October 1980
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• • Volume Three, No. 10 SecOnd Class permit -USPS 501-65~ IIC SUR. CAUFOINIA 91920 • Hayakawa Plucks Big Sur Bill from Burton's Parks-Barrel Koeppel The Sur bill has now heen returned to the Senate not been the Committee which, when it reconvenes in • the wee hours of the morn,y\<;, either shelve the bill, mark it up and send it to the Senate am, to be exact, on Oc- for vote, or sent it to the Senate Subcommittee on· Parks. Congl'ess:ma.11 Leon controversial Sur A at the level would be the would now be the law of the Sur in the legj,,,laj,jve four short months tne existence nrf\nn,,,,.. ri the process has been anvthirlll: • tee. The Committee received some the • tee, the "Issue". an("n,·( Burton bill. at Tomi Lussier Benefit ments to the r.UICtl.<I.-l:U,UlUU tlu,,,u," committee memher • Dale Rmnne·l'!l ..J-n'...... amiend,ments, if would the .Se(:retary a1l111olrUv on all citizen pUllilmtlg the bill with a vote. that the has the to successful maneuver thus removed the Big Sur and private property and that the Secretary shall have all authority acc:omparlies herself Qn other bills from the Senate Energy Committee and enabled the for determining visitor uses and facilities. Qu!~:lml~r and Jake Stock bills to directly to the floor of the Senate. According to some critics, the amendments would Twenty-four hours later, during the last session before its • and the Stompers. defacta park for Big Sur regardless of the legislature rI ...."d.'a The concert will be held at recess, the Big Sur bill appeared on the floor of the U.S. Time and Washington will soon determineti Because Tomi sustained ex- the Steinbeck Forum,. in the Senate in the Burton Barrel bill. future of Big Sur. facial which Doubletree Inn· Complex in Senator Hayakawa spotted Big Sur in the and he ob- loss of sight Monterey, and will play at 7 to its inclusion. Big Sur and Indiana Dunes bills The exaet.llmendments and the committees' explanation ap* spent several p,m, and 10 p.m. Tickets ate were of their controversial nature, and the pear on page 27 of this Issue. inf!ensive care, and $15.00 and cali be purchased Senate passed the rest of the barrel into Omnibus law. reconstruc- at River Inn in Big Sur, Do • and further Re Mi Records in the Barn~ All of the Carmel, Recycled proceeds ·from the concert Records in Monterey, and at Local Coastal Plan Discussed will be used to help pay the door prior to the concert. B1 MAllY BARNETI' representative. Tomi's medical expenses. Letters and donations will After four years of work, the Monterey County Planning "1 believe this document represents a giant step forward Performers include, the reach her at Route 12, Box staff officially ran the proposed Big Sur Local Coastal towards complying with Monterey County's Coastal Act Mark-Almond Band. featur~ 29, Cynthia Drive, Anderson, up the flagpole September 10 at a Monterey County obligations," Otter said. • ing Jon Mark, and Johnny . S.C. 29621. Pl Commission public hearing in the County Court- Otter said he was pleased that the land use plan addresses house in Salinas. the critical objectives it must meet under the Coastal Act. It received both salutes and potshots, but far more of the These, he said. were: strong emphasis on public use;preser· For Alan Cranston latter than the former. At least five of the nine planning vation of the Big Sur's "scenic splendor" ,avoiding commissioners were critical of one or more phases of the plan. dismption of sensitive habitats. limitations on rellidential ·Ansel Adams to Host And repres~ntatives of .landowners. ranchers, and the buildout in recognition of limited higbway and water capacity, lumbering and quarrying industries spent much of the concentration of new development in areas already committed • three-and-a-haif bo.ur hearing attacking the as.page doQu. to development. priority for Coastal Act priority uses 520,000 Fund-Raiser ment meant to. guide the future of the nation's most inc1udina asriculture and recreation, and adequate public (Big Sur) Carmel earned $45,000 when raffled spectacular stretch of coastline. access. Highlands photographer by the Ankrum Gallery in The commissio.n continued the bearing until September 24, Otter then warned tbe Commission, "Yo.u must not Io.se Ansel Adams will host a $5.00 Los Angeles. when it is expected to ado.pt the staff.proposed draft either as sight of these o.bjectives if the plan is to be certified." per plate dinner for forty Will Shaw, Presideneofthe is 0.1' with changes. A three-member subcommittee headed by In a statement approved by the League of Women Voters; guests at his home Octoher 11 Big Sur Foundation is in the Big Sur area commissioner. Dr. William Peters, was to. Bield told the commission. •'The policies of the draft LCP can to raise campaign money for charge of making ar review the draft in the interim and report back to the fuJi provide reso.urce management while protecting the character incumbent U .S. Senator Alan rangements for the event, commission. Other members are Commissio.ners Mare Del of the community and the rights 'of lan(lowners ..• We ho.pe Cranston, to a Other members of the Piero. and Calvin Reaves. to see it adopted and successfully implemented." source inside Sur Foundation on the guest list Following Plarming Co.mmission adoption. the Big Sur LCP But mo.st of those Who. had comments to. make about the include trustees Julie Packard will go befo.retbe Mo.nterey County Board of Supervisors for draft LCP were not so kind. Critics fo.und the plan "'....... Jl". Vice President and Mudd. advisors review and adoption. Before it can go into effect it must be overly·restrictive and anything but protective o.f the rights o.f Foundation. has Sam and attorney certified as conforming to. the Califomia Coastal Act by landowners. federal and ex~ Regionai and State Coastal Commissions· following public Criticism was focused on the 320·acre lot-size minimum leglislal:ion for Big Sur since trustee Newell. bearings. Deadline for certifying all LCPs in the state is July proposed for large ranches, posals for limiting access to U,S. Leon 1, 1981. So far. 22 have been certified. ffighway 1, the "transfe density credits" plan for In Adams Panetta and Sylvia. Praise for the Big Sur LCP draft came from Lee Otter, Big transferring building rights from unbuildable properties to. donated two photographs to have also been to at· Sur coastal planner for the Central Regional Planning others· where buildin8 is allowed. limitations on lo.amg aDd Cranston's campaign, which tend. Commission, and Joan Bieiel. ,Lea~e of Women Voters Continued oft p. 21 • Page 2 THE BIG SUR eAZETTE Cystic Fibrosis (CF) 'is the number one genetic killer of , '. children. One in every t ,600 "Bowl-For-Breath' , American chilaren inherits this devastating disease when Local News' ••• they receive a gene for CF Scheduled Oct. 26 from each of their parents. have a full understanding of By Norma Kipp Disneyland, roller skates, One in tweaty Americans are • . the nature of their disorders Bowlers are invited to par- bicycles, bowling balls, carriers of the gene which can Free Respiratory or how to deal with them. He in the 1980 "Bowl t-shirts and a host of other cause CF in their child. said lifestyles dictated by cere For~Breath" on dctober prizes will be awarded to Help strike out Cystic tain of these diseases put sponsored by the those bowlers with the fibrosis, win some prizes and Workshop Planned strains not only on the vic Northern California Chapter, greatest number of sponsors, have some fun by pfl.r A free workshop for pea- II, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. tims, but on their families as Foundation, who turn in in their money ticipating in the 1980 "Bowl pie with asthma, chronic Dann Ehnstrom, chief well; centers within three weeks of the For-Breath." For further in • bronchitis and emphysema' respiratory therapist, said the AlthoUlh Northern event. formation and to pick up will be held at Commwtity worksllop .is designed to give free, there wilt be Ii ootmnru California. your sponsor sheet, stop by Hospital of the Monter..:y people with these chronic for lunch. abtain Joy Berta Lincoln Lanes in Manterey or Peninsula on Saturday, Oct. breatiOOl prCilhlems ap-to- SOl'S from frieRQs, call the Cystic Fibrosis Foun 4ate ad practical infOrma and business who will Danee Co. dation at (800) 772-3144. Employee of wb' about wRat the diseases . them 1< or more for the Moat.. at V.emaaa are and how to take care of number of bowled 'Iiown Master Class Big Sur Land • in three pmes. A to M(~Bt!Ii!reY Peninsula Dance Ventana Big Sur is pleased UIem. Trust to Open 1'heater presents the Joy to announce the August s,eakera ·will Ber ta Company fol' a Helldquarters Employee of ..the Month, "OR Dance MONTEREY PENINSULA HERALD TONY MILLER. Mr. Miltl;lf I!J.reatRiq Master Class and Mini Con cert'onSaturday, 18, The Big Sur Land Trust has been employed Ven- . ~ods of treldlReot. at the Seaside High wil open headquarters in tana for aver a year. has wHI resltirldery therapy can Auditorium . Carmel on Monday, acCiOF .worked in both the Inn Divi· proper The Master Class is. from ding to executive director • sion and the Restaurant Divi use a,m.-12:00 noon and Brian Steen.