Annual Report 2014
Annual Report 2014 “Service is the rent you pay for room on this “You cannot shake hands earth.” Board of Directorswith a clenched fist.” “Never doubt that a ‐Shirley Chisholm(as of 12/31/14) Indira Gandhi small group of thoughtful Jeseñia Brown, President Delaine Bailey-Lane, Vice President committed citizens can Christina Stoneburner, Esq., Treasurer change the world. Indeed, “How wonderfulDiane it Ruffle, is Secretary“No real social change that nobody needMelody Brownwait has ever been brought it is the only thing that Sabrina Elson ever has.” a single momentBarbara before Gaba, Ph.D. about without a Patricia Granda Margaret Mead starting to improveJaney Hamlett the revolution... revolution is world.” Jacqueline Jenkins but thought carried into Natalie Kraner, Esq. “The first problem for all Anne Frank Lois Nelson action.” Karen Pfeifer-Jones Emma Goldman of us, men and women, Phyllis Reich “If society willShruti notShah is not to learn, but to admit of woman’s “Prejudice is a burden unlearn.” The Mission of the YWCA USA ‐Gloria Steinem free development,The YWCA is dedicated to thateliminating confuses racism, empowering the past, women then societyand promotingmust be peace, justice,threatens freedom and dignitythe future for all. and “For what is done or remodeled.”The Local Purposerenders of the YWCA the present Union County Elizabeth BlackwellThe YWCA Union County seeksinaccessible.” to create an environment through which learnedwomen empower by one class of themselves and work to lead non-violent lives. The ultimate purpose is to heal the wounds of women and children, whether Mayathey are Angelouof the heart, mind, body, or soul.
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