




iyc|r Etrii^ Current

Q^estiod Wbeth^ Fir*

ing Hm 0 ccurred\d4 * Only Detail" €^!erod la ^ Smash Heavily at See* r> K d y; Gommitt^ Will Gotifiim ation o f XJnof^ ond Division Sonth of Meeti to Deddc on Holding' Investigation. fidal Report of Gap- F e e l H ea v y Lepel; Russians Ap­ ture of Salla; Russian RepoH ’phmm BeUAt or parently Hitting Hard- BnOetin! Division GriishedI Aft- Comf^dH^ Fm ofabfy R a id s Soon vf»V ftn Vital 5 0 *BIite Waahlnffton,'Jt|ly 10.— (jPi «* Battle Lasting Sev- Bi^redaa River Central itor Taft (R.-Ohle) told WTih Beat C rofi Made S e u t e today th at he hsid oral Daiya; High Com­ Increoain/f Flou) o f U. S. Froht Which Giiarda’ In BrUain*a PtaMa. G e rn ^ souniM said thaaa were Riuelan planea that were destroyed on the ground at A A SovAt weeka ago “on reliab^ airflold. (Picture by radio from BerlA to New Fork.) , mand Rfffnains- Gdm . Bontben ^'Will Enable Highway to Moscow.. ^ lirtlMrity that the United An Alrfiald, 8omswber*;|ii Eng­ \ . ■ ------. \ Great Britain to R etail Hates waa ebnatmctjiiir land, July 10—(S|—Amsrlcahtbullt Berlin, July 10,——The Moscow, July 10. — (JP) (aval air base fi 'military planes are bettor tbail- or 150 Troopers German high command ke^ ate for London Raida, T h e Red A rm y , s l a s h ^ faT' itain In Northenr compare favorsAy wlA Ae best iritish Will Continue details of the fierce struggle tha direction of Lepel on the ft rimtmided that the land* Brltiah-mede aircraft, say Ae test with Soviet Russia v hidden London, JAy 10--—Ths to- flan); of 's Baltic , of United States' troops pilots who have given Aem "Ac Patrol again today, the thid in a creasing flow of Ameriesn-msde salient, reported toda y i]t bad IcalaBd was an act *exaet- works" at atUtudea as high as SO,- row, with the general state­ bombers soon will enable BritaA wiped out a full diviaiop of ' eqolT|dimt to - aggrearive OOOfest ' Tlieir Fight in Syria ment that "operations in the to exact manifoA retaliation <» Adcdf Hitier’r motorised 4tod one which the pree- Miles of hangars, rmalr Aope O fM iii^ W Berlin for A e Oerman bombard­ and test ibede In which British and east are progressing relent­ troops — perhaps 15,000 njea ~ 'no right,to taka lessly." The only detail the ment of - imhmm. BrttaA’e new United Btatas technicians wOA by To Battle French Untii minister of aircraft' producttmi, -*-and Juat south of Lapd^^ boat authority from Con- communique offered liefore ths scor« stretch A all- diracUona Power Sito^l Operators Dentx Accepts Armki- Gulf Coast Oil Ueut-Ool. J. T. C. Moors-BrASa* smashed hlavily at w second from AA fleld where most of Ae turning to war on the Brit­ son, declared today.* diviaioR. The blow at the American pUnes are triad out \ Malje TentatKre Movm tice Terms; . Assert ish and African fronts was It will not be many he secimd division, though Washington, July 10.— American warplenee brought Supply Enough aaid, before Berlin heanp the eireno these reports from British teat Resunie Coiil. Strip- to confirm yesterdajr% unof­ ingly hot as successful aa^ -The . top question in the Reply Given tp Dentx. of euch attackn pUoA; ^ p i ^ Halted Yesterday* ficial report that Salla, forti­ “ Thoee famous Wednasday and those against the first, ■capital today was whether Boeing Bettes M fied Russian town opposite Saturday nights (when Xnadon „fout-motored BI7C L^dOo. July 10.— jTo Beat Nazis called a Serious defm t for tite ; Iths'^Atlantic fleet Fhdand’a eastern .fpntier, waa heavily raided) will be child'a ir A deflnltriy better . PottsvOA, Pa., July 10.—<«)—Jb. BritIiB;~K?iBea *ViU natursl- pity, orntysred w lA the rnida ws Germans. It tocdi placa near; |iag oeders when the United now BrltUhBAlAg and had been, captured. detoebment of ift Aast 100 stote iy^eontinue to f^ h t in Syria* win bs shA to maks on Barite,’' Borisov on tha Bercrina river , Btiitea-began its protective comparahto BAeTTbe Are* Able to'jihrodnce German troops took the toqra he salA trodpers agtotolahed patooA uritU, Gen. H enri D ents, .the Tuesday, sssAted by anclrcUng^ and the road from Minsir to loCeupation of Iceland. It re- through t|A lower aathraeits re* Speaking fbr the government in M oscow , Ivived '^tbe recurrent earlier (Oenttaned Or Fren^ commander, Scci^ts Sufficient . to Offset moveinants of FAi)Ah troops, Ae^ glo*'today and power ahovel op- Britain*'-terms, an authm- bulletin ssld, after cnubAg a Rus­ OiHitianed On Page Trie) Tljn Rimrtsna apparently lueation whether shooting Any Gonceivable Gon< sian. division A a. battle lartlng eratore made bm|aUve Aorae to tative stat^ent dteiared to­ totting hardest on the vital lalroady had occurred, and teeume coal atripAng opeAtkma quests by Germany. several days. mlA BetesAn rtver oentn^l Ithe Senate Naval Committee Duty day. l^e a^ptmeement waa *111#' high command’s apparent stopped ■■ yesterday ri^us a retort te a radio report calm waa unperturbed-and spokes­ linat to decide whether suf- workers. ; ' / '■, Baton. Rouge, La,, Juty 10.—OF man were not provoked to dAcus- Again Ifldent grounds existed for from Lytma, Franca, that no —LouAAna’s directorIT of mtosraA aUm by various rSports, credited to an Is Seen At Ae same tAA, county au- beUevea the gulf coast area of tho investigation of previous­ AoriUaa started an Avan^tibn reply had bron rse^yed to military circles A Virtiy, of Ger- D^ts* yequest for an 'aymia- United'States alohe could kety'Aa msn reverses A Russia. Attack Italy ly , d^ed reports of clash o f three widely aeparafted dA- dcmocracAs supplied wlA enough [be^een U. S. Naval paMoIs Staying Law turbances A which Ih'raen were tice,' (A Vichy atateiltoiit oil to outweigh any conceivable KscelAnt Tima tar BOeacn woiAded by buAsbot/and 30 oA, llad Nad sea raiders. made the same assertion.) X German conquests A Ruaria and All that was raid of mUltiny de- In Two Raids era bruised and hattmed.' 'An ImrtAdAts reply waa giv­ the wboto oast, near and far. vetopmsiits was that German mUi- The diBcumoB on A r'A teat de> Two of the woinmed men, ad­ taiy leaders' regard thA as an ex­ Leaders in Congress Ad­ en, Btating our tarma,” the.BriUab Director Joseph L, McHugh to Ifenm move A A e AJlmttie hleo A- mitted last nigh^to the Ashland aource aaaqrtod. g uardian of the underground re- cellent time for silence which. It Jchided WendeD LK'VraBde’s ndvo* vise Roosevelt* H if^ Btat* hoapttnL -wars reported aa Ns R ^ Up ts Ni aourcee of a ateto practically every waa aaseitod. may Aat . several 14 Kflled and 3 0 tcscy of Americah besee A Sept- A only a faA cAidttion. BoA weie Reuters (British news agency) acre of wh( A' has been declared days more. jtun^ in Day Thrill llsad end NqrAem Irelud. end the Cannot Win Favor shot A jt^ h reported that F rm A auUidritiea by geologHts actual or potmtial "Similar stories wara circuAtsd on CeAtol HIU over had made na reply up to noon to­ oil territory. by Aemy propagandists A_^previ- ,,__ of Senator Wheieter Now for Lcgblati on. I Dnrtng Night At Syraciise and .Blow Bt). hi forecaeAig A e oc- Tha troeqAts, undar command day to a tM tiili request that Bsi- *XM1 win wtn tlA war," he said, oua campaigns, notably A o f Maj. Thomas Martin, arrived rut be evacuated and declared aa railing tha A vasim pf tha V. 8. 8. FVanoa jand Greses," an By Night at Naples. l of Iceland A adrancm-an open city pending dlscuseion of 1 crlAflaed by BrltoA’s Prime Washington. July 10.—(sv -T h e during the night and sat up hesd- R. ** demierats gamble against spokesman aalA . ter Winston GhurchtU/ Selactlve Sarvlos baa VgaAst uss qusrters at tha Pine Grove ar- Armistice terms to end A e moaA- mathemeWcal 'rs^ ty .” ' "Than, when tbs high command BuUetial old war A Syria. LouAlaaa, small A surAcs area, Anally chose t o revest the facts On A e A ooA ig question, lihe cf trainees outside As western moey. MartA said "anough men" ewre, were amL "w lA Aa approval c f a result. It warn reported, last year accounted for niiacty there was an antirely lUfferent pA- lofilnloB of many ugiaAtora. was tomlsphere typeared Ukaly today hoetiUtiea ty British form* closing per cant of wc|M pfodudtlA p f ture." ■ . Ithat Sacretary of Navy Knox bad to remaA unchanged for Ae pres- thn governor" to maAtaA order. DacIarAg the altuaUon serious. A on the Lebngsse c ^ t n l were oil, acoording to the MAeraA De­ He saeerted A at peculiarities o f by are. Ily Implied that the Atlanue rat, deq*te As recomineniiatlon contAuAg. partment* flgurSs. white iIts great tacties A a new kind of war make era! oth m wefa SaamgeS ; had ordera to open Are if nec- of Aa Army general ataff. Stats Senator John H. Dent ask­ ed a Aglalative Avestlgatlon wlA Tho request, Reuters rsportod A nelgfabor,ibor, .’Texas, produced 40 peiper ir'SBvedally important for 'Ger­ . to deal WlA hortUa activity AutborltoUva^reporta wara that a dApatm from JeiuaaAin; omt. From other NorA American many . t o keep attont a t tkA atJge. AfHcMd by lalong A s U nit^ Btatas eomniunl- the aasertloB ‘Tf wa let thA go eongreeslonal Aadeis have advls- radioad last night to Gen. - Henri fletds cams 20 per cent mon. Nsw^teP*t commentators chal­ firs A a SayBgM British I cation lAea at sea. ad Praaldeat Rooaavalt that they unnoticed, we are going to aay to air raid sn A s SlrtSaa part 40,000 to 60,000 ■ bootleg coal Dante the FrenA oemmandtr, af­ OcnkTIhennse Ontyat lenged ttycfts.O f high Germhn They heA that was ths obvious cannot wA amxoval at AA ter Ua totter bed rigplfled he waa Aeees by argumg that an Army of SyrscinsB yastsrday. tho B. 5**Wkry legAAtlon. mtoexB that you can dastroy legal ready to dlacuaa armutice terma. T1)A praductym was under strict A. F. MMSA Bast oonserration, and proratioii. Mc­ which A retrrati^ has no way of « Wall-advlaad informants , , Mast ’■ake i^|mD ffaponov sowiye AM Mr. RooMvelt was AclAsd to (I On Pnga Bght) Hugh poAtsd out, aiMAg that it General VTAon was quoted Sa (Oentiaai^ On Ihge Twe) aaatt on tha lASaa sgrts wlA ths rsoommendstion of eould bs multiplAd asveral times Josk off A s toe of A a l|ailan George ir— t«n the chief ■aylng that Dents must take res- if an emergency foroed explolta*^ pcnalMIity for the 'consequmces If |iik*aft Petitioii cf staff, that boA traAaaa and tioa ns reckleae aa A e Germana widOqMad a . A. F. National GuaitAmeahr n id a Strike Closes hlsplaa wars rejected. havo sohetioned to the flelds Aey . .* 'The BritAh. commander was. said on North Aftira and legally avallatde for duty outside hold. ' BrilisbJ^d Syria. On Milk Prices o f ^ hemisphere. Aould the need to have ajflted Dents to aend htm a Tha proved porttona of LouA- 4 Auto Plants reply by 0:00 a. m. today (1^00 tana’s underground oU reserve were IkHiee Agnlset m. aAt. Wednesday) undm h eetimntod ty the department to Rbme, July 10.— —Rmewal I Goopierativea'- Attorneya The prsHdent— neverthelem da- Of truce. equal a year's production o f the ’ BritAh air . attacks ca Italy eddad agaAst sssktng action for Chryder Shutdown At* meeaaae was deaolbed as vAoto United States. proper after a lapse of many Embody Deimuida to A s prasaat AyAw of the advsns sArilsr to a communication which *Tta attaekAg RUsaia, wlwa hA Bombers and Fighters weUu was raportad by Ae Italian rongTssaliwisl outlook. trihuted to TVonble high command — a low-level day­ Be Sent to Widtard. < On Face RAM) i (i Sweep AcriMa the Eng­ light thruat at Syracuse and a At Upholst^ Factory. lish Channel Today. (Oaatlaaad On Page Two)

lAttornsys for five dstra coopsra- By U w Assiieistsd FrpaB Itt^m set today to draft a formal London, JAy io - t (FV—. FlyAg A ahutdowB of four ChryaAr nu- through hanks of tag, RJtJ'. IpstltieB embotylng milk prioa ds» No Factual Btisis Y et Seen agiaad upon A oonfsrtnoe tomofaiA planta at Detroit waa at­ bombas and flghtsra swept hack Pact to Halt iBIA.Oisen D. Toung at Van tributed t o ^ to a strike at an acroeu tha ICngUA Channel agaA iBomasvllls. \ ,Miicli Rubber antomolillii liphoAtsty fhetwy A orta g e today and ei^osioiui soon were |,x®dmund F. Cooks, ppunsm to the same city, hoard from tho ITenA coast. Japs Is Seen I The Bastera Milk Pro^xira Co- Wstchera on ths southeast loMrattva AseoeAtAn. aaid Aa pa- Opens 4«rge*Seale Oun- .ppratimataly 13,000 Chitysler' Oicago, July 10.—(3V-Walterfdty A wata than 0B,OOQJ)OO aat coast sold vialbAty was pora and Ititioii will be forwarded to Agrt- workars' were mada ' IdA fay tbs & Tower, praaldeat o f The Ameri' Ana of Agota A a year anda aant that machlns gun flrs was heard Tokyo Papepg .Feature ^Secretary Wickard et PRlgn to Obtain AO walkout of CIO woikais at the can Iren and Stial Institute, de- yaar will M suhstaatisUy from above the Aannd;' I Washington and to Stota Agricul- Plut of National ‘ Autolaotiva elared today ’Thiera A ao'aotiad Tha actual uutaut for tha aist Tbe dayUght raid foUowea over­ Rumors o f . Impending ItoBe OoBunlssloner HOlton V. Of Theiland’s Snpply. ffibrea. A c. BAAd tha strika waa faotunl hasA for cxpaetlng a abort- half of 1941 has bsra st ths rats night attacks by tha RJLF. INom A Albany. ths unton's demand for Inoreased age of steel supply for any eamn- o f shout 83,000,000 ton* agaAst Aachan and OsnaArUck A Fonr^Nation Alliance. I . Touhg drlAheM oontanA of tha w tM upon expiration of A s pien- tial uat.'* For tfato cslcadsr year, Ameri­ westsra Oerauny.and ths FrenA Slngap*3*pow. July . lO-^-jepaa — ant labor eontiact Aug. 1. tor e graatar ratutn under A a was relufbly rapartai .today . to Ha said If aay acuta' eondlUon can defense ptanara and BritAh- New Tock. July 10. — (S) — A |g*«*?»-«Hsto MUk MartutAg An- tavs opsngd a Args-seals nibbor Ths prasent wage soaA was not oxparienced. It was Oanadlen needs teprasent an A - Nasi alrmai made acattorod at­ DomaL Japanese, new* agency, Ithorlty aftOT Its aeceptanca by seloasd, nor -was the currant got aquivalent of not soora than tacks on tha BritAh Uea during buying ranpaign In ■Hisnand, ap­ rate at Tha WAkae Boilm (Xmi- cleee at hand barauaa of Aa ecA- broadcast today aaid TAyo bq|ra- Imsmbm of A e cooperatlvee, rep- parently .oontracting for that etdenoa df pressing demands tor 10,000.000 ton* tha Biight papan ware'.featuring aa.«^iijfraT I g y n t ^ 00,000 dairyman, yesteiw country's satire production fhr the psny plant f t SagAaW, inch., sarly delivery. - Billtali Nasi UneertnA where momhan of the steel Work- For 1043, A a currant astinmta Tho bomber command flight sent rumora of an Impending United ^ at Asst and pnying T ik e n river A flood, that aort Stataa-BritAh-Ghtease-Bovlat Rus- /K eeA fw FnbMe Hanrtag cash prloaa ahorc regular market Sts OrganlMag Onmmlttss atraek. for tha AmerAaa program A a against Aachan rsportod much The milk marketing order ra- MtOie making muHscloasd wage de- o f demand rtoas rapidly to the Uttia larger, but the EMtAh need damage to toduotrlal .bulldinga alaa alManca "to- hamper Jtyan’a Iquirw a public haartng cn pimwe- "Anda. Tha Wtckaa faetofy mami- erairt, but it does not rise forever," nekt-year, still uncertain, A hard­ Aero,.the mAAtry aaicL "freedom of action." of rubbar to Tower aaid A an addraso pr^Aied edrhangsa when 70 per cent o f ^ amcwitsd fhetuTM twHsrs fhr Army canms. ly Ukm to expand very much. Another large flight struck at Tha broadeaat aaid tbs new»> I prsducera request i t Tboss at Aa May Attsst Other FhaAa for dritvery to tha 10A annual "Awmriito facta, thaietocs,* Oanabruck and light forcaa agaA PtyMs wara streasAg **var-Ai- tejA ou t I10.000JM0.) IcoitoUmiM acted tor 00 per cent swprsssid bslAf .that Fadeihl oondUator Jasses R, ■Bsettog of the. Pnrobaaee aad Tower aaearted, •Taatify th a'be- BAAfald and Muanatar to rreaffng tevolvmaat of the Utotad lofSAe producers- supplying the twp ftetora map have motivatod Moras Dtvtslon of The AasodaUon naf that hoA A A A year and A tha Rhine ars4 and docks at Os- States, particularly on account of I metropolitan market Dewey dadaied that nrrlw* Aa the Jgpaaast: A desire to amass Aa uphoAtaty plant A of ABMrioan Railroads. 1043 Aare fdO he fully 87,000.000 tand A occupied Balgium, the mA- [ j The 38.000-msmhsr DFU, a faw Iv y rowrvee to srmt of war to toM of staelmalrAg rapadty Atrv added. Oa ra ge ‘*wa) hqprs earlisr. rssssssd lA Mabh. sattM qnkkly. oAar automotive ths Pnelffo and riom t tthtiOodlon Any real shortage of sisia for can be used for - doaastie ^F vur aircraft flailed to ratum dty strlto ^ s 04 anlfevw l^ etsWaa ompnmpMon and fo f what- from Aasa eparatioa* tha nrtnia- Ipsy Amdrsdwslght (47?^ qn «S t Beard esQM a matting- today to tiy aaULWTlM craw of a plaaa re- ssAnatsd IRIS would m dAoontiausS aflar JKl! consider a strike a t -T ba Ssalsd hte if It ahmd earn It eould M to qen iA te other than RfttaA j mrted wAffng efter July I atteeka ItW-oWP' outoonm o f cash r*M hi ASi m m Id Quada. - t was raportad to be safe m B n ^ n d ITmmaA tWorts. lUs hfcmksds A .0MporatAn, MiWkmrsi. d i^ by ratloiffag or eurtiUM WaAAgtoti. July,-10.—(g) p B Mlrti.. wfcaie AFL watkmsB waQt- "So fs r Oma have teen no 6g- after a rmeua at am. yoaltida of Aa TVaaaiary jity ■: Veimast and Pann- out Tnsai^ U a (trar 4 ana offesed by aayoM to ahow Nmd raldam Aative Raeetpte SldjmffSim: «■- : Nsw that marlnnun . dtCsasq’ requlie- TIm Oerman 'raider* raaflaad pendlture* fSLBlSJsasS; neSI wtllam eaR to more thaa a their activity eAee^ saiAely A ih i^ e * ’ iL7S7,14341^1 ^ c m * lAUfte W 1«S|. '" ' ------' the Kavjrwbat to do If It became b ihe peakYikffle. hours whkb ,aaOasaasy to shoot In order to pro­ Plan't^saim aigii Bank Cleariiigg m e Soldiera tect the Atlantle ^>proachee to H. W orld’s est Connecticut Traffic Date coma batoeeen 5 and 7 p. m., ■ oft 8. bakes from "hostile aetlvl^ or Sklikey Ob^Se Fridays, And Sundays, the dspart- threat ther^,” as Mr, Roosevelt bent feels It can gnatly assist X Show Increase Comiiig Home phrss#d H. For Ci^art Make^U Market>lRecord Be Gmn .motorists by suggesting alteniate Knee referred q^lflcally to the Comply Heat T im n ISiiilt kPutes that patroimOT ot toe spot usage, la Mr. toosavelt’s t July 10—<«>— An auth rSpqrt are 1« m heavuy traveled.” New ToTb July from floi sage to Congress on the occupation Ladies Anxiliaiy aoUrca today gave this July 19 — M X o^ ra of Leba­ - ^ corn by the Fou'rth of July,” once wera iaady New'^jRsdio B a H e t i n / Details Worked Out c'?arbga showed ' non outing at VIRa r*Qtiii» . for plckbg Ota July 2, ten daya Details <>f the plan were worked wide* tacn to Arrive of Iceland, Which rtadt ; C. of .C. to . Q of the surrender of an b Bledected Foreman o; |Hi—The trab was going Station here. Connecticut's earjl^ have dehionatrated that Span- OatohaU o i ^ . as well as on the tonebester CHarnber of -Corrunerce directed the Italiatts to goto.j3arto Three b te ragletranta V - inefi Mete. X- '-X radto. traffic bulletin - SeHrlee de- All four local stothms^ are co­ In 1940. When comperadTwith the (Wtaeth) these to bebo- who should have been registered IMd Sankey waa agate aeleotte too slowly to please a b u ^ est* sweet /corn, Spancroes, ^Wms cross, Marcbote and Carmelcroaa operating in the plan 'OTd b ad­ m - batwedKJha United States Wita seek puUlc donations. to A b the Deaaye area and to b y down Sept 8--^T^^’s ecboob ojpen. ^|oraman of Hose No. 2 of t b marketed, ta fougbkeepsle,''New sigiseu to reduce coilgesUoq' and precedbg week, however, the ag­ V J6to i lated opei ipna^r. for Selective Service last October ■ Ry Devea aOldler Bitting b one df thA are the flrat mqtuilng sweet- corn dition The Hartfort 'fimes station, gregate waa 81,61 Afim.ooo Ims be­ and other fund.to proykM draftees and other of a BUStabS" toelr arms. Mahciieoter firs departmant at t b York, op .July ft It was'toe first promote the ease as well as aafety faatry. ^ ^>***> <«0 «ad to take OeeUaes to men tat tiis-haval and miUtiuy They went without an esooH. 16. or upon discharge from the Na­ Moffett Field, OBRf..-Juiy 10.-^ ten pasaenger catw hybrids b Connecticut. Planted on WTHT, Is offering still another cause the July 4to holiday shorten­ the ^ e '> aad iMavV weapocia branches ^ service frtm Manches­ to the R. A. FX^ction t i o n Guard-toj> the list of those lasting held b fire bead- . So be took t l ^ most direct. 'qativs /torn on to e pmrket and a single date, the ^trio ripens b of toe motoring public on the serrtce to the motoring public on ed the week Jtb 8 days agabst 6 eourae'at the Inttntiy etfiool at The Navy aocretafji firmly de­ Several .l^hpwers . q u a n ^ / rt Mal|i and xHUlbit! JiSJ—T b t world>Mggest Wbd tim-; at three delate a hundred the order given, frOm three to trunkline hlglrarays' of Connecticut clined to place any InUnpretatlon ter with^garettea. It was decided Germain 'now ------— .jrids program-Outlbbg highway condi­ cotmtty ta percentage gain over a IS and yHS complete It on October has -been giving a pack of cigar- dlcate^ the two placra Were at­ street; Joseph J. Bastls,,«4 Dem- Ing served as second aasistaiit laat ■of, toe National - Advtiory * Com- pimed bsNew Haven on July .7. • ! for- — Connecticut’s early .marltet. In Primarily thta new service, b tions is presented immedislcly fol- year ago, toalkbg up an Incrsaae that the language "woultf indleal. year, and Josei^h ' ' -over fhf coal tender and Into The New/.york farmer reporting which several state agencies and n . . tjes to each man leaving for arniy tacked without challenge •" ‘from oree^ Prd^ess Ing street, and Eklwara IFrisch- I'iWUne'ior Aeronautics. the Ipecunotive cab and there an effort to huiry Spfatcross lowb'g a 10-minute New England of 67.8 per cent S t Louis. Louta- that the president Intended the At­ l-riected ai aeoond aailrtafit fora- bn his rasulta with Connecticut the nine radio stations b Connec- week-end weather forecast Ppamotlooa lantic patrol to go farther than iU ^ They were limited In the Ibllan Air P o n t. mana, 22l Plhe atrtrt. MUs Martha E. Shorts. R/n electric fans, 44 feet b attempted 't<^ take over the maturity, liquid fertilizer was vUle and Philadelphia *Jollqwed The fDOowlngN^iDomoUona have thoy could give by a la ^ (Whether these were to be Iso- Failed to. Register bride-elsct of wnuam. C m — man. John Mers waa emateTtrea* . 'Will create wbita Inside hybrid seed skid th ar he* planted used b some of the rows at time 'ticut are cooperating, ta to glvq the with gains of better than 4 0 'per previous orders which merely dl. (CXmtlaaed^ From Page One) tirav, rm iacbg Paul Cei cqntrDls to speed things up. more than 87 a c i^ o f July matur­ motorist on the road exact arid b'- cent \ announcednoounced in^the Aatl>Taak rectird patrol units to report any land waa last bombed b January. Urbanetti apd Bastb Were dlsr ^ J * ® " * * •e v e n ! recent As-’ great tubular structure simitar " The engineer and the fire­ of planting thta year. Resulta of ipany, oommandedv^ Captain Anxlotm To Do Mors Syracuse Is about 2S0 miles to the Charged froto toe National Guard clal functions. Tuesday evenba ig w elected to t to the air-low in flight. ing sweet corn ofSrarlous kbds. the experiment will be announced stailAbfonnation°regardlng traffic hostile craft sighted. khbtybg What ^.golng on behind rommittee chairman ship. Jo|in -ff< man tussled with Jbe man No special attentlOT ^vgs given to condlttaps together with sugges­ French Condemn lond B. Hagedorti/x^O T h e auxiliarjA m em b^ are south, on the southeast coast of Its foe's lines. before to«t unit left ta t Camp W aunt Mrs. Arthur Butler « . Smith J. OeFranoe, engbeer b at Field Day on August gO- •Tf the Navy has to shoot to Blending. They failed to register Limerick was electod secratarj^^ /along a five-mllo 'Strotch- The tions for x^veUng on less con­ Special Session npnr- tar Mancheater on laaW^Oor- do what the president saya will It anxious to do more for the young the big Island of SlcUy. Sicilian Driving Two Spea tertained tor her with personal charge of the . Ames ' laboratory, poral Joba R. McCann to ^ ^ men of Xianchester who go into with-tne draft board at that time. aboyrer. A decorative conttnua hb'Ipng term as ^-^tfl- ventured the opinion that when conductor and -rather members gested rout G eneral to D eath shoot T*: a reporter asked. Knox re­ airports and other objcctivra have Other German reportsTravloualy scheme at . of the crew came to their aid The new ^bri' will operate giant; P l^ t e Firat Claaa La' ferred him to the phrase "all neces* the U. S. servlce,/mid hope to been bombed repeatrtly by the had pictured two spearhte^ be­ Frtschmann waa not In thb coun- pink and blue wasas .Xised by the the construction work here Of Diet Urged rence. Farr to corporal; and Prl- raise a fundaufftcl^t to-glvs some vry at the tiipe of r^flatration and hostess, who was asebted by Mbs Cbrrol M b(^^and Jrtid Phol- I completed, end a new engbe-U and they baited the trab u Army Purchases Take fellows: Betwe^O and 7 p. m., on “ ■ steps” !.i the president’s mes- British to couhteract Axis oper­ ing driven aguinat the Russlabii tw rasebted by man were elected^AAdltote and Fridaire and Sundhye the state po­ vataa Blmer R>^Boyle and Emeat sort of worthv^e gift b-addition ations, b North Africa. was not aware, he aald, .toat he Althea Sbdrta, sbtter qf the bride I taig uboratory is finished at Clkve- It nulled ‘bto Brockton sta- Utopia Colony Vichy. Tfaoebiptad France, July and remarked that there to or InsteaAAf the ClgaKttek the German Army of the Baltic"^ was suppesed to have registered. Paul Oervinl wAa Mtocted as the tipna On New Significance lice, b teletype correction, with R. Retebenbaeb to ^rporals. was room for any doubt' No Casualties Listed one toward Tallinn, capitel oi" Games wore plaired and a buffet delegate to tbe/'Atate * flremeow I tand, the United States wlU/roro- the nine- radio stations, will Issue 10.— Gol. Eduard Rene Marie Tokyo, July 10.—(FV-DomeC^ ewanfiMoas A diM to Its. m ining. - ' A ^ tte r Campalga \ All three presented themselves luncheon waa served. I pare very favorably with G^many •'^Jumptag from the cab then, de Larmlnat, a general of the De No' casualties were listed fqr Estonia, and the other towArd Len- convention. r ?am Fails NWaahbgtoff, July 10.—(JTy— bulletins advtabg where' , conges­ Japanese news agency, said today Oh O'recent hike, ah alarming Like Knoa WilUcle avoided the The aukiliary plans to conduM the raid yeqterday aftenioon on bgrad, at the head of Gulf of St the draft office on July 1 \to Mbs Julia Olson df Portland en- I ta air research facilities. / the soldier fled but was cap- Gaulllat forces' and commander o t political and ftaancbLclKles,jvere campaign, addressing th^ register. Under- the ragubtlons ter^ ed at her home Wlto a mb- The rei^ommendaubh Cf the Ferformanoe Shown ^ Story tdred after a shbrt chase. / A W:OTt heavy arm purchases ' tion ta developing on the\ mate Free French 'troops ta the Levant number o f lestta Infantry aoldlera wort "shootit^’ In an interview ,Syracuse. ■ . , • ■ Finland.''* ^ ' commlt^e to hold toe ctmpany's ot trunkUne highways. .This InfSrnja. urging.an extraordinary session of dropped out C< Uim from yesWrday after'w luncheon talk of the town rather than they take toe serial ^numbers next cellaneous ahower, at which toe How the performance of Amer- resident of Bridgewater, Bkb snow aboSs and cloth­ states, was condemned to death In the Diet (Parliament). . It will be a women's prt>: (The Syracuse popubticn _ Farther nDrUh^--Gennan ■ forces In order In toe October J 6 list and ouUngAt the Maoebeetet Rod and Settlers in Homesteads ing esWiaUy designed to t tlon will be accompanied by mig- “ In order ' to counteract with the president;v He termed it about 40,000 while Naplaa; .with a opermtbg froiw'Fbland appeared iiueste were former classmates of Gua-^ub b Coventry era I Icsn airplanes Is pinioned on air where he boarded the' train, gestlons tor routes that will avoid- absentia by a French court mar- The agency said l^w aS “very of thla, medical essential to keep tbeSm lanes Ject entirely. The Mansheater then are given the corfespODdi)ng Xlias Shorts at the Middlesex ho*. IreoeaiTh may be/ahowq by a be was on furlough from sub-zero temperatures took on . *llal. It was leartifd today. important for the government to Trust Company will be treasurer population of nearly 1,000,000, to bo aiming a thrust at tall com- lorder number as drawn fa the. ^ to d . It win be held on 8u In Jersey Remain De­ new significance today In the •this congestion and provide the today recommended tatai open and warmiy-pndoi Italy’s second largest munlcaUpds between Leningrad Camp Hulen, Tex., and was motorist with Instant Instruction obtain the powerful cooperation of th^>'bccupaU( of the fund and'donations selective Service lottery b Wash-' Last week neighbors and friends On e manuf^turing company spite Plan’s Upset. light of toe American occupa­ ^ L. Larmbat was cbef qf staff emit to the regl cupaUon of Iceland ah>rsteb ^ Mirfmanak, vital ralbead and togtom dressed iii civilian clothes. tion of Iceland. \ for reaching his desUnstlor. b the the people in etrryia g out neces- catlB^''Wheeler, Ga. In thb^|lghtit direction, acknowledged through The Herald. most gave a ahower at the Shorts hoSe took a brand /new design to the • Police said they would of Fren^ Armies In the Near Eiast sary political and economic poll- None of the sxpehses of conduct- «« •" — manufacturing • ----- "^cyee port. These forces were re- Queries Out Today Japs. Contihuing In addition toXsUbstantial. safest manner with toe least pos­ be re exemltied att^ theda, with ’ecseean^tepe” centers y«»brday to have seised on P le a m t street and jtressnted [.oldest of NACA laboratories st charge him with drunkenness Hlghtotowm, N. J.. July 10t-adf Tb^tompany engineers bad the fall of Ffance went to London The percentage drafteea drop* rh^ committee In charge of this planes alsoX attacked an Italian west of the a public conveyance. tion that ^ lled , but the patient troops servbg b Alaslte, top Wltu yadio stations brokdcastbg poUtical'^and.'dMnomle , Aelda to ' ptaig out la much'mgher than that he said tiiat w^ JUiliiary C ooperation tabllshment of a military base on were shot down in a raid on Trip^ Into deplo^ent" Lockwood. njeto l^oject on Adams street. BOLTON PLAtUOUSB packbg b toe value and ed and today their concrete-block­ b toe clothing busbeas,” he said. lag their leave. Tha, train will oU. Ubyan capital and chief port. Three men 'are employed in psbt- facilities currontly ara devoted to in W oTy^rio l$"Spen' the Kamchatka penipsula, the There w ^ UtUe news from the 2371— Paul P. Aceto, 195 Spruce. Coventry Rend rassarch. on military aircraft, en aattafying the fightom man's sweet ed, flat-roofed homee which once Thera were no profits and "the • leave Hartford at 8:00 p.- m. to­ long arm of Asbtic Siberia which The British Also were said to southerii aebtof, thoughTBerlln woikfag te the B u e W d tooth. Vltamb C lfl^toe form of looked- so severe are setNpff by odds, against -ua as beginners were day, carrying the local soldiers have’ raided Bengasi, the advance 9372—Stephen J. Kleb, 14 Cross. schooL 'Ihera are hut two who are "NINE O’CLOCK TOWlT* gbea and propellers. Formeiiy schrubs and flowers, patchy of prattA'SUff,” Burning Feet BerU ^uly 10—OPj—The Unit­ polnta south at Japan. sources decbr^l tiiagrfnerai prog- 2373— Joseph F. KrAJewakl, 125 ,Gld Time MeSnrdrnnnnar some work was done on commer brewer's yeast ta added to the b - back In tlma for the Louisiana ed States' occupation of IcelMd "Such measures would play an base port of the .Axb forces In r w there Inclqitoffactlona of the Birch. taking the 200 hour course at the cfal designs. gredlents of corn sugar and cane lawn and brnamenta| walks.' . iW n, he added,, labor imions' Two or three applications of BftAMtVitSS. libya. State T ^ e S c l^ i end both Phia They ara 'not rolling In wealth, wqdld not modify the policy that w^viewed In authorized BerUa Ibportant role with regard to silled Hungari«m\ Rumanian and 2374— -David'Hutchlnson, 63 Oak. The Amea laboratory, named for sugar, chocolate, vegetable’ - fat, Moones' Emerald OH and b fifteen Oorporal Lsster Keeney stated Qoartera today as evldenoe town, but following tary cooperation In a war sone. Dorad said Soho Tokutoml, specified Ethiopian stron^old In Si^a, claimed by toe Oermana Ml 1?*** *****»*T end In bookmo- This new iteb was on display b atto e bomesteadss?vhich now loolb tory. There was oppoattion atao at regular btervata and the almost activity which th4 aoldlers ' The Impreeaion here was said the Amera sector of western 2376— Nevb F. Decker, 98 Ben­bUe ^ g m n en ts, with one of thb SHOWBOAT PLAYERS HOpldna Udiverslty la guarded like many a.iother suburban re«- commentator in the Influential In toe north, lies only about lO ton. DIrectod by ..Ted Garden ntatat aa^day by the aoldlera of the exhibit roob cf torae candy from anti-admlnlstratbi) forces b unbearable soreness has left you. I been subject to, Manchester'^ to be that the British do not In- NlcU Nlcb, declared the United Ethiopia had halted a British At­ miles within the new Riksian bor­ number a t present dobr snecisi conventions b progress here. denttal municipality. WasWiigton, he said, whbb Im­ It’s a wonderful formula—thta • * ^ t t y dead.” This Is oihised by tsnd to withdraw thslr force* tempt to approach their positions. 2377— Leub A. Annlrilo, 14 S9e Bargnln Frioee / . 88e Moffett'Field, and when an. atr- Many df .the reaidenta work for posed several major restrirtioau SUtes, by occupybg Iceland, had der. The town becaihe Rii^an in Brabard. ChUdren lOe. / jHaae ta under test the tunnel Oeariiig''To Defense Tkei^ comUnaUbn of essential oUa adth the frlenda of the sotdleirs belnj from Icdand and that American "actuaUy Joined In the war” and It reported lively artillery activ­ the 1940 peace with Finla The candy Industry ta gearing Its the private manufacturer'* whUe on the aetUera. camphotr' and other antiseptics so •nvay all day at work. and BrltM i' soldiers there wlU ity in the Gondar area. .3378—Michael F. Haasett, 19 New Show Every Week! placed under double guard- others are back b their old cloth­ 'p te only Issue ramablng out of had alUed hersau wl^i England Gorman Place. Tnea., WeiL, Thors., Fri., Snt. The .laboratory, which will cost production Ibe to the national de­ m ar^ous that thousands of bqt ^ Visits Armory .stand together against Germany. The British base at Nlcoela, qp fense theme In two other Items, ing trade ta New'-York and Pbita- ap era that .has passed Is a drive ties ara sold annuaUy. against Germany and with Oiin« 2379— John R; Farr, 118 Center. |>410,000,000 'When completed, now delphb.- E. Kagedorn, "Ths American arm reachos out against JapAn. the Mediterranean Island a t Cy- Slight Resistance "Plektang AcM” W a ^ RUb said PhUlp C. Gott of Chicago, by toe eetUers to own toe btutga- Every good druggist guuahtses ^ ever further toward Europe,” a pru« again was attacked by Ital­ 2380— Ern.est M. ‘niompaon, 867 Mas 170 anployees. T h a t number Mayor Philip Goldsteb, wboeq loqrs In whichtoey Mve. X t present leave from Camp Highland.' win be-tneraeaed rapl sprdeesman juld, and It was indi­ ian planes, It said, and a 9,000-ton To Land Thrusts m w aukee-'(ff) —Charles Senn. tionsrs Assoctatiem. chUd was the first born hSra. says they pay toe government a $16 complete' satisfaction y 6 r ' money ‘ cated that other'' American "ag- HeUlnkl, ^ ly 10—<8>)—suriit 2381— Kuril B. Morlarty, 68 /next few months. One of the prob- the obaervanoe of the anniv^ipe^ monthly rental. last night, at which •Vlexico to O perate steamer was torpedoed off the Cy­ Bummer. assistant city sanitary engbw One ta a four-ounce high vitamin back. jwny G. local stkte greaslons In the Eastern hemi­ prus coast. Red Army raalstence to German- lems cobYontbg American air re- \2382—Anthony F. Da Clantb, rroelved* complaints of unpleasant* , aaazqh ta a tack, probably tempo­ candy block for parachute troop-, unlL held their weekly sphere” would not cause surpriiw. Finnbh land thrustAimid destruc­ odors arising from , a city-owned era and the other a salty gum drop Four Seized Ships tion of 14 Russian planes and an 202 Porter. .. rary, of 'competent research en^ Italian Loaaes Set I observation bollbbn yestertay and 2383— Francb *J. Limerick,78 Onerty. which contained STATE neers. -fed to soldiers b sultry sections te . Troopa Seen TafgeU ithb morning by Flnnlth flghtera Main. 36,000,000; gallons of Water. Senn replace body salt lost through »lved the trouble tiy u u S g an ' 1 4 . I Ontoldl^ Each Otter penpiration. - 7 “ Mexico City, July 10—(j>)— The At' 255,631 Men j were raported by the Finnbh M h 2384- 7-Jamea tf. Morlarty,38 M 0 P I 'T ^ aircraft factories alone ara I Eventual Attack j d u ^ a l plant to dump In 100.000 Ths candles made for toe Army ■y Official Gazette pubUahed detalla Rome, iuly 1(1—(JH—Italy has__ _ command. . Hollbter. t6 o^-hi^dlngi each other for the Rome, July 10—OfV-The Au­ loat 295,361 men b IS. bonths at Mora than four acora Russian gallons of "pickling add” waste Dirrihr are not available to dvilian retail today of a contract with the gov­ neutralize toe emell. \ st^by «< college-trained men. trade, Gott eald. Manufactmers thoritative Fapetst Editor Vlrglpio ernment . Cor'itroUed navigation war on the land and Sca and In planes are aald to have beCn down­ UMOOl Df. A^mee «nd £>r. George Gayda observed today that Amer-- wbo wtab to bid on them obteb company under which tha Navy tha ab, according to otftcial fig- ed by the Flnna since toe flghtiiur B e r l b W u f v W. Lewis, d lr^ o r Of aeronautical toa recipes from the Quartermas­ The Average Cost of Ue^fic Cookery, lean and Brltiab troops In Iceland Mblatry wUl deUver thA former uwii. began. - PLUS . . . "PASSAOB FROM research fpr the NACA, began S. were 'the targets for eventual ter Oor^, and rigid bap^on Is German liner Orinoco ands three This total was announced yi Finnish and German forces, iPeel H ea^ HONO KONO” - warning the publle and Oongreas conducted, he added. . 1 legiUniate attack by Germany. expropriated freighters to the com­ tertay with publication of a June claiming penetrations of mors Proven Picture after 1986 that Germany waa out- Writing In . thd newspaper 11 pany. than 85 miles b to Soviet territory, Gives Exhsosthre'Teat ■ ' ^ j casualty list of 10,286 men. ex­ THEATER — HARTFORD rtasslDg toe UnRed SUtes b re­ The Type C or "Iron rsdlon**^^^ roxim Glornale D'ltallA he added; The contract aald The Mexican cluding Ibssea not yet reported have raported meeting little Rus­ Raids Soon search. Up to that year toe coun­ “Every day American belUcoslty Navigation Company would oper­ from East- Africa. sian resistance In thruats east­ . STARTS FRIDAY . try had held toe le ^ menu got an exhaustive teet ifa the has Identified Itself without equlv- ward toward the Murmansk- recent^enneesoe maneuvers and ate. the chips between Mexico, ure'food for aoldlera. which the OfJ^bctric Careless Throw er of toe . Payroll Jumps bys wouldn't eat—the Army’s calibers brtwqen July 2 and 6.)\ root from Rqpolo on the banks of *Tbe great. Dr24 Liberator b al­ food hsa-to test good,” Ueut-CoL the Rusebn Like Leksha north to ready doing graat servlca acroaa Balb, 10 mllee lnsi)—Strong was said of the puSh tha Army to organise a soda, thraw the package on the bos)ber forces of Che Luftvmffe the Karelian b.tbmus to­ ► NIGHT / stebbed Into B ritab’a SuA (bnal mentanr fight for greater U Employes in Exora- ing The Outstanding Method Today. Jack seat of hb car and was about ward Lsnbgrad, but soma Finnish rodueUiion declared today to dWve off last night when he dafenae sone durlito the night, the accountS-^sAld swampy land b th b ^ X O W rfm jjO W S HALL dve BrRnch. Says|iaiitax th a t' Shiloueands upon tbousandr* R» RING DAVID LODGE, I. O. O. F .. -w ■ , ^ ■ OMBTMBB b yoor at ibile yon heart a moan. German hlgh^ command reported sector made a fast, mechanbM a t Brttbb Imperial soldlen had the aiceBdeartwiretbr b to eotboiatepi today, and /set fire to hOTgars drive Impcssibls. GAMES want sip and "My goo^esa.” he muttered. "J been left to die or be captured b Washington, July 10.——The fioifiT, MMuetiiheB up not oaiy fuel aopply but ^ o t ^ Freddie, vras sleepbg back west of In b llb ...... SL80 Frias Far .Gama Called Home S \ ' UnoffblAl reports, precedipg the the Middle East because they taeeeoneene government payroll tnerearad by thrift. ' sal#6eswcR., ''were , denied weapons with which . .91OAO Friaa For < bM one-thlrt ta toe flraj 13 months of Mohr rushed ^hb flveiyesr-old high eommaiid communique,, iald to defend themselvea.* a, .gfiOAS.Frtaa that thres hangars wars sat aflra.' A ineric^ N uni^ Door Friae SI0.00 full defense effort, the Civil Bervlee 'Just name your choice. In this high- SOT to Orange Memorial hospital The member, James Henderson Commission dtaclosed today b ra- Amdon Papei^ Reports Thua you have your fun—-apd firu- British Destrsyer Bit Stewart, a Uberal National from inetades AS of toe Above GnaMa. atepping Bbiok atraight-eigbt with Ufa. heir's‘* head.2'*^*’ - •** atttoh i b The communique also said that Special Cards .tSe Bnck. porting a total of 1,3^.883 civU AmbRBiado^Will Not gality too. OwneiA report mileage fig- ott May Go Plane Scotland, reftrred to a etotement ebPloyea b the executive branch S' British destroyer Salum, b yesterday by a lieutenant of toe . at the end of May. Return to WRBhiiigtoii. GoikipottndGarbitirettpat you can have urea as modi aia 105S to 1556 higher Nati Refugees At Shanghst the EgypUah-Ltbysn frOTtiersoae, fleet air arm who escaped from' On the aame date laat year— cither, eeeh m ifa proper place. - than on prevbua Boieka of the tame UNIVERSAL . July 10.—( g ^ . s b received bomb' hits. Informed Crete b a. battered plaiM an4^>-. quarters said the warship was L ond^ A by lo.—fi^ A n au- when the eniahlng of toe Lowlands Umdon, JulylO——TIiaNews sise. hundred OermOT women' and chll- thoritatlvO United StaUn source peered b uniform before pturUa- knd the Imperidbg fan of Frante You CMui go rduMit your businesa b " 5 ^ from TTie Nether- aertoiisly. damaged. Chronicle aald-today that Lord said today it probably would be molt to tell of the defeftiWtack b brought new demands for greater Halifax, British amhssaador to the Indies, Arrived hers to­ A tank thrust by British Im­ augnnted to Waahbgtra that Crete. •lefenae production — there were caty, ordinary. everyday travel—and Whiek'ineatM, better Ro look at the day on the JtoMneae Iber -Asama perial forces, beslsged for three “Free Ford Night** United Btatea, 'wha expoetad b Toe Base ‘ , ttAro. . . . United States nurses eent to Brit- "I am girtng away no military 980J01 Federal amployoa, whito London boot and -irould not return thia fiiigal,tvn>*carbimtor engine-ihst'a both dirill- months at Tobruk, Witbb Libya, m secrets when I any that the ac­ cowparod with the then aU-Ume was aald by the Gerfibni to have come by plane Instead of by to Washington •yatem you roll- aWp.- count given b debate yesterday high of 987A38 ta Itaramber, 1939, The formier British foreign aae- pecked «nd thrifty too. collapsed tw o' days ago undaf by . Llebtenaat Brafaher of the and exceeded the World war peak b g amoothly with only the heavy fife from Axb slegs guiis American repreaentativee here ratary "will resume actiylttaa a* a You’ll find it b a biglfar, M odel were said to regard future tnuw- shortage of gone and tanks is by 68.000. member of the war cabteet” ba- forward, thrift-rise m ber 'vrlth heavy IossbA. ^ portation of ibltad SUtae dtisaib abundantly tnie;” Stewart said. ' Ttae War and N avy Departmante roomier, amart^lookbg "Oennan scouting pafUas yes­ eausa prorabant Amarieana be­ on die job. » 9S 0 have been ronnbg far ahead of the terday mads affective thrusts to England by boat aa n grave . Yesterday's speech Was the first lieve he baa bpen bampared aa en­ antoiqobOe thet gives you Walter N. problem. . ' in Paribment for Lieut. Rupert hverage expanston by more than voy "by hta ^titude a t to# time ; aaralnst British Unas tit the.8 aium douUbg their combined total dur­ Y e t any thne "yon 'svant more value per dollar < and Tobruk regions,” the Gennens Tet to .coma are yotmg iriiyal* Arnold Brabaer, n Conservative, of and during the civil war etans Prerident Roosevelt had 're­ eleeted a year ago. :CYCLONE' COASTiR b g the 18 montha. On May 31, b Spain,’’ the newspaper aald. life, lift, tuper-power it’a than anything 'elaa you j aald. "Fire frotn weepoaa quested through the Red Ckoas “Crlei far Wenpene* toe War Department bad 298,112 .45 ; shattered 'the British racoonolter- -An authoribtiva aouroa. hpw- there widi an extra wal- can buy. ' . L eC l e r c and technletoiis to operate radto Every morning durbg the eight 1 0 A C R E S ei'vlltana emboyed, an bcteaae of •vet, called the story 'A stab ta m S T A L L E Q era trying to approach Arts Ubm , locators. months of Army swvloe from •AW over AprU and of ^68,406 d/teemterfSnJtU. ; According to the report ______OF AMUSEMENTS tba dark” and aald'there waa noth­ Ipp b reaerve—bat step St lUgbi ntis eon sa Red Ooes Harvard bocpltal which he atao Just .obtained leave, the end r laat, year. ing to bdteat* that the ambasaa- SaettM, tpAnottfuip- M ck SrtcuL med^ (tondaid sa-. On the pest two days Germaa nimee who survived the The Navy Om artm ^Tkul 811,448 down on tha tremUe and .combat pbnea, according to the Stewart said. Middle East oablbe Kiddi^ Dsy Every W«d. Fireworin Toes. 10 P. M. dor sroold not retnni to Washbg- m m t mod •nedwrSedes. (Flrat Floor InstallgtloBs l a One and Twe^Faiarily of the former Nethertanos vessel laid on his desk "cried for iraep- to May. a giato of 10,388 ton. yoU'Ve.iet H. high command, "effectively Maeedam told their etory of the oos of any. and every kbd. FREE PARKING — FREE ADMISSION! for the month and of 99.978 for the titMt Pnmmitp»d/i‘ funerAl bombed military objectives at Td- 13 inflAtha. tmtimu ritsiqpr torpedobg b tbe*^ Atlantic to ' "It waa a cry which pierced the Ob Mnis Hartford-SpringfleM Highwnjr—-West Side. That aimple mOve senda { bruk” where infionnsd aDureea United States Ambaaaador Joha o t Tatai May Tiirraase 8MW m d m t xfObr. said tanks, trucks and warebouaae hearts of every One ua whose Embassy SaysStory S E R V l d E G. tyinant today. duty It waa to read those dread Tba total beresM b the gov- T d Z l W t W were Wt Wlnant. at whoee-requert the documents:' •nmeat payroll durbg May was *Merply Speculative* flOOQ ALLOWANCE FOR Adnlt Ckato EaM Atttogt tatervlcw was aald to have been “O at had the vlstoa ef those 86.080. ^ addition tef War and WaBhIniton, July 10.—0^—Tcdd The suae infonnaata aekiiosvl- alrranged, queetioned each on even man, qomredes whom rra knew, Navy, toa major Inereaasa ware: that Tha London Nawa Chrnedeta edgad a British attempt to raid mbuteet detalle. lying there batoned, bleeding, Foot Oflioe Departinant, 8<4ai; aald Lord HaUfox. tha British am­ Manchester, ; Germaa-aoenpl«l Crete , but de­ parched and. hungry. Tbouaana Agrtaultuse, 1,771; taterior, 1,628. bassador. would go to London YOUR OLD STOVE clared that etreog antt-torcraR and TVA LtOl. The Panama SOOT and weuld not return to Ir a breed the bombers to tutu upon themsandi of them were left r5*essr'*^' tons le Amnacment there to n,far tira aaw*— T h is la merely meulsthm eem- dosm oBs Hurricane b republag time—of Imaginary llta, phyelolana Uva branch w ar M S j m ^ , mspt by a Rrttiaii aqwmyor a -Britbli raid on HaUAya, near at the poet boepltal gave him a Offers Te .Madbto The A^ndiesler Electric Divniari , SaluBi. ^ but.hirmleee potion. But the MRBIAM MOTOR iRLSR. tne. PHONES: Madrid, July 10.— Ttae dent and o Mr. ^yCree' states, the t oasM from out of totvn. DlB^ta in palace 'haen relucteht to pay—either sites-on the West bank o ^ e Nat* Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, of commencement exerdaes .'of ths church, secretary of the Ladies Aid iXHriidora while w aiting fo r SecUona ef Town By Amy Porter M d markettog o f the arcstern - JProvIdeo ^TCqolkible” Division w s s i m e r diivu—tlM ooUoe^on of old miniiclpisl organiaatlons will; chaug river, which flows through Wilson, Conn., friends of bride University of Wisconsin recently, lety and waa a charter member tte^atoflt. ' In all parte of the loivn . cause of fear nat support of t hemisphere's wheat or othet farm An toternaUonrt agreement depended hpon to carry out X Geneva Every Day * league- Would be vpnstrued as an A P FashhMs Editor pete end pen* for Nettonel Do* territoryiry formSrl;lormSrly occupied by and groom were the atteimante. iristead of coqilng home, la re­ of'Hebron Grange. V - Inga to different stages of Warm in winter, cool to sum crops, along the liora to be teivocated by phases of the campaign, hupin the Nipmucx tribe of Indians. The church was beautifully decor­ maining to taltesfi summer eourae Besides her husband hhs la sur- Ion are acen. In the Oakt unneutral act, or weeause the qiis country would provide for an T H A T W f f U s k s A T X Thor* diould bo plenty of- Smaller rural communltW Farm X By B^t^ L. Sargent'’ - 'V moneyneeded to mtel defenae filer, thlek, thin, open to the luo A proposal fo r such on agree­ lylny s*tMind.for Uila («; « CCC Boys' Work ated w ith Bimuner floweru aiod at the college. vived by her mother. Mrs. Lovlna M tlon houses are being built ... brMZes or cloMd against snow snd ment on wheat, it was said, haa “equiUble” division of the avsU- Bureau unite and ' Women’s ^Ar* The Women noted fine oak*and lighted candles at the altar. The ead; two broth­ ;^Geneva (^ ^ M p o n te ^ h o f The proparatlms. able world export markets among region lony famed for Its cqokery. Open the tract-opened by Sherwood BOwh ated Preaii)— Earth day, 90 raln^W ool is all things to all men, boen prepared' fo r submission to ganlsations win be cal^lM upon to hickory trees In tbs forest, and in­ bride’s gown- was of whits crepe ers, Arthur E; Hiitchlnson of Man- ero The Greenway development o ff - - LMtiae Alw ays aiowest,^ surplus-producing countries, a pro­ Within another ten days the- of differirtr naUonalitlea For bne reason or anothsr, the and all women. the conference of inajor wheat will yet Into swlny. great extent. teresting plantations of red pine, with long veil fitted to Uara and chsstee and QIrrfiil'W . Hutchinson Woodbridge strert la one of ' 'Di^.Bew Wool,Products Label­ duction control program In esqh spruce and doug^ fir, also a for­ o< Labanon; a aUter, Mrs. Robert _ !p their desks to the palace Latin' American states have, al­ surplus countries which opened o f the Surplus countries patterned sdK^tor, may be knopKlny at y la her bouquet was o f UUea and July Mowing busy places. T h e ^ housea the iwague pf Nation. ing A eV ana\-/en' thla -and many here today under auSpiqes o f the est study plot, ^ e boys of Camp white foees. The matron o f honor 61 Foot of Gilead. test fa ll have all bemi aoldt ways been slowest to paying tbelr after the American A A A plan, and doer deny about July and toternm^on- ing Wool w tiratote Just what aort What you can spare. , Scross the river, improved the road, After the wedding a reception ge Mltoe. pastor, will offldste artd already have 18 o f nance the Ie.’gue’s woric, it Is not and the United Stetea were repre­ The bulk o f the world’s present-- ry " forw ary the aluminum cam­ perienew in that lilne. certain' how long the Geneva Insti­ of wool is usM, and whether it is wheat surplus iS in the westert The house to house canvass and built fireplaces and under super­ was held at the home of the and the burial wlU be in the GUead teamed and well aloag, with combined, with some other fiber. sented at the coprorence as the Ug paign.^ N ^ e r o u s city and town vision of the foresters did a good c«m eta^s While it la fitxAtr tor the hones T^y ^ work nW to a sln^ tution can cantlnus.'League offi­ surplus wheat/ producing coun­ hemisphere, principally In Cana^ ition takw place from July 21 organiziGloos have been rushed to groom’s brother, Alphonse Reale, cellan being built for the rertiata-l ul wing^of the groat building Wool content will be identified os and the United States. " 29, tnclustve. Pots and Job of thinning out weed trees 3880 Bronx Boulevard, N, Y. The W ^ in e Funeral Home. 142 to start mowug early In the morn­ der. In the same traot ConbaSloH cials have tal|wn heart from offers tries, ohd the United Kingdom completion. Cok Fisher expects ing, we have fourtd-that Ifi very —ch rivals, in area, th# Palace Of payment recently nude by taro wool, processed Wool ■ or rdbsed Advocates contend that-, an the whole , story, for and planting new forest trees. Mr. and Mrs. liouis Reale plan 2*®^**^*^^^ ^ open tomor­ Jobiukm h a« t h a ____ wool. If more thaii flve''per cent partietpate^aa a major Importing that testate wide Woman's organ­ Waded In River heavy grass It la . s6 wet In the . Versailles. ' Latin American stetea. agreement Would' eliminate "cut­ ity o f other household isation will prove very helpful lit to make Manchester their home row axternoon eveiUna for the or 14 o f the 25 houses he te| of''any fiber other than wool goes country. - and yadyets made Some of the picnickers waded In f riendi of MraJenee. bottom that It wlU n o i dz^' but _ BIsswbtee, the vlsltor .may- Wrtn- Already conscious of the throat” competition in world mar- searing aluminum donations from residing at 90S Main, as both are iild there. Sewers and w at Idsr through (he yards and yards into the fabric, th^label must T b e 't^ te d Sitetea, ^authoritative kete and enable the surplus coun­ which might be donat- th;> river, hike^ along the ailSdy employed at the Pioneer Parachute unieaa it U turned by a tedder o r mrtns are being laid to this league precariourt sUuaUon last aourees reported, had decided that tiousewlves, and its memberrap V by hand. ■of cold, tombUke corridors, past May when the Nart push began on identify it and ahow toe percent tries to share aqujtabiy to those ,ad: Upw ^bQUt ash trays, soap path on the East aide o f the fiv e r Company, Inc, age. Master im this and youll be an International agreement—simi­ Wilt be so utilised. to the cabins fo r the use o f the ■the huge steel-plated doors, wlth- the westertn front, -league support­ markets at prices which would re­ K E f it shakers, book ends,. When we were sure' of good Foity/^bther Homes lout bearing a sound or seeing a a better 'shopper when' it's time lar te those which have be«i suv- measnrlny cupdKor bits and pie dug snd w ill build 14 houses, iBtrong oppoaiUon to tha transfer iosAST 2>S23« spared from their houaeholda^wlth- Ice, layssays Mr. WUmot He adds _ present one-year term. than 12,000 parents, relativss and usually calm and happy dljpoal- la e n t of league activities to the United labels correctly, not con. obnstant prayers that divine wis­ Any action on these plans, how­ friends. Preatden C. A. Dykstra Mrs. John Bany presided at la Ptaeacre Tsrraee Most of the leagus’B antl-opluirt - nny fabric, but Mtlmat out belny replaced. No IndlMdual Uon. But the thing that calls for III/the Ptoescre Terrace dsvsl-| SUtes, whichwmen afUransr auall is notno> dom and guidance will bs granted CHICKENS " 2 S C have volunteered “^ c ^ ^ K c I R u ssian ^ B ea t F u ll ever, appeared unlikely before presented ths degreea to the grad­ the organ during the mass and real moral fortitude IS when you I work is already being carried on ingJte'-tnie worth. b r o w n BKEADj or group or corporation will make opment,NWheie 120 bouses are to msmter, has been ezprMsed in Rebirth Seen him as he leads America to tiUs m ildly cured corned SH F \ ^ \ any prOflt out of this transaction, collection, and an eikht-atre fac- it e . • -s ' • • July 17—the date which Selective uates and gave the charge to the James Breen sang the mate artd have some nice dry haiy aU Mady I from Washington, where six lea- some league quarters. ApparonUy The finest branded fabrics, time of unparalleled crisis." They class, urging them to “recognize the BoIoB. bs built this summer, 40 ceQars Igue officials were transferred on whlcb' jrou tM y have bought iqr l L S 2 5 e | n o enhre proceeds o f the sale will tory aite has been designated as a i/ lO tO riZ eC l J J lV lS lO ll Service headquarters fixed yester­ to cart to "and you start to t the have been built. The frame w otlil it was the British hacked by some pledged ‘to our country and to central depot for the d ^sit of day for the lottery here that will our' traditional American obllga- The bearera were; sUte Barber I mission to run the Permanent Cen- tor yeara ara made of 100 FINAST be exclusively for civilian defense.” field with the team and a thunder­ has bean completed on 26 o f theso] of their AUiea who were the most For Religion him, our president, unfaltering LEAN ENDS " 2 9 c gsrvcs Double Purpose aluminum utensils, which W’Wch the Um to maintain the freedoms Commissioner James /daifaUleri o f shower Beate you t o jt . - I teal Opium Board and the super- eager to acemt the American offer. per rtent vlrgirtv wool, but good loyalty..." . placed under guard- of - (Oontteaed Prom Page One) without which om system of in­ houses. In addition to this, A la x -[ Ivlsory body. There are throe of- fabrics also are ifiade of combina­ SKINLESS - FRESHLY MADE \ ^ r donations serve a dual 750,000 young men who reglsteri^ Hartford, DaWd Wilaon, Adam Then there wa§^the time when ander Jarvis Is laytott water A neutral Irishman, Sean Lester, k c t c h o p Organizational dividualism w ill be a delusloD and Mankln, Matthew Mere. Joseph the machine kxivee refused to fficiala left to Geneva to do the tions of all three/.types, and of A fte r W ar tho supply o f aluminum traSrinBubJest to call for throiigh ths tract and the aoU that I root o f the work. has betel acting secretary-general defense Industries W ill be Thus Is New England gettinif from Lepe] to Borisov, guarding a sham." Barto and Thomas Curran, of move. Getting off the seat to in­ ever since Aug. 81rt of last year wort combined, with rayon, silk flHASt i ’w2Scl -toe road to Moscow. Personal Anegtenoe has' bean removed in' cutting the I Smne o f the epOnomic, finance, and cotton. Army, overcoats, for FRANKFURTS \ 25c substantially augmented and the geared to make its contribution To Be Miniature Edition Manchester. vestigate, I found' that some one roadways throu^ ths n ^traet when Avenol’s reeignatkm took ef. N • W tim / tr-e rm toward 'meeting a pressing na­ X'Durlng battles In the Lepel dl The lottery will be a mlnlaturo "Make sure of your own per­ A delegaUon from Gibboos As­ to a picnic parto had thrown an land transit remarch work and feet. Since no general ezodua fbr Instance, are made q f 66 per cent proceeds of the eale of the slum!* has^bssn trucked to the Ehrt Millions Now Suffet- . Ste/dmi/mHest AfeaU^ num to smelters hy. the local com* tional need—a supply of this sil­ reeUon our troope destroyed qdltlon of the first Selective Serv- sonal allegiance to the .American sembly. of which Mrs Zimmerman empty aardl^\can over the'fence I studies have b&ta made stoce last America has faken place since his virgin wort, 85 per" cent, reproc­ German motorized dlvlsiaa, up ■to way of life," he said. "Accept your Omrtery and will be used thar#i I aummw at Praceton University. essed or reused wort, . Craam Deodorant mlttsis go into the National.Scrap very substance whose lightness iM drawing last 6«tober. when ' a member, attended the funeral Into the grass, and it got caught I needed. taking office, it may be aa^med ing Hardships ' Wilt M IL L B R O O K niM populsr for qakk tonebaend / makes It psrhaps the most vital 40 gxina, and a large quantity of the service sequence c(f 16.500,000 personal respmslblUty for our In­ aad went to the cemeteryi between the blades and guards. L Howevsr/tbe mpnthly bulletin that he intends'Carrying cei buri- Manufacturers and stortia are Aluminum Fund to be devoted to On boto aides of Summit street, I J rtfi'StatlstlpS la atm published regu- mak^ a Ug tefort to^ed^te CLUB % Bssi SODAS WONDIRVVWreWKK LOAFI.WAP youp iprim go into a fighter plane; more a bomber away from these' shores. "In the Borirtoiy direction our the drawing \ to be completed In whenever and wherever the need American W ar Veteran, w ill be They didn't' run, perhaps . they its secured for mbrt of th ^ troope inflicted a\serioua defeat to 'o hours, In' contrast to the sll- aristo, 'and he ready to accept any Were too old to run, so I drove off ttottqai Year- Book was pubUsbed facts about the Uttla^osort dr AbMlMltly Purs Csrboastsd CORMINAUON LOAF CHOICE *** tats a Mg bomber. It U estimated buried with mlUUry itonon to- Omtrhcta an: being' let for hks you are buying. \AUantIc C i^ N. July ■svtrsfts • Assertod • Ceotonto on an epemy dlviald day. all-night maratron of ths obligation which thla defense re­ ^rrow . He died at his home. 50 to a safe distence to repair danq- BS/iiaual to Geneva this yinir. Ten Pri^iplei^ roUrth od Christianity after the amount of aluminum In housM to hehuitf to otherseebo|M, / Health BoUstta’a Useful “ " ^ Cold HOLLYWOOD LOAF latter la the equivalent o f #0,- Fieroe Battles lottery nine months ago. quires.” Cedar, Tuesday evening. The fun­ ages anfi all waa well. prasent war was forecast yea- Including Harlan street,. whm I All the league's epidendologlcai "W arm to . cool to sum-___ cftfee percolators. Fierce battles were X reported As fiir as could be learned, the President Dykrtra also delivered eral w ill leave hla home at 9;S0 It looks as If ros sun Was going sewer pipes and water mains art ] terd^ by Dr. Adolph Keller te No K Stocks raging to the nortl reports o f > The famous RocksfsUer end^v- "T h e y a rt the pvb^plea on hold their shape, withstand wear, W in Beeonqe BOaslan F la ld \ the line of a carefully worked out ■474 enemy." ceiving' her/HxA. degree, and con­ Mrs.: Albert Robinaoiv Girl town-from OtllfOrnla to sell the and resist wrinkles. Institaic o f 'Laundering for A N G I L C A M I _,.'6fT'TT. ctoaow '^"" Atchison ..... 29^4 Mandatory Deferment sd library, which fonta the itortb which my wife and /liave tried to *Thirope--and.• _w_ why not . A m e ^ bciog barmiessto C ih ^ ^ l o e acbedula A htmdred miles south, o f Os­ tinuing UlB study of soology for George Simpkins, fivell known Scout commissioner, win be glad land. Two houtos have been erect­ wing of the huge Gambling nalac« Wort baa other endeavoring ouaL Aviation Cbip 374 her M. A . degree a^^the U . o f W . residentmt to the ■■ Ogden's - - Comer - sec­ bring up our family," be said Tuts- , iT—w ill become a great miarton A is ta ia ttw m the latter part o f June, Dl* Baldwin Ct .. trov, the Red Army wU reported Approved by House to give local glrto-information as ed' to this developmenL One on te sfm imen to roseatch students day night te appealing for support abaorb a great^^ of field.” Dr. Keller predicted, "when S P O N G t C A K E FORSMOarCAKt rector LaGuardia of the Office of 16*4 counter-attacking resolutely In Washington, July l0_ervlse the organization o f 474 fight their way across the forti­ or older on July 1 and who have . H e waa bom to Wales, Mass.. tion for the totemstlonal camp the dlspoeal denee more than ever thla falL S ir 1 3 c Case lein Closes July 15. Op! the coast o f North (TaroUna. fonita and . newamen who knnM .” Cerro 1% P ...... 3474 Mr*x William Slmpkina and con- the Gulf Stream flovte against a UM SillRBON MALT mlttees th conduct the campaign. Ches * O l j ...... holding firm, the war bulletin re­ Then the members started dl4- Dirts at the local camp have call now and at the leamie /The Rockafeller creed: C amels, cHESTEnnELD^ / “ '4 7 e Haybrs of the larger cities Were 38 U ported. , eussing an amendment by R ep ^ ductedx a farm In Vernon for a been busy this week eomplU^ b S ^ o fcold r ------water. pataca vainly V Luemr STRIKE, FATIMA */• Chrysler 5774 number h f years. Ha waa very ac­ looking fo r .some- '. believe in the auprome worth KCiOL CIGARETTES P0PMARF9KR also directly requested to assume A similar \ unyielding defense sentative Elston (R „ Ohio) .to P**"- FenAsylvAiia Legisia- material for a camp newspaper, thing to about of tea Individual aad to. hia right OLD COLO, RALEIGH. KOOL rsspontlbUlty for organizing the Coca - Cola \ 9474 was reported to the south, in the tive to the Qmnge and to Farmers' OverHighi Nev^ 'm Col Gas A El ... mlt men 29 or older who -hato l>era to bs published tomorrow, snd to ufe, liberty and the pursuit of i drive In their municlpallUes. 374 Novograd VonVnski sector of the inducted into service to/'be dis­ tor* Unabltp vto Agree Exchange worn. have had a lot of fun doing It. PHILIP Norris sad p a u m a u 3 ^ 2 1 c Com! Inv Tr .. 32 iter of fact, the league happtosaa. It was assumed that the Oov- western Ukraine, and In Bessara- charged upon their owu/nquest. He waa twice^Burrled. His first Next week is the final week of or ieoB burled O f (^onneciftui Ooml ,Solv ...., 1074 bla. On Reapportioiiinent. wife, Mias Annie l^ ts . a sister of Right IfiipWas RsepsasIMMty P 2 S c arnora woflld use i existing State, 'K The draft deferment/provlalon camp aad owing to several oan- afo when the "Ibitter"Uevis ta- k t‘ avm r right ■ - im Ccnmty and local defense councils Cons Edis • ‘ -v 197 160 Tanks Destroyed GusUve Waite, of "Mancherter, CIGARETTES Cons O il'V ...... waa accepted withoqt a formal ceUatioos, a few more girls oan be tea eaused m a ^ efftciala pilss a rertHooflMUty; evsry op- 1 2 S S 4 1 c whatever poeslble, and would see 6 >4 Destruction of 100 German vote and with UUle debate. , Hatrlaburr, Pa., July 10.—(g)— died several yeara ago. Hla second accommodated. If they w lR M>ply . out of Oenera for points portonlty, an. .ot^tioa; evsry Cont Can . . . 3574 tanks waa credited to the Red air wife, Mrs. Mina White Slinpktoa Branford-^A New Hhvsn rail­ that "''ddmmltteea were set up Com prod A, conference conjmtttee reported at once to Mrs. Jamas Cbmtoa of . . away from Nasi Oentnany possession, a duty. , d n o f OIM DUTCH aEANSER MMra no defense councils existed. . . . 50 fleet In operatlona\yesterday after­ aurvhraa him as do a dm i^ttar, road paosengaf train kUled'John Del L -A W n V to the state Senate eariy today It ths camp committee, who irtay be^ the league's flnanclsl crisis *T believe that the law was lO p k g s This procedure is being gen* . . . 374 noon. Bombers wero .ssld to have Start to ^ e c t rtnahle to arrive at a plan to Mrs. Lewis Sktoner and a a «^ reached______by_____ telephone_ 6508, or at" tha former Frsneh Seere- made for man and not man for Bagay. 41, g track laborer, struck Douglas Aire . . . ?B continued their attacks throughout Percy O. Slmpktoa all of Vernon. '404 North west te the Stony Creak statioo andly followed in New E^Iand, Du P o n t ...... iporttoa Pennsylvania's, ooo^ Oeneral Joseph Avenol te cut the law; that government is tha although there ans variations to ...150 last night on German force# on Firaeral aervieea will be- held ^ when he apparent fuied to hear TsatactaM Eastman Rod . e Building ilonal dlstrlete and msmbers v |da staH to tha v ^ mkil- oarvOnt of the pyopla sad not their CHIPSOx ftt Individual stateiand local needs ...13974 the Baltic and Ukraine flanks. sald\thls meant aU tba state's dsle- Saturday aftamoofi at 2:80 from mum. ' hla flrsman'a warning whistle CAMAY and eondltlons. E3ec Auto-L .. . . . 2974 A Moscow communique said^e the Slmpktos home at Ogden’s imuee te the din from a hoarby air ^ PUKES OR GRANULES , S O A P I3en Elec y ...... to ths U. 8. House of Stoce tha iaagua’s tart poUtleal *T Itollave to tha dignity of la­ In Massachusetts ...3 3 7 4 principal German attacks were Erneet JL Roy, proprietor of the Ooraar. Rev. Georn S. Brookea. gasp In DscakAsr 19S»—whsa a compreascrl Gen Foods , . . . . 38 made in efforts to break through tattvss would be elected \ bor, wbetSar wltb ba£l or hand: In Massachusetts, for auitaple, Depot Muare Oarage at North at-laiga In 1942. pastor of the Union Oongregatlonal apsdal sSasion. of tha council and that tba< world owes no man a /IH artford—Tha State Peraonnal Gen M ot ...... 39H the Ostrov, Polotak aiul Novograd. church In Rockville, wUl officiate, a state ehalrman' to . conduct the School /streets, haa vvo*'2 under­ George Whde of the an axtraordtoary aaoambly waro Dspartniaot aniiouncad an opan f t 2 X 3 9 c Hecker Prod .. Volynski sectors where the Relch- and burial will be to Grove HU| living but that it owes every man competitive ezamination to a A c t INAST e m tic L d 2 lie ahimlnnm drive, l « e Witney, man* . . . 7H way to the erection of a storage committee aald “we were hopeless­ THE;MANCHE$tER eonvokad at tba -requart e f tha -■% opportunity to make a living. agar of the Hotel Kenmore, has Hudson Mot ...... 3>4 swehr haa been held up by wither­ bulhfirtg to be 186 fe e t by 40, 1^ cemetery, Rt^dcvlUe. * - a g m jnanagm ant technician Int Harv ...... ing fire and bayonets for a week. ly dsadloeked and ww failed to ar­ Finnish governmant, and mimlisr "I Mhfve that thrift ia aoaia- . appointed by J.. W. Farley, . . . 5174 catod on the side of the old Bee­ rive at'a solution.” rosa to vote Soviat Russia tor tha State Board of 'Flaherlaa Int Nick . . . 2774 Reports of steady aUTfening of ttal to well-ordered living and that ear IV O R Y S O A P Uve Director o f the Maasa* hive building to the east of North PUBUC MARKET P*y^"tatwaan t e Int T A T ...... Results o f the 1940 census reduc­ o f tha ieagua—tbare has bean economy is a prime requisite of a IREAD LAVA te Committee on Public . . . 274 Soviet resistance coincided with. Behool street He will use this movament to hold any oort of 81A0O------and-- 82A40------annually— A | ^ - Johns - Man ,. atatement last night by Soviet ed Pertnayli^nia'a congressional sound financial stpuefuro. jrbathcr ,Nasti ^Cevsnuaert Sttadards LARGE 3ton2Sc r f t O i A P •itfbty. long since established by . . . 67>4 building for the storsge of used districts from 84 to 88. About Town maatlng in Geneva. cations mua; ba Mad by Jul% 24. ‘ Kennecott . . . 39 vice commiasar for foreign affairW cars. to governmant, buslneas o r par- Hartford—Draft Bosnia com- Cknremor luutonstall. A strong OUtoent Plana PrspeandT Ita- league aid to Finland, offalfs. FederaT Housing Administration is- entering ita MEDIUM sw 5 c gtetq organization for ths alumi- Leh Val Rli ...... 3 S. A. Lozovsky, that the blite In purchasing the land aome platod tha task of ahuffling aad a ^ th yaar te activity, with its program oparating at methoda the N azis used in the P o­ Democrats to the Leglalature Fresh Selected Seafood^ the FttiM were forced to aak the " i ■ halis^ that truth and Jus­ Ifiim campaign haa been perfected. Ug A My B ... , . . 0 2 months sgo Mr. Roy found it The Zoning Board of Appeals s a ^ numbrtfok tho m«latrafion hi|fo qwad to mart t ^ praattog naad for .housing accom- GUEST 2 Nn f t 2 Lockheed A ire.. lish and French- campaigns were propoaed Berks and Lehigh coun­ Soviste W an armistice to Marcb- tice fife fundfimental'to an 2 In Boetoai, largest New Ihigland . . . 27 nsccstery to sscure a change of ties be combined in one district and will consider two itoPScatlona for nnet of ^ d o ck , strictly fr^Vf\ ...... Ib . I6 c TTien eamd tfie N azi campaign cards o f UJ581 Oonnactieut 21- modattona foe tha Nathm'a grow ing arm y te defense indue- ^ y .' Mayor .^hln has appMnted Loew's ...... ,31 failing tn..Ruaaia deapite the a^ the sone rule to erect the building. zoning .exceptions at public haar- during aortal order. yMr-rtda Who ragistsrad July try woncora. Vantage the Germans held at thS Montgomery and Bueju iq anoto*isr, p ow d er Clams — Stcfiping Clam s...... , .q U 16e ’against Dteunark and Norway to John J. walah, a lawyer, chairman u ir ill^ d . . ; 18 The work waa to be startod at tog tonlgM at g to tha municipal under the Saiactiva Servloa act. A ^ “*• Nfitiimal Houatog Act, Mont Wtod . oqUet from surprise attack. to form two districts where the.,lere Frash Eastern HaUbat. Frosh Salmon. ApriL "WlU\the Norwegians ap- "I believe in the aacredneoa Of of the Board of Public Welfare . . . 3074 once, after the necessary permia- had been three. A ll four cenmties buUdlng. Ctortl L , Taylor seeks'to 9Ml to the Mgue" am* on every national lottery July 17 wlU deter­ which created the FHA program, waa approved by Preai- aad a inember of the State Board Nash - KWv . . . . 474 Lozovsky declared the Germans, Siod had been eecured from the convert a doctor’s office at 15 FtOrtof^k. . ' * Parch Finata a promtae, that a man’s word mine the order to which they to- ^ t Roosevelt, approximately 728.000 American famUlea N at Bisc ifoing all-K>ut for a quick decision. Ecnlng Board of Appeals, but be­ are in eaatorn Pennaylvania, mnd, but . the rampaign was over should be as good as his bond; of Education, as Director of the . . 1674 The Republicans suggested one Mato Into s three room apartment! Freah Cod. Fresh Mackerel. Etc. before league stetas could decide calva draft quastlcnnairae; Tha have purchased sound amoU homes through FHA-insured Atnmlnum Drive In this city, and Nat Cash Reg 13H Inu4ed 10,000 tanks against ths cause -of other delays the work and Irving Stick desires to erect that diaraeter—not wealth or nighert serial numbar la Om stats mortgages totaling 88.100,000,000. During that —v-e Nat Dairy ,., Russlsn toent In the first onhlaught w as not started untU thla week. member each be deleted from the a dwelling on an undenrized lot on CO any sort of action. . wer or poaitlon^-ia of supreme ^ 219 to H artford'a D raR Board ROLLS a local committee has been set up 1474 Allegheny (PltUburito) and Phila­ -.ObvWus Lsagua IM period more than 8JKW.OOO bonM propertlea have bsM under Mr. Walsh. Nst Distill .,. ..;2 2 —kept So secret, he said, that Ger­ Aryina, place. AT OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT worth. . man troopa themselves knew only delphia groups, with Loaerne coun­ After that Hrtland, Belgium, n E S r ^ f * * " * ****^**^ taiough' losms torared under the .■X. Similar procedure'Is being fd- ,N Y Central .. . . 1274 *T beUave .that tbs rendaitag of Watarbury—Oonnaeticut’a Anti- Title I program D tc k io t Nor Am Co ., an hour in advance that the blow Tonight Girens ' ty recelvtog^an additional aeat A Chsysler sedan, owned, by Daisy Haau, sagrar cored, aboot 2 poonda aaeh .^ .Ibl 89c and even powerfpl Franoa—three uaqful service is tha common duty Aircraft' ArtUiary rratinfint. the towod by other mnJor cihfes in . . 13 Senator wade said the Republl- MMaachqeetU and elsewhere In Packard . was to be launched. Chatlee Higgins, of (tovsntry, and Rib or Navel Corned Beef ...... Ib . 10c more league stetea—were b rou ^ rt! mankind and that only to the 206th. WlU le a V e ^ O ^ r n d W a i^ id c . . 27T The Soviet Information Bureau cana would have been "eatlafied'’ If to their kneea. By that tlma it BoMflti Now NatioB-Wida . . Hew Englhad. and all these local Param Piet... . . 12 driven by his son, becams dii- Fancy BoiieieM Brisket Corned B e e f ...... lb . 29c purifying fire of sacrifice ia tba 2fasa., July 25 fof'a five-day visit Choice o f Sandwkh, Fhiqtr, Penn R R ...... said thcr Red a ir fleet bombed the Train Goes By a compromise the Democrats obvioua the 'league counted The b«eflta e f FRA program, as dsmonstratsd to bananas; floounlttoee wfii; of course, work dross of. sslfishnaas. consumed to the state, ita «w »«"«M ln g te- .. 2474 would have bePUa« on a NaUonNaUon-wktTac-..Ecale to« WMob of the state organlsatlona. PhU Pet V*...... 44% Tomorrow Is clreua day In Manchester Motor') Sales tow car AT OUR NEW BAKERY DEPARTM^T* •By the ead of Juna 12 states soul sat free. ncumoed.It wUl stage aaearchUght or Frankfort Rollf as well pa the ports of Tulcea artd seven-man delagntlon .by ona. nembeni were under German, So­ the— r, greats m^rwasaeo^expanded need AWfbr BUUHUIEhousing SMOWmiaagenerated 07by UMthe Vitam ins A-C-G Hi. Utenwchusetts there is a total Pub Svo N J 2274 Hartford. For Manhhester people brought ths sedan to tha SchaH«lr IM)LLS: Pariter House, Sandwich, Snowflakes. " I beUave to an aQ-wtaa and demonstrabM to Hartfordt fo r d ^ h a t 8*8 k )i^ committees. rboio ...... ;;; raldsd the Rumanian oil fields In who cannot go to the circus or garage for rtpaln. , . viet, or Italian occupation. aU-lovtng God, named by wbat- night, move no to W a te rW y for *lSS5f and hy tha eodaaquant aharp 4 25c 8T4 - ^Yoor choice - . . . dog.' 19c Uij .— J— ------rise to empKytifont to dsfonee industry centera. ^ OkNuito OhtenaM RoBdlnS ...... i, 1774 the Ploertl area. sea the unlo^n g the hart -next Hospital N o t^ Oddly enough, none . of theM tivar name, and Umt tha huUvldu- the nezt two daya, *■!»«»»£ pfizt in .. In Maine, doveraor Bewail has R*a» Rand ...... Heavy damage haa be^ report­ thing Is to park on Depot Square Mr. and Mrs, MlChart Mlnleneel Ajnirai J e^ Donats ...... d o z . 29e occupied stetea have been frtced al’a highest fulflllfiieBt, * greatert the American _ Legion convanUiar 974 ed the ports, from which 195,090 H o m S t a r t a d ' j pBgHStid the Main Civil Defense Republic 8U ...... 1. 2074 shortly after midnight and see of Oak street, acoompanisd by Mr. Our Own Make R ye Bimid, plain or seeds ...... 1 ^ iO c tv withdraw from the league, de­ happtaeas and widest ntsfiiUntss perade there July 26, 1, of which Raymond T. ^ TOb B ...... German operations in the Black the eirctya train g o . throufb. It rate the fact that neither Oer- New HHaven July'lS * - ' where if%rM The nugnituda te thin axpahalon to shoJfl by tha ffict PEACHES 33 ■ and Mrs. A . W. Hunt o f Shhopl are to be found in living to har­ kmO sOesmtoav RWa ---*■ ____ i___mm . .. m. Sea are baaed, and to the oU fields Admitted late yesterday: Mrs. that during tha part 12 months oonatructicn has bean GEORGIA is eoordinator, as the or- Safeway Strs 43 wUl travel to three asctlons. the Nancy Farr of 915 Mato, Mrs. riaay nor Italy nor Soviet Russia mony with Hia WlU. . ve------another demonstration-..... ■vd LAUK**- h i*. ^ to bead up the aldmt- Sears Roeb ------whose fuel is vital to the Reich's first to go through Srlll be the several days’J5*7*“ tour * or • FRUIT AND FRESH VEGETABLES are now members. iVDuae overnight, before roturn- launchad undet/FHA toapactica on approximataiy 196,000 H I l ^ B E L U 7374 war machine. Minnie Albaal of Boiton. Mra. "I believe that love la thfi S •. to igr fa r tha largest yrtume te home ditve la that state. The M«iw SheU Un ...... Ir. cook tent and auppUas. I t may- be Fancy Telephone Peas, weD filled ...... 8 a ta . 29c Yugoslavia and OraoM are the greatert thing to the world; that Ing to camp. . VHamins A-BC 1574 The information -bureau eald Matilda Beers of lU Wells and construeUon under tha F R A program - t o any 12-mbnth Defease Ooaaell plus to Socony r Vac ...... 974 wen along in the morning whan Mra. Bnioe Ewan of 801 Mato. WilUam- Rubtoosr Is recovering NaUve Summer Squash...... lb . fie latest league stetea to fall before it alone can overcome. hate; that H artford — HighwiTO Cominla- S^,2Sc Bounty chalrBien to the set- Sou Pac other Soviet bombera destroyed the laat of the trains go through. from an Ulnesa to a h oi^ital to ~ Nasi Army. That leaves 29 la atoner IPUIlaB J. Oox Ttiarlnaad period aad ropraeanta a gntote more than 28 par cant over 1274 two "enemy ships" in the Black Discharged lata yortorday: Mrs. Fancy Fiscal Celery . ...U ...... ^ e. bch. 15c' right can and wiU trtumhp over theha ncaeadtogpeaeedUig 12 m enu*. - taUFORHU - LARGE SUE - VITAMINS SC. f f the smaller toww and vfl- •,...... They are coming from Worcester. Cbrtilo^e Malro of 620 Center and Bart Oilcago, Indiana, whm hs dependent juntoera of the league, might.” ' ^ t Army efficacs, saaktog to bot in the dths aad la r^ Std Brands ...... Sea and damaged a third. Identi­ QUifomta Baking Potatoes ...... 4 lbs. I9c Ineludbig Franca a ^ . Rumania, fipaad dteenaa conatriietlcn, have A t laartmt 86 par cant te those FHA-iitourad horoee ara 6% fied as a monitor. Mrs. Riqmaoad Hanaaquin and in­ ■ bean convalssetog during the iB .rafnsB whara dofimaa iaduatrlaa a n aeUvo. » the Mayors, or ehalrmni of StdOas A El fant son pf 28 Cbttnge. part week. Re waa atricken while Fancy Green Beans ...... 2 q ta . 15c whose two-year withdrawal ao-i _ botrowad this plana te the Otaen- _ _ — ■ e^mawaa^^ aaws6e*e»a am* VSm aiSW^Ve win be the isBponalble wlefa toU gate on the M arriU Partr- Moraovar, tha typical moderato prtos of tha fmaU homaa ORANGES '*• 29c ...... V..., ‘ ^2874 Public Records Death last night: at SM p. na, on a mid-western trip. It is ex­ ttces do not esplra untu 19tt ondl gSMtikm Fgtml JVsPhi huilt nadar the 9H A plan to wall auitod to tha i«—u, Is; according toy Mr. pected he wUl return home to a 1942 remectively. and B u lgariah ^ *"*"* laO Bf way to build a replica aa the an- FANCY R IK ■ VITAHINS A-B< 4874 Yoshizawa Gives X Mifi, Carrte Jones of Andover. FRIDAY GROCERY SPECIALS boualfig naads te dteansa loeatttiaa. aaMMla' ...... 7 . «7 4 iPenalt Admitted today: Leonard-Ro- fe w weeks. Who, while an Ajda-partaer. has t r ^ to tta Army Air Depot at Hampshire, the State ] ^ e n RoU PumH to'-tha ereerion of a not yet foUowed Hungmy and Ru­ Jacksonville, tIa--JAland Jamie:' Duncan Flald. Ban A a ton ioT ri^ o f Defense, o t which Gov- 4474 baeha of M North, Bdmuet Harri­ Franco-American Spaghetti or Macaroni, 1-Ib. can ...... TOMATOES Trartaamerica *% Matsuoka Report stogie dwelling on Kensington son. of 338 Summit. Sylvta Nano mania la breaking with the — 87.. Baaforn A ir Liaea pilot S«91^9 Baak Bdfart Yen BoiM For C o iii^ t O. Blood himself is Un Carbide j .k ;: ...... • • • V • »•* •oa«o««* ••»•«•••••• •••••••*»•,3 to x NATIVE - VITAWNS A'C 7674 street hhs been granted Wallice of Glastonbury, M in T n o e m Zlto Im e u a . who wrote-• ■:— r •vtoOcn/T^advenlacura ^wi^aad-944t w ftmetlonlng as the Union Pac ...... M. Hutchinson who -will do the Curb Stocks Com, Whole Kernel, Royal Scarlet, No. 2 can... 2 for 29c Blast OeinoHshes tafaratatlM AOoft m M e iU n i f / h . A . L o u t 8274 Tokyo, July 10— Kenkichl of 22 Norman aad Mark O ofs W tm Pay for 1941 stories and nevrta tatarfion tuna. in the almalnnm Unit A ire ...... 4174- worii at a eort of 84,925. o f 165 Adam. \ Maltad MlBi* Cboeolata Flavored, Royal S ca^t, ...... Thus, tha number of countriae New York^^oia.W. 49, M. are 11 ettlan ^ ...... Yoaiizawa, Japan's representative . Warrantee oartataiit to the praoidant t e ^ - CARROTS to the collapsed economic negotia­ Birth today; A. aon to Mr. and Ark Nat Gas A ...... • •.. • - ...... 1-Ib.' can 25c with a financial edacity or wiU- Nedchatel Statipn fUTIVE' VITAMN C the ftiRo. each wra Unit OhiTlmp ...... 7’‘ Property at West Omter ebeet m * . RuaaoU W olfe e f South Aad Oaa aad El tngnaoi to pay for t#s upkeep of aral JBactrio Compairo^aad on« to oQsdnct the' U S Rubber .'...... ,.... tions with The Netheriands East and Brsmsn roed haa been eon- CampiMira Tomato Soup ...... 8 c a n * 25c promoter of rural . 2574 Inates. _rrtaiBed to Tokyo today Ooventiy. Cant ■tatea El . 1-82 the Ieagua and the oouttoimaoa of i rtaetrlfleatian.. U S Smelt ...... veysd by Tbonaa BrndUy to Wel­ Dtetorged' today: Mrs. Olga a t a Bva Sardine^ A m eri^ Eagie Branrf...... can 6c Datrrtt—Bonard * 0. Immediately with ForHga ter Smith. its work is fitowly dwiadUag. J it SKIS U S StMl ..... 087h KsUy of 7I Watheren. Jedm and ^ »M PM .... 8taM thiij^ew I Royal Tapioea Podding, O ian^ Coco. this writing, only four of tba 18, former anacativo of -jP T -T ta Naudiatal foiight ata- T h e Wert Union ... Minister Yoauke Matsuohs. Motora 'OorporaUca aad 25 Yoshlsawa’s report was regard­ Tbomaa Kslbteh of 9 Butt. Rich­ Bond and.8h . 2 « U m FkTOr, roalr- one ptat • iM w .S c Osagua msoUMi* mafo their 1941 tkm OB the Baca-paila ridRrfiy ~ A M fg 66 By qnitctolm deed property et ard Tfiggart of 111 Cboper, Henry m a g H u d ___ a en t.to today toy aa ax- ed here aa ntremely Im poi^t to center and Lilac streete t o beeii y W iitA fitaMmgh. ; the 1941 Oofyden, la.—& X.' 2S Jr Trotter of I9fi Canter aad Robert Pmmread. to ' tw o IIWSIIIS ia kuOM i n y .X

/ / MANCHE^Tm^VEKiyG HER^X^; CONN. -i^fOIlSDAY, JULY JO, 1^41 the A m r l r M l v f ,g^B|J in dvlUan olothea. Xi A ^ le te ly too bad to bavsy Cveiy soldier, ever] distracted from Action I0 Takeit to Oktnin SERIAL STORY ^ IW b itFi & ftilt9 JbnU l sKpcit, knows be Is com bunch of rpad-Jaded, *a m s Ih^ttuit^r Now Being Used A waits^W i roaujuiiEolUfkicb «r m right good aaX 1 f iaiMTwo a n CO, M a ANbTHER MAN'S F a c t ,t itBBaU In the Red. Sea, in Iceland, The gen'diM fini^y^fteialMd ^ iurses w ar. Oana. Araarloa has acted adtb reaUim game, and Bse MUdlera^fraeed BY DONNA ASHWORTH ctowniaMT. i#4i. To Circumtenf Shorfuges r a ^ A * raiKHiaoN and 'direct efficiency of purpose. WaMUngtoo, July 10.—(ffH-lhaA The veaaet’ win from Ifew NBA SMVICB. me. wn«r»l tfanam . , their route, and-lf.aml'K thayjihvethey learn­ United SUtes b u taken aefloo to Fork July 18 with E lc f««ndlMl 0«i«bain. 1(11 Shall-we build our own army with ed any it to disturb Inmdred Chtoago, July 10.— A generaj/knjoylag Uh ^ yirhlle tWB to TArinlAgton diatarbs Ann. wanted to moM you to bta patts ink London and Boston browsing around tim big home i Giat Dr. JamM F. Bogardus, gov- 4 of Americana held prisoners by 'rials, thair aad aiiqdQyoa ^ ' __-' y*’ ^ I emmeat price official, r iv e flciencyT Shall we permit Cmi' they I on the dusty the Nexta or detained in Ger­ of official Ni ______She OBSiadee her faaie to Keis. who “Well, he's . don* It and Ju M o m S h ip m M itL fttnUsblngs market* today saw Up Hope for Sew to war. fbaotat.otgi^- * - t o might disappear entirely from many, Italy and Naxt-oonqueied ■ r Worry a b e a . __ about ruined you. He's turned ) erideno# at every tun* of how CR Missing. '' to dawdle along, carefully At d^pUna, thars aaAlBa to tha tqtaoB voyage ngbt mtht \ •anoaa. letoly Sato from a dashing, lovely ouocesA . Broadcast. qH Sunday IndusUy/under govemment charUng tha political winds, until, Europe. \ I wni bring borne AmMcaB eonau- \ ____ I Xaasfes a ^ , July le.—- defensive glovea of hla opponanta iHji nd ^nxuui''or ItAllwi na* her feats grmmded. I Uy; 0 Vallee aad Bartymoto; 0:80 railroads rushed fe'.ataeable quaatl- wHted anri&ely today for fu rt^ ■ 'l i - S ': kglons are idoUng^/aerosa tba like a piece of w m in hta b< ' Stags stars St home fend abroad Good Neigbbora CHumMa, ,ty of box cars f r m eastern de- their place am fittings of. Wood, . manufacturem’ lines, a SfS.** BOrra diapatebaa oradltad slightly more often than once out Uonais srtll be permitted to taave th^SS^ 2! ****‘‘J?^ annSeSmt ,.pter X "I am not" Ann turned glass or plastics. Many chairs Blnywicatlon all around such taformatlon tte m the Navy or to* *■ Bot otbarwlaa eraditad ib Bering StralU 'a t ' AlaskaT Or this ebuqtry, r?* **5?* *** Amriican ambu- J among the aervanta at the hotri Kan and Jaitat. Ann tried to oaa do toelr share of fe program . CBS—8:80 Mferrioge Club; 7 I fens* Jobs to reUersNaa Impending State Department. aod .alae tba local .oawi of every three.Umes It- bat, and lance drivers, takeisprisoner when that the "American” was iw«i.fiB|r ly. teare smarting ta her shortage toat tod emtangered to* have plasUe legs and anUs. ’Cities as toes*:. ^;-^-^baralo. until, top late, ' thia nation la' The ellert registration ahovirad dtamlse the thBiught of them. ‘‘I’m doing the thing 1 \Vsnt' on behalf Of Brittab War mllef. It /P esth VaUey Dfeys; .'UtO BarWr Six of the 10 nurfees who sailed All ^d!«na.,^of " rapabIleat'toB by Judicious distribution of his approximately. MOfiQO Italians a German subnuitoa torpedded upon a dally tub bath, and n S w tried to preten...... wUl be on NBO-Rsd a t 8:18. / ^Shop (Quartets; 8 Morton Oould movement of grata to ta*H(et Them sm. fabrics that aren four-way uUUty.afilt eombta June 8 for England aboard a Brit­ I^Wapatbiiai baralB ara alao shocked- Into, the conclusion that w sank the Egyptian steaihahlp y«ung i Spanish maids brought uung.do. I’m perfectly happy dot) concert,for Major. Bow**;'9:10 The secomT developM as toe fabrics, but papsr,ySnd ing a cockuil table, smoking ta­ ’“S sgratting power so that no game end .330,000 Germane now Uvliig waa aU right.« Ken: r t t and I don’t see why ' you From London are to be beard ble, electric clqok and fiber lamp. ish----- vessel -• ar* aeiiawiJi^vmtaelng. ffWOURed VeTuUV Crou Sentiment, imd- politics as usuid In the United States, in contrast Ztamxam In m|d-AUantle on April l»*T«: pitchers of bot water and And It probably would' have been Evelyn Lay*, Maggto Teyte, Jaok Prof.QuIi. /' / Kansaa C|ty Board of'Trade told of prsMsd *eIIulos*; wrU offlctata, reported toelr diip/whlch % i « ’S In 4S has passed, without Its 17, Alao held ere two newmaper I emptied them Into an 18th cen- on Ken.' NBC-Blue—8 / Easy / Aces; 7 farmera yeeterday'lhta cH/a ota- Instead eff cloth. Lamp etonufac- An appatriri kneehole desk that wea not identified, wi aarviea ellaat msen disaster? to the fCw thousand Xmertoaha If Jim Coon hadn't Come with hta 1 good , Buchanan, LasU* Hanson, Btahley wea not itentified, was torpedoed rrlea (n't share of this procedure, Joe Dl- Still in Germany, Italy or Aatax ootraepoiidMita detained In Ger- >>Ath tub so that I cduld per- New'-^ork orchestra for a Right's Holloway aad Gtraldo’a orchestrai lUeardo's Rhapeodlefe; 9 Montreal vatore-^ormteg to* targfest pH turem hava turned o u ^ e m s with turns out,to be a sewing mfechtae about two weeks ago. What baa to be done wilp not many and occupied France, and ^ rm my dally ablution. Even to for you, tbat'e why. Because be^ Symphony; /dOM)4 P.GA. Golf mary hard winter wheat termiiMi bases made of wood, some of In dtagatae, and end tables that I ' t S . {^mi^ara llapraaaBUtiaaa, Tba tlw ,tenular Magglo ha^ turned 'his auperb dominated countries. Xi’-large i •Agegement' &t the Strat^ore double-crossing you, taUlng Boston wlU contribute Gertrude t i n . Ruth Brecksnbridge, so- The isolationists wW portion of the Germans Sind Ij two consular employes ta Norway. | ^ country, time was/when Sat- "Jim Cpon ta going to be he: Lswrene*. iiaary2^0:15.^R*p. J. F. O’Cbn- In, the nation—oould accept, n< whito looks Uke porcelain; of are,Jtolly eewtag cabinets or cletyety Woman of Winston-Salem,Winston.___ „ N, kS Jailor Matbawa ■ Bpaelal AatBcjr-245/' promise and talent Into the cre­ he has to work at night Ha'i mom grata for etorage or'loan- to«bklng fetanda / C - - • * — JJaw Tork. Chloaro, OatWt bi of broken promises. And tans btre were reported to have Americans residl^ in Germany! I ’?•**** ^ And Ann told^en that ntaht. - he) been here twice . In the last- I nor on "Preserve Amertefea J>e- gtafes or pottety, instead of metal, C.. a volunteer, and Mias Maxine Boatoo. . .. • ation of hla first 'great record, , Axto-conquefred coentriesl ^ most-American homes, I eyes gl''—’—*' —•**' — xCleaiing up at UmM, then moeracy." except ^ prearran^i and ehadqs'"^7t myon taeteod ' oC Stress on interchangeable prices C. Loonjhr of Springfield, Mess, thereN ano Gy. "Ws'd ruin, everything. he hasn't lately, has ht? He’ij attsM . After letting hta Itatenera Bluer 8:00, NBC^M . C M ;/ 9:00, “American homes" carried out In the promise la that thIa nation When he found himself Jn the know that be tatended to start on NB&BIue, MM; 10:00./MM; , No. 3 bardr-and aaUcipato>hlgtor yearn for metal furaltum Is chang­ soma Instances, to the extent of nuree# on the British ship were N*xt to Manebawer 1 ^TlTMabtRl.^_____ Thursday, July 10. leave the United StatesBtee by Jii|y who^-.e*pecSn?be IIf. O^n Would reco^ise you, top busy having cocktails wit prices in th* future, ing to wedd and plasties. «acued five days ago after d a n Cona. (F rto l feS Let Rear off IWoim) will Buryive, free and Independent, midst of/this record, it was prob-' IS. that Janet" voeatloa after tonight’s N l^R ed 11:00, M M ; 18:48,^^ N M ; 1:00. working American eagles aad 10 ably, ar surprise to him. But M M ; 3:85, CM ; Sf88. j ^ - B l u e ; W. B. Scott, bqara eecdstary, MahOffany. ta becoming so flags Into designs. drifting at aea. j GROCERY PBtCBS In a . wnrid where such survival Immediate action is desired, leave f r a e iv 'm I T-**” puwons. w esus and gar-1 you aren't -what you've been pre- "I don't believe iU." broadcast at 8, B i^ Crosby hM : AT S lS M a MAIM Marshall Is Bight loave ireely. ^ Mannflred Zapp, | baare ara removed from toe body. I tending to be. My mother woiUd toe words to Solly decided to pos^nme nta departure 8:38, NBC-Red; 8:48, fS S , NBCV said' 88,800,000 im itota of grata Oaly 15 Kmwb S m csm ^ STREET. 1 “ .c p jrtr. wUl ba potalblel We cannot ful­ w h ^ be came closef to aitaiev- was learned, so that/bome of tha Blue. - ' / now am in stopake h*ra. And 8,140 Alt of the 17 Rod CroM womon ta t It, and the heat was r e ^ y on, Americahe may totum to the cannot exist | never forget you or me for die- “Go down to t o e __ for to* summer untB July 31/ For k few days after General fill* that promise by complacent Room and see for your Rowsver, Bob Burns goes on bta N l^ R e4 ^ 1 3 nooh. Brad .Roy- cam r—Ay P it unloading, to said. manta to ths hifh*st on to* Maasdam originally ware be demonstrated himself the true, United Statea on h o ^ the West 0, 1^ ™ -'hoUdsy MvPlanned. The delay wllK )lde, tenor; *l:ia-/p.m. Mystom Would tH -' all avallabla storage reperted safe, but officials OBOrga C. M araW , Chief of Staff, half-measurea. We must bays Point, formerly the-* luxury^ Itaer don’t believe me. -They Lear Defends standards of conduct and oombat :rt^ rd a y only 15 now ar* known sports champion. He wee cool w l^ J***" s n ip e d in spreading | to a healthy body, and tola ta were J u e t^ * "your motherr and every afternoon.” ant dpwa EKng’a vacattan from to* fan; 5 Three Mas trio. C B S^ spacejskeept tof bins sccommodat- efficiency. Nothing leas wUl secure 9Ur OKwt able iKUdler. and fOr- full courage and dedalon aU down AAerica, which soon will »wir4 a Naxi here,and In other I horpe out In practical experience r*l>* would act just aa the Mar- nsnaf I t wa*Sfexby two- commen­ Mary Margann McBrtdel^ 8:18 :xtwo mlUftm bushsta, absolute to have been nacuad. tuneately no politician, had the and confident, and as - happily round trip acrqss the Atlantic. '1 don’t believe you, I ' Imum needed for amtotb han- this- country’s successful <|efsnM . Ste nufeee unaccounted for the line, whether the problem la Ameriean republics. | ta everyday Ufa. Sclmtlsts tell us *balls did. I wouldn't fhinw of listen to another word." tator LoweU Thomas hM attract- High ways, to,(teal to; 4:48 Dtaeua- finance Hike agetaat thoroughly disciplined, courage to coma out with his nonchalant as a schoolboy. And that we ara constantly breathing taking you there." sd plenty of a ttn tio a with bta eton, "Strfetchtag MUea.- 'ditag of mix grata up for sale. Lta to* latest sinking were Fhyllta FH lM t er.co^ the Red Sea, Iceland, or, building SaUy hadn't told the tnitL Trader*------vtauHlfeed fannersI seek- trained and efflelenUy led hoetU* 1* Iv an s’ 34, Everett, Msoe. ; Dor- 1‘wonunsndatlons for chan^'ot In now that he has his record, he ta ta pneutaonla germa, t b. gsrma I “But Ken—" She waa ptaad- Ken wouldn't do to a t He hadal Ofeptalney of hi* softbfell team, toe NBC-Blue^'lO a.m. ■ Viennese l a l l b r t the, beat army we know how. We ed to hit ta such pinches. Senator *h*l others, yet we do not "catch" ,lAff> tears jhlstlng her ejree. . ^Nla* Old Men, so, for that reason eemble; 11:80 Form and -Home tag spfec* In smaller tarmtaeta and forces in case we ar* attacked. Bdeton; Nancl* the laws governing the wrvlee of powdering the ball with an ex< been ependlhg hla tlma with Ja General iR ^lies to Crit "Loose conduct and rowdytam 99. Detroit; Hetaa Jnr*. can't play checkers one moment, ConniUly lent lacking In political PU*umonia or tuberculosla "Don’t argue with me, darling, Ilka everyone was saying. Ha others. It w m belwvpd h* hour; 3/'p.m^Orpbana,'p.m.^«rpn*as of-JMvOic*.ox'Wvore*. I ®" said such facinues draftaos and NaUonal (gurda- uberance which would indicate slelght-of-hand, but toe veteran ?**tatance la so low that toeee The idea of jtour ' thinking you qualify M sports sp< cannot be tolerated . . . I am re-' wics, Souto Amboy, N. J.; Mar* and give-away thef^next Washington been ‘forking eatra ao they :lfi HoQywoofi. BymplK^ Sa**eri^tiM**** 1’®®’'* ^ ®"*F,* P*r- icism of March for sponsible also that members of the rATSt L Somenrille, 38, ristsin^t M i c t o f t l Bieo. It seemed that Americ^ was ’ •»- - ' ■ • ■ tbat .be Is never going to stop at. Texan has toaied sd many rough Can get a foothold, mul- <‘uuld do such a thing. Don't you have time for toelr honey_ Ths'desun: He ta to do Bill 8 ld ^ ,* ^ ^ * * ^ L la e tor-cent of th a received Second Army treat .tlu dviltan . 7. Y.; aad Dorothea L. Koehia. 86. \_oB ce nwfe going to mix sentiment all, not with 48 games, or with punchea end gouglnge-toto iu« flply and flourtah. - Virulent «un. I have any pride? Don't, you care And Sally thought Ann would taosAtoat bn NBC-Blos Bsturday 4 9 5 2 Yoo>Hooing TYoops. Oehkoah, Wta. ^ l%e Informer? opponents that It's hard to expect ***** *ueh aa amalipox and the >hout me ? I wouldn’t think, you'd Bight iil'.toe vacation abSene* of ns*." .^ m e short itoTafe: **^4 Scott, ta toadad;,' for population with respect and oon- Issfc *eo, -b«puue both k>fflRS - MUW $Tia 8W - ‘and poliUoa with reaham lu 88. ' . . / on him—would go and aea. Wa U E D jbX P . Berlin 8:18 Ifi®®*C:,»'2Jl«»l *rita(i*tee place sideratlon . . The measage add­ R m rto d m^m were Rachel M. any conatderatloa' If be should e r* '* * ‘**®* oommon in to- lu kumlUate me, h a i ^ ell she wouldn't She didn't want BUI Memphis, Taan., J«ly loL^!^eU broken. the Senate." Houae-sponsored Issue. mlUiona against Infection, they did »>AAlng her ftol every inch All at once her breath caught la | i w o Other poesibl* eoIuUons have jority of men" In toe recent Ten- eervA The death of kindly, soft-apokto not. but they did in«»»n m ^em 'l***^ wea, an outsider, who fim r' war WDRC remains Second A ^iy commander Nttibiri u §7* ^ be placed ever before. There are otoere who might be her throat Bk* couldn't thtak.1 " R i k ^ ^ Kfloeyelcfe presented toemselvas: "aoldtarly stAndards of conduct »••*«* maneuvers. rUSH MATIVf UAST9IC ' ^ and well-beloved Sen. Pat H ^ri- mentioned—but, et tola writing, “ Altatton. removed haa " " tieCn permitted for a Uttle She looked at the man eomlaffl ■* Criticised ta Hons* under the trvie oommandxpf the Berlin caUa the move Into Ice­ wbUe to cater the fife be bad to Be stirs OayAsK^,Y>AM ' Daylight TtaM v x Fort Worth, said W. O. Brackett will ba demanded of all tadlvldu- son, president pro tern of th#'Sen­ not aerioualy. Some enterpriaing toe filthy breeding places of dis­ down the atraet toward her. B n of the Greta end Cottm Exchange, ate In uniform.” Lear was otao criUctaed In the PERSONAL army would be ; ^ t aside land » “ftab In the back.” ate. has so further thinned the ease germs, and the result has offer her.' mustn't see hsr. Ken would nevarl ChiskMi u senator may oome forward and *T don’t want to humlUato you. Thnreday, Ja|y 10 had available storage spec* for Oeneral Lear telegraphed Rep- House yesterday by Representa- 21 while.’* Senator Wheeler la com- Connccticui ranka of loyal senators that the. make hla place in toe sun, but been a living testimony of toe ne- forgive bar. And If aha ahouM b a| • liwffdby SfY »• t0i.miiUon bushels. Uve Dirkaen (R., Bl.), who com­ administration reportedly la get bell have to start from scratch eerity for pubUe health measurea It didn’t -piatter about goia seen talking to him, all Farmtag-I P. M. aentotlva^RUday (D,. Tex.), L 2J j the White Hottse has spok^®^®*** the fact that -1 to hear Jim Coon If Ken'tadnit , Onwto was Ustsd a* bstag able member of n special Hoiwe sub- mented on “groudiy, golflag old 'F*f5^artrtr^a i S s ting a little franUc about what to ahd not hold up hta record aa tea- In this country, much has ton would know her secret iBnal '' taetatoffe^^FU*- 4:00r-Ad Uner. to hfemto five milUon bushels. if you wffl t e lememlMr to Slieed B am >^ 29* eih^ln p ^ at least It approves I • premature an­ y®t to bo done to improvo tbo want her to, bt|t aometlmea she 5:00—Mazy Marita. eonuatttos Investigating personnel genereU." Lear was on tbs golf / Y a n jc e e do for leadership to toe upper tlmony that be ddiervee toe place, had to get out of eight I Itotta D f ^ - {' Wiehlta^elllUea am not yet fill­ couto* in myfU whan the tr o m ti^ a eeksoneetaaubll*. ASSORTED ■ ___ the exteh^dn of servlca beyond nouncement of the United health of toe people by preventive waa ao lonely for toe Kght of a She had been so busy wornrlaffl ..Mwnao^ Jones. 0:18-^Tto Goldbergs. ed to captolty^ Blatters In toe defense program. chamber. / I The beat guess now la that tha familiar' face-^ for Jerryltad the In the S5to division abbnted at CMS year^ The question of whether States’ uitantlon to move Into By A. 1b . 6 . It isnt that toere aren't some {President < will struggle ■!««£ measures, such aa cleaning up about K*n and Janet ahe had for-l 4:4^YoungYFldd*r Brown. 8:80—Ths O'NeUls. But—mill# ^ which uss hard Who yesterday wired Lear he eon- to me SimJted' Siddag FOw- GaM Cita » 25* mM remaining Who can be count- without any Uataon to too upper alums, and seeing that the under- old crowd. Sometlmea she wanted gotten tola wan toe night Jim Oooal 5KMi—Ronta of toa Brava. 5:48—Ad Liner. |whsat am oontontratod In tUs' templatod a resoluUon to tavesti- sborts-oMd. girls and one orilad dw. For with Rondted you ^ Biaiteball be allowed to serve Iceland. H a^ta-only korry, ap­ privUeged gets sufficient fresh air to 4§nce madly, wUdly, and laugh WM coming to town. And Jitnl S:lfi—Poriia Faces Ufa. 8:00—News, Weather. gAto Laar'a “eevsm puatahment" 'Hey, buddy, want a .caddy?" at ma tee aiw good leete* t t e PORTERHOUSE, CUH, N. ¥ . O 4 1 If it waa on the pleylng fields of ^ to line up on the right s l^ house, counting on Senr Alben with an abandon that Ken or him. outal^ the limits of the West­ parently that tbOtaUs didn't take Eton that (>>rporaI Hitler and bU of'toe aisle when the chips are Berkeley, majority leader, end per- end sunUght, and proper food and Open was coming down, the 8:80—WA to* A hk® ^ . 8:00—Hedda Hopperie HoUywood Gemmodlty Cretot of some 880 aoldtem for yelling at t^yoarhaey. DonVwony STEAKS SIRLOIN or B O n O M ROUND u O I hla warning serlousi>Kand have Murtahment to buUd etrong bodies Ken'a group knew nothing about. totaard her. /y 8:48—Jack Araistrong. 6:30—ICdwln C.w. HilLm,,. j offlctata promised to h^ta by re -!•'"••••golferi as they__ , ^passed through Representative XUday's mes­ about how modi baking pow. ern/^lemlsphere the President friends lost the Ipst war, they will tolng^punted. The admtotatra- haps Vice PreMdent Henry A. She had left aU toat behtad. She ^Ould leave to Congresa for the welcoming fleet mn boh^iersDom on do well, this time, to have advance tlim stllt/has a eubetanttal ma- Wallace to pass along hta dff-the- which are reatatant to InfecUon. (To Be OimtlBMd)^^ «fi0-7tfawa aad W*Atheri 8:80—Pkul Sullivan R ^ ew s the i»®ring on* million bueheta. That I Memphis Sunday. Th* general said sage made refetenoe to “strong dm to to*. Tto.amount toe SIRLOIN, PORTUHOUSE Ainerica ta ahead of any other was being Ken’s kind of a woman 8;15?^BaaebaU Sebraa and Btrict- evidence of your personal dtaplsas- diraeUoae cell for is the right Bt hand. He iiaserts ^ li respect for the CObnectlout grid­ jorlty M long; aa the fight ta Just record convli " now, and she must forgst the old New#. . V taereased their promtaed removals hta action waa “neither unjust nor MASTS TOP or A O n p M ROUND iron. a ekj^Irinlsh 'between Democraia country In tota effort, and toe re­ /|y Sport*. 6:45—Baseball Scores; The World t® BiUUon bushels—but ndnsleevem." ure and derire for revenge." Gen­ smoiut to oie ( t Rmnfoid. . 31< Thia la allgbtly more oonaUtent of letting tha Amerlcerlc^ sults obtained In the p m T few Ufe. TT 9;k8—rtv s Dollar Ffeeto. Today. ^ baa been moved. ------— ------. . Romford ao ahaa — For the final, and most formld- and RepublWcans.^i3ut when it de-fWhat Wa 'It's-Just that I’m honeMok,- f 1 eral L«ar pointed out to reporters never Jaarm a bktef GD'IUINE SPRING with the leadership which opened (and the Neats) know of'any fu­ le answer to WlUy Messer- years ta evidence that we are al- Man rfiO—Profeefeoe Andre Sebanker. 7:00-Amo# V Andy." I fnsww ®in ®P«‘ i i w iji^ L*APf fwixmm w m ^ritoeed that he was In dvUian dotbes at velopa Into a^ JMt_toe menOon^ of Vice Preal- guesa, and Jim Oocm Is a person ;4:4S -4 iOw*U Thomas. 7:15—Lanay Rose. |notnot eUglble ellglbls for for government govemment loaaa.loans. 11.reieaaea m o. S te for WM h X SELECTH) tim 'Red Sea 'said occupied Ice- ture ‘'ataba In the back'^ the scBniitt’s boys and all. their devtl- drag-out, who' r*“ F *WJtog a "new order" in I’ve known a kmg Ume. But Ife ths tone fehd apparently uareeog- eontolning dosMS of UUIB LEBS . 2 0 try lUFeady has hta dark, curly Islgnata, call “P “ ‘“ * health. Thta-xleanup campaign la / 7:00—Fred Wariag*a Orchastra. 7:80;—Marrtag* Qub. Dtaed by th* soldiera. Ideto to improve your I Und. These were realistic, not United Statea policy may ba \dl- ♦ ,5^^**** purtAAt point Ptom' ttaT m ^ « t quite all right. I won't quarrel 1 / 7:18—Newa of toe World. head tangtad with the clouds and ^‘*ne boye from J?**^*' I a one man Job.. . . a job for each with you." She wss clinging tp ______"I aito tonbnalbl* for to* train Addiem; Rundoid ___ political moves. X ship a .day is rectlng a| Hitter aggression. hta clear, ptoriesa eyea accustoin- Sen. James F. ' B yrnes_ and every man, woman and child, 7:80—Inter City Quta Show. 8:80—BarberJ'22^5^C Shop Quartet omSing-1 i edy • at ■ State *• fectoriee jBs* np 790,- Powder, Bos R Raafo to Increase the efficiency him. 'TeU me'3rou iove me, and By (morgs.Tnefcar 8:00—Fanny Brio*. *' I lag of aU *tom*nta of tota (See- BM arrlvlBg In the Red See, $vlth Hla predtaj^ure asseitlon about ed to the slght*)sand hla marveloru* greatest contact man toe Presl' lUcked a lot of com ta Twiriti^ rU try /to forget It, I wouldn’t I • Ing.. ./■' OOO short tons of steel aanu^y, Bhoda lehind. *!*• direct result of etrengthening Iceland last Thursday may have ta already bonununicated to dent ever baa bad on the kill— SfiO—Tto Aldrich FamUy. 8:8^ E Im # r Dovta and to* Nawa T^lc^ases A udience Ai«rfor raising *Bsie- accordtag to the Cenmis. . the beat combinations of power- of .good fellowB like that 8:00—^Blng CroSby .,siiid Bob thk British in the Near East at been gueeework,'and may not hM mova^ up to the Supreme New .York.—Zf you like aalmaln 9:00—Major Bowes Amateur boUsa and speed the Uhited States CSourt. Pat Harrison ta gone to an who look to him for you should go to toe Central ‘ Bums. Hour. have bean founded on any accurate to# floor. Already, ” <7^■Pr■ ^ ...... a^th_ sl0:0O-^Rtt(ty Vallaa Program. tba very moment whenHitler’s .can put in the air, and a ih ^ t he even higher tribRnaL koo because It la a sort of 10:00—Glean MUterie orriiestra. When Paramount’s comedy vws ' ptaoccupaUon with Russia ta giv­ Information. But he 'le "not re can dh to an enemy ta a gl . Pve combed the q k^room s and autWfigptn i t the Health” ta now"?T S•!***kW* M ila ld w e ^ ^ tk l^ 1 at every turii, wtlhmeettag HI hertoe reri aoo of tha menagerie' 10:80—Good Naighbora. 10:18—Profeeeor Quta. part. of\toe Connecticut trkdi gjrmnaaium ging. He'8 a poptdar lliOO—Mews'fend Wfeatber. ^ sloa of conscription's Ughter aide, ing them an opportunity . to re­ pentant over the posaibUlty that listened to tha riuaqrs. There's health young people she ew talking It a smalL it’a * lot of fun." 10:48:—Musie Itottemed fOr Danfr "C tai^ t In toe Draft," opened at back In the days when a bet on totmia partnar with every senator Uuougb good U v^ habits, To to- ab^htaM ming. *^®**®’* O^Nag Bn- build their forces. The Preaidant's he might have given aid to . the l ^ l y any one you could point... . ^ taowa a net ftdin deuca. And great .New I Imagine you can sea etasy- tag. toa Stat* toaster tato nlghL It Tale was not disguised charity to d eay be'a the ni ^ ^T*. ■ *°PF. J«*t addreas your re- York isatra waa an thing toere In aa hour, aikl yat I l;00—N*ws, weather. decision on the Red Sea, then, NasU; he glories ta It, and will ypur friends/ |Teat-]hla luncheona, both and 11UK>-3S^ Jamaa' Orehaatra. aoundad mar* tike an. audtanee dent K “ “ “ Everybody there ta plenty to see. ' Il:0fi:-S|potta Roundup. sea who oould lau|to w ai a direct oontribuUon to the do It again. never attempted to cany for­ Informal, dally taeliida . ftom one , Furthetmore, the an 13:00—War Newa and Sammy ll:10..-N*ws Of the World. \ ward into hta iWular life toe fame .-.to a score of toe men with whom Kaye’s Ordhsetra. For Bob Hope ife r the Adanlng of tha war. This ta an alarming thredt Mr. George A lfe#^ Busy s: It— she wouldn't be have some dtatlnet trait or par- 11:38—Musical Interluds. btisleto rookie In the he won under thy famous "length^ XpMrworka. vetope and S cents In stamps. danqiiig ______13:BA—Aba. Ifirm an Orchestra. W oad roL^onU Tba occupaUon of Iceland glvaa Wheeler la a United States Sen­ enlng ahadows” rfvtbe Tala Bowl! S«i. W alt^sv. George, qj Geor­ bow mubh this to the rhythm of Jim •(maUty or talent that tnaVt* thein 13:8(^Nswa. ■ ''v* , wr“ orchestra, whole Army. It’a hard to Imagine gia, might be the. next President I clear Isn't QAWtIoatanail'Anewere ^®^'* I*a®tiaa' Fraiir^ Price ^®*w*r: A ffiaobar^ from toe ***** together, leaving toar*. After lodklag at lim for a otoer great favorite, Dorothy VH u2i* Bm m tm mimmrw Z to Lieutenant Clinton Edward than an ordinary Job anyway___ ifiO—Suarisa SnactaL -News, woather. \ mour. Staftlag off with a hang ■X •na It ta Berlin, tt it, therefore, American air and the American Frank of the United SUteaAnny It ta oiUy when some senator not «AT may ba due to one of many I*? ®**®** *° the garden, thinking “ *““®*J|w get to* eu^ciaB 7:00—Mbcnlagt : 0fi—Mbtnlim 1 watob. Spaetal — icuata. when top gua-aby Bob dtaoovsre it ■ IMtTtM Bim2fMfe2P A fTcat aad raallstlo atep toward platform to reveal whatever he Air Corpa, aoo of- Mr. and Mrs. otherwise In a key position can be ith and MaHin I t naiy he catiaed by wmn 1 Kie. «Udn;t , see tocm! thM that h* ta Just slttliig there smo—MasraTweatoer.---- -Maws, Weaiaer. x that fe ptatol ba uses to really load* | vtctery. . ' ' I Arthur A. Frank of EvanstonTlil* given that post that It means any- K may to'^aoed to aa eMma'I***® ‘**‘*®’* ^O*** tell-tale scraps Of tag up names to oaU Jack Bsoay. f :|8—Maws Hare and Abtofed. 7:88—N 2 1 ^ 2 1 * Iwrut ^ 2«ao.2P knows, whether or hot it be of ihlng. ■ . : w ithin to n k a r itaelf. 'The middle N ” *****^®” ' The amst graoaflil crsaturalm 8 ed and wont atop- abootlag. the TfeqrPtat rJulrr _ .To contrast thaee two forceful, aid and comfort to Hitler. ^ ‘The couple will make toeiiv On PrpgranI TCaa Richards la rushiag 8:90—Radio Raaafer. SACfe keep comlag ffeatar,juid test* ■- -V -■ ■ ■ ★ , ■ home Rt Gotodfeliow Field, San An- As for a real “Uataon man" B w f be affected aad tofismedT to* BOO ta a taUlass Glbboa moo- 8:BB—WTTCfe program Farad*. 8 — MuoIg SahM *S52I« ffcdatve atep* with a aanttmental ■Ihto wlU not. In hie view, be — Is knovm M oUtU madia. old flame again, tmi’t he?" kHT and to* cmdist ta i tolmpaa- tlmi. er teltoout fe stop, and so does tool BbltwnEXtlllt fefev 21* ffeio, Tex., where Lieutenant Frank lly an a^nymoua Job, be- "Wonder If Ann knows?" 9:00—Mtoto Rmortars. ***y *SftA tengh. Lynn* Ovarmairl ateut the kind of atortblng more than exefclse of ta ttatloned. /neitoernegaUy nor poUtl- *^*®mpl*ta knowledge of ■** who ciowM uatU ha gathers n 9:18-Musle WtoM You Work. 8:80—N*vs, wsatbar^x £K52a 2^41* Storra, July la-^MV-.The eRr] w easd 4t'ls not pooalble to ad- “He never wanto anybody h* ofowd about him add than epltsaa aad Eddto Bracken do toelr Mtf AOMieAL I mm IMlI't eaeetJiMfe mt21* _ ‘;iJ«ut«n*«>t Frank, who la one ta . there any such official 9:40-F0ods In Saaacn. f'Sh^PP® ” Spactai BeANO o m |F s.blib p ^ t of W ar who lands la to# Artay eeeTHs IM tlllt OIMMte*^Atfl|R ,jg|rectly and hsavUy\tbe respon- label It^ eomethtag far more ta op against, no word explain- eaytotag to do with Ann uatii 10:48—Rood OC Ufa. 10:^M Jrrt aad MAige. Guniigh a praetloal iSw vtedki (BurfeiTfe eoulP tag how d in t Frank epedkto A permanant lose of hearinr. tota axhlMtloo - e m n a ^ r i i n ^ ^ 11K)0—Mary Marlin. 10:80—S tn in w to e r' * UUUty for omr milltafy aafsty. ‘German and It will be difficult for Measured by the political eta-1 ^ J § ~ y b . avoided she found out ehe w m John. Mar- cope, on a bueman’p boUdsy, am­ on hlfflaa|t Ha’S in toval ' WAX Aorraa iMtit't • s s s r v is u F proJectUae with toe ture of "Jimmy" Bymea. all I - ^ _ Gommtaelonar ahall’n daughter; then sha wc«- 11:18 ' Taaiig*s Family. 10:45—^Wopua o4 CSounj!** with M m e o u ^ . lo e ib ik snATm to making hla recommendation, utast Americana to disagree With A bombelgkt bled la and sbovad toelr way up 11:80—Tha Ooidbarga. U :0 0 -T teat Tima tba ^colcoera daugh-1 ipinD t eeescen man ^ far SSST noSH ^ joined, her with o ^ enns. I'd to toe bars. Tba chimp aaugm tbs .Ruddy tar. who ipMfeia* he need theae eolemn and'wamteg him. Huler nor. any oim them qould be counted eo to °>*°* ^ the *• writes: hbto to hav*. taar for a motoar.tn- 11:48—David R aruat ^Sark. era... -• .■.**y>A"Bntnba| PAtoM er ef to«» ha asSS: ^ there cure for liyocrboea. nearest oop foU la toe fhee. The 13:00' Owa and Otana. proves MfeiitR g ham. . w . ^r d a : \ The bitter truth of the matter A tough aaeignmont aad hAmmer It dentist aavn.toat I nniat have tawl" o w d broke down aad bowtol, 11:18—Martha Wtooter. Ovanafen, rBooh, ' maaw bueoMM « tha weak epota totos absay tlirouiilk bMTt aoul na facae c€ Hertford, “I guess Kan Rtabsnta is tlnd P. H . . • |ll:S0-Blg Stater. “The pc«aib|^tlaa of a yeii: ago ta that Senator Wheeler la quite fonnatton aad hlialsenaail tkeni All of my taato Obt?” 1 have never saea suto restliss 19:18 lemohaonalrto. ■gent le in tba__ Anite to todtset _____ 9 * s ir A»mw*r: • Pyorritaa __ ___ of hie quiet UUta tady-Uke girl. ^ M toat axUWtad by to* gray J*nny*a Stortes. hta 10 per cantnat Tb*/toM______d s__ l^__ ■bava ^baepme ' dangeroualy hear content to have Hitler win the war. m tu ba bad obtotoad bbi biaak- haven’t the adroita*«. ^TtioHti ‘“‘‘weltF^A A*ricul- He and Janet have been having , 1340—Th* Waatoar Man. 1 9 :^ K a to Smith Bpoaks. NiM2aMir»ri:%utfia* pmbatmitles today, aad It la vital throngb, of . bow, whan tba bUtx tolled "dSMtol arthritis- and tots Canartlam **"»*'vr wotf — ' 1348—Dap Xliaanife. Ha will, so far as ba U aUowad, oeewed about to nverwbeliu bins CAl Hmi. nor toe ^ I *« » persistent tefeettoo ^ dinner togetoer a lot lately." AbAgiy. with traaobefoua Irnggard 13:48-Slngta’ ten. AMOMiKt itP f i_ ituM4infiin i2^2a« to ^ aaourlty of the nation thAt conduct himself acbordtagly. oompanied by the iireeenca of pbe Kan and Janet. Everywhere eyaa, paetag up and dowa'wito l i : l 8l-.Whan a Girl M airiar thing la khaki go wacky. aaoevcT A'lto davaetoUng ' pebaar and Ann beard toelr namaa 1:00—Nava, Waatoer. 13:M--Rainate of H*ka Treat last ' d r ­ tba Megan Bmpttad ANUPAa* JA* ia* orgealstag a defenga army, need- inandteg officer. te* ,fl*Id. For tbat.enatter who toAring down' on toam from toe Important maos-produetlon pro- ftBOtURf mooBA. 346—Fraalt Parker, <$eUsn TOR COOMNatOAAAAR 0BM8 • leas to aay, does not oonstat m would dars u n ^ iT S ^ ch a stiver screen of toe mqrlaa. d u ^ p«vtd*d we metatata a low “Ken Rlohards ta (Imihle cress Left to Motiier l Ttoaauiy of Soag. I Men a tttt 2 2 1 * The other day, a battaUon of tag you. Ann. I Just beard to- A proud. Aajesuo creature w out tolhe rlteHddteg"5i£iSI poww ehbfe OBd flov* wM toet tolling on* haU-tratned group than Any machine. marktags on hta forehead.' NIr-. t t does a ft ooaatat Ih Ommscticut oould tell p a w toe shadow man-walk and had faced her filanda with her th# bulk to bta estate to bta moth* I * Woman Is Named •■lAo ehjoytag the golf, and For tha inovtas hava eonm to .fc^,**»*ftad Navajo . presents -Gel. wmto« J. ft**® : high to Imep peopi* from 1 must oonfsm that toe buffalo thojV loot at twrilie epeedt Um 7*io ■oddea dlsniptlaa of tadts Ooerlng of timsa when tha o d to ^ ^ f U m a at oeremonlals and otow seemed dull, stupid creaturae. Per­ Mfep C. Hajrwferd to New T w O F r C U C l l S h i o i B presumably toe pretty glria, waa not cqwL It Could warn him to ^ raasrvatlou. Tba reanlta are knowing wbnt Ken mrimrds w m _ . stoadj and fttnr^ iMd low to tha i^iue Just bdgtaatag to learn hllariona aad also. aducatkmaL Indlaa gatoaringa. Tba program R would seem aiearoHy. beltav- doing to her . . . to keep them haps ^to* bMt);badbMt) bad them groggy. To Defense Post! A gentleman ta clvUltn olothea. tave his yelkiw-nosad squadrons WM etartod bwtiM govenunent to abla ttol toe French govemment from died a t 88 bi New* ' aad dutlais. it Mora Than 11AM Baa Flnlmse knqwtag that mie knew. “» ^ P®!**' bears ward opt of bu- ^ “ *® liATUAAthad gronnd—tboy atoor a. tm o eoorae. NOWf A8 lie artrtreeer t hta ban, one of ?? \T '*‘** tl*tmir around any araa From last March, when a mbbUa ■toualnrtoa LKbaaTwlto^ ad- at Vichy should adopt to* policy won't baton to you talk aboutthe heat also,. but _ they ___ In., delag n tle r No. 14 might be ^ ta g a s of propar tanning meto- of e^boratlMwtth ottw powm FW.000 to hta mtUaw, MarJorM Ankara, Turimy, Jtoy 10--to)— EXTRA toe aokUers yeUad “fore,” when visual edneattao unit bagaa show- Km." were toe favoritos of toe gapere. 3 ^ . aad 18,000 to b ia m ^ [Two a n te French ettM fe AOOO- Hartferd. July 10.—to) — Mrs.] ONiy t f t o t of drawing, an Bnaadn'. tag films around toe vast rissrta odn Moaervatom. batter Uvestock. for too purpoto of aggremluu u d She swung away from where Inektantally. about 10 a. m. the Constanca.L. Townsend of New ' 1|Ry«nM of fBMsnsaudefuaons ho came aver to complain another _Fer If that nnnsber a« s m at good bablto and nead for an alto npprMillJli. nadar bia wlU, Ite toakar aad a trawK, S r i i ItaB aad aayliig tp Urn: “So tlMi. more than 17,000 JfavnJea ■be stood by toe windows, storing, alsphaate ora |tv*a • nwratng fw probate'bare yesterday, ite m Bolnit Labaaan, to eecape Haven has bean apptontad aetett. hjrtlaM. Thojr lead in hBoyant riding riwuteid, “Hay, buddy, d o n t, you Gaeie Samis phum# —-"-r halt have) seen tha piotuns. totkxL. Cunsnt aewsreela oecora- —Seeretary a^ Mato ort at to* driiBly June afternoon salad compos^ o t a buabal to ant to l t a DorotlvBterlae. mem. ptnginas toward us want a caddy?" petoaS Ssstnutton It aMd to pony toe ednhatteoal fUme.^ ^i!*L*®®® ^ *“• aiotoar. ber to th* State Detonsa " ^ A wlMi CenwmMtml after- Prasldant Boosevrit is ahrays a torough mocking eyes, Mtiiig -her Utah potatofea'itaw. When toe po- S te yw arday a t ths ’JXTLi? T^trktab ante all their own—as yonll Nad fior Toil niay have As a rsault of tola, on order of ipular subject. Bo too pre pared- . ®f*** •* iMiMBtor Arise B^ote 'aystema must 'liot watt Ups to stop their trembling, her u to w are placed on to e -g ro te » *>»»• *'»»« Plaat took to A m to vamen’fe notivtttoe, •n v i n m A favorite a u b j^ is anv de- for faetoriM an^ ahfpyarda to _Afnea------on _ _a —iaopard>taattlaff ,------——gly ft* ttkaadarua. , Alenaa- CqL Samuel H. ftaher, otfeto aS- je m n m it whan yon enU hnA y t e Nrto of Iceland, because t h ^ commanding officer, toe g aoldiers sad rmr plctares,’ re- picttag the Navajoa. Great gxtaa b ^ Ooimding so bard toat eh* toe elephaato throw a protecting honaymoon,.bona^ete^as waa htahla third’ wif*wlf*.l®**l*l" ived entouetasdoany hy the once b# huUt before, they start trstalag knew Bally could boar i t trurt arote- thent Tboa they inteltoratoc. aimoulte today, j I Joy* of driving la th te «am that D k e A l fof.lCClaad la to the battaUoo trekked back ISO mOea j s of laughter rtaa from to* audtonoe men aad women for nations! de- HU arat two marriage*—to•M Huro P^®-lOan>i cbnflacaOon - — to— teak*.------— ------aaeWn#- M rs Townaend ta e u p a n W to l /••■ for ft Ask in u werUke Navnjoa. ' "Tou r# going to' Uatea to me. gather. up half A doaen a t once eteao# Bennett*tba movie a e tiw aIfuno lg ” aad- artUtafyArtUlefy aboard to*Jto* ufirr.H ieH u ■RsinmRMMCiiMi S me dig RviF a hot road. and were told to - Once aa ai^iy Navajo hoitad a VL ******* Jb**n actors ara f*n*e tadustrtaai , Ana, and yon'ra . going to bear and ahoot toam tato toair mouths Atudmt amjdoyineitt aad vocation. drivn thanteoivcs. ^ F H a M A a T S teabM eo too sersan. RaiA^tteii- ■fta.JBdwbi A. U a. Beam Bebeel fend Edna CNmheni. nadad m *“P Wdlar, aunk Tbi aMk cI30'41 I nmgr. ftoan Ounp Bofateaea. -A rk, ro ^ at tba scraea taasM ef Adolf ntat rv* sot to aay abmit your imieh M a boy would prcqtal beans lUiAIMt Romi MMinNtS gat m MBIax. ®*** *ll» ■bowing.* ? j^ * * * * " ' Tf. ef a a* tan balovad Kea; I don’t UK* W voreaa. , Pte»te la AdaUa barv '*"BM 9Bi9*aaA.iM ne.aier.*,UA* and MOM through MampM# again skirliitlon ftoos Barvstd. Nayajo widdlag. Tbare la a b a ^ fiagelsB. through a been abootar. ' n>09 July 4, was ordered aMoa* fNHNi-npsieMM t m T u r n t m "TJautaaaat Edward Ahaoat'always aooia gMca MtU toa brida and brtS! I AArita ■ have, not staoa b* cam* Th# birds are gfewdy end gay la wt^^napsovad babavliiic ^ dta- iBdiaa oaa ba 'oouatad or to go np toN tas York aad separated you torir plumage, tos .pantoere and Nalas 8Tth BMhtoy I T”**** ioveramant £ & * 5ss.-::______, groom aaol tba aareasony by eatiag Thera are two thiags tont ariD Mldfletowa. Jnte^^M woa-te I oparattone were to bogla tact with an wometi'a sfetlvtUM tB8 Dhltad-StotofAlS to toa serssM, ffatgar tt e o r i o i ^ team the weddtagbaa- and Jerry. bobcats sly. tbs fhxos olart, to* appnnmtiy iM^etol toat ■oreiy daMroy a t ^"Jam y loved you. You. wot* Cateer, firetadfeBt to ■ rw l^ S F F- ' . Gtaoughaifet tbqateta thrnugh kiml - Thd dfflear ordered - tola. If . patoPki'tihlg 'the poet, (taimnacy. aaaael)| •*— -nd aitgators ' “ Th* governaieat -todtaated 888 such M the toa Navajds R t e t tor .each otoer. but Ken But to* most to toa S t DMtar BEL 4 S U m K-GPUi W m U n r, was-, th a. jgfgjgtom^lmFAhau thigr see him I mtt^aad aay Mari with far into to* lifcirt WL to ClffiffSt P i^*t ^ ^ Ht 4 FLAGG, m • v-'t- ' M A N C H E S T E i SN1NO HEBALD. CONN. TH U ESD AY,^Y 1^1941 GBT iM ^UtlB^BI^BVBNtNG HiniALD, MANCflESTBR. C0NN;^TH URSD AY..^X^l(V»4i V' Gulf Coast Oil iEiectrU^oater Found Arms Supplied Cau$e p f FireJSc^e rom Supply Enough / T u G u a M \' Elart Oranga, N. J.,^^aly 10 ' ' —HdT—Aftar aevgo . fniitlaas ’ S' Ss^;^The Craw i Tobacco, FitiU To Beat Naads efforts tp find tbh fire in hia Officers^ N « t l 9 * C « t U n i ­ horns mads Ics efea^ made Offea*ei Nelson Slated > house Robert Bruce csdied the- hy Mrs. Bertha FUnt, one oFihe S p l e n d i d (OMMMWdl Page O ae) fire department. form s; R cadj to Start B oltoti members. Stafford Springs It’s to ^ ic iiA r a - : The floor wah getting too Pick Officers By EMhsr WUllSBu \ ^F«nA«n Sajr. Miss EUssbetb Toomey o t (8 T o n ij^ F o r H ^ a * d T 0 s t ouncod nialn objsctlve was the hot to stand on, Imt even thS Intensive Tkrdoii^i. Jamestowp,.R. L, baa mturiwd to a N o tto . Pom er Sprtat GhAmploii ?r and physicsl invasion of firemen doulthi’t sqem to dis­ her home after spending several 571, issy appears this week to be H ltldr has tipped his hand cover what was causing aU ^ e local anpibry is now back In days at the home of Mrs. B. M. ■« ^ universally recog- tbsm down.i! Hand .^ s u i i ^itly eup- From Culdahl ct that this, section tbs beat last night. fo r whole worldId & oee,*; i Ifc - its normal state aa fa r aa Oic sup­ Bolton Sew' Bcharm sad family. Ephiiim larim 'of Gold street, At ‘^ouse of ‘Aclion’ nlssd sa the supreme opeiMl and |*5d, elbow up. and aboVa.tl.th e Sur- r'-arlU fine crops of tobacco, Hugh . Finally one of them solved ply rooms are concerned. Rifles, Ing Groupa working dku Wednes- faoe. Strstch your the mystery: ' / . Mr. and Mr*- T. T. Smith, and nmmand^ ot Straxsa Post, M rs. AinciIiB G tforek Is endurance stroke, regulras ntas- arm ^forward and.1 com besides gaining bayonets, scabbards, cartridge d^< Ills Bpltm Omter'gnrotip met and gUde. PGA Champ Opposes Gra H oufiert M ove Up to /food' yields^ of market vegetables Elder Most Have Ofl Bruce had left a pair of family of St Albans, Vt,. have American LiElOa and Arthur Gil­ tery o f •^Sutter" kick, arm strbke "He mtu^lmve oil or perish. The belts, and other neCesspry equip­ a t the CobaJaMinlty HaU and work­ been guests of Dr. > and Mrs. Elected Presideht o i lO’Toole and Washing­ ■ .//■" of various amts. Fruit orchards pants banging < « an'' electric ment was isinied to'thC l o ^ units man o f B|dwn -avenue, adjutant and breathj^./ ' S e c o n d PI b o s a s C on ** Russian campiUgn itself IS a des­ ed on i^Jamaa.'' About ten Blake of Shore Drive, for four have been eUcted-dskgsfes to toe Toiiracy's itbt G olfer , also are expeoed to give excellent light swit«m. The weight Of yesterday. Haversacks wore Issued IpreMi^ the Center. Mrs. Herb- R ockville Society. ton Sfeet in 6>Roand Pros nsfnlts This'^vorable condition perate move, di^etlng his stocks the pants had 'thrown the days. " state convention to held July ,The ^Uck may ’ W pracUeed ^ T h ii^ Round; Sev- Wildness Leads to of hard-to-mske^gh octane avia­ during the week, and the Units sis I art Hutchinson u^o Is In charge of ' la due. largely t f. rec^t lalhs switch, Bruce had pluggied an Mias. Mary Ida Hanson'^ left S3 to 36 In Waterbury. Altfniates Feature Attraction; hanging onto toe ride of the pool tion gasoline on chance' of re­ now ready to laui^ an ex t^ vel tke w6rk reported fliat the Man­ RookviUo, July lO.-^(Bpeclal)— Fraettce both ai Hildebrand, cf ..3 arhich came Just' as farmers electric heater ' into the u r in g program for their person-'] Chester headquarters has no more yesterday for a two. weeks stay at are Harold W. Bruce abd WUllam Top R iiig Shbw epaJxUpgete Recorded./f if* " 9® ****^* couping." Lhbreehe. Mm. Frederick Rpyce of At toO" meeting of Stanley Marcus, Wasnick i)^ or whm you'n doing a foce Scat. Voa wUl t your left Kem ey, 3h . . . . 8 were fearing an early sunimer switch Sometime ago apd for­ neL sevrins' material to distribute. Camp Wamplneauk, at Madison, _ .A And Fire Chiefs to drought that would have ruined Orsntlng Hitler a odbwlete vlC' gotten all about It The heater N . H . Hyde Park, president of the AuxU- Dobosa Unit No. 14, American Lega.. should be straight but re­ w klle your Dsnver. JiMy 10.—(F )— Burke, ss ...... 3 Must Get UniforiMs ' . However, thpre la plenty o f knit­ Legion AuxlUary held Wednesday Semi-Ftoal; Vendi^o returns on many crt^.\ tory in Ruaaia.and wamng the was on the floor In the comer Officers of the Second Battalion Mra Henry Rau left yesterday laiy and Mm. HaroM Bruce'of M a r t y Servo Opposes laxed. Knees and ankles are loose. rtgM ana polk, aad vlee vena. P la y Game Tonight. ,B. Katkavsek. e .r ting to be done and a la ^ su^ly Westford avenue, aeemtary have eventag. Mm. Amelia Qworek was M ph GuMshl.'xof ths Sloping >Lu K atkaveek,lh .f came dost In Time praictical centaiiity that the Rue- o f the room hidden behind arC urged to put in thi^ order for of yam with which to' do it. Au for her home in PsWtudcet. after Takes on Rcitick. . Orivtag powra..eonu)s from hlpe ^u ldria aad tatfoM concentrs- .. The rain came in time to swell siaas-would damage their olNfi^elds household materiali; . been elected ak delegates to the 'aleeted preddent to succeed lOs. Bob Britton; W i l B e Griswold, 8b . . . . 3 their uniforms wlthodt delay. Only who are willing to knit are urged spending twb weeks with" .her and tolghs. Musdee of . tbe calves tkm. Is ths man that hunch Moriarty Brothem shattered the ' the hayfield irielda, dissipating, the enough to make them useless m s The firemen turned off the a week and a baU^mains prior to aunt Mm. Frank Spentof) suxUlary conveatloo. Mm.' Eph- Hdsn Roths who has had a moot era .in the gsUerlee areX Jsrvta, rf :.....3 to attend the .next meeting on ■ucoeasful yssr. Everything is ta reedinsaa out Pep Faces G illikan. flve-game winning StMUc of 811- Becker, If rumor that much o f the dahy> conqueror, McHugh said that switch. the Uniform InspecUpn, and it Bruce Rote, elfditeen-months riam M l ^ and Mm, CHaytoh B. do eompereUvely UtUe work. S v about at toe 34th P. O. A. Wedneaday. Mrs. Hutchinson has SmaU h avf been hamed alternates. Turn your head either to right broa aoth lem a t thO W est Side Blanchard, p .,-,3 man's income for this wintw. success stUl would raise the Ni takes time for the uniforms to be enough eewlng material on hShd old acn of Mr. and Mrs. Earle Other offlOom elected wem lat Red Men'a Arena for tha re- BlenL wonld have to go tow aid purchase oil stocks only to 15 per cent of Word has been, received o f the First Vice. preddmit, Mise Rita Hertford July 17--(8peoial)— or left to breathe (but att^ to **• Pto ^ Gfot mads to .fit the officer concerned. for another week and hopee by Roae, returned to hla home on lo ep tloa 'o f another large Crowd to- Guldehl opened ' today)^ io-h defeat of the season on the Twt Totals o f hay. the worid’s reserves. Blue bpatd muat'sjso be put on tha Wednesday from ths Lawrence desth o f Albion C. Rounds, Blcdea;'3nd vice preddent. Mm. It doean’t fcep^ very often but toe same ride). If ypu breathe third round agalnst/^defendlng le leaders behind the brilliant fo . 5 ■ 7 31' 6 that time that further, eup^es will former reeldent > Stafford Inlght, a crowd that Is expected to In almoat every section fields Full control ot Japan's produce [strict Meet un^orins when they are purchased. be available. and Memorial Associated ho^i- ot Dorothy AH^; eecretaty, Mrs. two boys who have aevH loet a o n 'to e le ft side, yoif’ wiU turn champion Ryron NeWem, another Of ht)Sky c y Blanchard. look well asd ao fsr insect pests tlon would add leas than 3,0 ‘Mutimt uty for fifth district. Knights of CIvIe Aaapelatiou I arrived at the arena only to team moat rugged boys ho has evsr fac­ water. He exudes confidence, eerartlng Stolen beata; Horvath; left sa ‘ 'TTUaoo ssnt'D ents before French British 'India, which ls.,the4memot- that, “ the annual meeting of the cakes. Mrs. Frits Norsn Is chair­ There w ill be a meOUng o f tbe I th e ehow was poatponed- .'n ieF ra ed in Irish Jimmy Oil' that "my game baa been im pr^ . Silbros . J . trotted ------Ukely-look- out a ises: SUbrosTKMoriarty Bratoata eral’s Office, must t>e In by Columbus, by State D ^ u ty Judge Ing twlrler la a lad named Conley, troope evacuated the besieged Mt posalhtllty of alt,"' McHuiii president and directors riiaU be iy 13. These records are ew man o f the supper. Thomas J. Mollpy of Hartford, Rockville (Tivic Asaoctatlon tola I mputedly toqgh ringmen, who York and Servo will have It'out 1. Keep right ernt' curved tag every day.” ' . 5^: boss on bellehST^tonley 1/ tortlan capital of Damascus June tneorised.. '‘Also, suppose the Week Stwfsd mm evening at tha Rocki^e Houae with BoMm Britton, eoh of the for­ who replaced Dick Cobb on the Blanchard 3; wild 0tah: OoalS- held within one weA after tha tlabsu they must be complete Tbe fifth district Includss R<^- eUng moan punches with both very slightly, j it down wit* all. Neieon, o f course, can't be count­ f i and British troops marched in. Naxla got control o f Burma and Work has started on tbs / town prace^ by a aupper at ate Iflsts.^ mer world's wdterwalght cham­ ed out df his sscond straight title, team’s roster whm tos latter m- 4; struck out by; CdnSUt^Bm- fifteenth day of July next succeed­ fore u e officer Is eligible to Mrs. WilHim R: McBes, of South vUls. TTwinpaonvlUa, Windsor ths "oomps" terad the Army reomtly. Cooley, . Eluher belief waa expressed in Bahrein Island. - TTirse woqld add the uniform inspection. end state aid roada In the town of Winington, ohe of eleven women Locks and Stafford Springs. o'clock. . . pion, Jack Britton. 1'^ ’ ^ have ao thkt toe hut be hasn't set any fairways ^mrd 9; tons: 1 hr. 16 itatu um- Bolton. At pmssnt the nien are rkatherwsights Billy Mhreus of howeverKarra wUdsr to n u e fin­ plras: McCann, Brennan. some qiiartera in London that 18,000,000 t o ' 30,000,000 barrels a ing their election.” appointad In the state to organise The follow ing local joung men T ^ speslw of the eventag will Hartford and Joey Wasnick of An Impraadvs little kid. Pep re­ tip of ths thutab ^ iches ^ t*lgh • fin y o t Hs had to go ths full 18- Dants would >ccept the British year to HiUer's-otl atocks, which working on.one of the few remain' cently acored his tenth k. o. ta 33 Lols distancs In arlnalng both his ish of the major Isagus's An-Btay Today William Foulds, Jr., presi­ the sersp aluminum drive, ex­ hava completed their military .Rev. E. Dent Lack^, chair­ N ew Hmrma am paired feir the as it pan tussle of lest Tuesday aad hla ta- - srm latioe terms Wrlthout delay. Of- then would include all the known dent o f the district, announced Ing (Uri roads In the town that plained the purpose and method man of the speakera bureau of fights over too rapid Eddie De- mtachss yssterdsy.^^ PA’a raaltas that they hsra rlsaervea Of Europe, Aala and A f­ training a t Fort Bragg, N. C., and I fou^round seml-Said. Sharpahoot- ability to And toe plate in the » g o t f o > flelal cniartera gaye no hint of that bie would call a meeting of goes from Herbert Hutchinson's o f procedum a t the commljttee have bfen. traiofcrred to Osmp the State Defense CouncU. Rev. Angella of Boetoa, while Servo's FtVa. R N ow use your rim lilder mua- It eras a .day of 48 map-to-maa y baseball to gst tba ______rica. place to Camp Msating Woods lin t Individuals, they keep throw- lest victory osma over BIU Davie opening frame enabled Moriartys . vMmt ths terms might he. though the new officers and directors next meetlng'Monday night The coUeB- Blending. Fla.: Andmw J. Mlckaa WlU apeak on toe subject, clee to Uft your erm\Md aa it aklrmlahes vivid ’ with drama tt srho wUl get tha ***mlnitkm one souroevSald they would not be 'As a guess, and s vary high es­ Read. The Belectmfai found It dif' I tag ptatohea from beU to bell. Waa- Rt to push serosa two runs with single week, either on Thursday or Fri­ tlon week Is from July 31 to 37 cook and mess sergeant; Leonard "W bat toe SmeU Comnutaltlsa I once fought WnUe Pep la heartaches, electric finlsbeev and countem in the aecond snd elxtL foim 3 ^ Baveriek forTfoNM harsh sad that the chief concern timate, place the manufacture of day evenhig. ficult to obtain a full crew due to Prom oter Lou Vlactttl announoed •tevrgee from -the water ireep your -i?, the high .tenstan tingle Of fo u r ex­ duty ta juft aabtoer cf ‘ersats’ petroleum in Germany and cene and eversrone Is urged to hunt up Moulton, cannoneer 103rd field m - Can Do in the Defense'Prograito". iHwtfOrd. dropping a four-rotmd today another bout ta addition to Sew OasM Up Early U m m S S of the. British and their' Free Two Ne«lr Members the scarcity o f unemployed men. any discarded aluminum articles Ullery; Victor ' PanclerA Instru­ He arlU outline the part each dty, •Uww big*, hand end forearm re- tra-hole batUee, oae for 33 holes its Conquered territories at 3 per Flm Demaastmtion idaddoB to . toe claaay Inraranee too ton batwsen Servo nnd B rittoa » I Moriartys wasted nd tlms ta go- r a » t e p r a « f l ^ te a t/ mernt " S : 'Krsstch allies WM to Insure 8j The board of directors this year either cast or wrought, large or ment and survey specialist 153d town and village can play ta the City feather. toxed. ' ■ ^ involving medsUat Sam Snead Of g after Conley. HUdebrsnd led Independence fm from cent. AU home and property ourners in end the eight between Pap end Oil- Hot Springs, Va. "We would then allow to Hitler will have* two new members on the Of Mineilow small,'and have them ready for field artillery: John J. Simon, pert of the defense program. The foUowtag' tlime-roundera t with a hard :drtve to the right influence. board, Leon Thorp, who was the town of Bolton should be in­ Ugaas I t WlU have RedT Doty o f 3. Throw your ' relaxed Snead Was two holsa behind Esri .control 01..25 per cent of. the the coUectom who will make a pinner with 153d field artillery; Soent MeeUag hava been llaud by Perroae; Hartford against Jackie Read of oC Zwick that wmt for a hit Con­ elected, to fill the unexplred term terested lit attending a denionstrW- houae t o houae canvass. Peter J. Roncsky, cook and mess Martin, Inglewood. Cailf, un­ VorlcrB oil ^mduction. (Oostiaaed From Fsge < 41on to be given for their benefit Boy Scdqt Troop 14, w|U boM yendrlllo, Muebeeter vs. New Haven. Thla ate jrounder forward. It ahould be ley balked and the runner wm t to aaother Further Gaiiu AmerKakJtoftiilBg Best of Charles B. Loomis and Law.^' They can be identtfled ss su- sergeant with lOSrd field artillery; meeting evening at toelr A t RscUck. Hartford. should furnish soms eetiaa. Read Esther WflSaM curved, elbote stm high. As E s t l ^ ftbmrnt Is high, bead and known, when he collared *»iw« on •Mxmd. took third on the flra t wild uioritout tomorrow evam ff wlua rcncs Moonan, named td fill, the by the Andover Flm Department Michael Zuk, chief of section b e ^ the 17th and 18th despite shaky they tackle Psgaai’s Weal Btdem ^That Juat isn'l^enough oil. Last industry without fear o oil Friday evening fbouf seven thorizad eoDectom by a tag with headquartem "■(» Veroon aveaus. Rooco. Hartford va Ernie woB'toa declslan ovar Doty rooant- hste tbe crawl .to executed.'. forearm relaxed, and flagan pitch and scored easily whm Ken­ place on the board of directors' a ®®Sera entsi; the w ater pointX golf. Snead finally pinched Martin kgria. Tonuay. Rtaabhaid wfli R e p o r t e d in^ S y r ia year. North America, produced 05 cusaion.^ — o'clock at the Johnson Pond. his or her name on one side and 5m A r ie m M t^ 4Sd; H a r ^ . At this time plans will be com­ Oitaal, New Haven. ly nt Manehastsr end the Hertford ' polatod dewa. ney h it to Horvath who toeee'd to made vacant by the resignation of tbe other side stamped with the. 'fayfer. gutofer with IfiSd; field off on the fifth overtime green. WUey. The baU go t away from toe Cairo, Egypt, July lO.—(Pi—Th* per dept of the world^otal. Am­ .The Independents, digging and To reach the Pond from Bolton pleted for the Boy Scout Camp to Bud Davie, Mancbeatar Vs. Alec redhead ia out to aqusro sccounts. < » Britjah gsneml headquarters re* erican, "refining - meUiocuKare bji Paul Cervim. Mr. Cervlni becomea town of WUUngton s ^ . Tke scrap arUflery: Gilbert A Wagfier, Jr„ be conducted by\the Pine Tiae I Papta. H artfi^ Another redhot performer la first sscksr end toe til runner wmt Chiefo la thla game, Btaoehaid marketing coal from abandoned take route she and proceed Mark Fry. dark-haired t^ om la ported further gains in Syria to­ fa r .the^^^crid'a moat advanC the new secretary and treasUrerr aluminum when coUected la to be headquartem clerk with 163d field petrol a t M ile H ill next Week. AI Dellie,, Hdlyoke vs. Derber to third on the play. Mickey Kat- tapte than held his iw afon S et succeeding John M. Miller, who mlh'es In a practice bom o f tbe de­ toward Andover jm Ul the first artillery aad Charles. A . Heuitaon, en champion from Oakland, who day bu( failed to mention eitiier transportatipn facilities arere thou- road>Ho tbs right Is reached. The pMced In a Un la a central place Tnvella, Pm^keepdte, Sporis^ Rqundup | kaveck------grounded to ZwkJtZwick who ^ chtanpkma a week ago Sunday sands of mllhs from the dangerihger ^ was not s candidate for re-clectlon pression when bimdreda' wem and whin it is all collected will be radio operator wlto 'ISSd field ar­ ___ ruined open ~champioa Craig made no attempt to get the runner amen the game bad to be called an armistice negotlatloha or a de­ thrown out of work, launched pond ih about one eighth o f'a mUe The funeral Of :s Albert Guthrie. Hatffdrd'ord Vs. Young See Mrs. Cooke Ghance8 Seem Bright mand tor the sutredder of Beirut. direct attack." A t the meeting next week sub- token by a Junk dealer, shredded tillery. / Sunderland o f 67 Rurdlok. HartTord. By E«#a Brteta Wood’a dreams of a grand atom ta at the pUte. Leo Katkaveck filed •jrouat y New York, July JO, — (g«)— Out to Zwick N et result, two runs, thta .evenfaiF (h at tba Chlnta want' Vichy troops holding outlying mains an "American lake*’ he Con­ bipgfi ot tbe different depart- St a mass meeting to halt sur­ They pay by the pound and tbe Lundy, Hartford. under par for his taro frays. Blanchard aided hla own ranee thaa anything a ta T ^ men tsin^ the d istrict . face stripping on the claim It Tbe Andover gnqup wiU demon­ afternoon at the Ladd Funeral As Net Threat Branch Rickey, who’U poritlveiy Ex-Ohampleas Beaten arsas covering Aleppo and Homa, cluded. the wond'a largest single money will be sent direct to the Home, Dr. .^George g. Brookea, ta the eeeond. Jarvla acratclMd a .v*?*?S****^ ^ third round depository of ■ ' ■ destroyed/property yslues sad strate tbeir ^booster and suction quit the Cerdtaala when his con­ F fr “Subway Series’^ TWo form er P. G. A . cluunpions hit along the third bees line and British oblectives in the' Syrian pumps and It ik a la o hoped they state defense ootmdl. Teat drives W apping postor of the Union Congregation­ Washington is a stable-, . tract Is up. Is trying to decide available for the AlUe^effiloiC lessened/employment opportuni­ —Henry.Plcard of Oklahama City heat toe throw to the bag. 'Conley g h d a m to aaeh team o u h to tata. interior, were "continuing their wlU tong the fogsnossle. The An­ to^veral large cities bavs proved al churoh wUI officiate. The bear- whether to ramsta in beeeheU or withdrawal in the face of our That means from Texas alone ties. / that 75 per cent o f toe scrap Mm. W. Omat and Paul Runyan of-Whne Rlalna, uncorked another wild pitch that t f poaeibta. Th e Chiefs w ill he twice the dmount of oil to which British^Fest dover. Volunteem wW demonstrate am were WUllam Kinsman. Joe- go with a big tasuranoe company M ajof Leagaes Rljiti^lstraight sgsmst s t Louis N. Y.—didn’t go even aa far aa advanced toe' runner to second, pressure.**. Two-Hour Pitched Battle the effectiveness of Nflia booster aluminum coUected la uaable a fter eph FhlUps, Stanley PhlUpa, Rob­ promised to be ta Washtaiton's | l^ r ts P la y t o t W o m - — - t m g ^ with toe Dodgers in strengthened next week but that Hitler has aCcess. McHugh calcu­ A two-hour pitched batUe be-1 pumo which smelting for such things ss aheU (at more then tba 3SO,OOQ par the Races W i(h Wood. PhU Orceaarald, a stranger from whera he ecerad whm toe flora for all of toe other olufae ee ' It reported new progress toward the plan ert Tennatedt. Thomas Sher, all corner tonight Tbe latter is a Ctode pay him). . . . Trainer a under toe fun. iRiw-iir BM nit by Auatrallaa forces and lated, from one Texas field of 30,- P ilo ts tw ^ 3,000 inlMrs using clubs [^ tfie old chemical fuse parts, bomb fuse, airplane l^-tob ed lad who seldom baa cn*s Tennis Diadem . to waotem gaUsriea from Mono- ^ bMtdar blsstod a double wm andall tola tends to the 000 wells more producUon than the ■using of RockviUe, and : Frederick OUom, who gave Don , undefeated Red loriUe. mines Falls, Wla., ontpotated Into tvh t omter. Those runs were said that the fall of the French and battleship parts. 'plng Grange No. 80, P. of era and Yanked Set< Is elected to be toe giant kiUer ta floiita harder aad harder until the' whole of continental Europe pro­ ***"*£r’y water instead o f chemiei Stokes. Burial was In Grove HIU M eh^. his comeback chance, has Picard 4 and 3, and tliS'handsonM mough for Blanchard last night info* are reached. .The rapla^ - atrongbold at' Damour, nine miles U. S. W **‘**** Bwypn® latarested Is Invited to The vacation schotd at South id Its regular meeting Tuas- cem ete^. vides. evening at the Community Phllsdelpbla, July 10—(ff>— Tba aired toa little fellow—too many ting a Siraling Pace. veteran Horton Smith distilled 1 as be pitched a brtlUaht game all m m t time wtQ be up Satuidav south of the Lebanese port, had demonstration Friday WlUlngton WIU dose Friday With C ity Oeuit mrnt / 14Hendtag champion and ths favOr^ Do cf tbe game arhm he raced drsds of Vichy troops" as well (Oontlao^ Prori Page One) and an air cpmprMsor weye | pp y ,, pjj Aiidoyer Road. work... X ' ning was a visit from two foimar b ^ haadtag .toe uaderearX la a rarips refused to in arcri with the a y M i l •ntlng. however, tberanan will be mbUriied next Monday wrecked before nightfall brought members, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred ,H. whs sent to Tolland JsU for 180 Redgers, the ftont office not only Other prominent 'vlctUne In yee- Into foul territory to stab Zwick’a f'^ fflv ^might’s game will IT guns, three tanks and five arm* Showboat Players Committee Beporta M n^m nia Tbompeoo and M r^ days by Judge John N. K e e ^ In hard-punohtag youngster who middle states woman's^rgrsas court I Bperte Writer the giod deiS^ lo fty fly w ith his giovsd hand. orsd cars. db 305 mllee per hour with a four-, at iMSt a temporary lull In the Mra. Leslie Bolton, genera, B. 1C Loomis of EaglevlUe bflw Stone from New Hampshire. Hen­ tomofistrated hla hitting sblUty suspended hhd fined him, but'put This la toe day when even the terdaFa carnage ware Jimmy De- up ^ o f the poetponsd gamra -nd ton bomb load. w p rfa i^ thevClty Court of RockviSe on tennis tournamsnt S f* .* hla mind snd/aead maret, Dick Meta, Jimmy HHs Get Ne R obs ^ ^ tae teams aU back on eia evm chairman of the Old Faahiimcd bpm guests of Mrs. Arthur J^v- ry Whitney Joined Wapping ^ last tlms out with a two-flat- Helen Bernhard, tha defender a dick oa his trail to discover how' eeoond gueasers have to put the ^ ck y Weltem out there to 'M the Please Audieiiees The Dou^laa DB7, two-motored Wednestey. He was found at toe job. \ Ed Duffsy and E. J. (Dutch) This was a peculiar game taj Shooting out as thronn of Lawn Party aiid Festival sponsor­ AlreBlUt. ' ' Grange by damit from Chittan ed assault that afl but batterad from New York, and. top-seeded much time tbe alltag Babe spent ali^Star^gana back ta toa cracker Puuiding CpmplicaUon$ night pursuit ship, la,"the besVleat minem moved up steep Good Grange, Vermont. Rook Mill Pond on Tuaedey ht hod. Harrisoo, runnsrup to Snead for many respccU. -Both teams got ed fiiy the Pilgrim Fellowship of Mr. and Mrs. Atads Cslaae of his oppoasni out of the picture. Helen JaeobA the nation's No. 1 barrel tffaara eomethtag for next The Olrda sren’V going thrN Bite In one Inning yet faucdl armed .fighter In the w orld'’ and Spring mounUin 16 mllea West WlUimantlc. tbe pereuta of Post- Mm. Truman C. HUis and evening by Sergeant Arthur Frey winter.' Jhe in Armuiice F rop o^ the Bolton Congregations! churCh, with hla feet in the water. Cahill amateur, an playing winning ten- Sherlock reported Phrips was a to scon. Moriartys were the flrst Nine O’clock Town, Showboat one of the fasteet big planes ever of here toward t ^ shovels which reports that the affair pitted m a^r Arthur J. Cbisae of South daughter, Marion, went to Kelaay That Rocco-Cabral affair will be regular ta toe hotel lo ^ „ .. Um­ Only two ax-winners ara left on ■ Vichy, France, Jul^lO.—O l^A made. It can do about 350 m.p.h. The CkuTdale ConsmKtlon Com­ was charged with intoxlcaUaa and nil. and theFra 'Very much ta the TheyT have toYorget toe eigu-, the„ Prio------Ground*,— . „either, „ „ fo a ^ - ths mountata-bordersd premise^ to gat the trio of btagtos in ths Bishojp SlidbtR melodrama presented at the Bol­ 3115.36. Twenty-eight dolltts has WilUngton win observe their gold­ Point last Thursday, wham aha at­ waloomed back. They staged a race—but Sarah Palfrey Cooke of pire BUI Summera says he* never meat over whether ClaudhFaaseau I Hpu to ahowtag third. Korney opmed With a single Vichy proposal of armlMlee to end ton Playhouse, Route 44, C^oventry Compaiiiuf favorably with imy- pany was using to sco ^ away Sur^ tended the Bristol family gather­ received 30 days on , thi^ count itb W leas Danny Shuts and Gene Saraaen, the month-old Syrian war between been used fo r conferenepTunds to en wgflding anniversary Saturday aserry riugfest two weeks ago; re, New York'la ettraettag the ihoat _eaw Bob Feller have ao much stuff or Deacon Win McKecbala waa Yho J nothing in' ' to left end tried to stretch it Into Road, by the Showboat Playem thing the British can put in the facs and uncover coal vdli^ date leiviiig a balance of 388.36 with an anniversary masa in St ing at bar grandmother's cottage. and also being a codmon drunk­ suit, e rematch.. W ^ e ir mat pUytag ta hla 31st P. G. A. tourna­ -Vichy fercea imd British Imperial air are a large number of four- ard, being sentenced Ito ISO days attention. Most of toe sideline talk ss ta the eU-atar g e id e ,.. .*. Sohm official goat, or whether Ceclll®^ to a m iy South- ment. ' , ,/ a double but Thurner’s perfect pe|: CQurse/I^ecord directed by Ted Gordon, with the . 13 Mihem FMled \ which win be used fp f futum con- M siy s church at/South Coventry She returned to bar boma\bam I durlim the two days the tourney Travis shouldn’t cut a little piece w oRb's got him feet at second. Burke an< troops and their De GeiSUst com- following cast, motored ' ConjMliilated 'and. twin- Sunday. on the Second count 5 ^ waa e ie * ?I,J*** wondering why hoys RIR HlDlllM, Shute’s third foe Is Leonard Ott I Shotgun pellets felled 18 mlhimi leranoaa, / followed by a reeeptlpn aad din­ Alee Pepin, United iUrcraft de* wee delayed by rata oenterad about Mike JsBOba doesn’t put on BUly of the hero's pie for throwing a into h Mickey Katkaveck thm singled in radee ta-arms ran Into pussUng Z»ck ...... Jack Killen engined M artin .bombers,- and before a detachment of state Tha Aba.'fli. Miller, Amerteah ordered to pay costs o f 311,63. fonsa wor)ie r . S«ub Which at Denver, arho advanced when pomplications today aa Vice Prem­ d teagee tmPmmmBotnmm ner in the p a iito house. Mr. Csisse vrill have p rpottagtag j'ths vast Improvemaat ta toe play Conn end hie pop-ta-lew in Madl- body block at BUly Herman and I Ima a jo o d hoi succeerion but Conley fanned the Starts Defense of Bess AusUn...... Betty Kalb Douglas and Vought q)koraky dive lice arriy^ and teatored ordyr. to th-/11lnese o f several is's retired pontrsetor and has t^ o B AdxlUary, held. 6 meeting H arry A W ells, Jj-., 18 o f 67 aeetloa all hie own; fallow-em. ' place and iack Ryan of Loulavllle, Ky^ de­ B * f / ier Admiral Jean Darlan returned bombem. - , - - ,of Mra Cooke, recent wtaner of eon Square G erteL 'tag the game wtantag double n't mind_ __ _ » notch. veloped a lame wrist at toe 10th next tero eerily. Alice Bradley ...... E ight cOnipany. detective Qualtyvllle Wom­ been an side; lan and fiaaeasor. " " — "y f night at Ito new baU la Spring street, charged with fslhim mtm gob^ to attend to a | the ■esteni States clay courts would State Title in A u i b I from Paris conferences with, Ger­ to halt at a stop sign was flnad ^^try ta tbs ntath taatag at De- poriUvely 6k- toe hole end had to caU It a day. Sara- flilhrae waa not gotag to let ...... M arjorie ‘Thompson Osn Fsrspe larterbsotam among tboed injured by fl en's 3toc»to for Christian Servlca Mr. and Mm. Edwte Parissk am Wtedsor at which they held diampionahip and torae tlmss Istraf Moriartys get away with a record. man .offlclsls. Larry Mills ...... The. BoelnM credited wltb g mlaslea. The o^emtlon was’ clc___ , ilr annual election of officora 35 and costs of 35. Utfm Back Again ^ nmaetal set o f am draw Rruca Ooltart at Abee- G o H P U y . The war continued and a con- ths fouMrug..ehsngss in commlt- summer a t a cottage t«>!jmsr National girl's tiUeooldar- Tvd Williams eras the hero; Conley tat into right Arid end tried ...... Edward (Ted) Gordon rmngrn ot 3,000 mllee, Mtm fast Just as It has been every time work fpf Old Hates day have been on •Lnk^Stafford, StiffordvUlA The new officora am as follows; Speaktag ia Matos BUI DeHaa, Mancheeter'e dap- Bscausstoabiglsagusoiick up coni. H . J; feradicUon t in Vichy statements Thaa yesterday when play Anal­ _ S>^y0*JfMeeau was toe goat. ths psaanat ohnsss again today to make second but Jarvis’ peg Roy AusUn . . Eugene Sander enough to escape anything but the was attempted the past ^ ^ the Pshtry Prraldent, Naomi Ross; Srst vlos D. G eorge 8, Broolsee, paster anaouaoer, arUl tatrdduoa the Smith; oas.-of toe beet, putteto cut him down standing up. Bwick Sprlagfield. M OTMped up. ly began, Mra Cooke brushed asida But Vaughan aras to# forgotten; aad toni^tr and from hero on. It’s In pro ranks, arefit out /agatast Jimmie Blakd .:. WllUam Gibson speediest of German Interteptors. .months. Inoependenta Jiemtofaro win b e k te Dqris Skinner, president, Mrs. Alfred Armsttong; of ’ tbs Unlen Coogregational hla own, talmltahle a pair of epponanU with a total slaglad to left but Wtarier mlssril —N ow that he : 'Testerday the authoritaUve They have turbo-eupercha^ers P'evented operations by forming a church will be the guest spieker «M*f "every man for tosHsslf,” as t l^ tte Bro^yn gamel the Ben Bogan, meamy Wtantag leader Talemondlal Agency an- Mrs. AusUn ... Charlotte Knight by Mrs. tomp. W rigm second vIco present. Mary Chtrit- t ^ gamaa She d^Satad on a third ririke.. Wiley singled tourney's quaUMira. 4raebed. at 163 Itewt For the mast two evenings the mving tbe motom aea level per­ "human chain’' around the shovel^ next Sunday morning aad eventag'- j Aecordtag to tha vote. say ovar ta Brooklyn. They*ra a l s o S fV other sfUntaon buriasss SI of the year from HmuW. Ph. 'Muhbed that Vichy was studying will have charge F ^ table, G i l ^ ey; aeemtary, Mra. Laura Strat­ m tty Shal^hnwar, RhUadelphla, saying ta Flatbush t h ^ Chicago Cube Borvato aralkad to flU toe ead provided Lotamadow with a Showboat ~ Players have beta formance at high altitudes and A roving band ot mlncm then asslated by Mrs. Hutl^. M n M ^ ton; chaplain, Mrs. Alloa Seagal;, at Ocean Park Thmple. ' say^ ta Ftatouah that' tosre'sl^ Ctocam Cube mh^totaT Snead, alBitag at his flrscP. O. A. AUlsd conditions for an snnl^ce, •*®’ 0»c**c Rowee, natlonai Boston with flags flvln gT m l^ a I. Fraher had a third strike IMW oongoutlm ga ^ a d ^ the boards at tha Bolton carry crews of asvsn—« captain, Bwpopsd down cn the Winston oot- Wolf will bs asslstsd treasurer. Mra. Gertfude Muier; The Temple la oelebratlng Ita 60th For toot^li he rismitisd two o'er crown end too accocmaKyliW fo r celled on him that caused an'up- rsquastad by Gen. Henri Dents, Tba * » d o f two mder par, TSfl Btahop ot fllgh conuntasloner and conunsn- ks I^ybou ss in -a malodrama. first pUot, second pilot, Sight en­ Usry of Ths Suaqushsnna Osal Johasoaat toe Fsney Wafk t a ^ school o f too Oil' aargaant-at-anns, MlM AUee annlvamary. . Or. Btookas wlU vJSyyc, Pa, 6-3,.g-o, tbefon oe •ml probably 000k heeda the lower w a aet with itrin g .from toe BUbroe bench but Woodtaad, w uriek hta l52e»> Nine O'clock Town, much to'the gineer, midship gunner, beam gun' tkaml Sunday admol a laft-haadar ^ Mike TUraeea of Ebaaford, N. Y., der-ln-chlef in Syria and Lebanon. Company, wham an air oompies- Hiw gystste In Effict Stmttba. preach at 1040 A m. and gtvo hla Local Sport ^ stmw m Srst A ad kept toe M g crowd la sus- Aad.tttl»ri MoChita stuck to hie guna akttsette ^ tanatetir toaamiaaritfa delMht of the patrons who enjoy ner and bomb aimer. '' aor was flmd and a huge 376,000 BoHoa Ubraijr is snJoylngXn next Monday morning Tbe Mothers* Cltib arm held popular lectum on *Thanr Tou, Qus of/a family of gotttag broto- . Today a French statement said: bra, riimlnated 18-yeer^ Prirgy dafftasas boys idtafftoaOsrdta-j The laig rs aecapsd a whltowaah' LQ - Ravta at tha Coon* N e Reply Blade that type of play. The plot of Nlq# When thef come in from the steam ahovel pushed down the fins patronsge sines It rsopenNl |taoa all of too naxt wook. thsir July nMotlito tola evsalag, America!" at eight p. m. Hee^, Ardmore. Pa. u tag la tha\ first of tos seventh. And oattosd old F r a a l^ Frisch to ato by tores fu ll _Hamy It begins j OtoirYfotalMa Malafl Briwkltaa. .today la too- *Tfo, reply has yet beenniade by O'clock Town Is simple and old United Statee tha Boeing have mouhtalnalds, smashing up- on a two weeks ago. Tbs new IwuSiig suMert. taught will be "The C. BL Nlcbolson'lsas sworn in ss Softball Toalght . Chat'sr. WMh the tolrd round. Misa Bam- wines, (X) . Oram filed oat to Jervis ia right ‘ natch play. fashioned, but makes for very enr highway. A 14.000 ataam ahovsl Sho|d>sra Pscipis". Toscbom hi' to look Uka too ch oh as fo r too Fryjaesd Doyd Maagtum, Mon- tlw BrltLih •uthorttles to Cki66r|Ll bullets in their machine guns, one system end the new schedule o f | Judge, In Town court M «y < «y The U. 8. Envelope and toa tova a ' . ' ------1 W M ' forCRd to ttUTM OOtO bo» r Poor A rk y ain’t baan heard o f Sabin Marches but TIuirosr gqt a free trip t o flr s t Karad.ef BoatoaV Oeoiga Jojrsbie theater fam. And them test pilot said. Tha planes am to at Tha Morgan Coal Company'W as havtng tbe 'Ubta^ open on Wed­ duds Rev. 0 «a ^ Mlint, Mrs. ^tteffleld Mills aofUxdl teams flrst "subway a a il^ ta tour years terey Park, Oriu„ eaa^algaer who ‘ DtntSs who, OR the contthty, found night by Judge Malloy of Hart­ Pm22i'.^vi!!rf *"«*«•*■ ‘rffSSf over Vlrrinia Wen- riaee. ara Sa bright h g to a nickel you'U Pongratx also went down swing­ it oouno, who trailad Btritaai khnself faced with redoubled Brit- wem those at the Playhouse for be sent over Germany as soon as dlaaiblad w d than dynainltaa nesday assms to tesst wltotlM ap­ Abes fhgil, and ths Misses Betty ford. Former Judge Mak Adaleon will play this evening at rix o'clock ge^etae West Sld^ comes up 15elt,.Jackson Hslghte.®™*- *«« FranSim: ead^fra For. sa toe American Liague’a flaallst, waa hraekotod with Dents aSked for terms on Tues- W illiam Gibson sings And The Despite Fog psndy tor' Moding. Several new ter," wem. dsUeip o f M ra H E. Sunday dates .as wara'i Helen PederSMi Rtahaiiy. Boston n ^ t gams leoord ta asjora — 11 Tenni* Fina tor, who beat Jimmy .oufoifo ot thi aixto itmtag. Blan- w foA t ^ loasaa, o m tto riace •agtem c|ube begin their third 2 5 ! .^***P» Sf R H taontiM artto’a flay. , . f Band Played On, with a derby and Japan Buying . boota^ffoUan awTiute-fletian, tove Fhdto on Wertnosdsy afteroooB. *PP*tad fori Four round ***—inits Ihomaon ta 31 holea, hoped to riiard wee .master, and ta rate t o ^ began ths ______nocturnal buatasaa ____ _ Sritag through toe wsat. toe New W ith Frank Parker. twin hrotoer Edifla, who wooad op AS a prelude (or pomibly pkrt handlebar mustache, and Jack besB added to the library and Bol- Cwtafar James K George I, than at^toe Recraatlon|C%ten... Kmedes M a rk ^ S T v^ w lto ^ make Knuny Htaee of Great Neok, form aU th r e ^ toe game and got Klllen does a rube tsp dance In tost year. . . Old “ Jack Johnson |'’■.« 5^ AB.R.H.PO.A.E. tatting mood aad under ffy Hoi- Strike Closes D arlau Has L. guy aaaw d Ooodgtags tha Pitt^ joY Esst'Ziai AagelHb assdtd ttfofl, tasr, a . ; . . . 3 n v n wfaUt t t e men at poB^ Jspswtes nswa m h m p , hrary la pteaateff • Puhite XRUito CbamlaMeB. and eras transferrad to ^ m p Blaad- Stm. i t ...a 3 Hy 10.—(O-Britlah broadcast said today that ths Cht- to ba hsU OB ths Mira bsra on oa extsiMsd ento- 5 **.5 f'* h30Mt tw o weda'a>TOi- on circnraatanolal evk h n cT r!^ ^.fW ew ssy baaaball teara I dnMttog.3L34H- Sir Robart LmlM fOsd teldi n otels trip into hCississipni sad Oirapist...... 3 strssM tbit to# ta aa sMort to hatter ~ 5 S » ^ Ha win ratiBB to. Florida at tbs ctoara up -toe Brasm at^toe West aids .aiay. Iha oKtetog. awinrai^ to Itr. rriativss te sisracal oltlos aafl wq,6 i S ths ^arstats laagna h tank, p .... 3 kteg^. ssteaste ha 6bS offurtough. P*>nnea moamsmug ground as aeon ths a a tarh ireu lt. T 'i " - • United Btetes, plaa a «har gsaed AMta etbo y l .fosfo ba x ^ Ararat Mam of Hol- ...... 'I to S K T . I H sttte R . M. P m . wto Hjtatotade M | W g e s m a e e ■ • O 't o s , - ■ fo r " WSkltamood. CUIf. to ftta tos ■■ 'ra ta ls < 1 5 36 ' < K- 'V'

V / M^GSESTER RVENIN6 HERALD. CONN. | y , J fU L t lt C l641 [ red RYbER RINT A City's Wants Ciassified forYour Benefi VKU. RY \ ■N- lense HOW-, X JTOU —’ Onto and Dogs iM t and Found Ant4Mao6tlM for Sdo 4 Help ^yp^ted—^emnio 2S Plunbing and A you play, p toy^rd ; when .1 don't Uka oome of these . Every dog boa his day ork, dqn’t ptoywt aU. moderffsdoncca. They’re nothing PAIR o r BRO Fixtnras Urgen ^f u m *' uld hsva their rights. AAUt-US9 CRBVRObDT ^te Uva ki, The t s X***** tp music. ^ ipecklad truck, 11-3 tea stake body. Priea salary. can QueB0ohs and^Answers Sallow Find , . the ______« « . i - FOR S A L E f-W B m • A n y gtri to happy tf oaco to Tte ore aurprised it U Dxudl—Whil whit to there ofcout A . Wifttiiin on croaa. 980. 319 M e i ^ straat TeL 3406. sink 43 Inches long, -,6 m drain- that .ta which you object? Rotitfn to^/M Rumi Of Prohibition nocks ohe can’t * not worn Solly—The board, chromlnum tnKiiig fauceL > Treor. /■' O m t394. 1937 ORAiOAM CAVAl^SBR 9185. In good condition, pnona 6394. life Hardej Must be cash. Private owner. Ap­ IRlBSStoR W i AJifout Aluf^inum Drive , ----- teacher says she ply at 371 Oak atrept ' erlenpad. Wylta Bog p . Her 5 : A boy irrote thto to a composl- Jingle—Firat I t ___ Campaign Proposed tG 1. Who has kiftad for a natlon-yt^ to g w g o keep\pn setting her i^Mtbaneeaicnta — ■ ' r :^s Roonui Wl^jrbnt Bonrd 09 ‘ ilx*n other metalsT G e m i9ya8 and Italians. of Patrick Henry: "Patrick storm clock durin tho vocation fascinated ine,-and X U W.ANT3a) — Christian Endeavor So* wide coUeetloo orahuatniim scrap, A jri.-—Recognised scrap dealers ^m bera of the crew qf the acnl>| . worth to Uie nelghiterhoQd of ehe hod'received a divorce, but . Distance Mov^ra. TeL 6360. ydung nSarried couple, with no >E,^Danler A. Poling of Phlla- Ana.—It wyi be (fsed In waking music. V ■ 1 children, by August or Septem­ delpbl^, president of the society who wULsorL grade it and see tied German liner OoTumbtis eto- million, dollars, Pve heard." To we’re etm living fogsUier and I 4lolllster street "■ FOft .SALE—FAWN Gikat l)ane certain things In order to releasA' that It ta '^ ip iiA to liMlters. In­ U«med at Fort Stonfon. N/H. 'rich the arraet ymlng thing ro­ can’t me any dlffmence.” Records dog, one and one half years old., ber. Call'6668 or Write Box B, which eiiUms 2.000.000 members “A hoUl,” exptotoh Jim," to the ^^a^Estate . Inraraneo in the United States and Can­ the beat grades of alundwiw: for formation (nt;^thls will be forward' They ore not being detained ad: "Tkat’e my favorite neigh- dtoclbsed the had obtained a Repairing 22 56 StMkweather street, Manches­ the important parts jdanes, ed In the near future. the some eenao aa-the 098 Ital' drhood." place where m«n kttk about things divorce aevethl months ago. Judge ter. ' /■ ■ ada, told 6.009 delegates last tanks, etc. For example, It can be they ere afraid tb kick about at nlghL. "Alcohol, has less than 9. Will any one profit' from this at Fort Miseouta, Mpnt.. o r __ _ home." , Mete adrieed the man to aee -a I^ W N MOWERS abarpened, fac­ ------^------Wonted to Rent used for the Interior of plahee but Alumihum Scrap Collection? 287 Germane at Fort Lincoln, N. Gilfe—lyho Tvos' that Sylvia you juitice of tb$ peace M c l t l i u i e y nothing to contribute to the not for the wlngs^vfuselage and t talking shout all nlgbt to tory method, adjusted 91.00 here, Articles for Sale national defense.” x ' Ans.—No. Waste material deal­ D. Thesh latter are held for First ■■ called for aind delivered-91.25. 15 WANTED TO RENT three or four other BurfsM parts. ers- have offered their eervlces. eventual 'deportation on chargee of I oleepT oom fumiab'ed apartment. Tele- Asserting the soclet^'f^i^ "a 4. Abe pwp|e asked to give nec­ Hhbby —Sylvto? Sy’v t o l' t)b, I N Slolo at. p ^ ' a9m years reliable service. > Capitol FUR SALE—MEN'S RebuMt and- greaUr task" than It did more They will only be reimbursed for overMaylng their lekye t o ' too HOLD EVERYTHING Grinding CO., 531 LydalJ, Tele- reiasted shoes. Better than new ihone Rockville 33-5. essary' articles that Trill have to actual labor. The smelters will pay United Statea, whereas thh CblUih* ' "at was Just a boroe I hrid a Ut- plttHW 7058. , than two decadea ago before tbe be replaced by nesr purebaaeaf bus crew has the status > ' Yulyes, 701 Main. / Aha.—No. Such replacements ready fixed. tressed eeamen." Upon hie return from tha office m o w e r s BHAHENEPU. repair­ mediately, or by AugusL Reason­ Sahams T r i^ la Niunoer Ight develop secondary abortage 10. Who Will receive the money Nssls Pay Par Upkeep 9 the dinner hour: „ iciater ed. Bhekr grUiaing, key fitting: able Hvlsrence given,. Phone 3574. For every saloon In 1911," he In other vital materials, ; Wife—That horsa you bet on said, "there are now at iMuit three paid by the spdeltera for the alum- The difference la that .toe (M > duplicating, vacuum cleaners etc Fnel and FeM 49-A 8. What articles in common use mum setMT . toon government pays the npkon torterday tried trrlce to grft you Gveoing Herald ovef^hauled. Bralthwalte. 53-Pearl similar, or worse, plaoM of Uquor |«R tho pbaox my dear! — Houses for Sale 72 are ofteit made of aluminum? Ana.—Ttaa smeiters will setUe of the Columbus crew, Trii^ the streeL sale.' There Is work fcr us to do. Ana^Pots, pans, pltchera, shak­ by chehk payable to National United States must feed and house Advcrtitienietita Here and now we renew our Vtoitor I auDDdae thav aak LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED, FOIL^SALB—14 ACRES qtandl^lg Fo r SALE—s m a l l FrvE\room ers and other Itltchcn utensils ss Scrap Alummurn Fund and mailed the others. BecsTiae of thsL tbs rerao* word* lo » iin grass>Tclephone 5335. single house, one csr jgatage, pledge, rededlcaie ourselves to well aa golf ctuhs^ fishing . rod' to the -Fkleral Reserve Bank of Columbus crew has been eating' the rent bfthto. sumptuous ^aombere end obbrevietloiii cleaned, oiled, adjusted. 91.50. the Solution of the liquor problem, dosL i;t ea • word and eompoand Prompt reliable work, phone 5937 built two years ago, 21 Awn cases, .fUm cotttalnel^ arii trays, Richmond, Virginia, ' The entire the beet and Iota of i t The^theni and here we shall make our plana etc,. sa ,M twor worde. Ulnimnm e o « any time for plck-i» and de- StreeL steam heaL gas hot watisr proceeds win be devoted to Civil- have been living on U. S.*Army —Y . they asked U ortee ot thrM tliMa. Household Goods SI beater, kltfdien' cabinets, linoleum, to. contribute our maximum serv­ 8. Mow can the avarige person lAn Defense. ntlons. However, the toUsna at I tlinea tost month. ^^Jme reted e«r ddr for ireaalMn nvery service. K. A. Kylaen. ice In the interests of a sobw “ ■ Mlaaouls had been aii| f o r b a l e —u n iv e r s a l partly'screened, lot 50x140. Price America." MeeUv* Mareb If. lOlT R E PAIR IN G -* Auto tops, cur­ trie range, latest model. ^ 4,200. AUen M. BarrstL 93 SL _ their fan and bu: ■ Moot Of tho ctoitelear dances'le- tains, 'ew and used team har- John street. Phone 7973. Pr. Poling'also said “the rapid sweats and tobacco Trith on si__ lasted us of trying to get toth - a r^ a a c u tiv e l>a»<. o tw V ^ a 6632. ly growing evU of . unrestricted once of each given them vraMi- -• OOBseentlva I ^ e . . . • etaill eta nbsses/all kinds of leather work. W oman Engineer 92 |uaiaa suit to on niq>er berth. t Oar etallt eta Tel. 4740. Cbaa. LAkthg^ 90 Cam­ IF YOU HURRY you can still buy FOR SALE—SIX ROOM ringle, cigarette sale and use also chal­ The ly by the Italian steamship line. double garage, 59 Oxford streeL lenges our attention. Now oU this boa changed. Since OU ardara for Irragalar tnaaMloas bridge StreeL a beautiful 4 piece fnapTe bed­ G iven D ecoration Rbe bod Just come to to the wtU ba ehargad at thd .ona tima rata. room suite for only 949.95. DresS- oil burner. Owner trsnsferrsd. Delegates loudly Besalts toe frepstog of AxU functo on June IVOinfriU beauty afaoppe for . '■oaWal ratal for Ions tariii drarr WANTED TO TUNE, repair and . er. mirror, chest and bed. Free Will sacrifice. Can give immediate these statemenu. as well as Dr. 14, the Gertnsn emboSay has bemi ItraatmenL day aavartlalnd oiran upon raqoaat. regulate your or player .possession. For inspection phone Poling's proposal that diristUn abler to provide only. 98,000 tor j Ada ordered bafora tha third or spring Included. Benson Fuml^ Albany 3-2. Hartford 0-1 lUghL I " I Triah you would rush thto \ ■fth day wUI«ba ebaroad only tar piano. Td. Manchester 5052. ture—713 Main street. 7874. Chas. J. Strickland.. Endeavor youth campaign (or es­ Elmira 4-2, Scranton 2-6 nlghL London. July lO—(P)—Mise Vic­ food for the Fort Stontem group. IhhrougX" rile sold to the operator, tbo aetoal numbar of tlinea tba ad tablishment 6t“ t world-wide^ gov Williamsport 6, Wilkes-Barre 4 toria Drummond, 42, said to be the That amount has been tosuffldeat |**I have on appointment with M B S B E G TH B OMlaaraA ebarclno at tha rata aam- LAW N MOWERS sharpened, ad- SPECIAL—MAPLE twlii bed ouL f Gr SALE—MODERN 5 room erninental authCrity, backed by night. , to pfovide simple taSre for a month,. I •d bat no allowance or ratonda ean Jiisted and oiled 91.00. Power Single. Payments about 130.00^ a only woman holding a Board , of laMtbar.” *TMB'OCKJIUS PicTUfZE^rm iwiaaG ba made on ala tlma ada ateppad flL Only 924.85. Reg. price 935. mllitaty forces, with power to Springfield 8, Binghamton 2 to say nothing of the more oimito^: I 'Ttoa tt be Ihat you have i.e«n»«i*. V-VO mowers up to 31" 93.00. Snow Maple, bed, sagleas spring, and month. Just completint a mod- maintain "peace and Justice" be­ nlghL Trade englneer'e certificate In ..the live cuisine uf bygone days. As a a n d 0 l»T E R tN TTOS attar tba fifth day. Brothers, 336 SummlL Tsl. 4506- erii 6 Mbm single. Buy now— toerchoiit navy, today was asmld- lamther UvtogT" asked a catty No ‘‘till terbldr': dlanlar Haas net cotton mattress 939.95. with tn- tween nations. . NatUnal resulL the Immigration' Barvtco IteQaiaa who was also vrolttog bar ' daid. 4531. aer-sprlng mattress. Benson Fur­ chooep/irour own color scheme. ed'membership to > the MiUtory hte hod to take- ove^toe feettoig BOOTS An d her bud d ies ' Tba Barald will not pa raaponalbla WUlliim Kanehl. Tel. 7773. (Nb games scheduled). Division of UiO Order of the British Itarn. Rboat R l ^ IVio . Wr aiora than one Ineorraet Inaar* niture—718 Main street. American o f the Columbus qrnr. and tbelr>. *TVhy, yas." aold the first worn- BY EDGAR MARTIN ttan of.any advartliamant erdarad ~'7 ‘' ... I . ------"V W idow, W ins B iilk (No i^mes scheduled). Empire for bravery during on at* food henceforth. Trill ba tha t n rt tar mera than one tlma. Business Opportunities 15 BREAKFAST SETS, 9 Lino­ tack on her ship by a Noxi bomber I on sweeUy, "And to tell you the Lots for Sale 73 The Stendlags . as-that served in other com^n— ItfUtX my dear, ohe rioeon’t look a I— Tha lpad*artent omlaaion of !■' leum Rugs, 12 Dressers^ 5 1< 400 miles from land. unleaa something tompena to iw. HO OHOMINO aerraet pablleatlon of advartlalni f o r LEASE-t-SUPER SERVIi Boxes, 8 Studio Couches. Ui O f Large Estate Easteni Mloi DriimmoHd, god-daughter Ifloy older than you do." arin ba reetlOad only by eaneatlatlon station. In Center of MancLeste: FOR BALEl—THREE building lots W. L. PcL GBL lease more German. asbnoy. OSt- af tba oharya made A t tha aarWee Ressonsbie. Albert's Fuipliure on Mill StreeL 100 by 200, gas, WlUlam^;><^t . ...;46 28 .622 of QJeen VlCtorisix sad grand­ dale ex'plolned th^L' iinider normal ------^ ^ ______fOBdared. on main highway, by large oil Co.. Hartford,,Conn. daughter of the firat Lord Araherat International procedun, tha Imml- All advartlaamanta muit eontora company. Fine propbeitlon. Tel. lights, sewer etc. Bessonabls. NewibrL R. I., July 10— WUkes-Barre ....46 30.605 1 Thomas Olander, 70 Mill streeL Mrs, George H. HammetL 40. who Elmira ...... 43 36..S38 6 of Hackney, determined -os a child' Nation Service woidX- ba rejm- STURIB8 m 8TAMF8 A atyla, oopy and typoyrapliy witb Hartford 7-8212. HOLLAND W IN D O l^ SHADES to go to sea. She served her engin­ >uned by the Germdn govornmant 7 lasalatlona anferead by tba pabtlab> 6Sc Installed. Vei(6tian blinds was widowed leas than 48 hours Scranton ...... 3 6 39 .480 lOH eering oppreotlceehlp at. Dundee w n and they raaarva tba nyht to from 91.35 tnstaUM. CsU Hart­ after her marriage in a bedside Brnghamton ....3 8 40 ,467 1314 at aome future dote for the fo^ . ton. v.*nia<.M*r..yi. iTlaa or ralaet any oopy aoa- Help Wanted—Fcntale 35 Legal Notices 7B during the. lost wsr and ht The-IUlloae have been delved 7-te objaetionabla ford 6-7018 after 6 p. m. ceremony In 1837, has won the Springfield ...... :33 41 .446 13 Dunkerque during thla one, HOUR»--Ctaaaiaad ada bulk of her hiuband’s estimated Albany ...... , .84 48 .430 14M their allowance beeanae po “MmI Sermnnt Mabel-^he's lionie on a furlouflh W ANTED— -MOTHER'S helper, M4|l'OR PSRMIT The. official account of her hero­ money has been releoaed to provide Brofm, ba pbbllibed aaina day moot ba NOTICE OP Ap p l ic a t io n 9350,000 estate In a compromise HarWord ...... 27 40 .403 18H ism sold bombs kno^ed a 1^ to nnd would yoir belihve it, mj* dear, he’s g parutjhutistl* lived by It o'clock noon 8atnr> one child, good, salary for one M a c ^ e r y and Todia 52 ThI* I* tealve notice thpt I, L4>uIb settlement of a will contesL NatloMl IL end the Immigration Serriee la |0:»0. ■ who quallfiea. Referencea requir­ Cervlnl of 10 Cottasb street. Man- the mein aection et a pipe to the facing the problem of . supplying che'cter. Conn., have fliea an eppllca- qy'idence in the court battle in­ W. L. Pet. GBL engine room'spd (hat ehe etuck im t Tour Want Ads ed, Phone 7907 mpmtnga only. C A l^ V a To DEMONSTRA'TE tlon dated liU of JuIr,\lT41 with dicated that Mrs. HammetL the Brooklyn ...... 80 34 .676 extras, such aa tobacco. < you a Cletrae on that meadow, former Helen McNulty, now, em­ her poaL groiiming the leaking pip# FUNNY BUSINESS . are hcceptad o.var ova tha tala* w a n t e d the Liquor Control Commission for SL Louis ....4 8 28 .683 8 Mona at tba CHARqA RATC yIvan —WOMAN to cars for, Tdehill or grade. Dublin' Tractor a Paekase Store Permit for the eel* ployed aa a court atenographer In with one.flsnd and controlling the above aa a eonvonainc alderly man during the da% Call of aleoholto liquor qn the pr­ New York ....39 33 A49 914 th rot^ with the other. n'vonainca tO advar* Company, WiUimantlc,. primlisleaa Boston, married ths Newport hard­ (XnclnnsU ...'.39 35 .537 11 M arriage Unijles Hussion Sfpmra flaara, but tba C A ^ r a t e s will ba 8080. of 11 Oak atreet Mancheetar, Conn. ware man in a hospital, where he aaaapUd aa PULL. ^ T M E N T tt The buslnes* la owqed by. Lobis Pittsburgh ....3 3 38 .488 14 l AAorked Industrial Goins paid at tha bualnepa oinca on or ba WANTED— OtRLS. Exp^ence Plumbing and Electrical Cervlnl of lA.-Cottase street, Man-^ was 111, after a 10-year romance. Chicago ...... 84 43 .447 17 - fpra'pra tba aavantb day folloyrlny tha not necessaiy. Oood 'psy^tegdy Chester, Ouhn.. and will be conduct­ . The will was contested by Albert Boston ., ....29 43 .408 1914 ^ 2 A u to Fam ilies •rat Inaartlon Inaa of each ad otbarwlba V Fixtures . 52-A ed by Louie Cervlin of 10 Cottas* El HammetL a son of the deceased 0 *^ V a few wteks before Naxl W A S H T ^ B B E ~ VROB RATE will be edUpct- work. Holland Cleapers, 1007 atreet,. Manchestev Conn., as per­ Philadelphia ..,.2 0 64 .270 8(i Sunhonnet Style Germany morchM itotb Rue- l b l i t \ reaponalblllty for arrera 4n Main StreeL mittee. ■ \ by a previous marriage, who under American PATCH PORCELAIN WITH thib the si^Uement will receive 980,000. ^ ''® ® »te t govommant te* IDUff S apboaad VdV'wiU ba aaanmd' nA, Jiffy repair, qnly 35c a bottle. Re­ LpOIS CERVINI W. L,'9»cL GBth ' DetrolL July 10—< »)—Honey­ ' tbair aeearacy cannot ba ynaran* •x- z : Dated xlrd o f July 1141 Mra.-NHammett is to get 978,- New York moon bounX Benson Ford and ns sued tot etomp shown above as 1t^ I f ^ O , eOROLPMONBkffiCK . tpM • , ^ place broken faucets, handles, H-7-10-41. \ 000 outright and the resldne after '...*...48 28 .649 pari of a tpoctol todustrUI series, iHOW-AMkXJ sink plugs, other fixtures trith Cleveland ...... 4 8 81 A97 314 peUte brido, tha formor EdtthMc- iffiSSrTaSuM'^Sft ’ Indsz of OiMiflcntionn r other bequ^ta are made. Bbeton...... llaogbtoa, were en route to CkU; i . ^ m p shovto automobUds dooid'toflceuf . low-cost plumbing and elsctrical The wiU hkd bequeathed 98,000 ...... 4 0 33 A48 714 I .»nd anlluMs and symbolises Rus- |THfi NBMtol MflHKMffgagRHM obodpeedepdoa supplies from Supply OuUeL 1150 Chicago ...... 88 38 A14 10 fornls today afteh their moiriago IMS. Mcgn M yamanta ft l^ng-D istance Call and the capital stock In the hard­ Detroit ...... 3 9 40 .494 1114 linking two of the beet known ^ a^ranees to boMMMds. Nows- •••••••••••••••• c Main street, corner Trumbull, ware business to the son. X ' paper stories cominXlpte toe war eastha D Sale Hkrtford, 7-9466^ FiiM paridng Philadelphia ,.^ .8 4 40 .489 14 fSmlllee of the outomoblfo taduae. ffinag bMr tftk* ‘ • ••.•000SS009 0* SL' Louis ----.T.27 48 A78 30 try. ■ .. Card, of Tbanka B rear of store, ■ Rates Are R e ^ c ^ oiiam .. r LOT AT 801^ END A i r R a i d Washington ...... 38 47 A86 3114 Behson. 31,jMcond son of Bdsel tew h eth w ffMstotoTjtkhMrtoi Fqrd and grMHoon of Henry Ford, progress has bean sulBclant to OF NORTH EL!^^ST. Today's Games and Mias McNaughtod, also 21. cope witb her friend-far^^m o- WaslUngton, July 10—(P>—A 14 Assist at B laze toent, turned enemy'^’ance ^ r e . a n d o n e o n W ASH^ ir cent reduction , m the nation’s Tvere inarried yesterday afternoM RENTALS long-distance telephone chai^ds Albany ilt Hartford (8:80). to <^rist ehurto of Groooe Potote Little exact Information V INGTON ST. EXTEN- to on tatlmate family setting. Ben- coming Hitoeto’s mechenlied — SEE ARTHUR A. want mto effect today. ^ > New York, July 10 — v e — A Btiighamton at Springfield. SION. The rate reduction, negoUatad Scranton'at Eamlra. aon’e brother. Henry n, a Navy grathM^for urar woe available score of recently enlisted air raid anoigiL was host man. s « eoof a KNOFLA after the Federal Conununlcatmns wardens of Ne./ York's clvUian de­ WUke»4 arra at ’ WUUamsporL * * * /**W^s moat momentous e • e.oa e* PRICE REASONABLE! Commission had ordered an mvae- Natleaal PoUdt kapt t|M church walk cross. For many years RenrEatato — Inanraaha fense program got their firat teste oleor of a erowd of speetotora and PHONE.3300 878 Mam PboM 8448 tigaUon of LiOng-distaace . thlle, of action early today and came Chicago at Bbaton. tlw Revolution. American estimated at 914,000,000 anbuaUy. through Trith honora. , . C m cii^tl at BrooklyiL private detoetlvea guarded the technical oxparts and engtoaors Otoe—Uotorejrelta ... Reductions generally apply io SL Lbuls at Nerr York (night). Tveddlng gifts at toe home of too were esltod to Rumto to old to ■ ■ 4 PratcwMeel S«i itete Appebrlng voluntarily at a trro- fartdo'a porente, Mr. and Mrs. Lymi / ■•M Service* .Offered ...... - I I distance calls' between 144 and 1,- alarm fire m tsro Bronx cooperage Pittsburgh at PhUadmplM Ptoetog the Soviet Union on an A L L E Y OOP eboM Services Offered ....It-A 830 mllee. Report-Chargea on m- yarda, they Vera sif "great adMrt- (nlghL) . McNouglitoa. McNOughton, -re­ Mllctettt toditotrlM basts. ^ DctRlItWutgi 8 |sa—Contraotins ....•••• II completed calls are eUmlnated, and afice," Depdty Fire o ile f Daniel American tired. is a former vfoc prteident of Oraatatt ofastoete aU along was BY V. T. BAMUN lfii IstevNoreeriee ...... 1 1 New, York at SL Loula (night). H m Cadillac Motor Cor Co. D. & N. NASH CO. o'vertlmo ratea for persoiHto-per- Carlock said, m helping t o Uy hoae IM fact that people in the Soviet •rel Olreetore ...... II . . For Sale. .'V„ Woanlngton at Chicago (n i^ i). Only reoently Benson Ford was jBg—Plamblns—Rooftna .. IT IS Ueaileraao Road IW. 1888 aon calls are reduced to tbemter imes and m fceeptiig Otousaiida Union had no industrial bock- s r s a e * ...... I I DOVENTBY LAKE — 4-ROOM time ratea for statlon.to-stal ■pectatora m check Tridle firemen Phllad^phla at Ctevelandlnight) reject^ for mUltaiy aervlee be­ graund of Um kind that oxistod serr—Oreeemekina ...... I I NASH SALEH AND SERVlUB YEAR ItOCND OOTTAOE BdOton at DetfolL * cause of aa eys d o f ^ Bff—Trocklns—BtorMT* II dal)s. ^^elled the bUscS. to other nations, and most of thorn AdOOO' Coaid Flalsk Two Roocas On bod to bo achootod from the bo- ~ PSMenser Service .....S l-A GENERAL REPAIRING , Tlgera Win By M-tT > S — P a p e rin 'd ...... II Second Floor. gtontag to tho-ute oi; now dovtoes. onal Service* ...... t t Goaranlded (lead Uara C itation Is^G iven ^ *T8k8 hflflii ■ once hg wgg'g rfrlf mgnf^ ------IS ------II ■ -...... ' P rice $1800 fo r Qufek S ale! Cable, Stitch on Sweater Tb# Tlgora defeated the -Weot ir- ____ irtns—Prelnc—Cleanina .. 14 Side Juntors jraotoMoy moinmg at TeUeit .Ocod* and Service ...... I k Bay State M ayor |TU«:^I.V.U.E KUI.*g ^ W Wssted—Bnilneaa Service If Stuart J. W asley the Weet Slda Ploygmmd, 8^ 27. . BdacatiMal Rani Estate Md bMaianea H m looera led until the loa| half I C le a te a ...... IT /if ------' -v* ^-i^.e^vsu iBstraetlona ...... II State Theater RnildlBg of tha orvanth when tha wtomn FOUR TM. SMS- 1148 ooocad flva mna to oka but thiir Oorllato Po,. July 19-t*d--yW nal* ...... I I j For Lease or R ^ t VennarL P .^...8 4 4 2 2 0 cers since th* War of Indepen­ JBUUL l e t s W a a t e d A J U I* ...... I I 2 Model 608-P K. FaOan. 8h - 4 1 2 2 CT 0 dence.’* /' M f m M W M le d ...... M - > Flavin, 2b .....4 8 8 2 0 0 Major Wyer.^Brookltoa, MOW,, FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS aielp W snte^ltal* er-T*aal* IT , Now Who^s SRtuhjgJT A m ts TTsnred ...... — ...... IT-A PH ILC O Nemwoff, 'of .. .4 8 2 2 0 0 physician, returned to active duty BY MERRILL BLOSEEI m sstieas TVsnted—Pemsl* RADIO-PHONO Service Station. IVganl. I f ...... B 2 8 S O I recently when Am > examtoars! re­ Mtffstiena Wanted—Male .... K f . Follaa. aa ..U 4 4 2 a 0 ported him flL He deritoed an i of­ B S iSlij meat Aaeaelea ...... COMBINATIONS , fice oaeignment to become chen- JURT JOJK AMO A ' Idea Seeehi Pete Pealtrr— Contaiia S Major Com­ JonoA 0 ...... 4 88 2 0 0 • 'ALP P8RT OP F T e b le la a with Aktaoatle Baeagi Kaoraa I f . .. .. 8 1 0 1 0 0 mander of Company B, tbs U u -. y ou Mos -^BtrdS—Peu ....a ...... pany Pomps. Excellent verotty of Vermont oenttofenLat NOTMiNO/ Iteek— Vehlelea Cbuiger. Beam af LlgM O m ^ m ilty . the Bummer Reserve ptfloere try and Ssppli.e* ..i...... Pirt Out and Raoordlag. ToW Ia...... 8$ 8T 84 81 8 1 J • / w m t , Wanted —Pete—Poaltry—stbek Training Corps comp at the A m y ------lUOffW/ Makes Records. Regnlar W rite . ■ nimra . flStJMn medical barracks here. LOOK N *nter For Sal* 2SS N orili Ebn Street AB R H FO The citatlan' waa delivered w N ooM oSsir i ) , A. KMa, lb ...4 4 8 4 tetdsy CiiX PhOtp W. Hunti t S r M a te 'rta la or PhoM 3300 or 3862 —y s tokes Jewelry NOW $119.95 K0n . 2b .-.^....4 8 8 2 don. | ( .1 Appllsaees—Radio.. 4 ( i J. K M lP ...... 8 8 8 1' Every Uttlo ^ 1 hoo ebom la V I P o m ...... 4 1 - A ' 1 Model SOO-X 12-Tabe Horvard. 8b ....4 4 4 8 auabonaet! Which te Tshy you ) ;Fsnn 'Dairy Prodaets 44 D. Bottisto. tt . 8 8 8 8 Trin bo ptoaaed Trith thla droae and O u flt^ Nazi W iU Goods 41 CONSOLE . rampor pattern—for a ounhonnat s a d Teola ' ...... 4 1 A Beal DeLnxe'lfiadle.' Reg- Taylbr, If ...... 8 8 8 '1 ^ JaatrsBieiiU 4 1 Doggoit,' o ...... 4 8 ,4 8 coc^letee the -enaemhle. It la made sad Stors BdaisnMat .» 4 4 nlar $lS8A8t ^ Trith on riootle to' bock sad atrlags Leave for Japan ' at tbs Storea •sdsff*#* M Heoma, oa .....4 4- ~4 4 Apsyel— ;Fars .... - 4T For Sale • -' Martta, o f ____ «0 0 0 0 to-tla obdar tba chia. H m frock ~To B a r 4 4 * NOW $99.50 BlanAord, p ...1 1 1 1 ripply . 0^ Meevoe, buttena • a a v 4 -^taM a.>dtaase 4a la B oHob Ob Main Road MeCurry, m ,..8 0 1 1 . ddWn the ftimL Rompere ore the Now York. July 10— Bound 1— 7-TUBE P H IL c O type Trith sti^iaj qnlhrofor for Japan *ion too aost bosL" Dr. '0t BOMV 'W ^ACRE PLACE.. 4-ROOM Hons BprehotA ousted os Gorman 'sated a a • a sS^*A . RADIO-raONO' T o tela ...... 84. 88 88 81 8~4 SCORCHY fiMITH ' ' ’*■* . • 4-' a' . •%•••••. M No. 8871 to to atoas X oongul to Now York, vras flying to ■ s i . ' . '■ VlRiton Not AI1ow847^' ~raaCa 41 AMaamtle Reseed ClMiiger. R o u s e Boom bgr lnatnga:i X X 5 oad 8 yaom, Slsa 8 reqidrM San Froaclaeo today.; BVlOHNi aa—Bears ...... SI RsgMar 818848! '8 1 8 9 WiM Bide Juniors 8% yarda 8Xtod fobrlo for the With hie TrifA Mm Adaitaa ■"■■■ >■ laiateRr RaRt * * . w ith placa ifoir store er 8'8 8 0 10 4 1—87 thioa ptoea ooL Trimming raquliaa Borchem and a mold, ho ,l«ft tost nsta, Tanesmais st hmeh coantv in froRt BgrMiK p o a n for Rani *. id N O W $ < ^ . 9 5 T Ig a r i...... 8 1 1 8 8 7 g -88 8H ymd* ric n o bralX night me a leoutt of a U. X gov- I gM«r*IOThMC Rdat .v4 Chicken coop and oiie «« for that college wardrobe? Here dtork brorm, but iVa something . garL Horrord. Keoma Thres Baas 18e to coin. your name, oddreoe. eomutotea te tho country. • Par Boat ALL PRICES INCLUDE garage. Can alao be osed la tba favorite on any eompiwl ^eclal wbsn knlttA to b brighi tt * a a a a•••a a***** a s ftfr gaaoUae statioR. HiU: Jowa ftoveU t Kltte. patten number and atotf to The In doportliig hr Tray of too Ps- ,^tO U R OLD RADIO Tha big cohla knitted oUtoh la ocorleL royal Mno.'iuaM yoUow or Honw Rttna: Vennart 8, Frey, A. kanrtwrer Evening HeraiX To­ clfle booetr'BdrcheiA, who rm rt- ‘s»' w od tha muot popular and tba KaQy groont Mn. J. KMa. Bteachard. DIBoti- day’s Fatten Sarvlea 108 7tb Air- odiy to to Joto Frits Wlodimaan, Priesd Low for Q oM Salal oomftiltsbls atww n r wniTMiig nnie. New Totk, N. T. - Oerptea oonoul goaaisi to flu on Easy Tenns loofca Tvan on any c f f lg t ^ AmticlMo ed t£e’ aBtehao naad, tfstow Hits off X KM a 81. ord X‘ VoaaSrt 88. Lott on boom: IM arm ttiig thi now trend tor FronriocA sad ooU Rundfly'foi Has > dnpMi Boao. toe. Weoi tt Trith andante od yam in irilliil for you.. The Rqanmr rgalitoa Eoek J tp n CB tbs JopoaoM Unor Yo: iri West Rida Joniora d,TIganiXBaoo Stoait J. W asley Itoen sidrte and bloinwe, wtth sport ili|VBlmb sweator (Pottom N a ffm nlig doMpg of pert stytos te W8te Mam. both anvopa oro w ter ■klrte ed gonael or over yew atoeka BUS) amd 10 omte to Cola. Tour i BaBo off Vanaait X X KMa X ekey-to sew pgttemo.. Ordm tt tog pTovMoaa modo fay tbto gor 1 1 * Stmts ThaatOT BirildiBg or fhorta. Mokeo n knock-out eoo- incRird L RtnMk Oiff by Van- V. -.- ' Eg TW. M48 Name and Addmai and the Pat- tod^, araamt tor tbs oofo rotaim to w—3 . NmiTl tumo for the eUao room tem Nomber to Anna Oobot Urn naft X X 'XMh X pteaebord 1 Patten I 80 Patton Book 18e Mi ^ of oB Gonboa and ItUtox pua Triton vram m eblcr Vaiwhioter Evontaig Hatajd. 108 OMi 1:80. UnmtreX navoR and One ft t t e n 'snd Patten Book aanautor ponoanol la tbs ever n pMh oeheot ■ovontk A


V' J U L Y ^ , m i

t t to thass UMbM ai part of r argmnent fbat Manchester A b o u t T o W Capta d e l relief coats ars aviray out.,dr jpeo- D 1 N £ A N D portion to actual,bwtia need.'’ " K a M o i o t Ward OMiM^j fal S u it P o l i s h 'A m i Cham.'N . U. U.8.W.V„ wtU mmt 9 LkxG ow les'^n^ WHh Hops . PoBum ^ T a w TtavatHs It. tanigtit at eli^t o'clock at Walnut and Oodar streeU, and vroe»euy K, has co r s e te d his Manchester and well known, to courm of^-tralning at^ Fort Ben- vms routed the prisoner had Mrs. Russell Wrighti S^of Man­ many Manchester prople has Join­ chester apd Mrs. Fraucis. Baker, <, oteg, Georgw, and is^ow enjoying smashed some of the cell furnish­ Store Closing iig g ested FRESH MARYLAND SOFT SHELL CRAfiS a tan days’ leave pror to return­ ed the sales force pf the Man­ ings and had to be forcibly re-, of Rockville. . ing to dandlngy^ Major McVeigh chester Lumber aikl Co., strained frpm doing further dam­ LOBSTER AND. OTHER OCEAl^-FRESH SEA-FOOD and Mrs. M eVi^h a n spending where he will be endued in gen­ age Captain Schendel ' waa in eral sales work covering all ma­ charge of headquarters at the Poll Complete E xam p le Winea » No Liqnora —• Jnat (Sood Food' the ten days vlMting Mianil, Flori­ da. and Havana, CubA terials and yroduets i^ld by the time. LowU eUlma hs was hand­ Thorn E. Stoehr / ■ ■ t. company. \ cuffed to ceil bars 'for a . long Arthnr .-. Palmer, o f Oakland. For many years he has been period, the method of handcuffing But Report of I^ult Ne^^Britmn 3 Tiines TEACHER'OF riAN O TEA ROOM BtroeVwhd has been attending the connected with the . brokerage forcing him to bd placed In an un­ w in Instruct A t 81 OreenhUl Opp, SL JfBiei^s Church firm of O. L. Austin and Co., in natural and painful position, m at Must Await Retpini of Larger S^nds Less on - Na^bnal Townsend convention in Or ruptrs Home Boffalo, is at present visiting rela- Hairtford. Mr. ReicbsTd u active tbs time, ho said In'court ho had B u r e a u C3n a n . I t s Q i a r i m C s s e s . ives in Binghailiton', N. Y. In the Masonic Lodge and the suffofod further harm from bis TsIsphCMSOSs Masonic SociM Club. He was edu­ treatment . x . Miss Helin Harrington, of Milt cated in the., local schools. and la la Official Opacity A report on the outcome of the Suggestion has b««n made that, irtreet, has returned after a week’s a graduate of Manchester High Since Schendel waa acting jU an mail referenduih taken recently in angling for some means of re­ . / , vacation, spent partly visiting her school. offldlkl capacity 'at the time o f the among members of the Retail Msr- ducing Mancheeter’ii charity 'ex­ kyandmother, Mrs. Barbara ^eld, incident it was intimatsd today chanta Buyeau on the, question of penditures, locM ofticiaia study ■ ...... ' ' ,' ' ■ V that the town counsel may bo closing ,.^al stores two hours thoroughly the relief , nlethoda en­ . b f PeekskUl, M. Y., and at the earllev An Saturday night than is DOC'S ahorC resorts near New York City. Wr. and Mrs. Henry A, Japsaen, called-on to defend the police offi­ forced in the city of New Britain, cer's action' in the restraining of now ^e practice, must await the which, by comparison with Man­ of Avondale Road, recently enter- return o f' Herbert Swanson of Townsend Club No. 2 i;rill meet iaihed in honor of 'four Chinese the plaintiff Lewie. chester, shoiAs hbw charity costs Wetkina Brothers, who is chair­ may be chopped off short to the F or Brakes temorrow evening at the Y.M.C.A, atupents. Toy Wong, Philip Oaw, man of the Bureau. Mr. Swanabn benefit of taxpayers' without the tVilliara Oaw and George Ong. AND TUNE-UP SERVICE ■- which time.the delegates to the ia now on vacation. incurring hardship on those / l \ - Iracent national convention in Buf- Games and music were ‘ enjoyed Lodge Seats ' No Final Check Blade really needing public aid. talo-v^vOI report highlights in the jd refreshments served. Their X. J. McCabe, executive -vice K'tMot Month’a .Oeses Central Service Station proceedings. Plans wiU also be. eek^nd house guests were Mr. preaident ot the Chamber, aald to­ In'Mracbeetcr last month there oada foe, attendance at the and H n . MUton Walker of New Its4)fficer8 day tiist he hadn’t made a final were 143 - relief cSsieB which coat (DOCS GARAGE) York. ■. . koaeting in Danbiny, Sundky af check of the bellqta and he refused $4,815.11. Manchester has a \popu- Brainard Place — Off Main \ - tamooD at .2:30. to divulge any information as to lation o f almost 24,000, and la in Tel. 3957 l^ar of Gak Ca \ Mr. and Mis. Carl* Anderson rad kiri^ts of P/iU as /ln- the «oume of the voting. He said the center of the present “prCs- \ . Daughters (^^berty No. 136, daughter, Joyce Rae of Detroit, he would turn oVer the results to perl^ area” connected with de­ "Safe Brakes Baye^vesi'* X . I. will hold their annual \ Mich., are visiting relatlvM staUsk at O range /HaU; Mr. Swrason on the latter’s re­ fense work. In a' similar pCeltion Saturday, July 12, at Cres* ln\town. turn, after which it will be up to is the city of New Britain, l^t rk, R. I. A bus wlU ieSve (^ tih g T*lanned. the Biiresu’s chairman to-..decide New Britain generally is regarded ynom teange hall promptly at 8:45 Miss Dorothy Armstrong of 349 what - action, if ray, is tp be 'taken. as a poorer city than is Mrachd « , m. The Providence and Paw- Eak Center who enrolled as a atU' n ew ly elected officet* o f Linne Sounds Out Sentiment ter. Moreover, New Britain hi BRIGI^S-MARONEY ^eket lodges will Join the k^ai den^ at the summer School of Members -of the Bureau were nearly three time* Manchester’ ^ughtera of Uberty from this L o ^ e , No. 72, KiUghla o f Pythlaa Bates College, Lewiston, Maine, wgre matalled at O ru ge HaU laat asked to express an opinion on tfas population. X. town, and a great time is antici­ July \7, for tiie six weeks’ ^asaion' n^ht by Diatrict Deputy George question of cipsing Saturday eve­ Only m^Caaes O u ta id e pated. is working for a bachelor’s de­ nings at seven o’clock Instead of '. Yet, last month. New Britain's Magnuson ot Memorial Lodge. gree. ^he is a graduate o f MSn- William Pallalt waa aeated ae nine o’clock. It'being felt by those rCtief cost was only $3,007 for a PAINT CUa McLean, O. S. C , will hold cheateb High school artd of Willi-, who proposed the plan that stores totaLpf 121 cases—$1,800 less than chanoellor commander . of. the JIta regular meeting tomorrow eve­ mantlet Normal rad a teacher In lodge, to aerve for the next^alx tnusLahorten hours of employees the ena»es in Manchester. SUCCESS

ning. the primary grades. It Is expected months. to'keep their staffs intact The Question is rising to why this that more than 250 will l^aye en­ vote carried-no obligation, being Situation 'Should continue and , Others Installed Bail Modean of Cambridge rolled \yhen registration is com­ Other offlcera InataUed were: taken simply to aound out senti­ what makes at necessary here. Street is spei)ding the month of pleted Saturday. ment as a prelude to possible ac­ While Manchester’s rCUef coats Elmore .Anderson, vice chancellor; July with relatives in Baltimore. Earl^ AndehMn, prelate; Edward tion by the Bureau. dropped spprojtostely 12 per Mrs. Modean and daughter Mona ^ent from May 'tpNJUne, the drop B brra^, master of work; Albert aro spending the week with Carlson, master- at arms; Janica in New Britain went to 13.0 per To Pick Officers cent. • ^ fHmds In Proctor, Vermont V.^Anderson, inner guard; Ralph Cs^of C. Quting Ictaolson, outer guard; Charles Feraons supporting a' thorough reorganization of charity here Rolen Davidson Lodge, No. 98. On iVext Monday ennergren, representative to SMightsrs of SootiiL became of Grand Lodge for two years; Don­ Date Is Listed ■go today. The m ei^ra propose ald McPherson, alternate. Other to eolebrate the 21st anniversary INSULATE NOW . and enjoyji^m plete Foreman Raymond Coleman, of offlcera are elMted fbe^a one-year with a banquat to follow the reg­ term. / ular meeting tomorrow evening'ln Company No. 1, of yie Manches­ 'July 30 Is Qios^n anls, was arrested on s vagrancy it waa ranouhCed today by Elmore Sm U TD A L MEDIUM This committee will recommend Start Picking Seventh Daughter of n Seventh Sou ^ v e yonr hom e insulated right now{\ chatge at 12:05 a m. today when that the company hold its outing Hohenthal, who is general. chair­ man o f the commltte in charge. Bora With h VelL be was discovered sieeping ' in s at the Villa Louisa, Bolton,' on eadinn DaHy 9 A. M. to 9 r.-M. \ garage at 42 East Center. Sunday August 24. The event will be held on Wedn Tobacco Soon day, July SO. a Or By AppofaitaMat. In tho Servleo of.the reople for M Veura. 2 5 5 Tickets Now AvnllaMe Tickets are now a-vailable at tbb 278 Washhigtoa S t, CENTER Hartford, Conn. rhooe 7-8188 Plantations Advertising Chamber office at $2^ each, ST which covers the cost of'admission “ MAN [HESTER™-

AT PINEHURST FRIDAY... For W omen; College to the park, parking, bathhouse privilegee, ewlmming pool and a Our faraer promised to bring in first picking olf Students B^ng Hired. ^ t c d L banquet dinner that will be served Yirsh Yeilow Com toaeil at 6 ears 25c.-. .good size Green ■" • • • -at 8 o’clock in 'the evening with

Apples for Green Apple Pie, 10c Ib„ 3 lbs. 2 5 c .. .New Within a iwesk work will start choice of steak or lobster as the / crop Green Beans at 2 quarts 19c, and gres^ liiR Piner picking the Jsavsa of- shads grown main course. Generators tobacco, ‘ibis will give work i to Portion Set Aside F. E. BRAY • ^ apples. 19r each, are good values! manyx^cel women wbo will etrlag A portion of the' beach will be JEWELER If the ammeter pointer the.- Jeavee onto lathed Laet year set aside for the private>-usa of State !nieater Bnikllnr^ avringa back and forth rap­ the wbmiih were paid a t the irate o f the Chamber members far base­ idly or' remvna at zero 38 1-8 cents a bundle of 50 lathA ball. volley-ball, etc., and deck 737 Main Street PINEHURST FRESH FISH while you a're dfivins, the A Hoi|e Like Tkii 1$ EMijMiml Haddock Fillets Pollock They were able to make about games ewm aa archery, paddle ten- $2A0 'a day. Today advertlaements nla, table tennis and other diver- genemtur should be chew­ Ptomider Fillets / Mackerel are iq>pearing offering 40 cents a siona will be free to the group. ed at once. Wd replace

resh Halibut ^ Scafiops, 35c pint bundle, or six and twa third cents Chamber membeiw may bring em- Watch and Jewelry brushes or make repaire more. . ployeea and friends to the outi Opened Chowder Clams 35c pint. In Shell, 2 quarts 35c quickly. The cause of the More of that - Fresh, Red EASTERN Round Salmon, Mere Eer All Help Oars will leave the Hotel Sh Boys between the ages of 14 and dan at 1 o’clock In the aftenmon Repairing At trouble ia eliminfted and sliced, at 42c lb. Piece at ,39c lb. ‘ 18 years who are now woTklng''on • » \ and U Is expected that a- state future expense avoided. abada grown tobacco, who will do poUce escort will t|s obtained as In the picking, are being paid 89.75 former yeais. Reservstlona may Reiasonable Prices

fresh cents a day. Men and thoae boys be mada'by calling the Chamber NORTON ~ PINEHURST MEATS over 16 yeare of age are belhg psM office 7046. Many people like to serve Liver once each week. W a. Lanrest Aaeortnent at least 88 a day and several more ELECTRICAL have fresh, selected Calves’ Liver at 38c Vt lb., and than that amoOnt. Greetint Carde for - tender Baby Beef Liver at 33c lb. OeSega Stadsata Heia Playi^tes GaesU AB Pnrpooea la Town IN STR U l^N T CO. Siloed Bacy>n, 32c lb. Bacon Squares, 29c lb. Because of the ahortage of labor HilUard B L ' Phone 4060 on. tobaoco, 80 college students Cube.. Steaks average 15c each. Special OB GeBitlne At Birthday Palrty from Georgia, have been- brought Spring RIB LAMB CHOPS, 37c lb. to ManfObeeter to woric on the

HartmanIVibacco plantation. Ibey kre provided houaee in which to Mn. Out T. jobnsoa of HoU Uve end in addition to working street entertained yesterday aftSr-

FRUIT VEGETABLES they are required to study a cer­ noon with a btrtbday party for her OAK CML Black Ra^berrielh^ Fresh Pe«S ----- 2 qts. 25c tain number of hours such day. For •mandaagbtar, Oaiolya Ruth, wbo this reason few are seen on the was two years oM. six o f her play­ “Gny Crowds — Something Doing Every Minnte” Caltlvated Blaeberries SUMMER SQUASH, ea. 5e ■treete unless it is-a Saturday or mates were present end enjoyed Plsaui...... d o z . 18c Sunday lUght when they g o to the the gnmas and refrcatams&ta pre­ Green Peppers. DmE and dance P ea ch es ...... ^2 Ibe. 25c moviee. pared by Mn. Johnson. Chicory. ^ DeUdoiis Foods -L. Modast Prices! "7 Honeyball Melona. The dinilng table was dsoofOteS in pink u d white. TTm centerpiece leM BauatPavk ReaatTarkey VaalOmteto Osntaloiipes ...... ea. 15c Ripe Tomiitoes. Start Addition wee o f aeeeonal garden Sowera end Matt reuses ^ Steaks C lM M i CSeetatora Why pay rent when the enme monthly myments wfB Mackleberrics. Beieker's Native ’ , tbs favors were small plak candy White Grapes. CARROTS.. . .-kbcha. 15c baaketa. Another feature was the Fine W ines — Liquors AndBscr enable yon to qeem sndi n pleasinff home ns this one? " I To Paper Factory birthday cake, arttatleuBy deoorat. m Shore New Potatoes ------peck 23c; peck 42c ed, and eurmonnted by two pink |30 Oak Street TeL S894| Offering good aizie rooms, a carefully risfuwd'iesig^ ^ omia Leng White (Large) New PoUtoes are pre- candlea. Carolyn reoslved m aum^ We Cater To Banqneta aa n ttr a e ^ porch, and adeqnnte dooet roo«,-tliis hone gives Knolla Brotbers. today started a her of lovely gifts, . more epace at leM cost than aa apartment o f the sesM dhnen* gang of men pouring cement for a stone. Note,that a utility room in imisded in the ^Un If the CALIFORNIA ICEBERG LETTUCE . . h ^ 15c fonndation for the addltiou to be ■Leltnca .head 12c built to the LydaU and Foulda Annual Outing hense ie boilt withont a baaemmit. a * ' Paper.miU in lydallviUe, T )^ are 4H1 Chicory At bch. 9c alao ratatag the roof of the boiler ' The living room can be given added benuty by pladng

• adaeaeaoeoeveeeeeeneeseeeaooa sCRCll room two and a half feet Tka mriv Of Soap Company a wood dado or wainacottiag below the w iiidow ^el; Snch

rooT wUl be built .«v*r the present WANTED! material is availabk at^low ^ ih ato<4 paneling pnitenm.

'received...Peter Pan Pennut Batter...Don- roof bsfora the roof now in use ia removed. The wall to be built for The enmiel ^puttag o f the em- Wheat .GerhiL 49e eon .. .Ice Cream Salt.. .Freeh Girls and W om en to S e w Shnde^ Grown WE Wi l l HELP YO(J WITH PL.\JJS the addition win be . a protsetioa ployoM of the Orford Soap Oom- fkkHBeBts o f Pefpitidga BYead. for the present boiler room wall peiv ’Flu be held Saturday. They T o h i ^ e e o . AND FINANCING ARRANGEMENTS

and will save heat needed for the will go to Oesowit Park, But operation o f the mllL Pravidanee. R. 1, aod two bueu ' 40e « Bundle

This mill bbs bsOa provided with win taava the faetorr early SM- oO burusn for bodi best sad I j urday aurntag. m addlfion to I ' cc r t f v u BoCb the LardaU and toM golagbyte patvata can Kfdm B rox Silver Lane.'Ffirm L WILLIS & SON. Inc. [ 4 tbs Oolo^ Board win be used to i u r y others wocktag on orders TrsnaportntkR Fprnishid Frini Mmchertigr Center .jO oal, L n a W . Maaoimr SoppUen. Paint TUs ia SB'aaaual event o t thia I buqr w iu a o company sad about 100 are ex- To Fenn and Rctarib 2 MAIN STREET TIQm SISS;

pecta«^ take, the trip. I n . i ' li