October 1980
• • Volume Three, No. 10 SecOnd Class permit -USPS 501-65~ IIC SUR. CAUFOINIA 91920 • Hayakawa Plucks Big Sur Bill from Burton's Parks-Barrel Koeppel The Sur bill has now heen returned to the Senate not been the Committee which, when it reconvenes in • the wee hours of the morn,y\<;, either shelve the bill, mark it up and send it to the Senate am, to be exact, on Oc- for vote, or sent it to the Senate Subcommittee on· Parks. Congl'ess:ma.11 Leon controversial Sur A at the level would be the would now be the law of the Sur in the legj,,,laj,jve four short months tne existence nrf\nn,,,,.. ri the process has been anvthirlll: • tee. The Committee received some the • tee, the "Issue". an("n,·( Burton bill. at Tomi Lussier Benefit ments to the r.UICtl.<I.-l:U,UlUU tlu,,,u," committee memher • Dale Rmnne·l'!l ..J-n'...... amiend,ments, if would the .Se(:retary a1l111olrUv on all citizen pUllilmtlg the bill with a vote. that the has the to successful maneuver thus removed the Big Sur and private property and that the Secretary shall have all authority acc:omparlies herself Qn other bills from the Senate Energy Committee and enabled the for determining visitor uses and facilities. Qu!~:lml~r and Jake Stock bills to directly to the floor of the Senate. According to some critics, the amendments would Twenty-four hours later, during the last session before its • and the Stompers. defacta park for Big Sur regardless of the legislature rI ...."d.'a The concert will be held at recess, the Big Sur bill appeared on the floor of the U.S.
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