Conference Organizers / Organisation du colloque

Local Organizing Committee / Comité local d’organisation, University of British Columbia

Chair / Président: Gastón Gordillo General administrator / Administration générale: Natasha Damiano Paterson Faculty members / Corps professoral: Carole Blackburn, Alexia Bloch, Charles Menzies, Patrick Moore Students / Étudiant(e)s: Dai Cooper, David Geary, Lina Gómez-Isaza, Arianne Loranger-Saindon, Matt Sanderson, Jayme Taylor

Special thanks / Remerciements: Marie-Ève Carrier-Moisan, Solen Roth, Arianne Loranger-Saindon (for the French translations / pour les traductions de l’anglais au français), Natalie Baloy (for the caffeine supplies / pour le café), Andrew Martindale (for the website design / pour la conception du site Internet), Matt Sanderson & family, UBC Museum of Anthropology, UBC Department of Anhropology

AES: Jacqueline Solway

CASCA: Craig Campbell, Karli Whitmore



• Anthropology and (Anso), 6303 NW Marine Drive • Buchanan D, 1866 Main Mall • Hebb Theatre, 2045 East Mall • Museum of Anthropology (MOA), 6393 NW Marine Drive


Anthropology and Sociology Lounge (CASCA/AES)

Tuesday, May 12 / mardi 12 mai 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm Wednesday, May 13 / mercredi 13 mai 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Thursday, May 14 / jeudi 14 mai 8:30 am - 4:00 pm Friday, May 15 / vendredi 15 mai 8:30 am - 4:00 pm Saturday, May 16 / samedi 16 mai 8:30 am - 12:30 pm (CASCA only / CASCA seulement)


Coffee, tea, and water provided daily at Meekison Lounge (ground floor of Buchanan D) and the Anthropology and Sociology Lounge / Du café, du thé et de l’eau sont disponibles tous les jours au Meekison Lounge, au rez-de-chaussée du Buchanan D, de même que dans le salon du Département d’anthropologie

CASCA/AES BOOK EXHIBIT / EXPOSITION DE LIVRES (organized by / organisée par la Library of Social Sciences).

Meekison Lounge, ground floor of Buchanan D / Rez-de-chaussée du Buchanan D

Wednesday, May 13 / mercredi 13 mai 8:00 am - 6:00 pm Thursday, May 14 / jeudi 14 mai 8:00 am - 6:00 pm Friday, May 15 / vendredi 15 mai 8:00 am - 6:00 pm


The University of British Columbia



It is my pleasure to welcome everyone to CASCA 2009. We are delighted to be meeting jointly with the American Ethnological Society to explore the shared conference theme of “Transnational Anthropologies.” Sessions, roundtables, workshops, organized symposia combine to explore not only the movement between our two countries but the wider global context in which people and resources now move and intersect. In following transnational mobilities, anthropology itself has broadened and has engendered intensive rethinking of the traditional methodologies and theories of our discipline, a complexity reflected in the variety of formats and themes contained in the program. We are grateful to our colleagues at the University of British Columbia for the invitation to visit them in Vancouver and we much appreciate the diligent work of the organizing committee in hosting this conference. Best wishes, Regna Darnell, CASCA President

On behalf of the American Ethnological Society, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our 2009 annual meetings, which we are very fortunate to be holding in conjunction with the Canadian Anthropology Society- Société Canadienne d’Anthropologie. We are very excited about the theme of this year’s conference, “Transnational Anthropologies: Convergences and Divergences in Globalized Disciplinary Networks.” In light of the rapid and profound transformations anthropology is currently undergoing, it is difficult to imagine a more timely or important topic. We are equally excited about this year’s guest speaker, Professor Jane Guyer, who will be presenting a keynote address entitled “Theorizing Economies, From Elsewhere.” Professor Guyer will draw on her extensive fieldwork experience in West Africa to pose a series of fascinating questions about economic life writ large. Best wishes, David Nugent, AES President


Mot de Bienvenue

Je suis heureuse de vous souhaiter la bienvenue à CASCA 2009. Nous sommes enchantés de nous réunir avec l’American Ethnological Society pour explorer ensemble le thème du colloque : «Anthropologies Transnationales». Au travers de sessions, table-rondes, ateliers et symposiums organisés, nous explorerons non seulement la circulation entre nos deux pays, mais aussi le contexte mondial plus vaste dans lequel se déplacent et se croisent personnes et ressources. En suivant les mobilités transnationales, l’anthropologie s’est élargie et a permis de repenser en profondeur les méthodes et théories traditionnelles de notre discipline, une réflexion complexe qui se reflète dans la variété des thèmes et formats contenus dans le programme. Nous sommes reconnaissants envers nos collègues de l’Université de la Colombie- Britannique de nous avoir invités à Vancouver, et nous apprécions tout le travail réalisé par le comité organisateur pour nous accueillir lors de ce congrès. Meilleurs vœux, Regna Darnell, Présidente de CASCA

Au nom de l’American Society of Ethnology, j’ai le grand plaisir de vous souhaiter la bienvenue à notre rencontre annuel de 2009, que nous sommes très heureux de tenir conjointement avec la Canadian Anthropology Society- Société Canadienne d’Anthropologie. Le thème de cette année est particulièrement stimulant : «Anthropologies transnationales: Convergences et divergences au sein de réseaux disciplinaires mondialisés». En effet, à la lumière des transformations rapides et profondes que traverse l’anthropologie en ce moment, il est difficile d’imaginer un temps plus propice ou un sujet plus important que celui-là. Nous sommes tout autant enthousiastes par la conférencière invitée de cette année, Professeure Jane Guyer, qui présentera un discours d’ouverture intitulé «Theorizing Economies, From Elsewhere». Professeure Guyer s’appuiera sur sa vaste expérience de terrain en Afrique de l’Ouest pour poser une série de questions fascinantes sur la vie économique au sens large. Meilleurs vœux, David Nugent, Président de l’AES


Conference Theme: Transnational Anthropologies: Convergences and Divergences in Globalized Disciplinary Networks

In an era when anthropology is increasingly attentive to transnational connections, globalized geographies, and diasporic identities, the discipline itself is subject to new and challenging forms of deterritorialization and re-territorialization. Anthropology has long been constituted by tensions between the gravitational force of its various national traditions and the pull toward an international intellectual cosmopolitanism. Yet the increasing presence of scholars from the world “periphery” in metropolitan universities, the rise to international prominence of subaltern academic centers, the deterritorialized concerns and priorities of funding institutions, and the growing transnational links between researchers, research institutions, and research subjects (among other factors) are further complicating the spatiality of anthropological practice. These shifts, in turn, are transforming the way examine the production of power relations, inequalities, and identities in local and global arenas. The 2009 CASCA- AES conference to be held at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver calls anthropologists and scholars from across the social sciences and the humanities to offer a fresh look at the increasingly transnational nature of knowledge production, at the resilience of regionalized academic hierarchies, as well as at the different ways in which the latter are being reconstituted and subverted. Additionally, the conference welcomes volunteered papers, panels, workshops, and videos related to the internationalization of social practice, power relations, and subjectivities and to any other theme associated with ongoing anthropological questions.

Thème du colloque: Anthropologies transnationales : convergences et divergences au sein de réseaux disciplinaires mondialisés

À une époque où l’anthropologie est de plus en plus attentive aux rapports transnationaux, aux géographies mondialisées et aux identités diasporiques, la discipline elle-même est aussi confrontée à de nouvelles formes de déterritorialisation et de reterritorialisation. L’anthropologie s’est édifiée au fil de tensions entre la force gravitationnelle de ses diverses traditions nationales et sa tendance vers un cosmopolitisme intellectuel international. Aujourd’hui, la présence grandissante d’intellectuels issus de la périphérie mondiale dans les universités occidentales, la percée au niveau international de centres académiques du Sud global, les préoccupations et priorités déterritorialisées des organismes subventionnaires, de même que les relations transnationales croissantes entre chercheurs, institutions de recherche et sujets de recherches (entre autres facteurs), compliquent encore davantage la spatialité de la pratique anthropologique. Ces changements transforment aussi la façon dont les anthropologues examinent la production de relations de pouvoir, d’inégalités et d’identités sur les scènes locales et mondiales. Le congrès CASCA-AES 2009, qui aura lieu à l’Université de la Colombie-Britannique à Vancouver, invite les anthropologues et les chercheurs de toutes disciplines des sciences sociales et humaines à porter un regard nouveau sur la nature de plus en plus transnationale de la production du savoir, sur la résilience des hiérarchies académiques régionalisées, de même que sur les différentes façons par lesquelles ces dernières se voient reconstituées et renversées. La conférence sollicite également des propositions de communications individuelles, de séances de groupe, d’ateliers et de vidéos reliées à l’internationalisation des pratiques sociales, des relations de pouvoir et des subjectivités ainsi qu’à tout autre thème associé aux enjeux anthropologiques contemporains.



Wednesday May 13 Thursday May 14 Friday May 15 Saturday May 16


10:30-11:00 10:30-11:00 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break


12:30-2:00 12:30-2:00 12:30-2:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch


3:30-4:00 3:30-4:00 3:30-4:00 Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break


6:00-10:00 6:00-7:00 6:00-11:00 6:30pm Welcoming CASCA WEAVER- MOA Party Post-conference TREMBLAY AWARD Reception @ MOA AND LECTURE pub-night @ the Wolf & Hound Pub 7:00-10:00 Reception and Gala Screening of Film Festival Award Winner



Mercredi 13 mai Jeudi 14 mai Vendredi 15 mai Samedi 16 mai


10:30-11:00 10:30-11:00 10:30-11:00 Pause café Pause café Pause café


12:30-2:00 12:30-2:00 12:30-2:00 Dîner Dîner Dîner


3:30-4:00 3:30-4:00 3:30-4:00 Pause café Pause café Pause café


6:00-10:00 6:00-7:00 6:00-11:00 6:30pm Réception CONFÉRENCE Fête de clôture @ Soirée au The WEAVER- d'ouverture TREMBLAY MOA Wolf & Hound Pub

7:00-10:00 Réception et Projection du film lauréat du Festival de Films Anthropologiques


Special Events / Événements spéciaux

Wednesday May 13 / Mercredi 13 mai

• 4:00–5:30pm AES Keynote Address / Discours d’ouverture Room / Salle: Hebb Theater

Jane Guyer, Johns Hopkins U Theorizing Economics, from Elsewhere

Discussants: Sylvia Yanagisako, Stanford U Don Brenneis, U of California, Santa Cruz

• 6:00-10:00pm Welcoming Reception and Cash Bar, with live Jazz Trio (The Blake/Lubinsky-Mast/Stephens Trio) / Réception d'ouverture et bar payant, avec Trio Jazz (The Blake/Lubinsky-Mast/Stephens Trio) Venue / Lieu: UBC Museum of Anthropology

Thursday May 14 / Jeudi 14 mai

• 12:30-2:00pm CASCA Women’s Network Lunch Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 205 (Please note that this lunch is for those who have purchased tickets in advance / Veuillez noter que ce dîner est réservé pour les gens qui ont acheté leurs billets à l’avance)

• 12:30–2:00pm Anthropologica Board Meeting / Réunion du conseil d’administration d’Anthropologica Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 2206

• 4:00–5:30pm Plenary Panel / Présentation en séance plénière: Globalization and Anthropological Practice: Transnational Networks and the Making and Unmaking of National Disciplinary Traditions Room / Salle: Hebb Theater

Sylvia Yanagisako, Stanford U Putting the Global in its Place

Jean Michaud, U Laval Observations on the Socialist Anthropology of Minorities in China, Vietnam, and Laos

Regna Darnell, U of Western Ontario Transnationalism in the Constitution of the Canadian National Anthropological Tradition

Ida Susser, City U of New York, Graduate Center Globalization and the Challenges to Anthropology: The and South Africa


• 6:00–7:00pm CASCA Weaver-Tremblay Award and Lecture / Conférence et remise du prix Weaver-Tremblay Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 207

James B. Waldram, U of Saskatchewan Engaging Engagement: Critical Reflections on a Canadian Tradition

• 7:00-10:00pm Reception / Réception: CASCA Weaver-Tremblay Award

Gala Screening of 3rd Annual Anthropology Film Festival Award Winner (8:00-9:00) / Projection spéciale du film lauréat du 3ème Festival Annuel de Films Anthropologiques (20h à 21h)

Visual Anthropology Installations (7:00-10:00) / installations multimédia d’anthropologie visuelle (19h à 22h)

Hosted by UBC Department of Anthropology and the UBC Ethnographic Film Unit / Événements présentés par le Département d’anthropologie de UBC et par l’Unité de Films Ethnographiques de UBC

Room / Salle: Lounge, common spaces, and room 207 / Salon, salle 207 et rez-de-chaussée, Anthropology and Sociology

Friday May 15 / Vendredi 15 mai

• 4:00-5:30pm CASCA Keynote Address / Discourse de clôture Room / Salle: Hebb Theater

Gustavo Lins Ribeiro, U de Brasilia Anthropology as Cosmopolitics: Globalizing Anthropology Today

• 6:00-11:30pm Conference Party, with buffet dinner and live salsa music by “Salsa Beat” / Fête de clôture, buffet et spectable musical de “Salsa Beat” @ UBC Museum of Anthropology (purchase of ticket required / l’achat d’un billet est nécessaire)

Saturday May 16 / Samedi 16 mai

• 11:00am-12:30pm CASCA AGM / ASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE Room / Salle: Hennings 201

• 6:30pm Post-conference pub-night / Soirée au The Wolf & Hound Pub, 3617 Broadway West (no ticket or cover-charge; Alma and Broadway West, 15 min. by bus from UBC / entrée gratuite, aucun billet requis; sur la rue West Broadway au coin de la rue Alma, à 15 minutes de UBC en autobus)


3rd Annual Anthropology Film Festival / 3ème Festival Annuel de Films Anthropologiques

Full details and film synopses / détails et synopsis des films @ http://anthfilm.anth.ubc.ca

Wednesday, May 13 / mercredi 13 mai 1.30-3:45. Reflections on Individuals Through Film 1:30 Papa Bilong Chimbu. Directed by Verena Thomas. Australia-Germany (2007, 54 min.) 3:00 A Spark in Him. Directed by Claudia Engels. U.K. (2008, 28 min.) Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 134

Thursday, May 14 / jeudi 14 mai 9:00-10:45. Identity and Performance 9:00. Being Dalit. Directed by Elysee Nouvet. Canada (2007, 39 min.) 10:00. Somewhere in Between. Directed by Denise Green. USA (2008, 29 min.) Room / Salle: Buchanan D 222

11:00-12:30. Premier: Bax Laanks. Directed by Charles Menzies and Jennifer Rashleigh. Canada (2009, 50 min.) (A production of The Ethnographic Film Unit at UBC). Room / Salle: Buchanan D 222

2:00-4:00. Screening and Discussion of “The Linguist” (2008, 65 min.). Directed by Seth Kramer, Daniel A. Miller and Jeremy Newberger. Featuring linguist K. David Harrison; discussants Patrick Moore (U of British Columbia) and Angela Piccini (Bristol U). Room / Salle: Buchanan D 222

7:00-10:00. Festival Reception (co-sponsored by the UBC Department of Anthropology) Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology lounge

7:00-8:00. From The Ethnographic Film Unit at UBC: Concurrent Screenings For Our Street Family. Directed by Jennifer Wolowic. Canada (2008, 34 min.). (A production of The Ethnographic Film Unit at UBC). Active Pass to IR9. Video Installation. Media Artist Kate Hennessey (associate member of The Ethnographic Film Unit at UBC) and Richard Wilson. Canada. Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology building

8:00-9:00. Gala Screening of 3rd Annual Anthropology Film Festival Award Winner: Pelas Marginais / On the Margins. Directed by Paula Morgado and João Claúdio de Sena. Brazil (2008, 51 min.). Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology building

Featured Festival Films Viewing Lab Grissi Siknis:The Magic Sickness of the Jungle. Directed by Enrique Ruiz-Skipey. Spain-Nicaragua (2008, 94 min.) The Last Yoik in the Saami Forests? Directed by Hannu Hyvonen. Finland (2007, 59 min.) (Un)Veiled: Muslim Women Talk About Hijab. Directed by Ines Hofmann Janna. USA (2008, 36 min.) Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology building


Friday May 15 / vendredi 15 mai 9:00-10:15. Social Justice and Advocacy through Anthropological Film, Part I Casado’s Legacy–Land Without Food (49 min.) Room / Salle: Buchanan D 322

10:45-12:15. Filmmakers and the Anthropological Tradition, Part I The Professional Foreigner. Directed by Rolf Husmann. Germany (60 min.). Room / Salle: Buchanan D 322

1:00-3:30. Filmmakers and the Anthropological Tradition, Part II 1:00. Paris of my Exiles. Directed by Rina Sherman. France (2009, 50 min.). 2:15. Luc de Heush, une pensée sauvage. Directed by Karine de Villers. Belgium (2007, 52 min.) Room / Salle: Buchanan D 322

Saturday May 16 / samedi 16 mai 9:00-11:00. Social Justice and Advocacy through Anthropological Film, Part II 9:00. Stars of Bethlehem. Directed by Marie-Eve Leduc. Canada-Norway (2008, 50 min.) 10:15. Maasai Migrants. Directed by Peter Biella. USA (2009, 22 min.) Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 134



9:00am–4:00pm REGISTRATION / INSCRIPTION Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology Lounge

8:00-am-6:00pm Book exhibit / Exposition de livres (organized by / organisée par la Library of Social Sciences). Room / Salle: Meekison Lounge, ground floor / rez-de-chaussée Buchanan D


1. Migration: Political Economies (Part 1) Organizer(s) / Organisation: Pauline Gardiner Barber (Dalhousie U) and Winnie Lem (Trent U) Chair / Présidence: Pauline Gardiner Barber (Dalhousie U) 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 219

Anthropology, and Migration Winnie Lem, Trent U

Class Relations in Migration from the Top Down: The US Case Josiah Heyman, U of Texas, El Paso

Classifying Ideal Migrants: Class, Race, Nationality, and Gender among Migrant Farm Workers in Canada Janet McLaughlin, U of Toronto

Class Formation on the Last Frontier: Labour Recruitment and Training in Canada's Diamond Basin Lindsay Bell, U of Toronto

Emigrant Histories, Immigration Exigencies: Transnational Pasts and Futures for Trinidadian Migrants to Canada Belinda Leach, U of Guelph

2. Fertility, Reproduction, Motherhood Chair / Présidence: Vida Yakong, U of British Columbia, Okanagan 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 314

Good Mothers Don’t Spoil: Discourses of Mothe1rhood and Enjoyment Judith Doyle, Mount Allison U

The “Independent Variables” of Sperm and Subjectivity: Convergences in Social and Biomedical Science in/on China Janelle Lamoreaux, U of California, Berkeley


The Influence of Culture and Gender Relations on Ghanaian Women’s Reproductive Health Care Decisions Vida Yakong, U of British Columbia, Okanagan

Reproductive Rights and HIV in : Global Agendas, Local Advocacy Tamil Kendall, U of British Columbia, Okanagan

Global Health Policies and the Implications for Maternal Health in Stephanie Montesanti, McMaster U

3. Fifty Years of the Cuban Revolution Organizer(s) / Organisation: Kendra Coulter (U of Windsor) Chair / Présidence: Kendra Coulter (U of Windsor) 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 205

The Stubbornness of Hope: Women, Education Work and Revolution in Kendra Coulter, U of Windsor

Resources of Hope: The Idea of Cuba for Activist Argentine Pensioners Lindsay DuBois, Dalhousie U

Public Health: Why Are the Cubans So Successful? Una Lynch, Queen’s U, Belfast/ International Institute for the Study of Cuba

Re-thinking “Transition”: Resistance, Accommodation, and Implications for Solidarity in Cuba Kathy Powell, National U of Ireland, Galway

4. Sites of Cosmopolitanism: Narratives Without Closure Organizer(s) / Organisation: Karine Vanthuyne (EHESS/IRIS) and Kee Howe Yong (McMaster U) Chair / Présidence: Karine Vanthuyne, EHESS/IRIS 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 312

Interrogating the Nation-state: Generic Pastness and Religiosity Kee Howe Yong, McMaster U

Colonial Coffee/Revolution Roast: Representation and Practice in the Fair Trade Coffee System Molly Doane, U of Illinois, Chicago

Empowering Youth in Central America: National and International Involvement on Discourse and Practice Laura Nussbaum-Barberena, U of Illinois, Chicago

The Paradoxes of Guatemala’s Neoliberal Democratization Karine Vanthuyne, EHESS/IRIS

The Ethnographic Eye: A Critique Livia Viventi, U de Montréal


5. L’ethnologie, la parenté et les traditions Chair / Présidence: Marie-Elaine Bergerons-Dufour, U Laval 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 301

Naître ou ne pas naître en Inde du Nord-Ouest. Insécurités quotidiennes des femmes et préférence pour les garçons. Marie-Elaine Bergeron-Dufour, U Laval

Pratiques juridiques et transmission intergénérationnelle dans les familles québécoises recomposes Florina Gaborean, INRS-UCS

L’esclavage et l’Afrique : la tradition afro-brésilienne dans une petite ville brésilienne Pedro Simonard, CELAT/U Laval

6. Humanitarian Aid in Africa: Charitable Agendas and Their Consequences Organizer(s) / Organisation: Daniel Jordan Smith (Brown U) and Bianca Dahl (U of Chicago) Chair / Présidence: Daniel Jordan Smith, Brown U 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 205

Humanitarianism and Development Reconsidered in Liberia Bruce Knauft, Emory U

The Dreams and Delusions of a New Green Revolution for Africa Joanna Davidson, Emory U

AIDS Orphan Charities and the Unintended Consequences of Humanitarian Aid in Botswana Bianca Dahl, U of Chicago

Iatrogenic Effects of the International Public Health Response to HIV/AIDS in Nigeria Daniel Jordan Smith, Brown U

7. Racialized Subjectivities and the Production of Difference Chair / Présidence: Mary-Lee Mulholland, York U 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 214

A Case Study of the Virginia Bureau of Vital Statistics Bipolarization of Race, 1912-1946 Ryan Hechler, Virginia Commonwealth U

Jewish DNA Alex Weingrod, Ben-Gurion U of the Negev

Voluntarism, Immigrants and the Making of the Good (White?) Citizen in Ottawa Mary-Lee Mulholland, York U

Barbaros (Barbarian), Natio (Nation) and Silvaticus (Savage): An Anthropological History of Othering Michel Bouchard, U of Northern British Columbia


8. Sacred Capital and Technologies of Mediation in the Americas Organizer(s) / Organisation: Kristen Norget (McGill U) and Jamie MacKenzie (U of Lethbridge) Chair / Présidence: Jamie MacKenzie, U of Lethbridge 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 203

Food and Spirits: Religion and Identity in the 'African' cuisine in Northeast Brazil Allan C. Dawson, Drew U

Holy Networks and the Great Chain of Command: Reconfigurations of Sacred Power in Guatemala Jamie MacKenzie, U of Lethbridge

Mexican Martyrs at the Margins of Sanctity: Local Globalism in the Contemporary Roman Kristen Norget, McGill U

Mediating the Sacred and Profane in Biomedicine: The Case of Hospital Chaplains Will Wilson, McGill U

Discussant / Commentateur: Gilles Bibeau, U de Montréal

9. Christianities and Religious Identities in Motion Chair / Présidence: Laura Waddell, McMaster U 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 134

“The Church is not a Building, the People are the Church”: Locating Rural Change and Community Identity in Catholic Prince Edward Island Laura Waddell, McMaster U

Ghanaian Pentecostal Prophets: Travel and Immobility Girish Daswani, U of Toronto, Scarborough

Hegemonic Discourse and Social Inequality in the American Medical Supply Industry (“Junk for ” – Understanding the Supply Chain Train) Nancy Gibson, Marylhurst U

The Middle Ground: and Spiritual Experience Glen Chua, U of Toronto

Empowered Flowers? Tradition, Gender, and Nationalism in South Africa’s Virginity-Testing Movement Kathleen Rice, Simon Fraser U

10. Still a Bastion of Knowledge? National Control of Anthropological Knowledges Organizer(s) / Organisation: Sebastian Braun (U of North Dakota) Chair / Présidence: Ann Reed, U of North Dakota 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 216

Knowledge and Power: Anthropology, Indigeneity, and the Imagination of Trans-Nationality Sebastian Braun, U of North Dakota


Producing Archaeological Knowledge as Information/Heritage/Property: A Case from Honduras Lena Mortensen, U of Toronto, Scarborough

Circulating Heritage: Métis Fiddling and Jigging on the Global Stage Sarah Quick, Winthrop U

Ethnoscapes in Ghana: On the Potential for Transnational Racial Identity Politics Ann Reed, U of North Dakota

11. Témoignages et cultures transnationales des droits: méthodes et concepts (Partie 1) Organizer(s) / Organisation: Francine Saillant (U Laval) Chair / Présidence: Francine Saillant, U Laval 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 202

Digital Storytelling in a Housing Project in Montréal: Public Testimonies in Search of Public Recognition Karoline Truchon, U Laval

Guerre permanente au droit de parler en terrain de paix Annie Laliberté, U Laval

L'anthropologie face à la violence organisée de masse : éviter le piège d'une « re- victimisation » Karine Vanthuyne, ÉHÉSS

Le témoignage dans les politiques de réparation et de guérison chez les Premières nations au Canada : le témoin, l’anthropologue et le psychologue Alexandra Beaulieu, U Laval

12. Neoliberalism and Identity-Making Chair / Présidence: Matthew Tobiasz, Dalhousie U 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 209

Capitalist Kolkhozes: How the Hidden Soviet-style Workings of the Global Neo-liberal Economy Caused Financial Crisis in the West Oane Visser, Radboud U Nijmegen

Meaning-Making with Freight Trains in the Anarchist Repertoire Matthew Tobiasz, Dalhousie U

A Study of State Power and Indigenous People: The Effects of Globalization Marianne Hoyd, U of Sydney

Gender and Youth in Rural Settlements in Brazil Elisete Schwade, U Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

12:30–2:00pm LUNCH / DÎNER



13. Migration: Political Economies (Part 2) Organizer(s) / Organisation: Pauline Gardiner Barber (Dalhousie U) and Winnie Lem (Trent U) Chair / Présidence: Winnie Lem, Trent U 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 219

Migrants’ Mobilisation and Policy Change in Europe Davide Pero, U of Nottingham

Migration and the Cultural Politics of Class Dynamics Roger Rouse, Carnegie Mellon U

Engineer Nannies and Nurse MDS: Migration, Gender, and Philippine Class Formation Pauline Gardiner Barber, Dalhousie U

A Politics of Intimacy, (re)Defining Class through Migrant Carework Relationships Maya Shapiro, York U

Back in Camp: Intersecting Class and Gender in the Athabasca Oil Sands/Atlantic Canada Labour Circuit Nelson Ferguson, York U

Theorizing Diasporas in Three Settings Don Nonini, U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

14. Témoignages et cultures transnationales des droits: méthodes et concepts (Partie 2) Organizer(s) / Organisation: Francine Saillant (U Laval) Chair / Présidence: Francine Saillant, U Laval 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 202

Critique anthropologique des usages du témoignage à des fins de droits Francine Saillant, U Laval

Narrative Voice in Reparations Proceedings: Anthropological/Marshallese Intersects Barbara Johnston, U of California, Santa Cruz

Money, Garbage and Bureaucrats: Metonymic Narratives of Structural Violence Among Mayas of Central Guatemala. Martin Hébert, U Laval

Discussant / Commentateurs: Petra Rethmann, Mc Master U and Mondher Kilani, U de Lausanne

15. Between Migration and Immobility: Memories and Technologies of a Socialist Past Organizer(s) / Organisation: Frances Pine (U of London, Goldsmiths College) and Hulya Demirdirek (U of Victoria) Chair / Présidence: Frances Pine, U of London, Goldsmiths College 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 216


(Re)Collecting “the Pearl of the Black Sea”: Movements of Memory and Material Culture Between Odessa and New York Tanya Richardson, Wilfrid Laurier U

Lost Generations? Unemployment, Migration and New Knowledge Regimes in Post EU Poland Frances Pine, U of London, Goldsmiths College

Three Generations: Migration and Dreams of a “Good Life” Hulya Demirdirek, U of Victoria

Contrasting Perceptions of Migration in a Romanian Urban Neighborhood Aniko Horvath, Central European U

Veterans, War-trauma, and Postsocialist Change in Croatia Goran Dokic, U of Victoria

16. Anthropologies of Borderlands Chair / Présidence: Amy Leia McLachlan, U of Chicago 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 205

Borderland Anthropology: Exploring Afghan Women’s Social and Geopolitical Locations Parin Dossa, Simon Fraser U

Challenging a Benign Border? Local Knowledge and Dangerous Illegalized Border Crossings at Niagara Jane Helleiner, Brock U

Danger at the Border: the Problematization of Immigration in Ceuta (Spain) David Moffette, U Laval

Researching the U.S.-Mexico Border’s Economic Underworld Melissa Gauthier, State U of New York, Binghamton

The Crowded Border: Ethnography and Epistemology in the Anthropological Transnation Amy Leia McLachlan, U of Chicago

17. The Power of Kinship: Locating the Role of Kinship in a Post-Modern World Organizer(s) / Organisation: Cara Krmpotich (Oxford U) Chair / Présidence: Cara Krmpotich, Oxford U 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 314

Kinship in the Courts: An Analysis of Kinship as Social Statement and Metaphor in Aboriginal Rights Issues Douglas Hudson, U of the Fraser Valley

Challenging the State: Kinship in the History of Colonized Hunter-Gatherers Gaynor Macdonald, U of Sydney

From Ethnographic Data to Family Photos: Nuxalk Renegotiations of Harlan I. Smith’s Bella Coola Valley Photographs Adam Solomonian, U of British Columbia


Producing Kinship and Memory: Anthropological Perspectives on Haida Repatriation Cara Krmpotich, U of Oxford

Reorienting Perspectives on Filipino Transnational Families: Elderly Narratives on Diasporic Siblings, Remittances and Retirement Lisa Davidson, U of Toronto

18. NGOs, Development, and Humanitarian Interventions Chair / Présidence: Anthony Marcus, City U of New York 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 312

Barriers to Health Care: Perspectives of Rural Rwandan Child Headed Households on NGO Approaches to Malaria Prevention & Treatment Michelle Hardy, U of Victoria

Fair Trade and the Foreigners: Market Choices and ‘Development’ Practice among Lao Coffee Farmers Emma Townsend-Gault, London South Bank U

Inside the Pale: NGO Workers and Democratization in the Post-Tsunami Maldives Anthony Marcus, City U of New York

Participatory Budgeting in Peru: Democratization, State Control or Community Resistance? Susan Vincent, St. Francis Xavier

A Working Class Hero? Green Day, Darfur, and the Consumption of Humanitarian Crises Benjamin Augustyn, Florida International U

19. (Re)defining Identity through Work and Labour Chair / Présidence: Daniel Earl Houser, U of Calgary 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 209

Big Trucks and Cash Money: Rig Hands Living Large in Alberta’s Boom and Bust Petroleum Economy Daniel Earl Houser, U of Calgary

Borderland Map: The Space of Industrial Labor, Mexican Migration, and Ethnography David Sandell, Texas Christian U

Local Safety Cultures: An Ethnography of Risk at Work Garry C. Gray, McMaster U

Negotiating Class, Labor and Heritage among Local, National, and International Audiences: A Perspective from the Historic Pullman Community Jane Eva Baxter, DePaul U

20. Current Currencies: Virtual, Cultural, and Ethical Media of Exchange Organizer(s) / Organisation: Kathleen Lowrey (U of Alberta) Chair / Présidence: Kathleen Lowrey, U of Alberta 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 205


Museums and Nationalism: Canada’s Life in Stories Thomas Baynes, U of Alberta

Virtually Fair: Money-Making and Money-Trading in World of Warcraft Alicia Hibbert, U of Alberta

The Exotic Appeal of Fair-Trade Coffee Calli Waltrip, U of Alberta

21. Biomedicine and its “Others” Chair / Présidence: Farhana Begum, U of British Columbia 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 301

Survival of Alternative Medicines: Is a Functional or Efficacy Based Explanation Enough? Farhana Begum, U of British Columbia

Access Across Borders: Health (Care) as a Commodity in a Rural Community in Southern Mexico Mary Alice Scott, U of Kentucky

The Complexity of Anishinaabe Traditional Knowledge and Diabetes Research Darrel Manitowabi, U of Sudbury and Marion Maar, Northern Ontario School of Medicine

Parent-Farmers or Parent-Pharmers? Contract Farming and the Biotechnical Entanglement of Health and Wealth in Northern Thailand Craig Candler, Golder Associates

The Duality of American Nurse-Midwifery: A Cultural Analysis Maureen May, Syracuse U

22. Anthropology of (In)Gratitude: Convergences and Divergences Within Local Power Relations Organizer(s) / Organisation: Jessaca Leinaweaver (Brown U) Chair / Présidence: Jessaca Leinaweaver, Brown U 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 203

“Those Free Samples Saved My Life”: Gratitude, Inequality, and the Marketing of Artificial Baby Milk in U.S. Hospitals Rebecca N. Ruhlen, U of North Carolina, Charlotte

Gratitude and Ingratitude in a Peruvian Home for the Aging Jessaca Leinaweaver, Brown U

Between Gratitude and Obscurity: The Absence of Birth Families in Spain’s Intercountry Adoptions Diana Marre, Autonomous U of Barcelona

Intergenerational Bargains, Transnational Gifts, and the Affective Economies of Turkish Diaspora Jeffrey Jurgens, Bard College

Discussant / Commentatrice: Charlene Makley, Reed College


23. Worlding Cities in South Asia and Beyond: Global Norms and Cosmopolitan Forms Organizer(s) / Organisation: David Geary (U of British Columbia) and Tamar Scoggin (U of British Columbia) Chair / Présidence: David Geary, U of British Columbia 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 214

The Light of Asia Redux: Peace, Built Form and the Imagination in Buddha Gaya, Bihar David Geary, U of British Columbia

Converging Constructs: Conservation Architecture and Guest House Construction in Leh Town, Ladakh J. Kathleen Portillo, Syracuse U

Imaginative Projections: Subjecthood and Shifting Representation of Physical Property Rights in Real Estate Branding Vanessa Vanzieleghem, U of Toronto

Darjeeling Rocks: Of Postcolonial Hangovers, Rock 'n' Roll, and Identity Politics in the Eastern Himalayas Tamar V. Scoggin, U of British Columbia

Historicizing Contemporary Future-Making Projects for Bodhgaya, India Jason Rodriguez, U of California, Santa Cruz

Discussant / Commentatrice: Sonia Das, U of British Columbia

24. Reigning Responsibility: Ethnographies of Corporate Ethicizing Organizer(s) / Organisation: Catherine Dolan (Oxford U) and Dinah Rajak (Sussex U) Chair / Présidence: Catherine Dolan, Oxford U 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 207

Embodying the Company: The Meanings of Corporate Personhood in Dock Sud, Argentina Elana Shever, Brown U

The Good Company: Corporate Social Responsibility and the Catholicization of Neoliberalism Andrea Muehlebach, U of Toronto

Contracts, Concessions and Creatures in Conservation Rebecca Hardin, U of Michigan

Free Trade – Fair Trade: The Moralizing Claims of Global Market Regulations Christina Garsten, Stockholm U

“HIV/AIDS is our Business”: Responsibility and the of Treatment in a Transnational Mining Company Dinah Rajak, Sussex U

Always for Africa: Empowering the African Girl One Pad at a Time Catherine Dolan, Oxford U



4:00–5:30pm AES KEYNOTE ADDRESS / DISCOURS D’OUVERTURE: Room / Salle: Hebb Theater

Jane Guyer, Johns Hopkins U Theorizing Economics, from Elsewhere

Discussants: Sylvia Yanagisako, Stanford U Don Brenneis, U of California, Santa Cruz

6:00-10:00pm Welcoming Reception and Cash Bar, with live Jazz Trio (The Blake/Lubinsky-Mast/Stephens Trio) / Réception d'ouverture et bar payant, avec Trio Jazz (The Blake/Lubinsky-Mast/Stephens Trio) Venue / lieu: UBC Museum of Anthropology



8:30am–4:00pm REGISTRATION / INSCRIPTION Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology Lounge

8:00-am-6:00pm Book exhibit / Exposition de livres (organized by / organisée par la Library of Social Sciences). Room / Salle: Meekison Lounge, Buchanan D, ground floor / rez-de-chaussée


26. Symposium in Honor of Gavin Smith: Confronting Capitalism (Part 1): The Anthropology of Politics Organizer(s) / Organisation: Belinda Leach (U of Guelph) and Pauline Gardiner Barber (Dalhousie U) Chair / Présidence: Pauline Gardiner Barber, Dalhousie U 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Buchanan D 218

Guaraní Land Struggles and the Making of Political Subjectivities Gastón Gordillo, U of British Columbia

The Politics of Ethnicity and the Ethnicity of Politics: Dilemmas in Mexican Anthropology Guillermo De la Peña, CIESAS, Mexico

Gender Mainstreaming and “Market Fundamentalism” in Rural Yucatán, Mexico Marie France Labreque, U Laval

Effective Politics: Elections and Decision Making in Anishnaabek Society Krystyna Sieciechowicz, U of Toronto

Doing Polemic Ethnography: The tensions between Politics, Engagement and Eesearch Susana Narotzky, U de Barcelona

Where’s the Money At? Kirk Dombrowski, City U of New York, John Jay College

27. Symposium: Doing Politics, Undoing Anthropology: Trench Warfare (Part 1), Practicing a Political Anthropology Organizer(s) / Organisation: Crabgrass Collective Chair / Présidence: Marc Pinkoski, U of Victoria 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Buchanan D 207

Back from the Field: Reflections on Anthropology and the Political Today Michael Asch, U of Victoria

Governmentality/Aboriginality-Schooling Tony Fisher, U of Alberta


Anthropology and the Defense of Aboriginal Rights in Canada during the 1970s Robert L. A. Hancock, U of Western Ontario

Getting to Know the State: (Re)-emerging Relations and Indigenous Autonomy in Protected Area Management, Banff National Park Shauna McGarvey, McMaster U

Discussant / Commentateur: Marc Pinkoski, U of Victoria

28. Practicing Anthropology on the Periphery of the Centre: A Symposium (Part 1) Organizer(s) / Organisation: Julia Harrison (Trent U) and Michelle Daveluy (U of Alberta) Chair / Présidence: Julia Harrison, Trent U 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 207

The at the Core and the Periphery of Anthropology Catherine Benoit, Connecticut College

Imagined Centres: Reflections on Anthropology’s Role in Creating a Centre of the Tlingit World Christine Schreyer, U of British Columbia, Okanagan

Resisting the Comfort of the Periphery in Competing Anthropologies Michelle Daveluy, U of Alberta

The place of Swamis and Sadhus in Contemporary India Gilles Bibeau, U de Montréal

29. Government Tolerance and Regularization of Illegality and Informality: Property Rights and Administrative Strategies Organizer(s) / Organisation: Saulesh Yessenova (U of Calgary) and Alan Smart (U of Calgary) Chair / Présidence: John Clarke, Open U 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 202

The Strength of Property Rights, the Prospects for the Disadvantaged, and Constraints on the Actions of the Politically Powerful Alan Smart, U of Calgary

Reconfiguring Urban Livelihoods, Negotiating Legal/Illegal Practice: Women and Street Vending in the Northern Philippines Lynne B. Milgram, Ontario College of Art & Design

Informal Housing in the Heart of the New West: An Examination of State Toleration of Illegality in Calgary Alina Tanasescu, U of Calgary

How “Bizarre” is the Bazaar in the Age of Neoliberalism? Saulesh Yessenova, U of Calgary


Struggles from Above and Below as Limits on the Expansion of Law Enforcement: The Case of U.S. Interior Immigration Enforcement Josiah Heyman, U of Texas, El Paso

Discussant / Commentateur: John Clarke, Open U

30. Contested Evidence, Systemic Failures, Productive Creativity: Ethnographies of Health Practice Organizer(s) / Organisation: Emma Varley (Dalhousie U) and Maureen Murney (U of Toronto) Chair / Présidence: Emma Varley, Dalhousie U 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 203

Governing Clinical Trials: Preventing Real World Risks at the Gate Janice Graham, Dalhousie U

The Social Lepers: Anthropology of the Damned Dan Small, U of British Columbia

Paving the Road to Hell: Targeted testing and early detection of acute HIV Josephine MacIntosh, U of Victoria

Overcoming Alcohol Addiction in Western Ukraine: Knowledge, Treatments, and Moralities Maureen Murney, U of Toronto

Sectarian Conflict, Cruel Possibilities: Medical (Mal)Practice and Obstetric ‘Murder’ in Pakistan’s Northern Areas Emma Varley, Dalhousie U

31. Embodying Transnationalisms: Reconceptualizing “Bodies” Across Boundaries and Borders Organizer(s) / Organisation: Karen Angus (York U) and Jessica Caporusso (York U) Chair / Présidence: Jessica Caporusso, York U 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 134

The Rape of an Avatar: Legal Jurisdiction, Citizenship, and the Body in a Digital Age Heather Barnick, York U

Dancing the Other: Exploring Movement and Race in Latin Dancing Karen Angus, York U

Performing Audio: Crafting Bodies Between Spaces and Places Jessica Caporusso, York U

32. Transnational Networks and the Unsettling of Identities (Part 1) Chair / Présidence: Grant Otsuki, U of Toronto 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 205

Remediation, Scaling, and the Making of “Global” Identities Grant Otsuki, U of Toronto and Aalok Khandekar, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


Economic Intimacies Within the Transnational Social Field Nathalie Tran, U de Montréal

Culture and Ethnicity in the Korean Transnational Community in Brazil Jong-Taick Joo, Soonchunhyang U

Transnationalism and Parochialism: The Performance of “Traditional” Society in a Small US Town William Webb Sprague, U of California, Berkeley

33. Ethnography Outside the Box: Forays in Co-Engagement and Imagination (Part 1) Organizer(s) / Organisation: Dara Culhane (Simon Fraser U) and Leslie Robertson (U of Windsor) Chair / Présidence: Leslie Robertson, U of Windsor 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Buchanan D 325

Beyond Homo Sacer: Imagination, Creativity and Performance in An Experiment in Experimental Ethnography Dara Culhane, Simon Fraser U

Don’t Tell Me How to Dance!: Negotiating Activism, Collaboration, and Empowerment in the Ethnographic Theatre Performance Hope Magdalena Kazubowski-Houston, Simon Fraser U

The Wandering Ethnographer: Researching and Representing Public Space Through Everyday Encounters Cristina Moretti, Simon Fraser U

Medicines and Men Denielle Elliot, Simon Fraser U

Discussant / Commentatrice: Virginie Magnat, U of British Columbia, Okanagan

34. The Conflicted and the Afflicted: Conflict of Interest and Harm in the Age of Deregulation (Part 1) Organizer(s) / Organisation: Harriet Rosenberg (York U) Chair / Présidence: Harriet Rosenberg, York U 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Buchanan D 322

“A Story of Corruption:” Elite Critiques of Big Pharma Richard Lee, U of Toronto

Messages from Jupiter: The Conflicted, the Afflicted and the Inflammatory Trial Harriet Rosenberg, York U

Tough Pills to Swallow: Expectations, Violations, and the Statin Clinical Research Trials Natalie Turrin, U of Western Ontario

35. Workshop: The UBC Museum of Anthropology and the Practice of Trans-national Collaboration Organizer / Organisation: Susan Rowley, U of British Columbia Chair / Présidence: Pam Brown, U of British Columbia 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Buchanan D 216


Speakers: Carol Mayer, U of British Columbia, MOA Karen Duffek, U of British Columbia, MOA Pam Brown, U of British Columbia, MOA Bill Mclennan, U of British Columbia, MOA

36. Education and Institutional Practices Chair / Présidence: Marilynne Diggs-Thompson, U of Pennsylvania 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Buchanan D 214

We Are the World: Evaluating Student Knowledge Versus Faculty Knowledge and the State of the Academy Marilynne Diggs-Thompson, U of Pennsylvania

Extra–curricula Activities as a Means of Promoting French Language Culture in Western Canada Natalya Veresovaya, U of Northern British Columbia

Facing the Dilemma of Stalled Learning in Collaborative Institutions Kira Furman, Simon Fraser U

Transnational Educational Experiences in Anthropology: Orienting Students to the Discipline’s Changing Geography J. Joanne Kienholz, U of British Columbia

37. New Knowledge Practices in Transnational Perspective Organizer(s) / Organisation: Eric Henry (Carleton U) and Jennifer Shannon (U of British Columbia) Chair / Présidence: Eric Henry, Carleton U 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Buchanan D 228

Language Experts: Deciding What is (and What is Not) English in China Eric Henry, Carleton U

Parochialization and Globalization of Tamil Language Curriculum in Montreal, Quebec Sonia Das, U of British Columbia

“Multiliteracies” in an Urban Inuit Literacy Centre Donna Patrick, Carleton U

The “Professionalization of Indigeneity”: Transnational Ideas of Indigeneity in the Carib Territory of Dominica Jen Shannon, U of British Columbia

Transforming Land and People in Fiji: On Miracles and the Modern World Pauline McKenzie Aucoin, Carleton U

38. Places, Spaces, and Contestation Chair / Présidence: Hansen Chou, U of British Columbia 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Buchanan D 209


Life on the Fringe: Spatial Politics and Religious Tactics at a City’s Edge Hansen Chou, U of British Columbia

A What Away from Where? Memory, Identity and the Construction of “Home” Spaces Amongst UBC Students in Residence Donetta R. Cooper, U of British Columbia

Transforming Leadership, Transformative Places: Prospects for Second Generation Holistic Centres in the US and Canada Margaret Critchlow Rodman, York U

“Peak Problems”: Global Capital Flows, Local Oil Production and the Spatial Trials of Energy in Alberta Caura Wood, York U

39. Children’s NGOs: Constructing Childhood and Assistance Organizer(s) / Organisation: Aviva Sinervo (U of California, Santa Cruz) Chair / Présidence: Aviva Sinervo, U of California, Santa Cruz 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Buchanan D 324

Global Savings, Local Futures: The Case of Batang Atikha Cheryll Alipio, U of Washington

Possibilities of Childhood: Visions and Practices in a Peruvian After-School Project Aviva Sinervo, U of California, Santa Cruz

Children Learning Ethnicity: NGOs and Child Sex Tourism in Goa, India Lindi Conover, DePauw U

Who Benefits From Volunteer Tourism?: A Critical Examination from a Participant’s Perspective Meredith Mashner, U of Pennsylvania

Discussant / Commentatrice: Jessaca Leinaweaver, Brown U



40. CASCA Women’s Network Workshop Organizer(s) / Organisation: Pauline McKenzie Aucoin (Carlton U) Chair / Présidence: Pauline McKenzie Aucoin (Carlton U) 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 216

41. Symposium: Doing Politics, Undoing Anthropology: Trench Warfare (Part 2), When Worlds Meet: Nature/Culture, Medicine Wars, and the Colonial Encounter Organizer(s) / Organisation: Crabgrass Collective Chair / Présidence: Mario Blaser, Memorial U of Newfoundland 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 207


The Power of Survival, Ontology in the Making and Ontologies in Conflict - James Bay Cree Struggles Harvey Feit, McMaster U

Classification and Worlding with the Gods and Goddesses of Tamilnadu Gillian Goslinga, Stanford U

Cloth and Tobacco in the Museum: Plains Cree Political Ontology Claire Poirier, Dalhousie U

What the Archive Left Behind… Marisol de la Cadena, U of California, Davis

Between Relations and Representation: Leadership at the Hinge Mario Blaser, Memorial U of Newfoundland

42. Neoliberalism and Governmentality Revisited Chair / Présidence: Gillian Gregory, McGill U 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 203

An Archipelago of Governmentalities: Enfolding Modernity at the Edge of Guyana’s Rainforest Frontier Gillian Gregory, McGill U

Social Justice, Transnational Projects, and Knowledge Production in Post-Soviet States Anna Fournier, U of Manitoba

Think Global, Act Local: The Global/Localization of CSR in Egypt Mona Atia, U

Whose Story Gets Heard? The Suppressed Narrative in the Privatization of the BC Halibut Fishery Evelyn Pinkerton, Simon Fraser U and Danielle Edwards, Ecotrust Canada

“Appealing to the Court of Public Opinion”: An Investigation into Protest Strategies and Related Language Use of the Ontario Landowners Association Graydon Gibbins, U of Toronto

43. Symposium in Honor of Gavin Smith: Confronting Capitalism (Part 2): The Politics of Scholarship Organizer(s) / Organisation: Belinda Leach (U of Guelph) and Pauline Gardiner Barber (Dalhousie U) Chair / Présidence: Tom Dunk, Brock U 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 218

Where’s the Party? Ananth Aiyer, U of Michigan, Flint

Returning the Gift: Activism in Anthropology Leslie Jermyn, U of Toronto


The Politics of Scholarship in “Critical Realism” and “Historical Realism” Malcolm Blincow, York U

Coming to Terms With the Unspeakable: Memory, Violence, and Human Rights in Colombia Lesley Gill, Vanderbilt U

Gavin Smith, Global Anthropology, and the Methodenstreit Don Kalb, Central European U

Confronting the Present in Northern Morazán, El Salvador Leigh Binford, U Autónoma de Puebla

44. Rethinking Contemporary Islam Chair / Présidence: Anne Meneley, Trent U 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 214

Liberal Spirituality: Islam, Globalization, and Self-Discipline in Indonesia Daromir Rudnyckyj, U of Victoria

“Who Owns the Blessed Olive Tree?” Struggles over Tree Symbolism in contemporary Muslim and Jewish Discourses in Israel/Palestine Anne Meneley, Trent U

The German Anti-Mosquers and their Heretic Others Michael Nijhawan, York U

45. Transnational Networks and the Unsettling of Identity (Part 2) Chair / Présidence: Cindy Phan, U of Toronto 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 205

“Policy” as Narrative: Evoking the “Natural” between Newfoundland and Ireland Joshua Lalor, Memorial U of Newfoundland

Amerasians in America: The U.S. Amerasian Homecoming Act (1987) and Post-War Vietnamese/American Diasporas Cindy Phan, U of Toronto

Divergent Perspectives on Sister Cities in Indiana and Guanajuato Ken Crane, La Sierra U

The Hong Kong Rugby Sevens: The Carnival of Globalization Joseph Bosco, Chinese U of Hong Kong

46. Ethnography Outside the Box: Forays in (Co)Engagement and Imagination (Part 2) Organizer(s) / Organisation: Dara Culhane (Simon Fraser U) and Leslie Robertson (U of Windsor) Chair / Présidence: Dara Culhane, Simon Fraser U 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 325

Ethnographic Blind-Spots: Looking Beyond Documentation Leslie Robertson, U of Windsor


Checkpoints in Ethnographies of Memory and Violence: Reconstructing a Historical Memory of the Conflict in Colombia Pilar Riaño-Alcalá, U of British Columbia

Historical Frames: Igloolik Isuma’s Video Art, the Danish Fifth Thule Expedition and Ethnographic Knowledge Production Nancy Wachowich, U of Aberdeen

Militancy and Mourning Petra Rethmann, McMaster U

47. Reterritorializing Aesthetic Practice: Convergences and Divergences in Globalized Interdisciplinary Disciplinary Networks Organizer(s) / Organisation: Andie Palmer (U of Alberta) and Carolyn Butler Palmer (U of Victoria) Chair / Présidence: Andie Palmer, U of Alberta 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 209

Moving From Regionalism to Cosmopolitanism: Rethinking “the Northwest” in the Arts of the Pacific Northwest Carolyn Butler Palmer, U of Victoria

Borders, Boundaries, and Barriers Fiona McDonald, Cambridge U

“Ka ora” is Not “for Dollah”: Asserting the Anticommodification of Artistic Expression Andie Palmer, U of Alberta

48. The Conflicted and the Afflicted: Conflict of Interest and Harm in the Age of Deregulation (Part 2) Organizer(s) / Organisation: Harriet Rosenberg (York U) Chair / Présidence: Harriet Rosenberg, York U 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 322

“You and What Army?”: U.S. Breast Cancer Treatment/Activism and Big Pharma Mary Anglin, U of Kentucky

Insulin: A Canadian Metaphor Colleen Fuller, Society for Diabetic Rights

Market Fundamentalism: A Reptile Dysfunction David Lee, U of South Florida

Discussant / Commentatrice: Ida Susser, City U of New York, Graduate Center

49. Markets and Affects in East Asia (Part 1) Organizer(s) / Organisation: Jie Yang (Simon Fraser U) and Jesook Song (U of Toronto) Chair / Présidence: Jie Yang, Simon Fraser U 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 202


Tears, Capital, Ethics: Television and the Public Sphere in Japan Daniel White, Rice U

Affective Encounters: Development and Deliverance Ju Hui Judy Han, U of California, Berkeley

Affect, Gender, and the Fashion Regime in China Xin Huang, U of British Columbia

Happiness and Reflexivity: Psychological Counseling to Unemployed Workers, Earthquake Survivors, and Olympic Volunteers in China Jie Yang, Simon Fraser U

Discussant / Commentatrice: Stacy Pigg, Simon Fraser U

50. Immigration and the Re-Invention of Canada Chair / Présidence: Brent Harris, U of British Columbia 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 134

“We are all Sudanese”: Subject Making and Resistance among Sudanese Refugees in Alberta Martha Fanjoy, U of Toronto

Moving Abroad and Settling In: Identity and Integration among Israeli Migrants in Canada Brent Harris, U of British Columbia

Activity and Solidarity of Japanese Immigrants in Vancouver: Focus on the New Immigrants Chikako Yamada, U of Nagasaki

Community as Performance: An Ethnography of Speaking Analysis of the Hispanic Population of a Canadian City Diana Benschop, U of Alberta

51. Emerging Indigenous Identities and the Land Question in Canada Organizer(s) / Organisation: Christine Elsey (U of the Fraser Valley) and Douglas R. Hudson (U of the Fraser Valley) Chair / Présidence: Douglas R. Hudson, U of the Fraser Valley 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 228

Embodied Versus Disembodied Identities: Shifting Markers of the Aboriginal Experience Christine Elsey, U of the Fraser Valley

Place-centred Aboriginal Identity and the Discourse of Traditional Land Use in the Courts in BC Douglas R. Hudson, U of the Fraser Valley

Indigenous Voice and a Colony Re-imagined Towagh Behr, First Peoples’ Heritage Language and Culture Council


52. Movement as Methodology Organizer(s) / Organisation: Melissa Atkinson-Graham (York U) Chair / Présidence: Melissa Atkinson-Graham, York U 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 324

Ethico-Aesthetic Paradigms as Exemplars for Navigating Transdisciplinary Research: affective dispersals of exilic art reposition historical knowledge Danielle Coghlan, York U

Cracking Open The Sky: Faith without Certainty Susan McNaughton, York U

Re/percussions: Haptic and Affective Transductions in BDSM Impact Play Claire Dalmyn, York U

Sense and Sensibilities: Repositioning Methodology Melissa Atkinson-Graham, York U

Moving With and Being Moved By: The Ethnographer as Transducer in the Field of Affects Natasha Myers, York U

53. Practicing Anthropology on the Periphery of the Centre: A Symposium (Part 2) Organizer(s) / Organisation: Julia Harrison (Trent U) and Michelle Daveluy (U of Alberta) Chair / Présidence: Michelle Daveluy, U of Alberta 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 207

Anthropology in the Public Sphere: A Canadian Tradition? Julia Harrison, Trent U

Peripheral Vision: Anthropology on the Periphery of the Periphery James B. Waldram, U of Saskatchewan

Reshaping Anthropology from the Periphery in: Challenges and Possibilities Noel Dyck Concordia U and Vered Amit, Simon Fraser U

Discussants / Commentateurs: Francine Saillant, U Laval and Don Brenneis, U of California, Santa Cruz

12:30–2:00pm LUNCH / DÎNER

Anthropologica Board Meeting / Réunion du conseil d’administration d’Anthropologica Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 2206

CASCA Women’s Network Lunch Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 205 (please note: this lunch is restricted to those who have purchased tickets in advance / Veuillez noter que ce dîner est réservé pour les gens qui ont acheté leurs billets à l'avance)



54. Third Annual Anthropology Film Festival: Screening and Discussion of ‘The Linguists’ (2008, 65 minutes) Directed by Seth Kramer, Daniel A. Miller & Jeremy Newberger Featuring Linguist K. David Harrison 2:00-4:00pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 222

Discussants / Commentateurs: Patrick Moore, U of British Columbia and Angela Piccini, Bristol U

55. Symposium: Doing Politics, Undoing Anthropology: Trench Warfare (Part 3), Roundtable on the Politics of Anthropology as Politics Organizer(s) / Organisation: Crabgrass Collective Chair / Présidence: Brian Noble, Dalhousie U 2:00–3:30pm Room / Piece: Buchanan D 207

Roundtable Discussants: Justin Kenrick, U of Glascow Regna Darnell, U of Western Ontario Sylvie Porier U Laval Brian Noble, Dalhousie U

56. Re-thinking Child Death and Parental Bereavement Organizer(s) / Organisation: Lisa Mitchell (U of Victoria), Peter Stephenson (U of Victoria), Mary Ellen Macdonald (McGill U), and Susan Cadell (Wilfried Laurier U) Chair / Présidence: Lisa Mitchell, U of Victoria 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 209

An Anthropology of Parental Bereavement: Advancing a Research Agenda Mary Ellen Macdonald, McGill U Lisa M. Mitchell, U of Victoria Peter Stephenson, U of Victoria and Susan Cadell, Wilfred Laurier U

An Understanding of Parental Bereavement as Conveyed Through Social Policy Susan Cadell and Jen Scarborough, Wilfred Laurier U and Mary Ellen Macdonald, McGill U

A Glimpse of Life: Contributions to a Discussion of the Inter-subjectivity of Bereavement Rafael Wainer, U of British Columbia

It’s Never Over: Memorialising Death and Expressing Grief On-line Lisa Mitchell, U of Victoria and Peter Stephenson, U of Victoria

Medical and Moral Discourses of Motherhood in Parental Bereavement Gillian Chilibeck, McGill U


57. Global Tourism and Cultural Commodification Chair / Présidence: Deidre Rose, U of Guelph 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 205

A Whole : The Disneyification of Cultural Tourism Deidre Rose, U of Guelph

Framing and Promoting Culture(s): Local Actors Behind Images and Development of Ethnic Minorities in Northern Vietnam Philippe Messier, U Laval

Migration, Tourism, and the Moveable Feast Sam Migliore and Margaret Dorazio-Migliore, Kwantlen Polytechnic U

“The Global Village Sets Sail”: An Examination of the Transnational Space of Cruise Ships Susan Forsythe, U of Manitoba

Interactions of the Local, National and Global: The Becoming of a World Heritage Site Judy Sterner, Alberta College of Art and Design

Preserving Japanese Cultural Landscape: Searching for Sociopolitical Incentives in Global Tourism Toru Yamada, U of Hawaii

58. Everyday Politics of Gender, Sexuality and Secularism in Muslim Contexts Organizer(s) / Organisation: Mahiye Secil Dagtas (U of Toronto) and Asli Zengin (U of Toronto) Chair / Présidence: Naisargi Dave, U of Toronto 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 228

Iranian Feminism: Possibilities of a middle ground between Secularization & Islamization? Mona Tajali, Concordia U

Leisure and Pleasure under the Veil: Fun Practices of Young Veiled Montrealers Sertac Sehlikoglu, Concordia U

Sexuality, Citizenship and the State: Politics of Sex Work in Istanbul, Turkey Asli Zengin, U of Toronto

The Sacred in the Secular: Ethnographic notes on Turkish Secularism and its Gendered Contours Mahiye Secil Dagtas, U of Toronto

To Specify or Single Out: The Recent Debates over 'Honor Killings' Rochelle Terman, Women Living Under Muslim Laws

59. Experiences of Migration and Displacement Chair / Présidence: Blair Rutherford, Carleton U 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 214

“Outside Stigma” and the Local: “Chaste Brides”, Multi-skilled “Experts” and Others Narmala Halstead, U of East London


Contrasting Perceptions of Migration in a Romanian Urban Neighborhood Aniko Horvath, Central European U

How Do the Subaltern Speak?: The Success Story of a Rural Chinese Migrant Worker Xia Zhang, U of Pittsburgh

Negotiating Spaces of Illegality: Zimbabwean Migrants in Northern South Africa Blair Rutherford, Carleton U

Imagining Transnational Futures in Vanuatu: Migration, Hope, and Resignation Maggie Cummings, U of Toronto, Scarborough

60. The Politics of Popular Culture Chair / Présidence: Yara El-Ghadban, U de Montréal 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 134

Licensed and Banned? Mumming in 19th-Century Newfoundland Lynn Lunde, U of Alberta

Colonial times, War Times, Peace Times: Arts and Identities in Northeast Angola Nuno Porto, U de Coimbra

Speak to Me Hanthala: Drawing the Line in the Palestinian Field Yara El-Ghadban, U de Montréal

Fluency in the Profane: Narratives in the Reality TV Series The Rig Patrick Patterson, U of Calgary

The Involuntary Voyage of Kalume’s Vigango: Navigating African Art Repatriation in an Era of Rising Cultural Identity Politics Monica Udvardy, U of Kentucky

61. (Off) Road Stories: Mobile Ethnographies/Ethnographies of Mobility Organizer(s) / Organisation: Phillip Vannini (Royal Roads U) and Dennis Waskul (Minnesota State U) Chair / Présidence: Phillip Vannini, Royal Roads U 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 324

Paddle and Portage: Mobility, Serious Leisure, and Recreational Canoe Travel Dennis Waskul, Minnesota State U

Mayday, Mayday, Mayday! The Pain and Pleasure of Small-Island Living and Commuting by Boat Roger Boshier, U of British Columbia

“Are We There Yet?” Parents, Children and Ferry Boat Travel Phillip Vannini, Royal Roads U

Where the Boys Are: A Feminist Autoethnography of Off-Road Culture in Rural Vancouver Island Jenn Van Elk, Royal Roads U


62. Markets and Affects in East Asia (Part 2) Organizer(s) / Organisation: Jie Yang (Simon Fraser U) and Jesook Song (U of Toronto) Chair / Présidence: Jie Yang, Simon Fraser U 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 202

“Fear of Sliding Down the Economic Gap in Japan” Momoko Nakamura, Kanto Gakuin U

Shifting “Dependency”: From the People to Impoverished Affect Under China’s Market Socialism Mun Young Cho, Stanford U

Affective Body Meets Liminal Body: Media Discourse of Southeast Asian Caregivers in Japan Ayaka Yoshimizu, Simon Fraser U

Affective Labor and Technology of Care for Self: A Case of Independent Single Women in South Korea Jesook Song, U of Toronto

Discussant / Commentateur: Francis Cody, U of Toronto

63. What’s Happening With Urban Public Places? Organizer(s) / Organisation: Nathalie Boucher (Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique) Chair / Présidence: Karl Schmid, York U 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 322

Interactions in Public Places of Los Angeles? “Yes, We Can!” Nathalie Boucher, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique

Contested Domains: Creating Public Places on the Urbanising Fringe Gregory Teal, U of Western Sydney

Citizenship and Violence: Medellín, Colombia Daniel Tubb, Carleton U

Picturing Calgary: Re-constituting Place through an Urban, Collaborative Photography Project Jean Chia, U of Alberta

64. Symposium in Honor of Gavin Smith: Confronting Capitalism (Part 3): Livelihoods Organizer(s) / Organisation: Belinda Leach (U of Guelph) and Pauline Gardiner Barber (Dalhousie U) Chair / Présidence: Winnie Lem, Trent U 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 218

Ghostly Figures Outside the Domain of Political Economy Chris Krupa, Emory U

Gendering Multiple and Incomplete Livelihoods Gerald Sider, City U of New York


Livelihood in States of Exception: Long-Time Somali Refugees in Kenya Wenona Giles, York U

Learning about Livelihoods Roger Rouse, Carnegie Mellon U

Whatever Happened to Unemployment? Absolute, Relative and Relational Space in a Mumbai Slum Judith Whitehead, U of Lethbridge

65. Reconfiguring the Institution: Local Sedimentations of Authoritative Knowledges Organizer(s) / Organisation: Alyson Stone (U of Toronto) and Kori Allan (U of Toronto) Chair / Présidence: Alyson Stone, U of Toronto 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 216

Deck the Walls: Beyond Institutionality at Walter Reed Army Medical Center Zoe Wool, U of Toronto

Transferring, Translating, and Teaching Experience in Toronto’s Immigrant Service Sector Kori Allan, U of Toronto

Have You Heard the Rumour...?: North American Romance Writers and Institutional Knowledge Outside the Institution Jessica Taylor, U of Toronto

Navigating Institutional Spaces: A Canadian Cancer Hospital from Three Perspectives Alyson Stone, U of Toronto

Discussant / Commentatrice: Anna Polonyi, U of Toronto

66. Urbanisms, Fixities and Flows: Exercises in (re)Inscribing Space Organizer(s) / Organisation: Behzad Sarmadi (U of Toronto) and Sheri Gibbings (U of Toronto) Chair / Présidence: Behzad Sarmadi, U of Toronto 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 203

The Street Inside Out: On Writing the City, Yogyakarta Indonesia Sheri Gibbings, U of Toronto

From Institutional Facility to Urban Village: The Makings of a “Normal” Toronto Neighbourhood Sharon Kelly, U of Toronto

Immigrants in Space: Transnational moments between Vancouver and Hong Kong David Ley, U of British Columbia

The Politicization of Experience and Urban Policy in the Spanish Transition Juame Franquesa, U of Toronto

In Search of Solid Ground: Experiencing Urban Growth in Dubai Behzad Sarmadi, U of Toronto



4:00–5:30pm PLENARY PANEL / PRÉSENTATION EN SÉANCE PLÉNIÈRE: Globalization and Anthropological Practice: Transnational Networks and the Making and Unmaking of National Disciplinary Traditions Room / Salle: Hebb Theater

Sylvia Yanagisako, Stanford U Putting the Global in its Place

Jean Michaud, U Laval Observations on the Socialist Anthropology of Minorities in China, Vietnam, and Laos

Regna Darnell, U of Western Ontario Transnationalism in the Constitution of the Canadian National Anthropological Tradition

Ida Susser, City U of New York, Graduate Center Globalization and the Challenges to Anthropology: The United States and South Africa


James B. Waldram, U of Saskatchewan Engaging Engagement: Critical Reflections on a Canadian Tradition

7:00-10:00pm Reception / Réception: CASCA Weaver-Tremblay Award

Gala Screening of 3rd Annual Anthropology Film Festival Award Winner (8:00- 9:00) / Projection spéciale du film lauréat du 3ème Festival Annuel de Films Anthropologiques (20h à 21h)

Visual Anthropology Installations (7:00-10:00) / installations multimédia d’anthropologie visuelle (19h à 22h)

Hosted by UBC Department of Anthropology and the UBC Ethnographic Film Unit / Événements présentés par le Département d’anthropologie de UBC et par l’Unité de Films Ethnographiques de UBC

Room / Salle: Lounge, common spaces and room 207 / Salon, salle 207 et rez-de- chaussée, Anthropology and Sociology



8:30am–4:00pm REGISTRATION / INSCRIPTION Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology Lounge

8:00-am-6:00pm Book exhibit / Exposition de livres (organized by / organisée par la Library of Social Sciences). Room / Salle: Meekison Lounge, Buchanan D, ground floor / rez-de-chaussée


68. Symposium in Honor of Gavin Smith: Confronting Capitalism (Part 4): Historical Ethnography Organizer(s) / Organisation: Belinda Leach (U of Guelph) and Pauline Gardiner Barber (Dalhousie U) Chair / Présidence: Belinda Leach, U of Guelph 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Buchanan D 218

Territorializing Power: The Making and Unmaking of Fordist Geography August Carbonella, Memorial U of Newfoundland

The Normalization of Violence: Silence, Memory and History among Yup’ik Peoples of Southwest Alaska Linda Green, U of Arizona

“Operations Other than War”: The Politics of Academic Scholarship in the Early 21st Century David Nugent, Emory U

Anthropology and Amoral Familism and the Cold War Mediterranean Jane Schneider, City U of New York, Graduate Center

Constituting Capitalist Relations: Questions of Spatial and Temporal Scale Tania Li, U of Toronto

69. Globalization and Transnational Subjectivities Chair / Présidence: Abby Loebenberg, U of Oxford/U of British Columbia 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 207

Diaspora Philanthropy: The Case of Sikhs Giving Back to Punjab Verne A. Dusenbery, Hamline U

Anxiety in and of the Nation: Transnational Narratives on Avoiding Crime Victimization Sacha Geer, McMaster U

Narratives of Internationalisation: Fieldwork with Expatriates Hugo Gaggiotti, U of the West of England


Transnational Discourses: The (de)historicizing of Canadian Space in the Haudenosaunee Six Nations Land Reclamation Laura De Vries, U of British Columbia

Playing Dangerously: Transformational Moments in Children’s Play within a Global Television Culture Abby Loebenberg, U of Oxford/U of British Columbia

70. Traveling Troubles: Translations, Localizations, and Assemblages of Politics and Policy Organizer(s) / Organisation: John Clark (Open U) and Catherine Kingfisher (U of Lethbridge) Chair / Présidence: John Clarke, Open U 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 202

The New Zealand Model in Alberta: Notes on disjunctive assemblages Catherine Kingfisher, U of Lethbridge

Citizen-Subjects and Feminist Ethnography: Translating the intimacies of welfare policy Dana-Ain Davis, Queens College, City U of New York

Reworking the Spaces of Governance Janet Newman, Open U

AIDS Activism and Intergenerational Knowledge Transfer Jeff Maskovsky, Queens College, City U of New York

Discussant / Commentateur: Alan Smart, U of Calgary

71. Landscapes of Violence Chair / Présidence: Emily Bauman, New York U 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Buchanan D 217

Diaspora Dissidents: Crossing the Israel/Palestine Divide Jasmin Habib, U of Waterloo

Old Young Men: Combat and Becoming a Man Anne Irwin, U of Calgary

“The Real Ossetians Are There. We Have Already Lost Everything” Nadia Proulx, U de Montréal

The Role of Landmines in Kampuchea’s Wars and Peace Jean Chapman, Simone de Beauvoir Institute

Jungle Fever: Bomb Harvest and the Anthropology of the War Object Emily Bauman, New York U

72. Anthropology and the Economic Crisis Organizer(s) / Organisation: Michael Polson (City U of New York, Graduate Center) and Ida Susser (City U of New York, Graduate Center) Chair / Présidence: Donald Robotham, City U of New York, Graduate Center 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Buchanan D 207


Anthropology and the Present Moment: Some Issues Donald Robotham, City U of New York, Graduate Center

Social Movements, New Media, and the Economic Crisis Chris Caruso, City U of New York, Graduate Center

Chronic Crises: The Changing Marijuana Economy of Northern California Michael Polson, City U of New York, Graduate Center

Beyond Main Street: The Poor People’s Crash Brett Williams, American U

Discussants / Commentateurs: Ida Susser, City U of New York, Graduate Center Kenneth Guest, City U of New York, Baruch College

73. Indigenous Rights and Sovereignty in North America Chair / Présidence: Brian Thom, U of Victoria 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 134

Protecting the Human Rights of Coast Salish Peoples in British Columbia, Canada Brian Thom, U of Victoria

The Northwest Passage and Arctic Sovereignty: Where are the Local Voices? Jennifer McKenzie, Carleton U

Architectural Heritage in Native Reserves, Qc Marie-Pierre Bousquet, U de Montréal

Christian Heritage in Native Reserves, Qc Anny Morisette, U de Montréal

74. Knowledge Production: Constructing Indigeneity, Past and Present Organizer(s) / Organisation: Linda Scarangella-McNenly (Carleton U) Chair / Présidence: Linda Scarangella-McNenly, Carleton U 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 205

Visitor Centers: Zones of Incongruence Laura M. Strachan, McMaster U

Producing Knowledge of the West and Native People at a Heritage Site Linda Scarangella-McNenly, Carleton U

Is History Repairing Itself? Truth and Consequence in First Nations Consultation Craig Candler, Golder Associates

Kulturkampf vs. Ultramontanism: Transnational Currents in Tsilhqut’in Ethnography David Dinwoodie, U of New Mexico


75. Invigorating Feminist Anthropology: Intersectionality and the Conundrum of the Middle Class (Part 1) Organizer(s) / Organisation: Carla Freeman (Emory U) and Deborah Durham (Sweet Briar College) Chair / Présidence: Deborah Durham, Sweet Bair College 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Buchanan D 222

Considerations on Middle Class Women in Bangladesh: A Post Brahmo Samaj Imagination Lamia Karim, U of Oregon

Intersectionality Beyond Borders: The Rise of China’s White Collar Women under Economic Globalization Laurie Duthie, U of California, Los Angeles

Expanding Middle-Class, Changing Reproductive Practices, and Transnational Nepali Women Prakiti kC, Emory U

Hungarian Neoliberal: The New Middle Class and Intersectionality Csilla Kolocsai, Yale U

Normalizing Privilege by Narrating Class Others: Middle-Class “Monster Stories” about Abandoning Mothers in Vietnam Ann Marie Leshkowich, College of the Holy Cross

76. Sociality Reconsidered: Diverse Perspectives and Interrogations (Part 1) Organizer(s) / Organisation: Vered Amit (Concordia U) Chair / Présidence: Vered Amit, Concordia U 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Buchanan D 201

Going through the Motions: Exploring the “As If” Quality of Sociality in a Danish Jewish Day-school Sally Anderson, Aarhus U

Subcontracting and the Tempo of Sociation: How Subcontractors Manage Work in the Housing Industry in Perth, Western Australia Philip Moore, Curtin U of Technology

Ego-centered Virtual Networks: The Uses of Online Social Applications Gabriela Vargas-Cetina, U Autónoma de Yucatán

Discussants / Commentateurs: Deborah Reed-Danahay, State U of New York, Buffalo Steffan Igor Ayora Diaz, U Autóma de Yucután

77. Anthropologie, mondialization et immigration Chair / Présidence: Samuel Shapiro, Columbia U 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Buchanan D 214

Entre la visibilité et l ‘invisibilité : les profissioles transnacionaux Claudelir Corrêa Clemente, U Federal de Uberlandia, Brazil


L’internationalisation tranquille et les accommodements raisonnables au Québec Samuel Shapiro, Columbia U

Statut de réfugié et processus de demande d’asile : “Les forces imaginantes du droit” Isabelle Bohard, U de Montréal

78. Colonialism, Well-being, and Aboriginal Sovereignty in Canada Chair / Présidence: Krista Maxwell, U of Toronto 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Buchanan D 219

The Colonial Canadian Healthcare System and Indigenous Suffering: The “Aboriginal Mental Health” Paradigm, 1974-2008 Krista Maxwell, U of Toronto

Seeking Indigenous Justice: Mi’kmaq Responses to the Problems of Family Violence Jane McMillan, St. Francis Xavier U

Canadian Colonialism: An Inadequate Explanation for Defining the Aboriginal/Euro-Canadian Encounter Cheryl Gaver, U of Ottawa

79. Official Forum International des Anthropologues (FIA): Productions localisées de l’humain : les mots pour le dire (Partie 1) Organizer(s) / Organisation: Michelle Daveluy (U of Alberta) et Francine Saillant (U Laval) Chair / Présidence: Michelle Daveluy, U of Alberta 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Buchanan D 204

De sujet d’étude à sujet de droit : de la globalisation à la catégorie politique de l'autochtonie Irène Bellier, IIAC-LIAOS, CNRS/EHESS

Mondialisation et frontières: droit des étrangers dans l’outre-mer français Catherine Benoit, Connecticut College

Déterritorialisation et détérioration de l’environnment: les franco-mobiles dans le marché de l’emploi canadien Michelle Daveluy, U of Alberta

Entre terroir et dé-territorialisation Nicoletta Diasio, U Marc Bloch

Quel recadrage méthodologique pour quelle globalisation? Mondher Kilani, U de Lausanne

80. Gitxaala Nation and Their Neighbours: Contemporary Ethnography of the North West Coast (Part 1) Organizer(s) / Organisation: Charles Menzies (U of British Columbia) and Caroline Butler (U of Northern British Columbia) Chair / Présidence: Charles Menzies, U of British Columbia 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 203


Gone Fishing: The Informal Economy of BC’s Non-aboriginal North Coast Charles Menzies, U of British Columbia and Caroline Butler, U of Northern British Columbia

Race, Space, and Place: Historical and Contemporary Spatialization in Prince Rupert Arianne Loranger-Saindon, U of British Columbia and Natalie Baloy, U of British Columbia

“C” is for...Community, Consultation, Capitalism, and Colonialism Marina La Salle, U of British Columbia

Naming the Harbour: Gitxaala places through the space of colonialism Caroline Butler, U of Northern British Columbia and Charles Menzies, U of British Columbia

Gitxaala’s Own Foods: Decolonizing Food Practices Robin Anderson, U of British Columbia

81. Creating and Crossing Medical Fields of Practice (Part 1) Organizer(s) / Organisation: Bill McKellin (U of British Columbia) and Sylvie Fortin (INRS/UCS) Chair / Présidence: Bill McKellin, U of British Columbia 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Buchanan D 209

The Hospital as an Actor in the City Sylvie Fortin, INRS/UCS

Who Put the Hyphen in Decision-making? The Health Care Implications of a Discursive Shift Mary Ellen MacDonald, McGill U

Engaging Culture and Language in Community Health Research Ethics Joseph Kaufert, Patricia Kaufert, Lisa Labine, Toni Morris-Oswald, U of Manitoba Sara Hancock, U of British Columbia

Discussant / Commentateur: Gilles Bibeau, U de Montréal



82. Anthropology, Indigeneity, and the State: A Roundtable Discussion Organizer(s) / Organisation: Sara Shneiderman (Cambridge U) and Holly Dygert (Independent Scholar) Chair / Présidence: Sara Shneiderman, Cambridge U 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 207

Roundtable discussants: Tania Li, U of Toronto (Southeast Asia) Renee Sylvain, U of Guelph (Africa) Kristin Dowell, U of Oklahoma (North America)


Holly Dygert, Independent Scholar (Latin America) Kaushik, Ghosh, U of Texas (South Asia)

83. Anthropological Knowledge and Transnationalism (Part 1) Chair / Présidence: Timm Lau, Cambridge U, King’s College 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 205

Ethnography of “Responsibility to Protect”: Toward an Anthropology of International Relations Ariane Bélanger-Vincent, U Laval

Ethnography in the Transnational Somali Field: Ethical and Methodological Challenges Marja Tiilikainen, U of Toronto/ U of Helsinki

Globalization, Technology, and Transnational Knowledge Production Jill Le Clair, Humber College Institute

In and Out of Focus Corinne Kratz, Emory U

Why “Evidence”? Transnational Factors in the Making of a Contemporary Research Object in British Anthropology Timm Lau, Cambridge U, King’s College

Notes Toward and Anthropology of Liberalism Jean-Michel Landry, U of California, Berkeley

84. Outlining Government/Advancing Ethnography Organizer(s) / Organisation: William Schumann (Arkansas Tech U) and Kendra Coulter (U of Windsor) Chair / Présidence: Thomas Wilson, State U of New York, Binghamton 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 214

Hegemonic Work: Class, Gender and the Production of Government in Neoliberal Ontario Kendra Coulter, U of Windsor

Projects of Governing and their Contradictions: Historical Ethnography of the Ecuadorian Public Health Service Kim Clark, U of Western Ontario

The Life and Times of the C3 Form Kimberley Coles, U of Redlands

Does “Governmentality” Apply to Governments? Foucault and the Anthropological Study of Government William Schumann, Arkansas Tech U


85. Convergences and Divergences in Transnational Perspectives on the Social Context of HIV/AIDS Organizer(s) / Organisation: Theodore Powers (City U of New York, Graduate Center) and Ida Susser (City U of New York, Graduate Center) Chair / Présidence: Richard Lee, U of Toronto 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 207

Modern Marriage, Gender Inequality and HIV Risk in Southeastern Nigeria Daniel Jordan Smith, Brown U

Reconfiguring Masculine Sexual Risk in Hanoi: ‘Governing’ Sexual Subjectivities in the Global Market Economy Harriet Phinney, Seattle U

The Consequences of a Community Contested: HIV/AIDS and Local Politics in Post-apartheid South Africa Theodore Powers, City U of New York, Graduate Center

Celebrating Silence: Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) in Peri-urban KwaZulu Natal (KZN) Kate Griffiths, City U of New York, Graduate Center

86. The Materiality of Media Organizer(s) / Organisation: Sandra Youssef (U of British Columbia) and Bonar Buffam (U of British Columbia) Chair / Présidence: Bonar Buffam, U of British Columbia 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 134

Remediated Dating Jaqueline Schoemaker Holmes, U of British Columbia

Convention Fandom: Cosplay among North American Anime Fans Jayme Taylor, U of British Columbia

I Read, I Watch, I Click: Narrative Materialities Sandra Youssef, U of British Columbia

“Paper Routes”: Urban Publics and the Material Mobility of Newspapers Bonar Buffam, U of British Columbia

87. Public Childhoods: Social Representations, Subjective Practices, and Transnational Imaginaries Organizer(s) / Organisation: Leigh Campoamor (Duke U) and Dwayne Dixon (Duke U) Chair / Présidence: Leigh Campoamor, Duke U 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 218

A Child’s “Right” to Grieve: Foreign-Funded Orphan-Care NGOs and the Performance of New Subjectivities in Botswana Bianca Dahl, U of Chicago

“Softening” Transnational Subjectivities in Japanese Returnee Children through Extraordinary Education Dwayne Dixon, Duke U


Kids, Cash, and Cars: The Ethics of Exchange at a Lima Intersection Leigh Campoamor, Duke U

The Affect of Affectlessness: Children in Latin American Film Jon Beasley-Murray, U of British Columbia

Discussant / Commentatrice: Elizabeth Chin, Occidental College

88. Sociality Reconsidered: Diverse Perspectives and Interrogations (Part 2) Organizer(s) / Organisation: Vered Amit (Concordia U) Chair / Présidence: Philip Moore, Curtin U of Technology 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 201

Habitus and the Social Body: Bourdieu’s Theories of Self and Sociality Deborah Reed-Danahay, State U of New York, Buffalo

Post-National Subjectivities and the Formation of Social Assemblages Steffan Igor Ayora Diaz, U Auotónoma de Yucután

Community without Identity: The Challenges and Opportunities in Deconstructing the Concept of Community Vered Amit, Concordia U

Discussants: Sally Anderson, Aarhus U and Gabriela Vargas-Cetina, U Autónoma de Yucután

89. Alternatives to Dominant Paradigms (Part 1) Organizer(s) / Organisation: Patrick Moore (U of British Columbia) and Natalie Baloy (U of British Columbia) Chair / Présidence: Patrick Moore, U of British Columbia 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 219

Parallel Readings: Anglophone Theorists of Secularism Meet Soviet Scholars of Scientific Atheism Sonja Luehrmann, U of British Columbia/U of Michigan

Close Encounters: Archival Research with an Ethnographic Eye Julie Cruikshank, U of British Columbia

“Ritual Spectacles”: Authenticity and State Power in Siberian Solstice Festivals Susan Hicks, U of British Columbia

Spinning Climate Change: How Diverse Social Groups Invest Climate Science with Meaning Candis Callison, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Pole Dancing Classes, Whore and Stripper Stigmas Oralia Gómez-Ramírez, U of British Columbia


90. Official Forum International des Anthropologues (FIA): Productions localisées de l’humain : les mots pour le dire (Partie 2) Organizer(s) / Organisation: Michelle Daveluy (U of Alberta) et Francine Saillant (U Laval) Chair / Présidence: Michelle Daveluy, U of Alberta 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 204

Politique transnationale de l’UNESCO : recomposition des pratiques culturelles et communautés locales Florence Graezer Bideau, U de Lausanne

Invention de rapports de parenté dans la transmission intergénérationnelle d’un droit de migration aux Etats-Unis au sein de familles capverdiennes Pierre-Joseph Laurent, U Catholique de Louvain

“Être tibétain” dans la mondialisation: jeux d'échelles, narrations ethnogénétiques, performativité d'une identité composite. Lionel Obadia, U Lyon 2

Re construire son humanité par le témoignage Francine Saillant, U Laval

Le cricket de l'île Wallis : victime ou bourreau de la globalisation ? Raymond Mayer, U Omar Bongo, Gabon

91. Intimacy, Violence, and the Social Organizer(s) / Organisation: Michael Lambek (U of Toronto) and Filip De Boeck (U of Leuven) Chair / Présidence: Michael Lambek, U of Toronto 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 217

Youth and the Life of the Corpse: A Graveyard Ethnography from Kinshasa Filip De Boeck, U of Leuven

Ordinary Violence and Intimacy amongst Black Township Women in Pretoria, South Africa Mieke De Gelder, U of Toronto

Things that Don’t Come by the Road: Fosterage, Folktales and Cannibalism in the Cameroon Grassfields Nicolas Argenti, Brunel U

The Intimacy of Human and Animal Through the Witnessing and Suffering of Violence: Analytical Reflections from Urban India Naisargi Dave, U of Toronto

92. Gitxaala Nation and their Neighbours: Contemporary Ethnography of the North West Coast (Part 2) Organizer(s) / Organisation: Charles Menzies (U of British Columbia) and Caroline Butler (U of Northern British Columbia) Chair / Présidence: Charles Menzies, U of British Columbia 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 203

Life Downriver: Community Interactions on the Taku Susie Dain-Owens, U of British Columbia


Living in the Waterscape: Place and Experience in Tsimshian Oral Narratives Molly Malone, U of British Columbia

Collapsing Time, Space and Being: Heinyaa Ixt Burial Locations and Supporting Conceptual Structures and Practices Stephen Langdon, U of Alaska

Discussants / Commentateurs: Andrew Martindale, U of British Columbia and Jim McDonald, Northwest Community College

93. Protected Environments and the Social Construction of Space in Mexico and Africa Organizer(s) / Organisation: Sabrina Doyon (U Laval) Chair / Présidence: Sabrina Doyon, U Laval 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 134

Building a Pluricultural Space on Gabon Coast: Political, Ecological, Technical, and Social Influences Catherine Sabinot, U Laval

Gouvernance environnementale, instrumentalisation du droit traditionnel et résistances locales : l’exemple de l’utilisation du Dina à Madagascar Marie-Hélène Bérard, U Laval

Local Perspectives on Environmental Conservation, Development and Livelihood in El Cuyo, Mexico Andréanne Guindon, U Laval

Ecotourism and Conservation: Social Issues in the Río Lagartos Community, Mexico Catherine Leblanc, U Laval

The construction of conservation practices and discourses in Las Coloradas, Mexico Sabrina Doyon, U Laval

94. Creating and Crossing Medical Fields of Practice (Part 2) Organizer(s) / Organisation: Bill McKellin (U of British Columbia) and Sylvie Fortin (INRS/UCS) Chair / Présidence: Sylvie Fortin, INRS/UCS 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 209

The Meaning of Diagnostic Genetic Testing for Neurologists and their Patients Carole H. Browner, U of California, Los Angeles

Creating and Contesting Genetic Identities and Responsibility Through Expanded Newborn Screening Debra Skinner, U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Thousands of Reasons it Could Be: The Attribution of Developmental Problems in Parent-Geneticist Interactions Mara Buchbinder, U of California, Los Angeles and Stefan Timmermans, U of California, Los Angeles


Sorting Things Out Genetically Bill McKellin, U of British Columbia

Discussant / Commentateur: Gilles Bibeau, U de Montréal

95. Invigorating Feminist Anthropology: Intersectionality and the Conundrum of the Middle Class (Part 2) Organizer(s) / Organisation: Carla Freeman (Emory U) and Deborah Durham (Sweet Briar College) Chair / Présidence: Deborah Durham, Sweet Briar College 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 222

Neoliberalism, Respectability, and the Making of an Entrepreneurial Middle Class in the Caribbean Carla Freeman, Emory U

Retirement and Working on Class in Western Turkey Deborah Durham, Sweet Briar College

Women in the Middle: Social Difference and Gender in Urban Indonesia Carla Jones, U of Colorado, Boulder

Making Class in the Postcolonial Global: Subaltern Studies and the Theorization of Intersectionality Camila Pastor de Maria y Campos, U of California, Los Angeles

96. The Challenges of Collaborative Ethnographic Research Chair / Présidence: Jennifer Stampe, New York U 11:00am–12:30pm Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 202

Collaboration and Its Limits Jennifer Stampe, New York U

Dialoguing Knowledges: Cree Knowledge and Transdisciplinary Research at James Bay Colin Scott, McGill U

Producing Women’s Lives: The Social Geographies of Transnational Ethnographic Collaboration Janet Bauer, Trinity College

12:30–2:00pm LUNCH / DÎNER


97. Anthropological Knowledge and Transnationalism (Part 2) Chair / Présidence: Nicole Berry, Simon Fraser U 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 205

Dragoslav Srejovic’s Lepenski Vir in Serbian and Anglophone Archaeology Rastko Cvekic, U of Toronto

“No You Can’t”: Migration, Knowledge-Production and Recalcitrant Academic Institutions Nicole Berry, Simon Fraser U


Working the Boundaries Joanne Nakonechny, U of British Columbia

Dealing with Anthropological Texts and Discourses (g)locally: The Case of Byans, Far Western Nepal Katsuo Nawa, U of Tokyo

Mustard, Blueberry, and Ethnographic Fields: Locating Communities and Ethnographers amid the Places of Transnational Anthropology Nicola Mooney, U of the Fraser Valley

98. Roundtable: Kajsa Friedman’s and Jonathan Friedman’s “Anthropology of Global Systems”: An Exchange with the Authors Organizer(s) / Organisation: Gavin Smith (U of Toronto) and Don Kalb (Central European U) Chair / Présidence: Gavin Smith, U of Toronto 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 207

Roundtable Discussants: Steve Reyna, U of Manchester Don Nonini, U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Don Kalb, Central European U Jonathan Friedman, Lund U

99. The Signification of Work in a Transnational Space Organizer(s) / Organisation: Jorge Pantaleón (U de Montréal) and Vincent Mirza (McGill U) Chair / Présidence: Bernard Bernier, U de Montréal 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 204

Flexible Labour as a Consequence of the Crisis (1990-2003, 2008-2009) Bernard Bernier, U de Montréal

Migration and Women’s Labour in the Cancun Globalized Tourist Industry Cristina Oehmichen, U Nacional Autónoma de México

The New Links Between Leisure and Work in The Hypermodernity: The Case of Young Professionals in the Climbing World Francisco Toledo Ortiz, U de Montréal

Young Women in Tokyo and the Definition Work: Immigration, Moral and the Flexible Workforce Vincent Mirza, McGill U

Between Courtesy and Business: Women’s Work and Tourism in Iruya Jorge Pantaleón, U de Montréal

100. The Use of Culture and Anthropology in Counter-insurgency and Peacekeeping Operations Organizer(s) / Organisation: Gregory Feldman (U of British Columbia) Chair / Présidence: Gregory Feldman, U of British Columbia 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 207


Culture, Apartheid and War: Case Studies from South Africa and Israel Richard Lee, U of Toronto

“To Change Entire Societies”: Counterinsurgency Cults, “Nation-building” and Anthropology Roberto Gonzalez, San Jose State U

“Beware of Those Bearing Gifts”: Anthropology and AFRICOM Catherine Besteman, Colby College

Addressing the Skeptics: Ethnography and Critiquing the Rationale of the Human Terrain System Gregory Feldman, U of British Columbia

“Useless Anthropology”: Strategies for Dealing with the Militarization of the Academy Maximilian Forte, Concordia U

101. Forum: “Irregular Connections”: Studying Sexuality Across Generations Organizer(s) / Organisation: Anne-Mette Hermansen (U of Victoria) and Hulya Demirdirek (U of Victoria) Chair / Présidence: Hulya Demirdirek, U of Victoria 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 2206

Speakers: Harriet Lyons, U of Waterloo Andrew P. Lyons, Wilfred Laurier U

102. Alternatives to Dominant Paradigms (Part 2) Organizer(s) / Organisation: Patrick Moore (U of British Columbia) and Natalie Baloy (U of British Columbia) Chair / Présidence: Patrick Moore, U of British Columbia 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 219

Repatriation, Digital Cultural Heritage, and Community-based Research Kate Hennessy, U of British Columbia

Double-Voiced Performances: Code Switching in First Nations Oratory Patrick Moore, U of British Columbia

The Other Half: Considering Urban Aboriginal Issues in Anthropology Natalie Baloy, U of British Columbia

Her Name is Beatrice, My Name is Lara Lara Rosenoff, Ryerson U

“We Want to Learn English at School”: Progress Against Multiculturalism Among the Toba People in Northern Argentina Ana Vivaldi, U of British Columbia


103. Transnational Masculinities in the New Contact Zones of Empire Organizer(s) / Organisation: Samuel Veissiere (U College of the North) Chair / Présidence: Samuel Veissiere, U College of the North 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 202

“Gringo, not Macho”: Masculinity, Mobility, Sex and Money in Natal, Northeast of Brazil Marie-Eve Carrier Moisan, U of British Columbia

From Conquistadores to Gringo Self-Fashioning: Performance, Mobility, and Vernacular Modernities in the Transatlantic Cultural Economy of Desire Samuel Veissiere, U College of the North

Masculinity Through the Eyes of Migrant Sex Workers in Turkey: Sexuality, Love, and Resistance Aslican Kalfa, U of Ankara

104. Art, Market, and Value under Late Socialism Organizer(s) / Organisation: Maris Gillette (Haverford College) and Ariana Hernandez-Reguant (U of California, San Diego) Chair / Présidence: Ariana Hernandez-Reguant, U of California, San Diego 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 222

Artists or Parasites? Art Curators and Music Producers in Post-Soviet Cuba Ariana Hernandez-Reguant, U of California, San Diego

Profit in Command in Jingdezhen Porcelain Production Maris Gillette, Haverford College

Essentializing Art in Southwest China: State-Minority Discourses and the Emergence of Dongba Art Charles McKhann, Whitman College

Domestication of Painting by Women Arts Specialists (Art dealers and Painters) in Post-Soviet Tashkent (1995-2004) Kochi Okada, U of London, Goldsmiths College

The Art of Migration: Laboring to “Represent the People” across Global and Local Borders in Reform- Era China Sasha Welland, U of Washington

Discussant / Commentatrice: Aliana Lemon, U of Michigan

105. Power, Knowledge, and Public Health Chair / Présidence: Kathleen Inglis, Simon Fraser U 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 209

Ethical Issues in Organ Donation: The Views of Recent Immigrants Erika Goble, U of Alberta

Illness and Power in Times of Contact: Gitksan and Witsuwit’en Narratives of Healing Leslie Main Johnson, Athabasca U


HIV and “Best Practice”: The Role of Program Evaluations in Constructing “Africa” Kathleen Inglis, Simon Fraser U

Fear and Freedom in the Face of AIDS: Knowledge, Power, and Social Status among Youth in the Kingdom of Tonga Mary Good, U of Arizona

The Light in the Shadow of Darkness: Institutionalized Anishinaabe Medicine Darrel Manitowabi, U of Sudbury and Marjory Shawande, Noojmowin Teg Health Centre

106. Contested Knowledges Organizer(s) / Organisation: Karine Peschard (McGill U) and Hannah Gilbert (McGill U) Chair / Présidence: Christina Holmes, Dalhousie U 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 203

Knowledge Development-Nation Development: HIV Research in West Africa Hannah Gilbert, McGill U

Scientific Knowledge, Scientific Capital, & Food Crops Christina Holmes, Dalhousie U

Seeds of Dispossession Karine Peschard, McGill U

Contesting Knowledges in the Organic Farming Movement Mary Richardson, Consultant

GMO’s, Knowledge and Democracy: Governing Biotechnology in France Birgit Müller, LAIOS-EHESS

107. Anthropology of Violence, Women, and Law Organizer(s) / Organisation: Paula Godoy-Paiz (McGill U) Chair / Présidence: Paula Godoy-Paiz, McGill U 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 218

Domestic Violence in Kosovo: Alternative Pathways to Help Hanna Kienzler, McGill U

Engendering Justice in Post-War Guatemala? Paula Godoy-Paiz, McGill U

Constrained Agency: Women, War, and Justice in Northern Uganda Letha Victor, McGill U

The Space of Legal Change Tal Nitsan, U of British Columbia


108. Spaces and Places in Globalized Settings Chair / Présidence: Felicia Giron, Shantou University 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 201

Mapping Transnational Landscapes and Identities: The Exclusion/Inclusion of African Asylum Seekers in Ireland Angele Smith, U of Northern British Columbia

Problematizing Transnational Locality: Reflections on Mobile Sites and Spatial Imaginations Daisy Fung, U of Edinburgh

Studying Mobility in Shantou Felicia (Felix) Giron, Shantou University

Transnational Periphery: National heritage, Oversea Connections and Rural Development Ka-Ming Wu, Hong Kong Polytechnic U

109. The Politics of Environmental Conflict Chair / Présidence: Jean-Luc Chodkiewicz, U of Manitoba 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 217

The Effects of Deforestation on Mexican Villagers Jean-Luc Chodkiewicz, U of Manitoba

New Mud in Old Bottles: The Lapindo Head-stealing Rumour of 2007-08 Gregory Forth, U of Alberta

New Modes of Environmental Governance: The Challenges of Participative and Inter-Institutional Watershed Planning Gregory Teal, U of Western Sydney Julie Nimmo and Lynnaire Sheridan, Edith Cohen University

(Re)producing Green Subjects within Ecotourism Projects in Laos: The Strategic Positioning of Intermediaries in Implementing Community-based Tourism Vincent Landry, U Laval

Who's Warming Up in the Arctic? Environment, Traditional Knowledge and Inuit/Fijian Evangelical Perspectives Frédéric Laugrand, U Laval

110. City Matters: Shifting Terrains of Ecology, Disparity and Connectivity Organizer(s) / Organisation: Karl Schmid (York U) and Shubhra Gurunani (York U) Chair / Présidence: Shubhra Gurunani, York U 2:00–3:30pm Room / Salle: Buchanan D 214

Reterritorializing Space, Nature, and Capital: The Case of the Millennial City–Gurgaon, India Shubhra Gurunani, York U


The Problems of the Peripheries: Global Crises and the Future of Suburban Toronto Karl Schmid, York U

Fixed in Place: Vancouver's Downtown Eastside and the Community of Clients Gordon Roe, Kwantlen Polytechnic U


4:00-5:30pm CASCA KEYNOTE ADDRESS / DISCOURS DE CLÔTURE Room / Salle: Hebb Theater

Gustavo Lins Ribeiro, U de Brasilia Anthropology as Cosmopolitics: Globalizing Anthropology Today

6:00-11:30pm Conference Party, with buffet dinner and live salsa music by “Salsa Beat” / Fête de clôture, buffet et spectable musical de “Salsa Beat” @ UBC Museum of Anthropology (purchase of ticket required / l’achat d’un billet est nécessaire)



8:30am–12:00pm REGISTRATION / INSCRIPTION (CASCA only / CASCA seulement) Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology Lounge


111. Open Discussion: Canadian Responses to the Militarization of Anthropology Organizer(s) / Organisation: Maximilian Forte (Concordia U) Chair / Présidence: Maximilian Forte, Concordia U 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Buchanan D 218

Opening Remarks: Maximilian Forte, Concordia U

112. Art Practices and Visual Anthropology Organizer(s) / Organisation: Trudi Lynn Smith (U of Victoria) and Andrea Walsh (U of Victoria) Chair / Présidence: Trudi Lynn Smith, U of Victoria 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Buchanan D 201

Siberian Emanations and Historiographical Interventions Craig Campbell, U of Alberta

Kwakwaka’wakw Spatial Concepts Expressed in the Kwak’wala Language and Manifest in the Contemporary Artwork “The House of the Ghosts” Marianne Nicolson, U of Victoria

Art, Anthropology and the Making of a Canadian National Park Trudi Lynn Smith, U of Victoria

Visualizing Space through Sound Art Andrea Walsh, U of Victoria

113. Transnational Masculinities and the (Re)Making of Gendered Categories and Corporeality Organizer(s) / Organisation: Elizabeth Urbanowski (U of Toronto) Chair / Présidence: Elizabeth Urbanowski, U of Toronto 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Buchanan D 204

Selling Masculinity: (Dis)Locating the Viagra Myth in Direct-to-Consumer Advertising Elizabeth Urbanowski, U of Toronto

Mediated Masculinity: An Examination of Caribbean Masculinity and its Role in the Negotiation of Intimate Relationships with Female First World Tourism Kris Maksymowicz, U of Manitoba

Across the Border: Multiple Masculinities, Immigrants and Multiliteracy in Grade 1 Classrooms Martin Kashty, U of Manitoba


Binding, Packing and “Passing”: (Re)definitions of Masculinity among Transmen in the Blogosphere Jacky Vallée, U de Montréal

Discussant / Commentatrice: Pamela Downe, U of Saskatchewan

114. Invoking “The Social” in South Asia Organizer(s) / Organisation: Francis Cody (U of Toronto) Chair / Présidence: Francis Cody, U of Toronto 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 205

“The Party Has a Hold on My Mind”: Absorption and Singularity in Populist Political Communities Ruchi Chaturvedi, City U of New York, Hunter College

The Reluctant Sociality of Queer Friendship Naisargi Dave, U of Toronto

Who Really Belongs? Understanding Claims of Nativity in Southern India Ravindran Sriramachandran, Columbia U

Toward an Enlightened Sociality: Labors of Objectification and Conceptual Disambiguation among Tamil Literacy Activists Francis Cody, U of Toronto

Discussant / Commentateur: Kaushik Ghosh, U of Texas, Austin

115. Small Acts, Large Implications: Indigenous Engagements with Environmental Policy and the State Organizer(s) / Organisation: Terre Satterfield (U of British Columbia) Chair / Présidence: Terre Satterfield, U of British Columbia 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 203

Changed Forever? Encounters with Aboriginal Rights Post-Delgamuukw Jana Kotaska, U of British Columbia

“Native Carrots and Exotic Sticks”: We Plant Trees, You Plant Trees, or We'll Plant Them for You Maria du Monceau, U of British Columbia

Beyond Local Justice: Gender Relations in Local-Level Dispute Settlement in Ethiopia’s Zeghie Peninsula Tihut Asfaw, U of British Columbia

Designing Indices, ‘Oppressive Authenticities’, and Indigenous Authorship of Policy in New Zealand Terre Satterfield, U of British Columbia

116. Ritual, Religion, and Performance Chair / Présidence: Annamma Joy, U of British Columbia, Okanagan 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Anthropology and Sociology 202

Creating and Sustaining a Culture of Hope: Feng Shui Discourses and Practices in Hong Kong Jeff Wang, City U of Hong Kong and Annamma Joy, U of British Columbia, Okanagan


Sex and the Temple: Interlocking Categorizations of Sexuality, Gender and the Sacred in Post-secular Vietnam Oscar Salemink, VU U Amsterdam

Texomazatl: Negotiation of Identity through Aztec Dance Elena Barron, U of British Columbia

The Performance of Mongolian Shamanic Dance Catherine Kmita, U of Alberta

Transforming Bodies: American Mortuary Practices are a Rite of Passage for the Deceased Ty Kenworthy, Brigham Young U

117. Indigeneity as Practice and Politics Chair / Présidence: Luisa Steur, Central European U 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Buchanan D 222

Two Sides of a Coin: Policies Towards an Imagined Mayan Community Francisco Fernandez-Repetto, U Autónoma de Yucutan

Questioning the Indigenous in Bolivian Politics Kathleen Gordon, Memorial U of Newfoundland

Authors of Authenticity: Indigenous Leadership and the Politics of Identity in the Brazilian Northeast Joceny Pinheiro, U of Manchester

Men, Women and Marriage Alliances in Northwest Coast Societies M. Susan Walter, Saint Mary's U

Indigenous Mobilization: “Identity” versus “Class” After the Kerala Model of Development? Luisa Steur, Central European U

118. Food Consumption/Identity Production Chair / Présidence: Yamada Naomi, U of Hawaii 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Buchanan D 217

Food, Politics, and Pleasure: Cultural Translation and Expression in the Slow Food Movement Tabitha Steager, U of British Columbia, Okanagan

Shifting Landscapes of Authenticity: Locality, Food and Identity Franca Boag, MacEwan College

Consuming Chicago’s Chinatown: Competing Productions of “Authenticity“ in Dining Experiences and Restaurant Spaces in a Transnational Community Michael Stephen Marshall, DePaul U

The Social Production and Construction of Fine Cheeses in Quebec: Creating Locality Transnationally? Manon Boulianne, U Laval


Growing Against the Grain Brent Hammer, U of Alberta

All-you-can-eat Natural and Organic Restaurants in Japan: Chic Eats, Global Movements, and Local Farms Yamada Naomi, U of Hawaii

119. The Experience and Embodiment of Illness and Illness Prevention Chair / Présidence: Jessica Hardin, Brandeis U 9:00–10:30am Room / Salle: Buchanan D 219

Challenging Roles: Young People Negotiating Mental Illness Stigma Ben Stride-Darnley, Lakehead U

Samba and Immigrant Mental Health: On Banging a Drum and Feeling Good Natasha Pravaz, Wilfred Laurier U

“Medicine Without Food is Nothing”: Health Maintenance Strategies Among People Living with HIV in Nakuru, Kenya Jennifer Levy, U of Toronto

Shifting Body Ideals, Food Practices and Health: Samoan Women in Hawaii Jessica Hardin, Brandeis U

Cancer Survivorship, Mor(t)ality and Lifestyle Discourses on Cancer Prevention Kristen Bell, U of British Columbia


11:00am–12:30pm CASCA AGM / ASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE Room / Salle: Hennings 201


6:30pm Post-conference pub-night / Soirée @ The Wolf & Hound Pub, 3617 Broadway West (no ticket or cover-charge; Alma and Broadway West, 15 min. by bus from UBC / entrée gratuite, aucun billet requis; sur la rue West Broadway au coin de la rue Alma, à 15 minutes de UBC en autobus)



Aiyer, Ananth: Panel 43 (Presenter) Alipio, Cheryll: Panel 39 (Presenter) Allan, Kori: Panel 65 (Organizer and Presenter) Amit Vered: Panels 53 (Presenter), 76 (Chair and Organizer), and 88 (Organizer and Presenter) Anderson, Robin: Panel 80 (Presenter) Anderson, Sally: Panel 76 (Presenter) Anglin, Mary: Panel 48 (Presenter) Angus, Karen: Panel 31 (Organizer and Presenter) Annie Laliberté, Annie: Panel 11 (Presenter) Argenti, Nicolas: Panel 91 (Presenter) Asch, Michael: Panel 27 (Presenter) Asfaw, Tihut: Panel 115 (Presenter) Atia, Mona: Panel 42 (Presenter) Atkinson-Graham, Melissa: Panel 52 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) Aucoin, Pauline McKenzie: Panels 37 (Presenter) and 40 (Chair and Organizer) Augustyn, Benjamin: Panel 18 (Presenter) Baloy, Natalie: Panels 80 (Presenter), Panels 89 (Organizer) and 102 (Organizer and Presenter) Barber, Pauline Gardiner: Panels 1 (Chair and Organizer), 13 (Organizer and Presenter), 25 (Chair and Organizer), 43 (Organizer), 64 (Organizer), and 68 (Organizer) Barnick, Heather: Panel 31 (Presenter) Barron, Elena: Panel 116 (Presenter) Bauer, Janet: Panel 96 (Presenter) Bauman, Emily: Panel 71 (Chair and Presenter) Baxter, Jane Eva: Panel 19 (Presenter) Baynes, Thomas: Panel 20 (Presenter) Beasley-Murray, Jon: Panel 87 (Presenter) Beaulieu, Alexandra: Panel 11 (Presenter) Begum, Farhana: Panel 21 (Chair and Presenter) Behr, Towagh: Panel 51 (Presenter) Bélanger-Vincent, Ariane: Panel 83 (Presenter) Bell, Kristen: Panel 119 (Presenter) Bell, Lindsay: Panel 1 (Presenter) Bellier, Irène: Panel 79 (Presenter) Benoit, Catherine: Panels 28 (Presenter) and 79 (Presenter) Benschop, Diana: Panel 50 (Presenter) Bérard, Marie-Hélène: Panel 93 (Presenter) Bergerons-Dufour, Marie-Elaine: Panel 5 (Chair and Presenter) Bernier, Bernard: Panel 99 (Chair and Presenter) Berry, Nicole: Panel 97 (Chair and Presenter) Besteman, Catherine: Panel 100 (Presenter) Bibeau, Gilles: Panels 28 (Presenter), 81 (Discussant), and 94 (Discussant) Bideau, Florence Graezer: Panel 90 (Presenter) Binford, Leigh: Panel 43 (Presenter) Blaser, Mario: Panel 41 (Chair and Presenter) Blincow, Malcolm: Panel 43 (Presenter) Boag, Franca: Panel 118 (Presenter) Bohard, Isabelle: Panel 77 (Presenter) Bosco, Joseph: Panel 45 (Presenter)


Boshier, Roger: Panel 61 (Presenter) Bouchard, Michel: Panel 7 (Presenter) Boucher, Nathalie: Panel 63 (Organizer and Presenter) Boulianne, Manon: Panel 118 (Presenter) Bousquet, Marie-Pierre: Panel 73 (Presenter) Braun, Sebastian: Panel 10 (Organizer and Presenter) Brenneis, Don: Panel 53 (Discussant), AES Keynote Address Discussant (Wednesday) Brown, Pam: Panel 35 (Speaker) Browner, Carole H.: Panel 94 (Presenter) Buchbinder, Mara: Panel 94 (Presenter) Buffam, Bonar: Panel 86 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) Butler, Caroline: Panels 80 (Organizer, Presenter) and 92 (Organizer) Cadell, Susan: Panel 56 (Organizer and Presenter) Callison, Candis: Panel 89 (Presenter) Campbell, Craig: Panel 112 (Presenter) Campoamor, Leigh: Panel 87 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) Candler, Craig: Panels 21 (Presenter) and 74 (Presenter) Caporusso, Jessica: Panel 31 (Organizer and Presenter) Carbonella, August: Panel 68 (Presenter) Caruso, Chris: Panel 72 (Presenter) Chapman, Jean: Panel 71 (Presenter) Chaturvedi, Ruchi: Panel 114 (Presenter) Chia, Jean: Panel 63 (Presenter) Chilibeck, Gillian: Panel 56 (Presenter) Cho, Mun Young: Panel 62 (Presenter) Chodkiewicz, Jean-Luc: Panel 109 (Chair and Presenter) Chou, Hansen: Panel 38 (Chair and Presenter) Chua, Glen: Panel 9 (Presenter) Clark, Kim: Panel 84 (Presenter) Clarke, John: Panels 29 (Chair and Discussant) and 70 (Chair and Organizer) Clemente, Claudelir Corrêa: Panel 77 (Presenter) Cody, Francis: Panels 62 (Discussant) and 114 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) Coghlan, Danielle: Panel 52 (Presenter) Coles, Kimberley: Panel 84 (Presenter) Conover, Lindi: Panel 39 (Presenter) Cooper, Donetta R.: Panel 38 (Presenter) Coulter, Kendra: Panels 3 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) and 84 (Organizer and Presenter) Crabgrass Collective: Panels 27 (Organizer), 41 (Organizer) and 55 (Organizer) Crane, Ken: Panel 45 (Presenter) Cruikshank, Julie: Panel 89 (Presenter) Culhane, Dara: Panels 33 (Organizer and Presenter) and 46 (Chair and Organizer) Cummings, Maggie: Panel 59 (Presenter) Cvekic, Rastko: Panel 97 (Presenter) Dagtas, Mahiye Secil: Panel 58 (Organizer and Presenter) Dahl, Bianca: Panels 6 (Organizer and Presenter) and 87 (Presenter) Dain-Owens, Susie: Panel 92 (Presenter) Dalmyn, Claire: Panel 52 (Presenter) Darnell, Regna: Plenary Panel Presenter (Thursday), Panel 55 Das, Sonia: Panels 23 (Discussant) and 37 (Presenter) Daswani, Girish: Panel 9 (Presenter)


Dave, Naisargi: Panels 58 (Chair), 91 (Presenter) and 114 (Presenter) Daveluy, Michelle: Panels 28 (Organizer and Presenter), 53 (Chair and Organizer), 79 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) and 90 (Chair and Organizer) Davidson, Joanna: Panel 6 (Presenter) Davidson, Lisa: Panel 17 (Presenter) Davis, Dana-Ain: Panel 70 (Presenter) Dawson, Allan C.: Panel 8 (Presenter) De Boeck, Filip: Panel 91 (Organizer and Presenter) De Gelder, Mieke: Panel 91 (Presenter) de la Cadena, Marisol: Panel 41 (Presenter) de la Peña, Guillermo: Panel 26 (Presenter) de Maria y Campos, Camila Pastor: Panel 95 (Presenter) de Vries, Laura: Panel 69 (Presenter) Demirdirek, Hulya: Panels 15 (Organizer and Presenter) and 101 (Chair and Organizer) Diasio, Nicoletta: Panel 79 (Presenter) Diaz, Steffan Igor Ayora: Panels 76 (Discussant) and 88 (Presenter) Diggs-Thompson, Marilynne: Panel 36 (Chair and Presenter) Dinwoodie, David: Panel 74 (Presenter) Dixon, Dwayne: Panel 87 (Organizer and Presenter) Doane, Molly: Panel 4 (Presenter) Dokic, Goran: Panel 15 (Presenter) Dolan, Catherine: Panel 24 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) Dombrowski, Kirk: Panel 26 (Presenter) Dorazio-Migliore, Margaret: Panel 57 (Presenter) Dossa, Parin: Panel 16 (Presenter) Dowell, Kristin: Panel 82 (Roundtable Discussant) Downe, Pamela: Panel 113 (Presenter) Doyle, Judith: Panel 2 (Presenter) Doyon, Sabrina: Panel 93 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) du Monceau, Maria: Panel 115 (Presenter) DuBois, Lindsay: Panel 3 (Presenter) Duffek, Karen: Panel 35 (Presenter) Dunk, Tom: Panel 43 (Chair) Durham, Deborah: Panels 75 (Chair and Organizer) and 95 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) Dusenbery, Verne A.: Panel 69 (Presenter) Duthie, Laurie: Panel 75 (Presenter) Dyck, Noel: Panel 53 (Presenter) Dygert, Holly: Panel 82 (Organizer and Roundtable Discussant) Edwards, Danielle: Panel 42 (Presenter) El-Ghadban, Yara: Panel 60 (Chair and Presenter) Elizabeth Chin, Elizabeth: Panel 87 (Discussant) Elliot, Denielle: Panel 33 (Presenter) Elsey, Christine: Panel 51 (Organizer and Presenter) Fanjoy, Martha: Panel 50 (Presenter) Feit, Harvey: Panel 41 (Presenter) Feldman, Gregory: Panel 100 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) Ferguson, Nelson: Panel 13 (Presenter) Fernandez-Repetto, Francisco: Panel 117 (Presenter) Fisher, Tony: Panel 27 (Presenter) Forsythe, Susan: Panel 57 (Presenter)


Forte, Maximilian: Panels 100 (Presenter) and 111 (Chair, Organizer and Opening Remarks) Forth, Gregory: Panel 109 (Presenter) Fortin, Sylvie: Panels 81 (Organizer and Presenter) and 94 (Chair and Organizer) Fournier, Anna: Panel 42 (Presenter) Franquesa, Juame: Panel 66 (Presenter) Freeman, Carla: Panels 75 (Organizer) and 95 (Organizer and Presenter) Friedman, Jonathan: Panel 98 (Roundtable Discussant) Fuller, Colleen: Panel 48 (Presenter) Fung, Daisy: Panel 108 (Presenter) Furman, Kira: Panel 36 (Presenter) Gaborean, Florina: Panel 5 (Presenter) Gaggiotti, Hugo: Panel 69 (Presenter) Garsten, Christina: Panel 24 (Presenter) Gauthier, Melissa: Panel 16 (Presenter) Gaver, Cheryl: Panel 78 (Presenter) Geary, David: Panel 23 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) Geer, Sacha: Panel 69 (Presenter) Ghosh, Kaushik: Panel 82 (Roundtable Discussant) and 114 (Discussant) Gibbings, Sheri: Panel 66 (Organizer and Presenter) Gibbins, Graydon: Panel 42 (Presenter) Gibson, Nancy: Panel 9 (Presenter) Gilbert, Hannah: Panel 106 (Organizer and Presenter) Giles, Wenona: Panel 64 (Presenter) Gill, Lesley: Panel 43 (Presenter) Gilles Bibeau, Gilles: Panel 8 (Discussant) Gillette, Maris: Panel 104 (Organizer and Presenter) Giron, Felicia (Felix): Panel 108 (Chair and Presenter) Goble, Erika: Panel 105 (Presenter) Godoy-Paiz, Paula: Panel 107 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) Gómez-Ramírez, Oralia: Panel 89 (Presenter) Gonzalez, Roberto: Panel 100 (Presenter) Good, Mary: Panel 105 (Presenter) Gordillo, Gastón: Panel 26 (Presenter) Gordon, Kathleen: Panel 117 (Presenter) Goslinga, Gillian: Panel 41 (Presenter) Graham, Janice: Panel 30 (Presenter) Gray, Garry C.: Panel 19 (Presenter) Green, Linda: Panel 68 (Presenter) Gregory, Gillian: Panel 42 (Chair and Presenter) Griffiths, Kate: Panel 85 (Presenter) Guest, Kenneth: Panel 72 (Discussant) Guindon, Andréanne: Panel 93 (Presenter) Gurunani, Shubhra: Panel 110 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) Guyer, Jane: AES Keynote Address (Wednesday) Habib, Jasmin: Panel 71 (Presenter) Halstead, Narmala: Panel 59 (Presenter) Hammer, Brent: Panel 118 (Presenter) Han, Ju Hui Judy: Panel 49 (Presenter) Hancock, Robert L. A.: Panel 27 (Presenter) Hancock, Sara: Panel 81 (Presenter)


Hardin, Jessica: Panel 119 (Chair and Presenter) Hardin, Rebecca: Panel 24 (Presenter) Hardy, Michelle: Panel 18 (Presenter) Harris, Brent: Panel 50 (Chair and Presenter) Harrison, Julia: Panels 28 (Chair and Organizer) and 53 (Organizer and Presenter) Hébert, Martin: Panel 14 (Presenter) Hechler, Ryan: Panel 7 (Presenter) Helleiner, Jane: Panel 16 (Presenter) Hennessy, Kate: Panel 102 (Presenter) Henry, Eric: Panel 37 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) Hermansen, Anne-Mette: Panel 101 (Organizer) Hernandez-Reguant, Ariana: Panel 104 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) Heyman, Josiah: Panels 1 (Presenter) and 29 (Presenter) Hibbert, Alicia: Panel 20 (Presenter) Hicks, Susan: Panel 89 (Presenter) Holmes, Christina: Panel 106 (Chair and Presenter) Holmes, Jaqueline Schoemaker: Panel 86 (Presenter) Horvath, Aniko: Panels 15 (Presenter) and 59 (Presenter) Houser, Daniel Earl: Panel 19 (Chair and Presenter) Hoyd, Marianne: Panel 12 (Presenter) Huang, Xin: Panel 49 (Presenter) Hudson, Douglas: Panels 17 (Presenter) and 51 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) Inglis, Kathleen: Panel 105 (Chair and Presenter) Irwin, Anne: Panel 71 (Presenter) Jermyn, Leslie: Panel 43 (Presenter) Jesook Song : Panel 49 (Organizer) Johnson, Leslie Main: Panel 105 (Presenter) Johnston, Barbara: Panel 14 (Presenter) Jones, Carla: Panel 95 (Presenter) Joo, Jong-Taick: Panel 32 (Presenter) Joy, Annamma: Panel 116 (Chair and Presenter) Jurgens, Jeffrey: Panel 22 (Presenter) Kalb, Don: Panels 43 (Presenter) and 98 (Organizer and Roundtable Discussant) Kalfa, Aslican: Panel 103 (Presenter) Karim, Lamia: Panel 75 (Presenter) Kashty, Martin: Panel 113 (Presenter) Kaufert, Joseph: Panel 81 (Presenter) Kaufert, Patricia: Panel 81 (Presenter) Kazubowski-Houston, Magdalena: Panel 33 (Presenter) kC, Prakiti: Panel 75 (Presenter) Kelly, Sharon: Panel 66 (Presenter) Kendall, Tamil: Panel 2 (Presenter) Kenrick, Justin: Panel 55 (Roundtable Discussant) Kenworthy, Ty: Panel 116 (Presenter) Khandekar, Aalok: Panel 32 (Presenter) Kienholz, J. Joanne: Panel 36 (Presenter) Kienzler, Hanna: Panel 107 (Presenter) Kilani, Mondher: Panels 14 (Discussant) and 79 (Presenter) Kingfisher, Catherine: Panel 70 (Organizer and Presenter) Kmita, Catherine: Panel 116 (Presenter)


Knauft, Bruce: Panel 6 (Presenter) Kolocsai, Csilla: Panel 75 (Presenter) Kotaska, Jana: Panel 115 (Presenter) Kratz, Corinne: Panel 83 (Presenter) Krmpotich, Cara: Panel 17 (Chair, Organizer, and Presenter) Krupa, Chris: Panel 64 (Presenter) La Salle, Marina: Panel 80 (Presenter) Labine, Lisa: Panel 81 (Presenter) Labreque, Marie France: Panel 26 (Presenter) Lalor, Joshua: Panel 45 (Presenter) Lambek, Michael: Panel 91 (Chair and Organizer) Lamoreaux, Janelle: Panel 2 (Presenter) Landry, Jean-Michel: Panel 83 (Presenter) Landry, Vincent: Panel 109 (Presenter) Langdon, Stephen: Panel 92 (Presenter) Lau, Timm: Panel 83 (Chair and Presenter) Laugrand, Frédéric: Panel 109 (Presenter) Laurent, Pierre-Joseph: Panel 90 (Presenter) Le Clair, Jill: Panel 83 (Presenter) Leach, Belinda: Panels 1 (Presenter), 25 (Organizer), 43 (Organizer), 64 (Organizer) and 68 (Chair and Organizer) Leblanc, Catherine: Panel 93 (Presenter) Lee, David: Panel 48 (Presenter) Lee, Richard: Panels 34 (Presenter), 85 (Chair) and 100 (Presenter) Leinaweaver, Jessaca: Panels 22 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) and 39 (Discussant) Lem, Winnie: Panels 1 (Organizer and Presenter), 13 (Chair and Organizer) and 64 (Chair) Lemon, Aliana: Panel 104 (Discussant) Leshkowich, Ann Marie: Panel 75 (Presenter) Levy, Jennifer: Panel 119 (Presenter) Ley, David: Panel 66 (Presenter) Li, Tania: Panels 68 (Presenter) and 82 (Roundtable Discussant) Lins Ribeiro, Gustavo: CASCA Keynote Address (Friday) Loebenberg, Abby: Panel 69 (Chair and Presenter) Loranger-Saindon, Arianne: Panel 80 (Presenter) Lowrey, Kathleen: Panel 20 (Chair and Organizer) Luehrmann, Sonja: Panel 89 (Presenter) Lunde, Lynn: Panel 60 (Presenter) Lynch, Una: Panel 3 (Presenter) Lyons, Andrew P.: Panel 101 (Speaker) Lyons, Harriet: Panel 101 (Speaker) Maar, Marion: Panel 21 (Presenter) Macdonald, Gaynor: Panel 17 (Presenter) Macdonald, Mary Ellen: Panels 56 (Organizer and Presenter) and 81 (Presenter) MacIntosh, Josephine: Panel 30 (Presenter) MacKenzie, Jamie: Panel 8 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) Magnat, Virginie: Panel 33 (Discussant) Makley, Charlene: Panel 22 (Discussant) Maksymowicz, Kris: Panel 113 (Presenter) Malone, Molly: Panel 92 (Presenter) Manitowabi, Darrel: Panels 21 (Presenter) and 105 (Presenter)


Marcus, Anthony: Panel 18 (Chair and Presenter) Marre, Diana: Panel 22 (Presenter) Marshall, Michael Stephen: Panel 118 (Presenter) Martindale, Andrew: Panel 92 (Discussant) Mashner, Meredith: Panel 39 (Presenter) Maskovsky, Jeff: Panel 70 (Presenter) Maxwell, Krista: Panel 78 (Chair and Presenter) May, Maureen: Panel 21 (Presenter) Mayer, Carol: Panel 35 (Presenter) Mayer, Raymond: Panel 90 (Presenter) McDonald, Fiona: Panel 47 (Presenter) McDonald, Jim: Panel 92 (Discussant) McGarvey, Shauna: Panel 27 (Presenter) McKellin, Bill: Panels 81 (Chair and Organizer) and 94 (Organizer and Presenter) McKenzie, Jennifer: Panel 73 (Presenter) McKhann, Charles: Panel 104 (Presenter) McLachlan, Amy Leia: Panel 16 (Chair and Presenter) McLaughlin, Janet: Panel 1 (Presenter) Mclennan, Bill: Panel 35 (Presenter) McMillan, Jane: Panel 78 (Presenter) McNaughton, Susan: Panel 52 (Presenter) Meneley, Anne: Panel 44 (Chair and Presenter) Menzies, Charles: Panels 80 (Chair, Organizer, Presenter) and 92 (Chair and Organizer) Messier, Philippe: Panel 57 (Presenter) Michaud, Jean: Plenary Panel Presenter (Thursday) Migliore, Sam: Panel 57 (Presenter) Milgram, Lynne B.: Panel 29 (Presenter) Mirza, Vincent: Panel 99 (Organizer and Presenter) Mitchell, Lisa M: Panel 56 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) Moffette, David: Panel 16 (Presenter) Moisan, Marie-Eve Carrier: Panel 103 (Presenter) Montesanti, Stephanie: Panel 2 (Presenter) Mooney, Nicola: Panel 97 (Presenter) Moore, Patrick: Panels 89 (Organizer and Chair) and 102 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) Moore, Philip: Panel 76 (Presenter) and 88 (Chair) Moretti, Cristina: Panel 33 (Presenter) Morisette, Anny: Panel 73 (Presenter) Morris-Oswald, Toni: Panel 81 (Presenter) Mortensen, Lena: Panel 10 (Presenter) Muehlebach, Andrea: Panel 24 (Presenter) Mulholland, Mary-Lee: Panel 7 (Chair and Presenter) Müller, Birgit: Panel 106 (Presenter) Murney, Maureen: Panel 30 (Organizer and Presenter) Myers, Natasha: Panel 52 (Presenter) Nakamura, Momoko: Panel 62 (Presenter) Nakonechny, Joanne: Panel 97 (Presenter) Naomi, Yamada: Panel 118 (Chair and Presenter) Narotzky, Susana: Panel 26 (Presenter) Nawa, Katsuo: Panel 97 (Presenter) Newman, Janet: Panel 70 (Presenter)


Nicolson, Marianne: Panel 112 (Presenter) Nijhawan, Michael: Panel 44 (Presenter) Nimmo, Julie: Panel 109 (Presenter) Nitsan, Tal: Panel 107 (Presenter) Noble, Brian: Panel 55 (Chair and Roundtable Discussant) Nonini, Don: Panel 13 (Presenter) and 98 (Roundtable Discussant) Norget, Kristen: Panel 8 (Organizer and Presenter) Nugent, David: Panel 68 (Presenter) Nussbaum-Barberena, Laura: Panel 4 (Presenter) Obadia, Lionel: Panel 90 (Presenter) Oehmichen, Cristina: Panel 99 (Presenter) Okada, Kochi: Panel 104 (Presenter) Ortiz, Francisco Toledo: Panel 99 (Presenter) Otsuki, Grant: Panel 32 (Presenter) Palmer, Andie: Panel 47 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) Palmer, Carolyn Butler: Panel 47 (Organizer and Presenter) Pantaleón, Jorge: Panel 99 (Organizer and Presenter) Patrick, Donna: Panel 37 (Presenter) Patterson, Patrick: Panel 60 (Presenter) Pero, Davide: Panel 13 (Presenter) Peschard, Karine: Panel 106 (Organizer and Presenter) Phan, Cindy: Panel 45 (Chair and Presenter) Phinney, Harriet: Panel 85 (Presenter) Pigg, Stacy: Panel 49 (Discussant) Pine, Frances: Panel 15 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) Pinheiro, Joceny: Panel 117 (Presenter) Pinkerton, Evelyn: Panel 42 (Presenter) Pinkoski, Marc: Panel 27 (Chair and Discussant) Poirier, Claire: Panel 41 (Presenter) Polonyi, Anna: Panel 65 (Discussant) Polson, Michael: Panel 72 (Organizer and Presenter) Porier Sylvie: Panel 55 (Roundtable Discussant) Portillo, J. Kathleen: Panel 23 (Presenter) Porto, Nuno: Panel 60 (Presenter) Powell, Kathy: Panel 3 (Presenter) Powers, Theodore: Panel 85 (Organizer and Presenter) Pravaz, Natasha: Panel 119 (Presenter) Proulx, Nadia: Panel 71 (Presenter) Quick, Sarah: Panel 10 (Presenter) Rajak, Dinah: Panel 24 (Organizer and Presenter) Reed, Ann: Panel 10 (Chair and Presenter) Reed-Danahay, Deborah: Panel 76 (Discussant) Reed-Danahay, Deborah: Panel 88 (Presenter) Rethmann, Petra: Panel 14 (Discussant) Rethmann, Petra: Panel 46 (Presenter) Reyna, Steve: Panel 98 (Roundtable Discussant) Rial, Carmen: Panel 32 (Chair and Presenter) Riaño-Alcalá, Pilar: Panel 46 (Presenter) Rice, Kathleen: Panel 9 (Presenter) Richardson, Mary: Panel 106 (Presenter)


Richardson, Tanya: Panel 15 (Presenter) Robertson, Leslie: Panels 33 (Chair and Organizer) and 46 (Organizer and Presenter) Robotham, Donald: Panel 72 (Chair and Presenter) Rodman, Margaret Critchlow: Panel 38 (Presenter) Rodriguez, Jason: Panel 23 (Presenter) Roe, Gordon: Panel 110 (Presenter) Rose, Deidre: Panel 57 (Chair and Presenter) Rosenberg, Harriet: Panels 34 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) and 48 (Chair and Organizer) Rosenoff, Lara: Panel 102 (Presenter) Rouse, Roger: Panels 13 (Presenter) and 64 (Presenter) Rowley, Susan: Panel 35 (Organizer) Rudnyckyj, Daromir: Panel 44 (Presenter) Ruhlen, Rebecca N.: Panel 22 (Presenter) Rutherford, Blair: Panel 59 (Chair and Presenter) Sabinot, Catherine: Panel 93 (Presenter) Saillant, Francine: Panels 11 (Chair and Organizer), 14 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter), 53 (Discussant), 79 (Organizer) and 90 (Organizer and Presenter) Salemink, Oscar: Panel 116 (Presenter) Sally Anderson, Sally: Panel 88 (Discussant) Sandell, David: Panel 19 (Presenter) Sarmadi, Behzad: Panel 66 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) Satterfield, Terre: Panel 115 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) Scarangella-McNenly, Linda: Panel 74 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) Scarborough, Jen: Panel 56 (Presenter) Schmid, Karl: Panels 63 (Chair) and 110 (Organizer and Presenter) Schneider, Jane: Panel 68 (Presenter) Schreyer, Christine: Panel 28 (Presenter) Schumann, William: Panel 84 (Organizer and Presenter) Schwade, Elisete: Panel 12 (Presenter) Scoggin, Tamar V.: Panel 23 (Organizer and Presenter) Scott, Colin: Panel 96 (Presenter) Scott, Mary Alice: Panel 21 (Presenter) Sehlikoglu, Sertac: Panel 58 (Presenter) Shannon, Jen: Panel 37 (Presenter) Shapiro, Maya: Panel 13 (Presenter) Shapiro, Samuel: Panel 77 (Chair and Presenter) Shawande, Marjory: Panel 105 (Presenter) Sheridan, Lynnaire: Panel 109 (Presenter) Shever, Elana: Panel 24 (Presenter) Shneiderman, Sara: Panel 82 (Chair and Organizer) Sider, Gerald: Panel 64 (Presenter) Sieciechowicz, Krystyna: Panel 26 (Presenter) Simonard, Pedro: Panel 5 (Presenter) Sinervo, Aviva: Panel 39 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) Skinner, Debra: Panel 94 (Presenter) Small, Dan: Panel 30 (Presenter) Smart, Alan: Panels 29 (Organizer and Presenter) and 70 (Discussant) Smith, Angele: Panel 108 (Presenter) Smith, Daniel Jordan: Panel 6 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) and 85 (Presenter) Smith, Gavin: Panel 98 (Chair and Organizer)


Smith, Trudi Lynn: Panel 112 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) Solomonian, Adam: Panel 17 (Presenter) Song, Jesook: Panel 62 (Organizer and Presenter) Sprague, William Webb: Panel 32 (Presenter) Sriramachandran, Ravindran: Panel 114 (Presenter) Stampe, Jennifer: Panel 96 (Chair and Presenter) Steager, Tabitha: Panel 118 (Presenter) Stephenson, Peter: Panel 56 (Organizer and Presenter) Sterner, Judy: Panel 57 (Presenter) Steur, Luisa: Panel 117 (Chair and Presenter) Stone, Alyson: Panel 65 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) Strachan, Laura M.: Panel 74 (Presenter) Stride-Darnley, Ben: Panel 119 (Presenter) Susser, Ida: Plenary Panel Presenter (Thursday), Panels 48 (Discussant), 72 (Discussant and Organizer) and 85 (Organizer) Sylvain, Renee: Panel 82 (Roundtable Discussant) Tajali, Mona: Panel 58 (Presenter) Tanasescu, Alina: Panel 29 (Presenter) Taylor, Jayme: Panel 86 (Presenter) Taylor, Jessica: Panel 65 (Presenter) Teal, Gregory: Panel 109 (Presenter) Teal, Gregory: Panel 63 (Presenter) Terman, Rochelle: Panel 58 (Presenter) Thom, Brian: Panel 73 (Chair and Presenter) Tiilikainen, Marja: Panel 83 (Presenter) Timmermans, Stefan: Panel 94 (Presenter) Tobiasz, Matthew: Panel 12 (Chair and Presenter) Townsend-Gault, Emma: Panel 18 (Presenter) Tran, Nathalie: Panel 32 (Presenter) Truchon, Karoline: Panel 11 (Presenter) Tubb, Daniel: Panel 63 (Presenter) Turrin, Natalie: Panel 34 (Presenter) Udvardy, Monica: Panel 60 (Presenter) Urbanowski, Elizabeth: Panel 113 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) Vallée, Jacky: Panel 113 (Presenter) Van Elk, Jenn: Panel 61 (Presenter) Vannini, Phillip: Panel 61 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) Vanthuyne, Karine: Panels 4 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) and 11 (Presenter) Vanzieleghem, Vanessa: Panel 23 (Presenter) Vargas-Cetina, Gabriela: Panels 76 (Presenter) and 88 (Discussant) Varley, Emma: Panel 30 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) Veissiere, Samuel: Panel 103 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) Veresovaya, Natalya: Panel 36 (Presenter) Victor, Letha: Panel 107 (Presenter) Vincent, Susan: Panel 18 (Presenter) Visser, Oane: Panel 12 (Presenter) Vivaldi, Ana: Panel 102 (Presenter) Viventi, Livia: Panel 4 (Presenter) Wachowich, Nancy: Panel 46 (Presenter) Waddell, Laura: Panel 9 (Chair and Presenter)


Wainer, Rafael: Panel 56 (Presenter) Waldram, James B.: Weaver-Tremblay Lecture (Thursday), Panel 53 (Presenter) Walsh, Andrea: Panel 112 (Presenter) Walter, M. Susan: Panel 117 (Presenter) Waltrip, Calli: Panel 20 (Presenter) Wang, Jeff: Panel 116 (Presenter) Waskul, Dennis: Panel 61 (Organizer and Presenter) Weingrod, Alex: Panel 7 (Presenter) Welland, Sasha: Panel 104 (Presenter) White, Daniel: Panel 49 (Presenter) Whitehead, Judith: Panel 64 (Presenter) Williams, Brett: Panel 72 (Presenter) Wilson, Thomas: Panel 84 (Chair) Wilson, Will: Panel 8 (Presenter) Wood, Caura: Panel 38 (Presenter) Wool, Zoe: Panel 65 (Presenter) Wu, Ka-Ming: Panel 108 (Presenter) Yakong, Vida: Panel 2 (Chair and Presenter) Yamada, Chikako: Panel 50 (Presenter) Yamada, Toru: Panel 57 (Presenter) Yanagisako, Sylvia: AES Keynote Address Discussant (Wednesday) and Plenary Panel Presenter (Thursday) Yang, Jie: Panels 49 (Chair, Organizer and Presenter) and 62 (Chair and Organizer) Yessenova, Saulesh: Panel 29 (Organizer and Presenter) Yong, Kee Howe: Panel 4 (Organizer Presenter) Youssef, Sandra: Panel 86 (Organizer and Presenter) Yoshimizu, Ayaka: Panel 62 (Presenter) Zengin, Asli: Panel 58 (Organizer and Presenter) Zhang, Xia: Panel 59 (Presenter)