Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 184 / Friday, September 20, 1996 / Notices 49455
Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 184 / Friday, September 20, 1996 / Notices 49455 Name Case No. Waite, Schneider, Bayless, & Chesley Co., L.P.A ........................................................................................................................... VFA±0077 [FR Doc. 96±24126 Filed 9±19±96; 8:45 am] PA, Due: October 21, 1996, Contact: Summary: EPA expressed BILLING CODE 6450±01±P Manuel A. Marks (717) 787±2222. environmental concerns due to a lack of EIS No. 960432, Final Supplement, mitigation to offset or reduce potential GSA, WA, Pacific Highway Port of Entry adverse impacts and a lack of pollution ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (POE) Facility Expansion, Updated prevention features in the DEIS. EPA AGENCY Information, Construction of WA±543 in recommended that the FEIS contain Blaine, near the United States/Canada commitments to implement water [ER±FRL±5473±2] Border in Blaine, Whatcom County, conservation, hazardous waste WA, Due: October 21, 1996, Contact: minimization and solid waste recycling. Environmental Impact Statements; ERP No. D±FHW±E40770±FLÐRating Notice of Availability Donna Meyer (206) 931±7675. EIS No. 960433, Final EIS, FHW, OH, EC2, Port of Miami Tunnel and Access Responsible Agency: Office of Federal Putnam Street Bridge Replacement Improvements, from I±395 via Activities, General Information (202) across the Muskingum River, MacArthur Causeway Bridge, Dade 564±7167 OR (202) 564±7153. Construction and Funding, Marietta, County, FL. Weekly receipt of Environmental Washington County, OH, Due: October Summary: EPA's review found that Impact Statements Filed September 09, 21, 1996, Contact: William Jones (614) sediment resuspension during tunnel 1996 Through September 13, 1996 469±5877. dredging activities could degrade water Pursuant to 40 CFR 1506.9.
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