submission id papers_0427 The VarrierTM Autostereoscopic Virtual Reality Display Daniel J. Sandin, Todd Margolis, Jinghua Ge, Javier Girado, Tom Peterka, Thomas A. DeFanti Electronic Visualization Laboratory University of Illinois at Chicago
[email protected] Abstract In most other lenticular and barrier strip implementations, stereo is achieved by sorting image slices in integer (image) coordinates. Virtual reality (VR) has long been hampered by the gear Moreover, many autostereo systems compress scene depth in the z needed to make the experience possible; specifically, stereo direction to improve image quality but Varrier is orthoscopic, glasses and tracking devices. Autostereoscopic display devices are which means that all 3 dimensions are displayed in the same gaining popularity by freeing the user from stereo glasses, scale. Besides head-tracked perspective interaction, the user can however few qualify as VR displays. The Electronic Visualization further interact with VR applications through hand-held devices Laboratory (EVL) at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) such as a 3d wand, for example to control navigation through has designed and produced a large scale, high resolution head- virtual worlds. tracked barrier-strip autostereoscopic display system that There are four main contributions of this paper. New virtual produces a VR immersive experience without requiring the user to barrier algorithms are presented that enhance image quality and wear any encumbrances. The resulting system, called Varrier, is a lower color shifts by operating at sub-pixel resolution. Automated passive parallax barrier 35-panel tiled display that produces a camera-based registration of the physical and virtual barrier strip wide field of view, head-tracked VR experience.