club for 11+ 5-7pm @High Bickington Community Centre Badminton Club every Tues 7-8pm Juniors, Adults 8-9pm @ High Bickington Community Centre 01769 561387 Film ‘Star Trek Into Darkness’ (12A) 8pm @ The Plough

Wednesday 3rd St Michael’s Church Said Mass 8.30am in St James Chapel Little Tadpoles stay & play session (only £1.50) every Wed term time 1-3pm Scout Hall. Contact 01805 622747 Parkinson’s UK Torridge Branch monthly coffee morning every 1st Wed of the month 10.30am-12.30pm @ Phase 1 Common Room, Ethelwynne Brown Close, East the Water Bideford Short Tennis @ High Bickington Community Centre 4.30-5.30pm for 5+ 3rd Torrington Brownies at Torrington Baptist Hall, every Wed term time 6.30-8pm Shirley Lee 01805 625965 Free English Course for Adults every Weds 6.30-8.30pm @ The Plough. Learn the basics or aim towards L2(GCSE=) qualification. Rosemary Dymond 01237 472462 Langtree Reunites Netball Club High 5 training (sch yrs 3-6) 6-7pm, Junior training (sch yrs 7-9) every Weds 7-8pm evening (Juniors 7-8pm and Seniors 8-9.30pm) @ Torrington sports hall. Visit Zumba High Bickington Community Hall 7.30-8.30pm Film ‘The Prophet’ 8pm @ The Plough

Thursday 4th Pannier General Market every Thurs 8am–5pm St Michael’s Church 10.30am Said Mass in St James Chapel followed by Walsingham Cell in vicarage 6.30pm Choir practice Little Fishes Toddler Group at Baptist Church every Thurs term time 9.30am -11.30am £1.50 per family. Wendy 01805 623214 Short Mat Bowls 2-4pm every Thurs @ High Bickington Community Centre Rosemary Conley Diet & Fitness Class at Scout Hall, Gas Lane 6.30-7.45pm every Thurs. Wendy 01237 424787 Slimming World Join us at TVSC every Thurs at 5.30 & 7.30pm Bev Roberts 01805 624955 Writers Poets and Listeners 7.30pm at the Plough Film ‘I Am Breathing’ 8pm @ The Plough

Friday 5th St Michael’s Church Said Mass 8.30am in St James Chapel Pannier Market every Fri 8am-5pm Allsorts Childrens’ Club at Bluecoat Infants Sch every Fri 6.30-8pm sch yrs 1-6 Morag 01805 625510 Allsorts Plus Young Persons’ Club at Bluecoat Sch every Fri 8-9pm yrs 6-9 Morag 01805 625510 Exhibition on until Sat 27th July: Ashley Hanson-New York Trilogy. Preview 7pm tonight @ The Plough Theatre Puppet Craft: ‘Nobody Rides the Unicorn’ 10.30am & 1.30pm - The Plough Film ‘The Place Beyond the Pines’ (15) 8pm The Plough

Saturday 6th St. Michael’s Church 7.30pm Concert : Michael Hoeg-Organ recital Pannier Market every Sat 8am–4pm Farmers Market 1st Sat of every month 9am-3pm @ 1646, Kate 01805 626146 or 07596 742 909. Food Bank 10am-12pm every Sat @ Castle Hill, (1st floor) Torrington Torridge Ramblers Day walk ring 01805-622183 Littleham Village Fete 2pm @ Village Hall & Playing Field Theatre Puppet Craft: ‘Nobody Rides the Unicorn’ 1.30pm - The Plough Film ‘The Place Beyond the Pines’ (15) 8pm The Plough Music Mojo - Rex. A Gallery Gig, 8.15pm @ The Plough

Sunday 7th Commons Conservator Boot Sale on Old Bowling Green, 8am-1pm, £5 pitch, every Sunday till 29th Sept. for details 07840 105 355 Catholic Church of the Holy Family – Mass every Sun 9.15am Baptist Church Family service 10.30am St. Michael’s Church 10am Sung Mass Ignatius Sunday Club in upper room The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints meet @ Bideford College Abbotsham Rd, Bideford, EX39 3AR Sunday Sacrament service at 11.50am-1pm Torrington Community Church Bluecoat Inf Sch every Sun Karen 01805 622866 Torrington Methodist Church 10.30am Mrs Vivienne Sherrif 6.30pm Rev Stephen Hill Holy Communion Family Dog Show & Boot Sale 12-4pm @ Beales Field nr Rugby Cub. Lots to do and refreshments dog entries from 12pm, judging 1pm. Boot sale enquiries to Rod 07974 109 718 Rejoice the Voice Community Choir 4pm @ Littleham Methodist Church, 01237 473707 Film ‘Love is All You Need’ (15) 8pm @ The Plough

Tuesday 9th Film ‘Love is All You Need’ (15) 8pm @ The Plough Rugby Training, Donnacroft 1st session 6.30pm

Wednesday 10th St Michael’s Church Said Mass 8.30am in St James Chapel Gt.Torrington Care Forum at the Early Years Centre: Lunch 11.45am-12.25pm: Forum 12.30pm-1.30pm Torrington W.I ‘How our ancestors died’ 7pm @ Methodist Church Torridge Ramblers Evening walk ring 01237 475168 Music Concert 7.30pm @ St Swithun’s Church, Littleham 01237 473707 Film ‘A Hijacking’ (15) 8pm @ The Plough Music Tom McConville 8.15pm @ The Plough

Thursday 11th St Michael’s Church 10.30am Said Mass in St James Chapel followed by Walsingham Cell in vicarage 18.30pm Choir practice Memory Cafe 10.30-12.30pm @ The Plough Abbeyfield Open House Day, 01805-623605 for details Curryoke Singalong @ Crealock Arms, Littleham, 8pm Free entry and curry Dance Inspire - The Performance! 7.30pm @ The Plough Poetry Open Mouth Poetry Night 8pm @ The Plough Rugby Training, Donnacroft 7pm.

CRIER COPY DEADLINE ‘August 2013’ Issue by 12noon today latest please

Friday 12th St Michael’s Church Said Mass 8.30am in St James Chapel Theatre 7pm @ The Vicarage ‘The Rude Mechanicals: Harlequin Goes to the Moon’ Art on Friday 10.30am at the Plough, second and fourth Friday of the month everyone welcome.

Saturday 13th Coffee Morning 9am-11am Chulmleigh Town Hall in aid of Sth Molton Hospital League of Friends cakes, produce, draw prizes greatly appreciated Taddiport Tea Dance 2-4pm details Doug 622648 or Beryl 624294 Abbeyfield Garden Party Villa Rd, 2.30pm All Welcome Garden Open @ Little Webbery, Alverdiscott 2-6pm also tomorrow, in aid of charities under National Garden Scheme, entry £4, teas & plants for sale Concert ‘Robin Hild & Out of the Blue’ Littleham Village Hall 7.30pm 01237 473707 Film ‘Iron Man 3’ (12A) 8pm The Plough

Sunday 14th St. Michael’s Church 10.30am Sung Mass Ignatius Sunday Club in upper room Torrington Methodist Church 10.30 Rev Ken Morgan Holy Communion 6.30 No Evening Service Film ‘Iron Man 3’ (12A) 7pm The Plough

Tuesday 16th Cribbage pairs competition @ Torrington Arms 8pm Film Benjamin Britten: ‘Peace & Conflict’ (PG) 8pm @ The Plough

Wednesday 17th St Michael’s Church Said Mass 8.30am in St James Chapel Royal British Legion Meeting 7pm @ Conservative Club Theatre Plough Youth Theatre: The Wizard of Oz. 7.30pm @ The Plough

Thursday 18th St Michael’s Church 10.30am Said Mass in St James Chapel 6.30pm Choir practice Theatre Plough Youth Theatre: The Wizard of Oz. 7.30pm @ The Plough Comedy Kevin Precious- A Gallery Gig 8.15pm @ The Plough

Friday 19th St Michael’s Church Said Mass 8.30am in St James Chapel ‘An English Country Garden’ in flowers & crafts 10am-7.30pm @ St Andrews Church, Alwington on until Sunday 21st, free entry, donations to church maintenance refreshments available Murder Mystery Cabaret @ @ Littleham Village Hall 7.30pm, 01237 473707 Talk Artist Ashley Hanson- A Gallery Gig 7pm @ The Plough Music ‘Gypfunk’ 8.30pm @ The Plough

Saturday 20th Advice Surgery with Geoffrey Cox MP. for an appointment ring 01237 459001 or email to tellgeoffrey@geoffreycox or via website Fete & Companion Dog Show 2.30pm @ St Andrews Church, Yarnscombe dog show entries from 12noon Music Sam Welbourne 8pm The Plough

Sunday 21st St. Michael’s Church 10.30am Sung Mass Ignatius Sunday Club in upper room Torrington Methodist Church 10.30am Mr Duncan Withall 6.30pm Rev Ken Morgan Holy Communion Another Country Service 11am @ St Swithun’s Church, Littleham Roborough Open Gardens Stroll around beautiful village gardens & enjoy delicious cream teas in village hall. 3-5pm £4.50 Children £2.25 Torridge Ramblers Afternoon walk ring 01805-22183 Rolle Canal Walk from Torrington Railway Stn on A386 Start 2.30pm (See Article) Film Benjamin Britten: ‘Peace & Conflict’ (PG) 8pm @ The Plough

Tuesday 23rd Film ‘Byzantium’ (15) 8pm @ The Plough

Wednesday 24th St Michael’s Church Said Mass 8.30am in St James Chapel Film ‘White Elephant’ (15) @ 8pm The Plough

Thursday 25th St Michael’s Church 10.30am Said Mass in St James Chapel 18.30pm Choir practice Memory Cafe 10.30-12.30pm @ The Plough Film ‘Byzantium’ (15) 8pm @ The Plough Music Dogleg - A Gallery Gig 8.15pm @ The Plough

Friday 26th St Michael’s Church Said Mass 8.30am in St James Chapel Emily Wright & The Royals 7.30pm @ RHS Rosemoor, with bar, Tickets £12 in advance from Jim Lowe 01237 451193

Saturday 27th Torridge Ramblers Day walk ring 01237 429080 St Michaels Church Fete BBQ, Stalls, Games, Raffle etc 12.30pm Flower Festival today and tomorrow @ St Mary Magdalen Church, Taddiport 10am-6pm with refreshments (See article) Music ‘Speed The Plough’ 8pm @ The Plough

Sunday 28th St. Michael’s Church 10.30am Sung Mass Ignatius Sunday Club in upper room Torrington Methodist Church 10.30 Rev Ken Morgan Holy Communion 7pm Ignite NGS Garden Open School House Little Torrington 2-5pm Homemade Teas & Plants for sale Film ‘Munch’ (nc) 8pm @ The Plough

Tuesday 30th Film ‘Epic’ (U) 3pm @ The Plough Film ‘Summer in February’ (15) 8pm @ The Plough

Wednesday 31st Theatre Illyria: ‘The Mikado’ 7pm @ The Vicarage Garden

August 2013

Thursday 1st Pannier General Market every Thurs 8am–5pm St Michael’s Church 10.30am Said Mass in St James Chapel followed by Walsingham Cell in vicarage 6.30pm Choir practice Little Fishes Toddler Group at Baptist Church every Thurs term time 9.30am -11.30am £1.50 per family. Wendy 01805 623214 Short Mat Bowls 2-4pm every Thurs @ High Bickington Community Centre Rosemary Conley Diet & Fitness Class at Scout Hall, Gas Lane 6.30-7.45pm every Thurs. Wendy 01237 424787 Slimming World Join us at TVSC every Thurs at 5.30 & 7.30pm Bev Roberts 01805 624955 Writers Poets and Listeners 7.30pm at the Plough Rugby Training, Donnacroft 7pm.

Friday 2nd St Michael’s Church Said Mass 8.30am in St James Chapel Pannier Market every Fri 8am-5pm Allsorts Childrens’ Club at Bluecoat Infants Sch every Fri 6.30-8pm sch yrs 1-6 Morag 01805 625510 Allsorts Plus Young Persons’ Club at Bluecoat Sch every Fri 8-9pm yrs 6-9 Morag 01805 625510

Saturday 3rd Pannier Market every Sat 8am–4pm Farmers Market 1st Sat of every month 9am-3pm @ 1646, Kate 01805 626146 or 07596 742 909. Food Bank 10am-12pm every Sat @ Castle Hill, (1st floor) Torrington

Sunday 4th Commons Conservator Boot Sale on Old Bowling Green, 8am-1pm, £5 pitch, every Sunday till 29th Sept. for details 07840 105 355 Catholic Church of the Holy Family – Mass every Sun 9.15am Baptist Church Family service 10.30am St. Michael’s Church 10am Sung Mass Ignatius Sunday Club in upper room The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints meet @ Bideford College Abbotsham Rd, Bideford, EX39 3AR Sunday Sacrament service at 11.50am-1pm Torrington Community Church Bluecoat Inf Sch every Sun Karen 01805 622866 Torrington Methodist Church 10.30 Mrs Nancy Hall-Tomkin 6.30 Rev Ken Morgan

Monday 5th Mini Mover Dance Session for under 5’s 9.30-10.30am @ High Bickington Community Centre Little Frogs sessions Mon – Fri 8.45am-3.45pm term time, Gas Lane, Torrington, contact - 07870 509 674 Little Tadpoles stay & play session £1.50 every Mon term time 9.30-11.30am at Scout Hall 01805 622747 Short Mat Bowls 2-4pm every Mon @ High Bickington Community Centre Singing for Fun 7.30-8.30pm @ High Bickington Community Centre 1st Torrington Rainbows at Torrington Rugby Club every Monday term time 6.15-7.15pm Linda Searle 01237 451302 1st Torrington Brownies at Torrington Baptist Hall every Mon term time 6pm-7.30pm Leanne Wade 01271 377094 Torrington Seniors, at Torrington Rugby Club every Mon term time 7.30-9pm Sandra Nevard 07729 065 556 Zumba Pollyfields E-the-Water 6.30-7.30pm 1st Torrington Scout Group at Scout Hall every Mon term Time 7.30-9.00pm Peter 01409 281246 Torrington Silver Band practice Mon & Weds 8-9.30pm @ Howe Concert Hall Nick Megson 01805 622150 Cash Bingo TVSC 7.30pm every Mon

Tuesday 6th New Market in the Pannier Market on 9am-4pm new stall holders reqd. looking for crafts, foods, books jewellery, clothes, Kate 01805 626146 or 07596 742 909. Hobbies Arts & Crafts Group Langtree Parish Hall every Tues 10.30-12.30pm £1.50 inc tea & coffee Sylvie 01805 601485 Food Bank 10am-12pm every Tues @ Baptist Church 1st Torrington Guides at Torrington Rugby Club every Tues 7-8.30pm Linda Masterson 01805 623212 1st Torrington Beavers and Cubs at Scout Hut, Gas Lane Tuesdays during term time 5pm - 6.30pm, Jon Ashton 01409 281246. Spiritual Healing every Tues. 3-4.30pm & 7-9pm. Frithelstockstone 01805 622883 Youth Club for 11+ 5-7pm @High Bickington Community Centre Badminton Club every Tues 7-8pm Juniors, Adults 8-9pm @ High Bickington Community Centre 01769 561387 Rugby Training, Donnacroft 7pm.

Wednesday 7th St Michael’s Church Said Mass 8.30am in St James Chapel Little Tadpoles stay & play session (only £1.50) every Wed term time 1-3pm Scout Hall. Contact 01805 622747 Parkinson’s UK Torridge Branch monthly coffee morning every 1st Wed of the month 10.30am-12.30pm @ Phase 1 Common Room, Ethelwynne Brown Close, East the Water Bideford Short Tennis @ High Bickington Community Centre 4.30-5.30pm for 5+ 3rd Torrington Brownies at Torrington Baptist Hall, every Wed term time 6.30-8pm Shirley Lee 01805 625965 Free English Course for Adults every Weds 6.30-8.30pm @ The Plough. Learn the basics or aim towards L2(GCSE=) qualification. Rosemary Dymond 01237 472462 Langtree Reunites Netball Club High 5 training (sch yrs 3-6) 6-7pm, Junior training (sch yrs 7-9) every Weds 7-8pm evening (Juniors 7-8pm and Seniors 8-9.30pm) @ Torrington sports hall. Visit

To Our Museum Mentors Great news – Torrington’s Museum is open again All the planning and hard work has not been in vain Thanks to the valiant efforts of Val and Sue We can now enjoy it in its new venue There’s still work to do and help is needed So please don’t let this plea go unheeded The new premises the museum will inhabit Contain many a historical and interesting exhibit With lots and lots of pieces and bits It’s been hard to decide where it all fits Maybe you’d like to get involved Perhaps there’s a problem still to be solved Desk staff are needed for half-day sessions And for which of course you don’t need lessons! R.C.

Fairtrade At Work! Who Makes The Tea? If It’s You, Is It Fairtrade? The Fairtrade Group are trying to find out how many businesses and organisations serve Fairtrade tea and coffee to their staff and members… It is one of the Fairtrade Town goals that Fairtrade refreshments are used in local workplaces and community groups. If you already do, please get in touch. We can also offer support to staff rooms that would like to find out more about Fairtrade (maybe a speaker, display or presentation), and help with sourcing catering-sized Fairtrade supplies. Please contact the Fairtrade Group and tell us how Fairtrade your workplace is, or if you would like any more information about Fair-trading your work place. Contact the Fairtrade Group on 01805 622143. Or come along to one of our monthly meetings on the second Tuesday at 7.30pm in The Plough.

Summer Fun at Function Fitness We will be running some new summer courses aimed at our younger community, ‘Movers and Shakers’ on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for age groups ranging from 2-8. Tuesdays - ‘ballet tots’ an introduction to fitness, dance and movement Thursdays- ‘gymkids’ an introduction to fitness and basic gymnastic skills. Following the success of our Bootcamps, we are going to hold a more specific ‘Sports Performance Camp’ for all aspiring/fully fledged athletes, on Tuesday and Thursday Evenings. For more info on the above courses, please contact us at the gym. We have new summer opening times too: Mon/Wed/Fri - 7am-1pm, 3-9pm; Tues/Thurs 8am-1pm, 3-9pm; Sat/Sun 8am-1pm. These times will take effect from July 1st through to September 9th. Have a fun, healthy and active summer, from all at Function Fitness Thank You to Lisa D’Alberti The Crier team would like to thank Lisa D’Alberti for all her hard work since taking over the advertising/accounts administration for The Crier. Lisa is moving on to pastures new and we wish her good luck. Crier advertising/accounts will now be administered by Esther Williams. The email address remains unchanged, however the phone number for advertising/accounts enquiries is now 01805 603023.

Fr. Lawrence writes….. On Tuesday June 4th at exactly 11am Her Majesty the Queen and other members of the Royal Family attended a service in Westminster Abbey to mark the 60th anniversary of the The Queen’s Coronation. When in 1953 the BBC televised the Coronation event itself, it was the largest broadcast ever. Tiered seating was constructed to seat over 8,000 guests. A 60- strong orchestra and a 400-strong choir were brought together to provide the music. The sacred oil which was used to anoint the Queen contained oils of orange flowers, roses, jasmine, cinnamon, musk, civet and ambergris. At the anniversary service, symbolic oil was brought up to the altar by representatives of the nation, both young and old. At the coronation itself everything had symbolic significance. The Queen’s coronation dress was made by Norman Hartnell (who had also made her wedding dress). It was of white satin embroidered with emblems of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth : rose (for England), thistle (Scotland), leek (Wales), shamrock (Ireland), lotus (Ceylon), protea (South Africa), wattle (Australia), wheat and jute (Pakistan), maple leaf (Canada) and fern (New Zealand). Thousands of tiny seed pearls set in ‘saucers’ of silver covered the dress. All this and more. Her Majesty the Queen as the Sovereign holds the title ‘Defender of the Faith and Supreme Governor of the Church of England’. All Parish Priests including myself as the Parish Priest of Great Torrington have taken an oath of allegiance to the Queen, the Diocesan Bishop Michael Langrish and his successors. The established Church is supported by the civil authorities in every town and village throughout the land which is why it is a privilege to say prayers before each Town Council meeting. I hope you will join with me in congratulating Her Majesty on the anniversary of her Coronation and offer up prayers of thanksgiving for her example of dutiful service. A service which is not symbolic, but real and inspiring. Long may she reign.

Native Wild Flowers To Grow in Your Garden Geranium pratense This native plant is yet another summer favourite of mine; not only for its long flowering period but also because it is easy to look after, bees love it and slugs and snails seem to leave it alone (having said that, I expect to be contradicted!). There are also many variations and cultivars such as ‘Splish Splash’ and ‘Mrs Kendall Clarke’ to name just two. Geranium pratense is a plant of open fields and verges, pratense meaning ‘of meadows’, more often these days growing along the roadside or pathways (walk down ‘Underhay’ at the bottom of Stoneman’s Lane to see it and it doesn’t seem to mind being mown from time to time, either). It is a very hardy perennial and will seed itself about but I would say it is not invasive. It grows best in an open, sunny position but will take light shade quite happily. The native flower is a lovely, clear mid-violet blue colour and reaches a height of about 60cm (2ft approx.) with an equal spread. There is also a lovely white form. The foliage is very deeply cut and attractive in its own right. Seed can be purchased from catalogues and is quite easy to grow, just sow in trays of free-draining compost, covering very lightly. Seeds don’t need too much heat but may take a while to germinate. As usual, prick out into small pots once the true leaves are large enough to handle, harden them off and plant outside when growing strongly and well rooted. Fleur

Rotary Megadraw 2013 Helping You Fundraise Do you want to raise funds for your club or organization at no cost to yourselves? Then Megadraw 2013 may be just what you need. The Rotary Club of Torrington offers voluntary organizations in the Torrington area the opportunity to take part in Megadraw 2013. This is a North Devon draw with major prizes which will be drawn next November. All the funds raised by the sale of Meagadraw tickets are kept by your own organization for its own purposes. The Rotary Club of Torrington simply provides the tickets and the paperwork. The Barnstaple Link Rotary Club has the tickets printed, has obtained the licence, arranged the prizes and will organize a spectacular draw night in Barnstaple in November. There is no catch. EVERY £1 YOU TAKE YOU KEEP for the benefit of your organization. All that is asked is that you register the receipt of tickets provided, return the counterfoils of those sold and return unsold tickets. Megadraw is organized by Rotary Clubs in North Devon as a service to voluntary organizations in the local community. If you are a leader, secretary or treasurer of a local organization and are interested in this opportunity, then contact Rick Smale (Torrington Rotary Club) on 01805 622419 or email [email protected].

First Thursday Writers’ Group - June Meeting Torrington’s Writers’ Group could be more aptly described as a friendship club; because we gossip, but we gossip in ‘style’! Poems, short stories and monologues being the most popular. And like all good friends we tend to digress, so that even though we have a monthly topic, we have contributions on other subjects as well. This month’s focus should have been trees and although, Jean, Doreen, Elizabeth and Iain kept to the theme it was nice to have other diverting subjects raised – for this is what makes us a like-minded group, we are always keen to listen to what our friends have written – their ‘tittle-tattle’. Eric for instance wrote about a favourite place of his – Rack Park – while Mike took us to a really scary place by imagining a sudden turnoff, worldwide, of all electricity and the catastrophe that would ensue, while Stef wrote a poem in the style of Thomas Hardy’s ‘Drummer Hodge’ and dedicated it to ‘Drummer Rigby’. But the poems and stories about the trees were the most thought provoking. The poem of Jean’s solitary tree, the future of trees and woodland as depicted by Elizabeth, the felling of a favourite tree as described by Doreen, and Iain’s plaintiff take on the ‘Fifth Age’ imagining himself as a mature tree seeing the approach of winter but never losing the hope of spring. Stef, on the other hand, wrote about family trees! So if you enjoy writing, join us, be another of our friends – we give the phrase ‘gossip column’ a whole new meaning. The next meeting is Thursday 4th July at 7.30pm at the Plough Arts Centre when the subject suggested is Love/Jealousy.

Torrington Boxing Club A lot has gone on in the last few weeks; we are now based in the Torridge Vale Social Club upstairs as they came to our aid. We have been renovating the designated space ourselves with a lot of kind help from our members and some of the community. We have nearly finished and hopefully will be back to normal in the next week or two. We will be doing a fundraising event soon; an army assault course which will be a good test of fitness and endurance. Our friends Mick and Luke from Spartan Boot Camp Survival are coming over to help sort out a very testing course, please stay tuned to our Facebook page for details - it will be a tough one! We have had to spend all our club funds on the renovation and even with us working on it for free, the bills are set to rise as more gear is needed! We have had a great deal of support from the community which we are eternally grateful for, and we are about to put in at the AGM for the Devon ABA for two shows in the new season showing off the talent at our and surrounding clubs! Gavin Lane

Splash Out This Summer! Swimming is a Life-Saving Skill to Learn With recent figures from the Amateur Swimming Association (ASA) showing that 51% of 7 to 11 year olds are unable to swim 25 metres unaided, (British Swimming) and one in ten parents saying their child only swims on holiday - presenting clear risks in terms of ability, water confidence and safety - especially when 52% of parents do not think or are not sure if their child could swim to safety if they found themselves in danger in open water. 39% of parents also told the ASA that their child was not in any type of swimming lessons (British Swimming), so let’s help redress these facts and get your children swimming this summer. Sign up today with the Laura Bennett Academy of Swimming summer crash course Monday 12th August to Friday 16th August 2013 10.30am-2pm. Lessons available for beginners to swimmers of all ages and also parent and toddlers and pre- school, see posters around town. Visit the Laura Bennett Academy of Swimming Facebook page for more details or contact me. I am now also taking enquiries for lessons in September, parent and toddler, pre-school and school - sign up today to gain a place, spaces fill up fast. Laura Bennett Laura Bennett Academy of swimming Visit: Tel: 07791 964 544 Common News You may have recently seen a report on television about the role of ticks in spreading Lyme disease. It was once thought that the distribution of ticks that carry this disease was mainly restricted to certain areas such as Exmoor, but it is now known to occur more widely. A person in Torrington has this disease which may have been caught from a tick bite on The Common. If bitten by a tick it is very unlikely to result in the disease, but if not diagnosed early it is difficult to cure. It is best to take precautions such as keeping to the paths and your skin covered. If bitten remove the tick as soon as possible, but this must be done correctly. Do not use a cigarette to burn it off or any irritant liquids. These will cause the tick to regurgitate its stomach contents into your blood. They can be pulled off with a finger and thumb nail, but all methods must be tight to your skin to remove the whole of the tick. Alternative ways are to use a slotted plastic card or a loop of cotton. Tick removers are available from pet shops. Similar methods can be applied to dogs, which may also suffer from the disease. Details of our Common Celebrations are outlined on The Crier cover. Of special interest is a short talk by Matt Edworthy (Coordinator of the North Devon World Biosphere Area) on Saturday 6th July at 11.30am on The Old Bowling Green. He will explain how this area, which Torrington is in the centre of, will be beneficial to us. It is particularly relevant to farmers, land managers, schools and all with an interest in our local environment. Many other activities are planned for this weekend, do come and see us. Michael Collingham

Small Steps to Help the Environment Wi-kan-do-it! Our aim is to help you to become more environmentally aware as well as help improve the health of you and your family. The aim is to help you make changes in small steps - simple things like changing the kind of bin bag you use, capturing your rain water, or putting the right things in the right recycling bins. Changes so small and gradual that you hardly even notice that you are making them, but by the end you will have made improvements to your health, your ‘in-house’ environment - you will be saving money and your footprint will be a heck of a lot lighter. To ease you in gently, the first task is really simple. We start with plastic bags - there has been a lot of press about the damage that they are doing to our environment and to the animals and birds that share it with us so to remind you here a few points. Every year UK supermarkets give an estimated 17.5 billion plastic bags away. That is the equivalent of 290 bags per person. Only one in 200 of these bags is recycled. The average bag is used for just 12 minutes, before being thrown away. The trouble is that although they are used for say five minutes to an hour, they are engineered to last from 400 – 1000 years. If we continue at current rates, we won’t be able to move for plastic bags! Every year, 1.2 trillion bags are used worldwide. It is causing massive problems right now, and you can help - right now. The demand for plastic bags is so huge that crude oil worth £3 billion a year is consumed just to make them. Surely there’s a better use somewhere for that amount of oil. We know that responsible dog owners pick up after their pets (thank goodness) but generally this organic, degradable waste goes into a plastic bag that isn’t - we need to consider this. So how do we counter this problem? We can start by changing our refuse and pet waste bags to degradable plastic bags, and use either degradable or non-plastic shopping bags instead of supermarket bags – just by doing this you will be making a positive contribution to our countryside. For further information on this major environmental issue please visit

Point of Interest It takes a Village to Raise a Child Most of us have heard the old saying, “It takes a village to raise a child” and perhaps more than ever before, it still holds true. One of the positive strengths of Torrington is our sense of community spirit, and the fact that many people still care enough about each other (something that is not present in all communities across our land) and so, our children have a chance to grow and flourish within a community that cares. Made up of friends, family and neighbours we care about, and who care about us, our community is still one of the most important resources we have as parents. We can turn to them for help when we need some good advice or just someone talk to. As all parents know, children do not come with a handbook and so, most people, at some time in their life, require a little extra support or parenting advice. Television and magazines depict ‘perfect families with perfect children’ and that sometimes increases pressure on parents to ‘do the right thing’ such as buy the latest gadget, provide the most fashionable clothes etc. Do these things really matter to a child? The answer is simply, no - not in the long run. What really matters to a child is that they feel warm, they are loved, safe, adequately homed and well nourished, able to learn and thrive and most of all, they have people who they can turn to, bond with and make strong, healthy, appropriate positive relationships. The things they will remember as an adult and the stories they will recount to their children will be about the special times they spent with you, the memories they co-create with you as they walk with on their journey of life. It does indeed take a village to raise a child because a child is an active social being who interacts with many significant adults in their lives; parents, grand-parents, other family members, teachers, the neighbour next door, friends’ parents etc. With each of these people, a child will receive messages. They will soon learn what is right and wrong, what is safe, what is valued. These are the shared values of the community within which the child lives. If a village does not support the healthy growth of every child within its community then potentially a parent could feel unsupported and potentially a child could be at risk. Maintaining vigilance for all of our children is everyone’s responsibility; ensuring that all children are safe and provided with love, caring and respect is a fundamental basic human responsibility and a right for every child. These shared values and commitment to each and every child as a loved and valued member of our community is a collective responsibility that emphasises the true meaning of the saying “It takes a village to raise a child”

Tarka Valley Railway Open Days The BR Mk1 carriage in the platform at Torrington station is to be opened on a more regular basis so that visitors can see what is happening at the Railway, and learn more of our plans for the future. Interest in the Railway has increased considerably since planning approval for the start of rebuilding the line was granted earlier this year and trial openings of the carriage held recently have proved quite successful. The carriage holds displays of railway-related photographs/documents and details of the group’s plans for the future. Members will be on-hand to discuss these plans and to answer any questions. Railway-themed books and magazines will be on sale and of course membership enquiries will be happily dealt with. It is hoped to have some model railway layouts also operating on the site. The next open days will be Sunday, 14th July and Sunday, 4th August, subject to decent weather. Do come along and see what is happening at YOUR railway. Please also make a note of our annual Gala date Saturday and Sunday 7th/8th September 2013. See us at Torrington Library Craft sessions Ages 5-11 Thursday 8th August Summer Reading Challenge Bunting - drop in session between 10.30am - 12.30pm and create creepy bunting to decorate the Library

Tuesday 13th August Summer Reading Challenge Springy Spiders and Flapping Bats, 2.30 - 4pm Booking essential. Call 01805 622107 to book.

Dog Show at Torrington Rugby Club 27th July 11.30am-5pm Hi there, Well what an exciting month we have had. I have to tell you first of all about our Family Fun Day and Dog Show on 2nd June held at Braunton – what a day! The sun shone (how unusual is that in Devon) and we had no less than 640 entries into our dog show; an amazing turn out. Guess what – I won first prize for ‘Prettiest Bitch’ (and it wasn’t fixed) as Shaun Ellis from the Wolf Centre was judging and he didn’t know who I was! The Voice, our local North Devon Radio Station, were great in helping us announce everything and keeping people informed of what was happening. If you haven’t listened to them yet then do tune in as Aunty Lynne does a spot there every first Wednesday of the month, telling everyone about our latest dogs. As you can tell I am still so excited but the great thing is, is that it is happening all over again on 27th July at Torrington Rugby Club! So if you didn’t manage to get along to the Braunton Show and feel you have missed out then please do come and join us. We will have lots of attractions and stalls together with a BBQ and Hog Roast. The bar will also be open and we have ordered the fantastic sunshine! It is a fun dog show and so no formalities and we will be opening for registrations from 11.30am with the show commencing at noon through to about 5pm. I will be there defending my crown and so do please come and say hello. Also we would love to see all our K9focus Rescue Dogs and if you come along you will be guaranteed a lovely purple ribbon. Just because we were having fun didn’t mean the rescue was put on hold, and sadly we continue to get asked to take dogs in where families simply cannot afford to keep them or where people are having to move home and/or change their working patterns. Our kennels are once again brimming which is a constant drain on our funds and so we are desperate for foster and permanent homes for these dogs. We need experienced homes as some of these dogs do have little issues but nothing more than lots of dogs that are bought from puppies and not trained. If you can help, please do call Aunty Lynne on 07971 461 806. Hope to see you at the show where I will of course be wearing my Red Rosette!! Woofs and Licks Miss Jessica

Abbeyfield ‘Open House’ Thursday July 11th 10.30am-12noon and 2-4pm This is an opportunity to see what our accommodation is like, meet some of our residents and decide whether you or a friend or relation would like to become a resident now, or in the future. For further details ring the house on 01805 623605. Our Garden Party is on Saturday 13th July from 2.30pm. There will be stalls and a raffle and cream teas in the garden. We hope the weather will be warm and dry so that you can see the garden and stunning view across the valley. Getting Older? Finding it Harder to Hear? Come along and join the Hearing Loss Support Group in Torrington enjoy a cuppa and friendly company. We have an informal monthly ‘get together’ at the Bickford Centre on the third Tuesday every month at 2pm. Next quarter dates:- 16th July, 20th August, 17th Sept 2013 Lyn - See Hear Centre Office: 01271 373 236 Mobile: 07831 515 809 [email protected]

GTS Athletics News Great Torrington School pupils went to the Devon Schools Athletics Championships on 8th June and performed extremely well. Mrs Craig said “ It was a lovely summer’s athletics day out, the first in seven years”. We are proud to share the following results:

Devon Champions Briony Harris – Shot Putt Jessica Fahy – High Jump 1.50m Seth Hodorowski (ex-pupil) – Triple Jump 2nd in Devon Briony Harris – Discus 3rd in Devon Sam West - Discus

Megan Gallagher came 7th after getting into the finals for the hurdles even though she was a year younger than all the rest who were in years 8 and 9. A fantastic achievement. St Mary Magdalen Church Taddiport Flower Festival July 27th and 28th 10am - 6pm Also, you will be to view the belfry project designed by Alexander Brydon from London and decorated by Kevin Howell Church Gilders; part-funded by Devon Waste Management to the sum of £10000. Refreshments served all day, all welcome. It will be a wonderful display of flowers, ‘if you have seen the rest please come and see the best’! Derek Skinner

Torrington Rotary Club and Great Torrington School Pupils Win District and South West Competitions Torrington Rotary Club invited two pupils to their evening meeting and supper on the 11th June to celebrate their successes in the recent Rotary Young Chef of the Year and Rotary Young Photographer of the Year Competition. JoJo Charman and Jade Hill spoke at the meeting showing their prizes and photographs of the events that they took part in. Jade Hill went through the ranks and made it through to the Devon County final and then managed to gain a place in the South West final. Jade was highly congratulated on how well she handled the pressure in the kitchen to produce such excellent dishes. Jade has been presented with personalised chef’s whites, trophies and certificates. Creative pupils impressed judges with their snappy ideas in a photographic competition. This year they were set the challenge of producing photographs along a theme of peace. The members of the Rotary Club were particularly impressed with JoJo’s shot of hands linked covered in chalk surrounded by a blue background. Jo Jo explained that the joining hands showed a symbol of peace and that the hands together represented the world. JoJo Charman, Lois Papworth, Courtney White and Elizabeth Ward all received vouchers from the Rotary Club to use at J & A Cameras.

A Night at the Musicals III I am delighted to announce we will be presenting our third production of A Night at the Musicals on Friday 30th August at 7.30pm and also on Saturday 31st August, with a matinee performance at 2pm and an evening performance at 7.30pm. We raised over £4,000 from our previous shows so with your help we could do even better! This year our charities are The Plough Arts Centre, to help purchase some essential new digital film equipment, Little John’s House, who organise summer holidays for children with special needs, and Torrington Rotary Club, who will distribute their share to various local Torrington Charities. The children are busy rehearsing under the watchful eye of Mel Newcombe and Liz Harris and will showcase the wonderful talent we have locally. Ring the Plough Box Office on 01805 624624 to make sure you reserve a seat! Richard Rumbold

Torrington WI Last month I reported that we discussed a resolution asking the government to do something about our declining High Streets, which would be put to delegates at the National Federation AGM on 1st June. The resolution was passed with 5,266 for and 758 against. There will doubtless be more about this in the media over the next weeks and months. Our next monthly meeting is on Wednesday 10th July at 7pm in the Methodist Church Hall when we are delighted to welcome back speaker Dr Janet Few. Last year she told us about 17th Century Gardens. This time we will hear about ‘How our ancestors died’. A new venture for us, not dependent on the weather, is a Book Club, with the help and encouragement of the Library. This group will meet once a month and be another social event along with our Coffee & Chat mornings. Also to look forward to are events put on by Devon Federation for all members in the county to enjoy if they wish. These include a farm visit in September, a trip to Tate St Ives and the Barbara Hepworth Museum in October and to the Ballet in November. There is so much to do in the WI, whatever your interests. If you would like to know more about what we do at Torrington WI please call President, Daphne Metherell on 01805 622876.

Shebbear College News Pupils Learn Mechanics A group of students have been learning car mechanics as part of the Shebbear College Life Skills initiative. Shebbear College offers a variety of creative studies and its Life Skills Centre is an additional facility to the Art Department, offering a much wider range of subjects and creative activities. The centre comprises five newly refurbished workshops and studios which enable pupils to get creative with art, pottery, ceramics, textiles and fashion, photography, sculpture, design, technology and mechanics. For more information please visit Olympic Athlete Visits Shebbear College Okehampton based Olympic athlete Georgina Geikie visited Shebbear College to take part in their recent Sports Day. Georgina was the first GB female athlete to qualify for the Olympics Pistol Shooting event and is working with Shooting4England, an organisation that aims to develop and promote air gun shooting nationally as a legacy of the London 2012 Olympic Games. Georgina was assisted by the Shebbear Shooters, an air gun sporting club which covers many disciplines and uses a four- acre field adjacent to the college for outdoor airgun sport. Georgina presented medals, certificates and trophies to delighted pupils during a prize-giving ceremony in the new assembly hall. A gallery of photographs can be seen on the college website at

Pause For Thought The book I am currently reading is entitled The Vicar of Baghdad written by Andrew White, who is the Vicar of St. Georges Church in Baghdad, Iraq. He is simply an amazing man; he first trained and worked as an anaesthetist in a large hospital, then felt he should move into the Church so he became an Anglican priest. Despite battling with an on-going illness, he works as he says, in one of the most dangerous cities in the world. Apart from his role within the Church in Baghdad, he is greatly involved in bringing together various religious leaders and government officials with the aim of bringing peace to Iraq and the Middle East. Many of these leaders are almost enemies and would not normally have any desire to meet each other, yet Andrew is able to get them together for summit meetings etc and work through very difficult situations. How is he able to achieve this where others cannot? Andrew Lloyd Webber’s song Love Changes Everything gives us the answer, members of world governments want to arrange a meeting, fly in, do business, then off again, but that does not work with the leaders of these various groups within the Middle East. Andrew comes in the name of love, God’s love. He has built up close relationships with a number of high profile leaders who now trust and respect him even if he is a Christian and not of their faiths, nothing is achieved with fighting but much is achieved in love. The secular world often sings of love but that is only skin deep, superficial love, the love of God is so much more, it is the love that Andrew brings when meeting with those in Iraq and other parts where he is involved, and it is this same love that each of us can experience through Jesus the unconditional love of the Father. Vernon Andrew

Are You Interested in Your Family History? Free Evening Course You have seen the excited celebrities on the TV as they have discovered interesting facts about their ancestors. Who were their great-grandparents? Where did they live? What were their occupations? And how many children did they have? Your own family tree may be something of a mystery or you may just have a small amount of information but need some help and guidance. Here is your opportunity to really get started during the summer months, by joining a free evening course at Bideford College, Abbottsham Road, Bideford. These courses will be held each Thursday evening between July 18th and August 22nd 2013. This is organised and taught by experienced Family History specialists from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. They will show you how to get started using information that you may already have. They will also explain how to search on the internet, accessing the world’s largest Genealogical Index, local sources including Parish and Census Records. With their help, they can assist in getting you started on your family tree. If this interests you don’t delay, as there are limited spaces available. Book your Thursday now by calling: 07722 707 546 or email: [email protected].

The Parish Church of St James The Greater, Bondleigh Country Flower Festival 26th, 27th and 28th July The theme of the Festival is to be loosely based on the life of our Patron Saint, James the Greater. A fisherman by trade, James was also a great pilgrim and traveller, as well as being a very busy patron of blacksmiths, equestrians, horsemen, labourers, soldiers, veterinarians, to name but a few! All this, and other patronages attributed to him, we hope to reflect in our displays. The timetable for the weekend will take the following format: Friday 26th July 2–5pm - Flower Viewing 7–9pm - Cheese and Wine Evening (see below) Saturday 27th July 10am – 5pm - Flower Viewing Sunday 28th July 11 - 12 noon - Patronal Communion Service 12 noon – 4pm - Flower Viewing In addition to the floral displays, there will be refreshments and free car parking. To make the event still more appealing, admission is free but donations to our kitchen project would be most welcomed. The Church has been Bondleigh’s only public building for many years. In order to hold more functions in the Church it is envisaged that an unobtrusive kitchenette could be installed in the western end of the north aisle providing an area which would offer refreshments after services and for village community needs. The Cheese and Wine Evening on Friday evening will be of special interest – not only will you see the floral displays at their very best, there will be music, a talk on St James, and your entry ticket will cover nibbles and a glass of wine. Tickets can be purchased, in advance only, by no later than 19th July, priced at £8 each, and available from Danny and Jane Semorad on 01837 82319. To find us, follow signs from A3124 Cadditon Cross, 2 miles South of Winkleigh – Postcode EX20 2AN

Northern Devon Foodbank Northern Devon Foodbank is an initiative of churches working together across boundaries in Northern Devon, with local branch food distribution centres in Barnstaple, Bideford and South Molton The Northern Devon Foodbank is a community project which started in July 2012 and is run by volunteers providing food packages to people in crisis. Our branches can be found in Barnstaple (Salvation Army Hall, Oakleigh Road), Bideford (34 Mill Street) and South Molton (9 New Road). Food comes from many sources, including private donations, regular church-based collections, supermarket collection days and special events run by community groups and businesses. About 70% of our food donations result from volunteers offering supermarket customers a ‘Shopping List’ and inviting them to donate an item or two to the Foodbank. The generosity of people in Northern Devon has enabled us to distribute more than six tonnes of donations to local people in need. This is equivalent to over 11,000 meals to children and adults. Please consider how you might be able to help with the growing demand. Always welcome are non-perishable food or cash donations to one of the branches. Please contact 07874 206 438 or [email protected] if you want to find out more about the work of the Northern Devon Foodbank.

Great Torrington Adventure Training Group Ten Tors: The weather was a major challenge with heavy mist, cold winds and heavy showers over the two-day challenge. The GTAT 35 team competing in route E finished at 2.30pm with a complete team, fantastic effort. The 55 milers were very unfortunate, as they were going great guns to Tor 10 when an ankle injury caused them to miss the completion time. They were magnificent, and as a team of 17 years olds they will be able to take the challenge another year, two in fact. Toby Baker completed JC1 with Lufton College making his 7th and last attempt at the Jubilee Challenge - he has done so much over these seven years and grown in so much confidence. He has been supported so much by Laura Bennett, Annie Ritson and his family, well done you have changed this young man’s life. A huge thank you to the management team and supporters who give so much of their expertise and time, as well as the Great Torrington Cavaliers who have helped us financially. Well another year has gone by so we move to D of E expeditions. We have two Gold expeditions in the planning this year and groups are working hard to complete all the paperwork on time. One in the Peak District and another group going on a Canoe expedition, both these ventures are in new territory. Leaders are gaining experience with trips to Wales, The Lakes and Scotland and they form the nucleus of our expedition management team. Gaining this training for experienced and new leaders is expensive so fundraising is an issue in these current times of cut backs. They are the future of the group so well worth the investment. Nick Muir

Torrington’s Summer Sensations Here Comes the Sun! Here we are, and summer is already upon us. Soon it will be the summer holidays, and no doubt families will be looking for things to do with their children. Why not come along to Bluecoat Children’s Centre and enjoy some of our free and exciting programmes and activities. Over the summer we have our family favourites such as Bounce & Rhyme, Wiggle Bees, Awesome Animals, Techno Tots, Baby Massage to name but a few. We also have a welcome return of Splish, Splash Splosh and Torrington Treasures. Our new quarterly programme for July through to September has something for everyone. During the school holidays we also run some sessions for children 0-11. All families with children under 5 (and children under 11 during school holiday time and weekends) are welcome. So come along with your child and enjoy the sessions and activities for free. Our ‘Torrington’s Summer Sensations’ programme will be running at a village space near you, for families with children 0- 11. We also have three drop-in stay and play sessions, including one especially for twins, triplets and more on Thursday’s 10–11.30 am. We have monthly Childminder Network meeting also. So, if you are a childminder, please feel free to come along and meet other childminders from across the area (childminders are welcome to attend all sessions in our centre). In addition to our regular ante-natal group sessions, we now run a group for ante-natal parents and young parents with babies up to six months. This short programme will help you to become familiar with the Children’s Centre and help you to meet other new, or soon-to-be new, parents. We have many new programmes, and lots of training opportunities taking place in our centre over the next 12 months. Check out our website for all the details, or call in to collect a full annual programme. You can then let us know what you are interested in and we will contact you with the dates when they are available. Your very own personalised service! We have an excellent Volunteering Pathway here at Bluecoat Children’s Centre. If you think you may be interested in volunteering in our centre, with a range of opportunities including office experience, early years education, horticultural / gardening, storytelling, creative play and a whole range of opportunities, please contact us and we will meet to see how we can work together. We have access to free training to support volunteers. We would welcome you. Our Parent / Carer Network, VOICES, have organised two special events for over the summer; ‘Rhythm and a-rumble in Rack Park’ 10am-12pm, come along and have a group sing song with your children and ‘Midsummer VOICES Family Picnic and Fun’ on Monday 12th August 11am-1pm. All teddies to be accompanied with a child! We hope you enjoy the time you and your child spend here together at Bluecoat Children’s Centre. If there is any group you would like us to provide, please let us know and we will try to plan it into our sessions and activities for later in the year. We hope to see you and your family at Bluecoat Children’s Centre. Kind regards, Viv Jones - Bluecoat Children’s Centre Leader and all the staff at Bluecoat Children’s Centre

Hikmat Devon Voluntary Nail Cutting Service A new nail cutting service has recently begun in the centre of Torrington. Hikmat Happy Feet work closely with the NHS Podiatry to provide a service to people who have healthy nails but are unable to cut them themselves. Fiona, a nail cutter who has undergone training with NHS Podiatry and volunteers with Hikmat Happy Feet, has started offering the service at the Bickford Centre in Torrington. The service is currently taking place once a month. Examples of eligibility criteria: Persons with a learning or physical disability Visual impairment Cognitive impairment Frail elderly Arthritis Breathlessness Your feet must be healthy and your toenails must not be severely thickened or deformed. Will a podiatrist cut my toe nails? No. You can only access this service if you do not qualify for NHS Podiatry treatment. If it is only your nails which need trimming and your feet are healthy, a volunteer who has received training by a NHS podiatrist will provide your treatment. Do I have to pay for my treatment? Yes, a small fee will be required to cover costs of equipment and overheads. £8 for toenails and £2.50 for fingernails. Clippers cost £6 which will be a one-off extra cost charged on your first visit. Who should not access the service? Persons with diabetes, poor circulation Persons taking anti-coagulants Persons with severely thickened or deformed toenails Persons with painful toenails Persons seeking treatment for a foot problem other than uncomplicated nail care If you are an unsuitable candidate for the nail cutting service you may qualify for NHS podiatry treatment. You will be eligible for an assessment and possibly treatment by a NHS Podiatrist. How do I apply? Please call our office and leave your name and number if you would like more details or, would like to make an appointment, we will get back to you. Tel: 01271 267047. Alternatively pop into the Bickford Centre where you will find an appointment sheet for the next clinic.

Torrington RFC AGM This year’s Annual General Meeting took place on Friday 7th June with a good turn out of people at our Donnacroft clubhouse. Rob Vowles has agreed to continue the good work he started since taking over the reins after last year’s AGM and picking up the pieces following the sad passing of our brilliant previous Chairman, Mike Squire. Craig Hooper was unanimously voted in as Club Captain for the forthcoming year with Ben Harper as his Vice Captain – I wish them both the best of luck for the season. All other posts were filled for the Committee with the desire to provide a good platform to progress the whole Club in general – on and off the field. Fun Day (Beach Party) – 6th July We are looking to start the new season with a fun day on the above date to incorporate rugby and non-rugby playing people. Exact details are still to be confirmed but a lunch time/early afternoon start is anticipated incorporating such games as: tag rugby, volleyball, rounders, limbo, swingball, target golf, sandcastle building – please bring a bag of sand. A BBQ will also be available with the bar being open all day. Please ring Rob Vowles if interested, 07900 196 740. 2013-2014 Season – Training We will be starting normal rugby training the following Tuesday, 9th July at 6.30pm, at Donnacroft playing fields. Following this, training will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays, at 7pm at Donnacroft. Our new coach is desperate to start coaching and get the pre-season underway! TRFC Golf Day – 27th July Further to last month’s early suggestion of the first ever Rugby Club Golf Day, we have now confirmed the above date with Great Torrington Golf Club. First tee off times are booked for 1.30pm to incorporate 18 holes of golf followed by a lovely meal in the clubhouse, with the possibility of purchasing a few refreshing drinks as well! We are looking at £25 per player for a team of four. If you are interested in coming along and playing, please contact me on the details below and enjoy a great fun day at the same time as raising some funds for the Rugby Club. Youth Summer Training Camp Following a very successful summer training camp last year, Mark Waterson has organised another week of fun rugby coaching primarily for the 11 – 15 year age group. August 27th – 30th, 10am–3pm. Qualified RFU coaches are running the various sessions to improve all aspects of your game, aimed at anyone interested in the game, from new to experienced players. Bring bodies and enthusiasm. Please call/text Mark Waterson – 07799 401 704 – for further information. If anyone else would like to become involved on or off the pitch of your local Rugby club, please contact me on the details below. You can hire our facilities for various purposes or sponsor us in a variety of ways, all help is, as always, greatly appreciated. C’mon Torrie. Rob Bewes 07976 066 440

History Society One evening in May the church buzzed with small groups recording the names and dates from the church memorial stones with a view to researching the various families. In June we visited the North Devon Record Office, where the archivist, Gary Knaggs, showed us round the public areas and took us into the climate-controlled strong-room. We then perused the various documents, maps and books that he had selected for us about Torrington and nearby villages until it was time to drag ourselves away. Sue Scrutton

Free Masterclasses at The Plough Our season of FREE Masterclasses continues with exciting opportunities for all ages including a special two week performance project with Multi Story Theatre Company in August. These are all completely FREE as part of a two year project aimed at widening participation at The Plough, supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England. Mask Making with Puppetcraft Friday 5th July 5.30-7.30pm Join Puppetcraft’s founder and artistic director John Roberts in this fun-filled family workshop linked to their current production ‘Nobody Rides The Unicorn’. Please bring an empty cereal box with you! Age 6+ and families. Don’t miss the performance ‘Nobody Rides The Unicorn’ Friday 5th July 10.30am & 1.30pm. Saturday 6th July 1.30pm. £6 / £5 / £4 Family and School Group tickets available Finding Your Voice with Rosa Rebecka Wednesday 24th July 6–8pm A friendly session for complete beginners and experienced singers alike, with Swedish-American singer/songwriter Rosa Rebecka. Easy, inclusive rounds and harmony singing as well as techniques to help you make the most of your sound. Age 12+ ‘The Children’s Crusade’ Monday 5th August – Friday 16th August 10am – 4pm weekdays Performance Friday 16th August 7.30pm A two week performance project with Sarah Middleton and Multi Story Theatre Company. Come and be part of the play that started Daniel Day-Lewis’s career. A play about young people whose dreams are at the mercy of adults determined that they do not achieve them! Age 12+ Workshop spaces are limited and booking is essential. Box Office 01805 624624 For more information about workshops please contact our Youth Theatre & Outreach Director Sarah Middleton [email protected]

Plough Youth Theatre Somewhere over the rainbow, far away from Kansas, Dorothy and her new found friends set off down the yellow brick road in search for the Wonderful Wizard of Oz... PYT Juniors and Seniors have joined forces once again to bring you this magical, timeless classic with fantastic songs, flying monkeys and of course, The Wicked Witch of The West! Wednesday 17th & Thursday 18th July 7.30pm £7 Full / £6 Conc / £5 Supporters Box Office 01805 624624

Visual Arts at The Plough this July The Cornish-based artist, Ashley Hanson will be exhibiting his vibrant oil paintings entitled ‘New York Trilogy’ this July. The exhibition runs from Friday 5th - Saturday 27th July (preview night Friday 5th July 7pm, all welcome) Ashley will be running a ‘Colour & Coast’ Painting Workshop on Friday 19th July 10am - 4.30pm and then staying on for ‘An Evening with Artist Ashley Hanson’ from 7pm. Come and join him for a fascinating insight into the inspiration, ideas and the making of his ‘New York Trilogy’ series of paintings and will also talk about his journeys around the USA and how American landscape, art and literature have had a major influence on his work. (Tickets £5 includes wine and nibbles) Downstairs in the café we have an exhibition by Gerrard Lindley from Tuesday 2nd July - Saturday 27th July Entitled ‘Another Mish Mash’ it is an exhibition of small acrylic and mixed media paintings, by this Appledore artist and illustrator. This mixture of new and older related material randomly explores the themes of music, love, and the sea.

The Plough Open Drawing Competition 2013 Application forms are still available for The Plough Open Drawing Competition 2013 Celebrating ‘The Big Draw’. Open to artists across The South West; £500 First Prize; £100 Second Prize & £50 Third Prize. Sponsored by The Blue Gallery; Closing date : Monday 5th August . The exhibition of the shortlisted entries will be on display throughout October.

The Plough Photographic Competition 2013 Application forms are also still available for The Plough Photographic Competition 2013. The categories are: Transport ; Extreme Weather; The Human Spirit. Entries are welcome from photographers living in Devon. Closing date for entries is Saturday 31st August. For all application details please email [email protected] or call into The Plough.

The Plough Needs £100,000 for Technical Equipment With 35mm film no longer available from the autumn, The Plough needs to invest urgently in a digital projector, a new box office system with integrated on-line ticket sales/marketing and a wide range of sound and lighting equipment for the theatre. The good news! Last week Devon Waste Management offered to match, pound for pound, any money we can raise up to £30,000. This means that anything you can donate will be doubled, plus any gift aid that can be claimed on your donation. Local author, Michael Morpurgo has donated £1,000, the Mayor of Great Torrington, Cllr Margaret Brown, has donated £1,600 from fundraising events and our four PloughPlus Friends have together donated £7,400, so we are off to a good start. We are applying for grants but we need your support. If you can help please do so. A donation of any size would be warmly welcomed! You can send a cheque to The Plough or use the Just Giving button on our website via Thank you. Need more info? Call Richard on: 01805 622552 e-mail: [email protected]

Children’s Hospice South West Events Here at Little Bridge House in Fremington we have just celebrated one of our most successful cycling events ever. Over three days in June, 80 cyclists took to their bikes and rode over 200 miles across three counties raising nearly £80,000 for the charity. Ride for Precious Lives is a popular event in the fundraisers’ calendar but one that involves many hours of planning and organizing. Participants benefit from an organized route, comfortable accommodation, manned water stops and visits to each of the charity’s three hospices on the way. They tell us how inspired they are when they meet the families they are raising funds for and how much taking part means to them. This event is just one in a long list of events people can take part in for Children’s Hospice South West. From Rainbow Runs to Doggie Treks and Mountain Biking adventures to abseils there is something for all levels of fitness and adventure. To find out more or if you are interested in helping at rather than taking part in an event visit or call 01271 325270.

Prepared to Care? Keep Those You Care For Safe From Fire Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service is reaching out to local carers and reminding them that help is available to keep them, and the people they care for, safe from fire. A recent survey showed that more than half of the few people who had tested a smoke alarm for someone else had done so for an older family member. But there are many other issues a carer must think about – from the extra time it takes for people with difficulty moving to escape a fire in the home, to the added risks of flammable equipment such as oxygen cylinders. Phil Martin, Community Safety Area Manager said: “There is lots of help available for carers to make sure that they and their loved ones are protected – be it simple safety advice over the phone or on our website. The simplest thing any carer can do to prevent fire in their home is to make a few easy additions to their normal routine. Testing your loved one’s smoke alarm weekly and planning an escape route could help give them the vital extra seconds they need to get out in a fire. Simple steps such as closing doors at night and avoiding overloaded plug sockets will help reduce the risk in their home. A huge variety of specialist safety equipment is also available – vibrating smoke alarms for the hard of hearing, easy-reach smoke alarm testers for those with limited movement and linked alarm systems are just a few options to help you feel safer.” Some simple everyday checks can help prevent a household fire: a working smoke alarm can give your loved ones the extra time they need to escape a house fire. Make testing the batteries of their alarms part of your weekly routine if you can, close inside doors at night. This will help prevent a fire from spreading if you use oxygen, make sure the equipment is stored safely out of direct sunlight, well ventilated, always dry and away from heat sources. never have open flames, smoke or use electrical appliances such as hairdryers, whilst using oxygen Specialist equipment is available: if you live with the person you care for, consider fitting an intercom which will allow you to alert someone else in the house in an emergency if you or the person you care for has difficulty hearing you can get specialist smoke alarms which use a strobe light and vibrating pads alternatively consider linking the alarm system to your own – this can alert you to any danger a coloured sticker on the smoke alarm can help people with trouble seeing it to test it placing a tactile indicator along your escape route can make it easier for those with sight difficulties to find the exit easy access smoke alarms are available for people who have trouble moving around. These can be tested from the wall rather than the ceiling. The Disabled Living Foundation can provide more information on these products.