Report No 8/06





Abstract: This report updates Members of recent and proposed changes to local bus service provision in Angus and of progress in relation to the introduction of the -wide Free Bus Travel Concession Scheme and extension of Real Time Information throughout Angus. Details are also given of Bus Route Development Grant funding awarded to the Council and progress on the establishment of the Tayside and Central Scotland Transport Partnership.


It is recommended that the Committee:-

1 note the local bus service changes to be introduced by M W Nicoll from 27 February 2006;

2 note the arrangements put in place for services operating between and to serve on a two-hourly basis commencing during March 2006;

3 note the acquisition by Stagecoach on 15 December 2005 of the Group which includes Scottish Ltd and Meffans Coaches and agree that Members be kept informed at future meetings of this Committee of any material service or operational changes resulting from this change in ownership;

4 welcome the award of Bus Route Development Grant funding by the Scottish Executive over the next three years for service improvements on the Kirriemuir – Forfar – () corridor;

5 note the arrangements put in place for the extension of real time information throughout Angus;

6 agree the potential list of locations for additional roadside real time information signs in Angus identified in Appendix 2 to this report;

7 welcome the agreed settlement in respect of concessionary travel GAE following negotiations between CoSLA and the Scottish Executive in this regard; and

8 note progress on the establishment of the Tayside and Central Scotland Transport Partnership, including the appointment of Councillor Ritchie as Deputy Chairperson of the Partnership.

2 Report No 8/06


2.1 This report updates Members of proposed changes to local bus service operation within Angus. Details are given of the sale of the Yorkshire Traction Group (which includes Strathtay Scottish Ltd and Meffans Coaches) to Stagecoach, the award of Bus Route Development Grant funding to Angus Council and Strathtay Scottish Ltd for service improvements on the Kirriemuir – Forfar – (Arbroath) corridor and of progress in relation to the extension of real time information in Angus. Members are also informed of the outcome of the negotiations between CoSLA and the Scottish Executive in respect of the GAE allocation for concessionary travel to remain with local authorities following the introduction of the Scotland-wide free bus travel concession scheme in April 2006. Progress on the establishment of the Tayside and Central Scotland Transport Partnership is also noted.


3.1 From 27 February 2006, M W Nicoll will retime the 1710 journey from Montrose to Laurencekirk on Saturdays to operate at 1635. Departures from Montrose to Laurencekirk will be at 1605, 1635 and 1730, on this basis there is no requirement for the Council to take any action in relation to this commercial change in service provision.


4.1 From 27 February 2006, M W Nicoll will cease to operate the 1815 journey on Mondays to Fridays between Edzell and Laurencekirk. Services on this corridor are provided under contract to Aberdeenshire Council. The journey to be withdrawn is not part of the contract but merely operated to return the vehicle to the contractor’s depot at Laurencekirk. Its withdrawal will have no detrimental effects.


5.1 From 27 February 2006, M W Nicoll will withdraw their commercial 1720 journey on Mondays to Fridays between Montrose and Stonehaven. Members will recall that this is a corridor subject to competition between M W Nicoll and Bluebird Buses, service provision is such that the withdrawal will have no implications as an alternative facility is operated at 1720 by Bluebird Buses over the same route. The 1300 Service 113B journey between Montrose and Stonehaven on Mondays to Fridays will operate at 1325; again an alternative journey already exists provided by Bluebird Buses at 1300 between Montrose and Stonehaven, therefore no action is required.


6.1 Members will recall that at the meeting of this Committee on 13 October 2005, it was reported that Stagecoach had acquired a 35% capital share of Scottish Citylink Limited in return for transferring certain rights to the Motivator and .com operations in Scotland. ComfortDelGro own the remaining 65% of the Citylink share (Report 1176/05 refers). It was reported that this joint venture would see express coach services in Scotland operate under the and Scottish Citylink brands. 3 Report No 8/06

6.2 Following on from the announcement regarding the new Company, registrations were submitted to the Traffic Commissioner to vary the Citylink service provision with effect from 28 November 2005.

From 28 November 2005, the only two journeys to remain which pick-up/set-down in Angus were:-

• 06:35 Dundee (Discovery Pt), Muirdrum, Arbroath, Montrose, St Cyrus, Stonehaven, Aberdeen (Mon-Sat)

• 17:40 Aberdeen, Stonehaven, St Cyrus, Montrose, Arbroath, Muirdrum, Dundee (Bus Station) (Daily)

6.3 Officers from Planning & Transport met with representatives from the new Scottish Citylink company to express their disappointment and concern at the withdrawal of virtually all coach services which pick-up/set-down within Angus and to discuss possible options available. In response to suggestions from officers, the company confirmed they would be happy to consider bus/coach interchange provision if this could be suitably located close to the A90.

6.4 At the 24 November 2005 meeting of this Committee (Report 1381/05 refers) Members authorised investigation and if possible implementation at an early date of bus/coach interchange points close to the A90 in order to enable coach services to pick-up/set-down at locations which could be connected to local bus service routes serving Forfar and .

6.5 Discussions have been on-going in this regard and a suitable site for a bus stop has been identified in Forfar at the A929 (Glamis Road)/A90 interchange adjacent to Orchardbank (see Appendix 1 for details). Strathtay Scottish have agreed to re-route the Orchardbank buses on the Forfar Town service to operate from Orchardbank via the A90 underpass to the A94 roundabout for the Glamis turnoff then back under the underpass to serve a new stop close to the roundabout at Orchardbank. Scottish Citylink have agreed to serve this stop on a two-hourly basis with its Dundee – Aberdeen service. A start date has yet to be agreed however it is anticipated that this will be during March 2006.


7.1 On 15 December 2005, the Yorkshire Traction Group which includes Strathtay Scottish Ltd and Meffans Coaches was acquired by Stagecoach. Strathtay currently employ over 300 staff and have 160 vehicles at its five depots in Tayside which include Arbroath, Blairgowrie, Dundee, Forfar and Montrose. The impact of this change of ownership is currently unknown. It is possible that the Office of Fair Trading will consider the acquisition of the Tayside operations, this being the case no material change to the existing operation of the companies is expected for the next few months.

7.2 The Scottish Executive are aware of the sale of Strathtay Scottish Ltd and have stated that they have no concerns regarding the recent partnership awards of Bus Route Development Grant funding to Angus Council and Strathtay Scottish Ltd. and anticipate these services to be continued by the new owners.

7.3 Members will be kept informed of any material changes to services and operations arising from the sale of the Company. 4 Report No 8/06


8.1 Members will recall that at the meeting of this Committee on 28 April 2005 it was reported that two bids had been submitted to the Scottish Executive for Bus Route Development Grant funding, one for service enhancements within Forfar Town and the other for service enhancements on the Kirriemuir - Forfar – (Arbroath) corridor (Report 511/05 refers). The bid for Forfar Town Service improvements was successful however the Kirriemuir – Forfar – (Arbroath) bid was turned down as it was considered to be marginal in terms of financial viability. The Scottish Executive however invited the Council to undertake some further work on the bid and re-submit it, this was reported to this Committee on 13 October 2005 (Report 1176/05 refers).

8.2 Further work was undertaken on the bid in partnership with Strathtay Scottish Ltd and the Council was informed on 12 December 2005 that the bid had been approved by the Scottish Executive. The Council has been awarded funding over 3 years to subsidise service improvements on the Kirriemuir – Forfar – (Arbroath) corridor. This grant will increase service provision from hourly to half-hourly and provide through operation to Arbroath rather than via the current connecting services which require waits of over 30 minutes in Forfar.

8.3 The award of this funding is welcomed and it is anticipated that the grant awarded will meet the full operational costs of the service. However, should there be any shortfall then this will, as with previous Bus Route Development Grant funding, be met on a 50:50 basis by the Strathtay Scottish Ltd and Angus Council in years 1 to 3 and any shortfall in year 4 (which is anticipated may amount to £7351) will be covered by a revenue based contract with the Council.

8.4 Discussions are currently on-going with Strathtay Scottish Ltd regarding the introduction for this service, however it is currently anticipated that the start date will be 20 February 2006.


9.1 It was reported to this Committee on 24 November 2005 that Angus Council had received a grant offer for public transport projects in 2005-06 of £318,899 (Report 1381/05 refers). Members agreed that this money should be utilised to further extend real time information throughout Angus. Negotiations have taken place with ACIS the current supplier of the real time information system which is being installed and the current contract has been extended to provide for an additional 35 roadside signs, in addition 10 vehicles belonging to M W Nicoll will be fitted with Real Time Information (RTI) equipment (these being the only vehicles operating in Angus other than those of Strathtay Scottish Ltd, currently having the necessary electronic RTI compatible ticket machines to enable the system to work). In future, when the remaining companies have had their ticket machines upgraded as part of the National Travel Concession Scheme programme then their vehicles will be able to be linked to the system subject to further funding becoming available.

9.2 A list of over 40 potential sites for Real Time Information is given in Appendix 2 to this report. The potential sites have been selected as follows:-

• key stops within the Angus towns (excluding Monifieth, Carnoustie, Arbroath and Forfar which are covered from previous funding) the stops being selected on the basis of being the most frequently used;

5 Report No 8/06

• key settlements on arterial routes within Angus

the locations selected have been drawn up in consultation with the bus operators.

9.3 The final sites chosen will depend on signal clarity and the proximity of electric supplies to the units. In total 35 sites will be installed in this phase of the project. As Members were previously informed, as future funding becomes available it is intended to further extend roadside coverage, this being relatively easy to achieve with the two aerials and associated equipment being in place (Report 1178/05 refers). In the meantime Real Time Information for all GPS equipped buses operating throughout Angus will be available on the web and by mobile phone thereby improving the levels of information provision throughout the Council area.


10.1 Members will recall that at the meeting of this Committee on 13 October 2005, an update was given on the introduction of the new Scotland-wide Free Bus Scheme for Older and Disabled Persons from 1 April 2006 (Report 1177/05 refers). At that stage negotiations were at an advanced stage between the Scottish Executive and CoSLA in respect of the GAE “claw back” by the Scottish Executive in order to meet the costs of the new Scotland-wide free bus travel scheme. The negotiations have now been concluded and in terms of the new Scheme and of clawing back GAE the Scottish Executive and CoSLA have agreed the following:

• the new national Scheme will begin on 1 April 2006.

• the new national Scheme will allow Companions for specific disabled categories to travel throughout Scotland also.

• a definition of disability will be agreed that applies to all Scotland.

• the bus element of the National Scheme for the Blind will be part of the new national Scheme. As at present, non-bus elements of the Blind Scheme will continue to be the responsibility of local schemes.

• as a high percentage of GAE is used for additional elements of concessionary travel and public transport provision, the proportion of GAE to be given up to the Scottish Executive will be limited to the reimbursement to bus operators for the elderly, disabled, blind and companions for travelling on bus services as follows:-

total reimbursement to bus operators for carrying of elderly and disabled on bus services;

total reimbursement to bus operators for carrying of companions on bus services; and

total reimbursement to bus operators for carrying of Registered Blind and partially sighted under the National Scheme for the Blind on bus services.

• the above totaled figures will be subtracted from an original starting point of the total Concessionary Travel GAE and Section 70 payments (where these have been provided), to give the suggested residual amount to be retained for Local Government. 6 Report No 8/06

• the figures will be based on the actual spend for 2004/05, with an inflationary uplift which reflects the 2005/06 increase in GAE to equate it to what might be expected to be the real spend in 2006/07, allowing early finalisation of the claw back and avoiding information being collected from councils this year and next.

• local authorities’ responsibilities will continue to include:-

local concessionary schemes additional to the minimum – e.g. ferries, rail, air, taxicard, and accessible transport such as dial-a-ride and shopmobility;

non bus elements of the National Scheme for the Blind; administering local youth concessionary schemes; and

supporting socially necessary bus services.

• Where these are currently paid for from within Concessionary Travel GAE, then this must continue and the funds must be available to do so.

10.2 Like the other rural authorities in Scotland, Angus Council currently spends significantly less than it’s concessionary travel GAE allocation on travel concession reimbursement but uses the money instead to procure additional local bus service provision. On this basis should the ‘claw back’ of GAE have amounted to more than the current actual expenditure on bus concessionary travel re-imbursement the detrimental impact on local bus service provision in Angus would have been significant. The agreed settlement is therefore welcomed as it will ensure continued enhanced local bus service provision throughout Angus.

10.3 CoSLA has also given detailed consideration to the distribution of the residual GAE after the “claw back” is removed. Once the actual claw back for each Council is identified, this leaves a residual sum for Local Government, to be used to fund the responsibilities Local Government retains. The joint Scottish Executive/CoSLA 3 Year Settlement Group was asked to consider how this residual sum might be distributed. A sub-group was set up specifically to look at the issue and identify and review possible options for dealing with the distribution of residual monies. Following consideration, the 3 Year Settlement Group agreed to recommend to Council Leaders that, after the claw back is removed, the residual amount left with each Council should remain where it is with no further redistribution taking place. This option would effectively represent the ‘status quo’ and stability in terms of funding the Councils receive, in that the residual element is used to fund remaining concessionary travel activities which Councils are responsible for outwith the national scheme. CoSLA leaders accepted this recommendation. However, they agreed that this should be implemented only as an interim solution and that this arrangement should not extend into the period of the next 3 year local Government finance settlement. The 3 Year Settlement Group has been asked to review the arrangement for 2008/09 onwards and Angus Council officers will seek to influence any new distribution arrangements to be put in place at that time in order to protect the Council’s share of the funding available.


11.1 At the meeting of Angus Council on 15 December 2005, Councillors Selfridge and Ritchie were confirmed as the Council’s representatives on the Tayside and Central 7 Report No 8/06

Scotland Transport Partnership with all other members nominated as substitutes. The inaugural meeting of the Partnership was held on 20 December 2005 in Dundee and was attended by Councillor Members from each of the four constituent Councils (Angus, Dundee City, Perth & Kinross and Stirling). Councillor Alan Livingstone (Perth & Kinross Council) was elected as Chairperson of the Partnership with Councillors Kitty Ritchie (Angus Council) and Fiona Grant (Dundee City Council) appointed as Deputy Chairpersons.


12.1 The Bus Route Development Grant over the three year period 2005/06 – 2007/08 is welcomed and will be utilised to enhance service provision on the Kirriemuir – Forfar – (Arbroath) corridor. While there is potential for a shortfall in Bus Route Development Grant for the Kirriemuir – Forfar – (Arbroath) service of £7351 in the fourth year of operation (2008/09), depending on take up etc. there are no immediate financial implications in respect of this service.

12.2 The Council has yet to receive confirmation from the Scottish Executive of the precise amount of GAE clawback which will be applied in relation to Concessionary Travel but this is expected to be of the order of £1,033,000 and this reduction has already been applied in the draft 2006/07 Planning & Transport revenue budget.


13.1 The Chief Executive, Acting Director of Finance and Director of Law and Administration have been consulted in the preparation of this report.


14.1 There are no human rights implications arising from this report.


15.1 The success in attracting grants for Bus Route Development funding within Angus is welcome in providing enhanced services to meet passenger needs within the area.

15.2 Capital expenditure from Scottish Executive funding for 2005/06 will be maximised to extend and enhance real time information provision in Angus.

15.3 The GAE settlement on concessionary travel reached between CoSLA and the Scottish Executive is welcomed as this will also maintain funding of local bus service provision throughout Angus.


No background papers, as defined by Section 50D of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, (other than any containing confidential or exempt information) were relied on to any material extent in preparing the above Report.

AA/LEM/KW 16 January 2006

Alex Anderson Director of Planning and Transport 8 Report No 8/06


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n ai Dr Location of proposed bus stop and shelter here

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BRECHIN KIRRIEMUIR Clerk Street High Street or Bank Street Southesk Street Shielhill Road @ Woodend Drive Panmure Street Shielhill Rd opp Woodville St Ninian's Square Cortachy Rd @ Woodend Drive Montrose Street opp Queen's Park Cortachy Rd @ Kinnordy Rd Montrose Street at East Mill Brae Knowehead Crescent Montrose Street opp Newington Gardens Lindsay St opp Spar Trinity Road at Somerfield Lindsay Street at Prosen Road Montrose St opp Denburn Works Forfar Rd at Vets

MONTROSE RURAL High St North 1 Friockheim Co-Op High St North 2 Newtyle opp Church High St North 3 Birkhill Post Box Road High St North 4 Birkhill Dronley Road Railway Station Muirhead Edward Place Ferryden Burnside Place Padanaram towards Forfar North Esk Road opp Angus College Maryton towards Forfar North Esk Road at College* Kingsmuir opp School Borrowfield Black Abbott Letham W Hemming Street Borrowfield Langley Avenue Inverkeilor opp Chance Inn Borrowfield Newmanswells Avenue Stracathro Hospital Hillside Bridge Hillside Main Road Patons Lane at Links Health Centre Rossie Island Rd opp depot