i| ^ ^ ^ ^ iyc|r Etrii^ Current Q^estiod Wbeth^ Fir* ing Hm 0 ccurred\d4 * Only Detail" €^!erod la ^ Smash Heavily at See* r> K d y; Gommitt^ Berlin Will Gotifiim ation o f XJnof^ ond Division Sonth of Meeti to Deddc on Holding' Investigation. fidal Report of Gap- F e e l H ea v y Lepel; Russians Ap­ ture of Salla; Russian RepoH ’phmm BeUAt or parently Hitting Hard- BnOetin! Division GriishedI Aft- Comf^dH^ Fm ofabfy R a id s Soon vf»V ftn Vital 5 0 *BIite Waahlnffton,'Jt|ly 10.— (jPi «* Battle Lasting Sev- Bi^redaa River Central itor Taft (R.-Ohle) told WTih Beat C rofi Made S e u t e today th at he hsid oral Daiya; High Com­ Increoain/f Flou) o f U. S. Froht Which Giiarda’ In BrUain*a PtaMa. G e rn ^ souniM said thaaa were Riuelan planea that were destroyed on the ground at A A SovAt weeka ago “on reliab^ airflold. (Picture by radio from BerlA to New Fork.) , mand Rfffnains- Gdm . Bontben ^'Will Enable Highway to Moscow.. ^ lirtlMrity that the United An Alrfiald, 8omswber*;|ii Eng­ \ . ■ --------- . \ Great Britain to R etail Hates waa ebnatmctjiiir land, July 10—(S|—Amsrlcahtbullt Berlin, July 10,—<ff>—The Moscow, July 10. — (JP) (aval air base fi 'military planes are bettor tbail- or 150 Troopers German high command ke^ ate for London Raida, T h e Red A rm y , s l a s h ^ faT' itain In Northenr compare favorsAy wlA Ae best iritish Will Continue details of the fierce struggle tha direction of Lepel on the ft rimtmided that the land* Brltiah-mede aircraft, say Ae test with Soviet Russia v hidden London, JAy 10--<F>—Ths to- flan); of Germany's Baltic , of United States' troops pilots who have given Aem "Ac Patrol again today, the thid in a creasing flow of Ameriesn-msde salient, reported toda y i]t bad IcalaBd was an act *exaet- works" at atUtudea as high as SO,- row, with the general state­ bombers soon will enable BritaA wiped out a full diviaiop of ' eqolT|dimt to - aggrearive OOOfest ' Tlieir Fight in Syria ment that "operations in the to exact manifoA retaliation <» Adcdf Hitier’r motorised 4tod one which the pree- Miles of hangars, rmalr Aope O fM iii^ W Berlin for A e Oerman bombard­ and test ibede In which British and east are progressing relent­ troops — perhaps 15,000 njea ~ 'no right,to taka lessly." The only detail the ment of - imhmm. BrttaA’e new United Btatas technicians wOA by To Battle French Untii minister of aircraft' producttmi, -*-and Juat south of Lapd^^ boat authority from Con- communique offered liefore ths scor« stretch A all- diracUona Power Sito^l Operators Dentx Accepts Armki- Gulf Coast Oil Ueut-Ool. J. T. C. Moors-BrASa* smashed hlavily at w second from AA fleld where most of Ae turning to war on the Brit­ son, declared today.* diviaioR. The blow at the American pUnes are triad out \ Malje TentatKre Movm tice Terms; . Assert ish and African fronts was It will not be many he secimd division, though Washington, July 10.— American warplenee brought Supply Enough aaid, before Berlin heanp the eireno these reports from British teat Resunie Coiil. Strip- to confirm yesterdajr% unof­ ingly hot as successful aa^ -The . top question in the Reply Given tp Dentx. of euch attackn pUoA; ^ p i ^ Halted Yesterday* ficial report that Salla, forti­ “ Thoee famous Wednasday and those against the first, ■capital today was whether Boeing Bettes M fied Russian town opposite Saturday nights (when Xnadon „fout-motored BI7C L^dOo. July 10.— jTo Beat Nazis called a Serious defm t for tite ; Iths'^Atlantic fleet Fhdand’a eastern .fpntier, waa heavily raided) will be child'a ir A deflnltriy better . PottsvOA, Pa., July 10.—<«)—Jb. BritIiB;~K?iBea *ViU natursl- pity, orntysred w lA the rnida ws Germans. It tocdi placa near; |iag oeders when the United now BrltUhBAlAg and had been, captured. detoebment of ift Aast 100 stote iy^eontinue to f^ h t in Syria* win bs shA to maks on Barite,’' Borisov on tha Bercrina river , Btiitea-began its protective comparahto BAeTTbe Are* Able to'jihrodnce German troops took the toqra he salA trodpers agtotolahed patooA uritU, Gen. H enri D ents, .the Tuesday, sssAted by anclrcUng^ and the road from Minsir to loCeupation of Iceland. It re- through t|A lower aathraeits re* Speaking fbr the government in M oscow , Ivived '^tbe recurrent earlier (Oenttaned Or Fren^ commander, Scci^ts Sufficient . to Offset moveinants of FAi)Ah troops, Ae^ glo*'today and power ahovel op- Britain*'-terms, an authm- bulletin ssld, after cnubAg a Rus­ OiHitianed On Page Trie) Tljn Rimrtsna apparently lueation whether shooting Any Gonceivable Gon< sian. division A a. battle lartlng eratore made bm|aUve Aorae to tative stat^ent dteiared to­ totting hardest on the vital lalroady had occurred, and teeume coal atripAng opeAtkma quests by Germany. several days. mlA BetesAn rtver oentn^l Ithe Senate Naval Committee Duty day. l^e a^ptmeement waa *111#' high command’s apparent stopped ■■ yesterday ri^us a retort te a radio report calm waa unperturbed-and spokes­ linat to decide whether suf- workers. ; ' / '■, Baton. Rouge, La,, Juty 10.—OF man were not provoked to dAcus- Again Ifldent grounds existed for from Lytma, Franca, that no —LouAAna’s directorIT of mtosraA aUm by various rSports, credited to an Is Seen At Ae same tAA, county au- beUevea the gulf coast area of tho investigation of previous­ AoriUaa started an Avan^tibn reply had bron rse^yed to military circles A Virtiy, of Ger- D^ts* yequest for an 'aymia- United'States alohe could kety'Aa msn reverses A Russia. Attack Italy ly , d^ed reports of clash o f three widely aeparafted dA- dcmocracAs supplied wlA enough [be^een U. S. Naval paMoIs Staying Law turbances A which Ih'raen were tice,' (A Vichy atateiltoiit oil to outweigh any conceivable KscelAnt Tima tar BOeacn woiAded by buAsbot/and 30 oA, llad Nad sea raiders. made the same assertion.) X German conquests A Ruaria and All that was raid of mUltiny de- In Two Raids era bruised and hattmed.' 'An ImrtAdAts reply waa giv­ the wboto oast, near and far. vetopmsiits was that German mUi- The diBcumoB on A r'A teat de> Two of the woinmed men, ad­ taiy leaders' regard thA as an ex­ Leaders in Congress Ad­ en, Btating our tarma,” the.BriUab Director Joseph L, McHugh to Ifenm move A A e AJlmttie hleo A- mitted last nigh^to the Ashland aource aaaqrtod. g uardian of the underground re- cellent time for silence which. It Jchided WendeD LK'VraBde’s ndvo* vise Roosevelt* H if^ Btat* hoapttnL -wars reported aa Ns R ^ Up ts Ni aourcee of a ateto practically every waa aaseitod. may Aat . several 14 Kflled and 3 0 tcscy of Americah besee A Sept- A only a faA cAidttion. BoA weie days more. Reuters (British news agency) acre of wh( A' has been declared jtun^ in Day Thrill llsad end NqrAem Irelud. end the Cannot Win Favor shot A jt^ h reported that F rm A auUidritiea by geologHts actual or potmtial "Similar stories wara circuAtsd on CeAtol HIU over had made na reply up to noon to­ oil territory. by Aemy propagandists A_^previ- ,,__ of Senator Wheieter Now for Lcgblati on. I Dnrtng Night At Syraciise and .Blow Bt). hi forecaeAig A e oc- Tha troeqAts, undar command day to a tM tiili request that Bsi- *XM1 win wtn tlA war," he said, oua campaigns, notably A o f Maj. Thomas Martin, arrived rut be evacuated and declared aa railing tha A vasim pf tha V. 8. 8. FVanoa jand Greses," an By Night at Naples. l of Iceland A adrancm-an open city pending dlscuseion of 1 crlAflaed by BrltoA’s Prime Washington. July 10.—(sv -T h e during the night and sat up hesd- R. ** demierats gamble against spokesman aalA . Selactlve Sarvlos baa VgaAst uss qusrters at tha Pine Grove ar- Armistice terms to end A e moaA- mathemeWcal 'rs^ ty .” ' "Than, when tbs high command ter Winston GhurchtU/ BuUetial cf trainees outside As western moey. MartA said "anough men" old war A Syria. LouAlaaa, small A surAcs area, Anally chose t o revest the facts On A e A ooA ig question, lihe a result. It warn reported, last year accounted for niiacty there was an antirely lUfferent pA- ewre, lofilnloB of many ugiaAtora. was tomlsphere typeared Ukaly today were amL "w lA Aa approval c f thn governor" to maAtaA order. hoetiUtiea ty British form* closing per cant of wc|M pfodudtlA p f ture." ■ . Ithat Sacretary of Navy Knox bad to remaA unchanged for Ae pres- A on the Lebngsse c ^ t n l were oil, acoording to the MAeraA De­ He saeerted A at peculiarities o f by are. Ily Implied that the Atlanue rat, deq*te As recomineniiatlon DacIarAg the altuaUon serious. Stats Senator John H. Dent ask­ contAuAg. partment* flgurSs. white iIts great tacties A a new kind of war make era! oth m wefa SaamgeS ; had ordera to open Are if nec- of Aa Army general ataff. Tho request, Reuters rsportod A nelgfabor,ibor, .’Texas, produced 40 perpei ir'SBvedally important for 'Ger­ ed a Aglalative Avestlgatlon wlA . to deal WlA hortUa activity AutborltoUva^reporta wara that a dApatm from JeiuaaAin; omt. From other NorA American many . t o keep attont a t tkA atJge. AfHcMd by lalong A s U nit^ Btatas eomniunl- the aasertloB ‘Tf wa let thA go eongreeslonal Aadeis have advls- radioad last night to Gen.
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